9 September 2017 23 Berrum 3275 Al and Matty emerge from swimming and meet Sivin (half-Dorgenian, half-Elf) on her ship, with her crew pulling weeds off the boat -- a large storm blew them into the Huulmarsh. She mentions she will be heading to Blackberry Bar's later. At Blackberry Bar's, next to Milena, Ronnie is trying to get Rickie to tell him the story of a haunted house he stumbled into recently. Dettie is trying to distract Gnik from his conversation with Curt. Matty and Al enter, and Biray and Vidal enter and tell rest of Blue Gauntlet (Curt, Dettie, Daryl) that horses are saddled and it is time to go; Larry and Wend depart for work. Sivin enters, asks Milena if she has read any omens. She mentions overhearing the gentlemen beside her discussing a haunted house. Kynmeh bursts in (from Cylandic lands). He received a package from a mage who sends him oddities, but it turned out to be alive; knocked him down and ran away before he even got a good look at it. Milena walks outside and whistles to try to call one of her dogs. Crate Kynmeh opened includes rats drained of blood and small amounts of spider webbing. Examining the mud near the crate, clearly the tracks are a giant spider -- Milena has a good sense of the trail, Matty and Al also following. Kat is scouting ahead from the rooftops, Gnik has called his familiar to keep an eye on things from above. As group reaches shipyards, Bradford (runs shipyards, part-orc) says he saw monster; the group says they are tracking giant spider. Bradford asks, "Are you going to kill it?" Matty says to Al, "We're not going to kill it, are we?" Al goes around a building to try to head it off and trap it in an alleyway. Matty enters from the other side, and Milena goes to the south side of the building in case the spider climbs over. Al and Matty sees the spider hanging under the eaves of the building; spider lunges for Al, and Al tosses a net at it to try to catch it. Kat hits it with a sling stone, and Gnik targets it with a sleep spell that succeeds in putting it to sleep. Milena heals it as they take it back to its crate, and then heals Al from the bite he sustained on his leg. Kynmeh promises to release it in the Dreadwood. Group returns to Blackberry Bar's and Kynmeh buys everyone breakfast. (Ronnie has eaten all the food they left behind.) Kat tells Ronnie that they will tell him about the adventure they just had if he tells them about the haunted house. ("That's north? Then why is that called the West Gate? ...Oh, because that's how West works." -Andy) Haunted house is about 4 mi east of town, once owned by Megan Crabb, reputation for being a witch, who disappeared 18 years ago. Ronnie went there looking for food, or to see if any wine might be in the cellar. He heard horrible ghastly shrieks and piercing wails coming from downstairs, swirl of ghosts coming up the stairs, so he fled and slammed the door behind him. Gnik knew Megan, who would sometimes come to him in search of books on magical/alchemical properties, history of magic, history of places (e.g. Bargal Valley, Tyreln -- capital of Rantokc's Realm). She was a well-known and well-connected alchemist, worked with Exotics to procure needed materials, sometimes had visitors. Gnik and Kat suggest spending the day researching the house, and Megan Crabb, and what to do about ghosts. Allard goes to ask his mom about Tillian stories about ghosts, and she tells him that the stories say you should tie twigs in a certain shape to ward them off. Kat goes to the market, Milena makes the rounds to check on her clients, Matty subs at Blackberry Bar's. Gnik does some research on ghosts at the library and then goes to the Temple of Maria to see if they can provide more information. Assistant priest Callas greets him, Gnik says he and some companions will be investigating a haunted house and want to know how to protect themselves from ghosts and how to draw them out to verify they are there. Callas brings him in to consult the literature (which Gnik is very interested in), which suggests that how to put the ghost to rest depends on how the ghost was created in the first place. While doing more research at the Town Hall, Gnik is greeted by Juliana Forrest, the Lord Mayor of Saltmarsh, who says she heard from the Temple of Maria about his planned quest and encourages him to pursue it. The house has been an eyesore and a hazard for years, and the city does not have the deed to the house to do anything about it. She implies that the city might reward anyone who might be able to do something about it. 24 Barrum 3275 The group gathers at Blackberry Bar's. Kat brings Mouse, who she thinks can see ghosts. Milena brings Boris so that Gnik can ride him on the four-mile walk. Gnik relates what he learned in his research. As they approach the house, a 6 ft stone wall surrounds the property, but it is crumbling and the gate is ajar. Garden is completely overgrown. (Milena notes that many plants are useful.) House is 35 ft high, roof is peaked and gabled but missing shingles and with some holes; two stories with attic, most likely. (Russ notes that he didn't use the front-view version of the house because it didn't match the floor-plan. Carl asks if he got it from a module. Russ: "Yeah, but it's from like 1984." Karen A: "Which is before they had discovered 'matching'. I grew up in the '70's, so I know.") Wall around house goes all the way to cliff edge (about 70 ft high) overlooking the sea; house is about 80 ft from cliff edge. Gnik casts Light on a pebble and gives it to Al, and the group enters the house through the door from the patio. Inside of house is dilapidated, damp with patches of mold, full of cobwebs, with visible rot in woodwork, plaster falling from walls/ceiling, warped and sometimes missing floorboards, evidence of rodent infestation. Al pokes around in a pile of garbage in the corner and finds a gold earring. Matty sees a well-worn trail running from the door to the hall into the opposite corner from where Al is investigating. She goes to the corner and they all hear a sinister laugh coming from somewhere below the floor. Allard tries looking under the floor where it is pulled away and sees there is cellar underneath. He pokes at the floor in the corner and finds that the floor rotates up, revealing a set of stairs to the cellar. Allard goes into the cellar. There are lit torches around the walls, it appears to be living quarters for about 10 people with cots with their heads along the south wall and a wooden locker at the foot; floor is flagstone, there is a long wooden trestle table with crockery and tableware around it, jug of cheap beer, a dozen wooden stools, two large casks (possibly water and beer), a wooden bin next to the casks, ham and sausages hanging from hooks, stove, logs, and cookware. Near foot of stairs are two unbroached casks and a bolt of shimmering cloth. Two doors out of the room. 23 September 2017 Allard checks the doors and finds one is heavily bolted and has the word "DANGER" carved into it. Mouse sniffs around and sits and stares at that door. Kat notes that there is no scent of smoke and the torches on the wall generate no heat. Gnik comments that that is consistent with a Continual Flame spell, which is expensive to cast (50 gp per spell); but for a group trying not to be found, probably worth the expense. Al listens at the doors, but doesn't hear anything; no light coming from under the doors. He checks the non-danger door, and Kat moves to lift the bar off the danger door; Al suggests maybe they should warn everyone else before opening the door that says "Danger". Kat tries anyway, but the bar is too heavy; she asks Al to help, but he's going to try the other door first. From tracking, Matty notices that the room has probably been lived in for at least a few years, and one of the stools at the table has been tipped over and is still warm. She notes that there is not much traffic to the corner with the two doors, but lots of traffic to the other two corners. She goes to investigate the corner south of the stairs. Al opens the left door; it is unlit. Kat peers around him and sees it is a small sleeping quarters, tidier than the main room, with a neat bed, leather chair, three-branch brass candlestick, table with small wooden box beneath with bullseye lanter, shelf above table with three books, wooden cupboard. Milena pokes around in the chests at the foot of each bed; contain clothes and a few personal effects; some have small non-valuable whittled items, like a little rowboat. Matty finds the mechanism to open a secret door, just as Kat succeeds in removing the bar from the danger door. Milena sends Boris to that door. Kat sees that the room on the other side has a large pile of bones, some with armor. She moves to slip inside, but Mouse makes sounds of concern. Milena brings a torch to the door, and she and Kat notice that the skeletons are standing up, armed with swords. Kat says, "Awesome!" and then "Oh, crap!" She scrambles back out of the door and Milena moves to close it. Boris suddenly makes a run at Matty, who is putting on her armor near the secret door; when she leans down, he leaps over her and attacks the three people who just came out the secret tunnel. Milena gets the danger door closed, she and Kat hear thumping from the other side, and Milena suggests they should bar the door again. Gnik casts a sleep spell at the attackers (since it won't affect Matty) and all three of them hit the ground. Two more enter, a man and a woman, and the man runs for Al, who has jumped onto the table. Apparently he is not tactically wise, because he stays on the ground and lets Al have the high ground. The attacker trips on a stool, falls backward into his partner, and onto her cutlass. Al makes a rope attack and then tries to kick a piece of crockery at her weapon; he succeeds in disarming her. Milena and Kat try to close the door, but a skeletal arm comes out. Matty runs across the room and slams into the door, breaking off the skeletal arm, and Milena and Kat re-bar it with Matty's help. Boris grabs the fallen attacker by the leg as he is getting up again; he stumbles and knocks himself out cold. Al's attacker is still caught in the rope, but trying to cut her way out with a dagger; Al asks if she wants to surrender, or if he is going to have to try to hit her. She looks around at her fallen comrades and drops her dagger. Gnik runs across the room to close the secret door. Al works on tying up the sleeping attackers, and then the rest of the group joins to help, using sheets from the bed. Al introduces himself to their only conscious captive; she responds (in a deep voice) that her name is Fib. Kat asks if she knew there were skeletons behind the door and where did they come from; Fib replies that they've always been there, since she's been here -- a couple of years. She is reacting badly to Al -- she is Dorginian, and from a women-only culture, so Kat takes over the interrogation. Fib asks to be untied and says she will tell everything. Kat is amenable, but Matty protests -- "How do we know you won't attack us again?" "Because I have no blades...?" "Well, you could GET them again...." So Milena begins collecting all the scattered weapons. Kat tries to intimidate Fib into talking, but it doesn't work very well. Milena suggests perhaps now they should try the untying plan. The other attackers are beginning to wake up and suggest they should definitely be untied. Kat tries to throw the skeleton bone at him, but Mouse runs after it, catches it in midair, and brings it back happily. Fib reveals that there are five other brigands (Cora and Joanna and somebody and the "two Uglies", and Bryon, who is in charge). Bryon sent them to kill the adventurers while they were distracted by the skeletons. Bryon facilitates smuggling goods into Saltmarsh without being inspected by the authorities; Fib thinks the goods are probably stolen. Al and Kat have been exploring Bryon's room; Al brings out a spellbook for Gnik to inspect. Kat calls for her mother; she has tried to open a box and been stuck with a needle, and her finger is turning blue. Milena does not detect any poison; she intuits that it is a dye that lasts a few days but does not cause any lasting damage -- Bryon just wanted to know if any of his people tried to open the box. Milena sees the lantern and two flasks of oil and takes them with her back out of the room. Gnik comes in to inspect the other three books in the room -- a nautical almanac of tides, an illustrated book of erotic poetry, and a volume concerning mesmerism and its effects -- just as Kat gets the box open. She finds two vials packed in wood shavings. Gnik identifies one as a potion of speed, the other is probably the dye that is turning her finger blue. He sniffs it, and then says to Kat, "Don't take this the wrong way, but can I smell your finger?" It mostly smells like Kat, but he's still 99% sure that it is the same dye. Matty keeps interrogating the brigands and learns that the "uglies" are fiendhounds -- also called gnolls. Gnik opens the mesmerism book and a piece of paper falls out with a list of words in trade along with words written in a script he does not understand. Kat hatches a plan to open the trapdoor to the underground pier where Bryon and the others may be trying to make an escape, then open the skeleton door, run upstairs and bar the way out so that the skeletons will go downstairs. Gnik will use Az, his hyacinth macaw, make a fuss and then fly down the stairs to attract them. 11 November 2017 All prisoners get cleared out to a side room, away from the path of the skeletons. Once Matty releases the skeletons, she and Al go to the cliff face and down ropes to block the exit of the brigands; Milena covers with bow and arrows from shore. Kat and the dogs stay behind to keep watch on the tied-up prisoners and Gnik, who is staring off into space as he is mentally connected to Az. Bryon, the leader of the brigands, is behind a barrier with three brigands (Carinha, Janha, and Jeanette) and two fiendhounds. Through Az, Gnik sees Bryon about to cast a spell and makes Az disappear, then reappear a short distance away where she can't be seen. When she comes back, she sees the released skeletons enter the area and the fiendhounds jump the barrier to engage them. Bryon casts a series of firebolts (cantrips) at them until they are defeated. Al slips from the rope, manages to correct into a perfect dive, but bonks his head on rocks under the surface. Matty climbs far enough that she can safely push off from the cave face and shallow dive. She can see a small masted boat inside the cave at the cliff base with three people around it, bickering. Suddenly they all turn to look further into the cave and then run in that direction. Matty pulls Al into the cave and up onto shore so he doesn't drown. Gnik, through Az, sees three people charging into the cave carrying oars. Then Bryon casts a spell at Az, who disappears. Matty pulls Al into the boat and begins pushing it out to sea, but unfortunately there are no oars. Behind her, she hears someone yell, "Bitch!" and then some words she doesn't understand -- and a blast of fire hits her in the shoulder. She says the most unpleasant-sounding thing she can think of in Elvish, and gets the boat pushed into the water. When she looks back again, she can't see Bryon; she jumps in the boat and attempts to sail it back toward the ropes. She manages to get it there and tie it off and start climbing up the cliff face back toward the ropes. Gnik and Kat close the trapdoor into the room where they're hiding and get both dogs and two brigands, Angel and Conrad, to sit in front of the door to block it. There is banging at the door. Gnik casts Mend to fix all the damage they do. Angel shouts, "Fib is getting away!" and Gnik and Kat decide to let her go in favor of saving resources for the fight to come. As a hole opens in the door and Gnik closes it, a voice from below says, "You can't keep that up forever -- we'll get through eventually." Gnik says, "We just have to keep it up until our backup arrives." The voice says, "And we just have to keep it up until OUR backup arrives." When a second hole opens up, Gnik pours his bag of ball bearings into it and down the stairs and makes an Illusionary sound of other people running into the room. Matty and Milena run back to the house when Matty reaches the top of the rope. They see the rest of their party in the side room where they entered, clearly blocking the trap door. They decide to enter by the front door and flank the attackers from behind. When they open the front door, they see the two fiendhounds in the hall. Milena casts Sacred Flame at the first one, Matty throws a net to trip the second one. While it's down, Milena casts Sacred Flame at the second one, and then Matty pulls out her axe and knocks him cold by conking him on the head. The brigands trying to break through the trapdoor, bantering with Gnik, Kat, and Matty, learn that the fiendhounds are dead and ask about Bryon. When they learn he is not also dead, they get quiet and move back down the stairs. Milena, in the front room, investigates where the fiendhounds came from and notices there are three sets of tracks -- theirs and a pair of boot-prints that move into the front room, avoid the hounds, and exit the front door. She hears voices coming up the back stairs and ducks around the corner. She hears them complain that Bryon probably ran away, because he's an asshole like that -- and then they see the dead fiendhounds. After arguing that it's too dangerous to go into the front room, even though that's the nearest exit, they decide to flee by breaking a window. Milena yells to her companions (who clearly heard the glass breaking), "They are going through window." The brigands panic that they've been found and scramble out. Milena inspects the knolls and finds they have belt pouches with coins: 15 gp, 16 sp. Matty, Kat, and Gnik escort their prisoners to the boat. Kat takes a detour to look into the room where the skeletons were. She doesn't immediately see anything, so she moves around the room knocking on walls and looking for any inconsistencies that might indicate secret hiding places. Milena descends the back staircase to meet the others, into a wine cellar with a horrible stench. Almost all the bottles are broken, and there is a bloated corpse, perhaps dead a week, in the middle of the floor. She pushes past and finds the back side of the secret door they had seen in the barracks room. Kat hears the door open and comes back into the barracks room to see her mom emerging from the door. "Ludmilla, where would you hide deed to house?" They discuss where such a thing might be hidden, and whether it's important to do it right then, and then Kat goes back to searching the skeleton room. Matty and Milena join them. Just as Kat finds the outline of a door in the stone, Matty finds the stone that moves to open it. Kat pushes the door open to find a room of similar size. Kat thinks it looks like an abandoned wizard's lab. Kat sees someone sitting at a desk at the far wall with their back to her, hunched over a book. Milena brings a torch, which shows that many things on the table are gold: a skull, an apple, a rose, five discs. The person at the table turns out to be a skeleton -- possibly the missing former owner of the estate. Kat sneaks one of the discs into her pocket. Matty asks Milena if she can determine how the body died. No wounds, no other damage -- could have been old age or natural causes, or magic. Matty goes back to guard the prisoners and send Gnik in to see if he can identify the body. Kat blows the dust off the book and realizes it is a text called "Secrets of Ye Old Philosopher's Stone" -- and she knows such a stone is meant to be able to transmute anything into gold. The page she sees has warnings about the dangerousness of this part of the process. When she picks up the book to examine it, she slightly jostles the table, and a large, untarnished silver coin with a male halfling's face on one side and a female halfling's face on the other falls out of the body's hand. Kat pockets it. Gnik thinks the body looks like Megan, the former owner, based on the robes and the hair. He has heard of the book, and has heard that is is a convincing but useless knock-off. He thumbs through it and finds Megan's notes on the problems with the methodology. Her notes suggest she was reviewing the book and whether the items claimed to have been made with it were legitimate. Gnik grabs the book and he, Milena, and Kat collect the gold objects. They decide to barricade the prisoners in the skeleton room while they investigate the rest of the house in search of the house deed -- but then realize that they should go check on Al, unconscious in the boat with the tide coming in. Kat and Matty swim out to the boat and bring it back in. Once they are sure Al is safe and the boat is pulled up far enough not to float back out at high tide, they explore the rest of the house. The first room they open looks like a study or writing room with a locked desk. After trying to check for traps, Kat picks the lock. In the central drawer, there is a secret compartment holding a glass vial with a watery rose-colored liquid that Gnik can't immediately identify, but he holds onto the vial. 23 November 2017 Allard wakes up in a boat in a cave. He can see the light of some flickering flames further into the cave, but it is eerily quiet. His head is bandaged. He stands, makes sure his head injury isn't too bad, and makes his way further into the cave. The cavern is mostly natural, but with some carving to smooth and level the floor. He comes to a Y, and sees a mess: bones and blood spatter, scorch marks on the wall and ceiling to the left of the Y, and a barrier of broken casks across that branch. He takes the right branch, which opens into a large room. He turns back and goes down the left branch until he comes to another Y. The path to the right is lit and slopes up; the path to the left is unlit and slopes down. He takes a lantern and moves down the left path; he comes to a natural cavern (uncarved) with a small path leading out to the right; nothing obvious here. He goes to the entrance to the path out to see if there's fresh air coming out; he sees the walls taper and then open back up ahead into another room. He sees stalactites and stalagmites, and a green ooze on the ceiling, moving a little -- but it holds still again as he shines his light on it. He yells, "Is anyone there?" and hears a faint dog bark that seems to come from far ahead in the direction he's heading. He tries to move through the room skirting around the edge and shining his light on the ooze to avoid it; it splats itself against the wall to try to catch him, but he moves past it too quickly. He comes to a set of stairs going up and another path to the right that he intuits is how he would have come if he had taken the right fork. He climbs the stairs and comes to what looks like the back side of a secret door. He pulls on the lever, the door opens, and he is tackled by a dog -- Mouse. Kat is behind Mouse; she links her arm through his and leads him up to where the rest of the group is. The rest of the group catches Al up on what has happened since he was knocked unconscious. He goes out to the cliff to retrieve his shirt (Kat comes with him) and then comes back. The group continues their search of the house. Across from the office they find a library; the shelves are empty (and many broken), but a pile of books in the southwest corner. Al goes to investigate the fireplace, Gnik goes to investigate the books. Only about a dozen intact books many more torn to pieces. Rat droppings everywhere. Gnik recovers (and cleans and restores, with prestidigitation and mend) three books of interest: magical properties of gemstones, magical properties of herbs/flowers, and metaphysics of mathematics (the first and third of which he had originally acquired for Megan). A piece of paper falls out of one: a receipt for "skeletons to protect your research", signed "Mallan". Gnik ends up with a total of 14 salvageable books, which he moves back to the trapdoor room. Kat moves further down the hall, thinking she has heard faint moaning and perhaps a scrabbling sound on floorboards. She sees the two fiendhound corpses in the front entryway. Matty follows a little distance behind to keep an eye on her; both hear some kind of a breathing or moaning sound. Mouse sits down. Angel does not think Bryon put any magic mouth enchantments on that section of the hall, only on the entryway. Kat peeks into the first room after the entryway and hears another moaning sound coming from upstairs. She sees a ring of red-capped mushrooms on the floor. Kat remembers reading about them and they are edible but taste terrible. Al checks the fireplace of this room and finds a stone that is much looser than he would expect. He pulls it out and finds a leather pouch with a small blue-green stone, which Al puts into his pack. Kat opens the door to the last room on that hall. It holds a couple of piles of rubbish that used to be furniture and piles of plaster fallen in from the ceiling. Al checks out the fireplace again -- it is in very bad shape. They find nothing, so move to the room between the entryway and kitchen. They find what's left of two armchairs -- wooden frames are mostly intact but chairs have been cut open and much of the stuffing removed. As Kat and Matty move to the next room, Al screams as a large spider falls on him from above. Milena pulls out a javelin and stabs at it to keep it at bay. Gnik hits it with a sling bolt and it retreats far up the chimney. Al notes that a number of chimney rocks seem very loose. He finds a cavity with a small locked box in it. Kat checks it for traps; it does not appear trapped but is rusted shut. Gnik cleans and mends it. Inside Kat finds a small round vial with a metal screw-cap stopper, filled with liquid, and 15 very old gold coins. (One goes into Kat's pocket.) The liquid in the vial is grey-colored. In the next room is a long table, rotted and termite-eaten broken chairs, remains of china cabinet (all china shattered). While Al investigates, Milena and Boris drag one of the fiendhounds into the room with the spider to give it some food and keep it from coming after them again. Al peeks into the kitchen. Al, Matty, Gnik, both dogs, and Angel hear a sound from under the sink -- a skittering sound. Matty thinks it sounds like a very large centipede. Al tries to open a cabinet and it falls off the wall and shatters. He opens the larger cabinet that they think might hold the centipede; they open the side door to the stairs that lead down to the basement. Four centipedes immediately swarm out -- three on Kat and one on Al. Kat tries to hit one with her quarterstaff, hits herself in the foot instead and passes out. Milena casts Sacred Flame and one of the centipedes on Kat explodes. Al punches the one on him and squashes it. Boris attacks and kills one, and Angel pokes one with a flaming torch. Matty drags Kat out of the room to Milena, who cures her. The party moves to the second floor, with Kat going first to check the safety of the path. They hear thumping and strange moaning to the right, so they move to the left first, being careful of the dilapidated floor. Kat tests sections with her quarterstaff as she goes. She comes to a section that will clearly collapse if they step on it. They decide to use a door as a bridge, so Kat goes to listen at each of the doors to the right. The sounds get louder as she moves further down the hall, and begin to sound like perhaps someone tied up, gagged, and crying for help. She tries the door, it's locked, so she quickly picks it; it is well-oiled as though it has been frequently used, and Matty sees tracks that indicate two people came up and only one left -- not the one who worked the lock. Tracks are fresh, probably from this morning before we arrived. Kat opens the door anyway, sees a dirty decayed room with a tied-up man in the corner wearing only undergarments. Angel does not recognize him. Matty takes his gag off; he identifies himself as Ned, said he was passing by the old house, thought he would check it out, got conked over the head and woke up here, tied up. Matty and Al are pretty sure he's lying (though he's very good at it). After some back and forth, and Milena yelling from the hall, "Did you tell him we killed fiendhounds?" he admits he was hired in Saltmarsh to keep the group from discovering the bandits. He can't reveal precisely who hired him because he will be killed, but tells where they can find the information: The person framed for participating in the sacking of Seaton -- the head of the leathermaking guild -- was framed; there is documentation in the abandoned guildhall proving his innocence; and the person who framed him is the one who hired Ned. That person is also Bryon's contact in town. There is some arguing in the group regarding whether to let Ned go; Matty assumes he was going to kill them, but since Kat implied they would untie them in exchange for information -- and he hadn't actually done anything illegal -- the rest of the group is inclined to let him go. He tells them where to find his dagger (in the fireplace) and his clothes. Al finds the dagger and discovers that it has a white powder on it, asks if it is poison. Ned says it is just a paralytic. Matty grabs the first door in that hallway off the hinges to use as a bridge over the rotted section of floor. The room is a bedroom, rotted, with all furniture in horrible shape. She lays the door over the rotted spot. Kat decides to climb along the outside of the building and opens a window, which falls out of the frame. Parts of siding fall off as she climbs. When she gets to the other window, she tries to jimmy it, and realizes that just pulling the other window out of its frame would be easier. Al cuts Ned free and goes to find his clothes. Kat finds a moldy bedroom with a chest under the window, still closed but with some timbers split. Al comes into the room and takes a timid peek into the fireplace with a continual light torch while Kat looks in the chest. She finds a chewed, moldy leather-wrapped bundle of documents, which she puts in her backpack. Al finds nothing in the fireplace, so he and Kat move to the next room, which looks like storage: oak chest, busted wooden buckets, broken chairs, and a bundle of fresh clothes by the door. Al rifles through the clothes, finds a belt pouch with gold and silver coins, considers using a sock to wipe the paralytic off the dagger and then throws sock in the corner. Kat opens the chest, which is empty. Al returns the clothes to Ned (and tells him the missing sock has poison on it), who puts them on and climbs out the window. Kat takes the documents to Gnik, who cleans them and then starts looking through them. They are Megan's: many are old letters, some about the house, including the deed. The last page, very mildewed, says something about a gift, and the page above seems to be some kind of ritual that emanates magic -- Milena looks at it and determines it is a Bless spell, which she holds onto. Al peeks around the far back corner and sees it is the landing for the back staircase, and there is also a set of stairs up to the attic, which is so rotted it is no longer climbable. Kat opens up the first door down the remaining hallway, another trashed bedroom. She looks in the cupboard, it smells so bad she starts coughing and closes the door again. Final door is also a bedroom with worm-ridden wood, looks like many rodents have lived there. Milena looks into the room next to where Ned was held, which Angel says is the room they used to signal ships in their smuggling operation. It is empty, and Milena can see the trail skirting the rotted section of floor where they walked regularly to the window. Al and Kat check out the entry to the attic; Al boosts her up to avoid the rotted stair. The roof is so rotted that daylight is coming in through many holes, making it easy to see. It is a full attic, very damp, wood coming apart, thick with cobwebs, liberal evidence of rodents. Ceiling height is 1 ft at edges, 15 ft in middle; she sticks to stepping on floor joists to keep from falling through. She finds a couple of large sacks, rather mildewed, and rolls them through the hole to the floor below. Toward the other end of the attic, there is broken furniture, old clothes, some other sacks. As she moves toward the front of the house, she sees something moving -- flying at her very fast. She runs back toward the exit when a couple of them catch up to her: they have four wings and claws. She tries to jump down through the hole to escape, but misjudges the distance and slams into the far wall. Al tries to jump up and pull himself into the attic. Milena hears the sounds of Kat's footsteps running through the attic, and then a thump, and runs to see what is going on. Al tries to parkour up, but doesn't quite make it. Meanwhile, Kat manages to bounce off the wall, up, and down the hole while the creatures miss her. The sacks she threw down only have old clothes, and the group decides it is time to go. *Gnik uses prestidigitation to clean a very smelly parcel* Al: Wow, you're really handy! I'm glad I got to know you better! Gnik: Well, as long as I don't have to fight anything. Milena: Fight dirt, fight smell... Gnik: I'm tough on grime! 2 December 2017 Kat and Milena walk back to town. Kat shows Milena the items she lifted. Milena recognizes the silver disc as probably a holy symbol of Ag; she feels some power radiating from it. Kat also hands over the gold disc ("This is strawberries for the next year") and the stack of moldy documents, including the deed to the house. They reach the gates and head to the Mayor's office. On the boat, Matty, Allard, and Gnik sail back with Angel. Gnik explains that legally, the goods they are bringing in will be logged by a company called Whitecap, and they will need to pay fees on these imports if they keep or sell them. If they turn them over to the city, it will be up to the City Council what happens next. They decide to go ahead and pay the fees out of the group loot, keep the goods, and sort out later what to do with them. Angel explains that some of the papers Gnik found are notes on their communications/signaling with ships bringing goods. Bryon worked for Michel of the Raging Hammer smuggling organization in Freeport; Polis was his contact. Angel thinks there was a dock Bryon could access to unload his cargo and meet his contact; according to one of the documents they found, today (25 Barrum 3275) should be the next meeting. The group asks Angel about her background, she says her father was an assassin, her mother a healer, tried to convince her church that sometimes people need to be hurt to protect those that can't protect themselves, but they were booted from the church. She was raised with that idea -- that sometimes people need to be hurt or killed to protect others. As they're coming into port, they see brothers Larry and Wend who work on the docks and take inventory of the goods they're bringing in. They recommend telling Klav at the Whitecap office that the goods are recovered contraband, because they would be treated a bit easier. They pull up to the dock outside Whitecap and go in to declare their goods. Al and Gnik go in; Al knows Koi, the boy working the desk. He calls out Krav, who looks at the letter between Bryon and his contact, tells them to take it to town hall, and then comes down to the boat. He tells them that if they can't get a good price on the goods, he'll offer 25 for the silk and 18 for the casks (slightly more than the prices stated in the letter). Al, Matty, and Gnik decide to keep two casks but sell the rest of the goods to Krav. They arrive at the town hall just a few minutes after Kat and Milena. They see mayor Juliana approaching, along with three other town council members (Janet Hector, high priestess of Maria, along with Rolland Ruge and Belto Tunnelly). They go into a conference room, ask how their adventure went; Al shows off his centipede-bitten leg and asks if they have a healer; Janet checks his leg for poison and then heals him. Matty says, "Well, if you're healing...." and shows her injuries from Bryon, then fills in as many details as she can about the smuggling ring and what happened. Juliana asks if they found the deed, and Milena turns it over (and gives rest of the documents to Gnik; Kat asks if there is a reward, and Juliana offers 20 gp each. Kat tries to persuade her for more due to the hazardous nature of their adventure. Instead, Juliana offers that the next time there is such an adventure, she will offer the opportunity to them at a higher pay rate. Angel will be kept for further questioning and to help with the investigation. Matty takes Juliana aside and asks for leniency for her; that Angel got mixed up in a bad crowd but seems to have a good heart. The group heads to the Temple of Byorn (also an inn) to have a private conversation (and perhaps also some food). Someone is doing poetry on stage when they walk in. Britteny, the high priestess, is also there. She provides a private room and says she will send up a free meal in honor of their first adventure. She also agrees to buy the gold items (skull, apple, rose, etc.) They determine that the two potions they picked up are a healing potion and a potion of climbing, the latter of which they let Kat keep. They discuss what to name the boat and decide on "Lucky Me". (Next morning, after she attunes to it, Kat discovers that the silver coin she picked up is a lucky charm.) Also discuss whether to paint it. (Currently it is black.) Kat: Isn't it traditional to have a woman baring her breasts on the front of a ship? Milena: Yes, sometimes I will do that. Al keeps potion of healing. The group guesses that Bryon was probably planning to meet his contact at low tide (about 10:20 pm), so they decide to stake out the docks around 10 pm. 13 January 2018 Al and Kat (with Az) plan to bring the boat that the contact is expecting to meet, and see who comes out to meet it. Matty, Gnik, and Milena will stroll up the shore to see who they see on the docks to try to figure out who the contact is. Kat and Al talk as they sail toward the northernmost dock. Kat expresses that she is interested in going into the Dreadwood to meet elves and fairies. Milena, Gnik, and Matty start about halfway down the docks and walk northward. As they walk under the second-to-northernmost pier, they see two people sitting on the end of the northernmost pier. They pause in the shadow of the pier to watch and listen. As Kat and Al sail down to the northernmost pier, they see a couple of people sitting on the end of it. They sail up; one of the two stands up, puts hands on hips, and walks back down pier and into town. Matty and Milena emerge with Boris and see that the person moving down the pier is Francis Widener, the owner of the pier. He asks what they are doing; Milena says she is walking her dog, and then throws a stick for Boris to chase. Widener heads home. The other person on the dock stands up; it is a very tall woman, definitely human, that we don't recognize. She comes down the pier, says, "I'm afraid you ruined my romantic evening," with a sly look, and continues into town. Mattie perceives that she is being deceptive. Kat and Al see the two people on the northernmost pier stand up and depart, so they continue southward, somewhat stealthily through the fog. They see a kid fishing on one of the docks, and also notice a ship coming in. Al recognizes that the ship is the Sea Wyvern, owned by the Lassiters. It is coming in much faster than it should be -- and will crash if it isn't stopped. Matty, Milena, and Boris track the woman; Boris gets her scent, and they follow behind too far away for Milena to see her, but just in the limits of Matty's dark vision. They hear a huge crash from down the shore, and Matty sees the woman look that way in surprise as well. Kat and Al row to the crashed ship; Al leaps onto the ship to see if anyone needs help. He finds two people on the deck laughing and acting drunk -- one of them is Al's friend Beyolin, who does not normally drink or get into trouble. When Al gets closer, he can see that Beyolin has been crying; he leans in, and Beyolin shouts, "It took Jim Su!" and then falls over backwards and passes out. He has a crumpled piece of paper clutched in his hand. Al heads belowdecks to make sure no one is trapped down there as the ship takes on water. Kat sails their boat up beside the pier and beaches it. Az senses that Gnik is approaching and flies to the ship to show him what she can see. As Al hits the deck below, he suddenly feels good... like he's drunk. But he's still aware that people might be in danger, so he continues on his quest to see if anyone is in danger. He wobbles forward to where the crash took out part of the wall and deck, and sees a person in a bed with the covers pulled up over their head, giggling slightly. Az lands on the lower deck and staggers a little -- and communicates to Gnik, "Hey... this is cool...." Kat sees Gnik on the beach; he doesn't notice her at first, but then shakes his head and says, "Don't go onto the lower deck; there's something there causing people to get drunk." She asks if it would be ok if she held her breath; but he doesn't know. She climbs up to the upper decks. Al carefully makes his way around the broken wall... and throws himself out of the ship and onto a bed that landed on the pier. Kat sees him and comes to talk to him; he is still drunk. Az flaps her way over to Gnik. Al runs up and parkours his way back onto the lower deck of the ship. He can see into the lowest level, which is filling with water. People come running up, including members of the militia; Gnik tells them about the spell of intoxication. A militia member sends for the Lassiters, since it is their ship. Kat tries to climb the ship and looks for block and tackle to rig up a rope system to help get people off the ship without sending more people belowdecks. However, she slips on her first attempt and falls back to the pier, hitting her elbow. Gnik retrieves Al's continual light torch, which he'd dropped when he fell, and tosses it into the water near the lowest deck. Al makes his way down to the lowest deck and sees doors open up and something emerge, about Gnik's size. Gnik recognizes a fae dialect and tells everyone, "There's a rum gremlin on the ship!" Meanwhile, the gremlin sees Al and jumps at him. He bites at and claws him; the wound burns, but it makes Al giggle. Mouse jumps into the hole in the ship, and Kat follows, landing in the water. Gnik fires a sling bullet at it, hits it, and yells into the hole, "Haha, take that, asshole!" in Gnome. Al grapples the gremlin to keep it on him while throwing himself off the ship, doing damage to both of them in the process. They miss the dock and land in the water. The gremlin tries to get away, but can't immediately. Kat can see them, and tries to hit the gremlin with a sling stone. She is not affected by the drunkenness spell, but is not able to hit thie gremlin on her first try. Al swims to the surface while still grappling; and Az, still drunk, flies down and bites the gremlin in the back of the neck. "Az, don't kill him!" yells Al. "Okay!" sayz Az. The gremlin squirms away from Al; Kat throws a dagger and hits it in the thigh, and Gnik casts Sleep on it. Al climbs up onto the shore, very hurt, and just lies there with his eyes glazed over. Kat brings over rope to tie up the gremlin, and takes its rum bottle away from it. Gnik is now close enough to the gremlin to feel the drunkenness effects. He calls out, "Stay away from the imp. Gremlin. Grim...limp. Limp imp." Gnik realizes that this variety of gremlin eats people, and that infestations have resulted in whole towns being wiped out... so he pulls out his dagger and kills it. "Public health hazard," he says to Kat. Kat pulls out the cork from the rum bottle and takes a sniff; it smells very potent. Matty and Milena track the unknown woman to the Tailor's Guild; the guildmaster is known to be a tall, older woman named Jackie. They decide to return to the shore to see what that crash was all about. Milena sees Al seriously injured and heals him. He drunkenly expresses his appreciation. Kat gives her the summary of what happened and then slips off into the night to take advantage of the fog and the distraction of the giant crash to make some mischief in town. She decides to check out the Lassiter house while so much of their household is distracted by the crash. Two men show up, point to the gremlin and ask if that is what's responsible for the crash, and then haul its body away. Gnik recognizes them as Lassiter family servants. More Lassiter representatives show up to clear everyone out so they can salvage what they're able from the boat. Milena and Boris help the still-drunk Gnik, and Matty helps Al, who has scooted on his back partway up the beach and tried to go to sleep. They head to the nearest friendly place, which is Blackberry Bars; Milena asks for hot water to make tea for Gnik and Al. 27 January 2018 Gnik briefly talks with one of the proprietors about how useful it would be to keep a rum gremlin in a cage in the bar; then they could sell drinks because of how they taste rather than how much alcohol they have in them. Milena tells them this is bad idea; they say they are talking only theoretically. Gnik and Az drink the tea Milena offers them; Al walks into the back to play with throwing hatchets. Despite his drunkenness, he hits the target on the first try, so he tries it again with his eyes closed -- and flings it over the protective wall. He goes to climb the wall to see where the hatchet went -- even though the wall is only ten feet wide and easy to walk arond. Matty keeps an eye on him. Meanwhile, Kat uses the distraction of the ship crash to explore up the hill in the Crowns. She goes to check out the Exotics estate. She tries to avoid the streets to keep from standing out -- keeping to rooftops as she is able. The place is surrounded by a wall of perfectly smooth polished stone. She walks closer to observe and hears a voice from above: "Whatcha doin'?" She looks up and doesn't see anything but some kind of wolf- humanoid hybrid. "I'm not doing anything -- just taking a walk." She reaches out and touches the wall, which is extremely smooth. The voice tells her it's magic. She pulls out a little chisel to try to take a piece, and it makes a "Don't do that!" sound. They go back and forth like that for a moment, and then she hits the wall with her chisel. It is extremely hard, and she can tell it will take a long time to remove a piece -- and more voices erupt from the roof: "She's breaking the wall!" and she hears a door open behind the wall. She hurries back across the street and finds a rooftop vantage point to see what happens. A small window opens in the wall, a little taller than halfling height. While she's watching, she hears an old woman's voice behind asking what she's doing here. Kat tells a sob story about being a poor child from the Ass End, just coming up the hill to see how the other half lives. The woman comes closer, and Kat asks what she's doing there. She points across the street. "I work for Exotics," she says. She identifies herself as Misty and says she works in Records, but that coming over here and climbing the roof is more fun. She says they have no problem if Kat wants to mess around in the Crown, but she probably shouldn't mess with Exotics. Kat asks if they have any job openings. Misty asks what she does, and she describes a typical day -- leaving out anything about her family, or the mansion they explored that day. Misty says they sometimes hire people like herself for certain jobs, and they buy interesting historical or magical artifacts. "Like this?" Kat says, and pulls out her weightless cube. Misty looks at it. "That would make an awesome dagger," she says, "if you had the right magics to be able to shape it." She invites Kat to come back sometime -- but during normal business hours when the gate is open. Then Misty slides down the roof with a "Wheee!" and goes back across the street. Gnik and Al sober up, and Al goes to check on the boat. They decide that the next morning, Matty and Gnik will go to talk to the City Council about who might be the smuggler contacts in town, and Milena will go with Al to talk with his friend Beolin to talk about what happened before the boat crash. Al and Matty drop Milena off across the river, take the boat back to their slip, then Al goes to stay with his parents and Matty swims back to the island. As Gnik is walking home he sees Kat with Mouse and says hello. She mentions she took the jug from the rum imp and asks if he can tell if it's magical. He says yes, but it will take about 10, 11 minutes -- but afterwards he can check whether other things in the vicinity are also magical. "Would it work long enough to check out the leatherworker's guild?" ... which she is conveniently standing almost in front of. Gnik suggests maybe they should just go there and then he can start the spell. They see a small person -- probably a child -- sleeping against the building; Kat goes to wake him up. Kat recognizes him as a local street kid named Roger. He tells Kat that tomorrow at midnight the Slaughter siblings -- known troublemakers -- will give them five shells each to lure Bradford out between the shipyards and old Gunther's house. Kat gives Roger a couple of coins and tells him to go get something to eat. "Okay, and I won't tell anyone you were here! Thanks Kat!" He takes the coins and runs off. Kat and Gnik push their way through the broken door; the whole place is broken down and many floorboards rotted. Gnik sits to cast his spell; while Kat is waiting, she explores, looking for evidence. In the back room on the ground floor she finds a desk that has fallen through the floor onto the ground below; she uses a crowbar to reach down and poke through it, but everything in it was either taken or has rotted away. Gnik finishes his spell; the bottle is not magical, and the only things he detects that are magical are the things Kat brought with her -- coin, floating cube, light source. Gnik joins her as she opens another door and finds a small bedroom. They find a loose brick with a locked case behind it. Kat picks the lock and finds inside a notebook, some rolled-up papers, and some folded papers. Gnik takes the box of papers back to the library to read, where there is better light and less chance of accidentally falling through the floor. Kat asks to borrow a book. "You may read a book here, but you may not take it out," he says. She decides to take off; Gnik tells her about the plan for him and Matty to go to the town hall in the morning. She gets home to find breakfast waiting for her, kept warm on the hearth. She eats it and climbs up to sleep in her hammock. 26 Barrum 3275 Kat wakes up hearing Al's voice in the main room of the house; Milena is up and dressed to visit someone who might need medical attention. She akss Al how he's feeling; he says he's much better today. When she learns where they are going, she asks if she can join; Al and Milena agree. They walk to the Lassiter house and are asked who they are. Al introduces himself and asks to see Beolin. The servant tells them to wait and disappears inside. After a few minutes another servant comes out and greets Al. "Allard, it has been a long time; you have grown." It is one of the servants higher in the hierarchy. He invites them in, but says the dogs will have to stay outside. He says that their friend Jinsu has been found; he is not well, but will be fine. Beolin's mother Callie comes to greet them and takes them to see Beolin, who clearly has a hangover. Milena asks if there is hot water so she can make tea. Beolin had not yet heard about the rum gremlin, so they explain what they think happened; Callie guesses that they must have picked up the gremlin on their last stop, which was Freeport. She says that Jimsu is next door -- he has lost half his hand, and is still recovering -- so they go in to talk to him. Milena inspects his hand; it is healing with no sign of infection. He was found far below decks; he remembers the gremlin chewing his hand, and remembers hearing Al yelling from somewhere above him. From what he is describing, that could only be possible if there were more than one rum gremlin. Milena asks if Kat took anything from the gremlin; she says she has its rum bottle. She takes it to let the dogs get the scent. Callie tells them that Jack is heading up the investigation to what happened. Back at his home, Gnik goes through the papers he and Kat found. One of them is Kiorn's diary; he was researching what happened and believed it must be a merchant in Saltmarsh working with the smugglers, but since smugglers were never caught, no way of knowing what type of cargo might be involved and thus what merchant might be involved. Soon after, he expresses surprise that "J" expresses romantic interest in him, since she is one who he suspects might be involved. It is clear he does not suspect he himself is under investigation; the entries stop soon after. It is clear that Jackie must have set him up. He and Mattie go to the town hall and tell the clerk that they have more information about the smugglers they found at the house, and want to know if Juliana is free. They are led to a room with Juliana, Roland Ruge, and Egan Lassiter from the town council. Gnik shows them the note they found setting up a meeting time and Matty describes what they saw on their investigations lasat night. Gnik goes on to show the papers he found at the leathermaker's guild with strong evidence to exonerate Kiorn. Roland says, "Well, that explains some things, doesn't it?" and Juliana explains that Jackie requested an emergency meeting with them again. Gnik then raises the concern that rum gremlins rarely travel alone; Egan responds that they do if they are placed there -- he suspects sabotage and says they are monitoring the docks. He gives Gnik a bag with three small green stones to thank him, Al, and Kat for helping protect their people after the crash. At the Lassiter mansion, Mouse and Boris get the scent of the bottle and Mouse immediately runs into the gates. Jack sees her coming and slams a door shut. Milena says they expect an infestation of rum goblins and Mouse has caught the scent. Jack says they brought the corpse back to the house, so that is probably what she smells. He believes that Jimsu is confused about the timing of events and that the physical evidence suggests there was one gramlin in a lead-lined box that clawed its way out. The group decides to head to Blackberry Bar's for lunch and then take the dogs to the beach near the wreck to see if they pick up another scent going in another direction. Gnik writes a note to Bradford letting him know the Slaughters' plans to distract him at midnight. He goes to see Bradford, gives him the note, and tells him to read it before midnight. Bradford tells someone else to take over for him a minute, reads the note, and invites Gnik and Matty in to talk. He says the Slaughters have been asking a lot of questions about his mother (the former guildmaster of shipwrights, who died some time ago, and from whom he inherited the role). Gnik says alerting him seemed like a good way for a bunch of little kids to get paid without causing Bradford any real trouble. Bradford says he will be on his guard. Milena, Al, and Kat take the dogs to the beach. They follow a scent to the next pier over. Workers there say the Lassiters used it to load evidence from the wreck; that could have been where they loaded the corpse of the gremlin. They go to meet the rest of the group at Blackberry Bar's for lunch. Matty and Gnik tell them that the Town Council wants to meet with them the next morning at 10 am because they may want to hire them for another job. Gnik hands out the green stones; Kat offers hers to Milena, then asks if she should find someplace to cash it in. "We could buy a bigger house!" says Kat. "We do not need bigger house," says Milena. Al plans to give most of his money to his parents, some to his sister, and some to the temple of Nolan. 10 February 2018 Kat goes to market to try to sell the rum goblin's bottle. She gets a good price for it considering it is a disgusting flask of low-quality rum. Then she picks up a nice set of cards and goes to practice her three-dragon ante skills on Al. She also buys a nice lute. Kat easily bests Al with her sleight-of-hand skills and then asks if he knows anyone who plays lute. He suggests his friend Rachel, if she is still in town, or going to Byorn's temple or to find Britney the high priestess at the inn. Since Kat is looking more for random pointers rather than regular lessons at specific times, they decide the inn is a better option. Mattie decides to go with them. Britney is performing when they arrive. They buy drinks and the waitress mentions the relic that was recently found -- a trader bought it off someone down south at Black Cove -- and is now at Vain Robert's Gibbet. Kat asks Al if he finds that he gets hit on a lot from walking around shirtless, and is it a problem? He says it probably happens from time to time, but he doesn't think it's a problem. She asks if he ever takes anyone up in it, and he says, "Well, I certainly have a lot of friends." Kat tells him he didn't answer the question, and he says, "Some questions are better left unanswered." Kat takes her drink and finds an empty table. The waitress says to Al, "I'm interested in the answer to that question, too -- my name is Dan, by the way." She proceeds to flirt with him for a while. Britney finishes performing and comes to sit between Matty and Kat. Kat fangirls at her about the music, and she calls over the lutist, Jewel. Kat sees he is a half-elf and nonchalantly tucks her hair behind one ear -- which she never does. He sits with her a while to talk about music -- she mentions she's looking for someone to teach her lute, teach her about music, and teach her how to sing. He tells her to stop back in the next day, or the day after -- no pressure. Al comes to join them. They discuss the fiends from Jaeleth that appeared after it moved. Kat asks how they got to Maerson and Jewel speculates that maybe they teleported. Kat opines that it would be great to find one of those fiends and convince it to take her back to Jaeleth. Britney says she wouldn't trust it to actually make good on any promises. They talk about Jaeleth vs Maerson and the fountain at the center of Maerson, which Britney says she's heard is really impressive, with an amazing rainbow, but Exotics would know more. Kat asks what she knows about Exotics. Britney says the ones in town are good people... but you probably wouldn't want to case the joint or anything. Jewel laughs and so does Kat, nervously. Britney says Blake and Misti don't get out much, but they don't seem much like Byorn kind of folk, so they don't show up in the inn. Kat asks what one might do to impress them -- show up with a cool artifact? Britney says spending a lot of money in their shop might do it... or agreeing to work for them, since they are always looking for adventurers. Al asks Jewel where he's from and gets the impression he doesn't like talking about himself -- he's good at evading and turning the questions around, so Al ends up talking about himself. Jewel is very good at keeping the conversation going and keeping everyone engaged; Kat gets the feeling that he's good at being social and wants to make sure everyone is having a good time, rather than trying to be manipulative. Kat notices that when topics approach things she doesn't want to talk about, he senses that and deftly steers the conversation away. Kat gets home and tells her mother she bought a lute that she is going to learn to play. "How will you learn to play?" "There's a handsome half-elf at Byorn's temple who is going to teach me." "Handsome is not good at music." "Oh, he's also good at music." "That is better." 27 Barrum 3275 Gnik researches how adventuring parties get their names, figuring if they are going to be hired as an adventuring party perhaps they need a name. Milena sees a strange sign while stirring the eggs this morning; one of the yolks is black, but only on the outside. On the third turn of the whisk, usually the best time to see signs, she sees a dark line merging with the dark bowl, with bulges and branches. Tatiana looks at it over her shoulder and says, "Ooh, pretty," then runs off to play. The group goes to the town hall for their 10 am meeting with the council. While they are waiting, Al asks if anyone heard about the relic. Virgas, the dwarf guard, direct them to a door down the hall. There is a woman waiting by the door; Kat and Milena recognize her as a girl they know as Jaime who came to Milena as a young teenager for help with birth control and women's health -- but she looks much better and more well-off than they had previously seen her. It turns out she is a Lasseter, there to thank them for their help with the Sea Wyvern. Al had not recognized her since he hadn't seen her in so long. She says Jack said the necropsy found proof that the goblin they caught was the one that bit off Jimsu's fingers. Al asks if the fingers might be re-attached or healed by magic; Jaime says it's very expensive, and their father probably won't pay for it. They enter the council's chambers. Roland has his feet up on the table. Juliana invites them in. She tells them that Jackie has been arrested -- she was surprised to walk into their meeting to find a roomful of guards. Juliana then expresses concern that Bryon's contact is still out there and will just find somewhere else to set up camp if they can't make contact with Bryon's people. She is interested to hire them at 100 gold each to catch the contact ship, and they also can keep the spoils, including the ship, which is a three-mast ship probably with a crew of about six. The mission is to stop the operations of whoever is running the ship; if they can do that without destroying everything, they can keep the spoils (minus the usual 25% excise tax on goods coming into town.) As they are signing the contract, Milena sketches what she saw in the egg bowl that morning to see if it looks familiar to anyone. There is some discussion, but no conclusions. The group discusses possibly asking if Angel could be released from jail into our custody. In the meantime, Gnik gets a note to allow him to at least talk to her. Jaime invites them to lunch; Milena is going to join them, but Kat, who has perceived from her actions that Jaime is prejudiced against non-humans, gives her a dirty look, so she declines. Kat heads to the inn for a music lesson with Jewel. Milena gives her a head start and then slips in to observe. She hears a voice behind her: "Don't worry, I'm keeping an eye on them." Britney says Jewel is a good guy, and also about 70 years old, so much too old for Kat. Milena says she also wants to know if he's a good musician, since she will have to listen to the practicing. Gnik heads to the jail to talk with Angel about the other ship. She says it is called the Sea Ghost, one of them is really short, and there are fewer than a dozen people on board. The Sea Ghost arrives and signals, the house signals back and then sends someone out to meet them. The Sea Ghost typically is dropping off goods to be smuggled into town, or perhaps a new person getting dropped off to help at the house. As he leaves, Gnik writes a note to the town council letting them know that Angel has been very cooperative in their investigations and he hopes they will take that into consideration at her trial; and that she might be useful to their upcoming plans and it might be good to have her released into their custody to help. Al has lunch with Jaime and they have fun catching up; she's not flirting but is clearly enjoying the conversation. 24 February 2018 In the evening, the group heads to Vain Robert's Gibbet: Gnik is telling stories with Matty backing him up, Al is visiting his mom, Milena is tending to the working girls. There are people clustered around a table; Eleanora tells them that Ellis, who has the relic, is charging a silver piece to see it. Gnik says he will go look, and then everyone else will be able to see what it looks like. Kat decides to try to sneak behind Ellis and take a silver piece off him that she can pass to Gnik to pay for his peek -- but she is unsuccessful. Relic is a smooth dark grey, almost black matte metallic-ish stone -- polished smooth, but not glossy -- with straight lines of different colored jewels embedded in it, like veining. Where the lines cross, the materials seem to merge. Ellis says conspiratorially to Gnik, "I think it's Kanassian." Milena has heard of them as a group of humans who used to live in this region but were wiped out. Bradford, the half-orc harbormaster, walks in and tells Perytar, the bouncer, that he's there to talk to Gnik. He asks Gnik what else he knows about the Slaughter siblings' reasons for trying to break into his house; he thinks they might be trying to steal from him. He asks if Gnik might be willing to stop by the next day to talk more about the situation and help him figure out what the Slaughters are after. Gnik agrees. While Milena is tending to the working girls, they mention that someone -- the dueling guy -- was looking for her earlier. Other than that, they want to know about the group's trip to the haunted house -- there are lots of rumors and stories blown way out of proportion. As she is finishing up with the girls, Eleanora tells her that Daryn Larsken, the duelist, is there and wants to talk to her. She comes downstairs to talk to him. Gnik and Matty have finished their storytelling and are having dinner. Daryn says he wants to talk in private. Eleanora is leading them to a room when Matty comes up, asking if Milena feels ok about his. Milena tells Daryn her friend has concerns, so he says she can join them if she wants. Before leading them upstairs, Eleanora tells them not to touch anything, to holler when they are ready to come back down, and if Daryn stares at her ass on the way up she will take his eyes out. Daryn is indignant. Upstairs, three people are playing poker and seem annoyed to have been interrupted. Eleanora leads them into a different room and tells the poker players to let them out when they are done. The room is opulent, with nice furniture, a spyglass, a locked chest, and bookshelves, with a globe in the corner. Daryn thanks Milena for being willing to speak with him. He asks if she knows anything about the Playhouse. He says he is in love with Jae Moyer, who he saw in a play and whose swordwork was the most beautiful he has ever seen. He has written her many times but never hears back; she declines invitations, and he is concerned it might not be of her own will. He is willing to leave her alone if that is what she desires, but his intuition says something sinister might be going on; at the play he saw, as she walked out through the respectfully cheering crowd, she seemed scared. He asks about the cost; Milena says she usually has a price based on time spent, but in this case, since he undoubtedly knows people she does not, she suggests that he can owe her a future favor when she needs similar information. They return downstairs, Daryn departs, and Matty and Milena have dinner with Gnik. After midnight, Kat makes her rounds -- she decides to steal a few eggs for blind Anna and for Bob who sells pencils on the corner. At one of her regular stops, she is coming out of the henhouse when through the window of the house she sees a silver plate on a shelf in the kitchen -- and it calls to her. She breaks in; there's a cat bathing itself, and it rubs against her legs for petting. She finds the plate, which has a nice etching on it of a house, and something written on the bottom. She takes it, and hears voices down the hall -- "Is it cold? Why is there a breeze in here?" She slips out the window, closes it behind her, and slips into the shadows. On her way along her rounds, she stops by the Lillybrook Orphanage and leaves a gold piece for them (in the room of the trustworthy person who runs the orphanage). Then she heads home and hides the plate, because she feels conflicted about having taken it. 28 Barrum 3275 Gnik, with Matty, Milena, and Al goes to talk to Bradford. As they approach, they see a couple of shipwrights outside the building, and one of them hides something behind his back -- the bottle they were sharing. Gnik tells them he's come to talk to Bradford, and they go to find him. He comes out and thanks them for coming. He asks if they know Rue -- one of the other dockworkers. She says she overheard the Slaughter siblings say they got the map they were looking for from the black market and Stockton's stash of coin -- his mother's -- would be theirs. He knows of no such thing, but it is not out of the realm of possibility. They ask him if he would rather they try to find the treasure themselves before the Slaughters get it, or investigate the Slaughters to try to stop them. He doesn't care one way or the other. Milena suggests that her daughter might be very good with finding the hidden treasure. Gnik goes below the building, holds up a silver coin and a piece of food, and tells them that he will give anyone who can tell him where to find a pile of silver some of the food. They have not seen such a thing; he gives them the food anyway, and tells them that if any of them come to him and tell them where a stash of silver is, he will give them more food. The group goes back into the house to look around. Gnik suggests that the most likely places his mother might have hidden something were the places no one would stumble upon it accidentally -- her quarters or the offices. The group spends a couple of hours looking around. Milena walks around carefully tapping the toe of her boot on the floorboards -- until Matty hears something that sounds different. Two of the floorboards swing up to reveal a solidly built wooden box with no obvious way to open it. They take it to Bradford, who says his mom used to make things like this all the time. He taps it in a couple of places and the lid pops off. He peers into it in shock -- it is stacked full of platinum coins. He thanks them and says he will take them to the merchants, and make it clear they have been found... right now. Milena asks if he wants bodyguards, and grins. They accompany him to at least warn him if danger is coming. In the evening, Milena, Matty, Gnik, and Kat go to the latest play Jae is starring in. Milena and Matty decide to go early. Kat also goes early, but goes around the back and tries to climb up into a second floor window. She falls and breaks her arm instead; a stagehand comes out and finds her, brings her inside, and asks what happened. She spins a tale of being a big fan of Jae, but her mother decided to bring her younger sister instead..... Jae comes out to talk to her for a few minutes, and Kat says she is considering becoming an actress, too. Jae tells her she should come by early some day for tryouts, then tells the crew to get Janet... who turns out to be Janet Hector, the priestess of Maria. She gives Kat a Look and asks what she was doing. Kat sticks with her story; Janet heals her -- Kat cries out as when she touches her arm, and then hears, faintly, her mother's voice calling, "Ludmilla?" -- then invites her to her box to watch the play. It turns out that Jewel is also in the play, playing Reginald, and Jae is Glee, in the story of Maerson getting moved. After the play, there is a tradition that the cast comes out to the upper audience decks to mingle with the higher-class crowds. Gnik and Matty make their way to the upper lobby; Milena (with Gavriila in tow) stays in the lower lobby with good sight lines to observe. In Janet's box, Rosalie invites Kat out with them; Janet rolls her eyes as Kat accepts, still playing the fangirl. Rosalie asks Kat what she enjoys doing, and Janet asks if she heard about the haunted house -- because Kat was one of the ones who cleared it out. Kat tells parts of the story, emphasizing the heroic bits that she was involved in. The actors come out, but Jae is not one of them. Gnik asks Jewel why not, and Jewel says she usually doesn't -- she doesn't like being around that many people. Gnik asks if she gets much fanmail; the other actors say Nub, who manages tickets and front of house, would know more. Janet is no longer paying attention to her, so Kat tries to head back into the backstage area by going through the side doors that the actors came through. She sees Jae coordinating things; Kat grabs a prop -- a big potted plant -- like she is helping clean up, and slips past Jae to look into the back rooms backstage. She goes up a spiral staircase and finds offices and storerooms. One of the offices is locked; the other has a table and chairs, bookshelves, a bunch of manuscripts, as well as a stand with a mirror and a makeup stand. The locked office has a desk, file cabinet, and big locked chest, and is very spartan. Kat quickly looks through the unlocked office, looking for anything that might suggest Jae is being coerced or threatened. As Kat is popping the lock on the bottom drawer, she looks up to see Jae standing in the doorway, arms crossed. She asks what Kat is doing, so Kat comes clean. Jae chuckles, tells her she does not have any interest in a relationship, and writes a note for Kat to deliver to Daryn. As they are talking, Kat slides open the locked drawer and sees a box with a crystal mounted on it, and a note saying "For a fabulous performance -- Fanny Reiner". Jae escorts Kat out, where she meets back up with Gnik, Matty, and Milena (who has sent Gavriila home already). Once they are a little way away from the theater, Gnik pops open the seal on the note; Jae kindly tells Daryn that she is sorry she hadn't had time to write before, but she really isn't looking for a relationship, and is fine. Gnik uses Mend to re-seal the note. 24 February 2018 29 Barrum 3275 - 5 Klook 3275 The 150th anniversary of the founding of Saltmarsh is coming up soon. When Kat next visits Jae, Jae tells her she has a small part for her in their next play which will take place at the festival -- a play about the founding of Saltmarsh. Kat spends some of her free time before the festival trying out her three card monte skills on the visitors to Byorn's temple/inn and Vain Robert's Gibbet. Milena spends the next few days preparing medicinals for both her own clients and the large number of travelers expected in the city for the festivities. Svetlana tells her she will be in the park for the whole festival with the followers of Alexander, becuase some big names in the church, including Lisa Byron, are expected to be there, and then runs off excitedly. Eleanor's daughters find each party member and tell them that Eleanor wants to have dinner with her on the 2nd, as there is someone she wants them to meet. On the 30th, Kat comes to the playhouse and sees a group of people fawning over someone. Kat asks Jae, "Who's the schmo?" Jae says he is Reggie Ortlun, from Teriola, who has been acting since he was very young and is rather well-known. He also will be in the play. Jae knows him from her younger days. Reggie comes over to introduce himself -- he is very charismatic and flirtatious. As they are talking, it comes out that Reggie's mother is Bargallian; she and her sister left as children and mostly grew up on ships. He also is half-elf but does not know who his father is. His mother and her sister tended to choose mates based on what the sky said, or chicken bones, or whatever, and that sometimes his mother and her sister were amorous with the same person... at the same time. Kat tells him he really has to meet her mother. Gnik writes to Juliana asking if they could arrange to have Angel released to their custody for their upcoming boat trip to try to catch the smugglers. Kat brings Reggie by the house to meet Milena. They converse briefly in Bargallian -- he gives a standard semi-formal greeting to respected elders, she responds with a formal reply boiling down essentially to "Who are your ancestors and where are you from?" and he says his background is not well-known, but he gives the town where his grandmother lived and his mother was orphaned. She looks at him a long time, dishes up a bowl of fish soup, and says, "You should eat." They chat for a while -- Milena asks about how he got into this pretending job, and he tells the story of seeing a play when he was a small child, running up onto the stage to join in, and everyone enjoying it so much that the company invited him to join them, and he's been doing it ever since. "Yes, some of my daughters are also impulsive," Milena says. As they finish up and are leaving, Kat says, "Oh, by the way, there is an event in a few days, and Reggie is taking me as his date, okay bye." Milena holds up a contraceptive, asks, "Do you need this?" but Kat is already out the door. Reg is spending the time leading up to the festival helping out at the Temple of Nolan, god of sailing and saltwater. Milena and Gnik go to deliver the note from Jae for Dylon. He reads the note and says he will respect her wishes. Milena mentions that her daughter has befriended Jae, so if there turns out to be reasons to be concerned for her safety, they will look out for her. On the 2nd, everyone arrives at the Gibbet and discovers the whole group has been invited. They are taken upstairs, up the ladder to the private quarters upstairs, to a table where a group was playing poker last time they were there. There is another group having dinner at the next table -- Sivin, Ronna, Haldo, and Drew, all captains of local ships. A man at the table Eleanora leads them to stands and introduces himself as captain Marcus Roberts. He says he heard about what they had done messing with the smugglers and wanted to buy them dinner to thank them. He is based out of Freeport. He is gregarious, loves telling stories. Gnik and Milena notice that although he is drinking a lot, he is not as tipsy as he pretends to be. Mattie notices that he is carefully paying attention to everything and everyone, even the captains at the next table, though he is pretending not to. He asks who is going to the big social event on the 4th, and he is particularly looking at Milena. Milena says Kat is going and has a date. Al is also going with his friend Jaime Lasseter. Marus asks if Milena would like to go, and she looks at Kat. He says, "Oh, hey, awkward -- but what if I promise to keep her on the other side of the room?" They discuss what would happen at this shindig; he says everyone will have to dress up, and there will be socializing, and dinner, and then probably music and dancing. Milena subtly checks in with Kat to see if she would be utterly mortified if she went, and Kat grudgingly says it would be okay. By the end of the evening, Marcus has drawn the next table into their conversation. Gnik takes the opportunity to talk with the group of captains about their plans for taking the smuggling ship. Afterwards, Kat draws Gnik aside and asks if he knows any diviners. He says he does, she would not be willing to be hired, but he might be able to ask a favor of her if she made a big donation to the temple. Kat wants to ask a diviner who her father is. 21 April 2018 4 Klook 3275 In the morning there is a buzz around town: Ellis, the sailor who had the relic at Vain Robert's Gibbet, has been murdered. No one knows where the artifact has gone. His body washed up on shore with the throat cut. Gnik does some investigation and learns that he had come into the Gibbet without the relic but with a lot of money saying that he was going away to somewhere he would be appreciated, and then left. Someone else says he saw Ellis meet with a dark-skinned woman and hand her a bag, receive something in return and then do a little dance of happiness. In the evening the group makes its way to the party, which starts at 4 pm and food is served at 5 pm. Jamee Lasseter will pick Al up at his mother's house so he doesn't have to swim from the island right before the ball. Marcus does not want to arrive until food is being served, but Milena tells him he can meet her at the dressmaker's a bit ahead of that. Gnik goes to the temple of Tyolus to pick up high priestess Fran, and Kat goes to the temple of Byorn to meet Reggie. Mattie goes herself from the island of the druids, in Lido's stead representing the druids. Al and Gnik arrive first with their dates. The town council chambers have been set up with food, places to sit, and musicians. Al chats with three representatives of Exotics -- Lisa Byron, Janelle, and Korvina -- and mentions that he and his friends seem to work well together and might be interested if they could help with any adventuring work with Exotics. Janelle mentions someone at Exotics may already have talked to one of their group about it. Marcus arrives to pick up Milena. In the coach on the way to the party, they chitchat. He tells her his home of Freeport is run by the Council of Captains, the Sealord is the ruler of the city. He wants to talk to Lucas, Bollak and Yam about harbor-related issues and asks that if they get separated and anyone asks her about him, see if she can get anything from them about their perceptions of Freeport. When they arrive they are introduced as Lord Marcus Roberts of Freeport and guest, and he complains under his breath that he hates that "Lord" stuff, it should be "Captain". They first talk to Duke Lucas Ledford about ship business. Apparently ships are vanishing or being sunk outright -- forces coming out of the water and attacking -- and they are trying to figure out how to work together diplomatically to find out what's going on and fix the problem. Then he talks to Mon and Bollak about the same topic; Mon is sympathetic, Bollak responds, "Yeah, sounds like that's a big problem you need to fix." Kat meets Reggie, and on their way to the party she asks how long it took him to get to Saltmarsh all the way from Terriola. He said it took him about 15 minutes to walk to the nearest Exotics location, and then he teleported, and the 15 minutes to walk to his friend Jaye's place -- he was glad Jaye was willing to pay for it, because teleporting is expensive. Kat is fascinated by the thought of teleporting. When Reggie and Kat arrive, Jamee tells Al that they need to go talk to that guy at some point -- he is a very popular actor in Terriola, it's amazing they were able to bring him here for their play. Al mentions he knows Reggie's date. Jamee looks at her and says, "Is that... Kat? She looks different." She mentions she has one ticket for the play Reggie is performing in, but she could perhaps ask her father if he could finagle another ticket if Al is interested in joining her. Mattie arrives with Brittney, and they are both announced. Mattie complains quietly to Brittney that they never can quite pronounce her last name correctly. Kat goes to get food for Reggie, and while there a woman comes over and asks if she is Kat. She introduces herself as Tricia, a performer at the Dancing Dryad, and she's heard Kat has some impressive skills. "...In what?" Kat asks. Tricia says that she ever wants a more interesting challenge in her career, she should stop by. "In... my acting career?" "Sure, that," Tricia says. "Okay, sure, perhaps I'll stop by sometime." Kat knows very little about the Dancing Dryad, but knows that the street kids avoid it because the proprietors are pretty aggressive about not wanting them around. During an up-tempo and percussive number, Milena asks Marcus to dance: "I will show you. You seem like you will catch on quickly." Then she leads him through a dance from her homeland with a lot of stomping and clapping that looks like it could break out into a fight at any moment. Many others jump up to join, including Al -- who gets many others up -- Gnik, Jewel, and Brittney. Kat retrieves Reggie from the crowd of female admirers around him and pulls him over to a small table to eat food. Mattie stops by to chat for a moment, then Kat asks if he wants to dance. As they make their way to the dance floor, Kat says, "I have a confession to make. I don't know how to dance." "That's okay," he says, "just relax and let me lead." They glide around the dance floor and look good doing it. Milena makes a circuit without Marcus to see who might talk to her. She talks briefly with Tricia, who is one of her clients, then she is stopped by Mon, whom she had previously met when Marcus talked to her. She asks if Milena also is from Freeport and how long they have known each other -- "No, we only met a few days ago" -- and then if he can be trusted. Milena says he does not seem malicious, but is very good at "talking between the lines -- saying without saying, and hearing without hearing." Mon then asks if he has mentioned anything about the lighthouse -- it is a place in Freeport. Apparently some unusual situation is related to it. Gnik makes his way over to Korvina and mentions he is part of an adventuring party that might be interested in doing business with Exotics. He points out the rest of the group and she says that the group must have caught someone's attention for them all to be at the gala -- but on the other hand, it is unusual for there to be so few adventurers in Saltmarch. They talk about the Blue Gauntlet, and adventuring party that has gone missing; they had borrowed resources from Exotics before setting out. A man comes to each member of the group telling them the Duke wants to speak with them. He leads them to a room across the hall from the central chamber with a tall window made of frosted, cut glass that lets a lot of good light and patterns into the room. The duke is sitting there with a servant just inside the door and his assistant Eveline. He says he just wanted to thank us for helping the Town Council out, and also to have the opportunity to get more drinks -- he sends the guards out for drinks for each of them... two each... and he takes one of each for himself. He proposes a toast, and then asks what we call ourselves. Gnik opens his mouth to answer... Matty glares at him... and Gnik says four out of five of them have been calling themselves the Liberators, and maybe if he starts doing it, too, the fifth one will accept it. "You're not supposed to name yourself!" Matty says. Suddenly, there is an extremely loud thud against the door to the room. The duke notes there are supposed to be guards... but he does not hear them respond. Milena immediately has a knife in her hand, and Kat has a... fork, that she accidentally pickpocketed from the buffet line. Gnik has Az materialize outside the room, so he can see the front desk clerk, Mon and her bodyguard Admaw, and a Dorginian sorceress with a dagger floating in the air in front of her. The two guards are down. Gnik reports what he sees and the duke hides behind a desk, taking a drink with him. Kat throws a chair at the window to break it and give them another way out. Matty complains that she didn't even bring a weapon... and the duke holds up a dagger from under the desk. Al goes into the hall to try to help the guards, but they are already dead, with their throats cut. The duke scrambles out the broken window as Mon's bodyguard Admaw says this is none of their concern, Mon just has something they want, and slams the door to the hall shut again. Milena has gone to the door to listen, and tells everyone to stand back... she calls down a Thunderwave that knocks everyone in the hall down, blows the door off its hinges, and pushes Admaw through the door across the hall and into the council chamber. Gnik casts a Grease spell at the sorceress, who falls down. Guards come running toward them from the council chamber. Admaw puts down his weapon and drops to his knees with his hands behind his head. Mattie jumps on the sorceress to keep her from running away; but not before she casts a spell at Al that freezes him. The clerk says, "Well, it was a good gig, but..." and runs down the hall; Kat chases her, slams into her as she comes around the corner and she had been trying to open a door. Kat punches her in the nose; the clerk says, "This has been fun...." and two knives drop into her hands from nowhere. She stabs at Kat with both of them; one just grazes but the other cuts deep into her side. Kat punches her again, harder this time. The guards arrive and begin securing Admaw and the sorceress; Milena points down the hall and says "One more went that way." Gnik has already taken off that way, followed by Al, who is fast enough to get past him. Al attacks the clerk as Gnik gets there; he casts Sleep and gets both the clerk and Al. Kat stabs her with the fork out of spite. Milena talks briefly with Mon, who says they were after something she acquired. Milena puts together that they must have been the ones who killed Ellis, and says so. Mon had not heard he had been murdered. Milena asks if she knows why they want the artifact; "I don't know why THEY want it," she says. She thanks Milena for her help and goes to explain to the guards that Admaw was not at fault here. 23 May 2018 Post-gathering conversations and interactions; Kat and her date Reggie go to Blackberry Bar's for talk and other recreations; Milena and her date Marcus return her borrowed dress and then go to the Gibbet for drinking and cards with the gang of Not Pirates. 2 June 2018 5 Klook 3275 Councilman Rolland stops by Milena's place to ask how well she knows Tricia, with whom he saw Milena talking at the party. He has been dating her for some time and wants to marry her, quit his position on the council and move far away, but is not sure she would be willing to leave her job at the Dancing Dryad. Milena asks why he doesn't just quit his job but let her keep hers. He says he will think on it. Gnik spends some time doing research and discovers that the puzzle-like fragments they discovered are almost certainly Captain Needam's Chest; it is told that he secreted his most valued treasure (although there is no record of what it was) in a clear chest so he could admire it -- but because an enemy of his was always coming for it, he increased the protections on it by putting an extradimensional pocket inside the chest and then magically breaking the chest apart so it must be reassembled in order to open and access the pocket. Gnik tries doing a bit more research on who the "Michel" might be who is looking for it, beyond an associate of Bryon's. It occurs to him that Angel, who was with that group for some time, might know. The group convenes at Blackberry Bar's for lunch. He has a sign on the door asking for help with a simple job. He has heard there is a baker, Tandy Poe, from New Tyreln who has come up with a new sort of food involving fried dough, and he wants to get the recipe. Gnik is asking what Barul is willing to give her for the recipe, when a young messenger boy runs in to let the group know that the Council wants to meet with them that afternoon at 3 pm. They head to the market to look for Tandy Poe. Gnik asks someone he knows who is in the Baker's Guild, who suggests Gnik could buy something from him instead. Gnik tells him a friend of his is looking for a specific recipe, so he begrudgingly points her out. Gnik buys a few pastries from him and they go to talk to Tandy; her booth is very busy, but she is almost sold out of food, so they wait for her to sell out and become less busy. Kat explains who they are and why they are here and invite her to come back to Blackberry Bar's to meet Barul and negotiate for her recipe. She pays a passing child a gold piece to watch her stall, and promises another when she returns. When they get to Blackberry Bar's, Barul uncharacteristically comes out from behind the bar and formally introduces himself, and she responds with a formal introduction of her own. They talk for a while, clearly hit it off, and she spends some time tasting his baked goods and they exchange tips and techniques. Milena notices while they are talking that Barul does not share the secrets of how he makes his jellies. Tandy says she is willing to let him make her recipe for a share of the profits; he says he just does this for fun and she can keep the profits. She looks down the hall at his severed-head trophies and giant battleaxe from his adventuring days, and nods. Barul then gives Gnik, Matty, Kat, Milena, and Al each a small bag with his standard finders fee for good recipes -- 5 platinum pieces each. Matty asks if instead she can have a few of those pastries every day for as long as she's in Saltmarsh. Barul and Tandy agree, and Barul copies down her recipe and shares some of his own. They head to the town hall. They notice on the way into the building that the window they broke has been removed and the damaged wall is being worked on by masons. There is a new desk clerk -- Marjorie, who grew up in town and many of them know. She seems nervous; Gnik tells her not to be, but she says, "But we're going to the BIG meeting room." She leads them to a room they haven't seen. Mon is sitting on a dais; when they enter, she comes down and presents each of them with a Scroll of Merit stating that each may make a request of her individually at some point in the future, that she will do her best to fulfill, along with a few coins. Then the duke arrives, late, thanks them for trying to protect him, and drops a bag of coins on the table in front of them, and then gives them each a token that he explains grants knighthood, in thanks for trying to protect his life when they thought he was in danger. The knighthood is for the Order of the Star. He winks at Kat on his way out. The Lassiters' servant Jack is present because Egan Lassiter is on the Council. He is waiting outside for the group when they exit the chamber. Kat had previously told the group that the Lassiters were interested in hiring them to retrieve an object stolen from the family; he tells them it is a journal from one of the ancestral members of the family. He says they don't know who took it, but they are fairly certain it is on the Ruge estate -- Rolland's family. Kat asks why he hasn't just asked Rolland about it; he says the Ruge family has been unwilling to admit they have it. Kat and Gnik ask more about the book and he shows them a picture -- a thick leather-bound book with metal clasps. He claims it's not especially valuable except that it is a family heirloom and an old book, a couple hundred years old. Milena senses that he is not lying, but there is more to the story than he is saying. He offers them each 100 gp up front plus another 500 each if they recover and return the book. They say they will think about it and let him know if they decide to pursue it. Gnik and Matty go to the jail to talk with Angel and see if she knows who Michel is. She tells them he is in charge of the Raging Hammers, and his last name is Berry. She says he liked her pretty well and trusted her more and more over time, but she got shipped off to work with Bryon after they had a disagreement. She doesn't know about the puzzle pieces he's been collecting. She says Polis is in Seaton (the town that was sacked) and is in charge of the Raging Hammer there. Gnik asks where Bryon might have gone, and Angel says he might have run for the hills, or possibly to Seaton, because Michel does not take failure well so Bryon is probably trying to avoid him. Saturday, 16 June 6 Klook 3275 The group meets for breakfast at Blackberry Bar's. There's a new sweet fried dough thing on the menu. Mmmm, doughnuts. Gnik has done some research on the book Jack wants to hire them to retrieve. He learns it probably belonged to one of the founding families, of which the Lassiters were one -- but so were the Ruges. Gnik thinks retrieving the book and giving it to the Lassiters is shady and probably a bad idea, but he's intrigued anyway because... book. Kat also thinks it's a bad idea, but is interested in the challenge of trying to do it. Since Jack did not seem to have any particular time frame, they may just keep an eye on the situation to see if an opportunity presents itself. Mattie reveals that Juliana had approached her to tell her that the job is a set-up to see how the group would respond, since there is some mistrust on the council of the group. She suspects Egan has some ulterior motive for having proposed this particular test -- he probably really wants the book. Milena suggests to Gnik that perhaps he should ask the Lassiter daughter Dona, whom he knows and who has recently graduated from the wizarding school at the Temple of Tyollus, if he can read the book. Mattie says Juliana said the book appears to be blank -- even with attempt to read it magically. Gnik is even more intrigued, and sends a message via Az to Dona asking if they can chat when she has some free time. Az returns about 15 minutes later and lets Gnik know that because Dona is bored -- everyone is off celebrating the holiday -- she is on her way now. She arrives about 30 minutes later -- getting through town is slow due to all the revelers -- and tells Gnik that the book is blank, like a journal the original owner never got around to writing in. They discuss ways that it might appear blank without actually being so, and her interest is piqued; she invites them back to the family estate to check out the book. Mattie stays behind to wait tables at the increasingly busy bar. Dona calls her horse, and offers to Gnik that he can ride to make it easier for him to keep up. He is concerned that that would be a long way to fall, so Milena offers to ride with him to keep him steady (and because it is a very nice horse). He agrees only because it is a novel experience. The horse looks at them appraisingly, but does not complain at their presence. Matty catches up with them and they make their way up the hill through throngs of revelers. The Ruge estate has no wall around it, although it appears there may once have been. They go first to the stables, where a young boy comes out to wait while they dismount, then walks toward the stables and the horse follows. The group follows Dona up to the front door; she touches the front door with her palm and then turns the knob. A halfling greets Dona and she introduces him as Meko. He tells her her brother is home -- she says, "By his tone, he means Clarence; let's be quiet." The entry hall is bigger than Milena's entire house, three stories high and with a grand staircase and balconies overlooking it. She leads them to a room, tells them to wait a minute, goes in and closes the door; a few minutes later, she comes back holding a large box and pulls the book out of it. Gnik asks to hold it, and it is so big and heavy he almost topples over. They are on the way to a reading room when a door opens up and Clarence comes out, lost in thought. "Hey, Dona," he says, and then sees the rest of the group. "Uh, what's going on?" "Friends," she says, "go away." He shrugs and leaves; she says he must have a lot on his mind to have let it go so easily. They go into the reading room, put the book on the table, and Gnik starts a ritual to detect magic on it. The pages are old and yellowed, but apparently blank. Milena begins describing techniques for making invisible inks and then revealing them again using a solution made from a combination of herbs. Gnik finishes his spell, and before he begins looking around the room Dona whispers in his ear, "Don't look too closely at me, okay?" and winks. He detects something very bright in Kat's pocket, something faint in Milena's pack, and some items on Dona but he doesn't look too closely. He looks more closely at Kat and gets a sense of chaos but not fae, and enchantment. He does not detect any magic on the book. Kat takes a look at the book and notices that the hinge mechanism is strangely hard to open, and other portions are weirdly loose. When sections of the binding are pulled, the back comes off to reveal a small book in the inside cover and another in the outside cover. Each book is about 16 pages long and has writing in an alphabet none of them recognize. Gnik asks if he minds if he copies the books, and Dona says, "Sure," and provides paper and ink. The text appears to run top-to-bottom rather than across. She makes her own copy, and asks that none of them share what they found. Kat puts the book back together again, Dona takes it back upstairs to put it away, and then comes back to lead them out again before Clarence comes back again; she says he is a good guy, but is very focused on the family business and thinks magic is a waste of time and those who practice it are lazy. Gnik goes back to the library to investigate the strange script. He concludes it is not an alphabet; the patterns look sort of like Jhoynian turned on its side and coded. He works through the night on likely patterns to break the code. Kat wanders the market and finds a silver merchant; she haggles for a silver chain. She is performing in the play in the evenings; she does a pretty good job, but Reggie is so good those of the group who see him forget they know him, and are actually a bit concerned when his character dies at the end of the play. Milena does her usual rounds; at the Gibbet, Eleanora tells her there is a woman upstairs who has been roughed up by a man; she says pointedly that the man won't do it again, but if Milena can tend to the woman's injuries, Eleanora will pay for it. Gnik deciphers enough of the code to understand the writing; it speaks of dissention in the ranks, and says that the diseases were not an accident, they were murders, and he needs to get this information to the others. There is no indication of who wrote the passages, however. The author writes, "I fear Lumaka is here" -- a reference to Lume, god of disease, suffering, torture, destruction, evil secrets. Gnik guesses the writing is from about 100-150 years ago. The book also documents the writer's perceptions of four different deaths that appeared to be in assaults, but upon closer inspection magic or disease might have been the true culprit. 7 Klook 3275 The morning is quiet because so many of the town revelers are still hung over. Mattie goes to the library to check on Gnik but runs into the high priestess Fran, who tells her to go talk some sense into Gnik, who has been completely absorbed in his project all night and is neglecting his other duties. She finds him still absorbed, but at least partially rested and absent-mindedly eating food that Az brought him. Matty tells him that Fran needs help with her research that afternoon. "What about my research?" he asks grumpily. He tells her what he's figured out so far, and tells her to let Fran know he'll help her this afternoon. "And one of those doughnut things would be nice," he adds. Milena goes for a morning stroll and overhears one of the guards mention that at the gate at the Mouth, they repelled stone cultists trying to get into town. Her morning divinations gave the impression of finding secrets, much more and much bigger than what she can see. Matty stops by the house to find her and Tatiana points her in the right direction; Milena asks her if she knows anything about "stone cultists" but Matty hasn't heard of them either. Matty fills Milena in on what Gnik has found out so far. Kat attended the cast afterparty with Reggie and then spent the night. After breakfast she heads to the library to see Gnik. When she opens the door, Az is there fluttering menacingly, trying to keep people away. Kat asks if he has found things out; Az says, "Yes! Find Matty! Leave Gnik alone!" She then leads Kat to Matty, who is still with Milena being peppered with questions about the specifics of the symptoms of those who might have been murdered, to see if she could connect it to any specific disease or poison or other effect. Matty goes back to Gnik to ask if he knows anything about stone cultists. There was a group who lived around a stone that emanated magic, and they were able themselves to perform some magic just from absorbing those emanations. It turned out that the magic came from a demon trapped inside, and when it broke out some carried around the broken shards and worshipped the rock. In the last few years there has been talk that some groups of these followers have been wandering around occasionally ransacking towns looking for something. 14 July 2018 Milena has been feeling a stronger pull toward the god or spiritual entity that grants her her power. In acknowledgement, one evening in the dark of the night she goes to shore and wades out naked into the water with a candle -- for connection to earth, water, fire, and air -- and meditates on the presence as a ritual way of saying, "I'm here and I'm listening." The Cathedral of Alydia organizes non-lethal fights during the festival: 1-on-1 bouts, combats of monsters vs people, and battles with multiple participants on each side. Mattie is concerned about the practice of holding monsters captive and then sending them into the ring against their will to fight, so she wants to figure out where they're being held so she can try to free them. Britteny has warned her not to go down that road, as followers of Alydia are very into combat, so she is just asking for trouble. Kat decides to participate in a bout for fun. She tells Mattie and Al (and Reggie), but not her family. She goes up against a big Dorgenian guy, introduced as Sei, about 5'8" and 190 lbs. He comments as they are entering the ring that he probably won't be too much of a challenge for her. Because the fight is non-lethal, they fight with padded staves and daggers. Although he is obviously very strong, Kat is faster and gets several good blows in -- including to the kidneys and the groin -- before he concedes. Al also participates in a bout, against a Jhoynian woman named Mabel who grew up down the coast. Al starts out by dodging her blows, but after a couple of dodges she slips and he gets several very solid body blows in. She rolls to her feet, breathing heavily, and says, "Yeah, that was good...." and Al asks if she's had enough for the day. She drops and spins her leg out, slams him hard in the leg, and he drops in a controlled fall, grabbing at her ankle, and kicks her in the head; she falls over unconscious. Al stands up, bows to his opponent (although she is on the ground unconscious), bows to the crowd, and then throws his hands above his head and gives a triumphant shout -- he's still working on his humility. Mattie transforms into a rat to try to sniff out the location of the beasts being used for battles in the Cathedral of Alydia. She smells something big cat-like... and finds a displacer beast that was brought in today by someone from Trihorn for a fight later today. Mattie decides to follow the Trihorn representative to try to figure out where the beasts are being kept. He gets into a wagon and she manages to hop on board, still in rat form. They go to a building near the edge of town on the forest side. He knocks on the wall at the back of the building and it slides open; the building has been mostly gutted to make room for cages. There is a small bear, a dog-ish thing that seems to shift in space as she looks at it (a blink dog, which Mattie knows is a fey creation, like the displacer beast), and a strange feathered lizard thing, about 4'6" tall, that is clearly intelligent (a velociraptor, but Mattie has never seen or heard of such a thing before). Mattie hears the person she followed talking to someone else, saying he will bring the wagon by again tomorrow, just make sure the illusion is in place; Mattie guesses it is an illusion on the wagon to make sure the beast on it is not visible. Mattie departs, still in rat form, and as she is leaving, the person she followed re-enters the wagon and it suddenly disappears, and the back of the building looks completely different. Knowing it is an illusion, she tries to disbelieve it; she can see the illusion as an overlay but also the reality behind it. The man reaches up, rings a bell that makes no sound, and the wagon vanishes -- Mattie can't hear it or smell the horses, either. Mattie thinks the best course of action is to find someone who can dispel the illusion that hides the wagon; then, those who protest against the animal fights will be able to see the animals, and could work to stop the wagon. She talks to Al about her plan, and Al suggests she should talk to his sister Himaya, who has been leading some of the protests with other followers of Sayd, who are pacifists. Mattie is hoping Al's sister might have befriended some of the high priests who might be able to dispel the illusion on the wagon. Himaya points them to Brendan, the high priest of Sayd in Saltmarsh. Mattie tells him that she has found the house where the Alydia temple is keeping the animals for fighting. She says she would like to free the animals, but it is not something she can do herself and she thinks it should be a bigger town effort anyway. Brendan tells her that if she can tell him everything she knows about where they are being held, he can see to it that they are freed and returned to the Dreadwood, or kept in safety until they can be returned to their home (in the case of the animal she couldn't identify). He thanks her and offers her and Al a hug. They find out later that a group of people arrived at the house, opened doors that had never been there before, and loaded three caged animals onto three wagons, drove the wagons through town chanting, "Save the animals, stop the killing!" and then drove out of town and into the Dreadwood. Himaya tells Al later that Brendan went by himself to get the doors open and told everyone else to follow a half-hour later with the wagons. 28 July 2018 10 Klook 3275 Group sets out with Laur, Wend, and Angel to try to take out the smuggler ship. They approach in their small ship and see flashes coming from the "haunted" house on the shore. From Az's vantage point soaring above the ship, she sees several people on the starboard (houseward) side of the ship, including a smaller person standing on a box -- probably the mage. Mattie transforms herself into a giant spider and skitters up the side of the ship, while Kat tosses up a padded grappling hook onto the top deck railing and begins climbing. Gnik reduces himself to small size and Az comes to pick him up and carry him to the top. Milena climbs up the rope after Kat and waits at the railing. Kat climbs most of the way to the crow's nest and casts a Sleep spell. Matty waits to watch the lookout in the crow's nest slump down, and then shoots webbing at the cluster of three people that they think includes the mage. Milena and Angel perch on the railing for a moment, Angel with a sling and club, Milena with a bow and arrow. Matty entangles the mage, and the nearby person holding a lantern falls to the deck thanks to a Sleep spell from Gnik. The third person standing between them turns around to see what is happening and is hit by an arrow from Milena while someone standing farther forward is knocked overboard by a sling bullet from Angel. Al climbs the rope and attemts to grapple two guards simultaneously and knock them over the edge of the railing; he also goes over the edge, but drops into a graceful dive and then swims to the rear anchor chain to climb onto the boat again. The man with an arrow in his gut yells, "Cary! Bell!" and pulls out a sword and dagger and runs to attack the spider. He gets a couple of slashes in, but then Mattie-the-spider bites him with a poisonous bite. Gnik casts Grease at the person on the wheel, who falls. She tries to get up again to ring the bell, but slips and falls again. Kat clocks the Sleep-spelled sailor with the hilt of a dagger to keep him down and then ties him up. Milena casts Sacred Flame on the spellcaster. The sailor fighting the spider dashes to one of the doors to belowdecks and throws it open to alert the others; Mattie tries to trap the wizard in more web, since she has started to break free. The spellcaster yells, "Cary, kill the spider!" Gnik tries to cast Sleep on the sailor who went running to alert others. He throws open the door, and then falls forward, unconscious. The mage curses, mutters a word, disappears from the webs and reappears next to the hole to belowdecks. She begins climbing down and Kat casts Sleep on her. She sees her drop. Al sees one of the guys he knocked overboard has reached the top of the fore anchor chain; the guy looks around, frowns, and dives overboard. Milena motions to Matty to come for some healing; Matty doesn't understand the gesture and chitters at her. Milena says, "Fluids are supposed to be inside body. Come here, I fix." Matty transforms back into elf form and comes over for healing while Al talks with the sailor still struggling with the grease, and asks in a friendly manner if he can restrain her. Gnik sees someone else coming up the ladder from below, a woman with a crossbow, and casts Grease on the ladder she is climbing. She does not fall, but is struggling. Kat, still in the crow's nest, shoots a crossbow bolt into her shoulder. She comes up, surveys the situation, Angel yells and pulls out her sling, and the woman runs and dives over the side of the boat. Gnik sends Az to follow and see where she goes. As the few other sailors try to emerge from belowdecks, they either slide on the greased ladder or make it to the top and surrender. Matty concentrates and senses that there are three other non-human humanoids on the boat who have not come abovedecks. Meanwhile, Al checks the room that the sailor tried to duck into, and discovers it is a small toilet, but with a panel that swivels into another bathroom. Milena and Kat check out the other aftward door to see if they can figure out where those other humanoids are. They find a room with two doors, one padlocked, and stairs going down. Kat checks out the padlock and picks it. Al, Angel, and Gnik go through the other bathroom and rush into the room behind it to surprise anyone who might be there. It appears to be captain's quarters, unoccupied. Milena and Kat can hear movement behind the wall behind them, and a moment later Al, Angel, and Gnik burst into their room. Milena lets them know that Kat has just picked a lock, and she listens but hears no sound. Al returns abovedecks to keep an eye on things with Matty. They open the room and it appears to be a small, tidy storeroom. Two cabinets are empty except for a small locked box, and there is a large barrel, full or mostly full, with Dorgenian script that they cannot read, but they guess it might be some kind of liquor. Milena hands the small box to Kat, who finds that it is trapped. She springs the trap on purpose -- a blade pops out where normally it would slice off fingers trying to work the lock. Once the trap is sprung, she works to pick the lock. Gnik senses something trying to communicate with him. He looks over at the steps downward and sees a small, rainbow-colored flying chameleon-like thing. It flies up and peeks around the door at Milena and Kat, who get a mental sense of, "Whatcha doin'?" Milena says they are exploring, and then asks if it is hungry and offers it a piece of jerky. It excitedly takes it and licks and nibbles at it, and they get a sense in their minds of "Zazzen," which they think is its name. As it flips around, they see a coin they don't recognize clutched in its back claw. Al and Matty think it is a pseudodragon, a type of fae. Matty gets a sense from it that it has been hanging out with a scaled humanoid, a lizardman, who has been feeding it. The box Kat opens is full of gold pieces, maybe a couple hundred in all. Kat reflexively pockets some of it. Zazzen leads them downstairs to the room where the lizardman who has been feeding it resides. There are three lizardmen asleep in the room, but they wake up when Al and Matty open the door. Matty tries to convince them that they are not a threat, but the lizardmen seem to be getting aggressive -- the first one is rushing toward the door, the other two are moving that way. Saturday, 11 August 2018 The front lizardman lunges at Al and tries to grapple him; Al drops to the floor in a full split to dodge him. The next one yells, "You'll just take us as skins!" as Matty grabs him, throws him into the closet, and Matty yells, "I would never!" Kat says, "We don't want to hurt you, we just want to help you get where you're going---" ... and then immediately throws a dagger at the third one coming forward. Gnik tries to use Suggestion on the leader to get him to get the others to talk, but he shakes it off and growls; Milena stands blocking the door with her staff and the charging lizardperson clotheslines herself on it, knocking the spear out of Milena's hands and knocking her into Kat in the process. Milena feels something on her leg, and sees the faint outline of Zassen, who has changed color and pattern to blend in. The one fighting Al says, "Your people are weak; you hide rather than fighting." Kat takes advantage of the fallen lizardwoman trying to scramble back to her feet to throw another dagger, and hits her in the back of the head; she falls flat. Kat says, "We are stronger than you, and we're going to beat you." The other two back off, grab their fallen friend and pull her into the room. Al approaches cautiously, does a quick medicine check, and says she is barely breathing. Milena leans in and lays on hands to heal her. Al says, "We're going to let you go eventually, but we want to understand why you're here and where you're trying to go." Several get the feeling that the leader, the only one who speaks their language, is actively trying to avoid telling them anything. He says it is another sign of their weakness that they do not know what is going on. Al asks if anyone knows how to read lizard minds. Zazzen appears and raises a hand. He gives them the impression that the lizardmen don't want to ally with weak softskins. The group steps back and the lizardmen move past and out into the hall, where they begin walking much more quickly. The group follows them up the stairs and hear stunned yelling from above -- Laur, who had come up from the smaller boat to help guard the tied-up people on the deck. He mentions that Angel jumped off the ship and swam away, so he figured he should come up to help keep an eye on things. Al checks in with the prisoners and Matty reminds him there is still one more person belowdecks. The captain says it is someone they are keeping secure -- giving the impression she is a prisoner. Al asks if there is anything else he needs to know, and he says she is kind of weird-looking. Milena stays above-decks to keep an eye on the prisoners and see if anyone else is coming up from the water (or needs to) while the others go below to find this last person. Kat goes to try to open the chest in the room the lizardfolk were inhabiting. It appears to be trapped with a discolored needle, but she removes it with pliers, wraps it, and sets it aside. The chest is full of different kinds of coinage, mostly gold, about 30 lbs. She checks out the bottle next to the chest, uncorks it and snifs; it seems to be poor-quality alcohol, so she re-corks it. Al, Matty, and Gnik go to find the remaining person. They come to a locked room; Gnik asks Az to ask Milena to see if the captain has any keys. Milena pats the captain down without preamble; he says, smiling, "My dear, I don't even know your name." In the meantime, Al tries to pick the lock; he asks if anyone has a nail, and Gnik offers him one. Al tries, and hears something break inside the lock. Gnik makes the nail disappear, but the lock might still be broken. Az brings the keys from Milena, and Al tries them in the other door. It works. They find a chest. Al knocks on it and hears a muffled response. They find another key that opens the chest. A woman with green skin and purple eyes emerges; she says, "You were not on the ship... thank you." Then she sees Matty and says something in elvish. She mentions she is hungry for real food -- fish -- and would like some fresh air. She gives her name, which is a long elven name, but says they can call her Anny. They head abovedecks. In the meantime, Kat talks with Milena about the fact that she found another chest of gold, and suddenly they have a much different socioeconomic status than they did before, and should anything change because of it? Milena says she already has much more than she did as a girl, and does not have immediate plans for the money. Kat says she would like her own room, and maybe they should get a bigger house; Milena says she likes her garden, and how close she is to her clients, but maybe Kat would want her own small house nearby? Kat asks about her older sisters; Milena says they are women grown and can do as they will -- continue to live with her, or live elsewhere. Kat asks if they would get dibs on the money since they are older. Milena says she might need money for a dowry someday -- she does not know how these things work here -- but that will come from her own funds; Kat's money is her own. Matty, Al, Gnik, and Anny come abovedecks. Matty says Anny has been locked in a box for at least three days; the captain says it hasn't been three days, he just found her having snuck onto the ship and locked her up until they could figure out what to do with her. Anny says she is a scout and noticed that the ship was stopping in water in strange places. Al explains it is a smuggling ring and they were stopping to make pick-ups -- but if she is aware of other places they've been stopping, that information might be useful to them. Gnik makes a map appear, and she indicates other places she has seen the ship make stops. She knows nothing about the lizardmen on the ship, or why they were there, but says it is strange to see such folk on the sea. She turns to the captain and asks, "Where is fish?" Al says to the prisoners, "Yeah, who needs food? You all are basically under arrest, but there's no reason we can't be friendly." Laur says, "No, they ARE under arrest." Gnik says, "Yeah, you have the authority to say that; we don't." They decide that things are stable enough that they can begin sailing the ship back to Saltmarsh. Laur and Wend come aboard and haul up the smaller boat for the sail back. Al helps with the sailing, and Gnik helps by staying out of the way. Anny plans to sail back with them; she is interested in interacting with the people of Saltmarsh. Matty tells her, somewhat privately, that most of the people of Saltmarsh have never seen a sea-elf and know them only as legends, and then explains a bit about the administrative structure of the town; Anny is surprised that the town is not run by elders. Matty says that there are some she has come to trust and respect, but some she does not. As they sail, they explore the rest of the ship. Matty finds the galley, including a barrel of fish. Gnik returns to the captain's cabin to look for papers. He gets Az to retrieve the keys for Az and opens the desk; he finds three potions with notes crudely scratched on them (and misspelled): for healing, for healing, for poison. He finds three very intimate letters from three different women in three different ports, each of whom thinks she is Mrs. (Captain). Matty and Milena explore the galley and find spices and other food; there is a strange resealable ceramic container under a table in the corner. Milena pops it open, and finds it is filled to the brim with meat... which appears to be growing. She slams it shut and reseals it. Kat investigates downstairs rooms and find a very small pair of boots, a nice goblet, a decanter of wine, and a small chest. She tries to open the chest after checking it for traps, and gas starts pouring out the back of it. She beats a hasty retreat, closing the door behind her. A bit of gas leaks under the door but doesn't go further than that. Matty and Milena go downstairs and Matty hears a door slam. They go to investigate and find Kat, and see faint smoke coming from under the door beside her. "Ludmilla, why is there smoke?" "It's not smoke. I think it's poisoned gas." "Ludmilla, why is there poisoned gas?" She explains that she tried to open a chest that was trapped, and she's waiting for the gas to dissipate to finish her investigation. Milena stares at her clinically to make sure she is not poisoned, and they decide they will all go into the room next door. They enter the other room and hear, "Bwah! Pieces of eight!" There is a bright red macaw in a cage, pacing back and forth. Matty tries to tell if it is in distress, but it just seems excited to see people. It starts singing a sea shanty. Kat checks the room, finds two books in Jhoynian -- "Principles of Navigation" and "Legal Distinctions in Licenses for Arms" -- and a flagon that smells like cider. She opens a chest and finds a strange spear and iron box among clothes. The other chest contains more clothes and a brass box, a bit bigger than the iron box. The iron box contains a pouch full of shells etched with a language she doesn't recognize; a crossbow and quiver with eight bolts. Matty recognizes the lettering on the shells as elven, and they wonder if these items were taken from Anny. The brass box contains a pouch of coins, eleven illustrated pamphlets -- Jhoynian pornography. Kat looks at one, turns it sideways, hands it to her mother, and says, "Is this even physically possible?" "Yes, but usually requires small step." "...And how do you know that?" "...I am educated." Kat goes to take some of the coins from the bag, realizes Matty is there, and puts all the coins carefully back. They return to the first room as Gnik comes back. The gas has dissipated, so they open the chest. It contains some coins, a book in Jhoynian called "A Mage Life at Sea" which Gnik immediately starts reading. He realizes that if the spellcaster is a mage, she must have a spellbook -- and finds it hidden in the lid of the box. It is both a spellbook and notebook, and the owner seems to be largely self-taught. They continue exploring, and find a chest with gauntlets, pieces of stone that look like turquoise, more pieces of the mystery box, more coins, along with a set of dice. Kat rolls the dice; they seem to be true. Gnik casts Detect Magic; the pieces of the mystery box have a faint magical aura, and the gloves are also magical. With some study, he finds that they help with climbing and swimming. He looks up toward the mage's room but does not see anything magical there, but does detect something on the top deck -- possibly where the mage is tied up. They also find weapons (including a shield with a lizard design on it), a mermaid statue, and a nice vase. Milena makes snacks, and then asks the captain about the ceramic jar of growing meat. He says it is troll -- and grows because it is regenerating. Matty and Anny are horrified, most others think it sounds pretty terrible, and Milena gives the captain advice about using vinegar to tenderize it. Gnik detects a magic dagger that is obviously Dorgenian; he realizes in looking at it that it is a named weapon he has heard of. He learns that it was specifically forged to fight Sea Devils and will pull toward enemy sea devils if any are close by, and it floats. Gnik persuades the captain that it may be some time before he can return home, and if he cooperates with them Gnik might feel better disposed to alert his wives about his absence without telling them about each other. With that motivation, the captain reveals that the lizardmen were looking to acquire weapons for some armed conflict -- which surprises Matty, who has fought lizardmen who were unarmed. Gnik finds a bundle that contains wood that is faintly magical, blue, and glows faintly. He asks the captain about it, who says it is a shipment he was taking to Freeport. Gnik realizes it is from a rare type of innately magical tree that produces extremely durable wood, used frequently for weaponry. The tree seems to pop up in random places, and a culture that finds one tends to nurture it until it must be cut down when it is about to die of old age. Saturday, 25 August 2018 The group sails the Sea Ghost back to Saltmarsh, securing the prisoners and taking inventory of what is on the ship. Milena makes snacks to make sure everyone is well-fed, including the parrot. Zassin sticks with Milena and is happy to be her taster. As they near the port a couple of ships come out to escort them in. Eleanora hops on board. She says she was readying a ship to leave soon herself, saw them coming in, and was curious to see what had happened. "We found parrot, do you want parrot?" says Milena. When they dock there are armed guards ready to take the prisoners. Nelson, the captain of the jail, is looking over them when Gnik asks to speak with him privately. Nelson smiles. Gnik apologizes for accidentally letting Angel go, and Nelson guffaws. "Yes, I noticed she's not here." Gnik says they hadn't intended to let her go, and she was very helpful and stuck around until everything was secure before making a break for it. Nelson says it is his boss who will be upset; he knows Angel was tricksy and is unsurprised she fled. Juliana Rolland and Lyto are on the docks when they exit the ship. They offer to post guards to keep people off the ship, and they can deal with customs and tariffs in the morning. Al and Matty plan to sleep on the ship, but think guards would be a good idea anyway. Gnik debriefs the council members about what happened, who they captured, and who got away, including a summary of their strange encounter with the lizardfolk and that they claimed to be preparinig for war. Rolland begins laughing. "We need to send them out more often, they bring back the best news." Juliana requests that the group join the council the next evening for a meeting. Matty introduces the council members to Anny and tells them a bit about her background. Juliana has someone show her a place she can stay. Al lets Anny know where he'll be in case she wants to find him later. Zassin watches the group break up, and follows Milena. Milena holds up her arm and he comes to perch. When they get home all the dogs but Boris look suddenly confused at the pseudodragon voice in their head, and Boris just gives a calm hruff. Svetlana comes in a few minutes after Kat and Milena arrive home. She had volunteered to be one of the people at the house to work the lights, and wants to know how things went on the ship. "We have a ship," Kat says. "And we did not burn or make holes," says Milena. 11 Klook 3275 They return to the ship the next morning to figure out what they are keeping, selling, and giving away. They decide to give the mermaid statue to Britney, and Al wants to give two planks of the Trallop wood to his father, and Kat is interested in the rest. Milena brings herbs and other supplies to freshen up the bed linens and other fabrics; Al helps her sort things and wash what needs to be washed (and burn what needs to be burned.) They learn that the cask of Dorgenian whiskey is probably worth 300 gold, but Matty wants to keep it. They discuss whether to keep the ship. Matty is interested in leaving Saltmarsh for adventures, Gnik is interested in having that option, and Milena says, "Maybe this is what shark was trying to tell me." She explains her recent encounter with the shark that swam around her once she figured she didn't need to punch it in the nose, and maybe it was telling her that she needs to spend some time in the water. "Does this involve another daughter?" Kat asks. "I do not know yet. ...But not with shark, if that is what you mean. I do not think that is possible." They decide that they will be on the lookout for a mission that will take them away for a short time to get used to life on a ship and the ins and outs of sailing. They discuss how they might go about hiring a crew -- ask the non-pirates for recommendations, perhaps hire Laur as the captain and Wend for muscle, perhaps bring on some of Al's sailor friends. Kat and Matty discuss the Ag coin she found and Matty tells her she needs to offer a sacrifice to Ag of the silver she has stolen since she got the coin to take away the negative effects and dreams (but she will still keep the luck). Kat is annoyed; if she did this immediately after she found the coin she wouldn't have to burn as much silver. Matty points out that she wasn't having the dreams yet then. She asks when Kat wants to do this. "Full moon... no, dark of the moon. When's that?" "Tonight... so, after the council meeting?" Kat decides to use the money from their adventures to buy a rapier. Al suggests that maybe she could go to Exotics and try to find a magic rapier. Milena suggests that if they like her and think she might be advancing their agenda, they might give her a good deal. She wanted to check in anyway and let them know that the group might be available to do jobs for them, particularly now that they have a ship. They recall that Heidi's Curio Shop deals in magical weapons, because it was part of Exotics contract for being in town is that they would not sell magic items in town. Kat, Al, Matty, Milena, and Anny head to the curio shop. As they approach, Zassin gives Milena a very curious look. Milena says, "Ah. Perhaps it is the dog that is not a dog. You will see." The door opens and the not-dog, Taaliax, is looking curiously at them. Kat gives him a scritch on the head, and Mouse sniffs him and then cautiously slinks by. Zassin hides behind Milena; Matty thinks, "Zassin! What is that?" and gets mental images of mirrors and confusion. "Yeah, I know that feeling," she thinks. Heidi comes out and welcomes them, looks at Anny and says, "Welcome... oh, hi, you're new!" Matty introduces Anny and gives her tribe of origin. As they look around, Kat says she's looking for a rapier. After some discussion, she says, "Hmm, maybe Torchlight would work." She digs around a chest and pulls out a rapier; she flicks it around and it erupts in a bright glow. Kat says, "I can see in the dark." Heidi says it also is a magical weapon even when it is not glowing. Kat does not have the 600 gp that it is worth, but mentions that she has magic wood that she can trade. "Trallop wood," Matty adds. After some negotiation they agree that the wood plus 100 gp (to cover the excise fees, which they haven't paid yet since Kat thought she was going to keep the wood) would be a fair price. As Al is wandering around he bumps into a glass case that has several rings in it, including one in the shape of a dolphin that catches his eye. Heidi says that she hasn't tried it, but it's supposed to let you swim really well. Al finds that Anny is suddenly standing next to him to hear more. Heidi says Exotics brought it in just a couple of days ago. Anny says that these are given to guests of her people who can already breathe, to help them swim faster (and they have other gifts for those who cannot breathe). Al seeks out his friends Harangi and Jimsu at the Gibbet. They have dinner and he catches them up on his recent stories and adventures. During the course of the evening, Jimsu tells him that if he's looking for a pilot let him know. Al asks if he's not working for the Lassiters right now, and he says they're just paying him to make up for "...this!" and holds up his injured hand. "Aargh, don't show me that!" says Harangi. They are all a little drunk, so it will remain to be seen if Jimsu has the same feelings about the opportunity once he has sobered up. As he is stepping out of the Gibbet, still drunk, realizing he is late for the council meeting, he hears a bark -- Mouse. "What is it? Does someone need help, girl?" He pets her a couple of times and she runs down the stairs, looks back at him, and barks again. "Well, they're going to be mad that I missed the meeting, but I guess somebody needs help!" Mouse proceeds to lead him to the council meeting. Everyone else has already arrived, including Anny. Kat says she has sent Mouse to retrieve Al. They ask a number of questions about how things went and what they found; they share most of what happened, but don't mention the puzzlebox. They are almost done when Mouse and Al walk in. "Oh, this is fantastic!" says Al. "I thought I was going to miss this because Mouse needed me to go help someone." He goes to greet each member of the council, a bit drunkenly, and Egan tells him to sit down. The council is alarmed that there is a colony of lizardfolk near Saltmarsh that are arming themselves. Gnik points out that the lizardfolk implied that they were getting weapons because they were being threatened somehow. After reviewing the details of the story, it seemed clear that the lizardfolk don't think Saltmarsh is the threat -- they did not attack when they learned the group was from Saltmarsh, only when they learned the group was trying to stop the smuggling, which they feel they need to arm themselves. The council notes, however, that the lizardfolk might be a threat to Saltmarsh and should be investigated. Egan is for taking them out, and has communicated with some people he knows at Snyder Keep about getting some people out there to wipe them out; but the rest of the group thinks they should investigate instead. Egan says those he contacted will be here in a week, and the council should decide what to do before then. The council asks the group if they would be willing to go reconnoiter the lizardfolk settlement, figure out how many they are and what they are doing, and offer to provide a crew for their ship and pay 1000 gold for determining their strength, size of colony, and intentions. As the meeting is breaking up, Lyto and Juliana come up to talk with them saying that they feel the group is on the same page they are about the lizardfolk: find out what they're doing rather than just wholesale slaughtering them. They say to let them know if they need anything. Matty says she has talked with Laur and he and Wend are in, and they'll look for at least six people at a time to run the ship, but the group will make their own inquiries. The council will pay, so Gnik suggests they should try to get twelve crew members -- in case they have to do more sailing than they are expecting, they can have six on while the other six rest. Gnik strikes up a conversation with the rats on the ship about anything interesting they noticed. They say that sometimes it was very scary, like when the glowy things came out. "What glowy things? Describe them." They say that they came out of the ground, and when they touch you, you die. Gnik decides perhaps they need to talk with the former ship's crew about this. Matty and Kat go to the beach with all the silver Kat has stolen and start a fire. Kat throws in a piece -- one that is kind of ugly compared to the rest of it. Nothing happens. She takes the tub of silver and dumps it in; there is a wave of energy that hits both of them, and the fire goes out -- and the silver is gone. She feels that the compulsion to steal silver is gone, and they hear a high-pitched little giggle out of nowhere. 8 September 2018 The group plans to reconvene at the Gibbet. Al returns a bit early with Anny to visit more with Harangi and Jimsu. As Kat and Matty are on the way, they encounter Larae, the master of the Stonemason's guild. She has a piece of paper in her hand, is muttering to herself, and almost bowls them over, obviously very angry about something. They ask her about it, and she complains about Milton's Folly and that bastard Klav. Kat asks, "What is Milton's Folly?" and Larae throws the piece of paper at her, says "Read for yourself," and storms off. It is a broadsheet talking about how the construction of the Lighthouse of Drac by Milton, the Sea Lord of Freeport, on the nearest of the Serpent's Teeth islands is bankrupting Freeport, using up all local resources of stone and driving up prices. When they all reach the Gibbet, the waitress Sivin greets them and offers them drinks on the house. Perytar the bouncer growls, and she says, "Okay, drinks are on me." "Top shelf, then?" Perytar says. Sivin offer that they should go up and take the seats in the Crow's Nest. They discuss whom they should hire on as crew for their upcoming trip down the coast, and Gnik suggests Ember, a friend of his with years of sailing experience who now teaches swordfighting. Kat pipes up excitedly that she needs to learn to use a rapier, so that sounds like a great idea. Al finds a couple of poles, tosses one to her, and says "En garde!" The two of them play-fight, with Al treating the pole like a short sword and Kat trying out rapier moves. Perytar pulls out a bullhorn and yells up, "If you break anything you're paying double!" A moment later they hear three loud thumps coming from the floor above -- where Sivin went to talk with Drew and Haldo. Milena yells down to Perytar, "Maybe trouble upstairs -- we will let you know." Al tosses Kat up to the top of the ladder; she knocks but there is no answer, and the door trapdoor feels like it is barred. Al leaps out the window and tries swinging himself up to the window above, and Gnik sends Az outside to get a view of what is happening. Through her eyes he sees wet spots going up the tower, as if someone climbed up from the window while wet. Az flies in and Al pulls himself up so he can see in the window. Sivin is lying on the ground, Drew and Haldo are both standing; Drew is holding a big bag and is pushing something into it; Haldo is holding a small bag that appears to be full of something bulky. A hooded figure stands between them holding a globe and making a cawing chanting sound; it seems to have a beaklike face and talonlike hands and feet. Al hears a voice beside him; Anny is beside him and says, "That's strange." Kat drops off the ladder and Matty climbs up to try to break the trapdoor open. Gnik sees that as Az flies in, Haldo and Drew look at her, but the bird-man keeps doing what he is doing. Gnik directs Az to fly low enough that he can see underneath one of the tables, since he can teleport to anyplace within 30 feet that he can see. He disappears without warning anyone what he is doing. Zassen send thoughts to Milena that there are minds upstairs like the dog -- they are mirrors. Kat climbs out the window and tries to work her way around below the window. She notices part of the wall is wet, which makes it slow going. Gnik blinks into the room above and Haldo says, "Oh, hi, Gnik! It's all good -- there were two thugs, but we took care of them, and now this guy is helping Sivin." Al tries to open the window, but it is latched from the inside. He considers how to break the window; Anny pulls out her crossbow, slams it into the window, shattering it inward, and then pulls it away. She looks at the result and says, "Oh! That's interesting." Al borrows the crossbow to knock the rest of the jagged glass out of the hole so he can climb through. Matty has no luck smashing the trapdoor, so she touches it and suddenly shrinks toward her hand -- turning herself into an ant to crawl through the crack between the door and the floor. The bird thing stops chanting and Haldo says, "That was pretty cool -- how did you get here?" Gnik disappears -- having turned invisible. He scrambles out from under the table and goes to see what is down the hall behind them. Zassen goes to the door and tries to reach around to figure out how to unbar the door. He thinks thoughts of helping to Matty; she asks whether the bird man is friend or foe. He says that it doesn't like him. Matty asks if it doesn't like the rest of them, and how is it like the dog? Zassen says no, it is not like the dog -- the other two are. Milena asks Zassen to send thoughts to Perytar so he knows what is happening above. Perytar, who was standing on the bar trying to see what was happening upstairs, gasps and falls backwards with a crash. Zassen looks sheepish, and Milena says, "Thank you for helping." She asks where Matty and Gnik are, and Zassen says they are upstairs. Milena climbs to the top of the ladder and waits for the door to unbar. Kat climbs into the window, followed by Anny, who swings her way in with her dagger in her hand, and then Al. Kat slides the bar off the trapdoor, and Al moves to keep anyone from going out the large open window. He says to Kat and Anny, "I don't know what is happening here, but I don't think we should let anyone leave." Matty asks Zassen to share with the others that Drew and Haldo are fakes, and the real ones might be in the bags. Gnik directs Az to go tell Perytar what is happening. Gnik, still invisible, moves behind the three foes to try to be ready to do something when something needs doing. Kat moves slowly toward the three foes, rapier drawn, and asks them to show her who's in the bags. Haldo says it wouldn't be a good idea; they are ruffians that they have to deal with sometimes. The bird guy screeches and Drew and Haldo nod as the bird guy rushes as Kat while throwing out a hand at Al; three bolts of energy shoot out at Al and follow him even as he dodges, burning into his flesh. He stumbles backward, trying not to fall out the window. Anny says a couple of words that nobody understands -- squeaky bubbly words -- then slaps a bolt into her crossbow and hits the bird man with it. Al pulls out a net and tries to use it to restrain the bird creature, but his throw goes wide. Matty reverts to her normal form and attacks Haldo with her hand axes. As she grows, she rips open the bag holding real-Haldo's desiccated corpse. She hits him a couple of times, he spins around and suddenly has a dagger in his hand. He swipes at her and stabs into her thigh. Drew has a short sword in his hand and stabs at Sivin, who is just waking up, but she rolls and he misses. Gnik casts Sleep and the bird guy falls to the ground. Zassen jumps on Milena's shoulder and she casts Sacred Flame at not-Drew, who is farther out of range of others who might attack him. He moves unexpectedly quickly to dodge, but not quickly enough: bright light hits him. Kat steps toward Haldo and swings with her rapier, but he dodges. She uses her off hand to attack with her dagger, and hits, running him through. Anny shoots another crossbow bolt at Drew, hitting the hand holding his sword; it appears to go through the sword and his hand, and the sword shrinks into his hand and comes out of his other hand. Al runs over to the bird guy to tie him up; when Milena sees what he is doing, she says, "Also bind the beak." Matty stabs at Haldo again, hitting him in the shoulder. He grows a second dagger from his other hand and stabs into Matty's foot with one and tries to do the same to Kat's foot but he dances back. Drew rushes forward and takes a dive out the window Al is no longer guarding. Gnik gets a message from Az that Perytar knows and she's coming back; Gnik tells her to follow the thing that looks like Drew that just jumped out the window. Gnik then casts Sleep again, and Haldo goes down. Az says, "Drew is not going anywhere, so I am not following." Gnik says, "Where is he?" "Falling off Perytar's swords." Matty punches Haldo and he wakes up, so she punches him again, and he falls unconscious. Az says, "By the way, you gotta see this!" She shows him an image of something silver, with pointy stiltlike things where its feet should be. Al has heard of things like this called Replacers, which do the bidding of their masters and are used to replace others. Kat and Matty think the bird guy is called a Kinku, very talented at magic and working for the same race as the Replacers. Kat asks Sivin what happened; she says she was talking with Drew and Haldo, something fell on the floor and the room filled with some sort of smoke and everything went dark until she woke up to see the not-Drew and not-Haldo fighting. She asks them not to tell anybody this happened; Matty says the council needs to know; Sivin says she will tell Eleanora when she gets back that she needs to talk to the group. They press her further, and Sivin says that what she can say is that their group is not smugglers or pirates, but they have been waging a secret war against these creatures that they thought were not aware that they were involved. Milena heals Al and Matty; Al feels mostly better, Matty is still a bit sore, especially in her stabbed foot. Gnik identifies the neckpiece worn by the kinku, which they believe might be some kind of spell focus; the dangly bits at the ends generate a bubble of air so they can always breathe -- including in the presence of gas and underwater, which is why the bird man is wet. Al is interested in it, since he swims so much. Perytar comes up, says, "You all are assholes... but thank you." He departs and comes back with a tray full of drinks, including elven wine from Eleanora's stash. Al asks Sivin, "So, this happened once, is it likely to happen again?" She says they are usually more subtle than this; maybe these three were the only ones who knew Eleanora's people were involved, maybe others knew and will try to hit them again, maybe since this group failed others will back off. They will learn more when they talk to Eleanora. They all toast to Drew and Haldo. 12 Klook 3275 In the morning, Al checks in with Jimsu to see if he is still interested in sailing with them now that he is sober. For this short gig, he is definitely interesting -- the Lassiters can be scary, since you never know what's really going on with them. The group goes to the jail to talk to the prisoners from the Sea Ghost to ask about the glowing entities Gnik learned about from the ship's rats. Nelson is working, and says, "A ten for one exchange seems all right, but Malcolm wants to talk with you before you talk with them." Malcolm, the head of the jail, says Janet is down now with the prisoners interviewing them about their smuggling involvement. Behind them, they hear the sound of someone in chains being dragged; they see two guards they know, Fenric and Keren, dragging the escaped ship's mate behind them. They toss Gnik his magic rope. Janet comes up and says most of the prisoners knew the nature of the work of the ship, but two of them, a brother and sister, Lanny and Carie Colman, just hired on as sailors -- their previous ship was sunk and they were left without possessions or work -- and didn't know until they were under sail. They had planned to get off at the next port, and had only been on the ship a week. 22 September 2018 The group goes to talk to the twins first. They describe being stuck in Seaton after their own ship was sunk, and the Sea Ghost was the first ship that came along looking for crew. Carie is the more talkative, and does not speak like a sailor -- she is eloquent, as if well educated. Lanny clearly is a sailor and talks knowledgeably of his work on the ship. They were unaware of the white lights coming out of the walls; Lanny wonders aloud if there is some kind of ritual to Nolan that might help protect the ship from such a thing. Matty asks, "Do you worship Nolan?" and Lanny and Al both say, "Yes!" and then high-five each other. Matty asks if Lanny is a priest of Nolan, and he says no (but Carie adds under her breath, "But he could be.") They share that he has been taking care of Carie since they were young, but Carie is good at defending him. Milena asks what kind of defending; they say they met a woman who taught her some weapons techniques -- mostly blades -- to keep people from hurting her. The group mentions that they will be putting a crew together for a small job and may come back to talk to them. They next talk with Brenton Wolfheart, the sailor in the crow's nest that Kat knocked out, who has been on the ship several months. Matty asks if he ever encountered anything strange on the ship. He says the mage is weird, and then says, "Oh, you mean the ghost?" He says it comes out every month or two but Crysik takes care of it. He hasn't seen it himself, but he saw the guy that didn't get out of the way in time, who looked like he had died of old age despite being Brenton's age, and he sometimes hears screams. They talk with Crysik, but he decides not to tell them anything about the ghost because he thinks it will be funny when they have to encounter it themselves. Al asks Zassen if he can read Crysik's mind to find out about the ghost, but he can only read thoughts that are intentionally sent to him. Kat asks about the lizardfolk; he says they paid for weapons and the ship was going to deliver them. When they are done, Matty asks Janet if there is anyone in town who can detect ghosts. She suggests that other than the priesthood of Maria, the most anti-undead priest in town will be Brendan, the priest of Sayd. They head to the Lizard's Boat tavern for breakfast and to talk to the proprietress Relanna (and say hello to her monitor lizard Sticktongue). Milena introduces Zassen to Sticktongue; Zassen flies over, lands on Sticktongue, and proceeds to knead his neck affectionately. Matty introduces Relanna to Anny and they chat politely. Then Matty fills Relanna in on their task to gather information on the lizardfolk settlement and asks about her own experience with lizardfolk. She infers that the type of lizardfolk they encountered were the sort that can make friends or allies with others; and that they probably are amassing weapons because they feel threatened. She mentions that Krushar, the lizardman who saved her life that she would usually ask about this sort of thing, vanished recently -- she goes to see him regularly, but has not been there the last two or three weeks. They ask how best to approach and investigate the lizardfolk to the south; she says they probably won't be watching toward the ocean because most threats come from the marsh, and they can probably find waterways into their lairs for fresh water. She recommends making a show of strength immediately by beating up on a couple of them. They show her the map of where they're going; she identifies it as a very old lair in the Dunwater abandoned more than a decade ago because it was too close to humans in Saltmarsh. Al asks about other nearby lairs in case this is only a drop-off point and still uninhabited; she says the nearby ones are also abandoned as far as she knows. She mentions that if they want to help her find Krushar once they're back -- she doesn't expect it, but she would appreciate the help. They go to the House of Shrines to find Brendan (since there is no temple to Sayd here), and ask if he can help them determine if there is a ghost on the Sea Ghost. They explain what they've learned so far about the alleged ghost; he says they would need to find out who died, who they were attached to, so that they can get laid to rest. Brendan wanders through the ship and suggests they might have two ghosts -- something in the hold, and something coming from the aft direction of the captain's quarters. Kat investigates the spot, finds boards that move, and finds a small box in the hole. She looks for traps, does not find any, and removes the box from the wall. There is a latch holding the box closed, loosely; there are two rings in the box that look like they could be wedding rings. The emanation feels like it is coming from beneath the box, but there does not seem to be any way to open into that area, so they try prying the board loose over it and a form comes out of the wall. It says, "Crysik, what do you want now?" then sees that they are not Crysik, and changes from a decayed ghost form into a less decayed form. He says his name is Bud Wilder. They ask if he knows about the other ghost and he says yes, it is his wife. He says that six years ago his ship was taken, he killed several before he was killed, then he woke up and tried killing his foes again until he was killed again, until eventually he woke up being controlled by Crysik, who took his ring and his wife Sal's wedding ring. When Sal wakes up, about once a month, she is nothing but rage; Crysik controls Bud to go meet her with his knife and kill her, which he can do because she is calmer when she sees him. When she wakes up the next time, she does not remember anything. Milena suggests perhaps they should re-marry the two of them and give them their rings back. He figures it's worth a try. They go down to the hold and Brendan finds the place in the forehold where her essence is strongest. Bud calls to her, but nothing happens. They try giving him his ring; almost immediately, a bright glow coalesces before them. Milena takes the other ring from Kat, holds it to Brendan, and says, "Do you want to do honors, or shall I?" He suggests he should stand back in case something happens, so she holds out the ring on her open palm to the coalescing ghost, which stares at her. Bud says, "Take it, woman!" She reaches out, the ring leaps onto her finger, and she dissipates, the ring disappearing with her. Bud nods, thanks them, and then disappears himself. Bud referred to the ship as previously having been called Wilder Seed, and then Mighty Redemption. The group talks about renaming it to Mighty Redemption (although Milena suggests maybe "Wedding Reception"). Later in the day, Lanny and Carie are let out of jail and the group invites them to join the crew for their recon job. They mention the name of the ship has changed, and Lanny looks concerned until they tell him it has gone back to its original name. He is relieved because he says it is bad luck to change a ship's name, but changing it back should be good luck. 6 October 2018 Gnik, Kat, and Al go to the duelist school (School of Blades) to talk to Ember. Gnik tells her that they have acquired a ship and are going on an adventure for a couple of weeks and wonder if she would like to come along. She asks, "Why do you want me along?" Kat says, "Because you're awesome...." and Gnik says, "Because I thought it would be fun and you'd be fun to have along." He fills in more of the details about where they are going and why. She asks where the ship will be, and says she'll see them there in the morning. She asks if there's anything else she can do for them, and Al says, "You wanna spar? I mean, I won't have any weapons, but I usually don't have weapons." Ember says, "That seems very disadvantageous for you," but invites him out into the courtyard. She selects a blunted rapier and dagger from the weapons on the wall. They circle one another for a while and then Ember dives in like lightning and goes at Al's stomach with the rapier. She gets a hit in, he grabs at her arm, and she tries to hit him again with the dagger and then the rapier, but he staggers backward just in time. "You're very quick," she says. "You're very deadly," he says, and then talks about his philosophy of trying to keep harm from happening rather than necessarily trying to hurt his enemies. He then goes in with a fist attack and manages to hit her chest, staggering her back, and then her arm and leg. They continue for a while, but as Al's tendency is mostly to dodge rather than attack, Ember stops and says, "This is not dueling," so they end. As they depart, Al asks Gnik and Kat, "Why are we inviting her, again?" Gnik says, "She's cute... also, I thought Kat might appreciate having someone skilled with a rapier on board while she has time to learn on the way down." 13 Klook 3275 The crew arrives at the ship in the morning and sets sail, aiming to arrive near the lizardfolk encampment at about sunset. Gnik has Az turn into an owl on the way down for better stealth and night recon. Kat asks Ember for some instruction on the finer points of using a rapier. After about 20 minutes of sparring, Ember says that Kat's style is already very effective for her strengths; with more training they could shave off some of the rough edges, but Ember doesn't think she could make Kat more effective -- but Daryn might be able to help. Kat says she doesn't want to go through the school, which requires full-time commitment, but wonders if Daryn might do private lessons. Ember says Daryn really only wants students who are very committed to the craft. "I can be very committed," Kat says, "for maybe two days a week." They drop anchor a mile from their destination, where they think the ship won't be casually visible to lizardfolk who look that way, and Matty, Al, and Anny, Az and Zassin scout ahead, with Matty in the form of a dolphin. The lair is a mound near the mouth of the Dunwater; there is a landing near the mouth that seems to have been used regularly, or recently, and trails leading into two entrances in the mound. There is a sea cave leading into the mound; Anny suggests Matty go in as a dolphin, because in that form she would not seem too unusual. Anny and Al stay outside near the entrance, and underwater, since he has a ring that lets him breathe underwater. She goes into the cave perhaps 70 feet into a chamber in which there are stairs leading right out of the water; the cave looks natural except for the hewn sections such as the stairs. There is seaweed in the water; and as she is looking at the chamber a young male lizardman rises from the seaweed and shakes a spear at her in a "go away, dolphin!" kind of way, so she swims out and reports (in dolphin) to Anny that someone is in the cavern. They return to the ship and make their report. Zassin stays behind to observe the mound, and eventually Milena sees through his eyes a group of six lizardfolk armed with morningstars returning to the mound along the path. The group discusses trying to take out the guard in the cave and sneak in that way, possibly bringing in the beat-up guard as a show of strength. Milena suggests they should spend a full day observing to get a sense of comings and goings, how many lizardfolk are in the vicinity, whether others come to the camp, and wait to engage until after a day. Gnik suddenly says, "I can sneak in! I've seen it!" -- because he has seen a portent about a great success. Milena gets a mental prod from Zassin, who shows her four lizardfolk exiting the northernmost mound entrance with ropes and leashes attached to four large lizards striding ahead with their tongues flicking out as though sniffing or testing the air. The group takes a small boat to shore; Matty plans to turn into a spider and sneak into the cave, with Anny as backup; Kat and Gnik and Ember plan to scout outside the mound, and Milena will find a place to conceal herself and keep an eye on the paths and the rowboat; Al goes with Milena so she won't be left alone. Matty is on her way into the cave, underwater, and sees a being with a human head and torso, but with gills along the ribs, and the tentacles of an octopus in place of human legs. In the next section of the cavern she sees two eels, about 20 feet long, being pet by a fishman. After that the water ends, but the path continues up out of the water and further into the mound; in the water in that chamber there are three merfolk, two sparring and one watching. Kat tries walking through the marsh, but it is very slow going, so she returns to the road. Gnik and Ember follow about 100 miles behind. Milena and Al see a group of six lizardfolk of a variety of sizes and shapes coming down the path, moving toward the mound. Milena asks Zassin to warn Kat, Gnik, and Ember that six lizardfolk are coming from their rear, so he sends an image of a menacing group of lizardfolk striding with angry purpose; Az goes back to check and reports that it is a patrol. Kat heads toward the northernmost cave entrance, which is quite large -- about 12 feet wide. She climbs up the cliff face above it, realizes she can see the lizardman patrol from there... and flattens herself down so they can't see her. Gnik suggests to Ember that they should get off the trail so the lizardfolk won't see them as they go by. They scoot off the trail and Gnik covers their tracks with prestidigitation. Kat can see from her vantage point that the lizardfolk take the other fork, toward the more southerly entrance. Kat, Gnik, and Ember hear splashing in the cave entrance but can't see anything, so Az flies in and reports back that it is one of the large lizards, rolling in the muck, and behind it two entrances into the cave to the right and to the left. Kat climbs over the mound toward the more southerly entrance. Gnik suggests to Ember that he will turn them both invisible and use prestidigitation to make them smell like lizardfolk, and then they will sneak into the large cave entrance. They pass the watch-lizard and take the left entrance into the mound and explore by always turning and looking to the left. They find an opening to a room on the left where they see two lizardmen sitting quietly on a bench and another who looks like a guard, standing. They go further and find a wooden, but not very well-made door to the left; Gnik finds a chink to peek through and sees bustling activity: many lizardfolk without crests with tiny lizardfolk playing or sleeping on straw mattresses among tables and pottery; there are some wooden pillars and a door at the far end, and occasional torches lighting the room. They come to an iron gate that looks like it may have been recently added by wedging it into place. There are three guards in the room it enters into -- one looking in Gnik's direction and the other two sitting quietly on a bench. They turn around -- they are not strong enough to move the gate -- and come to another door on the left. They see a lizardman in nicer attire than the others yelling at a small group, and one wearing a robe standing off to the side. As they continue, they begin to smell cooking meat. They come to a closed door that doesn't have any good gaps to peek through, so they keep going; they come to a fork that leads to the source of the cooking meat smell, but they are nearing the limits of their invisibility spells so they head back out again. The group returns to the rowboat and then to the ship. Gnik uses an illusion to show the group what he saw, and Matty describes the strange creatures she saw. Anny is clearly angry at what she hears, and says some things to Matty in elvish. 3 November 2018 Zassin alerts Milena that a group of lizardfolk are returning to the lair from the north, and they are hurt; two are limping along, dragging a third between them. Kat also sees them from her position on top of the mound; she says one is carrying a spear. The group returns to the ship to regroup and compare notes. They decide to scout toward the north to see if they can figure out what injured the lizardfolk and whether that is the threat they are preparing to war with. They take the rowboat up the river and as they are getting ready to pull the boat onto shore and track on foot, Matty notices wide tracks along the shore consistent with alligators. She is just pointing this out to the group when Anny suddenly is dragged under the water. Matty manages to stab into the water with a javelin and Gnik hits the alligator with a Sleep spell; it floats up to the top. Kat pulls out her crossbow and finishes it off with a shot to the eye. As it stops thrashing, they hear an inhuman (and also non-gator) angry growling coming from one of the small nearby islands in the river. Az flies up to investigate and communicates, "Big and ugly... not right... can I go back?" They decide to drift down the river a bit, pull the boat up on the other side and then walk up so they can see that island from across the river. Milena heals Anny, and as she is getting ready to pick up her oar again, the brush on the island parts to reveal a winged, scorpion-tailed demon with shackles and chains on his wrists and ankles that seem to trail off behind him into nothingness. He leaps -- cannot fly because his wings are tattered -- but lands on the island nearest them. His skin appears to be burning where the manacles touch, and he is holding a flaming blade of some kind. Matty tries to row away, but Kat aims her crossbow and hits it in the chest with a bolt, which it pulls out and tosses aside. Gnik casts an illusion of a water elemental that only it can see, and Milena casts Bane to lower its resistances. They feel a sensation in their minds wishing death upon them, but see the demon swinging its sword angrily at the air. They row away quickly, but can see the glow of the creature coming toward them along the side of the river. They send Az to let Al, Ember and the others on the ship that they are fighting a demon and ask them to help; and Zassin to the lizard mound to let the lizardfolk know a demon is coming. He is reluctant to leave Milena alone unprotected, but she reassures him. They pull the boat onto shore across from the demon and wait for it to come into range; as it leaps at them, Milena casts Sacred Flame (since they are no longer keeping their presence secret from the lizardfolk), Matty throws a javelin, and Anny shoots with a crossbow. It lands and staggers when it hits the ground -- at which point Gnik casts Grease at its feet. It slips, falls to the ground, and the flames on its ankles catch the grease on fire. He rights himself and leaps into the boat, punching holes in it and setting it on fire. Milena hits it again with Sacred Flame and it shrieks. Kat pulls out Torchlight, her rapier, and Kat steps forward just as Anny hits him with another crossbow bolt. He staggers backward, bursts into an explosion of flame, and disappears back to its home plane. The group discusses what to do next, since the lizardfolk might be coming and the group does not have any evidence of having just killed a demon. Kat suggests they should look at the islands to see if there is any treasure or (as Milena adds) evidence of the demon or other threats. They find a nest made of branches and brush where the demon had been bedding down. They see a rotting corpse of a humanoid, probably not a lizardperson, with human-sized leather armor and helmet and the hilt of a sword with a shattered blade nearby. There is a rusting and rotting chest with metal straps and a busted latch. Kat uses Mage Hand to open it and sees a pile of coins, two pieces of leather rolled up, and something pink-purplish glittering in the moonlight. She digs out the purplish thing with Mage Hand and holds it up to the light; it is an amethyst. She replaces it and pulls out one of the leather things; it is rolled around a piece of paper, which she floats over to Gnik. She pulls out the second leather-wrapped scroll and also gives it to Gnik. The first is a protection scroll that appears to be Protection from Undead. The other is a spell scroll of Knock. They notice that the armor is embossed with shells, and recognize it as magic mariner's armor that allows the wearer to swim in it. Gnik recognizes the helmet as the Helm of Disla, made in the 600's, which allows the wearer to function underwater as on land. The lizardfolk arrive at the shore across from the island and one asks in Trade what happened; Zassin says they saw the explosion. Gnik shows an illusion of the demon they fought, and there is much excited muttering among the lizardfolk. The lizardfolk ask about the alligator, and Gnik responds that we killed it and shows an illusion of the alligator with a crossbow bolt in its eye. The head lizardperson responds, "Come with us; we will take you to our leader." Matty says, "Because we did a good thing or a bad thing?" He gives the lizardperson approximation of a smile and says, "Good thing." Az gets back in range, and Gnik tells her that they have defeated the demon and it is up to Ember and Al whether they want to join the rest of the group to go into the mound; Az says, "Don't want," and Ember and Al return to the ship to let them know they can bring it closer now that the lizardfolk know they're there. They enter the mound and are led to a room with several lizardfolk, one with a huge crest and one very old one with scales falling off. The old one, without a crest, welcomes them in trade. She thanks them for killing the alligator, and explains that alligators are holy to them -- they cannot hurt them but can influence them so that the alligators don't hurt them. However, recently this alligator began hurting them -- possibly because of the demon. She thanks them for removing the threat to their tribe. Matty asks why they have amassed here in this very old mound; she says they were run out of their home by Sahaugin. She introduces herself as the minister of the tribe, Lashash. She says there is an island just off the coast of the Hool Marshes, further south from where they are now, which was their original home taken by the Sahaugin. The lizardfolk have been working with other water races (merfolk, cecaelia, and others) to form an alliance to try to fight the Sahaugin and take their land back. She explains that they did not reach out to Anny's people due to their historic animosity with the cecaelia. The chief says a couple of things in lizardfolk that Matty is able to understand thanks to the translator pearl: Do the softskins have any interest in joining to help fight the Sahaugin? The minister mentions to Anny that the cecaelia have chosen not to join the fight because they think there is a low chance of success, and so wonders if her people might be interested to join -- Anny says yes. Milena says there is already a warlike group planning to move in this direction because they detected a threat, and perhaps that group could be redirected to fight the sahaugin. They decide to return to town with a couple of lizardfolk who can serve as emissaries. A lizardperson offers two books to Gnik and says they might be useful: a lizardfolk-to= trade translation dictionary, and a book called The Nature of the Sahaugin. The minister then asks if they might have their weapons back that they were attempting to smuggle, since they were already paid for; most of them are on the ship in case the crew needed them, and the group is happy to give those back as a show of good faith. Milena asks if due to their beliefs there is any special way they should dispose of the alligator body, and Matty adds, "We were going to eat it." The minister says they would eat it too, because it is meat. Milena decides that if they are able to reclaim their home mound, she will give them a pot of troll meat started from the pot on their ship as a housewarming gift. Gnik mentions that they have a friend in Saltmarsh who is looking for a lizardfolk friend of hers named Krishar, who has gone missing; the minister knows of him, but has not heard from him in some time. Gnik notices that Lashash seems to know Zassin, and asks if she knows anything about his coin; she says not to ask about the coin, he has had it for as long as she has known him, which has been perhaps 50 years now, and he is very protective of it. 14 Klook 3275 They sail back to town with a fighter and a shaman. Milena uses the time to skin and begin butchering the alligator. Kat decides to make herself scarce so she doesn't get roped into helping and look through the other items in the rotted chest. She finds a very nice necklace with rubies and diamonds and a pink-black stone among the coins -- not magical, but perhaps valuable. They come into port; the lizardfolk will be staying on the ship, and Milena offers to stay with them to run errands as needed, and figure out how they like their alligator prepared. The ship coming into port with a 15-foot alligator suspended from the boom attracts a lot of attention on the shore; Laur tells the crew that if anyone tells anyone that there are lizardfolk on the ship, none of them will get paid. Gnik and Matty send word to Juliana and Lyto to meet them on the ship; Rolland arrives, and they invite him as well but tell them they will wait for the others to explain why they have a giant alligator suspended from their ship's boom. When Juliana and Lyto arrive, Gnik and Matty explain that the sahaugin invaded the lizardfolk home about a year ago and may be planning to use it as a base for attacks against other races. Rolland says, "See? this is why we shouldn't send them -- they just keep coming back with better and better news--" and rolls his eyes. Gnik shows an image of the demon and explains it was bonded to the alligator they killed. Juliana says, "Oh, that's where it went," and explains that they were aware of the demon but hadn't seen it for some time. Matty says that their defeat of the demon and alligator impressed the lizardfolk so they were willing to talk to the group, and two have returned with them to seek an alliance against the Sahaugin. They make plans for the whole council to come to the ship to meet them, and Juliana hands Matty their payment -- a sack of platinum coins. The Council wants to put together a scouting force to find out the status of the sahaugin and when they are likely to strike. They offer 500 gp for anyone willing to go. 15 Klook 3275 After a day of talking and negotiating between the lizardfolk and the council and a night of rest, they begin making plans for the scouting force. The council is sending a group of six fighters called the Stern Raiders (Gnik asks, "Do they have to hang out at the back of the ship?"). Nelson volunteers to join. Egan says he will direct his force to the fight against the sahaugin, and sends word to bring as many men as they can. The lizardfolk will send two officers and twelve fighters. Milena sends a message to Eleanora (or Sivin, if Eleanora is not back yet) to let the not-pirates know about the sahaugin, and the scouting expedition, and the possible coming threat. 17 November 2018 Gnik talks with Fran, high priest of Tyollas, about a safe place to store the pieces of the puzzle-box while he is travelling. Gavriila contacts Kat to let her know that the street urchin Rodger has gone missing and no one has seen or heard from him for several days -- much longer than is usual for him. News comes that the Raging Hammer has taken the Lassiter ship Stingray, which the Wyvern's crew (including Bayolin) had transferred to while the Wyvern is in dry-dock. Laur recommends that the group may want to fortify their ship since it mostly hid from trouble as the Sea Ghost, but now is less likely to be so subtle. Kat goes to talk with the street urchins about Rodger. They have not seen him and do not know where he went, but one is able to point out where he was sleeping a couple of nights ago. She sees if Mouse can get a scent and do any tracking from there. However, it has been a drizzly few days so there is not much scent left to find. The group heads to the curio shop. Heide shows Gnik a book, the Wonderous Book of Arcane Oddities, that sometimes just knows what you're looking for and flips to it. Though he has other expenses coming up, he decides to get it. Matty asks about magical javelins; Heide has one in the shop that has an energy loop you can wrap around your wrist that turns into a magical chain when thrown, that can be used to reel the javelin back if it misses or try to knock the enemy down and drag them if it hits. Heide also mentions that she has a magical suit of armor from one of the halfling founders of town that will change size/shape with the wearer. Eleanora gets back into town and sends a note that she wants to talk to the group. They converge at the Gibbet for dinner, and Eleanora sends for them to come upstairs when they are done. Gnik and Matty talk with some of the children there about whether they have seen Rodger; they haven't, but someone else mentions that she thought she might have seen him with Audry Lilybrook who runs the orphanage. Eleanora says she is part of something called the Sea's Watch. There is a legend of the Witch Queen of Hell's Deep: several centuries ago a powerful force rose from the ocean claiming dominion over surface lands, and the Sea's Watch believes this entity has returned. When it happened before, the seabed shook, creating tsunamis, the seas turned black, and nothing could come near the thousand square miles in the area without attracting giant sea creatures that capsized boats. It is thought that the captain Jeremiah Blake led a group into the eye of the disturbance and defeated the queen, after which the seas calmed. About eight years ago, when Anlin defeated Serim, the queen of Serim escaped and, led by divinations suggesting that the threat would return, formed the Sea's Watch from those still loyal to her to try to counter the threat. They know that the replacers they encountered have been infiltrating governments and influencing leaders to avoid investigating ships that go missing or other things that would expose them; instead of taking over by force, the Sea's Watch thinks they are trying to take over slowly by stealth. Eleanora also mentions that she cultivates her image as a black marketeer to cover up the activities of the Sea's Watch, but she does occasionally fence items to cover their operating costs; she finds it distasteful, but it is necessary to sustain their work. After leaving the Gibbet, Kat swings by the orphanage. She peeks in a window and sees an older woman working in the kitchen, then makes the rounds through the grounds just to get an idea of layout and see if she notices anything strange. She breaks into the small shed in the back but finds only tools and a symbol scratched in one corner. 16 Klook 3275 Matty goes to the curio shop again first thing in the morning. She asks Heide if Taaliax knows anything about his people, where they come from or what his purpose is; and if Heide is able to detect them. Heide says she has heard of a spell attributed to a fire lich who called himself "the demon" that could locate such creatures -- which Taaliax calls "assumers". The group meets for breakfast at Blackberry Bar's; Laur joins them to discuss the details of what it would take to outfit the ship defensively. Zassin reports that he checked all the Council members to make sure they weren't replacers, and they were all fine; but then Matty gets a mental image of Lassiter with an X over him, and Matty says, "Because you don't like him?" and Zassin says it's because he couldn't find him. "I told you!" says Matty, and tells him he has until 4 pm when they depart -- that is his challenge for the day. He looks indignant and stalks out of the restaurant. After breakfast Kat returns to the orphanage with Gnik (who can show the other kids what Rodger looks like) and Matty (who will ask Audry if she has seen Rodger while Kat is talking to the kids. Audry is at the door talking with a member of the baker's guild who is dropping off some goods, and there are two kids in the yard. Audry greets Matty as she approaches, and Matty asks if she has seen the street kid Rodger. Audry says yes, he is here, upstairs, and Matty asks if she can talk with him. Audry says she doesn't see why not and calls for him. Kat and Gnik talk to the two kids, who are cutting wood in the yard (one holding it while the other chops). One of the two is a street kid named Maddie who says they came of their own choice as the weather is getting cooler, to stay out of the rain, and to get food... and kind of trails off. She introduces the other boy as Elsworth, who says he has been here most of his life and is now 13. He says Miss Audry has been teaching him lots of things -- like reading and numbers and history -- and in a couple of years he will pick a profession. Gnik uses an illusion to show proper methods of chopping wood, because it would be harder to get a profession with missing limbs. Kat asks if it is so great at the orphanage, why aren't all the street kids coming -- wouldn't they be better off? Maddie looks toward the house, and Kat gets the impression that she might speak more freely if Elsworth weren't there. Gnik asks Elsworth if he has considered magic as an option, and beckons him a little ways away to talk. Then Maddie says to Kat, under her breath, that she thinks there are demons in the basement so other kids definitely shouldn't come there... but the food is good. Kat asks why she thinks there are demons; Maddie says there are sounds in the basement, and sometimes kids disappear and don't come back, and Miss Audry says they've run away but Maddie doesn't believe it. Then she says she has to go because Miss Audry will know she's been talking. Rodger comes down to talk to Matty. She says some people noticed he'd gone missing and were worried. He says the food is good and asks if she's come for breakfast because if so, she's late, and then rattles off the things he's eaten. Matty notices that he's really good at lying but there is a hint of worry in his eyes and posture. She gets the sense that he is not comfortable but is not outright lying. Matty tells Audry that she is going to take Rodger outside to talk with him alone; Audry says to be careful because kids tell stories all the time, but good luck. Matty asks why he has suddenly changed his mind about the orphanage after evading it his whole life. He asks can't he change his mind -- and mentions the food again. Matty moves around to the side of the house to try to find Kat; Rodger follows, and runs up to talk with Kat when he sees her. She mentions that she just talked to Maddie who said there is something scary in the basement and did he know anything about it? And how did he get enticed to come there? He glances at the house and casually shifts so that she is between him and the house and mumbles, "I just woke up and I was in the house." Kat asks if he wants to leave with her right now, but he says they will find him and people disappear. Elsworth runs over and says, "Hey Rodger, what are you doing?" Kat throws her arm across his shoulders and say, "C'mon, Rodger, I think you're about to get adopted!" Elsworth follows, but at a little distance. Kat takes him to Audry who says that someone who wants to adopt needs a stable profession and to pay the fees. "My mother is the town healer," Kat says, and Audry replies that her mother should come sign the papers then. Gnik sends Az to go get Milena, who brings Gavriila and Tatiana with her. Kat makes a big show of "reminding" Milena of the conversation about adopting this child. Milena asks Rodger several questions about if he is ready to join the family, and uses her usual strange way with the local language to imply that he will be coming under their protection. Rodger is nervous; Audry tells him to go upstairs and get his things, and Kat offers to come with him. He gathers up his things, Gnik makes a floating disk for the kids and their things to ride on, and they go to Milena's house. Rodger says that the other kids say that anyone who tries to escape ends up vanishing, but he guesses that getting adopted is different from escaping. He didn't know any of the kids who disappeared because he didn't grow up in the orphanage. Milena does a physical to see if she sees any sign of head trauma or anything else amiss, but there is nothing obvious. After some discussion, they decide he will come with them on the ship but will stay on the ship (although his best skill is sneaking into and out of places). Gnik goes to find some rats and ask if they ever go to the basement of the orphanage. They say yes because sometimes there is food there -- meat and grain. He asks if it is ever scary there and they say yes, people are there. They aren't aware of other scary things there. 22 November 2018 17 Klook 3275 The group sets sail on the scouting expedition. As they arrive, the lizardfolk begin hissing; they mention that the island was the "high island", but is smaller now; the rope bridge to it is in the same place. The top of the island looks the same, but lower, as if the island sank. There was not previously an opening at the top, but now there is, and the rope bridge goes to it instead of the opening that used to be into the bottom floor of the lair. The bottom two floors must now be underwater. Matty gets the sense of 340 humanoids in the vicinity of the mound, and no other humanoids (except the ship's crew) within five miles. The group decides she will swim around the base of the mound in the shape of an inocuous fish to get a sense of what is happening below the water. She sees a gated entryway with two sahaugin approaching, and the gate raises to admit them as they approach. On the side near the shore, she sees the opening that the bridge used ot lead to, but it is now underwater and covered with seaweed and debris. The area around the island looks unnatural, like the entire island has fallen into a sinkhole. She returns to the entrance the sahaugin are using to keep an eye on their comings and goings. They seem to be armed with crossbows and spears. After some time observing she returns to the ship to share what she has seen. Matty returns with Anny and Al to keep an eye on the two underwater entrances. Sahaugin come through the gated entrance at regular intervals, sometimes with sharks. Each group includes one sahaugin wearing a gold-colored band on one arm. Once the sun sets, the frequency of entrances and exits approximately doubles; some are bringing food (such as dolphins on spears), some are probably going out on general patrol. The other entrance seems completely disused. Gnik, Kat, Milena, Ember, the squad of lizardfolk, and the Stern Rally squad scout on land. The Stern Rally and most of the lizardfolk go one way to scout, one of the lizardfolk and Gnik, Kat, Milena, and Ember examine paths the lizardfolk used to take to see how much use they have seen recently. They see signs that clawed feet have come this way, carrying spears that they use as walking sticks. It appears they come through frequently and are not deviating from the trail -- and nothing else has come through here. It appears they are coming out in groups of six at a time. The trail goes along the coast, heads up to the landing of the rope bridge, and then continues along the coast, branching toward the interior occasionally. The last group to head back to the mound appears to have been dragging two sets of booted feet with them -- large boots. They track in the direction the boots have come from; after about an hour, they see that two people dragged themselves out of the water -- both large-ish people, 200-250 pounds -- sat for a while, and then most likely were attacked and brawled -- there is a lot of blood -- and then were dragged back to the mound. From the freshness of the blood, it probably happened last night. They return toward the mound and hide to observe comings and goings through the night. At intervals of a little more than an hour, sahaugin come out in groups of 12 and then split up into groups of six to patrol in different directions, mostly along the shore but sometimes inland. Cinna says they are watching for lizardfolk. They appear to be patrolling rather than hunting. 18 Klook 3275 As the sun comes up, Matty goes back to being an inocuous fish and scouts into the disused entrance. It smells like rotting meat, and the smell seems to be coming from just past the first small room. The hallway winds a ways and then is blocked by a big stone slab that appears to have been knocked out of place, and something pushed up against the entrance on the other side. The stench is strongest here. The thing blocking the entrance appears to be the larges eel she has ever seen, more than 20 feet long -- dead and rotting. It looks like it may have been trapped here and thrashed until it died. The group reconvenes and decides Kat will disguise herself as a sahaugin and carry the translation pearl, and Gnik, Al, and Anny will go in with her, invisible, to scout as much as they can inside the mound, entering via the rope bridge. Their goal is to see what they can see and rescue the recent prisoners if they are still alive. Milena, Matty, Ember, the Stern Rally Squad and the lizardfolk will wait on shore as backup if necessary. Kat knocks on the door and attunes the pearl to the sahaugin language as one pulls back a bone shutter to look out a small window in the door. "Who you?" it asks. She blusters intimidatingly about being from another tribe, and it lets her in -- with Gnik, Al, and Anny slipping in behind. There are several sahaugin inside, some with crossbows, and a gong that the guards can use to alert the rest of the mound. Gnik tells Az to tell the group at shore to come to the doors and wait; if the group inside runs into trouble, they may need help getting out. Kat encounters a sahaugin lieutenant with a gold band around his arm who begins escorting her. She takes the opportunity to ask about the plans of the sahaugin in the mound, under the guise of wanting to hear his take before talking to the person in charge. He does not know all the details and says she would need to talk to one of the two senior chiefs. She asks if all the defenses are at full readiness, and he indicates that they are pretty close, with a net trap at the gateway, and would probably be ready for a first attack within a month. Outside the door, two of Fenric's people with the Stern Rally Squad pull out small battering rams and hold them at the ready. Gnik relays through Az that there is a gong just inside the entrance and if they need to come in, that should be their first target -- keep it from getting rung. He also mentions the net trap in the room just after the gate. Kat tells the lieutenant that she has gotten the information she needs and is ready to go back and tell her people. One of the other sahaugin activates the lever to raise the gate, but the lieutenant is suddenly suspicious. He is raising his hand to say something when Anny suddenly appears in front of him with her spear and runs her through. Kat casts sleep into the room with the alarm gong and puts one of the sahaugin to sleep. Al attacks a sahaugin near him, becoming visible again in the process. Gnik runs to the door and unbars it and lets Az know to let the others know that they can come in. The lizardfolk and Stern Rally Squad pile in and take out the rest of the sahaugin in these rooms. Milena unhooks the gong and puts it into her pack as Gnik chucks the mallet out the open door. The group of lizardfolk agree to guard the stairs from below to make sure no sahaugin come up and catch them unawares, and Fenric's squad stay at the gate to keep the way out clear. The rest scout the top level looking for prisoners. They pass an armory of spears, nets, and other weapons. They come to a room with stone columns; the lizardfolk with them gape, because it is so much changed from when they were here a year ago. There is a sledgehammer propped against the wall which Milena takes just in case it is a magical hammer they have been using to re-shape the stone. Kat, still disguised as a sahaugin, is in front and hears a sahaugin voice ask, "What're ya doin'?" She claims to be going back to the barracks. She sees three sahaugin guarding a bone gate similar to the one near the entrance. One of them sees the dim glow of Al's torch in the distance and says, "What's that?" The three move forward to peer down the corridor and Kat hits them with color spray, blinding them. The group quickly finishes them off and Milena and Al look behind the gate and find one person, emaciated, chained in the far corner. Gnik recognizes him as Curt, one of the members of the Blue Gauntlet that went missing some time ago. He looks up and says, "Great, now I'm hallucinating." 15 December 2018 Kat removes the chains binding Curt. Curt tells us that he's pretty sure the rest of the crew is dead. Curt tells us that when he was captured, the crew had some stuff on them and the sahaughin have been trying to make him tell them what the stuff is. The stuff is being kept in a secret room off a store room. We go there. While opening the secret door, Kat sets off a trap that blasts cold into the room. 6 of us were hurt -- Matty and Milena take full damage. After a round of healing from Milena, everyone but Matty and Milena are fully healed. Milena needs a potion of healing. Al has one he gives her. Matty and Milena are still slightly injured. Everyone else is fully healed. We go into the secret room and find the stuff taken off the crew: - A skirt that when the wearer goes into water turns them into a merperson. Kat takes for now. Milena ends up wearing this when we go underwater. - A cloak that when the wearer pulls the hood up has super swim abilities. Gnik takes for now. Al ends up wearing this when we go underwater. - An "arrogant" sword -- will force (try to force) someone to kneel to them. Nelson takes for now - A spear -- Slayer Spear -- anyone it stabs has no sign of injury. Spear can change its appearance in minor ways, ex. can look like a staff. Matty takes for now - Mithral armor that Curt calls, "Dark Flames Umbre". Matty takes for now - A "shiny" shield -- will blind their attacker with a bright light. Nelson takes for now. - Breast plate -- Nelson takes for now - A stone coffer with: -- a wand - Nolan's Touch -- allows ppl to function underwater for 1 hour -- Milena takes for now -- some scrolls - silence, continual flame, water breathing, murk (makes water murkey), thunder step - Gnik takes for now. -- 2 potions of water breathing -- Nelson and Ember take one each for now -- a bag of allies - reach in and pull out a shell, throw shell on the ground and it turns into a critter -- Al for now. Come to a room with 10 slaves and 8 sahaugin watching them. All slaves are in chains around the hands and neck. They are all digging. We decide to rush the 8. We win, killing them all and only sustaining minor injuries (Al and a few lizardfolk). We free the slaves (2 of which were the 2 who were recently brought in). Some lizardfolk take the slaves back to the front then all the lizardfolk guard the stairs. We finish scouting the rest of the 1st floor. Don't find anyone. We do find a cold room that has the dead bodies of Dettie and Vidal (among a few others). While we go to the 2nd floor, we have a few lizardfolk take Dettie, Vidal, and a dwarf's body up to the front entrance so we can take them back to Saltmarsh. At this point we've found, or know for sure what happened to, everyone but Daryl and Rickie from the Blue Gauntlet. We figure out how all the PC's plus Anny can go underwater -- seeing and breathing -- and go down to the 2nd floor. Al has the cloak Gnik has Al's water stuff Milena has the skirt Kat has Milena's water armor and the wand of water breathing Matty and Anny go with their normal stuff Anny and Kat in front, Gnik and Milena in the middle, Matty and Al in rear. Az stays with the lizardfolk and Zasan stays with the team at the 1st floor entrance. We find a door and Kat opens it enough to take a peak. She sees at the far end of the room a white marble table with 4 Priestesses sitting on it each holding a baby sahaugin in one hand and a knife in the other. There's also a GIANT shark circling above them. The Priestesses appear to be chanting. We decide to leave them be for now and continue on. 29 December 2018 The group hears a sound of cackling laughter coming toward them, so Kat cautiously opens the doors beside the door into the chamber with the priestesses. The group slips through and closes the door behind them to hide; they just make out the shapes of a couple of smaller sahaugin swimming along the hall to the south -- not coming into their hall. The room has gilt engravings, a table with elaborately carved benches, and seaweed growing in the corner. (The floor is not tiled in that corner -- the seaweed is just growing out of the floor.) Gnik inspects the table -- and sees carvings on the underside. It appears to be a seam that can be opened. Al pokes around the seaweed, which is about 7 feet tall. He does not find anything in it. Gnik investigates the grooves in the table more closely and can see smudges similar to the warding that blasted them with cold. Gnik sees enough differences that he thinks it will have a different effect, but they decide not to risk setting it off. They make note to come back later. They move on to the next room down the hall. It has a smaller, undecorated stone table, a bed of seaweed in the corner, and a small coffer against the opposite wall. Kat checks the coffer for traps and does not even see a lock on it, so she opens it. It holds three sets of harness like the sahaugin wear, and two strands of alternating black and white beads -- prayer beads for religious ceremonies -- and a gold collar with coral beads. The latter finds its way into Kat's backpack. They move on to the next room, and Kat feels the pull of the sahaugin-sensing dagger as she nears the door, so they decide to pass it by. They move to the hall that the two smaller sahaugin swam down earlier. They find a parallel hallway on the other side of the temple chamber, but continue on to try to make their way north, to the area where they will expect to find the most sahaugin while Kat's disguise still holds. They find two archways; as Kat approaches the first, the dagger pulls toward it. It is a plain room with the back wall covered in seaweed probably 10 feet deep -- possibly a barracks. Kat can hear some quiet conversation, gossiping about other sahaugin, but they are around the corner where she can't see them. She stands in the archway and motions the others past her while she blocks the view in case they glance her way. They move on to the next archway, which opens to a long room with black floor tiles and columns, coral walls, white ceiling, with long tables and benches. About halfway down the room is the head of a lizardfolk statue, about 4 feet high, on its side -- badly damaged and with rubbish piled up on it, including fecal matter. On the north wall across from the head is an archway; Kat can hear voices behind it and feels a strong tug. Peeking in, she sees a really, really big sahaugin with four arms, sitting on an ornately carved throne. There is an adult female sahaugin on his right side, about the size of the priestesses with a simple gold armband, and on his other side is a rather large male sahaugin with a spear. In front of the throne are three adult guard-sized sahaugin with their backs to the door, and there may be others between them and the throne. The group decides to move on -- but now they know they've found a baron. Kat goes to the arch on the other side of the room. They find a symmetric hallway with another barracks, with no sahaugin but with four coffers and a table with two benches -- probably quarters for four sahaugin guards. They continue on to other areas on this level they haven't yet explored. First, a large room of plain dressed stone, untiled, full of sahaugin -- one larger one with an armband is barking orders at a group of ten, and another group of ten is in a circle around a couple of crabs that are fighting as those in the circle goad them on. The whole back of the room is full of seaweed, and there are 20 coffers along the wall. They guess there will be another identical barracks on the other side. They continue to the south and find an archway. Kat feels the dagger tug a bit, and can hear a munching sound, as if perhaps someone is eating. She sees a sahaugin looking in her general direction so she pulls back; she is staying near the ground and hopes he didn't notice her. He is wearing an armband with stones in it, and the room contains a table and a bed of seaweed. They swim past over the archway so the chieftain can't see and move on to the next archway which includes a seaweed bed, closed coffer, table and bench -- probably the room of another chieftain. They hear voices ahead, and as they approach the next archway Kat feels a tug on the dagger. It opens onto what looks like a sahaugin nursery with several adult females and a lot of young sahaugin running and swimming through the room. Kat retreats from the room. They return to the empty chieftain's room to see if there is any additional information there. In the coffer they find harnesses with gold buckles and a leather bag holding three bags -- two emeralds and a clear stone that may be a diamond. They explore the other side and find a single archway opening onto a quarters with one coffer and a large crossbow propped against it. Kat opens the coffer and Al, Gnik and Matty look through the seaweed for secret doors, since they expected to find another room here symmetric to the first chieftain room on the other side. As they head to the last area of the level they haven't explored yet, symmetric to the first large barracks, they have to duck into a corner as a large squad walks by down the hall. In the barracks there is a large number of sahaugin and another 20 coffers. They return toward the temple and explore the remaining quarters that they believe belong to the priestesses. They no longer hear the wailing of the sahaugin babies, but they do still hear chanting coming from the temple. In a side room through an arch next to the temple, they find a larger coffer with a glyph of warding. They realize any attempt to disturb the table will set off the glyph, so they move out of the side room and distribute themselves at the doors around the temple room to attack the priestesses -- Anny with the heavy crossbow they found in the guard's quarters, Matty with javelins, Al with hand-to-hand combat, Kat with a crossbow, and Milena with Spiritual Weapon. Gnik makes an illusion that the doors on the south end of the chamber are open, closes the actual doors and hides behind them while letting Az know to let their allies on the top floor that they are about to attack. The group quickly takes out the priestesses before they even have a chance to respond, and because the Spiritual Weapon has a long range and a duration of a minute, Milena uses it to dispel the glyphs on both the coffer (warded with electricity) and the table (warded with blindness). Gnik finds a necklace of beads in the table of alternating coral, amber, and pearl. When he touches it he feels a strong magical aura from it. Al returns to look more closely at a carved spon on the wall behind a seaweed bed, and nearly sets off a trap. He realizes that it is some kind of a puzzle with tiles that must be slid around in the right way or a blade comes out. Gnik comes to join him and recognizes that the style of the carving looks dwarven. Gnik tries to solve the puzzle using mage hand so that even if the blade stabs out again he will be safely away. He solves it and the middle piece pops out -- it turns out to be a small coffer holding harnesses with gold buckles, sahaugin prayer beads, a nice gold bracelet with pearls in it, and trinkets including a collection of teeth in a small bag. They also find a conch shell and when they hold it up they hear a voice inside saying, "As agreed, you will no longer attack the Raging Hammer ships and we will provide you with the materials you requested." Gnik is aware that if they whisper into it, it will record their message of up to 25 words and start repeating it instead. In the coffer in the priestess room, Kat sees gold -- four masks shaped like shark heads, four golden gongs with a golden striker, four golden necklaces set with coral beads and a fifth set with pearls. They return to the priestess quarters where they detected a sleeping sahaugin and barge in; they don't see anyone, but Kat detects the inhabitant in the seaweed using the pull of the dagger. Matty throws a javelin, catches her in the shoulder, and drags her far enough out that her head and shoulder are visible. Milena hits her with Sacred Flame and Anny shoots her in the stomach with a crossbow boat, taking her out. They consider taking out the chieftain they left in one of the rooms near the stairs back up to the top level, but when they return he is gone. They look in his coffer and find harnesses, a folded leather pouch with lockpicks that Kat recognizes as having belonged to Daryl in the Blue Gauntlet, and a gold ring set with a pearl. They head back up the stairs and find seven sahaugin bodies piled up, taken out by the lizardfolk. They gather their people together and discover that Rickie, of the Blue Gauntlet, has joined them; he was outside watching the place and trying to figure out how to infiltrate it whe he saw the group come in. They all return to the ship, taking the bodies they recovered with them. Milena makes chicken soup with plenty of aromatic herbs for Curt, telling him that cave air is bad for the breathing and this will help. Because they want to get a glimpse of the lowest level where they believe most of the soldiers are quartered, when they return to the ship Gnik takes an hour to transform Az into an octopus. He borrows the manta cloak and Matty and Anny join him to swim back to the cave. Az slips into the cave and sees a large area with five or six dozen sahaugin, and a similar number of bags along the wall. She looks through two archways, which lead to guard posts with gates and net traps. She tries to go further but gets taken out by a guard. The group returns to the ship and they immediately set sail back to Saltmarsh, knowing that the sahaugin will discover their mayhem and come out in force at nightfall. 19 Klook 3275 As they sail, with Jimsu at the wheel, they notice through his shirt a tattoo on his back that matches the symbol scratched into the floor of the shed at the orphanage that took Rodger. Kat asks him if that's a new tattoo. He says yes and seems a little embarrassed about it, says he's not supposed to talk about it because it is a group that doesn't want to be known about. He says it is the symbol of Jedai, the god of luck. Kat has heard shoremen mutter "Praise Jedai" after strokes of luck, for example for casks of brandy that fall off a wagon without shattering, or crates that fall without landing on the people below. Milena suggests that Gnik take a closer look to see if it might be magical; he casts Detect Magic and sees that it is, of the Divination school. They ask who gave it to her, and he says Audry Lilybrook who runs Lilybrook Orphanage. He also takes a look at the other items they've acquired. The prayer necklace includes three different types of bead that can be used once a day by a cleric or paladin to cast three types of spells. Milena gets that. Next, he tries an Identify on the tattoo. As he is looking at it, he remembers Al saying something about a six-fingered hand and sees a sudden flash of a black, six-fingered demonic hand; he screams in pain and immediately passes out. At the same time, Az screams and pops out of existence. Milena and Matty look him over and Milena detects a magical poison effect on him. She uses Lesser Restoration to try to remove the effect, and then cures him. He wakes up, hurting all over. Milena calls Rodger over and asks if he has seen this symbol. He says he saw one of the kids at the orphanage scratch it out, but doesn't know what it means. She tells him it is bad. Keren, of the Stern Rally Squad, asks Milena how well she knows Al. It comes out as they talk that Fenric dislikes Al not because of the prank Al pulled years ago, but because some of his things went missing in the process and he assumes Al and his friends stole them. Milena says she should ask Al about it; he will be happy to talk about the prank because he thinks it is very funny (though she does not understand why), but she does not think stealing sounds like him. 12 January 2019 The group sails into the harbor at Saltmarsh; members of the Town Council come onto the ship to greet them, and Gnik presents them with the report of the excursion he prepared on the way back. Juliana asks for the executive summary. They provide a brief summary, and Gnik hands over the message shell from Raging Hammer. She lets Roland listen as well and tells Gnik she will return it to him later. Juliana says they will review the written report and get payment to them tomorrow. The group decides that their next priority will be investigating the orphanage and getting the tattoo off Jimsu's back. Gnik and Matty talk with Janet about the tattoo and their concerns about the orphanage. Al, Anny, and Jimsu go to the temple of Nolan and talk with the high priestess Myra. Al asks to speak privately with Myra and tells her he would like to make a donation since he just came into some money, and pledges 250 gold pieces. Myra is stunned and thanks him profusely. Al asks if Nolan has a take on sahaugin, and Myra says, "Kill them?" Al says Nolan is probably very happy with him, then. Milena goes home to talk with her daughters and asks Svetlana and Jelena if they have any interest in the sorts of jewelry she finds on her adventures. They both find it not very useful; Jelena says it might be useful if she wanted to attract attention, but she does not usually want to attract that sort of attention. Kat expressed that she didn't feel comfortable taking things that may have been looted from people the sahaugin killed; but might take an armband or something the sahaugin made themselves. Gnik and Matty research the demon connected to the tattoo on Jimsu's back. They suspect that if no contract was signed, the tattoo should be able to be removed with a sufficiently powerful Dispel Magic spell. If there were a contract, it would depend on the specific stipulations and clauses in the contract. Al goes with Jimsu and Anny to the temple of Sayd to talk with Brendan about the tattoo of the demon Zratz. Brendan asks to see it, so Jimsu lifts his shirt up. Brendan says, "Yes, that's Zratz." Jimsu shares the story of how he ended up with the tattoo. Brendan asks, "Are you going to follow up on that?" Al asks, "About the orphanage? Yes." Brendan says, "Then we will consider this payment for that." His hand glows white, and at the same time the tattoo glows red and they all hear a sound like something breaking loudly nearby. Brendan says that should do it, and Al asks if they should bring others to him if they also have the tattoo. He suggests they need to talk to Janet. Al then asks to talk with Brendan alone. He also makes a donation to the Sayd temple, and then confesses that he just killed a bunch of sahaugin because he couldn't see any way around it; Al says he doesn't expect Brendan to forgive him for it, he doesn't want to lie about it. Brendan says that then telling him is what he needed, and even though he wished it didn't have to happen, he trusts that Al did it for the right reasons. When he comes out, Anny says Jimsu said he had to go back to the ship, but thinks he was just feeling embarrassed. She says she will be meeting Kat later to investigate the orphanage, so should also go back to the ship and sleep. Al says, "Don't you want to go to the Gibbet and have a bunch of people buy us drinks?" and she says, "Hmm... yes." Al and Anny come out of the temple of Sayd just as Gnik and Matty exit the temple of Maria next door. They compare notes; Gnik and Matty say they learned Zratz is a demon of hedonism, and the only thing he abhors is restriction. There is some thought that he used to be a devil but could not abhor the structure and rules, so he became a demon -- which is worse because they are not predictable as devils are. The group meets up at the Gibbet, where Al tells the tale of their recent adventure while Gnik projects images and Matty plays music. Milena listens to crowd chatter and hears someone suggest the town should ditch the Darkscales mourning and celebrate this victory instead. 20 Klook 3275 A couple hours after midnight Kat and Anny meet to scout out the orphanage. Kat suggests they should try to get into the basement to see what they can find. Anny asks whether they should do this with the whole group. Kat says it is a stealth mission, so the fewer people the better. Anny suggests that going into a den of demon worshipers might end up with them dead, and shares everything the group learned in their research that afternoon. Kat says they just made it through a whole den of sahaugin. Anny says, "Yes... with all of us," but agrees to go in and look around, and they'll just plan to bail if things look to dangerous. Kat finds a window into a kitchen and sees that it is trapped with some kind of wire trap. She uses mage hand to hold the wire in place while she clips it, and then opens the window... which squeaks loudly. She hears someone inside yell, "What are you kids doing down there?" and footsteps coming down the stairs. She decides to try another window and sees someone enter the kitchen with a lantern as she walks away. She decides to try a 2nd floor window instead. She and Anny climb up the building and find a room with a desk with one chair behind it and three in front of it -- an office of some kind. The window here does not appear to be trapped; it is latched, but she can see the mechanism through the window and unlocks it with Mage Hand. She slips inside, followed by Anny. While Anny listens at the door, Kat tries looking through the desk, carefully checking for traps as she goes. The desk is locked and she doesn't see any traps, but as she's checking she notices an extra panel under one of the drawers with a mechanism that looks like a sliding number puzzle, but with symbols she doesn't recognize. Anny takes a look as well, and tries sliding some numbers around, but has no luck. Kat tries picking it mechanically by feeling for the resistance; when everything falls into place, she hears a click and the panel slides open to reveal a bundle of letters tied with a string. She suggests to Anny that maybe they should leave now, and Anny says, "Someone's in the hall talking." Kat says, "Let's get out of here!" Anny goes out first and Kat is just dropping out of sight and closing the window behind her when two people come into the room. She overhears one of them saying, "I heard someone come into the window downstairs, but it doesn't look like they've come in here. Let's check the rest of the house." Kat and Anny carefully climb down, slip away, and look at the letters, which appear to be gibberish. They go to Gnik's house -- the temple of Tyollas -- which even at 3 am is abuzz with activity because tomorrow is the Day of Remembrance. Kat gets paper and pen to work on trying to decipher the message, but decides to go wake Gnik up first, figuring that he would want to see it too. He is asleep, and a bit grumpy at first, but when she says she and Anny just broke into the orphanage and found coded letters -- just as two temple servants walk down the hall past Gnik's door -- he motions them in. He also doesn't recognize the symbols, but notices that there are no spaces -- which suggests to him that it is probably a cipher of some sort (although it could be a coded message or a message in a foreign language that then was run through the cipher.) Kat recognizes that the paper is very high-end -- she has only ever seen it in the two noble houses she has been in. She also notices that the symbols look like those on the lock she just picked. She tells Gnik the final pattern that opened the lock, which helps inform his investigation into decrypting the cipher. It takes him a good couple of hours to work it out, but he gets the gist: comments about "Need to step up our activities," "Glad to hear rituals are successful," "Collect more to do the final ritual sooner than originally planned." 26 January 2019 Everyone gets together at Blackberry Bar's for breakfast. They discuss the orphanage and what Kat found there. They decide that they should try to sneak in that night, when those performing the rituals are most likely to be active. Milena shares some of the rumors she overheard at the bar the previous night: Zaru, the proprietor of the Wicker Goat (oldest bar in town) believes someone is trying to kill him, and is willing to pay someone to look into it; someone believes that the army coming to town is there to take over; and someone saw lights at the house of Logtaru, a wizard who has been missing for a couple of months -- that person and their companion wondered whether he'd returned and was laying low, or was dead and his ghost returned to haunt them. Al goes to the curio shop looking for magic items to help him speak with animals and see in the dark. Heide is talking with a man with facial tattoos whom Al does not recognize. She excuses herself and comes to help him. She asks about what specific animals he wishes to speak with, and he shows her the box of shells that turn into animals. She says she has just what he needs, and shows him a small shell, Dama's Conch Shell, that when placed in the mouth allows the user to speak with anything that swims. The downside is that the user has more trouble talking with things that don't swim on account of having a shell in their mouth. Heide says she doesn't have anything to help with seeing in the dark, but the man she was talking with steps up and introduces himself as Mallon and asks if he can help. After hearing what Al is looking for, he offers to make Al a headband that incorporates a Continual Flame that only Al can see. He says he can do it for 250 gold, plus Al would owe him a favor, but he would make sure not to ask anything that would cause him a moral quandary. Al asks Heide if he should owe this guy a favor, and Heide says he has been good about asking things that are reasonable. Mallon says he will have it ready in about six days. Milena plans to go to the market to get a second sturdy container for troll meat, because she plans to give some to the lizardfolk as thanks for their assistance. She finds a pot with ease, and walks by Logtaru's house on the way there and back to see if she notices anything amiss. There are weeds in the garden consistent with his absence for a couple of months, but she is surprised to see no obvious vandalism, which would normally be common on abandoned houses. She asks Zassen if he notices anything unusual about the house compared to the others, and he gives an image of a rat peering out the window in a very un-ratlike way. Milena looks at the window and the rat immediately ducks down to hide. She pulls a scrap and a wax crayon out of her pocket to write a small note to slip under the door: "Logtaru, if you need help, let us know." Kat goes to the orphanage to spend the day scoping it out. It is conveniently across from the abandoned leatherworker's guild, so she packs some food and takes Mouse with her and plans to make a day of it. She sees adults go out and in, some running errands and bringing back sacks of supplies of some sort. She sees someone bringing in a ragged-looking child whom she doesn't recognize but who doesn't seem to be coming against their will. Matty and Gnik decide to go talk to Jimsu to find out more about the ritual that surrounded his tattoo. They go to the place where he and his family live, but the person they meet there says he's not there and hasn't seen him in a couple of weeks, so they head to the shipyard to look for him there, stopping by the Gibbet on the way. Nobody there has seen him either, so they go to the shipyard and into their ship to his bunk. Matty decides to transform into a dog, get his scent, and see if she can track him. She picks up the scent and follows it along the docks, through a cemetery, to a row of poorhouses, and up to a door where the scent stops. Gnik shrinks himself to half-size to ride on her back because he can't keep up with her on foot. They knock on the door and Jimsu answers, sees Gnik at half-size, and says, "Are you ok?" Gnik reassures him, Matty turns back into herself -- which startles him -- and then Gnik proceeds to ask about where he was when he got the tattoo. He thought it was at Lors's place, the Dorgenian who works with Audrey; Lors applied the tattoo while Audrey talked to him. Gnik asked if there was any sort of incantation, and he said that's what Lors was doing. Anny and Ember are dispached to the docks to find out more about the rumor of a red-skinned female fiend who has been trying to sneak onto a ship for passage, and who had previously been seen in Seaton up the coast. Gnik points out that it might not be strictly a fiend; it could be a tiefling, which is part-fiend, part-human. Al stops by to talk with Beyolin, who is waiting on a ship of his father's that is late; Al asks if it is likely the fault of the Raging Hammer, and Beyolin says it's coming in from Freeport so it could be. Al says he thinks Fenric is mad at him because of something Beyolin does, and asks if Beyolin knows what it was. He says yes, probably, and suggests they go somewhere else to talk about it. They go to a private room at the Silver Raven, and Beyolin tells Al to ask Gnik to look up Dorgenian binding ink. He pulls up his sleeve to show a tattoo of a rope around his arm, and says that might explain some things. He then says that Jaime told him to take the book. Al asks if others in the family can also tell him what to do; Egan is in charge, but Jaime has his ear. Al asks about the pecking order -- Beyolin says he's not very high up, so lots of the family can tell him what to do. He's not sure whether Jack is part of the binding, he just knows a lot of things. Al asks if he would like to be free of the binding, and Beyolin suggests Al ask him about that after he's talked to Gnik. To change the subject, Al asks him what he knows about demons, and Beyolin tells him the same rumor they've heard about a demon trying to kill people and take over a ship. Al offers that since he has a ship now, perhaps they could ship some things for the Lasseters -- but Beyolin says that the Lasseters only want to deal with ships they own so they can keep their business and their secrets in the family. Milena takes the pot of trollmeat to the lizardfolk and explains to them what it is. She says she is not sure if it will suit their palate, but it is abundant. One of them tries it and declares it good. Gnik and Matty catch up with Anny and Ember, realizing that perhaps sending the two party members with colorful skin to search for a fiend with colorful skin might not have been the wisest choice. Anny says that when they talked to people who had seen the fiend, she really just was trying to book passage on a ship, not threatening anyone; she is looking for passage to Freeport. They think she has moved to the docks further toward the south of town, so they go that way to look for her. They realize the best place to hide would be near the abandoned leatherworker's guild, so they head that way, not realizing Kat is up on the roof keeping an eye on the orphanage. Kat comes downstairs to follow them and see what they're doing; she leave Mouse upstairs. Gnik and Matty see a trail leaning down under the dock and follow it, along with Anny and Ember, with Kat trailing stealthily behind. When they go under the dock, they see a pair of glowing blue eyes. They call out and a shy tiefling steps forward. She is obviously scared to death and just wants to get away to Freeport, where she says they even let orcs in, so it should be safer to her. She says she was a prisoner somewhere near Seaton but escaped and made her way down here from there. The man who held her had other slaves and prisoners as well. Gnik and Matty discuss more comfortable places that she might stay -- at a room at Brittney's inn, on the druid's island with Matty, or at Milena's. They are describing each location and Kat steps out and says, "I'm sure mom would be fine with having her stay at her place," startling everyone there. Matty introduces Kat, and the tiefling says her name is Nora. Gnik offers to make Nora invisible as they walk through town, and they make their way to Milena's. Matty warns Nora that Milena's youngest daughter can be a bit... disconcerting, and may not be surprised at her arrival. When they near the house, Tatiana runs out, hugs Nora (though she cannot actually see her), takes her hand and leads her inside. Gnik warns Gavriila that their guest's appearance was a bit startling, and Gavriila says, "How bad can it be? I live with her," and points at Kat. Gnik drops the invisibility, and Gavriila immediately admires Nora's tail. The group knows that Milena would want their guest fed and looked after, so Gnik offers her tea and Gavriila sets about getting food together. Gnik and Matty go to talk to Eleanora about whether any ships are going to Freeport, and she says not for at least a week. They say that Nora has no particular plans in Freeport, she just thinks she will be more accepted there. Eleanora offers that she should come stay at the Gibbet with her girls, and says she will send Perytar with a potion of invisibility so she can get there safely. Kat stays at Milena's house to ask Rodger questions; she is considering disguising herself as him to infiltrate the orphanage. She gets a basic idea of the layout and what he did on a daily basis. Then she heads back to the orphanage, disguises herself magically, and finds the stairwell at the back that leads all the way up to the attic and down to the basement. The attic appears to take up only about 2/3 of the length of the house, and only three out of the five dormer windows on each side that are visible on the outside of the house. The attic is mostly storage with shelves and chests. She looks at the wall for hidden doors, and listens to see if she can get any idea of what's on the other side of the wall. She does not hear or see anything unusual in her quick check. Then she heads down to the basement; the stairs go down without any door, and the basement also seems to take up about 2/3 of the length of the house. The brick foundation has been repaired in spots, and needs repair in others, and also appears to be mostly storage: barrels and foodstuffs that might benefit from cool storage. She looks and listens at the opposite wall and doesn't see or hear anything unusual. She is heading out the door when Audrey's second-in-command catches her at the door and asks, "Roger, what are you doing here?" Kat says, "I was just visiting some of my friends." "Well, you are welcome anytime." Kat heads to the Gibbet. Milena returns home and offers to examine Nora to help improve her health, if Nora is comfortable with it. Perytar arrives with Matty, Gnik, Anny, and Ember. They discuss whether Nora should stay with Eleanora or with Milena. They decide she should at least go talk to Eleanora, who can talk with Nora about longer term solutions either in Saltmarsh or elsewhere, or can get a ship to Freeport -- and there is more room there. Milena assures her that she is welcome to return if she decides she would rather stay with her. They all return to the Gibbet. Al and Kat are already there, and Al is showing off his new purchase. Perytar, Gnik, and Matty go upstairs with Nora to show her around and introduce her to the girls and make sure she's settled. Gnik asks her if the name Polist means anything to her, and she says that is who she escaped from. Gnik says that the group has been following and trying to oppose the actions of the group he is associated with, so Gnik will want to ask her questions later about what she has seen or heard, but that can wait until after she's settled. The group reconvenes and Kat shares what she saw at the orphanage. Then they discuss Nora's situation and whether and how much to tell the council. Since Gnik asked for a list of fiends from the council, it was provided by Janet, and that is how they learned of Nora, they decide that they should at least mention that that fiend is no longer a problem. Az, still in octopus form in a bowl on Gnik's back, reaches up two tentacles to make tiefling horns behind Gnik's head. Al gets excited, puts the shell in his mouth, and tests his ability to talk with swimming animals. Az asks, "What's happening?" and the two excitedly gurgle at each other for a while. Nelson comes in and tells them that the mage they captured on the boat is now free; someone came in claiming to be her master -- she did say she was an escaped slave who had been experimented on -- and paid a huge pile of fees to get her back. Gnik asks who the man was, and he said he did not hear a name but the papers are on file at city hall. Al expresses that he is a bit overwhelmed by all the things they are keeping track of -- the orphanage, the raging hammer, the black market, the sahaugin, the thing we're not supposed to talk about -- and Milena tells him to put his fingers in his ears. She tells the group, especially Gnik, that she walked by Logtaru's house, saw the rat, and left the note offering help. They discuss their plan for infiltrating the orphanage. 9 February 2019 Al asks the group if he can trust them to keep a secret, and then asks Gnik if he has heard of Dorgenian Binding Ink. Al says he has learned that the Lasseters have been using it on each other. Gnik says it shrinks when a promise is broken, and it is often used as tattoos around body parts -- which would be removed if the ink shrinks. Al says Beyolin has a tattoo on his upper arm and is under control by Egan. It is not clear to Al whether the whole family is beholden to Egan, but if someone else became head of the family the control would shift to them; or if some family members have control over some others. Al does think older members of the family are bullying younger members into entering into these contracts, and asks Gnik if anything could be done to remove it. Gnik first guesses that the same process that removed Jimsu's tattoo might have some effectiveness, but because there is a contract involved that may have been willingly signed it might add oomplexity to the magic and its breaking. Al asks if Zassen can read a face from someone's mind and project it to someone else. They try getting him to read an image from Al's mind of Al's mother and projecting it to Gnik, and it works reasonably well -- so Gnik takes Zassen upstairs to talk to Nora. He asks her to visualize Polist, and then gets an image from Zassen. Gnik makes an illusion to show Nora, to make sure he saw correctly, and she confirms. The group heads to the orphanage. Kat climbs up to the roof and then drops a rope down for everyone else. Ember joins them but will stay on the roof to keep watch. Kat climbs onto one of the dormer windows, uses Mage Hand to pull aside the heavy curtain inside the window, and sees shelves and a chest. It appears that it could be storage. She checks the window for traps or anything unusual, applies a little oil to make sure it doesn't squeak, and then tries to open the window. There is a quiet pop as it opens, and she climbs in. She sees a small bed to her left, with someone under the covers; they stir a bit but don't get up. It is someone about Kat's size, and there are a lot of books piled about. In the direction of the part of the attic she explored before there is a mechanism connected to something that looks like a door -- most likely the back part of a secret door. In the other direction is a very secure barred and padlocked door, past the last set of dormers -- meaning there is very little space between it and the end of the house. There is a small slot beside that door, which could possibly be used to slide food in. Kat casts Sleep on the already-sleeping person and then goes to bind her up -- definitely human, and young. She carefully binds her hands, feet, and mouth in case she is a mage. The rest of the group climbs into the room. Al knocks a book off the shelf, which wakes up the sleeping woman. She gives them a glare that is a level more intense than a death stare... and her eyes begin glowing. Al and Gnik feel some kind of effect, and Kat goes to knock her out with the pommel of her sword. It doesn't work, so Matty holds a sword to her throat and Milena binds a piece of cloth around her eyes; Gnik and Al feel better. Matty thinks the girl looks familiar; Milena says she is the sister of Al's friend -- she recognizes the girl as Deanna, Beyolin's younger sister, who was lost at sea with her father ten years ago when she was five years old. Gnik recognizes the magic she's using as coming from a cult in Ponallian lands who study death. Al asks her if she is Deanna, if her father is still alive, and if she remembers Beyolin, but she does not react; it's not obvious she even knows he's talking to her. Kat tries to peer into the food flap using a small mirror from her thieves' tools she inherited from Daryl. She hears something moving, and sees that the space just on the other side of the door is a trap door in the floor with a handle on the other side, and beyond that a gear with a rope that is very slowly moving. Kat describes what she sees, and Deanna stops struggling and begins listening intently. Matty gets the sense she is confused. She moves like she is trying to pull off her gag; they discuss whether she would be able to cast any spells verbally, but Gnik says her books are not spellbooks -- her training is that of a monk. Matty puts her sword to the girl's throat again and pulls off the gag. Deanna asks if Kat is telling the truth; she herself has never looked, she is only there to watch the Chosen, the ones needed for the final ritual. She says she has been here as long as she remembers; she does not remember her name, or her brother, but she knows she is at the orphanage in Saltmarsh. She says the ritual is needed to save Saltmarsh from the Cleansing; Milena asks, "By...?" but Deanna does not know. She says she was trained by Elvara, Audrey's assistant. She says no one calls her by a name, she is only the Defender. They try to remind her of her father by having Al think of what he looked like, and then having Zassen project it to her. She says she does not recognize him, so Al tries sending an image of herself at age 5. She lies quietly, trying to process. Matty asks when the ritual will take place, and Deanna says, "Soon". Milena asks if the Chosen is what is behind the door, or the children who are brought for rituals. She says the Chosen is supposed to be a girl. Matty decides to transform into something small that can fit through the food flap and see in the dark -- a small centipede. She sees a contraption that has knots and fabric designed to make noise to make it seem that someone is behind the door. Zassen looks through the flap and sends what he sees to Deanna. Gnik tells her that we would like to be able to untie her so she can see for herself what is behind the door. He says they are just there to investigate what has been hurting the children at the orphanage, and that she is wrapped up in that somehow. Kat opens the locks, which are not complicated, and goes into the small room to inspect the mechanism of the noise-maker. The trap door would open into the office that Kat broke into the previous night. They ask Deanna if she is willing to leave with them to someplace with safety. She says that if anyone comes up they will notice she is missing, so she will stay in the attic for now; she is processing what she has heard. The group decide to go to the kitchen window nearest the back stairs to try to sneak into the basement. Kat and Anny go first to make sure the coast is clear. They hear voices through the door to the dining room (even though it is about 1 am). The first one asks, "So, we have to patrol?" The second is Elvara's, and she says, "Yes, in case there is another break-in. If that happens, make noise and don't worry about who you wake up." Kat discusses what she heard with the group and they decide the time for action is now; they will try to sneak, but if they are caught, they will engage. They slip onto the back stairs and hear voices from below. Kat slips ahead to scout. She sees six people in a circle, chatting, including Audry, Lors, and Lonellia from the orphanage; Norris, a candlemaker; Beth, a half-orc gardener; and Terrance, a herder who lives outside town. Terrance, Norris, and Beth are making small-talk and asking about patrol schedules; apparently, this is a shift change time. Kat drops in and throws a Color Spray at Audry, Lonellia, and Lors, blinding Lonellia; Gnik throws a Sleep spell into the room, knocking out Norris, Beth, and Terrance; and Milena casts Hold Person at Lors, who stops moving. Al and Matty try to trap Audry with a net; Matty catches her and Anny tries to knock her over, but she dodges. Lonellia, still blinded, mutters a prayer and throws a seething black energy at Anny, whom she heard moving; the skin of Anny's hand blackens and cracks. Anny throws her spear at Lonellia, and she goes down. When Lors gets free of the Hold Person, Milena hits him with a Sacred Flame and Gnik casts Grease at his feet, causing him to fall; he tries unsuccessfully to Hold Gnik, and Anny hits him in the head, knocking him out. Kat faces off against Audry with her rapier and dagger, taking her down as Elvara reaches the bottom of the stairs. Matty stabs her with a javelin and Gnik casts Grease at the bottom of the stairs, causing the people descending the stairs behind her to slip and fall. Elvara casts something at Matty that makes unnatural cracking sounds in her leg, and it hurts to stand on. Kat shoots a crossbow bolt at Elvara, but she snatches it out of the air and flings it back, hitting her in the stomach. Gnik casts Sleep at the pile on the stairs; the one person still standing falls, and the person on top of the pile falls asleep. Milena casts Spiritual Weapon at Elvara; the scimitar strikes, but she dodges. Matty transforms into a giant toad and tries to swallow Elvara. She bites, and as her jaws close, Elvara punches her in the roof of her mouth. At her next bite, Elvara goes limp... but then shakes it off. Kat shoots at one of the two of Elvara's group still standing, and Milena moves her Spiritual Weapon to the other. One of them throws a hand out toward Matty and she feels a burning sensation, but is still standing. The other casts a spell that makes a wavy kris blade appear and move toward Kat, but it misses. Kat hears someone coming down the stairs, a couple of thumps, and Deanna appears, eyes glowing. Kat stabs at Elvara -- the parts hanging out of Matty-toad's mouth -- and Elvara goes limp... and then shakes it off again. They ask Deanna how many times she can do that, and she says three. Deanna comes over and grabs Elvara's head; black energy flows out of her, Elvara goes limp and does not come back. Matty drops her; the ceiling is too low for her to jump as a giant toad, but she wriggles quickly toward the two remaining fighters, who fall over at the impact. Kat hits one with her rapier and the other with her dagger, and they go unconscious. Ember rushes in, sees the scene, and says, sarcastically, "We need help!" While Milena spends time praying for healing for the group, several others look for secret doors. They find a concave brick that has clearly been pressed many times. Al moves to press it but asks Ember to come stand near him in case it is an incredibly stupid idea. Anny stops him, listens carefully at the wall, and says, "Don't -- that's growling." Al goes back to sitting against the wall waiting for healing. 23 February 2019 21 Klook 3275 Gnik asks a rat in the basement what is behind the wall where they heard the growling, and the rat says, "Nothing". Gnik investigates the wall more closely and finds a series of sigils in the line of bricks near the floor; Gnik recognizes this as the sort of warding that might keep vermin out -- which could be why the rat detected nothing. They search the orphanage workers, now tied up, and relieve them of their weapons and belt pouches. Only Audrey has anything of particular interest: a long strip of leather with silver markings on it that seem to resolve into symbols if wrapped around a bar of the correct diameter. They decide that they should evacuate the orphans in case anything goes awry. Kat, who knows many of the orphans, will help wake them up and Gnik will escort them to the Temple of Tyollas for safekeeping. Matty goes to the garrison to alert Nelson for help guarding and retrieving the prisoners. Al, Anny, and Deanna stay in the basement to guard the prisoners while they are waiting. Milena and Ember search the orphanage, starting with the office, for whatever pole or device is used to wrap the leather strap and reveal the secret message. They find a staff shaped like a snake along the bottom shelf of the bookshelf; Milena carefully pulls it off but leaves the head, which is curved, on the shelf behind some of the books in case it comes to life. She wraps the cord and finds that it is a series of letters, each with a few symbols after it, separated by spaces -- a key to decode a cipher with more than one symbol for each letter. As Gnik and Kat return from the temple, Matty returns with Stern Rally. Matty pulls down the back collar of the shirt of one of the prisoners to show Fenric the tattoo they have (but they see Audrey does not have it.) Keren tells Matty that Malcolm, the captain of the guard is not happy about the fact that they broke into the orphanage. Kat takes Audrey's ring of keys and does a more thorough search of the orphanage, starting with the study. She tells Milena, "Don't open the door in the basement without me." She quickly manages to find the locks that go with all but one of the keys on the ring. Milena, meanwhile, finds stew in the kitchen being prepared for tomorrow's lunch, and offers some to Deanna, who takes it. As Kat returns into the house from the shed she sees a wagon with the Lasseter crest on it. Matty asks Fenric if they sent for the Lasseters; he says no, but he told Malcolm where they were going. She asks Deanna if she is ready to face the family she doesn't remember; Deanna decides to wait upstairs. Al and Ember go out to meet them. Juliana and Egan alight from the wagon, and Al tries to persuade them to go interview the prisoners who are being taken to the garrison. Egan states that what happens at the orphanage is his business -- it is the old family estate that they donated, and his family still supports the activities there -- so Al asks him if he knew about the demon-worshipping cult operating there, and describes their tattoos. Juliana says maybe they should go question the prisoners, but Egan insists that they go inside. Al narrates a blow-by-blow of everything that happened in the battle -- but leaving out the parts about Deanna -- and Anny joins in once she realizes he's trying to keep Egan from being able to get a word in edgewise to ask questions. When Egan sees the basement, and hears the growling, he seems genuinely surprised. He is angry that the group broke into the orphanage without alerting anyone, but with some conversation he understands their motivations. He acknowledges that they should go ahead and try to take care of the monster, whatever it is, now that the children are evacuated. Gnik rounds up some cots and brings them to the basement so that those who need rest can do so. Kat has a bowl of stew and curls up with Mouse. Deanna is already curled up on one of the cots upstairs sleeping, her empty bowl of stew beside her. Milena holds onto the snake staff; after about an hour, she has the sense that the head can be animated and used for a poison attack, then turned back into a staff, by someone with a strong sense of devotion. They rest and prepare to face the monster. Matty transforms into a dog with a good sense of smell (Milena looks at Boris, looks at her, and asks, "Are you in estrus?" But they determine that will not be a problem) and tries to sniff along the brick wall. She also is unable to smell anything at the line of warded bricks -- it is as though there is some kind of fog of perception there. She returns to her regular form. They position the Stern Rally guards near the top of the stairs so that they can defend if the monster gets past them. Deanna stands at the bottom of the stairs so that she can help them defend or provide another line of protection, as needed. Kat presses on the loose brick they found and the section of wall that looks like a secret door moves aside. Al, who cannot see in the dark, throws his continual light torch into the room. There is a section of three steps leading down; there is some kind of altar, some beds line the wall, and there is a cage with no obvious door in the corner. In the middle of the room is a beast with flesh that seems to float away from it in mist and then reappears. It stands behind the altar and looks at them with what looks like a creepy smile. Al runs into the room, jumps onto the altar, and throws his net onto the beast, then dodges. He hears more growling behind him, and shouts, "There's more than one!" Anny joins Al on the altar and stabs at the beast with her spear, obviously hurting it badly. Kat draws Torchlight and attacks the second creature, scoring a hit, but fails to connect with her dagger. The creature in the net seems to phase its shape, and the net falls through it. It gathers up its mass and lets out a massive roar that sprays out some kind of cloud, but Al and the others manage to dodge; however, Al feels pain as the air touches him. The one Kat is fighting attempts to bite her, and manages to grab her right leg; everything in her leg is now excruciatingly painful, down to the bone. It turns to run to the altar and she gets another blow in. Gnik asks Az, back in bird form, to fly to the third creature and try to distract it so it doesn't try to flank their companions. Milena casts a Guiding Bolt at the creature that bit her daughter, hitting it with glittering energy. The third creature runs to the door and blasts out energy at Milena, Gnik, Matty, and Deanna. Deanna dives onto the creature in response and begins pummeling it; it seems to be breaking apart where her fitst hit, and her fists are black. Matty throws her javelin and hits it. Gnik throws a flaming phantasmal net at the creature in the door, hoping it will at least need to stop and investigate or be distracted; it sniffs the air, looks at him, and growls. Gnik believes these creatures might be demon hounds, with attacks that are necrotic energy. Al jumps down between Anny and the creature at the altar so that she can use him as a shield if she wishes, and punches at it. It feels like his fist is sinking into it, which clearly hurts the creature, but not as much as he would expect or that other weapons seem to be doing to it. Anny jumps back onto the altar and stabs deep into its flank again, making it roar. Kat casts a Sleep spell at the creature by the door; it glares in her direction and then falls over. Gnik and Matty quickly tell Deanna to stop attacking it, because she might wake it up, and go for the other two instead. Ember hits one of the creatures with a dagger, but it does not seem to have much effect. Al looks at the creatures and call out, "Do you things talk?" The one in front of the altar responds by making another breath attack. Anny staggers backward and looks around like she can't see; her eyes look like small black dots. The other creature jumps at Al, but he dodges. It turns toward Milena as she hits it with a second Guiding Bolt, disintegrating it. Deanna runs to the remaining creature in front of the altar, hits it, and it goes down, disintegrating. Matty pulls out her longsword, takes the head from the shoulders of the sleeping creature, and there is a burst of trumpet sounds as the sword bellows, "GROVEL BEFORE ME." From up the stairs behind them, Keren yells, "What was that?" Matty says, "...It was Gnik!" They examine the room more closely. The walls are covered with tapestries depicting celebrations and orgies. There is a glass cabinet holding a collection of potions of some sort, and a large wardrobe. The altar is stained with something dark, and shows a bas relief image of debauchery surrounding a demon-like horned figure with six fingers on each hand. Based on the imagery, they are not sure they want to touch any of the beds, which they guess were not used for sleeping. There is a chest in the room, which Kat checks for traps. She doesn't see any traps, but also can't get the lock open. Al suggests maybe she should use one of the keys from the ring; she tries the remaining key, which works. Inside the chest are about a dozen masks in various materials showing expressions of joy and rapture; a variety of revealing outfits that would fit a wide range of human body sizes and shapes; strongly-scented candles; one wooden and one metal box, and several jars. The metal box is locked, so Kat checks it for traps and then tries to open it with the same key that opened the chest, which works. She sees that if she hadn't used the key, a trap would have shot a three-inch needle out the side of the box into her hand. On top of the box is an opal necklace, a couple of inches across; a gold and phallic idol of a man with six fingers on each hand; a sheer silk robe with gold embroidery; a tattooing kit; and a very old book. Gnik opens it with mage hand and sees that it is full of symbols, that look like those encoded on the strap they found. In the wooden box Kat finds small pamphlets that depict someone who is down on their luck, who spends a day and night with someone very attractive in acts of debauchery, who then reveals that they have been recognized by Jeddai to get what they deserve. Gnik detects that one of the candles in the chest, wrapped in silk, is magical; as well as some of the flasks in the glass cabinet. The flasks contain unholy water, and the candle will enthrall anyone within a 10-foot radius who looks at it for one minute; it has six uses left in it. Milena performs a ritual to consecrate the altar. When she is done, there is a deafening boom as the altar cracks and falls into four pieces. They talk with Deanna about her options of where she might stay. She does not like the idea of going to another religious institution, but does like the idea of spending her time outside, so they plan that she will go to the druid island with Matty (where Al also sleeps most nights.) Saturday, 23 March 2019 (Some in-character and out-of-character discussion prioritizing dangling plot hooks.) Al: Wants to find out more about the tattoos the Lassiters use to control one another, particularly figuring out how to remove them. Matty: Wants to figure out what the Zratz cult is doing, and particularly what they want with Deanna Lassiter (the Defender). Gnik (and others): Interested in closing down the Black Market (partly for self-interested reasons); figure out what happened to Logtaru; keep an eye on the activities of Raging Hammer; and working on the details of the writings in the books he's found Juliana will be convening a meeting of the Council and asks them to plan to have lunch someplace that they are easily findable, so they regroup at Blackberry Bar's. Deanna is staying on the island, happy to stare at the sky and walk barefoot; Milena sends some clothing in her size. Milena and Kat meet up with Gnik to walk by Logtaru's place on the way to Blackberry Bar's. After discussing that Gnik also aspires to be eccentric when he grows up, Gnik checks the door for glyphs and finds one that he thinks will summon lesser demons if it is disturbed. "What a dick," Kat says, and checks the area for traps; she finds a couple of suspicious-looking gaps in the boards. A couple of passers-by ask what they are doing, and Gnik says they are checking on Logtaru, since he has been missing; they say it is dangerous, that a little street tramp was killed a couple of years ago trying to mess with the door. Gnik and Kat decide to tap on the glass of one of the windows; Kat finds a second glyph, different from the first, which Gnik thinks is some kind of harmful divination magic; but he doesn't think it will be set off just from knocking on the glass. Gnik knocks and then calls out, in rat, "Hello, is anyone there?" and a rat pops up inside the house. "You can understand me?" it says. Gnik asks if he is Logtaru, and if everything is alright. "No, and no!" it says: there is a devil in the house, in a circle, and Logtaru left through a door in the stairs and told the rat to stay and keep an eye on it, but that was 53 sunsets ago. The rat introduces himself as Calrik, and verifies when Gnik asks that he is Logtaru's familiar. He doesn't have any particular way to let them in, but says that when Logtaru came home he always says, "Ma says hi". Gnik tells him they have a couple of other things to attend to, but will be back soon. They arrive at Blackberry Bar's, and soon after Jamee Lassiter also arrives and walks over to Al, asking if he has a minute to talk. They move to the bar to chat, a few moments later there is a loud banging sound as someone breaks down the door -- and someone comes in with glowing red eyes and rotting skin. Al moves in front of Jamee, and realizes she is frozen with fear. The being says in a surprisingly feminine voice, "Now you will get what you deserve, princess" -- while staring at Jamee. Kat recognizes its accent -- Reggie had the same one, which would place it from Tarriolla. It snarls at Al, "Out of the way," and Al says, "Hi, I don't think we've met!" It swings at him, hits the bar behind him, and Al sees the bones in its hand crunch. It is hit with several attacks but does not seem to notice them (although it is clearly taking damage); it is singlemindedly focused on Jamee. Al tries asking Jamee what she knows about it; she mutters a bit, but her response is incoherent. Gnik identifies it as a revenant, a soul seeking revenge that will inhabit a corpse to come after the object of its ire; and if that body is killed it will seek out another to inhabit until it achieves its revenge. Matty grabs Jamee and pulls her behind the bar. Gnik and Milena recognize Mel Hallum's body, who was killed in an attack at the Wicker Goat a couple of days ago, but the voice is obviously female; Milena thinks, based on what she knows about revenants, that it is someone who died within the last few months, no more than a year ago. Milena realizes that such a creature cannot be turned, but when she hits it with Sacred Flame it burns and is stopped from regenerating as it was doing. It swings at Al, misses as Al steps aside, and shatters a stool instead. Gnik shoots a sling bullet at it and takes off the rest of its fingers on one hand. Al manages to bind it in a rope, and yells out, "I need someone strong here to help me!" Ember yells, "Help how?" Al wants to try to pull it off its feet, so Ember -- all three feet of her -- runs up, slams into it... and bounces off. It glances at her, and she says, "Worth a try!" Matty tells Jamee to stay behind the bar and leaps back over to try to shove the creature down. Milena burns it again with radiant damage. Al asks if they should try just restraining rather than killing this creature so it doesn't just occupy another body and come at it again. Gnik pulls out a silk rope; Jamee bolts for the back door, and Kat runs to keep her from leaving -- which will just make the creature try to chase her out into the street. Ember tackles her, and Kat pulls her back into the room and closes the door to the street. Milena suggests throwing the ropes holding the creature over the rafters to haul it up so that its struggles don't kill it. Gnik mage hands the end of the rope over a rafter and Ember hauls it up. While the others stay in the main room to keep an eye on the creature, Matty, Al, and Kat take Jamee into a back room to ask her why this thing is after her. She says it is Polly Dire, who was a student with her in Tarriolla but who was killed in a mugging. She says she doesn't know why Polly would blame her or seek revenge. Out in the main room, the creature asks why they are protecting Jamee, and Gnik asks why it wants to kill her. It says she and her friends poisoned her, slit her throat, and drained her blood over days to summon a demon: Jamee, Richard Dorman, Alice Hendrill, and Kala were involved. Milena asks why it addressed her as Princess, and it says it is what it called her at school because she was arrogant and believed she deserved things she did not. Al mentally asks Zassin to ask the creature what it saw leading up to its death, and show them what it saw. Zassin sits on the rafter above the creature, concentrates on it, and then shows them all darkness, a covering being removed from its head, it is staring at the ceiling and there are two women and a man they don't recognize; and they seem to hear Jamee's voice from its feet; they are all chanting something, and the man brings a knife down to the being's throat. Zassin sends these images to Jamee as well, who says she doesn't know who that was, but it could have been someone taking her form. Gnik notices from the chanting that the name of the demon they were trying to summon was Segorid, and that they were asking for three years of service and three specific requests from each of them. Kat runs to the temple of Seyd to find Brendan, who might be able to help with the creature; but his assistant says he is missing: he didn't show up yesterday, they went to his house and he appears to have packed up and left, although they don't know why. Kat comes back and reports this, and Gnik sends Az to the Council letting them know that they should come to Blackberry Bar's when they are done because there is a situation that they need to see. Al goes to talk to Gnik, and asks Jamee not to leave. "So am I a prisoner now?" she asks, and Matty says, "Not if you don't try to leave!" Al convinces her that there is a situation that needs to be resolved and it would be best for her to stay while they do that. Al offers to go outside and try to squash any rumors that must be arising from those who fled when the battle started; there are a few dozen people outside, and they have many questions (including "When are we going to get our bar back?" from Crissy and Rosnor). Meanwhile, Kat disguises herself, slips out into the crowd, and spreads a few of her own rumors about Lassiters, and demons, and summoning. Az reports that the Council is coming -- that they weren't going to, but then she told them what had happened. A carriage pulls up with Juliana, Egan, Bellto, Rolland, and Lyto -- but Janet, the other person besides Brendan who might be able to deal with the revenant and detect lies, is not there. Egan asks where his daughter is; Al says, "She's in the back; we've been keeping her safe." He walks in and asks, "What's going on?" She says, "I don't know!" and Matty says, "Yes she does." Egan asks to talk with his daughter; Matty says, "Sure, so you can get your lies straight." Zassin offers to show Juliana and the others what he saw from the creature's mind. Guards come in to shackle the creature and take it away for safekeeping. (They return the party's ropes, but note that they might need cleaning.) The group agrees to return with the Council for their original meeting at the Town Hall; Rolland walks with them and the rest of the Council rides back in their carriage. They discuss the strange coincidence that Brendan disappeared after removing a Zratz tattoo from Beyolin; and apparently many people are having strange dreams and having tattoos disappear since they consecrated the altar the night before. (This is why Janet was unavailable; she's dealing with a bunch of people who suddenly want to get right with Maria.) Egan asks if they found anyone in the attic; Matty replies, without actually lying, that they found that strange, but just found the mechanism behind the wall. Lyto and Rolland don't ask any questions; Bellto just seems upset by the idea that the group decided for themselves that they would take care of this place themselves. Gnik then brings up the situation with Logtaru, mentioning that they have not yet broken in anyplace new yet, and technically they have permission to enter and help Logtaru's familiar -- but he explains about the devil. Juliana shakes her head and Rolland starts laughing. Al asks if the Council wants to deputize them. Juliana agrees that the devil must be dealt with to keep peace in the town, but with constraints. As they break up, Milena pulls Egan aside, puts a thumb over the spot where she saw his tattoo, and asks, "What does this ink mean?" He says it was a youthful indiscretion: he was young, and drunk, and got a tattoo but chose poorly. She asks why poorly, and he says apparently it has some religious significance. She asks what religion, and he says apparently it is some kind of wolf-god who is worshipped in the form of a wolf-shark by those on the seas. He asks why she wants to know, and she says that she felt drawn to it -- probably because where she is from, the wolf has a special significance. As she is touching the spot on his chest, she can feel power of the sort that flows through her with her magic, but Egan does not seem to be aware of it. She mentions that they have been researching the removal of tattoos because of the incident with the Zratz tattoos, so if he really does not like it perhaps Gnik who reads a lot will have some advice for him. He nods noncommittally and continues on his way. 20 April 2019 As they head out, in the lobby of the town hall Jae (who runs the Saltmarsh playhouse) is talking with the receptionist. She lights up when she sees the group, says hello, and says to Kat, "Hey, don't you have a birthday coming up?" She invites Kat to meet in the market in the morning for a birthday shopping trip. The group decides to go to the temple of Sayd to see if they can find clues to where Brendan has gone. They find Al's older sister Himaya who works there, and asks if there is anything they can do to help. Matty asks when was the last time she saw Brendan and did he seem okay. She says they went to bed as usual last night, and then this morning his door was still closed (he is usually up before her) and the door and windows were all still latched from the inside. Milena asks Himaya about any special skills granted by his god; she is listening for anything that might have let him walk through a wall without using a door, or offering suggestions to someone who might let him out and bar the door behind him without remembering it. She describes many things, including a lot of healing, but nothing like that. Gnik suggests Mage Hand might work to re-bar something, but you would have to be able to see it, and the bar across the door would be too heavy -- but a window latch might work. They investigate Brendan's room. The bed is bare, there is nothing in the dressers or chest. Kat points out some patterns on the floor that look like divots on the ground that look like they might have been made by a large set of talons -- four in the front and one behind. The dogs sniff at them and shake their heads as if the smell is strange or unpleasant. Gnik wonders if it might be consistent with the Kenku, but they have three toes in front and one behind. Gnik tries to take a sniff, finds it unpleasant but does not recognize it. Al tries and faintly smells something revolting, like a very bad cologne. Matty turns into a dog and has a sniff; it is distinctive and horrible, but nothing like she has smelled before. She cannot smell any entry or exit, as though it teleported in and out. Milena posits that the creature gathered Brendan and all his possessions up in the bedsheet and disappeared; Al suggests perhaps it was following some orders that were either very simple or that instructed it to remove anything that might be used to scry for Brendan. Gnik and Kat look for secret compartments in the furniture while Matty in dog form tries to track places Brendan has been. She finds that one of the far bedposts smells strongly of Brendan; and it has a hollow compartment with a carved holy symbol of Sayd -- plants grown together in the shape of a shield. It is not a symbol they have seen him use regularly, though -- his is hand-woven from actual vines. The group asks permission to hold onto the carved symbol. They decide that their best bet is to try a Sending to Brendan; none of them have that skill, but they know Britteny (high priestess of Byorn) or Fran (head of Gnik's order) both can do it. Since it is dinnertime, they go to the inn to talk to Britteny (and get food). She agrees to do the sending and tells them to meet her in a side room after they eat. When they join her, she says there was no response. She thinks it would probably wake him up if he were just asleep, so he is either intentionally ignoring her or unable to respond. They discuss whether scrying is an option, but they don't think anyone in town would be able to cast the spell; but Heide might have access to a magic item that could do something similar. Gnik considers that the back-facing claw makes it more likely to be a demon than a devil; but it is not Zratz, who has hooves rather than claws. They go to talk with Janet. The doors are open; the guard, Callas, is slumped tiredly against the door but comes to attention when they walk up. They ask to speak to Janet, and he goes to find her... and bars the door, since all the priests are so busy. They wait... and wait. Kat gets bored and scales the very tall walls to look in a window. She sees ten lines of people waiting to talk to priests. After about half an hour the door opens again and Janet walks out, looking exhausted. Al and Matty warn her that they believe Brendan has been taken by a demon and they are afraid it might be someone targeting the high priests for some reason. Matty says it is a bit strange they would have chosen to go after Brendan first, unless he was just the easiest. Janet says, straight-faced, "Yes, that makes sense." She thanks them for the warning, and for consecrating the altar -- and clarifies that she is not being sarcastic about that last, despite the exhausting repercussions. Kat, still on the roof, decides to climb one of the spires, leap off, and use her Featherfall ring to stop herself. She screams most of the way down in freefall before triggering the ring; Mouse whines, then looks surprised, then leaps on her when she reaches the bottom. Milena acquires a fish and examines its entrails with the question of what has happened to Brendan. She sees harmony and balance in the past, probably attributes of Brendan; then in the present a down-to-earth female presence concerned with practical security and the welfare of those she cares for; then, in the future, loss and regret. Kat asks her how this casting works -- is it something anyone could read if they knew the symbols? Milena says it is a mix of knowing the signs, such as finding the organs in the wrong place or seeing the shapes the entrails make, and sometimes just touching and knowing; and this time it was just touching and knowing. (http://tarot.fortunetellingfun.com/nornspread/riderwaite/15-0/49-0/55-0) They decide to go to Exotics to see if there is something or someone who might help them scry. One of the gargoyles on the wall looks down at her and says, "You again?" but only Kat can see and hear it. Matty accuses her of making it up. Kat points, but the gargoyle has gone back to its regular pose. Kat tries climbing the wall and it says, "That's not a good idea," and sticks out its claws -- but still nobody else sees it. Kat tells Matty to try climbing the wall to see if the gargoyle will talk to her; she gets almost to the top and is suddenly overcome with fear, so much that she falls off the wall -- but does not see or hear the gargoyle move. Kat apologizes to the gargoyle and says that they really didn't intend to break in but there is a matter of urgency because they think there might be a demon attack coming to Saltmarsh. It says, "Why didn't you say so?" and the front gate opens. As they walk in, Al looks up at the gargoyle and says, "Thank you." It says, "You're welcome!" ...but Kat doesn't see or hear it, and thinks Al might be having her on. The front door of the building opens and Korvina welcomes them in. They fill her in on what they saw at Brendan's, and that they think he was kidnapped by a demon via teleportation. She looks in a book and says, "This would match those claw marks, wouldn't it?" and shows them a picture that could be consistent. She says they'd had some suspicion that it might be in the area. It is exceptionally intelligent and is the kind that makes deals with people for significant cost. Gnik recognizes its name, Segorid, as the demon being summoned by the people in the Revenant's memory. They discuss whether Jamee might be involved in some way. Korvina goes to gather other mages to try to scry for Brendan. She comes back some time later and says that the bad news is that they found Brendan: he is underwater, strapped to the support post of a pier, dead. The good news... she hands them a Locate scroll and says that the Council had already offered to pay to help find Brendan. The group takes the scroll and finds him in the shipyards. Near him is a sack weighted by a rock holding his belongings. Kat goes to alert Juliana. Gnik performs a ritual to create a floating disc to carry the body and his things in a more dignified way. Matty turns into a shark to see if she can smell the same demon scent on the chain wrapped around Brendan. She does, faintly; anything else has been washed away by the saltwater. The town guard escorts them, with Brendan's body, to the garrison to find out what happened. Juliana arrives and they share what they know (although not their speculations), including that the demon is the same one mentioned by the Revenant. Gnik does some research and finds a reference to a group of demons that includes Segorid who are based out of Tarriolla. 11 May 2019 22 Klook 3275 The group meets at breakfast; Al decides to stake out the Lasseter estate for a couple of hours to see if he can figure out what's going on with Jamee, and Gnik goes to do more research, specifically on the Defender. He finds reference to a conversation overheard by the servant of one of the founders of Saltmarsh (the source does not say which one) about putting some things into place including suckering someone in their youth to make sure they grow up ignorant of reality. The second person asks how they would communicate this to a future generation, and the founder says they will leave notes explaining the situation. The conversation happened just prior to the founding, meaning that the servants were henchmen rather than household servants. Al goes to the estate, walks around outside for a few minutes, and realizes just hanging out there -- where there's not really a great place to hide -- is maybe kind of a dumb idea, and maybe he should go talk with the neighborhood gossip instead -- Tobias's uncle Reuben, who might have heard something interesting and is very talkative. He asks a vague question about Jamee that might imply that Al is interested in her, to prompt him to say what he knows; he mentions she and Jack often leave the estate at the same time but then go their separate ways -- and in fact, usually she goes left, he goes right, usually in the morning. A call had come out via the town crier suggesting that in Brendan's memory all should engage in quiet reflection on Godsday for the next several weeks, either at their home temples or at the temple of Seyd. As today is Godsday, Milena and Kat go to the temple of Seyd; Milena brings a casserole, and Kat tells the story of that time Brendan helped two ghosts reunite so they could move on to the afterlife. Milena goes afterward to the Temple of Shrines to meditate at the shrine of Daln. Garu, a Tillian who tends the Temple of Shrines, greets her and invites her in. They speak for a while and then she goes to Daln's shrine she sees Rickie sitting there, smoking. He taps out his pipe, she tells him he does not have to, but he does not want to bother her. She makes clear that he is welcome to stay, then settles into her own meditative contemplation; he decides to stay and watch. Kat stops by the Temple to Byorn with her lute; Jewel is there, invites her to join in playing with a little coaching from him. She uses her performance skills to weave together audience ideas into a ballad honoring Brendan. The group gets together at lunch. Learning what Gnik found in researching the Defender, Al wonders if perhaps someone who can control Deanna is trying to manipulate her into inheriting Egan's estate -- or perhaps more importantly, his power and influence in town -- by taking out his other heirs (Beyolin, who was attacked by a rum demon; and Jamee, who was attacked by the Revenant). They go to Logtaru's house; they use the password ("Ma says hi") to get past the magical trap on the front door, but there is still a mechanical trap to disarm and a lock to pick. Kat and Anny successfully get past the trap but have trouble with the complex lock, so Gnik calls out and asks the rat Calrik if it can unlock it from the inside. They hear a scrabbling sound, a click and a thunk, and the door swings open. The inside is one large room, one story, but with a set of crudely constructed spiral stairs going up about five feet to an ornate doorframe around a shimmering portal to elsewhere, where there is a carefully-constructed stone staircase. There are several books evident at various places around the room. There is also a circle of faintly glowing symbols around a large creature, which stands up and smiles at them when they enter. He introduces himself as Zagrimil. Al asks what he is, and he identifies himself as a pact demon. ("Packed like in a crate, or pact like make a pact?" Al asks for clarification.) He says Logtaru wanted to go to Jaeleth and was willing to make a deal to do it. He was looking for specific information and Zagrimil heard where it might be located. Kat goes to look at a book lying open on a table; it has ornate writing in a language she can't read. There are two books she sees with titles in Jhoynian, one on portals and one on summoning and interacting with demons; another is untitled but bound in leather, probably Dorgenian. She begins thumbing through it and realizes it is a spellbook. She calls out to Gnik, who is already right beside her because... book. Al tries throwing a small clod of dirt through the portal; he sees it land on the steps, but does not make any sound. Al says, "So we're going through the portal, right?" The demon says it's just a portal. When they question whether they can trust him, he says that he won't lie to them, but upon further questions admits he wouldn't necessarily give them all the relevant information. Al ties a rope around a shoe, throws it through the portal and successfully pulls it back; and Kat successfully mage-hands the clod of dirt back into the room. Kat calls out to Calrik and says they would like to know if the portal is visible from the other side, and offers to mage hand him through and let him look; he shakes his head vehemently and squeaks, which Gnik understands to be "I made a promise to stay here and watch the demon!" As she discusses trying to find another rat, Zassin just runs through the portal, turns around, looks at them and blows a raspberry, and comes back. They ask what he saw and they get an image of themselves caricatured staring at him with dorky looks on their faces, and then he visibly shivers to show it is cold. Milena covers him with her hand to warm him up, and Al runs through the portal. He finds it cold -- as cold as he has ever been, when he traveled over mountains. He can see but not hear his companions on the other side of the portal. Kat steps through to join Al. They walk up -- the stone staircase continues to spiral -- and can see light and hear wind above. They find a small hallway with four doorways -- no doors, but the stone frames have been scratched up and damaged -- and a barred window with a narrow arrow-slit window that shows steep rocky snow-covered mountains, blue sky, and clouds, and tattered curtains. Teeth chattering, Al says, "Shall we go back down?" and then races back down. The others chat with Zagrimil, who says that he knows they wouldn't want to make any deals with him because there is not particularly anything he could offer them. They ask him if he knows of Segorid (he doesn't) or Zratz ("Of course! Who doesn't?") and becomes worried when they ask why he's here. "Here? He's in this area?" They say his worshippers are, and he says they're everywhere. Al asks if he knows about binding tattoos and he says yes, of course, it's pact magic. "Do you know how to remove them?" "Yes...." "...without hurting the wearer?" "Oh, that's harder." They argue about what to do next -- whether to borrow some of Logtaru's robes and go explore immediately, go for supplies, leave a note, let others know in person, etc. They decide to go for supplies, tell Fran and Brittney (but not the Council), and come explore tomorrow, on Kat's birthday ("Best birthday ever!") Since Kat is shopping, she contacts Jae to say perhaps they could use today for their shopping trip after all. In the process, Jae says she heard Trish had approached Kat about a job offer. Kat said she hadn't followed up because she assumed it was a prostitution gig at the Dancing Dryad, where Trish works. They talk as they wander through the market with the group; and suddenly Kat feels like everything is going too slowly and someone pushes her in the back; and everyone is looking at her strangely; and suddenly she realizes there is a crossbow bolt sticking out of her chest with something black streaked on the tip. Al notices there is something tied to the back of the bolt. 8 June 2019 Kat turns to throw a dagger in the direction the bolt came from, but instead she falls woozily to her knees. She and Gnik catch sight of a silhouetted figure standing up and then jumping down from a rooftop about 200 feet away; the figure is tall, but not obviously identifiable against the sun. Al, having a rough idea of where the bolt came from, stands between Kat and that direction in case another bolt comes that way. He points out to Matty the note attached to the end of the bolt. Gnik sends up a magical flare and says, "The shooter was there!" and tells Az to follow. Milena, looking at Kat's wound, suspects the poison is Lie of Hell, something meant to knock the recipient out for about an hour. She removes the bolt and magically heals most of the damage. In the process, she notices the note and hands it to Kat: "Ludmilla, I believe this is for you." Matty transforms into a direwolf, sniffs the bolt to try to get a scent different from Kat's -- it is human, and musky -- and takes off into the crowd in the direction of the shooter, whose scent is obvious. Kat reads the note and hands it to Milena. The note says: "Happy birthday! You really should have killed me. -Ned" Kat, now feeling much better, says, "Thanks, mom!" and takes off running in the direction of the shooter. Milena makes a hand signal for Boris to stay with Kat, and also follows. Zassen flies ahead and projects into their minds a view of them as cartoon characters on a map of the streets below, with a blinking dot where the shooter is. Ember grabs Gnik and leaps onto Matty's back -- as a direwolf there is plenty of space on her back for them. By scent, Matty thinks the shooter is converging on a path he has taken first, and has a sense where it would take him. She decides to move to intercept, assuming he doesn't divert from that path. Kat, knowing the city as she does, thinks he may be heading to a block of derelict houses in the Ash Pit. She thinks it would be a great place to lure someone into a trap, and asks Zassen to relay that to everyone. He flashes, "TRAP! TRAP! TRAP!" across their mental map. Kat stops and Milena catches up to them. Kat says that maybe they shouldn't all go barreling in because it's probably a trap, but Milena is pretty sure she intends to go sneaking in on her own anyway. Al sees that they are stopped and runs back to join them. Gnik, watching through Az's eyes, sees something following the shooter, maybe like a very large cat, black and yellow striped. He lets Matty know; she smells it, and then sees it between two buildings -- a tiger. Az and Zassen continue to follow, and a couple of crossbow bolts come flying up toward Az -- the bright blue bird that is obviously following the shooter. Zassen sends an image to everyone showing a cartoon bird exploding in a bunch of feathers, with sadness. Gnik, who was sensing through Az's senses, screams and briefly falls unconscious. Kat decides a frontal assault is a bad idea, but she wants to use her disguise ability to disguise herself as an urchin and slip in to learn what she can. Al suggests to Milena that he can skirt the area and try to keep the attention of their foes to keep their attention away from whatever Kat is doing. Milena tells him not to get shot by any crossbow bolts, and he suggests she should be nearby in case he does. Gnik makes Matty invisible, which makes her a little bolder as they approach the block where the shooter is going. Kat wanders in, more acting than sneaking, and a young warrior woman hiding behind a barrel sees her and whispers, "Kid, get out of here!" Kat starts to protest she's just passing through, and the warrior points a rapier at her and whispers, "Get. Out." Matty sneaks in and sees several people hiding behind various buildings... and also smells two people where she sees nothing. They all seem to be clustered around a central clearing. She slinks out again to move around the block and come in from a different direction; as she comes out, she sees the big cat sniff the air in her direction. Al tells Milena he's going to go create a distraction. Milena cautions that they are trying to be stealthy. He says, "Yeah, I know, I'm keeping them from getting noticed. It's gonna work, you'll see!" He strolls out from between two buildings and calls out, "Hey! People with crossbows! Are you all having a good day?" Across the block, Matty stops in her tracks -- and so does the tiger. Kat tries not to laugh. Kat sneaks into the back of one of the buildings and sees a big guy with a crossbow aiming out a window, his back to her. She pulls out her crossbow and shoots at him, hitting him in the left buttock. He roars in pain and spins around. Al hears the yell, but no other response. He asks, "Are you all on a contract job, or something else?" and moves forward... slowly. Gnik and Ember climb onto a nearby rooftop. Zassen flies over to the side, both to give himself a better view and to keep from getting shot. Matty lets everyone know via Zassen that there are two invisible people among the warriors around the clearing, and gives them a visual of where they are. Knowing where they are, Milena sends a Guiding Bolt toward one of them, a Dorgenian woman who falls to the ground, glittering. Matty tracks the scent of the shooter to one of the buildings, finds him standing in the doorway, and bites him; he falls over just as she becomes visible, and she sits on him. Ember jumps down from the roof at the crossbow warrior behind the barrel. From the far alley there is a growling sound and the sound of possibly another shooter being attacked by the tiger. Anny comes running up beind Milena and asks what is happening; she says it is time to hit the shooters. Anny says she can do that, and runs to join the melee. Matty senses a spell being cast and sees a demonic creature coming through the far wall -- but realizes as she sees it pass through Kat that it is only an illusion. Al hears someone mutter, "Well, I'm outta here," and senses them trying to sneak off. Al makes an attack of opportunity to attack them and calls out, "So, is anybody else going to try to run away? Because we could still talk...." Kat uses Mage Hand to throw a rat from the corner of the room at the shooter Matty sat on; and while he's distracted, she runs at him with her rapier. Gnik takes a Misty Step off the roof, sees a woman hiding in the shadow of a building who looks like a spellcaster, and fires a sling bolt at her, disrupting her spell. Milena sends Mouse and Boris in opposite directions around the edge of the perimeter to round up any foes that try to flee. She moves into the shadow of one of the buildings at the edge of the block, where she can see into the window the fight between Kat and the original shooter. Matty moves to the spellcaster and tramples her to try to keep her from casting spells. In doing so, Matty finds that she is not nearly as small as she appears to be; she is a much larger and older woman. Inside the building, the original shooter slashes at Kat with a dagger, jumps nimbly up -- unexpectedly given his great size -- and crashes out the window, next to where Matty is grappling the spellcaster. He curses and takes off running. Boris runs up and bites into the wrist of the spellcaster. She chants an incantation and five glowing darts hit Matty in the chest. Kat pulls out her hand crossbow and takes another shot at the shooter. He crumples to the ground. Milena hits the spellcaster with a Guiding Bolt, and although she is still conscious, she seems to lose her fight. Milena debates letting the shooter die, but Kat suggests they might be able to get good information out of him, so Milena stablizes him as they tie him up. They subdue the remaining combatants. Matty tracks the tiger and finds it goes into an abandoned building in town and then transforms into a human whose scent is familiar. Jae emerges from the building; Matty lets her go, knowing she can find her again later. City guards, having gotten wind of the commotion, come running to the site of the scuffle and ask what happened. Several make an attempt to give partial answers, and then Milena points at the shooter on the ground and says, "This man shot my daughter," dark and intense, as if everything else that happened is a foregone conclusion. The guards, intimidated, promise to get them all taken into custody immediately. Kat shows the note from Ned around to the group. She recognizes the bow-and-mask symbol on it from having seen someone at the Dancing Dryad flash it and be let into a back room when she was there with her mom. Matty once saw it on the wax seal of a scroll being put into a bag at Brittney's place. Matty says she thinks it might be a symbol of the thieves' guild. Gnik says he thinks it is an assassin's mark, because it has also been seen on at least one weapon found at the scene of an assassination. They see it is etched onto the shooter's dagger as well, and the etching looks new. They notice that all the combatants except for the young female warrior who tried to shoo Kat off all had the distinctive accent of Tarriola, although they were a mix of Jhoynians and Dorgenians. They recall Ned also was from Tarriola. Gnik pulls the shooter aside and uses Suggestion to ask him what he knows about this assassination attempt. He says he was hired to travel here from Tarriola and was given that note by his guild -- he does not know who did the hiring. He was told to shoot one of the group's members with the note tied to the bolt, to lure the rest into a trap and kill as many as possible, and to leave the dagger with the mask and bow symbol at the scene. He was told Kat and Anny were the top priorities to kill. He says they were teleported to Saltmarsh to get there so quickly from Tarriola. As the group discusses the situation, Anny says, "Maybe now would be a good time to mention why I was late to join the group." When everyone ran, someone tripped her -- impressive, because she is hard to trip -- and when she got up again her spear was gone and she didn't know who took it. The spear, which she got in the sehaugan lair, can look like any long skinny thing and doesn't leave a mark -- a perfect weapon for an assassin. Matty suggests that she could try, in dog form, tracking the scent of the spear to get it back. When they investigate, she finds that the path goes straight into the water. Al pulls a sea creature out of his bag of friends to see if it can track it in the water -- and a giant octopus emerges. Al asks it if it can track, but it has been too long; any trace has dissipated. 22 June 2019 The group decides to have dinner at the Temple of Byorn and then give their statement about the attack at the town hall. When they arrive at Byorn's temple, Matty goes to talk to Britt privately to try to get a contact with the local assassin's guild (the Nightblades) to see if they can get any leads on the individuals who attacked them or hired the attack. She also mentions that they plan to go through a portal to Jaelith tomorrow. After dinner they go to the town hall to give their statement; they show the note that was on the bolt that hit Kat, and Al, Gnik, and Matty describe the large striped orange cat they saw near the fight. They return to their homes; Gnik tells Fran about their plan for tomorrow. When Kat and Milena arrive home, Tatiana gives Milena a scarf she knitted, and a hat for Kat, because "scarf gets caught". 23 Klook 3275 When Kat comes down in the morning, Milena has ritually sharpened one of Kat's knives, presents it to her, and anoints a spot between her brows with a drop of oil. "Normally on seventeenth birthday we would put you in linen dress and send you into wilderness with knife to make your way, but maybe this counts." They meet at Blackberry Bar's for breakfast, then head to Logtaru's. The devil Zagrimil is still in its circle. He greets them and asks if there is anything he can help them with. Al says he knows better, because Zagrimil is very clever and might talk them into something they regret. The group bundles up in warm clothes; Milena has the coat and boots she brought from home, and she and Kat bring Boris and Mouse. As they make their way up the spiral staircase, Al moves into the first hallway off the stair and hears something off to the side. Al calls out and a small creature with dusty wings comes out and looks at him. Al asks its name and it makes some sounds that that seem like they might be language, but he can make no sense of it. He asks Zassen if he knows what they are or can make any sense of them; he has no idea what they are and gets the sense that they are just trying to have fun. Al decides to stay at the end of this corridor to keep an eye on them while others see what other rooms or passages might be along this main hallway. Kat advances to the next passage where she sees something very bright. She notes that and moves on. In the next room it looks like everything has been trashed -- shredded tapestries and smashed furniture -- and there is a glowing dome of translucent crystal set into the ceiling as a light, with curtains to cover it that have been pulled down. The furniture was mostly metal and stone but is now mostly rubble. The fabrics don't appear rotted, but the cold here would have slowed that process. Kat sees another of the small winged creatures in the corner; when he turns toward her he's holding a vial of some swirling greyish liquid that he holds out to her with a grin. She takes it and he removes his thumb from the opening; some kind of sand explodes from the vial and goes everywhere as he laughs. Some goes into her eyes and stings, but she gets the sense it could have been a lot worse if she hadn't been quick to dodge. Kat recalls that she has read about mephits in the library; they are elemental creatures that can be vicious if they are upset. She believes these are dust mephits, which tend to find death morbidly fascinating. Gnik notices that one of the fallen tapestries is fluttering, as if it is covering a hole that lets a draft through. As he gets closer, he can feel the breeze is warm. He tries to mage-hand the tapestry out of the way but feels as though the magic he's trying to use is squirming away from him. He tries again and feels the magic twist... and suddenly eggs are falling from the sky. He comes running out of the room, sliding on yolks. The mephit is knocked down, looks at the ceiling, and opens his mouth. Matty moves into the next room which looks like another ruined bedroom with another mephit that has wrapped himself in a tapestry and is rolling around laughing with glee. She can see out the window out the end of the hall to see mountains with some snow and rubbly ground cover that Milena would recognize as glacial deposits. They regroup and move toward the bright light with Al going first. It looks like the other bedrooms but the crystal on the ceiling has been broken open and the light behind it is blinding. Gnik warns everyone that he is going to try to clean himself; this time it works, but he says he has to concentrate a lot to make the magic work. Kat mentions that it might be interesting to take the bright light source with them. Al and Kat pile up rubble for Kat to climb up; she feels carefully into the broken crystal and feels only smooth stone. Kat takes one of the pitons from their climbing supplies and tries to chip away the portion of the stone. It is a very slow process; they decide perhaps now is not the best time to try it. They return to the first corridor which had two nephits in it; it appears like the other rooms and there are two more nephits in the corner. Anny stays behind to guard the way down to the portal to make sure the mephits don't find and cross it; Az (now in snowy owl form) stays with her. Al investigates the window at the end of the hallway; he steps into the window well, which is about five feet deep, and sees if he can put his arm out the window. About halfway in, he can feel a force stopping his hand but he does not sense any wind or temperature change. They move further up the central spiral stairs. There are marks all along the stairs as if something very wide and hard was shoved through the passageway -- like a boulder or a large armadillo. At the next level up, there is a similar main hallway, perpendicular to the main hallway below, with snowy mountains still visible through the window at the end of the hall. In the first room there is a large boulder embedded with green crystals -- which could have made the scrape marks in the corridor. There is also an indentation in the floor with about four inches of liquid in it. Gnik looks at the boulder from a safe distance and identifies it as an earth elemental just as it starts moving. Al yells, "Hi how are you we mean you no harm my name is Al what's your name?" Anny yells from below, "Guys...? What's going on?" Matty tries throwing her javelin of returning at it, and it seems to hit. Al takes out his net and tries to restrain the elemental, but the net snags on one of the crystals on its back. Gnik lets everyone know that the elemental is most likely resistant to non-magical weapons. Kat pulls out her rapier, runs forward to take a swipe, and then disengages before it can get a blow in at her. Ember runs in and engages, stabbing at its lower legs while dodging away from its angry swipes at her. Gnik successfully casts Grease and the elemental loses its footing and falls. Milena attempts to summon a spiritual weapon but also feels the magic squirming in an unexpected way. Rather than try to force it into the spell she wants, she just directs it toward the creature and lets it take whatever form it will. An orangey substance covers the creature and then solidifies, trapping it and keeping it motionless. 13 July 2019 Al asks Zassin if the creature is having thoughts. Zassin nods. Al asks if they are good thoughts. Zassin shakes his head vigorously 'no'. Kat finds some tattered curtains to cover it up so it's not looking at them. Milena goes to the window at the end of the hall and looks out. There are still tall snow-covered mountains, but also -- at a height that looks like it was carved out of a mountain itself -- a massive statue in slatted armor of a type Milena has never seen, gazing off to Milena's right. Matty finds a pretty purple and white crystal; Kat takes a look and thinks it is a sort known for its ability to store magic. Matty asks if Kat knows how to store a spell in it, and Kat says she can, assuming it has already been prepared to hold a spell. There is a puddle on the floor; Kat investigates and thinks it is water, but it seems to be self-cleaning. They hypothesize it could have been set up as a source of water for a mage in the tower who did not want to go all the way downstairs to carry water up -- but it is not clear why it is in the floor and not on a table or something. They move into the room across the hall, which appears to have been a library. The shelves are stone, carved straight out of the stone of the wall, but many are smashed and books are strewn on the floor. Also, there is a Dorgenian man on the floor, dead and desiccated as if he'd been dead for about a month, and a translucent figure near him facing away from them. Kat calls out, "Logtaru?" and he turns to face them. He clearly is not aware that he is dead, and gets angry when they suggest it; his face goes monstrous. Al takes over talking to him and learns that he is here to find information that he thinks might be in the spectral book he's holding, but he can't read ancient Dorgenian. Al offers to help, and Logtaru asks skeptically if he reads ancient Dorgenian. Al says no, but Milena mentions that if Logtaru knows how to make the sounds from the symbols in the book they may have a device that can translate. Matty uses the pearl of translation; the book is a slow and wordy, but it becomes clear that it is the story of Dorg. Logtaru says he is trying to prove that Dorg was here on Jaeleth; but in the first part of the story he is still a mortal and is on some completely different world. Kat has noticed that while the two rooms on this level seem to be the only two, there is a significant gap between the two of them. While Matty translates for Logtaru, Kat inspects the shelves at the far wall, pulls at a couple that are not connected the way the others are, and they swing away revealing a space behind them. Several of the rock shelves fall and shatter, and at the same time there is a clattering sound from the other room. Al and Anny go to investigate and discover the mephits are on the earth elemental with rocks trying to break it out of the amber -- and are making progress. Al decides to try to distract them by singing, dancing, and doing acrobatics; he attracts the attention of most of them and leads them down the stairs. Logtaru finishes reading the book aloud; Dorg's people had lost faith in their god, and when Dorg leads them to a new world they declare him their god. They eventually meet others who say that this new world is called Jaeleth. Logtaru is thrilled that he has proved his people did come from Jaeleth, and not only the Jhoynians as some claim. He says he needs to return to prove it to his peers. He does not fade, however, and Matty gives Milena a Look. Milena asks Logtaru if she knows who is the dead man on the floor. Logtaru looks surprised and embarrassed and says he was so excited about the books that he hadn't even noticed, and assumes it is the owner of the library. Milena asks permission to tend to the body; Logtaru grants it, and when she turns over the body to show its face he stares in recognition, apologizes to Matty, and fades from view. Matty says they should honor his memory by taking the book back and sharing the story with others, and Milena agrees. Kat investigates the secret room, finds a chest and opens it. She finds several items, including a strange puzzle box, a small casket, and a crystal like what Matty found except that it is glowing. Matty comes over to join her as she goes to grab the glowing crystal; there is a flash, and Matty sees Kat disappear -- but Kat can still see herself. Her clothing and possessions are still visible, however. There is a yell from Anny below: Al has led the mephits to the egg-filled room, tried to bowl with them, and failed horribly, and now he has fallen, they piled on him, and one of them blew dust in his face to temporarily blind them. The others rush down to help, but the room is slippery with egg. Unfortunately, the mephits can fly. Anny manages to get her daggers into a mephit and tears it apart; it dissolves into dust. The others slip and slide as they move into the eggy room. Kat tries to mage hand one of the mephits into the wall, but the magic seems to be slipping away from her; she guides it, and the room seems to turn blue for a moment -- and at the same time, her eyes (in her invisible head) flash blue. Matty turns herself into a spider and webs one of the mephits, but it breaks free. She webs it again and points at it with one of her legs. Milena tries to move to it and attack, but slips. They hear a crash from upstairs, and she decides that she should let the others deal with the fight here while she goes upstairs to retrieve Logtaru's body, the book, and his staff before the earth elemental gets to him. She runs upstairs and sees the mephit that stayed upstairs breaking at the amber with a rock. She hurls a javelin at it and it goes through its arm. It screams, sticks out its tongue, and grabs a smaller rock with its good arm to keep pounding. The group finishes off the mephits downstairs, and Kat comes running up, shooting an arrow at the mephit. She sticks it in the leg, but it continues pounding with the rock. The amber shatters and the elemental emerges; Boris tries to attack it and it slams him, flinging him out the door. Kat catches him, but he is close to death; since magic is not reliable here, Milena asks for a potion of healing for him and Matty hands her one. She applies it, and Boris wakes up and licks her face. "Good boy," she says. "Stay." Kat tells Mouse to stay with Boris, and pulls out her magic sword to attack the elemental. She stabs it through the arm and rocks fly out. Anny and Ember also attack, and then the elemental swings at them both; Ember hits the far wall and goes down, but Anny is able to roll with it and just gets ain injury in her leg. Matty throws her javelin at it and sticks it in the neck, while Anny swings with a dagger and it breaks off. Milena runs to Ember and tries to heal her, since there are no other potions readily available; she is unable to control the magic, and she suddenly feels a warm glow. The others see glowing light emanating from her, filling the room, and Milena feels that she could channel the power into a healing touch. She touches Ember, who gasps, wakes up, and says, "You're so pretty...." Milena kisses her forehead. Kat suddenly becomes visible again as Al makes his way upstairs. He is covered in egg yolks, so he runs and slides between the creature's legs, punching up into its groin as he goes. A tiny chip of rock falls off onto his face as he slides by. The creature rears up and then sits, trying to crush Al, who flips out of the way. It swings at Kat and clobbers her, breaking her arm and throwing her back. Milena channels healing energy toward her, and while she's still injured, her arm feels more functional. Al uses his insight to determine that the creature is not very bright and will attack at the most obvious and flashy thing. Kat casts a minor illusion to make the creature think its head is enclosed in darkness; because it is not very bright, it stops attacking for a moment, confused. Ember hits it with a dagger. Al is making noise to keep its attention on him and it swings blindly at him and manages to connect. It also tries to hit at Ember but she dodges. Anny and Matty attack at the same time, both hit, and the elemental breaks apart into bits. Milena uses the rest of her wild magic healing on Ember, Anny, and Kat; they are still injured, but not as badly. Matty finds a huge book -- two feet tall, one foot wide, one foot thick -- that appears to be about magic but is not a spellbook. The group takes the green crystals that were embedded in the elemental. Al roots around in the rubble to see if anything else came out of it. The group decides to return Logtaru's body and all the readable books that are in the library to Logtaru's place, get some healing, and then return to the upstairs of the tower to see if there are any more threats that might come through the portal. Al comes through the portal first and tells the devil that they talked to Logtaru; he says, "So he's ok then?" and Al says, "Oh, no, he's dead." Calrik makes a sad sound and curls up in a ball. Milena uses her magic to heal the party up. Matty finds books in his library on using rituals to open and close portals, and on summoning devils. Milena lays Logtaru's body in state as best she knows how according to Dorgenian customs, and says a few soothing words to Calrik. Kat pulls out the small chest she found and picks the lock. It feels very heavy, although nothing makes sound when she tilts it around. When she opens it, she has to peer down four feet -- deeper than the height of the chest -- to see into the bottom. There is a bag of coins and a bag of three clear gems in the bottom. The coins are iron with symbols that do not look familiar to them; one side is a complex symbol and the other is an image of a mountain. There is a square hole cut off-center in each coin. There is also a star-shaped puzzle lock of some sort. Kat is aware that some magic chests like this one have the ability that one can call for a specific item and it will come up without having to reach in for it; she throws the pouch back in, calls "Pouch," and it appears at the top. They come back through the portal and up the stairs. When they get to the level with the disintegrated elemental, they hear a voice call out, "Hey... guys?" They suddenly realize that all their memories of Gnik had been erased from their minds from the last several hours, but they come flooding back. 17 September 2019 They realize that the spell-trap crystal Gnik touched created a wild surge that temporarily removed him from existence. He takes the crystal, still in his hand, and puts it into his pack. They climb the stairs to the next level; as they go up, there is an increase in rubble on the stairs that they must scramble over, and it becomes bitterly cold. They come into an open room that looks completely destroyed -- rather like a wizard's lab that an earth elemental has crashed through, with bits of brass and glass smashed on the floor. There is another glowing translucent dome of crystal on the ceiling. There is a tattered set of armor that is of the same style as on the statue outside, and several broken single-edged, slightly curved swords. The stairs continue up, and there is a loud, cold wind coming from above. Al scampers quickly up to the top to see if it's worth further exploring, and Anny and Milena (who is well-bundled) follow in case he needs back-up. It becomes obvious that the tower used to be taller, but the top has been torn off. The last few steps up are covered with rubble. There are gouge marks on the ground and in the rubble, like claw marks the size of longswords. Al thinks he sees a glint of gold buried in the rubble. Al quickly, trying not to lose his footing, tries to see what the gold glinting is. It seems to be a gold coin, and he sees another silver coin glinting on his way. He leaves them where they are and returns to the group. Milena makes her way to the top, pulls her scarf off her face, inhales a deep breath of frigid mountain air, and nods. The rest of the group continues exploring the shattered lab. They find more suits of armor with a sword standing beside each, and a stone table with several items on it that look like they could be a mage's lab equipment. There is a statue behind the stairs, very lifelike, that looks like a kimono-clad woman. The group who went upstairs comes back down, and while Gnik is discussing what they found in the lab, Kat sneaks up the stairs to try to retrieve some of the coins. She gets only a few before she is so cold that there is frost on her hair and her limbs are starting to go numb. Al walks over to the statue and asks, "Are you alive?" He hears a whooshing sound as the two swords whip out of their stands and the suits of armor start moving. Al tries to grab one of the swords out of the air, but he misses and it slices deep into his hand. Ember slams her dagger into one of them and breaks the sword's tip. It comes at her and slices into her arm. Kat tries to use Mage Hand to grab one of the swords. The magic twists away from her; she feels that she has grabbed a sword, but it is difficult to control. Matty hits the other sword with her own longsword, and the floating sword shatters. Al grabs again at the remaining sword; his hands close around it without touching -- and realizes it is the Mage Hand. They work together to hold it steady so someone else can smash it. Ember attacks one of the suits of armor and knocks pieces from it. Gnik flings a sling bullet at the remaining sword and the sword shatters. Kat realizes that her Mage Hand is persisting even though she stopped concentrating on it. She pulls out her rapier and starts attacking one of the suits of armor. She uses her Mage Hand to try to untie one of the straps on the armor; the armor tries to swat at it and knocks its own helmet around. Milena uses her staff to swipe the legs out from under the other suit of armor; Matty hits it with her longsword and it shatters. Al and Anny take out the other. With the foes defeated, they take a closer look at the statue. Gnik notices that it has clearly been placed there; it was not created there, and if it were a person who was turned to stone or a magically created statue it was moved here from elsewhere. The group discusses what to do with the statue. They discuss whether it is worth bringing it back through the portal to Maerson to see if it is a person who can be revived. On the downside, if they close the portal while she is on the Maerson side she will be trapped there; and they do not know if she might be evil. They decide it is better to bring her through rather than leave her to an unknown fate, and discuss how to bring a heavy stone statue down the stairs. Gnik suggests using his disc of carrying, but realizes the magic might be dangerous. Milena suggests he go down the stairs back through the portal to cast the spell safely, and then bring it back up. He complains that is a lot of stairs he is not tall enough to climb easily, so she sends him with Boris. Kat examines the coins she retrieved from the roof. The copper coin has a bridge with buildings on top on one side, and a sad woman looking down on the other. On the silver coin there is a hemispherical pit with a tower built in the middle on one side, and the face of a halfling on the other. There is a brownish coin with a square cut out of it, with an artistic arrangement of shapes on one side and symbols she does not recognize on the other. Two of the gold coins have a massive tower on one side with architecture that does not seem possible, and a wolf's head on the other side. Another gold coin has a massive wall with a golem built into it on one side, and a well with a bucket on the other. The final gold coin has three coins in a triangular arrangement with a gem at the center, the other side has a sword crossed with a dagger and mace on the other. Milena recognizes that the three crossed weapons are the Maerson trinity of Ceonaire, Maria, and Byorn; and on the other side the symbol of the Merchant god, Etlath. As they bring the statue down, Milena glances up the stairs toward the roof and says to Kat, "Now you know one of the many reasons we no longer live in my homeland." "Yes. Thank you," Kat says. Gnik casts a Detect Magic once they are back through the portal and finds the statue is magical, but does not appear to be a magically transformed person. The star-shaped lock is also faintly magical. While they were gone, Calrick has pulled out several items that he knows Logtaru will not need anymore but the group might have use for -- ink that he used to write in his spellbooks. He also mentions that Logtaru had a bag of useful items in the bottom of his wardrobe. Kat goes to investigate, pulls out a drawer, hears a click, and eight shapes appear around the room -- they have a strange and putrid smell associated with them. Gnik recognizes them as minor demons called dretch, which can expel a cloud of noxious gas that can make those in the area sick. Ember leaps on Boris and charges across the room at one of them, stabbing it in the leg. Gnik, realizing that the thing demons hate the most is devils, creates the illusion for one demon that its neighbor is the devil the group encountered in the swamp. The effected demon turns in fear and runs to the nearest window, trying to break through to flee. Kat casts Sleep and the two demons nearest her fall to the ground. Milena casts Guiding Bolt at the demon running to the window and hits it. Al moves to defend the circle around the devil Zagrimil and nets one of the demons. Mouse takes a bite at one, and then spits at the bad taste. The two standing dretch nearest Kat charge her; one belches out a horrible gas cloud, but she manages to hold her breath to avoid the worst of the effects. The dretch running to the window attacks it, trying to get out; the group sees a protective glyph on the other side suddenly glow, and the dretch's brain suddenly glows and it falls over and explodes in a way that defies the laws of physics, collapses back on itself in a pile of disgusting goo on the floor, and disappears. One of the remaining dretch charges toward Zagrimil's circle and Matty tries to shove it back. She spins it around and shoves it, and it stumbles away. Anny runs into the fray to help Kat with the two attacking her. Matty changes into a giant spider to defend the circle, as Ember and Boris finish of one of the dretch. Gnik points at Al, who suddenly doubles in size. Behind him, Zagrimil says, "Well. That's cool." Matty sprays web on the dretch nearest the circle. Kat casts Sleep again at the two dretch that charged her, and one of them falls. Al, enlarged, feels extra-strong and takes a swipe at the dretch in front of him, which is pushed back. The dretch in Matty's web pulls itself free. The one Al grappled with tries to get past him, and manages to dive between his legs and cross into the circle. Zagrimil reaches out and grabs the dretch, putting his claws into its head, and it dissolves in a pile of maggots. Al yells, "Zagrimil's free...!" However, Zagrimil returns to sitting where he was. Anny takes out the remaining dretch next to Kat, and Ember skewers another one. Matty, still in spider form, bites at the one that broke out of her web, and it dissolves in ichor. Kat kills the three sleeping dretch. Matty asks Zagrimil what he plans to do next. He says he at least will stick around in case they need help closing the portal. He mentions that if it is closed incorrectly it could explode, leveling the equivalent of a city block. And in fact, it will explode even if it is closed correctly, but he thinks he can contain the explosion in that case. He names his price, which is that the group does not kill him today -- but they are free to do so later if he does something else to piss them off. Gnik checks the book on portals, which they note is called "Creating and Maintaining Portals" -- not closing them -- and it confirms that the portal creates a channel of energy that is not meant to be broken, and so is difficult to do. Gnik also realizes that Zagrimil is the source of the power to the portal, and so if he is killed before the portal is closed -- whether now or later -- it will explode. Gnik says, "We accept your offer" -- but Matty says, "No, you can't answer for the whole group!" Gnik explains what he has learned. They ask what Zagrimil's price would be to close the portal and leave Maerson forever; he asks for Kat's lucky Ag coin and Gnik's spellbook of chaos magic. As the group discusses what to do, Kat tries to use prestidigitation to whisper something to Zagrimil, but she hears his voice in her head saying, "Why don't you just tell me?" Mentally, she negotiates to give him her lucky Ag coin and her small cube of weightless metal in exchange for closing the portal and leaving the area of Saltmarsh for the lifespan of everyone in the party. He promises to close the portal within three hours of being asked, and to keep the explosion within the confines of Logtaru's house. Zagrimil hands her a contract and a pen; Matty steps in front of her to ask what she is doing, but lets her sign when she explains what she is doing. Kat looks in the backpack she retrieved from the cabinet; it has a necklace with a blue jewel, an antler-hilted knife with a strange pattern in the blade, and an odd chunk of rock that Kat recognizes as a chunk of raw, uncut blue topaz that would be worth close to 1000 gold pieces if cut. There is a backup spellbook and a roll of leather with four sheets of parchment with spells on them: Skywrite, Suggestion, Whisper Wind, Banishment. The group works to remove the valuables out of Logtaru's house; Zagrimil helps, carrying stacks of books that they would never be able to lift themselves. Milena tends to Logtaru's body to keep it properly shrouded and treated with respect. When they go outside, there is a kid sitting across the street to tell the group that Britt has invited them to breakfast, her treat, to meet with some people they need to meet with. Matty leaves the group to go about her own business. Al asks Zagrimil why he wanted Kat's coin. Zagrimil said it is an abomination, and must be destroyed. City guards show up, size up the situation, and help round up carts to take books and other items to the library, and to let Milena take Logtaru's body to the temple of Dorg. Calrick goes with Gnik, who says he could use Calrick's help at the library. Before they leave, Kat gives Zagrimil the go-ahead to close the portal; he leaves the door open so they can see, touches places around the portal, which start glowing, and then moves inhumanly quickly as the glow gets bigger. He vanishes, and the room bursts into flame. 24 August 2019 Milena arrives at the temple of Dorg and meets Lales, the assistant to the priest. He says they will see to Logtaru's remains and thanks her for bringing him. She shares that Logtaru died on a quest to find evidence of the history of their god, and what he learned; she tells him the book is with the librarian Gnikobol. Lales pays a visit to Gnik to inquire about the books, and suggests they should come back to the temple of Dorg. Gnik asks for time to catalog them, so Liles draws up a contract saying that the books belong to the temple of Dorg, but Gnik has one week to catalog them and may have free access to them after that. Al goes to the Gibbet, and then to the island, looking for Matty, but does not find her. The druids tell her that there are pockets of illness in the Flotsam and she may have gone there to help. Al asks Anny, who has come with him, if she is interested in spending the night with him and she says yes. Gnik talks with Fran about the books they found, and the statue. After an Identify, they discover the statue was created by a wild surge that teleported the caster away and left an identical statue in their place. Fran notes that Curt has been helping Gnik with his duties quite a bit while he's been away and asks pointedly if Curt is being paid. Gnik makes a note. Gnik takes Ember to dinner at the Silver Raven, and stays the night with her. Milena returns home to have a family birthday celebration with Kat, but Svetlana is called away almost immediately; her supervisor Janelle sent a note saying she was called away suddenly to Byorn's Estate by the High Priestess and asks Svetlana to look after things in her absence. Kat mentions that they have learned someone may be targeting priests in town. Svetlana looks nervous and says that the handwriting was Janelle's, but she usually refers to the high priestess by name, not by title. She jumps on her horse and rides away. Jelena also excuses herself to go to the Flotsam, where an illness has broken out. Gavriila is staring at the cake, so the rest of the family enjoys it in celebration, and them Milena and Kat go outside to talk about Kat's history and her deal with the devil. After that, they go to the Flotsam to help with the sick. Most of the sick have been treated throughout the day, but there are several who still need help. Milena offers to use her prayer beads on the very sickest. Jelena mentions that usually something would be contained by the combined efforts of Britt, Janet, Brendan, and the other high priests. Milena notes that these are the very people they think are being targeted, and wonders if this illness were placed here on purpose. They begin making inquiries to see if they can gather information about who might have been Patient Zero. 24 Klook 3275 The group gathers at Britt's in the morning, but Matty has not arrived yet. Britt takes them to a private room; a man arrives with a package wrapped in linen for Al, and when Al asks who sent it he says it was given to him by one of the servants at the Lasseter estate. After Gnik checks it for magic and Kat checks it for traps, they carefully open it and discover there is a book, and a note that says it is from Beyolin. It is the book Al was accused of stealing that Beyolin actually stole; Beyolin says that Egan has instructed him to return it to Al, because Jaime no longer needed it. It is full of characters Al does not recognize; but when Gnik looks at it he thinks it is another version of the book of Zratz they got from the orphanage. After some investigation, he concludes that it is encoded. Matty has still not arrived, so Milena sends Boris with one of Brit's people to look for her. Kai, a sailor they know, arrives and hands Brit a scroll case before joining them in the room. She says she has gotten in touch with the Night Blades, who were made to look like the perpetrators of the attack on Kat, but there is suspicion that the attackers were not actually part of the group. The scroll she brought will allow them to communicate with the Night Blades, who are elsewhere with another scroll and will be ready in a few minutes. Al takes the scroll and asks if they know why the group was targeted. The response is no -- that the attackers weren't Night Blade's people. Al asks why they pretended to be; response is no, but a lot of their people are angry about it and think the Thieves' Guild might be behind it. Al asks if they know who hired the assassins; they say no, but finding out would help, because folks seem ready to start a war over it -- probably with the Thieves' Guild. Al asks why Kat and Anny particularly were attacked; they say no idea about Anny, but they know the Thieves' Guild wants to recruit Kat -- which is the argument of the writer of why the Thieves' Guild was NOT responsible. Al asks why Anny's spear was stolen; the response is "Didn't know about a spear. Was it useful? Magical?" Rather than answer, Al asks whether there are any other out-of-town assassins in Saltmarsh other than the ones they caught; the response is only one, but they weren't involved, because the Night Blades have had them locked up for over a month. Al asks if the Thieves' Guild runs the Black Market -- and where is it, and do they want the group to bust it; answer is Ha! "No" to all three, neither they nor Thieves' Guild has any involvement, but if the group busts it the assassins will bust them, as that's where they get many of their resources. They also say they don't know anything about Brendan's murder or who's spreading disease and why, but that they're being hit by the disease too. Al asks if they know what Zratz's followers are doing; they say nothing good, but the group knows more about that than the Night Blades. Al asks if they have any questions, and they ask if Kat is going to join the Thieves' Guild; Al draws a shrug. They ask if the group killed Ned; Al says they didn't kill Ned, but that the attackers were instructed to leave a note to make it look like Ned had hired them. Al tells them that the attackers claimed to be from Tarriolla. They say thank you; good to know who to go after; and that they haven't heard from Ned since he went to the old spooky house. The search party who looked for Matty comes back and says they found her and Lyto the head druid... dead. They are on the island near the tower. Kai asks to go with them, as she also knew Matty. As they are discussing how to get there, Britt pulls out a rolled-up carpet and unfurls it, and it hovers in midair. They all pile on. When they arrive, there are many people there who offer their condolences. Juliana is there and invites them in; she looks worn out. She says it looks like someone beat Lyto and Matty to death with a small mace or fists. They go into the room (except for Kat) and see that Matty is sitting in the corner with her head lolled to the side; she has no weapons, though she has the rest of her equipment. Gnik finds a claw mark that appears to have been made by a flying creature that touched down from above; both appear to have been beaten after they were killed, and Lyto appears to have been killed in his bed and then dragged partially out. The cause of death is not immediately obvious. Gnik and Milena send Az and Zassin to try to find Deanna to make sure she is okay and not involved in this. Milena stays with the bodies to cast the funeral rite that will protect them from becoming undead for seven days, and to be where Zassin can easily find her. Kat and Anny have shut down to process what has happened. The rest pile onto the carpet to go to the library so Gnik can learn the "Last Image" spell from Logtaru's spellbook, which will allow him to see the last thing these two saw. Gnik tells Kai that they also found claw marks when Brendan was murdered, from the demon Segorid. They pass the obelisks where Deanna usually hangs out, but she is not there; Kai and Al jump off the carpet to try to track her. Al finds Deanna's barefoot tracks, left after the recent rainfall -- widely spaced and only on the toes, as if she were running very quickly. The footsteps go to the entry of the house connected to the lighthouse tower, but as she was standing at the door it appears something dragged her backwards. Kat hears them talking and recalls that Deanna told her that she had been taught to sense and master death; and perhaps she sensed the deaths at the tower and came to see what had happened. The rest of the group returns; Gnik casts his spell and touches Matty, and he sees Deanna in the main room with a look on her face like she's yelling "No!", and between her and Matty's vantage point is Segorid holding the handle of a long weapon that appears to be going into her chest. They are certain it is Anny's stolen spear, which does not leave a wound. Gnik shows the image to the group. Kai asks, "Is that Deanna?" Juliana says, "Who's Deanna?" They clear everyone else out so no one else can overhear and Al shares the story. Kai asks if the prisoners who kept Deanna had been questioned, and Juliana says the leader has the ability to resist magical detection of lies. They discuss their suspicions that whoever is doing this is targeting magical healers and someone mentions Milena can do this now, too. Juliana expresses surprise and asks some questions. Milena and Al suspect she is just a little too interested in this information, and in the story of Deanna. Milena asks Zassin to follow Juliana and see where she goes, and to report back immediately if he sees Deanna. Kat asks Milena if their house is hallowed ground; Milena says no, and that she herself does not have the skill to hallow it effectively. Kat suggests perhaps they and her sisters should sleep at Britt's for the near future to be on the safe side. She gives Milena the uncut topaz as a future payment for someone else to cast the spell to hallow their property. 28 September 2019 While Gnik works on decoding the book they got from Bayolin, Al plans to go to the curio shop. Gnik asks him to ask Heidi when and how she got the pipes -- she'll know what he's talking about -- and also asks him to pick up a small lead-lined box -- he gives Al a string indicating the appropriate inner dimensions. Anny plans to go with Al. Zassen comes back and shares that Juliana went to talk to Egan, who referred to her as Drarnemas, though she still addresses him as Egan. She tells him never to address him as that name again or he will understand how complete her control can be. Al is aware that certain kinds of demons and devils can possess others, which seems to be what is going on here. Al goes to the curio shop and tries to remember the question Gnik asked... something about pipes? Anny remembers -- where did Heidi get the pipes from originally -- and Heidi says she had them for so long that she will have to consult her records. Al asks if she has any magical weapons such as brass rings that he can put on his hands to do damage against magical foes. She says she can have something for him for the next day, and she also has a lead-lined box she can sell him. Al goes next to Exotics to see if they have magical weapons that might be of interest to him. When he arrives he sees two of the people who work there talking, and they beckon him over -- but he cannot hear anything they say even though they are obviously talking. He runs through the gates but slams into some kind of invisible force field. The two Exotics employees look annoyed, walk around feeling the force field, and then one of them pulls out paper and writes, "This is blocking all our communication, including our teleportation." Al writes on the dirt to ask if they have anti-magic, and they write back that that's something they would usually go elsewhere to get if they needed it. Kai, Ember, and Milena go across the street from the Byorn temple to the temple of Maria to warn Janet what they have learned. Milena dresses in clothing other than she would normally wear to be less obvious to those who might wish to harm her. They knock, are admitted, and are taken back to the library. They eventually are admitted to talk to Janet, who seems exhausted. They tell her what they have learned about Juliana and Egan, and name the demon who possesses Juliana. She has not heard of him, but suggests her assistant Porter might know something. Porter finds an entry on Drarnemas, who has been around a couple hundred years ago; reality around him ripples so he is hard to look at when he manifests; can take someone over completely. Immune to poison, resistant to fire and lightning, can knock observers unconscious if they just look at him; resistant to magic but can be killed by weapons; very arrogant. Must manifest before taking possession of someone; can allow them some control but also take complete control so they are just along for the ride. Possession can happen purely by force, without consent or in some case even awareness of the possession. Al and Anny continue their errands, which takes them past the Lassiters. Al notices that both main guards are out, with extra guards posted at the entrance, including Keren who is a member of Fenric's guard... along with other members of that team, and Pattie, the assassin who is supposed to be locked up after working with the assassin team that tried to kill Kat and Anny, and who had fun fighting Ember when they walked into the trap of abandoned buildings. Al also notices that the foliage around the estate looks like it has died back a bit. Al decides to go chat with the group, catching up with Keren and then introducing himself properly to Pattie. She says she is from Freeport and came to Saltmarsh where there is less competition for the kind of work she does, and now she's working off her sentence -- with Keren keeping an eye on her. Al gets the sense she's trying to make a name for herself as a great duelist. On the way back to the tavern Milena stops by the Houses of Healing to learn the latest on efforts to find Patient Zero in the outbreak in the Flotsam. They return to the tavern and Al shares the information about the blocking field around Exotics. The rest, including Britt, are not pleased. Kat asks to spar with Kai and they ask Britt where they should do that. She gestures to the stage and smiles. Kat shows off a bit, doing flips and being very acrobatic in her moves, but notices that when Kai hits anything with her sword, she hits HARD -- she is very strong. Milena tells Britt that she would like to talk to a god who is not Britt's god, and asks if it is ok to do it here or if she should go to a more appropriate place. She says it should be ok... as long as it's not Maria, and she smiles. Milena says it is the Explorer, and Britt says she thinks he and Byorn play poker... and both cheat. Someone comes to tell Kat that someone is here to talk to her. It turns out to be Tricia; the two of them talk around the fact that Tricia is inviting her to go through tests to join the Thieves' Guild, and explaining the benefits of being a part of the Guild. Tricia asks if it was really the Assassin's Guild that tried to kill Kat, and Kat says it seems that it was someone else pretending to be the Assassin's Guild. Kat says that if the Thieves' Guild were to look into that incident and find out the truth, Kat would consider that an act of good faith by which she would more seriously consider their offer. Milena finds a private room, strips down, lightly cuts her arms to make an offering of blood, and tells the Explorer that she did not understand years ago that he was calling to her, but she sees more clearly now. She dedicates herself to his service and asks his guidance and wisdom. She hears the window to the room open, and a man falls in -- Ver Stowell, whom she had met five years before when he came to seek the Compass of Daln, which he now carries. Milena says she thinks she needs that. He walks around her and finds the compass keeps pointing to her, so he hands it over. He looks very beat up and says he could use a drink. She gets dressed again and they go downstairs, where he shares that he got beat up and his companion Ruby killed by a demon on the way in, and that they passed many demons and fiends quite close to Saltmarsh on the way in. The group decides to go ahead and try to use the Banish scroll Gnik has to banish the demon Drarnemas from Juliana. Milena looks at the compass and finds it points to the Lassiter estate, the last place Juliana was seen; but to keep up appearances that they don't know she's possessed and in league with Egan, they go first to the Town Hall, where they're told she's gone home, and then to her house, where they're told she's at the Lassiters meeting with Egan. The group heads to the estate. The guards say that Juliana is in a meeting with Egan and has asked not to be disturbed; Al asks if Beyolin or Jamee are in, and a servant is dispatched to look. As the door opens, Milena asks Zassin to slip in camouflaged and scout around, and Gnik sends Az, carrying Calrik, to fly around to scout the grounds and try to find a way for Calrik to get in. Beyolin is there and invites them into a receiving room while they wait. Gnik asks if he may ask Beyolin a somewhat uncomfortable question, and Beyolin hesitantly says yes. Gnik asks why he stole Fenric's book all those years ago, and Beyolin says it is because Jamee told him to, and he was a kid, and she's scary. Then Kat asks if she may ask a kind of uncomfortable question; Beyolin at first says no, but then says yes; she asks if she could use his bathroom because she has never used indoor plumbing before. Beyolin says Al asked the same question the first time he came over, and directs her across the hall. Kat leaves the water running to make it sound like she is still in the washroom, disguises herself as the servant Jack, and slips out to explore. Al and Milena both notice her walk by the open door and realize it is Kat; and they also notice Beyolin noticing and obviously ignoring it. Down the hall, Kat finds a library and Egan's office; as she looks into the office, she realizes it is not as big as the surrounding rooms would suggest, and goes looking for secret doors. She finds a well-constructed and well-hidden door hiding a backpack, a lever that looks like it would open a section of the wall to the outside of the house for a quick escape, and a trap door in the floor. Kat checks the traps, oils the hinges to make sure they don't squeak, and carefully peeks under the trapdoor. Zassin communicates that there are very few people around. He saw Egan and Juliana talking upstairs, several servants sleeping in their quarters, and a few servants wandering around the house. Kat lifts the ring and sees a ladder going down. It is pitch black, so she is relying on her darkvision. Al asks Zassin to relay to Kat that she can take her time because Beyolin knows what she's doing and doesn't care. The group in the receiving room hear two pairs of footsteps coming down the stairs. Al stands up as Egan and Juliana come into the room and asks why they have come. Milena shares that an ally of theirs has arrived in town and reported that several demons and assorted fiends seem to be closing in on Saltmarsh. Juliana looks shocked and asks if the military force has arrived yet. Milena says she does not know if the whole force is there, but some are, because their ally was injured by one of the demons and received aid from some soldiers. Juliana turns to Egan and suggests that they should send the military to deal with the demons, but Al says that it sounded like it sounded like the demons were the biggest and most powerful in existence -- hoping to irritate the arrogant Drarnemas. Juliana stammers that that seems unlikely; meanwhile, Gnik begins reading the scroll, and Egan, who sees the movement out of the corner of his eye, takes a step back. Gnik finishes casting the spell; the writing dissolves from the scroll, they see for a brief moment the huge and disturbing shape of the demon, which seems to explode into nothingness and Juliana falls backward. Egan says, "She seems to be ill, perhaps I should take her home. You are welcome to join, but there may be things here you still want to do -- and I believe one of your friends might need help soon." Bayolin takes a carafe of wine and joins Egan. Kat continues her explorations. She finds supplies, including several unlatched chests. One is about half-full of red and brown robes; mostly red with brown symbols embroidered on them. She takes one and sticks it in her pack. She finds candles, a box with a tinder in it, a box of small glass vials with clear liquid with a bit of fogginess to it. Milena checks the compass, which is pointing in the direction Kat went. The group catches up with her as she finishes looking through the boxes and is ready to go through another door she found opened by a lever. Daln's compass points through the door. Al recognizes that the symbols on the robes and the candles are the symbols of Lume, the god of plague -- also known as Lumaka. 5 October 2019 Kat picks the lock and opens the door to find a small room filled with shelves, many of which are empty, but some of which contain chains with spikes on the end, a metal bell with a striker, and several several other doors including the back side of another secret door. Kat pulls out a dagger and flings it. A small creature appears as the dagger hits it and then falls to the ground. Kat tries to use her Mage Hand to bring the dead creature toward her, but it is already bubbling and dissolving. As they move into the room and explore it more closely, they see that one of the doors has not only a bolt but also three dials with letters on them. Gnik uses Mage Hand to retrieve the striker from above the bell and stashes it in one of the boxes of robes. The compass is spinning, pointing to all the doors. Milena tries tilting it up and down, but it seems to be telling her that everything here needs to be dealt with. Kat begins playing with the dials and spins them until the letters on them spell OPEN ME. She pushes the dials in and they click into place. Nearby, there is a section of wall that looks like it used to be a doorway but has been bricked in. Al inspects it to see if it is an illusion, or if there is a loose brick that might open a secret door, but it seems like a regular wall. Gnik uses prestidigitation to create a small cork and shove it into a small tube that looks as though it could release something. Kat finishes picking the bolt lock and opens the door into a room full of tables. About halfway through the room there is an arc painted on the floor; on a nearby table there are rocks, sticks, and some sort of lizard creature in a cage. Gnik recognizes it as a tuatara. There are jars, a piece of paper wrapped in a ribbon, and papers in a box. On another table are papers, a reddish square of some rock-like material that seems to be glowing from the other side, and two small objects that look like a cube cut in half and the sections put on opposite ends of the table, and three greenish swirly stones. On the back table are two tall cages, each with a small pot-bellied, green-haired creatures about a foot tall -- rum gremlins. One is standing, the other is lying in the bottom of the cage. The one standing has the wound dealt to the rum gremlin on the ship, and its eyes are white. Al tries to talk to the standing gremlin to asks who it is, to see if perhaps it is being inhabited by a lesser demon and that's why its eyes are white. It stares at him a moment, then snarls and lunges at the bars of the cage. As the group discusses whether there is a mage in the Lassiter family, a voice says, "Define Lassiter." Gnik looks around and realizes the tuatara is speaking to them. He tells them he was a childhood plaything of Jack's, but was given the gift of speech by Lir -- the last mage Al was aware of being in the Lassiter family. They ask the tuatara's name, and he says it is Ojen. They ask what Jack has been up to, and he says Jack and Jamee have been bringing people here and doing bad things. They ask if Deanna has been here, and Gnik shows an image. Ojen says yes, briefly, but then she was taken for a ritual by Jack, Jamee, and the beast. Gnik shows a picture of Segorid and asks if that is the beast, and Ojen says yes. They learn Ojen has never been outside and would like to be freed, as long as he will still be able to get food. They asks what he eats, and he lunges forward and eats a cricket. They assure him that will be easy to come by outside, and tell him that they will come back and free him after they finish exploring the basement Al, Kai, and Kat listen at the three remaining doors. Al hears grunting behind one door, like two non-human beings wrestling. The group suspects these might be the creatures that would be summoned by the bell on the shelf. Kai hears no noise behind the next door. Kat comes to examine the lock on it, and two of the screws on it suddenly turn into eyes and says -- with the keyhole as a mouth -- "Get lost, kid -- you don't have a key." Kat goes back into the storage room and re-disguises herself, this time as Jamee so that she has a better chance of imitating her voice. She says to the others, "Let's just go into the other room and I'll explain everything... oh, I don't have the key, OH HY GOD." The door complains that she doesn't have a key, and she says, "Just open the damn door!" The lock relents and pops open, but they still hear it complaining as they walk through. It is a small room full of shelves with jars, neatly labeled, with things like diseased heads. Gnik borrows a couple of spikes from Kat and quietly wedges them under the door to the wrestling creatures. It probably won't stop them but will at least slow them down a bit. Kat finishes her exploration of the back side of the secret door. It is a small door, only a couple of feet high and a couple of feet off the floor. Kat opens it and is hit with a blast of dead air; there are cobwebs and a skeleton, and it appears to open into the family catacombs. They listen quietly but don't hear anything. They wonder if this perhaps was a former entrance to this secret area. Al tries crawling through the small door and discovers the skeleton is stone and the cobwebs are illusory. He searches the wall near the secret door to see if there is another secret passage in an empty space between the storage room and the basement. While he is searching, he hears a noise to his left... and realizes a fresher body is moving, and so are several other skeletons. He scrambles back through the door and shouts, "Close the door! Close the door!" They do so as at least a dozen shapes move through it. They hear the talking lock chuckle and say, "You all deserved that." Gnik recognizes the workmanship of the bricked-up section of wall, and realizes it's about 30 years old and done by someone who is more likely to have put something in place that is meant to stay in place rather than as a mechanized secret door. They decide to go through the remaining door with the grunting; Milena pulls out the compass and it is now pointing to that door. Kat quietly picks the lock, opens the door a tiny bit, and peeps through. There are four creatures, each unique. Two look like they used to be people. One of those is being stomped into the ground by a more grotesque creature with one tree-trunk-like leg and a mouth for a hand. A second grotesque creature is leaning against the wall in the corner. Kat sees that the stomping creature has its back to her, so she enters the room and stabs it in the back with her sword Torchlight. It yells and she stabs it a second time with her dagger. Milena tries to hit the slouching creature with Sacred Flame, but it dodges; she hits it instead with Spiritual Weapon in the form of a scimitar, and Ember stabs at its legs. Kai runs into the room, slashes at the stompy-legged creature and takes out its smaller leg. It falls to the floor moaning. Zassin takes off from Milena's shoulder and flies into the darkness at the back of the room, where there are stairs going down. The group notices that there are nine torches missing from the sconces on the wall. The other creature charges at Ember and accidentally impales itself on her rapier. They notice it does not use the staff in its hand to attack, it only bites at her. Gnik hits it in the leg with a sling bullet and then tells Az to fly around and distract it. The first more human-looking creature pulls itself up from the floor and tries to bite at Kai, but trips over its own feet and hits its head on the floor; the other one comes at Al and tries to bite at him, but he dodges. The creature with the now-missing leg starts bubbling like tar and dissolving, producing an unpleasant stench; clearly it is a true demon. Kat takes out the foot of the one that stunned itself and it dissolves and then blows outward into dust. Al attacks the other one that looks more human, hits it in the neck, and it seems to fold in on itself and disappears. Al and Kat realize that the two more demon-looking creatures were ruddikin and the other two were their victims, who are affected with their diseases and turn into abyssal wretches after they die. Zassin sends Milena a message that there is a door down the stairs and he can hear people talking; he sends out a sense of the words, and it sounds like someone is giving a motivational speech in Jhoynian. They move to the stairs; Kai activates the dim light of her sword, and Kat, still disguised as Jamee, grabs a torch. They reach the bottom of the stairs and there is a door that doesn't even have a lock on it. Kat listens and hears someone talking; it sounds like a male voice, but not Jack. Kat pulls open the door and stomps through the door like she owns the place and surveys the scene disdainfully down her nose. The space is definitely some kind of temple. There is a rectangular pool near the door with pews on either side of it; the room slopes downward toward a dais with a man standing and talking, flanked by two others. There are others in the room who turn to face them as they enter. One of them is Robbie from the Stern Rally, and they recognize others from around town: a member of the guard, a dancer at the Dancing Dryad, a chef, a secretary at one of the other estates, a scribe, and others -- a total of nine people. Jack and Jamee are not there. Seven torches are set among the pews. The walls are covered with tapestries depicting scenes they don't particularly want to look at. Kat stares witheringly at the group and says, "Well?" The man speaking, Clevel, asks, "How are you here? You went in the ritual room." "Well, obviously it circles back around and there's another door!" She walks toward the door indicated, and Kai moves to follow. Gnik says, "DON'T LOOK AT ME," lights a candle, and moves toward the assembled group of cultists. The majority of them stare fascinatedly at the candle, but Clevel and Robbie shake it off. Clevel yells, "Kill him!" and points at Gnik. Al runs at Robbie and tries to snare him in a rope and tie him up; he hits, but Robbie dodges from being wrapped and grabs hold of the rope. Kai also runs at Robbie and tries to take him out without killing him. She slices his left leg and he staggers back a bit. Gnik sends Az to fly around Clevel and keep him from reaching for the javelin on his back, which the group recognizes as Matty's. Zassin flies to the wall and pulls back a section of curtain. Milena moves to it and sees the outline of the door, and a section of slightly rotated stone that is probably the latch. She also re-casts her Spiritual Weapon and hits Clevel with it. Ember runs along the tops of the pews, hits Robbie in the neck with her dagger, and he goes down bleeding. Ember says, "Oops," and puts her hands over the hole to try to stop the bleeding. Kat uses Mage Hand to open the door to the ritual room; the section of wall slides inward and to the side. Clevel charges at Gnik to try to take out the candle; Kai strikes at him as he goes, and he falls flat on the ground in front of Gnik, not moving, without putting out the candle. Inside the ritual room is a hallway, walled with stucco instead of stonework, molded with demonic visages, disease, and pustulence. Gnik suggests to Kai that she takes the javelin from Clevel, which returns automatically. They make their way down the hall, which curves back and forth, although it doesn't appear to be a natural passage; it looks as if it were carved or built this way on purpose. They get to a set of doors, thick enough that it is difficult to hear through them. Kat opens the door into a 50 ft diameter circular room with a 30 foot ceiling. There is a pattern of continual flame on the ceiling in some sort of demonic symbol. There are stairs down into the room on either side of where they came in. Around the room about halfway up the wall are men and women suspended on chains by their arms and waists; they recognize some as townsfolk they have seen. Deanna is chained in the middle of the room, between Jamee and Segorid; there is another robed figure with his back to them who turns to face them as they enter. It is Nathan Borrel, who was seeking the Pipe of Plague five years ago. Kai enters the room and flings her handaxes at Segorid. They hit him and she hears a voice in her head saying, "That is going to cost you." Jamee tells Nathan to finish the ritual; he replies that she should kill the others quickly because if she doesn't, he will want to. Her boots sprount wings, she rises into the air and she casts a spell that makes a spiked chain appear, glowing a sickly orange, right in front of Kat -- who still looks like Jamee. It slashes and stabs her. Al takes a running leap off the landing, over the head of Nathan, and lands next to Deanna, ready to defend. Segorid takes a couple of steps backwards, claps his hands, and their brains are filled with a horrible blackboard-scraping screech, stunning Kat. Milena yells out, "Deanna, hold on. We are coming to help you," and sends her spiritual scimitar at Nathan, slashing his leg. Ember makes a run, trying to swing off Jamee in place of a chandelier and take her down. Nathan glares at Milena, waves his hand to his left, and another ghostly spiked chain appears, slashing the throat of the first suspended prisoner. Al pulls off Deanna's hood and gag; while trying to figure out how to get her chains off, Zassin sends an image of Gnik coming in and waving his hands and making her chains come off. Kai falls into a berserker rage and runs down the stairs, charging Nathan. She slices into his arm and he snarls, "Who the fuck are you?" She snarls back, wolf-like. A black beam of energy comes from Jamee's hand and slams into Ember. Her grip slips just a bit, and she falls, hitting the ground hard. However, she still manages to hit Segorid in the leg. Segorid appears next to Al and attacks with his claws, but Al manages to parry and dodge. Milena slashes Nathan across the chest with her spiritual scimitar; he responds by killing another of the prisoners. Kat becomes un-stunned and fires her crossbow at Jamee, hitting her in the stomach, and then runs down the stairs to join the fray. Kai swings at Nathan again, hitting his foot; he looks like he is barely standing. Jamee drops to the ground brandishing a longsword; it bellows "GROVEL" and the group recognizes it as Matty's old longsword. Kai falls to her knees. Az flies in with a miniaturized Gnik on her back brandishing a Knock scroll. The chains fall from Deanna. Segorid yells, "SHE WILL BE SACRIFICED!" and tries to charge around Al to get to Deanna. Al and Ember swing at him as he goes, and Al hits, but Segorid still takes a swing at her, slicing her back. Milena hits Nathan with her last blow with the spiritual scimitar, hitting him in the leg and tearing up into his gut. He goes down. She casts Sacred Flame at Segorid, hitting him. Zassin sends a mental warning to everyone of light shooting out of Kat's eyeballs and making those in its path distracted. The rest of the party averts their eyes as Kat casts Color Spray in the direction of Segorid and Jamee. Segorid covers his eyes, but Jamee is temporarily blinded. Gnik casts Phantasmal Force at her to cause her to perceive an angel busting into the room and coming at her. She turns to flee, using her boots to try to fly to the door, but she is blinded and Kai is able to swing at her as she goes. She squeals in pain but keeps going. Milena hits her with a Guiding Bolt, which hits her so hard that she goes limp and falls heavily to the ground just before reaching the landing. Deanna shakes off her chains and takes a swing at Segorid, but misses. Kat takes a swing and cuts his arm deeply at the elbow. Deanna stands up and slams him in the chest with her fist; Milena actually sees him tramble a bit as her eyes flare up and the necrotic effect appears on his chest. Kai slams him in the shoulder and shatters the antlers protruding from the side of his head and shoulder. Gnik flies out on Az to tend to Anny, whom Zassin has shared is unconscious. Milena hands off a healing potion to him as he goes. He drops the potion to Zassin to give to Anny, and then continues up the stairs in pursuit of Candace, the cultist member of the guard who was the only one not affected by sleep spells from Gnik. Segorid tries to teleport away; but as he crouches down to initiate the teleport, Kat skewers him in the back and he erupts and disappears into nothingness. Kat takes the flying boots from Jamee and slips them on. Gnik and Az get to the top of the stairs and see the door to the catacombs open and a zombie crawling out. He closes it using Mage Hand. 26 October 2019 In the ritual room, the light appears to be getting slowly brighter. Kat says, "Mom... you're glowing...." Milena takes a moment to meditate to figure out what is going on, while the rest work on helping the suspended prisoners. Zassin sends word that Anny has taken a healing potion and is doing better. Gnik continues up the stairs into Egan's office, and Al runs the same way a bit later. They hear a loud clanking noise like all the metal in the house slams into stone. Gnik sees that a portcullis has slammed down over the windows. Al catches up to him, and they decide to try to chase the fleeing cultist Candace through the front door. One of the freed prisoners stalks up to Milena and asks what she did with Ver. "I healed him," she says. The woman points to the compass and says, "How did you get that, then?" "Ah, he found that it pointed to me, and gave it to me. Are you Ruby? He thought you were dead. We will take you to him when we get out of here." Upstairs, Al and Gnik encounter a servant and start to talk, and then Al yells, "I've been stabbed!" Gnik realizes someone was standing behind Al, either invisible or incredibly stealthy, stabbed him and then quickly fled. They both catch enough of a glimpse to be almost positive it was Jack. Al is hurt badly and decides to drink his healing potion. The servant they encountered has vanished -- probably an illusion. They move to a hallway intersection so they have good sightlines, and Al asks, "What was your plan, Jack? Take over the city all for yourself?" He hears a crossbow twang, they see Jack for a brief instant, and a bolt embeds itself in a wall near Al. Gnik makes an illusion of himself and then hides behind a chair. At Al's request, Zassin sends a message that Gnik and Al need help. Deanna and Ruby say they can stay and help the rest of the prisoners while Kai, Kat, Milena, and Ember head upstairs. But as they are running out,the doors to the chamber slam shut in front of them. Kai tries pushing it open and it slams shut again, so she slams into it, knocking it off its hinges. As they run past the door, it flies at Kat; it slams into the far wall and breaks into three pieces. Al says, "Gnik, I heard Jamee somewhere else in the estate; I'm going to go find her, you stay here and keep watch." Al then moves to hide behind the door he thinks Jack is most likely to come through. They hear a voice from further down the hall: "Hello? It sounds like a fight going on? Can I join?" It sounds like Keren, from the city guard. Gnik says there is a fight and asks if she's okay. She says fine except for the skeleton they just dispatched. Gnik warns them that more may be coming from the crypt. Keren, Pattie, and Cyril proceed down the hall, see Al, and he puts a finger to his lips for silence. He gestures down the hall to Gnik. Keren says Candance had come through and said that people needed help, so they came in to help, but then everything slammed shut. Gnik tells them Candace was part of a group that was getting ready to perform a human sacrifice in the basement, that they stopped them, but there are still cultists around. Kai and Al both look in the library where Al thought Jack was hiding, but don't see him. Al tells the guards that Jack is a necromancer -- they know because they found his lab -- and that he can probably make illusions. They hear heavy footsteps near an entrance and a skeleton comes into view. Milena and Kat make it into the hallway and Gnik sees that she is glowing; he suggests she go stand near the skeleton, for science. She moves that way and it charges him, so she pulls out her holy symbol and tries to turn it. The glow becomes very bright and floods the house; they hear voices cursing with surprise around the estate. Al asks why that happened and Milena holds up the compass, as though that explains everything. As she holds it up, open, it points very clearly to the floor above them. Gnik finds that the front door is barred, but yells to the guards on the other side to go next door to get Egan, and tell them they stopped the ritual. Kat, Milena, and Al move up the stairs. As they do, Kat feels something grab at her -- surprisingly, since she thinks she should be able to see invisible things -- and Al gets slammed by something. Al tries to kick at it, but doesn't seem to make contact with anything. They reach the landing and Milena holds out the compass. She feels something try to slam it out of her hand, but she keeps hold of it and points down the hall to where it is pointing. As they move down the hallway, a crossbow bolt comes from behind and hits Milena in the back. Kai sprints off to find who did it, and Gnik sends Az to look as well. Milena channels energy to heal those nearest her; they are flooded with a divine white energy. Kat and Pattie join Kai in opening doors. Gnik yells out, in rat, "Calrik, watch out for a man with a crossbow!" Calrik reports that weird things are happening: there were all these zombies and skeletons, but then there was a bright light and they exploded. Gnik says that's good -- not the zombies and skeletons, but the exploding. He tells Calrik to stick with them. Pattie opens up a door, searching for foes, and three crossbow bolts come whizzing toward her. Two hit her, and she dodges the third. Kat throws a Sleep spell into the room; she hears two thumps, gets down on the ground, and peeks around the corner. Al stays back with Milena, and suddenly a bunch of paint brushes come flying out of the art room at them, hard end first. They dodge any major damage, but still get some bruises. Az lands on Kai's shoulder, and Kai turns invisible; Kat can still see her with a blue glow around her. Pattie plunges into the room, and Kai follows. Another crossbow bolt comes flying at Milena from in front of her and Al; Al jumps in front of it and tries to catch the bolt, but it goes through his hand and shallowly into his shoulder. He briefly sees that the shooter is Jack, and yells, "It's Jack! ....Ow." Kai, still invisible, comes running up, followed by Kat. A violin comes flying out of the music room and hits Kat. Zassin flies off Milena's neck, flies down the hall toward where Jack is, and fades into invisibility. He projects an image to them of Jack, and behind him Jamee, floating and translucent with a black aura -- a banshee. Milena casts Bless on herself, Al, and Kai. Gnik runs up to join them, reading a scroll. When he's done, the text disappears from the scroll and a glittering shell appears briefly around him. He tells them it is a Protection From Undead spell, but it's not clear whether it will work against Jamee. Down the hall, in the room where Pattie and Ember are fighting an antagonistic servant, they hear a thump, and Ember says, "Nice shot!" "Thanks," says Pattie. Al whimpers at Milena and holds up his injured hand, so she casts a healing spell at him. Kai, still invisible, peeks around the corner where Jack and Jamee were, but doesn't see them. She moves down the hall planning to peek into rooms to see if she can find them, and sees that a bedroom door is open. As she investigates, she sees Jack crouching in a storage room with the door open only a crack, pointing a crossbow. Gnik suggests to Milena that they move to the intersection of the hall ahead to try to keep Jack and Jamee from escaping. Milena checks the compass, sees it is pointing that way, and they begin moving -- toward the storage room. Kai hears them coming and yells out, "Jack's in the storage room!" He shoots the crossbow, badly, turns to see who yelled, and tries to flee from the room -- but is hit by the invisible Kai. Al runs in and attacks, hitting him several times. Jack drops his crossbow and draws his short sword. Kai, having attacked, is no longer invisible -- so Gnik casts invisibility on Milena and Kat. He sends Az to help attack Jack. Milena moves to where she has line of sight on Jack and casts Guiding Bolt; she then gets out of the way so Kat can get around her and into the room. She runs in and attacks, skewering him in the hand as he raises his sword, and then stabs him in the chest with her dagger. He falls backwards, and Jaime appears in the room, hovering over the bed. The sight of her is terrifying; she smiles, opens her mouth much farther than it should go, and lets out a wail that shakes them to their bones; they feel life being drained from their bodies. Jack falls backwards and his head hits the ground. Al and Kai attack with daggers and swords, and Milena hits with a Sacred Flame. Kat runs up and skewers Jamee, and she explodes; however, Al sees that the black energy around her seems to flow down the hall, and Milena sees that the compass is pointing in that direction. They follow to a room Al knows is Jamee's bedroom. When they open it there is a stench in the room like decaying human flesh, and a sickly sound of movement that almost makes them nauseous. It otherwise looks like a typical young woman's room, except that there is a sheet covering something that looks like a birdcage, and black energy is emanating from it. In it is a dome with two fingers, one desiccated and one fresh, with black energy swirling around it. The fresh finger is wearing the same color of nail polish that Jamee was wearing, and they recall seeing her hand was bandaged. They discuss what to do and Milena is planning a ritual sanctification when they hear the house shudder as the bars open up again. Most of the town is there, including Egan and Janet, the latter of whom says she also would do a sanctification, so Milena continues while Janet heals the rest of the party. Egan tells them that whatever Jamee was involved in, he wants no relationship to it, so they are free to take any of her things; Kat has claimed her boots and her bag of holding. They tell Egan that Jamee actually died, twice, and he seems genuinely shook, but says she brought it on herself. "Still," Milena says, "I am sorry for your loss." While Milena completes her ritual, the rest of the group goes downstairs to investigate Jack's lab. Egan claims not to have any knowledge of what is downstairs except for a secret path to the outside; he seems sincere, but then so did Jamee. In their explorations, Kai picks up a piece of paper and starts reading it -- and stops again after she gets a paragraph in. She says, "I don't want to keep reading this because I think something bad will happen!" She feels a tingling, and a painful sensation like her blood is slowing down. Gnik takes the paper with Mage Hand and reads it, learning that it is a recipe for the poison that coats the paper. Kai did not hold the paper long enough to absorb a fatal dose, though. 2 November 2019 25 Klook 3275 - 3 Agram 3275 The group spends time dealing with the aftermath of the battle. They find Jamee's diary and learn that she, often at Jack's instigation, was behind most of the schemes they have faced, including the hit on Kat and Anny, which was meant to spark a war between the thieves' guild (looking to recruit Kat) and the assassins' guild (falsely accused of the hit). She only included Anny in the hit because she'd been spending so much time with Al. Deanna stays with Al's mother for a while, but over time gets to know her brother Bayolin and their mother and moves back in with them. Mallon comes back through town and presents Al with his headband of dark-seeing and pays a visit to Gnik to retrieve the spellbook of his servant the halfling mage they battled. Heide contacts Al to let him know she has found something that will help his hands act as magical weapons -- an ancient item with no known history that looks like a rock with some holes in it; it appears too small for him, but when he puts his hand in the holes it morphs to conform to his hand. On the 29th, a messenger boy finds Kat and delivers a message to her from Saltmarsh Sendings. The rest of the group eventually gets their own notes. It is from Zagrimil, containing a coin each can use to contact him by whispering his name over it. Kai learns from Britt that it can be destroyed in the hot fires of a forge and she takes hers to be destroyed. Kat and Milena decide to keep theirs; Milena makes sure not to keep it on her person since it's possible Zagrimil could use it to spy on them. Britt reveals to them that she is a member of a secret organization called the Hopeful. She lets them know that when their ship is ready to go, there is someone stuck in a Fortek prison (a city in Dorgenian lands). In order to get to the prison they would have to find a contact of Britt's in the Twin Cities who knows where the prison is, and needs to be convinced to help them. The prisoner is a friend of Britt's, and also has information about what happened when Anlim invaded Sarim -- an act in which many people, including the queen of Sarim, vanished. Svetlana returns home with the body of the leader of her order. Milena spends much of the week working with other priests and priestesses on funeral rites and ceremonies of public mourning for the many dead. The army returns on 2 Agrum. The raid on the sahaugin lair was very successful, thanks to the intel from the group. Milena checks in with Juliana, who hasn't been making any public appearances after her ordeal. She confesses that she is planning to step down from the mayorship and retire. Milena checks in with Ver and returns Daln's Compass -- which is now pointing to Ver. 16 November 2019 4 Agram 3275 Eleanora has information about the Black Market, which Gnik asked her to investigate. They go in the evening to talk with her, and the place is packed with the returned military and others celebrating their victories. Perytar ushers them upstairs. Al asks if Perytar has seen his brother among the soldiers, but Perytar says he hasn't been by. When they get upstairs, Nora is tending to Eleanora, who has been injured and poisoned by someone trying to kill her. Milena uses her necklace to remove the effects of the poison and then heals her; Gnik and Kat tell her to change out of her tattered and bloody clothes so they can Clean and Mend them. Eleanora asks if they really want to try to shut down the Black Market, and Gnik says that so far they want more information to help make the decision: on the one hand, they have been incentivized to find proof of its existence and location; but on the other, they might make enemies of the assassin's guild, who use it heavily. Eleanora thunks a dagger on the table with the symbol of the Night Blades on the hilt -- the dagger used to try to kill her. She says the only way she knows to the black market is through a contact of hers that she finds at the assassin's guild. She says she can get them a time, place, and location to meet her black market contact. Milena learns that she has gained the power of Sending and sends a message to Kat's father letting him know that his daughter made a deal with the devil Zagrimil to learn his identity and advising him to be cautious if Zagrimil comes to him. He replies that Bogdan sent people to Saltmarsh last week, and says that he will send help and come soon after. 5 Agram 3275 Kat receives a note from Zagrimil that verifies what Milena learned from the Sending and adding details: Her father's name is Ron, he is the son of a Thialli elf and half-elf, and he followed the one surviving thug from the encounter with Milena back to Bargal Valley, where he has been slowly ingratiating himself with the locals in order to spy on Bogdan; the thug died soon after returning to the Valley and before he could tell anyone else about what happened. Having been warned by Kat and Al that Calrik seemed to be acting strangely, Gnik realizes there is a good chance he is actually a summoned low-powered devil spirit in rat form. He tries asking Calrik what he observed about the devils and demons Logtaru summoned, and what he knows about the thinking and motivations of such beings. He says demons just want to destroy reality so they can be reborn in a new form. Devils have a specific purpose; Zagrimil's specific purpose is to collect souls to power an aspect of the hells. Gnik asks who specifically Zagrimil might be trying to help; Calrik starts to answer, but then gets very nervous and asks for some cheese. Milena calls a family meeting to tell her other daughters about the coming threat; Lana is the only priest at her temple right now and will come to the house to defend if needed, but may be more needed at the temple. Jelena will stay home to defend her youngest sisters; Milena gives Rodger a dagger (he asked for a sword) and sends him to patrol the streets for signs of Bogdan's men and let her know when and where he sees them. Milena and Kat share the news with the rest of the group. They do not have a good way to know how these men are traveling -- magically via Exotics, over land by horse, or some other way -- which would make a big difference in how long the journey might take. They discuss asking Exotics to see if they can learn whether these men used those services, and looking for jobs in town because they don't want to abandon town -- and particularly Milena's younger daughters -- if the men show up soon. They agree to share the news with Britt, Eleanora, Rodger's network, and Fenrik. Gnik decides Calrik is too dangerous to keep around; he traps Calrik and explains the situation, says there are no hard feelings, and then dispatches his mortal form, sending him back to the hells. The group decides to investigate claims that bad things keep happening in the cemetery. They meet at Britt's and Milena tells her about the coming enemies from Bargal. They go to the cemetery; Al and Gnik decide to talk to the cemetery keeper, Sally, with Anny and Ember joining them. They find her hiding behind a statue with a crossbow, guarding her property; she asks what they're doing there... at midnight. Al says they hadn't planned to, they were just going to investigate the rumors of strange happenings, but decided to ask them about it. She says no one has ever bothered to come talk to her about what happens in the cemetery. Kat, Kai, and Milena stroll the graveyard within line of sight of each other. They come around a hill and see a huge glowing mastiff. Kat says, "Good boy!" and he sits; Milena asks if they may come, and his body language says its okay. Kat and Milena find that even though they can see through him, they can touch him while he's looking at them, and Kat can pet him with her Mage Hand. They give him lots of belly rubs while Kai performs a ritual to speak with animals. Back at the keeper's house, Al asks Sally about a hellhound that has been spotted there; she says, "Yes, I summoned it; it was a gift from Vlondrel to help guard against those seeking to steal bodies, and it is actually a celestial. Al mentions their companions are wandering the cemetery and maybe he should go catch up with them, and invites Sally to come along if he wants. Kai finishes her spell, and the dog comes to his feet and starts talking to her -- but they all can hear it. He tells her the spell was not necessary, but humor is important. He says he has been helping stop graverobbers, and caught a couple just a few weeks ago; mostly he just scares people off. He says he is also here during the day, but can't be seen in daylight. 6 Agram 3275 The group reconvenes for breakfast at Blackberry Bar's. Rodger comes in, runs up to Milena, and whispers, "I found a Bargallian," just as a tall man walks in, removing his upper armor and sweating. Kai stands up in a defensive stance, but doesn't draw a weapon. Milena stands, faces him, and the two begin conversing in Bargallian. Kai asks, "Friend?" and Milena nods; he introduces himself as Nikolai and says he came through the magic doorway, which Ron paid for. He says in broken trade that Bogdan is trying to enact some kind of ritual that requires an inexperienced girl of Milena's line. Kai says, "Inexperienced?" and Milena replies, "...means what you think it means, yes." Gnik says this sounds similar to something he read in Fenrik's book about the Lume ritual requiring someone who carries no secrets. Milena says that is no one in her family, and the other meaning is much more likely. Outside they hear barking that Milena recognizes as Gavriila's dog; she runs outside to find Gavriila, dripping wet and bleeding slightly from the back of her head. She says masked men came to the house, knocked out Jelena and took Tatiana, who hit her in the head with a frying pan. Milena, Kat, and Nikolai take off through the streets to try to intercept the men, while the others head to Milena's house. As Milena and Kat cross the bridge, they see Bellto coming the other way; he asks why Tatiana was walking with three masked men who are staying at the Raven. Milena tells him they have taken her, and takes off running toward the Raven. Bellto calls out, "Don't hurt my inn!" as they disappear. As they round a bend, they see a chaotic mob of people with traffic stopped by an overturned cart and horse. Two masked men are trying to figure out how to get around it while a third stands to the side lightly holding Tatiana's arm. At that moment they get a message from Zassin that he's found Tatiana, and that there is another masked man still in Milena's house. Milena asks him to warn those coming to her house, and then asks him to ask Tatiana why she is going with these men. She replies it is so fewer people will be hurt. Kat runs onto the rooftops and tries to shoot the man holding Tatiana, but misses; Milena signals to Nikolai that they should run up opposite sides of the street under cover of the crowd. As she runs she casts Spiritual Weapon and takes off the man's arm at the elbow, as Tatiana steps aside with perfect timing; he falls to the ground screaming and clutching his bloody stump. A spear flies through the crowd and pins a second masked man to the overturned cart. The third man grabs Tatiana and starts to run, but Kat drops down with her rapier and slices him in the leg. He falls, and she finishes him off. While Nikolai retrieves his spear, Milena stands over the man with the missing arm and says, "I warned him." He growls, "You cut my arm off, bitch!" She says, "You took my daughter." He passes out. The others reach Milena's house and find a man with a scarred face and eyes that look dead or missing; he stands, turns to face them, and says, "Where is Milena? She must die." Al asks who he is, and he gives his name as Manin. He tries to attack Al, but Al dodges and then attacks with a flurry of punches that stuns him. Ember and Kai attack with swords, and then Gnik casts Silence. Al continues to pound on him, and he falls to the ground; dark energy flows from his mouth and he falls to the ground. Kai finds Jelena bound and gagged, but conscious, and with a serious contusion on the side of her head. They discuss the undead man they fought; Gnik checks his book and believes it is an advanced form of sword wraith, which could be created to a specific purpose or create itself if it died without achieving its objective. Kat, Milena, and Nikolai discuss that they have not yet encountered the powerful warlock or the woman in the group sent from Bogdan; they wonder if they might still be at the Raven. Milena thinks if these are the most powerful members of that party, they will want the rest of the group as back-up. Kat offers to do reconnaisance on the Raven, and promises not to do anything foolish; Milena gives her a look, and Nikolai says, "I think there is history here." Gavriila and Tatiana head back to the house; before she goes, Tatiana looks at Milena and declares, "I had an adventure!" Kat decides to disguise herself as Juliana so she can ask questions with some level of authority. She asks to see the registry, and between her acting ability and her persuasion, convinces Sami, the man at the front desk, to show her the guest registry. He asks if there is anything he can help with, or anyone specific she's looking for. She asks about foreigners, and he describes a group that is clearly the people they're looking for; the two remaining are in the largest suite, and the other four have gone out. 28 November 2019 Kat reports back about her scouting, and mentions that Duke Ledford is also in residence in one of the suites. Nikolai does not know much about the warlock Havel Brabec and the warrior Marika Jandova except that the warlock is very powerful and the warrior has some renown. Kai and Al want to talk to these foes to find out if they did indeed send the others after Tatiana rather than just attacking them outright. Gnik makes Anny and Kat invisible. As they walk in, Kai whispers for Kat and points out the Duke and Juliana are both in the main room. Al and Kai proceed upstairs to the room where the Bargallians are staying. Milena and Nikolai go up but hang back out of sight. Al knocks on the door and when a woman opens the door slightly Al says there is a mouse infestation and they need to check it out. The woman looks skeptical. Kai asks if the woman is Marika and if the man calling out from the back room is Havel. The man asks why she hasn't invited them in yet, so she does and then walks into the back room. They talk with Havel, who claims they were just here to learn of the situation with others from Bargal Valley whom they believed to be in town. They learned that information and now will return home. Kai and Al ask if they meant to kidnap a girl, and reveal that their companions tried to and did not survive the encounter. After some discussion, Havel says they should ask their librarian friend to look up the Ritual of Reclamation, which is the reason Bogdan needed an innocent of Milena's line -- but that the fact that Tatiana was involved in an adventure by being kidnapped means that she no longer meets the criteria of being innocent, so they will go back and report to Bogdan on Daln's descendant. Kat, who was really hoping for a fight, uses Mage Hand to grab a random object and fling it across the room as she exits. Al says that there are sometimes problems with poltergeists; Havel nods and says they have this also in his home, and maybe they accidentally brought it with them. Al and Kai leave the room and report back to Milena and Nikolai, just down the hall. They hear a whooshing sound and Al goes back into the room; it is empty. The window opens; Al calls out, "Anny?" She says the warlock opened up a portal to someplace filled with flame, and they left. They regroup with Gnik, who looks up the Ritual of Reclamation. It is a ritual to take the descendant of a god who has not yet done anything to fit the archetype of that god (for example, the descendant of a god of adventure who has never adventured) and use them as a vessel for the god's enemy (in this case, Tamoth). Milena suggests Nikolai should meet his daughter, since they may not get another chance. She also says she has some questions for him about the situation at home. They stop by first at Milena's house to check on her other daughters. Gnik tags along to ask Nikolai questions about Bargal Valley, while Milena heals Jelena and makes sure she has no lasting trauma. Milena and Nikolai go to meet Svetlana, and on the way Milena asks about the current power structure in Bargal Valley. She says she is a woman of her word, so if Bogdan tried to come for her daughter she needs to respond; and sometimes taking out a beast means an even worse one arises in its place. Nikolai says Bogdan understands his power comes from the people, and though he will take out anyone he sees as a threat to his power -- thus Nikolai and others work to appear nonthreatening -- he is not overly harsh to those who pay proper tribute (which by Saltmarsh standards is excessive, but seems normal to Bargallians). She tells Nikolai that Ron may be coming soon, and asks if he would be willing to stay until then so the three of them can talk, although she knows he will be anxious to return to his family. He agrees, if it is not too long, and asks why Ron would be coming here. "Because he has learned he also has a daughter." It takes Nikolai a moment, but then he says, "This makes many things make sense." Milena says, "You can probably guess which one." Nikolai and Milena go to talk to Svetlana, who has heard there was some excitement at the house. Milena tells her what happened, and then introduces Nikolai as her father. Svetlana says, "Okay, can you tell me what happened? Because what she tells me makes no sense." Nikolai thinks a moment, figures out what she is asking, and says, "We killed a beast, she cut out its heart, we ate it and then had sex." Milena says, "It is just as I said." Svetlana says, "Yeah, okay, that matches...." She and Nikolai talk, and after a bit of initial awkwardness find they have a lot in common. He tells her of his sons, and is glad to see she is good with a bow, which is as it should be. Kat decides she wants to buy a small sailboat and learns there is a widow trying to get rid of her husband's old boat for not very much money. She purchases it and takes Mouse out sailing -- like she has done many times, but usually she "borrows" a boat. While she is out, she sees a large ship coming in and learns that the Duke is going on some kind of a trip. 7 Agram 3275 The group decides to go talk with Zaru, the proprietor of the Wicker Goat, a tavern that has been in town since the town was founded; he thinks someone is trying to kill him. He brings them to a table in the far corner to talk with them. He says he is originally from Thainga, where he left in a hurry; he has seen a lot more Thaingan coin in the area and is worried that someone has come looking for him. He says the money changers mentioned they started noticing the coin a couple of weeks ago, and that it has been a variety of folks coming in with these coins. Milena asks who he has upset, to give them clues about who might be coming for him. She is aware that Gavriila's father is from that area, which is a mageocracy ruled by a council of seven mages. Zaru found out that one of the mages sacrificed her own nephew to the devil Mephistopheles, the ruler of one of the nine hells and is known to be the wizard devil, who experiments with everything and everyone; he was not supposed to know that, so he left town quickly. Gnik, Milena, and Kat head to the merchants' guild to talk with the money changers. They meet Myron, who says they are getting the coins from a variety of shops, mostly from the Planks and mostly taverns, food vendors and supply shops -- he names the Drunken Urchin and the Griffon and Harpy (a tiny tavern with four tables) as two places he remembers specifically. Al, Kai, and Anny go to Whitecap to talk to Klaav. He says a few weeks ago there was a group who bought a warehouse and are bringing stuff from Till to sell upriver. He says he's been trying to investigate them because he's not sure they are paying their fair share of duties. Al offers to act as his agent in this, and reminds Klaav that he is half-Tillian. Kai asks if there is any chance they might be smuggling humans; Klaav says they wouldn't be so stupid, but Kai reminds him they're Thaingans. He says he's only spoken to two of them -- Bine and Gatto. Milena walks by the warehouse to get a sense of it, and then goes somewhere quiet to cast Clairvoyance. She starts by casting at a spot in the back of the warehouse. She cannot see anything, but when she switches to hearing, she hears movement and a faint cough. Kai loans her a helm that lets her see in the dark; and she can see she is in a narrow hallway with many people chained up against the wall, along with other crates. Most are Tillian, but some are halflings. Slavery is not illegal as long as those brought into town are already slaves when they come in. It is not clear whether these people were bought legitimately; so Kat decides to sneak in using the language pearl and ask one if them if they were already slaves. The group discusses the possibility of setting them all free and destroying any evidence of their purchase, if any exists. Al can also speak Tillian, so he plans to go in with Kat, while Anny stands guard outside. Al acrobatics his way onto the roof and Kat climbs up after him. There are two small smokestacks on the roof. They hear chattering through the windows in a language they don't understand -- probably Dorgenian. In one corner of the building they see a small room with two chairs and a bookcase, and two people talking. The door to the room is open to the rest of the warehouse. In the other corner there is a similar room with a table and chairs, with the door closed. They decide Al will go into the room with the door closed so he won't be heard, and Kat will go into the room with the two people and wait until the coast is clear to open the door to Al's room. She activates the pearl of translation so she can hear what the people are saying, after Al assures her that he should be able to understand the Tillian slaves since he speaks Tillian. The man and woman are talking about logistics -- the arrival of a ship, hopefully after the caravan leaves because they have contracts to meet. The woman behind the desk is wearing some kind of medallion with a triangle and a lightning bolt; Kat doesn't recognize the symbol. The man exits and goes through another set of double doors into the back of the warehouse. Kat takes the opportunity to let Al out: she opens the door and quietly taps Al on the shoulder using Mage Hand. Al hesitates, and mentally sends Zassin a question asking for a map. However, Zassin has never seen the inside of the warehouse, and so asks Milena if he should go. She gives permission but tells him to be safe. Al and Kat move through the double doors into the back. They hear someone talking to at least one other person; Kat hears that the man they followed is indicating chambers that will be emptied in the morning. They get a mental map from Zassin showing the two of them, and him between him, and a bunch of Dorgenians near the front of the room; they move toward the back, but don't see any slaves. They realize the walls they are looking at aren't the external walls; there is a narrow corridor down each end of the building, well-disguised. She and Al each start looking for hidden doors. In each corner there are sections of wall that will pop out if pushed just right. Al is in sight of the Dorgenians, so Kat uses her Mage Hand to tug on his hand to bring him to her end where they are less visible. They open up the panel and see six Tillians and two Rel; the Tillians are cowering and covering their faces, the Rel are glaring in their direction. One of the Rel says they paid passage on a ship and next thing they know they were captives; and that their captors told them they would be killed if they made too much noise. One of the Tillians says he was in a hunting party and was poisoned, and woke up on a ship. After some discussion and whispered arguing, Kat and Al decide to slip out and find the rest of the group to plan what to do next. Before they go, Kat notices the woman they first saw is going over contracts, and she goes to catch a glimpse of them; the first one says it is for Jeremy Teal and asks for 12 human slaves. Kat uses Mage Hand to distract the woman and then takes the contract. 11 January 2020 The team re-groups and decides, concerned that the guard might assume the slaves are legally obtained and take them into custody, that rather than calling the guard immediately they should break the slaves out first. Gnik casts a Silence spell in the middle of the outside wall adjacent to the slave compartment they found, and Nikolai and Kai use crowbars to remove several boards. Kat slips in and unlocks their chains. While they work, some passers-by notice what they are doing and pause to watch; in a few minutes some city guards come by, notice them, and tell the spectators to move along. The group breaks out the six slaves and Kai and Al takes them down the street to his mother's house for temporary safekeeping; his sister is home and looks after them. Kat looks into the two boxes in the compartment where the slaves were kept. In the larger box, which she has to pry open, she finds a dozen sealed clay jars; she pulls one out and it is labeled "snake weed". Others are labeled "dream dust". Kat recognizes the second as a fungus that causes any in the area who inhale it to have a shared hallucinatory experience. Later Al and Kai identify the "snake weed" as a mild relaxative that can induce dreams; it is illegal because it can be addictive. Kat takes one jar of each. She opens the second box and finds two books: "The Gods are Insane" and "Divine Failures". Kat asks Zassin to send an image of the books to Gnik to see if he wants them. He recognizes that such heretical books are illegal in Anlim, and his having them would make Fran mad, but he wants them anyway. When Kai and Al return, they collect the group and move to the other side of the building to repeat the process. As Kai and Nikolai get the first board off, a Tillian face appears in the hole; Al motions to them for silence. Kat slips in once enough boards are free; there are five Tillians, a covered cage, and some boxes. Milena recognizes the creature as a juvenile Varrultar, a fey creature that loves watching living things decompose and has deadly poisonous claws to make sure that happens. There's a padlocked box that Kat can tell has something moving inside. She lets the group know, but curiosity gets the best of her and she picks the lock and uses Mage Hand to open it up a crack. A hand with rotted fingers grabs the lip of the chest; and then another hand; and then another. Kat slams the lid shut and puts the padlock back on. When Kai hears the description she recognizes it as Crawling Claws, disembodied hands that attack. Al and Kai take the rest of the Tillians to Al's mom's house. Al's sister offers to take the Tillians to the temple for passage back to their homeland. The two Rel want to depart now. Nikolai and Ember station themselves at the back door of the warehouse to keep the smugglers from escaping, and Milena goes to fill the guards in on the situation. The captain identifies himself as Spencer and sends six guards to the back and the rest to the front. There are sounds like thunder; through the open doors, those in the back see someone run into the back room, throw down a box, and some kind of glowing creatures emerge from it -- four hippogriffs pulling a wagon. The two leaders of the smugglers jump into the wagon; the woman seems to have dark energy swirling around her, full of skulls and demonic faces, and when two of the guards try to catch her their flesh is burned. Milena runs in through the front doors and tries to hit the woman with Spiritual Weapon, but misses. Al runs in through the back door, somersaults onto the wagon, and tries to knock the man off the wagon. Al stays on the wagon as the man stumbles and falls off the back. Az flies to the back, shows Gnik an image of the wagon, and Gnik has her yell, "Shut the doors!" Kat runs in and shoots her crossbow at the woman in the wagon, hitting her left hand. Kai runs up to try to shut one of the doors, and the woman points at her; Kai ducks as a bright energy hits the door and burns a hole in it. Ember grabs the other door and pulls it shut, slipping in as it closes. Anny runs a spear through the hole in the door and then asks Nikolai for something bigger. He runs up with his big two-handed sword and wedges it in. The other Dorgenian man on the wagon pulls out a two-handed bladed weapon and swings at Al, but he fends it off. Gnik, who has been watching from the roof, runs to the back and jumps off; Ember and Nikolai catch him. Boris runs in and jumps onto the wagon. He dodges the necrotic tendrils and trips the Dorgenian man, who falls into the wagon. Milena tries her Spiritual Weapon followed by Guiding Bolt, hitting the woman with both. Al tries to attack her but feels the dark energy around her tearing into his flesh. Al jumps off the wagon. Kat shoots her crossbow again, this time hitting the woman in the left wrist. The swirling energy crashes away -- the woman seems finally to have lost concentration -- and the wagon is no longer moving, though the hippogriffs are still there. Kai works to make sure the man on the wagon can't regain control of the reins; she hits with her greatsword in his shoulder and calf. The woman hits Milena in the left leg with a Guiding Bolt, then throws out a Spiritual Weapon of her own at Kat; it appears as one of those big Dorgenian two-handed weapons and makes a slice in her cheek. Ember runs up to the other side of the wagon, hops up, and attacks the man who fell off the back. He tries to run away, but Al hits as he runs and he falls unconscious. The other man tries to grab the reins and the hippogriffs tear free and begin attacking. Gnik suddenly appears between Milena and Kat and casts Grease on the wagon. Kai jumps out of the way. Gnik makes an illusion of a loud lion's roar which startles the man enough to let go of the reins; the hippogriffs immediately go still. Boris runs up and grabs the reins; the hippogriffs look at him and he barks. Milena runs up and grabs the reins, pulling them away from where the two foes in the wagon can reach them. She gets the feeling she could command them to collapse and they would go away entirely because they are a one-use item. Kat jumps on the wagon and hits the woman with her rapier; she feels a wave of thunder rolling back at her, but she dodges it. The same thing happens when she hits with her dagger. The woman falls over and her spiritual weapon disappears. The man drops his weapon and surrenders. Milena gathers the surviving guards and others who were injured and heals them. Kat finds that the woman has a holy symbol of Dorg that emphasized his lightning aspect; she was a tempest priest. Several of the group decide to ride the hippogriffs while they are still activated; they land and dissipate after about an hour. The guards go through the remaining contraband and find other drugs, illegal books, and other illicit goods. The guards show Gnik a book called "Queen Arndt's Escape" about the former queen of Serin. When he expresses interest, the guard inventorying the contraband quietly removes it from his list. They discover the Duke's assistant's name, Eveline Bradbury, is on one of the contracts, for narcotics and "Queen Arndt's Escape". Roland comes riding up and says Juliana sent him to ask what happened. Al tells him that they were tipped off about a possible smuggling ring and found this warehouse. 25 January 2020 In the evening, the group gathers at Milena's house. Kat disguises herself as a child and goes to the Flounder Pounder (just a couple blocks from the house) to try to trail the Black Market contact Eleanora told them about. Az or Zassin will contact the rest of the group if backup is needed. Al and Ember hide nearby so they'll be easily in range. 8 Agram 3275 Kat slips into the restaurant by sneaking in through the bathroom hole and then hiding under the nearest booth. Anny stays outside watching the patio tables. Kat notices that the server looks familiar, and asks Zassin to send his image to the others to see if they recognize him -- it's Ned. As midnight approaches, a woman walks in with a tiny bat on her shoulder that she scratches affectionately under the chin. She gets a table, orders a drink, and talks to the bat. The bartender, Bollis, also seems to be talking to himself, but alternating with the woman -- probably a communication cantrip to talk to someone within eyesight. Kat recalls that Milena now has the ability to see or hear at a distance, and asks her via Zassin to listen in at the bar. She hears Bollis whisper, "That's a little on the high side. We might be able to do $400 for the poisons. Okay, that sounds like a deal." The woman picks up her bat and makes her way to the exit. Kat asks Anny to trail them and she'll catch up. She acrobats herself back out the bathroom hole and onto the beach. The woman gets to the Temple of Glaw, the river god, and throws a couple of coins into the offering box. She takes a left onto a side street. Kat gets up onto the roof to get a better look at where she's going. She has something next to her that is man-sized and translucent and glowing blue; it has massive arms that would drag the ground if the creature stood upright. She notices that the bat is no longer with her, and asks Anny if she saw it fly off, but she did not. Kat recognizes the creature as a fey creature called a domovoi that likes to beat up on things to see what happens, that can become invisible or change their shape to look like other things of a similar size. Kat sees that the bat is flying around above them, invisible. The creature turns around and heads back toward the group tailing it. Kat goes back toward Anny but stays up on the rooftops. Gnik instructs Az to continue to follow the woman. Kat trains a crossbow bolt on the creature, but holds off firing until it looks like it is going to attack. It looks up, not in her direction but nearby, crouches down, and leaps up two stories, grabbing the side of the building. Anny lets out a quiet squeak; she can't see the creature, but she can see the eaves of the building crushed by an invisible weight. Al and Ember catch up to Anny. Through Az's eyes, Gnik sees the woman they're trailing suddenly change direction and bolt between two buildings right under where Kat is perched. Az flies around to watch for her to come out the other side of the alley. Kat realizes Anny is on the building the creature jumped onto and shoots at it. It turns and glares. She uses Mage Hand to pick up a stick to point to the creature so others know where the creature is; the bolts now sticking out of its leg also helps. Anny runs toward where Kat is, taking a swipe at the creature on her way, but misses. It leaps onto the building where Anny now is. Al tries to acrobat his way up the side of a building, but the windowsill he leaps for gives way and he falls, without hurting himself. Kat hears a voice behind her: "What're you doing here, kid?" Kat whirls to face him; it is an elf. He asks why she's making trouble, she says a creature attacked her friends, and he says, "Only because you were following. Why not just mind your own business?" Kat says, "Can we put this conversation on hold?" He starts casting a spell. A small creature appears and jumps at Az, causing her to decorporialize. Gnik feels an instant of horrible pain and then is back to his own senses. Kai climbs the building she thinks the creature is on; she sees Anny and a couple of floating bolts and a stick on the building, and Kat on the next building. Gnik looks up and sees the small creature that attacked Az turn back into a bat. He casts Sleep on it. It falls 30 feet, crunches on the ground, bubbles and dissolves. Kat says, "We'll talk again later," somersaults off the building to get away from the elf, uses Featherfall to slow her fall, and shoots at the creature on her way down. Anny yells, "There's another one!" and throws her spear at the creature, scratching its arm. It runs at Kai and smashes her foot into the roof. Al finds a rock and throws it at the Elf's head. The elf curses and says, "Dude! That's gonna leave a scar!" Al says, "Hey! Who are you?" The elf says, "I'll get back to you," and casts a spell. Al feels that his movement is off for a moment, but he shakes it off; however, Ember is not moving. Kai attacks the creature and slices it across the forehead. Gnik casts Silence onto the roof where the elf is. Kat looks into the alley where the woman went and doesn't see her; she knows Az was watching for her to come out the other side, and she didn't. Kat slips into the alley and tries to climb up behind the elf like he did to her; she parkours her way up the building. Thanks to the Silence spell, he won't be able to hear. Milena and Nikolai arrive; Milena casts Hold Person at the elf from the cover of a nearby alley. Anny starts attacking Kai and yells, "I need help -- there's too many of them!" Several of the group recognize that she's probably under a spell that makes her see everyone as foes, even allies, that can only be broken by doing some damage to the subject of the spell. The creature takes another couple of shots at Kai. Al tries to wake Ember up; he realizes his best options are Dispel Magic, and to break the concentration of the person who cast the spell, so he throws a couple more rocks at the elf. The first sails by but he notices the elf's eyes don't follow it, so he tries again and hits. Ember suddenly takes a gasping breath and starts moving again. The elf suddenly shoots into the air; he clearly had Fly going already. Kat has snuck up behind him, grabs him, and tries to knock him out. Milena hits the creature with Guiding Bolt; it begins glittering. Kai takes another swing at the creature and skewers him in the stomach. A spear comes flying up and skewers the creature. Gnik casts Suggestion on Anny to get her to believe only the creature is her enemy, and then Milena casts Dispel Magic on her. The creature uses Dimension Door to escape. Kat keeps hitting the elf in the head trying to get him to pass out. They're heading back to the Flounder Pounder and Kat sees a couple of people on the roof with crossbows. Zassin lets the rest of the group know where they've gone since they've disappeared into the fog. Kat manages to knock him out and casts Featherfall; she uses him as a human shield against the crossbowmen. Two of their bolts hit Kat, one thumps into the elf. She realizes the bolts are poisoned. Al and Kai come running up to where Kat lands, and see about a dozen people running in her direction, although they don't immediately see Kat. The foes turn and go the other way when they see Al and Kai; when they're gone, the illusion of an overturned boat disappears to reveal Kat and the elf. The rest of the group arrives and Milena dispels the poison effect on Kat. They decide to interrogate the elf and then turn him over to the city guard. Gnik casts Suggestion to give the elf the impression they are potential black market clients, and asks questions about it. The elf identifies himself as Vlistur. He says people don't usually find the black market by attacking their contacts for the black market; Kat points out that they didn't technically start attacking, they were just following and defended themselves when they were attacked. He says the black market is still the same place it has always been, where he put it when the city was founded. They ask if he'd been disguised as a woman in the Flounder Pounder, and he says maaaaybe. Gnik asks if they can go look at the list of magic items kept by the Black Market; Vlistur says they'll have to wait at the entrance, but he can bring them the lists. They walk two houses past Milena's house and he tells them they have to wait outside. Kai argues that she's not letting him out of her sight, and Gnik says, "I know someone who would be interested in investing in the Black Market -- let's go there!" and they take him to the garrison to turn him in to the City Guard. Milena stays at her house to keep an eye on things, and Kat, Kai, Al, Anny, and Nikolai return there after dropping Vlistur off. Ember goes with Gnik to make sure no one attacks him at the temple. Gnik resummons Az as a hawk when they get back home. 22 February 2020 The group meets for breakfast; many ask, "Did you really go up against the Black Market last night?" and the group denies it. A woman walks in, glares at them, throws a note on the table, and stalks off. It is a warning from Vlister (who should be still in jail) that the Black Market will go underground for a time and if the group tries to come after them they will make them regret it. The group decides they've fulfilled what Heide asked for, so they head to the curio shop to talk to her. The door is locked, so they knock; it takes a moment, but the door opens; Heide says she was working in the back. Kat shows her the note, and they discuss whether that is enough to meet their bargain. Al suggests they could get the discount for as long the Black Market remains inactive. Milena goes home to do a sending to Kat's father: Thanks for sending Nikolai. He helped much against Bogdan's people. My group may have brief business nearby in Seaton. When will you arrive here? She receives the reply: "Will be there tomorrow morning. Have some things to wrap up. Looking forward to it! Do not have ten more words to say right now." In the meantime, the rest of the group goes to the jail to see if Vlister is still there. He is gone; three guards are dead, one is missing. Al suggests that this could be a chance for them to take a stand against the Black Market, but the rest of the group do not want to start a war. They decide their next move is to brief Juliana on what happened. When they arrive, she is in a meeting with someone else. When that is done, she invites them in and already has chairs set up for them, as if she expected them. They share the story of what happened and that they were planning on letting it go, for now. Juliana agrees that is probably a good idea, but the guard will still investigate the location they provided. They share that the bartender at the Flounder Pounder was buying poison from Vlister, and that the assassin Ned works as a waiter there -- suggesting that it is probably a front for the assassin's guild. Kat says, "Yeah, so if you need help with anything else, let us know." Juliana laughs. Kat and Al wonder if perhaps there might be a bounty available to hunt those demons outside town, and decide to ask the Duke, who is currently in town staying at the Silver Raven. They go there for lunch; Bellto offers them a private room -- most likely to keep them from breaking anything in the main room. They make smalltalk; Al asks why there are so many forks. Gnik explains them all, and Nikolai says it is a waste; the metal could be used for many more weapons. Al asks Kat how her performance career is going, so she pulls out her lute from her magic box and sings a ribald song. When she gets done, Milena says with a straight face, "This reminds me, your father will arrive tomorrow." Kat falls into stunned silence, then asks her mother how she found out. Milena describes her sending, and that she originally learned Nikolai was coming to deal with Bogdan's people when she made a sending a couple days ago to warn Kat's father to be wary of Zagrimil, which also meant mentioning that he has a daughter. Kat asks Nikolai if he has anything to add, and he says, "No. Should I?" He tells her that her father's name is Ronchevia (which Kat knows translates in elvish to "lucky traveller"), but he goes by Ron, and he is mostly elven; his father was part elf. There is a knock at the door; when they open it there is a burly armored man there, and a voice behind him saying, "Could you get out of the way?" The Duke appears and enters. He asks if they have anything to drink, and after some small talk they mention Juliana told them that if anyone were aware of bounties for the demons around town, it would be the Duke. He opens the door, leans out and whispers something that sounds like, "Hey, are there any.... Really?! Huh..." He comes back into the room and asks where they are going, and which demons are there. They say Seaton, and describe the three demons in that direction. He is particularly interested in having the demon (The Indescribable One) blocking traffic on the road to Seaton and the one attacking the neighboring farms (The Marazon). He offers 1000 gold to take out each. Al and Milena get the strong sense that his show of confusion was just an act, that he knew exactly what he was going to say before opening the door to ask about bounties. They recall that because they are knights of the Duke, they can ask for horses. Al asks whom they should ask about it, and the Duke says, "Me!" He says they can use the horses he brought with him, just don't get them killed. He mentioned he will be in Freeport for a few weeks on diplomatic bullshit, and they are welcome to look him up if they're there. Then he says, "See ya -- I have to go hire a new assistant...." As he leaves, he pauses and says, "Oh, Evelyn -- my old assistant -- said there was something missing in the illegal stuff, but she wouldn't say what. Well, she heard the list and said 'What about the b---? ...Never mind.' Just thought you should know." The group decides to spend some time getting to know the horses, since none of them have much experience riding. Kai uses her ability to talk with animals to talk with the horses to get to know them. She learns that one of the two pulling the cart would rather not, but another shy one would like to do it. The one who wants off the cart seems particularly intelligent. When Kai asks if there is anything they need that they don't normally have, he says, "Apples." He also understands more than the others when Kai warns them about danger; when the others mention snakes and fire, he mentions magic. 9 Agram 3275 Rather than their usual meeting at Blackberry Bar's for breakfast, the group decides to meet for lunch to give Milena and Kat a chance to catch up with Ron in private when he arrives. Kat, dealing with the awkwardness of the unexpected meeting, decides to leave the house early and come back sometime after Ron arrives to let her mother talk to him first. He arrives and talks with Nikolai and Milena, while Tatiana watches in rapt attention. They discuss what is going on with Bogdan; Milena says she promised that if he ever came after her or her family she would kill them, but knowing the work Ron and Nikolai are doing subtly against him she is willing to play the long game. They plan that she will use her Sending power from time to time to share news, and sometime later when the time is right she may come to help them. Kat arrives and talks with her father, awkwardly at first, but she warms up when he reacts positively and with interest to her stories about what she has been doing lately, including choosing to work with a devil to try to find him. She mentions she has been learning to play lute and he says his mother, a Thiali elf, was a performer but also part of a spy network. He tells her he is originally from Cath'home but now lives in Bargal Valley, having infiltrated the household of Milena's enemy, the Tamoth worshipper who tried to have Tatiana kidnapped, to keep an eye on him and work subtly against him. He points out that Milena's house in Saltmarsh is very much like Bargal Valley, with basically no privacy. 21 March 2020 10 Agram 3275 The group prepares to set out for Seaton. Rumors are that there are more than 500 people still there; the castle is run by Raging Hammer, but with competition -- at times violent -- with merchants who were there before the invasion, the Workman's Association. The town is largely in a state of anarchy, but with the Raging Hammer running things to the extent that anyone is. The Workman's Association also has had some shady dealings, so the goal is not to take out Raging Hammer and create a power vacuum for them to fill. The main goal is to try to take out some fiends on the road, and do some recon on Raging Hammer in Seaton. The group sets out; they pass the haunted house a couple hours out, and it looks even worse than the last time they saw it. At about the halfway point, they see a line of carts and horses, probably a caravan bringing goods to Saltmarsh, and a couple of guards bearing Seaton flags approach them and ask what they are doing. The group says they are investigating news of fiends in the area. The guards tell them they are going in the right direction then -- and not to stay at the Seaway Inn, where a fiend has killed several people. They say the fiend is surrounded by inky darkness. Al feigns interest in doing business with the merchants in the caravan as a pretext to get an introduction to them, but the guard he's talking to says the caravan has asked not to be disturbed. Al senses the guard dislikes one of the merchants, and says, "Are you sure there's no one we could talk to?" He points Al to a particular cart and says, "Why don't you talk to those two over there?" and says the merchant's name is Sydney. Al goes to talk to her and asks about what the Raging Hammer is up to in Seaton. She cautions him not to say that too loudly -- she suspects some of the merchant guild members are moles for Raging Hammer. She says Polist is mostly running things, but she suspects Polist's agenda is not precisely Raging Hammer's, and he's using the situation for his own ends. This fits with a letter the group had seen previously suggesting that Polist and Michel, the overall head of Raging Hammer, did not see eye to eye. She suggests they check in with Christopher Buckley when they get to Seaton, and say Sydney Ware sent them. She suggests the Emerald Dolphin is the only inn worth staying in Seaton. The group continues on. They come over a rise and see a cluster of trees with some buildings scattered among them and farmland surrounding. They guess it is the small town of Seaway. They see a Dorgenian man walk out of the nearest building and come to stand in the middle of the road, facing them. He's armored and holding a crossbow, not aimed at them but at the ready. Kai moves forward to talk to him. He asks who she is, and when she introduces herself he says he is Filux, the guard. He tells her not to piss off the locals, because he'll have to come deal with them. He warns them about the fiend in the inn, but when they ask if it has attacked others in the area -- including those camping outside -- and he says no. Al stays behind to talk to the guard while the others move on to question people at the inn. Filux says the fiend killed two of his partners a couple of days ago, and three of the merchants last night -- he says it has been here for six days. As they approach the inn, three young girls come running out. The oldest says, "Are you looking for a place to stay for the night? It might not be a good idea!" The group asks if the girls have been able to stay there ok, and they say their daddy has a magic lamp. Ember takes the carriage around back to store for the night -- the stables are across the street. They are greeted at the stables by a part-elven woman named Suzie, and then joined by the smith Vlon from the smithy next door. The group mentions they're going to try to deal with the fiend. Vlon says that would be great, but seems skeptical they can pull it off. The group goes into the inn, which is quite nice, with ornate wood and windows looking into a nice courtyard in the back. A woman comes from behind the bar and introduces herself as Caren Ackers, and asks if they are looking for a place to stay. They say yes, and they also want to try to take out the demon. They ask if anything in particular happened the night the demon first attacked, but there is nothing obvious in the answer they get. However, they learn the Ackers's magic lamp is an eternal flame, and that the creature enters the inn by passing through the walls -- even if the room is well lit, a dark spot appears that absorbs all the natural light in the room. Caren mentions that it usually seems to come from the courtyard and then comes to the bar and stays all night at the edge of the light, trying to find a way in -- throwing things at the light, trying to put it out. Everyone who died has been at the bar, but outside the range of the magic lamp. The creature is bigger than a man, but not by much, and tears its victims apart with huge claws. Gnik checks his book for an entry on Rorsalon, the shadowy demon they had learned about in Saltmarsh who meets the description of this one. It is particularly susceptible to radiant damage. Gnik notes that it is unusual for a demon like this to come back over and over again like this unless it is being compelled somehow. Gnik starts a ritual casting to Detect Magic, and the others start clearing the tables out of the room and into the corners to give cover from which to attack the fiend. They hope to lure the demon into the room and then block it in with their own continual light torches. The Ackers will stay with the innkeeper's brother at the emporium next door to stay safe. They leave, but there's still one person left in the bar -- a woman named Valery Madder who has been sitting there writing in a book. She says she is from a small town near Tarriola and has been traveling, but her ship crashed and she has been traveling down the coast ever since. She sounds like she is very excited to sit and watch the battle they're planning. Gnik finishes his Detect Magic spell. He senses a couple of things on Valery, and something incredibly powerful in or on the other side of the wall between the bar and the courtyard. There are no obvious entries into the courtyard, but through the windows into the courtyard Kai and Milena notice a couple of panels through the windows that look like they might be hidden entrances. Kai and Al move through to the next room in the inn to try to work their way around to one of the panels. They move into the kitchen and Kai finds the panel that she thinks corresponds to the one in the courtyard. They pop it open and through the windows Gnik directs them to the spot with the magic. The plants have been pulled back and a small hole dug, with a bit of metal sticking out. Kai digs into the lose dirt with her hands and pulls out a reddish metal rod, about 18 inches long, carved with horrific faces and scenes; touching it makes her feel a bit nauseous. She picks it up with a cloth bag, which eliminates the queasy feeling. They bring the rod into the bar and put it between Al and Milena each holding continual light torch so it stays in the light. Darkness in the courtyard, demon appears and jumps straight up through the ceiling and then appears in the bar area, floating about 15 feet up. It says "You found it," looking at the rod. Ember shoots, but her bolts pass through it. Kat shoots with her new magical crossbow and hits; it lets out a scream. Gnik, next to Milena, casts Protection from Fiends on her. Milena hits it with a Guiding Bolt, which explodes in its face and seems to melt some of the darkness around it. It screams so loudly it almost bursts their eardrums and says, "Give me the rod!" Milena asks, "What is it to you?" It says, "An end to torment." It flies at the floor and disappears into the floor. Realizing that it could reach up through the floor and grab the rod, Kai puts the rod on a stool and then Kat lifts it with Mage Hand so it is suspended in midair. The ground below Ember grows dark and the demon bursts up through the floor again. Milena sees it coming and hits it with Guiding Bolt again. The demon lashes at Ember with its claws and hits her leg -- the wounds bleed a lot but also have a darkness around them that seems to seep into her skin. Al manages to hit it with an attack that stuns it; it hangs in midair. Al pummels it, Kat shoots it again with a force bolt from her crossbow, and Milena hits again with Guiding Bolt. Anny and Kai both stab it and it explodes in inky blackness that tears into everyone within a 5-foot radius. Once it dissipates, the entire room visibly brightens. Gnik begins the Identify ritual to find out about the rod. He casts Protection from Evil on himself first to try to protect against the nausea; Milena makes tea as a back-up. She goes into the kitchen, and Al goes with her. Ember also follows so Milena can hit her with some healing magic while the tea is brewing. Gnik learns that the rod automatically attracts the nearest demon, who will try to take the rod and return to its home plane. They discuss whether to keep the rod to attract the nearby demons one at a time, or destroy the rod -- perhaps by melting it down at the smithy. Milena intuits that it is not a religious artifact, so Sanctify won't work on it. They don't want an endless stream of demons coming at them without their being able to rest, so Gnik starts creating a magical hut that magical effects cannot pass through to put the rod in while they rest. Al goes to tell the Ackers that the demon is gone but there may be others coming, so they should stay where they are -- but when he goes outside he sees a woman floating about four feet in the air, with spider legs extending from her -- another demon, who is able to teleport. Anny sees it and just starts yelling "Demondemondemondemondemon!" Al feels strange -- Kai jumps out, pulls him back inside, and yells for Anny to come in too. Milena grabs the rod and runs out the back door toward the smithy to try to get the rod melted down. Kai goes with her, running ahead. Gnik stops trying to cast the tiny hut and instead casts Invisibility on Az to transfer to Milena by touch. Kat runs out to try to shoot the demon, and hits it on one of its legs. Ember comes out, sees it, says, "What... is... that...?" and starts quivering. Valery runs out with her eyes closed, grabs Ember, and brings her back inside. Kat stays outside and continues to shoot it. Anny runs out and throws a javelin, and had been planning to run back inside again but stays when she sees Kat is staying. They see the demon change direction and move toward where Milena is running, but it is stalking along rather than moving rapidly. Kat notices it is virtually silent. Gnik casts Phantasmal Force at the demon, trying to convince it that the rod is moving off in a different direction. Kat tries to cast Sleep on it, but it does not seem to have any effect. Ember and Al discuss whether to run out and try to get behind it -- Ember tries, and looks at it, and grimaces, but does not seem to be stunned again by seeing the demon. Al runs out and feels the pushing on his mind but is able to hold it back. He runs up to it and attempts to hit it with a stunning blow, but it is still moving. Its two rear legs reach back at Al; he tries to slap them away, but they tear into his shoulder; he feels something off and weird emanating from the wound, and feels a bit woozy and off-balance. It keeps walking, but seems to be going straight forward, in the direction of Gnik's Phantasmal Force -- it perceives Ned running down the road to Seaton carrying the rod. Kat tries shooting at the demon again, but misses. Kai barrels into the smithy and tells Vlon to take Susie and go to the guardhouse or the emporium. She asks if the smithy is up and running because she wants to destroy an evil rod. He points and says, "You put it on that anvil and hit it with that hammer." Milena runs in, invisible, and drops the rod onto the anvil, where it clanks and reappears. Kat follows the demon, staying about 30 or 40 feet back, and shoots it again, slamming it in the backside. Kai goes into rage mode and hits the rod as hard as she can. It splits in two and a black cloud comes out from it. Milena feels her skin crack and break where it hits her. Outside, those watching the demon see it raise up, look in the direction of the smithy, and then shrink to nothing in some kind of teleport effect. NEXT TIME: Find out who planted the rod in the courtyard (and why). 4 April 2020 After some healing from Milena, the group talks with the Ackers about who might have planted the rod. Kat and Anny go to the roof to keep watch. Al, Milena, and Gnik investigate the courtyard where it was found to see if they can find footprints or other clues. Milena finds a smudge on the side of the door as if someone were holding it as they walked through, a mix of soot and horsehair, at about the right height for someone a little over 5' tall. The guards arrive as the team regroups. Gnik uses Illusion to give an illustrated story of what happened; Al watches Suzie, the most likely culprit in town to have left the handprint, to see her reactions and whether she seems to be sincere in her emotions. She is hard to read, but when she starts seeing the story he detects panic and anger behind her eyes and in her body language. Milena notices that Keren and Jerry are glancing in Suzie's direction like they are a bit suspicious. Keren whispers something to Alvin, Jerry's brother who runs the emporium, and he begins looking suspiciously at Suzie as well. Wilco, the captain of the guard, asks the group what they believe happened. Al says they have found some evidence, but will give whoever it might have been a chance to confess. Nobody does, and Milena shares what they have found. Vlon asks how that narrows it down -- it could be any traveller who came into the forge and then to the inn, and acknowledges that it could be Suzie, but why would she do that? Keren says, "Because she's been trying to convince me to sell this place to her." Gnik casts Suggestion on Suzie and asks what she knows about the rod. She says "Polist just told me it would help scare them," then looks at Gnik and says, "What did you do to me?" She adds that she doesn't know where it came from, she knew it would summon a demon and he told her that she needed to return the rod to him as soon as she could so he could put it back into its protective casing. She mentions he also gave her something that would protect her from the demon. Everyone starts yelling at everyone at once; Suzie tries to bolt, but Kai stands intimidatingly at the door, Al throws the net on her, and Alvin puts manacles on her. Mouse runs in and sits on her. Wilco thanks them and invites the group to sit in on her interrogation. Vlon is going back to his place to pack up Suzie's things and bring them to the guardhouse, since the protective item must be among them. Gnik and Ember go with Vlon. At the smithy, Gnik detects magic and sees something powerful in a backpack wedged behind the bed. Vlon did not know it was there -- it is obviously a go bag, with food, clothes, and a scroll emanating magical power, as well as a smooth stone about three inches across that is also magical. At the guardhouse, Suzie caves pretty quickly. She was to let Polist know who was coming to Seaton and who was asking about him. Her goal was to get the inn because not everyone comes to the stables, but everyone stays at the inn. She has been working for the organization he heads, the Warren, for most of her life. She says Polist has always taken good care of her, and treats the group better than did the founder he replaced. She thinks Raging Hammer are assholes who came to Seaton and hurt a lot of people, but Polist was able to work a deal with them that kept them out of Seaton. Gnik arrives and asks her about the rock. It is a sending stone that lets her communicate with Polist once per day. The scroll, when she activated it, would summon an angel-thing to smite the demon and then return the rod to Polist. Gnik looks at the scroll; it is like someone took the Planar Ally scroll and altered it so that anyone could summon the being Tabris who will perform any task if convinced of its worthiness before returning to its own realm. Milena takes the scroll for safekeeping. They give Kat the stone so she can pretend to be Suzie in the morning to keep from tipping off Polist that they've been captured. Kat notices that the rod seems to have been made of abyssal steel; it is not inherently evil, but it can be imbued with the energies of the spell it takes on. It could be forged into a magical sword that would be very receptive to magical enchantments. Vlon volunteers to make daggers for them as a thank-you for revealing Suzie's treachery. 11 Agram 3275 Kat sends a message to Polist, disguising her voice as Suzie's, so he is not suspicious. They set off. A couple miles outside of Seaton, the re-summoned Az hears a cry for help coming from a nearby farm that has several armored but unattended horses milling around outside. Kai, Al, Kat, and Milena ride ahead. The unattended horses shy away from them a bit; one has heavier armor, and they have weapons strapped to their saddles. Kat rides around to the back, joined by Valery (who is sharing a horse with her) and Az, while the others dismount and walk cautiously to the front door. A gruff voice inside is saying, "You might as well tell us; just spit it out." Al rushes in and Kai yells, "Hey, what's going on in there?" There are five people, armored and armed, standing around one older woman on her knees. Al says, "Hey! How are you guys doing?" One of the women in the group says, "This is none of your business." Kai steps in with her sword out, and the other group immediately pull weapons and come at her. She says, "I don't want to fight you, I just want to know what's happening." They say that the woman they're subduing is a witch who comes into town with a whole wagon of food every day to feed people. In a small voice, she says, "It isn't my fault, it keeps growing back!" The other group is itching for a fight, so all but the woman who appears to be leading them rush forward at Al and Kai. Through Zassin, Milena sees the leader move to put on her helmet and casts Hold Person on them. The other foes swing without much luck, and Kai says, "I think your leader is done with this fight, so let's just try talking calmly." They back down and say the other farmers are mad that they can't make money any more because this woman is bringing too much food. The thugs were sent from a farmer's group in Seaton to find out how she's doing it so they can do it too. Milena enters when the melee calms down and heals the prisoner, named Mercy, who has been kicked in the knee. She explains that a couple weeks ago, for some reason, everything became ripe at once, so she took it all into town; and when she came home that night, everything had fruited again, so she took it all in the next day, and that has been going on since then. The group decides to take a look at the fields; the mercenaries follow them. Kat remembers Gnik telling a story of a specific kind of fae with climate affinity, a grungif, that enjoys watching people farm. Several of them notice in the brush behind the field a small fey creature that looks like it's trying to hide. Kai asks Gnik if it's dangerous. Under his breath he says, "It's fey, of course it's dangerous!" and then smiles and waves at it and starts walking toward it. Kat reminds Gnik that its spines are dangerous, so not to get too close. Gnik stops about 50 feet away and it says, "What do you want?" in gnomish. Gnik says they were just trying to figure out what was going on here. The creature says it is happy and they should go away now. Gnik comes back and tells the rest of the group that they should go and leave it alone. Al tells him he should suggest to the creature that it move around to other farms. Gnik says, "You don't have much experience with fae, do you? The best thing to do is leave it alone." They discuss whether an arrangement could be worked out for Mercy to share some of her bounty with the other farmers on a rotating basis, when the leader of the mercenaries suggests that her group could stay, work the farm, and provide protection. She says her team just wants work, and that those who sent them would not be in a negotiating kind of mood. Mercy asks if the fae could be related to what killed her husband two years ago, and the group suggests it was probably a fiend instead. Al shares that the group is hunting fiends and asks if the others have any information. The leader, Susanna, shares that there is a mound of stones that marks the place that one should go fast, and another mound marks where to stop, due to attacks in the area. Al takes Susanna aside to ask about the Raging Hammer, and as soon as she mentions them her head snaps around with anger in her eyes. He mentions that in addition to hunting fiends, they are doing recon on the Raging Hammer. She pulls out maps to show the layout of the town, and Gnik comes over to look as well. Al says they might be looking for another legitimate group to fill the power vacuum, and he senses that she probably had some position in the castle and might be able to suggest alternatives. She says if he wants to find her again she'll be working at this farm. She says the castle is called Palden Castle, but these days everyone just calls it the Pall. A couple hours later they come upon the first stone mound. Kai explains to the horses what they are likely to encounter. The group does not know what it will be susceptible to, but they do know it's not a demon, or it would have been drawn to the farm instead of the spider creature. They send Az and Zassin to scout above and ahead. Az is in hawk form, and catches a glimpse of something about 150 feet off the road within the treeline away from the shore. Gnik looks through her senses and lets Ember know Az as seen something. Ember shares that with the rest of the group, and Valery begins chanting a poem at Kat that Kat can feel making her stronger. Gnik, through Az, sees a creature moving through space as though it is non-Euclidean. It lets out a shriek and space seems to fold in around it. Milena immediately casts Beacon of Hope on everyone within range. The creature reappears on the beach side of the road, about 15 feet from the road, and roars again. It is at least 9 feet tall. Kai goes into a rage and attacks, cracking into its chitinous arm. Al punches it in the leg and attempts to stun it, but he almost feels the energy reverberate back out at him. However, it bends down at the attack on its leg and Al is able to make a second hit on its head. Anny makes a sneak attack on its other leg and her sword calls out "Grovel!" but the creature ignores it. Gnik pulls out his book to try to figure out what this creature is or what it is doing. He finds an entry that says, "Does it look like a bug that doesn't fit in reality? It doesn't matter what it is -- kill it. It crawled through a crack in the world and wants to kill anything that doesn't fit with its own world." Kat attacks with Torchlight and hits into the cuts Kai made in its arm. Milena casts Spiritual Weapon, but it is not able to hit on its first try. The creature roars and ripples; everything in the area seems to twist, including everyone within 15 feet of it so that they feel like they are half in and half out of reality. Anny runs screaming away, but the rest maintain their ground. The creature bites at Al, but he dodges. It claws at him and hits him in the thigh. It swings at Kai and hits her arm. Ember jumps from the carriage and stabs the creature in the foot and leg. Kai swings and cuts it across the stomach. Al pummels it in the chest. Kat stabs Torchlight into its right foot and takes off one of its toes -- if those are toes. Milena swings again with her Spiritual Weapon which hits this time in the back of its head and then hits it with Sacred Flame. The creature swings its arms out wide, but this time they feel it physically. Kat is not able to resist the effect, and feels bent extradimensionally; the others within 15 feet still take damage. It bites at Al and tears into his shoulder; he hits the ground. It hits at Kai and Ember as well. Anny shakes off her fear and runs back to rejoin the group. Gnik casts Phantasmal Force at the creature to make it think a fire elemental is rising up and attacking; because it perceives that actual damage is being done, it screams and falls to the ground dead. Milena rushes to Al and casts Spare the Dying, followed by a Mass Healing Word on all her injured companions. 18 April 2020 After another half-hour the road bends to the left and goes over a rise. At the top of the rise on the right is a small shack with two people sitting at a table outside. Several more come out of the house and approach the group. Some are carrying crossbows, one has a book. The one with the book asks where they are coming from and their business in Seaton. Al says, "Demon-killing!" The man looks taken aback and asks how long they plan to be in town. The group says a few days at most. The man with the book asks their names; he looks as though he's trying not to look impressed as he recognizes their names. He tells them to wait for the Sorter, who will help them with directions to an inn and other instructions. A woman comes over the rise and introduces herself as Clair. They ask about possible lodgings, and which are controlled by which faction. Archer and Goat, Dancing Harpy on this side of river; on the other is Emerald Dolphin. She says this side is Raging Hammer, the other side is Anlim Merchant's Guild. The market and temple districts are shared by everyone. As they come over the hill, they see that much of the town still looks destroyed from the Sack of Seaton seven years ago; there are holes in some roofs, some buildings are knocked down to the lower third of their walls. There are very few ships coming and going. Clair says that if they run into any problems they can holler for a constable; some have been appointed, some decide to take on the role. When they ask if it's safe to roam the streets at night she says no-no-no, on account of the unresolved trauma from the sack. They ask for details and she shares that there are undead of many types that come out at night. Kat asks if the town is lawful, and Clair says it is more like anarchy. Clair gives directions to the three inns so they can walk by and check them out, but the group privately concludes that they don't want to spend the night in territory controlled by Raging Hammer, and head toward the Emerald Dolphin. Along the way they encounter a raven that calls out "Blood, blood everywhere!" next to a wagon. Gnik greets the raven in its own language and asks how it is doing. He says he is bored. The door of the wagon opens up and a woman steps out to ask if the raven is giving things away. She says that the Raven can see things that have not happened yet -- but then she sees Milena and says, "...but perhaps you do not need this." She wishes the group luck. Milena recognizes the woman as Vasani, a traveling people said to have mystical powers. It is said they are from another place outside this world and were brought here when the other world was closed off, or ended -- the stories are very odd. The raven croaks at Gnik that if he brings food, the raven will tell more secrets. As they cross the bridge, they see several people fishing; most are packing up for the night to try to get inside by dark, but a girl starts yelling, "Help! I can't lose my pole!" Something is on her line and is on the verge of pulling her toward the edge. Al leaps off his horse and dives into the water; Kai jumps down and grabs the pole, and tells the girl she might need to cut the line to save the pole. Al sees that on the end of the line is a huge shark... skeleton. The hook is hung on one of its ribs. It sees him and comes at him. Al tries to dodge and cuts the line. Anny dives in as well and tries to stab with her spear -- not the most effective weapon against a skeleton, but she gets a couple of hits in. Milena tries to Turn Undead, and the shark turns to swim away. Al punches at it with both fists, and destroys it. Al and Anny come out of the water, and Milena requests that one of them bring up a piece of bone; Anny shows that she already has a piece on the end of her spear. The bystanders seem indifferent to their defeat of the shark. Valery tells them that she learned from the bystanders that undead sea life coming down the river from the dreadwood to the ocean is pretty common, because of a hag in the dreadwood named Auntie Treeshadow. Gnik has heard the name as a rumor, but knows there is a hag in that part of the wood that others actively avoid because she is always interfering in the affairs of mortals and they are not sure what her motives are. The stories of her are older than Gnik; she is part of the reason the dreadwood is so scary. The group proceeds to the Emerald Dolphin. A man comes out from behind the bar and introduces himself as Brian. They negotiate for rooms and get dinner. The cook, Marty, comes out to talk to them -- he is friendly and charming. Kai asks about the undead in town; he doesn't know what type they are, but mentioned they weren't a problem until the Sack. Kai says, "And no one has done anything about it? The Merchant's Guild can't afford to hire someone to take care of the problem?" He says, quietly, that they are more interested in taking care of themselves. The group decides to do some scouting about a half hour after sunset, mostly to look for undead, but Kat to look for the seedy underbelly of town -- possible locations of Raging Hammer or Polist's group the Warren. Gnik and Ember go to the roof (and Gnik casts Leomund's Tiny Hut to give them a comfortable place to sit while they watch), and Milena sends Zassin out to scout overhead and watches out the window. Kai, Al, and Anny walk around town. There is almost nobody out, but after about 20 minutes they hear a scream down an alley behind them; it sounds like it might be an older woman. At a spot between two buildings, they see her cowering between two barrels looking up at two glowing floating things that turn, look at them, and snarl. They look insubstantial. The bottom of one of them appears to be in the barrel. Al asks Zassin to tell Milena they need help taking down some undead things; Zassin projects an image of a shark skeleton exploding and Al's location, and includes Gnik and Ember in the message as well. Milena starts heading their way. Kai goes into rage mode and attacks with her sword. Al rushes forward to attack the other one. He hits it with a stunning strike and it hangs in the air. He hits the other one and it is stunned as well. They hear the sound of another screech from the main road, then Anny exclaiming and fighting at least one more of these creatures. Milena goes to join them. Brian has to unbolt a number of bars and locks, opens up the door only wide enough to let her and Boris out, then slams it behind them and rebolts it. Kai and Al finish off the two stunned creatures and join Anny, who is fighting two more. As the group continues fighting, one of the creatures hits Kai; her shirt where it touches seems to fall into tatters, and her flesh goes black and necrotic. Anny also gets hit, tumbles in between Al and Kai to strike at one of the creatures, then tumbles away. Kai hits at it again and it falls apart. Gnik climbs into his bag and asks Az to fly him to join the others; as they arrive, Gnik asks Az to fly by Kai to brush her with a wing to cast Protection from Evil. Milena arrives and casts Guiding Bolt, but misses. Al hits it again, and it dissolves into nothingness. Milena is unable to heal Anny, even magically; Anny says she has heard of undead effects like this, where the only recourse is to let the body push out the necrotic poisons. Kai goes to talk to the old woman who was being menaced by the creatures. The woman is disoriented, so Kai says she will escort her home. The group gets her to a part of town she recognizes and she thanks them profusely and goes into her house. She says the creatures came out and surrounded her, and she ran. On the other side of town, Kat tries to find street kids or orphans she can talk to about the seedy goings-on in town, but there is nobody around; she gets a bad feeling and realizes she should head back after about an hour. She is coming back to the Merchang Guild side of town by the main bridge, stealthily, when she hears something on the bridge. It is dark, but she sees a hunched male figure behind her with a walking stick. His voice reaches her and he says, "Go ahead, keep going." She turns and keeps going, more quickly, but when she looks behind her again he is goine. She returns to the inn, and the group crashes for the night, after Milena makes Anny a tea to help her sweat the necrotic toxins out. 12 Agram 3275 The group reconvenes downstairs as the sun comes up. Marty yells that he will be out in a minute, and Clair peeks out and says, "Oh, you did come here!" They describe what they fought last night, and ask if she knows what they are. "Bad?" she says. When Gnik comes down, he identifies it as a specter; it is someone who was slain, but their hatred for their fate is so strong that they want to destroy the living to get back at those who killed them, and they have been cut off from the afterlife. Milena asks Clair whether the undead sea creatures from Auntie Treeshadow also started at the time of the Sack, and she says that has only been happening for the last few months. There is a knock at the front door; a kid is there with a scroll that he hands to Marty, who looks at it and says, "Uh, I think this is for you." It is an invitation from Polist to the new adventurers in town ("The Usuals") to dine with him at the castle at 5 pm. The group heads out to the market to see what they can find out. The market looks only about half full compared to what they would expect. The colorful wagon is there; lots of things to see, but nothing really impressive or special. Gnik brings scraps of meat and fruit to the raven Jardani, and asks if he gets to hear any secrets. He looks back at the woman in the wagon, Madam Tsura Lockie, who shrugs at him, and he asks, "What secrets you want?" Gnik asks what he can tell about the castle. Jardani says, "Many deaths." Gnik asks if that was recently or long ago. Jardani says, "Yes. One got away," and hops away to say cryptic things to people to see if they will give him things. Gnik tosses a silver piece to the Madam, who says, "If you find yourself feeling strange, stop eating." Three people wander by proclaiming the wonder of Gosh, singing, dancing, and holding out a bucket for donations to the temple of Gosh. Kat throws a couple of coins in, and Milena throws one in as well. Al asks if there is a shrine to Gosh; they say it's in the temple, and they should bring drinks. Al throws in a coin and they hug him and thank him for his generous donation. He asks for their names, and the woman who hugged him identifies herself as Elios Roeder. They head to the temple, which is at one end of the market and flanked by 20-foot columns depicting the gods. Al excitedly talks about Sayd, the god who doesn't fight. When they get into the building, they see there are doors on two levels leading to rooms with altars for individual gods -- most of which don't actually have priests, just shrines. Al suggests they go to the Nolan shrine, accompanied by Milena, Gnik, and Anny. There is an old Rel woman seated at the back corner of the altar who arises and greets them when they enter. Al chats with her and then drops a donation in their offering shell. Kai and Kat wander around looking for a priest to talk with, preferably one associated with a god that is against undead. At the altar to Arkon (god of Desire, Foresight, Greed, Possibility) there is a man holding a book, hunched over and with a walking stick. Kat asks him if he had a nice walk last night. He says yes and asks if she did as well. She says it was a little foggy. Kai asks if this is them man she saw last night and she whispers she thinks it is. He says he saw her wandering around and wanted to make sure she was okay, and that she was not out to create any trouble or vandalize the temple. Kai argues with him about why he is not trying to solve the town's problem with undead. He says he takes up the fights he needs to fight, and they take up their fights, including the fight against the undead. Kai says they're only passing through, and Kat adds they're really more demon hunters, and puffs up a bit as she says it. He says, "But your first was a devil, yes?" and reveals that word of their misadventures has traveled this far. He introduces himself as Justin Cloud, and at their questions talks more about the history of the town and the current unrest. They move on and peek in at the temple of Gosh, but decide that group won't be interested in talking about the undead problem. Kat goes looking for street kids again now that it's daylight. She pulls out a silver coin and starts twirling it around her fingers to try to get their attention. Two kids come running over, Trev and Sal. Kat says she's new in town and is wondering who's in charge. They say nobody. She asks what happens if ships come in to trade, and they indicate several guilds that fight all the time with everyone else stuck in between. She asks about the the undead, and they say there is a rumor that a witch came with the Raging Hammer who did something to keep the dead from departing, for some purpose they don't know. Kai finds the shrine for Sasha (god of Emotional Love, Purity, Women, Family, Protection) and asks the priest why there are no priests here for Maria, Sayd, or Vlondrel. She says there was someone here for Maria and Vlondrel before the Sack, but the Vlondrel priest vanished -- as did the Ceonarre priest -- and Sayd is not so much worshipped here. Milena goes to the shrine of Daln for contemplation and meditation. It has a stark altar with two statues of wolves and carvings on the wall of maps. She notices one of the wolf statues is looking toward the wall behind the altar at a map with a circle etched into it that looks like it might be more than just part of the etching. It looks like it might be a button, so she presses it. There is a flickering light behind her, a small passageway opens up in the wall behind the castle, and Milena sees that behind her is an illusion of the shrine without the doors open and without Milena there -- so that it is no longer obvious anything is happening in the room. She looks into the room; it looks like a small dormitory, with torches on the wall and beds lining either side. At the far wall, there is another large wolf statue with a small golden statue at its feet. After making sure she could get out of this room if she climbs in and the door closes behind her and seeing the latch just behind the door, Milena climbs in, goes to the far wall, and leaves an offering of two gold coins in front of the tiny statue, which is also a wolf. It looks up, comes to her and puts its paws on her knees, then goes back to standing still in its original position. She holds her hand out to it and it climbs into her hand and sits still again. She decides it is asking her to take it with her, so she does so and departs ths shrine. 2 May 2020 Gnik casts Invisibility on Kat and she sneaks down to scope out the castle where they'll be having dinner. The rest of the group grabs lunch in the market and heads to the docks. The entrance through the wall around the castle is guarded by a large fanged woman, probably part-orc, with a sword on her back and an axe nearby. Kat, invisible, tries to slip past; the woman's head snaps around as if she heard or smelled something, but since she can't see Kat she seems to decide it was nothing. As Kat nears the castle she hears someone ask, "Hey, Bess, is he in?" and the guard grunts a yes. Kat turns and sees Doreen, the woman who dived off the Sea Ghost as the battle started. Kat follows her. She goes up a set of external stairs that look hastily rebuilt, perhaps after the sack seven years ago, to a door on the 2nd floor that she enters and closes behind her. Kat waits 30 seconds and then slowly opens the door a crack. She sees that the hall before her is empty, so she slips in and closes the door behind her. She hears voices off to the right along the hall that the entry hall T's into -- the woman addressing Polist, and him greeting her by name. The rest of the group goes to the docks. Nothing looks very out-of-the-ordinary, except for the green-skinned woman -- a sea elf -- working on a boat. Anny doesn't recognize her. She doesn't want to approach alone, not knowing why the woman is on the boat -- not a normal situation for a sea elf -- so Al goes with her. As they approach, Al senses confusion and fear in the woman. When they get close enough, Al calls out in greeting and introduces himself. The woman asks if they are looking for her. Al says no, and Anny starts speaking in elvish; the woman looks panicked and says she doesn't understand that language. She shares that she was found as a baby at sea and raised on land, and introduces herself as Lossy. Al invites her to come have a bite to eat and talk. He notices that her boat is the best-maintained in the dock, and Al asks if it would be safe if they left it alone. She says yes, there are people watching it, she paid the right people. Gnik and Ember join them and go to a nearby restaurant, The Sailor and the Duck. Kai joins Milena to walk the docks looking for working girls. She sees two women talking who are dressed to show their assets, and approaches them, telling them she is visiting and that she usually provides medical services. They say if she wants to do that here, she'd have to talk to the Warren; they manage the girls and their care. Kai notices that the docks are very well-guarded and there is less chaos than she might expect: no dock-rat children, for instance. In the castle, Kat follows the voices and finds a large room with a desk and a pile of framed portraits, and another door on the far side. Windows open onto the courtyard to the south. Doreen and Polist are discussing business: ship loaded with cargo, will depart tomorrow afternoon. There is also a dwarf asking about cost and the overall business side of things. They don't mention the cargo, but they are headed to Freeport. Kat looks through the door on the far side, which opens into a hall with other rooms opening off it. Kat decides to try to find the kitchens to see if she can pick up any gossip about the evening's dinner. At the restaurant, Lossy says she has been fishing her whole life; she was found floating in the ocean by fisherfolk, who brought her back to Seaton, where she was raised. Al asks about the town generally, and shares that they killed four spectres last night. She say that's about half of them, but that there are other things around: the spectres leave bodies behind, but other people just vanish, and one woman reported being attacked by a monstrous man who didn't pursue her when she fell in the water trying to get away. She says the vanishing has been happening since before the sack, most of her life. She speaks with respect of the Warren, who arose from nowhere to protect the town when Raging Hammer attacked. She says the Warren cares more about Seaton than the Guild does, which only cares about making money and letting the wealth flow back inland to Tyreln and other places. They ask if she has an opinion about Polist; she says not really, she never met him, but it seems like he tries to keep money flowing back into town so he seems like an okay guy. Kai and Milena see an older couple cleaning their catch for the day. Kai points out the guards and that there is no one at the docks -- except them -- who are there for anything other than work. Kat finds the kitchens and sees a halfling woman preparing food. She does a quick search for anything suspicious -- such as poisons -- that might be slipped into their food, but finds nothing. She goes looking for a study to rummage through, but sees that the castle is pretty bare. She does find two bedrooms with attached offices, and in one of the offices there is a large ornate chest. Based on what is in the wardrobe, it is probably the dwarf woman's rooms. Kat takes a look at the chest and finds that the lock is internal, there may be multiple traps including a barely visible rune, and a hidden second keyhole. She tries to open it with Mage Hand, but has no luck. Knowing that her invisibility is about to go away, she slips out of the castle and keep. When she gets about ten feet away, she uses Mage Hand to gently tug one of the guard's braids. Her axe is in her hand immediately. Life is harder since the sack: it's harder to buy things, not as many people around to do things, and can't stay out after dark, so their time to fish is significantly reduced. Kids in town don't want to stay here, and many end up vanishing -- not clear if they've left on purpose or were taken or killed. Milena asks about Auntie Treeshadow and whether her influence has been constant over the years, or has changed. They say she has always been there in their time. Milena asks about the undead creatures and if they as fisherfolk knew what the aim of those creatures are. They did not, but said they ignore -- but frighten -- the fish, and head out to sea. Kai asks about the guards -- their purpose and how the couple feels about them -- and gets the sense they are very nervous about this turn in the conversation, as if the guards are basically a protection racket. They ask if Kai and Milena are part of the group that went to the restaurant and express annoyance at having to compete againts a sea elf who can go places they can't and fish in ways they can't. When Kat gets back to the inn, Marty is reading a book and asks if he can get her anything to eat. Gnik returns and goes to his room to rest. Milena goes to her room to meditate and see what she can intuit about the wolf statue, which she senses is trying to communicate with her. Milena gets the sense that it is friendly and curious and wants to share its story and learn hers. She learns that it is a large female wolf named Nash who has adopted this form to help people, and can take her true form for up to an hour each day. The group, along with Valery, heads to the castle for dinner. The guard at the gate lets them in and tells them to go up the stairs and to the right, Herna will show them where to go. It turns out to be the halfling woman Kat saw in the kitchen, leading them to the office room where the desk has been replaced by a large table. Doreen and Polist are at the table talking; when the group enters, Doreen glances up, does a double-take, and reaches for her weapon but Polist puts a hand on her arm to stop her from drawing. He says there's no need for that, as the group is their guests. She glares at him like he needs to die. As soon as Al sees her, he looks around to check where the exits are, asks the rest of the group to remind him what they were told her name was, and greets her by name. Polist introduces the rest of them to her and tells them that there is no need for formality. Polist expressed some surprise that anyone from Saltmarsh would come to check on them, as no one has seemed to care about Seaton since the sack. Al mentioned they were surprised to see so many undead, as this was not widely known of in Saltmarsh. Polist shares that originally there were at least 8 spectres and thanks them for taking care of four of them. They discuss the current state of Seaton. Polist says it would be better if Raging Hammer were gotten rid of; since Michel took over, he is wiping out governments in small towns all over the place, and between them and the Guild there is no free trade. Al asks if he would be happy if the duke rode in, got rid of Raging Hammer, and installed a new baron, and Polist says the Guild has so much political sway that they would just take over and nothing would really improve. Al notices that Doreen does not seem to be reacting negatively to the idea of Raging Hammer being taken out, although she does view Al and the rest of the group with a bit of spite. Polist mentions the problem that Freeport is scavenging all building materials in the area, driving prices up. Kai asks about the protection racket by the guards on the docks, and implies that he is causing the problems that require the need for the guards in the first place. He says that the Guild has been the ones making trouble. Al asks how Polist plans to take out Michel. Polist pulls out a bag and shakes it; it jingles with a sound like glass. He says Michel has been trying to get it, so he has been doing everything he can to keep him from getting it, and will give it to them if they express willingness to take out Michel. They decide it is in the interest of both their towns. Kai asks Doreen about Michel. She says he is a psychopath -- he thinks he's fighting the good fight against oppression despite being a slaver. His ship is the Laughing Sin, and it flies the regular Raging Hammer flag when it goes out. It is well-armored and armed but fast, and there are rumors he's had it magically enhanced. Polist says there are hundreds of people working on many ships for Raging Hammer, and he is rumored to have an island where he hides out. The thought from Doreen and Polist is that if Michel is taken out, the other captains will squabble and take each other out for dominance. Gnik asks what Polist thinks would happen if the undead were taken out. He says it would be good for everyone. He also mentions the story of the girl who was attacked but the attacker did not pursue when she fell in the water. Gnik pulls out his book of arcana for clues, and it falls open to two pages listing the various types of vampires. The group asks whether it would help the situation if someone formerly associated with the baron's family or in a position of power came back as at least a figurehead. Polist expresses extreme skepticism that anyone survived, and Al shares that he may have met someone who was formerly in a position of power, but he's not sure. Milena suggests they could look through the stack of portraits, which Polist indicated he was waiting to appraise to see if they were worth anything. Milena suggests they could look through the portraits to see if anyone looks familiar. They see several portraits that include a teenage girl that looks like it could be Susannah -- and Polist, in identifying everyone in the portraits, identifies her as the baron's daughter Susannah. Gnik suggests that he should hold onto the portraits in case anyone comes back and he needs to prove their identity to the townsfolk. The group decides that they will wait until near sunset to return to their inn so that they can attempt to take out more undead on their walk back. Doreen departs before sunset so she can make it to her ship, and wishes the group luck. They get to the entrance of the temple and Julian, the priest of Arkon, is standing there. He asks what they're doing there and asks if they're coming to kill more spectres. Kat says, "We're coming to vandalize your temple!" and he chuckles. They say they might also be looking for a vampire and asks which kind is afraid of water. He says none are afraid of it, but both Jhoynian and Dorgenian vampires are harmed by it. They ask what else he knows about killing vampires, and he says the Sayd temple has some books -- they can take a look if they come back tomorrow. They head toward the smaller bridge across the river. As they approach, about a block away, they see a glow coming from an alleyway. Kat scales a nearby building so she can try to flank it. As she walks across the top, she feels a beam give way beneath her, but rolls away before she falls through. 16 May 2020 Kat rights herself; the glow from the alley disappears and reappears behind her. Four more rise out of the ground below, surrounding the group entering the alley. Kat stabs at the one on the roof with Torchlight, tearing bits of it away. Milena hits a ghoul with Guiding Bolt; it strikes out at Valery, cutting into her leg. She falls to her knees as an inky blackness spreads from the wound. Another hits Kai in the hip, and a third hits Al in the wrist, but he is able to fight off the necrotic effect. The fourth hits Ember. Al yells to Kai, "Hold your action -- I might be able to stun it!" He takes four attacks and manages to stun three of them, but not the one by Kai -- however, she swings twice at it and does significant damage. Anny stabs the one next to Valery, which is stunned, with her spear. Gnik casts Protection from Evil on Ember, who is next to him. Kat stabs the spectre she's facing again, and then tries bludgeoning it with her magical crossbow. Milena casts Beacon of Hope, and Boris runs over to protect Valery. The spectre attacking Kai hits her again. The one Kat is fighting attacks her; she dodges, but it still does some damage. Valery mutters something, and the spectre fighting Kai suddenly looks at her and covers its ears. Kai slashes at it and it falls apart. She runs to the one Ember has been fighting. Al also closes with that one, punches it, and it falls apart. He runs to the one that attacked Valery, punches it, and obliterates it as well. A section of roof disintegrates under Kat, but she's able to jump away to a stable section of rafter. Gnik uses Mage Hand to send his magical dagger to her. Ember attacks the remaining spectre on the ground, stabs it twice, and it dissolves into ichor. Kat slashes the remaining spectre with Torchlight through the head, then stabs with the Gnik's dagger; it is obliterated into nothingness. Milena casts a Mass Healing Word to give a bit of healing to all those who were injured. Valery and Ember, who took necrotic damage, will need to rest before healing will be effective. The group returns to the inn to rest. The innkeeper, Brian, mentions that he has heard strange rumors about Lossy when he learns Gnik is planning to have lunch with her -- he mentions that she is extremely tough, and has retractable claws... and Gnik realizes she is probably not just a sea elf, but sahaugin. He decides he should hold his special dagger when he meets with her to see if it detects her as an enemy sahaugin. 13 Agram 3275 The group decides to set watches, with Milena taking the last watch. During that watch, all of the group suddenly perceive themselves to be in a wood surrounded on three sides by mountains, on a path of metallic bricks, silvery-colored, that give a bit with each step and that lead to a circular paved area. In the path is a stump that seems to have a chessboard on it, a Rel sitting by it on a very large chair, and a Jhoynian sitting on the other side of the table. There is another small table covered with a variety of objects. When the Rel sees them he gets a big smile on his face, hops off the chair, moves a chess piece, and comes over to greet them. Al asks who he is, and he says, "Hi, I'm Ag, this is just where I'm hanging out...." In the distance, they see what looks like an enormous dog disappearing into the trees. Kat says, "Hey! Ag! It's your day today!" He says that because of that, he has the power to make things happen. He invites them to sit down, and suddenly it's dark and they're sitting around a pleasant fire. Kat asks why they're there, and he says he wanted to talk to them. He says he gave them some things, cool things, and they do cool things for him, and what happened? Kat doesn't know what he's specifically asking about until Milena says, "Do you know what he's asking?" and Ag asks, "What happened to the coin?" She tells the story of giving away the coin to learn something she desperately wanted, and then regretted it because she learned the information less than twelve hours later from her mother, who had been planning to tell her. Ag asks her what she learned, and she says she learned that gifts from the gods are more important than her own wants and needs. He says, "Naaah, that's the wrong lesson." But then he tells her there is no right answer, and that she has free choice. Al asks if Ag knows why the hag near Seaton is doing what she's doing, and what she's up to. Ag responds there are a lot of hags in that area -- which Gnik is surprised to hear. They don't generally hang around together, but might form covens, and there is a heirarchy in which the most powerful are granted the title Grandmother, and the next tier are called Auntie -- like Auntie Treeshadow. They enjoy seeing people in misery. Kai asks Ag who he was playing chess with earlier. He says it was his high priest. They look over and there's now a woman in that seat -- he says he gets a new high priest every month, and they learn by playing chess with him. Kat says, "You're the coolest god -- is there any way I can get my coin back again?" Ag laughs and says, "Now THAT'S the answer I was looking for---" and the group suddenly finds themselves back at the inn, waking up for those who were asleep. They go downstairs; Valery comes down looking much better, having healed herself that morning. Ember still looks pretty beat up, so Valery gives her some healing as well. They begin discussing their strange "dream" and Milena says it was not a dream, as she was not asleep -- it was a summoning. Al mentioned that he saw the group was not the only one there -- he seemed to be meeting with many people at once, perhaps other of his followers or chosen. Al got the sense that he was doing this because he could on that day, and he thought it would be fun. As they talk, they realize there was no sun when they got there and no stars when it got dark, so it may have been another plane or extradimensional space. Valery is hastily taking notes on everything they're talking about, when Al says, "Did we ever tell you about the time we went to Jaeleth?" and Gnik begins telling the story. As they talk, a man walks in and starts talking quietly to Marty, then comes over to ask them if they were the Salties who came into town yesterday, and asks if they've seen Clair, the Sorter who brought them into town. He introduces himself as Ponba, one of the other Sorters who works with her, and says she hasn't been seen since yesterday morning when they came in with her. Al asks what her normal day is like, and listens closely to try to tell if Ponba is telling the truth. Al gets the impression as he talks that he's not only telling the truth, he's worried. Marty goes into the back room, and Ponba asks how much they've talked to him -- he says he doesn't trust Marty and thinks he may have done something. Al decides to go into the kitchen to chat with Marty to see if he seems trustworthy by asking him if he thinks Ponba is trustworthy. He gets the sense that Marty is very uncomfortable with this line of questioning and thinks Al is sticking his nose in where it doesn't belong. The group decides to send Az and Zassin to fly around the city to see if they find any clue of Clair. They discuss their plans for the day, and when they mention lunch with Lossy, Gnik shares what he learned about her. Anny has an immediate negative and prejudiced reaction to the fact that she is probably sahaugin; Gnik talks her down my mentioning that they can use the dagger to see if she is a foe. Al and Marty carry breakfast out to the group and they start eating. Al shares with Marty that Gnik has a spell that could let him track someone if they are close enough to him, and if he knows of an object that is on them. Al recalls that Clair was wearing a long chain both times they saw her, and Milena recalls she was wearing a cute anklet. Marty heads back into the kitchen. Al begins asking the rest of the group if they see the creature flying around, and the black stuff coming out of the ground. Gnik tries dispelling magic on him, but nothing happens. A moment later, he vomits across the table, poisoned. Kai runs into the kitchen to see Marty trying to bolt out the back door, and grabs him. Gnik casts Suggestion on him, with the suggestion that he helps them find Clair. Milena cures Al's poisoning. Marty says he left Clair at the waterfront. Kai asks if she's alive; he says he thinks she was when he left her. He leads them to the north of town and to the rocky shore out of the edge of town. He says he left her on the rocks because they had an argument. Gnik asks what they were arguing about, since that might help them find her. Before he can ask, something comes rising out of the water -- it looks like Clair, but she is pale and red-eyed and her hair is long instead of cropped. Her hair begins reaching toward Marty, and Al grabs him. Kai and Kat seem to think this is justice, but Al says they don't know what happened -- maybe something else attacked her. Clair says, "He bashed my head in with a rock." Al tries to argue that maybe she only thinks that, and someone else killed her... and then looks at Marty and says, "...but you did try to poison me." Kai recognizes Clair as a drowned maiden, who won't be appeased until it kills its murderer. Al lets go and the hair pulls him under. As soon as he drowns, her body dissolves into seafoam. Marty's body floats to the surface, and they find Clair's corpse on the shore a short distance away. Gnik conjures a floating disc to bring the bodies back to town to try to find the nearest constable. When they do, they tell her what happened and ask her to let Ponba know. Al decides to go back to the inn to rest, and Anny goes with him. Valery goes back to write up the story of some of the things that happened last night. The rest of the group heads to the temple area to meet Julian to review information on vampires. He has found one good book from the Sayd temple, which he says got trashed -- the book looks like it has been thrown around and beaten up. Gnik offers to take the remaining books from that temple back to the temple in Saltmarsh if Julian is willing to part with them, and he agrees. Gnik mends the book and starts reading. It is verbose, written fairly recently -- perhaps within the last ten years -- but includes descriptions of all the types of vampires the author was aware of. Gnik asks Julian if he knows where he could buy some holy water and parchment, and Julian says he has some. As Julian helps them, Kat notices there is something odd about the way he moves and how he picks things up. Then, for a brief moment, the edge of his cloak seems to pass through another object. Kat gets the sense this might be what it would look like if someone were using a Disguise Self spell. She whispers this to Gnik and asks if they should dispell magic on him, but Gnik responds that he's being helpful and friendly, and that seems like a hostile thing to do. Julian says he has three vials of holy water he can part with, and though they are 25 gp each, Gnik gives him 100; Julian thanks him profusely. After they leave, Kat shares her suspicions. Kai opines that she can't think of any examples of someone disguising themselves for non-nefarious purposes. Milena suggests he could have been disfigured in the sack, or could be of a race that is not well regarded here. They discuss the fact that they have only seen him at night or indoors, never in broad daylight. 30 May 2020 The group (minus Al and Anny) heads to the Sailor and Duck to meet Lossy for lunch. She asks where Anny is; Gnik says she's not feeling well, that they have fought many spectres over the last couple of days and Anny still has some healing to do. He asks after Lossy's day and she says she had a good day on the boat, but the guy who was supposed to go with her never showed. Gnik asks if she's worried about him, and she says this sort of thing happens all the time. Under the table, Gnik pulls out his hostile sahaugin-sensing dagger and feels a pull... behind him, rather than toward Lossy. He jumps up, dagger in hand, and turns behind him. Kai jumps up reflexively, and Kat, who'd been reading the menu, asks, "What's going on?" Gnik says, "Sahaugin!" and goes invisible. The five people at the table behind Gnik stand up and draw weapons; none of them is obviously sahaugin. Kai says, "Can we just pause and take this outside?" -- but simultaneously Kat pulls out Torchlight and charges the other table. Kai calls out to her to stop, that the other group may just have pulled weapons before they did, and she pulls up short, staring at the other group. One of them says, "You backed the wrong side... and took the wrong ship." Gnik, invisible, begins moving toward the door and triangulating with his dagger; it seems to be pulling toward the half-elf in the group. Kat uses Mage Hand to lift a mug over the head of the nearest foe, pour it out, and then drop it. He looks up at the unexpected shower and so the mug hits him in the face. Kai tosses the barkeep a platinum piece and says, "Sorry, I tried," and runs at the largest foe. He steps forward as she runs and she slices into his thigh and wrist with her sword. Gnik moves out the door, peeks back through the doorway, and casts Grease under the group of foes. The half-elf and the Jhoyniah slip and fall, but the others remain standing. Boris runs at the Dorghenian, trying to knock him down, and Mouse runs at the Rel, but both keep their footing. Az flies at the big Jhoynian to distract as he and the half-elf regain their footing. The half-elf and two Jhoynians go after Kai but she is able to dodge and parry all three, the Rel goes after Ember but misses, and the Dorghenian goes after Kat but misses. Lossy leaps up onto the table and dives off it straight at the smaller Jhoynian; she grabs at his clavicle and chest and he screams as he falls backward. Milena, still sitting at the table sipping her tea, casts Hold Person at the Dorghenian and Jhoynian who are still standing; the Dorghenian is frozen but the Jhoynian manages to shake it off. Valery calls out to Kai, "You've got this!" and she looks at the one foe still standing and in motion and growls, "Are you sure?" trying to intimidate. Kat aims a kick at the head of the fallen Jhoynian who is trying to get up again. He flips all the way over and lands on his belly again. The guy Kai roared at steps backward, slips on the grease and falls on his chair, which shatters. He tries to scramble to his feet and run away. Zassin flies to the frozen Dhorgenian, gets up in his face, and tries to make his scariest face. A couple of the group notice that the Jhoynian struggling to stand has a Raging Hammer tattoo on his forearm. Gnik attempts to cast Suggestion at the half-elf, whom he suspects to be sahaugin, and says, "Why don't you stop fighting and talk about what's going on?" The half-elf, wipes at his head, mutters, "Spellcasters!" and keeps fighting. Boris jumps at him and knocks him over, while Mouse knocks the Rel down, but he leaps up and skewers Mouse in the stomach. The half-elf attacks Kai and hits her across the temple with a scimitar and in the forearm with a dagger. Lossy snarls and jumps at the half-elf, scratching down both legs with her nails. Kai notices she has serrated claws under each nail. Milena leans forward to touch Mouse and casts Cure Wounds. He perks up and gives a little woof. Valery calls out, "Kat, take 'em out!" She lunges at the Rel, Torchlight in one hand and a dagger in the other, and hits with both -- the sword in the arm and then, when he pulls it back, the dagger in the stomach. "That's for Mouse!" she growls. "There's a mouse?" he asks, befuddled. Kai gouges the half-elf across the chest. Gnik casts Sleep at the nearest fleeing Jhoynian, but he doesn't stop. The Rel and half-elf disengage and make a run for it; Lossy lets them go. Milena moves to the window and casts Hold Person on the half-elf, which releases the Dhorgenian. Valery stands, pulls out her short sword, which none of the group has ever seen, and holds the sword point at his throat and says politely, "You're not going anywhere, are you?" The Dorghenian sits. Milena lets the group know that there is a held half-elf down the block, and Kai goes to collect and tie up the prisoner. The Dorghenian looks around and calmly asks, "Where'd my mug go?" Kat asks Gnik why he instigated this fight, and he says, "You've used my dagger." She says there are no sahaugin here, and he points to the half-elf. She looks confused and says her mom is just around the corner... but she never knew her dad. Gnik takes a few minutes to cast Identify on the dagger to figure out if the lore about it is wrong, or if the half-elf is unknowingly a sahaugin. They ask the attackers why they attacked. They say they took it upon themselves to hunt the group down, given that they were staying on the wrong side of town and then went to the castle to threaten Polist. Kai asks what made them think they threatened Polist. They say they just figured it out from knowing they went to the castle, and that it was the idea of the little Jhoynian who fled. Kai rolls her eyes and says they just went to have dinner, at his invitation. Gnik finishes casting and learns that it will sense anyone of elven blood, orcs, sahaugin, or cecaeliae who are hostile. The group discusses letting their captives go, and the barkeep suggests they should clean up their mess first. Kai mentions to Lossy that she noticed the extra spurs under her nails, but they're gone now. She says she knows that's not normal, and she's been told her blood is darker than it should be. They ask if she knows what a Milenti is, but she has not heard of it. She has heard of sehaugin, though, calls them sea devils, and says they have killed many people in town. The group explains that sometimes sahaugin are born that look like sea elves, and that sahaugin raised with their own kind are vicious and evil but not necessarily if they have been raised apart. She asks if anyone else knows. Gnik tells her that only their group knows, but they thought she should know -- and that Anny, who fought sahaugin, was not sure what to think so she stayed away from the lunch. Al arrives and approaches the group. Valery says, "You missed a lot of fun!" and proceeds to tell a well-told tale of an epic battle. Kai lets him know that they've told Lossy about her likely heritage. Al tries to get a sense whether she would be comforted by a friendly hug, and decides probably not -- so instead he says, "No matter what you learned today, I am still your friend." She thanks him. Gnik mends the broken chair and then moves to the front to mend the windows. A man who was boarding up the broken windows and getting ready to put up a third board sighs, pulls out a crowbar and starts taking the boards down again. The group discusses whether they want to stay in town and try to deal with the alleged vampire situation. Gnik declares that he would like to find a mirror, and suggests each of the group should probably carry a wooden stake. Milena says, "It is too bad you mended the chair." They discuss whether Julian could secretly be a vampire. Gnik mentions that he sold them holy water, and Kai says, "Yeah, if it's really holy water...." He sighs and takes time to cast Identify, which confirms they are indeed holy water. Al approaches a table of locals; they are immediately nervous and intimidated, but he tries to reassure them: "No, no, I just want to ask you a little bit about the town, nothing weird, just we heard there might be vampires and we thought we might try to take them out as a public service, and can you tell us anything?" The group stands up and scurries away. Behind the bar, the barkeep throws up his hands. Al finishes their drinks. Kai asks Valery not to reveal Lossy's background in any of her tales, and Valery agrees. She then asks Valery if she could write something that would help the town feel more comfortable about Lossy. Valery slides her chair over by Lossy and starts asking about her life. The group goes to the market to look for a mirror and wooden stakes. They realize the seer is their best bet for a mirror, and when they approach she holds up a bucket full of wooden stakes and offers them to the group for free (but not the bucket). Gnik goes to talk to Jardani the raven and offers a small piece of meat. "If I remember correctly, you told me that if I brought you food you would tell me more secrets." He says, "Yes yes!" Gnik asks if he could tell secrets about vampires. "Food first?" Jardani asks. Gnik tosses him the food. He says, "You seek but you won't find... but you will find." Madame Tsura says something to Jardani in a language they don't know, but she seems to be telling him off. He skulks off into the wagon. They ask her if there are any particularly creeply places in town with features that might suggest a vampire lair. She says she is new to town, but that does not sound like a place that would be in town. Gnik asks if she has any small mirrors, and explains that he would like to build a small monocle that would allow him to check for vampires. She says she has such a thing, but it was difficult to make, so she asks 30 gold pieces for it. Al pays it and gives the device to Gnik. Milena buys a small steel mirror. Al asks around of other townspeople if there is a graveyard in or near town, but they say it is too close to sea, so they do all their burials at sea. The group goes back to the inn to rest and eat dinner, with the plan of returning to the market at night to see if any vampires attack or they get any other clues. When they arrive, the constable is there, and they learn that Marty had three other girlfriends who had gone missing -- but it didn't seem too suspicious because lots of people here go missing. Gnik consults the wondrous book for tips on how to track a vampire; the page he flips to says, "If someone were going to look for a vampire, which I don't know why you would because there isn't one in the area, you should look for their shadow to find what you're actually supposed to find." They discuss options to get things to cast shadows. Gnik mentions he could light the streetlights, which they have not seen lit at night. They ask Ponba why the lights aren't lit, and he says there has been no one to do so since the sack, and they have not been maintained with oil. They decide perhaps they could light them and see if anyone or anything comes to stop them. After a rest, they set out to the marketplace, with Az landing on each streetlight so Gnik can cast a Light spell on each. As they reach the market they see Madame Tsura's wagon is gone, though there are three other wagons there; and the doors of the temple are open. Al puts on his headband that allows him to see in all conditions, and goes to the door of the temple to look in. He hears a voice down the hall call out, "Who's there?" He responds, "It is I, the seafaring monk!" Julian comes walking around the corner and asks what they're doing. Al says they're looking for the vampire. "In a holy place?" he asks. Al says it's the only place open, so he thought he would look to see what was there. As Julian approaches, Al sees his shadow: it is much taller than Julian, the hands appear to be upside down with the fingers curving the wrong way, with claws, and he has some kind of snout, along with either ears or horns. Al asks if Julian knows about any creepy places with bats or rats around that could be a lair, while backing away nervously. Julian wishes him luck. Al tries to mentally contact Zassin and visualize what he saw. Zassin passes along an exaggerated image, as usual. Kat decides to go up onto a nearby warehouse roof to get a better look at the marketplace. Al rejoins the group and gives them a better description of the shadow. Gnik recognizes the backward hands as belonging to a type of horrible fiend that loves feeding on human flesh and comes to this plane specifically to do so. They are often feline in appearance; they are not actually devils, but they are from the hells and will return there if killed, and will then do everything in its power to return to the plane where it died to seek revenge against everyone associated with those who killed it. The only way to kill it permanently is to kill it in the hells. The panther-like ones will avoid water, can disguise themselves at will, become invisible, and read thoughts. Kai says, "I'm out." The group decides to return to the inn. Gnik scribbles a message, "Julian is a fiend, we're retreating to the inn," and sends Az to take it to Kat. 13 June 2020 On the way back to the inn, the group discusses what to do about Julian. Kat suggests they could talk to Zagrimil, who might want to take Julian out. Milena says they could mention it to Polist, who can then decide what actions to take to protect his people. Kat says maybe they could offer to take it out, for sufficient reward, but the others think there's too much risk. Milena recalls that she has a scroll that can summon an angelic being to perform a worthy task. They decide they should wait until they return to Saltmarsh before using it so it will be less likely Julian will know who acted against him. 14 Agram 3275 At breakfast, Gnik looks up the angelic being Tabris in his book. The entry suggests that if you let him know about an evil being that is killing others, he will deal with it. Kai says she is willing to be the one to read the scroll just in case there are repercussions -- she has the least family who might be a target of Julian's wrath. Milena gives her the scroll. As the group is getting ready to leave, Ponba walks in, points to the group, and says, "Here they are." Angel, formerly one of the brigands at the haunted house with Bryon, follows him in and says, "Oh, hi, guys!" She tells them she came to Seaton because she knew Polist didn't like Michel, but when she found out Raging Hammer was still active on the other side of the river she came to the merchant's side because it seemed better for her. They fill her in briefly on what happened to Matty. Al mentions they might be going to Freeport, since she used to live there when she was working with Mtchel. She warns them that there are a lot of scary people, and a lot of pirates, so they should be careful. Gnik recalls that she previously mentioned a friend in Freeport, and she shares her name is Cristina Loggins, an old contact of her father's who works as a broker, helping bring things into town and get them bought and sold. Al asks if she knows about a place called Gonagibria; she has just heard that it is a rock rising far in the air that can be a good place to make port because most people leave each other alone, and it is often shrouded in fog. They also ask if she knows about Auntie Treeshadow, and she mentions Demmer Reece, a former adventurer who was one of only two of his group who came back from an encounter in the Dreadwood, and who is still in town. They find Demmer at a scrivener's shop and ask about his experience in the Dreadwood. He says they didn't even make it to Auntie Treeshadow; after fighting through swarms of creatures -- spiders and wolves and others -- they were turned back by a huge guy that looked like he was stitched together, whose hide could not be pierced by any weapons, including silvered weapons -- but they had no magic weapons to try. They had gone because the town lord at the time had offered a reward, a little less than a year before the sack. Gnik asks if the undead were already coming down the river then, and he says there is supposed to be a ruined village on the river in the Dreadwood where they think Auntie Treeshadow is, but their sorcerer could not find anything about it through divination -- it seems too well protected. Al and Kat go to talk to Polist to see if he might be interested in offering them a reward for the work they've done killing spectres. Bess is reluctant to let them in, but relents. As they're walking away, Kat taps her shoulder with Mage Hand. Immediately there is a huge booming sound of metal on stone; Al looks over his shoulder and sees that she has buried her axe into the stone wall. Al and Kat walk in; Polist asks what brings them back so soon. Kat says, "We notice you have a fiend problem, and we think we can help you." He says, "From what I hear, you already have." She says, "We think we can help you more -- we have new intel," and tells him about Julian. Al does a double-take. Kat says she knows Auntie Treeshadow has also been a problem, and they might be able to help, but that they need some extra compensation to cover scrolls and components and other things. Polist says he's used to people asking for compensation, and asks how much she's talking about. They haggle a bit and come up with a price; then Al and Kat rejoin the group to have lunch with Lossy. Lossy is somewhat subdued, as she is still processing what she has learned about her background. They decide to go to the beach out of sight of the town to use the scroll. Milena notices Al is reading a piece of parchment and has a coral-colored rock in his hand; Kat notices that Gnik has a piece of parchment tucked into an empty scabbard where the sahaugin dagger used to be. They are notes from Anny, who says the dagger belongs to her people, needs to be returned, and that it would be dangerous to say more than that. She has left a small pouch with three diamonds that she says she hopes will make up for it. They go to the beach, and Milena (after disrobing, as do Ember and Al) summons the celestial being Tabris. She explains that Julian is a fiend that can only be ended by being killed in its hell. At Al's prompting, she also mentions the hags, but says that is a more complex problem with no clear solution. Tabris says, "One task," so Milena chooses Julian. The creature vanishes, returns a moment later with a small pile of clothing and other personal items, drops them on the ground, and says, "I will end him now," and disappears again. A moment later they hear screaming and commotion coming from town -- probably people reacting to the sudden appearance of this being and the death of Julian. Gnik says, "Hey, I was supposed to pick up some books from Julian before we left town -- we should go do that!" They go to investigate, and in the temple of Arcon they learn that a being appeared and engulfed the temple in a very localized area. There is also a pile of pulverized skeletons -- it appears they were in the wall, tried to come out when Julian was attacked, but now lie dead and still. Gnik looks through the books and takes anything that looks like it might be a good addition to the library in Saltmarsh. Kat and Al go to talk to Polist again, and the rest of the group returns to the inn. They decide they might as well stay one more night since it is now so late in the day. Gnik examines the items that used to belong to Julian; it includes thunderstones which can be thrown to create a loud booming, a dagger that feels magical, a mirror, and two bags of "powder of peace" which will glow when lit and everything touched by its light is encapsulated in silence. The chainmail armor feels like mithril. As soon as Al and Kat approach, Bess steps aside to let them in. As soon as they enter, he sees them, greets them, and hands them a bag full of jewels. Kat says that they'll return at some later time to try to take care of Treeshadow, but they would need to gain more skills first, and maybe take care of Michel. He says that even if he is no longer in charge, he will pay the promised fee. Kat offers her hand to shake on it. When the rest of the group arrives at the inn, Tabris appears just long enough to say, "It is done." Around the dining room, patrons drop their drinks and fall out of their chairs in shock. Gnik casts Identify on Julian's items. The dagger, which has a dragon on the hilt, is called Dracomist; it is critically sharp, can do Thunderwave on a critical hit once per day, and there is a chamber in the hilt that can hold a potion that can be sprayed by pushing on the dragon's head. The mirror is a dazzle glass, a single-use item that can reflect a beam of light at a creature that will dazzle them and knock them prone; the light must be direct (so e.g. not filtered through tree branches) and the mirror will crack when used. 27 June 2020 15 Agram 3275 As the group prepares to leave town the next day, Kat receives a message from Polist via the sending stones that he is sending a message for them to carry to their contact the heir, for the heir's eyes only. As they are at breakfast -- taking well-wishes from a number of townsfolk who stop by to give their regards, a messenger arrives with a sealed scroll, which he gives to Kat. The group discusses whether and how to open it -- "Because, really, Polist has to assume we'll open it and read it" -- but Milena suggests instead they should bring it to Susanna, share their concerns with her, and offer to open it on her behalf if she prefers. Gnik points out that the scroll itself could contain or be used as a tracker of some kind to locate the heir, so Milena suggests two people ride ahead to talk to Susannah while the rest continue on the road with the scroll. Kat and Milena ride ahead. Kat is glad of the time alone, because she says she has something she's interested in asking Milena -- namely, if she might be interested in joining the Town Council, particularly because it might be a way to set up a clinic or guild of healers rather than just the small individual services provided by Milena and her daughters. Milena confesses she has actually considered it, given that some good people are no longer on the council, or about to step down, but she is not sure how it would intersect with her other interests. She mentions feeling a call to the service of Daln and does not know yet whether she should establish a temple and take up priestess duties, or if her service will take another form. Kat catches a glimpse of some kind of glint in the treeline, but it is quickly gone. They arrive at the farm and turn off the road toward the house. As they move toward the house they see Susanna come walking out of the house, a crossbow in one hand and battleaxe in the other. Kat lets her know that Polist has sent a message for her because he believes they could be of mutual benefit to one another. Susanna asks why he would think so, and Milena fills her in on some of their conversation with Polist at dinner: the current balance of power in Seaton, who holds it, and who should -- including his own people, Raging Hammer, the guild across the river, and the former ruling family -- and his expressing that he would be open to the return of one who could prove their connection to that family. Kat notices Susanna's grip tightening on her battle axe, as she asks, "And why would you think this has anything to do with me?" Milena says, "When we were here before, some in our group felt that your bearing marked you as being of less humble origin than your companions. And then at dinner, Polist showed us portraits from the castle of members of the royal family, and... some of them had a very familiar look." They explain their concerns about the message -- various ways that it could be tracked or trapped -- so Susanna rides back to the rest of the group. While they're still riding, Kat uses mage hand to open the scroll and hold the pages up for Susanna to read. Once she has read it, she asks if Polist can be trusted. They say not really, but it is possible to work with him if their goals align. Susanna asks about what happened in Seaway, and they tell her about the rod that attracts demons. Gnik shows her an image. She says the morning before the attack on Seaton, a woman showed up and gave the rod to Susanna's father saying that Seaton would prosper for as long as he reigned; her mother, a priestess, did a divination and concluded that the woman meant what she said. However, that night when the sun set the screaming started, and ships appeared in the harbor; when she and others ran to ask them for help, the bombardment started. Susanna asks if Polist mentioned a weapon being developed that could help against Auntie Treeshadow. She said her father had commissioned it from the mage at Roburn Tower, and it was to have been delivered a week after the sack happened. They speculate that the mage, Mallan, might still have it. Al offers that if Susanna has any sort of royal seal, it might allow them to talk to Mallan on her behalf at some point in the future. As they arrive back at the farm, they offer Susanna the sending stone to talk to Polist and let her know he's listening in the morning, and they don't think he can use it to track her. As they continue on their way, the group discusses whether to take a detour to talk to Mallan on their way home. His tower is between Seaway and Saltmarsh, so they make their way on to Seaway. As they approach the town, they see someone step onto the road -- Wilco, the head of security. They greet him, and ask if there are openings at the inn. He says word hasn't gotten out yet that it's safe to come back to the inn. Al says they'll spread the word, and already let folks in Seaton know. They arrive at the inn and the three young girls -- Ruby, Pearl, and Jade -- come out to greet them and take care of the horses. Al walks around to the back with them to see the horses settled, while the rest go to the inn. Caren comes out to greet them and says their daggers were finished up today. Vlon comes over with a leather wrap and rolls it out on the table, revealing a row of weapons. He, Gerry, and Alvin all look beat -- apparently they've been working on these almost nonstop. Most are daggers, but others have modifications appropriate to the wielder, including a bladeless hilt for Al that can be used for punching, and a thin stiletto for Gnik that can be used as a dagger or a wand. The weapons glow faintly red, and when they each pick them up they sense magic, and know that if no one else is touching it and they are within 50 feet, they can call the weapon to them. There is a coral-handled dagger for Anny; Milena agrees to do a Sending to let her know it is ready, and to let her know there are no hard feelings from the group for her departure. They discuss whether to leave it in Seaway for her, but Gnik expresses that he would rather she had to come to them for it. Gnik infers that the magic in the blades was unknowingly imbued from the life-force of the three men working on them, who thought of the recipients as they worked, and the power and magic of the material shaped their energy into special magic for each of them. He doesn't want to tell them that's what they did, though; Milena decides to thank them by casting a Lesser Restoration, couched in the language of a blessing of thanks, to relieve their exhaustion. 16 Agram 3275 The group leaves Seaway and journeys to the tower. It is old and imposing -- and it is unknown who built it, but it has been occupied by many over time. Mallan has been here 14 years, from what Al has heard. There is not obviously anyone about -- by appearance, it could easily be abandoned. Kai dismounts and knocks on the door. A rectangle of wood seems to fade out, and eyes look out. "What is it?" a female voice asks. "We're here to see Mallan," Kai says. "And who are you?" the voice asks. From his horse, Al says, "Oh, you know, the usuals." The voice utters a loud expletive and the opening disappears. Kai, confused, asks how the woman inside knows Al. The group pieces together, and explains, that she was the mage on the Sea Ghost, that her master came to claim her when she was in jail, and that master is Mallan -- which is something Gnik knew but the rest of the group did not. He'd been carefully not bringing up the slavery thing because he wanted a chance to talk to Mallan without other members of the group attacking him. Kai asks if the woman Cyrrald is a good person, and Gnik says, "No, she's a bitch" -- and explains that having read her spellbooks and some of her exploits, he's just as glad that she's not roaming free. He and Kai argue a bit about whether slavery is a reasonable alternative to being locked in a cell indefinitely; Kai decides to walk away. The door opens and Mallan is there. He welcomes them and asks what brings them so far out of their way to see him. Gnik says they were actually passing by on the way back from Seaton, where they learned about Auntie Treeshadow and that he might be able to make something that would help. He describes that he had made something that could help, but it was used for something else -- they realize he is talking about the scroll that called Tabris. He says he could make it again, but it would take 6000 gold pieces and about four weeks. Gnik says that if they can scrape that kind of money together they may be back to ask them to make one. Gnik asks about her defenses -- they know about her flesh golem, but Mallan tells them she also has a flying device that looks like a great cauldron that she rides in. He warns not to trust what they see around her, that hags are skilled in dececption. Al asks if taking her out would just cause another hag to step up to take her place; Mallan says he does not know the politics of the situation, but although she is rumored to be part of a coven, he could not see that in his divinations -- in fact he could not see her at all in his divinations. It occurs to Milena that that is evidence that Auntie Treeshadow is the one who took the demon-rod to Susanna's parents, which is why her mother was not able to divine ill intent. As they are leaving, Gnik asks Mallan how Cyrrald is doing. Mallan describes her as strongly motivated, but he was channeling her energies into more productive pursuits, keeping her from causing trouble. Kai shouts out from her horese, "But does she want to be here?" Mallan calls to her, "Do you want to leave?" and she says, "Why, are you gonna take me somewhere? No." Mallan calls Cyrrald to come talk to the group so he doesn't have to act as a go-between. Gnik asks how she's doing, since she didn't seem too happy to be there before, and she says it is better than being shackled and muzzled. He says he read her journal, and it sounded pretty horrific when she was in the tower before, and asks how she's doing now. "Fine...?" she says, and asks if she can go back now. Gnik wishes her well. 1 August 2020 In the light of a coming lightning storm, Al sees something glittering in the treeline at the edge of the dreadwood, and tells Gnik. "Don't follow it," Gnik says. "Well," Al says, "maybe I should see if someone is following us." Gnik sends Az to look, and she says it is a very ugly looking corpse -- about a week old -- with a gold necklace with some sort of stone or orb in it -- unexpected for a peasant. Upon closer inspection, the orb is in the form of an eyeball -- but it looks like ceramics rather than an actual eye. There are footsteps leading to and away from the body that disappear into the brush. They discuss whether to take the necklace, and whether it might be used to spy on them or track them. Kat suggests stashing it in her box of holding and using Mage Hand to retrieve it. Gnik retrieves it as well as a belt pouch and scroll case. Still using Mage Hand, he puts the necklace into the belt pouch. Kat thinks it looks creepy, so she suggests putting it in a lead-lined box instead to keep divination from passing through. Gnik has to first remove the spell crystal he has left there as a booby trap to anyone going through his stuff, loaded with the Suggestion "Gnik is your good and trusted friend, do what you can to help him." The group returns to Seaway for the night. Al chats with Filux the guard and mentions that the group is planning to try to take Michel out. He looks surprised and says he has information to share with the group if they promise never to tell anyone in Seaway. He says when he was younger and looking for any work he could, he spent several years on a ship that turned out to be affiliated with Raging Hammer. He says they have their own group of assassins, they want to tear down governments -- Michel is against anyone having control over others, unless he's the one with the control. Before Michel, the previous leader was more of a typical pirate -- and Raging Hammer not nearly as bad as what it has become under Michel. His trust in people is low, and his assistants don't tend to last long. Gnik carefully pulls out the necklace and casts Detect Magic. The eye is infused with divination magic, as expected; the scroll case does not appear to be magical. He then casts Identify -- he can tell it is magical as soon as he touches it. He gets the feeling that as long as it is on and visible it allows the wearer to manipulate fate, and to telepathically bond with someone. As he keeps working with it, he realizes there is a hidden piece that connects the device to someone else; that while in possession of it and attuned to it, the wearer is cursed and the owner can see what the wearer is doing; and the owner can also read the mind of anyone connected telepathically by the device. Gnik carefully opens the scroll case and finds a note written in very poor handwriting: My sweet Leon, Do be a dearie and find my boys. They've gone and wandered off again. Their auntie misses them terribly, and it would be a shame for them to hurt someone you know in their wanderings. Be careful if you look for them at night -- you know how much of a scaredy poo they are around torch fire. Remember, your family is counting on you! -Auntie Treeshadow He puts the necklace back into the lead-lined box; the group decides they'll take it to Heidy, who might have use or interest in it. Gnik plans to take the note to the library, and keep the scroll-case, which is made of scrimshaw and is waterproof. 17 Agram 3275 As they set off down the road, they see something flying toward them. At first they think it is a bird, but it keeps getting bigger. Az looks at it and says, "Oh, that's horrible." Gnik looks through her eyes and sees a fiend coming toward them. It is huge, winged, horned, and covered with mouths. Milena's dagger glows as it approaches. It lands near them, bows, and says, "We wish to form an alliance with you." The group asks who it is. It introduces itself as Kueta, and gestures into the bushes, where two more emerge. The group asks what kind of alliance. "We want what you want -- to kill the demons." Gnik says the group's objective is to keep the area safe from all threats and asks what these devils would do if the demons were gone. Kueta says they might move on, or they might stay to continue the alliance. Kat points out that devils always want something in return in their bargains and asks whether they want something, or are just helping out of the goodness of their hearts. (Gnik points out that for devils, "good" is a four-letter word.) Kueta asks that they would be allowed to take something from the demons they kill. Kai says, "But no. The answer is no. We're not considering negotiating with them, are we?" Gnik says to Kueta, "We'll need some time to consider. How should we contact you with our answer?" He asks how long it will take to decide, and Gnik says perhaps a few days. Kueta says they will meet at dawn the day after tomorrow on the road outside Saltmarsh. 8 August 2020 The group returns to Saltmarsh, discussing their opinions on what to do about the devils' offer. Gnik wants to consult the book on summoning and controling demons before making a decision; and they decide as a group that they will at least honor the meeting even if the answer is they are not ready yet to pursue taking out the demons. Al goes to check in with his sister. She tells him that crops have not been growing the way they should in neighborhood farms, which would be very bad for the area following a bad harvest last year. The group realizes that the concentration of fiends in the area could be causing the problem -- they noticed dead vegetation around the Lassiter house when they were there. She expresses frustration that the order has not sent another priest with the capabilities Brendan had. Al gives her books on Sayd he retrieved from Seaton and tells her there is no priest of Sayd there. The group goes to the Silver Raven to return the horses, then on to Byorn's temple for dinner and to catch up on what has happened in Saltmarsh while they were away. The lizardfolk have taken over the slaughterhouse since the Slaughter Siblings have been locked up, and it is working out well (when they can keep from eating the food). They are thinking of setting up a consulate so there will be a safe space for their people, in the Ash Pit (which the residents in that area are not so happy with). Laur stops by and lets them know that their ship is now ready, and Jarvis is adamant that because the ship has been renovated they must leave harbor before sunrise on the day they next sail to keep bad spirits from getting on the ship. They go to Heidy's curio shop. Al tells her about their recent adventures, including what they've learned about Auntie Treeshadow. Heidy says some think she is the reason things are coming out of the Dreadwood. Gnik shows her the letter and the orb, letting her know that if she is not interested in it their plan is to destroy it. He asks if she wants to see it, warning that it could be dangerous. She says sure, but as soon as he opens the box she slaps it shut again. "That's an Eye of Fate," she says. "You don't even have to be attuned to it for someone to look through it." She says if she did take it she'd just put a hammer through it. She also says the "my boys" referenced in the letter is the flesh golem she made, stitched together from several boys. They take the eye outside, find a flat stone surface, and Kai whaps it with the flat of her sword; the outer shell shatters and the insides squish. Gnik uses Prestidigitation to clean up the mess and Mage Hand to put his spell trap crystal back into the box. They go back in and Al shows off his new Abyssal Steel dagger and tells her about the demon-attracting rod, which they think Auntie Treeshadow gave to the lord of Seaton. The group discusses their upcoming plans and decides on a sailing trip to several islands to the south. 18 Agram 3275 Milena talks to her other daughters about Kat's suggestion of buying Logtaru's house to use as a base of operations for their healing. Jelena thinks this would make things easier, although there are still clients they would have to visit at home. Milena says she might be going away for a while; Jelena says she can cover their usual clients with the help of several folks who have stepped up since the death of Brendan. Milena and Kat go to talk to the town council. Egan is talking to the receptionist, sees the two of them, and his face falls. Milena promises they have not blown anything up, and tells him her daughter Ludmilla suggested they ask about using Logtaru's house as a base of operations for their healing. They may not be able to buy it outright now, but might consider it in future. They ask how much it is, and he says he will have to talk to the council; Milena gets the impression he doesn't know because he's trying to figure out how much he can get for it. Kat asks to see the records from when Logtaru bought the place; he asks the clerk to take them, and they see Logtaru paid 2200 gp for the land, house, and furnishings. It has been a while ago, so the value could have increased, but the house did take some damage in the explosion and most of the furnishings are gone. Egan says he will take Milena's proposal to Juliana and the others, if she trusts him to do it; she says she does, and to send for her if there are questions or need for discussion. Since they are leaving town soon, he says he'll try to send word one way or the other by tomorrow. Gnik researches the three devils they will be meeting tomorrow. He learns that none of them can teleport, but the flying devil could pick up a smaller being (gnome, halfling, small human, etc.) and fly with it -- however, it can't use its paralyzing howl attack while flying. They are all lesser devils with no spell-like abilities; they are more combat-oriented. They are resistant to magic spells but not to magical weapons or psychological attacks. Gnik then does some research on the demons in the area. He finds a history that talked about the opening of the portals that brought many demons. It talks of a celestial being who arrived through a portal carrying a shield which absorbed a pit fiend, one of the most powerful devils in existence, and was immediately swarmed by demons and destroyed, dropping the shield. One of the two demons still in the area took the shield, which is probably what the devils want to take. The pit fiend, even trapped in the shield, is powerful enough that it alone would be enough to affect the harvest as is happening now. The demon is unique, horned, surrounded with a sickening fog with lights inside that lure the curious, who then are killed by the demon in the fog. The group concludes that they should not take the deal with the devils, as they almost certainly want the shield and shouldn't have it. Kai suggests that they should just go early to the meeting spot and try to ambush the devils, but Ember points out that if devils don't sleep, they most likely already are there and on watch. The group prepares for the possibility of fighting the devils. Heidy is willing to loan them a couple of items: a net that could help against the flying devil, and a wand that improves spell attacks. 19 Agram 3275 Valery tells the group that she will be departing in the morning for New Tireln. Al asks if she would like a letter of introduction to the Duke; she gratefully accepts. The group goes to the designated spot outside town to meet the devils. They see Kueta, and assume the other two are hiding in the brush nearby as they were at their prior meeting. Al asks Zassin where the other two devils are, and Zassin says he cannot sense other beings like that, only communicate with those he already knows are there. Gnik tells Kueta that they have decided to reject the offer to join forces, and asks the devils to leave the area. Kueta says, "Why would we do that?" Kai says, "Milena... it's time..." and Milena begins casting Beacon of Hope. As soon as she starts casting, Kueta braces himself and opens his mouth for a scream attack. Kai throws two javelins and hits him in the foot and the forearm. Al runs forward and throws his special net, and speaks the command word to turn it into a cage around Kueta. Kat shoots at him with her crossbow that can create its own bolts that do force damage rather than projectile damage, which the devil might be resistant to. Gnik casts a Silence spell; Kueta grabs the cage and tears it apart; the cage crumples into its component parts that will reform back into a net, but not for another 24 hours. Az, in hawk form, lets Gnik know that the other two devils are hiding in the brush. Milena feels a mental tug asking, "Would you like assistance?" Milena says yes, and the wolf statue in her belt pouch emerges as a horse-sized wolf, trots easily the 50 feet to Kueta, grabs him by the arm with her teeth, and throws him to the ground. The Merregon emerges from the brush with a crossbow that looks like a small ballista, which it aims at Kai; it hits. Jolgroma, the soul cage devil, emerges as well and they move about 30 feet toward Kueta. Jolgroma holds up his soul cage, and Ember jolts as light flows from her toward the cage. Kai attacks the prone Kueta, hitting twice, cutting his leg and taking a piece off his horn as he rolls to avoid getting hit in the head. The light streaming from Ember breaks off as she shakes off the effect. Milena tries to cast a Guiding Bolt at Jolgroma, but the devil ducks. Al strikes at Kueta with Crusher, then tries for a stunning strike, but Kueta shakes it off; Al tries to hit with Obviator, but misses. He manages to hit again with Crusher, and succeeds on another stunning strike. Kat shoots at Jolgroma, but the Merregon steps forward and takes the shot in the gut. Gnik casts Mirror Image on himself, and all four of them run at the two devils near the brush. Az flies around the Jolgroma acting as a distraction; it swings at her and Gnik yells "Az!", keeping her from flying into the space its sword slices through. It points its soul cage at Gnik -- it doesn't need to know which one is Gnik to collect his soul -- but he is able to shake it off. The Jolgroma and Merregon move up to join the fray, and the Merregon swings at Kai three times, hitting twice in her calf and arm. Kai strikes at the still-stunned Kuata, doing significant damage. Ember charges at the Jolgroma, trying to stab at it, but the Merregon jumps in between them, taking the damage of both her attacks. Milena casts Guiding Bolt at Jolgroma, but the Merragon jumps up and takes that hit as well; it is staggered. Kueta tries staggering to his feet, but Nash grabs his leg and jerks it out from under him, sending him back to the ground. Al attacks the Jolgroma, but the Merregon takes the hit; it is clearly on its last legs, but still standing. Kat runs in with Torchlight and tries to hit Jolgroma, Mouse at her side. Mouse jumps at Jolgroma, and as the Merragon jumps in front she bites it in the hip, and it dissolves into a pile of maggots. Mouse whimpers and backs away. Kat stabs at the Jolgroma and puts the blade right through its stomach; as she rips it out there is a glowing red-black ooze that comes out of the wound. She hits again with her dagger in its forearm, but it does not do the effect she would normally expect, because it is not magical. Ghik and his doubles run up and try to stab the Jolgroma with his dagger. As he hits, he releases the holy water in the dagger's compartment, causing the flesh to boil around the wound. The devil does not have a mouth, but in their minds everyone hears a migraine-inducing scream of pain. Kueta staggers to its feet and swings at Nash with both of its claws and misses, but spins around and slams her with its tail. She staggers back and lets out a menacing growl. The Jolgroma swings at Az again, and hits this time, cutting her in half. She blips out. It then attacks at one of the Gniks and manages to choose the correct one; he casts Shield as a defense, but the attack still gets through and slashes across his stomach. The wound flames. He nearly loses his concentration on the Silence spell, but manages to hold it. Kai pummels Kueta, who is clearly starting to stagger. Ember stabs at the Jolgroma, getting several shots in. From a distance, Milena casts Healing Word on Gnik, almost completely closing his wound, but it is still on fire. Nash grabs Kueta again, but this time Kueta manages to stay standing. Al attacks Kueta, hitting twice; his second hit goes through his chest, which dissolves into a sticky mass of flies that stick to his arm and leave sticky goo as they fade away. Mouse tries to bite at the Jolgroma and pull it down the way Nash did with Kueta, but it doesn't work, although it does do some damage. Kat hits with Torchlight as well as her dagger. Torchlight tears through its neck, pulling out the same red-black ooze. Gnik manages to get the fire on his wound out, and casts Mindspike on the Jolgroma; it tenses up and explodes in flaming, disgusting goo. Al collects the tattered, reforming net to return to Heidy. Nash comes over to nuzzle Milena and thinks to her, "Thank you for the fun." Milena says, "I'm glad you enjoyed," and scratches her ruff. Nash goes to sniff and nuzzle Boris, who licks at her wounds. Today is the Holy Day of Glaw -- god of rivers, fresh water, and life -- so there is a big party going on in town, particularly around the river. They run into Valery, who asks if they have full names for Mallan and Cyrrald; they are at Britt's, and she knows Mallan's full name is Mallan Barjas'Koe, while Gnik knows Cyrrald's is Cyrrald "Sly Bones" Milliciny (although it is not clear whether "Sly Bones" is what she calls herself or a name others have given her.) They recall that the duke told them he would give them 1000 gold for each fiend they took out; they discuss asking Valery to stop by his keep on her way to New Tireln, but then recall that the Duke set sail somewhere out to sea when last they saw him. The group discusses what to do next, and whether they should get rid of the remaining demons -- particularly the one with the demon-entrapping shield, which may be the reason for the crop failures. At dinner, Juliana comes to talk to them and tells them that there was some controversy about selling Logtaru's property to non-nobles. She and Rolland wanted to give the group a break, and were eventually able to convince Janet that because Logtaru left no will, and the group was instrumental in helping Logtaru's ghost and dealing with the aftermath of his actions, allowing them the chance to buy the house for what Logtaru paid for it is fair. Milena says she is interested, and Juliana says they will hold the property for a few weeks while they gather the funds. The group decides to go after the demon the next day, on the high holy day of Byorn and Ceonnaire. They learn that a ceremony with six clerics will destroy the shield, and the pit fiend trapped inside. They plan for Gnik to cast a summoning circle to call the demon, attack via ranged weapons from a protective circle of their own with Kat's exploding star as a back-up in case the demon is able to teleport out, and then to bring together all the clerics in town (Milena, Svetlana, Britt, Janet, the priest of Nolan, and the priest of Khela who will be in town for the celebrations) to deal with the shield. The clerics gladly agree. 19 September 2020 20 Agram 3275 The group hikes out about an hour out of town and finds a livestock trail crossing the road. They choose that spot to cast their summoning circle, as crossroads are thematically appropriate for summoning and defeating fiends. Gnik casts a protective circle and a tiny hut that could be used as a fallback position. Gnik casts another magic circle tuned to entrap fiends, and casts Snare inside it. Milena casts Beacon of Hope on the group. Gnik casts the summoning -- it takes about 10 minutes, and he feels the energy snap away... and nothing happens. He's thumbing through his notes to make sure he didn't miss anything, when there is a whoosh and a huge column of dust that seems to fall from the sky. The dust settles and the demon is there. It growls, "This is interesting," as the snare goes off and suspends it upside down. Gnik casts Phantasmal Force to send an illusion of a small celestial orb flying around the demon's head to distract it. Kat shoots it from behind with her crossbow and hits it in the arm. Kai throws her javelin and hits it, followed by her dagger. Gnik sends Az to fly up and make sure the group is not about to get ambushed by something else while they're fighting the demon. Suddenly, the group can't see... except for Milena, who sees that the area is suddenly enclosed in inky blackness. Al, with his personal light source, can see things dimly, and can see the edge of the darkness. He sees the demon reach up to the rope snare holding it. It tears the rope in half and its lower body lowers while its upper body stays in place. Its movements are all very slow and deliberate. Al steps forward and hits it, attempting a stunning strike. It doubles over, and in Al's mind he gets the sense of disappointment from the creature. He hits it again with Crusher. Milena hears a whooshing sound behind her, and turns to see the spider demon has appeared behind her. She feels a mind-numbing coldness wash over her but is able to shake it off -- but she sees Az freeze in the air above, and she stops talking to Gnik. Kai jumps over the circle edge and draws her sword, which has a light effect. She attacks and jumps back out of the circle again. Kat pulls out Torchlight, which glows blue, allowing her to see dimly, and attacks at the same time as Kai, stabbing it through the midsection. Kai retreats toward where Gnik and Ember are, as Ember moves toward the spider demon. Az starts flying toward the spider demon. The demon in the circle, Zoniuth, doesn't move -- it seems to continue to be stunned. Al jumps into the circle to hit it again with Crusher and Obviator, twice each. The spider demon Sillotha walks up to the protective circle, pushes against the edge, and can't get it; the space around it warps, shrinks, and expands out again, as if it had tried to teleport in but failed, and skitters back a bit. Its front two limbs start stabbing through the air, trying to hit Milena, and manages to hit her right thigh, going straight through, and to graze her left arm. Milena casts Cure Wounds on herself; the wounds close up but still hurt. Nash senses that Milena is hurt and appears in her wolf form, leaping out and grabbing one of Sillotha's front limbs, trying to pull her down or pull the limb off. Gnik hopes that Sillotha is not very bright and casts Phantasmal Force to make her see the being they summoned in Seaward to take out the demon there. Then he runs into the protection circle as far from the Sillotha as he can. Kat jumps into the circle with Zoniuth again and hits with Torchlight, stabbing into its backside and jumping out of the circle again. Kai runs to the Sillotha and attacks with her sword. Az flies down and reaches the spider demon. Ember runs up and attacks, nicking at the Sillotha's legs and taking chunks out. Kat can see dimly into the circle with Zoniuth; there is a cloud of dust, and then she cannot see its legs anymore -- as if it had teleported out. Al attacks the spider demon with Crusher and attempts a stunning strike, but it does not appear to work. The Sillotha extends a spike from a tentacle-like appendage on its abdomen, and strikes at Az, who seems to shrivel and get sucked into the limb. With its forelimbs it stabs at the air -- probably the Phantasmal Force -- as well as at Kai and Ember, hitting Ember through her shoulder. Milena sees that the darkness around the other circle has dissipated and the demon is gone, so she tries a Guiding Bolt at the Sillotha instead, but misses; Nash continues to bite at the spider's legs. Kai attacks Sillotha again, and Kat runs toward her, sending Mouse into the protective circle with Milena. A pillar of dust appears inside the protective circle, and Zoniuth is right next to Milena. Gnik immediately casts Mindspike at him, which dispels the Phantasmal Force on the Sillotha. The Zoniuth's arms go out to its sides, and blur as they turn into a multitude of arms, whirling around and hitting everything within ten feet -- including everyone in the circle and Kat. They hold their ground, but Milena, Gnik, and especially Boris and Mouse are badly hurt. Al hits the Sillotha and manages a stunning strike this time. Then he steps into the protective circle to make himself another target and tries to hurl an insult at it: "You... you're not even alive, really!" He hears the response in his head, "But what is life, really, when you extinguish so easily?" Boris barks and bites at the thing's legs. Nash bites at the spider demon again as Milena casts a Mass Healing on the injured members of the party. She instructs Mouse and Boris to jump out of the circle and then she leaves herself to give Kat a chance to throw the Star of Jaeleth. Gnik steps out of the circle and hits the Zoniuth with a dazzle glass. It falls over, stunned and prone. Kat throws the star at Zoniuth and it explodes, taking him out. At the same time, Kai hits the stunned Sillotha, and she dissolves. 3 October 2020 As the group is recovering, they all hear a voice in their heads, like a bell, saying, "Help...? I'm trapped in here with a devil...." Al asks who the being is, and the voice answers that it is a planetar -- a lesser angelic being -- named Yadashe. Gnik consults his wondrous book and learns that Yadashe was good at taking the form of physical objects. Gnik also recalls that Yadashe was said to be on the battlefield in the battle in which the pit fiend was captured, but that he was not seen after the battle. Gnik asks if he would return to his own realm if the shield were destroyed; the being says yes, but it would keep him from completing his mission on this plain. Milena asks what this mission was; he says he was sent to keep fiends from swarming across the continent, and some who had escaped are still roaming free. Al senses that the voice is inauthentic, and Gnik thinks the method the planetar is describing would protect the shield from the fiend and letting the fiend escape, rather than letting a non-fiend escape. Milena offers to the voice that it should tell them the names of those other fiends, so that if they were unable to free it they could at least seek to destroy the other fiends in the angel's name. The dogs and Nash look uncomfortable, and Zassin is clinging tightly to Milena in fear. The voice changes to something deeper, almost vibrating, and says, "This doesn't seem to be going well.... I suppose I need to act quickly...." and several of the group feel a deep sense of dread and fright that keeps them from approaching the shield. It has fallen in one of the protective circles, but the one that keeps things out rather than in; Gnik and Milena discuss whether Mage Hand could be used to move it to the other circle. Gnik tries, and the weight of the shield is just at the limit of what Mage Hand can handle, so Milena pulls out a couple of javelins to slide under it to help lift. they move it toward the other circle. Nash keeps pace with Milena to offer assistance if needed. In their minds, they hear the horrible voice again saying, "This won't do," and there is an explosion of fire from the shield engulfing everything within 20 feet. Milena sees the sparks and dives down, but is partially protected by Nash. When the fireball subsides, Milena is badly burned and Nash has reverted to statue form. Gnik gets the shield inside the circle and then creates a minor illusion of a shrub to keep those who have been frightened from being able to see it. They can still sense it and cannot move toward it, but it removes the disadvantage of fright. Milena picks up the Nash statue and tucks it into her belt pouch, casts healing on herself, and retreats. Al approaches but does not enter the circle, to serve as a distraction if needed. Kat draws her crossbow with the magic bolts and waits. There is a ring of flickers of flame around the shield that burst forth and rise up into a wall of flame 20 feet high. Al leaps back as fast as he can and gets away from the wall, but the heat is intense enough to burn, even without flame. The heat affects Gnik as well, and he falls over. Ember runs up to pull him out, getting singed in the process, and dumps a healing potion down his throat, followed by more healing from Milena. Milena casts a Sending to Brit: "Shield is feisty. Magic circle will not last. Please come faster." Brit responds, "On carpet. Be there soon." A few minutes later, the other priests arrive on Brit's flying carpet, and the group explains what has happened so far. As the priests, including Milena, approach, they feel a wave of dread coming from the shield, but it is blunted by the magic circle. They begin performing the series of rituals, blessings, and other spells that Gnik shares with them. A tiny localized thunderstorm rolls through, putting out the fires still smouldering in the grass. As the spells conclude, a bolt of lightning comes from the sky, shattering the shield in an explosion that knocks the priests back onto the ground. When they look, the shield has completely vanished. The group goes back into town and convenes at Brit's, while Gnik re-summons Az as a macaw so she can talk... and she uses that ability to give Gnik crap about letting her die again. Much of the town knows they will be sailing away and have gathered at Brit's for well-wishes. Much of the council is there... but not Egan. Al makes a point of spending some time with Fenric, who is there briefly with his patrol, to try to rebuild that relationship. He lets Fenric know he's prepaid a few drinks for him, so he can drop in at Brit's when he wants for a drink on Al. Gnik lets Fran know that he is hoping to find out what happened to Lyle on his trip, and will let her know what he finds out. He also talks to Kurt about some of the items they found at Egan's while investigating. Late in the evening, Al and Milena notice that Tricia has slipped in looking very inconspicuous, and floats through the crowd until she is right next to Kat, and says, "Hey, I heard you were leaving town" -- and startles the heck out of Kat, who says, "Hey, I wanted to talk to you about that opportunity we talked about earlier. I think I would be interested in pursuing that." Tricia says if they are leaving in the morning maybe they can talk when they get back, and Kat says, "Well, what are you doing tonight?" -- because Tricia has hit on her in the past. Kat gets the sense that she is attracted to Kat, but occasionally her demeanor slightly changes -- when Rolland walks by, and she is trying not to be seen. They get a room at Brit's for the night. 21 Agram 3275 The crew wants to set out before dawn for good luck, so the group makes their way to the ship before sunup. The winds are strong, slowing them down, with a heavy storm blowing through in the afternoon. The roll of the ship is enough to make Milena a bit queasy, so she makes a pot of mint tea and sits quietly. The ship approaches Abbey Isle and sees the stone abbey at the base of a massive spire of rock over 400 feet tall. They are pulling up and dropping anchor just as the sun is setting. The abbey looks a bit dilapidated; one window in the tower appears to have caved in. They need to drop anchor and take a rowboat to the small wooden dock. Al decides he would rather just swim in. The sea has calmed significantly. The rest of the group goes by rowboat. The group knows that the island was originally known as Firewatch Island for the fire lit at the top of the tower to warn ships of the rocks; Gnik's friend Lyle came there about 15 years ago in search of an artifact, but he never returned; about 10 years ago everyone on the island vanished, and then about 5 years ago a group of Nolan worshippers took over the abbey as a refuge for those looking for peace. Al reaches the shore before the rowboat reaches the dock. As he comes onto land, he hears a woman's voice demanding to know who he is and why he is invading the island; he looks up to see an armored woman, over six feet tall. Al says, "We're here to see if anyone knows anything about my friend's friend who visited here about 15 years ago." A male voice gently chastises the woman, Childa, for giving Al a hard time; he comes out and introduces himself as Sorrill. He is disheveled, but his voice has a noble cadence. He is under 4 feet tall and barefoot -- a Rel. Al makes small talk with him until the rest of the group arrives. As the boat pulls up, Childa points her spear at them and growls, "Who are you and what are you doing here?" Kai jumps off the boat and says, "Childa. It's Kai." "Oh, Kai, what are you doing here?" Kai says they are on the path of the Raging Hammer. The group makes introductions all around. A man walks up with a flourish of cape, welcomes them to the island, and introduces himself as Brad. Kai greets him; she has been to the island several times before on her previous ship. Brad asks what their purpose is in coming to the island, and Gnik steps forward, explaining that he is in search of information about a friend who is thought to have been here 15 years ago, but then vanished. Brad asks them if they have had dinner, and invites them in. They get on the trail toward the island, and a woman comes running up, causing Brad to give an exasperated sigh. "Jenore, you're not supposed to be here." She says, "Is the ghost here?" Al says, "Not anymore...." and Milena adds, "Yes, we took care of it already." Jenore says, "I dreamed a ghost was coming---" and Brad says, rolling his eyes "Yes, she dreams things and they 'come true'..." at which point Al mentions that their ship used to be called the Sea Ghost. She grins and Brad facepalms. Milena says, "Perhaps someday when my youngest daughter is older I will bring her here to talk to you. I think you would have much to discuss." They go to the abbey. Outside the wall everything is dry and desolate, but well-maintained inside, with lots of plants and people tending to them. There is also a woman doing repair work on the stones of the wall, although she does not look like someone one would expect to do masonry. At the door are two men, one of whom has an ear missing and doesn't make eye contact. Milena thinks he looks familiar; Al recognizes him as a vagrant who used to live in Saltmarsh. "Clie!" Al says, "you look like you're doing well!" Clie nods, a bit embarrassed, and excuses himself to take care of some things. Al asks what aim they are trying to achieve here, and before Brad can reply, Janore says Dannara had a vision of a place of peace where those who were lost can find themselves. They are followers of Nolan, and Brad is a priest. As they sit down to dinner, after pulling up some extra chairs for the group, the abbey inhabitants excitedly ask for news of the outside world -- they've heard that there has been some business with demons and devils. Kai starts to share facts, and Kat complains that she's being much too boring in the telling. Kat pulls out her lute and starts embellishing the stories, with Gnik providing illustrations with minor illusions. Dannara comes in and introduces herself quietly in a calm, friendly way. She asks what she can do for them. Gnik tells the story of tracking his friend Lyle, who was searching for an artifact that had also been sought by someone from this isle, who disappeared into the Hool Marshes. Janore speaks up and says, "Ooh, it has to be in one of two places!" Dannara asks her what she is thinking. Janore says, "The broken room at the top of the tower, or the hidden room underneath!" Dannara sighs and explains that the first acolyte to enter the room under the tower was killed by a bolt of lighting, so they sealed it up and no one has gone in since. The top of the tower is merely dangerous because it is in such bad shape and could collapse further. She does say that because the group is not of the island, though, there is no prohibition that would keep them from exploring, although they should use caution. Al asks Jennell, the mason, what brought her to the island. She says she was a sailor and had some good runs, some not so good runs, and decided to hang it up. She asks where Al is going, and he describes several destinations and goals. She says if he ever encounters a ship called Empress of the Waves, she'd like to hear about it -- it was her ship that she had sent out, and it disappeared after picking up its cargo. The group decides to explore the hidden room that night -- as since it is underground, they will need light whether they go in the day or night. Dannara takes them to the kitchen, pulls out a stone behind the hearth, and there is a ladder leaning down. The group asks how far the acolytes got; Dannara says they are not sure, they went down the ladder and some time later there was a boom, and a few people went down to retrieve them from the middle of the room. Gnik asks if anyone has tried to detect magic on the room; they have not, so he casts the spell and climbs down. There is no magic on the ladder; it is rickety, but he makes it down without any problems. He sees a big chest with a lock against the far wall, and a horizontal crevice in the wall, like a viewpoint to the outside. He immediately senses magic on the chest that feels like it is probably a rune or glyph; he also senses that there are a couple of magic things inside the chest. Concentrating, Gnik senses the glyph that most likely caused the lightning, and targets it with a Dispel Magic spell. Once that is cast, he no longer senses the magic of the glyph but still senses the magic on the items inside the chest. Milena casts a Bless on Kat, Gnik, and herself before Kat approaches the chest to check for traps. It is very solid; as Kat gets closer she begins to make out text etched into the top of it: "The possessions of Luidoria Bana Kenbuli. Any who steal them will not live to regret it." Kat recognizes that it is a Dorghenian name. Al responds that this person is dangerous and they should take care: he is a trader and swinder who comes through this region a couple times a year and is not to be trusted. Kat takes a closer look at the chest and notices a wire that runs low in the lock structure that would be hit if it were being picked; there is also a fine slit in the slats below the lock, most likely where something would come out. She moves to the side so that she is not directly in front of the chest, and tries to use Mage Hand to disable the trap. When she feels that the trap has been disabled, she tries to pick the lock. "Everyone back up!" she says, and there is a quiet pop as the lock opens. She flips open the chest and notices a spring-loaded blade that would have swung out in an arc almost two feet out from the chest; if it hadn't been disabled, it probably would have taken off at least one of Kat's hands. The chest contains books, scrolls, and a small box that Gnik detects is the location of the two magical objects. He senses that one is Abjuration and the other is Transmutation. Kat uses Mage Hand to open the box, revealing two metal flasks, one on each end, with a bunch of folded up papers in between, many with broken wax seals that look like they could be letters. One of the flasks is labeled "For Poison" -- a protection or antidote -- and the other labeled "To Fly". He loads up the books and scrolls onto a floating disc; they are focused on dead gods and those who research them; a search for something called the Ebon Tablet through the ages; and followers of Tyorl. Gnik mentions that Lyle had asked for help to research something called the Ebon Order, and hypothesizes they might be trying to find a way to resurrect the dead god Tyorl, which would cause problems since Tyorl bequeathed his role and pantheon to Tyollus. All of the letters are dated from 3260 or earlier. The most recent set of letters is comprised of responses from various adventuring groups negotiating a potential job to escort Luidoria Bana Kenbuli (often abbreviated "Ken") to and from the border between Garma and the Hool Marshes and to assist him in finding an artifact that is not described in the letters. One group of letters are from someone named Gabriela Gould and addressed to Ken. There are references to a group called the Ebon Order, saying that the divinations of the Order show Ken may be correct in their suspicions that the Memento Mori fled to somewhere on the border of Garma and the Hool Marsh in trying to avoid followers of Tyorl. Gabriela instructs Ken to travel to find it, saying she would ensure Kenbuli was well rewarded with all the arcane secrets the Ebon Order has to offer, in addition to a significant promotion within the order. Kenbuli just had to bring the Ebon Tablet to the Redoubt Arcana to obtain their reward. The last set of letters are older, going back to 3255. They are made up of both letters from and notes about communications and research into some events that followed the death of Tyorl. This information was used to establish a timeline of events and a trail that leads to where Ken believed the Ebon Tablet ended up. The events are laid out as: -Tyorl died (somehow) in a great battle with Sgult somewhere in the abyss -A group of people arrived to claim his corpse soon after, including members of Memento Mori -A member of Memento Mori named Surithailan recovered an artifact called The Ebon Tablet -Surithailan and his companions fled followers of Tyorl who wanted to recover the Tablet, as they believe Tyorl could be revived using it -The followers of Tyorl were able to determine their quarry had escaped to Maerson, and pursued them there -Lots of accounts of people interviewed who met or spoke with members of the Memento Mori or their pursuers in the Gellan Sea area, the most recent being in the area of Garma near the Hool Marshes Kai returns to the ship, but the others decide to stay on the island for various reasons. Milena talks to some of the residents comparing beliefs, as her god is not incompatible with theirs but is different. Gnik nods off at the table reading the books and letters, and wakes to find Clie standing over him draping a blanket around his shoulders. Ember is snoozing at the other end of the table with a blanket on her. Some of the group notice that Janore has a black spot on the back of her hand that looks like a square sail and mast, but upon closer view appears to be a birthmark that happens to be in that shape. 22 Agram 3275 The group reconvenes for a breakfast of sweet gruel. Kai returns from the ship with a donation of rice and beans equal to the meals they have eaten, to repay the abbey's hospitality. Al asks Janore about the mark on her hand. She says she has always had it, but it really solidified when she got older and started having dreams. Al asks who is sending the dreams, and she says, "Nolan, of course!" She leads the group up to the tower. They get to the second floor and need to go through a trapdoor to get to the collapsed third floor; looking at the ceiling, the floorboards above appear rotted through in many places. Al starts going up the stairs, relying on his acrobatics to keep him safe. Kat goes up behind him. Al pushes on the trapdoor; it is stuck at first but then swings open, loudly and with some effort. On the north end of the tower there is a very corroded potbellied stove. There is a spiral stair against the wall leading up to another trapdoor, where the fire was lit above. On the southwest the wall is collapsed inward; rubble covers the smashed remains of a chair and other things. There is a desk, a rotted bed, and several arrow slits that have hinges beside them as though they once had shutters, but those are gone now. Al goes to check out the desk, and Kat inspects the stairs to the next level, which are more rotted than the previous set of stairs. Kat tries them to see if they hold her weight and finds they are safer if she stays closer to the wall. The desk is more like a table with just a single side drawer; whatever was in there before is now trashed, stained in a mess of rotting goop, with possibly a rat carcass. He looks closer to try to find hidden drawers or other items of interest. As he climbs around looking at it at odd angles, he notices that in the section of wall that collapsed, there is an area at the edge that looks like somebody carved an intentional squared-off section of rock, as though there were a compartment that the rest of the wall collapsed around. The rest of the damage appears to be normal wearing away and breaking of rubble. Al begins trying to clear away rubble. Kat uses Mage Hand to push the trapdoor open to the level above. The wall only goes up about three feet, and then there are four pillars supporting a conical roof. There is a big bronze bell with sigils engraved on it, and a gorgeous view in every direction. Below the bell is a brazier, about 8 feet in diameter, with poles that hold up a convex cover to keep the smoke from going into the bell. Kat climbs up to take a closer look at the symbols on the bell, making an acrobatic leap to do so; she looks down and sees some islanders in the garden below gaping up at her. Kat recognizes the runes as references to peace and serenity, but in some cases they are used in a deceptive way to mean peace and serenity in death -- used by some cults to disguise their true intentions. Kat sees there is a clapper, so she rings the bell. It gongs nicely -- and very loudly. She hears some shouting of obscenities in Tillian from the floor below. Al finds a metal box, about two and a half feet long, and a foot tall and wide. Al doesn't want to touch the box without waiting for Gnik. Kat reaches out and pretends to touch the box, but then draws her hand back; Al laughs. Gnik finishes his spell and comes up to the third floor; he detects all kinds of magic in the box: transmutation, evocation, and others. He goes up to the fourth floor to look around quickly, but doesn't detect any magic there. Kat checks the box for traps and doesn't find any, so she opens the box. It contains a very nice ring; a nice bowl with a cork cap with a handle in the same ceramic material as the bowl, almost like an inkwell with a magic substance inside; a rod of black metal with a number of silvery runes carved into it; a box with lines that make it seem that it might fold or collapse in on itself, also with runes on it; a leather bag that doesn't weigh very much; and a leather backpack. Kat opens up the leather bag and sees that it is bigger on the inside than the outside, and there is a fire burning -- a metal rod with continual flame on it -- as well as fishing nets, hundreds of feet of hemp rope, and a small metal container with six capsules that look like fish oil pills. The backpack contains a waterproof bag that holds a journal. Gnik takes the journal and sits down to read it -- the journal relates the numerous assignments and duty stations of a wizard named Archais while a member of the Serin military. lt also includes notes about the different sunken ships he explored in the surrounding bay and its tributary rivers. The final entry on this list gives the location of a ship named Tammeraut. Most of the journal is moldy and illegible. The last few pages are intact, and they relate the events surrounding the coming of Tammeraut. From the last pages: Our worst fears are confirmed. Virgil has brought word of disaster. A war galley fully loaded with pirates approaches from the southwest. It flies the flag of the raiders and bears the name of the cursed ship Tammeraut. We must prepare what feeble defense we can muster. Woe to the folk of the coast at the approach of this bloody tide. - Miracle of miracles! The Maelstrom has answered the prayers of our illustrious chaplain. A furious storm blew in from the open sea and swept the war galley to its doom. But I believe that the vessel went down near the Pit of Hatred, an ill-starred undersea chasm two miles south of here. This does not bode well, for the rift is said to be a passage to a source of interminable evil that was long ago sealed away. If the wreckage should rupture the wards, terrible darkness might be unleashed. I must mount an expedition to the sunken hulk and make sure all is well. - A fell wind blows this evening. I fear the wards on the rift have been broken. I must set out first thing in the morning to inspect the wreckage. The journal's reference to "raiders'' is likely the pirate captain Syrgaul, a notorious sorcerer who forged an unholy pact with a demon lord. He and his crew never left survivors of their attacks, and his ship, Tammeraut, was the scourge of the seas. . Kat tells Gnik to focus, and he says he is focusing, but returns to looking at the contents of the box. "Gnik, what does this rod do?" she asks. "It distracts me from things I want to read," he says, "but sure, I'll take the eleven minutes out of my life to satisfy your curiosity." The group decides that perhaps they should leave the floor that might collapse under them before casting Identify. The ring is a Ring of Free Action, which would keep the wearer from being impeded in an area that might otherwise be hard to move through. The substance in the bowl is called sovreign glue which will hold almost anything, and the rod is an immovable rod -- if it is placed somewhere and the wielder wills it, it cannot be moved. The box is a folding boat; with three command words it can open to boats of two different sizes, and then return to its original size. It can also be physically unfolded to hold items; if one of the boats is holding more items than could fit in the box, they will be kicked out when the boat folds up. The six pills will let anyone who takes a pill breathe underwater and avoid the effects of deep diving for an hour. 21 November 2020 They decide to check out the top of the rock spire behind the abbey. Kat wants to try to climb it, while Gnik levitates the rest of the group to the top in their small boat. He considers using his new immovable rod, attaching and reattaching it to the rock as they go up, to keep them close enough to see the top well, but is worried that he doesn't have the strength if the winds are high. They also consider looping rope around the spire and pull it in as they go to keep themselves close to the rock. Kat climbs up without too much problem, and sits on the top with her feet dangling over the edge. She notices a piece of rock coming off the top of the spire near the edge that tapers to a small circle an inch or so across that is white in color, and doesn't look quite natural. Below it starts blending into the rock. She takes a closer look and notices something that looks like a seam about half an inch from the top, as if it could be removed. She carefully checks it and finds an area that feels like it could be a hinge. She yells down to Gnik, "There's a really cool thing up here that you're missing!" and flips the circle up at its hinge. It reveals a green button, which she immediately presses without a second thought. The top of the spire begins to vibrate, and a nine-foot ring seems to be rising up from the top of the tower as the stone around it seems to be sinking down. The stone turns a light grey color and becomes completely flat and smooth, and then it vanishes; there is a hole with a platform, and sloped sides, leading down into the darkness. Kat yells again, "You really need to come up here!" She calls for Zassin, who flies up and sends the rest of them an image of an ominous black hole with Kat pointing to it. Gnik does the calculations on how much weight he could carry with Levitate, and realizes he can't carry them all along with the boat; so instead he casts a floating disc and levitates them on that instead, using the rod to pull them along. They reach the top and see the ramp leading down. Al thinks the grey material looks like the material in the Ancient artifact that someone was showing off at the Gibbet, with jewel-like lines embedded in it. Al peers down and can see a couple hundred feet; he can see the ramp spiraling down and down into darkness. He can also make out some kind of spikes on the walkway that start after the first revolution of the ramp. Kat pulls out her new continual light torch and starts walking down the ramp, followed by Al, Gnik, Ember, Milena, and Kai. They reach the first of the spikes, which are not sharp at all. As they begin walking past them, green glowing images light up the walls all the way down: some kind of runes or symbols, an abstract image of a person being pulled apart, and some kind of flowing writing in a script they have not seen before. It goes down farther than sea level. There seem to be seven collections of symbols and images that repeat over and over again. The group walks down to the bottom, where the opening has gone from about 9-foot to 40-foot diameter. As they are a couple of revolutios from the bottom, they see some bones scattered in the area, and a circle in the middle -- possibly etched, possibly a separate piece of stone. Around the wall are 12 oblong raised sections, about four feet high, two and a half feet wide, ovals coming out like bumps from the wall. Milena thinks the bones are probably humanoid; there are two skulls that look human or human-like. Kat reaches the bottom of the ramp and steps onto the floor at the base. As she steps off the ramp, there are creaking sounds as the twelve raised sections come popping out of the wall. A couple of them just crash down, but a couple more move out more purposely; those that are more functional have blinking lights and move on leg-like appendages. "Hello!" Al says; "Who are you? Also, what are you?" All of them respond with some kind of sound; they all seem to be saying the same thing, but it doesn't make sense. Al uses his pearl of speech to understand them: "You are not authorized; you will leave." Kat recalls hearing about adventures in the area -- the Borderlands -- where adventurers fought similar entities in Gellan ruins. They are not alive, but are some kind of autonomous guardians. Milena casts Word of Radiance at the three that are moving and look like they could be a threat; two of them seem affected, but it seems to bounce of the other one as if it was reflected. Kat tries shooting one of them with her crossbow and magical bolts; she aims for one that is leaking fluid. The bolt cracks its armor, but it keeps coming. She backs up behind one of the spikes so they have more trouble seeing her. The one that appears to be in the best shape begins smoking, and stops moving. The other two are not moving very quickly. Ember leaps off the ramp, tumbling over to the one in the middle of the room, and attacks it. She's stabbing with her rapier and dagger at its weak points, and parts are coming off as she does. Al runs over to the sputtering one and gives it a whack with his hand in what he perceives to be the noggin, where most of the blinky lights are. Kai jumps down to the one at the bottom of the ramp and hits with her sword. Milena calls up her Spiritual Weapon, but fails to hit with it. Kat aims at the guardian in the middle of the room and hits it in what might be considered the face area, generating sparks. She hides again. The one that had stopped moving starts moving again with a whirring sound. The one Al and Ember are fighting begins swinging its appendages wildly, but Al dodges. The one that is still moving moves up next to Ember and stabs her through the shoulder with a pointy forelimb. The one at the base of the ramp steps around Kai and blasts dust out of its mouth-ish area, hitting Gnik, Kat, Kai, and Milena. Kai coughs it out, but the others fall to the ground paralyzed. Ember, mad about being skewered, takes time to line up her attack and gets a bunch of shots on it. Kai hits again as well. Al attempts a stunning strike on one, and it shudders and stops moving; he runs to the one attacking Kai and hits again, managing another stunning strike. Milena controls the spiritual weapon with her mind and hits the one that spewed dust. Kat manages to shake off the paralysis. Ember hits one of the stunned guardians, doing a lot of damage; it shuts itself down. Kai hits one of them very hard, but it doesn't fall; Al hits it, and it falls apart. He runs to the other one that is stunned, and it falls apart. He tries hitting the one that shut itself down. Milena sends her Spiritual Weapon at the shut down guardian. Kat shoots a bolt at it and hits; it falls over and a couple of its legs fall off as it stops moving. As they examine the remains of the guardians, they see lines of gem-like stone under the armor, as well as liquids. Al asks if they are magic; Gnik says they must be, but he can check if they want to make sure. Instead of that, Gnik casts Comprehend Languages to try to read the writing on the wall, while Kat steps down onto the floor to scope out the area. Kat goes to inspect the circular area in the floor. She presses a button and there is a lid that opens into a tube fit with concentric rings that would make a perfect climbing surface. Kat is eager to climb down; the rest of the group tries to distract her while Gnik is finishing his spell, but she just wants to go down and take a peek at what's down there, so she heads down the tube. The room below is almost the same size as the room above, but the walls are covered with razor-sharp spikes pointing into the room. Kat hangs from the opening, being careful not to touch the floor; she head back up, but not before noticing another ring in the floor below. Gnik finishes his spell; the words running around the rooms say, "Danger -- flee -- monsters -- poisons -- evil -- corruption -- flee -- danger -- flee." They discuss whether to go further, and decide they would like to at least see what is below, if they can figure out a way to get to the next hatch without touching the ground. Kat hangs from the bottom of the ladder tube and uses Mage Hand to first touch the floor -- which releases an obvious electrical discharge -- and the to open the hatch below. Az flies in, makes a quick circle around the level below, and flies back. Through her eyes, Gnik sees a room with four passages leading from it, but three are caved in (and there are bones under the rubble in at least one of them). To get the whole group through the next hatch without touching the floor on the level below, they loop a rope around the hatch lid on their current level and have Az and Zassin take the rod of immobility with the other end of the rope to the next hatch. Kat slides across it first, climbs down the next hatch, and touches the floor below with Mage Hand, to no obvious effect. The rest of the group follows. As soon as Kat drops to the floor, the ceiling begins to glow faintly with ambient light. As soon as they get into the room, Gnik starts casting his floating disc again to use as their escape plan: everyone piles on the disc and Gnik casts Levitate on himself and uses the rope to guide them back out of the hatch. As they walk into the hallway, it lights up. It is about 8 feet wide and opens into a room about 20 feet wide and 30 feet long. There are shelves on either side of the entry, and sloped counters on the right and left, a little higher than waist-high on a human. There are jewel-lines on them, recessed areas that look like three-fingered handprints, and some holes that look like they would perfectly fit the stones that they found at the Lasseters' that had strange magic effects -- and there are a couple of those stones on the shelf. There is also a strange glowing thing on one of the shelves, a sphere a couple feet in diameter. 26 November 2020 On the shelf on the other side of the door are three small crystals that were not obvious at first. On one of the counters on the right side is a small hole that one of the crystals would fit into. Gnik still has Comprehend Languages running and notices that there are words on the wall that seem to be in the same language as on the walls on the way down the spiral. Over the handprint it says something like "access logging"; over the circle for the round stones is a sequence that might say "power/soul stone"; and over the small hole that would fit the crystal it says "storage". Kat takes one of the crystals and tries sticking it into the crystal-sized hole. When she pushes a bit, it clicks into place, but nothing obvious happens. Milena suggests she needs to put a four-fingered hand in the handprint, and Gnik suggests she use Mage Hand to press it. Still nothing happens, so Gnik grabs one of the stones with Mage Hand to put into the stone-sized indentation. The gem-like lines of color immediately light up; the crystal in the slot glows, and an illusion appears with circles and writing, hovering in midair over the middle of the counter. Gnik gets the impression from the writing that one circle represents information on the facility; one is about the information on that crystal; and there are two others that just look mutilated, like they are warped, with pieces missing, and so they don't make a lot of sense. Gnik reaches up and puts his hand into the indentation; he sees text pop up that says "Unidentified individual number 327 -- logged", and then blinks out. Gnik says, "Do you understand me?" but nothing happens. Al, who still has the Pearl of Speech, says, "Do you understand me?" but there is no response. Gnik suggests he should try putting his own hand in the indentation and talking, but nothing happens; so Al tries walking over to the illusion and trying to touch it. It zooms into the part he touches, and it seems to be a map of the facility. There are little icons next to some rooms labeled "view". Two rooms are labeled "prison" and "storage", one with a deep floor is labeled "retirement", and one with many rooms off a central room is labeled "quarters". Al tries touching the white "view" icon over the retirement section; the picture zooms and morphs and changes to show complete blackness in a square of green with writing behind that translates as "next room", so Al touches it. The illusion seems to warp and bend into a green and orange color of mangled flickering light, and an icon that says "previous room". He hits a "return" button to go back to the original view. Gnik suggests looking at the information for the room they're in. Al suggests he should interact with it instead, but Gnik is too short to reach, so he attaches his immovable rod to the counter to make a bench at the level that he wants to sit. Gnik tries looking at the "storage" room, and just sees blackness, so he tries "prison" and sees himself sitting on the bar at the counter. He waves, and the image waves back in real time -- it is labeled 327, and Al is labeled 328. Gnik tries reaching out to touch the back wall of the illusion, and the view zooms in onto the wall. After some playing with it, he figures out that he can zoom in and out and rotate the view. Gnik pulls back out to the original view and tries to interact with the illusion corresponding with the crystal. It brings up a list of numbers that his Comprehend Languages interprets as dates, but that he has no frame of reference for; they appear in reverse chronological order. He touches the most recent one; it appears to be a log of things brought to the facility to be stored for either protection or preventing future interactions. There are six things in the list, some of which appear to be proper nouns since there is no direct translation: -Pain Servant Crassak -The Shadow Horde -Dark Witness Talsatlon -Dark Witness Sreen -Sil's Gift -Serpent of Sil Overall it looks like a log of the facility, including food consumed and other daily activities. It appears to be a combination prision and storage facility for dangerous items, such as corrupted power/soul stones. At the end there seemed to have been a small group protecting the facility from being broken into during some kind of war. Gnik pops the first crystal out and puts the next one in, but the illusion it makes is warped and indecipherable. The third one makes an illusion that implies it has nothing on it, like an empty book. Meanwhile, Al picks up the sphere to look at it. When he lifts it, he immediately has a sense of how it is used. It has nodes at each end that swivel to be between his hands, and he has a sense that if another creature puts their hands into the sphere they will be stuck and unable to travel -- including fly, teleport, etc -- until he deems otherwise. They stash the sphere in their bag of holding. Gnik goes to look at the other counter, which does not have a hole for a crystal but does have an indentation for a stone, so he puts one in. The console lights up and an illusion of text appears, like a cylinder of text. There are 20 lines of text in total; 15 of them seem identical and seem to imply "empty". Two of the remaining five lines are unreadable, but the other three match the names in the list he found in the logs. He inspects those and sees icons that imply "talk" and "record". He touches the one for Pain Servant Crassak, and gets information implying that he was exceptionally dangerous, a devout servant of The Enemy, who worked against those at the facility. He is listed as never to be released for concern of what else he might do. He touches the "memory" and sees a corrupted image on which details are difficult to see -- a still image, but it appears humanoid. He repeats the process for Dark Witness Taslon and the information describes him as "touched too deeply in the darkness and allowed The Enemy too much access -- we are preserving for future study". Gnik looks at the "memory" and sees a picture of a blob of flesh with four faces coming off from a central maw full of teeth. He then looks up Dark Witness Sreen; it looks humanoid, but with bubbly skin that looks warty and cancerous, purple-green tentacles with eyeballs staring out from the ends. The text talks about another corrupted by The Enemy but this one is no longer even alive. Apparently there were hordes of these that were destroyed, but a couple were kept for future study to protect against such things in the future. He looks at one of the records that had a warped label; the text says, "The Shadow Horde will be imprisoned and remain here forever". The image just looks like a pretty glowing crystal. The other entry with the warped label also has incomprehensible text. Gnik goes back up to the main map and tries navigating to the level above where they are. There is an icon that says "off", and he touches it. The floor on the map changes from orange to green, and the label now reads "on". He thinks he has turned off the spinning floor, but says they should test it first before they step on it. He then touches the hatch above on the map, and it shows the room and the start of the spiral going up. The room has outlines of the guardians, lying on the floor. The outlines are white, the insides are the orange color. He touches one, and a huge amount of status information comes up, most of it makes little sense to him. There are two selectable icons: "heal", and "on". He leaves them alone, but gets the sense that they are not currently able to repair themselves. The group puts the crystals and stones in the bag of holding and walks out to the opposite hallway, which would lead to Storage if it weren't caved in. They examine the stones to see if they could be moved, but it would require actual excavation equipment, or a Disintegrate spell. Milena mentions that she could look into the Storage area if she had Clairvoyance prepared, and if there were a light source in the room. Kai offers to loan her the helm that imparts darkvision. They decide they will take a long rest for Milena and Gnik to renew their spells, and then try this plan that evening. They return to the bottom of the spire and Janore asks if they found the last soul sucker. She says it takes life out of things like livestock by eating their hearts. Gnik shows her the image of Dark Witness Talsatlon, and she says, "Eww, not that!" After some discussion, Gnik recognizes the description: a peryton, a monstrous creature with antlers and the shadow of a human. Its feathers are said to be tough as iron, its antlers razor-sharp. The group take a rest and then return into the spire. Milena borrows the darkvision helm and casts Clairvoyance a little past where the map showed the center of the Storage area. She sees the room dimly lit by a glowing crystal -- the Shadow Horde, floating in midair near the collapsed entrance. Gnik decides to go back to the prison room to use the interface to look at the map of the storage room, which now shows what Milena sees. He goes back to the prison interface and looks for the Shadow Horde entry; it now shows as Empty. Kai looks down to the other end of the prison room and sees a series of symbols scratched into the floor and ceiling. Kat gets the impression that they are meant to create extradimensional spaces tapped into the ethereal plane. Al and Milena think the Horde may have already gotten out of their cells and were waiting into the ethereal plane, looking into the physical plane, waiting for something interesting to happen. Gnik finds some of the bones under the rubble and casts Last Image on them. He sees the view as if someone were lying on the floor looking at the far wall, as if they died at their post. Milena is still watching into the room, and sees the crystal fade into darkness, as if all of its facets bent into themselves. She lets the group know, and Gnik tries navigating around on the map to see if he can see where it went. He finds it... in the prison room, as it appears in the room behind him. Al asks Milena for the manacles, and takes them to the prison room. Shadowy tendrils reach out and touch each one of the group, and then disappear; six shadowy figures then flow out and coalesce. The crystal is still floating there but has gone dark. The figures look like the group, but with the colors muted, and with a blurring effect as they move. Gnik casts Detect Thoughts at his shadow, and has a disorienting impression of detecting himself detecting his thoughts detecting his thoughts.... Al attempts to gain insight on what his doppelganger is going to do, and his impression is that it is not sure because he is still trying to figure out the situation. Gnik gets the idea his shadow is sorting through his memory trying to figure out what he knows about Gellans. Kai looks at her shadow and asks, "What is your purpose?" "To survive and thrive," it says. "At any cost?" Kai asks, and it smiles. Kat pulls out Torchlight and attacks her shadow; she hits, and clearly does damage, but the shadow has her dodging ability and avoids some of the damage. Kai steps up to attack and Al tells her to attack his doppelganger before it can do a Stunning Strike. She finds it difficult to hit, so she jumps in recklessly to lay into him. He parries her first attack but connects with the second. Milena tries casting Hold Person on Al's doppelganger, and it works. Al drops the manacles globe and attemts a Stunning Strike on Milena's shadow. He hits twice and manages to stun on the second attempt. He moves to Gnik's shadow and attacks, but is not able to stun. Gnik moves his concentration to the shadow Kat and asks, "How do we defeat you?" He gets the impression that each entity includes a copy of their minds, combined with an alien intelligence, the purpose of which was to take over others. He senses that they are undead, and shares that with the group, then runs for the exit of the room, dropping Az on the floor in snake form as he runs. Ember dives into the shadow Milena and tears her apart until she dissolves screaming into an inky blackness. Shadow Kai goes into a rage, wails into Kat and knocks her out. Shadow Kat goes after Kai and hits, but Kai does not take much damage in her rage. Shadow Ember also goes after Kai and does a bit more damage. Shadow Gnik says, "This is entertaining, but not worth sticking around for," and blinks out as the crystal had, presumably into the ethereal plane. Milena casts a Word of Healing at Kat and a Word of Radiance on the held Shadow Al, who disintegrates with a scream. Kat pulls out her bow and shoots at the shadow Kai, doing significant damage. Kai also goes after shadow Kai. Al attacks the shadow Kat and stuns her, and moves to the shadow Kai, hitting again. Gnik casts Levitate on the shadow Ember. The real Ember gives him a grin and a thumbs-up, and attacks the shadow Kai, who dissolves with a scream. The shadow Ember crosses her daggers and fades into the ethereal. Milena hits the shadow Kat with Sacred Flame; the shadow disintegrates. Az in snake-form tries to find a path through the rubble to the storage room. The entire hallway is collapsed, as is the first part of the room; when she enters, the room lights up. Al climbs into a Bag of Holding so that Gnik can bring him along on a Misty Step into the storage room. The air is stale. They try to power up the consoles; on the map side, the console sparks, smokes, and goes silent when they try to power it up. There are markings on the floor and ceiling involving the ethereal, but they are not identical to the ones in the prison room. In the meantime, Kat examines the crystal that is still floating in the prison room. She gets the sense that it is pretty useless without knowing the specific command word, but it is a pretty nice jewel that would go back to being a regular jewel if Dispel Magic were cast on it. She thinks as a jewel it would be worth at least 1000 gp, but an Identify might reveal the command word. 12 December 2020 Gnik and Al try to power up the other console in the storage room. It lights up and does not spark. When Al puts his hand into the handprint indentation, an illusion of lines of text arranged in a drum-like shape come up. There are about 64 lines of text; seven are green and legible, another 40 are green but smeared to the point of being illegible, and the others are greyed out, as if it might be an empty slot. Gnik interacts with the image, and finds an entry labeled "logs". He tries tapping it, and gets more information: that they are captain's logs, personal logs, and others, and another line indicating that it includes backup copies of something that seems to translate as "algorithms". Gnik presses the "View" button and sees an image of a sphere with hundreds of holes in it, many with crystals stuck in them, with glowing text around each of them, although it is too small to read. Gnik then presses the "Review" button and there is a tearing sound off to the left -- and a moment later the sphere appears in the room. The "Review" button now says "Store". Al walks over to the sphere to see if it has any sound or odor, but detects none. He pulls out his abyssal weapon to try to see if he can move it without touching it. He finds that it will spin easily around its axis but does not move off its axis. He puts the weapon away and tries to pull one of the crystals out. He moves to try to put it into the console with the hole for it, but Gnik reminds him that the console doesn't work. Al tries it anyway, thinking that maybe it needs the crystal in it to work. Meanwhile, Kat tries to tap the floating crystal to see if it will move. As soon as she taps it, it falls to the ground. She picks it up and puts it into her backpack. She pulls out her knife and tries to find a surface to scratch "Kat was here". She can't make a mark with her regular dagger, but the abyssal steel dagger works. Then she draws pictures of Gnik and Ember with a little plus sign between them. Ember watches over her shoulder and gives pointers. Al puts the crystal in and tries to turn on the machine, but a surge of energy comes out and knocks him back. The crystal shatters. Gnik goes over to look at the words written on the sphere: many of them say "Control Log" or "Maintenance Log" with numbers that probably translate as dates but that he doesn't have context to interpret. Others are logs with words that don't translate -- probably names, representing personal logs. One is labeled something about an algorithm -- Shisayl's backup of algorithm details; he takes that one, and three of the facility management logs, and three of the command logs that seem to have the highest number associated with them. Gnik returns to the console and hits "Store" on the sphere, and pulls up the next legible entry. It seems to be some kind of utility equipment. He hits "Review" and a bar appears, hovering in midair with arms coming out of it, with cloth draped over each arm with a hole cut out of the center of each one, and an emblem on what would be the shoulder if they were worn as ponchos. There are also four concave, octagonal pieces of glass or crystal with the same emblem on it. The glass is very clear. There is also a ball of grey steel, flat on the top and bottom with what looks like a seam running around the equator, about 8 inches in diameter. Al goes over to inspect the sphere, tries to check it for traps -- he doesn't detect any -- and then tries unscrewing it. The top half is empty, but the bottom half includes some kind of foam with little balls sticking up out of it. Gnik brings over the bag of holding and Al tries putting the items into it. The top glass crumbles apart into a weird dust that is still easy to see through; the other three hold, though. He holds one up and looks through it and notices a smear going across it on the inside, but it is otherwise clear. When he takes the cloth, he finds them very light but not very thin. Gnik stores the rack and goes to the next entry: Offensive Equipment. Gnik hits the view button and sees the illusion of a wall that has been sloped with divots in it and multiple items: eight balls with handprint indentations and sticks coming out the end, and 24 faintly glowing red crystals, about fist-sized. Gnik ask Al if they should take those, and Al says, "Why not? Hey, why don't you give me the bag and I'll put things in---" As he's walking toward Gnik, Gnik hits the Review button and there is an enormous roar and a ball of fire. Al manages to dodge the worst of it, but his backside is pretty singed, even after Gnik uses his dagger to extinguish the fire on his back. When the fire subsides, there is nothing salvageable. Gnik hits "Store" again. The next entry just says "Jewel of Joy". "View" shows a jewel floating in the air; it looks pretty small and oddly faceted, with orange and purple sections. He hits "Review" and the jewel appears. Al takes his healing potion, takes the bag, and goes to retrieve the jewel, but Gnik offers to use Mage Hand. There is a moment's resistance, but then it comes free and he puts it in the bag. Instead of "Store", the interface now has a "Clear" option, so Gnik hits it. The next item indicates it is Phayshas's personal effects, left in storage when Phayshas went elsewhere. When he hits "View", it shows another storage sphere, a strange helm-looking item, and something with a rod and two spheres attached to it. Gnik uses Mage Hand to retrieve the items and put them into the bag. The next entry says "Sil's Gift" -- which Gnik recalls having been mentioned in the prison logs. Gnik views it and it appears to be an egg or egg-shaped rock, mottled green, about 2 feet tall, on a wooden stand. He retrieves it, and it appears to be a bit translucent. He tries to grab it with Mage Hand, but it is too heavy. He and Al carefully fit it into the bag. The last entry says "Serpent of Sil" -- one of the other entries from the prison log. It looks like a swirling medallion on a cord, perhaps of some kind of jade-like material. He puts it into the bag with Mage Hand, and then also takes the life nodes in that room. They wait for Az to get back through the rubble, and Al gets into the bag again -- which is much more crowded now. Gnik Misty Steps back out into the main area. At Al's urging, he goes into the prison room to look at what is on the Algorithm crystal -- and determines they are spells, thirteen in total. lets them know that if they wait an hour he can cast Levitate -- he's out of spell slots, but can cast it as a ritual -- but Kai decides that since the walk would only take 45 minutes she's walking. For security, they re-engage the defensive spinning floor in the level above them. They return to the top of the spire and use Kat's Featherfall and a floating disc to get down. When they return to the bottom, Janore greets them and asks what they found. They have only told the leader of the island, Dannara, what they found, so Kai says there's nothing there. The group decides to stay on the island one more night to rest and recover before continuing their voyage. Gnik begins identifying the items they found: The Jewel of Joy just makes the holder feel good by holding it, and will help with healing. Sil's Gift is warm to the touch and very smooth and clean; Gnik gets the impression it is waiting for its purpose. Al asks it what it thinks its purpose is, but gets no response. The Serpent of Sil is about 3 inches long and has power in it that allows the wearer to cast Sanctuary for 1 charge, Calm Emotions for 2 charges, and Aura of Purity for 3 charges. It regains 3 charges per day. The cloth, if one throws it over one's head and touches the emblem, will form itself into a lightweight protective suit of armor under the clothes. One of them disintegrates, but the other seven seem to work just fine. Kat tries putting one on Mouse, who is a little wigged out by it -- it goes under her fur, and she scratches at it a bit. It would keep her from relieving herself, so Kat takes it off her for now. The glass things are shields, and if one puts one's arm into the smudgy spot, a display comes up showing areas of weakness in one's foe's defenses -- a tactical display. The eight things inside the metal sphere are two balls attached to each other, one squishy, that will allow the users to put the squishy end into an ear and talk to each other up to a mile away. Seven of them have survived. The balls and rod has teethmarks in it that, if bitten, will go into the lungs and create an artificial lung structure that guards against bad air, and will allow the user to breathe underwater and to perform a breath attack once per day. The helm produces a mental energy field that will allow the wearer to send a blast of energy at a target they point at, doing psychic damage. The storage ball that was stored with the helm is hollow and contains a collection of oddities, including a miniature evergreen tree with a hook on the side of it of some kind of soft material; a fragment that looks like the same material as the consoles, with colored lines of jewel; and three small 8-sided objects that Gnik can see is labeled 0-7 on the sides. The jeweled material seems to be a trigger for a specific object that it would slide into. The evergreen tree is not magical. The crystal that used to contain the Shadow Horde is no longer magical. 23 Agram 3275 Gnik takes the day to go back into the ruins and copy down all the spells in the Algorithms crystal. 24 Agram 3275 The group sets sail, but there is sickness among the crew. When Milena is brewing tea to help combat it, she notices her Abyssal dagger is glowing through the hole in the scabbard. Milena shouts "Fiend!" and goes to the deck to see if something is flying by overhead -- perhaps one of the soul eaters that Janell talked about showing up on the island occasionally. She sees nothing above, and a minute later the dagger stops glowing. She runs to the back of the boat to see if there is anything in the water, but she doesn't see anything. Al borrows the dagger, dives into the water, and swims back to where they were when the dagger was glowing, but it does not glow again, so he returns to the ship. 25 Agram 3275 By the next day almost all the crew has gotten sick, and Milena is trying to tend to them while sick herself. Kai and Kat have spent most of her time in the Crow's Nest and Gnik has been in his room so they have avoided illness, so when the ship comes across a battered ship, dead in the water, they take a boat across to rescue the survivors -- who turn out to be a young woman named Annie with her ghost brother Alex and two undead cats. The rest of the crew had been killed when one of the crew opened a portal to try to bring an evil entity through. In their trip to the ship, Gnik, Kai, and Kat found a chest with a golden lens, 3 feet in diameter, that causes Gnik horrific visions when he touches it, so badly that he passes out. When he wakes up, he can't remember what he saw, only that it was the most horrific thing he had ever seen. The ship's manifest did not say who it was for, only that it would be retrieved upon arrival at Freeport. Laur wants to send some crew over to get the other ship moving again in the hopes that they can salvage it when they arrive at Gonajibria. The crew grumbles, as they are already stretched thin due to illness, but comply. Al goes over and also tries touching the lens, and is also overcome with horrific visions that cause him to pass out, as Gnik had done. 26 Agram 3275 Another day at sea, with storms. 27 Agram 3275 The day is overcast with storms expected later. Laur tells everyone to keep an eye out as they should be getting close to Gonajigar. It is too cloudy to see the legendary spire that is supposed to stretch high into the sky, but they do see an island with a mountain stretching upward. Laur slows to avoid reefs in the area. When they are about a quarter-mile from the island, a form rises up from the water, about 10 feet tall. Al walks to the front of the ship and says, "Hello, my name is Al! What is your name?" The being answers, "I am Aiglase; why are you here?" Gnik answers that he is looking for Duane Hatchett, who has something that belongs to a friend of his. They see a man frantically rowing a small boat toward them. Aiglase says he does not want them to damage the coral in the reef, which he enjoys. Milena asks if he can show them the way to avoid the coral, and he says yes, but it's the job of the man in the rowboat. The man in the rowboat pulls alongside and comes aboard. He is the harbormaster, Greemus. Gnik tells him their business on the island is to find Duane Hatchett. "The guy in the tower?" Greemus asks, and Gnik confirms it. They get directions to the inn, where Gnik is to meet someone who can direct them to Duane. Greemus directs the Mighty Redemption to pull in alongside the inn and the derelict ship, the Pride, to go to the shipyards. He points out other businesses that might be of use to them. He says the tower is not really visible right now, but he can get directions to the path at the inn. He recommends not going up unless they really have to, because it can be dangerous -- there is a gap in the trail at one point, and it is hard to see on a cloudy day like this. He says the weather up the spire itself is freezing if you go high enough, but the tower they seek is not that high. Al asks if anyone in town might have a healing potion to sell, and he directs them to Agnes's shop, next to the boatyard. Milena goes with him, while everyone else goes to the inn. The inn seems well-kept, with a meal and drink list on the board. A friendly woman introduces herself as Rayba, the innkeeper. Gnik introduces himself and says he is looking for Kladdo, who he was told can help him find Duane Hatchett. Klaado is her husband, and he is behind the bar, so Gnik goes to talk to him. He is skinnier than most Dorghenians, and as he moves Gnik occasionally catches sight of pointed ears. There is a girl, about 16, playing with a set of ceramic plates with writing on one side, sliding them around the table. "Klaado, strangers!" she announces as they come in, and introduces herself as Danae. The group introduces themselves, and Gnik explains that Duane sent a letter saying that Klaado could help them get in touch with him. Danae says, "When you see him, could you ask if he has more of these?" and holds up one of the discs. Gnik asks if he can see one; they are of a strange material that gives a bit without actually bending, and has slits in it. Klaado says they've been here for decades, and the story is that someone brought them down from the spire. Danae says her aunt thinks there are more of them around and they'll do something when put together. At Agnes's shop, the sign says "Agnes's Herbs", old but well-painted, and in smaller, less careful letters below that get smaller as they go, "and healing, and crystals, and fortune telling". Al knocks and a voice says, "Come in, sweetie!" The shop is cluttered with piles of materials, jars, pots of leaves and nuts, mortars and pestles -- some clean, some not -- and a stove on which several mixtures are boiling. A small woman who is hunched even though she does not look that old comes from the back and greets them excitedly, telling them they look interesting. As Al begins explaining what he wants, she says, "You want healing!" and offers to let him taste several to see which he likes best... but hands him one and says, "You will like this one!" It tastes like the cookies his mother used to bake when he was a child. Al asks what he can give her for it. She says he may have it as a gift, as she senses they will take care of things that need to be taken care of. Milena asks if there are things she thinks need to be taken care of on the island, and she says, "You are going to see Duane. He could use your help." At the inn, Danae offers to take them up the path, but Klaado says her aunt would kill him. She has magic, but has not learned to control it yet; Kat recently read one of the new books in the library that mentioned some people have recently started manifesting magic that they can't always control well; they are called sorcerers, and some of them eventually learn to control it. Kat asks Danae if she's an orphan and learns that the story is that she showed up alone on a badly damaged ship -- only the keep was left -- when she was an infant, and Agnes found her and brought her in. Kat asks if she wants to go up to the spire with them, and offers to go with her to help convince her aunt to let her go. Gnik asks Klaado about Duane, and learns that they have never interacted; Duane has been in the tower longer than Klaado has been alive, and he is almost 60. Only Anges has been in town longer. They decide they would like to start up to the tower immediately, so they go to Agnes's shop to pick up Al and Milena. On the walk over, Danae asks Kat what the group has been doing, and Kat tells her about their recent adventures with the sahaugin, and other stories. When they reach Agnes's shop, Al is showing off some of his stuff. Kat introduces herself and reaches out her hand to shake Agnes's; Agnes takes her hand, holds it between hers, looks at it, and says, "Oh, you're very impressive!" To Danae, she says, "She might be able to help you -- she taps into her magic as well, but knows what she is doing with it." Kat asks if Danae can come to the tower with them; Agnes looks skeptical, so Kat tries to persuade her. Agnes chuckles and says, "Oh, sweetie, I'm to old for that kind of buttering up, but you can go. Just be careful. And don't let Klaado bully you too much." Milena asks Agnes if there is anything they should take with them to prepare. Danae says, "We brought the plates!" Agnes says, "Ah, then you should be fine." They set out. Klaado leads the group through the first part of the path, up a path past a waterfall. They encounter two guards who are protecting the water from outsiders; they let them pass when Klaado vouches for them. A short time later, Klaado says, "This is as far as I go, and as far as Danae goes." Kat and Danae both protest that Agnes said she could go, and he asks the group if they're really sure they want Danae along, and relents when they say yes. Klaado points out the series of switchbacks above that form the trail, disappearing into the clouds six or seven hundred feet up. The group makes their way up to the tower. They reach the ruins and hear a voice bellowing out: "Get outta here or I'll kill ya!" 2 January 2021 The top of the tower area is partially ruined; the bottom part is intact but with some upper walls destroyed. In response to the voice, Kai says, "Gnik, you're up..." and the voice replies, "Gnik? Oh, come on in!" A man emerges and introduces himself as Duane, and Gnik introduces the group and says he's interested to hear what Duane has found. Duane invites them in and leads them into a spiral stair leading down into the tower. He says he used to work at the Treasure Trove of Time, a library in Freeport, and fell in love with books there, but has been here for a while. Danae whispers to Kat that he's been here for longer than she's been alive. Duane says he's interested in their help with something he's working on. They reach the downstairs and he asks them how much they know about Dorghenian vampires, and specifically about half-vampires. He leads them down a hallway lit with continual flame spells on the ceiling. They pass a door with a board nailed across it with Dorghenian writing: "This holy space is protected" written neatly, and then scrawling above and below in some other language. Duane says the top line says "Big, ugly, leave it" in Goblin. Duane says it has a big ugly statue that spits fire. They reach a door at the end of the hall. Duane pulls out an ornate stick, opens a door to a pitch-dark room, says, "By Maria's Truth..." and the room lights up brightly. He shares that the way to become a Dorghenian vampire is by drinking the blood of a vampire, and he accidentally drank what he thought was wine, and now he's trying to figure out how not to turn fully. Gnik looks at Duane through his vampire-detecting eyepiece, and Duane appears translucent. Duane opens a trunk that includes two books and more of the plates Danae was playing with. Danae gets excited and says, "You have plates, too!" He says they were here when he got here, and one of the books talks about them a little bit. Milena says where she is from she never had to deal with saving someone from turning into a vampire, only saving people from vampires. She wonders aloud whether garlic would help remove the poison or just make him sick. He says he actually likes garlic, so it probably wouldn't do it. After some discussion, and with Gnik consulting his book of knowledge, they realize that any resurrection magic will cure it, so Milena prepares to cast Revivify. Kat and Al notice a strange-looking amulet, like a truncated pyramid, in the open chest. Kat asks Duane about it, and he says he found it in the rubble here. Kat reaches to pick up the amulet. Milena casts the spell; Duane staggers a bit, and then his color returns. He gets a big smile on his face and begins thanking Milena profusely. Gnik re-inspects him through the eyepiece and sees he has returned to normal. Kat inspects the amulet, and decides to see if it will protect her from the fire-shooting statue. Gnik asks which of the books is Lyle's journal, and Kai suggests Danae take a look at the other book to find out more about the plates, to keep her from following Kat into danger. Kat pries the board off and pushes the door open a little bit, but it seems kind of stuck, like the hinges are rusted. She tries to kick it, but her leg bounces off. She tries again, and the door bursts open, tearing off and falling to the ground. There are a few bricks that have fallen from the walls and ceiling, and three other doors leading out of the room, as well as a huge statue that turns to look at her. Kai and Al start to follow her in and the statue turns and starts to raise its arm. Kat raises her hands and says, "No, they're with me!" and it stands down. They notice a design at the top of its shield matches the amulet. Kat approaches the guardian to see if it will speak or respond, but it just stands there. Kat goes to the far door and opens it, then calls out into the hall to see if Milena is coming. She asks Kat to tell the golem not to set her on fire; as she enters the golem raises its arm but Kat tells it to stand down. The first door looks like it may have been a storeroom of some sort, but the contents looks rotted. She quickly looks for secret doors in the room, but finds nothing. Kat moves to the next door and looks for traps, but finds none. She opens the door to a dark room, and pulls out her Continual Light rod. There is a small room with a statue with its head broken off. It looks ornately crafted to a specific purpose. Kai and Kat both recognize that it looks like a statue to Dorg, the Dorghenian god. The decorations invoke Dorg's facet of protection. There is a door on the other side, so Kat checks it for traps and opens the door to a big room. This one contains four Dorg statues, all in bad shape but with their heads intact. They represent Nature, Life, Love -- standing in a row -- and Wealth in an alcove to the side. Kat, Al, and Kai notice that the Wealth statue is on a pivot that can be activated by pulling on one of the feet. As the statue rotates to the 90-degree point, the wall behind it moves back a half-inch. When pushed, it goes back further and then slides upward on rails, with counterweights. Inside is a casket. Al and Kai see a translucent sword hovering over the casket. Kat, however, sees a woman lying on the casket with the sword sitting on her, with the blue glow of Kat's invisibility sight. The woman is Dorghenian, ornately dressed. She turns and looks at them, annoyed and quizzical, and sits up. When she does, Kai and Al see the sword disappears. Kat explains what she sees. The woman asks, in Dorgeninan who they are and what they are doing there. Kai says they were there to help a friend, and were exploring. Kat suggests adding that they mean no disrespect. Al activates the Pearl of Speech, introduces himself, and she says her name is Neekut Sidu Cliene. She says she has been waiting. Al asks what for, and she says, "Maybe you. Someone worthy," and holds up her sword. "Worthy of the knowledge and experience I wield." She explains that she and her two brothers established this place as a shrine and to protect her family's valuables. She died, and since then has been aware of things outside the room but has not been able to leave. She does not know how she died, but she remembers being up on top of the tower, hearing something behind her and her brothers yelling, and she woke up there. Milena asks if she was dedicated to Dorg, and she says she honored the aspects of Protection and Skill. She asks to see Kai's sword. Kai lets her know she can't see her, so she'll have to approach and touch the blade herself. Kat sees the woman walk up, overlay her own ethereal blade on Kai's, and then dissolve from the feet up. Kai feels her blade become warm, and then very comfortable. There are jars and boxes in the room that contain old coins, jewels, and jewelry. Kat decides she doesn't want the sword knowing that she took anything, so she plans to leave it all alone, but Al still looks through the items to make sure they aren't missing anything important. Meanwhile, Gnik reads Lyle's journal, and Danae looks up information about the plates in the other book. When Gnik asks her what she's found, she hands over the book. The notebook is a thin volume bound in simple leather cover with a stiched binding and is about 9 inches tall, 6 inches wide and half an inch thick. The only identifying mark a small (less than 2 inches tall) embossed image of a trident crossed by a dagger and a mace in the lower, right corner of the front. The contents are short, seemingly just some kind of explanation. Apparently, the information was written and purposefully left behind by an adventuring group calling itself the Trident of the Trinity. They came here hunting a group of Sgult worshippers. After their success, they left behind tools in a secret and protected cache for people to use to deal with Sgult worshippers, again, should they reappear (as they often do). The note says the 12 plates they've hidden hold the clues to lead people to the cache. The other group goes to the final door in the golem room. After finding no traps, Kat opens the door. There are a couple more statues, aspects of Skill and Magic, and three constructs: an armored bipedal form with two giant shields flanked by two crossbow devices on wheels where the bolt fires from what looks like a dragon head. As the door opens, the crossbow devices appear to be arming themselves. Kat draws back and tells them to stop, but they keep arming. Kat suggests Kai tell her sword to tell them to stop, but the sword knows nothing about them. Kat closes the door but arms her own crossbow. Ember has come to join them. 9 January 2021 The group sets up to try to ambush the golems if they come through the door, and Milena offers to jump quickly through the door with her new tactical shield to try casting Thunderwave at them. She ducks to try to get below their line of fire, but both ballistas fire, and one of the bolts slams into the shield but is diverted upward. She casts Thunderwave, and all three golems are shoved backward into the wall behind them. Milena jumps back out of the room. Kat catches a brief glance of what looks like a skull flying through the room as other items are bounced around by the spell. Back in the room where Gnik is reading, Duane asks, "Is that normal?" Gnik replies, "With this group? Yeah...." Kat activates the Gellen far-speaker to tell her they're in battle. He asks if he needs to stop reading, and she says not yet, but she'll let him know. Kai jumps in and attacks, hitting one of the bolter golems, and jumps out. Kat throws a thunderstone, which makes a lot of noise and light rather than damage -- but it appears to have blinded and deafened the shield golem and one of the ballistas. Ember jumps in and goes after the ballista that Kai attacked. The shield golem is shaking its head, trying to see what's going on, but clearly doesn't perceive her. She hacks it to pieces. The other bolter selects another, smaller bolt, which flames as it sets, and fires it out into the hall, where it explodes; the group gets a bit singed, but it could have been worse. Al throws a rope at the bolter, trying to disrupt the mechanism to pull back its bolts. Milena casts Sacred Flame and then attacks with her Spiritual Weapon, trying to destroy the arms it uses to reload. The shield golem steps forward, still blinded and swinging wildly. Kat jumps in and and shoots the bolter with her magical crossbow; it falls apart. She dives under the table in the corner for cover. Kai goes after the shield golem, the only remaining opponent, getting two good hits on it; Ember jumps in and finishes it off. As the battle ends, Danae runs in, trying to cast a spell -- and vanishes. Kat can see her glowing blue as she says, "Oh, you got them!" Kai lets her know she has accidentally turned herself invisible. They look around the room, finding a chest, blocks of metal, a small box and jug... and a curved sword with a dragon head at the hilt. A beam of energy appears between the sword and Kai's sword, and Cliene's voice says, "That's my sword!" It seems to disintegrate, disappearing into the energy beam, and afterward Cliene indicates she feels better -- more complete. Kat explores the contents of the chest; sitting on top is a silver chess-piece, a rook. Milena recalls that the god Ag was playing chess when they had a vision of him, and she asks Kat if she thinks it is a sign from her god. She doesn't know whether it is meant to be, but she takes the chess piece. There are papers and a book, but they are not in great shape; they appear to be notes on smithing, written by one of Cliene's brothers. There is a leather pouch that feels about 15 pounds, but there doesn't seem to be anything in it. She puts her arm in, and it goes farther than it should, but she does not find anything in it -- but it seems to be a bag of holding, probably empty. There's a small set of gems on the table. Milena moves to the side room, slightly lower than the main room, where the sword was sitting. She looks to see where the skull came from, and sees that there are other bones in the fireplace. Kat asks Milena if the remains should be given a proper burial, and Milena says they would need to figure out who it might have been first. Kai asks Cliene, who says it is most likely one of her brothers, but she is very practical and nonsentimental so doesn't think anything more needs to be done for him unless he's a ghost. Milena takes a look at the bowls and jars in the space to try to determine what they were used for; she sees a bit of powdery debris in the bowls on the table, but it is not clear what it is. Ember examines the small selection of items in the corner and finds a box full of Dorghenian-style smith's tools, and several sealed jars and jugs, which she sets to the side. Cliene indicates to Kai that the room has not changed since she was alive. The group hears a whooshing sound: Gnik as come to check if any of the jars are magical, and the golem in the first room fires two flaming balls at him. Kat says, "No, no! He's with us!" as Gnik dives out of the room. She escorts him through to the room with the jars. Gnik casts Detect Magic, and clearly sees the chess piece, Kat's amulet, the Bag of Holding, and Kai's sword, which is now more magical. Cliene mentions the year she died, which was 121 years ago, so it is surprising that the seals on the jars have lasted so long. She says the jars are various things her brother Dolist would use in his smithing, and the jug is her other brother Figor the cleric's wine, which is very good. Gnik carefully mends the book on smithing before attempting to move it. The group moves to the last of the three doors from the first room with the protective golem. Cliene indicates it was a side chamber that was not much used in her time -- they were expecting it to be for future expansion. Kat checks the door for traps just in case. The only thing in the room is a large wooden shield that has a pair of leather boots sticking out from under it. Al goes to inspect and finds a corpse under the shield -- Cliene's other brother. They discuss what to do about the guardian golem. Al suggests that she try to dismiss it, so she says, "You're done. You don't need to guard anymore." It stares at her a moment with its faceless face, and then it and the amulet vanish. They discuss having Gnik cast Last Image on the corpse to try to find out what happened to him. He doesn't have it prepared, so they discuss going up the mountain. They realize to go all the way up they will need cold-weather gear, but decide they might as well go up as far as they can. Duane is packing up to leave, and asks the group to take a book to the Temple of Knowledge in Freeport, which offered to buy it from him. Gnik gives him a note and tells him that if he is ever in Saltmarsh, to stop by the library there -- and if Gnik is not there, to give the note to his friend Curt Albrecht. Duane hands over the book: Legends of the Caller of Nolan's Pets: The Stories and Details of the Artifact Left Behind For Us to Use and How It Has Been Abused. Gnik asks if he would be okay if Gnik kept it instead, or if he promised it to the temple. Duane says it was not a promise, and Gnik should consider the book as having been given to him by Duane and can deliver it to the temple if he wishes; they'd offered 200 gp for the book. They exit the tower and see that it is slightly shorter than it was when they entered, thanks to the three explosions in the battle with the golems. They begin hiking the trail, with Danae still with them. The wind picks up, and they reach a section of the trail that has a bit of wall built up to help people stay on the trail -- they are about 600 feet up at that point. At about 900 feet, there is a section where the trail does not have any support below it -- it is like a curving bridge around the spire. There are spurs of rock sticking out, with many dead bodies visible -- they are directly below Sasha's Leap. There are holes below, and several of the group think there is movement among them. They ask Danae whether anything lives up here; Danae says there are rumors of griffins, wyverns, and some things that only come out and attack at night -- the group assumes they must be undead, but they don't have a good enough view or a good way to get down to the crevices, so they decide to leave them alone for the nonce. They keep going and come to a tower-like spur that may previously have had a bridge connecting it to the main spire, but no longer. There is a rope hanging from it, 100 feet long. Gnik sends Az over to see if anything is tied to the end, but if there once was, it is long gone from being battered against the rock face for years. They keep going. Around the next turn, they can make out a cavelike entrance that can be reached by a branch from the path, and a tunnel ahead that has a small shrine on the other side -- Sasha's Leap. Danae says the cave is probably where the pirates with the skeleton crew are holing up while their ship is being repaired, because no one in town wanted to take in skeletons, and the living crew wanted to be able to get drunk in peace. The group decides to look into the cave. The entrance is only about 6 feet high, but it opens up inside. It is a rough tunnel that does not appear to have been worked. They hear faint echoes of laughter off in the distance. They decide to continue up the trail, and perhaps investigate the cave on the way back down; Milena suggests that they could ask the pirates if they are willing to share their cave for the night if it gets dark, but the rest of the group seems skeptical of hanging out with actual skeletons. After another turn, they see another branch from the path that leads to a small hut on stilts. Cliene says that was Figor's hut that they helped him build. The group decides to check it out, but Milena suggests that someone who can fly -- namely Kat, who has flying boots -- should check it out first, in case it is no longer structurally sound. Cliene observes that it has had work done -- the roof and walls have been patched. Kat starts up the ladder, and a name comes from the window above, "Come on up! The name's Kevak!" Gnik sends Az up to look in the window; she (and Gnik through her eyes) sees a guy standing there who smiles at her and says, "My! You're pretty!" He is at the stove heating a pot of something. He says he works for the Sisters. Kat asks how much further it is to get to them, and he says they would have to go the distance they have already gone twice again. A couple of the group notice that when he steps up to the window he looks like he is standing in a shadow that isn't there. He asks why they are climbing the mountain, and Kat says they are looking for more pieces of a puzzle, and that Gnik can explain more. Gnik creates an illusion of one of the plates in front of the window where he can see it. Al tries to detect Kevak's motive, and gets the sense that he's hiding something. He says he has a couple more of the plates that he found in one of the wisdom caves years ago, and they're welcome to have them. Kat says they will take them, and if they are the pieces they need, they won't have any more reason to climb up to visit the sisters. "All the more reason to give them to you, then," Kevak says. Gnik assembles the plates together into a dodecahedron. It carries a message: "We created the Wand of the Divine Blaze to reveal the secret that you seek." Gnik has inferred from his reading that the secret is a cache of weapons to fight Sgult, and the wand is the one Duane was using, which he gave to Gnik. Gnik tries inspecting the dodecahedron with the wand set to candle mode, and it reveals a hidden message: The Trident of the Trinity left you weapons against pain and madness. Above the clouds, enter the wailing path. Continue to the second. Cross the great wound. Follow the roar. Climb to the cascade's source. Align the sun to find where to dig. To access the gifts, remember Maria's truth. With Maria's wrath, the wand will grant dawn's light. The group heard the sound of the wailing caves far above, perhaps twice as far as they have come so far, per Kevak. They decide to return to town to sleep and come back up in the morning. As they walk back down, they discuss Kevak. Kat describes a ring he was wearing, and Milena recognizing it as something that would allow a vampire to walk in daylight by cloaking it in a shadow that protects it from the light. They hypothesize that he is a Sgult-type vampire, and discuss how to kill them, in case it is necessary: cutting off the head, or piercing or cutting out the heart. 23 January 3275 As the group goes down the trail, they realize the sun has shifted to the other side of the spire, so the caves with possibly undead creatures that were previously in sunlight are now in shadow. Kat gets out her Continual Flame, hoping the light might scare them away. Milena offers to Turn them if they get in the group's way, but Kai says she'd rather try to kill them than make them flee. The glimpses they had on the way up suggest they are probably wraiths or spectres. Gnik sends Az to fly up and keep an eye on the caves to let them know if she sees anything. In a few minutes Az tells Gnik, "Um, there are ugly things coming up toward you very fast...." and they can see dark shapes moving through rock toward them. They disappear into the rock for several moments, and then two of them pop up through the stone bridge, one in front of Milena and the other in front of Ember. Gnik casts "Psychedelic", and one of the two begins flickering in multiple colors and looks disoriented; the other flickers briefly but then goes back to its normal color. Kat fires her crossbow with magic bolts at the one in front of her mother and hits. Danae gestures wildly and a ripple appears to go out from her, but nothing apparently happens. "Dammit!" she says. One of the wraiths swipes at Milena, but she jumps back; its red eyes look like a glow from an endless abyss. The other jumps back from Ember's attack and Milena swipes at it with her Abyssal dagger. Six more pop out from the rock; five of them are flickering with the psychedelic effect. These look like spectres, unlike the first two that look like wraiths. Milena casts Word of Radiance at them, tearing pieces from several of them. The spectres fly through the group, slashing at them, and one of them tears through Milena. Kai tries to take a swing but misses; Al throws a punch and hits with Crusher. Gnik has put on his helmet and uses it to blast one of them with psionic damage. Kai takes a shot at the one spectre that is not flickering (and therefore not at a disadvantage to attack). The creatures fly up about 30 feet and turn around, preparing to fly down and attack again. Gnik blasts the non-flickering wraith with the helm. Kat triggers her boots of flying to meet the creatures halfway and casts Color Spray at them, then drops to the ground and hides in shadow. Three of the spectres start flying strangely, as if they have been blinded. Danae, impressed, says, "That was cool! ...hey, where'd she go?" Then she points up in the air toward the creatures; a piece of rock pops of the spire above them and a stream of water starts shooting out. Danae looks perplexed. Milena casts healing on herself and then Word of Radiance at the creatures again. One of the spectres is obliterated. As the creatures come streaming down again, Kai strikes twice with her sword. Another comes at Milena; Ember jumps up to hit at it, but misses. One comes at Al but misses as he dodges, and another comes at Kai but misses. One tears into Ember, and another goes after Danae but misses as she throws herself to the ground; she tries swiping with her dagger but misses. Kai shoots with her crossbow and hits it in the face; it explodes. Danae gets an intense, focused look on her face; at first nothing happens, but Kat says, "I believe in you, Danae" -- inspiring her to try again -- and a flaming chicken flies up and hits one of the blinded spectres, tearing the spectre apart. Milena casts Spiritual Weapon and Sacred Flame at one of the wraiths, and tears it apart. The other one flies up under Al, and Gnik triggers his Psychedelics spell again. The three remainings spectres are affected, but the wraith is not. Al takes a swipe at it as it passes, attempting to stun it; it stops in midair and slowly drifts. Kai attacks it, hitting twice, tearing it appart. The three remaining spectres fly up at Al, Kai, and Milena, but all miss. Kai and Milena take attacks of opportunity and hit their foes, which fly up and turn to attack again. Gnik blasts another with his helm, and it dissipates to nothingness. Kat shoots at one of the others, tearing it apart. Milena hits the last one with Guiding Bolt, and it explodes into sparkles. They make their way down the hill, and Milena casts Prayer of Healing as they go, healing up the rest of the party. The group reaches the bottom and goes to Agnes's shop to drop off Danae. Kai hears a voice in her head -- Cliene -- asking if there's still an Agnes's Shop, and if Agnes is still in charge, as the store has been there since before she died over 100 years ago. When they come in, Danae runs in looking for her aunt, and Kai feels a hand on her shoulder and Agnes says, "Don't worry, sweetie, I'll explain it all," and Cliene in Kai's head says, "What the fuck, it's the same woman...." Danae starts talking about her adventures, Agnes asks how high she went, and Danae looks embarrassed; Agnes tells her to go on up to bed and they'll talk about it later. Gnik asks Agnes how she cane to meet Danae. Agnes says the story she tells everyone is that Danae came in on a ship where all the rest of the crew were dead, so Agnes took her in. The truth is that there is a powerful hag that has been causing the town problems; undead sea creatures had been coming from the Dreadwood and destroying the fish, impacting the townsfolks' livelihoods and ability to feed themselves. It turns out that Agnes had come to meet up with two other hags to form a coven, but the other two did not share her views: she wanted to help people, but the other two took delight in harming people. Auntie Treeshadow felt the coven might be a threat and sought to break them up by destroying all the people. Agnes parted ways with her sisters and came down to the town to try to help the people. She says Danae is a Forgotten: When a hag is born but not allowed to become a hag until after she has gained enough power, she becomes much more powerful. Agnes hoped she might be a means to defeat Auntie Treeshadow once she came into her power; now she thinks the group might also be able to defeat Auntie Treeshadow. Gnik asks if Agnes knows where they could get 6000 gold pieces to pay the wizard Mallan for a scroll that could take her out; she says she thinks Mallan is probably working with Auntie Treeshadow so wouldn't actually help them if he knew what they were doing. The group shares some of the information they learned in the tower, about the Sgult worshippers and those who fought them. Agnes asks Milena if she knows the origins of the Bargallian religion. Milena says, "It is always presented that this is how things are and so how things have always been." Agnes says that is not far off, but because the Bargallians don't ever fully trust any one being, they draw from many gods, and so that is Milena's right as a Bargallian. She says she sees connections from Milena to the Time-Keeper (Cynthia), the Explorer (Daln), the Archer (Alex), and the Historian (Alsaya). She says Gnik steals his power from something outside himself, while Kat and Al draw it from inside themselves. Gnik says he always assumed it came from the fae. They tell Agnes that they are looking for the Wailing Path, and she says that is likely to be at the Chimney Caverns, near the top. Milena asks if they should provision themselves for cold, and Agnes says yes -- and also be prepared for griffins, wyverns, and other creatures high up the mountain that may want to eat them. She warns them about a tower on the way up that was once a base of the Sgult worshippers. Gnik asks if they should take out her sister hags if they are able, and she says she won't tell them to do so because she has an agreement with the other hags that they won't attack each other, but they may decide to do it of their own volition. After leaving Agnes's, the group provisions themselves with cold-weather gear. That evening, Gnik sets out a Tiny Hut for the group and they go inside to talk. Gnik tells the group that he is interested in finishing the mission that Lyle started -- which means destroying the Ebon Tablet. At least he wants to continue following the path that Lyle was on to figure out what happened to his friend -- and rescue him on the very slim chance he's still alive. 28 Agram 3275 The group heads out the next morning and climbs past the hut on stilts, reaching a very steep section of the spire where the path is only 7 or 8 feet wide. Kai takes the lead, with Kat and Al close behind, Milena in the middle, and Gnik and Ember bringing up the rear. Danae does not come with them. Gnik ties a rope around his immovable rod and around his waist, and then around Milena's waist, just in case -- although Kat can cast Featherfall if anyone falls. Milena thinks the rope might help pull Gnik up the steep stairs. As they climb, several in the group see three things flying toward them. Gnik sends Az to try to see what they are; they appear to be wyverns. The group takes a moment to retreat to a small tunnel the path ran through a short way back. They peek out and see one of them coming straight at them to the front entrance, and the other two veer off and go to the other side. The wyverns are unable to reach them, and give up after several minutes and fly off. Gnik sends Az to follow them at a safe distance; they fly up the spire and snag a few birds out of nests, but eventually give up and fly off. The group emerges and continues upward. The path narrows to only 5 or 6 feet wide, and reaches a crevice that leads to a landing and a hole with stairs cut into it -- the Sacrosanct Stair that Agnes mentioned that she thought were put there by the Sgult worshipers. Inside the crevice is mortared stone, and Kai notices that the mortar in some places is missing, in a way that suggests a door. She calls Kat's attention to it, and Kat inspects it for traps and an opening mechanism. They can't find a handle, but they put Kat's crowbar in and manage to pry it open far enough to see that the metal workings are heavily rusted. Kat casts Prestidigitation to clean them, and then gets the door open far enough to see that there is a very steep stair -- essentially a ladder -- going about 100 feet down into the dark. Kat uses her boots to fly down and pulls down her perpetual light baton; Kai climbs down as well, and Gnik sends Az down so he can see through her eyes. They use the Farspeakers to describe what they are seeing: The stair ends at a hall that goes forward for several feet and turns right into the main part of the spire, ending at a door that looks like the back part of a secret door, also rusted. Kat uses Prestidigitation again as the rest of the group comes down to join them, and then she and Kai push the door until it pops open. It opens into a room with two doors in the far corner, two statues, an altar, and skeletons strewn about the floor. It looks as though there was once a third statue but it is shattered in the corner. There are scorch marks near the altar, and what looks like the remains of a book on top of it with what looks like mold growing on it. The eyes of one of the statues is set with red jewels, the left one of which is glowing. 6 February 2021 Kat closes the door. Bringing up the rear, Ember pokes Gnik and whispers, "I hear something behind us -- I'm gonna go check it out." Gnik lets Milena know, and joins Ember. He casts a minor illusion so she can hide near the bottom of the steep staircase and blend in. They hear someone come down the stairs and a familiar voice says, "Wow, how long has this been here?" It's Danae. Kat goes to give her a hug. Danae excitedly tells her about being able to access magic she has never been able to do before, and thanks her for helping her. Al asks Danae if she's supposed to be there, and Kai tells her she needs to go home. Danae says it won't be a big deal, Agnes might get mad, but it won't be that big a deal, and anyway, now that she can control her magic she wants to help! Milena tells her that they do not know if the things they do here might affect the town below, and it would be good to have someone below who knew the town well to keep an eye on things for anything unusual. Danae brightens, pulls out a few strands of hair, ties them in a knot, and hands them to Kat, saying it will let Danae get a message to Kat. Gnik is aware that hags can give a piece of themselves -- a tooth, a nail, a lock of hair -- for this purpose, but it is not clear Danae knows she is a hag. Kat describes what she saw; the group decides to proceed. Al cautiously enters the room; Kat, looking into the room from the doorway, reaches out with Mage Hand and tweaks the nose of the gargoyle with the glowing eyes, but it does not react. She then picks up one of the skulls with Mage Hand and makes it float around, but still nothing happens. Al moves in to look more closely at the statue. Milena takes off her head-scarf and asks Kat to use Mage Hand to drape it over the gargoyle's head, but before she can do so, Al sees that the glow is coming from behind the eye -- and then there is a wave of red energy that fills the room. Everything feels strange and a little disorienting -- and for Az, Al, and Milena, that feeling intensifies. They see beings moving around them that they think could hurt them. Milena swings at one of them with her walking-stick. Gnik can see Az's view of the strangeness. At the same time, the skeletons get up. Kat shoots one with her crossbow, managing to hit it in the spine and explode it. Kai attacks with handaxes, taking out another. Gnik, recognizing the confusion effect on his comrades, manages to dispel it just as Al and Milena begin looking like they might attack their allies. The skeletons attack; they are not very skilled, and being hit with bones hurts a bit, but they are not doing tremendous damage. One hits at Al, and as he parries, its arm comes off in his hand. Gnik has Az fly near Kat to cause a distraction to give Kat advantage on her attacks. Ember runs in and attacks, and Al smashes the two nearest him, disintegrating them both. Milena smashes the skull of one with her staff. Kat and Kai take out a few more, and Gnik pulls out his sling and bullet. "Let's see if I remember how to use this thing...." He misses. After the skeletons attack again, Al punches one so hard that its skull comes off and also takes out the one behind it. Milena casts Word of Radiance and takes out all the skeletons around her, leaving Ember and Kai to take out the last two. The skeletons dispatched, Al looks more closely at the altar, which is deeply stained with blood. Gnik takes a look at the book; it is too moldy to do much with at the moment, so he uses Mage Hand to move it by the door so he will remember to take it with him later if they come back by this way. Kat decides to try removing the gems in the eyes of the gargoyle. She drapes Milena's scarf over its head first and then carefully fiddles around with her lockpicks, disabling any traps. It takes her about five minutes on each side to pop them out; in the meantime, Gnik, realizing it will take a while, goes ahead on mending the book, and Milena inspects the other statue. Al says the statues look like pictures he saw once of demons that were created by and directly serve Sgult. Gnik finishes with the book, and sees that it is a manual on expectations and opportunities in the worship of Sgult. Not so much an organized religion as recommendations on the kinds of actions and schemes that might draw Sgult's attention to grant boons. As Sgult is the god of pain and insanity, most of the schemes are extremely hurtful. Milena looks at the other statue to make sure it is not dangerous, and then moves to the altar to cleanse it. Kat knows that it will take a while -- about an hour -- for the ritual. Kai asks Kat under her breath, "Does she get naked for this?" Kat says, "80% no, 20% yes." Kat, having seen this ritual before, decides to move on through the next door on the other side of the room. Al at first blocks her way, but when Kai sees Al is staying behind and can watch Milena, Kai goes with Kat. They open the door and see another steep stairwell leading up from the room. From their angle, it is obvious that every fourth step is trapped to collapse if stepped on, and the last five or six steps are actually a fused stone that would drop if anyone stepped on it. Since they came in the back door, this would clearly be a trap for anyone trying to come in the front door. They look through the other door and see a sarcophagus covered with random symbols. They don't have much desire to enter, but Gnik does a Detect Magic and detects at least three magic things inside the sarcophagus, one of which is immensely powerful. He senses the schools of magic are necromantic and enchantment. The group decides to wait until Milena is done sanctifying the altar to explore the sarcophagus further. Gnik uses the immovable rod to brace the trick stairs so they won't drop; Kat flies up with her flying boots, accompanied by Az, while Kai waits below ready to climb up if needed. Kat checks the door for traps and opens it; there is a short hall to the right that ends in another door. Kat realizes there is a stone in the middle of the hall that appears not to be attached to anything, so she flies to it to keep to touching anything. She tells not to touch anything, as the whole thing could be trapped; Az lands on Kat's shoulder, since she can't really hover. Milena finishes her ritual by pouring the rest of her holy water over the alter; there is a loud cracking sound, and although the alter did not break, the feeling of oppressiveness in the space dissipates. Kat examines the next door and sees that although the lock mechanism is on this side, thus easy to manipulate, but it has been etched with what looks like a glyph of warding that has been altered to use necromantic magic, and will affect everyone within 20 feet if triggered. After talking with Kai, they decide to leave that door until after they deal with the sarcophagus. Kat looks carefully at the door and then the sarcophagus; Al and Milena also help look for physical traps, but don't see anything. Kai moves in to try to lift the lid from the sarcophagus. The lid comes off; it is dark inside, and then the darkness starts writhing. It looks like a gelatinous writhing mass with a blackened skull in the middle. The sense of oppressiveness immediately returns in waves of blackness. Most of the group is able to duck away, but Kat is overcome with fright, and pieces of her flesh blacken and tear away as if rotting. Two undulating tentacles reach out at Kai and Al, but miss. Kai strikes with her handaxes and hits twice. Gnik realizes that the skull has to be able to see its targets to make the flesh-corrupting gaze attack, so he creates an illusion of a bag over its head. Al punches at it, but it moves and he misses in a way that allows it to engulf his hand, burning the flesh. He pulls his hand out and punches again, hitting effectively this time, and stuns it. Milena casts Bless on herself, Kai, Kat, and Al to improve their attacks and saving throws. Ember attacks and hits. Kat is quivering in fear, unsure what to do, and Milena says in a commanding voice, "Go to the door." Gnik sends Az to help Kat out of the room. Kai hits again with her hand-axes, and Gnik blasts it with his psychic helm. Al takes a swing and hits the skull, which he feels shatter through the bag illusion. Milena realizes that only a Greater Restoration will allow Kat to be healed, so she uses her necklace to cast it, and then heals her. The rest of the group looks into the sarcophagus and sees that there is stuff in the ooze: a breastplate covered in magical runes and with a screaming skull shape over the collarbone area, radiating enchantment and necromatic magic; a drawstring bag stuffed full of something; and a pendant with a horned skull and green gems in the eyes and mouth, radiating powerful necromantic magic. Gnik takes time to Identify all the items. The bag has to be attuned to, but must be fed a sentient being once every 30 days to maintain it; if attuned, the user can pull out an unlimited number of sharpened femurs that can be used like magical hand-axes. Gnik decides he will cast Air Forge to destroy these items, and goes ahead and casts it so the others can throw the items in if his touching it does something bad to him. The breastplate also must be attuned by feeding it a bit of blood each day, at which point the ghost bound within it will grant a number of advantages to the wearer. Gnik doesn't want to destroy it immediately, as he may want to offer it to the necromancer they helped into town. Kai is concerned about the spirit that is bound to it, so after some discussion he decides to go ahead and destroy it. And upon reflection, he decides to go ahead and chuck the amulet into the forge without even identifying it because he is afraid of what it might do to him. When it hits the forge, it just sits there for a moment -- and then it lets out a horrible scream and explodes rather than melting, taking out the air forge with it. (It turns out it was an Amulet of Pure Evil, which would have done so much damage that it would immediately have destroyed any of them that touched it, and that if one of is four charges were used could open up a chasm under a good-aligned being and destroy it immediately.) They notice that the symbols on the sarcophagus include writing in a language they don't recognize, so Gnik takes time to decipher it. It tells of the horrible deeds of someone called Treezkar. The sarcophagus is too big to fit in the air forge, so Gnik levitates the lid and drops it on top of the rest of it, several times, to destroy it. The group decides to rest up and heal up before proceeding. Gnik sets up the Immovable Rod in front of the door they entered, and a Tiny Hut near the other two doors so that it and the gargoyle will block them. Gnik notices that the glyph that triggered the energy blast from the gargoyle is still active, meaning that the effect could also be triggered by moving or touching it. Gnik uses an Erase to remove the glyph, and then returns Milena's scarf to her. While they are resting, Kat gets a message from Danae saying that she made it back down the spire but had to kill a wyvern on the way. 13 February 2021 After resting, Gnik sends Az ahead so he can cast Erase on the glyph on the door using her touch. Kat, Kai, and Milena proceed carefully up the stairs, while Gnik continues to watch through Az's eyes, and Ember and Al sit with him to make sure he stays safe. Kat carefully picks the lock, which isn't easy but would be even harder from the other side. Kat opens the door into a 15-foot square room with six zombies that immediately turn and move quickly toward the door. Kat slams the door shut again and tells the group what she saw. Milena offers to turn them, and the group decides that is a good idea since they aren't sure what they are. Kat opens the door, Milena channels divine energy at them, and three of them immediately turn and run while the others keep coming. Kat slams the door closed again. Gnik identifies them as Sgult zombies, which have pustules that explode into dust that will infect their attacker, and those killed by them will turn into zombies. Kai and Kat come to the door and each receive some mild scratches from the advancing zombies. Kat tries casting Color Spray at them, but it doesn't seem to affect them. Kai shoves them back and slams the door again. They discuss what to do and realize they can see enough through the slot on the door to cast ranged spells at them. Milena tries Guiding Bolt, but mis-aims and ends up covered in sparkles herself. Gnik takes a Misty Step up and blasts at them using his psychic helm. The zombies beat on the door. There is a loud sound and through the slot they see the three turned zombies come sliding back down the stairs, each with one leg badly injured. They scramble up the stairs again. Milena casts her Spiritual Weapon through the door and hits one of them, then casts Word of Radiance and hits two of them. Gnik blasts again with his helm. The three fleeing zombies thump down the stairs again and go running up again. The other three bang on the door and the hinges creak. Gnik suggests they all retreat back down the stairs and remove the piton that is keeping the trap door latched, and let the zombies chase them and fall into the trap. Kat uses Mage Hand to unlatch the door before flying down using her boots -- but the zombies break through before she is done, just in time for her to see the other three zombies fall down the stairs again and dissolve into dust. From behind the door they hear a commotion; then they can hear zombie yells from some distance away, and nothing is pounding at the door. Al carefully opens the trapdoor; they see one zombie has crumbled to dust, and the other two are not smart enough to climb. Among them, the group uses ranged attacks to dust the other two. On the way back up the stairs, they notice a red powder on the floor. Al and Milena inspect it; Milena recognizes it as something that causes a burning sensation in eyes and on skin, especially if it gets into an open wound. The door on the other side of the room with the zombies appears to be similar to the one that had the necromantic glyph -- but now it will be on the side of the door they can't reach. Kat decides to try opening it from the farthest distance she can manage, with everyone else farther away. A globe of dark energy surges toward her, but dissipates just before it reaches her. She tries jiggling it again and a second wave comes at them. They conclude that it is probably an ongoing effect. Gnik uses Maria's wand to cast Continual Flame through the slot. The floor appears to be covered in bones, with the far wall about 10 feet away. He dismisses Az into her pocket dimension and has her reappear on the other side of the door. As soon as she pops into existence the bones rise up in a wave and crush her; he hears a squawk as she dissipates. Kai opines that she wishes they had a way to know what was in the other room to see if it would be worth going in, so Milena casts Clairvoyance. She sees no other obvious exits, although the floor is not visible under the pile of bones. They look up the next set of stairs and see bits of zombie goo on the third-from top steps, with a gap in the step behind it, as if a blade might come out when it is stepped on. Kat flies up to inspect the door at the top of the stairs and sees it is again the rear of the door, with the locking mechanism visible. There appears to be a wire connected to the back side of the latch going into a hole in the wall. She uses wire cutters with her Mage Hand to disable the trap from a distance, then opens the door. It opens into a very short hallway with another door on the other side. There is a corpse on the ground right in front of her and another about halfway to the other door. They look as though they were smashed, and she sees that some of the stones on the right wall are not connected. She realizes the wire she cut would have triggered those rocks to fly out and smash things against the opposite wall. She proceeds forward to inspect the next door, which also has a lock on her side. She stands back and uses her two Mage Hands to pick the lock with her tools and push the door open. No traps are obviously sprung. Ahead looks like a short hallway, with a hole in the ceiling that goes straight up. Above is a large, solid slab of stone with no obvious mechanisms to move it. Kat tries to push it, but it doesn't budge. Gnik tries to levitate it; it moves slightly and slowly, and Kat pushes it back, but hits the wall. She pushes it forward, and it reveals a 4 foot-square opening to the outside. At the top there is a stone that looks crypt-like, although more of a memorial than an actual coffin, with horrible imagery -- this is what the slab hit when she tried to move it backward. Nearby are pillars that look almost exactly like the pillars on the Oak Isle in Saltmarsh, except the lines on these pillars line up rather than being disconnected. The top section of one has been knocked off and is sitting nearby. Gnik decides that perhaps he should Dispel Magic on the door with the glyph before they leave. Al and Milena stay with him; they hear a soft fizzly sound and Milena, with her Clairvoyance still active, sees the rune spark and disappear. Gnik peeks through the slot and casts Psychedelics at the pile of bones. Milena casts Bless on Kai, Kat, Al, and Ember, and then casts Thunderwave into the room. There is a deafening explosion as the door blows in and all the bones fly against the far wall. Kat shoots a crossbow bolt, and Kai charges in with her sword, shattering bits of bone all over the place. Milena casts Sacred Flame, tearing apart more of them. Gnik blasts with his psychic helmet. Al runs in and tries to break some bones. The bones seem to pull apart into two. The half on Kai's side of the room pulls it up on three legs and brings a smashing mass down toward her. The other half coalesces into a wave, tries to smash into Al -- he somersaults away -- and flows into the room with the rest of the group. Ember hacks at the bit nearest her. Milena casts Spiritual Weapon and Sacred Flame to try to keep it at bay. Gnik considers casting Phantasmal Force at it, but realizes it won't work on undead. He blasts with his helm from a safe distance. Al runs into the hall and hits the pile of bones with Crusher as it tries to coalesce into another shape. It shatters into a bunch of bone splinters and stops moving. The bones in the small room attack Kai again. Al and Milena notice a small collection of long bones pushed into the far corner of the room and not moving. Ember switches to her bow and takes potshots into the room. Gnik switches to his sling, but fails to hit. Kat shoots it again and it falls apart and stops moving. Milena goes to inspect the bones in the corner. She lifts one and they all come up, even though they are not obviously attached. It appears to be a ladder made of bones. It feels to be magical. Gnik casts Identify and discovers that it can be rearranged into any shape that could be made by this set of bones, but it requires a couple of drops of blood. When shaped, it is as rigid as steel, and has a maximum length of 20 feet. They use the bone pole to climb up to the surface (pulling Gnik up when they pull the pole out of the hole) to examine the area before camping below for the night. At the top, Kat catches a glimpse of something peering around one of the columns with a blue glow around it, as if it might be invisible. It's hard to make out, but appears to be about 8 feet tall. She tells the group, then sneaks over and peeks around the other side of the pillar. She sees a gap in the rock face and peeks in to see a statue that looks like a horned fiend holding actual fire in its hands. The statue sets aside the bowl of flame and starts moving. Milena suggests going back down the hole. Even if it moves the stone to try to trap them in, they can just come up the other way. It comes around the corner, and Al tries talking to it. It asks, "Why are you here?" The voice comes from the statue, though it does not seem to be speaking. Al asks if it is the protector of the area. "That is one title, yes." Al asks what other titles it holds and it says "Slayer of Mortal-kind". Kat remembers reading of an undead entity that can animate a statue, an Eidolon, but must be killed separately after the statue is destroyed. The group decides to go down the hole in hopes of resting up before dealing with the statue. Ember decides to test her new Gellen lung to try to blow the statue back; it slides back 15 feet. It gets to the hole after everyone is down, and a horrific-looking entity pulls out of the rock with a roar. Al and Gnik are so shaken by how horrific it is that all they can do is run away from it. 3 March 2021 Milena and Kat also run down the stairs, but stop partway down to make sure the entity does not try to pursue them. Al, with Kai, reaches the big room at the bottom of the stairs, and Gnik and Ember reach the smaller room halfway down before they shake off the fear. Gnik decides to set up camp in the big room and work on re-summoning Az. Kat and Milena just hear the sound of wind above, and can feel the chill from the air. The dim sunset light from above seems to be being blocked by something -- probably the statue. The group decides that even if the entity can move through the walls, they would be better situated to be all together. They set up camp in the big room with a Tiny Hut for protection. To give the spellcasters plenty of time to rest, they decide Gnik will take the first watch with Kai, Milena and Kat will take the third shift, and Al and Ember will get the middle shift. While they are getting set up, but before the Tiny Hut is in place, a voice roars out of the winged statue: "You have defiled the rest of the holy one! You have defiled the holy one! YOU MUST DIE!" It stands up as much as it can with the low ceiling and swings its stone tail across the room at them. Al jumps forward and tries to stun it; he hits, but is unable to stun it. He turns to run, as he is out of energy for the day, and the thing slashes at him; the claws are not sharp, but they emanate a dark energy. It hits, but he's able to roll with it. He feels it hit, but it doesn't hurt; however, everyone else sees that the skin on his back has broken open and he is bleeding a lot. Kai throws a couple of javelins at it; they do some damage, with bits of stone chipping off. "Everybody out!" she yells. Kat takes a couple of potshots and runs out, with Milena behind her, toward the set of stairs they first came down. Gnik casts Psychedelics at it; it swirls with color and looks a bit disoriented. He runs to follow Milena. The statue swings at Ember and misses, then at Kai and hits; she hears something crack but doesn't feel any pain. Ember leaps around it and reduces the statue to rubble, leaving the undead entity floating there. She stabs at it with her dagger and it winces, even though from her perspective the dagger just passed right through it; it clearly felt that. Kai yells "Statue's down!" and Al runs back into the room to attack it. He gets a couple of good punches in. Kat shoots with her crossbow, hits it in the forehead, and the creature tears apart into shreds with a long, reveberating scream. Milena gathers the group together and casts Prayer of Healing on Kat, Kai, and Al. Gnik resummons Az as a snowy owl since they are going someplace cold and then sets up a Tiny Hut. When Az pops back into existence he hears her in his head saying, "Aargh! What was that?!" "Tide of bones," Gnik says. "It's gone now." 29 Agram 3275 In the morning, the group goes up the stairs they came down initially. At the trapdoor opening, they see that the huge statue is leaning over it, but there is enough space that someone could squeeze through if they wanted to. Al takes a closer look at the top of the stone pillar that has been knocked off. He notices that there appears to be a fine etching of symbols inside the obvious knotwork symbols that decorate it. The broken surface is covered with sigils that are not easy to see. It's not clear how old they are, but they are significantly less worn looking than the sarcophagus at the top of the stairs. He calls Gnik over to take a look. He gets the impression it is ancient, and the sigils are related to communications, perhaps telepathy, and he gets a feeling of magic from them. He makes a sketch to compare to the ones back home on the Isle. Al tries to lift it and finds it significantly lighter than he would have expected, though still too heavy for him to lift himself. He asks Kat to help him replace the broken stone on top of his pillar. As soon as it is close to being aligned, it snaps into place. There is a crackling as a sheet of crystal starts growing up between the pillars. It is opaque at first, but then it clears a bit and glowing eyes appear. A voice asks, "Who?" and everyone hears it in their native language. Al responds in Tillian: "I'm Al! Are you a dragon?" "No," it says. Al says to the rest of the group, "Hey, it speaks Tillian!" "No, Bargallian," says Milena. "No, Ponallian," says Kai. Al switches to trade and asks who they are. The being calls itself Moriesha, and says it is above them, trapped; that it came to cleanse the darkness on the spire and is being held captive. Al gets the sense the being is confused, almost as though it thinks it is dreaming in talking to them. Milena asks what darkness it was trying to cleanse, and it replies that it was sensed from far away. Al asks what it is, and it says a word they don't understand but that gives them a similar feeling to some of the things the celestial being they summoned with the scroll said. Gnik asks how it was trapped, and it says, "A bell was rung." Gnik asks if there is anything else it would like to tell them, and it says, "Be cautious." Gnik gets the sense that the device can be turned off by touching a panel and thinking about turning it off, so he does so. Al decides to test if he can communicate with someone else by thinking of them, so he tries thinking of his mom and turning it on again. The glowing eyes reappear. "Again?" "Sorry," Al says, "we were trying to communicate with someone else's dream." He turns it off again. As they move higher it gets noticeably colder. They enter the clouds and get to a point where the stairs turn and go straight into the spire. They can hear a wailing sound from inside that could be wind, or could be something else. They enter, and Gnik reminds them of the instructions from the plates: The Trident of the Trinity left you weapons against pain and madness. Above the clouds, enter the wailing path. Continue to the second. Cross the great wound. Follow the roar. Climb to the cascade's source. Align the sun to find where to dig. To access the gifts, remember Maria's truth. With Maria's wrath, the wand will grant dawn's light. He activates the wand of Maria with "By Maria's Truth", which reveals secret writing, including a sigil above the door of a crossed mace and sword. The tunnel opens up into a cavern; there is a trickle of water flowing out down the path they came through. There is an opening in the far wall that they continue toward. Gnik sends Az to fly around the cavern to see if she sees anything of note, but she doesn't in this cavern. The opening leads to a much bigger cavern with a large fissure, seven feet wide at the widest, and an opening nearer to them. They assume it is the "great wound" they are supposed to cross, and do so at the narrow gap near the side. The drop in the fissure is about 30 feet deep, so Gnik sends Az to fly down; she sees a lot of bones down below. Above, there is a ledge, and an opening past the ledge. Milena and Kai notice a consistent but faint roaring sound coming from the opening above; Kai uses her boots to fly up, and she can hear it much more clearly there. The rest of the group climbs up and continues up a wide, natural-looking, curving passage. The roaring sound gets louder as they continue, until the passage opens into a cavern with a ceiling covered in stalactites, and a cascade from a ledge above, about 20 feet up. Al starts climbing the wall; it takes him several tries. Meanwhile, Gnik sends Kat up with the immovable rod with a rope tied to it for Kai to climb. She makes it to the top and activates the bone rod for the rest of them to climb, except for Gnik, who ties the rope around himself and gets pulled up. Kat notices that most of the stalactites are live -- still growing -- and several appear to have been carved into them. She flies up to look more closely, but can't quite tell what's going on. Gnik walks around to see if he can find a vantage point from which the cuts will align; he sees that he will have to jump the stream, so he sends Az to fly over there to make sure nothing will pounce on him. Two rock creatures, about 13 feet tall, flow out of the stone but just stand there with their backs against the wall. They have sigils on them and glowing rock around their face and chest areas. Gnik proceeds across and realizes it would line up for anyone between three and seven feet tall -- which is still a little tall for him. However, it seems to align into a starburst. The ground under the spot to see the alignment feels like pulverized rather than solid stone. Milena leans down and begins digging; it only takes a couple of inches to hit something solid, including a gem with writing around it that lights up when the light from the wand hits it: "Open with dawn's light or all will be lost." Gnik warns them to back up, as the wand will cast a 30-foot radius beam of radiant energy. He tells the rest of the group to back up, and uses the words to activate Maria's wrath from the wand. The gemstone absorbs the energy from the light and dissolves the stone lid of the compartment in the floor. It contains a bag filled with a number of items -- a wand, a gem, arrows, knives, horn, a couple of scrolls, a small bag of coins and gems. 3 April 2021 As the group discusses what to do with the items, and whether to continue up the spire, Kat nods toward the ledge and indicates there is a lady floating there. The rest of the group can't see her. Kat says, "Hello, I'm Kat, is there something I can help you with?" The woman crystalizes into visibility and says, "Hi, I'm Tracy, who are you?" Al and Milena also introduce themselves, but Gnik and Kai do not. She says, "Sorry, it was hard to hear you from the ethereal. What are you doing here?" Kat knows that most hags are fae and present as female, but some have converted into devils and can pass into the ethereal. She whispers into the farspeaker at Al, "Areful-Cay of the Ag-Hay." The magic mouth that Gnik set up on Milena's abyssal dagger starts screaming "Fiend! Fiend! Fiend!" Gnik makes it stop. She drifts over, and Al maintains a position between her and the cache of items. Kat asks her intentions, and Tracy says she's just curious what they're doing. Kat says they are explorers, and asks if they should not continue further up the spire. Tracy says they can continue up, looks at Kat, and says, "I see you've dealt with my kind before." Kat says that's why they're a little twitchy. Tracy says they are willing to help if the group needs it. "But for a price?" Kat asks. "Well, everything has a price," Tracy says. Al says, "I think we may have a common interest -- getting rid of a being called Auntie Treeshadow." Tracy says they don't have any specific ways to defeat her, they mostly focus on defending themselves from her. Tracy asks if they have met anyone else interesting on the island, so Al tells stories of the undead, the bone wave, and the Eidolon that all, per Al, they defeated easily with no trouble at all. She says it is good that those things will not trouble future travelers. Al says he looks forward to exploring further up the spire, and she says she looks forward to talking to them later, and dissipates to nothing. Gnik consults his wondrous book for information on hags and learns that those who have become fiends are generally out to collect souls, and can invade nightmares. There are some tales saying that sprinkling silver dust over them will interfere with some of their magic. The group explores another passage in the cavern that branches; there are griffin tracks, and one branch leads outside, where it is cold and snowing. They guess the other branch might lead to a griffin den. Al tries to listen, but can't hear anything over the roar of the wind. Gnik sends Az to look, but tells her to come back immediately if she sees griffins so they don't eat her. She sees a high ledge with two griffins that start squawking at her as soon as they see her; she gets a glimpse of two large eggs in the nest behind them before she flees. The group agrees that they should leave the griffins alone. From the exit tunnel, they can see the rest of the spire above them, which splits in two: there are stairs up the shorter spire, and a hanging bridge from its peak to a tunnel in the upper part of the other spire. They estimate that if they go straight up, they would be getting to the tunnel at about sunset. They decide to go back into the cavern near where they found the cache to camp for the night. 30 Agram 3275 In the night, Kat has horrible nightmares that she has trouble waking up from. When she awakes she feels that she hasn't slept at all, and appears ill. Milena uses her necklace to cast Greater Restoration on her, and she immediately feels better. The group realizes that one of the Hags must have come to touch her in the night, which could have been prevented with the circle of protection. Kai and Milena realize they saw a couple of people in the village who looked as Kat did, as if the Hags are regularly tormenting some of the townspeople. They decide to go up and try to deal with the hags. When the group reaches the rope bridge, they can see thunder and lightning off in the distance over the ocean, but it isn't clear it will come this way. Az lets Gnik know she can see a couple of wyverns on the spires above. Milena and Kai can make out a humanoid figure standing in the tunnel on the other side of the bridge. Gnik begins generating a floating disc. Kai takes a potion of flying and she and Kat in her flying boots fly toward the tunnel to see who is there. The others tie themselves together, planning to ride over on the disc. A large man steps out, greets them, and asks what they are doing. Kat says they are going up to see Tracy and Tammy, who are expecting them. The man says he knows, and they asked him to stop them. Milena and Az notice the wyverns diving, as the man says, "...They asked me to stop you in style," and his flesh burns away to reveal a red-skinned winged form. Al starts running, with Milena and Ember coming behind him, as they are all tied together. The fiend picks up a bow and fires three arrows with some kind of dark energy flowing behind. One of them hits Kai in the side; she has taken her potion of necrotic resistance, so it hurts, but not as badly as it might have. Zassin flies down to Milena's hand, puts his lucky coin into her hand, and takes off flying ahead of her. Kai goes into rage mode and swings at the fiend with her sword, hitting twice. Milena casts Spiritual Weapon to prepare it for when the wyverns come into range. Az flies up to distract the wyverns, and Gnik casts Levitate on Ember to make it easier for her to be pulled along. Kat shoots at the fiend with her crossbow, hitting his foot. She then drops down below the bridge, out of his line of sight. Zassin tries to distract the fiend to give Kai advantage on her shot. She swings again and hits as he swings his sword at her and misses, though he is fast and strong. Milena and Al run forward and stop, letting the levitated Ember's momentum carry her forward to attack with her sword and dagger. The wyverns keep diving; they don't seem distracted at all by Az and continue to dive at the rest of the group. Milena attacks one with her Spiritual Weapon and Gnik casts Levitate on the other one. Kat pops up from under the bridge, shoots with her crossbow again, and hides below the bridge again. Al runs forward and hits the fiend twice, but is not able to stun him. He tries a third time, and the stun works. Zassin jumps on his back and attacks, biting his neck; the creature roars and collapses in a pile of black goo. Zassin makes a face and spits, then flies back to Milena, who offers him his coin back as well as a snack to get the taste out of his mouth. Kai flies up and attacks the non-levitated wyvern. Milena hits it again critically with her Spiritual Weapon and hits it with Sacred Flame. Ember pokes at the black goo to make sure the fiend is not coming back, while Az flies to the wyvern to distract it and give others advantage. Gnik blasts it with his psychic helm. The wyvern bites at Kai and hits her with the poison stinger on its tail. Kat takes a shot at it from under the bridge and hits. Al doesn't have any good ranged weapons, so he prepares to dodge if needed. Kat thinks she sees something moving beneath her; she looks down and sees what looks like Tracy standing sideways on the cliff face getting ready to cast a spell. For a second there is a faint glow on Kat, and then she hears Tracy say, "I'm sorry dear, we can't have you seeing these things," and disappears. Zassin curls up around Milena's neck while Kai takes another swing at the wyvern, opening up a big gash in its neck. It screams, and she hits again. Milena misses with her Spiritual Weapon, but her Sacred Flame hits it in the forehead and falls spinning through the clouds. Gnik sees that the other wyvern seems to be trying to fly up rather than attack, so he releases the Levitate and it flies up and disappears into the keep. Gnik makes it to the other side of the bridge and regroups with the others. Kat tells them that Tracy seems to have cast a spell to take away her ability to see invisible things. Both she and Gnik are aware that magical effects from wild magic -- as her invisibility detection was -- can be dispelled. She notices that when she glanced up at the top two spires before, she could see some kind of energy line between them, and now she cannot. The group wonders if that is where the celestial being is trapped. Gnik ties himself to the end of the rope after noting that the approaching storm could make any stairs very slippery, and they proceed into the tunnel. Kai takes a potion of healing to keep Milena from having to cast any spells. 17 April 2021 The storm blows through and the group takes an hour to rest so Al can recover his monk abilities. As they proceed into the tunnel, they hear the clack of something hitting the stone, and sees a small winged being, smaller than Gnik, perhaps an imp, throwing bones. "Took you long enough!" he says as they approach. Gnik asks what he is doing with the bones, and he says he is scrying. He says his ladies are waiting for them, and leads the way through an opening to the right; the way ahead goes into a spiral path up the leftmost spire, and the opening takes them back into the open air, toward the two spires between which Kat saw an invisible being, probably the imprisoned angelic being. The group follows the imp and sees two women, the hags Traci and Tami. Milena catches a glimpse of three blackened skulls looking over a railing high above; it is unclear whether they are just skulls sitting on the railing, or the heads of three skeletons crouched behind. Traci congratulates them on proving that they might actually be worthy to take on Treeshadow. She asks if they are still interested, and Milena says it is still on their minds. Kai says, "Taking out Treeshadow, yes; allying with you, no." Al asks if they have a creature trapped between their spires, and they say it is a horrible creature from another realm that doesn't belong here, and that they are drawing energy from it. Al senses that they are telling the truth, from their perspective. Gnik suggests they go somewhere warmer to talk about their common interest of stopping Treeshadow, but Kai says she is more interested in taking care of these hags who are hurting the people below, and who hurt Kat twice. The hags claim they are not hurting people... right now... and anyway, where is Kat? At that moment, Kat -- who has carefully snuck around behind the hags, jumps out at Traci, striking with both weapons. There is a green glow faintly on Traci as she staggers back shouting "What have you done?" and transforms into a hideous hag. A blast of black fire flashes out of her toward Kat. Az relates to Gnik that she sees monsters on the balcony: three blackened skeletons with bows and swords, and two massive flame-headed demons. One of the skeletons leaps down, pulls out its sword, and charges. The other two fire from above, hitting Milena and Kai; it burns abnormally and blackness oozes from the wound. Kai goes into a rage and runs at Traci, hitting with her sword. Al also attacks her and hits twice, but is unable to stun her. Kat attacks with her sword again, sticking it through her right elbow. Gnik borrows Milena's wand of Detect Magic, ducks behind a rock, calls Az to him, pulls out his bag of holding, and jumps inside. Ember rushes in, going full-bore and stabbing Traci twice with her rapier and once with her dagger. The two flaming fiends leap to the ground; their tails end in serpent-heads. Milena calls forth Nash, who is eager to emerge; she grabs Traci, throws her in the air, shakes her around, and throws her to the ground, where she dissolves in a puddle of goo. Milena also casts Bless on the party, except Gnik. Tami transforms instantly into her hag form, over seven feet tall. She throws down a small pouch and a sphere emerges from it; all within the sphere feel an overwhelming sense of nausea; Ember immediately vomits her guts out, and Kai, Kat, and Al are also affected, but shake off the worst of the effects. Az grabs the bag of holding and flies up toward the top of the spire, where Gnik will try to detect and dispel the magic trapping the celestial being. Al attacks Tami, but is unable to stun her; Kai and Kat also try to attack Tami, hitting her a couple of times; Kat stabs her through her right thigh and she staggers back and falls to the ground. As he flies up with Az, Gnik senses an immense magical effect coming from the tip of the sphere he is closest to. Seeing that both hags are down, the two fiends immediately flee. The door into the spire, which was open a crack, opens and the vampire Kevak emerges, says, "See ya!" and jumps off the spire. Gnik directs Az to dive after him and sees him hit a rock outcropping and jackknife himself around it, clearly having made the choice to protect his head. Gnik casts Levitate on him and Kat tows him back up with Mage Hand, holding him just above where he can touch the ground, and Kai decapitates him as he observes, "Big sword!" "Greatsword," the voice in her head corrects. He explodes into dust. 1 May 2021 Gnik flies back up to the nearest spire to cast Dispel Magic while the rest of the group destroys the skeleton that had jumped down. The group sees a flash of light at the tops of both spires, and they suddenly see a celestial being sitting in midair, cross-legged, that starts to fall; it converts to a somewhat more human-looking form, winged, with a jewel in a chasm in its chest. It lands, and the wind around it blows the unnatural cold away. It says it had come to kill something wrong. "One of these?" Milena asks. He leans over the remains of Tracy, sniffs, and says, "It is gone." Al points out there is another one out there that could use killing, and it says, "Not my concern," folds in on itself, and vanishes. Kat uses Mage Hand to pick up Tami's belt pouch from the goo of her remains. It is heavy, almost at the limit of the Mage Hand, but contains only two small keys. Gnik sees that the bag is magical, but the keys are not. It is a bag of holding, which is always the same weight no matter what it holds. Gnik detects more layers to the magic than the bags they already have. Kai notices that Tracy's remains are still glowing faintly green, which started when Kat attacked her. She asks Kat what it was; Kat says maybe she doesn't want to know, and says they should talk about it later. Kai asks if it will hurt anything and will it go away. Kat says it won't hurt and will go away, even though she's not actually sure. The group decides to go into the door Kevak came out of, into the taller of the two towers, so Gnik can use the rest of the time on the Detect Magic, while Kai and Milena wait outside to take care of the two skeletons in the shorter tower if they come out the door. The first level of the tower is a nice entryway, with a leather cloak that glows with magic hanging on the coatrack. There are couches, and windows that appear to be open, although no wind blows through them due to a magic field on them, and the room is a bit warmer than they would expect. They climb the ladder to the second level, with a big table in the middle of the floor and a set of manacles attached to each leg. There are bits of flesh and spatters of blood all over the room; some of it looks old, but most of it seems recent. There is a wardrobe in the corner that glows with magic; opening it with Mage Hand, it has cheese and crackers, sausages, cold cuts, and other foods, tableware, and dishes. The cabinet likely has a preservative effect on the food. The next level is some kind of laboratory or storage area, full of bookshelves, precariously stacked, and countertops with equipment for making potions, jars of oddities, including three mummified heads under a glass dome with their mouths moving as though they are talking. Gnik sees a title about the flora and fauna of the Hoole Marshes, and puts it in his bag. The top room, very tall, is storage. There is a cable that runs from a hole in the ceiling down to about 9 feet above the floor. Gnik does not detect anything magical. Al tries to jump up and grab the cable; when he does, there is a loud "CLANG". He tries to lean out the window to let his companions know that it's okay, it was just him -- but he can't push past the force field. He opens the door to a balcony and yells down, "Sorry about the bell!" He sees that the clouds that have already shrouded this spire have blown away and the view is fantastic. Gnik convinces Kat to fly him up to the area at the top of the tower; as they near the hole that the cable comes out of, Gnik senses extremely powerful magic. "Did Moriesha say something about being trapped by a bell?" he asks the group through the far-speakers. "Yup," Kai says. "Let's go back down," he says to Kat. They fly back down and Gnik sends Az up so he can see what she sees there. Se sees a bell, 5 feet tall; the top of the tower is otherwise empty. He casts Identify on the bell through Az, and immediately senses that there is another bell, and the two work together to trap or release an entity, or to attract or repel those who hear the bell, or cast a geas, depending on how they are cast. They discuss whether to destroy the bells, which can't be moved, and decide to finish exploring first. They head to the smaller spire and Gnik casts a second Detect Magic from Milena's wand. The ceiling of the lowest level glows with a strange shade of purple that they can only see in their periphery, and the floor is an earthy, loamy dirt. There are plants and fungi growing all over the room, and there is a winding path through the plants to the stairs. There are a number of plants that are useful medicinally, and a couple that are hallucinogenic, and others that could be made into tea. Milena and Gnik notice an infestation of bloodsquash vines against the far wall, purple cabbage-like vegetables that will create communicable disease, and fungi that will spew spores that grow in any host that inhales it until it kills them. Milena also notices two bloodthorns, which are carnivorous and can lash out at anything they can reach. She notes to the group that the only way to avoid it is to avoid the path and pick their way through the plants along the wall. They discuss whether to suggest Agnes come take over this place and deal with the bad plants, or whether they should take the time to kill the bad things. They decide to go kill the skeletons first and discuss it more later. As Al comes up the stairs into the next room, an arrow comes flying at him, which he catches out of midair as a second arrow goes flying past him. Kai sees him catch it and runs to where it must have come from, Kat fast on her heels. Kai goes into rage and hits with her sword, while Kat fires force bolts with her crossbow. The two skeletons drop their bows, pull out their swords, and swing at Kai, hitting a couple of times, although she manages to avoid the necromantic effects. Al throws a rope at the undamaged skeleton, attempting to bind it. Ember rushes up next to Kai and hits the damaged skeleton three times. Gnik clambers up the stairs just far enough to look into the room and hits both skeletons with Mind Whip. Kat hits the more-damaged skeleton with a force bolt, shattering its foot, and as it falls over it falls into Kai's swinging sword, which cuts it in half. Al keeps the other skeleton grappled with the rope, and Gnik levitates it; it cannot reach its bow, so the group is able to take it out with missile attacks. There is nothing else in the room. Kat is concerned about the necromantic magic on the skeletons' blades and arrows. They decide that when Gnik identifies things, Milena can try consecrating them. They move up the stairs to the next level, which is another laboratory, but much less well-kept than the other tower's: jars are open, there is a horrible stench from rotting items, and everything is disorganized. The group moves through quickly. They realize that the other tower was Tracy's, who worked with devils and was thus Lawful, and this chaotic mess must be Tami's. The next level up contains piles of hides, but nothing else obvious except a trapdoor in the middle of the ceiling 12 or 15 feet up. Kat flies up and finds a sequence of rooms, each with a trap door and no stairs except for a ladder carved into the wall of one of the rooms. She finds nothing else except the bell at the top. They return to the sitting room in the larger tower, and Gnik begins identifying items while Milena makes lunch. Tracy's belt pouch is a Bag of Holding with eight separate pouches inside, each to a different extradimensional space that except for the first one cannot be accessed except by the wearer of the belt. He finds a number of stoppered vials, as well as a pair of spectacles, divided among the spaces. Some of the potions he recognizes as potions of healing, growth, and flying. The glasses will allow the wearer to read any language if touching the surface it is written on, and can be used to detect magic, but only focus on nearby things; anything more than 30 feet away is hazy, and more than 60 feet away cannot be perceived. Gnik identifies the cloak next. Anyone wearing it exudes a strong stench of vinegar and mustard, and can be easily tracked by scent. If the wearer goes into combat while wearing it, it pierces the wearer with poisoned thorns; but anyone who hits takes poison and acid damage, and the cloak can slash at foes within 10 feet. The group decides it should go into the airforge. Kevak's ring protected him from sunlight with a faint shadow-like effect; Gnik decides to hold onto it. The dust is Dust of Dryness, which will turn a cube of water into a marble which can be released by an action to break the marble. Gnik looks through the books in the laboratory. The book on the Hoole marshes was written by three of the founders of Saltmarsh. There is a book on an expedition to the Cyrillian wastes, and another that is an introduction to botany. There is a book on the history of the blood war between devils and demons. The Ashmodae Codex is written in Infernal and is about Asmodius worshippers and their dealings, and seems to be written as a warning text. He uses Mage Hand to lift the glass dome off one of the mummified heads. They don't recognize the language, so Al uses his pearl of speech. It seems to be in the middle of telling a story that may be the length of the novel. The second head speaks the same language, and is reciting poetry: the plight of slaves and the poor, and is beautifully emotional. The third makes Al feel that he walked into a conversation with a mage describing a complicated and boring magical algorithm. Gnik identifies the one speaking poetry and gets the sense that it is a knowledge storage device with no soul bound to it. On one of the high shelves they find a box of letters as well as notes about communication with various people. Gnik finds some letters from the mage Mallan asking about summoning powerful celestial beings and promising to help with Tracy's endeavors in exchange. They also find a lockbox with two padlocks and two other keyholes . The box itself is not magical, but Gnik detects five faintly magical things inside. Kat inspects it carefully for traps and detects something that might jut out through a small space in the front, but it won't activate if the two non-padlock keys are turned at the same time. She removes the padlocks and then uses Mage Hand to try to turn the other two keys. She had them backward, so two spikes come jabbing out -- but she is too far away to be affected. She swaps the keys and opens the box. Inside is a small flat wooden box and a collection of coins and crystals. The box contains five sheets of paper that are magical but do not appear to have anything on them. Gnik identifies them and learns that one can write 50 words or fewer on one, and when a recipient is named, it will fold itself into a tiny bird and fly by the most direct method to find them if they are on the same plane of existence; otherwise it crumbles to ash. The crystals are somewhat rounded and have sigils etched inside; Al recognizes it as a currency used as a very reclusive variety of elf. 15 May 2021 In the evening, after they spend the rest of the day clearing out the towers, Kai asks Kat more about what she did to take out Tracy so quickly, and with that weird glowing effect. Kat makes sure nobody else is listening, and then shares that she made a deal with Zagrimil to give her a sword to defeat hags, in exchange for something she will do for him later. She can do necrotic damage with it and also, once a day, can use it to dimensionally anchor a foe. She thought it would be the only way to defeat the hags without getting killed. Gnik and Ember take first watch; Kat will take third watch with Milena, but she is not sleeping, as she doesn't trust this place. She's sitting quietly in the corner with her back to the wall. They hear a high-pitched call, and then a second overlapping one. Several of them recognize it as the cry of young wyverns, probably coming from the tower they haven't explored yet. 31 Agram 3275 Early the next morning Kat and Milena catch a glimpse of the surviving adult wyvern diving off one of the towers, but the night is otherwise quiet. The group makes their way carefully to the door in the other spire: as the path approaches the door, the way is only about three feet wide and the stones are well-worn. The way leads to a solid stone door with no obvious hinges. Kat inspects it and doesn't see any traps; it looks like it would just push open. Gnik detects magic on it. It is too heavy to open with a Mage Hand, but Kat can use both of hers together to push it open. It opens with a grinding sound into a round room with an earthen fireplace with one burning log with golden letters in the side which Gnik recognizes as elven script: he and Kat recognize it as the elvish word for "blessed by fire". There are stairs to the right spiraling up along the wall, and a comfortable chair in front of the fire with a small stack of books. The books are not magical; the log definitely is. He puts on his new glasses of translation and looks at the book titles, which all appear to be horror-romances with horrific endings. They guess this tower was the domain of the ugly devil who met them at the bridge. After pondering whether to destroy the books, Gnik puts them in his bag. At the next level, Gnik detects a magical effect in the middle of the room: a six-foot spire of rock in the middle of the room that looks like an exact replica of the spire they're on, about 1/500 scale. Going up the trail just before Kevak's cabin they make out tiny people, and higher up they see a lone figure -- probably Danae. Kat pulls out the magnifying glass from her thieves' kit and sees that it is a very lifelike representation of Danae. She looks at the group farther below and sees it is a group of skeletons and humans -- the pirates and their skeleton crew -- who turn toward Kevak's cabin rather than coming further up the spire. Gnik notices that there are more guards at the water, and a cluster of about a dozen people heading in that direction. They decide to use the farspeaker to talk to Laur and find out what's going on in town. He says the town is all up in arms and worried that the world might be ending because a bell rang. Kai says the group rang it by accident and understands why the townsfolk would be concerned but now that they know what it does they won't ring it again. Laur says he will let the townsfolk know. As Kat looks closer at the figure of Danae, she sees that it is in black and white, though everything else they see is in color. They guess it is some kind of wild magic effect. They think she will reach them that evening, if she comes straight up. The only other thing in the room is a pentagram etched into a piece of clay hanging on the wall. It isn't magical. It looks like it might be wearable. Knowing there are wyverns above, and with their previous experience with the talisman that kept a golem from attacking, Kat takes it and wears it. When they reach the top, the tower is open to the sky and it is in ruins, full of rubble, with a nest against one wall. Just outside the nest are two little wyverns, who look at them curiously but go back to playing when they see the pentagram. Milena says the devil was probably training the wyverns, and that's why the adults staged a coordinated attack against them -- they were trained, or the devil was controlling them. They return downstairs and Gnik investigates the log. He discovers he can turn it on and off by saying the word written on it. He turns it off and Al puts it in his new pouch of holding. The group discusses trying to destroy or at least deactivate the bells. Gnik notes that the magic is imbued into both the bells and the tops of the towers, so if they can find a way to remove the bells from the towers or destroy the mechanisms holding them up, the bells will become normal bells. However, if it falls, it might take the whole tower down with it. Kai decides to ask Cliene about who first built or lived in these spires. She says that from what she knew, the first time anyone found or lived on this island, the bells were already here -- and that was thousands of years ago. Gnik is aware that there are rumors that the spire was originally the trident of a god. They decide to leave the bells and return down the spire. They see on the model spire that Danae has somehow almost reached the top. Kat decides to fly down and meet Danae since she's so close. Danae says she heard the bell and was worried so she came up. Kat asks why she's all black and white; Danae says she was trying to get up faster and it didn't quite work, until her last try. She also is wearing a pentagram amulet; she say Agnes told her to grab it from Kevak's hut, where he has a whole barrelful, to protect her from the wyverns. Kat shows her around -- she thinks it is mostly pretty cool -- and then they head back down. 29 May 2021 The wind is picking up as they come down, so they take shelter in the cave of winds to wait it out; one of the griffins peeks around at them but does not bother them. The winds pick up to almost 30 mph and there is lightning but very little rain. They proceed down from the caves using the inside tunnels. They reach the level of the standing stones as the pirates come up. Their leader is wearing a capelet of bright feathers. He asks if they rang the bell. Kai says yes, sort of. He asks if anything is left there or did they clear everything out. Kai says there's nothing left, and he asks if they would mind if someone double-checks that. She says she minds if he does; they want to talk to the townsfolk about it first. He says, "That's unfortunate," and flames come out from the cape and envelop his whole body as he rises into the air. Al drops down from the stairs they were descending and runs forward to throw a thunderstone into the midst of the pirates. It bounces off the forehead of one of them and explodes, knocking several of them back. Kai goes into a rage and charges through the skeletons to try to reach the chief in the feathered cape. She hits him and feels a burn coming from his cape. He kicks away, floats back, and fires at her with his crossbow. When the bolt hits, it explodes in a black cloud and is extremely painful. The skeletons come charging up the stairs and one of them grabs Ember and tries to drop her over the edge; she manages to fight her way through. Another grabs at Kat, but she ducks away. The captain is casting a spell, but Gnik tries to cast a counterspell to disrupt it. He can tell the attempt fizzled, and that it was an attempt at Circle of Death, which would have raised necromantic energies that could have killed most of the party. Milena casts Thunderwave, carefully aiming it at the skeletons coming up the stairs and avoiding the rest of the party. Six of them shatter, their bones scattering back and tumbling below. Kat runs up next to Al and throws the Star of Jaeleth into the cluster of pirates; it hits another one in the forehead and explodes with energy. Danae yells from behind the group, "LEAVE MY FRIENDS ALONE!" and throws her hands forward; tendrils of purple energy rise up from the ground, grab the flying, flaming chief, and pull him to the ground. Milena recognizes his cape as a Bargallian artifact, made from the feathers of the now-extinct firebird that was hunted to extinction, that grants flight and fire and protection from the flames. These capes used to be gifted to the village protectors. Gnik tries to temporarily suppress its magic with a Dispel Magic and the flames flicker and go out. He sends Az to fly around and distract skeletons, and he runs forward to get off the stairs and get cover from the pirate spellcaster. Three pirates charge at Al, the nearest foe they can see. They swing at him with their cutlasses, but only one successfully hits, slicing across his chest. Ember runs to the mountain side of the remaining skeletons and lets loose with a blast of wind from her Gellen lung, knocking four more off the mountain. Al attacks one of the pirates, crushing his knee and causing him to fall to the ground; he hits another in the shoulder and stuns him. He hits the third and stuns him as well. The chief says, "Captain?" and the captain says, "Well, I hoped facing the hags would have at least weakened you. Parley?" Kat says into the farspeakers, "They didn't respond well when we tried to parley before, so fuck that noise." Kai, though, says, "Gnik, I think it's time to bring out the manacles," and asks the chief to remove the cape. He says it won't work again anyway, and she says he won't get a chance. He asks if she's going to take it, and she says, "I'm just going to keep you from using it now." He accepts that, takes it off, and drops it behind him. She retrieves it. The captain says, "I'm not interested in any parley that involves manacles." He steps toward the edge, opens a portal through reality, steps into it, and disappears. "Well, shit," says the chief. The skeletons stop moving; it is clear that the captain was the necromancer. Milena casts Thunderwave to knock the rest of them off the stairs. Gnik lets Kat know that Dimension Door has a relatively short range, and the mage probably didn't move up the spire. She flies out and goes to look for him a little farther down the spire. She spies him on the stairs about 400 feet down. She flies down toward him, but she sees another dimensional door and he disappears again, possibly into the cave where they've been staying; she cannot see him. She decides to sit and watch to see if he comes out of the cave while she waits for the rest of the group to catch up. Al ties up the stunned and injured pirates. The chief asks if they'd be willing to let him go in exchange for information. Milena is at least interested in hearing his story. He introduces himself as Clinton Clancy, or at least that's what they told him at the orphanage. He's said to be Bargallian but grew up in a Jhoynian orphanage. He got the fire cape from the captain. Kai asks if the captain works with the Hammer, but Clinton says the captain thinks Mitchell is an ass. They asks Danae whether the town leaders would be willing to take these pirates into custody. Danae says Captain Pickett was too powerful to deal with, but the rest could be put into jail. After some questioning, it becomes clear that they are not good candidates for rehabilitation and should be locked up. They rig the bone ladder into a stretcher so that two of the pirates can take the one with the broken leg down the mountain. They use the farspeaker to tell Laur about the pirates, and that Captain Pickett is a powerful necromancer who might try to come to town or escape. Milena tells him to tell Agnes. "Who's Agnes?" he asks. They direct him to the herbalist's shop. Kat hears something moving down at the opening of the cave, but does not see anything. She keeps waiting, but with her rapier out. She asks over the farspeaker if Gnik could cast Invisibility on her so she could just sneak in and take care of the guy. He says he doesn't have it prepared, but he will come down to watch with her, and asks Az to fly him down in a bag of holding. He gets close and says, "Um... where are you?" and then sees a hand waving from a rock. They don't hear anything else coming from the cave. After some discussion, they realize the captain may have cast Invisibility on himself to get away. At about that time, they get a communication from Laur thanking them for telling him about Agnes, because when the asshole came down and tried to steal their ship she was able to defend against him, although he then ran off again. The villagers are spreading the word to steer clear of him. Milena checks in with Nash about whether she could track the captain. She has an excellent sense of smell, and suggests Milena could drop her over the edge. Kat offers to take her down instead. Milena says to Nash, "My daughter is bored she will take you. You know what to do with bad man." Al says, "Does she? I mean, she won't kill him, right?" Milena smiles. Danae decides she wants to join Kat, tries to cast a spell, starts floating, and throws herself over the edge excitedly. A moment later, they hear her scream -- the wild surge is actually a series of five surges, and the second was Dispel Magic, which got rid of the floating effect. Milena calls below on the farspeaker to let Kat know to look for her on the way down. A minute later the whole spire shakes as she casts Earthquake with a 2-mile radius. The last surge happens just as she gets in range for Kat to cast Featherfall; she drifts, motionless. Gnik sends Az to retrieve her and bring her back; she is sound asleep. Az flies Gnik down and Kat carries Danae down slung over her shoulder and drops her off with Agnes. Agnes asks Kat if she is all right, because she doesn't look right. Kat says fighting the hags was... eventful, but anyway, they have to go now. Kat pulls out Nash, who springs to life before she can even put her down. She sniffs around to get the scent, bows to Agnes, who scratches her head, and takes off toward the pirate's ship. Kat and Gnik follow behind, and realize Agnes has followed as well, carrying Danae over her shoulder. Kat hears in her mind, "Climb on my back," and Kat does so, then pulls Gnik up as well. Gnik has the Holding Sphere and is ready to cast Suggestion. They get the impression Nash is not being quiet, trying to draw the foe out. Once they're on the ship, Kat slides off Nash's back with her rapier out. Nash indicates one of the two doors as the way Pickett went. Since Gnik can't see the opponent yet, he casts Mage Armor on himself. The other door opens and six skeletons come rushing out. It is followed by a large translucent hand that pushes Nash off the ship, with Gnik on her back. Gnik rolls off clumsily before she goes over the edge and into the water. Az flies quickly into the doorway the hand came from and says he is just inside. Gnik rolls the sphere into the door and says, "Kindly put your hands into this sphere," and a voice comes back, "Gladly!" followed by a stream of curses. They hear the sound of crunching wood as Nash tries to climb back up the side of the ship. Gnik considers casting Levitate, but she is too heavy -- especially wet. Agnes taps a skeleton on the shoulder and it crumbles to pieces. They attack, and one hits Kat; Agnes appears to have tossed a glittery handful of herbs that create a shield effect. They hear Pickett try to cast a spell, but he can't even get the words to come out since the sphere prevents any attempt to move. He curses more. Kat hits one of the skeletons and it falls apart, and Agnes taps another one and makes it fall apart. Gnik casts Psychedelics on the skeletons; one makes its save but the other two miss and have disadvantage on their attacks. They hear another crunching-wood sound and then a long scraping sound as she slides down the side again. Kat hears her say in her mind, "I hate boats." Kat lets her know that Pickett has been captured, and takes out another skeleton, and then she and Agnes take out the last two. Gnik, Kat, and Agnes take Pickett, still in the manacles, to find a place to hold him overnight. They meet the governor, and discuss what to do with Pickett. Gnik mentions that they are traveling next to Freeport, where they have learned from one of his crew that Pickett is wanted and will be executed, and if the crew is willing they may take him with them. Gnik lets Agnes know that the stronghold at the top of the spire is now vacant, if she is looking for another place. Agnes asks Kat to ask her mother to come visit her when she gets to the bottom of the spire; she doesn't think Danae is waking up from her sleep anytime soon. The rest of the group reaches Kevak's hut and they stop to rest for the night; Milena casts healing, including on the badly injured pirate. 1 Sinta 3275 The rest of the group stops in to explore the cave the pirates had been using. They find items that might be useful for the ship, six skeletons -- which they dispatch easily -- and a well-done painting of the town from above, painted by the ship's captain, along with an easel and a nice set of paints. The rest of the group reaches the bottom of the spire. The other pirates tell them that Pickett has a bracelet that lets him breathe underwater that they may want to take from him. They learn a ship that came in yesterday dropped off the Freeport newspaper, so they pick up a copy. Agnes asks Milena if she has the ability to remove curses; Milena does have that spell, so she casts it on Danae and that wakes her from her enchanted sleep. She is covered in scales, but those fall off after a couple of days. Agnes also warns Milena that she is worried about Kat. Milena asks about what specifically, and Agnes mentions a diabolical influence. Milena says she knows the one. Agnes says the sword has never been wielded by a mortal. 26 June 2021 The group explores the pirates' ship and finds more paintings, which Al peruses to see where they might have been. It includes the Freeport docks, along with paintings of the crew (including the skeletons). Al takes a little time to play with his sea friends from his bag in the harbor and the nereid comes to play with them. He plays a little rough, but is well-intentioned. They catch up on news that has come in while they were up the spire. The necromancer Annie they were going to give a lift to Freeport has left a note saying she got bored and caught a ride with another ship, and will see them there. Kat wants to give Danae something to remember her by, and offers her the sea-elf shell she found in the Sahaugin lair. Danae says she doesn't have anything to give her in return, but maybe she could cast a spell on her? "Sure!" says Kat. They go outside, and Kai tells them to stay well away from their ship, just in case. Danae does the spell, and they are completely surrounded by a wall of fire, but they don't feel any heat. Danae apologizes and says maybe she should try again. "Yeah, why don't you try again?" Danae concentrates, and Kat feels a weird rippling sensation all over, and feels that she has a new ability to walk on water once per day. Danae looks disappointed, but Kat tells her what happened and Danae does a little dance. They realize the fire around them is hot on the outside and is starting to singe the stone around them. Kat asks if she can dispel it, and she says, "...I could try?" She points at the fire, and the stone breaks and a geyser of water shoots up to the sky. They see Agnes coming up the stairs. She says, "You went somewhere I had to climb, sweetie. Stand back." She dispels the fire, but leaves the geyser, and then uses magic to shape the stone to make a trough to feed the lake. "This will be good in times of drought," Agnes says. 2 Sinta 3275 The group sails out the next morning, escorted out of the bay by the harbormaster. Al, Gnik, and Kai notice a ship off to port coming around the island that is going way too fast to be coming into port; it looks like they are trying to cut off the Mighty Redemption. It has a notched shark fin on its sail -- Al recognizes it as the Crimson Shark, a pirate ship captained by the Stormdaughter. It is raising a signal flag: Surrender or be boarded. There appears to be a stormcloud rising over it. Laur starts hollering orders. Al and Gnik think the stormcloud is someone preparing a Call Lightning spell. They discuss options for taking out the other ship. Kat asks Gnik to cast invisibility on her so she can fly over and shoot a bolt of Demolition near the ship's waterline, but Gnik hasn't memorized Invisibility for the day. She remembers that she has a skirt that will transform her into a merfolk, and they realize that if she can hit the keel it will be extremely hard to repair. Al, Kai, and Gnik go with her. There are significant waves, so they dive as deep as they can to avoid the churn. They guess it would be safest to be at least 100 feet away to avoid the thunder damage, but Kat wants to be closer to give herself a better shot of hitting her target. As they approach, Kai sees a flash of lightning above her and tries to evade, although she does get a bit of a shock from it. Kat takes her shot; the ship is flying toward her, and she manages to hit the keel just where it bends upward. The ship comes to a screeching halt and the ship immediately begins going down. The others see Kat spinning in its wake, and her crossbow floating away from her. Gnik and Kai get to her just in time to pull her away so she doesn't get hit by the ship, while Al retrieves her crossbow. Gnik swims to the surface and dispels the Lightning spell. Kai swims up to survey the crew members to see if she can see the Stormdaughter, who is said to be a beautiful elf. She sees a woman clinging to the boom, yelling to her people sternly and barking orders in her beautiful elven voice. Kai discusses with Gnik whether they want to try to take her out. Gnik says if she wants to try it, he'll support her, so she takes her potion of flying and goes to tackle her off the ship. As she does so, Gnik casts Phantasmal Force to make her think she is being attacked by seagulls. Kai grabs her, she calls out in surprise, and black flames shoot out and engulf them both. Kai dodges some of the effect and they hit the water; the Stormdaughter takes a deep breath just before they go under. Kai does not want to kill her, but wants to try to knock her out and then bring her to the surface. She punches her in the diaphragm and holds her under the water until she passes out, while dodging the crossbow bolts and spears coming into the water. She catches a glimpse of a tattoo on her wrist, identifying her as a follower of Zratz. Al swims back to the Redemption with Kat, who comes to on the way; Kai and Gnik swim away from the pirate ship and try to subdue the captain in all the ways they can think of to keep them from doing magic. Gnik recognizes the black fire Kai describes as Hellish Retribution, a spell used as a reaction. They gag her and bring her back to the ship. Kat wags a finger at her and says, "Don't fuck with the Mighty Redemption." They discuss what spells she might be able to use purely verbally, and Gnik points out she could possibly use Misty Step or similar teleportation. Kat offers that she could anchor her by poking her with her sword, as long as she does some damage. Kat cuts a little slice in her cheek, and sees a faint green glow. Kai tries to intimidate her into telling why she was following their ship; she says she heard they have a book on controlling Nolan's pets -- that is, all sea creatures -- and she needs it for vengeance for her people. Kai asks if she means the Thiali, and she says, "Maybe you should let me go...." and Kai says, "Yeah, maybe I should do that." Gnik recognizes she's trying to use suggestion and tries to dispel it; Ember tries to tackle Kai, but it doesn't work. The Stormdaughter waves her hands, sees that nothing has happened: "What the...?" Gnik looks at her and says, "You should surrender." She chuckles. Al throws his rope at her as she tries to sprint for the edge, and catches her legs. "Al, what are you doing?" Kai asks. Ember drops behind Kai and yells, "Kat!" trying to give her advantage to take down Kai. Kat jumps up and manages to wrap herself around Kai's torso while Ember anchors her legs. Gnik casts Slumber on both the Stormdaughter, who immediately falls asleep, and Kai, who yells "What the hell?!" as the Suggestion dissipates as she stops concentrating. Kai recognizes the word the Stormdaughter tried to say, and realizes it is the same thing the demon who killed her father said when he escaped into another dimension -- a spell effect that lets her travel between dimensions. They get her tied up and gagged again, and Al -- who is a worshipper of Nolan -- asks if he can see the book. Gnik had already been planning to read it that afternoon, but lets him take a look: "Legends of the Collar of Nolan's Pets". Based on the drawing, it is a conch shell that has been inlaid with precious metals and jewels. Some stories are from the time of darkness thousands of years ago. It is said it was last seen in the Gellen Sea area by someone using the collar to bring up krakens to sink an armada, but his ship was sunk with the conch still aboard. Al gives the book back to Gnik, who begins looking through the book for clues about where the collar may have ended up. The group discusses whether to continue on to the island indicated on the treasure map, or continuing on to Freeport to drop off the prisoners. Since the island is on the way, they decide to stop, but to make sure the prisoners are carefully restrained while they explore -- with Kat stabbing the Stormdaughter once a day to keep her anchored. 10 July 2021 Milena takes Kat aside to share with her the warning Agnes gave, that the sword had never before been wielded by a mortal. Kat brings the sword to Gnik to Identify it, and learns that it will begin draining energy from her if she does not use it to deal necrotic damage at least once per week, it will drain energy from her and it will become more and more difficult to resist its pull. They decide she needs to make sure she uses this effect when they get into combat. They reach the island and sail around, discovering that there is only one really approachable area to the south; the rest of the island is has sheer cliff faces. There is a large, partially hidden cave a little more than halfway up the cliff face on the northern side. The group decides to approach from the south and walk across the island, past ruins in the middle that they saw from the crow's nest, and toward the cave. The group takes a rowboat, except for Al, who pulls a friend out of his bag to go with him -- and pulls out Gina, the giant octopus. He warns her about the eels in the seaweed. They reach the shore and see there is a corpse in one of the rowboats that is at least several months old and has been picked clean by animals and birds, with a rusty cutlass beside it. There are also a lot of other bones sticking out of the sand all over the beach, and places near the water's edge that look churned, as if a large crew of people had tried to come ashore. After some investigation, it appears there are paths where groups tried to cross the dunes but then the sand churned and there are no tracks out of that area. They do find a path that crosses the dunes without hitting churn. They are about to head that way when Kat, curious about what caused the churn, tosses a rock that way. The sand roils, and seven skeletons emerge and run toward them. Al suggests pushing the rowboat back into the water and climbing in to see if they follow, so they try that. 3 Sinta 3275 In the morning, they approach the island to the only approachable area at the south, where there are not sheer cliff faces. They can see a couple of smashed rowboats on the shore, above the waterline. Ember tries slamming one with an arrow and Gnik follows by blasting it with his helm. Kat flies up with her crossbow and nails another one. Al swims out into the water and warns the octopus they might have company, as Milena hits one with Sacred Flame. Kat hits it again, and it collapses. The other six walk onto the beach and start walking into the water. The group decides to try rowing around them back to the beach to try to get advantage. As Ember and Kat row, Gnik and Milena blast another one to dust. Kat lands on the beach, luring two skeletons back toward her as the other three continue into and under the water toward the rowboat. Al and Gina move toward the underwater skeletons. Gina grabs at one with her tentacle and hits, getting a good grip on it. Gnik blasts one moving toward Kat, and Milena blasts one moving under the water. Kat sees the two coming to shore are about to reach her so she flies up again to shoot from above. The group in the boat lands again, and Kai leaps out of the boat and runs at them in rage mode. She slams through one of them, exploding it, and the momentum carries her into the other one; she gets its skull stuck on her sword, who complains at her about it. Al attacks the skeleton Gina has grappled, shattering it as she finishes crushing it. "Wanna go get another one?" he asks her, and she swims off to the other one. Ember jumps out of the boat and charges into the water at the one remaining ungrappled one. Gnik and Milena blast it, but it continues toward the beach. Kat nails it with a bolt and it shatters. The skeleton Gina is grappling breaks free and attacks her; it hits but does not do much damage. Al attacks it and punches through it; it falls apart. Milena and Kai notice that the bones that have fallen apart seem to sprout little crab legs and skitter back toward their original location in the churn. They debate whether it's safe to leave the boat here if they stick to the safe path, but decide it will be ok. They head up the safe path and onto the island. They see and hear no animals, but they see evidence: feces of a carnivore that is larger than a wolf, claw prints of something digging for a burrowing animal, a splatter of gore. They reach the ruins: it appears to have been a defensible position built up with walls of stone, probably brought in from elsewhere, that are now smashed and surrounded by corpses that look several months old. As they look around, they see a set of stairs going down; and at that moment, Milena's dagger starts shouting, "Fiend! Fiend! Fiend!" They don't see anything nearby, and conclude it might be underground. Kat has her Mage Hand carry a continual light torch down the stairs; it stops at a door that has been pretty seriously singed and looks like its hinges are damaged, so Kai rips it off. It opens into a large room; it has not been burned, but there is evidence that the level above must have been completely ablaze. It reeks of rotted food -- it appears to have been a dining hall, and there are scraps of food scattered around. Gnik notices that the area above has already been investigated. There are several doors around the perimeter of the room. Kat picks one and begins investigating it for traps, as Gnik checks it for magic. There doesn't seem to be anything unusual about the door, so she opens it. There is a faint stench of rot permeating the room and heavy black curtains hung around three sides. There is a small table with a brazier on it, and on the fourth wall there is a hideous mural. It appears to have gotten very hot, hot enough to melt a silver statue in the brazier. Al finds another door behind one of the curtains -- it is a section of stone with strange abstract etchings and indentations in it. They notice that the indentations match the size and shape of the gemstones they found in the box with the map. Kat checks the door for traps and Gnik checks it for magics -- and it is definitely magical. Gnik uses Mage Hand to place the gems into the indentations; a set of etchings begins glowing orange and the door slides outward and swivels. Milena has heard rumors of this: the Saffron Sigil, which is expensive to see because it could cost you your life; it is associated to Sgult, the god of insanity and death. As they move through the door, Kat uses her serpent necklace to cast an Aura of Purity around them. As she and Kai step forward, they hear a sound behind them, between them and the door they just walked through, and something throws them forward. They are both able to catch themselves before being thrown into the larger room at the end of the short hall, which is lined with pustule-covered Sgult zombies, six on each side of the room. They recall that if the pustules explode they can spread disease. Kai tosses a thunderstone into the center of the room, and all but two of the zombies are blinded and deafened for a minute. Al flails around with Obviator trying to find the invisible creature, and feels that he may have grazed it; he says, "I think it's around here, guys!" Something slams Kai and Kat again, and it seems to be two separate attacks; one flings Kat across the room, but she is able to roll with it against the wall and down to the ground to avoid taking the full damage. Kai is sure she heard a giggle. Ember appears to be attacking the air, but her sword seems to stick into something; there is a horrible shriek, and Al feels something blow past him. He takes a punch, and feels whatever-it-is disintegrate around his fist with a fading scream. 24 July 2021 Five of the zombies swarm Kat while the others throng toward the hall and the rest of the group. Gnik casts Psychedelics at the ones around Kat, affecting all but one; she slices its hand off and runs toward the rest of the group. When she gets in range, Milena casts Bless on all of the group but Gnik. She tries throwing a fistful of dust to see if it reveals another invisible creature, but she just gets dust all over Kai's backside. Kai goes into rage mode and attacks the zombie in front of her, which is no longer blinded, taking off its arm and slashing across its abdomen. Gnik sends Az to distract the nearest zombie to help give Ember and Al advantage on attacks. Al yells, "Back!" and uses Kai's back to vault over the cluster of zombies. He punches the nearest zombie twice, doing significant damage but not taking it down. Gnik uses his psychic helm to blast one of the zombies. One of the zombies comes flying through the air, as if thrown, at Milena; she ducks and it slams against the wall behind her. Ember slices through the nearest zombie, and it explodes. The one behind it steps up and slices at her throat. The group of zombies that originally went after Kat shambles across the room and one tries to attack Al, but he parries. Kat hits the zombie nearest her; it staggers and explodes. Milena calls forth Nash, suggesting she grab zombies and fling them against the far wall, and then casts Sacred Flame on the zombie that hit the wall behind her. Kai dusts the zombie in front of her and manages to avoid the worst of the effects from the dust. Az distracts another zombie. Al lands several body blows on another zombie. Gnik moves forward, preparing to blow dust to the far wall if another zombie dusts, when another zombie comes flying at Milena, but she ducks. Nash senses where the creature was that threw the zombie, and leaps for it. Milena gets the sense she got a bite in, but only barely. Ember attacks the most recently thrown zombie and stabs it a couple of times. The zombies try to attack, but none manage to hit anyone. Kat takes out another zombie, and Gnik blows a gust of wind, pushing it back so it explodes away from the group. The wind continues, pushing two more zombies back toward the far wall. Milena casts Word of Radiance at the two zombies next to her; one of them explodes into spores, but Milena and Ember shake off most of the damage. Kai explodes another zombie, and all within range save against the worst of the damage. Al hits another zombie and dusts it. Nash senses something moving near her, grabs at it, and slams it to the ground while keeping a bite on it. Gnik tries to hit it with a Psychic Blast; based on Nash's reaction, the blow disintegrated it. Gnik moves the wind to try to push another zombie back. Zassin flies forward, hoping to help with the invisible thing, and stomps indignantly at the spot where it was when he finds it was gone. Nash grabs the nearest zombie, but doesn't succeed in flinging it away. Ember moves back to take out the other zombie next to Milena, then moves forward to help with the other zombies remaining in the room. Kat dusts another zombie. Milena targets a zombie on the other side of the room with Sacred Flame, and it explodes. Kai runs forward at one of the remaining two zombies and hits. Gnik tries using the helm on the same zombie, and it explodes. Nash runs at the remaining zombie and bites it, but is unable to get a good enough grip to throw it. Ember shoots it with an arrow. The zombie attacks Nash and hits. Kat shoots it with a crossbow and Milena hits it with Sacred Flame, and it explodes. Milena takes a few minutes to cast Prayer of Healing to help the group recover from the damage from exploding zombies. The group checks the next door for traps. It is sturdy, but doesn't appear trapped; it isn't even locked. They don't hear anything on the other side. They move forward to an intersection; Kai peeks around one corner to the left, Kat looks ahead in the corridor. When Al reaches the intersection, he notices a tripwire to the right, which Kat disables. It appears it would have dropped a massive block from the ceiling onto whoever tripped it. Gnik puts on his arcanis glasses; he detects an illusion in the hall Kai looked down that makes a floor appear where there is not one, and a magical effect in the hallway ahead. Al notices another trap beyond the tripwire, which appears to be a wooden door in the floor painted to look like stone -- probably a trapdoor that would fall when stepped on. Gnik moves forward to look more closely at the magical effect and determines that there is an undead creature entrapped in the wall that can move its essence around and attack from the walls anywhere in the area, but can be destroyed by destroying the section of wall where it is entombed. The group discusses whether to continue exploring when they have a prisoner they need to get to Freeport. They decide they need to find whatever the item is that was brought to Jack's attention. Gnik decides to try taking out the undead creature by using the Wand of Maria to cast sunlight at that section of the wall; and if they stand in the middle of the large room they just left, it would not be able to reach them. They move into the room and Gnik throws the spell; horrific arms reach out of the walls, ten feet long, and move toward them, but can't reach them; they hear a shrieking sound, the arms desiccate and fall apart, and the section of wall down the hall explodes. 14 August 2021 The group decides to check the other doors that branched off the first large underground room they encountered, to see if any others lead to chambers where the jewels could be used for entry, and/or to heavily trapped areas (or more zombies). Al wants to take an hour to rest in order to get his qi back, but Kat knows she will get bored. They leave Al to rest in the small curtained room and the rest check out the other doors clockwise around the room. The next door is not latched -- it is just a swinging door that swings out. Kat tries to use Mage Hand to open it, but finds the doors are warped from the fire that had burned above. It takes her a couple of tries to get it open. There are empty wine casks -- the heat melted the seals and spilled the contents. Poking around with Mage Hand, she and Gnik find a nice dagger with a whalebone handle along with a small bag of coins. There do not appear to be any other exits from the room. The next door is broken apart, and untrapped -- or if there were once a trap, it is long sprung. It is a kitchen, with a large cauldron in the middle and shelves (some broken) of cookware. There is a tub of standing water, now stagnant and slimy, that was once used for dirty dishes. There is one carved scroll case on the shelf which they bring back with Mage Hand. It holds several loose papers that turn out to be recipes -- including flatbread, fish stew, and seagull loaf. The next door has a latch, but it is not in good shape -- the wood is partially crumbling, and the door is warped. It opens onto a small rooms full of bookshelves, a chair and scribe's desk. The books and scrolls are in very bad shape, and there are four bedrolls stacked in the corner. Gnik detects four faintly magical things in the desk, so he steps into the room to take a closer look. Kat uses Mage Hand to shake out the bedrolls to see if there's anything in them, but they are just dusty, scratchy blankets. Gnik finds that the desk is locked from the inside and there is no obvious key, so he asks Kat to take a look. They do not find any traps, so she picks the lock with her tools and Mage Hands. It pops open in just a few seconds. Inside there is a glass vial of ink that seems to have survived, and four other glass vials, faintly magical, labeled "Bliss". There are several blank pages, slightly charred, that Gnik takes -- he notes that he could fold them into small animals. Gnik looks through the books to see if any are salvageable. One small set of books appears to be about some hideous rituals -- he decides it is not worth wasting a Greater Restoration on, even if he could get a lot of money for them from the right buyer -- and another is about maintaining the finances of a small religious organization. Kat gets bored waiting for Gnik and opens the next door. There are statues at the far end of the room: a skeleton holding a cat o' nine tails and a woman with snakes for hair, as well as many small figurines scattered around the floor. Kat borrows Gnik's glasses of magic detection, and sees that the small figurines are not magical but there is something magical in the base of the gorgon statue. Kai steps toward the door for a closer look, and notes that there are small scuff marks on the base, as if there is a section that pulls out lining up with where Kat saw the magical effect. Kat takes a closer look; it appears seamless, and would not have been noticeable without the scuffs. She opens it up to find scrolls bound with a ribbon, a large tome, and a medallion showing a skull with a spiked chain coming out of its eye sockets surrounded by random shapes. Kat recognizes the image as being related to a cult of Sgult. The medallion is not magical, but is made of platinum. The scrolls, however, are magical: the first is a spell that looks as though it might command someone to do something, but she doesn't fully understand it, and the other looks like it could be Hold Person. Kat takes a look at the book, opening to random pages; she's still wearing the glasses, so she can read it even though it is in Infernal: it is a book of ritual enchantments for horrible things -- ritual rape, child sacrifice. She considers just putting the book back, but Kai suggests they just burn it. They debate whether Gnik will be okay to burn it; he is okay with it and sets up his airforge to burn it and melt down the platinum. Kat decides to fashion it into a thin bracelet. The next room is a weapon room with some bedrolls and racks but no weapons. The one after that is full of kegs, bags, boxes, clutter, and a cot in one corner, a storage room that someone also lived in on the side. They do not detect anything magical; there is food that is long-spoiled; everything is coated with a thin film of charred flour where a bag exploded. There are carpentry tools and lanterns, and charred coils of rope that were next to the now-burned oil. The final room has three pallets on the floor, an iron kettle in the center of the room, and a pile of lumber in one corner. Waiting for Al to finish his short rest, Kat searches several walls to see if there might be secret doors, but finds none. Al finishes his rest, goes to glance in all the rooms, but doesn't notice anything they haven't already found. They return to the hallways with all the traps. Kat and Al walk in front to search as they go. They go to the first north segment, carefully stepping around the hidden pit trap, to get to the door. Al notices a thin wire, which Kat is able to disarm despite almost slipping as she tries to clip it, as if there is a heavy weight behind it. She tries to open the door, but it does not budge; with some investigation, she finds that it is a fake door but rigged so that the stone above it would fall if the wire were tripped. They head east to the next intersection, with Gnik moving behind them watching with his glasses. They move to the north, carefully avoiding a trip wire; it tees into another long hallway with several more traps: trip wires, illusory floors over pits, and trapdoors opening into spiked, slimy floors below. They realize there are some empty spaces surrounded by doorless walls, so Al and Kat investigate for hidden doors, but don't find anything. Kat and Al decide to disarm the tripwires, spike the trapdoors so they won't fall open, and lay boards over the illusion-hidden pits -- when they go back to the bunk room to grab pieces of lumber, they discover several weapons, but nothing of value. They return to their search with the door on the southwest of the maze, which is unlocked and doesn't appear to be trapped. Kat and Al step back ten feet and use Mage Hand to open the door. A ballista bolt comes flying out into the wall behind them; if they hadn't stood back, it would have hit whoever opened the door. There is nothing else in the room besides the ballista. They discuss possibly taking it back to the ship to use for spare parts for their mounted ballistas, although it would be very heavy to carry. As they come back down the hall, they can see into a room to the south, the walls of which have bas relief patterns of bones with the occasional hideous demon-face peeking out. They move slowly down the hall toward it, checking for traps as they go, to investigate more closely. There are several chests in the center of the room, several open and showing jewels, some urns and a strongbox -- all surrounded by piles of bones. Kai notices a gap in the bones near the far wall. Kat uses Mage Hand to bring a necklace from one of the chests; no traps are sprung, and they quickly see the necklace is just glass. They decide to ignore all the things in the middle of the room and instead make their way to the only obvious door in the room. Kat moves toward the door, searching along the north wall and then the east wall as she goes. On the east wall, she finds that one of the demon faces has a tongue that is not attached to the stonework, just above where Kai noticed the gap in the bones. Kat pushes it with Mage Hand, and an entire section of wall moves away, opening into a hallway that ends with two stone doors. They are much nicer than any of the other doors they've seen in this place. They do not hear anything or detect any traps; the doors are not even locked. They stand back 10 feet again and Kat tries to open the door on the right, which opens to a hallway that has a door and a bend ahead. They try opening the other door, which opens into a huge room with massive ceilings; from their position down the hall they also make out a pillar etched with geometric shapes, and the walls seem to be made of a shiny black iron, also etched with geometric shapes, and there is an urn on the far wall. Gnik, Ember, and Milena approach and Gnik immediately senses magic in the room. As they enter the room, they see a few chests and urns scattered around the room, a pile of leather, and two pillars that Gnik senses are the source of the magic. He detects that it is related to a summoning power, suggesting that triggering it could bring something into being. Kat tries to repeat her Mage Hand trick to grab something from the chest to see if it's real; the minute the hand touches something, there is a shimmer between the pillars and a huge winged fiend with a bird-skull head appears, about nine feet tall. Kat recognizes that it lets of fumes that will poison anyone that comes within the fumes. Kat shuts the door. "What are you doing?!" Kai asks. "I finally have something to do!" Kat offers her a potion of protection from poison; Al has his necklace of Clean Breath that will protect him from the fumes. Kai takes the potion and charges, hitting twice. Milena casts Bless on everyone but Gnik, and Al runs forward to attack and hits twice, but is unable to stun it. Ember slips into the room and takes potshots at the creature from the corner to try to avoid the poison fumes, but she does not hit. Gnik attempts to use Suggestion to suggest that it go to its home plane and not return; it chuckles and says, "How about I do something more fun?" A moment later, the piles of leather begin moving and shamble toward them; Gnik realizes it could be the flayed skins left over from making skeletons. One hits Al, although he is able to knock the blow aside. A second one hits Kai and tries to envelop her, sliding over her head and making it hard to breathe. She grabs it and rips it off her as the other one attacks. It also hits and covers her. Gnik sends Az to try to pull it off, but she is not quite strong enough to pull it off. The creature chuckles again and says, "You all are so cute. Since you two are busy..." It folds in on itself and appears behind Gnik and Milena. They smell the caustic gas, but both manage to shake off the effect; they've smelled worse before. Kat tosses the Star of Jaeleth at it, and hits. It is engulfed in flame, but laughs. She drops her crossbow and pulls out her rapier and abyssal dagger. Al tries pulling the boneless off Kai, and gets her free. Milena tries turning undead; white energy passes through the room and sparks as it hits the boneless, all but one of which begin moving toward the wall. Kai pulls out her chained javelin and throws it at the fiend to try to pull it back into range; she drags it back easily, and as it nears it attacks with its claws, one of which gets through her defenses, tearing deeply into her forearm. Ember shoots and hits it. Gnik stabs at it with his dagger with holy water, but is not able to hit. The last unturned boneless tries to hit Ember, but misses. The creature attacks Kai again with its teeth and claws; one claw and a bite hit. Kai attacks and hits once, and then Kat runs forward to hit with her rapier, triggering the dimensional anchor and the necrotic damage effect; it jerks its leg away. She slashes with her dagger and hits again. Milena casts Spiritual Weapon, hitting it, followed by Sacred Flame, hitting it again. Al attacks the last boneless to try to free up Ember to attack the fiend. He hits twice and his second punch goes entirely through it as it falls to the ground in tatters. The fiend snaps a bite at Kat, but she jumps away, avoiding much of the damage. Ember attacks and hits twice with her rapier and once with her dagger. Gnik tries stabbing with his dagger again, but does not hit. Zassin whips out from under Milena's collar, bites the fiend in the wing, and then flies back to hide in Milena's shirt. The fiend attacks Ember, hitting twice with its claws, almost taking one of her hands off and slicing across her face. Kai attacks again, taking its head off; the body dissolves in gelatinous ooze, with tentacles that reach out and briefly touch them all with a stinging sensation, leaving numbness as they dissolve away. The giant bird skull flies through the air and lands at Milena's feet. She smiles and puts it on her head. The group finishes off the rest of the boneless and Milena casts a Prayer of Healing on the group. They decide to use the iron room for a long rest, and Gnik bars the door with his immovable rod. 21 August 2021 Milena uses the rest of her spells to heal up the group, especially Ember, before the group settles down to sleep. Kai checks in with Laur on the farspeaker, and he reports that there is some kind of great beast, a "manny-core", that keeps flying around the ship; they are hunkering down and fighting it off as best they can. The group discusses whether to head back but realizes they are pretty much out of spells. Kai let them know that manticores particularly like human flesh, so if the humans stay belowdecks and the non-human crew stay above, they may convince it to move on. Al knows manticores are not the smartest, but can negotiate; he suggests they might want to offer it the remains of the boneless they defeated to eat instead of their crew, but they decide against it for now. They settle for the night. 4 Sinta 3275 When they wake, they check in with the ship again; they're still fine, and the manticore hasn't come back in a while. They begin taking a look at the urns, which are open and contain coins, gems, and jewelry; likewise the bags and the smaller chests. The big chest does not have a lock on it; it contains bolts of silk, glass flasks with a red liquid that glimmers, that Gnik recognizes as potions of healing, but that glisten more than the potions they've usually used. There is a small hinged container of wood with a handle, a glowing gem, and a tattered jacket lying along the inside front of the chest. There is a small orb with an eyeball imbedded in it in the bottom of the chest, and an amulet of bone covered in runes and shards of ruby, and a leather book that Gnik sees is not magical (although the amulet is). The eyeball does not appear to be moving, unless it is not being looked at; and then it seems to blink. Kat looks at the lock on the small container, and finds it to be very complex, made with fine work on the inside. Milena offers to assist, and reminds Kat to look for magical as well as physical traps -- which prompts Kat to peer inside and see a tiny, finely etched glyph. Gnik offers to erase it once he's done with his Identify. Meanwhile, Al tries to talk to the eyeball, but it doesn't respond. Gnik finds that the orb can be pressed to the forehead, which will cause it to embed; it incurs resistance to psychic damage, and proficiency (or expertise, if already proficient) in perception, but also some form of madness that may be different for each user, or for each use. It can be willed out, or will fall out if the user dies. After some discussion, Al decides to try it to get a sense of how bad the side effects are. He doesn't seem obviously different to the others, but to him everything seems brighter and clearer, like he's seeing things he'd always been missing. Gnik works on removing the glyph; the rest of the group stands behind one of the columns while he does, just in case something goes wrong. However, it seems to fizzle out just fine. Kat works at the lock for a while, and eventually gets it open. The box appears to be lead-lined and contains a glass orb enclosing an ever-changing ball of liquid. Gnik identifies the substance as obyrith ichor, taken from an ancient eldritch race that predated both mortals and gods and believed to have created the first demons. The ichor has only vile or destructive uses. Kat hears Zagrimil in her mind indicating that he wants it -- and when questioned, he says he has been watching her for the last day once he realized where she was going, because he thought there might be opportunities to fulfill part of the bargain they made. The amulet provides wisdom saving throws against enchantment. The cloak has some sort of necromantic aspect, and the jewel has some kind of unstable magic in it. The book is written in haphazard handwriting, describing rituals to bring aspects of Sgult into the world, or channel power to Sgult. Only about a fifth of the pages are written on, but Gnik immediately concludes it should go into the air forge. He goes to identify the jewel; as soon as he does, there is a flash and he flings it across the room. "Don't touch that!" he says. He doesn't know what it was, but it had some kind of curse on it. He says he thinks it will get better by tomorrow, but he won't be able to attack things as well until then. Milena looks him over and thinks a Greater Restoration would fix it, but Gnik suggests they wait until the end of the day in case she needs to use her spells for other things. The cloak can be placed on a corpse within ten days and it will come back in undead form, but mentally unstable and aware that they have died. If they take the cloak off, their soul is destroyed. So they decide to chuck it in the air forge as well. The potions are of Greater Healing, and they keep those. They distribute the items they are keeping and continue their explorations; now that they are familiar with all the types of traps, they easily avoid them. They return to the room with the bones, and decide that Milena will try to ceremonially sanctify and give them funeral rites. As she does the first sprinkling of holy water, the bone that it lands on starts to sizzle, and the bones move as one mass into a massive tower -- but then a dazzlingly bright shaft of light comes through the ceiling and they see the bones begin to crack and shrivel before the light becomes too bright; when their vision clears again, the bones are gone without a trace -- the gods (possibly Maria) have intervened. They search the room and find nothing of value, only a note that says, "Ha ha, was it worth it?" They return to the surface and check in with the ship. Lanny answers and says the manticore is not currently bothering the ship. As they return to the boat they see a shadow pass overhead... and then another... and another -- they look like winged lions with human-like maned heads. They roar, and they hear answering roars from the other end of the island. Ember says, "So, are we fighting them off?" and gets out her bow. Al yells up, "What do you want?" The lead manticore yells, "You look tasty!" Kat says, "But we're very pointy!" He answers, "So are we!" Al says, "We'll give you indigestion!" "What's that?" he asks. Al says, "We're covered in an oil that will make you sick?" "Ugh, why you do that?" he asks. "It was an accident!" Al says. "We fell in a pit!" "You stupid," says the manticore, and he and the others fly away. The group hurries on to the ship before they come back. Gnik settles down to read Kat's contract with Zagrimil. It includes a telepathic bond until both sides are honored: she must give back the sword within two years and also owes him a favor that does not compromise her morals or beliefs and will not harm those she cares about, and for the term of the contract he can see through her eyes and hear through her ears so that he knows what opportunities might be available. There are clauses preventing him from spying when she is doing personal things. If he breaks his end of it his essence will be consumed and he will be demoted in the hierarchy; if Kat breaks hers he keeps Torchlight. If he doesn't ask for a favor by the end of the contract, she is free of it. Since Zagrimil has asked for the ichor, Gnik concludes that they really can't do anything else with it or risk breaking the contract. Kat decides to go ahead and give it to him; he shows up immediately to claim it, and then vanishes again. 5 Sinta 3275 On the second day out, Kat is playing her lute for the crew, and as she finishes a bunch of dolphins come splashing up about a hundred feet off the ship. Al grabs his conch shell and dives off the side of the ship to go talk to him, as a massive surge of water comes up and an enormous dragon-like creature bursts out of the water. Al says, "Hello...?" while Laur is on the deck yelling, "Get back on the ship!" Milena has heard many stories of the unique and powerful (and scary) dragons of the world; they feel a sense of power and wonder that washes over them. Gnik and Kat are so in awe that they feel fright; a reverberating sensation of thought washes over them with a sense of frivolity and interest in having fun, and then dives under the water again. Al dives again and tries to talk to the dragon -- he says hello and asks its name, and gets a jumble of thoughts in his mind that he can't make sense of. Al asks if it is a young dragon or an ancient dragon. It swims up to him and surfaces right in front of him. Al senses that it heard interesting sounds that were very beautiful. Al tries to hum what Kat was playing, and the dragon's response is that it is close but not as good. Al offers to introduce the dragon to Kat, and the dragon indicates it would like that. "Kat, the dragon likes your music and wants to meet you!" Al says. She pulls out her flute to play something else for it. The dragon surfaces right next to the ship and peers onto the deck. This time Kat and Gnik are not so surprised and avoid the sense of fright. Dolphins leap up and bounce off its neck, trying to entice it to play some more. Al asks if it thinks it would be fun if he climbed up on its head and then dived off. It replies that it thinks Al would find it fun, and that might be amusing. It lowers its head for him to climb on, and as he is getting ready to make an acrobatic dive, it launches into the air so that he's now falling about a hundred feet, which will really hurt when he hits the water; Kat hits him with a Featherfall and he makes a slow series of fancy acrobatic dives. The dragon seems very amused and splashes back into the water. 4 September 2021 Kai notices that Al is no longer wearing the extra eye. He says he took it out because he was trying to figure out where a magical effect was coming from; and when he took it out he realized it was making him paranoid, believing things that were not true -- in particular, that someone was spying on him and an enemy imminently planning to attack, which seemed very plausible on account of the devil that was actually spying on them. He says he talked to a lot of the crew to make sure they weren't spying, and still isn't sure about one of them even now that the eye is out. He then shares that he took the eye out because he saw the statue Anny gave him looked slightly different, and he talked to it, and found out he can talk to Anny through it. They all hear the statue say in Anny's voice, "Hi everyone." She's on patrol, and says before Al tried talking to her she would occasionally hear things and just thought she was going a little crazy. Gnik studies the statue and concludes that when Anny created it, she inadvertently put some of her essence into it, which allows her to communicate through it. They catch her up on what they've been doing, and she shares that she's back working as a scout for her people, some of which she's not allowed to talk about, but she invites them to come visit at some point. That afternoon, Kat is sitting in a chair and suddenly shrinks to half her height. She runs out to find the rest of the group. Milena asks if they need to read the contract again. Gnik says, "Were you being short with your mother?" Kai says, "Now is not the time, Gnik," to which Ember replies, "Oh, no, it's always the time -- nice one, Gnik." Kat says she was thinking about things Danae told her about wild magic, and she thought she would try it, and she heard voices arguing in her head that sounded like Ag and Zagrimil, and then there was a flash and all of a sudden she was smaller. She looks at her mother, who examines her and declares she does not think it's a curse, so they should wait a while and see if it goes away on its own. Gnik says if it hasn't by the end of the day he'll try to dispel it. At the end of the day, she is still small, and so he tells her to take off all her magic items and dispels the spell. She thanks him and says she likes being able to look down on him. He glares at her and casts Reduce on her, sending her back to half her height. (But it only lasts a minute.) Al tells the group that in interviewing the crew he felt Corey was hiding something, and Kat volunteers to see if she can find out more. She sneaks into Corey's quarters and finds a small gold ring with a five-loop knotwork design on it, hidden in a secret compartment. She meets with Al up in the crow's nest to tell what she found, and decides to try a wild surge to do Prestidigitation to show him a picture of it -- and instead, ball bearings start falling from the sky all over the ship, doing damage and hurting some of the crew. Kat dives off the crow's nest into the water and the ball bearings stay with her as the ship keeps going. Once the spell dissipates she catches up with the ship and helps clean up. Milena is running around healing people and she hears Laur telling the crew that it was probably just some kind of magical vortex, but she sees both of them shoot her a look. She mouths "sorry" to Laur. When they get done, she tries just drawing the ring for Al. He calls the group together, but none of them are familiar with the symbol. It is a signet ring, but a very simple one, not at all fancy. They discuss what to do with the lens they got from the derelict ship, that they now suspect might be used (or at least usable) for one of the Sgult rituals they read about on the island. Al tries touching it again, and is struck again by chaotic, nauseating visions, with a core of pure nothingness that is mindblowingly fearful -- but he manages not to pass out this time. They wonder if someone chaotic might be able to interact with it, so she tries touching it with her Mage Hand -- and suddenly she can't sense the Mage Hand anymore; it is gone. Gnik suspects the magical protections on it might be so strong it dispels any magical effect that touches it. Milena and Gnik discuss using Augury to divine whether putting the lens in the airforge would result in a good or bad outcome -- and both of them got a strong sense of Woe. They are keeping the chest in their secure vault area, but Kat considers also adding a trap for extra security. 6 Sinta 3275 Al suggests that to keep the ship and the city safe, perhaps Kat should practice her wild magic on a dinghy off the side off the ship. They decide she and Al can swim so well that they don't even really need a boat. She decides to create a Mage Hand; there is a subtle flash of light, and they both feel really good afterwards but don't otherwise notice anything different. It kind of feels like life energy; Kat thinks it might be an Aura of Life spell that will protect nearby allies from necrotic damage. Al suggests that if they're protected, maybe she should try again. Kat suddenly finds it hard to stay up in the water; Al sees her turn to a silvery color; she is made of living steel. The boat is now getting away from them. They still feel the Aura of Life around them, so Al encourages Kat to try one more time. Kat becomes aware that she can cast the Tongues spell once per day for an hour as a permanent effect. The steel spell, though, wears off after a short time. They arrive at Freeport in the afternoon; Laur tells them that as they arrive they will slow down to wait for someone to lead them through the reefs that are used as part of their defenses. They recall Angel suggested they stay at the Last Resort. Most of the crew and the group is on deck as they come in; Milena is below decks near where the prisoners are being kept, just in case. A small boat comes toward them piloted by a Dorghenian man and a Tillian female. As the boat gets closer, Jimsu looks down and says, "Oh, sh-sh-sh-crap." He recognizes the woman, and characterizes her as "not nice". Al watches the boat, and as it hears, he recognizes the man as Alen, whom he'd sailed with before. He greets Al warmly and say he's pleased to see him alive, as they'd heard all sorts of interesting stories. The woman boards, sees the dogs, greets them happily, and then turns and starts barking orders at Jimsu, who was taken aback by her warm reaction to the dogs but jumps to attention immediately. Al says maybe Alen can give them the lay of the land in Freeport as they sail in, and he warns them that Mitchell has a large number of people at the dock to meet them, although he thinks Mitchell is likely to play it safe rather than try to kill them. Al tells him about the two prisoners, both of whom are magic users who will need special handling. Alen thanks him for the heads-up and tells him they will get someone on the ship quickly to take care of them. Alen says his boss is connected to the Sea Lord, so there's only so much he can do to help them, particularly if they try to go up against the Raging Hammer, as Mitchell is also an ally of the Sea Lord. Al asks if Captain Roberts is in town, and Alen says his boss is meeting with him tomorrow. He also mentions the library will be easy to access, as it's a library of Alsaya and their holy day is tomorrow. The group notices he's mostly focused on Al, but glances at Kai occasionally, and gives her a wink as he leaves the ship. As they come in to port, there is a crowd of around 30 people on the dock; most don't have weapons, and even those that do don't have them drawn. From the crow's nest, Kat sees a small winged creature at the front of the crowd that she thinks is a homunculus, an avatar that is an extension of someone -- possibly Mitchell. Behind the crowd and back a bit is another gaggle of people who seem to be waiting to see what will happen. Kat is bored and doesn't want to wait for the prisoners to be collected, as everyone else is doing, so she stealthily drops off the edge of the ship and into the water to shore. As she's swimming she sees two other merfolk working on the bottom of a nearby ship. She waves. Guards approach and make their way through the gaggle. The homunculus makes his way back, talks to them, and they make their way to the front. "Mighty Redemption!" the head guard calls, "We hear you have prisoners to turn over to the Sea Lord's Guard!" Al asks if they want to come aboard; they do, bearing rune-covered manacles for use on magic users. The guards mention there was a bounty on these prisoners and asks where they are staying so they can bring it. They say that if they haven't heard in a couple of days the group can check in with the city center. As the Stormdaughter is led off, she says, "Be seeing you," and smiles. Gnik reminds her that they didn't kill her. "Maybe you should have," she replies. "We still could," he says. She smiles and says, "You wouldn't." Gnik sends Az to follow from a distance; the guards to not seem to be treating them particularly gently, and marches them to a building where they presumably are put into a cell. The homunculus says, "So are we going to talk or what?" Al asks who he is, and he says, "Sorry... Mitchell. Well, not actually Mitchell, but... you know." He says the group of people with him were just to make sure they didn't kill his homunculus immediately. He says he knows them, the "Saviors of Saltmarsh", and just wanted to say hi to the people who stole his boat and make sure they weren't coming to start a war in the middle of his town. As they chat with him, they get the sense that he sees himself as an anarchist helping people get out from under the yoke of their oppressors. Al asks if that means he's against slavery, and he says no, because some people deserve to be punished. Al gets the sense that Mitchell earnestly believes everything he's saying and is not just bullshitting. They hear a thunk and suddenly there is an arrow sticking out of Gnik. He feels that it stings in a way that feels wrong. A second arrow flies out and slams into Ember; Gnik sees writing etched into the shaft of his arrow saying, "It's fun doing this with all your memories." Ember falls, choking. Mitchell yells, "It's not me!" and immediately starts shooing his people out of the way so they can chase the perpetrators. Kai looks up and catches sight of the archer -- Candace, the lone escapee of the Lune cult, a skilled archer who was formerly in the town guard. Milena sends Zassin to follow while she tries to heal Ember. She can tell the poison is a caustic, necrotic poison that will keep her from healing well if it isn't removed. She hits her with a Lesser Restoration and a Cure, and sees that Ember's arrow also has writing on it: "I am the real Ember." They hear a voice from the ship yelling, "The vault door's open! The vault door's open!" and Kai runs back to the ship. She sees small wet footprints and a faint blackness vanish as they get to the door. Jarvis and Chastity are both down and bleeding, apparently dead. Lanny prays over Jarvis and he revives, but he can't revive Chastity. 18 September 2021 Milena carries the still-unconscious Ember back onto the ship, and Al takes off to try to catch up to Candance; Zassin is flying above her with his bottom half changed to the same shade of blue as the sky so that whoever is directly below him can't see him, and his upper half a scintillating kaleidoscope of color so that those farther away can keep track of where he is. Milena assesses the injured, sees that Chastity is dead, and casts Revivify; the color comes back into her face and she sits up, gasping. She looks at Gnik suspiciously, and he says, "It was my double." Kai also takes off to follow Candace (and Kat, and Al), using the boots of flying. Soon after, the group hears Kat on the farspeakers saying, "I found her; I'm going in!" Milena gets an image in her mind from Zassin showing Kat diving of a 5-story building, slamming into Candace and sending her sprawling, and landing with her weapons out. Al parkours his way onto a nearby rooftop after his path is blocked by crowds. He makes his way across the rooftops and sees a roof with a hole in it; he realizes the whole section of roof is rotted out and manages to avoid falling through. Kat attacks the prone Candace and sticks her in the stomach with the enhanced Torchlight; she hears Kai say into the farspeaker, "Don't kill her, we need to ask her questions!" Kat activates the Booming Blade effect, which will do extra damage if Candace moves more than 5 feet away voluntarily. She then takes a step back, hoping Candace will be tempted to move -- which she does, and is staggered by booming energy. She has a short-sword in her hand and jumps at Kat, but doesn't manage to penetrate Kat's Gellen cloth armor. Kat attacks again and then steps away again; Candace switches her sword to her other hand and starts throwing daggers, but Kat reacts by casting Shield, and the daggers bounce off. Kat takes one more swing, but Candace avoids her without moving enough to trigger the booming effect. Then Kat sees Kai land in the alley behind Candace. Candace throws another couple of daggers but Kat's shield blocks them. Candace turns around to run, and sees Kai standing behind her. She jumps up and starts parkouring her way up to the roof. As she reaches the roof, she sees Al running toward her and turns and tries to flee the other way. Kat follows her up and Kai launches herself with the flying boots. Kat catches up to her and hits her again with her sword. Kai again positions herself behind Candace, and Al throws a rope in an attempt to snare her. Candace says, "Well, that went better than it could have," and drops her sword. Kai asks who hired her and she says, "The gnomes." "Who hired them?" Kai asks, and she says she doesn't know, but Al gets the sense that she is lying about that and seems concerned about revealing it. Al relays this to the group and says, "Do you like your chances better with them or with us?" "You," Candace says without hesitation. Kai flies into a rage, shatters Candace's rapier with her dagger, holds the dagger to her throat, and growls, "Are you sure?" 'No, no, fair point," Candace says. Al says, "You don't know what we've seen since last we saw you." Candace says one of the Captain's Council members, Verlaine, who is an advisor to the Sea Lord, set it up, but she doesn't know if the Sea Lord himself is involved. Al asks if she knows where the gnomes are, and she says no -- they found her, and they had no plans to meet up afterward. The group divests her of her belongings, ties her up, and plans to bring her back to Gnik for questioning. They find two vials of a sticky substance, probably the poison she used, which Kat takes. She also finds blades hidden in the back of her belt, the top of her boot, and worked into her belt buckle. Back on the ship, Milena apprentices Lanny to help her remove the arrow from Gnik and otherwise help heal the injured; when he figures out what she's doing, he jumps to action. Ember wakes up groggily and asks, "Who was it? Did we catch them? Can I kill them?" Gnik says it was Candace from the orphanage, and she can't kill her. Ember says, "Okay, I'm going to take a nap for a week," and lies down again. Kat, Kai, and Al bring Candace back to the ship and fill Gnik in on what they have learned. Gnik asks what else they want to know; they say mostly whether she's telling the truth and what else she might know. Gnik puts the Gellen shackles on her and puts her in the brig, as he doesn't have the spells to interrogate her until tomorrow. Laur comes in and tells the group there is a woman there to see them. It is a woman they had caught a glimpse of on the dock, sitting in a chair that moves on spider legs, who says she is hoping to get their help. Milena, on instinct, greets her in Bargallian with, "Interesting chair," and the woman responds "Thank you" in casual Bargallian, then "It was a gift" in trade. She introduces herself as Elene, a priestess of Alsaya. She says their friend Annie came by the temple to find a way to resurrect her brother, and said they would be coming, and her friend Lucius said he knew them. Gnik recalls him as a Freeport librarian who came through Saltmarsh asking for books about other planes of existence -- a strange quirky guy who stayed for a couple weeks and then left. Elene says he disappeared a couple days ago and she is worried and would like them to try to find them. She explains that about six years ago he had a gap in his memory, was kicked out of the temple and had started acting very weird -- looking into obscure and forbidden texts. He then suddenly seemed to become more lucid -- as though he had temporarily been taken over by someone else and was now more himself -- but disappeared two days ago. They learn where Lucius lives; Milena provides more healing to Gnik and Ember, and they set out for his house. It is a small ground floor place with just a couple of rooms in the poor part of town. Al tries the front door and it's open. The main room is cluttered with scrivener's tools: quills, pots, and parchment; a small desk, a small cot shoved in the corner. The other room is a kitchen, and there are steps going down into a basement. Milena takes a look at the parchments that have writing on them to see if there is any clue what he might have been working on that could have been related to his disappearance. She finds a to-do list that includes "update diary" and "examine travel logs". It also refers to a "Captain Scarbelly," whom Al and Kai know is the captain of the orc-crewed "Bloody Vengeance". He is a known pirate who tries not to get in trouble in town; Gnik has heard stories that he has killed 29 people in hand-to-hand combat. Kai asks Elene why her friend might want to talk to him, and she says she doesn't know. The ship came into town eleven days ago. Al sits at the desk, pulls out a drawer, and finds Lucius's diary on a small hidden shelf beneath it. Gnik reads it and finds the gap of five years in it and indications that Lucius had strange dreams and no memory of it. He mentions that he will be taking his dagger with him for his meeting with the captain, which Gnik has seen and so could use to track him once he renews his spells. Excerpt of the diary from six years ago: I awoke this morning frightfully fatigued. I feel like the I spent the night in combat, not sleeping. My head hurts, and I feel weak. I can't miss work at the temple, but I think I'll confine myself to light tasks today. The next entry is dated five years later: The gods help me! What happened? I awoke from some strange dream to find that five years have passed! Egil told me I was kicked out of the temple four years ago for violating the sanctum. Surely this is madness! Entry from six months ago: Life has resumed a kind of normalcy. I have won admittance back into the temple. My reception was strange, but everyone seems relieved that I am "back to my old self". I have so many questions about these missing years but it seems best to simply move on with my life now. If the god wills it, knowledge will come to me. Entry from four months ago: Egil says that Milos was asking after me again, that he was worried about another "episode". Maybe he's simply concerned for the temple, but surely I have sufficiently proven myself by now. My life is mine again, and I'm not giving it up! From two months ago: The dreams came again last night. I don't know that I'll ever get a good night's sleep! I dreamt of cities as tall as the clouds and creatures so alien in form that I can't describe them. Does this have something to do with my lost years or is this some fresh torment? From one month ago: It's clear to me now that I must find some answer if I'm ever to make the dreams stop. Thuron and Milos tried to discourage me... I think they fear what might happen to their temple. A pity their compassion does not extend to a living being. From one week ago: I have begun to feel like I'm being watched. I pray this is not a further milestone on the road to madness. I think I'll take my dagger with me in the morning. In a city like Freeport, I suppose one can't be too careful. Especially with pirates in port. Kai and Al go in search of the Bloody Vengeance and learn that Captain Scarbelly is at a bar, the Rusty Hook. They find him sitting at a table in the corner reading a book titled "The Ecology of the Sahaugin". He puts the book down as they approach, and he asks if they have business. Al explains that they are looking for a missing man who had meeting with Scarbelly on his to-do list. Scarbelly says he came by the ship two days ago and gave his first mate a note, which he hands to Al, saying Lucius was on his crew four years ago and asking to be let aboard when next he calls. Kai asks where Scarbelly took Lucius when last he was aboard, and he says they dropped him in Saltmarsh. Al buys him a drink and Scarbelly invites them to sit and chat. Kai tells him he is very different from his reputation, and he smiles and says, "Don't let it get out." Al asks his opinions on the leadership of Freeport and he says he's against the Captain's Council, who never did anything for the city. He warns them to avoid Fortek ships, who have too many spellcasters and are the last slavers left in the area. They share some tips about dealing with sahaugin, and have a few drinks. Gnik, Kat, and Milena head to the library. There is a young man in his late teens sitting out front who perks up when he sees them and asks how he can help them, introducing himself as Norton. Gnik says he has a book he would like to sell to the temple. He gestures them inside and asks them to wait; a few minutes later he brings back someone he introduces as Milos, the priest. Gnik says he has a book from Duane Hatchett that Duane had an agreement to sell to him. He warns Gnik that they were attacked as they were leaving Gonagibria by the Stormdaughter, who specifically was looking for that book. Milos is surprised, wondering why she would want a book of fairy tales. Gnik then shares a couple of topics he would like to research -- the symbol they found on the ring, and the lens of Sgult. Milos says he will have to check with another priest about access to the more esoteric books that might help with the lens research, but directs him to books that might help with the symbol. He is not able to find anything in the couple of hours he is there. They say hello to Annie, who also hasn't been able to find what she needs yet, but is waiting for access to more restricted books from the high priest Thuron. 2 October 2021 Milena notices that Milos seems a bit subtly put out by their group, as if he does not like them for some reason -- it seemed to start when Gnik asked about the lens. Gnik and Kat don't seem to notice. Gnik finds old ship's logs for the Golden Grace, his missing friend Lyle's ship, which was last seen in Freeport 15 years ago, per the logs. The Blessed Chaser, carrying a load of mithril meant for a friend in Saltmarsh but that never arrived, left earlier in the year and hasn't returned. Milena, having been told by Agnes that Alsaya is one of the gods who grants Milena power, heads to the Religion section. There is an old man there who greets her and observes she does not come there frequently. She says she has come to pay respects to the Goddess in her way, by perusing some of the books. He directs her to the books on Alsaya. She tries to ask him a bit about himself, but he moves along on his way. Kat is wandering the stacks and an old man looks down at her curiously, comes to join her, and looks at her ear. "What is that?" he asks. "Where did you find it?" She tells a story of an island they visited where people wore them instead of earring. He doesn't seem to believe her, but apologizes, saying he shouldn't have pried, and goes on his way, letting Kat know his name is Thuron. Milena skims several texts on Alsaya, learning about how she is worshipped in different places, including a place called Darkhaven where her Death aspect is honored. The section on Daln includes the logs of many adventuring parties that would take a long time to read through. Milena skims titles to see if anything jumps out at her, and the librarian helping her asks if there is something specific she is looking for. Without specifically mentioning the lens, she says she has seen cults in her area try to control crowds with magics from dark gods, and she is interested in learning of things that might disrupt such rituals. Al, Kai, and Ember wander the city a bit on their way to the Last Resort. They arrive and the innkeeper, Jakin, greets them by name, saying Laur already checked them in, and lets them know dinner is being served and will be for several more hours. A door opens, and a tall woman is holding it open for a short woman -- a purple gnome -- with her face in a book. The tall woman looks at Al and does a double-take; he thinks she looks a bit familiar, but doesn't remember from where. She asks his name, and he says Allard, from Freeport. She excitedly re-introduces herself as Mabel, reminds him they fought at a festival in Saltmarsh, and asks if he'll be around for a while; the gnome looks impatient to be going. He says yes, and she says they'll catch up later. Kai and Ember get a table, while Al goes to chat up another woman sitting by herself. She introduces herself as Cheryl and says she is just waiting for some friends, but there should be plenty of seats, as they'll be playing cards with a buy-in of 100 gold. He says that's too rich for his blood, but he's happy to chat for a bit. He gets the impression she's playing a game herself, trying to feel him out and get information from him. She's charming and pretty, but he's not into that kind of politicking, although he's happy to be forthright about things that aren't secret. She says she doesn't pay attention to politics, except to say that the attention just goes to the biggest pile of coin. Gnik, Kat, and Milena arrive at the Last Resort, are also greeted by Jakin, and join the others for dinner. Kat mentions having told some guy named Thuron that her farspeaker was jewelry, in case it comes up again, and Gnik facepalms. Al tells Kat there will be a game of Three Dragon Ante starting up, and she also balks at the 100 gold buy-in but says she'd be interested to watch, so Al introduces her to Cheryl, who says she and her friends will be heading up to their rooms to play after dinner, and would be happy to bring Kat along. They share their news of the day over dinner. Mabel and her gnome charge arrive at a nearby table and Mabel waves to Al. The gnome still has a book, and Gnik peers curiously at it. Al asks Gnik if they should invite the two to join them. Al goes over and Mabel introduces the gnome as Jenoffin, and Al asks if they would be interested in joining them; Jenoffin shakes her head 'no'. Al mentions one of their party is a gnome librarian, and Jenoffin says, "Yes, Gnikobol," and briefly mentions several of their exploits. Mabel tells Al they can catch up later, after Jenoffin goes to bed. As they are finishing up their dinner, a woman comes to their table, plops down in an empty chair, introduces herself as Jenny, and says she wants to talk to them about something. She flips up a piece of the puzzlebox Gnik has been trying to assemble, and it disappears just as quickly as it appears. She says she has been paid to retrieve several pieces, but she's heard they don't like the person who paid her, so maybe they'd be willing to pay her more to get them themselves. The other person offered her 500 gold, so she asks 1000 gold from them. Al says they don't generally have that kind of money; she seems skeptical, and Al asks if she's ever travelled with a spellcaster. She says she's not going to answer that, but she knows what he means. Gnik asks how they might get hold of her if they were to come up with the money, or if it would be too late. She says she's supposed to hand of the pieces tomorrow night, but she'll come by the inn for lunch tomorrow in case they want to bargain. Gnik takes Ember and Al to check in on Candace; he has an idea that she might be susceptible to another attempt at Suggestion to find out more of what she knows about who hired her. They learn that Candace was just told to say Verlaine had set it up, but in fact he had no connection and was probably being set up by someone who doesn't like him or has a beef with him. 7 Sinta 3275 They decide that Kai will use her boots of flying to carry Gnik across the center of the city to see if they see the chest with the lens in it. If they don't find it in the city they will try to look near the tower. They are not able to find it using Locate Object, then try again looking for Lucius's dagger; as they return to town from the tower they detect it almost immediately in a tavern near the docks. They let the rest of the group know on the farspeakers, and go in; as they look in the direction they sense the dagger, the person holding it and says, "Well, fuck," then turns to an elf mage and says, "Don't burn the place down. Kill 'em." Twelve more stand up and draw red-painted scimitars while the rest of the patrons scatter and try to leave. Kai recognizes the group must be the mercenary band the Redblades. Kai drinks a potion of Inner Fire and begins breathing smoke, then goes into a rage but stands her ground. The mage steps forward to cast a spell, but Gnik counterspells; he's pretty sure it would have obliterated the tavern with hailstorms. Gnik tries to web the tables, but she counterspells him. The dozen other fighters rush forward toward Kai, positioned in the doorway, most with swords and a couple with crossbows. A couple hit Kai, and one bolt gets past her and hits Gnik. One fighter takes a step back so the boss can run at Kai; she slashes at him and hits his arm. The boss says, "I don't know how you found us, but you're going to die. When we get paid to do something, we do it right." He manages to hit her six times, but the effect of her potion burns him each time. She slashes and hits him twice. The spellcaster yells to the boss that the rest are probably coming, and he yells back, "Yeah, good call," and tells the rest of the group to dogpile Kai. She gestures at Kai and Gnik, trying to use a cantrip, but Gnik counterspells; and then she casts Misty Step and vanishes. Gnik casts Slow at the leader and five other nearby mercenaries; four of the minions successfully shake it off, but the leader does not. The minions start trying to grab Kai and grapple her down -- each getting burned in the process. She manages to shake them all off. Another volley of crossbow bolts comes at them, and four more hit Kai. The leader takes a step back to disengage and move to the back of the room with the crossbow archers behind him. Kat comes running up, sees Kai in the doorway -- which has caught on fire from her potion -- and considers the open windows. Al asks Zassin if there is a back door, and Zassin says there are two. Al and Kat see a cloaked figure at the side door that they identify as the mage who used Misty Step. Kat tries to throw a Chaos Bolt at the mage, but it doesn't seem to have an effect. The mage says, "He didn't say I couldn't burn down other buildings," and casts a Fireball at them. Kat attempts a wild surge to counterspell, and she realizes that her See Invisibility ability has returned -- but the fireball explodes. Al dives through a nearby window and Kat dives into a water barrel, but they are not able to escape all the effects of the fireball. Gnik casts Grease at the feet of the boss, but he is dextrous and slides his way through it. The six crossbow wielders run out the back door, see the results of the fireball, and one laughs; then they follow the direction the mage ran, down an alley. The leader follows out the back door and begins berating the rest of his team. He sees Al and mutters "Well, fuck" again. The other six mercenaries come out. Milena arrives at the door behind Kai and tosses Nash in statue form over Kai with instructions to grab the leader. Nash gently grabs the enraged Kai, throws her onto her back, and charges into the alley, bowling over four mercenaries in the process -- another has thrown himself against the wall to get out of the way. Al parkours over the remaining standing mercenary to reach the leader and attacks with Obviator, stunning him, and then hits him a couple more times for good measure. Gnik sends Az to keep an eye on the leader to make sure he doesn't get away. Kat climbs up onto a nearby rooftop to keep an eye on the rest of the foes; she can see the six crossbow archers and the faint blue glow of the now-invisible mage getting ready to cast a spell. Kat tries Chaos Bolt again, and hits. She staggers back, yells, "...the FUCK?!" and looks up. Kat flips her off, and then hides. She lets everyone else know over the farspeaker that the mage is invisible, but is slightly on fire now. Kai dismounts from Nash, goes to the leader, and attempts to knock him out; he goes down at the first blow. She sprints to the place where she can see smoke rising and attempts to attack the invisible mage. The mage attempts to cast Firebolt at Kai, but it doesn't work; she Misty Steps away. Gnik takes a moment to Control Flames to try to keep the building from burning down, and then heads toward the back door; Ember is jogging up as quickly as she can. The mercenaries in the street get up, realize their choices for retreat are down a burning street or into an alley with a flaming barbarian. They head back into the building, where Gnik and Milena are, with their weapons in defensive positions. Milena asks what their business is with them, and the one in front says their boss just told them someone paid them to kill them, but the mercenaries don't know who hired them. Milena lets them flee. Kat doesn't have eyes on the mage, but they realize she only could have gone somewhere she could see. Al goes into the nearest doorway, which opens into a storage area in the back of a shop. He thinks he might smell something burning, and as he moves toward the front of the shop he sees a trail of smoke. He dashes around the room to block the door and says into the farspeaker, "I think she's in the room with me," and hears a voice mutter, "...the fuck?" Ember finally makes it to the tavern and asks Milena what's happening. Milena points to the back door and says the leader is that way, not knowing he's been knocked out already. Kat drops into the room and shoots at the mage with her crossbow, hitting her in the shoulder, and then hides again. Kai comes in and attempts to hit as well, with some guidance from Kat, and manages to connect; she goes down and goes visible as soon as she hits the ground. Kat searches the magic user and finds an orb she was using every time she was casting spells, but nothing else. Kai goes to tie up the leader, and Gnik goes to put out the fire in the alleyway. 30 October 2021 Once the fires are out, Gnik works with Al to get the mage's hands into the shackle orb. They bring her back into the alley with the tied-up mercenary leader. A couple of city guard approach from the other side of the alley, peer at them, and say, "Looks like you've got it all under control," and keep walking. Al says, "We have people who need to be taken to jail...." but they keep walking. Milena casts Prayer of Healing on the injured party members; while she's doing that, Al questions the tied-up mercenary, Arha. Al asks who paid them, and he says a kid named Enzo brought them the dagger and the money. Kat asks how much they got paid, as she's curious how much they're thought to be worth. He says they were given 50 gold for the whole gang. Al says that seems like a pretty low price and asks if he thinks the person expected him to succeed. Arha says, "I don't think I like how this conversation is going...." but he's willing to tell them the little he knows. They ask if he's going to come after them again, and he says no. Al pulls Kai aside and asks if they're supposed to take some of the mercenary's stuff since they defeated them -- "I mean, how does it work in Freeport?" Kai says there wouldn't be a problem with it, so he comes back and tells Kat she can search him. He has a coin purse with a few coins, and four letters from four different women, which Kat reads, aloud. They are pretty bawdy. "Do I have to listen to this?!" Al asks, but Ember listens with amused interest. They bring the mage over; she has an expression of angry frustration. Al says, "I hope you realize we've restrained you out of concern over what you might do; we respect your power." She just glares. Gnik tells her she can speak to answer questions but not to answer spells. She says her name is Mona, and she didn't even know who had hired them. Arha confirms that she's just someone he hires sometimes for jobs; she doesn't seem to have any particular grudge against them. Kat searches her and finds a crystal orb, which she takes from her. After some discussion, the group concludes that the authorities would do nothing if they took the mercenaries in, so they just let them go. Mona asks Kat if she can have the orb back. "Sure, for 50 gold...." She's already taken Mona's coin purse, so Mona says she'll have to go collect the money and send it to her, and asks where they're staying. Arha elbows her and says, "You already know that, idiot!" She sighs and says, "I'll send it to you." "Okay," Kat says, "when I get it I'll give the orb back." Arha asks how the group knew they were planning to attack them. "You told us when we walked in," he said. "We weren't looking for you, we were looking for Lucius's dagger. Where did you get it?" Enzo gave it to them as part of the payment, and they were just hired last night. They were planning to attack tonight, and meet up again with Enzo afterwards. Milena borrows Kat's dagger that allows Sending once per day to send a message to Agnes: Gnik unwisely told blue gnome chick Jennifin that your island has artefacts of Casadega. Be warned of unwanted visitors snooping around. Kat says "Hi, Danae!" The group heads to Enzo's house/tailor shop to confront him. Al and Ember walk around back in case there's a back door where he might flee. The rest of the group walks in, and a man behind the counter greets them. Kai says they're looking for Enzo. He says, "Can I tell him who's asking?" "Just go get him," says Kai. At the back door, Al and Ember see a head poke out, look around, and startle. He claims he needs to run an errand to get more needles, but Al marches him back inside. It is the same guy, and it is clear it's Enzo. He says the Master told him to pay to have the group taken out, but he doesn't know why. Kat searches his desk and sees that someone has tried to disguise the bottom drawer to make it appear like it is not really a drawer, but it is easy to pull out. It is full of miscellaneous occult books and writings. Al finds a black hooded robe. Al asks, "Who's the Master, and where do we find him?" Enzo says there's a bricked-up building where they've met a few times, and that's the only place he's ever seen him. He also mentions that the Master asked him to bring food there the last few days. Gnik asked how he got involved with the Brotherhood, and Enzo says someone approached him at the occult shop and invited him to a meeting. Gnik has reviewed the occult writings, and all of it is crap -- legends and lore with no real basis in reality. They get the impression that while the writings are slanted toward "dark arts", he really just wants to get control of his own life. Gnik tells him he should go to the library to get real knowledge -- and perhaps ask for the Philosophy section. They get the address of the bricked-up building, and decide perhaps they should tie up Enzo so that he can't warn anyone before they get to the building. Milena says they can check on him later in case no one else has come in to free him. They go to about a block away from the building and let Kat go ahead to scout. She and Mouse walk around the block to scope it out. The building is bland and nondescript, even for Freeport. It is a wooden building but with the windows bricked up, and a single door. It is a detached building in a surprisingly low-traffic area. The buildings nearby are warehouses, or abandoned. Kat sneaks into a building next door, which is a bookbinder's, looking for possible underground connections to the building. She makes small-talk with him while walking through the building, but sees no trap doors or connections. She asks about the building next door; he says it is abandoned, but there are squatters there sometimes. She goes to check out the abandoned building on the other side; it is in bad shape and there are signs of squatters. There is a path from the front door to a bedding area, perhaps used by a homeless person, but no other obvious paths that would connect to the building next door. She returns to the group to report her findings. Since there is only one door, they figure they will all just barge in. Kat finds that there is a built-in lock on the door, and it is latched. The whole door appears newer than the rest of the building. She does not find any traps, and pulls out her lockpick tools to pick the lock. Al keeps an eye out to see if anyone else is watching the building, and Milena looks around to see if anyone might be using Clairvoyance. The lock is very complicated and Kat is not immediately able to open; she is excited at how complicated it is. She and Al search the perimeter for secret entrances, and find none. Milena listens at the crack under the door, but hears nothing. Gnik slides his small mirror and a glowing blade under the door so he can see the back side of the lock and the door handle, and uses Mage Hand to unlock the lock and open the door. The place is a wreck on the inside, with rubbish and refuse on the inside. It was probably once many rooms, but no more. In the back there is a trapdoor in the floor. Kat checks the trapdoor for traps and finds none; she uses Mage Hand to open it. Milena is fairly certain that path has been regularly used, but it seems to be always the same pair of boots with a rock stuck in the heel based on the scratch patterns. Beneath the trapdoor are steep, narrow stairs leading down. They leave Boris and Mouse to guard the room and warn of intruders. They close and re-lock the door, and Gnik puts a chip of wood on top of the locking mechanism so they can see if someone unlocked it while they are down. They descend into a room with nine huge winecasks. There are tracks in the dirt floor, that Milena and Kai can see lead to one of the casks in the back corner. Kat investigates and suspects that the front piece is hinged inside the cask. She finds a piece of false wood that hides a lever to open the secret door. There are more stairs going down steeply a few feet. The area seems dimmer than they would expect, and there is a faint orange glow that Gnik recognizes as possibly from cojuration magic -- an abjuration effect on the floor, which he points out, covering the stairs and at least part of the floor beyond. Gnik uses Mage Hand to put something on the floor where the effect ends, and the group discusses having Kai fly each of them over the effect. Az and Zassin look at each other, fly forward, hang off the wall past the effect, and look back at the group. Gnik says to Az, "Okay, smartass, what do you see?" "Dark!" says Az. Zassin looks and sees a hallway ending in a door, and a smear of blood nearby. Gnik notices that the orange glow disappears as they fly through the area. They suspect the spell has warned someone they're coming. Milena, Gnik, and Al see that there has been a lot of foot traffic ahead; but there is a spot in the middle that all of the foot traffic avoids. They warn the others to avoid it in case it is a trap. Al sidles down the left side of it. Kat expresses concern about the dogs, and Gnik decides perhaps he should plant the immovable rod inside the front door to the building and bring the dogs downstairs with them. Boris and Mouse don't take the stairs very gracefully, but they make it down (and up will be easier). The group decides to let the dogs sniff the hilt of Lucius's dagger to see if perhaps Lucius is down here; Boris sniffs and goes down the hall to the door at the end and scratches at it; Mouse takes longer to sniff, then sits down at the same door and looks proud of herself. Kat examines the door and doesn't find a trap or lock, so she uses Mage Hand to open it. It creaks a bit, and the air inside seems strangely colored; and it sometimes feels as if something might be moving just at the periphery of their vision. As they look more closely at the tracks, some of them appear to come from four-toed clawed feet, probably from something two-legged and just smaller than human, based upon stride length, and possibly with a tail that sweeps across the ground behind them occasionally. They continue following Boris's lead, passing two closed doors along the hall they are following. The hallway bends 45 degrees, and there is an old spatter of dried blood on the floor. The hallway ends in massive double doors, and Boris stops in front of them. Gnik examines them with his glasses but doesn't see any magical effects on the doors themselves. Kat finds no locks or traps, but sees light coming through the cracks around the doors; it looks like flickering firelight. Gnik pulls out the Wand of Maria and activates its candlelight; it seems to blaze even more brightly than usual. They listen at the door; Kai thinks she hears a voice or voices, faintly; one seems to be barking orders, and she hears a faint creak as of a door closing, then more orders. Kat oils the hinges to try to keep them from creaking, and stealthily opens the door to peek in with the mirror. Milena steps back a few steps with the dogs, and Gnik joins them. In the room there are six pillars, each with a giant carved stone snake curled around it, and each flaming, probably from a Continual Flame spell. At the other end of the room is a basalt altar carved with a sigil they had previously seen in the Sgult dungeon on the island. There are hooded figures with crossbows glancing around toward the door, and there is a man on the dais, also in robes, pacing back and forth, possibly casting a spell. She gets a glance at his face, and it is Milos, the second-in-charge at the Library of Alsaya. Kat activates the Serpent of Sil's Aura of Purity, and the sickly orange glow vanishes out to a radius of 30 feet -- and the necklace glows brightly, as it has not done before. Kat hides it inside her shirt, then Ember throws open the door for her so she can throw the Star of Jaeleth into the midst of the crossbow wielders. The explosion is enough to hit all four of them, but not quite enough to reach Milos. Al goes running in, straight up the dais to punch Milos. As he swings he encounters a force around him that seems to absorb the blow in a shimmering light. Milos smirks, and does not appear to interrupt his spellcasting. Al throws his rope, and it seems to be resisted by another effect that Al recognizes as Mage Armor. Kai runs forward in rage mode and hits Milos, breaking through his defensive barrier; but he finishes casting his spell, and tentacles of sickly orange flail out from the palms of his hands with searing cold that hits Al, Kai, Ember, and Kat. Zassin turns on his camouflage, peels off from Milena's neck and slips into the room. Kat sends Mouse into the room to bite one of the crossbowmen, and knocks him down. Milena casts Sacred Flame at Milos, and then a quick Healing Word at Ember, who seems to have taken the most damage from Milos's spell. Boris goes running in at another of the crossbowmen. Kai swings at Milos again with her greatsword, and hits twice. He looks annoyed and says, "What are you even doing here? What do you care?" Al asks, "What are you doing here?" "Making the world a better place," Milos says. "Yeah, that's why," Kai says. "Also, someone tried to kill us this morning." "And you're blocking my access to the library!" Gnik calls from the hall. Ember runs in and stabs at the man Mouse knocked down. Gnik casts Slumber on the remaining two archers that the dogs haven't knocked down; they slump to the ground. Kat charges the opponent Boris is facing and strikes with her blade, engaging its necromantic effect -- which the blade is happy to allow. There is a loud booming sound as the blade hits, and Kat steps back to prevent an attack of opportunity. Milena and Gnik hear heavy footfalls behind them, and a hissing sound, but don't see anything yet. Milos says to Al, "You should pay more attention to your friends," and casts a Fireball into the back of the room; Milena and Gnik are partially protected by the door, but Ember and Kat go down. Al hits Milos and stuns him. A blob that appears to be the color of the wall appears on Milos's shoulder and bites him in the neck, then goes and hides again; in their mind's eyes, the group sees an image of a bound man bleeding from many wounds. Gnik sends Az down the hall to see what might be coming; she lets him know there are a dozen snake-people coming, wearing armor and carrying spears, and with really big teeth. The man facing Mouse tries to get up, and she yanks his arm out from under him; he curses and tries to train his crossbow on her, but only scrapes her foreleg. Milena casts Mass Healing Word, and Ember and Kat regain consciousness; the others also feel significantly better. Kai hits the stunned Milos, who tries to stammer out a sarcastic comment but fails miserably. She hits him twice and he stumbles forward, barely conscious. One of the crossbowmen wakes up and takes a shot at Kai, but Al grabs the bolt out of the air; the guy curses, throws his crossbow down, and pulls out his sword to charge Kai. Ember shakes off her recent unconsciousness, looks at the guard in front of her, and takes him out with her sword and dagger. Gnik moves down the hall just far enough to see the approaching snake-men. Once he can see them, he pulls out the Wand of Maria and says, "By Maria's wrath" to cast Dawn. Even those in the room behind him and down the hall can see the glow. The snakemen yell out in pain. Gnik notices one of them is wearing a snake skull-shaped helmet, and it occurs to him that his own oddly-shaped helm would fit a snake-man. Kat shoots a chaos-bolt at the man running at Kai; the effect spawns a second bolt, which she sends against the foe Boris is attacking. The one facing Boris is thrown against the wall and goes down. The one coming at Kai is still standing, but is not in great shape. Al hits Milos, taking him down with a punch to the sternum; he coughs, and his whole shape transforms into a snake-priest. He says, "You can't stop us. We will win." Al turns and hits the guard who charged Kai, and a moment later Mouse piles on. He attacks Al, who manages to smack the blade away. Milena moves up to join Gnik and casts Thunderwave at the approaching snakefolk. Three continue moving forward, but the others are pushed back 10 feet. Boris charges the remaining crossbowman, who goes down hard. Boris wipes his hind-legs at the guy, chuffs, and heads back toward the hallway and Milena. Kai grabs Milos and marches his snake-man corpse out to the approaching snake-folk army. She holds him up and says, "Your leader is dead. Leave before you are, too," in full intimidation mode. Many of them do seem pretty shaken. Gnik casts Grease in front of the front ranks of the snakefolk, pulls the Dawn effect forward so they are still in it, and retreats into the room. After that effect, there are only three still alive, and two are prone in the grease. The third turns and flees. Kat and Al see Ember stalk over to the remaining guard who is still affected by Slumber and stab him repeatedly and angrily with her sword. Kat pulls out her Wand of Secrets and activates it to try to find any secret doors; an outline appears near one of the columns nearest the altar. Al goes behind the altar, where Az and Zassin have pulled the burlap sack off the prisoner's head, and Az is biting through his bonds. Al sees that he is pretty beat up, his right eye swollen shut, but is in no immediate danger of dying. Al says, "Who are you? What's your name?" He identifies himself as Lucius, and asks who they are. Al tells him Alane sent them, and reassures him that she's ok. Milena asks one of the snakefolk why they are doing this. He says, "He will come and bring wonder." Milena asks if he means the Hater. He replies, "The Unspeakable One." "The one these people call Sgult?" "The Unspeakable One," he replies again. Milena casts Hold Person on him. The other tries to get up again, but Kai clubs him over the head with the flat of her blade and knocks him out. They tie up the two incapacitated snakefolk, and Gnik sends Az up to retrieve the immovable rod before the fleeing snakefolk gets it; however, she sees that he turns down through another door rather than going to the surface. They move Lucius out of the way and Gnik moves the Dawn effect over the altar; when it hits the stone statue on top of the altar, it starts melting, and the altar starts smoking and chipping. Once it is bathed in light, the altar explodes and the sickening orange light effect is dispelled. 13 November 2021 The group settles down for a short rest. Milena looks over Lucius and asks how he is. He is quite beat up, but conscious. She casts a Prayer of Healing for him and all the injured members of their party (everyone but Al). Gnik casts Gentle Repose on Milos's corpse to keep it from rotting away or being turned undead. Gnik asks if Lucius remembers him from Saltmarsh, and he apologizes and says it was during his missing time. Al asks if he knew what the snake people were up to, and he answers, "What snake people?" They show him Milos's corpse, and he says, "Why is it wearing Milos's clothes?" They explain it's Milos's true form. He says Milos kept asking him what happened in his dreams because he seemed to think it was a key to contacting other realms. He doesn't remember anything about his missing time, but what he remembers of his dreams are all horrific. Gnik asks if he wants to know what happened to him, and Lucius says yes. Gnik suggests that the next time Lucius sleeps, Gnik could cast Detect Thoughts on him; Lucius agrees to this plan. While they rests, Gnik uses Augury to ask, "What will happen if we find out what happened to Lucius?" and the answer is Woe. Gnik relays to Lucius that he may not want to know what happened to him -- and that while he is normally not a fan of willful ignorance, in this case the signs suggest that is the best choice. Lucius asks if Gnik knows who his Augury contacts for answers, and if it could be biased. Gnik agrees, although he does not know the source. After they have rested, they direct Lucius out of the warehouse so he can return to the temple for the Holy Day, and then they explore the tunnel behind the trap door. Leading Lucius back to the warehouse entrance, they see another section of wall open a crack -- another trap door, probably where the snake people came from. Behind the trap door in the altar room, the tunnel is rough-hewn and partially natural. It is not lit. They reach a narrow opening; squeezing through, Kat finds an enormous cavern with a ceiling up to 20 feet high in places, and a large lake that is mostly invisible in the darkness. The ground is very worn in a lot of places, and the ground is very sandy. There are bones and refuse scattered around, and to the right is a mound that looks like a kiln with a red glow coming from it, with two open crates to one side and three barrels on the other -- two lidless and one nicer, with a lid. Gnik checks for magic with his Arcana glasses; he detects multiple magical items in the kiln, one in the nicer barrel, and one in one of the crates. Al inspects the open barrels, which appear to contain things used to create bricks. The barrels have a symbol branded on them that looks like a fancy V; it is marked on the crates as well. In the kiln, Milena sees a grate at the bottom and a brightly glowing, hot plate at the top, with six yellow-white bricks in it. Al looks in the nicer barrel and sees that it has a few inches of dark red liquid remaining in the bottom; it smells like it could have been blood. Gnik detects that the barrel itself is magic, not the contents. Al discerns that the blood seems fresh, although clearly much of it has already been used; most likely the magic of the barrel keeps it fresh. Al looks in one of the crates and sees three finished bricks, which Gnik detects are magical. He sees that there is a very fine seam that runs along it. Gnik suggests it could be a mold rather than a brick. Milena uses tongs to pull one of the bricks from the kiln; it gives a bit, as if it is not yet fully cured. The seam is more evident on it. Al suggests they regroup and examine the bricks. He asks if Kat and Gnik could use their Mage Hands to pull one of the uncured ones apart, but they are not strong enough alone; but having someone strong on one side and both Mage Hands on the other allows it to pop apart. They see that inside the bricks the Saffron Sigil of Sgult is etched and filled in with dried blood. They see marks in the sand where other crates have been dragged down another passage, and follow the tracks. They lead a long way down another rough passageway; there is a hallway that continues, and a branch to the left that leads to the back side of a secret door. Kat opens it; it opens into a room with garish purple curtains on all the wall, four chests scattered haphazardly around, and a pile of skeletal but still somewhat gooey bodies that appear human; they have no skin or meat, but the bones and internal organs remain. Al walks into the room to examine the bodies and Kat walks in to look at the chests. Boris makes a growl in the direction of the bodies, and Milena says to Al, "Watch the intestines, they are coming for you." A segment of intestines is squirming across the floor toward him. The bodies begin standing up. He disengages, dodging the reaching arms and intestines, but they move to follow and to try to engage Kat, but she dances away. Milena pulls out her holy symbol to try to turn them. Six of them begin crawling to the far corner; three more stagger to their feet and move toward the door. Mouse barks at them. Gnik casts Web; sticky silvery webs come from his hands and cover the far side of the room. They smell like old books. From the three unturned creatures, twelve tendrils of entrails come shooting out at Al, but he manages to dodge all of them. Boris lets out a threatening woof. Al throws his abyssal weapon into the hip of one of them, and then calls it back. Milena casts Thunderwave at the three unturned zombies, plus the three stuck in Gnik's web. One is completely destroyed; two of the webbed ones are pushed against the far wall and stick. Kai jumps into the room with her sword and slices through the nearest unturned, unstuck zombie; it oozes to the ground. Gnik blasts the other with his helm and it staggers. One of the zombies sends its entrails to grapple Kai and drag her ten feet towards it. A second tendril hits her from another zombie. She is pulled between the two of them. A third zombie reaches a tendril toward Al, but he parries it. Kai hits the webbed zombie grappling her, and cleaves through its skull; its tendril lets her go. She swings toward the next nearest one and slices through the ribcage, but it is still standing. Al moves forward to attack it, and punches through the rest of its ribcage. He moves forward to get the next one, which is webbed, and destroys it. He moves to the back of the room and one of the turned zombies, but he is unable to hit it; he hits the wall instead. Milena casts Sacred Flame at it, and its entrails bubble under the radiant damage. Gnik blasts the one still holding Kat with his helm, and it disintegrates. Kat, who has been keeping Ember company while she keeps watch down the passageway, wanders back to see how the battle is going, and whether she can look in the chests yet. The zombie facing Al reaches out a claw at his face, but he parries it. Kai charges one of the remaining two; her first swing misses, but the second connects. Al takes down the one he is facing, and then moves to hit the last turned zombie; the one facing Kai swings a claw at him, but he dodges it. Milena hits it with another Sacred Flame, and Gnik blasts it with his helm, and it goes down. With only one foe remaining, Kat wanders back into the room, and four tendrils come at her from the last zombie. She knocks one away, but one goes around her leg, one around her torso, and one around her neck. She throws up her Shield, knocking away the ones coming for her leg and torso, but the other one is still coming at her neck. Mouse runs forward, jumps up and bites at it, and stops the attack. Kai hits it twice and it falls apart. Gnik informs them all that there is magic on top of all four chests in the room, and that the chest in the far corner also has something magical inside it. Kat can't tell what's magical about the tops of the chests; she asks Gnik if he can use his glasses, and he says no. He can tell it is Abjuration magic; and if it is writing, it is on the inside of the lid. He recommends opening them from a distance with Mage Hand. Kat tries carefully picking the lock and upon looking at it more closely she recalls a spell she read about called Symbol which can affect everything within 60 feet. Kat thinks she could probably slide a wire saw under the lid and take off a corner of the chest without taking off the lid, which might allow her to get into the chest without setting off the glyph. They decide to wait until they are better rested to return to the room. Al returns to the hallway and keeps following the tracks. They go to the back of the secret door they noticed on the way to showing Lucius out. They go through and look for signs of crates being dragged across the room; they appear to go toward the entry room with the barrels, where they had not previously detected any magic. Kat crosses the room to the other door, and when it doesn't seem to be trapped, she opens it up. Milena is oerwhelmed with a sensation of some kind of horrible ritual of jusgment -- a man being held by tentacles coming up from a pit surrounded by hooded figures, and a ceiling shimmering with stars; there is a gong, incense burners, and candelabras on the far table. Kat feels a strange spiritual energy in the room, and turns to look at her mother, who is staring with concern. She describes the vision she saw, and says she hopes it is something that happened in the past and not one that is going to happen. Al suggests that she should consecrate it, but she doesn't think she has the power to overcome the energies there by herself. They go to the next door and verify that it is the back way into the room with the zombies. They come to another door on the right that opens onto a small octagonal room with a teakwood desk and low shelves crammed with books and scrolls, and a hanging lamp with magical flame. There is a large bound book on top of the desk, bound in black leather and silver. It is labeled "The Book of the Unspeakable One". There are letters on the desk; two are progress reports on "the structure" that are very vague. The third is signed N'Tal and says the preparations are almost complete and that they will be arriving in Freeport soon, and "the Brotherhood is counting on you". The titles on the shelves suggest mostly horrific subjects. Kat sizes up the beautiful desk, wondering if she could get it out the door. Gnik finds a needle in the desk that is magical, and has runes along its flat portion that say something about granting ink for ink -- it turns into a tattoo that will allow the wearer to permanently write with their finger, as long as the tattoo is in place. It can be popped out again and turned back into the needle. Gnik takes it and the books and places them in his bag. While he is doing that, Milena briefly looks at the Book of the Unspeakable One to see if it contains any clues for how to stop the ritual to come. It is so horrific that she immediately feels psychically damaged, and feels that she could have lost wisdom if not bolstered by her companions. She slams the book shut, hands it to Gnik, and says, "Burn it." 26 November 2021 (Unknown Future Day) Gnik comes to the group suggesting that they search for the Left-Bonded Blade of Alyssa, the companion to the Right-Bonded Blade he already has, which can sense the bonded blade, its direction and approximate distance. He has detected that the other blade is in Freeport. The blade he has can put out fires and is probably the Blade of Smoke, so the other (by legend) must be the Blade of Fire. The blade is somewhere off the main island, so they take the ship to the south and east, about three miles. They can see a collection of tiny islands in the direction they're headed; Kat and Al see someone on one of the rocks, waving, sunburned and in tattered clothing. Kat calls from the crow's nest, "Man ahoy, or whatever...." and they head that way. Al dives into the water and swims that way, with Az and Zassin flying after him. Kat and Kai help the crew lower the sailboat. The man looks at the approaching macaw and faerie dragon with confusion and then annoyance. Zassin and Az see behind him a number of other creatures -- harpies -- and the man on the rock transforms into a harpy as well, and starts singing. Kai, Al, and Milena are aware that they are foul creatures that lure people in; Al and Kai have heard of another type that can create illusions in people's minds. Al sees a shipwreck below as he swims; as he surfaces, he hears the harpies' song and swims toward it. Milena recognizes that Kat is preparing to try a wild magic surge to try a Silence spell, and says, "Stop. I have Silence scroll." She puts on the Firebird cloak to get within range of the harpy. Zassin sees Al still swimming toward the harpy and nips at him to try to snap him out of it, but Al keeps going. Zassin dives under the water to hide. The other eight harpies leap up into the air; two of them and the singing Matriarch circle in the air above Al, while the other six head toward the ship. Al senses that the harpies want him to reach them, so he throws up a rope, which the Matriarch catches on a claw. Kai sees that Jimsu, at the wheel, is trying to get the sails situated to keep going, but Kat is on her way to try to stuff candlewax in his ears. Jerry is trying to raise the anchor, so she goes to try to punch him to snap him out of it (or knock him out). She connects and he goes down. Rodger, who has been trying to fight him, slides down and says, "Thanks, he's big!" He lowers the anchor again. Ember dives into the water, followed by Gnik. Milena activates the cloak and since the harpies have now left the rock, casts Silence on the helm of the ship where Jimsu is trying to steer, and then moves toward Gnik to try to pull him out of the water. The unaffected crew start hauling the affected crew into the sphere of the Silence spell. Kat stuffs the wax in her own ears and uses her mermaid skirt to dive in and rush toward Al. Az dives into the water and slams into Gnik, knocking him out of the effect. Zassin also dives into the water around Al, flashing colors at him and nipping at him to try to distract him. The Matriarch lets go of the rope and the other two with her grab the rope and carry him back to the rock, landing next to him. Al is suddenly aware of his predicament, but is incapacitated thanks to the proximity to the harpies. Gnik looks up and sees six harpies flying overhead, and casts Web at them, pulling four down into the water. He grabs Az and continues toward Al. Milena shoves wax into her own ears and catches up to Ember, making a grab at her to try to pull her out of the water and singeing her in the process due to the Firebird cloak, but Ember does not snap out of it. She tries flying Ember back to the ship to drop her in the sphere of Silence. Ember pulls out a couple of daggers and stabs at Milena, hitting her in the side. The Matriarch leaps at Al and swipes with her claws, but he is able to parry most of the attack, getting a scratch across his chest. Another one jumps at him; he ducks under the first attack and blocks the second, attempting to pin it. Its claw sticks into the rock. The third swipes at him, giving him another scrape. Al kicks the Matriarch with his free foot, stunning it; the song stops. Back on the ship, the affected crew members all shake it off and run for the Silence sphere. He attacks the pinned harpy and stuns it as well, then attacks the third harpy and stuns it. Kai sees the crew is recovering and uses her boots to fly to one of the two approaching harpies; she slashes it multiple times with her sword and it falls dead into the water. She glares menacingly at the other one. Gnik flips over on his back to toss the waterlogged and unable-to-fly Az into the air, and casts Prestidigitation to dry her out; she flies away and Gnik continues on to the rock. Milena drops ths singed Ember onto the deck of the ship and shouts, "Get into the Silence zone or put wax in ears!" Ember pulls her bow out and yells at the approaching harpy, "You're now in range, bitch!" Milena moves toward the four harpies in the water. Kat reaches the rock and acrobats onto it beside Al. "What needs to happen here?" she asks. "They need to stop being able to sing," Al says. Kat attempts a wild surge to create a damaging ray that will hit all three harpies. Instead, she notices that the light gets very dim. And also, the sun appears to be about an eighth its normal size. Al suddenly feels less good about egging Kat on to try a wild surge. Zassin flies up and attacks the Matriarch to give advantage to whoever attacks her next. Al hits the other non-pinned one and it slides off the rock, dead. The four webbed harpies surface; they are unable to fly, so they are trying to swim back to the island. The remaining harpy near the ship, having been hit twice by Ember's arrows, turns to fly back to the little rock. Kai flies out to chase down the one fleeing the ship. As she nears it, she throws her javelin at it, hitting; it falls into the water and Kai drags it toward her on the magical line attached to the javelin. Gnik reaches the rock and leaps out of the water, attempting a Mind Spike on the Matriarch. She is staggered. Milena flies into the midst of the waterlogged harpies and casts Word of Radiance, hitting three of them while also singeing them with the fire effect from the cape, then flies up out of their reach. Kat attacks the Matriarch and uses the Booming Blade effect and necromantic energy draw; the flesh goes black around the rapier as she rips it out. With her off hand she swipes again with her dagger, hitting it in the shoulder; it staggers back and falls over. Zassin flies at the remaining harpy on the rock, nipping at it. Gnik sends Az to see if there's anything hidden in the rocks; she finds a nest with things in it, and he tells her to investigate it. The harpies in the water squawk up, "Leave us alone! Leave us alone!" at Milena, and one of them starts singing; she is not as powerful as the Matriarch, though, so none of the group is affected. Al hits the pinned harpy and it goes down, unconscious; he hits it again to finish it off. The group converges on the remaining waterlogged harpies to finish them off. Zassin returns to Milena and projects an image in her mind of the battle on the rock, with Zassin taking out the three harpies while Al cowers in fear and Az flies up to high-five him. Zassin then asks for treats. Gnik consults the book to figure out what to do about the sun, and finds that it is probably a curse effect that can be removed. It seems to affect a seven-mile radius around the target area -- which is mostly in the middle of the ocean, but includes Freeport. They take a closer look at the shipwreck; it is in horrible shape, covered in barnacles, except for the ram at the front. Az inspects the nest and finds humanoid bones, some coins and tiny gems, a locket, and a symbol on a medallion that looks like a wolf; Milena recognizes it as Rafael, a major god in the Bargallian culture -- a god of obedience, hard work loyalty, and fatherhood. Milena claims it. Gnik finds that his bonded dagger pulls toward the shipwreck. Milena casts Cure Wounds on Al, who has taken the most damage, and they go to inspect the shipwreck more closely. Az stays above to keep watch, as she can't swim in her bird form. Gnik sees that the ram in the front is magical, and he detects other magic below the main deck. Looking into the hold, he sees a marble statue of a man in furs holding a sword; it has an aura of enchantment and necromancy. Zassin slips down, camouflaged, to take a closer look. The group notices that it is eerily silent -- not to the level of a Silence spell, but muffled. Al pulls out a friend from his bag and gets a seahorse; he sends it to swim around looking for interesting things. "What's interesting?" it asks. Al says shiny things, and creatures that shouldn't normally be there. "OK!" it says, and swims away slowly. Al pulls a second friend... and gets the giant seahorse. He tasks it to watch out for danger. He pulls a third friend and gets Cuddy the Octopus, and asks her to search for anything unusual. As she wanders around, Kai notices a gapinig hole at the back of the ship, and some smaller ones near the rocks it rests on. She also sees writing on the side of the ship that is not Jhoynian; she can't read it through the barnacles. Zassin peers through the darkness in the hold. He sees the statue, a lot of debris, and a hole in side of the ship that opens onto the rocks -- and a hole in the rock that seems to lead into a cavern. He sends a mental image to the group of the statue, which Milena recognizes as Rafael. She lets the group know through the farspeakers. "Bored now," Zassin thinks to the group, and tries opening the door to the front of the hold. It is so rotted that it falls to the floor. Gnik goes into the hold, and Milena follows to get a closer look at the statue. The rest of the group follows. Al hears Cuddy call out, "Hey, the little guy got eaten by a giant crab... gotta go gotta go!" The rest of the group sees a translucent man in armor Milena recognizes as Bargallian emerging from the cavern, followed by a beautiful woman. The man asks in broken trade, "Why are you here?" Kat responds, in Bargallian, "We like dogs." The woman starts laughing. Cuddy and the giant seahorse swim frantically in with a huge shape, seven feet in diameter, chasing them. The woman says, "Brigida, wait!" and it stops. "But it looked so tasty!" it says. Gnik says they came looking for the bonded companion to his dagger, and the woman gestures to the crab, who is holding it in one of her claws. The two ghosts introduce themselves as Dalibor and Hanka, who were traveling from town to town with the statue spreading word of Rafael. At his name, the crab begins gleefully singing a hymn to Rafael. Hanka says she wanted a sea companion and awakened the crab and gave her sentience. Their ship was beset by harpies, and they were locked in the hold while it sank and the rest of the crew were eaten by the harpies. They ask if someone can say last rites over their corpses and those of their crew. Milena says she is happy to do so, and asks questions about their preferences. She asks if Dalibor wishes to be buried with his amulet, but he says not if it can be of use elsewhere. They share that the high priest had an altar with something magical in it, although they don't know what, as well as a waterproof crate of books about Rafael. Milena asks what to do about the crab, who might get lonely without her companions, and they consider taking her with them. Brigida asks if they have food, and Milena says they have plenty of troll meat. Hanka stays with the crab while Dalibor takes the rest of the group to the brig where their bodies are. They have been in seawater for more than three years, so they are reduced mostly to bone with tattered clothing. The group retrieves the bones. Zassin notices one of the hands has something glittering on it, so he swims in to retrieve it. Kai hears a muffled sound of something else nearby, but she is not sure what it is. She thinks she sees movement through the hole at the side of the ship, and swims to the hole to take a closer look. Everyone hears a voice in their minds and aloud say, "Dalibor is staying here." He does not seem to have heard anything. Kai sees four things coming down the rock toward the ship, somewhat humanoid, that Kai, Kat, and Al recognize as Skum, powerful telepathic beings that serve the ancient race of the Aboleth and that will take a ship's crew to their master to be enslaved. Kai slices with her sword; the creature oozes slime rather than bleeding. Milena and Zassin see another creature moving toward the hole at the back of the ship -- a Deep Scion. Zassin tries to distract one of them with shiny flashing lights, and then hides. Kat throws a Chaos Bolt through the hole in the brig to try to hit the distracted Deep Scion. One of the Skum hits Ember, stunning her; another hits Kai, and her brain feels muddled. Three Skum come up to Milena and Zassin, and each gets hit once, feeling the brain-muddling sensation. Kai attacks one of the Skum again, lopping off a tentacle, but it doesn't seem to care. The other Scion screams with that brain-muddling effect and slashes with its claws at Milena across her chest, where she has just stashed the stunned Zassin. She steps back and casts Bless, and Kat casts a Sanctuary spell on Milena, who is now very injured. Ember comes to, pushes off toward one of the Scions, and slices it into bits. One of the others tries to slip past Kai; she takes a swing, but misses. The other two swipe at her, and one of them hits, muddling her mind again. Two of the Scions swing at Ember, and one hits; a third moves toward the door and tries to hit Milena, but she is protected. Two Skum swing at Al, but he dodges. Kai swings at one and takes its head off at the shoulders, then attacks a second one and hits. The remaining Deep Scion, which is slowed by a spell from Gnik, goes past Ember and heads to the door to try to attack Milena, but is unable to. Al sends Bounder the Giant Seahorse to try to distract his foes; it swims back and then comes charging forward to slam into the one next to Al. "Is that distracting?" it asks. "Yes, good job!" Al says. Cuddy also goes to the one facing Kai and pulls on its feet, trying to mess with it. Gnik Mind Spikes the remaining Scion, then ducks back behind the door to the brig. Milena casts Mass Healing Word on her injured party member, and then moves toward the front of the ship to try praying to the statue of Rafael. She sees the two ghosts back at the entrance of the cave held rigid and staring upward with a look of torment; Brigida is waving a claw at them, saying, "Hanka? Are you okay?" Milena asks if she has seen this before, and she says no. Milena kneels and says a Bargallian prayer, and a blue light emanates from the statue, imbuing all of the party as it passes them with extra confidence, and an increased Bless. Kat ducks out from her hiding spot and hits the remaining Scion with her Booming Blade and then hides again. Ember goes after two slowed Skum, and they pile onto her. Gnik yells, "Ember, disengage! Back up!" The two Skum near Al swing at him, but he parries their only decent attack. Kai, with the help of Cuddy's distraction, parries the blows from the Skum near her. The Deep Scion looks around for Kat but can't see her, so goes through the door and sees Gnik. It slices twice, and Gnik tries Mind Spiking it again; it staggers and goes down. From her spot near the ghosts, Milena casts another Mass Healing Word and asks the remaining Skum, "Why do you want Dalibor?" They reply telepathically, "Zallmimin orders it." Zassin flies in to distract the Skum attacking Ember, and then pulls away again. Kat sneak attacks the Skum nearest her, and engages both Booming Blade and the necromantic draw, then hides again. Ember stabs the Skum in front of her that is already hurt, and takes it down, then hacks the other one with several effective blows. It attacks and hits; she does not go down, but is very injured. The one Kat attacked turns and manages to see her, and attacks, taking damage in the process from the Booming Blade; Kat reacts with a Shield spell, which blocks one of the two hits. The one facing Kai hits her twice; she slices at it and takes it out. The two facing Al try hitting, but only one gets through. Kai slides down the rock to join Al. Al blasts the one just inside the door near Kat with another Mind Spike. Milena moves through the melee to hit Ember with a Cure Wounds; she walks past Kat on the way, who could also use healing, but doesn't see her because Kat is hidden. Zassin does see Kat and goes over to distract the Skum on her with a coordinated strike. Kat hits it again with the Booming Blade and necrotic effect, then disengages and moves out of range. Ember attacks the Skum next to her, and doesn't quite take it down, but it is very hurt. The Skum that was attacking Kat starts searching the rocks for her, but can't find her since she has moved. Each of the two Skum facing Al gets a hit through at him. Al hits the first one and takes it out. Both he and Kai hit the other one, and then Al hits it a second time with his off hand. Gnik tries to Mind Spike the one going after Kat. Milena casts Sacred Flame at the one facing Ember, and it goes down; since Milena is now in the cell with the bodies, she starts last rites. Zassin distracts both the remaining Skum; Kat pulls out her crossbow to send a force bolt at the one that was chasing her, hits it in the face, and takes it out. Ember runs after the one remaining foe and slices it up; it turns on Kai but doesn't manage to hit her, and she and Al take it out. Once the foes are dispatched, the ghosts return to their normal selves. Milena ceases her Last Rites long enough to talk to them. Delibor explains that he spent the last couple years of his life fighting Zallmimin and his minions, so he is not surprised Zallmimin would try to keep him from the afterlife. He says he took many notes, but they are probably no longer legible after so long underwater. Gnik asks to see them; one is a book called Aboleth -- the Horror Beneath the Waves, and the second is an accompanying notebook. They are trashed, but Gnik carefully collects them to Restore them later. He asks Delibor where Zallmimin operated, wondering if the book would be more useful in Freeport than Saltmarsh, and decides it probably would. Gnik sees that the ring Zassin found is magical, and asks Delibor about it, who says it belonged to their High Priest. Gnik asks what it did, and he says, "I just thought it was his holy symbol." Gnik, trying to decide whether to go ahead and cast Identify now or wait until later, asks Delibor if he wants to know what it did. "It does not matter now," he says, but Hanka says, "Yes we want to know!" While he casts Identify, Milena casts Prayer of Healing on the group. Gnik deduces that the ring has some kind of divination magic, but only works if paired with another item. They determine that the other item is the altar, which is in the priest's former quarters, and can be used to cast a Scry spell. Zassin and Milena see that the top of the alter has latches on the side, and if both are hit at the same time the top swings up; there is a mirror and an indentation that the ring can go into. Coiled around the indentation is a mechanical cobra that rises up, looks at Milena, sees that she has the Amulet of Rafael around her wrist, and coils up again. They determine the ship was called "Leader" in Bargallian, and had been there a bit over three years. When the ghosts are ready, Milena performs last rites, and the ghosts spark out; Milena gives a Bargallian gesture of "safe travels", which they return. 1 January 2022 (7 Sinta 3275, continued) The group decides to set up camp in a Tiny Hut in or near the underground lake. Al dives in to see what it is like; it is freshwater, about eight feet deep, and is clean and sanitary. Gnik uses a pinch of his Dust of Dryness to create a marble storing 15 cubic feet of water for later use. The surrounding water comes crashing into the sudden void, making a big splash. Gnik places the Book of the Unspeakable One into the kiln at the beach, and although it takes a little longer to burn than one might expect, it does incinerate, releasing black smoke that floats up to the ceiling. Gnik places the Tiny Hut underwater, and those who need to rest (Milena, Kat, Gnik) settle in. Kai patrols about once an hour, and takes some time to smash the bricks beside the kiln. The group awakens a couple hours before midnight. The group returns to the room with the chests. Gnik hypothesizes that although some are probably magically trapped, it is possible using the keys they found on Milos will keep the traps from being sprung. He suggests using the key with Mage Hand from a safe distance... except one of the effects he thinks it might be would have an effect twice the radius of the range of Mage Hand. They decide to try using a Tiny Hut as a shield, although Kat would have to have her hand and head out of the hut to manipulate her Mage Hand. Milena offers her tactical shield as additional protection. She finds a key to unlock the first chest; as it begins to open, she sees the beginning of an explosion of orange light and pulls back -- but begins babbling. Al pulls out his Pearl of Speech to see if he can understand her... and he begins babbling as well. They both start wandering aimlessly... but as Milena considers using Restorations from her necklace on each of them, they both snap out of it. Kat goes over to the chest; on top of a pile of silver coins is an ornate gold-plated shield with a snake motif on it. It is not magical. Having seen the protection spell in action, Gnik recognizes that it is a Symbol spell, which can be tweaked in many different ways, meaning that the traps on the other chests could be significantly more deadly. However, Kat decides to try the others anyway, with Milena casting a Bless spell to give her a better chance of shrugging off the effects. The next chest releases green light which makes Kat feel a bit like she is about to pass out, but she shrugs it off as she pulls back into the tent. In the hall, they see bugs fall off the wall as the light hits them and they pass out. She moves quickly onto the next chest so she can still have the effect of the Bless. The next chest releases grey energy, and as she pulls back she feels the beginnings of burning pain, worse than she has ever felt, but she shakes it off and moves to the third chest. As she opens it, inky black energy rolls through the room; where it hits her as she is trying to pull back, she sees her flesh beginning to burn off, and then she can't see as her eyes explode. Al, standing by her, pulls out a potion of Greater Healing and pours it over her; she comes to in excruciating pain. Milena casts a high-level Cure Wounds and her flesh re-knits. The chests contain a large number of coins and four onyx gems. Milena states that they will be converting some of the coins into diamonds for her to hold onto. They move on to the room where Milena saw the sickening vision of a ritual. Kat looks in, planning to bring the items from the altar out with Mage Hand. The candelabras, of silver, are exquisitely shaped like coiling snakes; the candles are black but don't seem remarkable. The gong has a serpent motif and is made of bronze. There is something on the altar behind the gong, an oval piece of smooth grey material etched with text that looks like Gellen text. It is not magical; Gnik sees that it is a description of a ritual used to judge those who want to join the order by summoning their god. "Something else to chuck in the kiln," he says. They move to the remaining secret door they've found, and Al investigates to see how it opens and whether it is trapped, but it looks like all the others. Al opens the door, and immediately notices the stench: it is definitely the sewers. It is a mess, and although there is a small area where they could walk along beside the flow, it would not be easy. They decide not to try it -- some of them emphatically. Kat, having been recently dead, does not feel up to checking out the lighthouse, which was next on their list. Celebrations will be ongoing at the library, so they decide to take Milos's body back to the head librarian and explain what happened. They put it into the barrel of preservation which formerly held the blood for the bricks, and carry it on one of Gnik's discs. Kat shares that while she was mostly dead, she had a vision of Ag telling her that it wasn't her time yet, and "Good job"! She plans to take her share of silver and offer it to Ag as she had done before. They make their way back to the surface and out of the building, where there are two guards wearing Verlaine's symbol on their livery, saying they're there to pick up a crate for Verlaine. Al gets the impression that one of them is blissfully ignorant, the other is worried and trying to figure out how to get out of a bad situation. Al approaches him, trying to convince him that they are just trying to keep the peace. The guards suggest they should take the group to Verlaine; Al says they need to take something to the library first, but then will go talk to Verlaine. Al hands him a coin, pretending it is a Shapeshifting Detector, after telling the guards about the Sgult worshippers and snake people underground -- hoping Gnik could track it, and therefore the guard, if he is reporting to someone other than Verlaine. As they head to the library, Milena and Al notice that there are not a lot of folks milling around near the back alley, but there is a woman standing off to the side looking like she's trying to look inocuous, and occasionally glancing in the group's general direction. Al calls Kat's attention to her, and Kat waits for the rest of the group to walk past before talking to the girl -- but the girl walks up to them and says, "The Mighty Redeemers." She is tall, almost 6 feet tall, and says she just wants to chat -- they can walk and talk. She introduces herself as Bernace, and asks if they would be insterested in doing something for them; she is from the Fallstar region, and she wants to protect her home. She says she has a little place near the Dreadwood, and that she is a witch and potioner. She wants the group to have a conversation with Brigit, who is also staying at the Last Resort, to understand the problem she's dealing with and to try to find a more direct way to deal with it. She offers them a bag of potions just to have the conversation. She says she can't tell them more about Brigit because Brigit wouldn't want her to, and it would be a disadvantage going into the conversation; Milena asks if they should tell Brigit that Bernace sent them, but she says Brigit wouldn't know who she is. Milena takes the bag of potions, and they continue on toward the library. When they arrive, Elene is there on her her chair and comes up to thank them effusively for finding Lucius. Gnik says they also found Milos, and need to talk to Thuron. She says Lucius is talking with him, and invites them up. When they enter Thuron's tower, they see Lucius on one side of the desk and Thuron rises from the other to greet them. He thanks them, says they have done more good than they know, and shares what Lucius has told him. Gnik says they have brought Milos's body back, and opens the barrel. Thuron looks surprised, but reveals that he himself is also of the Gellen people, although they do not call themselves that. He had met Lucius when he was wandering and followed him back to Freeport, where he found the original Thuron dead, and used his abilities to take his appearance and take his place to figure out what was going on. He shares that his real name is K'stallo. The Brotherhood is another sect worshipping the Unspeakable One; the remaining Gellens stay hidden because the different sects are still trying to kill one another. Milena asks if he has kept up Thuron's original priestly duties; he says he has, to the extent he was able. She lets him know there is an altar in the underground place that she does not think she has the power to consecrate herself, and he says he will help gather others to help, although probably not until tomorrow afternoon to give them time to recover from the night's festivities. He also says his actual god is Sil, and Gnik asks, "...who has this symbol?" showing an image of the Serpent of Sil. He smiles and says, "I take it you have found one of our hoards?" Gnik says, "Why would you think that?" and he taps his ear, indicating the Farspeakers. They share some of the things they found, including that they released a Shadow Horde. Thuron says it is good that they were such a small group, as a released Horde takes the form of whatever is near, and having a smaller group makes a weaker Horde. Al asks K'stallo if Sil is known by another name here, and he says Sayd -- a pacifist -- is the equivalent god. "Oh, Sayd is great!" says Al. "He's okay," says Kai. K'stallo and Gnik discuss some of the information Gnik was looking for in the restricted section, and he says he will allow him access. He tells Milena to come back after the midday meal so they can take care of the altar. They head to Verlaine's. On the way, Al asks Gnik who he thinks Brigit is that Bernace asked them to talk with; he says it is probably the deposed Queen Brigit of Serin. They arrive at Verlaine's a little after 10 pm. Alen is standing outside, wearing the "V" symbol on his tabbard. He says Verlaine is waiting for them, and leads them in. As they are walking, Al asks Alen, "So you aren't a Sgult worshipper, are you?" He snorts and says, "No way, man." Al warns him that there may be some among Verlaine's staff. Alen says he doesn't see it, but Al has a good sense of people and he trusts Al. There is a large granite entry hall with a fountain and circular stairs leading up. There are chairs arranged by the stairs; a man sitting there stands up, looking a bit put out. Kai positions herself at the edge of the group, in a guard-like stance, as Al says, "We want to make you aware that there may be more going on with the bricks you have ordered than you were aware of." Gnik shows a series of images of what they saw at the kiln, including the barrel of blood -- "Now you're getting creepy," says Verlaine -- and the sigil inside. Verlaine seems like he is annoyed to be bothered by this; Al offers to help him root out the problem, and Verlaine says no, but that he will look into it. Alen escorts them out and apologizes for Verlaine being an ass. Kai asks who was the guard to Verlaine's right, who she noticed sweating as Al described the Sgult activity. Alen says that guy is an idiot, but Al and Kai suggest he should be watched, in case he has been told to share information with someone else. Alen also says he will share the names of the business managers of Verlaine's multiple brick manufacturers. Gnik is glad to be done so he can go back to the library, and Milena plans to go with him. The rest want to go to a bar, although Milena reminds Kat that she was recently dead and won't have Gnik to give her a ride back to the inn on a floating disk. She decides the bar is still more her speed than the library. They head to one of Kai's favorite bars on the rough side of town which has competitive fighting. Gnik and Milena head back to the library. Elene comes to greet them; she is re-shelving books that had ended up in the Divination section where they didn't belong. Gnik notices that one of them is magical and asks to look at it; it has an ink signature on the front, Lindsay Cade, but no other title. Gnik steps away before opening it, just in case; he gets the impression of having an opportunity, and casts Mage Armor. Inside it is labeled as the spellbook of Lindsay Cade, and beneath it says that in the event of their death or disappearance it should be delivered to someone with an obviously Dorghenian name whose locale was wiped out in an earthquake 30 years ago. Gnik asks to borrow it. Milena takes a look at the other two books, one of which is about Daln, written in Bargallian, documenting his life from his departure from the Bargal Valley to his ascent to godhood; and the other of which turns out to be about the followers of Tyorl and their tactics for fighting Sgult, written by Julee Adkins. The first appears to be a very old tome, the second seems much newer. 5 February 2022 Gnik and Milena return from the library to the Last Resort late, as a storm is blowing in. The person at the bar addresses Milena as "Lady Milena" and says he has a note for her. It is from Marcus, inviting her to dinner in two days' time, with the rest of her companions welcome to join as well. The man addresses Gnik as "Lord Gnik" and says there is a woman waiting to see him. Milena joins him when she has read the note. The woman is Naringer, from whom Gnik had been tasked to collect mithril for Leo, the master smith in Saltmarsh, who had sunk all his savings into purchacing it. She shares that the Council of Captains had taken the shipment from her without compensation, claiming it was for an urgent need related to the lighthouse. She expresses her apologies. Gnik returns to her suite to cast Augury, asking whether Bernace would harm Bridget if he reached out to her; he gets an immediate 'no'. Milena writes a reply note to Marcus saying she would be delighted to meet him for dinner on the 9th, and she expects at least some of her companions would also join. As she is getting ready for bed, the storm blows through for about 15 minutes before blowing through. At the bar, Kat sets up a game of Three Dragon Ante with Ember acting as her plant. She's able to fleece a couple of people, who are getting in on it just for the fun of it, for low stakes -- but makes enough to cover the group's drinks. They return to the Last Resort and head to their rooms. Al decides to experiment with meditating instead of actually sleeping... but he falls asleep during the attempt. 8 Sinta 3275 Before breakfast, a street urchin comes to Kat with a packet of five platinum pieces and a note asking for the crystal orb; she decides to go ahead and return it as promised. At breakfast, Milena reveals that her divinations that morning showed an ominous future, possibly related to what is happening with the lighthouse and the Sgult worshippers. As they talk, two people walk in and head for their table. One is a woman with armor that Al identifies as being a paladin of Vlondrel. The man with her seems to be in a cheery mood, while the paladin appears stone-faced. The guy introduces himself as Royn, in Trade, with an accent they don't immediately place, although Gnik thinks they might be Shoynian. The woman states her name, tersely, as Saskie. Royn asks if they have a moment, and Milena gestures for them to take a seat. Royn does, Saskie does not. Kai keeps a close eye on the woman. Royn holds up his hand and shows an image of a woman they recognize from yesterday -- Ginny, who tried to sell them the pieces of the puzzlebox she'd been hired to bring to Michel. Al says they have seen her, and Kai asks why they want to know. Royn says she is a follower of Shaddick who had escaped and they are trying to take her back. The group tells them that she tried to sell them a magic item, but they declined. Royn asks why she had tried, and Milena says the woman thought she could get a better price from them than from the one who had hired her. Royn asks who hired her, and Al explains about Michel and the Raging Hammer. He also mentions that they've got someone in custody that they want to take back to Saltmarsh, and asks if Royn and Saskie would be willing to take her as well. Royn asks her crimes, and Al mentions her trying to kill them and also take over Saltmarsh as part of a Lune cult, which gets Saskie's attention. She says they will take her, and Al says they should just capture her, not kill her -- but Milena, Kat, and Kai shrug at Saskie in an "either way" sort of way, while she and Royn seem to be having the same argument in a glance. The group also lets them know about the Sgult cult they fought against yesterday, and that they suspect will be unleashing some kind of evil plan in the near future. Saskie sighs; she and Royn indicate they weren't planning to stay in town after finding Ginny, but they will send word of where they are staying when they have settled in. Al, Gnik, and Kat recognize Saskie's armor and sword as artifacts of Vlondrel called Death Warder and Death Scouger. Milena heads to market to restock her supply of diamonds for Revivify spells (and also to pick up a new dress. Kat recommends lots of cleavage. "You do not have to tell me this," Milena says.) Al goes with her to make sure she's not getting ripped off, and Ember joins because Gnik is being boring today -- copying new spells into her book. Kat finds a beach on the outskirts of town to make an offering of her silver to Ag for looking out for her while she was briefly dead. She builds a fire, throws the silver in, starts trying to figure out what to say, gets as far as "Ag..." and the fire rises up and consumes the silver. In the evening, when the group has returned to the Last Resort, a woman walks in, right past Jakin at the bar, and comes to their table projecting confidence, although Al thinks she seems a little nervous. She greets them as the Mighty Redeemers and introduces herself as Christina Loggins. She says she heard someone had been asking about her, and she had some things to ask them. Gnik says he believes they have an acquaintance in common -- Angel. Christina brightens and asks how she is doing; Gnik shares that she has settled in Seaton. Christina is glad she had gotten settled safely away from Michel. Christina identifies herself as a broker, connecting people with what they need; Kai asks if she works with Michel and she says no, but she had originally directed Angel toward Michel hoping she would be a good influence. She says she deals with a group who wanted her to talk to Kat, saying that they will respect her territory in Saltmarsh if she respects theirs here in Freeport. The group calls themselves the Canting Crew. Kat acknowledges that she will respect it. Al asks if she knows where Michel is, but she does not -- however, Angel had been to his hideout. Al asks if she thinks Sea Lord Drak is under someone else's influence who is making him act questionably, and she says no, he's just a psychopath who took power when the previous Drak was killed by a mysterious poison, and city rules state that the Sea Lord can only be a Drak -- and no other relatives are known to still be alive. However, she says, if something were to happen to this Drak, the Sea Captains Council would work it out -- and they are already trying to change the rules, but it is hard to do when Drak has so much influence. They ask if she has been involved in brokering items for the tower, and she has not, but many have noticed that some have become questionably rich working on it. 9 Sinta 3275 The group is at breakfast discussing whether to talk to Bridget -- Milena mentions the omens are much better today -- when Angel appears at their table. They ask her opinion of what would happen to Raging Hammer if they took out Michel, and she shrugs, saying she doesn't know politics. They ask if she'd like to take it over and she says no way. Most likely the other pirates would continue to operate, but perhaps more loosely organized. They chat with her a little more, and she goes to get herself a room. The group decides they should go ahead and talk to Bridget, although they don't have any strong feelings about their goals in talking to her -- they are not looking to get her back onto the throne. They head up to Suite 1, where there are always two guards in insignia. Kai recognizes one of them as a Ponallian she spoke to briefly in the bar the day before; he's not very talkative, just working a job as a guard. Al greets them and asks if Bridget is willing to talk with them; they say it is unlikely, but he knocks on the door to check. A section of the door slides in and flips away, and eyes look out and a woman's voice says, "Whaddaya want?" Al says he thinks they may have similar interests, and wanted to talk with her about it. She pauses, and says, "One hour. Downstairs." Kai and Al pass the time by sparring, with Al trying to dodge while Kai tries to hit him. An hour later, Nathan and the other guard come down with an elf woman who cautiously looks around. She says Eleanora says good things about them, but she hasn't heard from her recently. Gnik describes the encounter with Bernace who said Bridget was trying to accomplish her goals too indirectly. The elf pulls out an item like an egg and starts twisting it; a zone of silence expands around them so they can speak in private. She asks what they think Bernace might have meant, and Milena says among them they probably have several guesses. Gnik says they know a little something of her work with Eleanora, and shows the book Gnik found about the fiends that belong but do not. She shares that her court was infiltrated by shapeshifters, and Gnik tells her about the Gellan Sgult worshippers they found who can disguize themselves as humans. She says the Witch Queen is backing the takeover of Anlin and ousting of the former queen. Gnik reveals that he just learned a "Find Shapechanger" spell yesterday at the library in a book that revealed itself to him by being misfiled on his previous trip. Bridget says that to be direct about the Witch Queen they would need to go down to the bottom of the sea and get through the merfolk and others who live in that area who don't react kindly to strangers, and then make it to the Witch Queen and her people and fight them. Kai asks what the Sea Witch actually is, and Bridget points to Gnik's book, saying that her servants are the "vile fiends" in the book, so she is most likely one as well. Gnik tries out his "Find Shapechanger" spell and looks around; he sees a table at the far side of the room where one of the two people sitting there is definitely a shapeshifter not in their normal form -- and he sees it is a Replacer. It stands up and starts walking away -- perhaps because it read his mind and knew he recognized it. He casts Mind Spike on it, and at the same time Bridget's personal guard Rachel throws a dagger at it without looking. 19 February 2022 Al runs forward to entangle the shapechanger in a rope, Kat throws a Chaos Bolt of acid at it, and Kai tries to punch it with the hilt of her sword to knock it out. Gnik sends Az out to keep an eye on it in case it runs out. As the Mind Spike goes off, the creature shudders. Mouse follows Kat and tries to knock the thing down, without success. Bridget's escort and her guards get up and hustle her back toward her rooms for safety. Ember comes running up to hit the Replacer with her rapier hilt and it dodges, but she manages to clock it with her dagger hilt and knocks it out. It reverts to its native form, and the crowd in the dining room let out a gasp. Jakin the owner says, "What are you guys doi--- what is THAT?" As Al is trying to figure out how to tie it up so it can't escape even if it changes shape, Gnik pulls out the restraint sphere and puts its hands in it. Kat wonders aloud what they are going to do with this thing now that they have caught it and Jakin says, "Take it out of the front door, as soon as possible?!" They decide to take it up to their rooms. Al tells the crowd they have everything under control, and Kat adds, "Just the Mighty Redeemers taking care of business." They decide to let Bridget know what they are doing in case she wants to talk to it, but she might not since it can read minds. They take it upstairs and when they open the door to send someone to tell Bridget, her bodyguard is about to knock on the door. "Oh, you got it," she says. She shares that such creatures rarely share anything unless one has a way to pry into their minds. The group wonders if perhaps the paladin and wizard they met that morning might be of help, but the escort suggests they might not want to let too many people know about it. Gnik reveals that he has Detect Thoughts, but that anyone who will have trouble controlling their surface thoughts should go farther away so it can't read their mind. Ember and Kat head downstairs, and Az and Zassin accompany them. The creature wakes up and Gnik tries to read its mind; he feels the sensation of it trying to read his mind simultaneously. He manages to resist, but the creature is stunned by it. He senses it is trying to figure out how to salvage the op, hopes the others were able to get away or keep their cover; and that its mission is more important than its life. Gnik asks, "How many others?" and he gets the impression of "Five" before the creature squelches it. Gnik asks, "What was the objective of the operation?" and the response he got was "Kill Michel." Gnik asks, "Why do you want to kill Michel?!" He gets the impression Michel is interfering with their objective to take over the societies in the area. "Was Michel in the room?" Gnik asks, and then "What does Michel look like?" He gets the mental image of a dark-haired man. Gnik asks, "Where's your hideout?" but the creature manages to shake him off. Al asks out loud, "Why were you in the room downstairs?" and he hears the reply in his head, "You already have that answer." "We do?" Al asks, and Gnik tells him. "Why are you following us?" Al asks, and it just stares at him. It also stares at him when he asks its name, and tilts its head when he asks if it likes to swim. "How do you eat if you don't have a mouth?" It stares up at the ceiling. Gnik asks Al to go get Kai, and Al says he should just use the Farspeaker. Gnik stares at him a moment, and then tells Kai to come back in. "Am I coming to knock it out or kill it?" she asks. "It's too dangerous to leave it alive." She comes in with her sword drawn. "But you're going to make a... mess," Al says as its head comes off. He takes a moment to fill in the rest of the party via Farspeaker, and then he and Kai and Gnik go to tell Bridget what happened. Milena stays to pull samples of its blood and brain and other body parts that could be used for potions: shapechanging, mind-reading, and so forth. The guards let the group in and Rachel says, "Well there's more than one of you, so I guess you're not the doppelganger...." Al and Gnik discuss whether to go looking for the person the Replacer was sitting with; Gnik shows Az and Zassin an image and sends them to go look downstairs. Then they tell Bridget what they learned, and she asks who Michel is. They explain he's the leader of the Raging Hammer, and Gnik shows her an image. Gnik offers to share his spells both for finding shapechangers and for detecting thoughts, but warns her that trying to read someone who is reading back could result in getting stunned. Gnik then says, "So should we pick up where we left off with our conversation about the Witch Queen?" Kai asks what she'll do if the Witch Queen is taken out, and she says she will go back to trying to retake her throne, hoping that removing the Witch Queen will also root out her followers. Gnik shows Bridget the "Vile Fiends" book, and she confirms that the creatures in it match the Witch Queen's followers, but the Witch Queen herself is not represented. They see that the Replacers are the "Embedded" and the kenku are the "Feathered", but they have not yet encountered the "Hidden". Rachel says they've run into another kind of "Embedded" that can stretch their limbs to make them very fast and give them very long reach in combat, but that otherwise look similar in their native forms to the Replacers. She tells them not to let their guard down around the Hidden, who flash colors that will make them lose track of reality. The group discusses that it suddenly seems strange that Angel just appeared to give them information about Michel when they had been wondering how to find him, and wonder if it could have been a Replacer. Kai says, "Huh... But we should worry about that later." The group mentions that if they take out Michel it will leave a power vacuum that the Sea Witch wants to exploit, and asks if Bridget would like to take over Raging Hammer? She says she doesn't think they would follow her lead, but they have others who could possibly take over similar roles.... Milena uses Sending to tell Marcus they have encountered Replacers and is checking that he is really the one who invited them to dinner. He responds that dinner is on, reservations are made, and what's a Replacer? and he looks forward to seeing her. Milena decides to check in with Theron and the other priests about consecrating the Sgult ritual room; Kai decides she should come as back-up. Al, Kat, Gnik, and Ember head to the pawnshop, a small shop with a narrow doorway on an alley. It is quite dark inside; Gnik puts on his arcanus glasses, and sees that the windows have some kind of alteration magic on them. The proprietor invites them in; he has a very crooked nose and seems to make a point not to look directly at any of them. Al glances around to see if there is another non-obvious door. Al doesn't think there is enough room in the building for there to be a hidden door or space. Gnik looks around for other magical effects but doesn't find anything obvious. The proprietor asks what they want; if they want to sell something or buy something, let them know what it is, because he likes getting to the point. Al says someone told them they might find her here, but the proprietor says she is not there. Al shows him the Potion of Blissful Pain to see if he wants to buy it. He says it sounds interesting, but how does he know if that's really what it does? He takes a look, consults a book, takes a sniff, and says it looks legit. He offers 30 gold for it, and Gnik expresses that it seems like a pretty good price. Al says he would like something that would keep someone else from reading his mind. The proprietor laughts, then looks at him and says, "Oh, you were serious." He says that may take a couple days, and wants to know if he's looking for something short-term or long-term. Al lets him know where they're staying so he can contact them once he's found something. Al sells him the potion and gives the money to Gnik for his spellbook fund. Milena goes to Theron; they gather up several other priests and their supporters and go to the underground lair, but it has been completely cleared out -- the hole is still there, but the kiln, the altar, and the blood are all gone and it appears someone went out of their way to make this look like a completely disused space. Theron is disappointed they were not able to disrupt the Sgult worshippers. The group gathers back at the Last Resort, and Kat and Al practice hand-to-hand sparring, then they head to the restaurant. It turns out to be a good-sized place, and a dwarf greets them as part of Captain Roberts's party and ushers them to a side room where Marcus greets them; he kisses Milena's hand and Kat rolls her eyes. They join him and he asks what they are working on. Milena says, "You asked what is a Replacer? It is a follower of the one we don't talk about that can change its shape and read minds." Roberts nods, though he calls it by a different name. Al fills Marcus in on the plot to use the lens in the lighthouse to create a mass insanity, and about Verlaine and the bricks. Marcus says one of the council members went to the continent recently and came back with candles that could be used ritually. He suggests they should check on Verlaine after the dinner, who may be a target, and that their group may be being set up to be framed for it. Kat asks if there is a finish date for the lighthouse, and Marcus says the following week on the 15th, the day after the big celebration. Kat asks Marcus if they should head out now to check on Verlaine, but he says they should talk first. Al asks Milena if she can send a Sending to Alen: Be wary: we have credible evidence of contract on Verlaine's life. Keep him safe, and make sure we are not framed if you can't. (He responds, "Thanks. Source of information?") The group asks about what would happen if Drax were removed. "Are you suggesting assassination?" Marcus asks. "'Suggest' is too strong a word," Gnik says, and Milena nods. They note that if Drak is at the lighthouse, or is framing them, he could be caught up in their efforts to fix it. He says the city would be in upheaval, but his continued rule is perhaps just as bad if not worse -- so they should do what they need to do, and the city will take care of itself. There is a large buffet of delicious food, and Kat asks if she can take a doggy bag -- she wants to avoid eating and drinking too much immediately in case they get into a fight later. Gnik asks Marcus if he can ask a bunch of random questions, and Marcus says, "I would expect nothing less." Gnik asks if he knows Bernace, and shows an image, and he says no, and that's concerning -- since he knows a lot of people. He does recognize Ginny, and knows what Michel looks like, as Michel is quite cozied up with Drak. Gnik asks if he knows what Drak is doing with all the mithril, and he says he assumes it has to do with the lighthouse. Gnik shows him the note from the puzzlebox signed by MM and asks if he knows who that is. Marcus says yes, and he even recognizes the handwriting -- Melkior Maeorgan, one of Drak's lackeys. Gnik says the note led them to an island with a temple to Sgult where they found ichor that could be used to make a focus lens. Milena and Marcus discuss the fact that perhaps she should stick with the group to go check on Verlaine, and they can get together again later. "Yes," she says, "if we survive." As they approach Verlaine's, they see that there is a guard leaning up against a column in an unnatural way, and appears to be wearing a tight necklace. Gnik sends Az up to look; the guard's throat has been slit and he is tied to the column. Al, Kai, and Ember vault over the wall and Al runs to the door. He sees it is ajar and shouts "The door is open," trying to raise the alarm and rouse the house. Kat stays outside the building and Kai circumnavigates it to see what else is going on around the house. Milena moves to follow Al so that if they find Verlaine in need of healing, or recently dead, she can do something about it. Gnik sends Az to stay with Milena. Zassin sends the group an image of himself pressed against a window where there is an ornate bed with two figures on the floor, one on the bed, and a figure in shadow with two short-swords hiding behind the door. Al sees a door cracked in the direction where Zassin is, and slides into the room to be under the immediate reach of the swordsperson. Kai finds a servants' entrance at the back; she and Ember go in, and find that the servants, slumped at a table, are halflings, and the servants' stairs are sized for them. Kai suggests they find servants who are still alive so that someone will know they are not the killers; so Gnik decides to cast Detect Thoughts to find those still alive. 26 March 2022 Kat climbs the building to keep an eye out from the roof, and tells Mouse to guard the front door and alert them of anyone approaching. Kai runs up the servant stairs. When she gets to the top, she sees three ladders leading up, and a small head with pointed ears -- probably a halfling -- looking down from the top. Kai whispers, "We're trying to save Verlaine -- where is he?" The halfling points at the door next to her and says, "Last door on the right." Kai quietly slips through the door, leaving it ajar for Gnik and Ember behind her. A crossbow bolt comes flying at Kai; it misses and shatters on the stone wall behind her. Al kicks and slides his way into the room, while Zassin sends cartoon imagery of the fight. The person hiding behind the door slashes at him with a short sword, but he parries; he tries to pin the blade but she manages to pull it away. From behind him, he hears a crossbow go off, but Al spins, grabs it from midair, and throws it at the archer. The opponent throws aside the crossbow and draws shortswords. Al hits the woman and stuns her, then kicks through the door into the second opponent, but is not able to stun them. Milena makes it to the door; she sees that Verlaine is lying motionless on the bed, and Alen and two more guards are on the floor. She sees the stunned foe and casts Guiding Bolt at her. Gnik and Ember make it to the top of the servant stairs; Gnik sees the hiding servant and whispers, "You may already know this, but the house is under attack -- stay hidden." The servant nods. Kat runs along the peak of the roof, keeping an eye on the back while Mouse keeps an eye on the front. She asks Zassin to help keep an eye on the side for anyone entering or exiting. Boris charges into the bedroom, grabs the stunned foe's leg and pulls her to the ground, then sinks his teeth into her shoulder. Kai runs down the hall and into the room, sees Boris attacking the assassin on the floor, and tries to take her out. She hits twice, but the woman still seems to be breathing. The foe in front of Al disengages, throws one of their swords at the window to break it, and runs to try to dive out. Ember steps into the hall and a crossbow bolt comes out and hits her. Gnik sees a second one flying at her, but it misses as she doubles over. She rushes the door and busts through it to take on the two foes. Zassin sends an image to Kat of a black goopy thing flying out the window and landing on the ground. She looks down in time to see the assassin starting to head away. Al attacks the remaining foe in the room, still stunned on the ground. They visibly pass out, and Boris lets go, but keeps growling at them. Al goes to check Verlaine and sees that he, and others in the room, have the group's weapons sticking in them -- cleearly meant to frame them. Milena asks into the farspeakers, "I can only Revivify one -- Verlaine or Alen?" Both Gnik and Kai immediately answer, "Alen." Al has found that Verlaine is clearly dead, and not very recently. Milena goes to Alen and sees that he is still alive, barely, as is another guard, so she casts a Prayer of Healing on both of them. They come to, confused. Gnik has Detected Thoughts on the two crossbow foes, and casts a Mind Spike on one of them. Kat runs to the edge of the roof and sees Az come flying out the window after the fleeing assassin. She leaps off the roof, trying to land on the foe. She slams them in the back and then leaps off them. They fall on their face as she lands next to them. Boris looks at Milena, and she sends him to help with the fight against the two crossbow wielders Ember is facing. Kai also heads that way and busts through the door. They are a man and a woman, and Gnik lets her know through the farspeaker that the woman is Mind Spiked and might lead them back to the assassin's lair if she gets away, so Kai attacks the man. Ember is engaging with the woman, bouncing all over the place to avoid the woman's blows. Kai sees Ember glance back at Gnik like, "Are we really gonna let her go?" Gnik responds, "We don't HAVE to...." but she attacks the man, a halfling, and just attacks the woman with her off hand. Al sees that everyone in the room is fully dead or recently healed, so he goes diving out the window after the fleeing assassin. He sees the man get up, run, and make it up to the top of the wall around the property. Al considers throwing a net or rope, but the range is too far -- so he just tries to run and catch up. Gnik tries casting Telekinetic Trip on the halfling -- the only spell he can cast that doesn't break his concentration on the Mind Spike -- and the halfling falls over. Ember, Kai, and Boris all look at each other, bemused. Then Boris, sensing the others want this one down, jumps in to bite at him and then steps back so others have room to attack. Kai brings her sword down, crushing his left knee, and he passes out. Kai turns and swings at the woman, trying to at least give the impression they're not just letting her go. Kat tries throwing a Chaos Bolt at the fleeing assassin; it transforms into a lightning bolt and slams into him. She sees that Al has caught up with the assassin and figures he has the situation well in hand, so she climbs back up the wall to check on her mother. She tells Mouse to help Al, and Mouse goes running back to the entrance to go to the outside of the wall and get him as he comes down. The assassin fighting Kai throws her sword at the window and leaps; Kat hears the shattering glass just as she is climbing into the next window. The assassin on the wall leaps off and runs at full speed. Ember runs to the window, flings a dagger at the fleeing woman, and sinks it into her shoulder. The woman sees what's happening on the wall and heads in a different direction. Al speeds to get in front of the fleeing man, and has they try to disengage, Az divebombs them to give Al advantage. Al hits, and is able to parry two return blows. Mouse comes running up and knocks the foe prone. Al says, "Maybe you should surrender now," but the assassin doesn't respond, so he tries again, more hesitantly, in Tillian. Al hits again, and the man looks like he is barely holding on, but he does a flip to get up on his feet. Al tries again: "There's no honor in dying," he says. "Like your dog?" the man replies, and stabs Mouse in the shoulder. Mouse growls, grabs his ankle, throws him on the ground, and he passes out. Mouse growls, and then looks at Al and whimpers, obviously very hurt. Al lets Milena know in the farspeaker that there is a dog that needs help. Milena asks if the dog is still alive, and he says yes. She and Kat make their way down to Mouse. They gather up everyone who needs healing -- Mouse, Ember, Alen, and the other guard -- and casts another Prayer of Healing. Kat searches the body of the now-dead assassin who attacked Mouse, and find daggers, a fourth sword, a thieves' kit, and empty loops that probably held other daggers and an axe, but nothing identifying. Al has noticed a freshly-written note on Verlaine's desk, signed by Verlaine, declaring their group deputies to investigate the Temple of Alsaya for their role with the Sgult cult, and mentioning that the Sea Lord's Guard has been given authority for an assault on the Temple once sufficient evidence has been found. Alen looks at the note and declares it bullshit, in that Verlaine would never have paid attention to such things. The group suspects this might have been meant to cast suspicion on the library at the exclusion of other organizations. Ember and Kai search the rest of the estate and in the basement find a crate with items from the underground Sgult lair. Kai looks and see that some bricks look less worn than others. Kai looks at Ember and says, "What would Kat do?" so they look for loose bricks. They find one, with a lever behind it. "Hey, that worked! Kai says, and pulls it -- and feels a needle behind it, sticking into her finger. "Ow... ow...." ... and then a section of the wall pops out. "Should we...?" she asks Ember. "Maybe we should wait for the others?" So they alert the rest of them on the farspeakers. Al asks Alen if he wants to come. He frowns and says, "YES." Gnik concentrates on tracking the remaining assassin and finds that she has holed up in a safehouse -- a tiny room with a cot. They decide to send Zassin to watch the house and let them know if she leaves, or anyone else arrives. The group goes to investigate the secret tunnel and finds that it looks very recent, and not like it has been carved. Al has heard of creatures that could reshape stone by touch, and this seems consistent with that. Gnik notices human-like teeth-marks, but other places without such marks, and thinks it might have come from a Gibbering Mouth, which can warp reality to change the properties of the earth around them, sometimes getting people stuck in it. The tunnel slopes downward into a storage room, and further on they see the back side of another secret door, which leads into the sewers -- which is likely how the serpent-folk are getting around. Gnik puts on the Arcanus glasses but doesn't find anything of note. Alen notes the whole thing feels like a set-up, including the crates in the basement with a single brick and items from the Sgult temple -- not even in the secret room. The group wonders if originally the plan was to throw Verlaine under suspicion, but when they started interfering they hatched a new plan to implicate the Temple of Alsaya. Milena suggests they could just be trying to create so much confusion that no one is sure where to look until it is too late. They decide to heal one of the unconscious and dying assassins to interrogate. Gnik casts Detect Thoughts, Al uses his Insight, and Kat and Kai play good cop/bad cop. Kai starts by asking, in her most intimidating voice, with her dagger out, who hired them to kill Verlaine. Gnik senses top-level thoughts of rain on the street, a squeaking wagon wheel, and other images from around town -- clearly they are well-trained to resist. It is clear that he is scared, but more afraid of his boss than of them. Kat tells him that if he tells them what they want to know, they will let him go. Al says, "That may not be what he wants," and Kat says, "Well, there may be more than one way to let him go...." The man says, "Promise to burn my body," and Milena immediately and emphatically answers, "Yes." They ask who hired him, and he answers: "The Unspeakable One. The order hired me. I don't know a name -- our organization was hired." He describes receiving his orders in a sealed scroll case, and that he only knows his group of four. Milena asks if one of them left the letter on the desk, and he says he did, but was given the wording to use. Gnik infers that the assassins belong to a cult that worships an aspect of death. When they are done speaking with him, Kai slits his throat -- he maintains eye contact the whole time -- and then they burn the body, with Milena using the Sacred Flame cantrip until it is nothing but bones, which Gnik puts into the airforge. Since she did not have to Revivify anyone, she has enough spell energy to cast another Sending to Marcus: "Verlaine's dead. Alen's alive. We are fine. Continue date?" He sends back, "Fuck. Who's Alen? Yes, definitely, meet me at...." and gives her an address. Gnik sends a note to Thuron with Az letting him know about what happened, and the letter. Thuron sends back a note thanking him and saying that through research in the library they have learned that if the Sgult ritual is started, the only way it can be stopped is with an artifact of similar mass from another god, like Sil. Kat recalls that they have a large Egg of Sil in the hold of the ship that she only barely resisted breaking open out of curiosity, and mentions maybe they should bring it with them just in case. 9 April 2022 10 Sinta 3275 In the morning, the whole group gets a message in the Farspeaker from Laur asking if they know a couple of people named Saske and Royne -- and Al answers yes, we met them yesterday, and they're going to escort Candace back to the mainland for justice. He responds that they have come to the ship, and he'll turn Candace over, as soon as he can convince Chastity. The group meets for breakfast; before Milena has arrived, a man and woman arrive and head their way; Kat recognizes their attire as looking very Bargallian. The woman introduces herself and the man with her as Norina and Ilkun Klavdiy, and ask if Milena is with them. Kat says she is indisposed at the moment, and Norina says they are from a village near Milena's and have a small colony nearby -- in a rough part of town, the Bloodsalts -- who are ready to help if needed. The group discusses whether to visit today, but decides that perhaps they shouldn't go looking for trouble before making a visit to the lighthouse. Al asks how they might find them tomorrow, and Norina gives a place where they might ask for them. Kat says they will let her mother know they stopped by and will plan to call on them within the next day or so. Milena chats with Marcus; he asks for news of Saltmarsh, and she shares the recent changes on the Council, including a lizardfolk representative and one appointed by Anlim. He opines that Anlim is most likely trying to consolidate control, and lets her know that if there are problems he may have agents who can help. She asks if he knows anyone who might be interested in stepping up to lead Raging Hammer; he looks surprised and asks if this is something that is likely to happen soon. She says it might; the group was concerned about his role in the slave trade, but also are aware that agents of the Sea Witch seem to want him removed as well, and leaving a power vacuum doesn't always work out the way one prefers. He says he will see what he can figure out. Al buys a drink and starts chatting up Norina. She explains that her village was under the same rule as Milena's, and was wiped out when the ruler claimed he needed to flush out a traitor. She makes reference to her family not being as important or powerful as Milena's, and Kat gives her a bemused look, which Norina doesn't notice. Ilkun looks toward the entrance just as a hush settles over the room, and Captain Roberts and Milena come walking in. Kai and Al hear Ilkun mutter a word, and ask Kat what it means -- "the cape", which Milena is wearing. Norina excitedly introduces herself to Milena like she's greeting a famous person. They chat a bit, and Ilkun asks where she got the Firebird cloak. She tells the story of taking it from someone who had stolen it from a refugee on a ship, but that when she visits their colony they can discuss the best use for it. He says she found it and so has a right to it, but they can discuss. Kat wonders aloud if the colony of Bargallians might be moved to a slightly better part of town -- or, Al adds, Seaton. "If only you knew someone with a whole fleet of pirate ships," Marcus says, and winks at Milena. They wonder about moving the group into the range of Auntie Treeshadow, but Milena notes that if there is anyone who could thrive as a neighbor to Auntie Treeshadow, it is a bunch of Bargallians. Gnik shows Marcus the symbol from the ring they haven't been able to identify, and Marcus smacks Gnik's hand so hard it does damage, then says, "Jakin, I need a drink." He says it is the symbol of a group called the "Crossed Five" -- five families who secretly control Anlim, and who will assasinate anyone who finds out about them. As Marcus leaves, they see him stop to speak with Jakin and pass him a small bag. Angel -- or at least the person claiming to be Angel -- comes down the stairs to chat with them about the map to the Raging Hammer headquarters. Since they are aware that a shapeshifter like her would be able to read their thoughts, they plan to focus on trying to catch her in a lie without thinking too hard about the correct answer. She talks them through the details of a map she claims to have drawn, but those who have seen her handwriting before know that this was written by someone else. They also, however, get the impression that she knows they're aware she is not who she claims to be, but doesn't care as long as she can still get them to do what she wants. Milena gets a message from Zassin about seeing the assassin leave the safehouse and head to a bakery where she is serving people -- her day job. The group considers going to pay her a visit, but decides at least to wait until they have visited the lighthouse. After sunset, they set out to swim to the lighthouse -- except for Kai, who uses the boots to fly -- about a half-mile from shore. The tower is covered with bamboo scaffolding so it is hard to get a good view of it, but it is made of white marble and is about 200 feet tall. There are open archways to the interior starting about 20 feet up, with a ledge sticking out beneath them to make it hard to climb from the outside. At the top is something that looks like a giant crystal, which is probably where the light comes out. They walk around and see that the four sides are identical, with a large door in the center of each. Kat approaches the door facing away from Freeport and checks it for locks and traps. It is covered with canvas, perhaps to protect it until the unveiling. Al peeks behind the tarp and sees that the door is well-polished smooth stone. Kat tries the door, and it starts swinging easily. Gnik has Az fly up to look into the arches above; there is faint flickering light reflecting off them from some light source inside. She sees four fire pits with a couple of people around them. The group decides perhaps they should climb the scaffolding instead. Gnik agrees, as long as someone carries him; "I'll do it," says Ember with a twinkle in her eye. Kat offers to slip in the door stealthily, since she has confidence she can do it without being seen. Kai uses her boots to fly up to look through the archway on the western side of the building, and sees a total of four people around the fires. She comes back down and picks up Gnik, who can't climb safely. Kat slips forward to listen to the guards; they wear Verlaine's symbol on their armor and are speculating whether they will still be paid now that he's dead. Kat decides to try to slip up the central spiral staircase without them noticing. She makes it up easily; Kai, with Gnik, flies up silently in the darkness to the ceiling, where the guards won't be able to see them through the smoke from the fires, and joins Kat. The others climb up the scaffolding on the outside to the next level. Ember and Milena look into a room on the southwest side that holds four pillars around a 20-foot statue of the goddess Alyddia holding a spear; the walls are decorated with symbols of combat. Al looks into a room on the southeast side holding a statue of Nolan with a trident, and a basin of water. Those on the staircase have arrived at a door; Gnik offers to try to Detect Thoughts to see if anyone is nearby, but Kat tells him not to waste the spell. Milena decides to circumnavigate the building to look in the other windows on this level using the convenient ledge under the windows. There are still areas of construction where the exterior is not yet fully smoothed. They see Kat entering a large room on the north (Freeport-facing) side where there is a golden alter, behind which two people are talking. There are statues of Nolan in the corners, with people working on the bases of the statues. Kat slips in and hides behind a pillar, and once she is settled, Kai and Gnik plan to fly in and up to the ceiling, figuring the people in the room are unlikely to look up. Kat slips into the room with the Alyddia statue, while Kai and Gnik try to listen to conversations in the room. When they realize they will almost certainly be seen if they actually try to slip in, they fly back out to come in through one of the windows of the other two rooms. Milena, with Ember, climbs up about halfway to the top and Milena tries casting Clairvoyance inside the tower. It is pitch black. Al explores the room with the basin and finds a perfect crack on the wall closest to the Alyddia statue. Kat sees a similar crack on her side, and begins trying to figure out how to open it. Al tries checking for traps, but doesn't see anything but a smooth wall. Al suggests to Kat that maybe they should try pushing at the same time; Kat is skeptical, but tries it. Nothing happens. Al goes to look at the statue of Nolan and sees a weird crack in the wrist. He prays to Nolan for guidance, then tries to shake the statue's hand. The whole wrist rotates, and he hears a click, then a faint grinding sound in the wall where the door was; he finds he can now push it open. "Hey, I'm inside," he says; it's too dark for Az, who unlike Al does not have a personal light source, so Gnik sends her to keep an eye on the people in the larger room. Kat examines the Alyddia statue and finds she also can rotate the wrist; the secret door in her room also opens, and inside the secret space between the rooms a wall opens up to reveal a hidden staircase going up. 16 April 2022 Kat and Al close the hidden panels and go up the stairs; they find a trap door from the spiral stairs into a large room with nine columns supporting the 20-foot ceiling. Kat holds the trap door open so that Kai and Gnik can join them, and Kai lights her sword dimly so she can see. They hear a cacophany of voices in their minds, most clearly saying "YOU DO NOT BELONG HERE," but also nonsensical phrases; and see scenes from their dreams and their lives. The light flickers, and a hole appears in the wall below where Milena is. Near one of the columns a figure appears wearing an orange robe with the hood pulled down over its face and its arms folded inside the sleeves. Kat charges the figure and attacks with her rapier using the Booming Blade effect and the necrotic drain. She gets the impression the blade is unimpressed with this foe and wants more to feed on. It feels insubstantial, and when she pulls out the blade an orange-yellow goop comes pouring out of the wound. She triggers the interdimensional lock so it cannot move away into another dimension and steps away and hides behind a nearby pillar. Al hears a glooping sound in the corner; as he moves toward it, he sees something amorphous pouring from the base of the pillar; as he gets closer he sees that it is full of eyes and mouths -- the creature that can chew through and shape stone. He runs forward to try to punch it, as it pulls itself back preparing to attack. The robed creature pulls its hand out of its sleeve -- it appears to be made of worms -- and gestures at Gnik, saying in their minds, "YOU ARE BOTHERSOME." A wave of energy mixed with rain and snow rushes toward him and he disappears. Milena switches from looking through her Clarivoyance spell to listening, but also hears nothing. She climbs down to the opening below her, sees the blob Al is fighting, and casts Spiritual Weapon. Ember also climbs down and runs in to join the fray. The robed worm creature waves at the the ground and black tentacles spring up, grabbing at Kat and Kai, but they avoid its grasp. Kai goes into a rage and runs at the worm creature. As her strikes tear through the robe, she sees that its body is made completely of worms and goop. It pulls its arms in, and there is a green flicker around it; it looks around -- it tried to teleport, but was held by Kat's anchoring effect. Al asks Az, "Where's Gnik?" She responds, "Don't know, and don't want to think about it!" which suggests he is no longer on this plane. The gibbering mouther splats out from the pillar onto the ground, and the stone around Al starts to feel weirdly ripply and soft. Its mouths start gibbering and it bites at Al with a pseudopod filled with eyes and mouths, but he is able to parry. One of the mouths spits out a glob of something that lands next to Al and explodes in green light; he's able to avert his gaze before he is blinded. Kat throws a cantrip at the worm creature, and its sleeve catches on fire; it takes a moment to beat out the flames. Al punches the blob again and manages to stun it. The worm creature moves to put itself in line with Kai, Kat, and Ember, and throws a spell that looks like a tear in reality rushing toward them. They all manage to jump (or in Kat's case, parkour) away from it, but still take some force damage as it passes; they can feel pieces of their flesh burning off or just disappearing. Milena wields her spiritual weapon against the blob and then hits the worm creature with Guiding Bolt. Ember runs at the worm creature and does a lot of damage, but looks worried at the damage it has been doing in return. It claps its hands soundlessly and Kat, Kai, and Ember are enclosed in a globe of darkness, in which they can hear strange slurping sounds. Al yells out, "Kai, Kat, Ember, are you in that darkness in the corner?" In response, he hears Ember cursing. The air around them gets very cold, to the point that they begin getting frostbite. Kai flails out at it in the darkness with a reckless attack, and feels her weapon connect with something. Kat uses the pillar she's hiding behind to orient herself and move out of the blob of darkness; she staggers as she comes out. She tries throwing a chaos bolt at the worm creature, and hits it with acid damage, then hides behind another pillar. Al hits the blob again and re-stuns it, then punches it twice more; gore splatters all over the area. Kai feels something brush up against the back of her legs, but jumps forward before it does anything. Then she feels something rip into her in seven places. Milena steps into the room to cast Bless on her teammates, then hits the blob again with her spiritual weapon. Inside the darkness, the group hears Ember attack, and then scream. Al asks, "Ember, are you ok?" and she yells back through gritted teeth, "Define ok. I'm still here." Another line of reality-tearing energy comes surging out of the darkness toward Kat and Al, but they both dodge; however, Kat falls to the ground unconscious; but the wave also hits the gibbering mouther, which falls apart into a pile of goop. Kai hits the worm creature, and it falls apart. The darkness vanishes, and the hole in the wall closes up behind Milena. Gnik reappears, with his clothes torn in a few places and covered in goop. He blinks, steps forward, and vomits up everything he has eaten all day. Al runs to Kat and pours his healing potion from Agnes down her throat. She regains consciousness, sputtering and coughing, with a taste in her mouth of wet dog. "Thank you, I think?" she says to Al. "Thank Agnes, who saw the eventuality of this need," says Al. "Why am I not surprised?" says Kat. Milena gathers the group and spends ten minutes on a prayer of healing; Kai and Ember are not completely healed, but feel much better. Kat checks the pillars to see if they hide a way up; after some inspection, the group finds that the pillar next to the gibbering mouther had an opening with a hinge that allowed the creature to hide inside it. In the opposite corner the pillar has a hidden door and an eyehole covered with scrim disguised to look like stone. Kat opens the secret door, and there is a ladder going up. After a brief discussion, the group decides to climb up rather than waiting to take a rest. Kat examines the trapdoor at the top and stealthily opens it. With her darkvision she sees a nearby pillar, and stairs leading up. She holds the door open for the others. When they get a light source going, they see that the stairs spiral up around the four sides of the tower, with each set going up about nine feet. Kai decides to use the boots of flying to go up to the top, and Kat hangs onto her to hitch a ride. At the top there is another trap door in the ceiling. Al starts walking up the stairs, with the others following behind, but Gnik moving very slowly. Kai drops Kat off to start checking for traps, and then comes back to collect Gnik. The trapdoor has a locking mechanism; Kat checks it for traps, and Gnik uses a Detect Magic. He says that it looks a lot like what was on the chests that caused Kat to die temporarily. After some discussion, they ask Gnik if he could cast a Dispel Magic on it; he tries it, and it seems to work, so Kat works on the lock. It is a very complex lock, close to the most complicated she has ever seen; it takes her several minutes, but then it pops open. Kat peeks in and sees several living things, only one of which is not translucent and glowing blue -- ethereal and invisible. There is a large, pure hollowed-out crystal at the top of the chamber with a diagonal mirror beneath it on gears so that it can be moved around. There is a space the right shape and size for the stolen lens, but they cannot see whether it is actually there. Kat sees the doubles of Gnik and Ember, a human man standing with them, and three dark ghostly shapes flying around. There is a table and chairs that also appears to be in the ethereal plane. Kat quietly lowers the trapdoor and relays the situation to the rest. They realize that they cannot actually hit ethereal beings. Kat sees a vision of a coin and a chess piece clicking together -- she gets the sense that both Ag and Zagrimil want to talk to her. While the rest of the group talks, she pulls out her chess piece and Ag shows her a vision of a grey-skinned grotesque creature attempting to teleport, and its foe, a purple-skinned elf, saying, "Oh, hell no," and then casting a spell that anchors it back to reality. Having seen it, she thinks she could repeat it -- although she might not be able to control it. She shares with the group what she has learned, and that she thinks Zagrimil also wants to talk with her. They seem skeptical, but she wants to see what he has to say. He asks how things are going, and she says, "Oh, unicorns and rainbows. You know how things are going." He offers that he could help anchor those ethereal beings, or destroy the lens. Kat says they would probably need more help destroying the lens, and he says he could do that, but he would need to touch it. She asks if that is something he would want to do anyway, or would he want some sort of payment. He says she would owe him a week of service, doing nothing she would not ordinarily do, after her 30th birthday. She tells him she'll get back to him. Kat takes Al's potion of Heroism ("That's two potions I've given you today," says Al) and Milena casts Bless on the others. They plan that Kat will try to anchor them and then Al will run in and try to stun as many foes as possible, starting with Gnik and then Ember. Kat holds onto the chesspiece, says a prayer to Ag: "Yeah... here we go... hope this actually works...." and throws open the trapdoor as she pictures the spell she wants to cast. She feels the energy flow through her and blast out of her, as the chesspiece in her hand turns to dust. Their foes fall into solidity and look around with surprise -- all excecpt the human -- and then the enemy-Gnik begins screaming and glowing as he channels positive energy from Ag, doing damage to himself and the other undead in the room -- everyone but the human guy. Ember runs in and throws a Thunderstone, which blinds and deafens the enemy-Gnik, then moves next to enemy-Ember. Kai takes a potion of firebreath and targets the enemy-Ember, then runs up into the midst of the enemy gnomes to attack. The human guy holds his hands up and says, "Whoa, I'm just here for a conversation," disengages, and takes a couple steps back. Kai notices that the chest that held the lens is on the other side of the pedestal in the center of the room. Al leaps over the pedestal acrobatically, lands between Kai and Ember, and throws an attack at enemy-Ember, but is not able to stun her. Milena moves to the top of the ladder and tosses Nash into the room, then casts Sacred Flame. Nash bounds into the room, grabs enemy-Ember by the head, and slams her onto the ground, where she crumbles to dust. Milena aims her cantrip at enemy-Gnik, who is still blinded and so takes it straight to the face. Zassin asks if he can go bother cutie-guy. "I don't trust him," says Zassin, and goes to hang on the wall next to the guy, where they have a little conversation to distract each other. Kat uses a firebolt cantrip against one of the wraiths, then hides again; enemy-Gnik continues to do damage against them and himself from the positive energy of Ag's spell. Ember attacks the same wraith. They wonder whether to attack enemy-Gnik next, and through the farspeaker Gnik says, "YES," so Kai attacks enemy-Gnik. She pushes him back and then brings her sword straight down on his head, cleaving it in half, and then breathes fire on the injured wraith. It does not seem to take as much damage as she would have expected, but the fire does hurt it. Al attacks the injured wraith; it doesn't quite fall, so he hits it again with his off hand, and it shatters and dissipates into nothingness. The two remaining wraiths look at each other, take off in different directions, and flee through the walls. The guy says, "Well, that was pretty entertaining. You all are impressive!" Kai turns to him with her sword up, eagle-eyed and with smoke coming out of her mouth, and says, "WHO ARE YOU?" and Al attempts to sense his motive. He introduces himself as Korrin, says he was roaming the ethereal and saw them somewhere he wasn't expecting, so he went to check them out. Milena asks what gods he reveres, if any, and he says none, although he generally was not in favor of killing people. Al asks where he is from, and he says Nexus, and has the ability to go into and out of the ethereal at will, which he proceeds to demonstrate. He had gone to Jaeleth from Nexus, then come to Maerson through the ethereal. Kai says they were working to stop Sgult's followers from causing death and madness of a lot of people, and Al asks if he could help destroy the artifact. Korrin asks what it is and what he would get out of it, and Kai says, "We're done bargaining if your response to helping keep innocent people from dying is 'What's in it for me?'" He nods, says, "Well, it was nice to meet you," and then pops back into the ethereal. 4 June 2022 The group discusses how to use Sil's Gift to destroy the lens. It is made of crystal, and Gnik's Identify on it just revealed that it was an ancient relic and a source of power -- but no information on how to activate it. Kat sees a spot in the air start glowing, with the same blue glow she sees when detecting invisibility. Gnik suggests that someone is probably spying on them. Kai asks if someone can dispel it, and Gnik suggests that whoever is spying would just re-cast it. The trapdoor into the room rattles, so Kai asks Nash to sit on it. They consider having one of them try to sit on it to attempt to hatch it. Milena observes that she is the only one who has ever gestated anything, so if they are going to try that maybe she should be the one. She tries shining a light from her continual light torch through it to see if it makes any interesting patterns; it does seem to amplify the light as it goes through. It does not seem to make any interesting resonances when struck with a fingernail. A part of the wall seems to ripple and tear open into a 10-foot wide circle they can see through to one level below with the spiral staircase. Gnik tells Kai to stay by the trapdoor, as no one is coming through the portal. A voice they don't recognize says, "I just wanted to talk, but now I can tell you I'm not inviting you to the ball." They suspect it is the Sea-Lord Drak. The two wraiths that fled the previous battle come back through the walls; one flies at Gnik and the other at Kai but don't manage to make contact. Milena casts Sacred Flame at the one coming at Gnik, and tells Nash to stay on the trapdoor but grab any that come by. Zassin distracts the other one to help give Kai and Ember advantage. A bunch of priests come running toward the portal, so Gnik attempts to Dispel Magic as the first ones come through. It ripples shut and they see the first two get thrown backward into the room below. Kat shoots a force bolt through the wraith near Kai, and then Al closes with it and attacks, hitting it three times. Kai suggests Ember go help Gnik, and she is on the way to do so when there is a huge explosion... under Nash's butt. She is not happy about it -- it knocks her up and over, and the door beneath her is shattered. Ember takes a running leap from the platform she was on, and flies over Gnik's head as she slashes the wraith. Kai goes into rage mode and cleaves through the wraith, obliterating it into nothingness. She moves toward the trapdoor and Gnik tells her not to get too close. He asks Az to look down through the trapdoor; she sees a ship's sail hovering in midair, with three people standing on it rising toward the hatch, but about 50 feet below it. One of them calls up, "It would be nice to just have a pleasant conversation with you...." while another just looks pissed off and the third, a serpent-like being in robes, appears to be casting a spell. Below are guards and cultists on the stairs, running back up. Gnik watches through Az's eyes, waiting for the "sail" to get within 20 feet of the trapdoor so he can cover the bottom part of the hatch, the top of the cloth, and anchor the cloth to a wall, if possible. While he is concentrating, the remaining wraith attacks him. He keeps his concentration, but his flesh near the wound goes black with necrotic damage. Zassin flies over to help Ember with the wraith and gets a bite in on the way, and Nash lumbers up, bites into it, and tears it to pieces, spitting out the final wisps. As the flying carpet reaches the target area, two of the riders try to hop off onto the staircase just as Gnik's spell goes off. The hatch fills with web, and Drak says, "Really? You came all this way to talk to us and now all you want to do is violence?" Kai says they didn't come to talk, they came to save the city. "Freeport?" Drak says, "have you seen that city? Why do you think it's worth saving?" "I'm not engaging in this conversation," Kai says. Kai throws the Star of Jaeleth at one of the guys in the web -- the one who looks pissed off. It slams into his right wrist and explodes, setting the web on fire. The guards and cultists on the stairs look at Drak, who says, "Hold up...." He appears to be casting some kind of spell, which Gnik successfully counterspells; he recognizes it as Dimension Door. He sees Drak reach for a huge maul on his back that appears to be covered with eyeballs. Al whips a rope through the hatch to entangle Drak, then tries to hand off the rope to Kai. Ember runs to the hatch and gets off two quick shots at him, which seem to be tearing at a protective shield around him; she sees the arrows tear at areas of blackness around him. Kai throws her chain javelin and then helps Al hold the rope. The javelin completely pierces and dissipates the black shield, and sticks into Drak, drawing blood. The second javelin sinks into his shoulder; he looks disappointed. Gnik casts a Telekinetic Trip at one of the guards at the top of the stairs, who suddenly falls a long, long way. Knowing now how the egg amplifies energy, Milena picks it up, with her holy symbol in one hand pressed against it, and attempts to channel divinity through it, focused on the lens. Colored lights sream in from the walls through her, and a green light comes from the egg and through Milena, and all the energy is directed through the egg to the lens in a beam that starts disintegrating it. A sickly orange light comes from it, and then there is a huge explosion. When the dust settles there is a 10-foot wide crater; the lens, case, and egg are gone without a trace; and Milena is standing there unharmed. A ring of light continues spreading out, passing through the others, who feel strangely calmed by it, except for Nash, who perks up and says, "Where'd he go?" ...And then the light moves down the hatch, and the people below disintegrate as it passes through them... and keeps going... all the way to the bottom of the tower, and perhaps beyond. The "sail" begins fluttering to the ground, so Al jumps down through the hatch onto it. Milena continues praying, as she feels she has some thank yous to share. Gnik shares with the group where he went when he disappeared, which seems to be some sort of hell dimension. The group agrees they all need a rest, and realize that the tower now feels cleansed and much safer than it did before. Milena casts Prayer of Healing, and Nash responds by licking her face. The group takes a long rest. 11 Sinta 3275 The sunrise looks quite beautiful through the crystal at the top of the tower. Al experiments with the sailcloth and while flying down the stairs finds that though the people on the stairs below were destroyed, their things were left behind. Mostly this includes coins; they did have at least a couple of things that were soul-bonded, including Drak's mace, which exploded when he died. Kat mentally maps out the space to see if there are more hidden rooms, stairs, or compartments, but they have already found them. The group heads back toward the inn for breakfast, but on the way Gnik uses Detect Object on Marcus's sword to locate him on his ship, the Black Dragon. They go to his ship, with Al, Kat, Milena, and Ember on the flying sail, and Kai carrying Gnik with her flying boots. The crew look surprised and prepare for an attack until one of them recognizes "the Saltmarsh folks". Marcus comes out to greet them and says, "This seems ominous," and invites them into a private room to talk, where he mentions their flying sail looks familiar, which also seems ominous, and does it mean what he thinks it means? "We asked the gods for help--" Milena begins, and everyone gives her a significant look. "-- *I* asked the gods for help to destroy the Lens of Evil, and they did, but they had additional agenda." He asks if that's what all those lights were that came from the tower and spread through the town, and says there have been reports of disappearances and people disintegrating, mostly known cultists. He says he now has a lot of people to talk to; the group tells him to reach out if he needs them. They return to the inn for breakfast. Jakin gives them all free breakfast -- he seems to be in a very good mood -- and copies of today's Shipping News, and tells Kat that Marcus sent something for her -- and points outside to a pony. "I said I wanted a pony and he got me a pony," she says, amused and maybe a little chagrined. "Am I going to be able to take it on the ship?" The group goes to touch base with Bridget again, who shares that Marcus is the spymaster for the faction of the Freeport government that actually cares about the people, which is why he has so many contacts. 11 June 2022 Al asks Milena to send a message to his mother via Sending: Message from Al: Defeated hags and Sgult worshippers. Opposing slavers. Helping refugees. Found treasure. Played with a dragon! Hope you are well. How are you? She responds, Good to hear... This is weird... We are well.... How are you? The group discusses how to spend their day, including whether to engage with Michel and whether to call out the Replacer pretending to be Angel so they can all be straight with one another about their goals. They decide to talk to her, and head over to chat with her in the inn dining room. They let her know that they know she's a Replacer -- "Yeah, I know," she replies -- and ask what she's hoping to gain from Michel's death. She says he is being controlled by a hag -- Auntie Treeshadow -- whom they also oppose. They tell her that they would prefer she didn't come along with them, and after some discussion she finally sighs, "Fine -- just go kill him already." Gnik opines as they take their leave, "I'm not sure how I feel about all this killing," and Kat replies, "Remember, some people just need killin'. I'm going to put that on a cross-stitch to hang in the Tiny Hut." After some discussion, the group decides against sailing up the coast, as it would be too easy to see them coming, so plans instead to use their flying sail to go into the woods near the Raging Hammer camp and spy from there, as Kai has eagle eyes that can see up to a mile away. After watching the camp for a while, and discussing whether they want to go in through the top of the large central tree -- where Al thinks Michel is probably holed up -- or through the caves in the cliff face at the beach that lead to their prison, they decide to wait until nightfall and sneak in through the caves at high tide. They swim into the cave under a bright moon; they can see where a ship would dock on the right, and a platform on the left where someone might stand to keep watch. They send Kat and Zassin to sneak ahead out of the water to get the lay of the land. She sees someone standing on the observation platform staring toward the cave opening, and hears voices from further into the cave. She sneaks into a passage behind where a ship would unload and finds what looks like a storage area with no obvious exits. She hears a voice muttering up ahead of her, griping about something. He is sitting on a crate whittling on a piece of wood, across from a door. She suggests the rest of the group come up and join her. After some advice from Kai, and with Gnik making a distracting sound in the opposite direction, she sneaks up behind the guard and tries to knock him out with a blow to the head. The blade suggests to her that it could draw some life energy from him to help knock him out, and she agrees; dark energy flows from him, and the man falls over. Kai ties him up and gags him, and hides him in the storage room. They sneak ahead and listen at the door across from where the guard was sitting, and hear snoring. Kat opens the door, and there is immediately the stench of people who have been in one place for far too long. There are two cells, each holding one person. The one at the far end is chained in manacles attached to a chain pounded into the ground, and a muzzle clasped around her mouth and wrapped around her horns. The person in the other cell looks like a human female. Kai walks toward the far cell and the tiefling wakes up and looks at her. Kai tells her they aren't with the pirates, and asks if she is, or if she's a slave. She shrugs. Kai says, "They're trying to make you a slave?" She bobs her head in a "sort of..." gesture. Kai asks, "If we free you, will you make trouble?" She nods. "For them, though, not for us," Kai says. They use the key to open the bars, the shackles, and the muzzle. The tiefling says she doesn't know how long she has been there, as she doesn't see the sun very often. She is covered with scars. Kat goes to free the human woman and asks if she can cast Fireball. She says no, she is better with a blade. The tiefling volunteers that she can cast Fireball, and introduces herself as Mercy. The woman is Dorgenian and introduces herself as Londa. Mercy says she knows her way around the camp, as they take her out from time to time to help destroy things. "What things?" Kai asks. "Oh, ships, people... it's fun," she says. She doesn't know where Michel sleeps. Al has trouble getting a read on Mercy, but can tell Londa just wants to get out of here and seems to be exactly as she presents herself. They give her the unconscious guard's sword and dagger, and then lock the guard into one of the cells. Mercy doesn't know of a way up into the tree from the caves, because she was never taken into the tree; they just put her on ships or pulled her up to the ground above the cave on the lift. Kat continues to scout down the hall beyond the brig. She finds wide stairs that lead up to the viewing platform, and a small hallway that opens into a room where a Jhoynian woman and Dorgenian man are sharpening weapons and chatting. She slips up the stairs to make sure there are no other passages leading from them. At the top of the stairs she sees there are camp-like living quarters behind the platform, and the shape of the room moves away from the tree. The group decides they should try using the sail to fly up through the shaft of the people-lift. While they wait for Kat to come back, Al asks Londa her story. She has trouble keeping her voice down without being reminded, but shares that she joined Raging Hammer because she had no other options; made some negative comments about the group that got back to Michel, who told her she needed to spend the night in a cell; and it's now been several days and she doesn't know what will happen now. Londa shares information about the other members of the camp, which includes Bernace -- the woman who approached them to ask them to help Bridget do what she needs to do. They infer that Bernace is an agent of Auntie Treeshadow, since "what Bridget needs to do" is take out the Sea Witch. Milena asks Londa if the others in the camp are loyal to Michel, or just loyal to the group. Londa says Rich is loyal to the land -- he seems to be a druid or similar -- and has concerns that Bernace may have been a harmful influence on Michel, who he thinks has changed in the last few years. Kat, Kai, and Gnik hear a sound -- Mercy has moved to the door and says, "I'm getting bored." The group decides to sneak over to the people-lift, and Kai flies up with her boots to try to see where it comes out. The sail would have trouble fitting due to the rope hanging down the middle. However, Kat could just climb the rope, and Kai could probably carry each of the others up. Kai asks Mercy if she could get herself quietly up the lift. The walls have enough hand-holds that the humans can climb up easily; the tiefling is not very strong, but they get a rope around her and help her up; and Kai carries Gnik up. The building at the top of the lift is not inhabited; they peek out and hear soft snoring coming from the directon of the tree. Mercy asks if she can wreak havoc now; the group tells her she can take out Malsar, whom she doesn't like, and then Bernace, but she should try not to hurt the tree. The rest of the group moves toward the door into the tree. They hear a large explosion from the direction of Malsar's quarters. They consider crossing over to a neighboring treehouse to talk to Rick, but decide to continue upward toward Michel's quarters. Kat is the first to reach the top of the stair; she sees a shape moving ahead of her that appears to be seven or eight feet tall. She immediately hides in the shadows; it looked like a massive human-like being created out of stitched-together flesh. She recalls that the group researched flesh golems and learn they are very susceptible to fire, but lightning makes them stronger. Kat hears another massive creature and a third, human-sized person moving around the tree. She asks Zassin to tell Mercy that lightning is bad against these things, but fire is good. The group infers that Michel was the third person moving around the top of the tree; they see two women running toward Malsar's place, which looks like it has been struck by lightning and then hit with a fireball. Kat and Al move around the tree toward the man they think is Michel. 25 June 2022 As Milena and Gnik make their way up the tree bringing up the rear, they hear a female voice ask in a whisper, "So what's the plan?" Gnik turns around and asks if they've been introduced, and she says she is Kath -- who Angel had told them was the bartender. Gnik says, "We're trying not to burn down the tree, or hurt anyone too much who is not working for a hag." "Hmm, good plan," she says, and goes back down the tree. Kat closes half the distance to Michel and tries to hit him with a crossbow bolt, but as she does the dark-haired woman with him yells a warning. Michel makes a gesture and one of his flesh golems leans in and takes the hit. Al sprints forward between the two golems and attempts to entangle Michel in a rope, but is unsuccessful. Ember runs up next to Kat, points and says, "Michel, right?" and then sticks him with two arrows. Al, Ember, and Kat see the dark-haired woman fall off the tree, and Kat immediately forgets that she had been there. Al feels a tickle in his brain that wanted to erase her from his memory; he knows she was there but can't remember what she looked like. He lets everyone know over the farspeaker. Malsar roars and runs at Al with a rapier in her hand that seems to have appeared out of nowhere; it is covered with burrs and a serrated edge. He sees a green glow in her eyes and gets the idea that she can sense where he is dodging. She strikes at him but he parries, blocking the blow and pinning the blade. She lets go of it and takes a step back, glaring with a little bit of a sneer. A number of vines come up to the platform Michel is on and grab onto it; there is shouting and yelling from below. Londa turns and yells, "Hey, Tony, you're gonna take a fall!", clotheslines him against the tree, and drops him onto the roof below. She looks at the next foe with a "come and get it" gesture. Kai flies over and lands next to Michel. He smirks; "Kai, right?" She says, "Michel, right?" She notices he has a pendant that has fallen out of his collar: an eyeball in gold filligree that they recognize as identical to the pendant that would let Auntie Treeshadow see through the eye and telepathically bond with the wearer. She hits him several times with her sword; he smirks and says, "Yep, that's about what I expected...." He pulls out two daggers, one of which looks like a bloodstained straight razor. He swings and she parries the first blow, but the second gets through her defenses, cutting deep into her stomach; it feels wrong, like it's tearing into her soul. He looks like he's thinking of striking again with his off hand but disengages and runs over to the vines to slide down them. Milena peeks around the tree, sees him descending, and hits him with Guiding Bolt. She sees a Ponallian man with long dark hair climbing the vines, looking very angry. "There's a fire. In the tree. We had an agreement, man!" Michel slams into him as he slides past. A couple of flaming bolts come up from the ground, and one hits Malsar. Gnik crosses through the inside of the tree and peeks out the door in that direction. The golems swing at Al multiple times, but he dodges them all. One of them takes two steps and jumps off the edge, and Al punches it as it goes. The second one follows. Kat dives onto the vines with Dark Kiss in her hand; she manages to catch the vines with one hand and stabs at Michel and skewers him as the impact of her fall bounces him off. He falls to the ground, and the faint glow on him vanishes. From above her a voice says, "Damn. That was pretty cool. Let me help you up," and the Ponallian man offers her a hand up. Al strikes again at Malsar; he misses with his first blow but connects with the second and third, although he is unable to stun her. His fourth blow does stun her. Ember runs down the limb and drops onto one of the golems, tearing into it with her rapier. Someone lands next to Kat on the vines, but she doesn't register her as being important. Rich, the Ponallian, says, "It probably doesn't matter now," and the woman says, "You're probably right," and drops off the vines. A bunch of pirates run over to where Michel landed; he is not moving. Kai looks at the stunned Malsar and calls down, "Hey, Mercy, do you want her?" Mercy claps with glee, and Kai grabs her and flings her off the platform. She runs to the edge of the platform and looks down the vines, and flies down toward where the pirates are converging on Michel. She sees the dark-haired woman take the pendant from Michel, put it on a rock, and smash it with the hilt of her dagger; as had happened to Al, the memory of her features immediately goes out of her head. The woman looks up at Kai and Kai gives her a thumbs-up gesture; the woman does not seem happy and says, "I don't think you understand what we're all dealing with," and then turns and walks away. Kai calls after her, "You could stay and explain it -- nobody ever talks about anything." She keeps walking. Kai asks, "Is he dead?" just as Kath gets there, checks, and nods. The ground nearby bubbles up with black goo, and Bernace materializes. She surveys the situation, says, "I like both sides," and disappears again. Milena sends Zassin to help Ember with the golems, and Milena moves around the tree to put out the fire. Rich comes climbing up, introduces himself, and says, "You're Al, right? Gotta go put out a fire." Gnik sees what Milena is going to do and hands him the the marble of water, which she flings against the roof of the burning building. Water cascades over it, putting out the fire. "Nice!" calls Rich from below. There's an explosive sound below as Mercy casts Thunderwave straight down into the ground where Malsar landed. Gnik pulls out an Enthrall candle, lights it, and yells, "Hey, look up here!" The golems swipe at Ember but all four of their attacks miss. Kat can see them above and knows that they have an aversion to fire, so she considers a fireblot cantrip, but decides on a chaos bolt instead; she doesn't hit with it, so she tries Reckless Dweomer. A dagger appears and suddenly splits into dozens of spinning, whirling daggers where Ember and the golems are and filling the space below, including where Michel landed; if Michel weren't dead before, he is very dead now. Al runs over to stand next to Ember and try to fight the golems. He hits one of them several times, but it doesn't seem to care. Ember jumps back out of the whirling daggers, pretty cut up but not lethally so, and then dodges the blades to hit the other golem. Rich runs out and uses some kind of spell effect on the fire; what little is still burning collapses into a small ball and disappears. The dark-haired woman comes walking back again, says something to Kath, and the dark-haired woman says, "Raging Hammer, stand down -- time to negotiate," in a booming voice that no one can miss... except the ones who are enthralled. Their comrades shake them out of it so they can gather to talk. Kai flies up to the platform with the golems and slams one of them into the blades. Rich asks Milena what her people want, and she says they were concerned about Auntie Treeshadow's influence; he says they also had the same concern. He looks below to where Mercy has just destroyed Malsar, and says, "We don't feel too bad about Malsar, either...." Mercy looks up, sees Az, says "Pretty!" and takes off running toward the northwest. Both of the golems get quite shredded by the blades, and one of them roars as if in rage and strikes at Al, hitting once, but he parries the second blow; he considers pinning its arm but doesn't want to get pulled into the wall of spinning blades. The other one strikes out at Kai and hits. Kat runs across a rope bridge from the platform she's on to attack the golem Al is facing. Al sees Kat run up in a blur behind it, the tip of her blade comes through its neck, and it falls over. She strikes at the other one with her dagger and hits. It roars and goes into a berserk rage, and Al attacks it, hitting three times. Ember stabs it a couple more times and it falls over in pieces. Gnik yells, "Kat, if the monsters are down, STOP CONCENTRATING." Kat says, "What?" and the wall of blades disappears. Kath and the dark-haired woman, who suddenly everyone can see and remember just fine, are talking together on the ground, and invite the group back to the bar to talk. Gnik sends Az to track Mercy and sees her go to another hut and yell up, "Bernace! Bernace, are you up there?" then shrugs, and hits it with lightning bolts before running off farther onto the island. Rich hears the sound and sends some people to cut the bridge to keep fire spreading from there to the tree. Kat decides to go check out Michel's house and invites Al to join her. Gnik returns to his body and casts Locate Object to find the missing pieces of the chest, which he sees immediately are in Michel's quarters. He starts to head that way but thinks maybe someone should check for traps first, so waits for Kat. When she gets there, Gnik asks her to check for traps and a woman's voice says, "Oh, just come on in." It is the dark-haired woman, who has no problems letting them look around. She was Michel's bodyguard, but did not like how things had been going with him over the last few years as he fell under Auntie Treeshadow's influence. She introduces herself as Shirley. Kat asks what will happen with Raging Hammer, and Shirley says the captains would need to talk about it; if no one steps up with the skill to lead the whole group, they might just go their separate ways. Al says they might know people who know people who would be interested. Gnik puts on his arcana glasses and sees an interesting magical item on the shelf that looks like a dinghy in a bottle. He also notices Shirley has a small amulet on her necklace that glows strongly with magic, and her dagger glows weakly as well. Al asks how she does the thing that makes people forget you, and she ignores the question and says, "Who wants drinks?" Kai and Milena walk with Kath toward the bar, and she offers them the straight razor. They head on to the bar. Gnik Identifies several items they find; the razor has a once per day effect of necrotic damage that causes the victim and anyone who sees it to be frightened. Malsar's sword causes an extra point of damage at the start of each turn until the victim makes a save. The bottle, when broken, releases the contents, which become full-sized: a rowboat, rope, cask of water. Bernace's quarters contain six nesting hens with eyes, beaks, and legs removed (although Milena immediately declares her intentions to heal them) and several black eggs which Gnik identifies as causing advantage on dexterity saves if it is cracked over someone, or creating magical darkness if thrown. Gnik asks Milena to Send a message to Fran: "Hello Fran, it's Gnik. Can you send the puzzle pieces I gave you? Thanks." She immediately gets a response: "Yes." 23 July 2022 The group talks with the remaining leaders of the Raging Hammer about what happens next now that Michel is gone, and Gnik suggests, without giving her name, that they should talk with Bridget, who has some shared interests with them and a common foe. Al asks if anyone there actually liked Bernace, as she's aligned with someone we have concerns about. Shirly tosses him a note and says "This should answer your question." It is a note from the druid Rich expressing his concerns about Bernace based on his consultation with the spirits, even though Michel had brought her in as a potential ally, and brings up that she seems to have an aversion to seawater, which is why she never goes anywhere by boat. Rich shares his notes that suggest that Bernace is not human -- she is a centuries-old shapeshifting fae spirit from the Dreadwood -- and the Ponallian spirits fear her. The group hypothesizes that Bernace could herself be Auntie Treeshadow, if not her agent. They discuss trying to find out more about the ultimate goals of Auntie Treeshadow and the Sea Witch, and realize that that Bridget is the founder and leader of the Sea's Watch and could probably tell them more. They also discuss talking with the Bargallian refugees in Freeport to see if they would like to try relocating to Seaton where there is more land. They mention it to the Raging Hammer folks to see if they'd be willing to provide ships to help the relocation, and Anch asks, "Are we getting paid?" Shirly says, "We can work something out," and offers to go with them to talk with the Bargallians. Milena tries some magical healing on Bernace's chickens to see if it will help at least remove some of the magical taint on them so they could at least be used as stew chickens. It would take extraordinary magic to heal them fully, as they are missing their eyes, beaks, and legs. Gnik sets up a Tiny Hut for them to sleep, and they discuss whether an ethereal creature such as a hag might be able to get in -- and they think one probably could. Gnik assembles the puzzle pieces, which turn out to be a tiny chest and a key. As soon as the key turns in the lock, it pops out to much larger size, six feet wide, and when open it extends down farther than its outside height, with a ladder going down. In its larger size it weights exactly 100 pounds no matter what is in it. Turning the key to the right again makes it small again, and turning to the left makes it fall into its individual pieces again. The chest contains many things including an anchor, a thin net made of something like thick spider's webbing, a stone with mystic runes, a ship's figurehead leaning against the wall, a large book, a large compass, a ship's wheel that Gnik believes is part of a teleporting ship; a figurine of an albatross in flight; and a nicely folded pile of red silk cloth that upon inspection appears to be ship's sails. Al has seen one of the mystic stones before -- it is a cleansing stone which can remove all dirt and grime by touching it and speaking a word. The anchor is an Anchor of Seafaring with a rope that will magically lengthen with a word to go to the bottom of the ocean or its maximum length of one mile, and will raise again with a word. If one is attuned to the figurehead and says the command word "disaggregate enigmatically", the ship will shrink, turn into a puzzle, and fall into its component pieces in the hands of the person who commanded it, with everyone on board safely deposited nearby. The net is only usable underwater and can be commanded to shoot forward 30 feet; Al claims it. 12 Sinta 3275 In the morning before the group heads out, Londa loudly thanks them for their help and says she will be taking over leading the groups formerly led by Malsar. Shirly comes to them looking very different, telling them she never goes to Freeport in her usual persona. Milena humanely kills the chickens after healing them to the point that they would be safe to eat, planning to take them to the Bargallians. They return to the ship and hand over many of the ship's items to Laur to install on the ship, with notes about what they do. They return to the inn to talk to Bridget. As they approach the inn, everyone except Al notices two men talking, who glance at each other, turn, and walk away as soon as they approach, as if they were waiting for the group and then going to tell someone they'd arrived. When they go into the inn, there is a special edition of the Shipping News describing the results of the actions of the "Sea's Saviors" at the lighthouse and the shakeup on the Captain's Council in the wake of Drac's disappearance and that of others in the cult of the Unspeakable One, as well as a note waiting for Al, from a pawn broker he spoke with about an item to protect the mind, letting him know of an archaeologist in the Twin Cities who had found a ring that might do the trick. Milena and Al go to talk to Bridget, letting her know about what happened with Michel and that she might want to talk with the remaining Raging Hammer captains about their common interests. She says to tell their contact she will come down and have lunch with her. Al says the group also wants to know more about what the Witch Queen is doing, but perhaps they should wait until all the group is together to discuss that, so she asks if they have plans for dinner. Milena says they will be going to talk to the Bargallians, perhaps seeing if they are interested in relocating to Seaton, where there might be more land as well as a need for hardy settlers. She tells them that some of the Bargallians, a few dozen, follow someone they call the Oracle in a cult-like fashion, and there has been some talk in political circles wondering what she is trying to do. Bridget comes down with Rachelle and the group introduces them to Shirly (in the persona of "Dana"), then head to the Bloodsalts to visit the Bargallians. They notice everyone is staring at them but also staying out of their way. Norina and Ilkun are at the gate, and Norina says brightly, "You did come!" Kai asks if they'd been waiting, and Ilkun says "The Oracle said you would arrive." Al asks if they are followers, and Norina says Ilkun is; the rest respect her for what she has done for the community. As they move through the area they see only 10% to 20% are human, with many orcs, hobgoblins, and goblins, among others. There is a walled-off area with orcs on the walls, and farther down a makeshift tent city with an emblem on some flags like a bright red setting sun. Al asks Norina about her background, including how long she has been here -- it has been a few years -- and that she handles animals and is a beekeeper, and paints for fun. Ilkun says under his breath, "At least you weren't a bricklayer" -- and Norina notes to the group that many died in the building of the lighthouse over the last ten years. Al asks what they should know about the Oracle before they meet her. They share that she arrived in Freeport nine years ago with no knowledge of where she came from. The commune of her followers is called the Burning Horizon. They ask her about a possible move to Seaton -- she sees that it could be good for the people and for Seaton, but she would not go with them because she cannot see anything past Freeport for herself. Gnik shows an image of his friend Lyle and asks if she could see his fate; her eyes roll back in her head for a moment, she mutters and spits something out, and says, "He is dead, but you will talk to him." Milena speaks with her in Bargallian, and her dialect is similar to Milena's but she says she speaks many languages -- including Tillian, when Al speaks to her. She does not revere any particular gods. Milena gives her the chickens, and asks if there are any of her group who need healing, and they see some are already gathered, as the Oracle told them ahead of time to come, as well as those bearing broken things because Gnik offers to fix them. 20 August 2022 Al asks Norina out and she is hesitant, but asks what he is thinking of. He suggests a sunset stroll on the beach, and she arranges to meet him at the Last Resort. She gives him a peck on the cheek and slips a small piece of paper into his hand. As the group heads back to the Last Resort, he looks at it and it asks if there is room on their ship for her to come with them when they leave. He does not immediately share this information with the group. Dana/Shirley is no longer at the inn, so the group heads up to talk to Bridget. Bridget thanks them for bringing Dana to talk with her, as it will be useful, although she is not sure how yet. Milena mentions that they suggested to the Bargallian refugees in the Bloodsalts that there might be a better place for them in Seton, and their Oracle said she would encourage them to go, though she cannot see her own future beyond Freeport. Bridget asks if she should talk with this Oracle, and Kai says it might be useful to Bridget just to understand more about her and the Bargallians. Kai overhears the guard Rachel asking the other guards just outside the door to find out about this Oracle and whether there would be a way to have a secure conversation with her. Al asks Bridget about how to defeat the Sea Witch. She says Eleanora would know more, but she tells them the history she knows of the situation: A sea hag found a source of power that is not mobile -- which is where she put her Hells Deep. A group of adventurers made it their mission to take it out, but they never came back and she vanished. The assumption is that they defeated her but were not able to make it out -- and that was hundreds of years ago. Her m.o. was summoning hordes of creatures and taking out a port town. The newer activities include divinations that point back to that same location, and that the subtlety and deception being seen now comes from the same location. So they are calling it the "Sea Witch" though it's not clear if it is the same entity. There was a legend that the adventuring group found items from the area before they left -- Eleanora might know more. The new activity out of Hell's Deep only became evident when Seton was overrun. Al asks Bridget what she knows about the Crossed Five. She asks what it is, and he explains it is a secret organization that may seek to control Anlin, but he was wondering if the group would be aligned with or against the Sea Witch, as he's trying to figure out if they might be allies against the Sea Witch, or Auntie Treeshadow. Gnik shares the description of the Vile Fiends he found in one of his books, and she says they have encountered several of them -- the Replacers and the Feathered. She also says they know the approximate location of Hell's Deep, which is on the other side of Till. Al mentions having seen something in the Shipping News about the ruler of Fortek, "The Voice", losing the faith of his people, and he wonders if that could be another leader under the sway of the Sea Witch or Auntie Treeshadow -- but Bridget shares that probably not, because The Voice is a lich. It is not a well-known fact, but is known among local leaders. Gnik offers to copy the book with the information about the Fiends; Bridget takes a look and sees that it is not in a language she knows -- because it is in Gellen. Gnik says it would take longer to translate, as unlike copying, he can't do that magically. Kai notes that the librarian could translate it. Bridget gives them a rather cryptic note for them to give to Eleanora, and explains that it will let Eleanora know that Bridget trusts them completely and she should tell them everything. As evening approaches, Al and Norina go to the beach; Al shares his magic items with her that allow her to swim well and breathe underwater, since he is already very comfortable in the water, and she has never been in a large body of water. He brings out some of his water friends to play with, which she very much enjoys. Then he asks her about her note, and why she wants to leave. She shares that she wants to get out of Freeport and is afraid Ilkun will not go to Seton. Al says he could still go with the rest of the group, but she says she's ready to go now and could catch up with the rest of her people in Seton later. Al asks about her skills and ability to defend herself; she is an animal handler and trainer, and though she isn't particularly skilled with a sword she is much better at throwing things from a distance. Al says he will talk with the rest of the crew. Kai goes to a bar; the locals greet her and jokingly ask if she wants to get arrested. She gets the impression that they don't want her to get arrested, and certainly none of them want to do the arresting. She goes to get a drink and Ilkun is at the bar. He asks when they are leaving, and she asks if he's eager to have them gone. He says not exactly, but he's afraid they are a bad influence who will break up their clan. He is also worried about the Oracle without their protection. Kai tells him a bit about Seton, that it is a place that could use them, and may have opportunity for them, after being sacked. He thinks about it, finishes his drink in a gulp, says something to her in Bargallian, and departs. Kat goes into town to shop for nice clothes, accompanied by Ember. Milena sends a Sending to Marcus letting him know this will likely be their last evening in Freeport, and he invites her to a late dinner. Gnik goes to the library to find information; he asks Lucius and Elene if they could find books with information about the Blood Tower, Martyr's Rest -- including what it is named for -- and any books by someone named Crystal. Thuron makes himself available to answer questions, and Gnik tells him -- using an illusion to make an image of writing on a page so he doesn't have to say anything out loud -- some of the information he got from the book on the Vile Fiends. Thuron asks to borrow the book to copy down the information. He gives sincere thanks to Gnik and his group for everything they have done for Freeport. On the way out of the library, Gnik runs into Annie and her ghostly little brother, and thanks him for rescuing her and bringing her to Freeport. She will be leaving Freeport in the morning for some opportunities, and when he asks where, she says she probably shouldn't say. He tells her not to do anything that would disrupt time and space, and she says, "Oh, no, I looked at some books on Chronomancy, and that's scary -- I wouldn't do any of THAT." She cheerfully bids him farewell. Al finds Kat on his way back to the inn and asks if she has any objections to Norina coming with them, and she says it sounds fine to her. He finds Kai back at the inn, who asks a few questions about her motivations, asks if she's ever worked on a boat, and concludes, "Eh, she's Bargallian, she'll figure it out." Gnik returns, and Al asks if he has any concerns about it. "Is she going to cook?" he asks with some concern, but doesn't have any concerns beyond that. 13 Sinta 3275 When Milena returns to the inn in the morning, Al asks if she has any objections to Norina joining them. She asks if her people know, because she does not want them to think the group has kidnapped her or otherwise done harm that would bring a vendetta on them -- she does not want bad blood. She wants to talk with Norina first to make sure she knows what she is getting into, and to understand what she thinks she is getting into -- and away from. Kai returns early to the ship to look things over and help get ready for departure and to check with Laur about bringing on a new hand. When Milena arrives at the ship, Norina is there with a backpack and a duffel that is squirming. Milena has a conversaton with her in Bargallian, first asking what's in the bag -- it is a puppy and two chickens. The puppy was a gift from a wealthy family whose dog she helped train, and then the dog had puppies. Milena asks what she is hoping for, and what she is leaving -- particularly trying to tell if she is escaping abuse. That is not the case, she is just impatient to get away from her life in Freeport. She interacts with Milena with a certain amount of reverence as befits her status as an elder and the holder of the Firebird Cloak. Milena asks if she told anyone she was leaving, as Milena would not want to bring vendetta on them if they think Norina was kidnapped. Norina says she left a note with the Oracle. Milena says they should introduce the puppy to Boris and Mouse, so Norina pulls it out -- it has a few small scrapes on it from being pecked by the chickens. [Trip to the island to find the other dagger happens here] Kat recalls Dany mentioning Agnes removing curses when her wild magic goes awry, so asks if anyone can cast Remove Curse. Milena can, but Gnik suggests they wait until they are back in Freeport to enhance their reputation. Milena thinks this is wise, so waits until they are in port, where the people seem very nervous about the change in the sun. There is much exclaiming when she gestures and murmurs at the sky and the sun comes back. They warn the crew that a giant crab will be joining them. When Brigita comes aboard, Jerry says, "Oh, look, now we have an armored spider," and Chastity is disappointed that it's not dinner. Norina is very familiar with Raphael as head of the Bargallian pantheon, and enjoys Brigita's hymns. They put the figurehead on the ship holding the Raphael statue to shrink it down and bring it with them. They decide to attach the figurehead to it so that it will shrink down with everything on it into a miniature puzzle ship, which they take back to Freeport. They sell the ship for salvage and donate the statue of Raphael to the temple; Brigita goes with it to be with her "people", who are only a little freaked out by her. There are Raphael worshippers among the Bargallians, so Milena suggests giving the altar of scrying (and the ring that goes with it) to those who will be going to Seaton, because they will probably have use of it -- particularly since the Oracle will not be with them. The group decides to stop by Gonajibria to say hello to Agnes and Dany on the way to Casadega. 15 Sinta 3275 About a day and a half into their trip, the wind has died down, but Kat sees an area ahead in the water that is churning in a strange way with a mix of colors -- greys and browns. When Kai sees it with her eagle eyes, it looks like colored bubbles of many different sizes churning in the water. Kat calls down to tell the rest about it. Al asks, "Kat, did you do some spell around here when we were sailing by before?" Kat makes a rude gesture at him. As they approach, the churn seems to move to intercept them, and they can make out rocks -- not bubbles -- of different sizes rolling on top of each other. Gnik consults his book, but the only reference he finds is that in some realms elements have intelligence, only they're not intelligent. Kai is reminded that natural things where she is from have spirits. Al thinks it looks like many individual entities all trying to get on top of each other so they can get higher. He suspects they want to climb onto the ship. They decide Laur should use the wheel to jump ahead beyond the rock mass, while the rest of them stay behind and then swim to catch up. He says, "You mean I don't just get to leave you behind? Aw, man...." They jump out and see the ship disappear; the water rushes into the vacuum and shoots up, then they see the ship reappear in the distance and a wide swath of water sprays out to get out of its way. Kat uses her Tonges ability and Al uses the Pearl of Speech to try to talk to the rock creatures. They hear many voices speaking a guttural tongue mostly yelling "Float! Float! Float!" along with some one-word phrases and curses as they slam into each other. Kat says, "HELLO THE ROCKS!" in their tongue. They stop for an instant, and then a pile of voices yells "WHAT? WHAT? WHAT?" Kat asks what they're doing, and there is a cacophany of voices -- Kat and Al can make out some of them saying that they were warm in the dry dark and then suddenly they were wet and they want to get back to being dry. The group checks with Laur on the farspeaker to find out where the nearest landmass is, and points them in that direction. The rocks don't have a concept of "thank you" but they seem happier to be moving in the right direction. Gnik gets the impression after looking at them from the arcana glasses that they are tiny rock elementals. Milena asks if Gnik would like to adopt one of them -- and he thinks about it, but decides not to. They don't have books. After lunch, Gnik gathers the group in the ship's meeting room. He shares information he got from Thuron, and reminds the group about the book they found under the warehouse, which he has investigated further and has found a coded message that the Gellans (Velosans) wanted to keep hidden: the fiends called the Hagral can hear their names from any distance when they are called by the names they call themselves: Koth (which he does not say but creates an illusion in the air to spell out). He says he will only be referring to the as Hagral or Vile Fiends. They believe they were created by a being called K-Ooth who wanted to create more beings like themselves, so created D'She and D'Lie; and no longer being the same person after pouring out part of himself, renamed himself K'Jat. Then they all wanted to make more beings like themselves so they created the Koth. They used a powerful artefact to pull a portion of Jaelith off to make a place for themselves to live, which is what we now call Maerson. After that happened, D'She had a falling-out with the other two and killed D'Lie. K'Jat, though immortal, was imprisoned and hidden away from his people. Then a group came from Jaelith to imprison D'She, and made a deal with the Vile Fiends to stay out of each other's business. It is possible that K'Jat is the martyr for whom Martyr's Rest was named, and is still imprisoned there. Al recalls that there was news of a stone of power that disappeared, and he wonders if that could have been the prison of the other one who may have gotten freed. Kai says she had a conversation with Corey that morning, and he says he was sent by the Crossed Five to find out whether they were working with the Fiends or not. He has concluded they are not so he's willing to talk to them. He believes it was the beings from Martyr's Rest who were responsible for the invasion of Serin, and she got the impression from him that they would be ok with things going back to the way they were. The group decides to call him in to chat with him. Corey refers to the Vile Fiends as the Newcomers, but mostly knows about their actions back in Anlim rather than in this region, trying to influence or replace various individuals in positions of power. He shares that the goal of the Crossed Five is to get Anlim out of its current state of being out of control -- both politically and economically. The Crossed Five have been managing Anlim behind the scenes for centuries. He says that when they get to Casadega he can try to get in touch with others of his organization to exchange information. Gnik shares the information they've learned about the Vile Fiends and Martyr's Rest, without sharing the unspeakable names. Kat asks if they're done, because she wants to go play with Norina's puppy. 16 Sinta 3275 As they come up on Gonajibria in the late afternoon, they can see, first, that the clouds are cleared and they can see the whole spire; and second, that there is an enormous gout of flame coming out of the tower over halfway up. As they approach the town, they see two buildings that look completely burned out, and a few others appear to have fire damage. Laur is concerned that no ship is coming out to meet them and guide them through the reefs. When they drop anchor, they hear a bell tolling from the top of the tower. 3 September 2022 They see someone coming out from the harbor in a rowboat; and with the spyglass they see it is the harbormaster Greemus, and they hail him. They see his leg is in a splint and he asks for some help up onto the ship, so Kai flies down to retrieve him -- he is not a very big guy. Kat asks what happened, and he says a bunch of pirates and knights swarmed all over the town, and broke out the pirates they had previously captured. Kat asks about the flame coming from the tower, and he says he assumes Danae did it; she is the one who rang the bell to let him know a ship was coming in. Milena asks where Agnes is; Greemus says she is dead, killed by one of the pirates from the Stormdaughter's ship, who attacked the night the group ambushed it and captured the Stormdaughter. They bring the ship into port; Laur has the magic compass and is comparing the information from it against the path they are shown. The group flies up (on the sail and using their other flying items) to visit Danae at the top of the tower. They see the flame on the way up -- it doesn't block the trail and seems to be coming straight out of the stone. As they fly by Kevak's cabin they see what looks like the massive corpse of some enormous, whale-sized creature that hit so hard when it fell that it is unidentifiable. Some chunks have been cut out of it, but it is now starting to stink. Higher up, there is a silvery pillar of liquid just oscillating around. Gnik wonders what would happen if he threw a pinch of the Dust of Dryness at it. At the top, they see some work has been done to shore up some of the structures. As they land, Danae comes running out of the taller tower, smiling and clapping. Kat jumps off the sail and goes to give her a big hug, but sees that her hair has gone black and there are black veins at her hairline. Kat hesitates, Danae says, "Yeah, I know... it's fine!" and then Kat hugs her anyway. They notice there is an area of brightness around her, as if the colors are more intense within five feet of her. Al asks what happened to her, and she says she doesn't know, she just tried some things. Milena asks if she needs any curses removed, and she says she doesn't think so...? She says that she accidentally saw the whole history of the tower, but it was a lot so she could only really focus on one thing, so she focused on the bells and now she knows how they work. She rattles off the information to Gnik, and it matches what he knows. Milena asks permission to look over her to make sure she's okay, and she agrees. Milena finds no obvious damage. They ask about the strange things they saw on the way up the tower. The flame happened when she was trying to stop a wyvern coming at her, and it worked... sort of. "It turns out wyvern meat is kind of tough, but at least it was already cooked!" Milena offers advice on how to prepare tough meat, while Kat stands behind her gesturing "noooo" at Danae. The creature came from the sky when she was trying to pull something down to stop a griffon, which did fly away -- but the stink is getting pretty bad. They discuss some ways to get rid of the corpse. Kat shares with Danae the information Agnes had told them about Danae being a young hag, as well as about the two previous hags on the island and Auntie Treeshadow. She has trouble processing the information, but thanks them for telling her. Kat asks about Agnes's workshop, and Danae says they went through it looking for all the healing to help after the attack. She says they are welcome to go through what's left, since the apothecary is now a public repository. Milena and Al notice that something has shifted in the way Danae is acting at the point Kat told her she was a hag. Al tries to draw her out by asking how it is making her feel. She says, "I don't know... something is wrong." Al wonders if maybe the knowledge that one is a hag makes a change in them. Gnik consults Glee's book, which has a line that says "Forgotten are forgotten because if they remember then they remember that they were forgotten." Forgotten are those who don't learn they are hags until after the normal age of transformation, and in the meantime they continue to gain power -- which if it is delayed long enough could cause them to become the most powerful beings in existence, and if another hag finds out about a Forgotten they would try to kill them immediately. Kat draws Danae aside for a private conversation, telling her about the hags Tami and Tracy, and that Kat eventually wants to kill Auntie Treeshadow; Kat tells Danae that she would be an ally if Danae wants to do that. Right now Danae is more concerned with protecting her people and helping them rebuild. The rest of the group heads back down the spire to try to help with rebuilding and healing in the town. Gnik stops at the pillar of liquid to try to identify it. His spell tells him it is an alternate reality liquid mithril. When Az touches it and pulls back, she has a thin layer of mithril on her talon which immediately starts drying. Az scrapes most of it off, but then thinks, "Mithril claws!" and sticks all her claws in to coat them. They realize one could put a vessel in and pour out liquid to pour into molds before it hardens, for example to make weapons or armor. They get word to Danae that she has just created a mithril mine, and this will be another way to bring resources to the island. Kat and Danae compare notes about their wild magic. Danae shows a few of the spells she's learned since they saw each other last. Kat tells Danae that if she ever needs help and can get word to her, she will come. Danae thinks, pulls out a lock of her own hair, ties it in a little knot, and hands it to Kat. "Keep this -- I think it will work longer this time." It allows Danae to talk to Kat telepathically, although Kat can't talk back. In town, they learn the innkeeper Klaado was killed and rather than reopen the inn, his partner Rayba is planning to leave. They offer her passage to Casadega if she wants it. They decide to stay a couple of days to help with things the townspeople would have trouble doing themselves, such as Gnik's help with Mending and Milena's healing. 17 Sinta 3275 In the evening, another ship arrives, badly damaged, carrying five Tillians. They tell of massive tentacles attacking ships just north of the island, perhaps 30 or 40 miles, and of seeing a ship adrift with just one of its three masts still intact. The group realizes that since it is on the main route to Gonajibria from the north, it will keep the island for getting help and supplies. Al speaks to the crew in Tillian and learns that they are trading, seeking supplies and opportunities to help their people, who are refugees. Al gives them names of a broker in Freeport as well as contacts in Saltmarsh. 18 Sinta 3275 The group decides to go deal with the big tentacles. Laur and Jimsu figure out where the wreckage of the three-masted ship would be based on currents, so they head that way as a starting point. Kai flies ahead to scout with her far vision, and Al gives her the conch shell that will let her speak with swimming creatures underwater. They find the ship, and from a distance they identify the Empress of the Waves -- the ship that was stolen from Jennell with all her fortune on it. Kai heads in the direction the boat drifted from, and Al pulls out a sea friend from his bag of shells to scout underwater. He pulls out Bounder, the giant seahorse, so Al decides to go with him. The rest go to the ship. Looking at the ship from a distance, it appears the damage is from many sources: the hull appears to have gone onto a reef or run aground, and it appears something came down hard on top of it. She also recognizes a lot of storm damage. It is already riding low, and she guesses it will go down within the next week or two. Al swims up from below to see if there's anything on the underside of it, but doesn't see anything that stands out. Gnik also swims under to see where it is damaged, to see the extent of the damage and to see if there are obvious places that could be repaired. He puts on his glasses to see if there is a magic effect keeping it afloat, and can detect a couple of sources of magic inside the ship itself, but no effect on the ship itself. On the other side of the hull there are a couple of large suckers stuck to the hull. Al stays in the water to keep watch while the others explore the derelict ship. On the upper deck there is a significant tilt toward the port, and there is a lot of creaking and grinding. There are two doors leading to crew quarters and a grate that is rusted shut. Kat and Milena see things moving in the shadows that look like spiders with fist-sized bodies. Kat decides to go check out the aft door, and Gnik follows. They notice bits of blood splattered on the deck here and there, not especially fresh, but Kat draws her rapier just in case. Milena drops a dog treat through the grate to see what happens. It appears to bounce off something invisible, then something else, then sticks in midair -- as if stuck in a filament of web that she can't see. Five spiders -- by far not the only ones in the space -- skitter up to check it out, but leave when they see it is not live prey. Kat opens the door and sees a large stone altar surrounded by human skulls. There is an acrid smell in the air, and stairs descending into the hold -- where she doesn't want to go, because of the spiders. She and Gnik recognize the symbol in the center of the altar as that of the goddess Leolth -- "The Spider" in Bargallian lands. They decide to go get the figurehead, which will both let them salvage the ship and will immediately dispel the spiders. Kat plans to be the one who activates the figurehead so that the spiders will land near but not on her. They use the sail to bring it from the Mighty Redemption, and Gnik uses a floating disc to hoist the front up into position while Kai gets it mounted to the ship. Kat goes to inspect the front door and sees some web around the jamb. She bends down to try to slip a mirror under the door, and the whole gap is filled with web. She is still very tempted to look inside, but Milena reminds her they can inspect it after they have gotten rid of the spiders. They bring Laur over on the sail to give the command word, as he is the one attuned to the figurehead. Milena activates the Cloak of the Fire Bird to fly about 100 feet up but well away from the sail. Kai and Az are flying a couple hundred feet up. Kat and Al are in the water, but at a safe distance. When the ship disappears, they see five giant spiders, four giant wolf spiders, swarms of the fist-sized spiders, and two three-armed, three-legged, three-eyed creatures with a huge mouth full of teeth that takes up most of its face -- Al recognizes it by description as a maw demon. They also see for a brief moment something that looks like a huge blue and white spider that vanishes as it hits the water -- Gnik recognizes it as a phase spider, which just went into the ethereal, which means Kat can see it standing there on the water. They also see a woman who looks human, as well as four other humanoids with long fingers and tongues that Gnik recognizes as ghasts. The swarms of spiders try to climb on one another but are quickly sinking. Al sees the demons, human, and ghasts start swimming. Milena sees that while the woman's attire is tattered, she is definitely a Bargallian. 1 October 2022 The Bargallian woman attempts to cast a couple of spells, but Gnik casts Counterspell and they don't go off. The woman looks put out. Kat runs on the water near where the phase spider is, so that she can hit it with her rapier as soon as it pops out of the ethereal. Gnik casts Dawn at the area where all the foes are; the Bargallian woman sees that he is about to cast something, and ducks below the water. The blast hits Kat as well, since she is near the spider, although she resists some of the damage. Many of the already-drowning spiders are taken out, as well as the giant wolf spider, but the other giant spiders are still standing. Milena asks the woman why she was in their friend's ship, and she answers that she was stranded on an island and it washed up after hitting rocks. Kai asks what she is doing with all those demons and ghasts, and she says she needed something to hunt for her, and Leolth provided. The phase spider tries to move behind Kat, but she turns to follow it. It leans this way and that, surprised she can see it, then moves straight over her, leaves the ethereal, and drops on her. She attacks with her rapier, which suggests she pull some of the spider's essence to feed it, which she does. She also activates the Booming Blade effect. It is still falling toward her, but she ducks and rolls away as it bites at her. It tries to flicker into the ethereal, but it is held by the blade's effects. It sinks into the water and begins getting torched by the Dawn spell. It tries to move away, which triggers the Booming effect, and it explodes. Milena casts Guiding Bolt at one of the ghasts, which is underwater. She can see it glittering as the spell hits. Al pulls another friend out of his bag and gets Gina the giant octopus, whom he sends to attack one of the maw demons. She pulls one out of the cylinder of light, bites it with her beak, and cuts one of its arms off. Laur asks over the farspeaker, "So are we killing this woman or not?" Kai answers that she is inclined not to, yet; Milena just says, "No." Laur has a crossbow and takes a shot at the glittering ghast, after Al suggests that if the weapon is not magical it probably won't affect the maw demons. He gets two shots off, hitting both times, with the second one in the back of the skull, and it stops moving. Several more spiders succumb to the continuing Dawn effect. The three remaining ghasts swim toward the group, although they don't move very quickly; one moves toward Bounder, one toward Ember, and one toward Al. However, two of them succumb to the Dawn effect before they can escape it. The remaining one moves toward Ember, but Bounder swims toward it, slams into it, and caves its skull in. Kat surveys her possible opponents, decides not to kill the Bargallian because her mom said not to, and releases her Waterwalk effect so she can go after one of the maw demons. Her sword, which was created by a devil -- and therefore hates demons -- is in favor of this plan. She goes for the one Gina hurt, and again activates Booming Blade when she hits it. She hits it between the eyes and draws the blade down through its mouth. She sees a dark swirl as the blade steals its life energy; the demon seems to fade in color and then begins sinking. Kat is surprised, because usually when a demon is defeated it returns to its own plane. The Bargallian woman yells, "I just want to get out of here!" There is a loud crack, and a line comes out of the sky and hits her between the shoulderblades -- web-like -- and pulls her up and out of sight probably faster than is strictly healthy. Gnik moves the Dawn effect to follow the one remaining maw demon, and then attacks it with his psychic helm, but only does a small amount of damage. Kai moves to it and slices it in half; the body immediately starts boiling away. She moves out of the Dawn effect. They consider what to do about the remaining drowning spiders and giant spiders, which some of the group would prefer not to just let drown. Gnik uses Shape Water to make two five-foot cubes of solid water to see if the spiders will crawl on them. One of the wolf spiders gets on top of one, and one of the giant spiders gets on top of the other, and many of the small spiders swarm on top of them. Laur checks his compass and is surprised to see something demarcated with a dashed line; he doesn't know what that means, since there are other line styles for ports and reefs. Al and Milena go that way to scout, while Kai, Kat, and Gina push the ice cubes. Gnik adds a web between them to help scoop up more of the small spiders, which latch onto the web and then climb to the cubes. From the air, Milena sees a very small oval-ish land mass, rocky with shrubs and a few trees on top. Underwater, Al sees that it is floating, and there are tentacles and a large beak on one end of the oval, kind of like Gina's. Over the farspeaker, Al says "Stop stop STOP STOPSTOPSTOP! This is the thing that has been attacking ships!" The group realizes that the reports of ships being attacked did not include any mention of a small island nearby. Al realizes he can talk with it using his conch shell, so he swims up to it, starting just out of what he thinks is its tentacle range. Kai stops pushing ice and flies up to monitor the situation from a mile away with her hawk eyes. "Hello amazing sea creature!" Al says nervously. An enormous eye opens up, and its head emerges around its beak. Al hears a voice conveying, "Whut?" Al says, "We're trying to save some creatures and we were wondering if they could live on your back, or if you could take them to another place." "Yes," it says slowly. "My name is Al," Al says, "what's your name?" He answers, "Coloss." Al asks where it's from, and it says it doesn't remember. It asks what kind of creatures, and Al says spiders. "I will try to find them a home quickly, then." Milena suggests he ask about what has been attacking ships. "Ah. The dull one," it says, with a tone that sounds like a sigh. Al asks if Coloss would mind if they hurt the dull one, or at least stop it from hurting ships. Coloss offers to send them there now -- which Kai is in favor of, as she took a strength potion she hasn't really had a chance to use yet. He asks if they can breathe underwater and says he will have to bring them into his tentacles. Milena quenches the Fire Bird cloak, and the other gather to Coloss. He takes each of them gently into a tentacle; there is a slight glow and a sensation of comfort. Then there is a loud crack and they are suddenly in cold, dark water with a lot of pressure -- they are deep underwater. Coloss is not with them. 15 October 2022 As their eyes adjust to the murk, they see that they are near a crevasse, about 60 feet wide, filled with ruined ships of all descriptions, including a circular ship, all well-scavenged and with barnacles attached. A slight sheen is visible between a couple of ships. They hear a rumble and some of the sheen seems to slide as if something moved. In their minds they hear a sense of annoyance and frustration, not so much language as feelings, followed by a loud "Why?" Al says, "We seek to stop the attacking of ships." "Why?" "To save the people on board." "Did the senile one send you?" Kat says, "Maybe...?" and Al asks if he is also an island. The being says it feels like an island, as the world is much smaller now, since this rock was ripped from his world and made its own land. They ask why it has started attacking ships, and it says that it was asleep, and sometimes it gets bored. The group quietly discusses whether to try to fight it, with Kai expressing that someone needs to take it out, Kat thinking they can't defeat it, and Gnik and Milena expressing that there is not enough information. Kat hears it ask, "I wonder what that metal does," and she asks, mentally, "What metal?" "The long thin strip at your side." She says "I'm not sure you want to find out." Al senses that the mental voice is getting more annoyed, grumpy that it has been woken up. Milena suggests they swim for the nearby ridge, that might be an island, and starts swimming -- until Kat says she thinks she saw something move along the wall. Al pulls out his statue of Anny and tells her where they are. "Why are you there?!" she asks, and he says that an intelligent island sent them there. She says they will soon be running into her people, and they should tell them that Zynesua will want to talk to them. Al and Kat suggest they should head straight across to the ridge rather than at an angle. Kai plans to go to the surface and get the lay of the land -- if there is any land. The group hears a voice call out in elvish, which Kat and Gnik understand, saying, "What are you doing here and why are you disturbing it?" Al replies, "We didn't mean to... Zy... Zy... Milena, what was that name? ...Zynesua will want to see us." A couple of sea-elves emerge from the murk; one is male and tattooed, the other female, both well-muscled. They ask their names, which the group shares, and how they came to be there. "An intelligent island sent us," Al says, and the woman starts laughing. Her crossbow stops pointing at them. The man still regards them sternly and asks why he should believe them. Al repeats that Zynesua will want to see them, and he asks how they know that name. He shares that his friend Anny told him to say that. The guards relax a bit, introduce themselves as Luana and Angmar, and share that they are part of a group that watches the sleeping beast, which has been slumbering for at least the last decade, and it is bad that it has awakened. Gnik shares that they were sent here because of tentacles attacking ships, but the guards say it could not be this beast. Milena suggests that if the beast communicates with its mind, perhaps it could do other things with its mind and perhaps the tentacles were the living dream of a bored creature. Kai reaches the surface, sees no land but two huge dolphins, one of which heads toward her. She breaks the surface and continues flying upward thanks to her boots; the dolphin also breaks the surface, leaps, and chitters at her, but she can't understand. She sees a couple of small islands, but nothing distinctive. The dolphins go to the group below and the guards tell them to grab on to their fins. Al asks if they can be brought back to the same spot, since their ship knows where to find them. Luana says she will be staying and will be on the lookout for any ship, and they can be brought back there. Angmar grabs a dorsal fin, Al collects Bounder and Gina, and the rest also grab on. They find it is surprisingly easy to hold on, and that the dolphins are sending you wordless thoughts of greeting and pleasure at being able to help. They approach an area where the rock face has crumbled, and sand is pouring down; the piles of rocks below include well-hidden openings. The dolphins slow down to release their passengers and a dozen more elves come out wielding crossbows. Angmar tells a couple of them to go catch up with Luana, and they grab the dolphins and disappear. He enters one of the stone buildings and returns with a small, slim-looking elf; he is graceful and flawless-looking. "Angmar says you just showed up, and something sent you?" Al explains what happens. The elf invites them in and introduces himself as Kirsh. Milena shares that the creature in the crevasse expressed a desire to return to where it came from so it wouldn't be as bored, and asks if he knows where it is from. Gnik says it is from Jaeleth, and talks about what he knows of that story. He offers them food -- mostly raw fish wrapped in seaweed -- and as they chat they notice he is friendly but easily distracted. They discuss sea elf culture -- Al has a lot of questions -- as well as what they know of the creature they have been guarding. They learn that when it last awoke it attacked their village, physically rather than telepathically, and its motivations seem consistent with being bored. Al asks if they have a way to communicate with other settlements of sea elves, to find out more about what has been attacking the ships -- Kirsh and Angmar speculate that some large octopodes could do it, and say they will look into it. Al asks about Zynesua, and learns that she is Anny's mother, who is over 1000 years old. Milena asks some general questions about happenings in the area to see if they intersect with things they've been following up on. She shares a bit about Auntie Treeshadow, and they say they have not dealt with land hags, but occasionally have to deal with sea hags." Kai takes the opportunity to say they recently heard a story of sea hags at a place called Martyr's Rest, and asks if he knows about it. "Ah, yes, the Imprisoned Tower. I don't know much about it myself, but I understand there has been activity there recently and some have been sent there to investigate." Kai asks how a tower could be imprisoned, and Kirsh says he doesn't know; another elf speaks up and says he heard it was imprisoned in crystal. Kat starts up a game of three dragon ante, just for fun. She also flirts with Kirsh, who is very receptive to flirting. Before settling down for a night's rest, Milena sends a Sending to the Bargallian Leolth worshipper: Apologies - my friends get twitchy around fiends. We saved all the spiders we could. If we meet in person again, I buy you a drink. She responds with a traditional Bargallian greeting along the lines of greetings and we will talk later, sister -- Maryna. 29 October 2022 19 Sinta 3275 In the night each of the group has strange dreams that seem to come from the tentacled being Coloss called "the dull one". Milena wakes to find Gnik already awake and looking to take notes about his dream. She asks, "Did you also have a dream sending from the ancient one?" "Oh. OH! Is that why it had more than two arms?" The others wake up and Al says, "Guys, we're in trouble!" Kat wakes up with Kirsh, and Angmar comes by and says she should get back to her friends -- some of their patrols have gone missing. He offers her a kit that they send with their patrols, with a weapon made of sharpened shells joined by a cord, and a set of chews that last for a minute each and grant a particular attribute (speed, reason, agility, might, wisdom). As she moves through the protected village, she sees a huge school of fish off to her left that suddenly scatters in all directions -- and behind them, something that looks like a four-legged creature with multiple joints in its long legs. Kat moves toward it and realizes it is an elf woman whose limbs and neck have been broken. It is Luanna, who she first met with Angmar. She shows Angmar, and they both freak out -- Kat says, "No. No, no. We have to go find my friends." She manages to persuade him to move away, dragging him if she has to, so Luanna is no longer in their line of sight. She calls out on the farspeakers to ask if anyone else is awake. Ember and Kai also had dreams of varying levels of threat from the ancient creature; Gnik's dream was less threatening, but involved a forest gnome with multiple arms offering him a puppy and books. Kai exits the rock hut where they've been sleeping. She can see Kat and Angmar approaching, and can see a crystal pillar at the other side of the settlement. She does not see any other ocean life, unlike before they went to bed. There is a flash of light near the crystal, and it goes out as a deafening crash emanates through the water. Gnik looks up and sees that the sandfall is no longer blocked by the bubble shield -- the crystal provided the shield. Gnik says, "I need you to protect me for ten minutes," and swims toward the broken stone. Milena, Al, and Kat -- with Angmar -- go with him, while Kai swims for the surface. Al pulls out a friend from his bag and gets a male reef shark, whom he asks to protect Gnik. Kai looks out from her higher vantage point and sees that the crystal is completely crushed -- at the largest, she can see a couple of shards less than a couple feet long. She also sees five sea-elves on the ground, and three very large mast-sized logs on the ground next to each other near where the crystal was. She relates this through the farspeaker. The group is about halfway to the crystal when they hear in their minds a cacophany of words and emotions asking "Why to flee to danger?" Gnik replies they are trying to fix the problem. Al asks why he broke the sanctuary stone, and who he thinks is going to oppress him. The response is "If there is the slightest chance that you can free the Jailer, I will end you now." Kat moves forward to check on the sea elves to see if any of them are still alive. Angmar expresses concern that the sanctuary stone is what kept enough oxygen flowing through the settlement to allow breathing in the buildings. Al starts peeking into the stones as they go by; he sees an elf sitting at one of the openings, so he says hello - but there is no response. As he gets closer, he realizes there's nothing there from the waist down. Gnik joins them and casts Detect Thoughts to help find anyone still living. Milena casts Bless on herself, Kat, Al, and Ember as they go. Angmar asks for a Speed chew, and Al takes one as well. Kai requests a Might one, Ember takes an Agility one, Gnik a Reason, and Milena a Wisdom. Angmar goes quickly to check on his people, and Al is helping. Kat, Milena, and Ember continue moving toward the downed elves at the crystal. When Kat and Milena reach the crystal, Milena can tell it was shattered by something hitting it coming from the cliff. She wonders if one of the masts could have hit it, and notices that one of them is missing. Al suggests that perhaps the bottom logs are launching the top one. Gnik asks Angmar if the masts have been lying by the crystal for a reason. Angmar doesn't know the word "mast", and once Gnik explains, he says, "No, why would we have dead trees down here?" Al stops searching himself and pulls a second friend to help -- getting a male dolphin. It and the reef shark eye one another and then look to Al for guidance. He sends Ralph the Reef Shark to continue the search and Donny the Dolphin to patrol the perimeter, and he and Gnik rejoin Kat and Milena. Al notices as he passes some of the rock structures that the openings appear to have been crushed. At the crystal they find Kirsh -- who appears to have been squeezed almost in half. Milena looks more closely and sees a massive sucker marking. Some of the other bodies were clearly killed by the exploding crystal. Al senses that the creature is toying with them, and the group suddenly realizes that it can camouflage itself. Gnik suddenly senses overwhelming thoughts, as if the universe suddenly opened up in his brain, but with feedback since he is running Detect Thoughts. He screams through the farspeakers and breaks concentration. Al goes to him to ask what's wrong, and Gnik says, "It's here." Kat takes a Reason chew, and looks around to investigate where the creature is and what its next move might be. Al takes the Speed chew and looks around to try to find the creature. He can't perceive where it is, but realizes many places it could be. He runs to the cliff face to see if it is on that side, but it is not there. He keeps going, and when he gets between a couple of rocks he sees a mask sticking out. Al tries to hide, but Gnik tells him that the creature can read his mind. Gnik swims to where Al is, sees the log, and casts Mindspike. Everyone sees the ground ripple for a moment, starting near the crystal and curving between two rocks. Gnik goes to Kat and Milena. Ember takes the Agility chew and pulls out her bow to fire a couple of arrows where the log goes into the rocks. It goes into the stone, which jerks, and bluish ichor comes out. The rock changes shape, rises, and suddenly the mast comes hurling at Gnik like a spear, but he dodges as it flies by in a blur inches from his nose. Kai swims toward the sanctuary stone, taking her potions of Dire Cleansing and Ebbing Strength on the way down. Kat notices something coming at her -- a section of stone changes texture and hurls something at her, but she dodges. She sees Angmar's body bounce off the ground and scuttle away. Milena takes a Wisdom chew and casts Guiding Bolt at an area where she knows part of the creature is; a secton of rock suddenly appears more flesh-like and the area begins to glitter. A tentacle slams into Milena and tries to wrap around her, but she spins away and pushes off before it is able. Kat decides to shoot her remaining Demolition Bolt at the base of the glittering tentacle. There is a massive explosion with a sound wave made visible by all the sand in the area. The tentacle is completely severed, and they hear a roar of anger and a cacophany of hateful thoughts in their minds. Al attempts to hit the beast; he tries twice for a stunning strike, but its hide is so thick that it doesn't seem to make a difference. He hits a third time and manages to split it open, but still doesn't manage to stun it. Zassin goes into camouflage mode himself and goes running around to keep track of the creature and get bites in at it. Gnik swims near and tries a second Mindspike; it manages to shrug off some, but not all, of the damage. Gnik swims out of its reach. Ember manages to stick another arrow into it, and Az in octopus form goes to slap at it in octopus form to help provide advantage. A tentacle swings at Al and Ember, but Al dodges away to avoid being wrapped and parries as a reaction, then tries to pin the tentacle. It pulls away as he tries, but manages to grab Ember and pin her to the ground. Kai charges in and cleaves into it with her sword; in her mind, her sword is singing a battle hymn from her history. She hits again and cleaves through the tentacle. The reef shark comes to attack as Kai goes into rage mode. Kat and Milena see a tentacle reach out to grab a mast and hurl it straight at Kai, but she dodges. Milena moves out of range of the tentacles and then casts Guiding Bolt again. The tentacle holding Ember pulls up and hurls Ember at Kai. She leaps up and grabs Ember, rolling to absorb part of the damage Ember would have taken. Ember mutters, "Ugh... thank you...." Kat charges and attacks with Dark Kiss, and activates the Booming Blade and necrotic damage effects; the sword is pleased with these choices. She also triggers the dimensional anchor effect, although it is not clear whether the creature can move between dimensions. She uses Fancy Footwork to skitter away. The group notices that in many places it is no longer attempting to camouflage. Al attacks and hits four times; the creature's whole body is twitching and jerking. Gnik tries a Mindspike again, but it shrugs off part of the damage. The creature is done hiding; it comes up from the seabed and roars at the group. In their minds they get thoughts of "I will kill you. Whatever happens, I will kill you." They almost get the sense that it is promising to come back from the dead to get them. Ember swims back and takes more shots with her bow, hitting twice with Zassin's help while Az tries to assist Kai with her next attack. A tentacle comes at each of Kai, Kat, and Al. Kai and Al are hit but dodge away, but Kat is grabbed in a tentacle. The reef shark attacks the tentacle near Al while Kai attacks the tentacle holding Kat, severing it before it can throw Kat into its mouth. Another tentacle slams into Kai, messing up her elbow, but she keeps from being grabbed. Milena asks Nash if she would like to come out, and Nash says, "Sure, I can hold my breath for a little while...." Milena tells her to stay out no more than five attacks, but Nash asks, "What's the worst that'll happen?" She snaps at the creature a couple of times but is not able to get through its skin; Milena casts Spiritual Weapon but is also not able to hit. The creature grabs for Al, Kai, and Nash. It manages to wrap around Al's lower body, but misses the other two. Kat thinks that in her increased- Reason state she could emulate the magic of the demolition bolt -- and the creature's head is visible now. She reaches out and there's a crackling around her fingers, followed by a crackling around its face; a hole opens up in reality at its head, and the water near it starts pouring through. Al manages to wriggle free from the tentacle and then attacks it, hitting once, but his second hit gets stuck in the creature's hide. His third attack hits, and his Ring of Free Action allows him to pull his stuck weapon free. Gnik casts Mindspike on it one more time; it works, but almost immediately he can't sense where it is as it as its head goes through the hole. Ember takes a couple of shots at it and moves away. The creature flails blindly and hits Milena with a tentacle, slamming her in the back. Another hits Nash; Milena asks Gnik to ask Az to get Nash if she turns into her statue form. The shark also gets hit, but the dolphin flips away. Kai moves away from it. Milena uses Wand of the Sea to cast Touch of the Sea on Nash so she can move and breathe underwater and get away from the portal. Kat pulls out a Dispel Magic scroll -- since Gnik has run out of the spell points to cast it -- and casts it at the portal as the creature is going through; the portal closes, cutting the thing in two. The part remaining begins to bubble and boil, as if it were a fiend -- although it didn't cause Milena's dagger to sound the alarm. Al pulls out his statue of Anny to let her know what happened. 12 November 2022 Milena heals everyone who needs it: Kat and Gnik are unscathed. The group struggles to deal with the trauma of the sea elves they just befriended being all wiped out. They gather the remains of 42 people and search thoroughly for survivors, finding none. Anny confirms that someone from her group will teleport there soon. Eventually five beings approach on dolphins like the ones we rode earlier. Four sea elves and a merfolk. When they get closer the dolphins swim away and they approach in formation, spears and crossbows ready. They yell "Who are you? What happened here?" Al tells them that we've been communicating with Anny and expecting a group from there. He says the creature from the chasm killed these people, but then we fought and banished it. They seem to accept this. They ask how we are communicating with Anny, and Al explains it is through some accidental magic and a figurine. Their leader introduces himself as Zurael and we introduce ourselves. The merfolk is male and has a horrible scar. He keeps looking curiously at Kat. There's an androgynous magic user named Calia. We go to check the teleportation circle to see if it's still intact for someone to arrive. Quigley goes and confirms that it's dark. Az takes Milena's torch and we can see that the area is clear, it will just be hard for people to come up from that room when they arrive, because there are lots of fallen rocks in the way. The merfolk asks Kat, "What are you? You're not one of my people." Kat explains that it's just magic. He accepts this and swims away. Shortly after the opening is cleared, we hear a sound from below and see a glow of light. More sea elves, led by one named Zyaodar (Zy), come up and ask for an explanation. We theorize that the creature from the chasm was some kind of fiend native to this plane, and when it was killed while partially on another plane, it was banished back to its own native place: Jaeleth. We explain that the creature was leaving the chasm by camouflaging itself. Az starts demonstrating camouflage, and Zassin joins her, and then they start copying each other. We tell them that the creature said "If there is the slightest chance that you can free the Jailer, I will end you now." Zy tells us it's a reference to the battle at Martyr's Rest, probably K'Jat ("Thing Zero"). It was called The Jailer because it watched over many beings that were threats to their people or their interests. Zy reminds us of the story that D'She ("Thing One") and many of their followers became free years ago, and when Maerson was moved they agreed to be left behind. Zy tells us that Zenesua wants to meet with us at some point. We tell them that we'll stop by there on our way back north, after Cassadega, the Blood Tower, and stuff. We're told that the remains will be taken out away from the settlement, where they will let nature take its course. Ralph and Quigley look at Al expectantly. We go to look at the chasm and see if The Dull One had left anything valuable behind. But when we arrive it seems to be getting unnaturally dark. We go up to the surface to find out what's happening. Kai flies up and there's a storm raging above. It is a natural storm, so Kai returns below to join the group in searching the chasm. The ships have already been looted, so they find nothing of value, but do note that there are ships of many different ages -- obviously this has been going on for some time. The group returns to the settlement. They discuss what they know and recall about the K'oth: K'Jat is the jailer in Martyr's Rest, and is K'oth, and made D'She and D'Lie from parts of itself; and then D'She killed D'Lie and imprisoned K'Jat, and was in turn imprisoned by the gods. The group returns to the surface because they decide not to sleep underwater again. 20 Sinta 3275 Kat, Al, Gnik, and Milena return to the settlement so that Kat can watch the teleportation spell (so that she might get an idea how to do it herself). Afterwards they return to the surface, and hear over the farspeakers: "Hello, are you there?" 24 November 2022 -- Crew Adventure! The Mighty Redemption encounters a ship full of spiders, and teleports away while the adventurers and Laur go to investigate. Laur returns about an hour later, looking a bit annoyed, saying that the bosses have been teleported away to check something out and will return later. Laur pulls out the charts to figure out where they are. They are near Alliance Isle, a place where people go to retire, where it is rumored that ages ago some alliance between gods happened; and Stormwreck Isle, with a retreat called Dragon's Rest. "What kind of weather are we expecting there, boss?" Rodger asks, pointedly. Jarvis asks Laur, "So... dragons have feathers, right?" Laur points out that they've only seen one dragon and it didn't have feathers, so.... Wend says they do have scales, which Jarvis says is like feathers. He shares a dream he had, of a shadow creeping across the sea and swallowing an island in darkness. The small group of people there were threatened by an unseen evil -- although Jarvis couldn't see the people. He did see a wrecked ship, though -- "Stormwreck Isle, huh? See?" he points out to his crewmates -- and feathers, "--which could be dragons, right?" He also heard a voice calling him to "stand against death's endless hunger," and he thinks the Sea God has sent this dream, possibly to tell him to check out this island. Wend seems to think this is a great idea, and Rodger and Chastity are interested as well. Laur asks Carie to go with the others to keep an eye on them, and see if they can get a sense of whether the bosses have been there, as well as trying to establish trade with the people living on the island. A dark storm blows through in the evening as they approach. "Wow, Jarvis," says Wend, "you are really good with the visions!" Rodger rolls his eyes. "It's Nolan who provides," Jarvis says. They drop anchor off the coast, to avoid bringing the ship through the dangerous approach. Laur outfits them with a boat with supplies, and Corey lets them know there is a lift system so they don't have to haul the supplies up themselves. Carie pulls Laur aside and asks for more guidance on what she's trying to achieve on the island, and also asks if he can officially put her in charge so Chastity doesn't try to go off on her own. Laur agrees he'll pull Chastity aside to let her know Carie is in charge of the negotiations. Chastity accepts this. The group takes a small sailboat and rows into the cove. As they approach, they see a statue, about 20 feet tall, of a man holding a tankard aloft. There is a winding path up to a temple of Ceonnare. Rodger says, "Maybe someone should stay with the stuff. And ride the lift up." Carie starts walking up the stairs and turns to see if anyone is following, and sees three people wearing sailor's outfits shambling out of the water. "Weapons out, people!" she says as she returns to the boat. Rodger hits one with a sling rock and then hides, and Chastity hits the same one with a crossbow bolt. The crossbow bolt tears through the zombie's gut, and the rock tears off its arm... which continues to pull its way toward the shore. Wend runs up to them and hits the closest one with his maul. He hits it in the side of the neck, and its head flies off and bounces off the zombie next to it, falls into the water, and tries to bite at things while the decapitated body feels around for something to attack. Jarvis uses his sling against the damaged one in the middle, blowing through its left knee; its leg continues flopping around, while the now one-legged zombie continues trying to hop forward. Jarvis yells to Wend, "Any idea how they got like this? Because we don't want to." "I don't know," Wend yells back, "you think it's contagious?" "Maybe don't let it bite you or bleed on you," Jarvis suggests. Carie runs forward to attack the now-headless zombie with her rapier, stabbing into its thigh; then punches with her shield, popping its arm off. The arm on the ground tries to grab her ankle, but she kicks it back, and distracts the next zombie from hitting Wend. The third, uninjured zombie lumbers up the dock toward Jarvis, who has stepped back but is still visible. As it passes Wend, he takes a swing at it and tears its arm off at the shoulder. Rodger slings at the one going toward Jarvis and then runs out to try to distract the zombie to help Jarvis. Chastity also hits, piercing its ribcage. Wend swings at the one-legged zombie and manages to take off its other leg. It flounders on the ground, trying to pull itself up to get at him. Jarvis pulls his scimitar against the zombie that has closed with him and takes its other arm off just above the elbow; there is very little resistance, like slicing through a soft cheese. It continues to stagger forward trying to bite at him. Jarvis tries an off-hand attack with his dagger, but misses. Carie hits the headless zombie in front of her, and it stops moving -- as do all its fallen limbs. She runs up to help Jarvis. The torso zombie flails at Wend but can't hit him. One of the fallen arms of the zombie coming at Jarvis and gets a claw sunk into his good leg, then the rest of the zombie lunges and gets a bite in. Rodger stabs at it with his daggers but the zombie flails away; he tries once more and manages to get a hit in. Chastity shoots at the zombie on Jarvis, hitting the base of its skull. It falls back and stops moving as Wend hits the zombie in front of him; and it also stops moving. Carie sees some people watching from above, who appear to be masked. Jarvis pulls out his medical kit to tend to his own wounds, and makes a small fire to cauterize the wounds, in case this is a contagion. Some of the observers start down the path from the temple. Wend, Rodger, and Jarvis recognize the zombies as being from another crew they saw in Freeport, sailing on the Black Boar; the ship left Freeport a couple of days before the Mighty Redemption. "What turns people into zombies?" Chastity asks. "Necromancers," Carie says. The group concludes that it probably is not contagious; someone creates them on purpose. Chastity is aware that zombies can be manifested by divine or fiendish power, but there are multiple ways to create them; these seem to have been caused by fiendish power, which causes the body to stay animated even when it falls apart, until all the energy is gone. "How do you know so much about zombies?" Wend asks. "Dated a necromancer once," Chastity answers. Five people approach from above; while Rodger helps Jarvis, Carie and Wend step off the path a bit ahead to meet the group descending. Chastity hides. The approaching group seems to be about 3 to 5 feet tall, and above there are some who are taller. The approaching group have feathered bird heads. Jarvis hisses, "Feathers! FEATHERS!" under his breath. One of them says, "Who are you?" and the others chitter, "Yeah, who are you? Who are they?" and they squawk in a cacophany until the leader says, "Why are you here?" Carie says they killed zombies and now need a healer. "Yes, says the leader. "Been a problem lately." From above, a white-haired woman gestures a greeting and thanks them for dealing with... "Those." She gestures toward the remains of the zombies. She sends a man with her down to tend to Jarvis, Tarek, who offers him a potion and checks him out. He is covered in tattoos, in which Jarvis and Rodger recognize an abstract symbol representing the Gilded Gallows, an assassin's guild. At Carie's suggestion, he takes some himself to prove it is not poison. Jarvis gets an okay feeling about the whole situation and accepts the healing. The wound fully closes up and there is an almost immediate cessation of pain; and there is no scar, and the wound is knit together with something that looks like filaments of fungus. The medicine also has a very fungal scent to it. Wend asks the leader, Runara, about the bird-people. She says they have been enslaved and so the group has given them a place to live and a purpose. She refers to them as kenku, and says there are nine of them on the island. Jarvis asks about the source of the zombies, and Runara says it's been happening for about thirty years, since the wreck of the Compass Rose at the small chain of islands off the edge of Dragon's Rest. Carie talks with Runara about trading, who implies they would be a better trading partner if they didn't have to deal with the zombies. Tarek offers to give each of them a potion if they work to find and eliminate the source of the zombies. One of the kenku seems particularly bold and curious, having walked up to Wend and tried to peer into his belt pouch. "Friend kenku," Jarvis says, "you seem bold and curious, would you like to come with us?" The kenku introduces himself as Mumpo, and says he would like that. One of the other kenku gives him a look, and Runara looks like she is trying not to laugh. She suggests Mumpo would be a good addition to the team. Mumpo says he doesn't have any weapons, so Rodger offers him a dagger, and Wend offers an axe, but asks if he will give it back when they're done. Mumpo looks at Runara, who says "Yes." Mumpo says "Yes." Runara says they don't have weapons here, because they don't need them -- although the zombies have been a problem. Jarvis leaves a message with Runara in case the Mighty Redemption comes for them before they are back: "Nolan has called us to stand against death's endless hunger." On the way to the shipwreck site, Chastity asks Mumpo where he's from, and he says, "The Broken Isles," stands up and points off to the horizon. She asks about the kenkus' enslavers, and he says they are bad people... not people... very bad, not talk about it.... Let's go this way.... He also shares that Runara thinks something happened a few months ago to cause shipwrecks here to become much more common. There is a faint odor of rot in the air as they approach the wreck of the Compass Rose. There is a gaping hole in the hull beneath the water line. There are other shipwrecks visible in the vicinity. They tie off, discuss preparations, and Jarvis pulls out his lucky seagull wing as he turns three times deosil and utters a blessing to Nolan. Carie climbs up onto the rigging, followed by Rodger and Chastity. Jarvis finds a railing to lie along so he can stick his Continual Flame torch below the waterline. He sees that the rear starboard corner of the hull appears to have been torn off, as if the ship had hit something head-on and then been dragged along rocks on that side. He takes a moment to look for movement. Wend stays near him. They don't see obvious movement, although it is difficult to tell with the movement of the waves. Chastity moves toward the bow, finds nothing particularly unusual, and moves to the stern. Rodger notices the crow's nest is filled with debris, and climbs up the ladder to take a closer look. Carie sends Mumpo to look into the grating while Jarvis and Wend climb up to join the others. Rodger reaches the crow's nest and tries to climb into it. The area is full of wood shavings, shiny baubles, tufts of grass... and it is big enough for several human-sized beings to bed down -- a very big nest. Rodger explains what he sees, and Jarvis asks to look out for feathers and describe what color they are so they have an idea what they're looking out for. Mumpo asks if he can help, and Rodger says he can help by keeping a look out to make sure nothing comes to attack him. There is a crunching sound as Mumpo climbs the mast with his claws, goes past Rodger to the tip of the mast, and keeps a look out. Rodger finds downy white feathers, and some larger feathers that are brown with black stripes. He pulls out a sack to collect some feathers and any baubles that look particularly valuable -- such as a gold bracelet he sees lying to one side. Wend finds four doors and begins peering in. The first has a table and chairs and broken crockery. Chastity looks down through the grating and sees three faces staring up from below; the nose is missing from one of them. Jarvis is walking past, on his way to plant himself at the railing to keep an eye across the deck, sniffing as he goes to try to find where the scent of decay is the strongest. He passes the grating, makes a face, looks at Chastity, and she points down. He alerts Wend and Carie, who calls up to Rodger to suggest he come down because they found zombies. Rodger says he can shoot from up there, and can keep watch. However, they need someone to check for traps, so he trades his sling to Mumpo for his dagger so Mumpo can keep watch and have a ranged weapon. Wend opens up the second door to find six double bunks with personal effects strewn about. There is a portrait of a young couple on the far wall. Jarvis brings his torch to get a closer look. The words "Aletha and Brastos Together Forever" are written across the bottom; the black-haired woman wears tattered sailor uniform similar to what the zombies wore, while the man wears merchant's garb. Rodger notices a loose board under the bunk nearest the portrait, and takes a closer look. There is a fine wire connected to it. "It's a trap!" he says, excitedly. "I'll try to take care of it!" He carefully disarms the trap and then lifts the board to find a sack. It is very heavy -- about twenty pounds -- and clinks with coins as he tries to lift it. Meanwhile, Wend tries to open the next door, but it catches on something as he pushes -- so he forces it and the door comes off its hinges. At one point this was a luxurious cabin, with an ornate compass in the center of the desk, a bookshelf with waterlogged books and scrolls, a sagging bed, a hole in the floor where a nightstand may have been torn away... and three zombies. "Hey, I found more zombies!" he says excitedly, and swings at the first one with his maul, tearing its arm off as it reaches for him. Mumpo yells out, "What should I be doing?" Carie tells him to stay up on the mast keeping watch. Jarvis leaves his torch for Rodger and runs to help Wend, but doesn't enter the room. Chastity moves to higher ground and yells to Wend to come out of the room. "Little busy fighting zombies," he yells back. "Come out to lure them out," Jarvis adds. "Oh, yeah, okay," Wend says. Carie comes into the room and stands next to Wend to help him respond to attacks. Rodger pulls out the sack and peers into the hole to see what the other end of the trap was connected to. There is a spring-loaded dart with a green powder on the end of it. He carefully steps away and triggers it so it hits the bottom of the bed. Then he crawls out and assesses the situation... from behind the bed. The zombies attack, and one gets a claw through Wend's armor, while another gets a bite in on his arm as he swings. Carie dodges the one attacking her as it gnaws on the top of her shield. Wend attacks and then backs up, trying to lure them out. He brings the mace down through its ankle and punches a hole in the floor, removing its right foot, which continues to twitch in its shoe -- but can't make any headway. It tries to slash at him but is off-balance and accidentally sticks its claw into its neighbor's gut. The other one scratches Wend across his hand as he backs up. Jarvis dashes in, hits the nearest zombie with his scimitar, and dashes back, trying to be distracting to help the next attacker. He takes the hand off the zombie already missing an arm and a foot. Carie disengages and backs out to help lure them. Rodger peeks out the door and then runs up to the poop deck in case he needs to jump on any zombies from above. The zombies emerge from the room, and Mumpo yells, "Ugly zombies on the stairs! Ugly zombies on the stairs!" and takes a shot. Chastity also takes a shot. Between the two shots it tears one arm off the leading zombie. The armless zombie tries to bite at Jarvis and manages to bite his pec as it falls. The second zombie bites Carie's thigh as she is pushing it down with her shield. The third one gets a bite and a claw into Wend. Wend slams it hard. Mumpo critically hits the first zombie on the stair and takes off its other arm. Jarvis swings at the zombie in front of him and takes it down, then tries to distract the one facing Carie. Chastity hits the first zombie on the stairs through the spine and it falls apart, no longer moving. Carie attacks with her rapier and shield, and gets a couple of hits in. Rodger runs in with his daggers and jumps from above onto the zombie in front of Wend; his right dagger sticks in and the left scrapes across it, but the force of his jump knocks its head off. The zombie in front of Carie runs at her, but manages to impale itself on her blade. Another one runs up behind her from the stairs and sinks its claws into the back of her neck and then bites the back of her head. She goes down. Wend looks at Carie and looks conflicted; Jarvis says, "Keep 'em off her; I've got this." He hits, and Mumpo takes a shot from above and also hits the one in front of Carie. Jarvis runs in and pulls Carie away from the zombies, stabilizes her, and pours his potion down her throat. The wounds on the back of her head begin to stitch together, and she regains consciousness. Chastity shoots through the zombie nearest Carie, and Carie stands up and hits the zombie on her other side, then uses her special ability to heal some additional damage. Rodger also attacks the one Carie just attacked, sticks his daggers into its kidneys, and it disintegrates. He is hit with an overwhelming stench, and suddenly has the urge to vomit up a week's worth of food, but is able to hold it off. He catches movement out of the corner of his eye as something lunges out of the doorway at him, with a claw tearing at the side of his head. He feels a numbing sensation creeping through the side of his head. There is a woman who looks as if she used to be human, with long black hair -- very like the woman in the portrait -- who sticks out a long tongue as she snarls. Wend attacks the zombie by Carie, taking the left arm off, and then uses Second Wind to regain some hit points. Mumpo slings at the woman. Rodger is pretty sure the woman is a ghast. Jarvis sees her and says, "Oh, Aletha, child, what have you done?" She stares at him and glares; he slings at her and hits, then disengages to get to a place where he has some distance to likely targets. Chastity shoots at the ghast and then hides. Carie stabs a zombie and bashes with her shield, taking it out. Rodger activates his tattoo, allowing him to change his appearance to become larger or smaller, and disguises himself to look like Brastos. He calls out, "Aletha, my love, why are you attacking me?" She stares at him, stunned. A fallen zombie arm finally makes its way out of the cabin... and finds the ghast, which it attacks. Wend runs past the headless zombie to try to attack the ghast. The zombie swings as she runs past, but doesn't hit. Wend smells the stench, but is not sickened by it. He brings his maul down on her head and crushes her; she falls to the ground. Between Wend and Carie, they take care of the other two zombies. They search the well-appointed cabin; the hole in the floor has gotten bigger where the ghast crawled her way up. Rodger checks the desk for traps and removes the compass, which still seems functional. He finds a pouch with gold coins. Rodger returns Jarvis's torch, and he looks down into the hole. There is wet, chilly air coming up from below; the floor is obscured by water, and there are crates, some floating. Immediately below, there is a hole in the floor opening to a hold below. Rodger checks the door to the final room on the deck. He finds no traps, and the door opens easily. There is a skeleton leaning against one wall in the galley, and... did it move? No, those are just crabs. They move down below, into the hold. They find a few still-sealed barrels of fine wine, a pair of candlestick holders. Carie takes the continual flame torch and dives into the hold, which is completely submerged. The most interesting thing she sees is a massive iron chest, padlocked. She goes back up and asks Wend if he could bring it up. It's about 125 pounds, so it takes him a few tries to move it all the way, but he gets it up and the group helps remove it from the water and take it another floor up, completely out of the water. Rodger notes there must be a key around there somewhere, and when he goes to look for it, Chastity tries picking it. She doesn't quite make it, but Rodger comes back with the key. Inside there is a packet wrapped with waxed fabric and a pair of nice boots that look like something an elf would wear, and that aren't damaged by the water in the chest. They open the packet, which includes a captain's log and a weird braid of hair stuck in the book like a bookmark at the log's last entry. The log ends with the captain's description of Aletha breathing a horrible prayer as she died to be reunited with her love on the island, whatever it took, and that she would bring this talisman there. They return to Dragon's Rest and explain what happened. Runata brings them to Brastos's grave; they leave the talisman of hair there, and it bursts into flame. As it burns away, a fog rolls in over the islands. The group discusses whether they've made things worse, as the fog obscures the rocks. However, the next morning, the fog is gone -- and so is the wreck of the Compass Rose. The ship returns and shares that they were attacked by harpies -- which is what had been nesting in the crow's nest. That night, Jarvis has a dream that the darkness leaves the island, and he feels Nolan's approval. 28 January 2023 The group hears about the crew's adventure and decides to visit the retreat themselves to talk with the kenku. Runara comes out when she sees the boat but slows when she sees new people. The kenku introduce themselves... all at the same time, except for Aga, who waits for the cacophany of the others to die down, and then says, "Aga." Al asks, "Which one of you is Mumpo?" His hand is up even before Al finishes speaking," and Al thanks him for helping their crewmates. "They needed it," says Mumpo. Runara invites them up to speak together in more comfort in the dining room. Mumpo and Aga sit with them. Al says, "Runara, you seem to be the leader here," and all the kenku nod, but she shrugs. "As close as we have here," she says. "We call ourselves matal, but your people call us many things -- Observers, Assumers...." "So you can read our minds," Al says. "I could, but I choose not to," she says. She notes she can tell some of what they know because they don't use the name Koth. She says there once was one of the klorta -- the largest, most powerful Koth -- who could hear all things in the world and would confront those who said that name -- but he was left behind when the world moved. Schongar are the middle-sized koth, much larger than normal humans, and hagrahl are about the size of normal humans. After discussing whether to let her just read one of their minds, Gnik decides just to tell her what he knows, showing her some of his books as well. She shares some additional history: K'Jat created Klorta, D'She created Schongar, D'Lie created hagrahl. Klorta did their own thing, schongar took over and seemed to be bent on eliminating all humans as they think that was the original objective. In order for any of them to reproduce, they need one of each kind: making an egg, coating it in energy, nurturing it to life, which could be of any of the three kinds. The klorta are bound to the world -- wherever K'Jat is -- and will return to that world if slain. But they don't have a body until an egg is nurtured to produce a new klorta body. Sometimes a klorta essence will go into an unborn child instead, and the child is born with some innate magical power -- but this does not happen anymore because all the klorta have been slain or were left behind when the planet moved. She is aware of a dozen or two schongar in the mortal lands just doing their own thing; the rest dwell in the Shattered Isles, which Kat has heard of, having seen it in a log of a trip across the world by someone from Exotics -- Tyolus, the recently ascended god of magic. He described it as very dangerous (but not as dangerous as another region on the opposite side of Maerson, apparently, which he just labeled "DON'T GO HERE".) She describes how klorta create more orbs than they need to manage their numbers, and they eventually devised a device to turn those eggs into a different kind of egg from which hatched something called a kren, which they transformed into krana -- she points to the kenku -- which they then transform into us, matal, or natak -- lesser shapeshifters. Matath are created by another device. Very few kren exist now -- they look like smaller kenku, are less intelligent, and they are currently all on the Shattered Isles. Gnik describes their encounter with the Dull One, and its comment that "If there is any chance you can free the Jailer I will end you now." He says they thought it might be a reference to K'Jat, and he wonders why this thing would have cared. She did not know K'Jat's objective for certain, but she thinks it may have involved making sure entities like that did not get out of control. All Runara's history is post-K'Jat; D'She wanted to eliminate all lesser races and control all that remain. She concludes that the Dull One thought they were competition. The Klorta seemed more interested in working with humans, which Runara thinks is within K'Jat's objectives. Kai and Milena have heard of the Ponallian throne, which was found already in existence, and the Ponallians chief use it to change into different animals (if they survive). Kai asks if one of the transforming devices might be on Ponal; Runara doesn't know, but Aga says yes, the Throne would make the matal -- the type of powerful shapeshifter that Runara is. Runara says she has heard of schongar who have taken over a society on a neighboring continent and have been running people through an arch to turn them into minor matak -- they can't read minds, but they can shapeshift to a certain extent. Al asks if Runara thinks they should try to free K'Jat; she says she thinks their choices are their own, and K'Jat is an exceptionally powerful entity. Kai asks who Runara served; she served one of the klorta until about 30 years ago -- she gives a name, but it just sounds like an odd noise to them. Kai asks if all of her kind want to be free; she says there are some true believers, some who are slaves, and some who seek their own way. They ask if they should send others to her if they find those who are looking for freedom; she said she would need to talk to them, and Milena says she could Send a message if they meet such individuals. The group returns to the boat to head toward Cassadega. 20 Sinta 3275 Kat pulls Gnik aside and shows him a fine golden length of chain, asking him to take a look at it and identify it. Gnik looks through his glasses and immediately sees it is magic. He casts Identify: if it is touched to a thrown weapon and a melee weapon and is attuned, there is a magical link between the two, creating a link between the wielder of the melee weapon and whoever, within 30 feet, is hit by the thrown weapon, keeping the target from teleporting and allowing the two to read each other's surface thoughts. He shares this with Kat -- who, when she learns about the surface thoughts, says, "Well, he didn't tell me THAT part...." She shares that she has Torchlight back, and the chain is to help them when they face Auntie Treeshadow to make sure she can't dimension-travel away. 21 Sinta 3275 In the morning, as they are sailing, a creature appears in midair above the ship and flies straight toward Kat; it has little wings and horns, scaly grey skin and claws -- perhaps some kind of imp. It yells down, "I have delivery from Zagramil!" She says, "O...kay...." It lands before her, bows, and says, "Here you go, your highness -- I am glad to meet you and I have done as I was bid." He hands her a note and flies away again. The group arrives at Cassadega in the afternoon. They're aware that there is a magical effect in place that causes any violent act to rebound on the aggressor -- which makes for a very passive-aggressive society. There are also a lot of archaeologists, but they have trouble coming to agreement on what to do next. Laur's intention is to park in the deep docks, which are cheaper; there are shuttles to the shallow docks, which are closer to the mainland. Gnik wants to find people to request humanitarian aid to Gonajibria; possibly checking in with the most powerful families or the town council. The archives are run by Tauch, who is on the council and whom Al wanted to visit in search of a ring of mind shielding. The docks are not exceptionally busy -- certainly not compared to Freeport. There are folks trying to make contacts and deals to get goods, or get things shipped off the island. The ship's crew gets right to work unloading the items they brought for Cassadega. No one seems to be specifically waiting for the group, although several seem to recognize them. They head to the Ankeshel Archives, where Al thinks Tauch is. They take a shuttle to the mainland -- except for Al, who swims -- where there is a gaggle of people who seem to be waiting for them. Two of them look familiar -- the merchant Landa and her bodyguard Bea that they freed from the sahaugin lair, who thank them again. Others just seem to be trying to make connections with those who are wealthy or famous. Al asks directions to the Archives, and for advice about lodgings. Many people stay on their ships, but Sounds of the Sea is recommended, or the Archives might be willing to put them up. Kat learns that she can also get healing potions in the Archive complex. The bodyguard leads them to the complex. Gnik has had correspondence with the librarian there, known to him as Ama. 11 February 2023 As they head toward the complex, a small girl comes running up enthusiastically to greet them and offer to show them around town. They notice she has a strange bauble at her neck. The crowd seems to shy away from her as she runs through. Al looks at Bea, who says Yaa is a known tour guide, and offers to get them set up at the Golden Eel Inn while they take a tour. Gnik puts on his glasses and sees that the bauble may be bonded with Yaa in some way with possibly necromantic energy. Kat tells Yaa she's interested in riding a hippogriff, and Yaa says yeah, they can probably find a way to make that happen. Al asks Bea if he wants to join them, but Bea demurs; Al gets the feeling that it's not that he thinks there's anything wrong with the tour or Yaa, she's just a bit much and he doesn't want to deal with that kind of chaos today. Kai pulls him aside and asks about Yaa, who shares that she has an invisible "friend" put in place by her parents that protects her from threats, which can be problematic for anyone who looks like they would be a threat to her. Yaa sets off leading the group through the town, pointing out buildings with a constant stream of patter, some of which the group thinks couldn't possibly be right; Al thinks it is more that she is an imaginative kid than that she is actively lying. She points out a number of ruins, and to Pritia's Protectives, for preventive medicine. She points to the remains of a wall and says that's where they found a vril battery, an old Ankeshel artifact, but they found out those are very delicate... and that's why the wall fell down. They notice that all the walls seem to have a metallic sheen, and not just on the surface of the stones. They reach the Archives, which Yaa says they've never let her into... although she has been inside, and suggests that she could come in with them. Al says maybe they could find someone and ask if she could come in, and Yaa says, "Or I could just come in with you, that would be easier!" Milena asks why they won't let her in, and Yaa says, "I don't know!" -- blatantly lying. They walk up to the entrance where there is a young boy sitting at the base of the steps. The construction is of an old style, with knotted metallic threads hanging down. The boy asks if they want to come in -- and says, "No dogs... and Yaa, I hear you, you still can't come in -- Dash said no, they're still fixing that wall." Yaa explains that she tripped on something in the floor -- it was dark -- and the wall came down. Kat pulls out a piece of silver and says, "Are you SURE the dogs and Yaa can't come in?" The boy looks at the dogs, looks at the silver piece, and says, "Ididn'tseeyou," grabs the silver, and runs. They enter, and Al asks Yaa where Tauch is likely to be. She points to doors on the right, which open onto a huge space with display cabinets, shelves, and some lumber leaning up against the far wall where there appears to be a hole in the more recently-constructed wall built on top of the original Ankeshel wall. There is a man and woman working at a table; they nod when they notice the group and introduce themselves as Tauch and Gurow. When they see the dogs -- and Yaa -- Tauch asks, "Was the boy not there?" Kat says, "What boy?" and Milena says, "Children are so easily distractable," deadpan. Gurow steps slightly away from the group and away from the table and surrounding shelves -- as though to get away from anything that might explode. Tauch says to Al that he learned from his Freeport contacts that he was interested in his family's ring. Al apologizes and says he didn't realize it was a family heirloom. Tauch says he doesn't have a particular sentimental attachment to it, but it is useful against certain individuals. He consults Gurow, then asks if they are adventuring types. When Al says yes, he says, "I was originally going to ask 4000 gold, but you may be able to help us with a problem instead." They have been having issues with ghost-like things called "ropers" that babble in some ancient language, and when they go away the ropes are all tied up in knots. More recently, dark ghost-like entities have been showing up with them and attacking and killing people. Normal weapons don't affect them. Gnik asks whether the protective magic would keep them from hurting the ghosts, but Tauch says no since they're not alive. He says when the ghosts show up in Lower Cassadega, they show up with a ghost ship that has been identified as Geerskahmen -- the records of which would be in Lower Cassadega. He suggests Gurow could take them below to try to find out more about the ship. The ghosts have been showing up more frequently recently -- every week or two -- and Gurow says there was a sighting at the docks just that morning. Tauch looks surprised and says, "That's two days in a row!" Kai asks if they only show up in areas with ropes, and if the ropes are untied again. Gnik would like to see the ghost-tied ropes more closely. They hypothesize it could be a form of "writing" and perhaps the good ropers were trying to send a message or warning. They realize Yaa is no longer with them, and look around; she is in an open area near the entrance, and Boris is playing with her -- actually corraling her, as he has much experience doing, at Milena's request. Tauch says he will give Al the ring if the group takes this on; there has been some disagreement about who should investigate -- folk from the upper or lower city -- but since the group are outside third parties they might be ideal investigators. Tauch offers them the ring and 2000 gold if they investigate the wrecked ship and the ghosts and figure out what's going on. Gurow offers to meet them in the morning at their inn, at dawn. They look around at some of the artifacts, including something Tauch presses against Gnik's back that gives him a quick and very effective massage. Al asks what a vril battery is; Tauch says it seems to power some of the artifacts, and "vril" is what they call the material it's made of. Some artifacts they thought were broken or nonfunctioning would start doing things when it came even within the vicinity of one of these batteries; their assumption is that an Ankeshel home might have one in the center to power their devices. They depart and Kai and Al head to a tavern, Sin on the Water, while the rest of the group goes to the alchemy shop. There is a note on the door that says, "For help see Ama in the library". An older woman comes shuffling out of the library, apologizes, and comes to open the shop; apparently the usual proprietor is out sick. She sees Yaa and says, "You stay out here." Yaa protests, so she adds, "I love you, girl, but no." She asks the group what they are looking for, and Kat asks for healing spells. Ama says "Potions?" Kat says yes, that would be easier. She offers Dorg's Kiss for general healing, or Dorg's Love for greater healing. She has other potions available as well. Gnik jokingly asks for Dorg's Humility; Ama says the usual proprietor sells it to people like him, but she wouldn't do that. Kat is comparison shopping, so doesn't buy anything immediately, but Milena picks up a couple of potions. Ama and Gnik catch up a bit, and then they and Milena go to the library; Gnik finds reference to the ship Margaret's Grace sinking, and verifying more information about his friend Lyle. Kat tells Yaa it will probably be a while, and Yaa says maybe they could go try to ride a hippogriff while they wait, and runs off excitedly. On the way, she tells Kat that she won't try it, but Kat can; Yaa tried it once, but the hippogriff didn't like her, and her friend Mr. Stick hit it, and then it tried to claw him, and she ran away because she was afraid of what would happen. Kat procures a snack along the way by nicking a piece of fruit from a cart. When they get to the stable, Kat asks Yaa to distract Mouse; she says she's good at providing a distraction, and Mr. Stick is REALLY good at it. Kat sees that the only hippogriff with tack on is being ridden into the stable. She stealths her way in and tries to make friends with a friendly-looking hippogriff. There are two people working there -- one about Kat's age and one about her mother's age, riding the hippogriff in. She sees six hippogriffs in the stables and slips into the pen of one that looks promising. It gives her a side-eye, and she offers it the treat, which it happily takes. She tries approaching it as she would a horse, since she has no hippogriff experience; it rubs its head across the top of her shoulder in greeting as she pets it. She realizes she doesn't really know how to ride or steer a hippogriff, but she did see the rider with her legs in front of rather than behind the wings. She slips out to try to find some tack without being seen. She tries putting it on, and it takes a while to figure out, as it's quite different from a horse saddle, but she eventually figures out the extra bits are a harness for the rider to keep them from falling off. The hippogriff keeps pulling away -- not violently, but like it doesn't really like it. She tries to climb up, slowly, and just as she's getting up, the hippogriff tears out of the gate and takes off. She sees Yaa peering over the fence yelling, "Yeaaah!" and hears the two workers screaming -- that's a new hippogriff that hasn't been broken yet.... Kai and Al are at Sin on the Water, an open-sided hut with a pile of kegs that are tapped whenever they're needed. There are holes in the deck through which they can see colorful fish, and every now and then a merfolk pops up, tosses a coin, and gets a quick beer before descending below again. They both hear a voice they recognize that says, "Al and Kai? What are you doing in Cassadega?" It is Bimisi, Al's mentor with whom he went to Ponallian lands. Al gives him a big hug and tells him they're on their way to the Blood Tower to help their friend Gnik find out what happened to his dead friend, but first they're looking in to the ropers. Bimisi says the ropers are haints, ancestors who try to warn of bad things coming, and that the dark shadows are described as translucent with glowing eyes, who come from the walls and claw through their victims. Al thinks it sounds like wraiths. Bimisi, who is also a monk of the Way of the Asp, asks Al how he is progressing in his practice, and Al talks excitedly while trying not to forget that there are actual other people in the conversation who might get bored. Bimisi says someone in his order had a vision that they should find out more about what's going on in this area, so he came to spend a little time. Then they hear a commotion outside, someone yelling about a wild hippogriff on the loose. Al and Kai go to look -- and Kai, with her eagle eyes, can see Kat is riding, looking like she is having a great time as the creature bobs and weaves all over the place. She asks on the farspeaker if Kat is okay, and she says she's fine. "Well, let us know if that changes," Kai says. Milena wanders into the religion section of the library just to see what looks interesting or jumps out at her. She finds a book that looks different to her from the rest, looking relatively new, and Ama says, "I'm questioning the veracity of that, I think someone wrote it as a joke... and I think someone said they found it in that boat you were looking for...." The title is "Tyorl's Secrets and Plans: Millenia of Manipulation to Expose the Great Foe". No author is given, nor any date, though it looks very new. The gist is that Tyorl, who is clearly revered by the authors, thought that Sgult was not actually a god, but rather something that came before the gods -- but the only way to prove that was to try to kill it and fail. It describes a lot of long-term schemes and manipulations: to get evil gods to move Maerson away from Jaeleth to give the mortals there a chance to build up their own power to defeat the evil on Jaeleth when the time came; to sequester many evil people away until such time Tyorl needed to use them for fodder when he went to the hells to fight Sgult. At the end, the book goes through preparations to go to war, the effort taken to bring the weapon they needed, and all pieces for moving the world being in place, and they have the man who knows the word that can slay gods. The book ends at the point of them heading off to war. Gnik has heard stories of a legend of a pair of mortals who discovered forbidden knowledge of a powerful spell that, when activated, would destroy anything and everything around them -- including them; ancient magic from very old times that it was said they got form a chronomancer. One tried to use the word on a group of gods, who foresaw it and stopped it; the other wanted other power, and was vanished in some way. Gnik offers to buy the book from Ama; she says that since he's adventuring, maybe he'll find something to trade. He asks if she wants a book on Rafael, but she says no -- she's seen those many times. Kat begins to get the feel of steering the hippogriff, who is beginning to chill out and enjoy flying. Kat steers it over to buzz the Mighty Redemption; it lets out a cry as she waves at Rodger. She then steers it back toward the stables. As Gnik and Milena are finishing up at the library, a woman slips in with a message for them: Jenehba of the Night Revelers invites them to the Ancestors Dance House tonight to speak to them and have them join the reverie. Gnik asks Ama about who the Night Revelers are; Ama says they are troublemakers who like to party all night, although they do have some interesting intellectual discussions. Al asks Bimisi to spar, and Kai and Ember (who has joined them) make a bunch of money when they realize everyone is betting on the young guy, but Kai knows Bimisi is much more experienced. She and Ember make a lot of money. Gnik asks Ama about a scroll of Dispel Magic to replace one that Kat had, and she directs him back to Tauch. Kat arrives back at the stables; the owner sternly says she will have to pay for that gate, while the boy asks how she did that since the hippogriff hadn't been broken yet. "So I broke it -- does that mean I should get paid?" Kat asks. The man says gruffly, "We'll call it even." A man named Brerinch approaches Kat, saying he is from the True Path, and tells her that she should not do what Tauch has asked her to do, because there will be bad consequences. Kat tells him he should tell the group himself, because she's the wrong person to convince them. He says he will meet them back at the inn. He departs and she lets the rest of the group know over the farspeakers. Al asks Bimisi about the True Path; he says they think the things the Ankesher were right, but there was a traitor among them who made them fall, and they want to return to the old ways. The group go to the boathouse to inspect the ropes from a recent haint appearance. Yaa joins them, excitedly, to talk to Kat about her ride. Gnik, with his glasses, is able to translate some of the words, including "The seal must be protected". 25 February 2023 The group is heading back to the Golden Eel when a tattooed man approaches -- the wizard Mallan, asking Al for the favor he promised as part of his payment for his headband. He shares that there is an individual in Saltmarsh whom he would like to leave the area for at least a few weeks -- so if he is still there when they return, he would appreciate if Al would convince him to leave. He says that if the man has already left before they return, he will consider the debt repaid. The man is Royn, whom they met in Freeport. Mallan says at the time they began hunting him, he accepted the role of outcast because he disagreed with his government; he followed all the rules of his people, but Royn and his companions continued to hunt him due to differences of worldview. Al decides to return the headband. Milena notices Mallan has a number of plants and herbs in his pockets; a couple could be poisonous in large quantities, but could also be medicinal. She does not ask about it. Yaa hides behind her while Mallan is there. They arrive at the inn and they are greeted by a woman who gives them each a key; they've each been given their own individual room. Kat notes to herself that she doesn't think she has ever had a room all to herself. Brerich is waiting for them, so they sit together at a table. Al asks why the True Path don't want them to do anything about the haints. He says it is none of their business. Al asks what their plan is; he says they will be taking care of it tomorrow, and if they show up they will just get in the way. Al says they have been asked by someone who lives there to help, and so why shouldn't they? Brerich says Tauch is a fool and it isn't their affair. Al tells him that if he isn't going to be forthcoming, he can leave -- so Brerich gets up and walks out. Milena suggests to Gnik that this might be a good circumstance for an Augury, asking the result of not interfering and just letting the True Path handle the haints and wraiths their way. Gnik takes his tools and goes to cast, and as soon as the sticks are no longer being held, they slam onto the table on WOE. Al shares that his mentor Bimisi told him the haints in general have been helpful harbingers of warning. He would like to try to talk to one of them since he has a pearl of speech. He asks Milena how quickly she could fashion a replacement headband for him using a Continual Flame spell, and she says she would have to prepare the spell, so she wouldn't be able to do it until morning. So instead, he gets a harness fashioned for one of the continual flame torches from the ship. They ask around about the Night Revelers and hear mixed opinions -- some think they get into interesting, deep conversations (sometimes enhanced with mind-altering substances), others think they are wasting their time partying. Kai uses her paper bird to send a message to Royn about what Mallen asked them to do. The group enjoys dinner at the inn, which is quite good, and they invite Yaa in to join them. She says she has been there before, but they notice she stands on the other side of them when one of the employees walks by. Gnik asks her what her parents do; she says her father mostly manages the family estate, and her mother likes to give people money to make more money -- she doesn't really know, she doesn't understand business. Kat asks if they won't be worried about her, or if she will get in trouble, but she says no. Al looks around to try to discern the locals' attitudes about Yaa being there: one group seems worried about her being there due to her reputation; someone near the bar seems to be wondering why this local girl, whom he doesn't seem to know, is hanging out with a bunch of out-of-town adventurers; and a third group seems to be worried about her safety. Al approaches the last group and says Yaa has said her parents wouldn't be concerned, and she has been good company, but he is looking for guidance on how to proceed. They seem to think her parents would be looking for her about now, so they send someone to let them know where she is. Soon, a man shows up and calls out to Yaa -- her father, Bida. He introduces himself and thanks them for befriending Yaa, saying he has heard good things about them. Yaa asks if she can come back tomorrow to head out with them again, but Gnik says they will be going underwater. She looks up hopefully at her father, who says, "No, you can't borrow it -- I'll be using it." But the group tells her they could see her after that. Al asks him a bit about his business, and then Kat asks him his thoughts on the True Path. He sighs and says, "They're... extremists, is the only word I can think of." He says it is a take on a Dorgenian word that Kai has never heard -- Tropad -- which translates to a sort of horror, describing what is believed to have been what inspired Dorg to become a god to fight that original horror. Kat asks how dangerous they are, and he says they're pretty dangerous, so hopefully the group won't cross paths with them. Kai says they probably will, since they are going to the same place tomorrow -- underwater, to try to deal with the wraiths. He says perhaps he should change his own plans for the morning, and thanks them for helping deal with the wraiths. The group heads out to meet up with the Night Revelers. Ember and Kai state that they will be avoiding any mind-altering substances and keeping an eye on the rest of the group. They let Laur know through the farspeaker that others on the crew could join if they wanted. As they approach the dancehall, they hear rhythmic sounds. Most of the building seems to be original construction, with a couple of new levels above. Kai tells the woman at the door, who invited them, that they invited some of their crew, but they didn't bring anyone from the True Path. She introduces them to Jenehba, in a large ballroom with hovering crystal lights. There are people talking quietly and intently to each other, small groups of musicians, people dancing. Jenehba is clothed head to toe in a loose garment, with no face or gender obvious. They express interest in hearing about the group's conversations with Tauch and Brerich. Kat and Milena go to dance, and Kai and Ember notice a very good-looking man dancing who makes flirtatious eye contact with them; Kai does not have the willpower to stop herself from joining him. Kat falls in with a group jamming rhythmically together, jumping and spinning and feeding off each other's energies. Milena dances more of a meditative, spiritual dance, for which others give her space but also join with that energy. Soon that group begins removing their clothes. Chastity joins Milena's circle, while Carey joins Kat's. Gnik falls into listening to a conversation about theories of magic, including about elven magic. Jenehba approaches him at some point and asks if he has enjoyed his evening -- and that his friends have made an impression. She offers 4000 gold if he brings whatever the group learns to them instead of to Tauch, because they may be able to forge the knowledge into something new. Kat tries the mind-altering substances, and while she is dancing, she sees the roof of the building rise into the night sky, and clouds whip by in the night sky, as if time is speeding backwards. She sees arches over the roof forming a dome about 40 feet up, with a surface like a single sheet of mother of pearl -- and the glowing crystal lights are there the entire time, with more popping into existence as she moves earlier in time. She stops and stares up at the ceiling gleaming with color. The people around her seem to disappear and others appear -- until two thirds have the traditional tall sloping head that has been popular here. There is always a lot of talking -- not a lot of partying or other activities. And then she passes out. Al also tries the mind-altering substances, but whatever he takes doesn't agree with him, and he starts feeling a bit sick before anything kicks in. Milena tries something mellowing, but it does not have much of an effect -- although it tastes good. Gnik casts Detect Shapechanger and looks around the room, but doesn't see anyone who registers. The group returns to the inn and Milena tends to Al and Kat; Kat has vague memories of Ember arguing with someone, and then she wakes up in her bed at the inn. 22 Sinta 3275 The group wakes up and comes down to breakfast; Kat is feeling the aftereffects of her trip the night before, and heads back to bed as soon as breakfast is over. Milena just feels extra hungry and asks for an extra serving of potatoes. Al also feels a bit grumpy and out-of-sorts. Kai arrives at breakfast with Corey. Gurow arrives and asks if they are ready, and Kai asks if she can get potions to help with the recovery of the two who are still feeling ill. She returns and says not to worry about the charge, they would just take it out of their reward. Al drinks one, and Milena takes the other upstairs for Kat. Gurow leads them to the water. As she goes into the water, the shells in her necklace seem to sink into her skin, and she dives in. The group follows down a fairly steep incline, past beds of cultivated seaweed and clams tended by merfolk. Gurow seems to be breathing through holes where her necklace used to be, and her fingers have become webbed. She says she is taking them to one of the local council members, who may be able to help with records of the lost ship. They are a couple hundred feet below, and can see the sharp dropoff of the shelf ahead. The area darkens, and they realize there is a translucent ship just above them, with a red-eyed shadow and a trail of glowing red balls coming toward them. 1 April 2023 The group have heard that the red balls are some kind of undead creature that can shoot out necrotic energy of the same sort the wraith can impart with its claws. About a dozen more are descending into the town around them. Kai flies/swims up to attack the wraith, hitting it in the head; Milena casts Guiding Bolt, also hitting and tearing a hole in its shoulder with radiant energy. Kat casts a chaos bolt in the form of lightning and hits it, catching a couple of the red balls in the area effect; Kai, hearing the crackling of energy behind her, dodges out of the way but is still singed. Kat is also singed. Gnik blasts the wraith with the psychic helm. Al asks over the farspeakers, "Do wraiths require magic to damage them?" Gnik anwers yes. Zassin sees that these undead are not attacking with magic, so he doesn't need to stick too close to Milena; he flies up to interfere with one of the little red balls and distract it. Gurow swims straight down to protect the merfolk below. The wraith attacks Kai, but she parries with her sword. She feels a painful energy coming off it as she knocks it aside. The red dots spread out a bit, with one firing at Ember, one at Kai, and one at Al. The one Zassin attacked attacks him back, and hits; he squawks loudly. Another one fires at Kai and hits. Kai slashes through the wraith and it fades to shreds; she swings at one of the balls near her. Milena casts another Guiding Bolt at one of them; it dims a bit, and Al swims up to attack it. Kai attacks with Torchlight and uses the Booming Blade effect, with Fancy Footwork to retreat. Ember takes a couple of shots at the one she's facing, and tears into it. Gnik swims up near the one Ember is fighting, using Shape Water to interfere with its movement. Zassin flies back down to Milena and crawls back into her shirt to hide. Az flies up to help Kai. The dot that Milena hit tries to attack her, but she dodges. Kai swings at it, and it poofs. Milena casts Sacred Flame on the dimmest dot that Ember is up against, but it doesn't have an effect. She swims down to try to stay out of their range. Kat throws up a Shield spell to counter an attack. Al attacks the ball nearest him and hits it three times; it is very dim. Kat sneak-attacks with Torchlight and uses Booming Blade; the dot dissipates into nothingness. Ember attacks the one next to her and tears it apart. Gnik blasts the last one, next to Al, with his helm and it blasts apart. The townsfolk below are fending off the rest of the red dots, so the group goes to help clean up. They realize that when the wraith was taken out the ship began fading, and is now almost invisible. Milena gathers the injured together, including three townsfolk who were seriously injured in the fight, and casts Prayer of Healing. Then they regroup with Gurow and continue on. They notice storms above, with flashes of lightning, but it doesn't seem to be affecting the water below. It is the feast day of Nolan, who has domain over weather as well as the sea, and Kai opines that it's just Nolan enjoying being worshipped. Gurow takes them to see Zeesata, a member of the high court of Lower Cassadega, handling defense and the tracking of sunken ships, among other things. They get to the lip at the edge of the deep and Gurow pops into a bar, the Deep Dive, and says they need to go to the arena below. She steps off the lip and starts swimming down the cliff face. They see caves dug into the cliff that look like shops, and there are people swimming up and down. The magic protecting the city keeps them from being affected by the pressures of the deep. They hear a deeply resonating music coming from somewhere below, and as they get deeper they see lights emanating from an chasm -- it probably started as a natural shape but has been carved into an arena. All along the cliff face are randomly scattered openings, like balcony boxes in a concert hall. At what would have been the midpoint of the sphere if it continued above is a group of musicians playing percussive instruments. Gurow says, "Follow me -- I'll make introductions and we will try not to offend her." Al says, "What else should we know?" Gurow says, "She's a little bit arrogant." "Great, why are we dealing with her?" Kai asks. "Is there anyone else?" "She is the only one who knows," Gurow says. They swim into a box holding a female merperson, talking, and a male merperson holding a shell and running his finger along it; he stops when he sees the group approach. There is a human man standing beside the merwoman -- Jak, whom Kai met at the party. He is standing in an at-ease position until he sees Kai, and then swims up to greet her. Gurow has started an introduction, but then says, "Jak, what are you---" "No, go ahead," he says, as he says hello to Kai. Gurow begins explaining the group's purpose, but she interrupts: "Should we let you speak for yourselves, or are you going to let your servant do all the talking?" Kai bristles and says, "Why do you call her a servant?" Jak steps in and explains that they are outsiders, are knighted in their own land, and hold the favor of one of their leaders -- whom they saved at a party in Saltmarsh. Gurow formally introduces Jak to the group; although it is not said in those terms, they get the impression he is a Paladin of Dorg, with a commitment to the protection of Dorgenian society and Cassadega in particular; Gurow is also a protector of the people. Al explains their purpose to Zeesata. As she asks, "What is the name of the ship?", another male merperson swims in and casually leans against the wall. Jak gives a little smile and Gurow looks at the floor. Zeesata, looking annoyed, says, "I ask again, what is the name of the ship?" Al gets the impression the newcomer wants to interrupt and to be part of whatever is going on. Al asks if Zeesata wanted to introduce him, and he swoops in and introduces himself as Broomahnay, another member of the council. Gurow names the ship, and the merman who was working with the shell goes to look through a pile of similar shells. Zeesata asks why they want to know, and the group asks if they have seen the ghost ship -- which just appeared above, and they just fought, and killed a wraith. "You're welcome," Kat interjects. Gurow adds that the group also saw that the townsfolk who were badly injured in the fight were healed. Zeesata thanks them earnestly. Broomahnay asks if they were at the Night Revelers party the night before, and Kai says, "Some of us, yes." He smiles at Milena and says, "Ah, yes, I recognize you!" Kat asks her how naked she got. "Very," she replies. "It was a very spiritual experience." "It often is," Broomahnay says. The merman comes back with a shell showing the location of a wreck, and he shares that two groups have gone to investigate but did not return. It is an ancient wreck, thousands of years old, that only survives because there is nothing in the area to mess with it. Kai asks if they may have permission to investigate, and Zeesata asks their objective; Kai and Al say they want to stop the undead attacks, and ask if they should fill Zeesata in when they return. Broomahnay says, "Yes, definitely," and Gurow -- who hates politics -- rolls her eyes. She says she will go with them; Jak demurs, as he has other things to attend to. He tells Kai she should stop by when she gets back, as he'd like to spend more time with her; Kat stands behind him making kissy faces at Kai. Gurow notices and whispers something in Kat's ear. Al pulls out three friends from his bag to accompany them: Gina the giant octopus, Quigley the quipper, and Ralph the reef shark. Jak asks Kai how long they will be in the area. "We never really know," Kai replies, and Kat adds, "We usually stay until we destroy something." Jak laughs, and they share a couple of brief stories: destroying the tower, fighting the sahaughin in a lizardfolk lair, going up against a pair of hags. He says he has heard many of the stories, and Kai asks if he had heard them when he approached her at the party. He says he had, and she seemed an interesting individual he would like to know more. He invites her to breakfast the next morning, if she's available. As they depart, Kat lets Kai know that Gurow told her that Jak doesn't have sex. "Well, then I'm glad I made the decision I did last night," she replies. "And that takes some of the pressure out of our conversations. It takes the group about three hours to get to the site. Al chats with his animal friends on the way there telling them to keep an eye on the surroundings as they go, and that he'll have more instructions for them when they get to the wreck. It is very deep when they get to the site, so much so that they can hardly see light from the surface above. It is in a chasm at a point where it is about 150 ft wide. Gnik asks how the name of the ship is known if it is over a thousand years old; Gurow says it was named when it was first viewed from above, and it is clearly of an ancient design. From their view of the ghostly version, it was built to resemble a fish but with a sail in place of the dorsal fin, shimmering and in a hoop. The group reaches the edge of the ravine and look down, with continual flame torches, to see a smashed wreck that looks like it came down the side of the chasm, shearing some of the rock as it went, before coming to rest against the side. There is an opening in the cliff face about 15 feet above the wreck that looks like worked stone, possibly with ornamentation that was sheared off by the ship. They see three wraiths and several glowing balls rising up toward them from the ship. Al sends Quigley to Kat, Ralph to Ember, and Gina to Kai, telling them to help distract the foes and give their team advantage. Then he swims forward to close with the wraiths; Gnik sends Az, in octopus form, to go with him. The red orbs swim up about 20 feet and take shots at Al and Az; Al dodges most of them, but two energy blasts hit him, burning away a bunch of his flesh. He goes unconscious. Kat swims to him, grabs him, and pulls him back, and pours a potion of healing down his throat. He wakes up, but everything hurts. Ember asks if there will be any blast effects, and Gnik says yes. She holds to wait for him. He pulls Maria's wand and uses Maria's Wrath at the wraiths. A blast of bright sunlight hits them in a cylinder that surrounds them. As he thinks to himself, "Hmm, I wasn't sure that would work in this domain," he hears a female voice in his head, indignant: "Please." The three wraiths are all still there, but two of them are in very bad shape. Three of the glowing balls survived. Gnik reminds them that the sunlight will hurt the party as well, but only if they stay in the cylinder of light. Ember throws her dagger at one of the two badly-hurt wraiths, and Kai throws her chain javelin, critically hitting the other hurt one through the left shoulder. She follows up by throwing her abyssal dagger, which takes it out. Milena approaches the one Ember hit and casts Word of Radiance, which takes it out, and then retreats out of the light toward Kai. Al feels terrible, but swims up to hit the remaining wraith, trying but failing to stun it, and then disengages, returning to where Kai is. Az flashes colors and patterns, trying to distract the foe, while Gurow hits the wraith with two crossbow bolts. The three glowing balls move out of the cylinder and shoot at the people below. One attacks Gnik, one fires at Kat, and one at Gurow. Gnik gets hit in his hip and Gurow in her knee. Kat throws a Chaos Bolt at the remaining wraith, but triggers a wild surge. A tentacle shoots out of her hand and wraps around the wraith, then solidifies, holding it in place in the cylinder of sunlight. Ember does a double-take and then swims with Ralph to one of the balls, taking it out. The wraith disintegrates, but the tentacle is still coming out of Kat's hand. Gnik starts swimming toward the ship, taking the cylinder with him. When the light hits the ship, there is bubbling in the water like there is something bubbling and writhing within the ship. Kai swims to the two remaining spheres with Gina, goes into a rage, and attacks, obliterating them both. Milena moves toward Gnik and beckons the rest of the group toward her, casting a Prayer of Healing when everyone is in range. Al still feels like he has a hangover, but everyone else is completely healed. They see the ghost of the ship pulling out of the wreck below. Al yells out, "Who are you? What are you?" Kai notices that there might have been just a faint flicker of light coming from the cave, as if there is an air bubble inside. Al tries to swim in to see what he can see and then come out without getting caught inside the cylinder. Milena holds, waiting to Channel Divinity if it looks like it might be useful. Al sees amazingly ornate stairs with a mosaic of mother of pearl; shattered, but still beautiful. It opens into a chamber that has water in it to a depth of about 15 feet, but an air pocket above. There are ornate pillars, and the room is lit. There are glass orbs with glowing fish inside at the top of the pillars. Al sees shadows of things moving in there. There are stairs coming out of the water on the other side of the room; Al goes to the base of the stairs and listens. He hears chanting. The ghost ship cannot move and is stuck in the cylinder; it disintegrates as all the undead inside it are destroyed. Kat swims up to join Al and then up the stairs. The room above has four pillars with glowing fish at the top. There are openings to the right and left, and one straight ahead that is collapsed. To the left there is rubble, so might be collapsed ahead. To the right is a faint white glow with the shadow of someone in the opening. She sees two slimy tentacled creatures and three clawed creatures, but none of them are the source of the chanting. She has gone as far as she can, so she hides. It is not a language she knows, but the syllables sound Dorgenian. Kat also notices in the mosaics that it seems like a story charting the growth of a great city, followed by its collapse and sinking into the sea. Kat sees the flicker of something translucent coming out of the rocks. She recognizes the tentacled creatures as Skum; the Chuul were created to sniff out and bring back to their masters powerful magical artifacts. Some of the Chuul seem to be coming toward her. Ember, Gurow, Kai, and Milena enter the cave as well. 15 April 2023 Al moves forward next to Kat as all six of the Chuul and both Skum turn to look at Kat. The chanting -- which seems to be a single, male voice -- stops for a moment before resuming. She gets the impression it is a ritual Dispel Magic that the caster is pouring a lot of energy into. The Chuul shuffle forward to create a line blocking the way to the chanter, and the two Skum step forward. The group hears a voice in their heads asking, "Why have you come?" Kat says, "We're just looking for good take-out," and Al says, "To find out what evil nefarious things you're doing!" Kat pulls out her crossbow and shoots a force bolt at one of the Skum. Through the opening on the other side of the chamber, two translucent figures pass through fallen stone. They seem to flicker in ways that make it hard to focus on them, although they do seem to be wearing cloaks that move in ways that seem to defy physics. They come up behind two of the Chuul and start attacking them. In their minds they hear a voice speaking in a strange accent asking, "Please help -- the flickering ones have trapped me. I only want to help Ankeshel. I have the knowledge of the gods." Gnik still has the Dawn spell going, so Kai asks him to bring it up partway into the room so that it covers the Skum and Chuul but leaves room above them so she can fly in and investigate. The room is suddenly bright with daylight. Zassin lets Milena know he is sneaking up to the ceiling to peek in and see what's going on. Kai flies up and sees that there is a glowing door with knotted strings carved into the door. There is a person chanting who turns to look at her; she recognizes Brerinch. Kai goes into a rage and flies at him; as she comes toward him she slams into something that feels like stone, but she feels it dissipate as she hits it. She swings again and connects, slicing into the side of his face. He shrieks; his concentration breaks. Milena casts Bless on the group, except for Kai (who is out of range) and Gnik (who has other protections and is not going to be attacking directly while he is keeping the Dawn spell going). The three Chuul in the front step together to form a triangle, and there is a glow in their pincers as they tap them together. The Dawn spell shatters and Gnik screams as some of the energy they have put into it channels into him. He seems really confused and drops the wand into the water. Another Chuul runs at Kai. It just misses with its first pincer, but the second connects and slams her against the wall and tries to close it around her neck. Tentacles come out of its mouth at her, but she manages to break free. The Skum sprint forward toward Kat and Al. They manifest energy that becomes tridents in their hands. The first attacks Al, but he parries. The second attacks Kat, but she throws up a shield and it bounces off. It swings again and grabs at her with a tentacle, but misses with both. Kai recognizes that the shield spell Brerinch was using is specific to mages with Abjuration -- protection and banishment. Kat pulls out Torchlight and attacks with the Booming Blade effect. She stabs it through the elbow, almost taking its arm off. A couple of arrows splat through it, from Ember's bow. The translucent beings continue attacking the Chuul. Kai says to Brerinch, "Stand down. I don't want to kill you." He says, "Well, I do want to kill you." She notices the blood coming from his wound seems diluted, almost watery. He throws up his hand and three tentacle-like things come at her. The first two hit her with a lot of force but she manages to stand her ground, although it hurts. She ducks the third, and it hits the Chuul behind her. Kai sees a section of wall behind Brerinch move, and Zassin appears, attacking him in the back of the neck. Kai takes a swing at him and hits twice. Milena casts a Lesser Restoration on Gnik; he comes back to himself quickly, although he still seems to have a bit of a headache, and thanks her. She retrieves the wand and gives it back to him, and tells him to sit and rest. Al hits the Skum in front of him and stuns it, then hits it twice more. Two of the Chuul who broke the Dawn spell walk up behind the Skum, and are tall enough to reach over them. One reaches its pincers at Al's chest, but he smacks it away and flips over it, only taking minor damage. The second one reaches for Kat but the Skum in front of her moves and the Chuul hits it in the head instead. Another Chuul moves up to face Kai. The first grabs for her leg but she kicks it away, the newcomer grabs at her arm but misses. The Skum in front of Kat reaches for her, but it bounces off her shield effect. Kat attacks it again with the Booming Blade effect. It looks like it is not in great shape. Ember takes a couple of shots at the stunned Skum in front of Al. Brerinch mutters, "I have better things to do with my time than waste it with one such as you," and says a couple of words. For a moment the reality around her seems to flicker; she's not underground, but the sky above her is land, and there are stalactites and stalagmites, with armies fighting on the land above... but then she is back. "Well, shit," says Brerinch, as Zassin flutters around his head trying to distract him. Kai swings at him and he tries to jump back but she still catches him across the stomach. She swings again through his left arm and he shrieks. He says, "Is it too late to talk about maybe not killimg me?" as he drops to a knee. Milena hits the Skum in front of Kat with a Sacred Flame, and it bursts into white glistening fire. Al attacks the Skum in front of him. He hits it twice and it goes down, then attempts an off-hand attack at the Chuul behind it, and stuns it. Brerinch asks if the offer to spare his life is still on the table. She looms over him intimidatingly and says, "Only if you call off your minions." He says, "Unfortunately, they are Zallmimin's to command." Zassin reminds them all that Zallmimin is an Abelith which can dominate mental capacity with a touch and that live underwater. One of the Chuul behind her reaches for her leg and hits but does not grab it; its other attack grazes her head as it hits her. The other Chuul scrapes her arm, and she is beginning to feel pretty hurt. Kat attacks the Chuul in front of her using Booming Blade and hits it in the left pincer. Ember and Gurow coordinate their attack and aim for the stunned Chuul. Kai yells at Brerinch as she turns to attack the Chuul behind her, "Are you also working for Zall... wossname?" and she hears the rest of the group say "Zallmimin!" into the farspeaker. He says he is working for Zallmimin's freedom. She also hears another voice in her head saying, "I work for the glory of Ankeshel, which all should wish for." Kai takes a potion of Greater Healing. Milena throws another Sacred Flame at the stunned Chuul. Al hits the Chuul in front of him and stuns it, and Gurow shoots the one in front of Kat and hits it twice. It turns to attack Al and grabs at his ankle, but he is able to leap and flip over the pincer. One of the two facing Kai grabs at her head and at her arm, and they hit but can't grapple. Kai hears a booming sound and one of them falls flat on its face in front of her to reveal Kat standing there with her rapier. Ember runs up into the space Kat left behind to fight the Chuul that was facing her. The ghostly figures finish off the two Chuul in front of them; one goes to help Kai and the other to help Al and Ember. Kai turns to look behind her at the mage, and doesn't see him. Kat, though, sees him -- transparent and glowing blue, sneaking along the wall -- and says, "He's right there!" Kai swings at the point Kat indicated; he falls to the ground and reappears in a heap. She slashes at the remaining Chuul and cleaves into its leg. Gnik blasts one of the Chuul with his helmet. Milena goes tumbling past the Chuul in front of Al to a space where she can see all the injured party members and casts Mass Healing Word on all of them -- including the fallen mage. Kai and Gnik feel somewhat better, and Al feels much better. Al swings at one of the Chuul in front of it and takes it down, then spins around and takes the other one out. Gurow steps forward into the space Al left behind and shoots the remaining one in front of Kai with two bolts. The two haints swarm it but don't take it down. It grabs at Kat and gets her around the waist, and grabs at Kai's head with its other claw, hits, but doesn't get a firm grasp. It pulls Kat toward it and whacks her with its tentacles; she feels a stinging goop and brings up her rapier to stab it in the face. The blade goes through its head and it collapses. The haints babble at them and Kat triggers her ability to speak Tongues. "Thank you for helping us!" they say, and Kat says, "We were happy to help." "You speak our language!" they say excitedly, and she explains that it is a temporary magic. They explain that they were once part of a faction of people to stop the leadership of Ankeshel from sinking the whole city below the waves so it would be under the power of the Abelith. They say they don't know how to kill an Abelith, so it must stay imprisoned below. There were once more haints to help defend, but many have lost their grip on this realm. The ghost ship was full of servants of the Abelith, so now that it is destroyed they won't be able to seek out other followers. Gurow has many questions -- such as whether the innovations of Ankeshel at that time was all due to the Abelith. They respond that the Abelith was tempting the people with power that was slowly corrupting them. She says Taush will know of a way to seal the entrance so others cannot find it. Kai asks if there are others in Brerich's faction, and Gurow asks if he will give up names. He is now bound and gagged, but nods weakly. The haints also share that when Ankeshel started to fall, the faction began a ritual to transform the people who fell into the water to save their lives. Gnik points out that the mage is wearing a magical amulet, so they take it from him. Al asks if the fish have been trapped in the columns for thousands of years, and the haints say they are not alive, they are magic, and were originally part of the government complex that slid into the ocean. They discuss possibly looking into the no-longer-undead shipwreck; they quickly discover there is nothing there of interest that has survived over the thousands of years. 29 April 2023 Gnik looks in Glee's book to see what it has to say about Zalmimin. He finds a side-note that says "Abileths are yoyos". There are theories that each one is just one tendril of a single creature. There is also a note about an area where the servants of Zalmimin swarm. The group discusses ways to fill in and hide the cave. Gnik does not have a Stone to Mud spell -- he is not that powerful yet. Kai is aware of using black powder to blow things up, but it is not safe and would not work under water. Milena suggests using Al's animal friends, or Gnik's disc, to bring rubble up from the ocean floor and fill in the room. They ask Gurow what Tauch might do, and she says he would most likely bring a device that would cave in and hide the entrance. They know others in Brerinch's group are aware of its existence, though. They decide someone should go back to get Tauch while others stand guard. The haints offer to go with whoever goes back to protect them. Kai goes; Gnik sets up a tiny hut blocking the entrance to the underground lair, with Al outside on the water side with his animal friends to keep watch, and Milena keeping watch on the dry chamber side, wearing Gnik's ring of psychic shielding, to keep an eye and prepare snacks. Gnik takes time to identify Brerinch's amulet. He finds it is an Amulet of Hidden and Safety, preventing various sorts of divination magics and scrying against the wearer, including Read Thoughts (but not Telepathy). After some discussion, they decide Milena will wear it temporarily. Kai heads up to the cliff face at the edge of the underwater city and sees a dozen or so people coming out of the arena and toward her. There is a ring of armored and armed people around them. She sees Zeesatta, and then Broomahnay casually swims over. Zeesatta asks Kai what happened, and Kai says they found a wrecked pirate ship and the others were looting it. She asks again, and Kai adds that there was some kind of ghost ship attached to it, which is where the wraiths were coming from, and they destroyed it. Zeesatta asks why the group couldn't have sent someone up who was good at communicating. Kai pushes her way past and flies up and out of the water. When she bursts out of the water, there are people gathered on the shore, and she hears Yaa yell, "Woo-hoo!" She sees Tauch in the crowd, and her crew over to the side. She goes to talk to Laur and let him know everyone else is fine. She asks why everyone is gathered on shore. Apparently merfolk scouts spotted her when she first came within visual distance of the city. He gently scolds her for not having kept in touch, and she lets him know they were more than a mile away -- it took her over two hours to return. She sees Tauch approach, and lets him know she needs to talk with him. She asks Laur to keep others away to give them privacy. Tauch asks what she found, and she asks if he has heard of an aboleth named Zalmimin. He is aware of aboleths and the name sounds vaguely familiar. She tells Tauch he's locked up below. He asks why, she thinks a moment, and says Gurow will be giving him a long history lesson when she gets back, but they need his help burying and hiding the entrance so no one can find it. He asks if she can sketch out the space -- not exactly, but he needs to know roughly what he's working with so he knows what to bring. "No," she says, and asks if he can swim. He can't, so she asks if there's someone else he trusts besides Gurow. He mutters a few words of magic and poofs away. Jak approaches her from the crowd and offers her some healing. "Oh, you're even prettier now," she says. A kid comes running up with a bag in each hand and says, panting, "Tauch says put these together down there." "Put the bags together?" Kai asks. "I think he means put what's in the bags together," he says, and runs off to get paid for his errand. She calls after him, "...and then get away from the contents?" "Oh, yeah, then go away really fast!" he says. She returns below; some of the merfolk cheer as she goes by, but Zeesatta glares. Gnik and Kat discuss how best to set up an explosion to fill the entrance without letting the rubble fall out. They decide Gnik will set up another tiny hut for safety, so Kat can use Mage Hand to finish putting the device together and then jump into the hut for safety from the explosion. She opens up the bag and sees that it is a vrill battery, with half of it in a conch shell. She sticks that half to the ceiling, steps back 30 feet, then uses Mage Hand to stick the battery into it. It immediately starts vibrating violently -- she jumps into the hut as it explodes. They see rubble and soundwaves stream past all the way to the shipwreck, knocking out fish in the area. When the rubble settles, they see two glowing fish float out of the rubble. Al goes to retrieve them. When he goes to grab it, it feels gelatinous; he lets go and it circles around his head. He grabs the other one and it also begins circling around his head. They persist even when he goes into the air-filled hut. They ask Gurow what her people would do with Brerinch. She says it will be a matter for the Council, but Tauch is on the Council and can work with the other members. They leave Brerinch to her custody when they part ways. They return to the upper city and talk with Laur. The group is heading upriver, which is too small for the Mighty Redemption. They discuss the possibility of having him head back to Saltmarsh for news and then come back to get them in a few days, but decide they'll make final decisions in the morning. Al's friend Bimisi greets him and points out his ship, which has come to pick him up -- it is quite conspicuous, as its mast is an actual, huge, living tree. Al goes with Bimisi to talk to it; it vibrates to make speech sounds, and is very curious about where Al has been and what he knows. It wants to see everything, but its crew keeps taking it places it has already been. Al suggests they might want to take Norina's people to settle in Seaton. 23 Sinta 3275 Kai has breakfast with Jak, and when she returns she shares that she has learned Cassadega residents have been going to the Blood Tower and only one has returned, thinking he was only gone three days but it was actually two months. She did not tell him about the relic that Lyle went to find -- the Ebon Tablet, which is rumored to be able to bring Tyorl back, as well as to alter reality in general -- but he says there is a rumor that some relic is causing the temporal effect. Al asks why they think they want to destroy the tablet. Gnik is conflicted, but wants to follow through on his friend Lyle's plans. Milena says it is a power not meant for mortals; even well-meaning changes will have negative repercussions. Kai says bringing Tyorl back would be bad, and those who want to do it hate his successor Tyolus, and who knows what they might do if they are unable to bring Tyorl back -- for example, if he does not want to come back? Milena suggests an Augury; Gnik asks what will happen if we decide now that we will destroy the artifact when we find it. He gets back an answer of Weal. Gnik and Al decide that Al will take the Ventilating Lungs and let Gnik take his Necklace of Clean Breath so Al can have the Amulet of Hidden. They have the Mighty Redemption drop them off at the river mouth in the rowboat and then go on to Saltmarsh while they explore -- with Mouse and Boris, so there is room on the 6-person rowboat in case Lyle is still alive. Gnik suggests sending a message to the dealer in Saltmarsh who might be able to provide economic assistance selling the mithril in Gonajibria so they can improve their defenses -- since it could be months before the group is able to return, if they are caught in a time effect. The group will meet the crew in Saltmarsh when they are done. They provision with 40 days' worth of provisions, expecting that it may take two weeks to get upriver. 25 Sinta 3275 an beyond Milena tries her own Augury as they sail up the coast, asking the same question as Gnik. Her result is both Weal and a sense of concern regarding the path to get there. It is an easy sail up the coast to get to the mouth of the river. They set out, and despite Milena's skill at maps and navigating, it becomes quickly confusing, as it seems in a matter of hours that they have gone a distance that should have taken days. Further in, the water sometimes flows in a figure 8 before resuming normal flow; or water going upward and then falling. After five days they see a fish swimming above the water, and a beaver with a tortoise shell walking sideways along the shore, crab-like, but overall less and less fauna. Near the end of the sixth day, around a bend they see a battered pier. Kai can see two people standing on the end of it. As they get closer they see a male and female human; the man is looking at them; the woman, wearing chainmail, is looking around puzzled. They navigate nearer and the man yells out to a welcome. "Come, throw the... thing...." "Rope?" Milena asks. "Yes... it is hard to concentrate...." She throws out the rope to him and he pulls them in. He introduces himself as Estem, and the woman as Silen. He says he will try to make things safe for them, but they will have to hurry; if she has enough time, she will eliminate them. Kai asks who, and he glances at Silen. The group gets the impression he may somehow be simultaneously interacting with multiple points in time, which is what requires so much concentration. They set out over land in the direction they expect the tower to be. The foliage is up to eye level on Al and Kai, so they take the lead. There is a faint trail; there is a point where it opens up to an area where all the plants are dessicated; some look like stone, the ground looks scorched, and there is a ball of flame and another ball of water hanging in the air. There are bones, some with packs -- something went down here a long time ago. With his glasses, Gnik sees a wave of magic coming off the area. There are hills in the distance; Kai can see a tower on one of them, and a shaft of darkness near it going all the way up into the sky, as if it is night in that spot. Kai suggests that everything that has ever happened here is happening now. They see four people stumble out of a door that wasn't there before; Gnik recognizes them as four members of the Exiles looking exactly like they did when they left Saltmarsh 15 years ago. He greets them and Gala the halfling greets him excitedly and runs forward to give him a hug. She asks what he's doing there and he says looking for them, since they didn't come back. She says they just got there, and Gnik says, "It's been 15 years." They start trying to relate what happened to them; they got off the boat and were jumped, and are confused about what happened next. Gnik asks about Lyle; they say he was with them, and aren't sure what happened. Al notices that the weapon Ruben is holding is also on the ground near some of the bones. Al whispers over the farspeakers, "I don't think we should tell them yet, but I think they died here. I think we should just head to the tower." Gala chats excitedly with him as they go -- but as soon as they get 10 feet from the clearing, the four of them disappear. The group decides they need to hurry on to the tower, but will stop on the way back to do something with the remains. They go on about two hours; though it was dusk when they reach the pier, there is still light, but they are getting near the shaft of night. They hear two Dorgenian voices arguing, and decide to sneak past and perhaps try to help them on the way back. They see movement in the brush, but the trail moves in an impossible way in order to avoid it. They get to the point that they can see the tower very clearly. The door just looks like a glowing light. There are two people talking to each other, a man and a woman who turn to look at them when they get closer: Angel and Brendan. Angel waves, and Brendan gestures them forward. Al suggests Gnik puts on his glasses, but Gnik casts Detect Shapechanger instead. Angel says this is the strangest dream she's ever had, and she doesn't even remember going to sleep. Milena asks her what she does remember, and she says she was shopping for groceries in Seaton. She fills them in on what has been happening: The rightful ruler of Seaton came back to claim the throne, and Polis stepped aside for her. Several people disappeared about the time they left, and Gnik infers that the shapechanger they killed was all of them, playing all sides against each other. Brendan approaches, and Al gives him a hug before he can say anything. Brendan says, "It is good to see you, boy." Al asks, "Do you know---" "Yes, I know what happened, and I know what you did. Thank you." The group asks how they got here, and they don't know, but think they just arrived. Brendan tells them they must rest and prepare for what comes next. Al asks him if there is anything undone that he wants to see done, or any messages to pass on, and he tells Al to tell his sister she is doing a good job. Al asks Brendan's opinion of what should be done with the Ebon Tablet. "Well, what do you want to do with it?" "Destroy it," says Kai, but Al says, "I'm not so sure." Brendan suggests that the tablet itself is not evil, but they can only hope that someone with good heart finds it; and after that, someone else with a good heart finds it, and so on. He tells them to rest and get ready, because once they go inside, it's a race, with one person there to help them and one person to stop them. Al peers through the shutters and sees a ruin on the inside, with no roof even though they can see a roof from the outside. As they approach the door, through the glow they see what looks like a massive room with 20 foot tall bookshelves lining the walls. They look around an realize Angel and Brendan are no longer there. Al walks through the light and it dissipates off him as he disappears. He feels a warm tingle, and then he is somewhere else. 13 May 2023 The group steps through and finds themselves in a room that is not shaped consistent with the outside of the tower. There is an ambient light that seems to emanate from everywhere at once. There is a spiral staircase on the other end of the room, visible through the maze of bookshelves. There is a pedestal in the front part of the room with some sort of diorama on it, with a sheet of paper on it, as well as a wadded up piece of paper on the floor near them. A metallic creature with two legs, a round body, and a single eye on a long neck, waddles over to them and says hello. Kat asks its name and it says it has no name, it is the library automaton. It asks if they are with Luther and Naila, who have been here for a while -- Gnik and Milena recognize their names as adventurers from the Union of the Cube who were in Saltmarsh for a few weeks, about a decade ago. They were interested in religious and other arcana. Al has heard of library automata -- they don't have arms but can telekinetically move written materials; Kat knows the eye is usually from someone who used to work at the library and gifted the eye for the automaton. Its inside is an infinite space for storing books, which can be accessed by a handle, and it can be used as a familiar. Al asks whose library it is, and the automaton says it is Tyorl's. Al asks if it has the Ebon Tablet, and it says no. He asks if it has ever been here or if there is anyone who knows where it is. It says no, and asks what it is. Al says it can change reality, and it blinks and says, "Sounds scary." Gnik sends a Mage Hand to pick up the crumpled piece of paper. Milena goes to inspect the diorama, and Al picks up the piece of paper on top of it. The diorama is a 10-foot wide crater with a tiny figure in the center sitting on its heels with a piece of paper in its lap, a much larger figure leaning against the edge of the crater, and corpses strewn about the edge of the crater. There is a glowing cocoon off-center that seems to hold a figure, but it is difficult to make out clearly. Gnik reads the crumpled piece of paper and announces, "We need to go." It is a note written by Silen saying she is pledged to protect the library and send all threats to oblivion. Al takes a moment to ask the tiny diorama figures if they are real, and hears a voice talking about all the knowledge and power in this place. A shadowy, smoky spirit appears and babbles at all of them as they try to move toward the staircase. The words seem to seep into their brains, making it hard to think straight. Az quivers and poofs away. Al is stunned and out of it; the others are a bit confused but shake it off. Ember asks if they are running or fighting, and Gnik and Milena say run. She takes off toward the stairs, and Kai grabs Al and follows. Kat jumps up on top of the bookshelves and calls out directions to everyone else. Kai rounds a corner and sees another of the shadowy beings blocking the way that was not in Kat's line of sight. She calls out to let Kat know. Kat moves forward and casts a Chaos Bolt at it, hitting it with a blast of thunder. Kai yells, "Gnik, what are these?!" She realizes her sword might also be albe to answer that question and asks her telepathically. Milena casts a Sacred Flame at the shadowy being as she keeps running. Al calls out, "They're immune to cold, necrotic, and poison!" Gnik adds, "Don't talk to them -- the crazy rubs off!" It whispers something -- and just as Al feels himself coming back into himself, a wave of paranoia comes over him, but he shakes it off. Milena briefly feels that the two people near her are going to hurt her, and then realizes that's Al and he wouldn't hurt her. Kai realizes Al has come back to his senses and drops him, he tumbles away and to his feet. As Kat comes to the end of the bookshelves she flips off with a double flip and lands in a hero pose. They all make it past the shadow and to the staircase, and Al takes a healing potion. At the foot of the stairs there are two people -- Esten, looking older, and Matty. Esten says, haltingly, "She's fighting... sorry..." and then seems to stop existing. Matty turns to the group and greets them warmly. Kat asks what she has been doing, because they haven't seen her for a while, and she says, "Well, I'm dead." She says Selim brought her here as a distraction. Gnik says, "That means we probably shouldn't stop and talk to you," and she says, "No, probably not...." Kat can't resist, though, and asks her what it's like to be dead. She says she thinks she is at peace. Kat gives her a big hug and says she's glad to see her, but they have to go. Matty says it's great to see them. Al asks if there are any messages he can share, and she says to tell Anny the secret is not worth her hiding away. Al says he'll tell her. Kat says she's sorry she was not there when Matty died; Matty says, "I'm not -- you would have died too." Kat says she's sorry she never had a chance to apologize from their falling-out over her deal with Zagrimil. Matty tells her, "It's fine! We're fine. You don't have to carry it anymore." Pause. "But you should probably stop working with Zagrimil." They notice colors shifting and dimming randomly, and shimmers that are becoming longer and more frequent. They occasionally smell things they don't recognize. As they go up the stairs, Al shares what he read on the paper on the diorama, which describes the battle. The large body slumped against the wall was apparently Tyorl, the being in the cocoon was Sgult, and there is mention of a strange young girl (although this doesn't seem to be related to the battle). At the top of the stairs is a trapdoor in the ceiling. Kat looks for traps, finds none, and flips it open. They are in a long hall with another set of stairs at the far end. The place is weirdly lit by a starscape on the ceiling -- it is only 15 feet up, but looks infinite if they're not scrutinizing it too closely. There are two rows of pillars running down the length of the hall, with 12-foot tall figures carved into them -- the two nearest them are a warrior and a roguish figure. The far wall looks like a mural of beasts and monsters that looks different whenever they look away and look back -- but there is always a red glow of eyes along the wall. Several of them notice a split at the head and feet of the statues, as if the statues can move. They decide to run down the left wall. Kai picks up Gnik and Ember and flies behind. Kat goes first, and as soon as she gets past the first row of columns, two of the eyes on the far wall flare up and a blast of energy comes at her. She dodges to the side; and then Milena, behind her, dodges, as does Al behind her, and then Kai. The blast hits the wall behind, blowing chunks off it. They discuss having one person run, dodge the attack, and then have the others run out after the blast goes by. Al runs out as fast as he can and it shoots at him. He kicks off the wall to dodge it and keeps going, and the rest of the group runs out afterward; it doesn't immediately shoot again. Al runs out again and dodges another blast; as soon as he gets past the last set of columns the far wall becomes featureless, although the others still see the shapes on it until they clear the last columns. They make it to the stairs; the world seems muted and things vibrate in off-putting ways, with others seeming to flicker out of reality for a moment. At the top of the stairs they come into an even longer room -- about 200 feet long -- with two rows of columns, but just abstract patterns rather than figures. Kai senses that the floor is actually lava outside the two rows of columns. The air is hot and dry. Al takes a couple of cautious steps down the middle of the hall, followed by Kat, Milena, and Gnik, Ember, and Kai at the back, ready to catch the gnomes if needed. Sections of the floor ahead of them... and behind them... and near them... start forming humanoid shapes. The one under Milena reaches around her and tries to grab her. She is able to avoid being crushed, but it injures her wrist in the process. Another one grabs for Al, gets a good grip, and starts moving toward the lava. Gnik pulls out his immovable rod in case he needs it. Another of the tile things grabs at Kai, but does not get a full grip. She yells to Al, "I'm coming!" Kai and Kat know that shapechanging magic won't work on golems, and neither will normal weapons. They are immune to a range of damage types, and if they are hit by something they are immune to, they repair damage. Kat tries a wild surge to create grease that will make the golems slide off the path. The one holding Al starts glowing red, and gouts of flame come out of it. Kat goes past the one in front of Al, and Kai moves forward to it to try to pull its arms off him. He slides free; her hands are a bit singed. It tries to attack Kai, but misses; it gets off-balance and she knocks it into the lava, spashing the far wall. One in the floor near Milena grabs her and squeezes; she feels a popping in her hip. Another attacks Ember, but she dodges. She looks at Gnik and says, "Get out of here!" Milena ignites the Firebird cloak and casts some healing on herself. The cloak does damage to the golem but it it still grappling her. Al pulls out his rope to try tripping it; he gets the rope around its legs. He moves to the golem near Ember and tries to punches it, but doesn't make contact. Ember asks if they're just going to run through or stay and fight, and Gnik says "Run". She takes off; a golem grazes her, and Gnik hears something pop, but she flips over and does not get grabbed. Gnik uses a telekinetic trip to try to trip the golem behind it, but it clumsily keeps itself standing. Then he runs. Everything appears to be shaking, fracturing, and reforming around them; they begin feeling somewhat disconnected from their bodies, and feel as if they are smelling sounds and hearing aromas.... Kat activates the Serpent of Sil and sprints for the far wall. Kai tries to release Milena from the golem holding her; she is slightly singed from the Firebird cloak, but breaks Milena free. She flies up and toward the far end of the room. Zassin also flies down the hall. Kai grabs Al and flies toward the ceiling; the one that held Milena grabs for her legs and crushes her ankles but can't get a grip. Zassin hits the portal at the end and vanishes, and a bunch of other sections of ground start moving. One grabs Ember and she goes limp in its arms. One grabs at Kat, but misses. Milena sees that the one that fell into the lava tries to climb back up but slides back into the lava. Milena moves to make sure everyone is within 60 feet of her and then casts Mass Healing Word before flying farther down the hallway. Kai drops Al, and he parkours his way down the double row of columns. The golems try to jump for him; one gets a hand on him, but he parries the blow. Ember tries to break free, and wriggles free, but it grabs her again when she tries to run off. Gnik tries to trip it, and it falls to the floor. He yells to Milena to come back and get him; he will take the damage from the cloak to let Kai work on getting Ember. Kat makes it to the end of the hall, but pauses before going through the portal. Kai pries the golem off Ember, grabs her and flies; it hits her but doesn't grab her. She drops Ember off next to the portal and then turns to make sure everyone can get out. The one in front of Gnik turns to attack him, and hits, but does not manage to grab him. Two come at Al but miss. Milena flies back to Gnik with the bone ladder and waits for him to disengage and grab hold of it, then flies back toward the end of the room over the lava so they are out of range of the golems. Al dodges past the remaining golems and makes his way to the end of the room. They go through the portal. The room on the other side is not the library. 10 June 2023 The group finds itself in a room that looks like a study, with several bookcases, but not as many as the library they saw through the windows on the first floor of the tower; it is larger than it looks like it should be based on the view from outside, and warm and cozy, instead of looking partially destroyed as it did through the windows. They remember the conversation with Brendan and Angel, but not their previous trip through the tower. There are divider screens between the bookcases that look like they would route someone in a particular path. Sounds come from before them and to the right and left, like someone getting up from an old leather chair. They hear Mattie's voice say, "Oh, you're here!" and then Brendan's voice say "Finally." Then a voice Al recognizes as Lyto the druid from the island in Saltmars say "It's all your fault." A voice Gnik recognizes as Lyle says, "You could've stopped me." Jaime's voice says, "You killed us all." They see movement -- corpses of each of the voices, dessicated but with the flicker of an image of them in their living forms. They see a spiral staircase on the other side of the room. Ember tries to run through one of the fragile-looking screens, but bounces off it, grunting in pain. Az, now in weasel form, runs through a gap in one of the screens to scout ahead. Milena tries to climb up to the top of a bookshelf for a view of the room; she can't quite pull herself to the top, but gets enough of a view to see that not all of them would be able to run along the tops of the shelves and screens, even if they were very stable. Kat climbs up as well, more successfully, and attacks a ghost gnome that Ember recognized with her crossbow. Milena tries to Turn them; Lyto and Lyle stop, but the others keep coming. Al runs to the right wall and tries to parkour straight down the wall. He sees Jaime stare at him with hate in her eyes, and other of them, which they recognize as Revenants, stare at others. Al and Kat feel too frightened to move; Kat crouches next to her mom, and Al freezes on top of a bookshelf. Kai decides perhaps she should just carry the rest of the party across with her boots of flying one at a time. They decide Al should go first while Ember defends Gnik and Milena defends Kat. Gnik moves to try to get a sight-line to Jaime and the gnome, and casts Web on the area they're in. He glances at the books and sees poetry, stories of adventurers, and more. Gnik randomly grabs a book off the shelf and puts it in his bag. Ember takes a dodge, and Milena casts Word of Radiance at the two nearest Revenants while staying on the bookshelf to keep an eye on her frightened daughter. Al comes to out of his frightened state and tells Kai she can put him down. She drops him on a bookshelf and heads back as he continues to parkour down the wall. One of the Revenants comes after Gnik and Ember, and another tries to climb the bookshelf after Kat, but she also recovers from her fright and dodges both its attacks. One of the Revenants hits Ember with its fists, and it hurts. Kai tries to do a flying tackle as she reaches the Revenant on Ember, which is in the form of Matty, and grapples her. Gnik casts a Telekinetic Trip on Brendan, and he falls off the bookshelf. He runs through the non-webbed path. Ember attacks the grappled Matty with her rapier and tears her up pretty badly. Milena sees that Kat is back to normal, so scrambles up onto the bookcase and hits the fallen Brendan with a Sacred Flame. Kat uses the Serpent of Sil to cast Calm Emotions, suppressing fear effects for the rest of the party, and and causing the foes who fail their saves -- in this case, Matty -- to be indifferent to them. Matty's real face flickers into view and she says, "Oh. You should get out of here." Kat then takes off running toward the other end of the room. Al reaches the stairs, sees movement, and hears Anny's voice. They each ask whether the other is real; she's soaking wet, and says she was out on patrol, a weird woman pointed at her, and suddenly she was here. Az appears, runs around Anny's leg a bunch of times, and then shakes the water off -- she didn't know Anny was wet. Brendan starts trying to climb the bookcase again to get at Milena. The gnome makes it out of the web and comes at Kat, but she evades and keeps running. Kai grabs Gnik and Ember, and starts flying to the other side of the room. Milena warns Zassin that she's about to ignite her cloak, and he takes off flying, trying to match the patterns on the ceiling as he goes. Gnik casts another Trip at Brendan, and he falls off the bookshelf again. Milena ignites her cloak and takes off down the room. When they reach the stairs, Anny fills them all in on how she got there, and Gnik shows an image of the woman at the dock, who she recognizes as the woman who pointed at her. Gnik says she was probably brought here to slow them down, and hopefully she's still alive; she should come with them, but they need to go. Milena invites her to come a little closer to her cloak to warm up and dry off, but she says, warily, "No thank you...." Kat is probably the only one who recognizes Milena's invitation was mostly tongue-in-cheek. Kat gives her her dagger that she's been carrying around for ages, and Anny happily thanks her, but disappears as soon as she steps onto the stairs. At the top of the stairs they enter a long, thin room, 20 feet in width and about 200 feet in length, covered in dirt and plant life -- a colorful jungle-like garden full of flowers. There are no obvious paths through the flowers; the plants are between 2 and 5 feet high, and the ceiling is an indeterminate distance above, painted with a daytime sky scene with a glowing sun in the center. Gnik casts Mage Armor on himself, and Milena casts Bless on everyone but Kai and Gnik. Kai attempts to fly over part of the room to see what happens, about 20 feet out and back, to see what happens. She smells something sickeningly sweet that makes her feel sick to her stomach. She returns and lets everyone know. Kat activates an Aura of Purity from the Serpent of Sil, which will extend to everyone within 30 feet of her. Al begins walking forward into the plants; vines reach out to grab him, but his Ring of Free Action makes them slide right off. He goes farther and encounter the noxious gas, which makes him feel a bit queasy, but does not stop him. Gnik suggests a low way to go, which would be to have Milena set the plants on fire with her cloak, at which point he could control the flame to burn them all. Kai rolls her eyes and says, "Or I could carry the gnomes across and then come back to get Kat." Ember says, "I probably shouldn't stab the plants, should I?" Kai picks up Ember and Gnik and flies in to see if the vapor has an effect again. It does, but everyone resists the effect. Milena notices that one of the plants is Alluring Horror; those that smell it succumb to a sickening sensation, and if they are near it too long they will be lured to it and want to protect it until they die and fertilize it with their corpses. She shares this with everyone over the farspeaker. Kai sets the gnomes on the stairs; Gnik offers her his Necklace of Clean Breath for the trip back across, and Al hands over his Ring of Free Action. Gnik puts on his Arcanus Glasses and examines the plants. There are all kinds of magical effects of different power levels and schools of magic. Kai picks up Kat and they head back across; Kat almost succumbs to queasiness but shakes it off. Milena follows, staying within the effect of the Serpent of Sil. Milena also almost succumbs to the noxious gas, but shakes it off. They reach the other side and Kai returns Al's ring and Gnik's necklace. They continue up the stairs. The room above is also long and narrow, about 200 feet long and about 30 feet wide, lined on both sides with grooved pillars, not too ornate, about 10 feet apart. Outside the columns there is no floor, just a bubbling liquid with an acrid smell. The floor between the columns is paved with colorful tiles. Gnik does not see any illusions through his glasses, but some of the columns have magical effects as though they are magical constructs with transmutation properties. He points those out to the group. The pillars go all the way up to the ceiling. Gnik conjures a rock and uses Mage Hand to lower it into the liquid and then pick it up again; the rock is falling apart as the liquid drips off it. He conjures another rock and uses Mage Hand to press it against a column, but nothing happens. Al walks up between the second pair of columns; he moves closer to inspect the one Gnik told him it was magical but it just looks like a column. He takes another step past it, and it bends around trying to wrap itself around him, but can't do it because of his Ring of Free Action. It tries to attack but he manages to parry a lot of the damage. He wants to attack, but Gnik and Kai ask him to keep going so they can see if it will follow, so he dodges it and keeps going. The next one on the left tries to grab him but fails. He keeps going, and the next one on the right activates; they seem to be alternating diagonally on the right and left. The third one hits him but he parries all the damage. Gnik recommends they all run after Al, to move past the columns that have already reacted to Al. Kat offers to cast the last effect of Serpent of Sil, a Sanctuary spell, on one person. Gnik suggests Milena since she's least evasive. "Oh, she can be pretty evasive," Kat says. Milena casts Beacon of Hope on the group, and Kat casts Sanctuary on Milena. The rest of the group advances to catch up with Al. The columns attack. One comes after Kat, but she's able to roll away from it and throw up a Shield spell to deflect the damage. The next one tries to come after Milena, is deflected by the Sanctuary spell, and goes after Gnik instead. It doesn't grapple him but does crush his arm, almost pulling it out of the socket. The next two attack Ember, but miss. Al advances another 30 feet so the rest of the group can keep up, and attacks the next column, attempting to stun it. He hits it and succeeds in stunning it. He moves up and attacks the next one, and stuns it as well. The rest of the group moves forward, and Milena casts Mass Healing Word on the group. Zassin has flown a little bit ahead but is camouflaged, so the columns don't detect them. Al runs forward, passing one without attacking but going to attack the next one. It hits him hard and he hits back trying to stun it; his second attempt works. Milena moves forward, and one of the previously stunned columns slams into her, grappling her. Kat runs, trying to run up to Al. Kai sets Gnik and Ember down and tries to free Milena from the column grappling her. She manages to pull it open enough for her to slip out. She flies Milena forward to Al while Ember grabs Gnik and runs forward. The group decides they are close enough to the end of the room that they should just let Al go first and then flat out run to the end. The next column tries to attack Al but misses, then bites him. He lets Kai run the rest of the way before him, but Zassin is out in front, not as well camouflaged as he had hoped. He is hit pretty hard, though he avoids being grappled. He keeps going and triggers other attacks of opportunity, eventually getting constricted by a column about 40 feet from the end of the room. Gnik casts Web on the tops of the columns closest to the room. Kat moves forward and throws the Star of Jaeleth at the column holding Zassin. The explosion engulfs the base of the column but doesn't touch the webs. Milena moves forward and casts Thunderwave at the base of the column. It breaks off at the base and Zassin falls out. Kai grabs Ember and Gnik, and Gnik grabs Zassin with Mage Hand as they go by. The two they pass try to attack but are stuck in the web. Only Kat and Milena are left within range, and two columns try to attack Kat but all their attacks fail. Gnik webs the last two columns they need to pass through. Milena moves the rest of the way to the portal, and Kat catches up. They all go through. 24 June 2023 They come into what they expect to be the library; the walls are at least 40 feet away, the ceiling 30 feet up, and there are racks of armor and weapons along the walls. The room is sectioned into a fighting ring, target practice, a practice dummy -- it is clearly an armory and weapons-training space. There is a wall with hooks and racks in the middle of the room, and a spiral staircase on the other end of the room. There is an ambient light emanating from everywhere. Al turns to look at the weapons, and Milena reminds everyone that they were warned to go quickly through this place, so try not to get distracted. Al sees that all the weapons look very interesting -- some with writing that seems to move. Gnik puts on his arcanus glasses and sees all the weapons glow with various kinds of magic. They hear growling sounds from the sides and ahead with otherworldly sounds mixed in. Six glowing, flaming hound-like creatures appear. Kai, Kat, and Al hear sounds of people they know crying in pain, see visions of Saltmarsh being washed away, and are too frightened to move toward the hounds. Kat cowers behind Kai for cover and casts Chaos Bolt at one of the hounds, but it misses its mark. Gnik, Milena, and Al recognize the creatures as undead, and Gnik realizes they are lichhounds, most susceptible to nonmagical slashing weapons or magical weapons. Milena heard rumors that some necromancer found a way to summon celestial hounds, murder them, and transform them into horrific beings that gut whatever they trip. Ember is moving forward; Gnik sends Az to distract one of the hounds in front of them. Zassin flies forward and bites at one of the hounds. The group gets an image in their heads of Zassin knawing on a bone that is just smoking, not flaming -- so it won't burn them. Kai throws her magical javelin at one of the hounds in front of them; she pulls it back but does not engage the effect that would pull the hound toward her. She then throws her magical dagger and hits, then calls it back. She looks at the wall of weapons behind her, having been told by Gnik that they are all magical, and grabs a hand-axe: it is all a single piece of metal and very well-balanced. She flings it at the hound, and as it flies through the air it glows. It misses. Ember fires two arrows and hits the one Zassin attacked. Gnik casts an illusion of a fluffy bunny in front of the hounds to the left side; one of them definitely notices -- it dives at it and gets very confused when it goes right through it. Al takes out the Orb of the Mind's Eye and puts it into his forehead. He turns to the weapons rack behind him looking for hand-axes. He finds a pair with strangely curved handle and blade, both very well-balanced. He flings one, but it hits the ground about five feet in front of him, and shatters. He flings the second one, and hits. The hound that Az was attacking looks like it will be running toward them, but leaps in the air and flies at them, reaching them. The other in front of them attacks Zassin, who is thrown to the ground; it chews into him. The other from the left not distracted by the fluffy bunny runs at Al; the two on the right run at Milena and Kat. A hound bites at Al and he gets a sensation of dark and cold rather than heat, but he somersaults away from it and it seems to fade out and disappear. Kat sees that it went into the ethereal plane, and lets Al know. The one attacking Milena hits and throws her to the ground, dives onto her, and starts tearing into her stomach. The one coming at Kat jumps, but she throws up a shield and deflects it. The one coming at Kai attacks but she is able to defend with her sword. Milena pulls out her holy symbol and attempts to Turn the undead hounds. The ones attacking Kai and Milena turn and run. Milena tosses out Nash and tells her to go retrieve Zassin. Nash takes two leaps, grabs the hound's leg, and flips it over on its back, then leans between Zassin and the hound. She casts Healing Word at Zassin, stands up, and moves away from the turned hound. Kat uses the Calm Emotions effect of the Serpent of Sil on herself and Al, the two who haven't shaken off their fright. Az goes to distract the hound Nash is facing. Zassin flies back to Milena, curls up on her shoulder, and gives her a mental image giving her the impression that Zassin thinks the hounds were out to get the two of them. Kai attacks the hound in front of Kat with her greatsword and Ember jumps at the same one with her rapier and dagger. Gnik casts a Mind Spike at it, and it cringes. Al runs toward the staircase, 200 feet away, at a full run, and takes a dash, getting 3/4 of the way down the room. The hound in front of Milena takes a step back and disappears into the ethereal; the one that was in front of Al reappears, flies after him, realizes he is going to fast, and tries to attack Nash, who gives it a look like, "Really?" The injured hound attacks Kai, biting into her knee. The hound that had attacked the illusory bunny comes at Milena and bites into her thigh, but is not able to fling her down. She tries Turning Undead again, and the one in front of her goes into the ethereal. Nash tears into one of the hounds in front of her and it disintegrates. Kat asks Milena if she needs a Sanctuary spell, and Milena says she's had worse. Kat makes a run for it, trying to join Al, and gets about halfway down the room. Kai and Ember attack the hound in front of them. It disintegrates. Over the earpieces, Al says, "Can you get away from them? We should run!" He reaches the staircase. Two people turn to look at them; the man steps in front of the woman and says, "Who are you?" Al ignores them and walks past them up the stairs. Nash comes back and kneels in front of Milena, who climbs on with Ember; Nash picks up Gnik in her mouth and carries them all to the stairs. Kat reaches the stairs, sees the two people and says hello; the man introduces himself as Lyle, and Kat says, "Gnik is coming." Kat asks if he's dead, and he says, "Oh, yes." She asks if he's here to slow them down, and he says yes, but he also has information for them. Nash deposits Gnik in front of Lyle. He tells them they should convince Silen to let Esten destroy the artifact. Silen has to obey Tyorl -- she made a promise to protect what Tyorl left behind -- which she seems to be interpreting as the Ebon Tablet. They should not touch the tablet. They come through the portal into a plain, square, smooth stone room, about 25 feet on a side, with a stone block in the middle, about five feet square and three feet tall, with a large set of scales, unbalanced, on one end of the stone, and three buckets. Gnik examines the room through his arcanus glasses and sees some kind of effect tying the door to the scales. Al moves to the door and finds that it is locked, but not in a pick-able way. Kai moves to the door and considers breaking through, but as Gnik and Al consider figuring out how to balance the scale, she figres she'll give them a couple of minutes to try. Water is coming out the top at about the rate of a gallon a minute. Milena considers whether they have a faster way to get water. Al slides the largest vessel under the water source in case they need it. While they wait, he and Gnik try balancing the scale just with the force of their hands. A grinding sound comes from the door, as the stone slowly comes away from the wall. Gnik goes to place his immovable rod to hold the scale figuring he can pull it back with the attached rope once he gets through the door -- and Milena points out he could set it to hold the door instead. Somewhere in the tower, Silen says, "Well, fuck." The next room is a 100-foot hallway with a set of stairs at the far end, and a word scrawled in brown liquid on the right: "OVERTHINKING". Gnik goes to look more closely at the writing as everyone else moves straight to the staircase. Ember pulls Gnik along behind her, and he says, "...Yeah, you're right...." They reach the far stairwell with no resistance. As they walk, Kai tells Al he should take the Eye out of his forehead. He argues that it is helping make things clear, and he should keep it in. They reach a long, narrow room with columns on each side, a misty portal at the other end, and a smell of hot tar in the end. Gnik uses his arcanus glasses and suggests the stench is coming from under illusory sections of floor on the other side of the columns. Kai tries walking down the middle of the room where the floor seems solid. She reaches the second column and pseudopods come out of the floor; one sticks into her stomach, and it is hard to pull her foot back. She wrestles with it and manages to pull herself back, but notices that the whole floor is starting to feel sticky. She flies back to the group and asks Gnik to clean it off, as her foot is sticking to anything it touches. He uses prestidigitation to clean it. Nash asks if she should go back to statue form or try to run others down as far as she can through the room. Milena says statue form is probably best; Nash transforms and Milena tucks her back into a safe pocket. Kat decides to use her special gloves to navigate the room by jumping from column to column high above the floor. Nothing attacks her, so Milena warns Zassin, engages her Firebird cape, and flies down the center. Al jumps up and parkours down the columns on the opposite side to Kat, making it 2/3 of the way down the room. They hear a crack behind them and the ceiling begins coming apart near the entrance. Kai grabs Gnik and Ember and begins flying as fast as she can. The ceiling completely caves in as she departs the area; sections of the floor reach up to pummel the falling debris, and tar splashes up. As Kat and Milena continue down the roll, more debris falls at Milena, but Gnik shoots up a Web to catch it, and she manages to dodge it. Al continues to parkour, slips, and Gnik yells, "Hit the button!" He hits the button on the immovable rod, catches himself, and dashes the rest of the way to the end of the room. Zassin catches up to him and he sees in his mind an image of a human-like Zassin clapping wildly. The ceiling is now fully collapsed in the first half of the room and full of debris -- strange debris, such as a chair, and things that don't seem they should exist in this reality, such as a car. Kai reaches the end of the room and stops before going through the portal. Kat and Milena catch up, and they all go through the portal. On the other side, all the memories of all three trips through the tower flood into their heads, along with two other trips that went much worse -- each of them died at least once, and it was horrible. However, they are all now fully healed and back up to full strength. They are in a large room, ornate and beautiful. There are five portals; Kat and Milena come out of one, Kai and Al come out of one, Gnik comes out of one, and Zassin comes out of one, dragging himself out and then flopping over as if he is the only one who survived. No one comes out of the fifth portal, and Ember is not with them. On two thrones sit Esten and a woman who may be Silen, but aged. Esten is holding something that looks like a large black finger, covered with markings. Silen stands, says, "Congratulations, I suppose," introduces herself as Julie Atkins, and adds, "We know who you are." Kai asks where Ember is, she gestures to the fifth portal, and says she did not make it. Esten says that when Tyorl fought Sgult and his forces, Tyorl told her to leave, and when it was done, to protect all that he left behind. She came back after the battle and tried to protect all his remains that she could. She met others who were there to salvage power from his remains; she later learned that one of those who took the pinkie transformed it into a device that could warp reality. Gnik asks what exactly he asked her to promise. She says, "To protect what he left behind." Gnik, grumpily, says, "He left the world behind -- protect that!" She steps back, surprised, and Esten nods. They sense that Esten is able to do this. Silen explains that the energy must be directed somewhere, so they must choose some piece of reality to adjust, keeping in mind that any change will come with all implications. They ask for Ember back, but Silen says she can do that herself; it needs to be something bigger. Once they decide, the energy is released and they are all flung back. They are outside the tower, which appears decrepit, and they hear a voice in their heads thanking them for dealing with that, and that he was not able to interfere directly due to the desecration of his predecessor's flesh. In thanks, he is giving each of them a boon. (Add 2 to an ability score, 1 to two ability scores, or pick a new feat) 1 July 2023 The group discusses what to do with the energy. Kat mentions wanting a portal to Jaeleth, and Silen says, "Another one?" When Kat asks if there already is one, Silen says, "I only know of... six?" Estem nods. They promise to get that information to Kat. Kat mentions wanting to make sure Danae gets a beneficial mentor, as she feels somewhat responsible for Agnes's death and Danae being stuck up the mountain protecting the town. The group realizes they might be able to take care of that on their own (and Milena considers that she might want to spend some time with Danae). Gnik asks about the books that they saw on some of the trips through the tower; Esten shares they are manifestations of books in the Valley of the Gods. Kat asks Gnik about the door he was worried about opening... and did it have something to do with the Koth? He reminds them all it is called the Pit of Hatred, near Abbey Isle, that might have had its seal broken by a sunken ship and evil undead are coming out -- but they should be able to check on that on their own, and it would probably be pretty good training for the Koth thing, come to think of it.... Gnik asks if they could have access to Lyle's remains to bring back to Fran. Silen says they can have both Lyle and Shelley's remains. Al asks if the people who they encountered to slow them down were all dead, or a mix of dead and alive. Silen says it was a mix; she was reaching into their minds, but sometimes Estem nudged to a particular result. She says all the living ones will be returned to where they came from. They have all been living in a single moment since they started exploring the tower. Silen shares that she is from the Valley of the Gods -- that's where Tyorl created her. The group decides they would like to use the energy to end the war and slavery -- with the Tillians winning through a peaceful, diplomatic solution. The time-bubble pops, and each in the party receives an urgent Sending from Milena's daughter Svetlana, saying things are bad in Saltmarsh. They respond: Al: We are all fine. Had a big battle. Stopped some strange stuff. Don't worry about us. See you soon. Kai: Milena will respond soon... what do you mean, things are bad? Ok, thanks. Kat: We're fine. Saved the world again. Should be in Saltmarsh soon. Love, Kat. Gnik: We're fine. Coming soon. Please clarify "Things here are bad." Milena receives three sendings; it seems Svetlana tried her first, then everyone else when she didn't hear back, and then a third time: "I hope you are all well. Saltmarsh is in chaos. Anlim military taken over island. Gibbet burned. Council is in upheaval. Miss and love you!" "None of you are answering me. If I don't hear from you soon, I am coming to find you." "Talked to your crew. Jarvis has seen your return. Then Alexander spoke to me, saying I should be patient. I'll wait. But not long." Milena: Coming soon, probably within a day. Tell me what you can about military takeover. What can we do to prepare? We have much to discuss. We have been briefly unstuck in time. Be patient, and continue to heed the wisdom of the gods. Love to you and your sisters. Let me know if you have become impatient and moved. If so, I will update you soon about where we are. Silen approaches Milena with Ember's body. "Speaker?" she says, a term of respect for a Speaker for the Gods, as Milena's mother was, in Bargallian lands. She holds out a handful of jewels and says, "I assume one of these is a diamond?" Milena picks out what she needs and casts Revivify on Ember, then casts a Cure Wounds on him; her body appears to have been badly burned, and begins to heal. Kat offers Ember a flask. Gnik asks Milena for a ceremony of last rites for Lyle and Shelley. Silen says they can land at their remains on their way back toward Saltmarsh. Kai has received another sending, from Royne, saying Malin and his little friend have been taken care of, and his tower is now under control of the Mayor, Juliana. Silen says, "Alright, everybody on--" and she's not there anymore, there's just a massive dragon. Estem looks at them, amused and a bit smug. They climb aboard, with Gnik thanking Estem before he mounts. Estem smiles and says, "Now I need to take care of some guys in the swamp." Milena recalls stories of Tyorl having created a race of servants who are shapeshifting constructs in the form of a dragon. She takes them to Lyle's and Shelley's bodies. Milena performs last rites for the group. As she finishes, Milena hears voices on the wind that she can't quite make out. They return to their small sailboat, which she carefully lifts out of the water to take with them. Milena casts a Sending to Janet, figuring that of all the members of the Council she would be best practiced at responding efficiently: "We're returning today, sailing from the south. Know about army. What else should we know and how should we prepare?" Janet responds, "We will meet you there. Usual port patrol will meet you first. Been a long couple of months. Talk then." 8 Kella 3275 Silen drops them on a beach a couple hours' sail from Saltmarsh. Gnik thanks her for being willing to change her mind. Milena offers that if she ever faces anything their skills could help with, feel free to ask. Al asks how this war is going to play out, and she begins going into exquisite detail about all the tweaks that have been made to put the right people in the right place. They sail up the coast and when they get within a mile Laur, over the farspeakers, welcomes them back to a normal reality. He tells them it is the 8th of Kella. The sun is just rising. He says the buzz of their return has rippled through town -- someone heard one of Milena's kids talking about it, and Janet talked to some people. Also, Oak Island has been taken over by the military, and they have good lookouts. Something happened at the Gibbet -- it was burned to a hollow cylinder, and he knows Nora and the twins are ok, but no one has seen Eleanora, Perytar, or Sivin for a while. Al's mother took over the orphanage a couple weeks ago -- she knows how to cook, so that worked out well -- so she wasn't there when it burned. Sivin's ship "The Breath" had left port soon before, and she was probably on it. He reports the military has put up tents and cut down most of the trees, fortifying the old fort. He says the ship is just fine, they're just working on repairing some damage from a sea serpent attack, no big deal.... From a little way out the tents and the loss of tree growth are obvious, and a couple tents cover the obelisks. Al asks if the duke is in town, but Laur doesn't know. There are a couple of craft heading around the island in their direction. They recognize Keren, a guard who helped them against the Sahaugin. They come up alongside and congratulate the group for surviving. She tells them they have a lot of nicknames now. (Gnik says he only has one Gnik-name.) They escort the boat into port. Mighty Redemption is in port and they pull in behind it. On the pier they see all Milena's children, Blackberry Bar and Rosnor; the former half-vampire Dwayne, whom Gnik had suggested come to Saltmarsh; Curt and Rickie, the survivors from the Blue Gauntlet addventuring group; Tricia and Valery, Jae and Jewel, who taught lute to Kat; Heide and Brit; Nelson and Bradford.... 12 August 2023 Gnik shares with Fran what happened with Lyle and Sheila. He offers Kevick's ring to Dwayne -- who doesn't technically need it, but who has been getting used to being outdoors and around people again -- and Dwayne accepts it for the comedy of it. Juliana and Rolland approach them. Juliana is limping with a cane. Rolland asks if they sank any ships or brought any curses back. Milena says, drily, that they left the curse in Freeport, but they fixed it before they left. Rolland shares that the 7000 gold reward from the duke for eliminating seven demons has come in, minus the 20% tax taken by Saltmarsh. Kai immediately protests that the town didn't do anything, maybe next time they would just let the demons do their thing. Someone explains that the taxes on the huge wealth of adventuring saves the poor townsfolk from having to pay taxes, and she feels better about it. Juliana tells Milena that she was able to get Logtaru's house for 2200 gold and has let her family take possession, figuring Milena was probably good for it. Juliana pulls Kat aside and asks her if she arranged with someone else to continue her nightly escapades, as small things have gone missing. She says no, but it is something to look into. Juliana and Rolland tell them a bit about Zak Burz, the new councilman sent by Anlim, as well as the new lizardfolk ambassador Krara. The former ashpit has been given over to the lizardfolk; Krara and his assistant were among those they rescued from the sahaugin lair, and so would probably be happy to see them. Gnik asks about the tents over the monoliths on the island, but they don't know, and Zak doesn't know either. Al asks if his brother is in town with the military; Rolland says he was there, but his unit was sent to sea on a secret mission. Al asks how they feel about the soldiers; they look around to make sure they won't be overheard, and mention that Zak is taking information back to the government. They are doing what they can within the bounds placed on them. Rolland and Juliana depart, and with them the guards who have been holding back the crowds. Al's sister Himaya comes to talk with him, sharing the news about their mother taking over the orphanage. His father has had some bad luck but is optimistic as usual. She says Pellum couldn't visit but did leave a note, which she shares with him. Milena's daughters run up to greet her and Kat. Jelena hugs Kat, and Gavriila says, "Well, looks like you're not dead." "Not anymore," Tatiana adds, and the other girls give her a look. Jelena has been running the business out of the new house, and Gavriila is excited they have walls now; townspeople they have helped have been helping with repairs. Kat asks if everyone has their own rooms, and Gavriila says "No," grumpily, while Tatiana grins. They have put in four sleeping lofts, with Jelena in one and Gavriila and Tatiana sharing the other, with the other two left for Milena and Kat. Al shares the contents of the note, which is that the secret mission is led by the Trihorn group, and the rumor is that they are looking for treasure or magical items and that other groups have gone but have not come back. After some brief discussion of who is really behind the request -- Anlim, the koth, etc. -- they decide to meet up that evening at Brit's to discuss further. They take a few minutes to catch up with Valery, who they'd met on the way to Seaton and who had taken the news of their defeating the demons to the duke. Al describes having swum with a dragon, and Gnik provides a slide show. Kat says they can share stories as fodder for her songs, and she says she'll be performing at Brit's that night. She says she has traveled up to New Tyreln, where the politics were a bit weird, so she came back down to see what was happening in Saltmarsh and has only been back for a week. They agree they will talk more at Brit's. Ember says she is going to go check in with the folks at the dueling school and will meet them at Brit's. Milena and Kat go to see their new home, and Milena and Jelena start on a blessing for the space with prayers and incense. While they are doing it Svetlana arrives and talks with Kat about how she has been, saying she looks older. Kat says she has almost died multiple times, and it has only been a couple months. As the ritual ends, there are red sparks on the ground and a mist rises up from the ground and dissipates. Milena nods; she expected there might have been residual energies from his work with devils and demons. Jelena shares that the couple next door don't have any children and have decided to will their house to the clinic. Milena gets herself cleaned up and dressed a little more intentionally than usual, in a way that Kat perceives is to project a bit of power and "don't mess with me" energy to any strangers they might encounter. Kat goes to change some of her gold to silver for a sacrifice of thanks to Ag, who has been very good to her. Gnik goes to the library, opens Captain Needham's chest, climbs inside, and says, "Someone help me get these books out of here!" Curt casts Unseen Servant a couple times to help. Kai goes to the Crowns to visit Eleanora's parents, who came from nothing but Eleanora bought them the house; to the annoyance of the other Crown residents, they have a full staff but they all live in the main house, commune-like, and use the servants' quarters for storage. As Kai arrives, the twins Pearlie and Sherry run out to greet her; she notices their teeth are more prominent. Nora comes out and invites them in. She says Eleanora told her to tell them that they torched the Gibbet because there had been too many close calls and they needed to hide the trail; they're all fine and on Sivin's ship, and will check in periodically so if they need to get word to her to let Nora know. Eleanora made sure everyone was financially okay. Kai asks where they are sailing to, and Nora says for now they are just making sure they are not being followed. She hands Kai a small octagonal device and says Eleanora told her to give it to the group. Al goes to catch up with the druids on the island and fill them in on what they've been doing. Then he pulls out the statue of Anny to let her know they're ok. She is relieved to see him, since the last time she saw them she was unexpectedly in the tower. He shares what happened after they parted ways. A man appears at the library asking if Gnikobol is in. Curt calls out, "Gnik, are you in?" Gnik recognizes the man from around town as Fibam -- the local head of Trihorn. Fibam says he has heard about the amazing work his group has done, and would they be interested in an opportunity to do some significant good? He has been working with a team of archaeologists in the sea on the other side of Tillia. Gnik says they would be interested in hearing more, but the group has much to catch up on since they've been gone, so it might be a few days. Kai arrives first at Brit's. Heide is there, and Jewel is on the stage playing. The place is pretty full, mostly with travelers. Brit comes over to say hello, and Heide nods a greeting but stays with her group. Kai tells Brit of having met the Serin queen Bridget in Freeport. Brit says that is wonderful news and asks if she knows where she was staying. Kai says yes, but doesn't immediately share the information; she says Milena has a way to get in touch with her if needed. Brit says she could also do a Sending but didn't want to cause problems. Kai says she doesn't want to say too much because of the shapeshifters. "...What?" says Brit, and Kai explains about the infiltration of Anlim. She also says, tentatively, "I think we also set into motion the end of slavery on Maerson...?" She shares a little about their having been granted a boon. She says she'll believe it when she sees it, though. Brit says the announcement of the treaty with Fortek arrived two days ago. "So I guess it worked," Kai says. The rest of the group arrives and they adjourn to a separate room with more protections. Brit says she got a lot of information from Laur and the crew. She says Kai let her know about the shapeshifters, and that she herself had recently had someone come to her concerned that they were a shapeshifter and they were afraid their kind were involved in concerning things. Gnik uses his Detect Shapeshifter spell to look around; he sees Heide is definitely a shapeshifter, and then he sends Az out to survey the room for the duration of the spell. He detects a druid, but that is not unexpected. Brit says the shapeshifter expressed concern that the work Trihorn was doing with the government has something to do with it. She asks if it it ok to bring in the shapeshifter to talk with them, and they say yes. She opens the door and gestures Heide in; Heide enters, and says, "Heide is at home; I'm Taaliax -- I'm normally her dog." She briefly shifts into the dog, woofs at them, and then turns back into Heide. She shares that different Mitocs have different capabilities, but that they can read people's minds. While going out running errands for Heide, Taaliax overheard Fibam talking to a shapeshifter; Fibam has just been hired by the government without knowing the whole story and is not aware of the shapeshifters. Taaliax also shares that Heide saved them and so they pledged their existence to her. The group shares that there is now an island of shapeshifter and kenku refugees, and tell Taaliax where it is. Gnik asks what's going on with the monoliths on Oak Isle; Taaliax doesn't, but says the druids might. Gnik asks if Taaliax needs anything from them; they say that Heide trusts the group so it might be worth the risk of revealing themself to the group. Kai offers that if they ever want to go to the island the group can find a way to get them there. As they break up, Gnik invites the druid over; Al recognizes her as Beula, who was second in command to Leto. He says, "We have some questions for you." She says, "Okay, who are you?" He introduces himself and says he is a friend of Al. He asks about the monoliths, and shows an illusion of the ones they saw while traveling. She says the ones on the isle were there before the druids came but they know little about them. Gnik asks if they have magic on them; she says it seems like residual magic rather than active magic. Over the farspeaker, Kat asks Gnik to ask Beula if they could have permission to try to rearrange the pillars, but Kai says, "We don't want to do the army's job for them!" Gnik hisses back through the farspeaker that he's having a conversation, and then apologizes to Beula that his companions are talking to him. "I noticed," she says. "Shall we join them?" She gracefully rises to go with him to the side room. Kat asks why the military has covered the monoliths with fabric. Beula says she doesn't know for sure, but Nothfus was able to slip in -- before she was grabbed -- and it looked like they were experimenting on them. The druid Nalthus, a dwarf, tried climbing up the cliff and peeking under the sheets, but was caught and banished from the island. Nalthus said there were arcanists there examining them; one froze her in place, called for the guards, and then calmly walked past her to look at the columns. They ask about the removal of trees, and she says with barely suppressed rage that the army said something about needing the sightlines. Valery replaces Jewel on the stage and says, "In honor of the Saltmarsh Saviors returning to town, here are a few songs about their adventures!" Kat slips up onto stage to join her on her lute. Both of them do an amazing job -- Jewel, just off stage, bursts into excited applause, proud of his student. The group plans to do some quiet recon on the obelisks at about 2 am, with Az in weasel form, Zassin, and Kat flying to the island with Kai's boots. 26 August 2023 Gnik plays with the little device Nora handed Kai. He spins it on the table, and part of it rises up. As he lifts it, a dark disk shooting sparks from its edge appears between the pieces. In one direction they see a hallway -- bookshelves in one direction, desk and other work surfaces in the other, set into a cylindrical tube, about 12 feet in diameter and 20 feet long. Black stones have been stacked along the bottom to provide a flat surface to walk on, with stairs up to the work area. There is a piece of paper on the third step, which Gnik grabs with Mage Hand. It is a note from Eleanora saying her group had been compromised, so they are leaving their materials to their care, if they choose to take up the cause. Gnik sends in Az in weasel form to take a closer look. There are a couple of flat-ish crystals, like rose quartz, with a faint glow to them. Kat goes to another set of stairs leading down toward the far wall -- and finds a note that seems to be addressed to another group that has access to the space, letting them know that another trustworthy group has been given access. Al goes to the alcoves with the work surfaces to look around. He finds a note on top of a small box that looks like a clam shell, and a crystalline blade with a note on it as well. The note near the crystals speaks of the large crystal that they believe imprisons the ancient koth K'Jat at Martyr's Rest, and holds energies that others who have been tapping into for ill ends -- including the hags who serve the witch queen of Hell's Deep. The small crystals could be attached to weapons giving them interesting properties, so that they could be used to penetrate the barrier used by their enemy. The note on the clam shell shares that it is a puzzle that will help, that they could not solve but someone of sufficient intelligence might be able to. The books are written in Elvish and are primarily documentation around the events that were fictionalized in another book Gnik has about the sea hags, confirming many of the details in the other book. Kat tries putting one of the crystals on her dagger. It seems to sink into the dagger and little spiky crystals start popping out of the dagger -- and out of her hand. She drops the dagger, but the crystals remain -- she feels a small sparking of energy. She picks the dagger up with her other hand, but there are no other changes. Kat suggests Gnik should cast Identify, so he recalls his consciousness from Az and collects the dagger from Kat. He finds that the crystal is now making the abyssal steel as hard as adamantine. They discuss who might use the other crystal, and discuss having Al put it in his fist or in one of his weapons. Kat mentions that she'd thought of having her weapon become hard like a diamond, so possibly his intent might affect what happens. He tries putting it into his abyssal not-dagger while thinking about effects at a distance. Gnik identifies the other crystal before Al takes it, which he finds to be a little overwhelming: raw power that has no purpose or direction. He also identifies the crystals in Kat's arm, and finds that she has an increased chance of wild-surging -- so she's also more dangerous. Al adds the crystal to his dagger, and when Gnik identifies it he finds there is now an effect at a 60-foot distance. Milena uses the paper and quill Eleanora used for her notes and adds another note to place with the one for the other, presumably sea-elf, group: "We take up the challenge. We will check this site daily for messages. Do you believe the source of power should be released?" She then does a sending to Eleanora: Found workspace. Accept challenge. Left note for allies. Should crystal's power source be released? Other advice for next steps? (25 words.) Hope you are well. Eleanora responds with her thanks and indicates she doesn't know about the crystal's power source and asks for more information. She says they are at sea and doing well. The group realizes they only learned about K'Jat and the koth from an ancient Gellen text that had to be decoded -- so perhaps it is not very common knowledge. Evening falls and Kat, Gnik, and Milena enact their plan to inspect the obelisk. Kat flies over to the island and waits until a patrol passes before going to inspect the tent structure covering the obelisks. She's able to lift up an edge to let in Zassin and Az in weasel form, and then slips in behind them once Gnik gives her the all-clear. She's aware there are lanterns that could cast shadows against the tent, so she is careful to stay low to the ground. She sees the obelisks, appearing as they always have, but also tripods with a blue-tinted crystal on top, pointed at the obelisks, three around each obelisk. There are also four lanterns at the corners of the tent, on stands, to provide light. Az walks around the obelisks so Gnik can observe through her eyes. Zassin sends cartoonish visuals to Milena. She warns Kat through the farspeakers that the crystals might be some sort of security measure. Kat takes a closer look at them and catches an aura of divination around them. Gnik considers sending Az to climb up one of the obelisk. Through their connections to Az and Zassin, Gnik and Milena hear someone entering the tent. They warn Kat and she sees an elven man enter with his face in a book. He looks up at Kat, looks back at the book, realizes what he just saw -- but when he looks up again she's not there (as she is now hiding behind the pillar from him). He touches each crystal, thinks, writes something in his book, and then adjusts the crystal down to point from the second-to-bottom block down to the bottom block on each pillar. Then he leaves. Kat considers her options. After some discussion, she tries rotating one of the blocks, third from the bottom. It is surprisingly easy to rotate -- she gets the feeling it knew she wanted to turn it. When it snaps into place a surge of glowing energy shoots up through the first three blocks. She utters an expletive and puts the block back. It is harder to turn the other way, but goes back. Kat decides to try stealing the book from the elf, but finds that he is sitting at a desk with the book on it. Meanwhile, Gnik asks Az to see if she could turn the second-to-lowest block on the other obelisk, and it turns easily. Energy surges up into it. He directs her to arrange the rest of the blocks except the top. After some conversation over the farspeaker, Kat decides to sneak up and knock out the elf before they turn the last block. She bonks him with her dagger and he slumps onto the desk. She grabs the books from his desk and shoves them into her backpack, then grabs the circlet from his head as well. Az turns the last block on one of the columns and the energy glow goes to the top and stays lit. She turns the last one, the sparks fly up, and there is an explosion of energy across the island. In the warehouse where Al, Gnik, Kai, and Milena are, Gnik sees the energy wave hit Az, and then the others see Gnik glow, and then they are all engulfed in a white light. They feel that they are all together in a mental space, and they see a pair of glowing red eyes. The feeling they get is first confusion, then satisfaction and interest; but certainly not malice. Kai asks, in her mind, "Who or what are you?" The creature responds that such labels are insufficient. Milena, who can't quite stop herself thinking it, asks, "K'Jat?" The answer is close to an affirmative, but with a sense of slight difference -- perhaps it is more, or not what it was. Kai asks if they just released it, but gets the impression this is just communication. They discuss whether to release it, and the being is unsure -- along multiple possible meanings of "release". It is most certain that what they should do is stop its offspring. It gives the impression that humans -- and mortal beings in general -- are better than it, at least in the sense of accomplishing its mandate. Al intuits that the three releases are complete destruction, release from its prison to aid humanity, and perhaps becoming more of a guiding spirit. Kai asks why it was imprisoned; it feels hurt that in its attempts to recreate the success of humanity, it created its own downfall. Al asks how they would destroy it, and gets the impression it is physically vulnerable in its current state. He asks what is its mandate; it gives the impression of a role of containment of past mistakes. Kai asks whose mistakes, and gets the impression of "The ones before." She asks, "Sgult? The Unspeakable One?" It responds that is one of the original ones, but there are others. Gnik asks where to find it, and it responds, "You know where I am." They are beginning to get a headache, so Kat asks if it can send them back. They are back where they were, but their heads still hurt. Kat is hanging from the column where she just turned the top block. She finds that she can push the top block off the top of the column, and then resets all the other blocks how she found them. In the meantime, Az removes all the crystals in case they were recording devices. Kat would like to bring the top block with her, and she's seen Gnik cast a floating disc, so she tries that. A glowing disc appears, and out of it hops five one-legged creatures. They hop around happily chattering, "We can help! What do you need? What do you need?" She asks if they can carry the block, and two of them grab it and bounce around with it. She sends the other three to bounce around the camp and create chaos. She and the two monopods jump off the cliff and Kat casts Featherfall on them. Zassin grabs one of them and pushes, and Kat realizes she can steer their fall -- and continues to push when they hit the water. They meet up with the rest of the group and load the block into their portable tunnel (the "pocket office") -- and the monopods pop out of existance a few minutes later. Gnik Identifies the blue crystals and finds they are recording information about changes of magic in the area. He also identifies the elf's circlet. 30 September 2023 The group goes to turn in for the night -- Kat and Milena to their new house, Gnik to the library, Kai to Britt's, and Al to Oak Isle. Everyone is awake, having seen the wave of light coming from the sea and wondering what it was. Tatiana observes, "The talking happened!" and Milena nods. Al swims over to the island and climbs the cliff face, as he often does, since other paths to the island are guarded by the army. He notices that near the top, roots he would normally have grabbed onto have been burned back to make the island more defensible. He makes some effort to evade patrols as he finds an out-of-the-way place to camp for the night. He notices a lot of activity on the island. As he makes his way along, he hears a shout: "You there, stop! What are you doing here?" It is a small group of soldiers, one of them still strapping on armor. Al says he's come here to sleep, because it's where he always sleeps when he's in town. A deep voice behind him says, "Let him be, boys, I'll take it from here." He introduces himself to Al as Commander Lally and says it's nice to finally meet him. He says there is an event on the island so he won't be able to sleep outdoors, but he'd be happy to put Al up in the keep for the night. He shares that one of their men was attacked, so it might not be safe. As they walk, Al says he's sorry to see what they'd done to the island, as he liked the trees. Al asks Lally about his background, and he says he grew up in New Tyreln. He seems like a friendly, easygoing guy; Al gets the impression he might be flirting with him, so makes it clear his own tastes don't go that way. Al asks some general questions about the troops, and Lally seems to be thinking carefully about his answers so as not to give too much away. Al is led to a room in a tower of the keep. He considers going down to chat with the soldiers of the garrison, but when he opens the door there are two guards there telling him he should stay here until morning -- so Al starts chatting with them instead. They've been stationed here only a couple of weeks, so they talk about life in town, the best place to get a fish sandwich, who Lally is dating.... 9 Kella 3275 Soon after sunrise -- about 5:07 am -- there is a knock on Milena's door; she throws on a robe and goes to answer. Rolland is looking a bit mussed, with his shirt buttoned askew. There is a small child with him, holding a letter, who asks, "Is Lud...milla... Ekat--" Milena yells, "Ludmilla!" After a long moment's hesitation deciding whether to answer to that name, Kat calls back, "...What?" "Small child here to see you for some reason." Kat comes downstairs to collect the letter. The child runs off, Kat goes back upstairs, and Rolland leans on the doorframe and asks Milena, "So I suppose you had nothing to do with what happened last night?" "You mean the light from the sea? Did anything bad happen?" He mentions the elf being attacked and having personal property stolen, a couple of people stumbling "...but you shouldn't let that weigh on your conscience," and that the elf was able to determine by triangulation that the light came from the obelisks. With an exasperated look, he bids her a good day and departs. Kat comes back down and shows Milena a letter -- a notice that she owes the stables in Casadega money for the stable and gate she damaged, as well as for the hippogriff she "spoiled" so that it will no longer let its trainers near it. She is given the choice to purchase it or pay for it to be euthanized. Milena asks, "You want to own hippogriff?" and Tatiana begins running around with her arms outstretched singing, "Kat flies! Kat flies!" Kai and Ember, who slept at Britt's, get up in the morning and do weapons exercises in the courtyard. They clean up and then head to breakfast. Al, Kai, and Ember converge on Blackberry Bar's for breakfast. Rosnor has a table already set up for them in the corner. After they eat, Kai reaches out to Milena on the farspeaker to see if she might be headed that way. Kat chimes in sleepily to suggest the group come to their house instead, and Milena asks that they bring doughnuts for the girls. Al and Kai go to spar near the Ashpits, to allow Al to practice with the distance effect from the crystal he placed in his weapon. Kat comes too. At some point when Al and Kai are sparring, Kai suddenly moves very close to Al, very quickly -- a new ability she has just attained. Al spars with Kat, and at some point he makes contact and a green sparkly glow covers her that dissipates after about a minute. Kai notices that it would be difficult for her to hide with that glow on her. When they all reconvene, Kat shares that she has been fined for her joyride on the hippogriff. Gnik suggests she could have the little girl Yaa who was with her at the time deliver the fine. They decide asking for advice at the Temple of Dorg might be a good next step. Gnik invites Tatiana to join him, Kat, and Al, and comments that he thinks she would make a fine divination wizard. She says she can make glowy friends who are pretty dancers. Kat asks her to show them, and glowing balls of light come out of her ands and dance around as she waves her hands; and then coalesces into a humanlike shape to dance with her; and breaks apart and disappears. Al and Gnik recognize the Dancing Lights cantrip. "That was very pretty, Tatiana," Kat says, and Tatiana replies happily, "I know" and keeps walking. Gnik talks to her about prestidigitation, which might be a useful spell she could learn; she shakes her head "no" -- she doesn't "learn" spells, they just come to her. They arrive at the Temple of Dorg to talk to the priestess Satto, who welcomes them in -- a storm is starting to brew outside -- and asks what she can do for the Saviors of Saltmarsh. Kat shares that she has a small problem with someone in Casadega, and offers to let her see the letter. Satto reads it and asks whether she actually did the things in the letter. Kat says she did, but she doesn't think the damages ran to the charges laid out in the letter; and moreover the group averted a disaster and were not compensated for it, which would have been worth more than the charges here. Satto nods and pulls out paper to take notes, asking what Kat would like to happen to the hippogriff; she doesn't want it to be euthanized, and Al says if it is set free it will be able to live in the wild, reverting to its original behaviors. Satto agrees that there is no good reason to euthanize it, and that was only thrown in there to force her to pay for it. Satto writes up a counterproposal and gives it to Kat. She tells Kat she could go to Paniloor and ask for Zehis, the high priest to the temple to Dorg there, but after some discussion Satto says she will take care of it for her. Kat asks what they owe her and she says she is happy to help, although a donation to the temple is always appreciated. Kat seems unsure about how much to give, and Al says, loudly enough for Satto to overhear, that a gold is probably appropriate -- they have the money, but not as much as most people probably think they have, since it costs so much to maintain their gear. Satto understands -- Dorgenians are often also expected to be wealthy due to their reputation as businesspeople. 14 October 2023 In the Ashpit, the lizardfolk and druids are working together to build a home for the lizardfolk. One of the lizardfolk is directing a water elemental to scoop out and move sections of earth. After getting finished at the Temple, Kat takes Tatiana to go sailing, and Al heads over to visit his mother at the orphanage. Not too much later, Britt comes running up to Kai asking where they are; Kai says she's not sure but could call them. She relays Britt's message that they should cover up the crystals -- there are those who look for those stones and are willing to kill for them. A group stopped into Saltmarsh a few weeks ago and made a bit of trouble before heading north, but they could come back. Al responds that he doesn't really have anything to cover it with, and anyway everyone has already seen him walking around with it. Milena, who is at home but heard the conversation over the farspeakers, heads to the market with Gavriila in search of metal bracers that Kat and Al might be able to wear to cover the crystals. She asks Gavriila about what they might need for the household, as long as they are at the market. Gavriila enthusiastically makes suggestions, inculding a few things Gavriila eyes eagerly that "Tatiana would like". Al arrives at the orphanage at about lunchtime. He helps his mother serve lunch, tells the children some stories from his adventures -- such as that time he met a water dragon -- and tries to get them interested in meditation. He doesn't tell any stories about the time he fought cultists in that very orphanage. In the evening Al heads back to Oak Isle, figuring the "danger" was last night so he should be fine to go back there tonight. He manages to get onto the island and get settled into the brush to sleep for the night. No one finds him. Kat goes to the beach to build a bonfire and make a sacrifice to Ag. Rolland shows up at Britt's to tell Kai that the Lassiters will be showing up at Milena's in the morning with a squad. Kai shares this information with the group and says they should all have breakfast at Milena's. They make sure everything they took from the site of the columns is safely in the pocket office. 10 Kella 3275 Al wakes up in the morning, drops off the food he'd promised to bring the guards at the front door of the keep, and then heads toward the edge to swim back to the city. On the way he runs into one of the guards he had talked to, who is stunned to see him there, and stammers something about his boss... and then says, "I didn't see you here...." Kai stops by Blackberry Bar's for a couple dozen doughnuts and lets Rosner know they'll be having breakfast at Milena's. When they arrive they see Milena has made a lot more food than usual. Kat isn't up yet. There is a knock at the door and Milena answers; it is Egan and twelve members of the militia. Alton Barry, a member of the militia and a good guy, is knocking. Milena says, "I do not have enough seats, but there is plenty of breakfast. The entrails do not lie. Would you like to come in?" Alton seems ready to do so when Egan grabs him by the shoulder and drags him back. Egan says, "We are not going in. I know we owe you, so I will be nice. Did you or your friends have anything to do with the island?" Milena frowns and says, "I did not, and I do not believe they did." He looks to his left, and Milena sees Janet standing there; Janet says, "I didn't detect any lies." Egan scowls and leads the militia men away, while Janet asks what she has for breakfast. Milena invites her in and takes the opportunity to ask Janet her perspective on what has happened in town while they've been away. Janet feels that she's not sure how to deal with Zak, who seems like he is a nice guy who wants to do what's right, but is also directly involved in working with the Anlim government to hire Trihorn to help with the archaelogical expedition. Janet asks if they know anything about why someone walked into town and deeded a tower to Juliana. Kai says she met someone in Freeport who offered to take care of the former occupant of the tower after Kai shared stories about how problematic he was. She received communication later that it "was taken care of" but she doesn't know any details. Janet says, "See, you're helping Saltmarsh even when you're not here." Kat says, "Maybe you should name a day after us -- like a holiday," and Janet says it has already been proposed. "By who?" Al asks, and Janet rattles off a long list of names. Kai asks what's going on on Oak Isle, and Janet says they are trying to return it to its original purpose as a defensive post. She thinks it was a mistake to kick the druids off, but no one consulted her about it. Gnik asks how crime has been in Saltmarsh. Janet says it has been a bit weird with the black market having gone underground. "Oof. That seems like a bad idea," Gnik says. Janet shares that there was a direct assault on the curio shop; witnesses saw explosions and balls of fire in the area. Al asks Janet how she would feel if Serin were to regain its independence; she says as long as it was done with a minimum of bloodshed and suffering she would not have a problem with it. Al senses she is very guarded on the topic; she supports law and order and structure, and a transition like that could be utter chaos, but what Anlim did was wrong and she would prefer it returned to Serin. She does share that she was angry at how Zak was appointed to the Town Council by Anlim without a vote to take Lyle's spot, and Anlim forced them to change their charter. Before she leaves, Janet pulls Milena aside and says, "I have not always agreed with how you handle your affairs, but I understand now, and wanted to thank you." Milena replies, "I confess I also have found your ways strange, but have come to appreciate them." They exchange a nod and Janet takes her leave. Jelena takes the younger girls out so the group can plan with more privacy. Al asks about what their goal is with K'Jat; they agree they should release it, and probably not destroy it, but have less clarity on whether it should continue to exist in its current form versus go through a transformation to become a guiding spirit. They think they have enough information to get in their ship and head that way; they discuss whether they would also like to get paid, but think they want to involve as few others as possible. They discuss how to get there faster, knowing an expedition from Anlim has already set out; they consider reaching out to Anni about a faster means of transport, and then consider that her people might instead be able to slow down the other ship. Al takes out the figurine and begins talking to it. It takes a few moments, but then it animates and responds in Anni's voice. Al asks what Anni knows about the crystal, and she is well aware of it: her mother was at the crystal to fight the sea witches trying to take its power. Al shares that a ship is on the way there, that his brother is on the ship, and he would love to see the ship slowed down or not get there at all so no harm comes to them. Al recalls that Anni's mother had extended an invitation to the group to come visit, so they decide that if the other ship can be slowed down or stopped, they can take the time to do that -- and let the sea elves know they plan to go themselves to the crystal. Kat takes a moment to catch up and tell Anni she misses her, and shows her the new crystals in her arm. "Wow, my mom has those too," she says, "but I've never seen anyone else with them. She always keeps them hidden under a sling." Kat shares that Al has them too, and Al says, "We were warned not to let anyone know we had them, so we're showing everyone." They decide they will set out for the sea elf settlement within the day. They contact Laur, who says they can be ready by tomorrow morning. Gnik says he is going to the Town Council meeting just to get a sense of what they talk about now that Zak is there, and to get a sense of Zak himself. They arrive and find that it is a closed session. Gnik asks the dwarf receptionist how long it is likely to be and learns that meetings have been running long and there have been many more closed meetings lately. Milena heads back home to spend time with her family before leaving town again, and Gnik sends Az to try to listen in to the meeting; Zassin goes too, and broadcasts his own cartoonish view of the proceedings. Gnik has a full view through Az's eyes, and at some point sees Rolland roll his eyes, look toward the fireplace, squint, and then facepalm. Gnik hears Egan saying that there is no evidence that the Saviors were responsible for what happened on the island, and they did not lie -- he gestures to Janet, who shrugs -- and that the elf's circlet has been undetectable by divination, so whoever took it must have left. (Someone else throws in, "...or stored it in an extradimensional space.") Egan says he is looking into sending to New Tyreln for someone who can look back in time to see what happened. The talk moves on to concerns about the child streetcleaners in town possibly being a front for thieves' activity and perhaps they should import automated street cleaning technology from New Tyreln. Egan seems neutral, Rolland is against it because he doesn't want to take jobs away from the kids doing it now. The meeting breaks up and Gnik casts Detect Shapeshifter. Kai comes to join, and Milena joins soon after. The council meeting ends and everyone comes out except for Zak, whom Rolland says is waiting inside for them. Juliana checks in with them briefly before they head up. Zak stands and greets them as the "infamous Saviors". He is dressed simply, with no adornment. Gnik sees immediately that he is a shapeshifter; he looks like a replacer. Gnik begins making conversation while Al tries to use his insight to get a sense of Zak. Zak stands and introduces himself as Zak Burz; he invites them to have a seat. Zak says there has been increased interest in Saltmarsh particularly after the chaos in Seaton. Gnik says Seaton could probably use Anlim's help more than Saltmarsh, but Zak says they wouldn't take it; and anyway they are now on better footing with new leadership. Zak says that someone higher up the chain than himself wanted to secure Seaton; they are aware of a source of power several hundred miles out that they want to secure for Anlim. He says he doesn't know anything more about it, but Al can tell he is lying -- although he is a very good liar. Gnik asks if that's what he had been talking to Fibam about, and he says yes. Zak asks what they plan to do now that they are back in town; they mention the Stormdaughter and Auntie Treeshadow, and that they may be leaving town soon. They take their leave, and as soon as they get out of earshot, Al says, "He was lying." "And he's also a shapeshifter," Gnik says. "What?! And we didn't kill him?" Kai says, before adding, "Oh, I guess we'd need witnesses." Gnik recommends going to the magic shop and scans the crowds as he goes by; he sees one member of a group of six military men entering a shop appears to be a replacer. They go to the curio shop; Taliax, who is on a pillow, hops up to greet them with a bark. Heidy also greets them. Kai says, "We have news," and Gnik says, "We've come to play with your dog!" Heidy says, "Ah, ok, I'll close up," and begins closing shades. Gnik asks Taliax what he picked up from Fibam's conversation with Zak, and Taliax says only that he was being misled. Gnik lets Taliax know that there are other shapeshifters in town. The group discusses what to do about Zak. Kai wants to take him out because she sees him as an immediate threat to the town; Al reminds them they have reason to believe releasing K'Jat might cut the problem off at the source. Milena suggests that the most immediate threat is that he can read thoughts, and perhaps they should warn Janet, who may be the most likely on the council to avoid being read. They find Janet at the temple and ask to speak to her in private. Milena asks if she has a way to keep others from reading her thoughts; Janet says no, and asks why. Milena shares they have reason to believe Zak has a native ability to read thoughts. She says that explains a lot. Al offers her his amulet to resist having thoughts read, to borrow temporarily. Kai asks about telling her the other thing; they decide since her thoughts will be blocked, they can share more. Gnik shows an image of a shapeshifter and asks if she's familiar with them; she is, and shares what she knows. They tell her that Zak is one, and there is at least one other in town -- Gnik shows her his current form. They ask if they should expose Zak before they leave town, and she opines that perhaps it would be better done by someone else while they are elsewhere. She asks what they are going to do, and after discussing amongst themselves they let her know they are going to keep Anlim from the source of power they are trying to attain at the "archaeological dig". They tell her it is related to the source of power the sea witches tried to take for themselves. They also share their concerns that replacers have infiltrated, and perhaps are controlling, the Anlim government. Gnik then goes to the Temple of Tyollus to share the Detect Shapechanger spell with Fran, and also shares why -- including that Zak is a replacer and that Janet also knows. She says no one will be able to read her thoughts, and that she will go talk with Janet. As he exits her office, he hears the tearing sound of her using her dagger to step into the ethereal. 11 Kella 3275 In the morning, Kai and Ember arrive at the Mighty Redemption. Laur is leaning on the railing to the gangplank, which is unusual for him. He nods at them and as they approach says, "We've been told we can't leave." "By who?!" Kai asks. "Council, apparently -- they want to send someone to talk to us." They hear an argument at the next berth over, at a ship flying the Anlim flag with the Trihorn flag below it. Kai asks Laur who is keeping them from sailing, and he says Karen -- a friendly member of the town guard. Kai goes on board and Karen waves and says, "Hi, sorry!" She shares that she was told to tell them the Council was delaying them, but it was actually Zak, who is planning to come later. Kai and Ember share this over the Farspeaker and Kai says that they need to get there soon if they don't want her to take care of this her way. When Gnik nears the ship, Fibam accosts him saying he wants to share some information -- he hands over a pamphlet and says his team has discovered an arcane barrier; he also shares six pins with the Trihorn insignia and says that if they would like to take on a job helping them he can activate them to allow them to pass through the Trihorn security at the site. Gnik says he'll have to talk with the rest of the team and would be able to send word if they decide to take it. Al, knowing that Zak is coming, decides to find a vantage point from which he can see Zak approach. As Milena is about to leave the house, Tatiana says cheerfully, "Good luck! Don't die too!" Milena asks who will die and gets the impression someone has already died. As she and Kat approach the ship, one of Milena's clients, Ingad, who made her dress for the ball, greets her and when Milena asks how she is shares that Trihorn asked her to make a ridiculous suit for a 10-foot tall statue and then paid less than they promised in the contract. Milena and Kat recommend she could get help with the contract at the Temple of Dorg. Milena offers her a gold piece in case she needs it to cover the cost of that service, but she says she can take care of it. Much of the town seems to have gathered to see them off, as if many people know they're planning to leave today. Milena and Kat go ahead and board the ship; Milena greets the crew as she normally does, paying special attention to whether everyone seems themselves. She notices that Carie seems a little off and shares that someone with a completely covered face attacked her last night; she protected herself and the stranger ran off limping. Milena offers to check her out to make sure she has no lingering injuries, but she says her brother healed her up. Laur calls the crew together to talk about the mission. While he's doing that, Gnik casts his Detect Shapeshifter spell and doesn't see any among the crew. He goes back down the gangplank to observe the crowd; he sees Jai, but she looks like herself, which means that is her true form and so she's not a Replacer. He concludes she is probably a druid with a shapeshifting ability. Zak arrives with the elf who was studying the columns on Oak Isle, and one of the guards Al met. Zak greets Gnik and says they are searching all the ships before they depart to make sure none of the contraband stolen from the site is being smuggled out. Gnik calls up to Laur and they send the guard up. Gnik stays below to engage the elf Arlasaith and Zak in conversation. Gnik asks what they were able to find out about the columns, and what else Arlasaith has researched. The elf is happy to talk about his work. Eight soldiers come up to do the inspection and Laur assigns a crew member to escort each one. After the inspection, seven soldiers leave. Kai and several others notice, and Kai asks the eight crew who escorted a soldier to step forward. They do, and all say their soldier got off. Just as she realizes Garelle is acting suspicious, she turns and bolts toward the side of the ship away from the pier. Kai runs after her and Ember dives at her legs. Zassin jumps on her head and starts whapping her. Milena runs below decks with Rodger on her heels to try to find the actual Garelle. Boris runs after them to help sniff her out. The faux Garelle begins shifting in unnatural ways to try to get free. Some of the crew gather around to help, and Kai yells down for Karen to come back onto the ship. Gnik takes the opportunity to cast Charm Monster on Zak. Gnik asks what his plan is here today, and Zak replies he just wants to make sure there's someone on board to keep tabs on them since it's pretty obvious they were the ones who messed with the pillars. Gnik asks if it was only one Mitoth, and Zak corrects him that it was a Mittal. Gnik asks what the difference is, and Zak says that Mittal are far more powerful and versatile. Gnik asks which he is, and he says a Mittal, of course. The elf, hearing this conversation, looks extremely confused. Gnik amplifies his voice to tell the crowd that Zak has something important to day. Zak asks what he is sharing, and Gnik says his plans -- why he is here in Saltmarsh. Zak says that is too big to share even for their friendship. On deck, Kai tries to knock out the faux Garelle with a choke-hold. She shifts, her head turning into a pipe, and slips out but Kai grabs her again as she turns into a large rat. Milena runs downstairs and when Rodger sees where she is going, throws open the hatch to the bilge. They see Garelle lying motionless. Milena goes down the hole and casts Revivify. Garelle gasps back to life and asks what happened; she says the person she was with had a mirror, but Milena tells her it was a shapeshifter. Garelle seems to blame herself but Milena reassures her that these foes are quite powerful. Garelle asks for training so this won't happen again and Milena says there will be many discussions on this voyage, as they themselves are still learning. Gnik tells Zak not to go anywhere and checks through the Farspeaker how it's going on the ship. Milena reports that Garelle is alive again, and Laur thanks her. Gnik asks that they bring Garelle and her doppelganger down the gangplank. Kai asks for a barrel or a gunny sack or something to help contain the shapeshifter. Wend and Jerry bring over a barrel. A mage-in-training comes running up with Juliana on a floating disk. Gnik tells Zak they seem to be at an impasse; he doesn't want to hurt Zak, but he can't let his plan succeed because it would be bad for his people. Zak says that is one way of looking at it; another way is that the world would be better off without his people. Gnik asks how extensive the replacement has been, and Zak says not everyone, but everyone who matters. Gnik asks about the duke, and Zak says yes, he's been replaced for years. Juliana looks increasingly horrified as she listens. Gnik asks how long he's been in Anlim and Zak says he has had this role from childhood; he has not replaced another person, but has just taken this form for himself. Kai pulls the Replacer out of the barrel and a rumble of concern goes through the crowd. Milena reminds Gnik that it would be useful for Juliana to know about the mindreading, so Gnik asks Zak how far his innate ability to read minds extends, and Zak says about 50 or 60 feet, but it can be blocked by certain materials. Gnik asks how many of his people are in Saltmarsh and he says three: himself, the one who boarded the ship, and one more in the military. Gnik says they seem to be at an impasse -- that once the spell wears off they won't be friends anymore. Zak says it won't change the way he interacts with Gnik -- he's still the same person with the same goals. Gnik points out that now the people know his true plans, but Zak says he's still the appointed representative. After some discussion with Juliana, they decide it would be better to imprison Zak than to kill him, and Gnik pulls out the manacles and asks him to put his hands in. Al suggests going to Oak Isle to talk to the main commander about what's going on. Juliana takes Zak to lock him up while Kai, Gnik, and Al take the other shapeshifter to the captain of the guard on the isle to explain the problem with all the shapeshifters. Kai picks up Al so he can detect shapeshifters among the soldiers on the island. Kat follows along with the shapeshifter in the barrel explaining the situation to the crowd following along behind. As they fly along the coast, Gnik notices that one of the soldiers manning an armed catapult is a Replacer and casts Mind Spike at it. Kai suggests to Gnik that he should drop off so she can grapple the replacer and barrel-roll at speed. He pulls out the immovable rod, jumps, and re-activates it against a tree, then lets himself down a bit at a time after Kai flies on. Kai sees the replacer grab a flaming stick and light and launch the catapult just as she tackles him. The flaming ball is aimed straight at Mighty Redemption. Kat attempts to cast Levitate, triggering a wild surge; there is an explosion in the water under it and a blast of lava comes up, hardening as it goes, and clips the stone, knocking it off-target -- but toward the empty pier. Milena has jumped up with her Cloak of the Firebird and hits it with Thunderwave, putting it out and dropping it harmlessly into the water. Gnik had called for Laur to get to the helm and teleport or shrink the ship, but when Laur sees the stone is diverted he holds off. Kai flies at the Replacer with the intent to kill him. The other guard at the catapult yells "You can't attack him!" After two hits the Replacer goes down, reverting to his original form. As the other guard gapes, Kai says, "Yes I can." Gnik, knowing soldiers will be coming, lights a Candle of Enthrallment. As the captain Lally arrives, Gnik magnifies his voice and explains that they have been deceived. After the enchantment wears off, Gnik talks more with Lally and they decide the guards should stay in groups of three to protect against being attacked and replaced by shapeshifters. Over the farspeakers, Milena suggests that perhaps the other shapeshifter, if it is no longer needed as a visual aid, should be dispatched. Gnik suggests to Lally that perhaps they should go meet the other group. Lally looks up and sees Kat and Al with most of the town parading along behind them and says, "Oh my gods." After some discussion with Juliana, who suggests she has ideas of how to keep the shapeshifters imprisoned, Gnik pulls Kai aside and reminds her that they encountered an island of shapeshifters who had exercised their own free will and defied their masters. After Juliana takes the shapeshifter away, Fibam catches up with Gnik and asks what is the "worse threat than the military" that he referenced in his conversation with Zak, so Gnik fills him in about the shapechangers taking over the government and trying to unleash the power under the sea for themselves. Fibam shares that that matches with stories that came out about the negotiations with Fortek. Fibam asks if they can stop those foes if they get to the site, and Kai says yes. Gnik asks with a smile how much they'll get paid for it. Fibam offers 500 gold each unless they want to negotiate higher. Kai suggests a favor from Trihorn. "In addition?" Fibam asks. Kai shrugs and says, "Either way." Fibam offers them each 700 gold or a favor, and they accept -- given that they would do the job anyway. Gnik asks what's going on with the 10-foot-tall statue and was that related to this dig? Fibam said that some of the folks on the ship were given the order from their leadership, and perhaps they can ask them. Fibam does say that he found out the person who negotiated for the clothing was trying to skim some off the top, and he's taken care of it. They find Ingad to learn more about the specifications of what was made -- it was three outfits for (allegedly) three identical statues with very long and skinny limbs. They asked for extravagent materials -- very high quality silks. They ask the crew of the Trihorn ship where these are being delivered; it is going to the dig site. Al and Gnik talk with Lally about his thoughts now that he knows about the subterfuge within the Anlim government. He still believes in his orders to protect Saltmarsh and will continue to do so but will carefully consider any new orders to see whether they are still in the best interest of the realm. He asks how to detect shapeshifters as new troops come in, and Gnik recommends he talk to Fran. Kat uses her new Waterwalk ability to go inspect the lava pillar. There is a troop of soldiers on shore trying to figure out how to get rid of it, and gape at her as she walks out onto the water. She casts one of her new spells, Shatter, a couple of times. The first time, she sees the pillar shake and vibrate. The second time, it teeters and falls into the water; she rides the wave back to shore. The soldiers and divers cheer her on as she comes back to the dock. "I saw there was a problem here," she says, "so I thought I would see if I could help." They are very appreciative; she eats it up. 12 Kella 3275 They head out the next morning toward Abbey Isle. Far out to sea, they see a rowboat drifting; from a distance it looks like there is someone in it, slumped over. Kai can detect it is a tall, dark-skinned man with blue spots on his skin. As they get closer they realize it is Clie, from Abbey Isle, with blue boils all over his body. Al recognizes it as blue rot, a disease primarily carried by undead -- specifically Drowned Ones. It does not make someone undead, but will kill them. It appears that Clie was beaten to death instead. Al and Kat know that some Sgult worshippers make Drowned Ones intentionally. They decide it is best to burn the body in the small rowboat to keep the disease from spreading. 11 November 2023 Milena does a Sending to Dannara, the high priestess of the Isle: "Found Clie in rowboat with blue rot. Arriving at Isle in morning. What is status there?" She gets no response. 13 Kella 3275 As they approach the Isle in the morning, there is a boat at the dock with a tree for a mast -- they'd seen a similar one in Casadega, that Bimisi was on -- sitting low in the water as if it had been scuttled. Kai tells Al that she thinks she sees the ship Bimisi was on, and takes off to fly toward the island. Al dives in to swim over. Kai sees something flying from the island toward her -- something big -- with colorful wings, a wolf-like face, and antlers. She pulls out her sword. As it nears she sees that it is over nine feet long with a massive wingspan. She asks over the Farspeaker if anyone knows what it is. Gnik recognizes it as a peryton, but more than twice the size of normal; they were aware of Soul Gougers occasionally terrorizing the surrounding area, but they had chosen not to deal with them since they had not seemed to be an immediate threat. Gnik warns her that it could mess with her shadow in ways that would distract her. Milena engages the Cloak of the Firebird and flies up to be in range to provide back-up, if needed. The creature is very dexterous, managing to fly by and take a couple of swings with antlers and a talon at Kai before she can react, but misses. Kai catches up to it and hits it twice with her sword; it responds by striking her in the leg with a talon. Al uses a Dash through the water to get in range to use Obviator; with the new crystal effect, space briefly appears to warp so he is in front of the creature. He attempts to stun it, but is not quite successful, so he tries a flurry of blows, hitting it once. It folds its wings and dives at Al, trying to hit him with its antlers, but misses. Milena and Kai hear the island bell ringing -- which they have not heard ringing before. They recall the symbols on the bell translated to peace and serenity as well as death -- as in, all will be peaceful once everything is dead. The Soul Gouger wheels around and flies quickly back toward the island. Kai catches up to it and attacks, and it slashes at her, hitting her shoulder. Al swims after them, and Kat and Ember jump in the water to follow. Kai flies up within 30 feet of it and uses her chained javelin on it to stop it from getting away. She hits, but it manages to pull away and dive toward the water again before heading toward the island, rapidly. Kai tries to throw another javelin at it but it dives away again. Kai tries a couple more times, each time with the creature having pulled farther ahead of her, and manages to hit twice more. It is beginning to look wobbly in the air as it finally gets out of range. Kai sees it head to the bell tower and then fly out the other side and off the island. Kai does not see anyone on the island as she approaches, so she heads toward the bell tower. Al reaches the pier and examines the ship. Beneath it are places where holes have been punched into it, and there are 20 or so people standing in the shadow of the ship, staring at him, all in various states of decomposition. It is obvious they are avoiding the sun. He reports this to the rest of the group over the Farspeakers. One of the openings in the bell tower has been torn open to make it larger, perhaps by the peryton. Kai sees Brad, recently dead, with a message scrawled in chalk, apparently by him: "Beware the Sea Killers". On the tree-ship, Al sees blood spatter and hears crying toward the mast. He lays his hand on the bark and asks, "Is that you crying?" The ship says yes -- the damage hurts. All but one of his crew was pulled off into the water, all but Bimisi, who leapt onto the pier. The tree asks Al's name and then introduces himself as Awakened. Al thinks he recognizes one of the zombies as Childa, one of the guards on Abbey Isle. Awakened tells Al he arrived on the Isle two days ago and the attack happened that evening. Kai works her way down the tower to see if she can find anyone still alive. Gnik and Milena reach the pier. Gnik warns Al that he is going to use Shape Water to try to move the ship away from the pier to try to expose the zombies to sunlight. However, the sunk ship is too big to move that way, so he tries to use the whirlpool effect to pull the zombies out from under it. It pulls them out from under the ship and they begin to fight their way back toward the ship. Five of the newer zombies break free and head toward Al, who is the nearest non-zombie they can see. One of the older zombies also breaks free, carrying a rusty longsword and a crossbow, which it fires at Al. He deflects it. Kai makes it to the scriptorum, throws open the door, and calls out, "Is anyone here?" She hears the sound of a giant coral snake from behind the wall. She knows they are huge and venomous in a way that infects a person's psyche. She shares this with the rest of the group through the Farspeaker. She quickly moves on, down the stairs toward the kitchen. She can tell violence has happened in the entryway: she sees blood and destroyed items, and that the door into the sleeping quarters has been barricaded from the outside. Al moves around the edge of the whirlpool to make sure the path toward him comes back into the whirlpool. Zassin dives in and comes up next to Al. Gnik swims around to see if he can see whether there are more zombies under the pier. Three more of the newer zombies and two more crossbow wielders break free and try to reach or attack Al and Gnik. Gnik reacts to a crossbow coming at him with a Shield, which deflects it. Milena moves to position the freed zombies between herself and the whirlpool and Turns them, hoping they would flee back into the whirlpool. All the newer zombies are immediately destroyed, and one of the crossbow wielders flees back into the whirlpool. Kai moves through the kitchen and throws open the door to the larder. She sees a large box of potatoes has been moved over the trapdoor to the cellar. She hears Janore call out, "Who's there?" Kai identifies herself, and Janore says Brad blocked them in the cellar. Kai lets them out and sees that Janore is uninjured, but Jennell, Sorril, Bimisi, and Dannara have all been infected with the blue rot; Dannara is unconscious. Janore asks if Kai found Brad, but before responding she calls out to Milena on the Farspeaker saying she needs her in the kitchen, now. One of the older zombies breaks free and heads out into the ocean, rapidly, ignoring the group, as Ember and Kat near the pier. Kat asks what they should be doing. Al says he is going to go after the fleeing zombie, so she should stay and help Gnik with the others. Al comes within 40 feet of the fleeing zombine and makes a ranged attack, hitting and stunning it. He hits it again. Kat uses her crossbow to shoot force bolts at one of the crossbow zombies, hitting it, and then hides. Zassin flies down to harass one of the zombies, until Al says, "Don't turn into a zombie!" and he remembers he would have to bite them to do that, and maybe that's not the best idea. He sends an image of himself biting and all his teeth turning blue. Gnik comes within 60 feet of the stunned zombie and casts Mind Spike at it. It shudders. Gnik sends Az to look under the pier; she sees 10 more zombies, five of which are older, three of those with crossbows. One of the turned zombies walks back into the whirlpool as several others are destroyed by the force of the water. Kai fills in Milena on the situation in the abbey as Milena flies that way. Kai helps helps Dannara get out of the cellar, tells them Brad is dead, and asks what happened. Jennell says three nights ago Janore had a vision, thought she should tell Dannara about it, and while she was doing that the undead attacked, taking out most of the inhabitants while they were sleeping. The ship arrived the next day and barricaded themselves in to try to help, but the wave of undead that arrived the next night were far worse than what they'd anticipated. The undead come up every night, kill people, and then take the bodies away; the recently dead show up the next night as zombies, so someone is raising them. Ember takes a shot at the zombie Zassin is giving advantage on. She hits twice with her short bow. Kat uses her crossbow again and hits the one Ember just hit; its head falls off as it falls to the ground. Al approaches the stunned zombie and throws his magical underwater net on it, then hits with an unarmed strike. After several rounds, the group takes out the rest of the zombies. Jennell brings a crowbar to the front door, looks at it, then hands it to Kai, so they can get out of the house faster. As they discuss where the necromancer might be who is raising the undead, Milena realizes that the fleeing zombie was headed directly toward the sunk ship Gnik keeps talking about. Milena uses healing on the five injured Abbey Isle residents and then a Restoration on Dannara so she can help with the healing. They also begin to heal Awakened. They discuss sending to Saltmarsh for a crew to take Awakened back there for repairs, and realize they will need to take out the necromancer to keep more undead from being raised. They realize Bimisi and the other Abbey Isle survivors are all ship-savvy enough to limp back to Saltmarsh with the healed Awakened, once Gnik uses Dust of Dryness to get water out of the hold. They discuss whether they have time to take care of the necromancer on their way to talk to the Sea Elves. Al tries to contact Anny via her figurine to ask if she was able to get others onboard with slowing down the Anlim army, but she is not able to answer. They decide to anchor out to sea while they take a long rest and then try to take out the necromancer that evening. Kat spends some time speaking with Awakened -- hoping to get a twig to grow into another ship, but Awakened explains sadly that it doesn't work that way: someone must awaken the tree with magics. 24 November 2023 The group tells Jennell that her rescued ship is in a berth in Saltmarsh, and they give her her chest that they recovered for her. She gives them a reward of jewels and potions worth 1000 gold each. Al talks with Bimisi, specifically about whether he still believes the prophecy that led him to sail out. "Awakened and I are exactly where we are supposed to be," he says. "It's a shame the others did not make it." Milena expresses concerns and cautions to the group over her divination for the next day, which shows death, destruction, and betrayal in the future and cautions toward meditation rather than action in the present. The group discusses whether to invite Bimisi to go with them to the Pit of Hatred, or to Hell's Deep. Gnik expresses concerns because of the premonition of betrayal in the future, so he casts Augury about whether to invite Bimisi. He gets an immediate response of Weal. They discuss how much to tell him about where they are going next and decide to go ahead and fill him in. Al invites him to join the group for a discussion and tells him about the Koth, about the Anlim plan to take power from K'Jat, and about the shapeshifters that have infiltrated the government and want to eventually eliminate all humans. He thanks them for sharing this with him and says it sounds like exactly what they were warned about -- a group stealing power and creating danger even in Ponallian lands. He will return to Saltmars with Awakened and join them when they return to reprovision before going to Hell's Deep. 14 Kella 3275 After sleeping in the ship overnight well away from shore, they head in the morning to where Gnik thinks the Pit of Hatred is. It is a beautiful day; Zassin does a tiny belly-flop off the ship, Az in octopus form joins him, and Al pulls three friends from the bag: Cuddy the octopus, Bounder the giant sea horse, and Ralph the reef shark. The rest of the group gets into the water and heads down. Gnik and Kai catch sight of what looks like half a ship with its prow pointed down into the ground, some distance away. The area around it is strangely flat; the ship is not quite in the exact center, but is only a bit off-center. The surface is smooth, like some kind of stone. Al sends his octopus forward to check it out and asks his other two friends to stay behind with the group to keep an eye on them. Al also pulls out one of his glowing fish to serve as a light source. Gnik sends Az to swim around to see if she can see where the other half of the ship went, and if she sees any zombies. Cuddy is swimming along; about 300 feet from the ship, he shudders, stops moving, begins floating to the surface, and then disappears. Kat didn't see any invisible foes. Gnik puts on his arcanus glasses and immediately sees a force field of sickly green-grey energy that peters out about where Cuddy stopped. Gnik uses Minor Illusion to show the group what he sees. Kat has seen documentation of something similar: the effect will keep any celestial being from entering, and will infuse necrotic energies into any living beings, causing damage to be worse inside the barrier -- and crossing the barrier itself will cause damage that may be enough to kill a person or creature. The thing Kat read about was caused by an ancient being of great power. Gnik's reading about this location expressed concern that a seal may have been broken -- perhaps that is the flat area they are seeing, and the broken ship damaged it somehow. They notice there are no sea creatures in the area. They are aware that the ship sank 11 years ago, but don't know whether the field was there before that. Gnik thinks that perhaps the ship's captain, Sirgalt, may have been corrupted by the energy to become a necromancer creating zombies. They discuss possibly throwing Nash in -- since she would be in stone form going in, the cold damage of the barrier would not affect her, but she would still be in danger from extra damage if she were attacked while inside the area. Milena uses Clairvoyance to look below the ship; she sees through a hole in the stone cap down into the pit where there is a tendril of sickly green-grey energy emerging from one end of the pit to a barnacle- covered creature with split legs -- similar to the older zombies they fought -- talking to two others. It says: "They were a little bit late. The other versions said they would be here a long time ago. Make sure you're all ready." Then to the other he says, "Why don't you hang here for a bit? I'm going to go commune for a bit." "Okay," the other says, "but why are you telling me this out loud? We can hear each other's thoughts." "I did not want everyone to hear what we are talking about." Milena relates this to the others, and suggests that perhaps the "other versions" were King Gnik and Burnt Ember. Kai has read about sealing powerful entities, and Kat and Gnik believe that either multiple clerics of the same god or the Trinity completing a ritual would be needed, although a motivated god might allow one of their artifacts to be used for a similar purpose. After some discussion, they decide Al should have the Wand of Maria, as it can only be used by someone who has not sinned in the past year, according to Maria (and Milena has killed at least one person in cold blood in that time). Gnik will try to Dispel the magical effect and then Mend the broken seal while Kat uses the magic of the Serpent of Sil. They reach the barrier and Gnik attempts to Dispel it while Milena casts Beacon of Hope. Gnik strains for a moment, and then the shield sparks away. Al sends the reef shark in ahead of them and they swim behind. Kai is pretty sure she can see something moving at the top of the ship. She lets everyone know over the Farspeaker that something is hiding there, possibly with a crossbow. She keeps an eye on that area as they continue to swim. As they near, crossbow bolts come at them and someone yells, "Too bad you all took so long. Could have been interesting -- maybe even saved some lives!" A bolt comes at Kat and she casts Shield; it bounces off. She pulls out Bolter and tries to shoot force bolts at one of the foes, and hits the one that hit her. She continues taking pot-shots as she advances. Ralph the Reef Shark flies up and dives down into the interior of the ship. When Gnik gets within 60 feet of the ship, he casts Web toward the zombies shooting at them. One of the zombies shoots at him, but Al snatches the bolt out of the water before it hits his shoulder, as well as a second bolt coming at Gnik. A third bolt comes at Al before he can react and clips his side. Milena casts Spiritual Weapon as she gets within range. She hits the already-damaged zombie. Kat fires her crossbow again and uses Tides of Chaos to give herself advantage. She hits one of the zombies through the neck; it drops its crossbow as its head slowly slides off and floats away. She reaches the opening to the ship. Kai swims over the zombies on the wall and attacks the leftmost one. She slams into its spine and then clips its skull with her blade; it twitches but is still moving. Ember shoots with her bow at the same one and hits it twice, taking it out. Kat and Kai see that there are stones sticking up behind the ship that very clearly have writing on them. In addition to the two other zombies on the wall, they see two others climbing very quickly up the inside of the ship toward them. They nimbly pull themselves up through the web and launch themselves at Kai and Kat, punching and kicking. One punches at Kat's hand. She can see strange blue tendrils growing on the zombie -- the right color for the blue rot. The other kicks Kai in the left leg. Both resist the effects of the rot. Al uses his distance attack ability to hit one of the fast zombies, but is not able to stun it. When he fails, a chaos effect is triggered from his crystals: a charge ripples through his arm and the zombie in front of him glows for a moment. "What the hell was that, man?" the zombie asks. Al hits it again, and again fails to stun it. This time, there is a throbbing in the crystals as steam and then flame erupts out of his hand, screaming "Aaah, huuuurts!" -- a fire elemental, swimming straight for the surface. Kat calls Laur over the Farspeaker: "Um, incoming, and it's not my fault this time!" A few moments later, Laur responds, "No, nothing on our end but some steam." Zassin asks Milena if he should assist the others or peek inside to see what is happening. She suggests he look inside but don't be seen. He scoffs and vanishes against the side of the ship. Gnik attacks the non-restrained zombie with Mind Sliver and it is unable to save, then slides into the web. Two other zombies poke up from below the web with small crossbows and fire at Kat and Kai. One of the bolts coming at Kat hits her thigh and burns with a pain like poison. Kai is also hit, and does not manage to save against the poison effect. One of the zombies at the top of the wall fires at Al, but he deflects it out of the water, and the attack on Ember misses. Milena hangs back and hits the fast zombie attacking Kat with a Sacred Flame and with her Spiritual Weapon. Kat switches to her rapier and strikes with the Booming Blade effect. She hits, and he triggers the effect because he is already falling and thus moving away. She scoots away with Fancy Footwork. Kai swings at the zombie in front of her, the one Al made glow. She slices a chunk off its arm. Ember closes with the same zombie and strikes with her blades, hitting it three times. There is very little left holding it together. As the two fast zombies fall, the Booming Blade effect goes off -- extremely loudly, underwater. The one attacking Kai punches her and hits her in the stomach. As it falls past her, she swings at it and hits, cleaving through its ribs; as he falls apart there is a massive burst of light from him, and there is a living sailor swimming in front of her, desperately trying to swim for air. "What the hell?!" Kai yells, and tries to help him. Milena says, "I have wand," and Gnik says, "He can have my necklace." Al goes after the other fast zombie that was attacking Kat. He hits and attempts to stun it, but doesn't succeed. Zassin sends an image to Milena of the tentacled guy standing at the base of the opening. Gnik swims to the drowning sailor, pops the necklace over his head, and says in his ear, "You owe me." Gnik figures he is one of the Tammarat sailors -- and just because he is no longer undead does not mean he is suddenly good or on their side. Gnik then Mind Slivers one of the slow zombies again, and tells Az to keep an eye on the sailor who has his necklace. Then he tells Laur over the Farspeaker, "There's a sailor coming up. Rescue him but don't trust him. And get my necklace back from him." Al sends the seahorse to head-butt one of the slow zombies. It charges and hits it hard. Zassin sends and image of two crossbow zombies crawling into the hole in the cap and holding themselves on the ceiling. Milena uses her Spiritual Weapon and Sacred Flame again at the same fast zombie. Kat uses Tides of Chaos and a Chaos Bolt to attack it as well. The spell starts going as she plans, but then reality bends and twists and suddenly she can see herself where Al is, gesturing at one of the crossbow zombies. Then Al is there again, and glows brightly for a moment -- the chaos gives him the ability to regenerate a hit point every round. Kai swims down to attack the last fast zombie and drives her blade through its skull, which comes off as she pulls the blade away. Its body slumps to the side. She then hits the webbed zombie that Gnik has been Mind Slivering. The skull on her blade shatters, causing blunt damage to the zombie, breaking ribs. Ember dives at the zombie that has not been damaged yet, hitting three times. Al hits it and it seems to go down, but shakes it off. Al hits again, critically, and takes it out. He then hits the other one -- which also seems to go down and then shake it off. Al ducks around to the outside of the ship. Zassin sends an image of a couple of sneaking zombies hanging underneath the cap, and their locations. The tentacled captain reaches up a tentacle and sticks himself to the other side of the cap. Gnik casts another Mind Sliver on the remaining zombie, but it continues to hang on. Milena hits it with a Sacred Flame, and it is immediately torched. She repositions her Spiritual Weapon toward the hole in the cap. A voice calls up, "Can we at least parlay?" Gnik yells back, "I don't speak with dead." "Shame," the captain says, "we have so many interesting thoughts." Al asks what the thing is in the corner. The captain says it is why they came there and sank -- Kelvuroz willed it. "You're welcome to come down and see what he's like," he adds. Gnik tells Az to come back since it is going to take a while for him to get to the surface. Al doesn't see the reef shark anywhere -- it was destroyed immediately when it went into the hole below. Gnik sends Az to sneak into the hole so he can see the captain and then casts Banish. The captain sees Az and moves to do something, but blips out of existence. When he does, the two sneaky zombies fall from the ceiling, and the green tendril of energy that had been connecting to the captain is now sparking and flailing. The group goes in and dispatches the two fallen zombies. Gnik says the Banish will only last a minute, and then he will return to the same spot. Milena casts a Guardian of Faith that will hit him with radiant damage as soon as he returns, and Al and Kai stand by hoping to stun and hit him. Gnik casts Silence at the spot where the captain will return, right before he pops in. The Guardian smashes him with radiant energy. Kai slashes at him, hitting a couple of his tentacles, and Al hits and attempts to stun him, but surges again; sparks leap across the crystals and the captain begins to move more quickly -- he now has a Haste effect. Al hits again and attempts another stun, but isn't successful. The captain says, "You are all kinds of fun" -- although they can't hear him -- as Al directs a flurry of blows at him, but still fails to stun him. Ember jumps in and skewers him several times. Kat zips in and hits him with her rapier and the Booming Blade effect. Milena attempts Guiding Bolt, but misses. The giant seahorse swims in and hits him. The captain is looking very ragged -- but the sparking tendril of energy reconnects to him and some of his wounds seem to stitch together. He lashes out with two tentacles at Kai and Ember, hitting them both and wrapping around them. The skin goes grey in the area where it hits. It is the most excruciating thing Kai has ever experienced, and the captain stitches together even more. He pulls his head back and vomits out this inky blackness at Kat, Gnik, and Milena. Very feebly, Ember says, "I can't see." Gnik casts a Dispel Magic at the Haste spell on the captain, and he immediately slows. Kai hits him twice, and Al hits him three times. Ember mutters, "Fuck you," and sticks her sword into his eye before hitting him a few more times. Kat hits him with a Chaos Bolt, and avoids a surge. It smacks him in the face with a bolt of acid and he sags backwards, but the tendril does not detach. Milena steps forward and attempts to channel Divinity at the tendril. There is a deafening scream -- so much that they can see the water vibrate, and the captain's body writhes -- and then the tendril fizzles out. Kai suggests Kat use her Sovereign Glue to fix the hole, which is faster than using Mend, to fill the hole. Then Kat hands her Serpent of Sil to Gnik, who hands it to Milena. She tries channeling Divinity through the necklace and into the stone. As she works, she sees a vision of two of the most powerful beings in the universe -- one pounding against a barrier and the other smacking it down. When she is done, the necklace has melted into the glue and is glowing a beautiful, emerald-like green. They make a note to tell the sea elves about the hole in the stone cap. 6 January 2024 There is a chest next to the now-repaired hole. Kat and Gnik open it with Mage Hand from a safe distance; the lid crumbles. This clearly was the Captain's chest that fell from the ship. It is filled mostly with coins: a lot of corroded silver, some gold and platinum, and a set of ten jade animals, all sea creatures. Kat picks out a couple of the animals -- a dolphin and an octopus -- for her younger sisters and asks to be paid all in silver for her remaining share. They return to the ship, and as they take a long rest, symptoms of the Blue Rot begin to manifest in Ember, she fails a save, and Milena hits her with a Greater Restoration. They continue on toward the elf village of Mana'an. Al activates Anny's statue to let her know they're coming. As they approach, they see elves sitting above the water -- sitting on giant dolphins -- and approaching the ship. Kat recognizes them as the three elves who taught her the teleport spell. Zyalar, their leader, greets them cheerfully: "Much better situation! Nice to see you again!" They lead the group down while Laur keeps the ship in the general area. Under the surface there is a raised section of seafloor covered with seaweed. They swim through until the kelp forest opens up into a huge clearing where there settlement is. They are being taken to the Deep Drink, a place where they can spend the night. The structures all appear to be made with cultivated coral with many arches and open areas; seaweed serves as screens to provide privacy or separate spaces. The lowest point in the settlement is about 400 feet down. There is a rock face with caves carved into it, some shielded by seaweed and others by coral. There are elves working in some of the fields tending seaweed and other things. In a section of a rock face is an area that has been carved into a bar, and behind it a mirror that was probably salvaged from a shipwreck -- clearly in humorous imitation of a human bar. The cave also contains some rooms with air, generated by plants. Anny is waiting for them at one of the tables, waving and grinning. They greet her warmly. She shares that her mother's right-hand person, Kaladrim, will be coming to provide more information about when they can meet with her mother. They share with her Matty's message that "the secret is not worth hiding away," and ask if that's why she left. She says, "Sorry about the dagger -- I had to give it to my mom. It doesn't just detect Sahaugin, it detects everything related to Sahaugin." It turns out that includes goblins, who were created by the sea elves as part of a war against their foes, and the elves are afraid humans will find out they created them and want to come kill them for it. So she stole the dagger to keep anyone from discovering that history. The waiters bring them plates of interesting foods -- some of which are delicious, some less to their tastes. Anny indicates an elf swimming toward them and says, "That's Kaladrim." They notice him glancing at his own reflection as he passes mirror. He greets them and they introduce themselves. He says the Queen cannot meet them this evening but will see them in the morning; they are welcome to stay in the caves or on the ship. Kai wants to return to the ship; Gnik and Ember decide to stay, as do Kat and Milena. Several of them get a sense of tension between Anny and Kaladrim, although it doesn't seem to be entirely animosity. Kaladrim says, "I'll meet you here in the morning," and Anny says "WE'LL meet you here in the morning." As Kaladrim leaves, Al asks her about it. She shares that they used to be a couple, and Kaladrim has been weird toward her since she came back -- wanting to exclude her from things. She doesn't know if it's due to her having been among humans, or something else. Al asks about where Anny lives; he wouldn't mind seeing it. She shares that she lives in a barracks -- she is effectively in their military after all. She's happy to show them around. Al asks if they have ships or other vessels to move elves or objects, but she says they don't need them; they have the dolphins, and underwater can generally lift and move anything they need to move. Kat asks if they gamble, but because they live on a barter system, they play games for fun rather than for any monetary value. Anny does share that there are some plants that create psychedelic effects, which gets Kat's attention, and prompts Milena to ask about other interesting medicinal or other plants. Anny introduces her to Pylam, who is an expert with medicinal herbs -- with 300 years of experience. Kai asks about someone who could spar with her to give her practice with underwater tactics, so Anny introduces her to Seldeth, who is excited to spar because she's never seen anyone try to use such a large weapon underwater. Anny, Kat, and Ember try the psychedelics, while Gnik supervises and makes sure they get back safely to their rooms. Anny sends a dolphin with Kai to get her back to her ship, which is more than a mile away. Kai chats with the dolphin along the way; it seems happy with its life and the exchange of its service for delicious food and a comfortable place to live. After Anny departs, Al relates the story of her relationship with Kaladrim and then suggests perhaps Gnik should use the spell that allows him to detect shapechangers, just in case. 15 Kella 3275 In the morning Kaladrim collects them and takes them to Zynesua. She has obvious facial scars and her left arm is bandaged -- the group recalls that she also has crystals in her arm and keeps them covered. After introductions are made, Zynesua says she would like to speak to the group alone and dismisses Kaladrim and Anny. As they swim away, Kai looks at Gnik, trying to get him to cast the spell. Zynesua asks if something is wrong. Gnik thanks her for agreeing to see them and then says that they have sensitive things to discuss and they are concerned about beings that are able to take other forms-- "Yes, Kaladrim is one," Zynesua says. Gnik is taken aback, and she says she would rather work to control the information he is getting than reveal that she knows what he is. Gnik asks if she would permit him to cast a spell that would let him detect if she's a shapeshifter, and she agrees; she watches as he begins the spell and nods. Gnik does not detect any shapeshifters among the group. They start by telling her about the Pit of Hatred and that the cap is damaged. She says they will fix it; she was there when the original stone was laid, and helped seal the hole below. She does not know much more about the entity below than its name. She concludes they need to hide or patrol the area better. She asks them to share the story of what happened at the other settlement. Whereas Gnik normally illustrates his stories with minor illusions, for this story he only shows Coloss, the being that brought them to that place. She says she knew it was there and had been monitoring it for some time, but had never seen it herself. Kai shares that they think it is now on Jaeleth. Al asks if she has communication with others on Jaeleth and she says they had established communication once they arrived. She says she will let her contacts on Jaeleth know about Coloss. Gnik then says they've been in contact with a group called the Sea's Watch. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out the letter they left, sealed in wax to waterproof it. She is the one who has been coming through the other side -- the only survivor. She has not met those on the other side, as she did not want them to know her identity. They promise they won't share. Zynesua says that Anny asked them to intercept a Trihorn ship on its way to Hell's Deep. They share that Anlim has been overrun by Koth agents who are now running the government and trying to harness the power of the being there. She says she knew Kaladrim was related to the Koth, but not that there was a connection to Hell's Deep. They share that K'Jat is there, they had communicated with it, and the three choices they were given. They tell her that they have not yet told anyone else about that conversation; she thanks them for their trust. She knows very little about K'Jat beyond knowing that it is the entity imprisoned at the Tower; she says the tower appears that it was once upright on land but is now fallen over. As they discuss the appearance of the tower Gnik realizes it is very similar to the Tower of Time in Terriola. Zynesua shares what she saw and learned when she was there battling the hags: there were creatures she'd never seen before that the hags were sending against them. The hags weren't trying to get through the barrier but were drawing some power through the barrier. They ask if she has an opinion of which of the three options for K'Jat would be the best, but she says she doesn't have enough information to make an informed decision. The group discusses perhaps making a tentative decision but possibly revising once they get there and have more information. Al says, "So, I think you've seen these...." and opens his bracer to show the crystals in his arm. "I'm glad you're covering those," she says. She has had hers since a couple of days after her interaction with the hags. She also experiences her magic being corrupted when she tries to cast spells. She thinks the only way to remove the crystals is to destroy the source crystal that imprisons K'Jat. Gnik shows her the octopus puzzle and asks if she knows anything about it. "Yes, I put it there," she says. The man who created it managed to make it into the base of the tower with a group, and while they weren't entirely of right mind when they came out he said the map would help those who came after. They ask if she would like to come with them. "No," she says, immediately and definitively. "I cannot take that again. But I will send some others to assist." She asks their plan -- dive straight for the tower, or something else? Gnik thanks her for the additional information about the layout, and says they have been invited to join the Trihorn expedition, which could allow them to get down there without having to fight their way through the Trihorn folks. 20 January 2024 Zynesua asks the group why they are interested in this. Kat and Kai say they want to stop evil beings from getting more power, and Gnik adds that these beings have taken over the government that conquered their country. She asks what they would do afterwards, and Gnik says, "Probably set up some form of representational government, but that will have to be developed over time." "No," she says, "I mean Hell's Deep. It is a source of great power." They see they will have to see what's there first; and they wondered if perhaps the power would still be there once the being trapped inside is free. Kat says they do things off the cuff since they can't really make a plan until they know what the situation is. "That's what worries me," Zynesua says, but she has some trust of the group and their motives based on what Anny has told her. Milena shares that they have the power and the plan to look ahead to certain possible choices to determine whether they would be favorable or harmful, and that though the answer is not always clear they should at least get an idea if the action might break the universe, or them. Zynesua says she will send some of her people in that direction to help. Al asks about sending others to slow down the Anlim ship, and she says they have already been sent, by Anny -- implying Anny made the decision on her own without consulting her. The group decides they should leave straight from the meeting so Kaladrim will not know they know he is a shapeshifter. She looks off to the side and a half-dozen dolphins swim up to escort them back to their ship. Al asks her to give Anny their best wishes. Al and Kai talk with a couple of the dolphins on the way back; Al uses the Shell of Speech. The dolphin Al is talking with is called Tidewinder by the elves; it is obviously not the smartest dolphin, and just knows it is supposed to follow the other dolphins and do what they do, but is excited to do flips and things with Al's encouragement. 16 Kella 3275 They head toward Saltmarsh to resupply before heading on toward Hell's Deep. The crew has settled into a regular routine of taking breakfast and dinner all together, with the day crew sleeping after dinner and the night crew sleeping after breakfast. After dinner, as the day crew are settling in to their quarters for the evening, Kat is up on deck with Roger and Mouse, Klaab, and Corey, and Milena is in the kitchen doing a bit of pre-breakfast prep, with Zassin "helping" by tasting everything. Mouse lets out a little bit of a whine, and Kat sees someone translucent rising out of the hatch. Realizing that he's invisible and probably doesn't realize she knows, she says something comforting to Mouse and keeps an eye on the guy, while quietly saying "There's an invisible guy walking up the stairs from the crew quarters" into the Farspeakers. She recalls seeing him before... oh, wait, he helped kidnap her sister. He smiles at her and she fires a Chaos Bolt at him. There is a surge of chaos magic; a thin filament flies out of her hand and hits him in the forehead and suddenly she can hear all his surface thoughts: "Why did she do that? Is she going to talk to me? She seemed pretty pissed when she stormed out before...." Kat asks, out loud, "Why are you here?" Rodger says, "You said we could hang out..." and she tells him there is an invisible man in the room and places herself between Rodger and him. She names him as Havel. Rodger asks, "Should I be doing something? Should I be hiding?" She tells him to go hide. He tries to sneak up the stairs, but trips on the way up. From Havel she gets two streams of thought: One hoping that he could warn her and her mother because shit is about to hit the fan and they don't deserve it, the other thinking that he will destroy her and everyone she cares about because She commands it. Klaab notices something odd is happening and calls out, "Is everything ok?" Kat calls out that there is an invisible undead man and everyone should either arm themselves or clear the area. Milena pops out the door from the kitchen and throws a pan of flour on him so his position is obvious. She calls out in Bargallian, "Havel, what are you doing here?" He reports that Bogdan is dead, and he was killed as well, but Tamoth decided that it was not payment enough, so he has been instructed to kill everyone on the ship except for Milena and Kat, then return to the mainland to kill everyone they know, and then wait for them to return to finish them off. He sounds remorseful, and the first thought-train agrees with this, while the second is yelling at the first, "Shut up! What are you doing?" Kat sees him start to cast a spell while obviously fighting against it. She sees a glowing blue circle at the edge of the ship, and lets everyone know over the Farspeaker. Zassin sends Milena a mental image of him slapping the other members of the party with his tail to wake them up, and she gives him a thumbs-up. He projects the image of his own face yelling, followed by a flour-covered monster on the deck. Gnik and Al wake up, and Kai is already on her way up the stairs. Kat runs forward to hit with her rapier, with Booming Blade; the weapon itself does not seem to do much damage, but the booming effect does. Mouse runs forward to help. A crossbow bolt thunks into the wall next to Havel, from Corie. Chastity comes running up the stairs, having also been awakened by Zassin. Kai flies into the room and attacks him. Magical plates appear where she hits, but she is hitting hard enough to break through every one. His body is not reacting the way most bodies do -- taking damage but not nearly as much as would be expected. Kat reports this to the group. Boris bites at Havel's feet to try to trip him, but he moves away... appearing to float before taking a step. Al asks what's happening and did anyone else have a weird dream? Garelle mutters, "Did EVERYONE else have a weird dream?" Milena says over the farspeaker, "That was Zassin. You have been summoned," and Zassin projects another image of what's happening. Al runs up the stairs and attacks Havel. He notices that Havel's flesh doesn't give the same way he expects; he tries a stunning strike and feels the energy being pulled out of him and knows intuitively that this is not right -- he can't be stunned. Milena pulls out Nash and says, "Friend and friend of the Explorer, Tamoth has sent forces against us. Be aware there may be more invisible foes." She tosses Nash onto the deck behind Kat, where she comes into being and wobbles a bit -- she has never been in wolf form on the ship and needs to get her sea legs. Milena casts Sacred Flame at Havel and asks Kat if it worked better than the weapons. Kat says it melted the flesh from his skull. Klaab calls out, "Are you sure they're going to be invisible? Because these are pretty visible." Corie looks over the edge of the ship and says, "Holy shit!" Gnik hands Ember the bucket with octopus-Az in it and casts Haste on her. She runs up the stairs, leaves Az at the top, crosses the room, hops on the railing of the stairs to the next level, and gets ready to attack Havel. Havel throws his head back and roars; a wave of energy bubbles out from him with a crackling black and orange effect. Al manages to avoid most of the damage, but it does stun him, and his flesh cracks without bleeding. Ember, Boris, and Mouse are also stunned, and Az disappears. Havel rises into the air and the Booming Blade goes off; pieces of his flesh fly off but he doesn't seem to care. The first train of thought seems to want to get this over quickly. Zassin goes to peek over the side of the ship and reports back what he sees: there are ten creatures, one of whom is an undead Marika, whose form looks a bit out of focus, and the rest of whom appear to be undead Bargallian warriors. Kat throws her dagger at Havel and sees that it does the damage she would expect -- possibly because it is now adamantium, and so counts as a silvered weapon. Nash communicates to Kat to hold her next attack and hop on her back. Nash jumps up to the next level and Kat stabs up into Havel's back with her dagger. Carie comes up the stairs by Milena and asks if she should go out there. "Undead warlock above, undead warriors coming up side of ship," Milena says. "Oh, okay!" Carie says brightly, and goes to the nearest portal to shoot down at the ascending warriors. Rodger peeks out and takes a shot at Havel with his sling, then hides again. Kai asks Cline what she knows about this kind of undead warlock; Cline reports the resistances they've been observing -- regular and magical weapons -- but they're particularly susceptible to radiant damage. She says Marika is most likely a Swordwraith, which are extremely powerful but corporeal and can be harmed normally by magical weapons. The rest of the warriors appear to be wights. Kai flies to the edge of the deck where Marika is emerging and attacks, hitting a couple of times. Kai notices that she already has a crossbow bolt sticking out of her shoulder that she doesn't seem to care too much about. It occurs to her that most of the crew don't have magical weapons, so she tosses her javelin on the deck next to Corey and says, "Magical weapon." He grins and says, "You're awesome." The wights come over the railing and begin attacking. The first one slips as it tries to attack Klaab and falls into the ocean. The second manages to tear into her with its claws, but she fights it off before it can throw her overboard. One grabs at Kai's arm and another digs into her side, but neither are able to throw her overboard. Milena attempts to cast Guiding Bolt, but misses. Ember shakes off the Stun effect and Milena hands her a dagger treated with alchemical silver. Marika jumps over the railing and attacks, hitting Kai but not inflicting much damage. Kat hears the first stream of Havel's thoughts expressing remorse for what is about to happen, and tendrils come from him and grab into Klaab, Ilris, and Corey. Klaab and Ilris go over the side. Zassin flies over to assist Kat, who attacks Havel with the Booming Blade effect on her dagger. She punches several holes into him and he crumbles into pieces; the last thought Kat can hear is his first stream of thought saying "Thank you." Marika snarls something at Kai in Bargallian; Kai shrugs and swings at her, hitting a couple of times, but it's difficult to see how badly she might be hurt. Laur throws open the door long enough for Wend to lean out, smash one of the wights with his shield, and then close the door again. One of the wights hits Kai with both of its attacks and tries to throw her overboard, but she breaks free. Al shakes off the stun effect as Havel disintegrates and throws a couple of friends from his bag over the edge of the ship and tells them to help the crew: he pulls the small and giant seahorses and giant octopus. Al hits the wights on either side of Kai and stuns them both. Milena steps to where she can see as many of the wights as she can, as well as Marika, and Turns Undead. Every one of the wights are affected, but Marika is not. Ember sprints over to her and slashes at her. Marika roars out in anger and flies into a rage, going at Kai. She hits hard, twice, then slips and falls off the side of the ship. Kai and Ember each manage to hit her again as she goes over the edge, and she dissipates into dust. Kai flies down to help their crewmates back onto the ship; Klaab is unconscious and being held above the water by the giant octopus. 3 February 2024 17 Kella 3275 In the evening, the crew sails into the Saltmarsh harbor. Keren and Rourke come out in a rowboat to meet them. They learn that the city is on lockdown with a force massing at Snyder Keep to take Saltmarsh for Anlim. Laur tells the crew that they will all stay on the ship except the owners, and they will leave in the morning. No one questions the orders. As they dock, Rolland approaches with Krara the lizardfolk council member -- as well as Kat's father Ron, who is animatedly talking to Krara. Gnik detects that Krara is a shapechanger but is in his natural form -- he is a druid. Rolland greets them and says he heard they ran into some trouble while they were away, so maybe they wouldn't be bringing any trouble to Saltmarsh this time? "We are only here a short time and do not plan for any trouble," Milena says. "You never do," Rolland says with a smirk. Ron greets them cheerfully. Kat gives him a hug and Milena greets him in Bargallian with a traditional greeting for family long-separated. He returns a greeting in kind. He shares that he and Nikolai returned to Bargal Valley after their last meeting to share what Bogdan had done in trying to kidnap Tatiana. They were able to inspire enough of a resistance to take out Bogdan. Milena shares that Havel and Marika came after them on the ship the day before with a force of wights. Ron looks shocked; Milena says they were both re-animated and Havel had made a pact with The Ruler, who sent him for vengeance against Milena's family for keeping Tatiana from her. Ron says last time he saw Havel he had Ron's axe sticking out of his face. Milena says hopefully this will be the last time he rises. She shares that some part of him was still remorseful, fought against the compulsion, and thanked her when she ended him. Milena offers her bird fiend skull -- "It has no powers except terrifying one's enemies" -- and Klara's eyes grow wide. "It is wondrous!" he says. "Do you know what it is?" Kat asks. "No -- but it is wondrous!" he says as he accepts it. Kat asks Ron if he has time to catch up and invites him to the beach later while she burns her sacrifice of silver to Ag. The group discusses preparations they might make against the foes they are likely to face at Hell's Deep. They go to Heidy's to pick up four potions of Bad Taste and one of Resistance to Psychic Damage, as well as a scroll of Fortune's Favor and a Float scroll for Gnik. Al looks at the Jewel of Zutar, which looks similar to the crystals in his arm, and floats around one's head to increase armor class. He shows Heidy his arm and asks her if she's ever seen anything like it before; she says it looks like he messed around with one of the stones the Cult of the Stone was looking for. He asks her not to tell anyone else about it. She offers to let him borrow the Jewel of Zutar for his trip; he offers to rent it instead, just in case something happens. Al goes with Milena and Ember to visit Bimisi in the shipyards. He asks how their trip back was, and Al tells him about the fight with the undead. Al asks if he's ready to head out and he says no, but there is another ship that will be following in a few days that he will be on -- another group is coming to provide support. He said he was talking to someone at the Winking Bard named Britt who told him of this other group. Al shows off his new regeneration ability by giving himself a small cut and then watching it heal. They go to the Temple of Byorn to talk with Britt. They see Gnik and Kai who are just finishing up dinner. Al tells them about the conversation with Bimisi and then seeks out Britt. She says Sivin will be bringing the Breath to follow them and be helpful, with Eleanora as well. Milena is relieved; better competent fighters than cannon fodder. "Or enemies," Al says. Britt says, "Speaking of enemies...." She shares that Dragon Spectre, Captain Pickett's old ship that the Stormdaughter's people took, have been raiding ships going to the Tillian Islands. Milena stops by the house to say hello to her girls and share the little jade figurines Kat picked out for Gavriila and Tatiana. 22 Kella 3275 Several days out toward Tillia, Kat, in the crow's nest, sees a ship in the distance flying a shark fin flag and with a figurehead she can't quite make out. Kat calls Kai to fly up to check it out. Kai lets everyone know it is the Dragon Spectre -- and heavy stormclouds start gathering over it. Laur has the crew pick up speed and then they teleport to ram the other ship using the Great Cleaver. As the Great Cleaver hits the ship, a cone of energy surrounds them to absorb the shock -- as well as the force of the other ship's speed and spell effects. The Cleaver tears a hole along the side of the Dragon Spectre and then pushes the ship over as zombies and skeletons fall over the side, buffeted by gale-force winds. A body lands on the deck of Dragon Spectre; it was not a zombie when it hit the deck but arises as one. Gnik and Kai recognize this as the resultof Bones of Endless Toil: Anyone who dies on the Dragon Spectre will rise again to serve it. The figurehead appears to be an air elemental; Gnik recognizes that it is creating the storm effect, which can be dispelled. Milena sends Boris and Mouse belowdecks to get out of the storm. Al uses his ranged strike attack to attempt to hit the Stormdaughter. He hits and manages to stun her. He then hits the other woman who is floating above the ship and sparking, but does not stun her. Kat and Kai's sword Cline realize that the woman -- who they learned had been hit by a spell from Danae that gave her some special skills -- is now tied to the elemental plane of air. Wend angles the ship to give their ballistas more room to maneuver, while Milena Blesses herself, Al, Kai, Kat and Ember, and casts Spiritual Weapon at the stunned Stormdaughter, hitting her. Kat pops out from her hiding place and casts Chaos Bolt at the Stormdaughter, hitting her with a blast of cold damage that nails her in the chest tattoo. Kai uses her sword to dispel the storm attack from the figurehead; a beam of light slams into the figurehead and there is a whoosh as the storm suddenly stops. The roar is replaced by the previously-masked sound of screams and splintering wood form the other ship. Kai then leaps to the other ship, hits the Stormdaughter twice, and leaps back while the crew readies the ballistas. Laur yells, "Fire!" and the ballistas go off; three hit, tearing into the hull of the Dragon Spectre. Ember shoots twice at Stormdaughter, who falls to the deck. Gnik attempts to banish Baedvin, the woman connected to the air elemental plane; she vanishes. Mikule shouts over, "I'll flee to Tyreln if you let us go," and Clin looks at him and nods. The group notices that the zombies on the other ship are moving as the regular crew would, just slower; part of the magic of the bones is that they retain their knowledge of ship operations. Al leaps over to the other ship to strike Mikule, stunning him. Milena suggests bringing Stormdaughter back to their ship so they can kill her without having her be raised again by the bone effect. Al hits Clin instead, but his attempt at a stunning strike triggers a chaos effect. The crew of the Mighty Redemption see his shape shift oddly; he has taken on a second form that he can switch back and forth into at will. He picks up the Stormdaughter but feels bad about killing her outright, so he drops her in the water where she will definitely drown since she is stunned and unconscious. Milena hits her with her Spiritual Weapon, decapitating her, and then hits Mikule with a Sacred Flame. Kat stares gloatingly at Stormdaughter for a moment, then shoots a Chaos Bolt at Mikule, sending force damage at him. Kai flies over and attacks him, taking his head off. She looks at Clin and says, "Do nothing," then jumps down to attack the zombie on the deck below. Her sword goes straight through him and he falls; even though he just died from a fall, he is already rotting. Gnik drops Az (in octopus form) in the water and tells her to track the Stormdaughter's body and search it. There are cracks in the Mighty Redemption's hull as the Dragon Spectre's ballistas hit it. The Mighty Redemption returns fire; the group tells the crew to hold further attacks while they clear the zombies from the other ship and search it. Ember attempts to jump to the other ship to begin taking out zombies, but stumbles and sprains her ankle. Gnik casts Web at the other ship's ballistas and then leaps to the other ship to help Ember. Zassin goes to harass the zombies operating the last ballistas that Gnik's web couldn't reach. Al ties Clin to the mast. Wend yells, "Crossbows!" Milena moves her Spiritual Weapon to attack through one of the people behind the webbed portals, and casts Spiritual Flame at one of the zombies through the unwebbed portal; its head explodes and it slumps over. Kat jumps to the other ship and hides, waiting for Baedvin to return from temporary banishment. The others join her to get set up. Kai asks Clin if Baedvin is an air elemental now; he says he doesn't know what she is, but she ain't human. Sparks come off her and she's constantly burning things, including her own clothes, which she has to replace every few days. Milena casts Bless again. Gnik casts Haste on Kai, which removes his concentration on the Banish. Baedvin pops back into their plane, looking pissed off, with her eyes glowing white. Al makes a ranged fist attack and attempts a stunning strike, but doesn't manage to stun her. She shoots a blast of wind at him, which throws him back 10 feet. He moves back into position and attacks again, but still is unable to stun her. Baedvin calls out, "Where is the Stormdaughter?" Kai says, "Oh, she's dead," and attacks, hitting her. Kat peeks out and shoots a Chaos Bolt at her, hitting her with cold damage before hiding again. Baedvin roars and the wind whirls around her with a crackle of lightning. Al, Gnik, Ember, and Milena are thrown to the ground and slide back 5 feet. Milena hits her head and Gnik lands on her. She points at Kai and a bolt of lightning arcs from her hand, hitting her. Milena staggers to her feet and back up the stairs to cast Guiding Bolt at Baedvin, hitting her. Gnik casts Mind Sliver at her and Ember hits her several times with her rapier. Al runs up and throws a net over her, then punches her. She uses a magic effect to throw him back with a blast of wind, but he only is blown to the railing rather than overboard. Kai hits her and she falls to the deck. Kai hits her again to kill her. Gnik casts Detect Thoughts to make sure there is no one else living on the ship. 17 February 2024 25 Kella 3275 After weathering a storm the day before, the Mighty Redemption gets to Tillia. As they approach they see a Dorgenian-style fortress; the jungle around it has been burned away to improve sightlines. An outrigger approaches. A wave approaches the outrigger, lifts her toward the ship, and drops her onto the deck. In halting Trade, she introduces herself as Zedal and welcomes them to Sohotin. Suddenly the ship starts moving very quickly. Al shares with the group that she's working with a nature spirit. As they approach the pier, they see a row of people standing between the pier and a throng of people, and two more people standing even closer to the pier. One of those two is a Tillian woman and the other a large Dorgenian man wearing a mask. Zedal names them as Babaylan Siginagala and Neem Daiphatia (in the mask). Kai shares that "Neem Daiphatia" means "one who walks between worlds". Milena and Al notice that Kai has swapped out her usual simple armband to wear as a headband instead. Al asks her about it and she says, "There's someone I know here who would expect it." Gnik ducks out of site to cast "Detect Shapeshifter" and then returns to survey the crowd as they arrive at the pier. He doesn't sense any shapeshifters. Neem thanks them for their presence, nods at Kai, and says they are welcome. Al steps forward and thanks them in Trade, then says in Tillian how amazing it is to be in his family's homeland for the first time. The group shares that the other ship is for them, loaded with supplies originally meant for Tillia. The Tillians recognize the ship and ask if any of their crew were harmed in the fighting. They share that they are all right but have captured two prisoners. They bring forth the prisoners and two guards step forward with what look like small wooden rings. Some of the group recognize Dorgenian slave control rings, and apparently it shows on their faces, because Babaylan assures them that they will only be used until the prisoners get to prison; they believe the criminals should pay for their crimes but no one deserves to be enslaved as their people once were. Out of Clin's earshot, Milena shares that if there is an opportunity that he believes is in his best interests that could also benefit others, he could be of use. Babaylan nods. While the ship is being restocked, the group disembarks for food. Neem removes his mask, asks Kai, "Do you have a few minutes?" and she nods. They wander off together and Kat follows stealthily until she realizes they are just talking and catching up. She gathers that Neem -- whom Kai addresses as Galeddara) was, like Kai, also involved in smuggling slaves to safety and freedom. Kat returns for lunch and mentions that the clothing of the locals is beautiful, and that if there is a market she would love to pick up something for herself and her sisters. Babaylan sends for necklaces for them; the Tillian culture is very giving and open. She also picks up some dried fruit sweets for Rodger. Gnik asks about what they should be aware of in the seas beyond Tillia. Their hosts mention a kelp eel -- a creature that looks like kelp but will coalesce and chase ships, thinking they might be food. They also mention it is molting season for serpents, who may bang against ships thinking it will help abrade the old skin away. They gather with the locals for an impromptu feast. Milena expresses appreciation for the food and asks about preparation techniques and local plants, both food and medicinal. She is introduced to Doher, a younger man who is very excited to talk about local foods. Everyone is very accepting of Al even though he is only half Tillian. They ask him about his family and where they are from. He asks what are their plans now that the slave trade is no more. They are still working that out; the Dorgenian outposts here, like this one, could be useful, but others want to tear it down. After a couple of hours the crew is ready, so they head out. It takes them a couple of days to reach the last island in the Tillian chain; they expect another 12 days at sea before they reach their destination. 28 Kella 3275 As the sun rises, they see a wall of fog in the distance with lights and shapes moving in it. Kai, who can see the farthest, says they are images, like they are being projected -- one looks like a ship, another like a dragon. Al and Gnik decide to swim out to investigate, with Zassin flying along with them. Al pulls a friend from his bag and gets Bounder the giant seahorse, who precedes them. They swim out until they get beneath the fog wall. As they look up they can see images in the fog, some at weird angles. Kat has heard stories of strange magical storms where a magician has screwed something up -- it is called a Divination Fog, and those who pass through it may see scenes from their pasts and futures. It is disorienting and could be incapacitating for a few days, but those who are able to concentrate effectively may be able to retain some aspects of their futures in a way they could act upon. She relays this to the group. Since they would be hard pressed to avoid the fog, they bring the ship through. Each person feels that they are in a moment that has happened, or that will happen, rather than viewing it from outside. Gnik and Kat both have glimpses of the future that they retain glimmers of. Al and Milena don't retain anything but aren't incapacitated. Boris is a bit shaken, as are Jarvis, Jerry, and Lonnie) and Kai and Ember, along with several members of the crew (Carie, Corey, Chastity) are incapacitated for a couple of days. Later that evening as dinner is winding down and some of the crew is playing music -- and Milena is practicing her embroidery for the first time in ages -- Gnik and Al notice two tentacles of kelp snake over the side of the ship and toward Milena and Klaab. Al yells, "Look out -- tentacle!" and leaps up. Klaab jumps out of the way, but it manages to get a tendril on Milena, slam her onto the deck, and then drag her through the railing, shattering it. Gnik sends Az in after her and Zassin flies down to try to distract it. Al spits out his ventilating lungs and jumps into the water in case Milena needs a way to breathe. Gnik jumps in with the Necklace of Adaptation. As they go under the water, they see the kelp has formed into a huge serpent about half the length of the ship. Gnik sees that the creature is reeling Milena in to eat her, wrapping her in kelp as she goes. Milena gets her hand on the Wand of the Sea to cast on herself so she can breathe. Gnik casts Shatter at the kelp eel -- far enough away from himself and his teammates to avoid them -- and blasts off a section of its tail. Milena shares over the Farspeaker that the best way to kill the creature would be to raise it out of the water and let it dry -- otherwise any incapacitation will be temporary and it will reconstitute in about an hour; she learned this from talking with Doher, who shared that kelp eels cook up well. She casts Spiritual Weapon and manages to sever the tentacle holding her. She swims for the surface and calls for the troll meat while a crew member lowers a rope for her. Kat tells Rodger to go get the troll meat and then leaps in the water. She shoots a Chaos Bolt at the kelp eel, but the magic shifts into a ring around it, whirling, with dozens of phantom-like figures swirling around it. It isn't clear that the figures are doing anything to them, but there is a slight moaning sound coming from below the water. It tries to grab Al and Kat, but they both manage to dodge. It tries to hit them instead, but misses. Gnik sends Az to help Milena; Az wraps two tentacles around her waist and waves her other eight arms around to try to distract the creature. Al puts his lungs back in while Zassin helps distract it. Gnik casts Haste on Kat. She darts forward with her Booming Blade; since the creature is moving along with the ship, it explodes outward where the swirling phantom shapes are. It tears apart a bunch of kelp and the phantoms disappear. Milena hits with her Spiritual Weapon and then climbs up the rope being lowered down to her. Al hits the kelp eel and stuns it, then Gnik hits it with another Shatter spell. Milena hits it again with her Spiritual Weapon and also with Sacred Flame. She works with the crew on a plan to scoop up as much of the kelp as they can to dry out so it can't reconstitute (and Milena can put it into soup later). Kat tries another Chaos Bolt, and once again the magic twists as it leaves her fingers. She glows red and explodes in a fireball, taking the rest of the creature out. She also singes Al, who is just within range. What's left of the creature stops moving -- and Kat is nowhere to be seen. As they are figuring out what to do with all that kelp, there is a surge in the water and Kat reappears. "Did I do something?" she asks. "I was going to do a spell, and then... I'm not sure what happened." "It's okay," Al says, "the only one who got injured is already healed." Zassin shows her a cartoon mental image of her exploding and then coming back into existence. Gnik uses Shape Water to help gather up the bits of remaining kelp. 30 March 2024 29 Kella 3275 They awaken to a thunderstorm. Milena prepares teabags of anti-nausea tea for those who need it. Kai, Chastity, Ember, Corey, and Carie are still recovering from the divination fog. 31 Kella 3275 Gnik's divination says the weather will improve, but the wind will completely disappear on the 2nd. 1 Mara 3275 Off starboard they see a massive pod of dolphins swimming together in the same direction. Al dives in to ask them what they're fleeing from using his conch shell: "What are you getting away from? Something dangerous?" Many of them chirp back "Yes!" "Yes!" "Yes!" They say a word that seems to be a name -- and then say, "It translates as sea... snake?" At that moment, a huge head rises out of the water, shoots forward, and swallows a dolphin whole. Al swims for the ship, saying into the Farspeaker, "I need an extraction now... please...." Kai is already flying that way and scoops him up as soon as he reaches the surface of the water. Gnik and Kat know these serpents are known to ram ships to help them shed skin. They are very territorial and need a large area. They are not dragons; they need to eat, and dragons do not, as they are magical beings. They are more intelligent than the dogs -- perhaps comparable to dolphins. This serpent is about 1.5 times the length of the ship. It continues to follow the dolphins it is hunting, ignoring the ship. 2-4 Mara 3275 The sea is calm on the 2nd, with an average wind speed of 4 miles an hour. This continues for the next several days. Kai lets everyone know that she has found a way -- through Britt -- to heal Garelle's sight. Whoever will be doing it should be in Saltmarsh when we return. She asks the group to help chip in, as Kai can't cover the full amount herself. 5 Mara 3275 At about midday, Kai sees something in the distance that appears to be a flying ship. The hull appears wooden but is shaped like a whale; it has trees growing on the deck as though they are masts holding what appears to be a glowing crystal or glass bottle with something writhing inside it. Kai recognizes it as a Caylatra airship -- from a variety of elf they have not previously met. They sail the air and sometimes stop on land, but not on water -- and never stop in non-elven ports. The airship heads toward them. Kai alerts the rest of the crew and suggests they should wait and see what the other ship does; it begins slowing down and maneuvering as though it wants to draw alongside the Mighty Redemption. Two jump off and onto the deck of the Mighty Redemption; a faint glowing line connecting them to the other ship seem to slow them down. The man looks very serious; the woman looks cheerful. She says, "Hi, I'm May, this is Captain Delye." The group notices that although Caylatra are known to have the off-putting air of the elves, these two do not. Al and Milena introduce themselves, Kai says, "You already know who we are, I'm not playing politics, what do you want? You're not Caylatra." May says the ship was not crewed when the captain took it on, and that they were sent to make sure no trouble comes to the Trihorn dig site. Gnik says they were asked to come help with the operation and that they have a token from Fibam. May asks to see it, whispers some words into it, and it briefly glows. She shrugs, hands it back, and says, "Ok! Good luck!" As they ascend back to their ship, Kai flies up to get a closer look at their ship. May says hi, cheerfully. Kai can see that the entity in the bottle is some kind of lightning creature; May says it is a lightning elemental that flies the ship; it was there when they got the ship. They fly off a good mile away, but continue to shadow them. After some discussion, the group decides they would like to talk more with May about what to expect, so Kai flies over and asks if they would join them again. The ship comes back. Gnik casts Detect Shapeshifter, and finds that May and the Captain are not. Al asks if they could give them more information about what they're sailing into and what to expect. The Captain asks, "What did Fibam tell you?" The group shares that they know it's an archaeological dig to get through some kind of barrier that Anlim hired Trihorn to help with. They ask how May and the Captain are connected with Trihorn; they say they've been contracted for security, and there have been some weird creatures in the area. She describes the sea serpent and says there are rumors that some of the other sea life in the area can jump through the tube to the dig site and grab people. Al asks for a moment to talk with Kai, about possibly asking May and the Captain to go ahead and contact Trihorn without contacting Anlim that they are coming. After some discussion, the group decides to tell May and the Captain that they will be stopping some distance from the site, as Fibam shared that he's not sure he trusts everyone on the Anlim side and so hired the group to check up on some things independently -- therefore they will not be checking in with the Anlim folks. They decide Kat should be the one to tell them, and ask them to pretend they didn't see them. May says they weren't going to go back all the way with them anyway, they'll be circling back on their patrol route, but thanks her for letting them know. The captain and Laur touch base to get exact coordinates for where they're heading to go straight to the air shaft to the dig. The captain and May depart, and they send Kai to fly up and keep an eye out for other ships, creatures, or hazards. 11 Mara 3275 The morning dawns clear. Kai flies up and can see about 30 ships in the distance, including a couple of very strange ships; one is a hovering octagonal platform that Fibam told them about, and there are two others also hovering. They are close enough that they need to stop the ship to keep it from being seen. Al uses his figurine to try to reach Anny, but there is no response. Laur slows the ship, and the group dives in. They head down to about 4000 feet -- twilight without being total midnight. They can clearly see a glowing pillar in the distance. It will take more than a day to get there, so Gnik will conjure an immobile tiny hut when they need to rest. They see some movement in the distance as they go, but nothing bothers them. As they settle in for the night, Milena casts a Divination: "Would facilitating K'Jat's transformation to a new form be more good than bad according to the gods that grant me my power?" A voice comes out of her mouth that is not her own: "A tiny portion of K'Jat's power was once gifted to the peoples of the world. This would benefit the world again." Gnik remembers a vague reference in a book by Exotics folks that talked about people in the world that seemed to have unusual powers and abilities without a known or understood source: a butler who could heal by instinctively regrowing injured body parts; an archer who could hit things at extremely long distances, but not up close, because he was instinctively pushing the arrows. The book went on to note that the source of the power eventually came back to collect those powers, and those people are no longer on Maerson. While they sleep, they all have really weird dreams, although they don't remember specifics when they wake up -- fanciful worlds far away, strange creatures, elf-like and stone dwarf-like creatures, and others. They compare notes and find that there are many similarities; including dreaming of the Koth. Nobody has particularly restful sleep, although not poor enough to be a detriment. 13 April 2024 12 Mara 3275 When they wake up the next morning, Milena does another Divination: "How can we best enable K'Jat's transformation?" Everything for Milena and Kat goes dark and a man's voice says, "Seriously? Just talk to the freak, they'll do it." Kat bursts out laughing. Milena says, "Thank you, Ag, for your help," at the same time Gnik says, "So what did Ag tell you?" They resume their travel and as they near the pillar of light they see that it appears to be glowing with a blue-green cast, which also emanates from some areas on the ground and from the openings of structures. There is a 14-foot tall rectangular structure, a 30-foot cylindrical structure, and a 20-foot tall building, all of which seem ancient. Between them, columns surround a 20-foot tall globe. People -- or beings of some sort -- walk along the ground in the glowing areas, which seem not to have water in them based on how their hair and clothes move. Milena finds it interesting that the building complex matches maps they have seen -- but behind it, the continental shelf is farther away and steeper: the nearer parts have slid down, and are covering the fallen tower. Milena warns the group that based on today's portents, they may be best served from a combination of stealth and diplomacy rather than a frontal assault. Kai is grumpy and promises to stay in the back. They discuss whether to go in and say Fibam invited them vs sneaking up; they are unsure whether the group below will be just Trihorn people or whether there will be Anlim representatives as well, so they decide to sneak nearer, swimming about 100 feet up in the twilight. Al pulls a couple of his friends from his bag and gets Hopper the small seahorse, Cuddy the octopus, and Ralphie the reef shark. Gnik is in the form of a manta ray and Kat looks like a merfolk, so the two of them scout ahead with Az in octopus form since they would be least conspicuous. They get closer to the sea floor to peer into a chasm that leads into the camp. They don't immediately notice any threats. The rest of the group follows about 120 feet behind, with Kai using her vision to keep watch. Kai, Milena, Al, and Ember drop into the chasm, with Milena staying close to the edge to try to blend in. Al lets the group know something is coming up out of the chasm at them -- two bloodfish, 12 and 15 feet long. Kai warns them that it will explode in toxic goo when it dies, and also they shouldn't let it bite them. Zassin bites one and Milena casts Sacred Flame at it, followed by Spiritual Weapon. Ember attacks the other one. Kat asks if they should come back, but Al says they should keep going and they'll let them know if they need help. Kai hits one with her sword and Al stuns the other one; Kai takes a swing at it as well while Al attempts a flurry of blows -- but triggers a chaos effect which sends his attack to Ember instead of the serpent. He swims down next to her as the un-stunned serpent flees into the depths. The stunned serpent follows as soon as it comes back to its senses. As Kat advances, she sees an area covered in a tightly woven seaweed net covering something glowing, and four merfolk nearby -- they are still about a quarter mile from the settlement. She and Gnik let the others know and shift their position to swim on the other side of the chasm, about 30 feet away. Kat takes a closer look at the net and thinks it is a crystal golem made of pink crystal; right next to it she barely makes out someone clamouflaged hunkered down on the ground and lets the group know about that, too, reminding them that it could be one of the servant races that could read minds -- the mittath. As they swim in the chasm, Al sees a sea elf come out of nowhere and make a hand motion at him, beckoning them forward. He lets them know and they follow it down; two more follow and one whispers, "Our queen sent us and said you would be coming. We will remain here but if something happens we will assess and help in any way we can." Al asks about the barrier that the others are having trouble getting through. They say the glowing barriers can be pushed through, but the insides have no water -- they say this with a shiver of disgust. They describe few people coming out of the largest building -- only tall beings with horns and bird people. The shortest building is barracks, and the small tower also houses people that others go to consult -- perhaps wizards. The merfolk-looking folk on guard are one of several guard posts at the boundary; they can read minds and are shapeshifters. Kai and Gnik reach the edges of the camp and see three stone statues of merfolk about twice the size of regular merfolk, carrying things from land and wearing actual metal armor. They see long-eared Koth and a kenku near the large building, and a group of four humans at a table playing cards near the tower. There is a stone arch across the chasm that Gnik and Kat recognize was made recently with some kind of transmute stone spell, as it is obviously a single piece of stone. The roof structures of all three buildings seem to have been rebuilt and then patched -- as if they have been attacked, perhaps by sea creatures. The buildings themselves are not that ancient -- probably built after the landslide, meaning the tower they seek is under them. They recognize one of the humans -- Al's brother Pellumb. Gnik asks over the farspeaker if Pellumb would be likely to help them, and Al says probably not, so Gnik decides not to detect shapeshifters yet. They scout around the perimeter toward the largest building, which has a sign on the door saying "No entry without permission". It appears there may have been a second structure built inside the original stone walls to keep there from being any gaps or openings. He summons an Arcane Eye inside the building about 30 feet away. He sees that they have spackled the walls to cover every opening. There is a large hole in the floor with a winch and pulley over it. There are four pillars with a large pink crystal, over 8 feet long and over a foot in diameter, leaning against each one. By the hole are a kenku and a hagral, one of the smaller of the Koth, with pink crystals sticking out of its right leg and a little shorter and of a little heavier build than others they have seen. There are two other kenkus and kren -- short krana, that look like kenku but are only about three feet tall. They are working at various tasks: cleaning, polishing crystals. Sitting on a dais at one end of the room is a cube glowing the same color as all the glowing spaces; Gnik realizes they have seen similar ones at other spots around the encampment. Gnik notices the hagral look up and dismisses the eye before the hagral can react. Al, Kai, Milena, and Ember position themselves in the chasm just at the edge of camp, with a coral reef between them and the plaster covering the former entrance at one end of the building. Gnik moves around the building to cast Shatter on the glowing cube, and Kat goes to target the cube in the passage leading from the building past the large globe. Gnik casts Shatter; there is no sound, and he realizes that if the effect were like a Tiny Hut, no sound would make it out. He does not see that anything has changed with the barrier. He lets Kat know through the farspeaker that Shatter may not affect it. Kat tries it on the cube they can see, and she sees it hop and everything around it vibrate. Two kenku and a hagral guarding the door to the building look toward it and the kenku cover their ears. She sees cracks and the light shines brighter through them. She and Gnik each cast a second Shatter, with Gnik casting between the cube and the wall to try to take out some of the stone wall as well. They still do not hear anything, but bits of plaster come flying out and the glow vanishes from around the building. The Hagral pushes its way out and there is a bright pink flash inside the building. A few moments later the second cube explodes; one of the two humans collapses, but the other -- Pellumb -- grabs his buddy and drags him to the next air bubble. The hagral grab the kenku and pull it into the building. Al goes to help his brother, and Kai hands him a second pressure pill sprints forward to push her way into the building. It is filled with water that is murky and churning; in the middle are the two hagral and a kenku desperately trying to hold its breath. She goes into rage mode as taller kenku pulls the kenku behind it. The other, with crystals in its legs, holds out its arms; the crystals flash blindingly bright, and all three of them disappear, along with the water in the space between the pillars. Ember, Gnik, and Kat swim to the building. Al swims up to his brother, hands him the pill, and motions, "Eat this!" Pellumb takes it and shoves it into his mouth. Milena swims in their direction and casts a Healing Word at Pellumb's unconscious comrade, who wakes up in time to swallow the pressure pill Pellumb is shoving in his mouth. Pellumb looks at Al and says, "What are you doing here?" Al says, "Saving the world, you've been lied to, try to get your buddies out of here." Pellumb says, "Yeah, we figured." Al says, "Oh... I should give you more credit." "Yeah," Pellumb says. "But thanks." Inside the room, the crystals flash again, and the two hagral, four merfolk, and a much taller Koth wearing a very nice, now soaked silk suit are standing in the center of the room. The big one looks around, tilting his head. The taller hagral holds its hands out a little but does not make any other obvious move. Gnik tries casting one more Shatter in the midst of the four crystal pillars and then dives down the shaft in the corner. Two of the four pillars shatter. The merfolk are in bad shape and move around the hole. The big Koth points at the remaining crystals, and everything freezes. In their minds they hear a voice saying, "Well, this is unexpected." 27 April 2024 Out of the corner of his eye, Al notices more ships approaching the 30 or so floating above. The voice continues, "I believe it is your custom to tell labels... I am Doynatrich." Kat replies, in her head, "So what happens next?" "I thought you were supposed to share your names." Al says, "I'm Al," and the voice responds, "Thanks." Milena also shares her name. Al asks, "Where are you?" "Some of us are here with you. It is wet... why is it wet?" Another voice says, "They destroyed the block." "Ahh. I liked this outfit." Al asks why they are here, and the voice says, "Because you are breaking things and hurting our people, as your kind always do." Al asks what he is, and the voice responds "Schongar." Gnik asks what he wants; Doyantrich says they are trying to get their purpose and their leaders back, and says D'She was a better leader than K'Jat because they killed D'Lai and imprisoned K'Jat. Gnik and Al challenge the idea that having more power and violence, rather than compassion, makes a better leader. Doyantrich says they do not know the whole story. Al offers that they could talk to K'Jat to ask for his help. "You really think that will work?" Doyantrich asks. "Well, we've talked to him before," Al says. "Several times," Kat puts in. Gnik says all they would need to get the Klorta back is to prepare an egg in the proper way so that when one dies in its current place it would return here. "The old ways still work?" Doyantrich asks, while the rest of the group says, "...Huh?" Gnik adds, "And, if we can end this peacefully, I can restore your outfit." "Certainly," Doyantrich says. "I will wait." Suddenly time is moving again, and Doyantrich says, "Go on. This should be interesting." The rest of the group catches up, and they all head down the well, with Kai coming last. The material they're moving through is compressed stone, with a pink glow beneath them. There are crystals toward the bottom, and the floor is smooth stone. Kat goes first in case they descend into another air shaft, trusting her reflexes that she won't just fall. As she nears the bottom she sees there is a bubble of air, a chamber has been dug out and she can see a surface sloping away from her, through the crystal. They descend to the bottom and see there is some kind of force field. Al throws a rock at the field; it speeds at the crystal, bounces off, and comes flying at Gnik's shoulder, hard enough to do damage, although Al reaches out to snatch it from the air before it hits. Gnik recalls they were told that a bubble of chaotic energy surrounding the crystal. He suggests to Kai that perhaps she should touch the crystal with her crystal knife. It occurs to Gnik and Kat that perhaps the energy was previously chaotic because the (chaotic) hags were previously messing with it, but it has since stablized. Kai touches her knife to the crystal. It goes right through the crystal; it feels like it is in water. Al tries walking to it and dipping a toe in; his foot also goes right through. Gnik, who does not have crystal embedded in him, feels like someone tied a rope to his hand and tried jerking his arm off. Gnik, recalling that Az collected a number of crystals, has her hand them out to the group. They pass through the force field and onto the fallen tower. There are large gold-colored doors -- too large to be made of solid gold, which would be too heavy to have lasted in place. Kat inspects them and thinks they may be sliding doors; Kai and Ember each take a door and try to slide it. When she touches it but before she even tries to push, there is a whooshing sound and the doors slide open. There is a faint glow of pink crystal all around the chamber. Al puts up his floating, glowing fish for a little extra light. They see a hole in the ceiling with a pink glow showing through it. The group moves to the hole, with Kai going first to look through with her superior eyesight, but Kat also near the front. Through the hole is another chamber, filled with crystal through much of the room. There are two pathways; they realize they are now on the path from the map Anny's mother gave them, so they begin following the map. Gnik suggests they should first look at the other path to make sure it really is the dead end they think it will be. Milena says, "And let us hope that it is a dead end and not a... dead end." As Kai peers in she sees that the crystals on one side appear to be moving toward her and on the other side moving away from her. They decide not to enter and go the way they think the map leads. The next room has a glow to the left and the right, but no obvious crystal. They go right... and there is a flicker, and they are in another place, with three bright scintillating suns above. The area around them is covered with plants moving... in non-plant-like ways, as if the movement and blooming of regular plants were sped up. There is a group of individuals of mostly humanoid creatures of all different configurations. They appear to be in some sort of settlement, each in their own depression in the ground. They see the group and there is a mental cry that comes from them. A thought comes to them, in K'Jat's voice: "I failed these amazing beings. I battled the threat, but I could not save them." In the sky they see a massive dark shape in the far distance coming toward them. The beings run toward them pointing at the sky: "You're K'Oth! Save us! It's what you do!" As the being gets closer, the words "Celestial dragon" come to mind. There is a portal behind them, and they intuit that it doesn't go back where they came from, but rather to where K'Jat/K'Oth was at that time -- Maerson where it was at the time. Al tells the group to go through the portal to safety; some of them point to the ridge and say there is another community there -- save them, too! They realize they can create portals and set about finding all the communities, getting them to safety; when all are saved, they are back in the room they were in previously. K'Jat's voice comes to them.... "You have shown me another way... how it could have been...." They intuit that K'Jat is extremely powerful but lacks imagination, responding to threats instinctively without pondering alternatives or consequences. Gnik recalls legends of the fae homeworld, a beautiful land with three suns that was consumed by a celestial dragon. The group continues following the map; in a couple of rooms there is another shift and they are in a massive forest with trees they have never seen before. In their minds they hear K'Jat again: "Ah. My first encounter with other entities with different mindsets. I was at a loss." Four beings pop out of nowhere, look at them and cock their heads. They look somewhat like very tall elves radiating a powerful aura. "What are you?" one asks, and Gnik says, "We are still discovering that. I believe we currently call ourselves K'Oth." One says, "I am Isar, these are Tras, Itryn, and Tithar." The accent is a bit odd, but elvish doesn't change much: Seeker, Trees, History, and Victory. Gnik recalls stories of the first elves all others are descended from. The elves say this is the first place they have been. "How long have you been?" Milena asks. They say they are not sure they know. "I believe we have much to learn from each other," Milena says, and Kai says, "How can we help?" They are back in the room, and K'Jat's voice says, "Of course. Not everything has to be a fight." As they move further along the path, they see flickers in the crystal -- almost as if there are images deep within the crystal. Farther along the path, they see a vision -- like memories manifested in front of them but that they are not part of. They hear an echo of thought about the impact of K'Jat's actions: There is a massive fight in a community about the size of Saltmarsh. K'Oth is fighting a creature, and there is lots of collateral damage. The creature keeps tearing itself into two creatures, and then recombines, and then tears itself into two different creatures, over and over again. K'Oth does beat the creature eventually; and when it is slammed to the ground there is an immense release of energy that tears all the people in two. There are now twice as many; half of them are humans and half are orcs, and the group gets a sensation of guilt. A bit farther along there is another shift and they are in an underground chamber with people who seem to be made of stone and metal, about 5 feet tall -- like proto-dwarves -- and they seem to be begging for assistance with a threat they cannot stop and they are told it is what K'Oth does. Al asks if they can show them, and Gnik asks if they came to it or it came to them. They say they went into the stone and there was a hole, and it followed them back. The dwarves lead the way, and they can hear the destruction as they approach. The creature is about 35 feet tall and the stone below it is being pulverized by its tentacles. Al calls out, "Who are you? Why are you here?" They notice there are rings of energy around their wrists -- and Milena's dagger begins yelling, "Fiend fiend fiend fiend fiend!" The creature lets out a blast of fiery energy from its mouth; instinctively, everyone throws up their arms, crossed, in front of them, and an immense force shield is thrown up in front of them; the beam is deflected and the stone it strikes in the ceiling turns to dust. There are other dwarves trying to fight it but getting thrashed. Kai points to the first dwarf and says, "Get them out of here -- they're no match!" Kai pulls her sword, goes into a rage, and -- drawing on K'Oth's powers -- blurs over to the creature and hits with an energy sword that extends from her arm. Kat flies by the creature and hurls the Star of Jaeleth down its throat, using Tides of Chaos to help with the attack. When she flings it, one of the wrist halos wraps around it and goes with it. One of its horns and a bunch of its tentacles are blown off. Ember steps up, swinging with her rapier. The creature swings at Kai and Ember; Kai dodges one claw and parries another; it hits Ember but she's able to roll away before it closes its fist around her. It sends another blast toward Gnik, Al, and Milena, but the latter two are not quite able to dodge it. Al uses his teleporting distance attack to try to hit the creature in just the right spot to stun it; he hits twice, but is not able to stun it either time. He tries a flurry of blows and triggers a chaos effect. He feels power surge inside him, but nothing obvious happens. The creature thrashes its tentacles at Kai but she is able to dodge. Gnik casts Mind Sliver at the creature; energy flares from his head and hits the creature's head -- which rocks back in anguish. Milena casts Sacred Flame and a blast of flaming energy tears through the hole Kat's Star of Jaeleth had made in its head. It staggers and falls to the ground... and they are back in the room. They get a sense from K'Jat: "This is why I wanted to create more. More of you can do more than I." The group continues on, and the next room is full of plant life (in reality, not in a memory). There is a creature in the middle of the room -- a Koth, sitting on a mass of plant life with its arms crossed over its chest and its knees pulled up in front of it. They hear a voice -- not K'Jat's -- say, "Oh, visitors! Real visitors! This is different...." It unfolds itself and the plant life moves with it as it floats up in the water. It is about 16 feet tall. Al asks, "Are you D'Lai?" They get a sense of comedy. "No, no. I am called Urgreth. You would know me as a Klorta." Al says, "It is interesting you are here, since there are no others here." Urgreth says it has come here seeking guidance. Al asks if he can tell him how to get to K'Jat, and Urgreth asks why. Al says, "He asked us to come here to help him decide what to do next," and when Urgreth says, "You spoke to them? How?" Gnik shows him an image of the columns they used to communicate. They learn Urgreth came to the tower after it had fallen, using a crystal to get through the barrier. Gnik shares that some of its kin have been trying to get in, seeking Klorta and seeking guidance. "Shongar," Kai says. "They've been causing us a lot of trouble." "Yes, that makes sense," Urgreth says. "They need firm guidance." Milena asks if he knows the proper way to prepare the eggs for other Klorta. "Yes," he says, "perhaps that is a good idea." He observes that they look like they could use some rest -- Al, Ember, Gnik, and Milena are rather beat up -- and then the plants grow into a protective bubble around all of them, pushing the water out. Urgreth folds himself up again and floats in midair. 11 May 2024 The group rests, and each dreams -- a dream that is more like a memory, of a being -- K'oth -- seeing its Creator face off against an Enemy, encasing it in stone at the expense of being encased itself in a ball of fiery energy. There were two other beings, equal with K'oth, who were destroyed by the fire. The group awakens and concludes that the enemy Creator is imprisoned within Jaeleth or another planet and K'oth's creator is imprisoned in the sun. The two other destroyed beings were meant to be part of a triad, and perhaps this is why K'oth was inspired to create D'She and D'Lai and become K'Jat. Gnik recalls a reference in Glee's book about passing stars with writhing forms inside them against a black background of nothingness when they passed into the plane of Jaeleth with the cat castle. Kat and Gnik realize that the stars perhaps needed energy around them because they were beings that could teleport, and beings that could not teleport would just be brought to the surface of the planet. Al asks whether the beings in the sky were created before or after K'Oth became K'Jat. Urgreth says it was all before; afterwards was more maintaining and managing what was already here. Gnik addresses Urgreth in his thoughts and thanks him for the hospitality. Gniks asks him about the tower; it was one of three strongholds against dragons, that came when the world was pulled off Jaeleth. Kat asks Urgreth what she will do next; Urgreth replies that she will leave the tower to find others of her people now that she knows they are out there. Kat says they are having trouble with the medium-sized Koth made by D'She, and asks if Urgreth will help, since currently they are subjugating the peoples of this realm. Gnik asks Urgreth if some of the stars are oberinths -- the beings that created fiends -- and she says yes. Kat asks which ones, and Urgreth says you shouldn't mess with any of them -- they all include dangerous beings that are impossible to destroy, some of which were created to destroy all of reality. Gnik asks why S'gult is still here and not imprisoned; Urgreth says S'gult is like the Creator -- a Primordial. Some are lost, some are hiding, some are active. Kat asks: "Why are you here, in this tower, when you could be out there doing a lot of good?" "Or bad," Kai says under her breath. "Shush," Kat says. Urgreth says she came here to seek guidance from K'Jat and stayed because she felt comfortable and felt that he needed to be here, but now she feels she should leave the tower. They learn that Urgreth has been in the tower since before the mortal beings were were in existence. Urgreth asks if they are ready and then tears open the protective bubble of plants around them, then heads back the way they came in, dragging the plants along with her. As they continue, they all sense K'Jat in their minds. They get a direct thought of, "Oh.... You're here. I've been seeing things strangely -- dreaming -- was that you? You are very close -- I have not been back to myself in quite some time." They squeeze their way through a passageway; ahead they hear a crashing sound in the water and see a large chamber covered with crystals, some of which have been smashed. In the middle is a massive entity -- about 24 feet tall -- smashing the crystals. They figure out it it K'Jat's body but K'Jat hasn't inhabited it for some time; it is mindlessly flailing and runs toward them. They ask K'Jat what will happen to him if they kill the body. "Oh, I will heal," he says. Kai draws her sword, goes into a rage, and charges forward to attack. She encounters an energy barrier around it, but her sword punches through it. It throws out an arm and energy tears through her shoulder, although she resists much of the damage. She swings again and hits. When she slashes into its abdomen, it feels like flesh but there is crystal beneath, glowing through its skin. Al steps into the room and uses his ability to melee attack at a distance. After a couple of swings he manages to hit, and he can feel immediately from its energy that it will not be able to be stunned. Gnik casts Haste on Kat and stays hidden in the tunnel. Ember slips into the room and Kat uses Tides of Chaos, attacks it with a chaos bolt, and channels a wild surge. She feels the energy being pulled through the crystals in her arm... and amplified by all the crystals in the room. She shapes it into a Disintegrate spell and throws it at the creature; energy arcs into her arm from the surrounding crystal and out at K'Jat, tearing its flesh apart in multiple places. She swims forward and hits it with Booming Blade. In their minds, they hear K'Jat say, "It's blocked off. I don't know how to get back in." The wounds to his body begin healing and it sends energy bolts at Kai and Kat, hitting them both. A second wave of energy comes from him, and Al suddenly feels frightened, wondering how he could ever defeat this thing -- and Ember apparently feels the same. Milena swims forward, approaching the creature in the same way she would a frightened dog acting on instinct. She swims nonthreateningly toward it and gets in place to help soothe it as K'Jat tries to reinhabit his body. Gnik asks Az to help give advantage to Kai. He mentally asks K'Jat if creating a mental link to the body that K'Jat could use might help; K'Jat says it could help. Kai swallows a potion of Dire Cleansing to resist poison and then attacks again, hitting. The creature throws energy at her but misses as she hits it again. It throws back its arms and shards of energy flash back in a cone in front of it, toward Kai, Kat, Al, and Ember. Al manages to dodge entirely, but the others each take some damage. Gnik swims out within 30 feet of K'Jat, activates his circlet and casts Detect Thoughts. The thoughts he gets back are pain, torment, and other horrible sensations. He swims back to the tunnel. Al takes an action to calm his own mind from his fright, and gets himself set up to dodge -- but triggers a wild surge instead. He suddenly turns to stone and sinks to the ground. Ember takes two bow attacks, hitting, and manages to shake off her fright. Kat again casts Tides of Chaos again and allows a wild surge; her skin grows scales mottled with dark red and green. She can tell that she is more resistant to damage. She attacks with Booming Blade again, and hits. The creature throws more energy at Kat and Kai, but fumbles; Kat sees an opening and stabs into its neck. Gnik feels something in his mind, passing through him as he concentrates frantically on maintaining the mental link to the creature; it suddenly pulls back, it puts its arms to the side and crystals pour out of it. In their minds they hear it say, "Sorry about that." Over the Farspeakers they hear Al say, "I'm coming back, guys...." "...You're a statue," Kai says. "What? No, I'm back in the hallway, but I'm coming back!" He swims into the room and sees a marble statue of himself on the ground. K'Jat folds itself up as Urgreth had done, making itself smaller and less threatening. Al asks him if he can heal them, and he says, "No, that is not something I can do." Milena calls the injured to her and casts Prayer of Healing. Al asks K'Jat why it was trapped here. He says he was not willing to leave knowing the damage he had done in the past, so he allowed D'She to imprison him. Al says, "But you could leave any time you wanted?" "Yes." They get the impression that he was waiting to be judged. Although Kai has serious reservations, the group tells K'Jat he should transcend. He tells them they should not be there when he does. Al asks if he could give an order to the Koth not to kill all the mortals, which is what those made by D'She have been doing. He says he will try, but his ability to communicate has been hindered while in the tower. They ask K'Jat some history questions, and then Kai asks how far his powers will go on Maerson; he is not sure. They thank K'Jat and then move back toward the base of the tower. 8 June 2024 As they approach the base, they see the color fade out of the crystals around them; and Al and Kat feel the crystals in their arms start tugging their way out. Kat appears to go a bit aqueous, and Al is suddenly covered in bruises, although they don't hurt. He tries shape-changing into his other form, but it also is bruised, so he changes back. His healing effect seems not to be affecting them. Gnik asks Kat if she's okay, and she says she thinks so... she's still figuring it out. She mentions that she felt a chaos surge as the crystals fell out of her. Everything on her including her clothes and weapons are also water, although she finds that if she tries to use her rapier it can still take a chip off a crystal. They continue out and up the shaft; the force field is gone and the shaft is now full of water, making it much easier to go up. They see an aqua glow above, suggesting there is still an air pocket there. Kat goes first, trying to be stealthy. There are no koth or kenku in the room, but there are people: three in Anlim military garb, with one telling the other two what to do, and two more are holding pieces of crystal, with one talking excitedly to the other. Kat reaches up to pull herself out of the hole and just floats up, a blob of water on water; Kai flies out immediately to make sure no one attacks her. They step out of the way and to the side as the five people stare at them. One says, "I'm Della, and this is Melony" -- indicating the bubbly one -- and asks if everything is okay. "Do we have anything to worry about?" The group says they don't think so. Melony says they're researchers who just got in. Gnik shows images of the Koth and asks if they have seen them; they saw Doyantrich, but not the larger Koth. The commander introduces himself as Lt. Stase Peace and asks if the group knows what is going on above. He says Pellum is fine and is nursing his wounds in the supply area. He says the smaller bird people all vanished and Gnik asks if anyone else did; Stase says now that he mentions it, some of his people seem to have taken off. Gnik explains that they were shapeshifters who had infiltrated all levels of the government and military. Kai tries reaching out to Laur, who is close enough to answer. He says they've been gone a day and a half, which is longer than it has been in their own experience of time. Laur says the ships above are in some chaos, but things seem more or less under control. Stase asks how they will get back up, and Gnik says they will swim up, same way as they got down. Stase warns them that there are two enormous man-sized crystals against each of the two doors. They can see out of the portals that they are still pink -- but no longer glowing. Al moves to one of the portals and sticks his face into the water from the air pocket; as soon as he does, the crystal golem turns toward him and raises an arm as if to attack. Al pulls his face back into the air pocket and it relaxes again. They realize they could walk past staying in the air passage with no problems -- that's how the soldiers and researchers got there -- but might have problems if they went into the water. Gnik, Kat, and Milena notice there are several crabs around the feet of the golems that have been stomped to death -- as if the golems were programmed to protect from all creatures that approach. Gnik asks the soldiers and researchers if they want to be able to return to that place. Stase says he doesn't care, but Della and Melony both say yes -- particularly once they learn that what is below is a lived-in tower fallen on its side, although everything in it is encased in crystal. Kat goes to inspect one of the golems and throws a Shatter spell at it. Small chunks of crystal blow off it as the water ripples around it, and it staggers back. It raises its arms and charges into the air. Gnik sends Az (in octopus form) toward Stase, Della, and Melony to distract the golem if it heads their way. Kat slashes at the golem with the Booming Blade effect, then moves away to hide behind a pillar. Zassin goes to distract the golem, giving Ember an advantage as she rushed up to stab it, taking significant chunks off it and prying one of its arms off. Al swings at it a couple times but is not able to hit effectively. Gnik casts Hydraulic Push at it, knocking it to the ground and setting off the Booming Blade effect. Kai goes into a rage and hits it twice. It pulls itself up and takes a swing at Ember and Kai. It slams Kai in the face and hits Ember in the shoulder, spinning her around. Milena runs up and casts Thunderwave at it, aiming it to hit it but not her companions. It shatters into tiny pieces that are flung back out of the room into the water. Melony claps excitedly. They discuss taking the other one out so it doesn't hurt anyone else who comes by. Milena hits Kai with a Cure Wounds spell. Al pulls one of his friends out of the bag and gets Gina the Giant Octopus. He sends her to crush the other golem... and then says, "No, pick up big rocks and drop them on it!" until he sees that she doesn't have a lot of lift strength, and goes back to the original plan. She goes almost invisible with camouflage, then suddenly reappears wrapped around the golem. It tries to fight her but its arms are pinned. Kat aims another Shatter spell at its head so she won't hit anyone else. Ember climbs to the top of the golem and hits it several times, knocking chunks off it. Zassin distracts it, giving Kai advantage as she hits it with her sword. Milena casts Spiritual Weapon, but misses, then casts Sacred Flame straight into its maw; its crystalline structure concentrates the radiance and blows chunks off it. Al runs forward to attack and manages to stun it so that the rest of them can pummel it into small pieces. Melony applauds again and Della thanks them. Stase asks about the things that were in the room before -- the bird things and the others. They explain the kranna/kenku and the koth, but Stase didn't see Doyantrich. He lets them know the mittacks and mittath are both shapeshifters and mind-readers. Stase mumbles that that explains some things. Melony is very excited to learn of a whole society they didn't even know about. She and Della ask many questions, and Gnik answers as many as he can to the best of his knowledge. While he's doing that, Milena casts Prayer of Healing on Kai, Ember, and Al, although she is doubtful his bruises will actually respond to healing -- and they don't. Kat experiments with her aqueous form, finding that she can pour herself into a nearby barrel and conform to its shape; Zassin dives in. She can also move about in the water without her merskirt with no ill effects. They swim back up to the surface; Kai checks in with Laur, who says he is on the platform directly above them, so they head that way. They see no one on the intermediate platforms by the shaft on the way up. There is a ring of ships around the platform, which is floating about five feet above the water's surface -- definitely magical. It has crenellations and a couple of ballistas on it, visible as they surface about 20 feet away. Someone throws a rope ladder over the side. Kai flies up to survey the area, and Gnik tries to leap out of the water in his manta ray form; he succeeds and shoots up onto the platform with octopus-Az riding his back. Kat walks on the surface of the water; Laur sighs and shakes his head as he sees her. When they get to the platform, there are Anlim military, Trihorn, several members of their crew, and Eleanora and Britt. Eleanora and Britt explain that they brought every ship they could find -- except the ones Bridget took to take back Serin -- to serve as a distraction against those who might try to follow the group below and cause trouble. Gnik lets them know that there are a few below who will need help coming back up -- and possibly encouragement, because two of them want to keep going down into the ruins below the ruins. One of the Anlim soldiers says, "Yeah, we know who you're talking about." A woman steps up and introduces herself as Arbam, the Trihorn rep at the site. She says they were contractors for the Anlim government but those agents all vanished a couple days ago. Gnik explains they were actually shapeshifters who probably won't be bothering them anymore. Arbam says, "Okay, we'll pack up and head out." Al says they might not want to do that, and she counters, "We're not getting paid anymore." He explains that the tower below could be filled with historical artifacts that might be worth their while. Kai glares at him for possibly giving a powerful organization more power as Arbam says, "We'll consider it." Al mentions they're agents of Trihorn, and Kat says that they put their butts on the line and so would deserve a share of the profits. Arbam agrees and says she'll see what she can do. Kat says, "Can we get that in... writing?" Arbam gives her a note laying out the details, including first pick of any artifacts and 10% of any finds. Kat thanks her and shakes her hand; as she pulls her hand back, she turns back to flesh -- an hour after the crystal effect ended. Kat plays it up like it's something Arbam did. Al, however, still has his bruises. Bimisi is also there, so Gnik asks how Awakened is doing. Bimisi says they're still a little mopey. Al says, "Look at this new trick I learned!" and transforms into his other form. Bimisi says, "I don't think you learned that. Why that form?" "I... think I had a crush on her?" "Well, who didn't -- of your age, anyway," Bimisi answers. The group discusses where to go next; there will be things to do relative to the retaking of Serin, but they don't think they want to be directly involved in that. They are near Terriola, and they discuss perhaps visiting the Tower of Time there -- they figure they deserve a little bit of a break before figuring out how to take out Auntie Treeshadow. Before going to sleep that evening, Gnik tries a Dispel Magic on Al's bruises, but nothing happens. Milena suggests Remove Curse but doesn't have it prepared, so she tries a Greater Restoration from her elven prayer bead necklace; his bruises fade and disappear. 22 June 2024 The 'E' island is referred to as Phrolla, but is often referred to as the Phrollan frontier. Rantock's Realm has settled and unsettled it numerous times over the last thousand years. There is a small portion off a peninsula that Rantock's Realm has been able to maintain control over thanks to a small mountain range protecting the peninsual from the rest of the isalnd. As we discuss what we know about this, Gnik starts convulsing and having fits, then stops. His mind was a couple of other somewhere-elses, in many other minds. He was able to see their information about Phrollan. When he comes back to himself his brain hurts, but he remembers experiencing a zombie invasion, and explored a castle and found a mystical artifact. It was a beautiful, crystaline sphere that could be used to imprison someone. There was some discussion on whether or not we would want to explore the Keldan. Gnik expressed interest. Kai expressed concern. We asked Britt and Eleanora for someone who could be our agent in Saltmarsh. They recommend Perytar. We ask him to do so and he agrees. We negotiate terms. We go back to our ship. Al describes the pressures he's feeling from everything. Ember, Gnik, Zazzin, and Az are kind of similar. Kat isn't much like others. Everyone else is similar. Milena is being overwhelmed by some sort of sensations she's experiencing. She says, "This is a lot. I am going to make tea." Kai isn't experiencing anything new. Ember is expriencing something new, but hasn't figured it out. Once in a while she feels deja vu, and like she may be able to make that thing 'not be'. Kat describes that she is 3/8ths Elf. Kai pulls out her haunted sword. Al gets multiple auras off of it. It's confusing. Laur tells us it will be a week to get to Tariolla. "It's over open ocean, so it will be just as uneventful as the trip here," he says, smiling. On the trip Gnik spends time with Ember trying to help her figure out what's going on with her new ability. Al spends time trying to understand his new ability. Al contacts Anny via the statuette to fill her in. The statuette feels somewhat similar to the dogs. Gnik casts Identify on Anny's statuette. It has two abilities. One is a telepathic connection between whoever has the statuette and Anny. The second is a conduit to Anny. One could cast spells on her through it. If it is destroyed, it would hurt her badly, though she would recover. Gnik has another fit and learns about the statuette. He sees a ceremony where two people are handing each other statues of each other. They are surrounded by elves. It is an elven marriage ceremony. He gets an idea of a researcher standing in front of a six foot tall silver statue of Ag. He's cast 'Identify' on the statue and learns that it's connected to Ag. Al tells Anny what he learned about the statuette. Anny is fine with Al having it, is not going to tell her mom about it, and is going to try to learn more about it. Anny tells Al that the shapeshifter we'd met at the Sea Elves' place disappeared. On the morning of the 14th they bring up anchor and head out. Gnik is doing Read Weather, so is not surprised when on the 16th a bit of a storm blows through. It's not too much rain, more wind. Kat is hanging out in the crow's nest when the storm hits. She's not loving the motion, but it's not the worst. A talon drives into her unexpectedly. It's late afternoon, before dinner. Kai is on deck helping people keep things locked down. Al is in his bunk, meditating. Gnik had by this time used his ability to help figure out Ember's ability. He saw a blond person in a mirror doing some experiment related to time. He sees some folks standing in front of the Tower of Time who are practicing techniques to see different paths in time to choose which one to go down. Gnik and Ember are in their cabin discussing her ability. Al hears Kat screaming. Gnik and Ember don't notice. Laur is on the wheel. Ilris is out with Kai. Mouse is below decks because no one wants to smell a wet dog. Kai looks up and sees a wyvern lifting Kat out of the crow's nest. Because of the challenging wind, she uses instinctive pounce and then climbs. She gets to 60 feet, but the crow's nest is at 80 feet. Kai rages and throws her javelin with a chain. The javelin hits and sticks. Al jumps up, tells his bunkmates there's a problem. Kai says it's a Wyvern into the Farspeakers and Al relays that to the nearby crew. Al heads up to the top deck. Al pulled out a net, but sees what is going on and climbs up the mast. Al notices that the rain has a texture that looks like the ocean and a bit like Kat. The Wyvern has some sort of texture, and Al gets a sense that there are two more hidden by the rain. Al lets the others know. Ilris attacke with a crossbow and hits the wyvern in the left side. Kat turns to water. The wyvern immediately loses its hold. Kat jumps out and is coming down feet first. Al puts out an arm to let Kat catch it, if she wants. The wyvern dives towards Kai and stings her in the shoulder. The stinger is very large, so it's a heavy impact. The wound burns. Two more wyverns come diving down, one towards Laur and one towards Ilris. Laur is able to hide behind the wheel. Ilris is hit with a stinger, and staggers pretty hard. The wynverns, having failed to grapple, fly on. Laur lashes down the wheel. Laur goes to Ilris and does something to help him. Ember and Gnik run out to the deck. Kai flies off the mast, releases the chain, dropping the javelin to the deck, pulls out her great sword, and attacks. She slices its left wing off. Kai then shoves it as it starts to fall so it falls in the water rather than to the deck. The wyvern bites her arm in the process. The wing hits the deck right in front of Gnik and Ember. Kai flies back to the mast and takes a defensive posture. Carrie comes running out, slips, and slams her head on the deck, knocking herself out. Kat ignores Al's outstretched hand, so Al jumps down, using his Slow Fall, goes over to Carrie to give her a Greater Healing potion, and gets her moved over into the mess. Az stays with Gnik. Laur helps Ilris up to his feet. Ilris goes in to the mess hall. Corey comes out and fires a crossbow at one of the wyverns. The crossbow breaks and Corey throws it off the side. He pulls out blades and runs over to Laur. Chastity comes out and shoots a crossbow. She hits one of the wyverns. Jarvis comes up to Al and says 'I got this'. Lanny comes to help Carrie, too. Jerry ran out and took a shot with the crossbow, but misses. Kat hits the ground hard. It really hurts. Kat casts Chaos Bolt at the wyvern off the starboard side. A bolt hits, and then surges towards the other wyvern, hitting it, too. Ice forms at each place the bolt hits. Kat then hides. One of the wyverns attacks Kai and grabs her with a claw. The stinger comes around, but Kai blocks it. The other wyvern attacks Chastity, and grabs her. Laur jumps on that wyvern's claw and pulls it off of Chastity, freeing her. Ember runs over and stabs that wyvern a few times. Wend runs over to the wyvern and hits it pretty hard with his maul. Gnik casts Slumber against both Wyverns. The wyvern that has Kai falls asleep. From Kai's perspective, everything flickers gray for a moment and its claws pass through Kai as it starts to fall. Kat sees Kai glow blue for a moment, then turn transluscent. That wyvern falls into the water. Gnik goes up to the top deck and heads toward the stern. Kai divebombs the remaining wyvern and attacks it, sinking her sword into the base of the skull, pinning its head to the deck while Kai lands on its neck. Kai is not poisoned in the sense that she needs to be cured. Jarvis and Milena decide that every part of the Wyvern can be used. When Kat turns back to corporeal form, she is still injured, though she doesn't have broken bones. The storm starts clearing up a bit later and behind us we see a floating island. It's about 150 feet up. Laur slows the ship. Kai heads up towards the floating island. Gnik uses Control Water to dry himself and then others off. Kai heads up to take a look, but stays a mile away. There's a partial ring of water with an outcropping in the center with a castle on top. There's water bubbling up in the horseshoe of water, and then water flows out and off the side. Kai sees something moving in one of the windows of the castle. Kai sees some things moving down on the main flat part of the floating island, outside the horseshoe of water. There are three air mephits, three ice mephits, and three mud mephits. Kat borrows Milena's firebird cape. Ember and Gnik get in Kat's bag of holding. Kai carries Al. The group aims to land on the other side of the outcropping from the mephits. Flying underneath we see a cave underneath it. The group flies up past the path to the castle and to the front door, then knocks. Kat turns off the cape and lets Gnik and Ember out. From up above we hear a heavily accented trade shouted at us. Kat says, "We're here for a cup of sugar." Kat says, "We saw you and were curious." A genie made in part of a pillar of water comes floating down. Kat says they look beautiful. The genie says Kat looks familiar. G: "What do you want?" Kai: "Why is this here?" G: "I don't know" Kai: "Why are you here?" ... G: "There is a connection to my home." (probably elemental plane of water) (the mephits are also from a plane of water -- a demi-plane?) Kat: "Do you mind if we look around?" G: "I'd rather you didn't enter my home." ... Al: "Would you be willing to show us your home?" G: "I suppose I could ... He forms legs and shows us around the castle. He has done a lot to spruce the place up. He says he's gone home a few times to bring things here. He is named Huhaso. Kat notices that there are a couple of areas that make it look like this was a wizard's residence. Huhaso takes us up to the Gazebo at the top. We don't feel the wind up there. All the windows are open in the castle, but the wind is not coming inside. It feels climate controlled inside. H: "There was nothing on the walls. Quite drab and boring." There are now very pretty, abstract art on the walls. Kat: "I love what you've done with the place." There is a room covered in bookshelves, but there are no books. Kat: "Was this place empty when you came here?" H: "There was garbage. I just threw it in the water, and it washed off" The water on top of the island is no deeper than six or seven feet. Kai: "Do you stay up here or go down?" H: "If there is someone to grace with my presence I may go down." Al can see that Huhaso's aura is similar to Kat. Al can see that there's something different about the land and something different about the plants. We go to the cave entrance and find a brood of two baby wyverns. Wyverns can be trained. It's a challenge, but they can be impressive as mounts or guards. Kai spends ten minutes to attune to them and then speaks to them. Meanwhile Gnik starts summoning a floating disc. Ws: "Food?" Kai: "If you come with us we can get you food." Ws: "Are you food?" Kai: "We are friends, not food." The baby wyverns get on the floating disc. We warn Laur that we're coming. Someone in Milena's village has actually trained a wyvern. 6 July 2024 From Zassin, Milena has an image in her mind of Laur saying, "Ask Milena when she's going to get up here!" She rouses herself from her bunk and goes to the deck, where Laur points over the edge. "I figured this was more your thing than ours," he says. Over the edge, there are two sparkly pink dolphins. They chitter, and Milena hears in her mind, "Hello! I am Lovely, and this is Daring. Can you help us?" They explain that an evil being named Huaso came to their world, manipulated people and they started vanishing; it turns out he was eating them. They fought him off and he escaped here; they followed to make sure he wasn't causing more harm, and he killed four of them -- the remaining two fell off the floating island and need to get back to it to return to their home. Milena explains the situation and asks if they have met a being called Huaso. They say yes, and hatch a plan to bring the wyverns down and the dolphins up using the portable office. Klaab is ready on deck to take charge of the wyverns. The dolphins teleport into the office -- they can only go a short distance -- and Gnik pulls in a cube of water to help provide buoyancy to keep them comfortable. Kai flies them back up to the island. Gnik realizes he has seen drawings of these creatures in books. At home. Because they are fey-descended. They are called Delighters, and they really are friendly and not at all deceptive. The Delighters tell the group they are welcome to come visit, but humankind usually don't like to spend that much time in the water. The group says they have ways of being comfortable in the water. As they reach the surface of the island, Kai notices that the water is not moving the way she would expect. She can see where water is coming out of the underwater portal, and the water behind it seems not to flow with the currents. Kai gets about 30 feet above the portal and opens the portable office far enough to let the dolphins out. They both go "Wheee!" and disappear in a poof of sparkle, then reappear in the water near the portal. Milena and Ember prepare to distract any creature that might hurt the dolphins; Milena preparing to cast Sacred Flame, Ember with her crossbow, and Kat with Chaos Bolt. A huge watery form rises up 30 feet, to the level where Kai is holding open the office, and tries to hit her, but instead lops off part of itself by sticking it into the office. Fresh water pours out of the office; Kai manages to keep hold of it, but her arm has been bludgeoned pretty hard. The Sacred Flame and Ember's crossbow bolt both hit the water creature as Kat's Chaos Bolt goes off, dealing Lightning damage; there's a flash of lightning through it. Al dives acrobatically out of the office portal, hitting the creature on the way down and managing to stun it; it hangs quivering in midair. Al twists and dives perfectly into the water. Kai yells, "Everybody get out!" Gnik dives out with his hood pulled up, hits the shallows, and skates along the surface, downstream. The dolphins swim against the flow of water toward the portal; Daring makes it out, but Lovely is having trouble fighting the strength of the current. Kat yells, "Go to land!" and Kai sets the office on the land. She flies up again to hit it with her sword. She's not sure how much effect it will have; her sword says, "Let's find out!" Milena waits for everyone to get out of the office, then closes it and puts it away for safekeeping, while casting another Sacred Flame. Kat hits it with a firebolt, and then hides. Al attacks the creature again and stuns it a second time. Gnik realizes Lovely is still having trouble getting to the portal, so he redirects the Hydraulic Push he was planning to use against the water creature and uses it to redirect water out of Lovely's way. She pops through the portal in a spray of sparkles, chirping "Thank you!" on her way out. Kai hits the creature again, and it falls apart and splashes into the pool below. Milena asks the group, "Is this Huaso?" and they say no -- he is more of a djinn. Milena looks around and for a moment thinks she perceives something between them and the castle; she alerts the others and prepares to cast Banishment if needed. Knowing he seems to like to eat all manner of things just for enjoyment -- he doesn't need to eat -- she prepares a small fire as a material component that is distasteful to him. Kat looks up and sees him, invisible, coming toward them. She uses Mage Hand to hold a stick pointing at him, then casts Firebolt. "How dare you come into my home and attack me unprovoked?" he bellows, suddenly appears, and splays his hands out in front of him. Jets of water spray out and hit them with firehose force; Milena is pushed back 20 feet to the edge of the island but manages to teeter on the edge without going over. Al swims forward and attacks, attempting a stunning strike, but fails to stun him. He hits again and does some damage. Gnik casts Mind Sliver at Huaso, and hits, then dives below again. Kai flies up to attack his upper half, which seems more solid. She slashes deep into his left shoulder and chest. Milena pulls out a Continual Flame and casts Banishment. Huaso yells in rage and pops out of existence. Milena holds up a finger and keeps concentrating to make sure he doesn't immediately return. Six mephits peek around a rock, wide-eyed, and slink away. Al calls down to Laur on the Farspeaker, "We may be here a while, we just got rid of all the creatures here and need to explore. Well, except for the mephits." "How many mephits are there?" Laur asks. "Six..." "...because we just saw six creatures fly off the island," Laur says. The group begins exploring; they immediately notice all the ice sculptures have melted. They look more closely at the tapestries and see they are made entirely of metallic threads. Milena finds a secret door behind a bookshelf -- more obvious because there are no books -- that opens onto what looks like an extension of the lab, but with all the equipment removed. There are benches, and marks where objects used to be, but the objects are gone. Kai finds a section of inlaid tile floor with circular patterns on it. She finds a stone that is recessed and steps on it; a spiral staircase drops down from the floor leading to a secret exit below. Gnik finds a similarly ornate floor in an enclosed porch space with a lovely view; he also presses a stone to reveal a stairway down into a room below. There is no opening, but there is a view of the island from behind the island. There is a ball of glowing blue energy with two smaller ones beside it, and a cone below the big sphere, with its flat surface on top, all floating in midair. He puts on the arcanus glasses to examine them more closely, then touches the side of the cone. The view flips, showing the bottom side of the island. He touches a little bit to the side and the view shifts to the side. He can't reach the spheres, but when Kai gets there she touches the top of the cone they get a top-down view; it appears to be in real time, since they can see the splashy mess they left after their flight. Gnik asks Kai to lift him up so he can touch the sphere; he feels resistance that he didn't feel with the cone. He asks Kai if she can hold him up for 11 minutes; she sighs and says, "Milena, can we get him a ladder?" Milena pulls out the bone ladder and shapes it into a stepstool. Gnik finds that the middle sphere can be used to reorient the island: turning it by rotating the sphere or moving it forward and backward by pushing and pulling it. The two spheres on the sides are connected to energy sources -- one at the bottom of the island and one at the top of the tallest turret, each of which can fire energy bolts. Only one can be fired at a time, but it can be fired while the island is moving. It can sit on the surface of the water but can't go underwater, and it also has a limit on how high it can go. It can only go 20 miles per day -- their ship can go 120 miles in that time. Milena sees that everything here has been here for a long time. Gnik has a vision of a memory of a smaller island, the entire top of which is a keep, flying through the sky. A humanoid but stocky woman is sitting in front of four gems, manipulating them; he hears a voice say, "What are you doing in here?" and he immediately passes out, but comes to quickly. He says he thinks someone realized he was visiting their memories. The person he saw did not speak, but he believes that is the person who spoke to him. They decide to move the island up as high as it can go so it will be less obvious to those below. They move it up two miles, and Al proposes they go through the portal to the water world before they leave. Kai says, "I am NOT going." Al, Kat, Ember, and Gnik dive in; Milena casts an Augury and gets "Weal," so she joins them. When they are all gone, Kai says into the Farspeaker, "Laur, everyone else went through a portal to the elemental plane of water." "Of course they did," he says. Those that went through the portal feel the gravity switch partway through and they come out into an area caged off with a seaweed net. Six dolphins are outside it. "Well, hello!" they say. Milena says, "Lovely and Daring invited us." The dolphins say they went home to their families because they haven't been home for quite a while, and the rest of them were just about to repair the defense -- there is a hole in the net. Milena says they wanted to take the opportunity to see this place since they might not have another chance, but then they could help with the repairs. Milena shares with them that although the dangers have been cleared off for now, it may not be safe later. Gnik adds that the island is now much further up in the sky, so falling off the edge will hurt much more. Al shares that they banished the water elemental that was eating their people to its home plane, but it might be able to find its way back. They ask how they might come back and visit if the defense is put back up, and the dolphins say they will know. Kai lowers the island all the way to the sea surface so the crew can explore it. When it hits the surface, a pier comes out. A few minutes later, the rest of the group re-emerges from the portal; they spent a couple hours in the other realm, but it has only been 15 minutes on Maerson. 17 Mara 3275 The next day, Kai and Kat spot a huge whirlpool in their path; Laur triggers the teleport effect to go past it. He says it's not on the charts, although other whirlpools are. They near Cloud's Edge, a port city in Tarriolla. Before they arrive, Laur tells Kat that there are some laws in Tarriolla about what gods people can worship, so she might not want to say too much about who her friends are. 23 Mara 3275 As they come into Cloud's Edge, it is a foggy morning. They notice crystal pillars sticking out of the water, about 8 feet in diameter -- part of the city's defenses. As they approach, they see two pillars glowing; according to the story, they indicate the safe way to go in times of safety, and nothing is lit up in times of strife. As Jimsu steers towards them, an old lady pops up beside him to ask the ship's name, their purpose, and how long they will stay. Laur answers, and Jimsu reaches out to poke her; it is an illusion, and as they near the shore they can see her on a balcony on shore with an illusion of the deck of their ship. Al notices that he can't see the source of the illusion image, which lets him know it's an illusion. In the city, different religious orders run different aspects of the city: defense, medicine, commerce, etc. They see a tower, almost 200 feet tall, covered with scaffolding as though it is being worked on. There is a platform on the top with a balloon ship moored on it. They discuss how to get to the capital city of Terriolla; Ember and Jarvis say there are many ways: sailing up the river, or land-train, or airship.... Kai asks what would be the fastest, and the answer is airship, but it might be expensive. The rest of the crew will stay in Cloud's Edge to make deals -- selling the tapestries, and the wyverns.... "We're selling the wyverns?" Al asks wistfully. They discuss terms with Laur and suggest selling to someone who would let them come visit the wyverns. They disembark and a large man with a loud voice greets them and says they're here to make their stay pleasant; he's wearing a tabard of Arcon, the god of arcane knowledge, prophesy and greed. He introduces himself as Monroe. Behind him is an old woman they didn't see at first, a gnome taking notes, and wearing a tabard showing the holy symbol of Etlath, the god of business and contracts. He seems in his element; she seems over it. They all notice that Ember is hiding in the back of the group. Al asks her over the farspeaker why she is hiding. "Because I don't like Petin. She's a smug bitch." 20 July 2024 Monroe suggests the best inn is Cloak and Dagger, run by a former spymaster, but don't tell anyone -- he winks. Kat banters with him, asking if he gets a kickback if they go there. "No, no, that's not allowed," he laughs. Petin, the gnome, shoots him an exasperated look. They notice that there are no street urchins, rats, garbage... there are vendors, and a sign nearby that says "tours". Kai is aware that there are slums around Cloud's Edge, but they are well away from the docks and the center of town. Kat observes to Monroe that it's the cleanest dock she's ever seen; he says they pride themselves on it. Kai knows a little about the Cloak and Dagger; there are rumors about the owner that include that he's a former spy, a former assassin, a fiend disguised as a half-orc... and that perhaps he's the one spreading those rumors. It's a private space with good food. Several of the crew will be joining them, so they send Al and Jimsu ahead to make sure the inn knows they are coming and make reservations. They go to sign up for one of the tours, and Kat asks if it's a walking tour; she learns that it is, but there are transports around the city that they walk into that takes them immediately to another part of the city so they don't have to walk all the way across. Kat recalls hearing about such things being ancient technology, many of which no longer work, but a few places -- including Cloud's Edge and Tarriolla -- have been able to keep some of them operational. They sign up for a food and drink tour that will start in an hour. Gnik takes Ember into a weapons shop so she can explain to him why all the weapons in it are inferior and really just cosmetic, because he thinks she will enjoy that. Kat and Rodger take the dogs and wander the dock, discussing how weird it is that there are no urchins or trash or anything. Milena wanders into a couple of shops looking to replenish small supplies: herbs, thread for mending and embroidering -- particularly if there are interesting colors or fiber types. Kai has a drink. They see that the city is surrounded by a wall, 40-50 feet high, due to a history of conflict with Rantock's Realm from which the city broke off. Al and Jimsu come back in time for the tour, saying they will really like Mel and Mik. The tour guide, an older man, sports the symbol of Gosh. He introduces himself as Padto and asks if they just want the normal tour or if they want to see something special. Kat says they want to see the out-of-the way place. The tour takes six hours and includes thought to be from before the third stonefall, based on a translated old Jhoynian cookbook. They go to an authentic Dorgenian restaurant that caters to Dorgenian travelers, founded over a hundred years ago. They experience the transporters. They learn that it would cost about a gold piece for a map, and they can get a day pass to the transports. Kat buys a map and Gnik asks if he can look at it. "Sure, for a gold," she says. Ember chuckles. After the tour they tip their guide -- who has been doing this 40 years and always made sure the dogs had things to eat, too -- and make their way to Cloak and Dagger. The door has a little ledge sticking out of it in front of a tiny door within the door. Two little mice come out. "Hello! Hi, Al! Hi, Jimsu!" One says, "I'm Mel," and the other says, "I'm Mik!" As Milena gets closer, her dagger begins yelling, "Fiend! Fiend! Fiend!" One of the mice squeaks and runs inside to hide. Milena moves back, and side-to-side, and quickly figures out it is being triggered by something or someone inside. The door opens inward; a half-orc man is standing there with Mel on his shoulder. "What's this about a fiend?" he asks. Voices inside voices jokingly yell, "They got ya, Lavane!" while Gnik explains they have an item that alerts them when a fiend is nearby. The man shrugs and invites them inside. There are table and chairs of various sizes to accommodate all sizes of beings. A server in a short, tight dress walks over to one of the short tables and as she approaches she shrinks down, so that the dress is full-length and loose. She chats with the folks at that table and takes their orders, then gets larger again as she walks away. Kat offers to pay the bar tab for their group for the evening. Corey excitedly goes to the bar, then they hear him yell, "What?!" as he learns they don't sell hard alcohol, only beer and wine. The shapechanging girl, Syble, becomes 8 feet tall and very strong, and moves a couple of tables together for their group. Kai says to her, "This is going to sound rude, but I'm going to ask it anyway.... What ARE you?" "I get that a lot," the girl says. She says her people call themselves Changers, they used to be human but were made into Changers by a being called Prosaleeza who then enslaved them and tried to use them to infiltrate societies, but some of them have escaped, and she works here now because Lavane is awesome. Lavane adds that ships showed up many years ago with Changer spies who turned out to not be as obedient to Prosaleeza as he had hoped, then says, "Can I interest you in roc eggs and a tarask steak?" "Where do you have a tarask?!" Gnik asks. "Oh, it's buried under the city, so it can't move, but we can go take pieces and it grows back, so it doesn't really hurt it. Expensive, but worth it." What comes out is steak and eggs; they're pretty sure it's just regular steak and eggs, and Lavane is a very good storyteller/liar. Al peruses the room with his new power; nothing appears to be other than it is supposed to be until a few minutes later, a couple comes down the stairs and Al says, "Okay, SHE'S different...." It is a clearly wealthy couple; the man, who appears wealthy, departs and Lavane scampers over to the woman and asks how she is doing and if she needs anything, then escorts her to a private room. Milena's dagger is still glowing. When Lavane comes back, Kai asks him what the city rules are about fiends. He responds that there are no rules against them as long as they're following the rules. Kai asks if there's another exit from that private room and he says no, then asks if there's going to be trouble. He hopes not, because she's been there for years -- a regular renter who receives gentleman callers and who always pays her bills on time. The group debates whether to do anything; most don't want to, but Kai does, so she goes over to the door to knock. Before she does, Lavane sees her and comes to ask what she's doing, pointing out that the servants can go in if they knock and are invited, but no one else, because it's a *private* room. He offers to ask if she wants visitors, then knocks and identifies himself. He asks the woman if she'd like a visitor and she asks, "Is it an interesting visitor?" "Oh, I think so...." The woman invites Kai in. Kai confronts her, asking what she is. "Oh, so you know I'm different but not what I am?" Kai says they know there's a fiend nearby. She looks confused for a moment, then says, "Technically there's a fiend in me, because that's how it works.... How much do you know about vampires?" "Quite a lot, actually," Kai says, and recalls the book they have describing the differnt types of vampires. "You're a Sgult vampire," Kai says. "Yes, I think that's what it's called," the woman says; "Do you know how to cure them?" Kai uses the Farspeaker to call Al in. The woman is completely open about her situation, seeing that Kai and Al already have an idea what she is. As they talk, Kai perceives that she is enslaved by the demon inside her and feels drawn to help her. She leans forward and unconsciously touches the woman's hand. She notices it is room temperature, and then... The door blows off its hinges and Kai calls out, "That wasn't me!" Then, "Sgult demon!" The woman is slumped over, as is Al, and there is a huge demon, about 12 feet tall, crouched in the room and covered in flames. Kat leaps up and makes a beeline for the doorway with Torchlight in her hand. It flicks the blade to the side but she sinks her dagger into its shoulder. It doesn't show pain although she knows it was a solid hit -- then she recalls followers of Sgult like pain. She scampers out of the room again. The demon roars and the wound in its shoulder immediately closes up. It brings its hands together, throws them apart, and fire erupts within the inside of the tavern. Gnik notes that none of the items in the tavern catch fire, but the people do. The fire seems to hit a barrier that keeps it in only half the room. Ember leaps at the demon and gets a few good hits in. Boris looks at Milena, then goes to one of the downed locals to pull them to safety; Wend grabs another to drag away. Lavane grabs something from under the counter and yells, "What the hell are you doing? Who's going to pay for that door?" "THAT'S your concern?" asks Kai. "No, but I had to say something!" Lavane begins dragging patrons to safety. "I can fix the door," Gnik says. "Well, then, THAT makes it all better," Lavane says. Carie runs at the demon and hits it several times, but none of her weapons have an effect... because none are magical. Mouse grabs one of the smaller fallen patrons to pull them to safety, and the rest of the crew follow suit. Kai attacks with her sword; her first attack misses but the second hits. Gnik hands the Wand of Maria to Milena as an item distasteful to a demon, and casts Mind Spike at the demon. Milena holds out the wand and casts Banishment. The demon roars and collapses in on itself in a sickening crunch of cracking limbs, then disappears. For a moment, there is total silence, then Gnik says, "Nobody distract Milena." "Why?" Lavane asks. "Because that thing might come back," Gnik says. Lavane steps between Milena and where the demon was with a hand-crossbow in each hand, to stand guard. Kai sees that there are three dead civilians and asks Lavane, "I can only save one -- which one?" He points and says, "What are you going to do?" "I have Spare the Dying in my dagger," Kai says, and uses it on the person he indicated. Milena is able to Revivify the other two without breaking her concentration on the Banishment. Then she sets about healing as many people as she can. The woman, Arlean, thanks them and says they have done plenty already -- they gave her her life back -- and she can get healing from the local temples. Gnik warns her she will probably start aging again. Kai says to Gnik, "So... I don't know what actually happened in there." After talking Al, they realize that her new gift from K'Jat allowed her to push Arlean briefly into the ethereal without also pushing the demon, which separated them -- which was only possible because Arlean was imprisoned by the demon. After everything has calmed down, Gnik seeks out Mel and Mik and asks their story. "We were pets of a wizard who decided he wanted to know what they were thinking. He wasn't impressed. But we got better!" Lavane breaks out alcohol just for their table that he keeps for special occasions. Arlean comes back downstairs with a coffer, pulls out a small bag and puts it on the bar. Lavane looks into it, his eyes widen, and he stuffs it into his pocket. Kat complains that she's the only one who doesn't know what her gift from K'Jat is yet. Al tells her he can see the Koth energy on her, so there is definitely something. They talk with Lavane about what to see in Tarriolla. He mentions the Tower of Time, which is a temple of Cynthia and seems to be getting newer. He tells them of an inn, probably the most expensive they will ever see in their lives, with amazing spas and other services, but they release floating lanters with tickets attached that anyone can find and bring for a free night; and if one of the six owners decide to retire, there is a random lottery for anyone in town to have a chance to join in ownership and share in the profits. 17 August 2024 The group spends the evening playing music, drinking, and having fun in the bar. Gnik uses a ritual to mend the door, then asks Syble what she knows about Prosalisa. She thinks he just wanted to infiltrate and control societies to get rid of them. She says she last saw him on a ship that went to Tyreln after dropping her and other of his creations off here. They were originally from another continent to the west. 24 Mara 3275 The group, including Rodger and Jimsu, leave in the morning to take the airship to Terriolla. It will take two days. Byron Pare, the manager of Terriolla Transports, gets them all set up. Rodger is very proud to have enough money to pay the 50 gold for his own passage. There is another passenger on the transport, Melonie. Gnik and Kat remember seeing her before, but she was dressed much differently and went by a different name -- she was one of the archaeologists. They bring this up with her, and she says, "Ah. I see you've met my sister." She clearly doesn't like her sister very much. She's wearing a crown-like headpiece; when asked about it, she says it's been in the family a long time. She's not a queen, but she is nobility. They make small talk with her about their stay at the Cloak and Dagger, and mention this will be their first time in Terriolla. She mentions a museum holding a collection of books called "The Chronicles of Life" in which text just shows up; it's rumored the goddess Alsaya is writing it. She shares that her family trades in spices and similar goods. There's someone on the deck serving as a guide: "There's the Free Forest -- it doesn't always look like that, it walks around...." Milena is aware of a grove back home that would move when there was a threat to it; her people told stories that it was the gods moving them to protect them. Kat has read of a group of druids who sacrificed themselves to give the woods their spirit, turning it into a living forest. Gnik get the impression of a memory of someone walking through a forest talking to someone dressed simply in leather armor; they talk about what they are about to do will take all they have. One of them takes off flying, and the other one looks up, as if at Gnik, and the memory ends. The tour guide is a halfling; Al asks her about how the ship is flying and gets the impression she doesn't want to give away the secrets to how it's done. Flying and sleeping on the ship is really nice compared to being at sea -- it is very smooth. Occasionally they see the land ships go by below, which are a little faster than the airship. 25 Mara 3275 As they approach Terriolla from above, they see the Tower of Time at the mouth of a river that cuts through a ravine with three natural black stone bridges across it, with roads in the middle of the bridges and buildings on either side. The river ends in a waterfall over a cliff about 600 feet tall. On the other side of the river from the tower is the coliseum, with a switchback road coming up the cliff near it. There appear to be some kind of stone structures that have been build into the river. The ship flies straight to the Tower of Time. Nearby they can see four huge statues on top of the coliseum, which holds about 60,000 people. The statues represent Alyddia, Ceonair, Gosh, and Vlandrel. The ship docks at a platform about 50 feet up; the tower itself is about 300 feet tall. They see no seams in the stone of the tower, and a massive cut crystal a little over halfway up on each of the four faces, a pale pink-purple color. Al sees an aura of violet and yellow-green on it. Near the base he also sees a blue-green glow he hasn't seen before. To Milena, it appears to have always been there. As they exit, there's a wall of painted images and someone inspecting the passengers as they exit the ship, comparing them to the pictures. Kat recognizes one of the images, labeled Karissa Caddell -- but it's Jae, whom she recalls is from Terriolla. Al asks Melonie if she has recommendations of where to stay; she asks how much tey want to spend, and Kai suggests "middle of the road". Melonie has only stayed in the very expensive inn Lavane told them about. She tells them about a few other places she's aware of, and the group decides the place with the best food -- the Jaded Spoon -- sounds like the best pick. They enter the tower on the fourth floor and take the spiral ramp to the bottom. The inside of the tower is the same solid stone, with rugs and tapestries to help dampen the sound. They notice the entries to the rooms they pass have very tall doors. The spiral is in the middle of the tower, wrapped around a pillar; the way up is chained off. At the bottom, it is a hive of activity, much like a city market: booths line the edge of the walls with people in each one. One vendor is selling little statues of the tower. Melonie is talking with someone whose garb marks her as part of the Temple of Cynthia, who is loudly saying, "Sorry, we can't help you." They get the impression Melonie was trying to ask quietly for something. When she sees the rest of the group, she nods and turns to leave, but Al hurries to catch up to see if there's something the group can help with. She says, "No, you can't," and turns around and starts walking; she seems embarrassed to reveal what she was talking about. As the rest of the group reaches the bottom of the ramp, the woman in Cynthia garb asks if she can help with anything. They share that most of them have never been to Terriolla and she asks what they're interested in. "Fighting," says Kai. "Oh, then you'll want to visit the Coliseum." "Can *I* fight?" "If you sign up...." Kai is very excited. "Books," says Gnik, in answer to his interests, "and secrets of the universe." There are posters around the room of shows in town, and Kat sees that one of them includes Reggie in the cast; Kat points it out and says maybe they could go see Reggie in a show. Kat explains to Kai how they know Reggie and keeps making Gnik show her image: "Hey Gnik, show Reggie!" "Hey, Gnik, show the dress I was wearing when we went to that ball and Reggie was my date!" Gnik obliges, long-sufferingly. 31 August 2024 24 Mara 3275 Crew Adventure! After a day of exploring the city, the crew regroups and Laur shares possible opportunities. He asks Wend, Carie, Garelle, Chastity, and Jarvis to meet with someone who has an opportunity offshore. Garelle says, "Better than staying here and seeing the sights." "Good one," Wend says; and a couple beats later Jarvis says, "Ah. Funny!" Laur tells them the name of the man they are to meet, Karmus Yelgun, for breakfast at the Mysterious Paladin tavern. He's a merchant dealing in antiquities. "A brand new adventure," Carie says. "Hopefully nothing too exciting," Laur says. 25 Mara 3275 In the morning they head to the Mysterious Paladin, in a seedier area near the docks. The bar is raucous for the hour of the morning; there is a rowdy ship's crew having a good time, but the person they are to meet is obvious -- sitting by himself in the back corner of the tavern. They head to his table -- except for Chastity, who hangs back in case there is trouble, until Wend gestures her over. They introduce themselves and Carie says, "We hear you might have a job for us." He explains he has had something stolen from one of his ships, an ancient flask that is not magical but is historically important. He posted a bounty and someone came to him with a tip that smugglers going under the cover of a company called Horizon Shipping stole it. They have a hideout on a nearby island and he thinks the flask might be there. He thinks there won't be more than a dozen people on the island. He offers 100 gold each, and then describes the flask in extreme detail. He says he bought it from an archaeologist in the capital area, who found it in a wizard's tomb, and it was very expensive. Chastity can tell that he really did pay for it -- but she also noticed that he paused when they asked if he was Karmis, as if that is not the name he has normally gone by. Garelle gets the sense that he described the flask in such detail to distract from the parts of the tale that aren't true. Chastity pulls out a dagger and plays with it, and in a lull in the conversation she says, "Now you're going to tell us who you actually are, and why you want this flask." He blinks, blinks again, and admits that he did buy the flask, but he didn't have enough money for all of it so he used collateral from the smuggling group to cover it. They didn't like it, so they kicked him out of the group but kept the flask. He confesses his name is actually Denis. Jarvis asks some questions to determine what else the smuggling group has been into -- to determine if taking them out might be a useful bonus to taking the job -- and asks about the archaeologist who sold him the flask to make sure he was trustworthy. Denis says he has worked with the archaeologist before and has not felt he has been led astray before. Denis says the name of the leader is Urdo Mugwort -- and describes him as a spoiled dandy. Garelle asks if there's anyone in the smuggling group with special abilities they should know about, or animals like guard dogs. Denis says he thinks there are a few dogs used for hunting. The group discusses amongst themselves: Jarvis is concerned that the flask might be something that shouldn't be in the hands of the smugglers or Denis. Garelle thinks they might have other interesting things to take -- such as rare spices -- and Chastity and Wend think that taking the job sounds like a good time. Carie thinks maybe they don't have a real reason to go up against smugglers -- although the description of the markings on the flask make it sound like it is either magical or has something magical inside it. They discuss renegotiating the terms to say that they hang on to the flask until he's able to sell it, and then take half the profits in place of the 50 gp afterwards. Garelle suggests they do it after aquiring the item; Jarvis says, "That's shady, but I see your point." They tell Denis that they'll take the job, and he begins describing the island. Because of the location of the watchtower on the northeast edge, at the top of a cliff, and where they'll be landing on the southwest corner, he recommends they land just before sunrise to give them the maximum amount of daylight while letting them get across the beach in the dark. He says the flask is most likely in the tower or in the cove, but he's not sure exactly where the cove is. Carie suggests they go at sunset instead so the sun won't be in their eyes as they cross the island. "Just so you know," Garelle says, "I'm good with going at night." They agree on a time to meet up in the afternoon to get them to the island by sundown. Chastity asks where the island is and he's reluctant to tell them -- they might go themselves and take the flask for themselves. Chastity says they could do that anyway, and he says that at least he would be there. He goes ahead and give them their 50 gold up front so they can get supplies. Garelle and Jarvis suggest they may need mountaineering gear in case they need to scale the cliff. They also need rope and gags in case they have to tie up any smugglers (as Carie would rather not kill them, even though Chastity and Garelle point out that would be more efficient). And boat snacks. Jarvis goes with Garelle to ask his new Nolan-worshipping friends at the boatyard about charts and maps, since they've now had the island described to them and know how far away it is. Chastity decides to join them -- and Carie briefly thinks she should go keep an eye on them, but doesn't want to leave Wend to do the shopping alone. Jarvis describes the island to two folks and one says, unconvincingly, "Oh, no, I've never heard of that...." while the other shows them where it is. When Chastity presses the first one, she says, "Oh, I think... sometimes people camp there... and hunt." They discuss ditching Denis and just going to the island themselves, but decide that they might need him to take the boat away so it's not obviously sitting on shore. They are all competent sailors, so they help without being asked. It's an overcast day, and he hits the beach dead on just through dead reckoning. They jump out and pull the boat up enough so it's not easily visible from the tower, and he plans to sit and wait for them. They head toward the cliff upward to the tower. They perceive a path, not very well-worn and a bit overgrown, heading that direction. Chastity and Carie scout ahead about 30 feet, and Wend brings up the rear. Garelle detects the faintest hint of wood smoke and something acrid. "Does anyone else smell that?" she asks quietly. "Not yet," Jarvis says, "but I probably will in another... hundred feet or so." They stop, and Carie and Chastity come back to join them. Garelle points toward where she thinks the campfire is, and Chastity says she will go check it out (without Carie, who is not being very quiet). "I noticed," Garelle says. She finds the camp; there's someone tanning hides, someone tending the fire, and someone whittling on a stick that might be used as part of a trap. There are also two large hunting dogs, and the woman whittling has a wolfskin rug at her feet. She can see a bear trap. She returns to the group and reports that it seems to be just a hunting party, and perhaps they should just go around them. Carie says perhaps they should ask them for information about a switchback trail or if they know anything about where the cove is, but the rest all think it will be better to leave them out of it. Jarvis discerns that there is a path from that camp to the rise where it gets rocky, and sees a series of switchbacks. As Jarvis points it out, Carie sees the top of a ladder and a well-camouflaged archery stand and a small guard tower. They decide to break out their climbing gear and go a different way to avoid having these guards signal the folks in the big tower. They make it up the cliff face without incident and head toward the big tower. The tower is ancient and falling apart. There is a hole in the side with poles stuck in it to block it off. There are other poles blocking a hole in the walkway to it. As most of the crew hide behind a wall, Chastity sneaks forward to look into the hole in the side. She can see the entire ground level, and hears something a bit higher up. She climbs up to peek into the second floor and sees a dapper-looking halfling carrying a way too large sword strapped to his back. He's pacing back and forth, fretting: "I don't know if we should wait. I'm getting worried." The Jhoynian woman with him says, "I understand, I'd write them off at this point. I don't think they would have survived. I'm pretty sure it's some sort of demon." "But we don't have anything that can take it out. It vanishes!" "...And I think it ate their souls." She gleans that the next ship coming in won't be there for another two days, and that they think they have the demon trapped in the cove. Chastity quietly goes back to the group and says, "I think it's time to leave. There's a demon. They're not paying me enough to fight the demon." Wend, though, thinks they should fight the demon, because it's the right thing to do. "Since when did doing the right thing become the right thing to do?" Garelle asks. "It would be greatly appreciated if you did try to take it out," the halfling says, looking down on them from above. "How greatly appreciated?" Wend asks. He says they have a lot of stuff they can't get to right now, so if they take out the demon he's happy to give them something they want. He describes the demon, which is huge, and Chastity says, "Nope, I'm going back to the boat." Everyone else is at least interested in checking it out. Jarvis recalls hearing about demon-traps that can contain a demon by speaking the command word -- most likely written on it -- and guesses that's what the horn is. After some discussion, the halfling, Urdo, invites them in to talk more. He sketches out what the cove looks like and where he thinks the flask might have landed. Jarvis asks what the gate is made of; Urdo says it's iron. Jarvis says the bosses sometimes talk about some of the things they fight not liking certain materials, so maybe this one doesn't like iron. He wonders alout if maybe the bear trap Chastity saw might be made of iron. Carie suggests someone really fast who could also read the inscription could run in, grab the flask, jump in the water where the demon doesn't want to go, and read the word on the flask. They make their way down to peek into the cove, along with the woman, Alisha. They see six dead smugglers but do not see the demon or the flask. Garelle can smell the stench of the blood and the sea, which blocks out most everything else. They divide into a group to fight the demon and a group to look for the flask and read the word. Chastity loans Alisha her magical dagger so she has a better chance of hurting the demon. Urdo opens the gate and he, Alisha, Garelle, and Wend run in. Alisha says, "I saw something in the dirt down there!" She heads that way. Carie hands Wend a bag of flour and says, "Throw this on the demon so you can see it!" He brings it to Alisha. Jarvis, Chastity, and Carie move to where they think the flask is. Jarvis sees it and picks it up. They hear a horrendous roar as the demon appears in front of Wend and Garelle and attacks them. It hits Wend, slamming his left shoulder, and tries to grapple, but he's able to break away. It swipes at Garelle and grabs her left leg, but she also is able to pull free. Everything around it appears to twist and fold, and it vanishes; Garelle perceives it pulling away and takes a swing at it, hitting it with cold damage from her mace. There is a strange cry coming from the multiple mouths of the demon. Urdo grabs the flour out of Alisha's hands and hurls it; it slams into the invisible demon and multiple eyes blink open and closed through the sheen of flour. Garelle steps forward five feet, just enough to put it in her blind sight, flings her dagger at it, and hits. She points to it and says to Wend, "It's there!" not realizing it's covered in flour. Wend skirts around it to hit it from behind and leave space from his allies to hit from the front. He hits with his mace, releasing a massive explosion of thunder damage. Alisha runs up and stabs it in the head as it reaches down to try to grab her. Chastity takes a look at the flask Jarvis is holding to figure out where the command word might be written on it. She sees it is written in Bargallian -- which she is the only person in the group who can read: "Imperium". As she says the word, "Goranda" in Bargallian, magic tendrils shoot out about ten feet, passing through them without doing anything to them. "Now we know how close to get to use it!" Jarvis says, and Chastity replies, "Um, yeah, I meant to do that!" He runs forward within ten feet of the creature and repeats the word; the tendrils writhe out and grab the demon, sucking it into the flask, which closes on it. Urdo goes to look on his injured folks; all but one are dead, and the other is seriously injured, but Jarvis is able to get him stabilized. Urdo asks how they got there, and Chastity tells him Denis hired them to get the flask back. "He's on the island?" "Yes," Chastity says. "Mind if I go back with you?" Urdo asks. 5 October 2024 The smugglers go back and confront Dennis, telling them they plan to tie him up and drop him off to the authorities onshore with evidence of his prior crimes. Urdo gives the crew a contact in port, figuring he still owes them for the help with the demon. He says to drop his name if they ever need anything. He gives them Dennis's rowboat to get back to shore. Meanwhile, back in Terriolla.... Kat notices two glowing blue, short whirlwinds hovering in the air above the lobby -- invisible air circulation. All the stalls around the edge of the lobby have clearly displayed badges showing they are licensed to sell there. More people than usual have companion animals -- crows, monkeys -- that retrieve things for them; Al notices that their aura looks similar to Az, although a few others appear to be fiends rather than fey. There are also floating discs to carry goods and magic hands to retrieve them. Clearly there is a lot of casual magic in use here. Gnik peruses the stalls looking for books; Milena purchases a few interesting fruits to try; Kat just wanders around taking it all in and thinking about how easy it might be to lift trinkets. Al wanders with Kai looking for anything that might be Tillian or from Saltmarsh, but also things he's never seen before. There is a stall with models of the colosseum and toy weapons for kids. Kai looks at one of the cheap Tower of Time souvenirs, then puts it back on the shelf. There is a larger, nicer model with glass around the pinnacle, with a giant chair visible in the top. Kai asks what the chair is for, and the merchant says the priests sit in it; it is guarded to make sure no one climbs or flies up, and mentions that it is illegal to fly in town. Kai asks indignantly why that is, and he says it's dangerous; "No it's not, I do it all the time!" "Dangerous for other people, maybe," Gnik suggests. The merchant nods. The booth also has small cubes, black with some kind of pink marble. Kai asks what it is, and the merchant says it's terriol -- a material that is native to Terriolla but can't be exported because it turns to dust. The merchant says it's not real terriol -- it's just a souvenir representing it. Kat and Gnik have heard other things about terriol -- that it is poisonous if ingested, and that mages have set up portals for it to flow into so that it doesn't contaminate the water supply as it comes out of the mountain. It is used as building material. Kat asks if there are samples of actual terriol that they can see up close; the merchant says she could go to the manufacturing area, as they make a lot of things with it. Kat buys one of the souvenir cubes. Gnik asks around about stalls selling scrolls, but learns that there's a permanent shop in town for that sort of thing, since most people in town wouldn't be able to use a scroll. Gnik says he's looking for a very low-level scroll, so most people should be able to use them. He learns that in fact most people in town have bought their familiars; there's a mage who has figured out how to summon familiars for non-mages. The unseen servants, floating discs, and mage hands mostly come from a device also invented by the mages. Realizing that the main magic here is conjuration, Kai goes looking for a mug that conjures beer. They get tickets for Reggie's show the next night. Kat springs for the box, which seats six. Ember gives the vendor a sharp look, and he says, "Ah, yes, we have seats for smaller people." They exit the tower to another market. They see a couple of booths selling the devices one of the merchants told them about that conjures floating discs, unseen servants, and mage hands; it works like a wand with charges that recharge at dawn, but is very expensive. There is an area on the edge of several priests handing out bags of food to those who present a certain badge. Al inquires about it and learns that it is a charity operation for those registered as being in need, run by priests of Sayd, Maria, and Vlondrel. They secure rooms at the Jaded Spoon, which looks like a large mansion. The board outside lists the daily menu: rhubarb pecan cakes, hazelnut venison stew, honey cakes. The proprietress greets them and asks if they came for the food or if they need a room. When she seems a little surprised they want to check in, a young woman with horns and a tail pops into the room and says, "Mom, you're underselling it again. The rooms are great!" One of the small rooms in the attic is already rented for the next two weeks; they rent the other four rooms for the next week. 26 Mara 3275 They sit down for breakfast and are directed to Florence and to Grory, a gnome who arranges the drinks. She has two axes strapped to her back that she is not hiding at all. Krista's father, Nuihar, is elven and the cook. They head to the colosseum before Kai gets too bored. As they approach they see a stone statue, eyes closed, until a weasel climbs up onto its shoulder and sticks its nose in the statues ear; the statue laughs, and they can feel the tremors in the earth. Kai asks one of the fighters, Arden, about her; she is Mashga, one of the colosseum warriors. Al introduces the group and says they're interested to learn more -- and some of them might be interested to compete. Kai asks Mashga what she is; Mashga says, "I am Kiron!" She points to the sky. "You're from Jaeleth?" Mashga says she was conjured out of the heart of Jaeleth and doesn't want to go back; "Why would I go back to that waking when I could stay in this dreaming?" She likes her colosseum life. Mashka takes them into the colosseum and gives them some of the history of the structure, pointing out the statues above of Ceonarre, Alyddia, Vlondrel, and Gosh. They learn Cayron -- Tyollus's partner and Alyddia's daughter -- is also revered here. Mashga introduces them to Hollie Welty, who manages the colosseum. She sizes them up and asks if they want to participate in any fights. The weasel, Slayer -- who it turns out is the size of a panther -- has accompanied them; he agrees with a nod and a squeak when Hollie says the animals are well cared for, and paid, if they are intelligent enough. Slayer's aura reads to Al like a normal animal. Mashka's aura is the same color as the Koth -- perhaps because she is from Jaeleth. Gnik asks Slayer for permission to read her mind; she looks suspicious at first, but Gnik reassures her he's not going to probe, he just wants to ask some questions and understand Slayer's answers. Slayer makes a squeak that Mashga says is "yes", so Gnik casts Detect Thoughts. He immediately detects a barrage of curious questions that he attempts to answer as quickly as possible while asking a few questions himself. Slayer came here as a kit and has been taken in by Mashga. Al and Kai discuss the how to get a bout scheduled, and how they would be classified according to their abilities and their magic items. Hollie asks if they would like to fight each other, and Kai says no, they have that chance all the time. After some discussion, Hollie asks if anyone else wants to be involved; Ember nods enthusiastically. Rodger looks like he might be thinking about it until Kat says she's not interested. Milena says quietly to Rodger that he might have more fun making wagers. Once they get that arranged, Kat goes wandering the markets looking for new clothes. One merchant is very excited to design for her and incorporate her tail into the design. Kai goes looking to find the shadier parts of town and learns that while there is a lower-income part of town, there is no shantytown; when someone comes into town without a home, or loses their home, one is found or made for them, and there is a lot of assistance in finding jobs for those who need and can hold one, and supporting those who cannot work. She also hears a strange rumor that the altar of Maria sometimes spontaneously gets replaced by sticky buns, and has to be replaced; they've stopped replacing it because they got tired of doing it every two weeks or so. Kai gets the sense that they are generally happy and feel they have opportunities to move up into other jobs if they want, rather than being repressed or exploited. 26 October 2024 In the evening, the group attends the play, which is impressively done with excellent use of magic for the special effects. They have an excellent view from the box they purchased. During intermission, a male halfling comes to their box and says, "Mr. Ortlan says he would like to see you -- I'd be happy to come back after the show and take you to him, if you'd like." They agree, and as they depart, Kat says, "We didn't even tell him we were around." Kai says, "People tend to know when we show up." Kat is amazed by the production. Kai says she wonders how true-to-life it was, so they asks Gnik. He gets an entranced look on his face; he recalls a book he read called "The Guileful" that includes the facts that are known and much that is unknown, such as where she came from before arriving as a young girl in Tyriln. The inspector in the play was actually multiple investigators in real life, many of whom didn't know they were tracking the same perpetrator because she was smart enough not to use the same tactics every time; the romance, and her leaving with the inspector, were a romanticization. In reality, she departed to unknown whereabouts. In his trance, Gnik also gets memories of someone digging into archives, paying a divination mage to find out where she went, but she was not findable on this plane -- as if she cloaked herself in a way to make herself unfindable, or left for somewhere else entirely. The halfling page, Seredo, returns after the show and invites them to follow him. They go backstage through the hectic post-show cleanup and arrive at Reggie's dressing room just as he emerges. He greets Kat enthusiastically. She compliments his performance and says, "How did you know we were here?" He replies, somewhat sheepishly, "I may have told the people at the desk that if anyone showed up here that looked exactly like you to let me know...?" Gnik says, "Not *exactly* -- she didn't have a tail before." "No, that's new," Reggie says, as Kat's tail swishes in agitation at Gnik's comment. Kat tells him they are in town purely for tourism. The actress who played Layla, Paige, emerges from her dressing room and Reggie invites her over. She comes over, suddenly bashful, and Reggie introduces her to everyone -- even members of the group he has never met before. Paige says he has mentioned them before. Reggie asks Kat if she'd like to have breakfast in the morning, and she says yes; she asks what else the group should do in town and he defers to Paige, who is from Tyriln. Paige mentions several things they've already heard about, and when she gets to the amphitheater, Kai says, "Oh, yeah, we're fighting there tomorrow. Well, just me, Al, and Ember. Individually tomorrow, and as a group the next day." Reggie perks up and says, "We should go!" Paige seems dubious. They chat a bit more -- Paige slinks off to do her own thing -- and then Reggie hugs Kat again and heads off to take care of a few things himself. Back at the Jaded Spoon, Gnik chats a bit with Grory, the bartender. She says she is a bit worried about Nuihar, the cook, who has had a rough life. Gnik asks if Krista, the tiefling girl, is adopted, and Grory says no, she's Nuihar's... but maybe he should ask them. He has flashes of memories of a woman doing research to find every tiefling she can find to figure out why they are born -- he infers that she had a child and is trying to figure out where it came from. She concludes the child must be born of someone who is at least part-human or part-orc, or who had some kind of relationship with a demon. 27 Mara 3275 In the morning, Reggie is less energetic than he was last night -- the cast was out late -- but he's still happy to see her. They chat a bit about his work -- he says he will do plays in several cities until he has money to take some time off, so he's not completely tied to the grind of play after play. Recalling that Jae was the one who had invited him to Saltmarsh, she mentions they saw her on a Wanted poster when they got to town and asks what happened; he characterizes it as "a misunderstanding" but says she should ask Jae when she's back in town... "and tell her I didn't tell you." Reggie suggests they shoud eat there at the Jaded Spoon, since he doesn't get to that part of town often. Krista comes over to serve them and is totally starstruck, stammering to put together sentences. Reggie asks Kat what she's been up to, and she takes the opportunity to spin stories of their adventures, with voices and gestures. He eats it up, and they chat for quite a while. He has to check back in at the theater, but says he will find her at the colosseum and gives her the name of someone there that she should check in with so he will know where they are sitting. When the group arrives at the colosseum, Kat and Milena go to find seats while Gnik accompanies Ember, Kai, and Al while they prepare for their fights. They find that the people running the fights have found out in the last two days who they are. "Dammit," says Gnik under his breath. Kai will face someone named Souvar, a chimera; Al will face Yelkan, a trent; and Ember will face Jinath, an Awakened owlbear. The fighters are advised that because this fight is for entertainment purposes, they shouldn't try to end the fight as quickly as possible or incapacitate their opponents -- Kai gives a significant look at Al, who sags a bit -- but not let it drag on so long that it gets boring, either. Souvar comes out to meet Kai. He sees the sword on her back and the snow leopard-head asks, "You fight with sword?" "Yes," she says. "Any ranged weapons?" She opens her mouth to answer, looks at Gnik, and says, "Should I tell him all my tricks?" "He's trying to plan the entertainment," Gnik says, so she replies, "I can, but it's not my favorite." "Ice breath," says the dragon head. She asks if the stinger at the end of his long tail will paralyze her, and the leopard-head says, "Make sick." "Much throw-up," adds the goat-head enthusiastically. The dragon-head looks at the goat-head and makes a disgusted sound. Yelkan emerges, sees Al, and expresses gratitude that he's not going up against a blade-user this time. Jinath sees Ember and says in a growly voice, "Oh, you're adorable! This will be fun!" Kai asks how the fight starts. Souvar tells her that since she's the guest she will be announced first. When Souvar's name is announced, he flies out a tunnel partway up the stands and roars; the match starts as soon as they meet, so she could fly up to meet him -- "The crowd would love that," he adds. He tells her there are magics in place that will keep them from dying even though they will go down at the same pace they would normally; but when the fight ends they will be reset to their health state when the match started. Hollie, the colosseum manager, also notes that you don't have to win for the crowd to like you and want to see you again -- as long as they are entertained. She points out that if you want to roar while you're fighting, you'll have to do it extra-loud to be heard over the crowd. "I... don't really roar," Kai says. "Heh. Leave that to me," says the leopard-head. As Gnik wanders around among the fighters, he finds that they are all happy and well-looked after. Ember is introduced for her fight as she comes up through a trapdoor. "They were just passing through and decided to visit the best place in Terriolla!" the announcer says. The crowd laughs and coos at how cute she is until she whips out her blades and glares, and they start cheering. Jinath is introduced, and he comes roaring out of a nearby trapdoor, pouncing 30 feet into the air to try to land on her. She leaps up and manages to climb on his back and ride him around for a bit, pricking him with her blade. He eventually throws her off but she dances around between his legs, pricking him from below. She wears him down while making clear that she could take him out at any time. When finally he falls from exhaustion, she jumps up on his back, does a little tapdance, and throws her arms up in a "ta-da!" gesture; the crowd goes wild. Kai is announced, and as Souvar comes out she flies up to meet him so aggressively that he pulls back a bit. The three heads bite at her and the leopard-head sinks its teeth in and tries to throw her, but finds that it has passes right through her. "That's it, we're breathing," the dragon-head says, but she manages to dodge the ice. They are reasonably well-matched through much of the fight, but eventually Kai manages to get a hand on its wings to grapple. "We taking to ground?" the dragon-head asks. "I don't know... what would be fun here?" Kai asks. Souvar decides to tuck its wings in response to her grapple and falls to the ground. Kai lands nearby and the ram-head slams her and knocks her down. The dragon-head breathes ice at her again, doing some damage. As the fight nears its end, Souvar tries hitting her with his tail but she keeps dodging out of the way; eventually she manages to grab the tail and brings up her sword, and Souvar holds up a paw, conceding. Al talks with Yelken about how they might make their fight more fun and Al decides perhaps he should use his quicker movement to jump around Yelken's branches and between his legs. He also pulls out his extra floating fish. When he's announced, Yelkin runs down from the platform at the top of the stadium through crowds waving his flag; Al runs toward him to tumble between his legs, and Yelkin's ribcage opens up releasing a pile of squirrels. Al is surprised, but manages to hop on his back, dodging the vines coming from his hands. He pulls out a bag from his belt pouch and pulls it down over Yelken's head, then trips him, knocking him down completely as squirres run up and try to pull the bag off. Al nets several of the squirrels and flings them to another part of the arena, taking care to keep them inside the area of protection so they don't get hurt. In the meantime, Yelken gets the bag off his head and stands up again, chittering at the squirrels as he does so. Al grabs Yelken's tendrils and attempts to tie them together under his feet, but the tendrils just come off. Yelken grabs Al in a bear hug -- very tightly; Al hears some things cracking -- and roars, while winking at Al. Al hits his face with a flurry of blows, and Yelken falls backward -- still holding Al. The crowd roars and applauds, and Al takes a bow. A fourth fight is between a dwarf and a Starrier named Uradu, a reptilian with a lower jaw that can elongate to sweep toward the dwarf and who can teleport short distances; Uradu is the victor. Afterward, Kat goes to check on the status of the new outfit she commissioned and Milena goes with Gnik and Kai to see more of the Tower of Time. There are a couple of priestesses of Cynthia on the stairs into the tower and Gnik inquires about a tour; a young woman named Beth comes down to be their guide. She is fun and a little sarcastic; she asks what they'd like to see, and Kai says, "That big chair at the top of the tower would be interesting...." When Beth seems amenable, Kai suggests maybe they could go where other tours don't go. Kat joins them and Beth seems a bit taken with her, so they engage in some friendly flirting as they make their way to the chairs at the top. "Everyone knows that the tower has been here since the beginning of time," Beth says; "No one knows where it came from and it seems like it was being refurbished as time goes on." She says it's not known the purpose of the chairs at the top, but there is an amazing view from the top of the 300-foot tower... on top of a high cliff. Kai says, "I thought there were guards up here," and Beth answers, "There's not much to guard unless there's an event happening." They see that the spire above the protective bubble at the top does indeed look like a chair sized for one of the largest of the Koth. Beth notes that even though it is outside the bubble of protection it is still protected from the fierce wind outside the tower. As they discuss where else in the tower they might want to see, Gnik says, "I mostly wanted to see how it compared to the other one we saw. Beth looks surprised: "Other one? Where was it?" "Martyr's Rest," Gnik says, just as Kat says, "Hell's Deep." "In the Broken Isles? I thought no one went there," Beth says. "Well, there are reasons we needed a vacation," Gnik says. Kat adds, tantalizingly, "We know what's supposed to sit in the chair." "What?" Beth asks. "Have you ever heard of the Koth?" Kat asks, and when Beth says no, Gnik brings up images and gives her a basic overview -- without mentioning K'Jat. "That will give you a place to start researching," Kat says. "Think of that as our thank-you to you for showing us around." Gnik also gives her the name of the archaeologists studying the tower under the sea. Milena asks a bit about the worship of Cynthia from the priests' point of view: Cynthia is goddess of time, change, continuity, non-combat survival, and the lost. The tower was once considered a gift from Cynthia, and while it is no longer assumed as such, it is considered a sacred place to her because it is moving backward in time. After leaving the tower Gnik, Milena, and Al go to the Treasury, which is actually a museum. There are exhibits of the Books of Life that write themselves -- or, as legend has it, that Alsaya is writing -- an exhibit that suggests that Gonajibria is built on the body of a dead god, the precious stones room that includes a diamond said to have been made by Alyddia with her bare hands, a bit about Terriolla and its history including the effects of various stonefalls, and other bits of history. The most recent section is on local hero Reginald who is ascending to godhood. Kat and Rodger decide that despite the pretty rocks the museum will probably be more boring than they're looking for, so they follow Kai and Ember. The Treasury is a massive building with a lot of security. By the time they make their way to the divine history section a woman comes rushing up and introduces herself as Eliya, head of the divine history section, and says she is very pleased to meet them. Gnik says he's pleased to meet her too, as she has the books that write themselves. "Yes, and you have shown up in them," she says. Gnik blinks, and she offers to take them back to see it. The guards look uneasy as they pass, but let them go. The books are under glass, but the pages can be turned back with Mage Hand. Gnik and Eliya start talking nerd librarian mage talk, and then she turns back the pages to show a passage saying "The Saviors arrive at Martyr's Rest and end the threat there," and a few pages later notes their arrival at Cloud's Edge and then in Terriolla. Gnik expresses curiosity about when they started appearing in the book, but Eliya has not read back that far. Gnik and Milena peruse the rest of the divine history section; there is information about the Cleansing saying that details have been omitted to prevent future threats (and of course it almost happened in Saltmarsh). Gnik looks for information about which gods were involved in the God Wars: at least per the evidence here, good-aligned gods were mostly fighting the agents of the evil gods. The god of mountains, a bit of a troublemaker, had some involvement, as did Tamoth, against the trinity and others. 9 November 2024 When they arrive back at the inn Milena talks with Nuihar. As a chef he is very interested to know about her native cuisine, as he has never met a Bargallian. She tries to draw him out about his own past, starting with how he became interested in cooking as he seems very comfortable talking about that. He is from Kyntar, which is not far south of the Bargal Valley but with no pass connecting the two. Some time ago -- in 3231, about 40 years ago -- a plague passed through, wiping almost everyone out. He was in Rantokc's realm at the time; he had a run-in with a fiend that resulted in his injury, but says he can't complain because he got the two women in his life from it. She mentions her group has had a run-in with fiends in the past and asks the name of this one; he says he only knew her as Liara and thought she was human. He asks more about how they keep the crew fed on the ship; she shares that they have a range of ways and tells the story of establishing friendship with the new lizardfolk colony with a jar of "troll starter". He is curious how one would make that palatable and Milena says it is a food of last resort, but is always there. She offers to find an appropriate vessel and give him some, and he excitedly agrees -- he almost smiles. He's definitely interested in a challenge -- she perceives that he is probably more than 200 years old. That evening, Bernace shows up with an extremely large man she introduces as Nightson. With her new time perception, Milena sees that Bernace is probably 500 or 600 years old, the oldest human Milena has ever seen; Nightson is more confusing, as different parts of him seem to have different ages. When she sees the group, she smiles like she was expecting to see them and slides a chair over to their table. She sits and Nightson stands behind her; Gnik can see that he is masked by a glamor and beneath it he is actually a flesh golem. Bernace says, "I wanted to personally thank you for your help---" Kai says, "We weren't doing it for you." Bernace says, "I know, but since we worked together -- and you tied up the loose ends with Raging Hammer -- I wanted to say thank you, and to offer you a gift." Kai says, "I could use more of those potions -- but both this time, not just the one that poisons but also the one that counteracts the poison." Bernace nods and digs through her bag, pulling out a couple potions each of Ebbing Strength and Dire Cleansing. She then offers them Nightson. "No thank you," Gnik says, "but thank you for the offer." She says he is a loyal servant, but Kai says they don't need that, even after Bernace points out they have a whole ship full of servants." "That we PAY VERY WELL," Kai says. Kat asks what she is doing in Terriolla and Bernace says she just came to find them and say thank you. "You must have much more convenient means of transportation than we have," Gnik says. Bernace smiles and says yes. She asks if the group needs any more potions, or perhaps some shadow eggs. They decline, so she puts her potions away and prepares to leave. Gnik asks her if there are things they should know about, and she says that in Seton the town has rallied behind Susanna, the daughter and heir of the previous ruler. Gnik asks what Auntie Treeshadow wants and Bernace says she wants to see civilization survive and the Koth were a threat to that. Gnik says, "We don't have a problem with that," but Kat interjects, "But she wants to kill Danae!" Al gets the impression of a flicker of anger from Bernace that she can't control; Kat also sees it and gets the impression it is anger at the situation, followed by trying to process something; Kai and Milena get the impression Bernace feels anger at all of them as well for their part in the situation. Kat stares intently at Bernace in challenge, who says, "I think on that I'm going to go. Good to see you all." She departs. After she's gone, Al says, "I think she's Auntie Treeshadow." "Based on what?" Kai asks. Al sensed that she saw Danae as a personal threat rather than a threat to an ally. Milena shares that that explains why she seems to be the oldest person Milena has ever seen. As they settle in for the evening, Grory offers them all drinks. She says to Milena she heard she had a good talk with Nuihar. "We talked food," Milena says, "and I will be giving him a small token of friendship you may or may not appreciate." "You won't," Kai says. "I trust his skill," Milena counters. Gnik asks Grory about the other guest in the upstairs suite; she is Postia, who came to enjoy the food. Grory continues making them drinks until they all get a bit silly; Milena asks for a cocktail that tastes like Bargallian winter, with berries -- and Grory delivers. ("So, bitter..." Gnik says.) 28 Mara 3275 In the morning Milena goes in search of a suitable crock for troll starter. Kat and Rodger go exploring. Those who are fighting in the group match head to the colosseum to strategize about the fight. They learn that they will be fighting someone called Boil, who seems to be some kind of wide, spiky blue ice creature that can reshape itself. "So, how do you fight?" Kai asks. "Oh," Boil says, "I can--" "DON'T!" the colosseum managers interject; "Tell them, don't show them!" He says, "I can make it really, really, really cold, and I can do this!" He drives one of his nine spiky legs into the ground and the floor ices over near him. Al says, "So maybe we could flood the arena?" "It wouldn't be a very entertaining fight," the managers say. They discuss a few other options. Gnik returns to the Treasury to learn if anything else appeared about them in the book since the day before. It hasn't, so Gnik shares that they were visited by someone who might be noteworthy and wanted to see if anything made it in about that. Eliya asks who that was, and Gnik shares that they think it was a powerful hag. Kat and Rodger go down to the area where terriole is being processed: sending it through and retrieving it from a portal. They see Boil there at his day job freezing the liquid terriole into solid and mention it over the Farspeakers. Kat decides to try to take a piece of the solid terriole. Rodger serves as a decoy and Kat cracks one of the shadow eggs over herself. Rodger looks at her and says, "Oh, that's weird -- you are kind of droopy and weird looking and your outline is fuzzy." He takes Mouse and goes to run around and knock things over. Kat sneaks over to a pile of bricks; someone comes around the pile and is about to see her but someone else rolls a cart of black terriole behind her right at that moment and she completely blends in. She grabs a brick and sneaks away. The fight begins; as the group is announced the crowd cheers and they notice that some people now have flags for them -- with a red donut on them. Boil comes out of the floor and makes an ear-piercing screechy sound, like he is trying to roar but doesn't really get roaring. He runs forward on his janky legs. Kai runs forward with Ember on her back while Al runs around the other side. Ember jumps off and tries to get under him, while Al attempts to tie Boil's legs together. Boil sits just as Ember gets under him. "Argh, cold!" Ember yells as she stabs at him. Al finds that as he grabs Boil's legs, they break off, and new ones grow back in their place. Suddenly it is so cold that it hurts to blink, for just a moment. Boil stands just a bit so Ember can get away. Kai scoops up Al, flies up, and drops him. Ember tries to stab Boil from beneath again but he pins her with ice spikes; her teammates hear lots of fey cursewords. Al lands on Boil, taking out some of the spikes and then gracefully flipping off. Through the farspeakers, Al says, "Let's take him from three sides." "Great," Ember replies through gritted teeth, "you take the bottom." Kai throws her chain javelin at Boil while Al and Ember distract him. Kai pulls him up and says, "I'm going to fling you!" "Wheee!" says Boil as he flies across the arena. Several spikes break off but he regrows new ones. Kai, Al, and Ember all throw their abyssal daggers. Ember's and Kai's hit, but Al's skitters away -- it was not designed to be thrown. They call their daggers back and Al and Ember dive over Boil to take out the spikes and limbs. Kai skewers through Boil, who shatters -- and Kai gasps. A couple of people come out with a giant broom and dustpan. Kai asks under her breath, "He's okay, right?" "Yeah, he does this every time." As soon as they are back through the door Boil pops back into form and Kai cheers. That evening Grory sits next to Milena and says, "Nuihar told you about the devil Liana?" Milena says yes, and she says he usually doesn't mention that to anyone. Milena says she'd asked a few questions because the group has encountered fiends before and was wondering if it was one they knew about. Grory sets a slip of paper on the table and says, "No expectations." The paper says: Nesiza Mentz. Milena shares this with the group and Gnik realizes there may be a reference in the book at the Treasury. Kat also checks Glee's book, finding an entry that refers to a succubus of that name who did some impressive corruption and is no longer a succubus -- meaning she has probably taken a more powerful form. 28 November 2024 Al, Gnik, and Kat ask around to see if they can find anyone who tried going up the mountain to the source of the Terriole. Kat gets connected to an adventurer named Lendara, who says they encountered some kind of stone spirit that took out some of her party; afterward the rest of them made it to the top but can't remember anything about it. Kat asks about the stone creature, and Lendara says it was wearing very pretty jeweled armor and had a blue stone circling around its head. Gnik finds information about Rebecca Zuck, who made it up the hill, saw a creature in the distance, and came back down; she's retired and living a quiet life in the nice part of town. Gnik invites Kat and Al to come with her to visit her. She has a well-maintained, 3-story house with a nice yard in the back with a garden. They pull the bell and hear a voice upstairs: "Just a minute!" After a few minutes, a Jhoynian woman in her 80s, silver-haired, hunched over a bit but still over 6 feet tall, opens the door, breathing a bit heavily. She says hello and adds, "Sorry, I don't get many visitors." Kat introduces the group and says they are writing a travelogue and are interested in including her story about investigating where the terriole comes from. She says she and her friends went up -- that was before she ran into a ghost, which is why she's old now and in somewhat forced retirement -- and dealt with some wyverns, then when they got near the top she saw a creature whose head she could see through, which she didn't like, so she came back down. She describes a fountain of terriole -- clearly not water -- coming up out of a lake. Kat remembers that when they read the scroll that summoned an angel, it first had a form with a difficult-to-comprehend head before taking on a form more acceptable to them; and the celestial they freed from the hags' trap also had that kind of appearance, though somewhat corrupted, when they first saw it. Gnik sees a memory of a woman leaning on a mace and with a beaten-up shield and busted armor -- perhaps 30 feet tall -- surrounded by two others and saying, "This is your job now, for the rest of existence, to prevent anyone from ever leaving." The area is stone and there is dust settling as if something big just happened here. As Gnik gets a better sense of the surroundings, he realizes his perspective was wrong and the woman speaking was closer to 50 feet tall. Gnik falls over; and when he comes to, Rebecca asks if he's okay and if he needs anything; Kat says maybe a glass of water, which will give them time to talk when he's out of the room. He relates what he saw, and says he thinks the speaking woman may have been Maria, talking to an angel, although not necessarily the same one Rebecca saw -- he didn't see any terriole in the area. 29 Mara 3275 Kat is interested in increasing her notoriety by publicly announcing that they're going to find the source of the terriole. She asks about if there is a town newspaper, and Al asks the staff at the hotel who in town is the town gossip who people go to for stories. Ruthe, Grory, and Florance all look at Krista, who says, "Yeah, I can do that! What do you want to share?" Al says they're going up the mountain to find the source of the terriole, and his friend Kat is really the instigator and is very brave and he thought people would want to know about it because it would make a good story. As they are leaving the inn, there are children playing outside dressed as Al, Kai, and Ember and playing at fighting in the arena. Kat goes to the newspaper to share her story. "Oh, Saltmarsh Saviors, right? Some of you fought in the arena?" "Yes, some of my crew fought," she says. He asks for stories about other adventures they've had, and Kat happily obliges. Al goes to the arena to let one of the bookies know what they're doing: "We're going to do something with a low chance of success and wondered what kind of odds you'd give us." He explains what they're doing, and the bookie, Kirk, tells him he'll consult with the other bookies and they should have some odds ready in the morning. Jimsu will not be coming with them. Rodger is interested, but Kat is worried about him, so Milena asks him to stay in town and report their progress each day to the paper, which she will relate to him via Sending. They decide that Kai will fly most of the way up the mountain carrying Kat, and take one door of the Pocket Office with them. The other half of the group will stay in town in a private room with the other Pocket Office door open, and come through when Kai opens her side. As Kai and Kat ascend, they see lots of plant and animal life except near the flow of terriole -- which doesn't seem to be cutting a riverbed into the rock, it just flows right over. They pass a woman with red hair stooped over doing something they can't quite make out, but they don't stop to talk to her. The flow of terriole is weirdly cohesive. Kat experiments with throwing a stick into it; it churns along for a bit and then gets spit out from the flow. Kai can see the footpath peek out from time to time on the left side of the flow. On the right are strange jagged mountains -- more a giant mass of rock than typical mountains. There is a spiraling pillar of stone that looks like it has been shaped from the stone; there are windows in it, and it is perhaps 200-300 feet tall with a diameter of about 40 feet -- not as big as the Tower of Time, but impressively large. They make a mental note to investigate it on the way back down. They fly for about 5 hours, guessing it would take another 3 hours of hiking to get to the end of the path. It is cold and windy out of the protection of the valley around Terriolla. They land and open the portal. Gnik is sitting in the office reading and lets the others know it's time to go through. They leave Jimsu in charge of the other office door. Kat and Kai tell them about the corkscrew tower and the girl they saw on the path, but that they're saving that to investigate on the way back down. They make their way up the rock; there is very little plant life, just some lichen and a few small plants growing out of cracks. Eventually they see what looks like a pillar of terriole rising up 8 or 9 feet tall and then falling into a lake that flows out through a gap. Floating over the lake is a being, perhaps 12 feet tall, white and helmeted although with no discernible head. Al asks if they should greet it to let it know they're here, and they get a sense of agreement in their heads -- it knows they are here. If Milena thought Auntie Treeshadow was the oldest thing she had ever seen, this is even older, by far, and unchanging through time. Al sees its aura as blue, suggesting perhaps an air elemental -- the same as the air-refreshers in the Temple of Time. They get the sense of its name -- Jabrile. Kai says, "The source of this came up as demon, and we did not like it." There is no disagreement. Kai asks where the Terriolla comes from, and they get an image of a woman with a shield and mace, a slightly smaller guy with two short swords teleporting around the battlefield, and another man on the other side of the fight with a longsword, fighting a demonic horror-show that does not fit in reality. Kai says, "You trapped a demon in the mountain? Is this its blood or... ichor?" They get a sense of an affirmative -- "but you can never tell anyone." Kai asks when the flow started, and the being thinks, "...recently?" They know it has been happening for as long as people were aware of this place, so probably since Maerson was still a part of Jaeleth. Kat asks why they can't tell anyone, and the being responds that they cannot risk that someone would try to free the demon -- and someone would. Milena asks if it can be destroyed, or if it can be banished: "No. No." She asks what the demon was trying to do when it was trapped: "Consume the world." Gnik tries to activate his Illuminator Tattoo and write "Yes" on his wrist. When he looks at it again, it says, "I do not remember." They ask what the being will do to make them forget, and it responds that it has already done what it will do. They discuss and ask if they will remember but just not be able to say anything, and the being affirms. Milena asks, "Besides going and telling no one, is there any boon we small beings can offer you for the good work you do here?" The being wants to know how to stop the flow, but has no idea how to do it. They ask if they can look more closely at the source of the flow and the being says yes. There is a fissure in the ground that the flow comes out of. They ask Jabrile if the fissure was already there when the mountain was first put here and its says no -- there was a shake. Kai asks questions to determine if the quake was natural or the demon trying to escape, and it sounds as though it was natural. They discuss ways to close or block the fissure; Gnik has a spell that might work, but he does not have it memorized, so it will need to wait for the next day. It also occurs to him that if he were able to freeze it, the frozen terriole would plug the crevice -- which Boil could do, but it would be hard to get him up the mountain. It occurs to Milena she could sacrifice the Wand of Maria into a powerful effect that might block the hole. They decide Milena will do a Sending to Boil to go to Al and Jimsu's room now for an important task. He sends back, "At work. Pay good?" She replies, "Worth your while if you come now, no questions asked." She gets back, "Weird. Ok." They let Jabrile know what they're doing, and they also open up the office to warn Jimsu and Rodger that Boil is coming. When he gets there and asks, "Pay good?" Gnik asks how much he would consider good. "Gold? Gold is good," he says. "10 gold?" Gnik offers. "Sounds good," he says, and skitters out of the office. They get an impression from Jabrile that it thinks Boil is an abomination, and Kai says, "He is here to help you STOP A THING that YOU DON'T WANT HERE." Jabrile seems like he would allow it. Kai directs him to freeze everything around the fissure, and Boil tells them, "Stand back... no, more... more... okay that's good." He directs his cold at the lake and the whole thing freezes... and the flow at the end seems to accellerate as if all along its length it is in tension and pulling together. Milena says to Jabrile, "We may be back." They tell Boil that he will remember what he saw but won't be able to tell anyone. "Ok," he says, and goes back into the office. Jabrile stares after Boil with skepticism, while Kai stares at Jabrile. They get a sense from the being of "Perhaps all things have purpose." They fly quickly to where the terriole is being mined and warn the workers that the flow is about to increase dangerously. The workers on the waterwheel side decide to pull it out; on the other side they shunt as much as they can into barrels. Milena makes some inquiries and learns that cost of living is about a gold per day for a modest living. Daln: exploration, revealing the unknown, daring, courage, wolves ("the explorer" to Bargallians) Time-Keeper (Cynthia), the Explorer (Daln), the Archer (Alex), and the Historian (Alsaya). http://www.luzetski.net/saltmarsh/saltmarsh.xhtml https://iu.zoom.us/my/luzetski http://tarot.fortunetellingfun.com/ https://www.ifate.com/tarot-reading.html https://www.ifate.com/tarot-shuffle.html?spread=ppf Reading for 29 Mara 3275 Past: Eight of Swords (Inverted) Isolation. Self-imposed restriction. Imprisonment. Inverted Meaning: To free oneself of restrictive thoughts. To get out of a mental rut. To begin thinking differently. To become empowered. Present: Justice (Inverted) Justice. Fairness. Truth. Law. Consequences. Inverted Meaning: Legal problems. A failure to take responsibility for choices made. A crime goes unchecked. Or, to be overly critical of oneself. Future: Ace of Pentacles (Inverted) Manifestation. New financial opportunity. Prosperity. Inverted Meaning: A missed opportunity, or an opportunity with possible pitfalls. Success may come at a high price -- financial, physical, or spiritual. Reading for 24 Mara 3275 https://www.ifate.com/tarot-reading.html?&spread=ppf&sdata=26,1,53,0,42,0&p=1 Past: Knight of Pentacles (inverted) Routine, Conservatism, Methodical Approach, Diligence. A hard worker. Unwavering dedication to detail and to getting the job done. Delayed gratification. A diligent person who works consistently toward a goal. Responsibility. Inverted meaning: To be stuck in the daily grind. To feel trapped by a routine or a restrictive approach. A sense of impatience. A rigid person or perfactionist. The reversed Knight of Pentacles has several possible meanings. In many cases, it's a sign that distractions have clouded one's ability to focus on an important task. Something is interfering with a core responsibility. That "something" may be something minor like a mobile-phone, or it may be something major like a non-work activity which is eating up too much time. In other cases, the inverted Knight of Pentacles may reference a job or a task which has become dull and boring. The daily grind of monotonous tasks has become unfulfilling and a breaking point may be near. Lastly, the reversed Knight of Pentacles card may serve as a reminder that "all work and no play" is making someone a "dull boy". While diligence, responsibility and unwavering focus are all positive traits - life is short, and important opportunities may be passing by. Present: Page of Wands Enthusiasm, exploration, discovery, free spirit. An enthusiasm for new ideas and a desire to empark upon adventures of discovery. Creative solutions are born. A yearning for freedom and travel. Page of Wands may represent an actual person when the card appears in a reading. The Page of Wands is someone with enormous enthusiasm for new ideas and new ventures. He sees possibility and potential in places where others may not. His optimism and his vision are infectious and inspirational. Such optimism however, is not necessarily a sign of future success. The man pictured on the Page of Wands card clearly believes that the sprouts at the end of the wand show great promise, but one must notice that he stands in a desert. He is either a visionary or a fool. Fate will decide. When the Page of Wands does not represent an actual individual in a reading, it represents optimism and enthusiasm for new things and new ideas. It may also represent travel — particularly to less-developed countries and places. The Page of Wands is a moderately positive card. It heralds new beginnings, new adventures and a boundless sense of optimism — even when such optimism may not appear warranted to others. However, the card may at times indicate a naivete towards risk or too much optimism given the circumstances. The card carries overtones of exotic travel, plants and farming, and visionary leadership — but also possibly: malinvestment or excessive risk. Future: King of Swords Clear thinking, intellectual power, authority, truth. A person of authority who is evenly judgmental. A decision without prejudice, not swayed by petty disputes or favoritism. A clear-thinking, just leader. The King of Swords' power comes from his intellect, and his courage to stand by his insight against intellectual opposition. He is a symbol of expert status and may represent any type of knowledgable professional or industry expert in a reading. Common references include doctors, financial advisors, consultants or any other expert-level knowledge worker. The King is not swayed by the opinions of others or by political expedience. His ideas are selected because he sees them as logically valid and proven by experience — even if they are at times unpopular. He is a seeker of the truth. When the King of Swords does not represent an actual peron in a tarot reading, the card typically represents a fair decision or an equitable resolution. The card may also suggest that emotion and personal feelings have no place in the issue at hand. Logic and sound reasoning are what's needed. The appearance of the King of Swords may also carry a warning in some readings: Ambition and logic can sometimes leave behind a trail of tears if special efforts aren't made to consider the feelings of others. Generally speaking the King of Swords is a very positive card, although the card's emphasis on cold logic may be somewhat neutral or even negative in some relationship reaings, depending on the positioning. Reading for 23 Mara 3275 Past: Knight of Cups (Reversed) Charm. Imagination. Artistic refinement. Creativity and passion meet action. A quest either physical, romantic or spiritual begins. A benevolent or heartfelt journey. Creativity and yearning combine to form motion. Reversed meaning: Movement is blocked somehow. A goal that is so far away may feel unattainable at present. A premature start creates problems. Physical or emotional restraints. Present: King of Swords Clear thinking. Intellectual power. Authority. Truth. A person of authority who is evenly judgmental. A decision without prejudice. A clear-thinking, just leader, not swayed by petty disputes or favoritism. Future: The Chariot (Reversed) Willpower. Transformation. Assertion. Mind over matter. Willpower can accomplish anything. Speed and mental focus accomplish the impossible. Inner transformations as a result of success. A warning to control ego. Reversed meaning: Confidence is a double-edged sword. While it can make great things happen, it can also lead to poor decisions. A rushed decision or a lack of conviction. Reading for 12 Mara 3275 Past: Page of Wands (Reversed) Enthusiasm. Exploration. Discovery. Free spirit. Adventurous. Ambitious. Energetic. Active. New beginnings. Skilled. Reversed Meaning: Setbacks to new ideas. Pessimism. Lack of direction. Your energy is unfocussed and directionless. Your confusion may be making you unhappy. Take time to consider your many options, but do not hold back for too long. Commit to one plan and take a single, carefully focussed direction. Present: Seven of Swords Betrayal. Deception. Getting away with something. Stealth. The Seven of Swords means to use your wits for diplomacy and not to use aggression. It can be viewed as secret planning or hidden dishonour. The questioner's acts may be legitimate, however, they may prefer to use their mind and intellect rather than use force. It may also indicate a betrayal by a companion. Future: Six of Wands Public recognition. Victory. Progress. Self-confidence. Completion. Good news. Reward. Recognition. Success. Triumph. Achieving organization and leadership. Galvanisation or mobilisation, of forces. This can be metaphorical, such as the forces within. Looking forward. Success, confidence and competency.