Celina and Alice return to the Palace to find what progress there is from Bill and Merlin. Celina shares Felicity's comments about the indentured education of Art Muses. She mentions Avis being here and finishes with the dangling question of religious orders still in the city.
Celina asks Bill for his take on the status of Klybesian haunts in Paris.
Bill explains that Corwin has had some confidential agents looking into some establishments that he worried were infested--Corwin's word, not Bill's, and Bill looks like he doesn't like it much--with the Eye in the Pyramid. There was a whole long story about Reid and his assistant Papillon that Bill doesn't know all the details of, but they're watching a number of establishments.
Papillon is in Paris and she might be able to answer any questions Celina has. They could meet this evening at the Opera.
Celina nods and asks Merlin if he knows the Opera and cares to accompany her there.
Merlin does not know the Opera, but he will accompany Celina anyhow.
She smiles at Alice, knowing there will be important ridiculous dresses to master again. Since Alice is a good sport in all things, Celina will show her best for getting embloomed. Perhaps not the heels though. Slippers or something she can count on in a tight bit of scuffle.
Alice and Felicity work together to find an appropriate costume and have it tailored to fit in time for the opera this evening. Also to find appropriate shoes.
Jerod and Regenlief step through into a garden, where it is evening. "Thank you for coming," Florimel says. "I wouldn't have distracted you and your companion from your mission if it weren't urgent." She shows Jerod the Trump of his person in a style Jerod can guess from knowing him to be Lucas'. Something about the Art Nouveau details gives it away.
"I was at the opera when I saw her, and you're the only one I trust to find her and deal with her. Not your grandmother, but her right-hand woman. Bend. Take her alive and she'll lead us to Moire."
Jerod releases the grip on Florimel's hand, his gaze passing over the card critically, recognizing Lucas' work in a glance. He had considered declining the call, not being overly receptive of them under the best of circumstances. But Florimel's comment on Bend piques his curiousity.
"Bend? Here?" he asks somewhat rhetorically, adjusting his belt and sword. "That's a pretty big risk for her."
"Regenlief? The Princess Florimel, if you're not already introduced." he says, doing the introductions. "Auntie...this is Regenlief."
"And you want me to go crash the opera?"
Regenlief bows to Flora, who nods towards her. Jerod thinks they may have met, but are not close.
Flora smiles and lifts her fan. "We are in a private garden behind the royal box of the Opera, but no one in Versailles would ever accuse anyone I vouched for of 'crashing' the performance. It would be less conspicuous if you didn't throw her from the balcony onto the stage, but I am sure that you would only do that if absolutely necessary. There are a few minutes left in the intermission.
"Perhaps Regenlief should stay here. Paris can have a long memory for transgressions of her particular social customs. And I am afraid that while the eccentricities of a Prince of Amber and Paris are easily forgiven, her arrival in costume might not be."
Jerod looks at Regenlief for a moment. "I don't know. She might fit in perfectly with the right opera." he says. "Though I would agree, if there's any problems in apprehending Bend, the only person I have to explain stuff to is...the King," smiling slightly. The one type of person he always seems to be explaining stuff to it seems.
"I shall leave you in the very capable hands of my Aunt," he says to Regenlief. "Hopefully this doesn't take too long." And he looks at Florimel. "Shall we Auntie?"
"Of course." Florimel accepts the offer of Jerod's arm and they enter the opera again. Most of the gentlemen are dressed in the modern style, with tails (think 1905 Paris, ofc), and the ladies in full length gowns according to the fashion set by Florimel. But the eccentricities of a Lord of Paris are not a matter for the crowd to judge, especially if the Princess Florimel approves them by appearing on the aforementioned Lord's arm.
The opera is held in the opera house of which the Palais Garnier is but a shadow.
Florimel leads then out toward the grand staircase, where they'll have a better chance of finding Bend in the crowd.
When Jerod looks around and down, he can see Celina, dressed in a cross between Rebman fashion and Parisian garb, and Merlin, dressed in the formal wear of a Parisian prince.
Celina and Merlin arrived just before the first act began and did not have time to meet with Papillon, who sent word she would meet them at the foyer during the intermission. She did not describe her dress, but gave the code word "Atget" by which they would know her. Since they arrived late, Celina and Merlin were not seated in the Royal Box, but in a smaller box, which suited Merlin just fine.
When they come out for the intermission, they can see Princess Florimel and Prince Jerod on the stair. Jerod is not garbed in Parisian clothes. He looks like he may have just arrived by Trump.
Jerod looks over the crowd with polite, distant air one expects of a Lord, or in this case, a Prince, the intermittent question here and there about this person or that who attracts his attention during their walk into the opera and to the grand staircase. He is silently grateful to have left the spear away for the trip...lordly eccentricities only justify so much in polite society...swords are so much easier to get away with.
"Do we have any idea as to Bend's reasoning for her return?" Jerod asks. "Clandestine activity in public view sound good in mystery novels, not so good in real life."
"I don't think she expected to be seen. But if I had to guess, she has a meeting with someone here. All sorts of meetings are conducted here during the intermission, and backstage," Florimel explains. "Gentlemen of means keep the singers as their mistresses."
For all that she looks quite different in Parisian garb than Rebman clothing, Jerod spots Bend at once on the stairs.
Florimel appears distracted by something else at the moment, though she's also moving down the stairs.
Celina, looking upward, also spots Bend at once, despite her much-changed clothes and appearance. Bend is moving down toward where Celina and Merlin are standing.
A woman in the lobby, looking up, sees something or someone on the stair (maybe Bend or Florimel or Jerod) and starts to run. Merlin moves toward that person.
Celina's reaction is that Bend is the more important quarry here. And Merlin knows they have questions, so he won't do anything too outrageous to the Person Of Interest Exiting. Then again, if magic works here at all, Merlin will be the one to make it work right.
So. Mirrors.
Celina reaches out to the crystal chandeliers that amplify the light of the grand space and fixes them in her concentration. She flips a dazzle bead from her glove cuff into the nearest chandelier and a chain reaction begins from all the chandeliers taking the tiny flicker of bright from that bead igniting and sharing, reflecting it all in Bend's direction. As long as she can, Celina bends all the room's natural reflected glitter into a crossfire of glare straight to Bend.
Celina thinks it improbable that many will notice. But Jerod will have every advantage to close with Bend as that agent finds glare in any direction she turns.
Jerod taps Florimel's arm once, just enough to get her attention. "We have multiples." he says, disengaging from her to manuever into position to collect Bend. No one stays in his way to be an obstacle, of any kind, whether they are attempting to be, or simply "in the way".
In Paris, as in Xanadu and Amber of old, probability is difficult to manipulate. It's impossible to keep the crowd from noticing what's going on, or from being an accidental obstacle to Jerod. That said, the power of the Mirror runs true and Bend is blinded.
Jerod comes down the stairs, but the impossibility of hiding what he's doing means people are getting out of the way of Princess Florimel's rough escort. With Bend blinded, he's able to catch up to her easily.
Bend appears to be trying to do something to solve the blinding, but whatever it is, it's not working.
Celina feels it important to keep concentrating on the lights and Bend for the nonce.
Merlin closes on his quarry. Meanwhile, guards start to come into the open foyer and toward the stairs, and Florimel calls out, "Captain, I require your attention!" which seems to get the attention of all of the guards and the crowd, if not whoever is trying to run away from Merlin.
Celina flows with the Order of Mirrors and tends to the focus. Her confidence in Jerod is immense.
Once Jerod reaches Bend, her ability to Celina's mirror work is rendered moot by a pair of carefully placed strikes. He's not trying to kill her, but she's going to have one hell of a headache. And he makes sure she stays down on the off chance she may have a way to resist.
Merlin catches up with his quarry and is speaking to her. Bend is down and Jerod has her. She's going to have a goose egg when she wakes up. The guards have come to Florimel, and she's explaining that King Corwin's nephew Prince Jerod has captured a threat to the Crown and that King Corwin's daughter Queen Celina of Rebma has assisted him. That seemed simple and easy. What now?
Celina monitors Merlin across the crowd. She wants to talk to Jerod but he's not facing an unknown.
So Celina moves through the crowd to Merlin's side. "Who is this?" She notes the person's hands first. If they are noble or trade, the fingers will be quite different.
Her hands show neither the softness of nobility and bourgeois nor the rough calluses of the laboring class. They are clean and reasonably manicured, but there are chemical stains on her fingernails. "Celina," Merlin says, "this is Papillon." And as he says her name, Celina looks at her face and recognizes the girl: they have met before, when she was working with Reid.
"Have you really captured Bend?" Papillon asks.
Celina does not answer, things will resolve soon, "I remember you. We spoke at the shop. Master Reid was there. Why are you so afraid of Bend? Can you share?"
"Can we talk about that in private?" Papillon asks. For all that Bend has been captured and is clearly under control, Papillon is still wary, even afraid.
Above, Jerod watches and/or supervises and/or participates according to his whims as the Royal Guard binds Bend. As far as Jerod can tell, this is the real deal: they have actually captured Bend.
Jerod watches carefully to ensure that Bend is provided with no options for escape, whether by force, guile or magic. Even in a place of Order, shape-shifting can still work it seems so he is likely to indulge, just a little, his paranoia. He wants to know from the Royal Guards where Bend will be taken, who is the officer in charge and to ensure that the Princess Florimel is made aware of all these things before Bend goes anywhere.
Florimel will keep a personal eye on Bend. After all, Moire might come for Bend, and Florimel has a few things to discuss with Moire, about Lucas.
Once that bit of house-keeping is taken care of, he moves to join his cousins. He nods a greeting to all of them as he approaches.
"Well met all," he says drily. "Fancy meeting here, at an opera no less. One could swear the gods were playing a joke."
"Well met, cousin Jerod. Celina and I were on the trail of your quarry's mistress," replies Merlin. "We were to meet this lady, Papillon, who formerly assisted our cousin Reid. What brings you to the opera, fresh from the field?"
"Dearest Auntie." Jerod replies drily, motioning to Florimel as she takes charge of the kingdom's newest guest. "I was off with Ossian at Benedict's behest. Some work involving Bend's brother Montage, seeing who was up to causing trouble and the like. I was off taking care of...business....when I received a trump from Auntie saying that Moire might be around and she could use my help. Since Ossian was already well established for the Protector and quite capable in his own right of handling stuff I figured I'd take the opportunity to come here."
He pauses for a moment. "Oh, and just for the record, if either of you repeat to Ossian that I said he was quite capable in his own right, I'll deny it."
"My lips are sealed," Merlin says. After a moment, he adds, "Metaphorically."
Celina smiles at Jerod in a moi-would-never-tell fashion, leaving out of her expression how doing him a favor pleases her, "So will Auntie also need you to interrogate Bend or should we ignore what happens to Bend while Aunt Florimel does what I cannot? I'm here to locate Moire. Papillon does not want to talk here. Can we adjourn before the gods make the opera funnier or would you find us later?"
Merlin and Papillon wait for Jerod's reply, Papillon obviously quite nervously so. Her eyes keep darting to where Bend is being taken away.
Jerod looks over Papillon with what is clearly a critical view, not putting on any Court airs or affectations. "Bend makes regular people nervous on the best of occasions." he says to Papillon. "So what's making you nervous?"
"I used to work with Reid. I've found out some things, Papillon explains, "that I don't think I should talk about in public. And that I think Bend would rather not leave me alive to say."
Celina hopes that Jerod hasn't decided to support his Rebman family with the 'stay away' path. She thinks at him, really you don't want to miss this. It might get personal.
"Ah, so in other words, the more people that know what you know, the less likely you are to become a target." Jerod says with a slight smile. "Not to mention pissing off Bend in the process." and he offers his hand.
"My name is Jerod, in case you haven't heard of me. It's a pleasure to meet you. Why don't we all go somewhere and talk...about lots of things."
"A pleasure, M'sieur." Papillon takes Jerod's hand; she has the grip of a worker, not a warrior or a court lady. "I know who you are. All three of you. Reid was an artist and he showed me a lot of his family. The living and some of the ones who'd been dead a long time," she explains. "And yes, I'd very much like to talk to all of you. About Bend and the trouble she's making."
She's still glancing around a bit even though Bend is on her way out under guard.
Celina feels very much better with Bend in custody and Jerod here to add a perspective. She offers, "I think the palace is a nice private place. It has the advantage of a kitchen staffed all hours and is central to any next steps." Celina looks at Papillion to see if that suits her caution.
If so, she'll invite Jerod too and pause for him to finish the niceties with Aunt Flora.
People do have a tendency to break out of jails and guards. Celina expects Jerod frowns on that sort of thing.
Jerod accepts the invitation and arranges the obligatories with Florimel so she is aware of where he will be should she have need of him as well as any additional information on Bend that may come up. Certainly if there's an interrogation he'd be delighted to be in attendance for that.
Florimel promises to contact Jerod when it's time to talk to Bend and gently persuade her that it's in her best interest to put them in contact with Moire.
The group makes it back safely to the palace, with Celina, Merlin, Jerod, and Papillon in a single carriage. They commandeer a sitting room, which is easy since there are a lot of them, and some food and beverage appears courtesy of the palace servants.
Papillon eyes the food with some suspicion and passes on eating any of it while the three young Amberites settle.
"Are we sure we're secure and safe here?" Papillon asks.
Merlin looks around at Celina and Jerod. "I think you are as safe as you can be in Paris," he tells Papillon.
Celina moves to the food and selects a small plate of grapes to bring with her as she sits. After all, Papillon was trained by Reid and is likely hungry but not willing to eat anything that hasn't been eaten by others first. Celina nods at Merlin's assessment. "The stakes are high, yes. However, with us here, you are safer than any other spot in Paris."
Jerod is equally noticeable of Papillon's behaviour, but unlike her Majesty, the Queen of Rebma, Jerod is unwilling to wait on simple formalities...mostly because it's been awhile since he's eaten. The result is a large plate of food piled at precarious angles that always seems likely to fall over...but never does, and which appears to contains every single food item that was provided as well.
Combined with a very large glass of scotch, Jerod finds himself the most suitably comfy chair to plop into and begin working his way through the food. He catches Papillon's eye for a moment after she has had a chance to process Merlin and Celina's comments and pops a piece of cheese into his mouth with a slight smile. "What they said."
"I've been keeping an eye out for trouble on behalf of the King for some time now, since Reid's death. The head of my chain of command, as it were, was at the Opera. With you." Papillon gestures to Jerod. "My brief is dealing with the Klybesians. They have contacts at the Abbaye-aux-Bois. And I strongly suspect that Bend was one of them, and she was in contact with her own mistress." Papillon gestures to Celina, now. "Your mother."
Celina does not sigh by act of will. "Contact here in Paris, or some courier system? Do you know what district these messages go to?"
Jerod works his way slowly, steadily through the plate but his attention is very much on the conversation.
"Courier service. I don't know if Moire is inside the Abbaye or not, but if she's not, she's working with someone who is inside." Papillon grimaces. "The Lady who rules the Isle-folk who use the Abbaye, is she one of you?" she asks.
Celina isn't sure the proper term and is fond of Vere, so she offers, "Avis? She's sister to a cousin of mine. I'm not sure you'd think she's 'one of us' in the way Master Reid would say. Lady Avis should be in charge there. If my mother is present, I would not think things were well for Avis. You have suspicions. Please share them."
"I don't want to accuse anyone of anything, but--begging Your Highnesses' pardon--it would be going just fine with Lady Avis if she were working with Queen Moire. King Corwin's a man, you see, and he's against all gods and goddesses, saving only the Unicorn. But the Dannan folk worship gods, and so do the priests and priestesses of the Eye in the Pyramid--" Papillon trails off there, and settles wit "--hard to tell who's using who, there, but none of it looks good for Paris or Rebma."
"Any specifics on the none of it looks good part?" Jerod asks, putting the now finished plate aside. "Most of the groups we're dealing with tend not to have our best interests at heart, so details are always important."
Celina adds in a sympathetic tone, "Something beyond Bend has you extremely worried. If you open your heart to us, Jerod and I can be very helpful."
"I don't understand what's going on with the priestesses and your mother," Papillon says carefully. "But there are a lot of messages flying between the 18th and the 7th, and I haven't been able to get my hands on them. And I haven't trusted the Eye in the Pyramid since the first time they tried to kill Reid in the sewers of Paris."
Celina senses she's been put off again. Or that Papillon has already seen too many things that break her sense of self-preservation. Would base level fear of the Eye so thoroughly traumatize a student of Reid's? More likely that the young woman had never dealt with the pain of Reid's death.
Celina doesn't like it. It moves Papillon into the category of unreliable agent.
Celina isn't going to address any of that but she'll clue Jerod into her priorities by shifting to a conversation Papillon can't comment on. "I feel we have no more restraint to spend on the machinations of monks or nuns. Likewise I'm certain if Vere were able, he'd ask us to secure his sister's safety. For myself I'm here to restore Rebma's future. I must recover heirlooms that were in my mother's keeping and are gone missing." Plainly Celina asks Jerod if he's available to help. Celina gives Jerod all the time he wants to make other points or priorities. Maybe he can pry specifics from Papillon's twitchy anxiety.
Jerod looks over at Celina only briefly. "Do you know the sender and receivers?" he asks.
"I don't know the identities of the individuals, but I know the Klybesians that send them are from the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith. That's the name of the group that questioned Reid and me when we were held by them," Papillon explains, "so I recognized the seal on the documents. I've been trying to steal one but haven't managed it."
Celina hmmms with interest but lets Jerod lead in questions of action. If it turns out to be in cypher, there may be avenues she can assist with.
"So assuming we continued this line of investigation by acquisition..." Jerod asks drily, "...who would be the person we would want to be visiting?"
"The Abbey of St Ninian of Clervaux, in the Marais, 4th Arrondissement," Papillon answers. "Reid investigated them a long time ago, and spoke to Brother Vigil, Brother Meditation, and the Abbott, Brother Repentance. He said they were connected to another group called the Paresh."
Jerod casts a look at Celina. "The Paresh. This gets better and better. They're all coming together it seems."
Celina nods at Jerod. Better in that Jerod can leverage them all at once, yes. "At a guess, they see a Sapphire opportunity in 'assisting' my mother and getting an inch closer to secrets they fetishize." She seems a bit chilly.
Celina offers to Papillon, "Reid would have wanted these people to fail. Stand with us and his courage will stand with you. We could use a guide. I won't suggest you fight. If you pledge, you get justice for yourself as well."
"The Klybesians killed Reid," Papillon snaps. "I want them gone. But--if their goal is to get something from your family, then going to one of you--or if Avis isn't--" how one sibling could be royal blood and another not isn't clear to her, but it's not like she has access to the geneaology either "--to her brother--that would be bad. Will King Corwin stand up to her? I've met him."
Celina's opinion of what her father would do to a woman who conspired against his city cannot even be shared with Jerod. So...
Celina does look at Jerod so he realizes she does not presume to speak for him, or Corwin, "I'm moving to deal with these people. My father can argue with me about it later. He's busy now. You want them gone and so do I. Think if you'll have a better chance than this."
Jerod returns the look momentarily, leans back in his chair. "The King will recognize the threat of these individuals...because we're going to show it to him." he says to Papillon. "But that requires you. So this Prince has a very simple question for you."
He leans in to ask..."How bad do you want them gone? Cause the opportunity is staring at you...right now."
"Pretty bad," Papillon says. "What do I need to do? Because there's not much more I can tell you -- I really don't know if Avis has betrayed the King or not. Or whether it's one of her advisers. Or if your mother--" she nods to Celina "--is in the Abbaye. I think she might be, and I 'm sure Bend was, but I can't prove it. I'll help you as best I can; I just can't afford to be hung out to dry."
"I don't hang allies out to dry." Jerod says flatly, the tone suggesting he is displeased at that thought.
He leans back as he continues. "We'll need to check Avis out and see what her leanings are...whether there is a benefit to her being treacherous, or if as you said someone has been suborned in her Councils." He looks over at Celina. "As for Grandmother...well, we can see what Bend will tell us, plus the Princess has a vested interested in being nasty to her. We may have to get to her first before Flora does, otherwise we may find out what she really uses those hand grenades for."
Celina notes she'll ask later what a hand grenade does. Celina gives the young woman a direct look. "You'll save time and lives in helping us."
There's more Celina feels about this womans art and history with the family. Later she can make deeper connections.
"I'm with you, Papillon agrees. "I know what you can do in Paris and what you could do in Amber -- without a backer. And I know you can do a lot more with one. The Klybesians and the Dannans are too strong to take on without one, before bring your mother -- and your grandmother -- into the matter." It's not hard for Celina to read that Papillon is reconfiguring her idea of where the power and experience lies between the Queen of Rebma and her nephew.
Celina has been assessing Merlin's reactions, even though she expects his Chaos face to be much a mask. Now she looks back at Jerod, "So what steps do we take after informing Florimel? You'll want to interview Bend yourself?"
Merlin is watching Papillon; he doesn't seem to have much to say right now.
He nods. "Yeah, we need data. Bend being here is a major play, major risk. She wouldn't do it unless there was an equally major reward for the risk," he says. "Avis and Grandmother can be chased down, but I want to know the little details that might slip through the cracks before we go on our hunt. Those the details that get you killed if you miss them. The Klybesians and Dannans as a group can be dealt with at higher levels... we need to figure out their agents. So we start with Bend and work our way up, see how cooperative she'll be."
Until Merlin does. "Do not forget," he reminds Jerod and Celina, and probably tells Papillon for the first time, "I can wear the face of Bend, or someone else, if we need to break into one of these places, or beguile our way in. I cannot read their minds, so the disguise will not hold, but I could get all of you inside."
Celina acknowledges Merlin's interjection with a simple nod. Her real interest is in Papillon's reaction or lack of one but she conceals that.
Celina admits to herself that Merlin is as fiercely upset with the threat to Paris as she is with the constraints on Rebma. Yet the idea of her brother drawing the guise of Bend upon himself will give her nightmares, she's certain. She asks Jerod, "May I attend? I need to learn more about interrogation."
Papillon clearly had no idea Merlin was a shapeshifter--not a common skill, after all--because she's busy staring at him like he'd grown a new head on the spot. To Jerod, this is a sensible reaction, of course; anyone who'd grown up in Amber and was about Papillon's age would have known shapeshifters as enemies. In Rebma, fluidity of form and a lack of plain human shape are more common, of course.
"If I am to wear her disguise, I should like to watch as well," Merlin says, "so that I can also mimic her voice and gestures."
"Then it makes sense for sure for you to attend upon any questioning of Bend." Jerod says with a nod to Merlin.
"And the thought of her majesty not attending is not one I would entertain." he says to Celina. "Bend's behaviour is too much a threat to your rule. For you not to be there to garner information..." and he pauses with a slight smile. "Well, I'd be wondering who would be imitating you."
He leans over slightly to Papillon. "Not to worry. He's as good a friend as you can find. He just grew up in a different neighbourhood." he says before standing up.
"Shall we be off?"
Celina nods and maintains a discreet watch on young Papillon. Celina believes Jerod and she will start pushing things faster and faster. The artist will be challenged to keep up. That fire inside Papillon shall stand her well, but Celina wants to be ahead of a sudden failure of nerve from the mortal.
Papillon looks grimly determined. Celina intuits that perhaps her affections for Reid were deeper and more serious than Reid knew, or perhaps than Papillon knew at the time.
There is a cellar under the grounds of the Louvre, much of which houses Corwin's extensive wine collection. A part of it, however, is given over to a small dungeon where certain high-value prisoners are kept. It is here that Florimel has secreted Bend.
Alice escorts them down, telling them that Regenlief has arrived at the palace and Alice herself is making arrangements to have her clothed and armed appropriately for Paris. By the time they arrive at the dungeon, Celina, Jerod, Merlin and Papillon find that Florimel has unsurprisingly preceded them. She is letting Bend cool her heels, and waits outside the soundproofed cell.
Florimel looks grimly pleased to see them. "Jerod, Celina, Merlin, so glad you could join us. And Mademoiselle Papillon, I'm pleased to see you made contact with them. I've been letting Bend stew; what do you have in mind to do with her to get her to talk?"
Celina doesn't expect to be a driver in this discussion so she goes first. "I think you explain that no power here in Paris today can save her from Family justice coming due. Rebma can ask for mercy but will not step up for an agent of our kingdom that has abandoned the throne to invaders. I shall not even ask for mercy unless Bend chooses country over a deposed queen."
Jerod is silent during the conversation, parsing his own thoughts. He's old enough, and experienced enough, to know that brute force is rarely useful even on untalented prisoners, so he calculates the probability of it working on Bend and decides there aren't enough decimal places for a chance at success. For someone like her, an agent of Moire, the most probable path for success in his eyes is enlightened self-interest and he smiles slightly.
"And if that doesn't work Auntie, I was thinking of appealing to Bend's survival instinct and promising to keep her out of your clutches," he says with a slight smile.
Celina echoes that with a nod.
Flora smiles, and not in a friendly way. "Telling her she needs to find a protectress against the wrath of Prince Martin should be useful as well.
"Take first crack at her. Offer to save her from my enthusiastic but unskilled minions."
Celina nods her willingness. She eyes Jerod for a moment.
There is a slight nod, but nothing more from Jerod.
And she looks at Papillon, "I'd like a set of ears out of sight. I'd like a written record as well if you are willing." Jerod may find the request believable, or not, but he'll see it keeps the young woman involved and does not throw her into close quarters where she is the potential weak link.
Jerod notes this as well. He was not wanting Papillon in close proximity to Bend given she can be easily threatened. Too much of a distraction for an interrogator.
Papillon nods. "I can do that, your majesty." She looks to Florimel for approval, and Florimel nods, relatively kindly for Florimel.
Merlin nods his assent as well. "You two should do most of the talking. I will be silent, which may be more threatening. Especially if she knows we are all close in Martin's counsel."
Florimel adds, "And I will wait with Papillon and help with the note-taking."
Bend is sitting on a wooden chair in a somewhat damp chamber with an electric light hanging over her head. She is shackled in heavy chains, binding her arms and legs, and still in the opera clothes she was wearing when she was captured. Her hands are resting on a wooden table.
There are three chairs on the far side of the table from Bend, of slightly better quality and with cushions, as if to make the point that the interrogators get to be more comfortable. Merlin goes in first, and waits for Celina to seat herself before taking his chair.
It's not immediately evident where and how Florimel and Papillon are observing this business, but Jerod, who is familiar with how interrogations were done in Amber sometimes under his father, knows there must be spots in the stone where the two women can watch and take notes, unseen.
When the three Amberites come in, Bend smiles. It's like she thinks she's won something. But she says nothing.
For her part, Celina arrives with the body language but not the expression of someone not used to losing an argument. There is a restless energy to the way she sits as if this will not take long but even so it will not go the way Celina wants it to. Fake poker face aside, Celina acts as though her presence here is a formality for bad things about to happen.
Merlin stands behind Celina, as if he were her bodyguard, and watches Bend intently.
Jerod takes the remaining seat after Celina and Merlin have obtained their seats, adjusting his cushion for a moment to ensure he has a comfortable spot before settling in. He looks over at Celina for a moment, taking into account Merlin's position as silent observer. "You want to start, your Majesty or should I lob the first volley?" he asks.
Celina adds this to the part she's playing here - - that she doesn't think she can save Bend from Florimel, so she pauses, then intensely says, "Tell me on your honor you've done nothing to renounce your allegiance to Rebma. For instance there are several Parisian high crimes that may be attached to your name."
"It's not my job to have any honor, Your Highness," Bend says to Celina, ignoring the two men. "It's my job to protect you and your mother. And the Princess Llewella, of course."
Celina dances past the flat disappointment of that answer. "You aren't being asked about your job. You failed that when you left Llewella and me to 'protect' a failed queen. Consider yourself removed from official duties. Now is your answer the same without your job? Are you involved in crimes against Paris?" Celina does not have to pretend this is unpleasant. Behind Celina's flat gaze she measures Bend for any whiff of Chaos. If getting Family into this room is a win for her, she may not be Bend at all.
Celina has no sense that Bend is Chaosi. Nor is Merlin giving Celina any signal of touch or magic that suggests Bend is Chaosi.
"You cannot remove me from my duties, Your Highness. Your mother is Queen, even in exile, and on her behalf I do what is necessary. And in truth I have done nothing that would undermine the man who sired you, though perhaps you wouldn't see it that way." Bend casts a cool glance at Jerod, and another at Merlin. "Despite what the men may think."
Bend turns to Jerod. "How fares your mother, Prince Jerod?"
"You might want to ask her that yourself," he replies. "Assuming of course you're still communicating with her, and that she's supporting Grandmother. Given Moire's actions to date, I'm guessing not.
"You are, of course, free to enlighten me on that subject, should I be incorrect. Though I think that'll be mostly irrelevant as we'll come back to the question of why you're here and what's up with Grandmother."
"Have you considered the matter of the thinning blood?" Bend asks Celina, mostly ignoring Jerod since she failed to get much of a rise out of him.
Well, that clinches it. Bend wants to ask us questions. Celina thinks behind the bland posture of irritation. So given that Celina wants Jerod applying the expertise here and Bend seems willing to bait her---and Celina doesn't really want Florimel to mind torture Bend... Let's see where this goes.
Celina doesn't change expression, but there is a slight purse to her lips and she responds, two ways; she looks directly into Bend's eyes bringing her mind into harmony with Bend, and she says, "Yes, citizen. Thinning loyalty. Thinning reality. Thinning blood. I have."
Celina intuits that whatever Bend is on about, she's not lying.
Bend says, "Then you understand. We don't want another Mera. Another Morganthe. And Khela went the same way, didn't she?" The last is almost sympathetic.
Celina is braced for Khela's name. Nothing Bend can say will increase the pain. "Khela died as a queen. Are you saying you work to uplift the blood? Or is that just the hook they caught you with?"
Celina's tone matches Bend's. She looks the Rebman straight in the eyes and sounds sympathetic rather than bitter.
Jerod smiles slightly at the various references, though he appears to agree more with Celina's comments on thinning loyalty. He's heard Bend's arguments before, the call to old traditions and assured rule...the hallmark of those opposed to that which is coming and who long for the days of old, days that no longer exist.
At the mention of Khela from Bend, his expression grows almost bored for a moment, like he expected better than such a simple emotional thrust. But for the moment he says nothing, content to let the Rebman dynamics play out. The women work out their differences first...while the men watch and wait.
"Rebma still doesn't know why some die and some live, even now. It's not all the old Amber blood, or Mera would have lived. There's a reason. And if we have to bargain with some rather distasteful people to find out, it's worth it," Bend continues.
Celina waits a bit. She's still mirroring Bend's physicality and mood. "Yes. I suppose I can imagine the local chapter of the monks saying that about you and Moire. Almost the same tone. Not quite. They do like their bargains." Celina smiles. "You're wrong. I get your meaning, but since you are sworn to protect me, I can tell you that you're wrong. Not that I want you to share it."
Celina leans forward. "Rebma knows precisely why some die and some live. You don't. My mother doesn't. Rebma knows and won't tell my Mother. Do you understand at all the difference?"
"I don't believe you," Bend says, and both Celina and Jerod can see that this has shaken her.
Jerod smiles, just a little, though it seems it is more about Celina's comment than anything that Bend might be feeling.
Celina reaches but holds from actually touching Bend. When she speaks after a pause of several breaths, there is sympathy and sureness, "Then you'll not believe this either but I know you've seen it if you think on it very long. The monks are desperate and scared. So afraid they work best by choosing allies who are or can be desperate and afraid. They break things apart, study them, assuming they will find they can put all the pieces back together. They've already done it to Amber family. They'll do it to you, me, or mother if it gets them one meter closer to ending their fear of death. They will absolutely then do it to Rebma, because that is the center of the secret they must have. But I shall stand in their way. If you stand with them, you give them access to come at Rebma. You've seen death up close, Bend. Are you afraid of Death that you will choose them over me?"
The smile fades a tiny bit, though not due to any disapproval. There is a moment hanging in the air, and Jerod waits to see. Does Bend see the truth of the moment, of her situation, he wonders. He waits and watches.
"I'm going to die anyway," Bend says. "Sooner or later, probably sooner if the Princess Florimel has her way." She looks at Jerod and Merlin, and says, "Send the men away, and we can speak of it."
Celina says nothing for a long moment, "Tell me this is Court Business." Celina's voice is velvet-wrapped sapphire.
"It is Royal Court business of the highest order," Bend confirms.
Celina doesn't nod. She's attuned to Bend's eyes and the flow of the bionin of Rebman loyalty invoked over the conversation. A moment or two later, Celina slowly turtles her head to stare at Jerod, allowing that moment the stretch out as he decides what he needs to do. There is no fear in her gaze that Bend can do her dirt here. Celina feels strongly that Merlin will follow Jerod's lead.
Jerod smiles a bit more as Celina looks at him, the smile directed at Bend. "I serve at her majesty's pleasure," he says, turning to look at Celina. He has no issue at all with letting Celina run the show, since he can always watch from the gallery position.
"I also serve at Your Majesty's pleasure," Merlin says calmly.
Celina uses the court protocol. "You may withdraw."
Jerod will head out to the monitoring station accordingly.
Merlin moves to accompany Jerod and a moment later they are gone.
Celina keeps her focus on Bend until they are alone. "What do you wish to share?"
Bend leans in and whispers, protecting her mouth against scrying lip-readers, "The Klybesians are keeping breeding records that are more complete than ours or those of Amber. They believe there is another line of Moins."
Celina conceals her disappointment. But Bend moves a few steps in the right direction. So instead of pushing some other topic, she tinges her face with intrigue. "No doubt the Klybesians would dearly love to stir that pot. What do you make of it as a long-time observer of Court? If we made an alliance with such a discovery, would such a thing benefit the City in these times? Or lead to more turmoil?"
"We might trade for the girl, but we want to get her out," Bend says. "And it will bring turmoil, but we must not leave her in the clutches of those men."
Celina nods. "Agreed. The monks can predict your feelings on this. So they didn't let this information loose without already putting their find out of reach." Celina keeps eye contact with Bend. "Without your assistance, my mother is unlikely to find sufficient allies or strength to counter the prepared Klybesian defense. Or do you have a plan in motion already?"
"The women of the Dannan have allied with us to rescue the captive. Avis seeks an ally of the Royal blood. She's not interested in the priests or their religion. She has faith and gods of her own." Bend's tone carries a certain amount of contempt for the religion of the Klybesians; less so for Avis, perhaps because she's a woman or perhaps because her gods are of royal descent. "Avis is a witch of no mean power in her own right. With her as an ally, we should be able to rescue the girl from the monks."
Celina frowns, "Witchery in Paris? Perhaps. Something feels off about this last bit, Bend. Avis has allies of Royal blood. What were you doing at the Opera?"
"I was to meet with two glass makers to see if we could have a glass suited for the purpose made." Bend names two names, familiar to Celina from her previous survey of the mirror-works of Paris when she was seeking her mother.
Celina nods. "I see. I know of those crafters." Celina turns her head slightly, looks towards the door. "Do you believe in your oath to guard the bloodline so strongly that this unproven girl calls to your pledge? That seems a leap of faith, Bend. A leap that might sway my allies."
"Do you know how many women your mother has sent to their deaths on the Pattern?" Bend parries. "It's more than you imagine. I believe you and your mother can be reconciled, and Rebma the stronger for it. But if Rebma speaks to you, then that changes the matter. You're not wrong: if Moire could wield the Pattern, she would."
Celina nods once. "Well said." Celina looks again at Bend. "You are not the first to tell me how much blood Mother has spent in trying to find a solution. I wasn't part of that. She never prepared me for the Pattern. I suppose she thought that merciful. I cannot promise you my mother will listen today or in the future. She's taken or hidden things I need to move forward." Celina takes a breath, "Regardless, let me talk to local authorities here. We cannot wait to find out what the status of this woman is. We need to act."
Celina stands. "If there is a chance we can save her, we should. I'm glad that you wish to be a part of that."
"I serve at the pleasure of the Queen," Bend says.
Last modified: 16 October 2020