At least Brain Boy is still in Amber. He's occasionally amusing, in a freak-of-nature sort of way....

Brad Pitt is Gareth
(Played by Andy Arenson)

Here in the hall of heads
You look through the keyhole
This is the hall of heads
One step through the doorway

Roll out that special head
This is our favorite one
Please don't try to leave
Don't leave the hall of heads

Hall of Heads, They Might Be Giants

Gareth, son of Bleys (who is also supposed to be sort of interesting, but I wouldn't know -- I've never met the man) actually has this weird idea that you can get ahead by being nice to people. He even seems to mean it, genuinely, too. Not like Flora, who at least has the common sense to pretend most of the time.

Like I said, the boy is a real freak of nature. On the plus side, sometimes he can be talked into some interesting schemes.

last updated 14 March 2004