Brand's page....

Ralph Fiennes is Brand

matter grey the nerve free fall
safely buried out behind a face
let it out
be careful watching living mask
misshapen tumors ride the pressing tinted nightmare breeze

mental shock
disturbed thoughts rotting
long lasting reaction
make it stop
stir up the pot
taking away means nothing

Tormentor, Skinny Puppy

"There is another party I'm sad I missed. All those emotions and suspicions and lies bouncing off one another - and no one wanting to be the first to say good night."

- Brand, Sign of the Unicorn

Let's see: so far, dear Uncle Brand has tried to murder my cousin, murdered the king of Tonga, dropped me into a bottomless chasm and broken my nose.

He's going down. Hard. I would risk life and limb if I thought I could piss him off bad enough.

last updated 14 March 2004