Everway Powers

This page will describe Everway powers as they are used and administered in Cyberway.

Powers are anything your character can do that is outside the realm of typical human ability, such as: Prophetic Dreams, Unassisted Flight, Understanding Birdsong, any sorts of Magic.

We discourage taking Powers (beyond the zero-point power) for the real-world PCs, at least to start with. However, if you really really want one, make a case for it and we'll hear you out.

Everway powers have costs based on their use in the game. There are three categories in which an Everway power can cost points: is it Frequent? is it Major? is it Variable? A Frequent power appears a lot in the game. A Major power has a strong effect on outcomes when it is applied. A Variable power applies in a lot of different situations. You can buy these categories more than once; an item could be Frequent, twice Major, and Variable for a cost of four points.

There will be limits (yet to be determined) on how many points you may spend on any one power.

Characters can have no more than 3 points in any Power. Avatars can have no more than 4 points in any Power.

last updated 13 March, 2005 by kda.