Ten Stupid Questions with Tjaden Yorke

Vital Stats

Name: Tjaden Elias Yorke

Age: 19

Instruments: acoustic guitar, bass, mandolin, cello, harp, flute, bodhran

How We Found Her: Haven was so impressed with Tjaden's solo set at last year's Nahasha Folk Festival that we invited her to jam with us. It took maybe five minutes for us to decide she should join the band.

Ten Stupid Questions

What is your weapon of choice?

Really good manners.

So far, we have The Wild One, The Inscrutable One, The Smart One, and The Scary One. Which "One" are you?

"The Harmless One."

What is your favorite color of fish?

Salmon! Oooh, now I want sushi....

If you were lost in the forest, what type of tree would you be?

A sapling, I guess. If I were a big tree, like a redwood, I probably wouldn't get lost.

Of the other members of the band, which would you most want with you if you were stranded on a desert island?

Haven, because she'd figure out how to get us rescued.

You're playing a gig and all of the other band members spontaneously combust. What do you do?

Like we learned in school: Stop, Drop, and Roll.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could play drums?

The only thing I know about drummers is that you're not supposed to date them because they're wild, at least according to my dad.

What else do you do with your strings when you're not performing?

My little sister swipes all my broken ones to make jewelry out of, because she spends all her allowance on comic books, and I won't let her borrow my jewelry anymore because she kept losing it.

Paper or plastic?

Paper. Plastic is really hard to write on, and you never know when inspiration will strike.

What is your phone number?

Ask Ash.

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Last modified: 18 Jul 2001