Transitions Through a Butler's Office

Signy arrives in the room having found a plain but serviceable sword of the type used by the castle guards somewhere along the way. She finishes buckling the belt as she walks up to Brita. "Hello, again," she offers with a grim smile. "Has Huon said anything about if the rest of the Rebmans are with him?"

The only visible sign of any concern is a slight tightness around her eyes.

"Cousin Signy," Brita states for Huon as she smiles briefly at her cousin. "Our Uncle is Not with the Rebman Archivist at This Moment, But He is Moving to Retrieve Them. Will You Go Through?" Brita asks as she holds out a hand.

Ossian and Jerod arrives in the room. "I hope we came quickly enough. Folly has my card, in case you need us back here."

Brennan comes in on their heels, attired as he was at the meeting in the gazebo. "If we're going to a Klybesian outpost, do we know which one? And is Regenlief close enough to be able to join us?"

Fletcher hurries in after Brennan, straightening his tie. "What's the deal?"

Martin and Edan are also with them.

Conner arrives at this point with Celina, Raven and Merlin at his heels. "You called for assistance Sister?"

Brita's hand that was reaching for Signy flow up into a wait gesture as she smiles widely at her before responding to her cousins, "Thank You, All, for Your Rapid Assistance. Uncle Huon, the Rebman Archivists, and Three New Cousins have been Held at the Klybesian Second Durmurall Outpost. Our Uncle is In The Process of Gathering All With Him, but Wishes to Overrun That Place with Excessive Force and Learn All We Can from It. And I do Not Know where Valkyrie Regenlief is At The Moment, But can Send a Page for Her." She cocks her head to the side as she runs through that recital in her head and then gives a nod of closure before reaching back out to Signy with a raises eyebrow.

In a distant shadow, Huon is speaking to someone. "Delta, Alex, this is Misao, your cousin, probably. Don't mind how they look. Please help them open that trap door while I get us some assistance." He looks away "Carina, can you..." Brita doesn't see who he's with, but the scene is chaotic. Her best guess is that the shadow runs at about double the time of Xanadu.

"Good summary, niece. Warn anyone who comes that they have guns here, but I'll take anyone who wants to answer the call."

Brennan shrugs at Regenlief's absence-- he wasn't even sure if she was in Xanadu. "All right, let's do this."

He waits for anything else Brita might have to say, and abides by her judgment in the order of transfers.

Brita adds, "The Outpost Klysebians Have Guns." She gets a startled 'aha!' look and adds "Machine Guns?" There is definitely still a question there. She glances at Master Brennan and then her brother.

Garrett arrives on the scene, apparently having stopped to grab a sword from a guard chamber. Assessing the situation, he says to Brita, "I'm not going through but I'll help on this end. What do you need?"

Jerod waits on Brita's response, looking at Brennan momentarily. "At least it will be interesting." he says, in reference to the machine gun comment.

Barring that, unless Brita stops him, he'll reach out for a hand to pass through.

Brita smoothly diverts from Signy and grasps Jerod's hand to pass him through to their Uncle.

Celina steps forward to be passed through as Brita manages all this. She's not seen such a large company of transfers before so she takes her cues from the older cousins. "Aren't all guns machined?" Celina asks. "What point am I missing?"

Fletcher steps forward to go follow Jerod. "Machine guns have a much higher rate of fire. More of an industrial killing tool than a weapon of personal honor." If Jerod has already transitioned, Fletcher focuses for a moment then transitions through Brita's trump connect himself.

After Jerod has vanished in rainbow colors, Brita reaches for Fletcher and passes him through as she notes to Celina, "I Wondered That, Too. They Sound Dangerous. Be Careful, Your Majesty." She looks to Conner to see if he would go first before the Rebman Queen.

Vere enters the room silently and moves to a position out of the way of the cousins waiting to be sent through the link before him.

In response to Fletcher's comment, Brennan says, "Think of Corwin's guns, if you've seen those. Extremely dangerous. This," he raps his breastplate with his knuckles, hard enough for it to make a dull clunk, "won't be all that much use, unless I sorcer it up on the other side."

But so saying, it's nothing Brennan hasn't seen before. He goes through.

Signy sighs. No mention of the Rebman contingent, so no clue on how Tomat is.

Hard on Brennan's heels she reaches out to take Brita's hand and pass through the connection.

Conner definitely steps up before his Queen and takes Brita's hand before disappearing with a rainbow flash.

As Brita hands her cousins and brother through and then grasps Celina's hand for her transfer, she says to Garrett (and for Huon's benefit), "Prince Garrett, I do Not Yet Know if there are Injured, but Given it is Klyesbian Zealots we are Dealing With, Injured are Likely. We Should Know More soon."

"There is always the possibility that this is a diversion. Good that some stay here," Ossian says before stepping through.

Vere steps up to Brita. "Cousin, someone should keep the trump contact open, but I am sure you would prefer to join the rescue. Shall I take over the connection for you?" He reaches to take her free hand, and with his other hand he offers to accept the card from her.

Raven is a step or two behind Vere. She comes to stop to wait for the transfer of the call, though, with a nod. "When you're ready, add me to the party on the other side too," she says.

Brita, still holding the Trump, offers Raven her hand and passes her through as she says to Vere, "I Have my Knife, but am Currently Ill Equipped for Full Battle. I will Remain The Doorway for Now. I Wish to Accept our New Cousins Through when They are Ready." She touches a finger of her now free hand to the side of her nose. "Where is Your Robin? We are Off to The Green after This."

As if announced, Corwin, Robin and Pen (assuming Pen stays with them) arrive in the doorway to the Butler's office. Noting the crowd of waiting Cousins, Robin slides out of the doorway and to a neutral corner. If Pen accompanies her, Robin will introduce herself quickly.

"Hi, I'm Robin, ranger of Arden and daughter to Prince Julian. If you're willing to guard my flank, Captain, I can keep you pointed at the enemy."

Pen has been keeping pace with Robin and Corwin and follows Robin to the neutral corner.

"Ranger Robin, I'd be happy to guard your flank," Pen says, positioning herself 45 degrees to Robin, drawing five arrows, notching one, and leaving the other four in easy reach. "Just point me at the target."

Edan comes in with Martin and Brennan, but obviously doesn't want to help create a scrum; he takes his time to get passed through, and is patting his pockets to find a few acorns.

Vere nods in Robin's direction as she enters the room. "She is here now." He allows Brita to pass him through the connection and vanishes in a flash of rainbow light.

Merlin says to Martin, "I will go through with my sister and open a second Trump connection, for casualties."

Martin nods once, and says, "I'll be in the infirmary."

Then Merlin steps through.

Once Merlin has arrived, Huon says to Brita, "No more just yet; we're in a small space and we need to get a safe out of a trap door and open it."

Brita acknowledges this with, "Understood, Uncle. There are a Couple More Cousins and Uncle Corwin Here and Prince Martin has Gone to The Infirmary to Link with Cousin Merlin from There. Send Those Uninjured or Not in need of Tending This Way."

"Hannah will likely head straight for the infirmary when she hears," Garrett says to Brita, "I'll stay here to help with anyone else."

Looking back over his shoulder, Garrett notices a new face in the group and says to Pen, "We haven't met. I'm Prince Garrett. And you are?"

Pen furnishes a genuine smile and nods, "A good shot, even with one bandaged eye. No worries, Your Highness, or is it Your Grace? I'm Captain Penthelisea, an envoy from Pontus, and I probably should've spent more time on noble forms of address."

Brita smiles at Pen, "Captain Penthelisea, I am Brita, Goddess of Clear Waters of Shadow Asgard. Your Arrows need Not Fly True Here, but we shall Wait to See if Prince Huon Needs More Assistance." Brita is tall with green eyes and long red hair braided in two plaits although there is a hank of blond woven in the right side. She is dressed in a red jacket with white fur trim.

Pen is delighted, ponders momentarily the art of addressing a divinity is probably even more complex than nobility, and then reminds herself that this is not a polite court function, but an imminent assault. Pen bows to Brita, "My thanks, Goddess Brita, I stand ready for however I can assist." There's a pause as she keeps her head bowed. She remembers that Chirope was very fond of braiding Pen's hair in a similar fashion years ago when it was longer and days were idle. When it comes to fashion, hair, or face painting, Pen remains a lost cause.

Robin frowns slightly, remembering a similar situation of cousins rushing off on a hunt and leaving the castle undefended.

"Change of plans for me, Captain. You can go through with the King. I think I'll stay here and make sure that Xanadu has enough sword arms."

"We'll see whether Huon needs our help, but that's a good thought, Robin," Corwin says. "In fact, I'm going to step out and touch base with Flora and Llewella." Suiting word to deed, Corwin does step out into the hall and pulls out his Trumps.

While Pen is standing near Brita, Brita gets a good whiff of her. Captain Penthelisea clearly smells of the royal blood.

At about this point, Huon passes Carina through. She is a woman past the first flush of youth but still young, dressed in the remains of what looks like it used to be a fine robe but has been through a lot. Her head is bandaged and the lower part of the robe has bloodstains on one side that clearly came from a leg injury. She probably could use some assistance to get to the infirmary. "Well met, royals; I am Carina of Rebma, one of the archivists," she says by way of explanation.

Garrett immediately reaches out to assist Carina. "Prince Garrett, though I reckon you know that," he says with a gentle smile.

He turns to the Captain. "Captain Penthelisea. Change of plans," he orders. We need you to stay here and help Brita while I get Carina to the infirmary. Brita, I'll be right back."

Brita nods and states, "Cousins Robin and Penthelisea will Help if More Need Aid." She cocks her head to the side as if listening and adds, "Uncle Huon is Mounting a Search and Rescue for the Other Archivists before He Razes the Outpost."

Robin smiles her greeting to Carina. She remembers the archivist from Cambina's funeral. And while a brow raises at Brita's plural of 'Cousins', she doesn't comment on it. As it is, Robin stands ready to assist Brita in whatever way is needed.

Carina smiles brightly as she can at Robin; she clearly recognizes Robin. Huon says to Brita, "Last chance for anyone to come through. There are tunnels underneath and a group going into them and I mean to join them. The rest are gathering the Klybesian prisoners or fighting their enemies. Contact me again in a quarter glass my time; I need my concentration.

Brita relays to those in the room, "Uncle Huon is Taking Any Last Assistance before he Focuses on the Tunnels They Found. Others are Gathering the Rebman Archivists and Fighting the Klybesian Priests. I am to Contact Him Again Soon." She looks inquiringly at the others and Uncle Corwin to see if there are any last takers. "I will Remain Here and Work on a Trump Sketch of My Brother before I Call Uncle Huon in His Quarter Glass."

Robin shakes her head in the negative. She's staying.

Pen holds her position and nods to Ranger Robin. She's unsure of whatever's coming, but she's ready.

If there are no more takers, Brita will close the Trump with a soft, "Good Hunting," to Huon before she moves to the desk and begins to pull out her sketch book, pencils and other supplies from various pockets. She cocks a head to the side as she thinks and then asks Corwin, "Uncle Corwin -- How do I Know when His Time is Done?"

Corwin says, "What's the time flow differential?"

Meanwhile, Garrett is assessing Carina's injuries. "Can you walk with help or do you need me to carry you?" he asks kindly. He'll do whatever she decides and they leave the office to the infirmary.

"I can walk with help if it's not far, thank you, your Highness. I will be slow, though," Carina replies.

Brita watches them prepare to go with a distracted frown. To Corwin she says, Uncle Huon did Not Say what the Time Flow Differential Might Be. Lady Carina, How Long were you in That Outpost?"

On her way out, with Garrett's help, Carina says, "Days before your call. I'm sorry I can't help more."

"Brita?" Robin asks, "How sure are you regarding 'Cousins'?"

Brita gives a shrug and answers, "She Smells of Royal Blood."

Pen smells 100% like an Amberite to Brita. But it's not possible in this case and is in general difficult for Brita to tell which branch of the family by scent.

Corwin sounds annoyed, though probably not with Brita. "You're going to have to guess it. It's hard to tell unless you've checked the calendar on long transits a few times. Caine says everything is fine in Amber."

Robin nods to Brita. Then turns to Pen with a warm friendly smile. "You probably have questions, Captain. Did you want a information dump or did you want to ask them individually?"

Pen ponders for a moment and then smiles. "I was expecting more violence, but I'm happy to see that it's been quiet. As for Goddess Brita's statements, I think I understand the confusion. I'm actually just the envoy for Queen Thalestris of Pontus. I'm not her daughter, so not actually royal in any way. My Mother's name is Myrina and she's not even from Pontus, she just emigrated there when she was pregnant with me." As she stops, the smile fades, "I haven't seen her in a long time."

Brita nods to Corwin to acknowledge his contact with Uncle Caine, but she turns to Pen at the last, "I Meant Royal in the Sense of Of Order, or Of Amber Descent. Like Us," and here Brita gestures between herself, Robin and even Corwin. "The Blood Could come from Your Mother, although 'Myrina' is not a Known Name for Our Aunts or Cousins, or from Your Father. What does Your Mother Look Like?"

Pen reaches into her pouch and withdraws a disc of polished brass, as she flips it you can see a flat smooth stone with an incredible painting of Myrina.

"She arrived thirty years ago, on the run from something..." Pen sighs, "She never really explained what.

"We had a peculiar relationship. I don't think she ever expected to be a mother, but once she accepted the responsibility, she grew to love me. Every great achievement that ever bloomed from me was at least in part seeded by her. I tell you true, I miss her counsel. She was direct, often painfully honest, but brilliant. No wasted words. She disappeared some sixteen years now. We have no idea what happened to her."

There is a bittersweet moment as Pen dwells upon her lost Mother and the artwork of her true love, Chrioppe, whom she has not seen for many years. Pen collects herself and focuses on the business at hand. She wipes away a tear, embarrassed at having let her emotions escape so readily. "My apologies."

Brita gives Pen's shoulder a quick grip in a warriors acknowledgment of pain and offer of comfort.

Robin croons sympathetically at Pen's sorrow. "Do you know who your father by blood may be?" Robin asks gently.

Pen shakes her head. "My Mother set down very few rules when I was growing up, but 'Do not ask me about your Father' was the first rule. I broke it a few times, which I regret, but when you live on an island where the only men that ever appear are either trying to conquer or murder you, the question becomes a lot less important over time."

Corwin sticks his head in. "Brita, who else in the party that went to rescue Huon do you have Trumps of?"

"None as of Yet, Uncle," Brita responds as she moves to take a seat at the desk and clear a space. "I Can have a Sketch of My Brother and Possibly Cousin Celina Shortly. I Will Work on Conner's while we Wait." As an aside, she says to Robin, "It would take Longer for me to Sketch Your Vere as I have More studies of You than Him." Brita then bends her head to work on adding the final touches to a mostly completed sketch of her Conner, thinking of her love and admiration of her Steady, Clever, and Brave brother.

Corwin says "Thank you, Brita," and goes back to what he was doing.

Robin nods her thanks to Brita.

Turning to Pen, she says, "The question is probably about to become more important. If Brita can identify you as a member of the extended Royal Family of Amber or, as some would have it, the Lords of Order, others can too. And our enemies -- like the Klybesian monks that several of our cousins are fighting now -- will seek to constrain or harm you, whether you keep a close relationship with us or not.

"While it is your choice, our enemies are powerful and far-reaching and you'd be safer -- or at least better informed -- if you hung around for a while and got to know what is probably your father's family."

"I've often wondered if I'd learn who my father was, but it's been a while since I'd given it much thought. It seems that question may be more important than I ever guessed."

Pen nods to Robin. "I have a good feeling about this, Ranger Robin. You and Goddess Brita seem earnest in this matter, and I trust you. Perhaps Queen Thalestris suspected this herself when she set my feet on this path. I will abide as more than just a diplomat, and take Amber's enemies as my own. I never had cousins before, and so many all at once..."

Robin answers Pen with a shrug. "Yes and no. I know of around 19 children he fathered, but I only found out about 3 in the last year. So there are probably more out there. And of course many of those children have had children of their own, which makes us a large and unruly herd.

"The 'no' part occurs because Oberon and his children are long-lived. So long-lived that none as yet have died of old age. And it's been centuries, perhaps in some cases millenia.

"There are a lot of us," Robin replies to Pen with a chuckle. "But we are all descended from one man; Oberon, King of Amber. Do you know of him or Amber?"

"Sadly, I don't," says Pen. "What little I know of Amber comes from Ranger Vista and Prince Julian. I spent too little time with Prince Julian to learn much, but he was hospitable. I expect King Oberon must have a constitution like Zeus; a tireless bee that pollinates many flowers."

"One last thing, King Oberon died about five years ago in an important ritual designed to save Amber. Unfortunately, he failed. And the worlds have been troubled since."

Inside the room Huon enters is a moderately sized creature made of red muscle with an angry-looking face. It's trying to break open a trap door on the floor. There's also a woman, in robes like Tomat's, but with a bandage on her head.

Misao shifts into their default form and raises their voice to the maximum volume: "Hainu, Etana-san. It is Misao, with Karina-san. Can you hear me?"

Misao moves over to the safe and, shifting into the form of the oni, uses their enhanced strength to rip it out of the floor. Assuming that they have managed to make contact with Huon, Misao then turns back, nodding at Karina-san to go through the door first.

The trap door in the floor is not as large as the one in the lab, but it's also solidly built. They strain against it, but it's locked and it's hard to get purchase. Perhaps they need tools or help.

"Hainu!", replies Huon from the hallway. The door bursts open, and Misao sees Alex, Delta, and Huon. Huon looks surprised at Misao's appearance. They are armed with clubs and swords, but no one seems hurt.

Misao is currently in the form of the oni. Short, stocky, muscular, with bright red skin, short dark hair running like a mane from the back of the head to under the neck, with large pointy horns, teeth, and claws. They are wearing a light colored set of clothes that look something like pajamas, close fitting enough to not catch on extraneous items, but loose enough to fight in easily. Their voice is deeper than Etana-san remembers, with the hint of a growl in it.

As the door opens, Misao stands up and faces it squarely, bowing precisely from the waist. "Hainu, Etana-san," they reply, "I am Misao. It is good to see you. Thank you for sending Karina-san to contact me. We have looted and destroyed a laboratory. There also seems to be something valuable here. If you have a way out, we should use it soon. There is a fire." Despite Misao's words, their voice is calm and they are clearly waiting for Etana-san's guidance.

Alex checks his swing when the monster starts speaking. "Okay..."

He could also be described as short, stocky, and muscular, but that's where the resemblance ends. He's wearing a much loved, much worn T-shirt advertising some band called the Drive-By Truckers and cargo pants; he's carrying a baseball bat. His eyes are a very puzzled shade of blue. He looks like he hasn't had a shower yet this morning: brown hair, long enough to be a curly mess on top of his head, but short enough to show the nape of his neck. HIs beard is likewise haphazardly maintained. Perhaps it's just the circumstances.

"Escape friend Huon, maybe say something reassuring?" He's not standing down yet, attention still focused on Misao.

At Huon's previous words [recommending they be somewhere else], Delta slams the cabinet door shut and turns. "Fine--" she starts to say, but then stops short at the sight of the oni. "What in seven hells?" she asks then, clearly.

Delta is not tall, but certainly doesn't fit 'stocky' as a descriptor. She's lean and sharp-featured, with close-cropped black hair and hazel eyes set widely in a striking face. Her garb -- undyed baggy linen, tunic and trousers -- contrasts sharply with warm-toned, sepia skin. She has part of a cot leg shoved behind the sash that gathers her tunic at the waist, and she holds a rapier like someone accustomed to its use.

For all the urgency she's shown regarding her belongings, the sight of the oni has her frozen. Finally, she says, "...what? Is that?" to no one in particular.

"Delta, Alex, this is Misao, your cousin, probably. Don't mind how they look. Please help them open that trap door while I get us some assistance." He looks away, "Carina, can you..."

"Of course," replies the traditionally dressed and shaped young woman behind the Oni.

"Misao is a shapeshifter, and we think you're all related. We're looking for her... magic cards. Prince Huon is about to use similar cards to summon... someone who should help us." She shrugs, a bit, and makes sure to get out of the way of the trap door.

Huon is still talking to his phone, or magic card, if Carina is to be believed. "Good summary, niece. Warn anyone who comes that they have guns here, but I'll take anyone who wants to answer the call."

Huon is seen to reach out a hand before a prism of rainbow flashes occurs and a person steps into the room. He is tall, around 6' and lean with a close trimmed goatee. His head is mostly shaven, apparently by choice though he has hair, also closely trimmed near the ears and the back of the skull. He is dressed in gray attire, with a sword on his hip and carrying a spear that is intricately carved out of bone it does not have an ornamental look and he carries it in a way that shows he is very familiar with how to use it.

Jerod releases his grip on Huon's hand, nodding once as he surveys the situation. "Uncle...more inbound." he says simply, as he steps forward, taking a fast survey of the situation.

Jerod immediately notes that Carina is there; she has a head injury and a leg injury, and probably shouldn't be walking, but she is conscious and in control. Carina looks relieved to see Jerod, but she says nothing.

Almost immediately, Huon repeats the process bringing through another tall man garbed in a casual suit appropriate to 1920s earth, with a longsword strapped to his back. "Hello, I'm Fletcher. There are at least a couple more people coming behind me. Where are we and what's our objective?"

After Fletcher, a third man steps out of the coruscating light show. Brennan is an athletic-looking man in his mid thirties, it would appear, with a shock of red hair, a few days growth of whiskers, and sharp green eyes that are already scanning and assessing the situation. He is wearing actual armor-- a breastplate, leg and arm guards-- and has a sword at his hip. They are not stage props. Like Jerod and Fletcher, he moves easily, even casually, with the weapons and armor.

He moves aside, expecting more.

"Hello, Huon," he says. He turns to the rest and gives his name: "Brennan."

Following closely after Brennan from the rainbow lights steps Signy. Relatively youthful looking, her jet-black hair is pulled back in a loose bunch, hard green eyes glancing around the room looking at the group that is in the room and searching each face as if looking for a specific person.

She briskly steps into the room and away from where others may be arriving, dropping her hand to a sword belted at her hip. She nods at the rest of the group. "Signy," she offers by way of introduction before turning to look at Huon. "You have Brother Tomat and the other Rebmans ready for evacuation as well, right?"

Huon is busy, but the archivist who is present (Carina) says, "We still need to find Tomat and my colleagues. They're in this building somewhere, Lady. But there are people with projectile arms beyond this door--" she indicates the door to the hallway "--and their weapons are dangerous."

Alex says, plaintively, "Huon, your definition of reassuring really sucks. Sorry to break it to you like that."

He shakes his head once, sharply, like a boxer shaking off a punch. To the room at large: "I'm Alex."

Deep breath, then he turns his attention to the available physical task. "So, a safe? I didn't bring a crowbar but let's see..."

If there's a handle he could wedge the bat under, then he'll use the bat as a lever. If there's room for him to get his hands in anywhere, then he'll use his muscles to help rip the thing loose. He's careful to make room for someone else on the other sides. Some problems just aren't a one-Alex job.

At this point Ossian, a young man dressed in blue and white steps through. Although of a more slight build, there is some resemblance to Brennan, the red hair included. Ossian carries a rapier and a dagger and bows flawlessly. "I'm Ossian. Looking for Klybesians."

Misao is the definition of grace under pressure, but even they are startled by all the rainbows, not to mention all the new people. They have backed away from the area in which people are appearing, until their back is against the wall and appear to be in a sort of trance, concentrating on their breathing in order to maintain calm.

Alex's words seem to break Misao out of this stasis, and they give themselves a little shake before moving forward to address the safe again.

Alex can see Misao throw him a sideways glance as they bend down and hear a low growl, intended to be inaudible above the general noise, "I am not sure that this is reassuring, but you are not alone in your astonishment, Areksu-san. What do you want me to do?"

The lights and the new arrivals join the oni, the previous taser-fight, and the ongoing klaxons in an overwhelming wave of "new" for Delta -- her response, once the light seems to have stopped extruding warriors, is to let out a bright, almost carefree peal of laughter. "Ah! Magic cards. Cousins with -- Misao, is it? Of course."

She looks from person to person and offers her name. "Delta. Lately a crew member on the Zephyr, long may she sail." She bows with a flourish before crouching down by Misao and Alex. Closer to Alex. "Perhaps we'll find my cards in with your magical ones," she says to the other two, still in that jovial tone. "My ability to be surprised is ever-expanding, it seems." Her physical strength is not close to Alex's or presumably Misao's, but she looks ready to offer assistance as needed.

"Sort of like my butt, then. Better get some exercise. OK -- so I guess Misao-san, you're pretty strong? You work that side, I'll work this side, let's see if we can get this sucker loose. Delta, you spot us, keep the thing from tipping one way or the other. And then we'll make Huon over there carry it somewhere safe, right?"

He pauses, then says in fairly good Japanese, "Is this better, Misao-san? I had to learn it for, um, a theatrical tour."

Fletcher says to Alex, "I'll see if I can help from here." He concentrates, using the Pattern to drastically increase the probably that fatigue has occurred in the metal or other materials involved in keeping the trap door shut, substantially weakening things and making Alex's and Misao's task somewhat less difficult.

Another flash of rainbow light and a man with auburn hair steps through. He is dressed in courtly garb of greens and blues and a sword with a deep green pommel hangs at his side. He steps to the side and takes in the scene. "Hello all. Call me Conner."

Slipping through the rainbow-beaded light curtain is a green-skinned woman with very dark green hair and eyes. She's attired in a creme onesie of lace edges and she is barefoot. The belt of knives around her hips looks improvised. "Greetings, Uncle Huon. You've caused me some sleepless nights. I hope this is not your idea of a vacation." Celina glances around. "I'm Celina. Are we doing Order or Chaos in this fight? I need to know."

Carina, who has been watching all this like she knows what's going on, says, "My Queen!" She does not bow to Celina, but she has both a leg injury and a head injury.

Another flash of rainbow light, and a tall lanky man with short dark hair (which is noticeably redder at the ends) steps through. He's wearing what used to be a white silk uniform with a crimson red belt, but it's filthy and cut in several places. He has two shortish hooked swords thrust through the belt. The irises of his eyes are a bright, liquid gold. He moves back and out of the way as soon as he appears.

"I'm Edan," he says.

The man that steps out of the rainbow next has light eyes and brown hair pulled sharply back into a small tail at the nape of his neck. He's wearing a white shirt and dark pants and boots, and he has a sword at his side, the kind of blade that looks to be chosen for utility and durability, not attractiveness.

Raven moves out of the way of the call, heading for a free space near the door so she's ready to - well, not board, but head out to do mayhem.

The rainbow light flares once again, and a young man steps out of nothing into the room. He has long dark hair and a beard, with plaited locks of grey and auburn hair over his right ear standing out distinctly. He wears knee high black leather boots and a knee length blue tunic with grey Celtic knotwork belted with a thick black leather belt over a grey linen shirt. His clothing is stained from salt water, as though he has been travelling at sea for a while and has not had a chance to have them cleaned. He steps back to a wall, eyes sweeping the area as he notes where everyone is standing, what they are doing, and what his surroundings consist of.

One more steps through in a rainbow flash: Merlin is a tall, dark haired fellow, with light skin and chiseled good looks. He is dressed in black and white with silver trim and also appears to have come from 1910s Paris, so quite old fashioned to Alex, and he is, perhaps unusually not wearing a weapon. "Sister, cousins," he says to the newcomers, "I am opening another Trump connection to evacuate the injured."

Huon says to Brita, "No more just yet; we're in a small space and we need to get a safe out of a trap door and open it."

Meanwhile, between the combined efforts of Fletcher, Alex, Delta and Misao, the safe door comes right out of the floor. There's a ladder in the side down to what looks like a tunnel out under the grounds.

Carina's presence does not go unnoticed by Jerod and he moves over to check on her head wound. The cousins who know him are not in the least surprised by this or his close proximity to her, while the newcomers are likely to notice that they are both much closer to each other than strangers would usually be.

As he is checking out the head wound, Jerod comments on the ladder and the tunnel. "That's promising." he says to Huon. "It's got an escape feel about it. We need to clear the area though to find the others. The leaders are going to be running if they realize we're here in force. How, will be a very good question. Might also be useful to see if there's anything there...gear, weapons, explosives. Got a feeling."

His very fast inspection done, given how many wounds Jerod has had himself, how many he's inflicted on others and seen on the battlefield, he says to Carina. "We'll find the rest of your need attention. Go..." and he looks at her. "I'll catch up when we're done here."

Huon gestures to Carina and she moves toward him, to be passed through.

He points to the door that Fletcher and crew have ripped from the floor and motions. "I got a use for that."

Brennan looks like he was expecting more, and scowls, but lets it go.

"That," Brennan says, to the room at large, nodding to the tunnels, "has got to be one of these Shadow tunnels that Ossian found, that shouldn't exist. A great escape hatch, yeah. Also a great path for reinforcements, if they can call them. And that," he nods at the safe door, "ought to be pretty bulletproof. Too bad we don't have a few more."

To Celina directly: "Probably Order, we're expecting them to have Sorcerers." It doesn't sound like a decision, but it does sound like an opinion from someone who offers them professionally. "But maybe one team to drive them back here into our welcoming arms, and another one to find the archivists."

Celina nods.

"So. One uncle, three cousins-- hello, cousins, we'll have time for proper introductions later-- how many archivists? Names? Do we know where they last were? And is there, by chance, a Doctor Chew here? We'd very much like to have a word with him." Brennan actually smiles at that thought: All teeth, all ice. "What else are we looking for?"

Misao speaks, "There was an individual calling himself Chew here, yes. I do not know where he is."

Conner shifts across the room to Brennan. "No point in doing this blind," he remarks to the room. "Brennan, remember our sorcerous mapping technique we used when we went caving? Let's get a quick look of what we're dealing with out there." Conner pulls forth his mirror. "No one mess with reality for a bit," he asks the room.

Vere joins Brennan and Conner. "I have studied Space with Lord Madoc," he says. "I am still a novice, but with something this simple I should be well able to assist."

The spell works as Conner had planned, made perhaps easier by Vere's assistance, and slightly more difficult by the pattern use here. It probably ends up balancing each other out. Conner learns the layout of the building, and notes that there are guards setting up behind barricades in the hall outside the offices and in the atrium. They have handheld automatic weapons, but nothing really heavier. Slightly worrying, they do all have masks on against gas.

As he expands his consciousness and vision, Conner finds that there are floors above them and below with nearly identical layouts. The atrium opens on a hallway above the second and third floor and below them is where the cells that housed the prisoners are found. There's a trail of destruction, as if someone had intentionally wrecked every glass fixture or light on the floor below. Possibly with the baseball bat that's on the desk beside Huon.

The hallway opposite this one has a fire going, only partly under control.

Ossian starts to investigate the ceiling- is it solid, or would it be posdible to use it as a crawl space?

It's definitely possible to use it as a crawl space.

"For the record that's two Shadow tunnels not counting this one. Has anyone seen a computer anywhere? We'd like to hack one if possible."

Ossian adds, "Would you mind water on the floor?" he says. He has drawn a dagger and prepared to smash the fish tank. "Throwing weapons..."

Alex says, from his current floor-oriented location amid a forest of knees, "Didn't see any computers, but Misao-san wasn't with us the whole time so they might have, I guess. Water is fine, sure."

Edan says, "If you're thinking of making teams, I would prefer the team more likely to use Sorcery." He doesn't interfere in the spell Conner is doing.

Celina eyes Brennan, Conner, and Vere, but crosses the room closer to Jerod and Carina. Celina reaches a hand into her decolletage and passes three crystal beads to Carina. "Smash them on the floor if someone is making you a target but warn anyone around you the flash will rob sight. Stay safe." Celina eyes the doorway and the trap door escape floor. While Celina did not arrive in time to catch any names from the new faces. She studies them while the next stage of the attack is planned.

Carina says, "Thank you, your Highness."

Huon adds, "She should be safe in Xanadu. I hope." He takes her and and she vanishes in a sparkle of rainbows: the reverse of the process by which the others arrived.

Alex grunts, and passes the trap door lid up to whoever will take it. "Someone wanted this?"

"Volunteering to search and sweep," Raven says. "Whatever team that ends up being. And if that tank's going down, those fish'll make a decent half-second distraction if you throw 'em in somebody's face - and better that than underfoot in here."

With the trap door handed off and the room crowded with strangers, Delta stands and slowly steps backwards until her back is to the wall. She looks from speaker to speaker in turn, fixing her gaze on each as they speak their names -- if offered -- and various tactics. During a break in conversation, she calls to Huon, "May I have that ...taser, yes? And then I will go with whoever is searching for goods and weapons. And my things."

Signy looks at the door. "So who is going to work on clearing the hallway? I'm ready to go find the rest of the Archivists."

Misao stands and nods to Delta. "I also have items that I wish to retrieve. I will go with you."

They turn towards Brennan, Conner, and Vere. "Do I understand that you can provide guidance? I would appreciate your help."

Fletcher stays out of the way and says, "I'll refrain from using the Pattern while you're working on this spell, but I do want to examine the shadow tunnel before we leave. Just so we're clear, is this just a rescue and evacuation, or are we staying and taking prisoners? Any sign of enemy movement?"

Huon says, "Evacuating the archivists is the first priority but I do believe we should burn this place to the ground." Now that his hands are free, he picks up the taser to hand it to Delta.

"Oh, and perhaps a good interrogation subject will turn up. Probably not amongst the guards, but they had to be guarding someone."

From the hall, they can hear someone with a bullhorn (which Conner saw): "Come out with your hands up. If you don't come out, we're coming in. You have ten seconds to comply. Ten..."

"Atrium area and down the hall." Conner points. "Makeshift barricades. About a dozen, handheld automatic weapons and gas masks." Conner reports to the room at large. Conner redirects the energy of his spell and Parts the Veil to an empty room on the floor below. "Cells on the floor below. Through here quick if you are Team Prisoner Hunt," he announces.

Celina turns away from Jerod and nods once to Signy. "Rescue."

Celina steps and lightly leaps out of the office through the veil after Conner.

Signy nods at the Queen as she drops into the Veil, before looking at the rest of the group in the room. "Good luck," she murmurs, before following the Queen into the cells below.

Jerod makes note of the positions that Conner points out beyond the office walls, hefting the safe door and calculating its function as a projectile. He accepts the flash beads from Celina as the Veil is parted, the guards outside counting down. "Ossian, see if we have a path to follow," he says, motioning to the tunnel as he heads to the door.

He waits as the guard counts down, knowing that as the count approaches zero the tension for the guards will increase, but also figuring they will not stay tense the entire time, and only "prepping" themselves as the final few seconds are reached.

So when the bullhorn hits "5", Jerod will whip open the door and head out. What he sees then and where they are positioned determines who gets dinged first.

Ossian smashes the fish tank with his dagger handle. His hands are working at a blurring pace, folding his jacket into a (fabulously looking of course) over-the shoulder bag, where he puts a stack of nasty looking large glass shards. As works he says "Fletchers doing the tunnel. I'll take the guards in the corridor if there are any left." Then he swings up into the ceiling.

With so much happening -- strangers disappearing into the magical hole in the floor, up into the ceiling, out into the hallway where the projectiles await -- Delta stands still for a moment, even after she and Misao declared their mutual intention to find. their. stuff. With the taser in hand, Delta finally scooches forward a step or two to nudge Alex with the tip of one soft leather boot. She doesn't point the taser at him or anyone, but murmurs, "This, to make it work?" while pointing at the trigger and guard.

With a very quick explanation hopefully secured, she nods to Alex, says to Misao, "I'm following that one," and heads off after Jerod.

"Yeah, I think so. A couple of wires come out of the muzzle there. I guess aim at skin."

Alex kips up now that the office is less crowded, and picks up his baseball bat. Hefts it a few times. It's still a baseball bat, still isn't wrapped in barbed wire. As always, life is compromise.

"Misao-san, I think the people going through the weird magical -- let's not finish that sentence. But I think they're just going back to the cells me and Delta were in. I'm okay sticking with you and Delta till you both have your things back or until I need to stop getting shot at. You good with that?"

He then prepares himself for a fight; he's clearly content to let Jerod be the first person out the door, but he'll be quick thereafter.

Misao nods and unlimbers the surujin from where it's been hanging on their belt. They position themselves as the fourth to go through the door.

Raven looks around at the group, and then nods. "Right. Down the hole for me, I guess."

And she heads below.

Edan says, "Chances are, if that really is a Shadow tunnel, there's a non-zero chance it will lead to information on the Turcopolier. I will go that way." And he follows below.

Brennan watches the group self-sort into Team Pattern, Team Sorcery, and Team Both then moves to join Team Sorcery behind Conner's parted veil. "No one get killed today," he says just before he moves through it.

Merlin says, loudly, "I will go with Ossian in the form of a snake." Anyone remaining in the room sees him do ... something ... and then he's leaping up to catch the opening that Ossian went through in the ceiling. By the time he's finished getting up in there, all those still below can see is the tail end of a very large black snake. There are no clothes or weapons left behind.

Huon says, "Last chance for anyone to come through. There are tunnels underneath and a group going into them and I mean to join them. The rest are gathering the Klybesian prisoners or fighting their enemies. Contact me again in a quarter glass my time; I need my concentration."

Conner's Parts the Veil to an empty cell with a door ripped off. Might have been a lot of activity here before but no one bothered to guard an empty cell in case the prisoner comes back.

The cell is empty, and the door is ripped from the hinges. Alex must be reasonably strong, if he's the one who did it. There's a cot in each cell (this one and the one across the hall.)

The hall looks like it has been used for a game of "break everything" by some very annoyed Amberites. Because it has. Conner knows the path to the Archivists is down the hall and around a corner.

He doesn't see anyone here, but maybe there are guards left elsewhere.

Vere leaps through the Part after Conner.

Celina arrives with a light barefoot landing. She glances about the cell for heavy items that could be hand weapons.

Celina has no problem finding hand weapons outside the cell, but none within. First to hand is a fire extinguisher. It can be used many ways.

Right after the Queen drops Signy, her legs flexing to absorb the drop as she moves over to the side in case others want to come through. Her hand rests on the handle of the King's Guard sword that she grabbed on her way there, though she doesn't draw it yet. She moves close to the door, but doesn't yet stick her head out into the hallway.

The alarms down here are of the "klaxon" variety. It's very loud and annoying, although it seems as if some of the alarms have been physically damaged. Those, somehow, sound worse.

"...except maybe Huon," Brennan thinks to himself, as he follows through the Veil.

Brennan does what he should have done upstairs, as soon as he's through-- takes a good hard look around through full Astral vision. If nothing else, it should let him get a fix on anything alive down here, prisoner or guard.

This wing is empty. The prisoners who were housed here escaped and the guards are somewhere else. Perhaps they are upstairs shooting your cousins.

Also, struck by a thought based on Misao's question, Brennan takes a quick glance at his own closed pack of Trumps. Do they show up through the case as objects of power?

Astrally, it's nothing special. Brennan avoids looking at his cousins, because they are inherently brighter, and Conner has the Rebman sword.

Brennan looks at his trumps, but doesn't see anything special. Maybe if it was being used.

Conner seals the Part in the Veil and returns his attention to the room. "The archivists are this way." Conner points down the hallway and moves to lead the way down the corridor, listening for any sound around the corner before peeking his head around it.

Celina realizes she's feeling something she'd missed without consideration, she is delighted to be with these people. She feels lighter and full of seething fire. She tries to avoid radiating burning joy and manages to only smile. A slight adjustment in her Takhi stance and she moves out to the hallway, acquiring the first small red canister with the bold instructions and warnings on it. Heavy, yes. She flips it end over end and slides it down the open scoop back of her chemise where it is trapped in the pouch supported by her shoulders. The material will rip out if she moves too much because her muscles and the canister will not give to the tension but the small clothes will.

Celina grabs the next canister of the same design. Ah. She pulls out the retainer clip so it is ready to discharge. Now she's smiling large and her fangs are showing. Staying with the natural moves of Conner and Vere, she offers, "Brennan, there's nothing to suggest Huon has broken his parole yet. But if he has, I'm killing him this time."

Vere follows and whispers, "Are we now off Sorcery, and using only Pattern so as not to interfere with the others? I am unclear as to that."

Celina nods, clearly agreeing she does not need sorcery especially if it will limit her cousins relying on Pattern upstairs.

"It is the other way around." Conner replies. "Their use of Pattern will make Sorcery harder to use. Vere, did you notice those moments where our weave was becoming frayed and I had you focus upon them to keep them steady?" Conner asks. "That was Pattern influence on the Shadow working against our Sorcery. I assume Huon is influencing things in the background."

"Concur," Brennan says. "It is *not* symmetrical, and they'll give us a harder time than us, them. That said, while Huon is doing something, I doubt there will be a lot of Pattern use in the firefight. I'd be a lot more inclined to do something Sorcerous to shut down their guns than to try to get Pattern to jam *all* their guns at the same time. And it's really hard to say how far is far enough. I would tentatively guess that we're far enough for local, minor effects.

"That said: I'm using Astral vision right now to look for signs of life and other surprises, and I'm going to keep doing it as we go along. Nothing yet. And since I'm the only one wearing armor, I'm going to risk toughening it up." Brennan briefly touches a finger to the breastplate and other pieces of armor, with a subtle working of Space and Gravity that increases its meaningful thickness from about a tenth of an inch to as much as he can reasonably make it without increasing its mass or its bulk.

Brennan follows Conner, with a body-language offer to get out in front if Conner wants.

Brennan's armor won't rival Julian's but he feels it might well stop bullets.

Conner leads the way to and down a corridor that connects the two wings of the hospital, which is not there on the ground floor.

Brennan peeks in astrally every time he thinks they may be further along and shortly determines that the corridor they are in is about to end and there are a dozen people who may be in 2-3 rooms at the end of the hall.

Conner reaches a small door with a window in it. They're having a bit of a stand-off with a door, out of which a gun-barrel is occasionally being thrust. They seem to be waiting for someone else to come down, and aren't in a rush to attack.

Brennan astrally sees 4 people in that room, and 5 in another room that the guards aren't confronting.

Brennan quietly points out the numbers and approximate locations of the people he can see, to the rest of the group.

He indicates by gesture that he can part the veil to the group of flunkies in the corridor and deal with them, if someone else can get to the ones in the cell opposite Tomat.

Vere nods and indicates that he will part the veil at the same time to the back of the cell opposite Tomat.

Celina moves behind Vere like a wake and couches. She'll spring through behind him when he goes.

Conner gestures that he shall remain here. "Distraction." As the rest are Parting the Veil, Conner slips to the side of the door where it won't open in his face and then bangs loudly on the door to get the guard's attention.

Signy comes up from the rear, glancing at Connor and Brennan and trying to figure out where she will be most useful, or barring that least in the way. She settles on Brennan, and quietly unsheathes her sword and produces a gleaming dagger for her off-hand as she moves to quickly follow him through when he goes.

Brennan and Signy drop behind the two guards who are looking towards Conner banging on the door. They're raising weapons. Signy slips a dagger into one's side, and that guard staggers, bleeding profusely. The guard drops her weapon and slumps against the wall.

Brennan likewise faces the back of an armed guard and grabs his weapon. The guard is not a serious threat to Brennan, and he can take him out at his convenience.

Meanwhile in the second cell, Vere and Celina step into a much more volatile situation. There are three guards in here, all armed and spread out, and one archivist, Descant, lying unconscious on a cot. The guards are surprised, but not unable to act. The one near the cot points a gun at Descant and says "stay back, demons!"

Brennan conveniently grabs his guard and bangs the guard's head into the door-- not hard enough to kill, hopefully hard enough to incapacitate, but definitely enough to render him ineffective long enough for Brennan to cast an instant spell. Brennan definitely wants at least one of these people alive.

Brennan slams the guard's helmeted head into the door and the guard takes a nap on the floor. He's not likely to die, unless otherwise molested. He's hardly even bleeding.

The spell works on simple brute force to prevent any rapid changes in entropy, of the sort caused by rapidly expanding gases in small metal tubes causing small pieces of metal to move forward rapidly. The gases may get released, but the hack to entropy will prevent them from expanding and pushing the bullet forward, or should at least turn the guns into pathetic pop-guns. That's rather a mouthful to get across in the midst of a fight, though. So what Brennan says is, "Entropy: Gunfire delayed about a minute."

Signy kicks the gun away from the guard that she downed, but otherwise doesn't pay too much attention to her. Brennan has one guard that should be able to go back with them for questioning, so if the other one doesn't quite make it, well....

She pauses to look down the corridor to make sure that there's nobody coming up behind them as she moves closer to Brennan. "Should we check the rest of the cells in this hallway, do you think?"

The guard that Signy is behind is on the floor, far from her gun, and also likely unconscious. They are at least temporarily not a concern. Signy turns and sees two figures running away from them rather than towards them.

Conner also sees the two guards go down under the cousin onslaught, and sees the more distant guards decide to flee rather than face the teleporting death-dealing demons from Amber.

Whatever's going on upstairs, they've created quite a crash. It's hard to imagine what they're doing up there that can be heard down here.

Signy follows Brennan's glance at the retreating soldiers and turns to face the far end of the hallway and makes a flicking gesture at the door, as she reaches out to the metal in the door to talk to it, encourage it, strengthen it.

She then proceeds to move swiftly down the hallway towards the guards.

It either worked or wasn't necessary. Signy reaches the two guards, who are desperately pulling on the door. These two don't even have guns. They raise their hands. "We surrender, don't kill us!"

Brennan opens the door for Conner, so he doesn't have to go to the effort of Parting the Veil just join them all. He glances up toward the sound of the disturbance above and says, "Sounds like they ticked off Jerod-- does not bode well for them."

He then calls out to Tomat, telling him he's been rescued and can come out now.

Tomat opens the door. He looks up and down the hall at the guards on the floor and the three youngers. He bows, and looks exhausted doing so. "Prince Huon called the cavalry? We have wounded, My lord, and we need to send a message to Queen Celina."

Celina's focus narrows to the unfamiliar weapon aimed to destroy a trusted member of her court. This mouthy guard cannot gain the initiative. She gathers the sense of the gun in a second. Metal frame, barrel guide, actuator, and a deadly cargo all controlled by a finger already on the actuator. Celina spells the metal gun with Density.

The gun vanishes in a poof of metallic smelling vapor and the cartridges fall to the floor. It's either hilarious or fascinating, or would be if it wasn't in the midst of a giant, multi-floor brawl.

Vere notes that Celina is concentrating behind him instead of acting, and makes the logical assumption that she is doing something magical to protect her archivist. However he also judges that he cannot wait to see if it is successful, nor concentrate on the two other guards, without risking the life of the archivist. Acting instantly he shouts, an angry, bestial roar designed to focus everyone's attention on him as the greatest threat, and leaps for the guard holding the gun on Descant. The plan is to hit the guard, grapple and roll with him, the come up to his feet swinging him as a weapon and throwing him into the other two guards, before closing with them in a mad scramble, using pure strength to ensure none of them are fit for combat.

The guard's gun disappears, likely because of Celina's sorcery. The guard officer is utterly frozen in the face of Vere's leap and grapple. He rolls once, comes up, and launches the officer into his compatriots, sending them all down in a heap. Vere is close behind and applies adequate violent force to subdue all three. They will need medical attention if they're to be of any use to anyone going forward. If that's a concern.

Celina simply says, "Well done." She pulls the jacket off one unconscious guard and ties it around her waist. The she empties the pockets of the three of any papers and small trifles and transfers things to her jacket/kilt pockets.

Whatever is happening upstairs has caused a tremendous crash. It's hard to imagine what they've done to make so much noise that it's audible down here.

Vere glances once quickly around the chamber to be certain there is no danger that he missed upon first arriving, then dashes to the door and looks out into the corridor. Seeing that Signy and Brennan have everyone subdued he looks past them at the door opposite the one he is looking out from, just to be positive that whoever is standing in there with a gun doesn't turn out to be hostile.

Celina slides up behind Vere glancing in counterpoint to his scans. She then steps back to Descant and attempts to assess her state.

Descant is unconscious and attached to a drip bottle. Whatever it is smells horrible. She may have been overmedicated. Wound-wise, she's got several, consistent with being in a shipwreck, because she was.

Celina frowns at the drip bottle. She considers if cousins are still using Sorcery hereabout or holding off. Celina checks Descant's vitals with her fingertips and doesn't like the manner of her deep heartbeat. She considers Necessity and her living Archives and decides it applies but perhaps something for later. Things are still in motion. Uncles are so unpredictable.

Celina disconnects the drip and stores it in her improvised kilt. She gently hefts Descant into her arms, worries at how light she feels there. Then she moves into the corridor after Vere.

Kyril is in the infirmary with a young woman, and they're clearing space and preparing for arrivals. "Hello Hannah, we came here when we heard the bells. Anyone need us immediately?"

"I hope not. They're taking my cousins through to fight the group who has been kidnapping and experimenting with our family members. They got a new one and he's wicked mean, and they're probably regretting it. It could get quite ugly, I imagine. I was going to take up a trauma bag to try to stabilize anyone who is pulled back here. They're in the butler's office." Hannah refrains from shaking hands with the young woman and gives her a short nod and smile instead. "I'm doctor Le Corbeau, and this is First-to-the-Center, a Geneshee warrior." Hannah motions to Kyril. "This is doctor Ky - is that what you're using these days?"

Hannah scoots around clean areas to wash her hands.

Kyril nods. When she comes fully into the room, she sees that the woman is Kyril's niece, Allie, whom she met before. She didn't know Allie was assisting him, but it's not a big surprise. Allie is dressed in practical clothes (pants, boots, and a closely fitted jacket), perhaps from her home shadow.

"I didn't really like being an army doctor, but I'd rather keep your cousins in one piece if we can." He's looking at First, with that 'I'm too polite to ask to see someone's unusual joints, but I wish I could take a good look at her unusual joints' expression.

Kyril glances at his neice and she goes to a cabinet and pulls out a bag and starts laying out likely supplies for a trauma bag. "What would you like in your kit, Dr. LeCorbeau?"

A few moments later, Martin skids in. "Merlin's going to contact me for direct transfer of any wounded. Nobody had come through when I left." To First he adds, "I'm Martin."

She bows towards him. "Hello Martin, I am First-to-The-Center, a hostage, warrior, and doctor's aide."

And not long behind them are Garrett and Carina. Carina has been through a shipwreck, and has a long gash in her leg that has been cleaned and stitched with what Kyril can identify as suture threads that will dissolve into the wounds. She has been stressing the leg more than she should have, to Hannah's eye. She's also been hit in the head with a metal bedpan, pretty recently. Her clothes are in the Rebman style, probably what she was wearing to Edan's celebration, and have also been through the shipwreck. Kyril moves to help Garrett get her on the table.

Martin huffs out a sigh of relief at seeing Carina and gives her a thumbs up.

As Garrett helps settle Carina onto the table and covers her with a light blanket, he asks, "Can you tell us anything about what happened to you? How long you were there? Who was with you? If you feel up to it, of course."

Carina tells her story as she gets settled and the doctors examine her. "Queen Celina sent the seven of us away by ship with Prince Huon when it seemed that there was danger here in Xanadu. The ship was taken and sunk after our first transit; that was how I received my leg injury. We thought they were simply pirates taking us for ransom, but when we saw the monks, Tomat told us to be silent. They didn't know Prince Huon, and seemed to think he was a mercenary hired to accompany the seven archivists.

"They took us onshore to a temple, and thence through tunnels to the prison we were in, which I think is a hospital prison. Tomat they took away to interrogate, and I think to punish him for treachery to them, based on what he said. They left Prince Huon with us. After several days of imprisonment, he communicated with someone else through the vents the building, and we all broke out. Huon's ally Misao, whom he thinks is a cousin to you, accidentally hit me in the head before realizing who I was.

"There are at least two others whom Prince Huon thought might be your cousins: a man named Alex and a woman named Delta. I had never known either of them before today," Carina finishes.

"Taking this back to 'hit in the head', I'm going to stay out of Doctor Kyril's way and let him ask the concussion questions... if everyone could let him proceed with that before asking follow up questions," Hannah suggests, taking the bag from Allie.

Garrett steps back out of the doctors' way. "Thank you, Carina," he says gently. "We'll do whatever we can to get everyone out safely. Rest well."

Kyril takes over dealing with Carina, asking her some questions and examining her head.

He moves over to Martin and says quietly, "I have to go back to Gilt's office in case anyone else comes through. Have you heard anything from Merlin yet?"

Martin shakes his head once. "Nothing yet. They may all be busy on the other end."

Hannah stops next to First and waits until Martin and Garrett are finished talking. "I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce all of you to Heckle, the Raven." Hannah gestures up to the bird chilling out on the cradleboard. "He talks, hears, thinks and heckles, mostly Edan. Heckle, these are the princes Martin and Garrett, Kyril's niece Allie, and Lady Carina of Rebma." She gives the princes a little smile, expecting they might want to know that a hearing/talking spy bird is hanging around.

Kyril is too busy to take note of Heckle, but the others do. Carina looks like she wants to be finished with this stupid concussion test so she can talk to him.

Garrett smiles back.

"Garrett, I'm going to head up - are you going back that way? I have questions."

"I am. I'll walk up with you," Garrett answers. With a nod to Martin, he joins Hannah to head back to the office.

First follows Hannah. She doesn't have anything to say, but she did pick up Hannah's medical bag, if she's allowed to.

Once in the hallway, he asks, "What would you like to know?"

"I'm looking for an approximate headcount -- how many people went through? Do we have any idea how violent the situation is on the other side?"

A page runs up and waits for Garrett to acknowledge him. Once Garrett does, the page says, "Prince Garrett, Prince Martin wants you to know that he's got the hostages and he's going to call Queen Celina for the archivists.

Garrett stopped walking when the page arrived. After the message is delivered, he nods once. "Right. Go back to the infirmary," he tells the page. "If Prince Martin leaves, come get me and I'll go cover it."

Once the page departs, Garrett turns back to Hannah. "Let's see...Jerod, Brennan, Edan, Ossian, Celina, Merlin, Vere..." he ticks them off on his fingers and pauses, thinking. "Uh...Raven...Conner. I think that was it. So, nine? Brita, Robin, Corwin, and Captain Pen stayed behind."

This makes Hannah smile. "I almost feel bad for the people on the other side. OK, let's move. I'm sure Kyril will send a page if he needs me back in there."

Hannah hurries along. "I'm hoping for some people to make well so questions can be asked of them."

Hannah does look back at First. "Sorry, we'll get back to the tour eventually. This will likely be more informative than me explaining the refrigerator though. Do you have electricity at home?" Hannah keeps hurrying along. The stubborn ones who insist others go first to the infirmary might end up coming back through Brita.

First shakes her head. "We know of it, through our travels. It's not in Ghenesh." She pauses. "The warriors don't think much of it, but it seems to be transformative in other places."

"Indeed it is," Garrett replies, though his focus is on rushing back to the office. "Hannah, did you have more questions?"

"That was the important stuff." Hannah is also focused on getting to the office. She does say to First, "where I grew up, they were new and exploded too often... I think they were using the wrong chemicals in them, because the one here works fine. Hasn't exploded yet."

First nods. "One thing even a youth such as myself noticed was that in many, many places, people memorialized those who died trying to change the world. It wasn't clear that they made a difference, but what mattered, everywhere, was that they tried."

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Last modified: 19 April 2021