The meeting with her fellow knight had gone exactly as Lilly had expected and nothing at all like she had hoped. If this morning's proceedings were any indication, things were going to become much more complicated before they became easier. Her mind was racing with possibilities as Lilly moved silently through the halls. Around every corner she saw an opportunity for her enemies. There was no way to completely safe guard this palace, not with so many faceless servants and the endless corridors. It certainly did not help matters that their enemy could come and go by force of will.
As she came to Paige's door she paused for a moment to take a deep breath organize her thoughts. There were things she meant to discuss with Paige and who knew when the next opportunity would arise. She needed to make sure business was taken care of before anything else. Once her mind felt more at ease she rapped gently upon the door awaiting Paige's answer.
Paige answered the door herself. The smile was there, perhaps artifice for whoever might be on the other side. As she saw her cousin, it broadened into something more genuine.
"Lilly, please come in," she said opening the door wider and ushering the Knight Commander into the sitting area of her rooms. They were still in a state of flux, even with a over a week to get settled. Lilly could guess that Paige's attentions at Sommerset House had neglected these rooms. There was room on the one large couch and another chair, but the other flat surfaces of the room were piled with boxes and baskets.
"Thank you." Lilly replied softly as she entered. As she made her way towards the sofa she took in the contents of the room. If life had been less hectic Lilly may have offered to help her sort things out. As it was though she barely had time for her workouts. Still, she supposed it was better then being bored.
"Can I get you something?" she asks after Lilly sits. "All I have at the moment is fruit juice, and to be honest I think the kitchen is getting sick of squeezing and such to make it for me. You can't believe how much I miss tap water, especially now that I'm watching out for... well, you know..."
Lilly smiled. She had no idea what tap water was or for that matter why it would be missed but she loved the way Paige could ramble on at times. It was comforting to know someone was still concerned with small comforts when faced with their current crisis. "No. Thank you. I'm fine."
"Anyway, how is the Regent bearing up this morning?" Paige asks.
"Well enough I suppose. She has been have nightmares. It concerns me but I believe it to be a symptom of the stress we are under. There is a slight chance though they are being caused by an outside force. Those of us who were in chaos suffered from similiar disconcerting dreams on our voyage home." Lilly answers honestly.
Paige moves a crate and curls up on a leather covered wing chair that seems to odds with the rest of the room. She settles her blue skirts and tries to get comfortable.
"Similar? Vialle's confided in you about the nature of her dreams?" Paige asks.
"To some extent." Lilly answers. "I have not pressed for information. Though, from what I gather, there is very little information she could give. It seems she does not remember many of the details when she awakes. The feelings they generate however I have seen firsthand."
"I haven't heard anything from the rumor mill about nightmares. Is it just family that's suffering?" [Paige] wonders. "Are you?" There's concern in her voice.
Lilly tires her best to give Paige a reassuring smile. It is an unpracticed gesture and as such seems a bit insincere. "On the voyage home many of the men suffered from nightmares. Among family there has been a common thread of fleeting, seemingly disconnected images during and feelings of anxiety and urgency upon awakening. These dreams leave one feeling as if something is horribly wrong. It is a feeling not easily shaken. I remember my one episode very vividly.
"As far as I can tell though the phenomena was limited to the voyage home. I do not know of anyone, save the Queen, who has experienced nightmares of that nature since our return. And, as I have said, I do not know if the Queen's dreams are related."
Paige nods, and it's obvious wheels are turning in her head. "Dreams and nightmares, cousin."
She sips from the glass of grape juice and jumps topics. "Do you know that the Tir was once thought to be a dream realm, a place of possibilities, like those the Fortunes show me."
"Hmmm." Lilly replies. "Those similarities eluded me. My knowledge of Tir is limited and yet it is infinitely greater then my knowledge of card casting. I suspect we could spend hours discussing such things. Today may not be the day for that however. Time is not something I seem to have in quantity."
Paige nods her head, "So, how has your morning been, Lilly? I had hoped that one of these mornings soon we might spar. I've heard what you did to Martin, so I know I'm nowhere near your skill, but I can learn and I have to begin somewhere."
"Are you sure that is wise?" At least she retrained from adding the in your condition at the end. And from Lilly the question seems innocnet because, well, it is. She truly does not know if a woman should participate in such activities when with child.
Paige hears it anyway and refrains from rolling her eyes. "Yes, actually, it would be wonderful. Some regular exercise helps keep both mother and babies healthy. I promise to tell you if I'm overdoing it."
Lilly gives Paige an appraising look. Teaching her basic defense may be a good idea. Her only concern was that Paige may not realize her limits. They would need to start easy and take things from there. "All right. I'm sure we can arrange something. Any time of day would be fine. I regularly work out both morning and night but will gladly work teaching into my schedule whenever it is mutually convenient."
"I've learned some interesting things over last night. It seems Brita's assailant is named Cleph and is Dara's brother," Paige says.
"Have we any word on her well being?" Lilly asks, "Brennan mentioned something about your father casting cards last night."
Paige nods, "Yes. Brita was sleeping when I was in Uxmal last night. Her knee was injured along with some other minor cuts and scrapes, but she's been tended to and is expected to heal well.
"The cards were as elusive as they could be, at least in Father's pyramid," she adds. "It was the trip that explained most of this to me, and force me to ask even more questions."
As soon as Paige spoke her second sentence she gained Lilly's rapt attention. That is not to say she had not been paying attention previously. It is only to say that there was now a noticeable intensity to the stare she was directing at Paige. "You were in Uxmal?"
"Yes, our cousin Ambrose, Brennan's younger brother, who you may know as the Raven from last evening, Trumped me last evening. I went through and we spoke for some time," Paige says. She gets up and finds her sketchbook, offering it to Lilly, open to the pages of Ambrose sketches.
Lilly takes the sketch book and studies each drawing intently. "I take it no one knew of his existence?" She says. It is much more is a statement then a question. As such it truly requires no answer.
"You should be more wary Paige. He could have easily been luring you into a trap last night. I assume you at the very least took your own set of cards with you?" Her words of born of true concern for her friend. It's not a lecture, not really. It does however have a motherly air to it. Before Paige can answer Lilly perhaps realizes how the words might be construed. "I'm sorry. It is not my place to tell you how to act."
"It's OK. I appreciate the concern, and you're right," Paige admits. "But I did have more to go on than his brief appearance at the masque. And I can often read intentions better than I can understand a person's words."
"So, tell me, what did he have to say?"
"He's Dara's ally by circumstance, not choice and I don't think it will last long. He's not interested in becoming 'Family' until he knows that Sy... I mean, Random's not planning on punishing him for Uncle Brand's transgressions.
"I might speak to the Queen on it if she has a moment. It'll be her decision until the King returns."
Lilly contemplates that for a moment. "I do not think he will be judged by his father's actions. Certainly Brennan has not. However, I can not say the same about his own actions. He had a significant part in Dara's appearance last evening. Most of the family will probably be inclined not to trust him. What they did last evening caused a lot of unrest. It will not easily be put aside. Does he realize this?" ~and do you?~
"As best as anyone can tell from last evening, Ambrose asked Merlin to return home and aided Dara's escape," Paige says. "I would think he aided in thier arrival as well, but I have no proof. He took no actions against anyone here. His most damning allegiance is that of Dara, and once that's done," she shrugs.
"He's Family. Such things are expected."
This comment seems to surprise Lilly a bit. More and more it was becoming obvious that her idea of family was not quite in line with reality. While she knew allegiances were made and at times sides were taken, she did not think such things were so common as to be expected. For not the first time since her arrival that thought made her feel young and sorely out of place.
"No one's burned me at the stake for my hand in Father and Corwin's feint, not yet at least."
"My knowledge of the history of Amber is rather lacking. I do not recall your name being mentioned in any of that. I'm sure it is an interesting story and one that I would like to hear. Unfortunately time is of the essence. Right now I would really like to know more of Ambrose. Do you think he will be willing to provide information concerning Dara? Any insights he has may prove to be most valuable."
Left unsaid is the fact Lilly believes that Ambrose could use the information as a bargaining tool to gain welcome into Amber. Such deals were often shady and would do little to gain trust among family. While it might seem an obvious path, Lilly did not believe it to be the best one.
"I'm not sure." Paige says gaining her feet again and walking toward the small window that she has in her new chambers. "It's not like bringing Aisling into the fold has helped things about here, has it?"
Lilly face looks momentarily pained. If Paige only knew how difficult a morning it had been... No, Aisling currently was not making things easier. Not for anyone. But that did not mean her presence was any less valuable or any less important. Like it or not Aisling was useful.
"I think he's more valuable not in Amber. As to information on the Duchess, well, I think, yes.
There is a nod both of agreement. [Lilly] would have to find a way to speak to this brother of Brennan's sometime in the near future.
"As to my part in the Ballad of Bloody Kolvir? I had much the same role as Aisling."
"Aisling was a spy for chaos. Are you implying you were also a spy? Keeping an eye on things for your father perhaps?" Lilly asks.
"I doubt litttle of what I filtered to my father helped, in fact -- in hindsight, I was as likely a diversion as a resource," Paige says. "He probably counted on one of his brothers catching my involvement and taking the attack for earnest."
"You mustn't ever speak to Solange of Father's push through Garnath. She lost a foster brother and then a foster mother who couldn't stand his loss. She's a wonderfully strong person, but to be told that those you loved died to distract a Prince from the real gambit..." Paige leaves the thought uncompleted with a shrug.
"I was also his escape route when he successfully failed. It only occurred during the Regency to me that he knew he would fall from the stair, when I was thinking on where he suggested I watch the battle from. I'm not sure I have the viciousness and singlemindedness that drives our parents. We youngers have spent several years playing our games, but they're jacks and hopscotch compared to those in which our elders are ranked masters."
Lilly takes a moment to let the full meaning of the words sink in. She had never thought of her Uncles in these terms. Until now she had never truly understood why her father had kept her away. As the truth of it all came to her now it stung. For years she had hoped for a kind and loving family. Evidently that was little more then a dream here in Amber.
"Some of us do not wish to play games cousin. I have no taste for such things when the rules keep changing and the sides are unclear."
A sad smile comes to her lips. "Before you say a word, I know. I know that I have not been given a choice. That simply by being present here in Amber I have entered this game. I also know I do not wish to be a pawn. So taste for it or not I shall do what needs to be done. Trust me on this though, I consider you a friend. Not because we are convenient allies, not because our talents together give us far more diversity then perhaps any two others of our generation put together, not because of your hair color or you beauty, but simply because I like you and I respect you."
Paige smiles, "Damn, and here I thought maybe you were falling deeply in lust with me."
There have been few times in her life where Lilly has found herself completely off guard. Now was one of them. Her face simply could not hide the look of surprise. She had never even considered spending that sort of time with a woman. In fact she had never considered spending that sort of time with anyone. Truth was she did not know if she would recognize those feelings even if she did have them.
She chuckles and continues, "I'm flattered and truly touched, Lilly. And you're right, the more I watch them, the more I'm glad we youngers had the Regency, to learn to work together. We'll be stronger for it than they ever were."
"Sadly we have not all learned those skills. The knights of the Ruby may be bound together but we are still far from being truly united. Perhaps with time..." Lilly takes a deep breath and shrugs. Perhaps they would end up united as they intended. Lilly wanted to believe they would. More and more though it seemed as if that was little more then a dream.
"So, what are your plans now?" Paige asks.
"Short term? Honor my duties to the King." Lilly says. Her tone is slightly exasperated, something unheard by Paige before. "Long term? I am not sure. We shall see where the next few weeks take us. Eventually I would like to walk the pattern. That much I do know. And to be honest I would love to find a sword master so that I may continue my training. I would love to study under my father for a time but I'm not sure that will happen any time soon."
"Perhaps instructing will serve to hone your skill," Paige assures her. "From what I've heard, you'll not find a 'master' here Lilly." Her smile is a bit mischevious, but she noticed Lilly's reaction to her comments before and had no desire to make her uncomfortable again.
"I'm hoping to help my own Trump skills by teaching Folly, but I'm also hoping to find someplace in Shadow to ride out the next nine months," Paige sighs.
"It does do well to go back and focus upon the basics. As we progress there is a tendency to become complacent. By teaching we are forced to shed some of that. I think you will find that to be even more true in the coming years." Lilly's eyes wander to Paige's stomach momentarily.
"Do you believe it is wise to leave Amber? I would think there are definite advantages to staying." I am here after all.
Paige's smile brightens, lighting up the room and her eyes. She's genuinely touched by Lilly's concern. //Why is it that she can be just as over-protective as the men and somehow endearing as well?//
"I'm unsure what's safest," Paige explains. "Uncle Julian believes that Pattern is the strongest deterrent to Artemis's powers. Unfortunately we don't have one currently in residence." Her left hand has strayed across her stomach protectively. "Perhaps Paris, or someplace further from Arcadia would be best."
Lilly nods in agreement. Julian had certainly given this matter thought. Right now she saw no reason to disagree with her Uncle.
"It would be good to have friends," _like you,_ "at my side. And I doubt I'm going anyplace soon. The King suggested I might be of help to Her Majesty's regency while he... when, does whatever he's doing."
Again there is a nod. "Your path is a difficult one and I do not envy you your travels. But there are good points as well. Let's see..." A mischievous glint comes to her eyes as she holds out a hand to count off her soon to be made remarks. "You are certain not to be bored for quite a while. You will be able to skip boring family meetings by simply stating you're not feeling well, who'll argue? Then there is the clothing. You will certainly get to wear much more comfortable things as the pregnancy progresses. And the food. No one will care if you eat like Martin. And then there is that whole Martin Aisling thing. If you are smart you can arrange to be neatly tucked away in Paris when that all comes to a head."
Her mood seemed up beat and good natured right up until that last point. Clearly she had many mixed thoughts about the situation and they were weighing on her greatly.
Paige chuckles, "And not be here to watch the gossip and rumors fly? Unicorn forbid.
"As to the rest," she shrugs, but the smile hasn't left her face, "I suppose you're right.
"The clothing will be the best."
Lilly does something completely unexpected just then. She smiles warmly. "I suppose I best not keep you. I am certain you must have things to attend to and I should be returning to the Queen's side. My time is not my own these days. We should try to meet regularly though, and not just for your lessons. It is good for my mind I think to take a break from her majesty every now and again."
Paige rises from her chair, chuckling. "I know I need a break from her often enough."
She crosses to Lilly's chair and takes her hand. After a moment's hesitation, the Judge leans over and kisses the Knight-Commander. It's not an invitation, but it's not a chaste peck on the cheek either.
"Thank-you," she says simply.
Lilly opens her mouth as if to speak and then promptly shuts it again. A second time she tries and still no words come forth. Closing her eyes for a moment she takes a deep breath. If nothing else Paige had solved one riddle for her today. She now knew what it was to be kissed. And she could not have been more unprepared for it. Not that being unprepared was a bad thing. If she had been expecting it the moment surely would have been awkward. Now it was just awkward afterward. That had to be better. Didn't it?
Opening her eyes again Lilly found the composure to look deep into Paige's eyes. When they first met she had been looking for a friend. Now she could not help but wonder if there could be something more. Of course that was ridiculous. They were both women after all. On top of that Lilly did not understand relationships. Not romantic ones anyway. Certainly someone with Paige's level of experience would want an equal and not the equivalent of an adolescent. No. Best not to get ideas.
Paige's eyes are reassuring. They offer nothing less than friendship, nothing more than Lilly wishes to see in them.
Breaking the eye contact Lilly answered, "You're welcome." With that she began to rise up from her chair hoping to make her way to the door.
"When you know the Queen's schedule better, we'll discuss some instruction," Paige allows.
Lilly nods. "I'll send word when things are more settled." She says her emotions firmly in check. She was determined not to think about Paige right now regardless of the fact she was still standing beside her. Her mind was simply to confused to deal with any of this logically and she did not trust herself to deal with it on any other level.
[Paige] wants to say something to ease the tension she created with her damnable impulsiveness, but anything she might say now would only make Lilly feel more uncomfortable. She opens the door for the Knight-Commander and watches her walk away.
There is a momentary hesitation on Lilly's part while emotion argues with mind. As usual, mind wins. "Good day." She says and heads towards the Queen's rooms.
At the agreed-upon hour, Julian knocks on the door of Jovian's chambers. Julian is extremely prompt for a fellow who was raised in a castle with no clocks and lives in a forest without even sundials.
"Come," Jovian calls, and as the door opens he's half-turned. His hand, perhaps amusingly, is at the pommel of his belt knife, but not gripping for a draw yet.
He nods as his father enters. "Good timing. A minute and forty-eight seconds ago I wouldn't have been here yet. I was just considering what I need to take down to Ruby Falls with me - and how long I'd be down there."
Julian returns the nod. "Do you have firm plans for what you will do afterwards yet? It seems that everyone's intentions are overthrown by last night's events."
"No," Jovian shrugs. "Nothing firm. I gather Vere still intends to see to the upheaval in the Isles, and I've got sixty sentients volunteering to help - but that's two, three weeks off, maybe more."
Julian says, "So I understand from Gerard. Vere is to walk Corwin's Pattern. He will need to recover from his wound before he can do so. Gerard cannot say how long that will take, but he did have to stitch Vere up."
"Good, I'm glad that was seen to," Jovian nods. "I was going to offer, but he went off somewhere before I got to him."
A thoughtful, slightly uncomfortable, but mercifully brief pause. "I was thinking I might try to visit Mom sometime next week. Just for a day." There's worry behind that.
Julian considers this. "You're not planning to take the wings with you?" It is a question by courtesy only.
"No, of course not...yet. I've heard the known shadow paths have been jostled out of alignment. I expect I'll have to scout a new way home." Jovian pauses at that word with an odd expression, considering perhaps whether it still tastes true.
"Gerard reports that not a one of the old paths survived 'the Sundering'. You know, of course, about matters in the basement," Julian says.
"I got the short-form briefing," Jovian nods, "including Tir's disappearance and the Faiella Bionin's closure. Which makes me wonder if all of Amber and her lands haven't been somehow pushed out of position in Shadow." His brow furrows, but he seems to decide quickly that this is too big a thought to chew on right at the moment.
"But at some point," he continues after a moment, "I shall have to get them all back to Calusa, and if relations are going to be established, a proper path will have to be laid for my Knights to return by when summoned. If you would consent to help me learn the method used to lay the paths through Arden, I'd be grateful."
The last is evidently not easy for the dragonman to say - but Julian is not a cactus. He would know an olive branch on sight.
"I will teach you what I can as soon as matters permit," says Julian. "But that may be some time. You know, of course, that many of the paths in Arden are not created, but natural, the Arcadian paths among them. We were not so fortunate as to have that path close entirely."
He continues, "Gerard also says that path-laying is apparently significantly harder than it was before the Sundering. Apparently Jerod made a straight road to Bellum, and was able to lay the start of a permanent path, but it collapsed while he was shoring it up. His skill with the Pattern is significantly greater than yours; I would rate him the equal of some of my brothers and sisters. If he could not lay a path to Bellum, I think it unlikely that you could lay a path to Calusa. It promises to be quite a work even for me, if Gerard's surmises are true."
"That...that's bad," Jovian understates. "Does anyone have any clue what trick His Percussive Majesty has gone to turn? Anyone who's talking, I should say?" Despite the flip phrasing, he's as concerned and serious as one would have a right to expect.
The dragonman's frown deepens. "It's almost more disturbing that Arcadia's paths didn't break down. What sort of place is Arcadia anyway? And what does all this 'godding' stuff mean, in real terms?"
Julian frowns. "The paths to Arcadia have shifted; Robin reports it so. Had they not, Daeon would have found his way to his mother and not to her sister. As for the nature of the place, it is not unlike Calusa: made real by the presence of reality there. But the presence in Arcadia was there longer, I think. It predates my assumption of the wardship of Arden."
"Real enough for their 'gods' to gain power over shadow?" Jovian looks a little ill at the thought. "I'm still a little hazy on this whole 'god' thing, Dad."
"I find it useful primarily as an umbrella term for 'shadow person powerful enough to endanger my life'. If a man wants to call himself a god, I do not care enough to argue. Your brother's godhead relates to his natural ties to Arcadia."
Julian continues, "As for His Majesty, he did not deign to enlighten either me or Gerard as to the nature of his task. Nor do I know what task he sent Prince Martin and Gerard's ward to perform. If he wants to rule as our father did, Random has made an excellent start. Mysterious absences and a lack of explanation before and after were a hallmark of the end of your grandfather's reign."
Jovian shakes his head slowly, frowning. "He'd given the impression that that wasn't the kind of show he wanted to run, hadn't he? It may be that last night forced his hand."
"He is gone this morning, and Vialle has the seal. That is the extent of my knowledge at this time," says Julian.
"I guess we'll just have to maintain until the answers become available - we all seem to have more or less pressing issues to deal with." Jovian focuses for a moment on equations invisibly written low on the left-hand wall. "Are you going to have a problem with my people remaining at Ruby Falls longer than planned, if I keep them from hunting in Arden? I've been warned away from the caves in Kolvir's seaward face because of the earthquake."
"Overfishing is now a matter of direct royal concern. Fishing grounds for a substantial distance from the city are now supplying the citizenry with their dinners," says Julian. "You should consult Her Majesty; it is her ruling that will hold sway over how near to Amber the dragons can hunt without interfering with feeding the people."
Jovian nods, but not exactly in agreement. "I'm more concerned about not interfering with your operations in Arden. If I have to lead the wings a few veils into Shadow to find safe inland hunting grounds once a week, I'll do that rather make them a security problem for you. At least until Vere returns and we can conclude our other business."
"I would prefer that you do that. We have enough strangers in Arden as it is," says Julian. "Robin reports that there may be a slaving operation afoot, although she did not indicate it was operating near Ruby Falls."
The dragonman's eyes snap open, flashing green like his mother's, wordlessly making the point that his sister's isn't the only raptorish mein in the family. "I'll find a new camp for the wings as soon as I can get a decent map and scout one out. What can I do to help?"
"I have given charge of the matter to your sister," Julian says. He adds, more gently, "You will understand that I must refer any offer of assistance with it to her."
Jovian only nods, with the expression of one putting another piece or two in place.
"For myself, I will need more complete reports to be certain which of the many brushfires I have already heard of require my personal attention and which I can delegate. I had hoped to have the assistance of your cousin Brita in dealing with the Rangers, but last night's events have put paid to that. And, of course, I am obliged to help in that matter should Fiona require my aid, but Bleys says that will not be the case."
The prince quirks an eyebrow into something that isn't quite an arch. "Apparently Brita is going to Clarissa."
"I can understand your sense of obligation in that matter," the dragonman nods almost consolingly...and just possibly a hint wistfully as well. "I can also better understand the disruption I had to control last night, knowing it was Fiona's daughter under attack - still surprising that she'd broadcast to the dragons, but more understandable." His tone is entirely sympathetic as he takes in the full circumstances.
Julian doesn't have anything to say to that, for some reason.
And after a thoughtful pause [Jovian] asks: "Are you likely to have another time for us to talk at length, between now and Vere's return from Paris? I know we're both in a hurry today, but I do want to have that talk about Canareth before I take him back to the Isles."
"I cannot say that I will," says Julian. "Your brother is in mortal danger, and I may have to go into the depths of Arden to rescue him again. And there is the matter of Calliste and her children. I may be away from Amber for some time."
Jovian seems about to respond to this, but he refrains from interrupting.
[Julian] continues, "But it hardly matters. I do not have, cannot have, the answers you truly seek. I made Canareth better, but what I did to him in the shell is not as significant as what happened to him after he burst forth from it. Such is the case with you and your brother, with Robin and her sister, with Jerod and Cambina or Brita and Conner. I have traveled in places where there are 'factories' that turn out crafted objects, one after another, identical, lacking the human touch. Canareth is not such a thing, any more than you are. And I have no more certainty in what he has become than I have certainty in what your brother has become.
"I know this is not what you want to hear, Jovian, but it is the truth, and all the advice I will ever have to offer you on Canareth. If you who are bonded with him cannot tally his strengths and weaknesses, any guesses I might have about the results of my work with the egg from which he sprang will be of little help to you."
"I have noticed that he is a unique being, in some ways that are within the normal range of expectations and some that are not. But this is the first extended period he's spent out of his home shadow; I'm beginning to feel I should expect more surprises, and I'd hoped we could develop between us some insight into where they might come from. But then, I don't suppose you had much to go on with my surprises, either," Jovian reflects, rubbing upward from the bridge of his nose as if his headache were creeping back.
"How soon do you think Calliste will risk your wrath, going after Daeon when you ransomed him so dearly?"
"As soon as her son is ready to assume his place. Two years at most, but time does not pass within Arcadia as it does here."
Julian looks at Jovian. "If I understand the rules of that place aright, her children will hunt him down and destroy him. And if Artemis can take Paige's twins, they will be her champions in the hunt, and the two pairs will race for the prize. Daeon will gladly go to his death if it is what his mother wishes. I will not permit that, if I can possibly prevent it."
"Hunted down and killed by his own children. Or his cousins," Jovian reiterates, as if clarifying it to himself. "Charming. Do you know what happens under the rules of that place if he escapes?"
"The hunt continues until the stag is dead," says Julian. "If he were to flee Arcadia for Arden, his hunters would follow him. Into Arden."
There's a pregnant pause, whereupon [Jovian] adds: "And what if neither pair of hunters is available to play the game?" His eyes narrow at this, gleaming dangerously like his mother's, with a cruel little smile just dawning.
"That is certainly one way to prevent the hunt. It will not solve the larger problem in Arcadia, but it might be enough to save your brother's life, and to buy time for me to solve the larger problem," Julian says. He is not smiling in the slightest, but it's more a matter of deadly seriousness than anger.
"If Artemis and Calliste have been at war this long, it would take...I don't know what to stop them. Their mother, maybe?"
Julian's intake of breath is sharp, but he doesn't say anything.
This actually gets both of Jovian's eyebrows moving at once. "What? Good idea, bad idea?" he asks, punctuating with open hands out to the sides. (If he's just stepped in it, he is honestly and openly unaware.)
"Bad," says Julian, and nothing more.
"Meantime, taking all of your pieces off their board seems like a pretty flaming fine idea to me. I'm sure you'd rather have a hand in raising Calliste's kids." Unlike Artemis', he clearly means - making some effort to keep 'unlike Rimona's' out of his tone and expression.
"That is my plan," says Julian. "In time that cesspool must be drained, but not today, with so many young lives at stake."
"If this mess in Grandmother's homeland is done before Calliste bears my siblings, I'll help however you say I can. That Ossian's an odd one and I don't know how many I want to owe him - but he's going to be sketching a trump of me for the King. Maybe he can do one for you too."
"Perhaps," says Julian, and it seems to Jovian that he is tired, more than the events of the last few days could account for. "Have you any trumps? I should be sure you have mine. It was little enough help to Robin, but perhaps I can do better by you."
"Don't beat yourself up over it, Dad. There was no way to anticipate what that bitch Vianis would do - may she drown in her own dungeon," Jovian adds, with a half-second's pause deciding she isn't worth his spit. "But no, no trumps here. It would be some comfort to have yours," he admits.
"I'll arrange for you to have it before I leave," Julian says.
"Oh, before I forget to ask," Jovian adds. "The maps I've seen of the area all sort of fade out to the south, about where Arden wraps around the southern end of Garnath. Is there anything beyond that isn't Arden in that direction, short of wandering into Shadow? I know I don't want to look north," he adds, heading off his father's chief concern.
"I haven't ridden far enough to find out without going into Shadow," says Julian. "The further you get into Arden, the easier it is to slide out of Amber, or, conversely, coming from the other direction, into Amber. At least that was the way it was before. Now, with all the paths shifted, it may no longer be true."
Jovian's mouth compresses briefly in a line of consternation. "Was afraid of that. I was hoping to find a new base-camp site on Amber's own land mass in case the shadow paths shift again when Random does...whatever he's off doing. I'll have to scout the southlands more carefully."
If Julian has nothing to add, Jovian will glance at the clock that isn't there, two points to the left at about sconce-level for a moment, then back to his father with a slight shrug. "We're both on tight schedules today; I should get moving as well. I'll keep in touch best I can. You'll call me if I can help in any way?"
There's more to say, and his look says it - but it is not his father's way, nor usually his, to say it aloud.
"I shall," says Julian, and gives his son a firm clasp on the shoulder. "Clear skies."
Last modified: 11 October 2003