On the morning following her meeting with Reid, Lilly heads out early on horseback to meet Sir Archer at his offices. She had sent a note the following evening telling him to expect her so she could be certain that she would not miss him. The thought that he might disregard her never crossed her mind. Even before she had been given title Lilly expected to be treated with respect. Often she had found herself thoroughly disappointed.
Upon arriving, Lilly saw to the needs of her horse. The animal had been serving her well and she intended for it to keep doing so for many a day to come. Like all things Lilly owned she took pride in its care.
Once that was done she took a moment to inspect her appearance. Her sword glistened at her side. She was wearing black slack and high black boots again today. Both looked as if they had just been donned. How she managed to ride distances without ever attracting dirt was anyone's guess. The gold buttons on her deep red jacket gleamed brightly. Today she had chosen to weave her hair into a tight knot at the nape of her neck insuring that strands would not stray in the wind. Satisfied that she looked the part of a Knight Commander, she entered the building.
Lilly is shown to Sir Archer's office. He rises from behind his desk to greet her, offering his hand. "Dame Lilly, I presume? I'm honored. I've heard a great deal about you from some of the members of the guard. You've impressed them."
His left hand is missing the first three fingers and thumb past the first joint, Lilly notices. Only his pinky finger remains intact. He can probably still use his blade--the loss isn't nearly enough to affect his balance--but his days with a bow are long past.
The woman bows her head slightly in acknowledgment of his welcome. It was clear from her expression though that she considered Sir Archer to be an equal. With equivalent titles, and his years of service, she could think of him as nothing less. Not before knowing him better anyway.
"I have not tried to impress them Sir Archer only garner their respect. The men of the guard serve Amber well. I have yet to find true fault with any of them." And I certainly do not wish to begin finding fault now, she thinks to herself.
Not being one to generally bother with mundane talk Lilly says, "I apologize for the vagueness of the note I sent. I come to you with a matter of great concern that has the potential to affect the city on many levels. I wished to fully discuss it in person rather then risking any sensitive information falling into the wrong hands."
"I'm at your service, of course. The Queen and her knights can rely on my discretion." He steps behind her to close the door of his office so that their discussion can remain confidential.
"Please, sit down." Sir Archer indicates the chairs before his desk. "Complex problems are best addressed without the additional distraction of tired feet."
Again she nods, this time in agreement. More so then alleviating tired feet, sitting also put people on equal level and tended to make most more at ease. The latter was not exactly true for Lilly but she succumbed to the offer all the same.
"I am here regarding the murder of Demond Harga'rel. The regent wishes this matter taken care of as quickly as possible. I have been asked to not only keep you informed but to also seek out your aid in this matter."
Archer nods. "How can I help?"
"In order to decide that, I believe we first must establish your knowledge of the situation. If you would be so kind as to share with me any information you have been given, either officially or unofficially, then I can perhaps fill in blanks. From there I think it will be easier to determine how exactly you can be of aid in helping to establish both motive and suspect." Lilly replies.
"Officially, I've heard very little; Castle matters aren't so much in my purview. I've seen the report of Harga'rel's death, which states that he was drowned in the champagne fountain during the--altercation, let us say, that ended the Coronation Masquerade. Unofficially, I've heard quite a bit more. Harga'rel fled Rebma with your cousin Conner and the former Gateway Ambassador to Rebma, which is quite a tangle right there."
Sir Archer gives Lilly a measuring look. "I should add before I continue that I was knighted on the field by your uncle Bleys, so I know very well the sort of suspicion his former allies fall under in some quarters."
Lilly regards him for a long moment. "This is Amber Sire Archer. I have yet to meet a person here who does not have some reason or another to draw suspicion. I have quickly learned to avoid judging people by such things. I care only about here and now, and your current service to Amber."
Archer nods. A slight smile quirks the corner of his mouth.
"That said, I think you see the greater problem. This investigation is not simply about the loss of a life. While that is sad, one death should hardly matter in the grand scheme of things. This death is different though. This death has the potential to bring about great conflcit. We need to find out who the perpetrator is, and we need to find it out as quickly as possible. If that means I must pull in every street rat and criminal I can find to gather information that is what I will do."
"I understand completely. You can rely on discretion--and my help. I've had some tangles with certain parties in the castle before over how I handled a couple of sensitive matters during the Regency. I'm sure with your help, Dame Lilly, we can avoid some of those troubles in this investigation."
There is a nod of agreement. It was Lilly's hope that this investigation could be carried out with a minimum of undue fuss. it was good to hear that Archer felt the same way.
He looks at her for a moment. "If it's someone in the city, we'll find out who it is. If we find evidence pointing to the Rebmans, or the Gatwegians, or someone in court, I'll bring it to your attention immediately."
"Thank you. I would appreciate that. In turn if the castle's investigation turns up leads I think might be used best by your men I shall surely pass them on."
He adds: "Sir Montage from the Rebman Embassy has asked for an appointment to see me. I'm sure he'll be inquiring on the Embassy's behalf about the progress of the investigation. What should I tell him?"
"Interesting," Lilly says. Her mind trails off into thought for a moment. "I will leave it to your discretion but I think it would be best to tell him that it is under investigation while using as many words as possible. Or in other words, give him very little but try to earn his trust at the same time. See what you can get out of him. He might have an interesting tale or two to tell himself."
"That I will," says Sir Archer. "He's supposed to be one of the Queen's chief troubleshooters; I'm sure he has a number of interesting stories he could tell. Some of them might even be relevant to the case to hand." The corners of Archer's mouth curled slightly up.
"Reports say Montage and Bend tend to poke their nose in where it's not necessarily needed. While I doubt they'll be so foolish as to openly interfere in a Crown investigation, they'll probably get their fingers into any pies they can, and hold whatever cards they find close to their vests. You'll probably want to interview them yourself sometime soon."
"I will keep that in mind, Sir Archer," Lilly says in a sincere tone.
She rises up from her chair and extends a hand towards him, "I think we are done here for now. I look forward to your reports."
Archer's handshake is firm. "And I look forward to a successful resolution to this affair."
In the morning, Robin is raring to go. Her gear is packed and her horse prancing as the rest of her team gathers. Though, despite her eagerness, she takes a moment to say goodbye to her Father. Robin's learned the lessons of goodbyes well and makes sure that Julian is definitively hugged and kissed.
Julian is rarely demonstrative in private, much less before the Rangers. However, he returns Robin's embrace with more force than usual. "Should you need me, do not hesitate to use my Trump," he tells her quietly but very firmly. "Especially if things begin stirring from Arcadia."
"Absolutely!" Robin nods in complete agreement. Her large eyes indicate just how much she doesn't want to be separated from her father again with the paths getting all shifty in Arden and Dragons coiling in the mist. But she's got a job to do and so does he. So she puts a brave smile on and lets her normal antsiness guide her.
"I'll send word as soon as we're done. Don't have too much fun without me." She grins, kisses his forehead once more. And tears off for her horse as lively leaps.
After bounding into the saddle, Robin wheels and calls her men after her with a piercing hawk's scream that echoes after her even as she rides out of the clearing.
Robin pushes hard for reaching Girth's in the best time possible while allowing for her men to reach the outpost still fresh. Once they are some hours out of No-Sun, the Ranger briefs her team on their mission.
She won't mention Reid's name, just that a member of the Royal family was investigating some disappearances from Amber City. That they joined up with what seemed to be a refugee caravan leaving the city via the trail that begins in the first elm grove north of Rainer's Point. That the caravan seemed to have traveled through Arden proper a little ways before slipping into near-Arden. When they stopped for the night at a place that Robin thinks she can get to, they were hit by a coordinated C&C maneuver. That Robin's injured guest was captured from the attacking party. And named the leader of his forces as Girth. Description matching.
Soooooo, she's figuring on riding over to Girth's and seeing what he has to say. At this point, Robin shuts up and sees what the reactions of her various men are.
Surprise, anger, some denial. Girth is well-liked and the rangers don't see what he'd be getting out of such a deal. Girth never really did have much to do with the city, or the city folks. While Vista is equally adept in the forest, Garnath, the city, and the castle, Girth is almost never outside of Arden. It was Girth himself who let a car with Random and Corwin drive past, holding Prince Julian at knifepoint.
Girth's post is deep in the woods, so the troubles with Garnath were usually dealt with by Rangers from Broussailles or Whistling Pines. Girth's post and the Rangers there mostly dealt with threats in the woods. Girth has a reputation for personally taking long missions into Arden.
There is some concern that, if Girth has gone rogue, he'll be hard to capture. But Robin gets the feeling that if he simply denies it, his accuser will be considered discredited.
Robin nods as the men talk. It's pretty much an echo of her own feelings. The girl fondly remembers learning deep trail protocols from Girth. And yes, she just doesn't see Girth as a shallows pirate. But she's also pretty damn sure that her source wasn't pulling her leg. Sooooo... she figures there's more to this story than Girth the Rogue Ranger or **** the Lying Hill Manipulator.
Which is why she wanted a team like this -- diverse and expert -- on the job. She wants to get to bottom of this without accusing anyone of anything. The job is to fix the situation. And not get riled up into a place where people are picking sides.
If Girth has gotten himself off into the Depths, Robin figures she's the deep diver to track him down. But she's counting on the rest of the team to keep their eyes open and their ears sharp for what's circling.
Robin will suggest to Totter and Needle that during the ride to Girth's that lots of team-building be done. If this group does end up in the depths of Arden with the war shaping up, she wants all of the Rangers familiar with each other's styles and voices. And most of all trusting one another.
During breaks and off-watch shifts, Robin starts working on a couple of small projects involving rabbit skins, a pair of small thrown pots and a medium weaving that she stores in her saddle bags during the rides.
The rangers arrive at Girth's. An appropriate distance out, she spots a scout and hears his message to his runner "Rangers approaching Camp." A second message is directed towards her "?". It's generally good news: the Ranger post isn't having any crises and is asking her group if they need urgent help or dinner for 6 or if they need to prepare for a Royal Inspection.
Robin hasn't been to Girth's in some time, and the nearby forest seems even deeper and greener than before.
Robin whistles back a cheery "dinner for 12" response. After all, there's nine rangers on her team, and one of them is her. In this way, she lets the camp the there's nothing urgent. No point in coming in hostile. Better to see if Girth is there before going all 'full-frontal.'
As they ride in though, Robin keeps on eye on the growth. Tasting it with a mental tongue, just checking... to see if it reminds her Heather Vale.
Yes, but it's much more subtle. You're not sure if you'd've even noticed if you hadn't been looking and hadn't been in Heather Vale. Of course, this part of the Great Forest was always close to the deeper green and especially to the side-paths that lead to places even rangers don't always come back from.
It's the furthest Ranger outpost from Castle Amber.
The Ranger catches Needle's eye, and flashes a quick series of signals -- 'watch for green trouble.' She indicates the foliage around them.
'deep in the verde'
And as they approach Girth's, Robin makes extra sure that they are still in Arden and that this path knows its in Arden and that Girth's encampment knows its in Arden.
Robin thinks she has an effect on it, but she can also tell that if she pushes it very hard, she'll slip off into shadow, or at least away from the encampment.
She doesn't push it. Though the slipperiness of the wood does bring eyes narrowed in smoldering resentment.
The encampment is a small stockade in a natural clearing. Rangers based out of this place are on the furthest, longest patrols, and more than one team has set out recently as the weather has cleared up. There is a paddock for their horses, and Girth is standing in the doorway to the cookhouse, leaning on a crutch.
With one hand raised in friendly greeting, Robin canters in at the head of her men.
The Ranger rides expertly over to near the paddock and dismounts with a youthful bound. "Hey, Girth!" She calls out cheerfully as she passes her reins to Needle.
Robin strides toward the man. "What happened?" One gauntleted hand gestures to the crutch. "Finally run into something with too hard an ass to kick?" She's teasing, but concern lurks in her green eyes.
He shakes his head. "Monster out of shadow rolled in here. Not one of the normal things, like a wyvvern or a gryphon, either. Some sort of lizardy-thing. Dropped my horse on me, which is how I got this. It's a clean break, so I'll be walking again, if I'm smart enough to give it time to heal. We've got a patrol out looking for the beast. It should've been easy to track, since it was dragging my horse's carcass, but we lost the trail.
"What brings you this far out? Did our messages finally get through?"
Lizardy-thing? Robin raises an eyebrow at that. Combined with the vegetation, the Ranger's mind is painting a picture she doesn't like. At all. But she answers Girth's questions before asking her own.
"Messages? Didn't get through as far as I know." She shakes her head in concern. "We're just relaying... Girth? You had any contact in the last two weeks? [She means contact with other Ranger bases or patrols.] And how long since that patrol left?"
"Oh, yes. We knew you were back, after all. And about Prince Julian's return, of course. And the king, too. We sent a rider back looking for a little help here. I'm not too mobile, although I can cook." He looks a bit unhappy. "I hate being laid up." He shakes his head. "Come on in, I've got to keep at supper. We're packed pretty full here, tonight."
"Of course." Robin claps Girth on the shoulder and accompanies him back into the cookhouse. Though not one of the Ranger's pre-eminent trail cooks by any means, the girl can certainly cut and chop and stir and baste and what have you.
"What kind of help were you sending for, Girth?" She says, concern still wrinkling her forehead.
"Someone with more medical knowledge that I have to either get me over the infection I had with this, or else to saw it off." He replies. "Luckily, it got better without surgery." He grins and slices an onion into fine pieces. "Some of the boys didn't think I was gonna make it."
"Oo, Girth! You want I should have a look at it?" Robin croons in belated worry. As she fricasses the life out of several carrots.
He grins. "Not until you wash off that carrot juice from your fingers." He looks back at her. "But yeah, it'd ease my mind a bit if you did. After supper. I don't think it's a risk at the moment."
"K. And just for you, I'll wash my hands." She grins back with a wink.
"Think the
infection was related to the lizardy-thing.... 'cause Vista sez it was the
Dragon who took Heather Vale."
She looks over at her fellow ranger, deep concern swimming in her green eyes.
"The thing about them Chaos monsters, especially at the end, was that they wasn't really similar to each other, except that they all stink." His face gets dark. "We heard about Heather Vale, too. Damn shame we lost a man there. And I haven't heard of the Dragon being active since... well, in a long time. It's not good news."
Robin nods soberly as she returns to her vegetable mayhem. "There's something... I don't know... strange about the Green 'round here, Girth. Reminds me of the Vale. Don't like it. You notice anything?"
His scowl deepens. "Yeah, the deep green is stirred up. We're keeping patrols further back than usual." Girth looks out from the kitchen to the dining hall to see who is there, satisfied he turns back to Robin. "There's talk it has to do with the Warden's son. Story is he hit Vista, and that the man we lost at Heather Vale was trying to help him and he wasn't having any. I've shut that down, but I can't say as the rumors aren't true, because I don't know."
"I wasn't there. So I don't know who hit who." Robin shakes her head. She's not going into rumor territory either.
"But Vista says it was Artemis who showed up to claim the guy. And it seems like he wanted to go with her. Despite the Warden's directions. Julian is determined to get him back." She blows a puff of hair off of her forehead. "Hell of a mess." Is her conclusion.
"Sooooo..." the girl scrapes her load of orange hash off the cutting board and into a pot, "looks like we're at war with Arcadia." Her eyes dart over to Girth's. "And we better watch the Green real careful-like."
Girth sucks in air between his teeth. "So you either came here to prepare this as a forward outpost or to pull us back to sustainable lines. Do the rangers with you know? Because all the ones here do by now if that's the case."
"The Warden and Vista are on primary war-detail, though I should be joining them shortly." Robin starts working on chunking potatoes with a shrug. "I pulled special duties."
Those green eyes come up to look Girth in the eye. "First, I'm forward for re-integration. I need to know if you got Holdouts here who are only going to be bait in the upcoming tussle. I got a duty for 'em that'll let 'em keep their honor without getting any of the Sapbloods killed."
"Well, it'll be a while before I'm running through the woods leading a war band. Other than that, we've got good men and women here. There are still some posts we abandoned 10 years ago, of course. Back when we were fighting the first war."
The Ranger cocks an eyebrow. "Posts?" She's not really sure why Girth brought that up.
"This one's too exposed unless we're manning the others again," he explains.
"Second," a pause as Robin stops the tuber carnage and uses her hearing to make sure their conversation is still very private, "I'd like to talk about a guy I ran into, who sez he knows you." The girl's voice holds a weird mix of sympathy and steel.
"Yeah?" He shrugs. "There are those that do. I've been a ranger for a long time, met a lot of people, including some as weren't so happy with the outcome of it. We hold closer to the border now than we did 10 years ago, but still not many of the city folk get lost in the woods. It's pretty much them and Rangers."
"This guy's name is Turf. He was nabbed by Osric's son, while attacking a bunch of people the Crown Investigator was traveling with. In Arden." Robin puts down the knife and looks at Girth, hearing and seeing her old friend with all her senses.
Girth pops a carrot wedge into his mouth as he considers. "Nope, we haven't seen any trespassers this deep, and I don't recall the name. Is this related to that business with Badger?"
"Nope." Robin says with a slight furrow in her brow. "That stuff hasn't come up yet. Or at least the Warden hasn't mentioned it to me." Robin definitely has a no-news is good-news approach to the whole issue. And, to those who know her well, the tiniest squirm of guilt in her movements.
She leans back against a table edge and rubs her chin thoughtfully. "Girth? This guy, Turf, gave a bang-on description of you, name and all. In a place where he couldn't lie. Talked about a 'New Amber' and an 'Erewhon.' And a slave trade moving from Amber Port through Arden. Reid backs the route, but avoided being nabbed enough to be guessing at the slave part." Robin's tone of voice is thoughtful. She's trying to see how this could work with all three men telling her the truth. The universe is wide and tricky, so it's very possible, she just doesn't see it yet.
"If someone is claiming to be me and trading in slaves, I would want to meet that person. When was it that I was supposed to be doing all this?"
"No shit." Robin nods sympathetically in response to Girth's sentiment. "Turf implies that the raids have been goin' on for a while. Maybe years. Reid was hit just a few days before the coronation..."
She thinks some more and raises an eyebrow to Girth. "You said you weren't up to runnin' through the woods. But I got a starter spot for my warpath. You really want in?"
Girth moves a pot back from the fire so that it cooks more slowly. "If that's where I can best serve the Lord Warden, then that's where I'd like to be. I recon I'd be less of a worry with you than somewhere else, and you know I'm good in the deep green.
He thinks for a moment.
"You know the marked paths have been shifting, moreso recently than the drift that happened after the war. If someone's leading slaves from Portside through Arden to some city we don't know about, some place not in Arden, how the hell are they getting back and forth to do it for years?"
A low disgruntled whistle emerges from the girl as she shakes her head and returns to the tater massacre. "Every time I try to figure that, I know I don't got enough data. There's too many possibilities - some with really ugly consequences. So I'm figuring to fly out there and see what's what." Robin cocks her lips ironically. She's much better at getting out of stuff than at figuring it out before hand.
"Warden said it was my call. And yeah, I think I want your take on this one, Girth." She smiles at him.
He nods. "I think this war has been a long time coming, lass." He looks at the kitchen. "Let's get our rangers fed. Will you be telling 'em what the state of things is at dinner?"
"As soon as you think they should know." Robin nods. This is still Girth's place and his men. But she definitely doesn't like the look of the Green and is feeling a might jumpy.
"They'll have to know when I cancel the spring patrols, so we might as well tell 'em now. No sense lettin' em wait for the other boot to drop." He looks out the door and calls out to a ranger. "Light, get in here and give us a hand putting this on the table!"
The meal is cozy, the hall is built to hold this many, but few more. The rangers mix easily, although the group that came in with Robin seem to look to her for cues.
After the meal is finished, Girth stands up. "Well, any that don't know some'at of the news were napping all afternoon, but still it needs tellin'. It's war in Arden and Prince Julian leads the Rangers to it. We're cancelling the patrols and we'll be having new orders. Robin was with the Lord Warden a few days ago. I'll let her tell you what our roles will be."
"Thank you, Girth." Robin stands up and looks out over the faces of her friends, companions at arms and green brothers. She can't help the grin that spreads across her face. Despite all that these last years have visited upon them, these are still the best bunch of guys in all the universe.
And the work that lies before them is unmixed good honest work with an actual hope of making a difference. No damn civil war, fighting against traitors and uncertain of their own faction. No lost war fought against an infinite horde of hell-spawned monsters burrowing continuously through the heart of all they've sworn to protect. No holding the line with no supplies, no personnel and no Defender.
Robin smiles because it's time for Arden and Arden's to come into their own. And she lets that passion, that conviction carry through all she has to say.
In summary mode:
1) Robin confirms that Arden is going to war with Arcadia. She lets the Rangers know that Julian and Vista are point on this and that she will be joining them shortly once her current duty is seen to.
She lets them know that Artemis did indeed enter Arden and attack Ranger personnel in Heather Vale. That there was Dragon-sign there and that the Vale is no longer a safe part of Arden - if part of Arden at all. She knows the guys are up to it, but she warns them to watch the Green very carefully in the upcoming times. Especially given the shiftiness of the marked places.
She knows that Julian is planning a mobile front, not one based out of any particular encampment, though he is considering the staffing of Brita's Watch. So she's figuring that the men of Girth's should sleep with their packs nearby and dirt near the fires.
2) Relevant to that - Arden has been closed by the Warden's order and the King's command. No civilians will be allowed entry with the following exceptions that Robin is aware of - Solange, Vere, Jovian and his dragonriders. Wryly, she'll add that anyone who tries to halt King Random deserves what he gets. With regards to other members of the Royal Family, Robin figures the guys can use their best judgement. But as far as non-Familia? They stay out, by whatever means the senior Ranger en locale feels is necessary.
Shallows patrols are be being formed now. Mostly out of Whistling Pines, Brousailles, No-Sun and Ruby Falls, though some Rangers of Girth's may find themselves assigned to those duties.
3) Robin tells the Rangers that enemies of the Crown kidnapped Brita at the Masquerade. That Brita is alive as far as Robin knows and that her Family (complete with shiver for anyone who has truly riled up the Redheads) have banded together and gone to get her. In the meantime, Robin and Needle are the go-to people while Brita is away. Which given that Princess Fiona is on the job, should be any second now.
4) She lets them know that Robin and crew are only going to be in Girth's for a day or two more at most. Robin's got some huntin' to do, but she's going to be around taking a peek at the Green here while the guys get sorted.
In the end, Robin's grin just won't quit. She knows it's serious business but her confidence is high. Cause after all, these guys are Rangers of Arden. :)
Robin's confidence is infectious and the Rangers seem excited about the prospect, except for the older ones, who haven't been very talkative since Robin said 'Dragon'. A few faces, the oldest ones, look even more grim than the Rangers did just before she left for the Black Road.
[If you don't have anything else, we can move you on to the forest and whatever your plans are there...]
Ummm. Actually, I do have a few other things. That night, Robin would want to...
1) Check on Girth's leg to see if she can help and what exactly his ability is going to be during the upcoming adventure.
It's healed, or healing. Unless it's a deep infection, it'll get better or there'll be signs it needs help. Probably worth checking every day or so. If things go bad out there, it could be very bad.
2) Talk to some of those grim-looking senior ranger types to try and start assembling a picture of her opponent(s) in the upcoming little fracas.
Some of them remember the last time Julian tried to fight the Dragon. They're not worried if it's her kids, but there was some terrible fighting back in the day.
3) Take a quick look around the outskirts of Girth's, sneaky-like, to get a feel for the Green and its encroachment.
Your most immediate guess is that any patrols that have gone out are probably already in shadow. You can stabilize it for yourself, but it's pretty far along the way to being completely unsafe.
4) With the impressions gathered at that (if any), sit down with Cranny, Needle, Totter and Girth and discuss the viability of leaving Girth's encampment manned. (Another factor in this decision would be how many Rangers are stationed at Girth's. So.... how many Rangers are stationed at Girth's? :)
Usually less than a score, with as many more on long-or-short patrol routes. More in the winter, less in the summer, when more Rangers can be further afield.
Robin comes back from her scout around with a contemplative frown on her face. And, after talking with the other seniors, comes to a decision. Tomorrow morn, Girth's is to be closed. Fires buried. Portals sealed. Perishables packed. Those damn map and pin things stored for transport. Sign to be left for any Rangers who do manage to get back here from patrol.
But by tomorrow noon, she wants the whole kit and caboodle on the road to Brousailles. She'll lead and make sure that the trails stay firm under their feet, but she figures the Warden needs men this deep-crafty for his war effort now. Instead of having to mount a find-em expedition in the future.
She'll collaborate with the others on best methods, but there it is.
Last modified: 19 January 2004