Fortune Cards, Studies for Trumps, and Other Art

Folly has been working on her own deck of Fortune Cards. Here are some sample cards:

The Cockatrice
The Creator

(The bird in the Creator card also appears in Ossian's trump)

A couple of pencil-sketch studies for possible trumps:

Folly with guitar, mostly for the pose
Folly on the couch
A phototrump loosely based on the couch sketch, but with a very different feel. (For Syd. Obviously.)
Folly's tarot card (phototrump)

Photoshop experiments:

Martin and Folly
Martin and Folly 2
Martin and Folly 3
Folly's Pre-Raphaelite-style portrait (after Waterhouse)
Folly as expectant bride (Added 23 April 2005)
An impressionistic picture of Folly at Dworkin's Thumb Butte (Added 26 Aug 2005)
The trump Folly begins while with Dworkin (Added 26 Aug 2005)
Study for a Martin trump (Added 26 Aug 2005)
Another study for the same Martin trump (Added 28 Aug 2005)
Study symbolizing Martin's dual Amber/Rebma heritage (Added 28 Aug 2005)
Study for a Syd trump (Added 2 May 2006)
Trump of the Texorami house where Folly grew up, and where her mother still lives (Added 12 June 2006)
(The interior of the house is a lot like this, although the landscaping around the house gives more of a sense of privacy, as seen in the trump.)
A wedding portrait, inspired by the Regency-style dress Folly is likely to adopt for the occasion (Added 7 March 2007)

Folly-designed new Amber coinage

Folly's signature

last updated 2 May 2006