A little bit about me

If you are familiar with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), then when I tell you I am a stereotypical INTP, you'll be able to fill in most of the blanks yourself. Otherwise, keep reading....

The Basics

Name: Karen D. Alfrey
Current place of residence: San Mateo, CA
Birthday: December 28, 1970


One spouse, Andy Arenson, B.A. (C.S.) Rice '92, now working as a consultant at Proxicom. We met when he started singing bass with Lager Rhythms, the a cappella group I helped start in grad school. He is the answer to the question, "What do you get when you cross Weird Al Yankovic, Gabriel Byrne, and Felix Unger?"
One younger sister, Cheryl Alfrey. In the past year, she got married to Blue Lawson, had a pumpkinhead (Kiran Sage), and completed her Masters of Library Science at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Her undergrad degree (also from U.T.) was one of those college scholar design-your-own-major things -- she chose a gnifty combination of English with a writing concentration, Religious Studies, Women's Studies, and Native American Studies. Hence grad school. :)
Dad, Kenneth Alfrey. Retired in December 1999. :) Formerly used his M.S. in Chemistry as a quality manager at Eastman Chemical Co. (until, as he put it, he ran out of quality to manage....) Now apparently volunteering more time than he has on church and community activities. Mom, Doris Alfrey, B.A. in Business and English, also heavily involved in volunteer work, including adult literacy.
Both grandfathers deceased (one in 1994 and one in 1999), both grandmothers still living. Miscellaneous aunts, uncles and cousins with a combined quirk factor surpassing that of the complete David E. Kelley oeuvre. (Did I mention the tacky gene?)
More in-laws than you can shake a stick at, including six niecephews.
No pets -- but three beautiful godkitties: Bluebelle, Attacat, and Fufs Kelly. Also one spouse who is sometimes quite petlike.


Religion: I am usually heavily involved in the music department of a Methodist church; my personal beliefs are probably best described as Rational Universalist.
Myers Briggs Personality Type: INTp. Way. Hence my personal beliefs....
Education and background: Born and raised in Kingsport, TN. (Interesting geography tidbit: my hometown is actually closer to Canada than to Memphis.) B.S.E.E. from Cornell University, M.S. and Ph.D. in E.E. from Rice University.
Pay rent as: Biologic modeler at Entelos, Inc., a biosimulation company. I'm currently working on a large-scale computational model of human metabolism. I love that I can say, truthfully, "I'm in modeling." I've also occasionally been known to receive actual money for performing, arranging, and directing music.
Hobbies: Music. Music. Music. During grad school, I spent almost as much time in rehearsals as I did on my research (which may explain why I took seven years to get my Ph.D. but released two albums during that time....) I sang soprano in Lager Rhythms, and alto in my church choir, played in the church bell choir, assistant-directed the church childrens' choir, and arranged and composed. Now I'm trying to hone (or re-hone) my violin, guitar, and vocal skills, as well as writing more original material. Since moving to California, I've also gotten involved in tap again (which I did for nine years as a kid but have been away from for almost twice that long). I also sew a little, draw a little, and play a *lot* of ping pong with my co-workers....
Pet causes: Encouraging people to think for themselves -- and education in general. Gender equality. Fairness in general.
Pet peeves: Showing up for a movie after the previews have started (though I've been doing that more and more lately). Mindless traditionalism. People who smell like cosmetics and hair products.
Biggest regret: I'm not sure I have any. I am the sum of my past experiences, good and bad, and I like where I've ended up, even if parts of the journey sucked rocks. The part of me that I'm working hardest on right now is learning to be more proactive; the first step is to learn how to separate what I want from what I think other people want me to want.
Long-term goal: Get a faculty position or start a rock band. Or both.
Favorite color: Take the spectrum. Remove everything in the orange-to-yellow range. Take what's left and make it dark. Replace navy with black. Now you know what the inside of my closet looks like.... (For years, my favorite colors were dark green and black, but I've recently entered a blue-and-purple phase....)
What I wore to my wedding: Dark green crushed velvet dress. Silk flowers and ribbons in my hair. Silver chain mail necklace and hand flower (the latter of which I bought at a Nashville RenFair when I was 15, and when my mom asked, "What are you going to do with that?" I answered, "Wear it to my wedding"....) Black fishnet tights and black boots. A blue garter, but only because Andy's favorite aunt had worn it in her wedding a few years ago and offered it to me at the end of her reception. (Andy and I weren't even engaged yet. I was surprised that she had so much faith in me -- though admittedly, she *had* had a few glasses of champagne....)
Croutons or bacon bits: I don't eat mammals. Carbohydrates, on the other hand.... :)
Loudest person I know (amplitude): Probably my grandmother, Clela Alfrey. (Imagine a 5-foot-tall, 175-lb redheaded bluegrass musician in costume jewelry and a floral muumuu and you get the idea. Did I mention the tacky gene?)
Loudest person I know (integral over time): Probably my best friend, Emily Chou Ingram. She's frighteningly extroverted. My spouse likes to talk, but when he's on the phone with Emily, he can barely fit a word in edgewise. It's sorta' no wonder her best friend is a flaming introvert.
Favorite web page: Internet Movie Database. If it were a person, I'd sleep with it.

Last modified: 14 Jan 09 2001