Emily Deschanel is Sydney Allen
Sydney Allen
Age: 28
Current Occupation: Working on Master's degree in International
Human Rights Law; searching for missing sister.
(Played by Michele Luzetski)
Jorja Fox is Riley Gordon
Riley Gordon
Age: 25
Current Occupation: Third-year medical student, currently doing a
surgical rotation.
(Played by Karen Klutzke)
Danny Strong is Charles Xavier Dexter
Charles Xavier Dexter
Age: 18
Current Occupation: Freshman in Computer Science/Virtual Reality;
creator of a popular but now defunct online gameworld
(Played by Carl Klutzke)
Christopher Gartin is Matthias Arcana
Matthias Arcana
Age: 33
Current Occupation: A little of this, a little of that. Back in
school after burning out on corporate life and getting burned in
the adventuring business.
(Played by Russ Luzetski)