Character Generation: Exchange Questions and Answers

This page describes the question-and-answer stage of character generation.

After all of the preliminary character concepts have been approved, there is a public question-and-answer session. This session will consist of three rounds of questions; during each round, each player may ask an in-character question of every other player, which must be answered in-character.

Continuing the example from the Choose Visions stage, players might ask:

"How did the other kids treat you after your combine accident?"


"Do you still feel the same sense of mystery upon waking?"

Or perhaps

"How do you keep a straight face on Lurch Night?"

A player who feels that a particular question is out of bounds or too revealing about their character may ask the GMs if it's OK not to answer the question. Players whose questions are passed over in this way get to ask a new question. The GMs may also ask questions about the characters. All questions and answers will take place via email, and all players will be able to see all the questions and answers.

The questions may be about the vision cards, the character description based on the cards, or requests for additional information based on previous answers.

Next: Build on points

last updated 14 March, 2005 by kda.