Once they are outside of the palace of Xanadu Vere stretches, looking around at the sky. "It will be the six of us then?" he asks. "Do we know where Vic is currently, or will we have to hunt him down first?"
Robin blinks for a moment as she counts. A delighted trill erupts out of her when figures out her Love's numbers. And she pounces on him for a quick kiss.
"I suspect Vic is at or near Scarlet's this time of day." She chuckles, "Trying to be respectable."
Vere smiles, and takes her hand as they begin the walk to the city. "Does he worry about being respectable?" he asks. "Or is he making a special effort for some reason?"
"Hmmmm. Maybe 'respectable' is the wrong word. More like 'responsible'."
Robin smiles as the three frelizards spiral down out of the night sky to coil upon various shoulders.
"Discovering his sister was alive and well and had kids sobered him up a little."
Vere considers this for a few minutes, walking in companionable silence with his love. Finally, he asks, "Do you think Vic will want to settle in Xanadu for a while then? And would you like the two of us to do something to make that more likely?"
"I think I want to mess with Vic's life only as much as he wants me to. He is aware of what just being known as connected to me, Raven & Jerod is likely to be like. And I trust him to be able to determine his own path." She shrugs.
Vere nods. "I understand," he says. "Very well, then, I shall stand ready to aid him, as your friend, in whatever path he decides to follow." His eyes flick to the side of the path they are taking, and he smiles, then leans down and scoops up a pebble. He throws it, startling a mouse, and the dragonets are off in an instant.
"Thank you, Love." Her eyes crinkle in happy crescents as she watches her Man and Critters. "Though I also think that Vic is adult enough that I won't step in too hard if he's being a jerk. But I don't anticipate it."
Vere chuckles. "If men were not so exasperating, they would not be so charming," he says. It sounds like a quote.
Robin rolls that around in her mind. "From home? Where men and women are different?"
Vere nods. "It is not so much a proverb, as... something that women say. It is intended to be an affectionate reminder that one cannot expect too much from men. Specifically, that one cannot expect them to behave too rationally."
He frowns slightly. "Of course, there is a subtext to it of a reminder to men of their proper place in society."
Robin tsks her tongue and shakes her head. "But folks don't behave rationally. It's part of what makes them great. And exasperating." She smiles over to her Love. "Maybe it's just the 'men' that needs to be broadened."
Vere stops walking, and pulls Robin in for a kiss. After a while, he releases her and smiles. "Have I mentioned yet," he asks, "that I love you?"
She coos and wriggles in happiness. And while Robin’s not really sure what she just did right, she’s definitely going to enjoy the results. “Love you, too.” She says, giving Vere a fond nose-boop.
“I wonder if Scarlet will have any good entrails this time.” Robin retakes Vere’s hand and continues walking toward the ‘club.’ “A smart business woman like her... it’ll be interesting to see if she’s anticipated me and my friends continued presence.”
Vere laughs. "Then let us be off," he says. "I am most interested in meeting Scarlet and Vic."
Vere lets Robin lead the way once they reach the growing city. While he's still unfamiliar with the place he takes in everything as they wend their way through the streets, correlating data, making deductions, estimating population statistics and demographics from the sample he's seeing.
Robin is not - totally - at ease on the city streets, but she has been practicing. The firelizards are sent airward once more to prove their superiority to the local seafowl and to keep passersby from startling.
The Ranger is obviously familiar with her path and leads Vere through the markets and shops of Xanadu down toward the less... gentrified area of the harbor. It seems that Scarlet's is a mere block or two from the waterfront itself, given the growing odors of fish, tar and seaweed.
Eventually, Robin comes to a stop before a largish building that might have started it's existence as a warehouse but has definitely been partitioned in a variety of spaces since then.
The night is young and the crowd lively as Robin steps in the door of Scarlett's.
Vere steps in immediately after Robin, then takes a step to the side and looks around the place, noting the disposition of the crowd, how they are arranged, deciding who are potential trouble makers and who is probably security working for the house, and analysing exits and choke points.
The room is a big two story octagon, with a thrust stage on the far end from where Robin and Vere enter. There are definitely security types outside the club, and the second floor is well-situated with isolated nooks that allow private viewing of the stage, or of anything, really.
The center of the room is occupied by a big table that Scarlett sits at; she's to one side, where she can see the stage and the door.
There is a singer on the stage, probably one better known for her figure than her voice. Her voice is passable, as is the orchestra. There is plenty of liquor moving throughout the establishment, and the clientele seems to be in a spending mood.
Over the noise of the club and the music, it's clear that at least those nearby have noticed the arrival of the young royals. Scarlett beams at them, and a middle-aged man with his hair oiled back is weaving through the crowd towards them.
Victor is not to be seen. If he's here, he's out of sight.
Vere takes note of everything, and remains silent, waiting for Scarlett's man to reach them.
Robin does a passable job with the crowd and the noise and the attention, though she's not totally at ease. As she waits with Vere, she leans over to whisper to him, "Usually Scarlet's not so happy to see me. Must be the Royal draw. Still hope there's some decent entrails." She finishes with a chuckle.
The slick-haired man comes over to them, all easy smiles. "Good evening, your honors, welcome to Scarlett's. Madame Scarlett would be pleased if you would join her at her table, unless you prefer a private area?" He glances as the second floor curtained alcoves, clearly offering either privacy or a public meeting.
Vere remembers this man. He was a bartender at The Red Miill in Amber. His name is Vast.
"Thank you, Vast," Vere replies with a nod and a slight smile. He looks at Robin. "My love?" he asks. "What would you prefer?"
"Weellll," Robin looks over at Vere. "I was kind of hoping for something in the back area. How long do we need to be on display, dear?"
Vast appears pleased that Vere remembers his name.
"It is not necessary at all, if you do not desire it," Vere tells her. He nods to Vast, "Our regards to the mistress of the house," he tells the man, "But this time we would prefer something with our backs to the wall, that gives us a good view, without making us too obvious." He smiles, very slightly, "You know what we mean."
He offers Robin his arm and follows Vast once he decides where to put them. "Shall we just dine and watch for a while, my love, or did you wish to have a message sent to Scarlet? I am certain Vast would be happy to convey such a message."
Robin takes Vere's arm and follows him into the club swirl.
"Message? Oh, yes." It is so much easier to concentrate on Vast and Vere's faces than to try and track everything else in busy room.
"Would you convey our... warm regards to Scarlet and our best wishes for her family? Aannndd do you know if Victor is around tonight?"
Okay, probably a little briefer than Castor would have liked, but in the ballpark.
Vast nods. "Of course, your Grace. Peapod will escort you to your table and I will deliver your message and locate Sir Victor personally. I am sure that Madam Scarlett will be by to assure herself that you are being properly served, after you have had a chance to refresh yourselves."
"Thank you, Vast," Vere replies.
A fresh-faced young girl appears beside Vast, as if on cue. "Your Lordships, please follow me." If dismissed [or if Vere and Robin turn to follow the girl], Vast heads towards Scarlett's table and from there out a side door.
Peapod leads towards the broad stairs at the back, and, [assuming Vere and Robin follow] to a curtained part of the balcony that is facing the stage but private from its neighbors. The room has two tables, one at the rail for watching the show, and a sitting and dining area in the more secluded back section. The thick velvet drapes are, predictably, scarlet in color.
Vere looks at Robin and gestures first at the table in the back then at the more public one, raising an eyebrow inquisitively.
Secluded table definitely. Robin steps towards the back table delicately, allowing Vere to get there first and do the chair thing. ‘Cause that’s what... well, just ‘cause. Even if it doesn’t make any sense.
"Is there anything I can provide to you?" asks Peapod.
"Pear cider for me," Vere says. "I do not know your menu yet, so I shall leave it up to you. Bring me whatever is best prepared by the chef."
“Sloe gin, thank you.” Robin says as she sits.
“And, uhhhhh, some really spicy chopped meat in a to-go bag?” The girl flounders a little.
Peapod nods. "This room has a window, My Lady. Would you like it opened?" If Robin does, Peapod pulls back a portion of the curtains and opens a small upper window. It's large enough for the fire lizards to fly in and out of, and the sight of them causes a handful of seagulls to depart the ledge in haste.
"OooOOOO!" Robin chirps in delight. A happy laugh lifts from her as her little friends zip in.
"Okay, guys. Next level training, this room only. No flying past the curtains." Robin explains slowly - really just using the words to reinforce her gestures and feelings.
Peapod curtseys and leaves, promising cider, gin, and raw meat will be forthcoming.
Vere smiles. "They seem quite eager to make you comfortable," he says to Robin.
"Go figure." Robin shakes her head. "Probably 'cause I still have a tendency to get... unpleasant when I'm uncomfortable." She rolls her eyes wryly at herself, but keeps track of the quietly piping and exploring firelizards.
"I believe unpleasant reaction towards discomfort is a family trait," Vere observes. "I believe you said Scarlett had met Jerod? That could go a long way towards a desire to avoid making a Royal uncomfortable."
Robin breaks into a peel of laughter. "She met me and Jerod at close to the same time. And yet, no blood was spilled, nothing caught on fire and everyone is still mostly sane. She's pretty saavy. Though Vic was working his ass off too."
"Indeed?" Vere raises an eyebrow. "From what you have said it sounds to me as though Victor has been a great deal of assistance to you in navigating the tricky waters of dealing with society."
"Yep." Robin nods. "That was his first task. Getting me and Jerod to work together without killing one another. And he did great too. I don't understand - or even remember - what he said to Jerod. But Jerod got that smug 'I approve' look. So it must have been good.
"What he said to me was civilized people 'spar' with words instead of barking, snarling or attacking. Since I don't spar a lot, I was having trouble understanding that. Still do. And stil don't like it. But...." she shrugs, "want to talk to civilized people? Get over it."
Vere nods. "Display," he says. "And maneuvering for position within the social structure. What all animals do. Instead of plumage we use words and displays of wealth and position. Jewelry, badges of office, carefully dropped mention of friends and relatives of great power."
Vere shrugs. "It is always possible to simply awe people into doing what you want with displays of ferocity and threats of violence. But unless you wish the majority of your relations with people to be tinged with violence, it is best to learn more subtle ways."
Robin shakes her head a little with a sad smile. "No, my Love. It's not like that. I've had a couple of people use that metaphor on me. But it really only works on the small scale.
"See, that's what most civilized people don't seem to understand. The wild? The pack and the herd? They're small. And like families - made up of individuals, whom all within the group accept and know well.
"Civilizations are more like flocks or schools. Except that instead of being malleable and transient like they should be - they're all stuck together permanently. It's hard not to see that as icky." She wrinkles her nose.
"And before you ask, no - it's not like hives or colonies either. There's way too much social movement in a city to compare.
"But you're right. I don't want all my relations to be tinged with violence. I just don't have much practice with the place between known and accepted intimate and stranger/threat."
Vere smiles in delight. "Anyone who believes that you cannot properly convey your meaning with words should hear you when you speak like that, my love," he says. "I take your meaning. It is indeed possibly a unique facet of civilization that it results in large numbers of people dealing with each other in a place somewhere between stranger and intimate. I had never considered the situation in that light before." He nods. "Something I just took for granted, I suppose. Thank you for giving me this insight."
"You're easy to talk to, my Love. And a cherished and known intimate." She winks.
Then shakes her head. "I just can't find the words when I'm in a big group of folks. Brij also said something about how would I command them. Or at least get them to do what I wanted. And I just... don't know.
"Castor talks about persuasion. But since I never had to persuade my dinner onto my plate before...." She shrugs.
Vere touches her hand lightly. "What we do know," he says, "Is that it is not a question of your ability with words, but your unease in crowds and around strangers that causes you to have difficulties with speaking. I think that time and usage will aid you in overcoming that. And time..." he laughs quietly, "Time we have."
"Okay." Robin nods. "Time."
She smiles so very warmly at Vere. "I didn't used to care. I was going to work, serve, die doing something stupid. Being me. No regrets.
"Now... so much to live for. So much to learn. So many mistakes to make." She shakes her head. "Oh, my love. I never thought I was this... timid."
"'Hostages to Fortune,'" Vere says. It sounds like a quote. "Having something to make life worth living gives you something too valuable to risk losing."
The curtain pushes aside and Victor slips in, carrying two bottles. He's a large man, and would be easy to mistake for a bouncer, if his clothes were less flamboyant.
"If you stop living to keep yourself from losing, then you lose. Hello, Robin, I assume the gin's for you?"
Robin rolls her eyes. "Verde - surrounded by philosophers. How'd a rough and tumble girl like me end up like this?" She asks with a chuckle.
"Yep. Gin's mine," she says standing. "Vere - this is Victor. Victor - this is Vere. You've both heard several nefarious and overly dramatic things about one another from me. So you'll have to sort that out on your own." Robin smiles fondly at them both. But while her body language and tone is confident, there is a trace of worry in her eyes. As there would be in any sane being's eyes.
Vere stands and nods at Victor. He is smiling, but his eyes are taking in the man, clearly taking his measure. "A pleasure to finally meet you," he says. Since Victor's hands are full he does not yet offer his hand to the man.
Vic puts the drinks down, but doesn't offer his hand. Instead, he pours for the couple. "The pleasure is mine. your Lordship. Lady Robin has indeed told me about you. Some day soon we should return the favor and compare notes on her." He smiles broadly, as if daring Robin to complain.
Robin doesn't complain but does stick out her tongue.
"Rob, you and your kin have the thanks of the House for rescuing Max and taking care of Silken's goons. Rufa let me stop in first, she'll be by to make sure I didn't spill anything on you in a bit, so please tell her how clumsy I am with a drink shaker." He grins and puts the bottles by the two glasses. "Any word about Heap and Silken?"
Vere raises an eyebrow. "Heap and Silken are involved in this matter?" He asks. "I was not aware of that." He is still standing.
"Ummmm... I forgot to tell you." Robin blushes at Vere. "Mostly because the Heap-and-Silken bit was all full of Jerod and Martin. And I'm trying really hard not to poke my nose into things Jerod and Martin. So, I forgot about it. " she shrugs.
"I haven't heard anything new." She tells Victor with another shrug. "But then I wouldn't. Like I said, I'm good for the thumping bits. Not so much for the intriguey political bits.
"And speaking of thumping bits," Robin grins with excitement. "We're going troll-hunting tonight, Vic? Wanna come?"
Vic perks up at the idea. "Sounds like more fun than I've had since the last time we went out hunting." He pauses, then adds "Just us? Or will there be other royals involved?"
"Just us, the lizards and the troll." Robin's eyes sparkle to see Vic perk up. A waiter, really? That just didn't... look right.
[OOC: He's not dressed as a waiter, he's dressed as an owner, who happens to be waiting. It still doesn't look right.]
Vere's eyes flick to Robin and he starts to open his mouth. Then, with a slight smile, he appears to rethink what he was going to say and turns his eyes back to Vic.
"There is, of course, the possibility that one or more of Lady Paige's..." Vere glances back at Robin's and his smile grows slightly wider as he continues, "...foresters might happen upon us and seek to join in the hunt, especially if there have been depredations."
Vere shrugs. "If we do not wish companionship I am certain we can dissuade them."
Vic chuckles. "I ain't worried about them. They can't keep up with us, I'd reckon. I barely can.
"I'm interested in the Royals, because you all tend to be in each other's faces, like panthers with too small a territory. Starts with one, then you're dealing with five, each with a different agenda and no protocol for crossing each other's territories, which don't exist on any map.
"Each convinced they know how to solve everything, and butting against each other every time they moved. Raven, for one, made Lady Robin look like a diplomat."
Vere smiles and nods his head slightly, "An apt simile," he says.
Robin chuckles and nods as well. Yep, exactly like that.
The crowd on the first floor roars with laughter, and on the stage a jester of some type has his face covered in pie. Vic waves to his pretty assistant, who smiles back.
"This next trick is good," he says to the young lovers.
"Indeed?" Vere asks with a slightly raised eyebrow. He turns his attention to the stage.
Whereas Robin slides Vic a suspicious glance and makes sure she's got pie ducking room.
The two performers leave, and another pair come out, a man and a woman. They're dressed to evoke the forest rangers of Arden or Broceliande. The opening patter is not too good, but it is steady and all the while the man and woman are throwing knives, hatchets, daggers, and other weapons between themselves. They're twins from distant Bellum, land of war, trained assassins, but they've given all that up for the stage. It's almost like juggling.
The banter between the two becomes contentious, and then deadly serious. Vic looks around, "here's the good part." The pair pick up longbows, curved in a style not common to Amber, knock arrows, and point them at each other. They're no more than the length of the stage apart. Each offers the other the first shot.
The room goes silent; even the waiters stop serving drinks. The tension in the room is immense.
Vere has grown very still, and his face shows absolutely no emotion. His gaze seems fixed on some point beyond the two entertainers.
Whereas Robin seems confused, by the performance, by the tension in the room. But there are bows drawn, so she's very, very alert herself.
As they cannot agree on who gets to shoot first, they ask Scarlett to count them off, starting at three.
The club's namesake agrees.
"Three!", she says, her voice echoing in the near-silence of the club.
"Two!", she says, and they stand perfectly, arrows pointed at each other's chests, bowstrings taut.
"One!" she says, and two arrows are fired simultaneously. The pair each steps to their left as they fire, and in unison two right arms unfold, and in unison they each catch the other's arrow.
They turn and bow, and the crowd erupts in applause. The waiters all rush into motion, serving drinks and taking orders from Scarlett's customers.
Vere frowns slightly, and shakes his head, but says nothing.
Robin cheers and whistles. Now that's a trick she can understand - even if the window-dresing confuses her.
Victor applauds as well. "They're amazing shots. They'd do that trick from horseback if we had room."
"Nice!" Robin nods with a grin.
Scarlett has made her way to the private booth. "Not here, I don't want us doing animal shows," she replies to Victor's comment.
There's an snicker from Robin-ward.
Victor waves away her objection and turns towards Vere. "Prince Vere, This is my sister, Rufa." She bows, Rebman style.
Vere nods to her. "A pleasure to meet you, Domina Rufa," he says.
"Lady Robin, " says Scarlett, "I am in your debt for helping Max."
"No debt." She says with a wave of her hand. "Part of my job. Besides, it's made up for in drinks and entrails, isn't it?
"Ooo! By the way, whatever happened to Kitten?" Yep. Robin's been leaving her prey around again.
"Shipped out," says Victor.
Scarlett nods. "No idea if he'll do better work for the King than he did for me or Heap, but he's away now."
Victor looks down at the crowd. "Heap was sent to Amber on Kitten's ship. If was thinking, he'd probably be glad all he got was impressed, and not sent on a mission for Prince Jerod, but..."
"But he weren't known for thinking," finishes Scarlett. "There's lots of those types around, though."
Victor nods. "Did you all just come to see the show, to get my help in the woods, or is there anything else?" Scarlett looks at him, slightly apprehensively. Victor pretends he doesn't see it.
"I was just thinking of the woods-work, myself. Buuttt..." Robin looks over at Vere with raised eyebrows to see if he's got anything.
Vere raises a single eyebrow in response to Robin's inquisitive look. He glances from Victor to Scarlett then back again, a slight smile on his lips. "You ask that as though you might have something specific in mind?"
Victor nods. "I do at that. Robin, my bird, I'm reassuring my sister that you ain't here to steal her son son and lock him in the castle without his Mamma. There's a woman, name of Anna, who weren't real happy with what happened to her son and the Castle."
Scarlett snorted. "I ain't the type to raise that type of fuss. She was bad news. But I'd like to know if I need to prepare to abandon all this and flee."
Victor laughs. "The waiting is the hard part. I'm ready to go if you all are."
"Oh." Robin says. Then her brow furrows in thought. "No, Scarlett - I'm not here to steal your son away. Iiiiii'mmmm trying to think of something reassuring to say, but... they all come out sounding like threats in my mind. So..." she shrugs.
"This I can say - my nephews are up at the Castle. They're there because their father is dead and their former home is very not-safe for their kind right now. Otherwise, we wouldn't have dragged them in. One of them is just a little older than Max. They might be able to help him orient some and I'm pretty sure they've been in Xanadu long enough to have found all the fun boy-trouble spots and hidey places." She grins.
"Otherwise, yeah." Her grin gets toothy. "Let's go troll-hunting."
Vere meets Scarlett's eyes and nods. "As Robin said, we are not here for Max. I have heard nothing to indicate that there are any such designs upon him." He tilts his head slightly, considering, then adds, "If a time comes that you feel that you require advice or assistance in dealing with the Royal Family please feel free to call upon me."
Victor nods once. Scarlet replies. "I may at that."
Victor readies himself to go. "When you're ready for your next lesson, Robbit, tell me all the reason why you think we'd want to have a pair of trickshot archers on the stage at a place like this."
Vere nods thoughtfully at that question.
"Ummmm..." Robin thinks about it, frowns, then shakes her head. "I'm not ready for my next lesson yet. Let's stash it for now and maybe we'll find it later." She says with a rueful grin.
"Right now, I want to go hunt something, not think more."
Goodbyes are said, weapons are fetched, and the party leaves via the back door. Robin can see that they're planning some sort of expansion in this area. It's already been cleared of the cages and it looks like someone has begun framing out a new building.
"Where do we expect to find this troll?" asks Victor.
"Excellent question," Vere says with a smile, looking at Robin. "Remember, my beloved, I have never actually been in the woods outside Xanadu."
He chuckles quietly, and reassures Victor, "Do not be concerned that I am a helpless city boy. I am not inexperienced in outdoor excursions. It is merely the local territory with which I am unfamiliar."
"Weeeelll," Robin drawls, "the spies who were trying to get me out of the newcomers' meeting-tent said that he was 'down the coast, away from the new Rangers' and 'near the fringe' 'cause he ain't any kind of woodsman."
She grins. "A half-troll non-woodsman? We could probably spot him from here if we tried. I figured to head down that way. Poke around for spore or smoke. Maybe get some eyes in the air. Pounce."
Victor nods. "Sounds good. I have a surprise for him, with which I will coat my blade, but not until after we sight him. I'm more interested in what else we might find out that way. Any idea why the Rangers stay up north?"
He looks out at the yard, and shakes his head. "Are we riding? I don't have a horse for it."
"Robin's call," Vere replies. He is looking around, taking in their immediate surroundings and cataloging everything mentally. "Obtaining a mount for you would be no problem."
"I...wasn't, you know, planning or anything." She says with a rueful grin. "But I suppose it's a fair pace so we can pick some up. One of the advantages of being outed." She elbows Vic. "Though I do miss just stealing 'em. Seems more... natural somehow." She sighs, recalling Idiot and her Family's penchant for horse-stealing across Shadow.
"I don't know why the Rangers are avoiding the South. I try to stay out of their business as much as possible: so as not to cloud the issue."
The horse-trader is unhappy at the proposed acquisition until Victor has a word with him. He provides excellent mounts and provisions, and offers to fetch anything they need. The horses are calm and ridable, and the horse-trader says they are steady.
Soon the group, suitably mounted and equipped is headed towards the coast on the southward side of the small but growing city. They cross a newly build wooden bridge and find themselves at the edge of a wood. The shore stretches away to the riders' left and a trail into the woods curves inland. It looks like it was made to carry wood for the bridge.
"I should like to try something," Vere says as they reach the edge of the wood.
He hums quietly to himself as he stares at a small branch on a tree some distance away. He reaches out with his right hand and his fingers close in the air.
Assuming that they are now far enough away from Xanadu's Pattern his intent is to Sorcerously reach through Space, grasp the branch, and rip it from the tree.
It's hard to do, harder than Vere would've expected it to be. He does end up with a torn branch, but it took more effort than riding to it and ripping it down would've been.
Robin watches curiously. If this is something her Love is going to be doing regularly, it's something she'd better get used to.
Victor nods and leans in towards Robin. He only mock-whispers to her. "Handy talent, that. Remind me again that he isn't a demon, will you?"
"Not a demon," Vere answers deadpan without turning his head. "Merely a Sorcerer."
"Merely." Robin confirms with a proud nod. And breaks into snickers.
"Okay, Time for some killing." She says with a fierce grin. As all the words and dinners and socialization drift away from her, Robin looks around the forest with bright green eyes; seeing patterns, scenting the wind, hearing the rustle of wind and life. And reaching for Troll.
The three riders move into the woods. Even near to Xanadu, it appears to be virgin forest. There are animal trails and some natural clearings, but no signs of human changes. Even the animals are remarkably unafraid of the riders. The fire lizards are another story, and the skies clear of all but the largest hawks when they take wing.
Robin finds that her friends help her quite a bit, and she can visualize a large swath of the forest between their eyes and her own. This helps quite a bit in the unfamiliar forest.
"Let's find where he drinks, then we'll find him." Victor's suggestion is as good as any and with firelizard help it soon turns out that there are signs of a humanlike passage at a small creek a few miles into the forest.
"We could wait here and ambush 'em, assuming he comes back, or we could try to track 'em, either backtrack to his lair or follow 'em to wherever he's going."
"A good ambush is often an excellent tactic," Vere replies. "I have only hunted beasts like this in the Isles. There, I would have pressed on, following the trail. However, that is because my main concern there would have been to put it down before it could do any more damage."
He smiles. "So, as is often the case, I could easily argue either course of action." He nods his head to Robin. "It is your hunt, my love. How would you prefer to proceed?"
"Hmmmm. Don't want to run up against him in his lair. And don't have any guarantee he'll be back this way. Track on." She decides with a nod of blond head.
"But mostly," she grins to Vere, then Vic. "Want to do more damage."
Victor laughs, "You're in charge, as usual."
Robin looks once more at the tracks, carefuly gauging which are fresher, then leaps to her saddle light as a feather. She grins up at her flying escort, aware that they are giving the hunters away but too pleased with their performance to try anything more complex right now. Besides, unwoodsy Troll.
With a wave to the other two, she leads the way down the fresher trail.
Victor leaps astride his horse, which takes off after Robin. He's grinning as he catches up to her. "Good thing I didn't pick the really spirited one."
The trail of the creature is easy to follow; this is no native forest beast or well-trained ranger. The path crosses itself several times, and the group makes good progress. Vic is a good rider and seems to be concentrating on the hunt.
Still, it's several hours before Peep indicates that she's found a person. As far as Robin can tell, it's on the other side of a ravine up ahead. The other fire-lizards converge on Peep and prepare to attack.
Vere uses Space to get a clairvoyant glimpse of what or who Peep has found.
Robin feels Vere's use of Sorcery. It's exactly the stuff that the Black Road was doing. It's Anti-Pattern. It's ... not pleasant.
Bleaaaaah! Just like the fire-lillies. Oh, well. If Robin can feed those to her lizards, she can deal with Vere making rude... feelings once in awhile. But she can't feed Vere to the lizards; that's for Huon.
Vere expands his view through Space until he can see what Peep sees. The half-troll is in the ravine, in a small cave a few yards down the slope. It will be hard to approach it without climbing down to it single file.
Vere describes the ravine and the cave in detail to Robin and Victor.
Ravine, hunh? Robin's developed an unfondness for ravine's lately; something to go along with all of her other quirks. Once she gets the report from Peep, she turns to other two. "Probably just being crazy, but I'd like to scout ahead a little. Vic? Could you cover me on foot? Vere? Mounted overwatch?"
Vere nods. "Opposite side of the ravine from the cave?" he asks, to be clear. He examines the ravine, to see if there are any places where it is narrow enough for the horse to leap.
"I might be able to distract him, by throwing rocks at him from the back of the cave at a critical moment," he says thoughtfully. "But we want to be careful not to use Sorcery and Pattern at the same time."
If the boys are okay with that, Robin sends Peep back into the air, loosely ties her reins to a nearby bush and disappears into the brush. She's not being uber-sneaky, but she is being cautious and blending.
Peep pulls back, complaining.
Robin is comforting and reassuring. Peep is smart enough to know what's bad for her and Robin will never force her.
Victor pulls a bow and knocks an arrow, but doesn't draw. From Robin's experience, it will be quick when he does.
Robin moves forward to a spot across the ravine from Grimey. He's in a cave-mouth about 10 feet down the side of the ravine. He's seen the Firelizards and looks more than capable of hurting them.
Robin's analysis of the tactical situation is similar to Vere's. It would be difficult to approach Grimey without exposing the group to significant danger. Grimey also can pull back into the cave to avoid any fire from Robin's side of the ravine.
For someone not wood-wise, he's done pretty well finding a defensible position.
Damn, Robin thinks to herself. Now's the time for explosives. (But not the incendary kind. Jerod.)
Robin waves a hand back to Vere to cut the Sorcery for a moment. And if he does, she'll open herself to the Pattern; testing to see how malleable Shadow is around here.
Vere ceases all Sorcery when Robin signals him.
Robin finds that shadow is similar here to Arden. She's aware of Xanadu, but it won't stop her from using it.
From across the ravine, a surprisingly high-pitched voice calls out. "I sees you! What you want with Grimey?"
Vere remains alert, but awaits a sign from Robin before taking any action.
'Well, dung,' Robin thinks. That's exactly the type of question not to ask her. Because instead of answering with something diplomatic or pesuasive, she'll answer with something like...
Robin steps out into the open; bow-strung and drawn, firelizards back and safe, Pattern ready for any surprises. "I've come to kill you, Grimey." Her voice is not threatening, just matter of fact - maybe even slightly sympathetic.
Grimey retreats behind the rocks at his cave entrance. "I know you. You almost killed Grimey last time. You could. But Grimey is tough. Maybe hurt you, maybe hurt your friends. I wants no trouble. How about deal? You let Grimey go and Grimey will run away more, stay away from all city people."
Vic snorts. He doesn't raise his voice but he he does reply. "Careful making deals with demons..."
It may not be entirely clear if he's referring to Robin and Vere or to Grimey.
Vere remains silent for the moment. No use giving away his position if Grimey isn't aware of where he is.
"Ah, Grimey. I wish I could." Robin's voice remains matter of fact. "But you beat up on a Princess of Xanadu in public. And threatened a child of the Family. So..." she shrugs, "no deal.
"How do you want to work this? Out here with just me. Or being dug out." This is obviously more of Robin's type of duel.
Grimey's voice is more echo-y in the cave. "Knew you wouldn't honor law man's word. Never did, never will. Not for Grimey. Come dig me out, little one. Trolls dig good."
"Ah, crap," says Victor. "Sounds like he's moving."
Indeed it does.
"Nyah, nyah, nyah!" Vere's voice sings out in a schoolyard taunt. "Grimey's scared! Grimey's scared!
"Grimey runs away to hide!
Saw a little girl and cried!
'Please don't hurt me!' Grimey said!
Pissed his pants then turned and fled!"
There is no obvious effect.
Vere sighs and stops the childish chant. It was a long shot, but he had hoped to lure the beast out before it began digging.
Robin scrambles to the edge of the ravine with her typical lack of fear regarding heights. She offhandedly tucks her bow away as she scans for handholds or rappelling lanes or whatever is necessary to get her over to Grimey's cave. Maybe a large not-on-fire tree or something.
Victor is riding up the side of the ravine, looking for a way across.
Robin could follow or she sees vines from overhanging trees. She should swing across, but she'd probably hit a wall pretty hard if she did so.
"I can use Sorcery to get us across," Vere offers. "It will not be quick, however. And the longer we take, the deeper he digs." He shakes his head. "I do not relish the idea of fighting him in the dark, beneath the earth."
"Me either." Robin agrees with a shudder.
An idea starts to glimmer in her mind, even though she hates the very thought of it. She turns to the man that she has spent so much time.... 'wrestling' with recently.
"Beloved? Just how much sturdier than me are you?"
Vere smiles at her. "I am not my father, love," he answers. "But I am my father's son." His smile grows wider. "A young oak."
"None of us are our fathers - thank goodness! And even a young oak is pretty darn impressive." She smiles back.
Then sighs and gets to the thought she's avoiding. "I can get across quickly. But I'm going to hit hard when I get there. Harder enough that I'd be a distinct ambush risk. Buuuutttt, if you were to shield me - I could cover you for the shorter recovery time." She frowns sadly.
"But it reminds me soooo much of getting you smashed at the... you know, Temple." She looks down at her boot tips mumbling. "Bad diplomacy gets Vere hurt. Again."
Victor rolls his eyes. "I'm gonna try to track him above-ground. You all figure it out and don't spend too much time talkin' yourselves to death." He straps his bow across his back and runs to a good jumping off point. He reaches the lower branches of the trees on the near side and starts moving across them. "If I fall to my death, go a different way!"
Vere chuckles. "Victor is right, my love. You know my tendency to over plan. This is not a matter for diplomacy." He makes a half bow. "Tell me what you wish me to do."
"Hunh." Robin blows her bangs off her forehead, obviously squirreling the subject away for later talking-to-death.
"Okay, I wish you would wrap around me. So I could grab those vines and swing across. Then when we hit, I wish you would absorb the blow with your mighty oakiness while I cover you from potential troll attack. Will you?"
Vere bows to her. "I shall never resist a request to embrace you, nor one to shield you from life's blows."
Victor is more than halfway across, and though his method is slow, it seems as if it will succeed.
Vere peers into the cave entrance. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" he asks doubtfully.
"This is a terrible idea, love." Robin says as she peers in beside him. "We're blindly attacking a warned enemy in his stronghold. Someone's bound to get hurt, maybe badly."
She turns to him with a fierce grin and fire in her eyes. "I love it!"
With that, Robin draws her sword and knife and scrambles into the cave, very low and very fast. Her theory is to not use her eyes much at all, but rely on her ears and nose to find the big, clumsy, smelly troll. She's taking a page from the ferret strategy-book, hoping to close before the troll can get a bead on her.
Vere blinks, taken by surprise. It's not something that happened to him very often and for a moment he revels in the novel sensation. Then he scrambles after her.
He briefly considers sorcerous methods of either bringing light to the tunnel or allowing himself to see in the darkness. But then he considers Robin's reactions to Sorcery and the likelihood that she might need to use the Pattern and he discards the idea. Instead he cast his mind back to the blind fighting techniques he learned during his training in the Brotherhood of the Stag and follows the sound of his beloved, allowing his other senses to guide him.
The malodorous troll is easy to follow at first. Any place he can squeeze through is an easy passage for Robin and Vere and there are occassional vents to the surface that let in light. However the cave slopes downward and the light is further and further away. The cave floor gets damper and the air cooler as Robin and Vere descend.
About a quarter mile in there's an arrow in a circle of light. The light shines on a scree; a slope of small rocks and debris from what once was a sinkhole aboveground. "I missed!" shouts Victor from above. "He went downslope!"
It will be difficult or impossible to come back the same way if Robin and Vere go the same way, but that's where Grimey went.
Vere bends down and draws a circle in the dirt matching the dimensions of the circle of light from above, with a stylized hawk in the center of it. "Just in case we decide to bring the light to us below," he explains to Robin. He smiles. "I am assuming that we are going to be foolish enough to continue?"
"Yep." Robin says, stopping for a moment to drink in what little light and air there is. She grins over to her Love. Though the grin is becoming tight-lipped. "Let's see how deep pure adrenaline can take me."
Robin plunges on, taking some comfort from the memories of being with Siege in a somewhat similar situation.
Robin half runs and half slides down the slope, into darkness. She's positive the Troll went this way.
Vere follows, doing his best to keep up without losing his footing. Not losing Robin is his first concern, followed closely by not running into her.
It rapidly becomes impossible to stay standing, and soon it seems as if the skree is coming down with Robin and Vere. Before long the two Amberites are sliding across smooth stone, almost as if they are on some sort of slide. It's damp and impossible to gain a foothold.
Two things happen to change their condition. The first is a spot of dim light rushing towards them. Soon after, they find their slide has become a chute, and they are falling into the light.
The light turns out to be a cave, lit by bioluminescent plants--glowing fungus gives the room a greenish glow. Robin and Vere only see it for a moment, before they splash into water. Only their Amberite strength allows them to swim to the surface in their heavy clothes.
Grimey is not in sight. But his scent lingers. He's been here recently. The shore is a quick swim away.
Okay, okay, okay. Ride was fun. Wet isn't. Vere can swim really, really well. So Robin figures her job is to get herself out of the water as quickly as possible.
After a quick check to make sure that Vere really is okay, Robin swims toward the shore with dogged determination; cursing under her breath the whole time. Why is it that all of her stupidest plans end up with her getting wet?! There's got to be some sort of lesson there....
Vere allows Robin to take the lead in swimming to shore. He follows her, moving with barely a ripple through the water. He's quiet and watchful. He wants to make certain that Robin is having no difficulty and is equally watchful for any sound or sense of movement in the water that indicates the presence of anything larger than small cave fish.
Robin and Vere don't find Grimey on the shore. They do find two things. The first is a collection of boats, made of wood. They look abandoned, and ancient. The second is a set of large, wet footprints, heading into a cave entrance ahead.
Vere pauses, looking at the boats. Their presence here is a mystery, and he would dearly love to examine them. But this is Robin's hunt, and he won't delay her if she wants to speed on her way.
Robin looks over at Vere. Her smile is definitely becoming rigid and the whites are beginning to show around her eyes. She nods in sympathy toward her ever-curious Love and the Mystery, but her nod is probably sharper than she intended. As is her voice, when she pushes the words out.
"See 'em. Will remember 'em. Will come back when can. But?" A hand gestures around to her wet, underground environment. She can't stay here long and she wants to get her killing done before she melts down. So with a sad nod, she turns and continues on after Grimey at speed.
The cave tunnel leads into another cavern (as they do). The cavern is long and slopes generally upwards. It is longer than the pattern chamber, if not at wide. The floor of this one is not currently flooded, but there are frequent puddles and it looks like it has been underwater in the not-very-distant past. The wet footprints blend in with the wet ground, but it's still not hard to find Grimey.
About halfway across the cavern, Robin and Vere spot the part-troll. He's in some sort of narrow chimney on the far wall, climbing upwards.
Half-trolls seem to be very good climbers.
Vere runs forward. He is moving, and uppermost in his mind is the extremely high probability that Grimey is going to hit a loose spot in the chimney, where the rock will give way and crumble, dropping him to the cave floor.
If Robin thinks she can get a couple of arrows into Grimey, she will stop and do so. If not, charge!
Robin begins running straight for the cliff wall.
There's a tremendous cracking sound and followed by an unbearable crashing sound as the far end of the cavern collapses. A cloud of dust and debris rises and Robin and Vere stop and cover their mouths.
Moments later, when the dust settles somewhat, they see the pile of rubble, perhaps 30 feet deep, at the far end of the cave. If Grimey is under that, he's staying under that.
As Robin and Vere stand in the post-collapse silence, they hear something splash in the lake behind them.
Cave-in. Cave-in, cave-in, cave-in. Buried alive, buried alive, buried alive... words rumble around in Robin's head gaining strength even as the echoes in the cave fade away. She stands frozen, somewhat crouched, arms protecting her head; and shaking. Her breath is ragged as she fights to keep a high-pitched keen in her throat. Bad, bad, bad -- she's away from anchors, underground... She's been getting better, she's been working at it, but the blackness is definitely circling closely now.
"Vere!" comes her strangled cry. She's not going to lose it, she's not going to.
But the eyes Robin turns toward the sound of the splash are wide and strange. Something bad is going to happen.
"I am here, beloved," Vere answers, moving close to her and stroking her arm lightly. His eyes are on the lake. "I believe that I caused the collapse." He continues speaking in a low, calm voice. "I used the Pattern to make it likely that the chimney Grimey was climbing was loose, and the rock would crumble while he was climbing. I did not anticipate such a ... strong reaction." His fingers continue to stroke her arm in a slow, soothing pattern.
'Vere did...' Robin thinks, 'but Vere has Corwin's Pattern. Corwin's Pattern making cave-ins... no. No. Those are crazy thoughts...' Hearing words, thinking in words helps. And she starts to uncurl when...
There are three small explosions in the air above Robin, and the air is filled with angry, worried fire-lizards. There are only three but they seem like more. They are alternating between scolding Robin for getting into danger without them, and asking her who they need to attack to protect her.
Oddly, Chirrup lands and starts eating a rock. His eyes reflect his agitated mental state still but the little queen is the demanding, (mentally) vocal one.
Vere raises an eyebrow at their sudden arrival. He concentrates on the spot in his forehead which Martin and Madoc call the Third Eye, and uses True Sight to examine the area where they arrived, looking for the ruptures in Space that he would associate with teleportation.
Then, as long as he is using True Sight, he looks over the cavern and the lake as well.
Vere finds no rupture in space, at all, nor even traces of a recently healed rupure or ruptures. Perhaps they travel some other way. In the cavern, Robin is the brightest object, but there are life forms swimming in the lake as well. Most are small fish, but Vere catches signs of something larger. Much larger. Possibly reptilian. It moves pretty fast.
A startled and distressed squawk erupts from Robin as her hands flutter out to her agitated fair. She's done it again, she's gotten them upset. She didn't mean to, she's sorry. But they are wonderful for not attacking Vere. Very wonderful. She's... well, she's going to be okay, now that they and Vere are with her. And yes, she was very, very stupid to come here without them. And aren't they amazing and wonderful to get to her. And maybe we should all look out for what splashed a moment ago.
Robin prays fervently that it's not Victor. She suspects that anyone around here who isn't Vere or herself is about to get the Vista treatment.
The firelizards head out over the water, in an odd formation. Peep and Ooot fly high and behind Chirrup, who is breathing flame as he goes, lighting up the area they're flying over. They seem less agitated, which probably means they haven't found an enemy. Robin thinks they are hungry and want to go fishing.
A light appears above the collapsed section that fell on Grimey. Underneath a flickering torch is Victor. He shouts a greeting "Hello! I ran out of above-ground paths, so I climbed down here! Did you kill it?" The firelizards climb immediately and turn towards the newcomer, Chirrup stops breathing flame and the queen and her bronzes are flying in darkness.
"Robin," Vere says urgently. "Get them away from the water. I can see something under it. Something very large."
"Not the enemy! Not the enemy!" Robin feels very strongly that Victor is not a target, but that a true target -- a large threat -- is beneath them in the water. And that distance would be really, really good idea.
Fast. Clever. Fish are dumb and tasty. They're not disobeying, but they're not obeying exactly, either. They seem to be objecting, and willing to take on a fish.
"D-d-dead. N-n-new threat on ap-proach." Robin grits out to Victor, half in Cadence as words and not-words clash in her head.
Victor barks out a quick laugh, but stops quickly and then looks down at Robin. "Okay. Well, you should climb up here. Nothing in the water is coming here unless things collapse further. There's a campsite in the cave up here that I think you should see, plus a way out."
He sounds worried, and like he's trying not to sound worried.
Robin nods a little jerkily, her eyes drifting back toward the lake. She leans over toward Vere as she draws her sword. "You can see it?"
Robin's voice is evening out, but it's also taking on a tone of eagerness. Firelizards' want a fish, Robin wants a big aquatic monster to kill: seems like it could work out. Probably terribly.
"There!" Vere answers, pointing towards the large shape. "I cannot make it out enough to tell exactly what it is, but it is a living creature, and large."
Robin can see nothing, and Vere's finger could be pointed at the surface nearby or perhaps towards deeper water.
It's hard for Vere to tell, because the third eye is not well-suited for this kind of work, but the creature is probably over thirty feet long. It's also pretty deep in the water when Vere points.
Victor lights an arrow on fire and sends it out over the lake. It doesn't reach the far wall before hitting the water. It's quite a way across. There seem to be some sort of carved white buildings on the far side, but unclear who would build down here. "Robin, my bird, the third rule of Demon Hunting, is only hunt the demons you're paid to hunt. You guys going freelance?"
"He has an excellent point, love," Vere says, still watching the creature with his third eye. "I know you are yearning for a fight, and I will stand beside you if you wish to battle it, but I really think it is not a threat to Xanadu or the Forest down here." He shrugs. "It is large, some five to six woman heights in length. Possibly a very large crocodile or water serpent." He pauses, then continues, "Mind you, if we do fight it I shall probably wish to follow up by investigating the buildings across the lake. But we really should be thinking of going to see your father, now that the Grimey situation has been resolved." He smiles. "We are both too easily distracted, I fear."
A quiet whine emerges from Robin's throat, exactly like that of a Hell-Hound being denied a particularly nice bit of trespassing prince. But she nods. "Yep. Grimey dead. Time to see Dad." Her face scrunches. That's just... nasty; having to leave an awesome hunt (with bonus exploration) to go have a dreaded Family Talk. Bleah! Growing up sucks.
With great reluctance, she tears her eyes away from the lake. "Okay, you first. Me and the darlings will cover you." She nods toward the pile of rock leading up to Victor.
Victor throws down a rope and helps them climb up. "I ran out of mountain to follow you along aboveground, so I popped in a cave, and then I listened for a ruckus. You're not that easy to lose." He grins.
Robin grins back. But to a man as experienced with her as Victor is, she's obviously rattled.
"So back this way, there's a camp. Hasn't been used in years, I'd
say, but I thought this place was new..."
"It is," Robn confirms, "but it comes with its own... intrinsic history." Stupid words.
Vere smiles. "It may well have a new ancient history," he explains. "If you enjoy metaphysics then it makes for a fascinating topic. If not, then perhaps best to just shrug and accept it. Let us examine this camp."
Robin's green eyes glance toward Vere, her equally distractable love who is giving up his sooooo inviting exploration "One quick run-through, Vic. Then off to Arden."
The campground is indeed years old, and thus not of the boat-builders' time (they are older).
"This is what's odd, aside from a campground in a cave, " says Victor, unnecessarily. "Whoever was camping here was painting pictures. "
There's an easel set up next to a rock, which is splattered with paint. There's a portrait on it, half finished.
It's Reid's picture. With a big X over the face of it.
"Odd is indeed the correct term for it," Vere says, regarding the portrait. He looks at Victor, "It is a cousin of ours. One I have not seen for some little while." He turns his attention back to the portrait, bending close to it.
Does the paintwork look familiar to Vere?
"Reid?" Robin says in a plaintive voice.
And then in a fit of paranoia, decides to keep a close but not obvious eye on the paint spattered rock while Vere examines the painting.
It's not in a style that's immediately obvious to Vere, and the normal places where it might be signed are still blank canvas. In some places the paint is layered on quite thickly, as if the artist was correcting errors. It's not very well done. Perhaps it was rushed, or perhaps the artist was untalented.
Peep settles down on the rock, and begin to sniff the paint spatters.
Vere considers it for a few minutes and then closes his eyes. He opens his Third Eye examines the painting, the rock, and the campsite.
The painting does not exist to his third eye. The rock is perfectly ordinary. Robin is like a beacon in the darkness, and Victor is mostly-normal, although his sword is somehow special.
As Vere takes his time and the rock doesn't eat her brave Peep, Robin checks in with her amazing Chirrup. Fire, lovely fire. And flying point. She's so proud. Is his tummy okay?
Chirrup, Chirrups a contented noise, and lets out what seems like the last of the flame. He makes a retching noise and studiously ignores the steaming, ashen "hairball" he's left on the ground by the campsite.
Having grown up in a Stormhawk mews, Robin is pretty much fine with the whole 'casting' concept. In fact, stinky ash is pretty tame compared to the things a Stormhawk back from patrol can cough up.
Robin croons to her lovely friend. He's definitely full of awesome.
Peep starts licking the paint.
Vere closes his Third Eye and opens his two mortal ones. "Let us look for any signs that the campsite might have been attacked," he says. "The painting was left unfinished and that is an oddity. An attack and abduction might be one explanation."
Robin smiles at her Love. Of course. But she did promise him a chance to investigate, so investigate she will. If Vic will stay on guard, Robin prowls around the camp site on light feet, looking and smelling with all of her Ranger skills.
Victor walks to the cave entrance and leans against the wall. He may look relaxed, but both Robin and Vere can tell he's alert and on top of the guarding. "Light'll hit that canvas in the mornings, pretty good place for it, If you don't like open mountainsides."
Vere and Robin look around, The only disturbance they find is where animals may have found the trash pit; it's been dug up and nosed through. They can tell where someone slept, where they cooked, and where someone painted.
There's no sign of what happened. The only thing that's at all interesting is that some of the paint flecks are from pigments that aren't in the painting on the easel.
Vere frowns. "Can you tell how many people were camped here?" he asks Robin. "And whether they walked out the cave when they were done, or if they left by more arcane means?" He kneels by the rock to examine the paint stains, searching for any kind of pattern.
Robin smiles at her Man. "One human male camped here for a few days. And yep, I have his scent. Since he didn't leave in a burst of sorcerous fire or via magic whirlwind, I don't know whether he walked or ported or Trumped or something."
Robin can tell he wandered extensively in the shallow mouth of the cave, but it's hard to tell if he went very deep. Might've shadow-walked into the cave, if it was a family member. Might've walked out. It's hard to find a trail in or out of the camp entrance.
The Ranger shrugs out of her pack... oh, wait - everything's wet. "Vic? Do you have something to wrap the painting in?"
Vic squints at it. "I've seen better. We have horse-blankets back at the horses, on the other side of the ravine. If they're still there."
Vere straightens up from his observation of the paint-splattered rock and shakes his head. A very slight note of frustration shows in his voice as he says, "I feel that I am missing something." He shrugs, and brings himself back under control. "Whatever this mystery may be I fear it is beyond me. We can mention it to the king when we report back to him. For now, I think we should move on to your father."
"Thank you, dearest." Robin leans in for a quick kiss. "I didn't get to fight the giant aquatic critter either. This growing-up stuff sucks."
Speaking of which, "Vic? Would you mind taking this picture to Ash and letting him know where we got it? He can bounce it up the ladder. Or if you'd like," Robin grins 'cause she knows he wouldn't like, "you could take it up to the Castle yourself and give it to the King yourself."
Vic nods, laconically. "Got it. Ash. Tell him where I got it. Get dragged to the castle anyway to explain it to the King. Do we go back to the horses together or are you two pulling a disappearing act?"
Robin grins wider. Got to love a man who understands the way the universe works. "Horse first. Then disappeaing." She looks over at Vere to see if he's got anything else.
Vere nods and cast one last longing glance at the mystery he is leaving behind. "Let us be off, my love," he says.
The three demon killers (or at least Grimey-killers) return to find their horses waiting placidly for them. Victor packs up the painting and bids a farewell to the young Amberites.
Last modified: 11 September 2013