"I hate to interrupt our interrogation of Aisling, but I understand there
is other business to which we should attend. For example, I have been
given a particular invitation I am not certain I should accept. What are
our plans from this juncture, with the King gone, and, apparently, half his
royals splitting off to an ambiguous 'somewhere else'?"
"Marius is right, there is other business besides this."
He reaches into a pack of Trumps at his side, and draws out one of Julian, placing it on the table in front of them all.
"There is the matter of the FireLillies, which might form a path through Arden into Artemis' realm, or farther. The Trump belongs to Bleys. Jovian's idea. On the one hand, Marius, yes, everyone seems to be haring off. On the other hand... no one is paying attention to this, which seems a possibly dire mistake."
"Exactly my point." Marius leans back, hands to his sides. "I claimed that I would be taking more investigation to it," he nods at Lilly briefly, "but have not had the opportunity to impress all of my resources on it."
Aisling shrugs. "As I said before, Adonis's blood is a potent sorcerous connection to him and to some degree, to us. I think it's a fine idea to ask Bleys about it.
"As for going off, I've been spending most of my time in the city, so I was unaware of this mass exodus of which you speak, Sir Marius. I know that Folly indicated she wouldn't be around to help for a bit; and I know that our own Sir Jovian will be leaving to help our cousin Lord Vere fix the shadow of which we heard Jovian speak."
"That journey," the latter worthy mentions, "cannot proceed until Vere returns from the Paris expedition. So I appear to be available for a while. As for my father's involvement, you know he has closed Arden, and you know that's where our trail begins. He also knows best, if not exclusively among us, the place where you posit it leads," he adds to Brennan. "A matter I have not been able to broach with him yet."
"I have also been given an invitation to Paris, one that I find intriguing,
He sighs. "Do any here believe that Amber is a living, vibrant kingdom?"
"I do not." Lilly says in a casual voice. "We are without our heart, our soul. I truly do not know how much longer Amber can exist in her present state."
"She's been bloodied, but not broken," Brennan says, with more casual steel in his back than most mortals could manage with a day of preparation. "What's broken can be repaired, I think. Which is why I'm keen to have her defenses seen to." He looks at Marius and Jovian. "Reasonably speaking, I think it ought to be an Adept who goes to investigate, if at all possible. I'd volunteer myself, but I think I have to be on hand here for the Brita situation, at least for right now."
"I only wish our King gave the same feeling of hope. I spoke with Cambina last night. I told her of a dream I had." [Marius] makes it sound related. "It suggested..." he pauses and looks away for a moment. He pulls at his KCOR ring. "It is a lighthouse. Yet in the dream I was a navigator, a light searching in dreams and darkness, trying to find the key. I cannot tell if it is my own puzzle I must seek, or the Kingdom's."
Brennan agrees with the sentiment regarding the King, but doesn't want to get into the whole thing.
"[W]e should be clear, if we send someone [to investigate the FireLillies],
on what the mission is-- following that path might lead to Daeon and Artemis,
too, and we should figure out what one of us is supposed to do in that
event... before we set off."
Brennan still has a finger on Julian's Trump, because he feels he has to convey Bleys' warning before he lets it go.
"I do not fear gods or goddesses," Marius says, his voice completely devoid of emotion. "Pain or death is nothing to be feared. Cruelty and love are far scarier, and I do not think Daeon or Artemis have those to offer."
Lilly noted with interest that Marius found love to be scarier then pain. This perhaps said more about him then any action ever could. "You are wrong about Daeon. He is multifaceted. As the seasons change, so does he. There is one thing though that is ever present within him: his passion. Passion brings extreme to emotions. I truly believe he can love, and hate. I believe him incapable of indifference."
"I suggest," Jovian offers with some caution, "that we hold discussion of that pending two questions: First, who of our number is staying and who is going. And second, whether Robin is prepared to assist us apart from my father - a question I'm due to broach with her at four bells. Taking the second first, my father has closed Arden specifically because he anticipates war in Arcadia - between Artemis and her sister Calliste. Which means our mission lay in cordoned territory, and likely the site of hostilities that give reason for the cordon. If we want to make Julian see the importance of our investigation and try to gain his cooperation, Robin could help with that. If we want to keep him out of it, she might be willing to investigate the Arden end of the trail and run some interference.
"First thing second. I'm not leaving for the Isles of the Dannan until Vere returns from Paris - having, I assume, walked Corwin's pattern." He does not sound entirely sanguine about this. "So I'm here for a while. I suppose any who hadn't yet taken the Pattern before the war are expected to go to Paris as well?"
"Not I." Lilly offers. Her duties bound her here. There would be no journey for her. Not just yet anyway.
"For the time being, I think I have to be here if the Brita situation requires." Brennan's not suggesting he was going to go to Paris, much though it might make for a distracting field trip. He's chiming in about whether he can make the FireLilly trip.
Harvesting reactions, [Jovian] continues: "Since I'm going to be here for a little while, our first investigative move could usefully be a night- time overflight. The fires should be visible from the air, on a cloudy night at least."
"Agreed. You should take great care however. We do not know what sort of beasts this enemy may have. It is possible you could be intercepted." Lilly offers the ghost of a smile to Jovian. "Though I am certain the dragons can handle nearly anything."
"It's an idea. Think they're going to be visible under a forest canopy? They definitely lead into Arden. Just to clarify for anyone we didn't get a chance to talk to last night, the idea behind getting a Trump of Julian is to strike a compromise between going in with Julian-- or anyone-- looking over our shoulders continuously, and haring off without any possibility of back-up. Not to mention, the idea of going without asking permission, because we might get told not to go."
He looks around, for opinion on that general concept-- per discussion last night, he thinks Jovian is in agreement, but the others might not be.
"I had thought the object of the quest was to see if the fire lilies could be followed back to Chaos from here. To follow them to Daeon in his mother's grasp seems to me to follow them to a foregone conclusion," Aisling inquires.
"If not to their source," Marius adds, "it is more that we are concerned that Daeon, even in his multiplicity, may be weakened by the link. Do we have any reason," he asks, carefully, "to believe that besides their growth and natural peril, there is any additional danger to the realm itself here?"
Brennan shrugs.
"Call it reconaissance-- where does it go, how far does it go, and under the strong assumption that Daeon might be encountered, what is his disposition?"
The list of questions is a question itself.
"I had thought," Aisling in some way answers that question, "that the worry was that the fire lilies were, in some manner, another Black Road.
"It seems to me Daeon, if weakened, is under better care in his mother's realm, amidst his gods, than any we could find for him. Perhaps it is possible to speak with her cordially, in that we have both a desire to see him well. Perhaps not." Aisling shrugs; she isn't terribly keen on poking gods in their centers of power.
"I'm also interested in figuring out what the chaosites were doing here. I
heard something about Brita...? And how did she find out that there were
chaosites around?"
With an inquiring glance Jovian tosses that question over to Brennan, who would likely know best, having spoken most recently with the elder Clarissi.
Marius' body language says, "I hope there isn't a connection."
"She was taken captive by one of Dara's accomplices. That is all I know." Lilly says as she too looks to Brennan. Redheads did have a reputation for sticking together. Perhaps he did know something more. If not, she could always try asking Paige later.
Aisling looks quite unsettled.
"Bleys and Fiona claim she's still alive. They didn't tell me how they know, but I'm guessing-- just guessing-- that they might have tried a Trump or," [Brennan] waggles his fingers, "something magical. Evidently, it was the redhead who's responsible for her continued breathing in and out.
"No, I don't know who he is. Never saw him before in my life. I don't think Bleys and Fiona know, either. Bleys did a Trump casting last night, though, and the way I read it.... he could very well be a brother of mine."
Brennan seems not at all pleased with that.
"I offered Fi my help, which to my mind may mean Uxmal."
"What is uxmal?" Aisling asks.
Marius listens for the reply as well, assuming, of course, that it isn't just a blob of phlegm Brennan got as his body rejected what he called "coffee."
Well, the word as pronounced does sound like a nasty respiratory virus just mugged a hairball in Brennan's windpipe. Twice, because he repeats it: "Uxmal is where I was raised. It's an unpleasant place. It figured highly in the Trump casting, and it's one reason I think the Raven might be a brother."
This answer apparently satisfies Aisling, as she asks nothing further for now.
Jovian catches Brennan's eye with a look of curious dread that melts into a slightly more wholesome speculation, but says nothing for the moment.
"If we can forgive you your father, I think a brother is even easier to
remove from your record. Look at the differences between our Uncles Corwin
and Caine, just for an example."
Lilly nods in agreement with Marius.
Brennan is clearly surprised by the suggestion-- he'd never for a minute thought someone would hold a hypothetical brother against him.
"Well, thanks. I was just wondering if-- if he is my brother-- if
we're going to make a habit of throwing sharps at each other every
time we meet."
"Can we now, at last, say that kinship does not negate someone's aggressive tendencies, or are you asking in part," Marius' voice grows somewhat softer, "for us to be slow in throwing our own?"
The very brief glance Brennan tosses back signifies clearly, 'You'll break your pick-axe.'
"Did Paige witness the casting?" [Lilly] asks Brennan.
"Yes, as did Conner. Our interpretations vary, of course. We tend to read them through our own egos, which is why I never put all that much stock in them."
[Brennan] snorts.
"Probably why Brand did."
"To know Paige is to know that follows the path of the redheads. With that said, I also know she seems to have something of a gift for reading cards. I was simply interested in her take on things. No need to relate it however. I can simply ask her myself next we meet." Lilly says.
Aisling returns to the main subject with a vaguely familiar doggedness. "Dara and a redhead sprayed the crowd with shiny sharp things, and then vanished though a sorcerous hole, and the king could not respond. A chaosite kidnapped Brita. Something scared Merlin. There was a second Cambina. We believe these all to be effects of Chaos. One other that I have not heard mentioned: some powerful creature of Chaos ate the mind of one of the castle guards, ripped every adult experience and memory from him and absorbed it."
Marius' eyebrow, although not Julianic, almost asks the question, "Are you capable of that?" to Aisling.
Brennan waits for this answer, then says, "Hell of a way to debrief."
"Deadly," Aisling says curtly, and unlike usual, her closed state is nearly obvious. At the moment, she is ignoring tacit questions in favor of continuing her speech:
"What do all these add to? What was the purpose of Dara and two others revealing themselves in Amber? Was Dara a distraction from the abduction of Brita? Is this the first step in a long campaign of fear conducted against the people of Amber via random sorcerous death? Is Dara working with someone else to come up with a different king for Amber?
"What are we going to do about it?"
"Do? It is difficult to know how to react before we know the truth of the situation. As you yourself have said there are still many unanswered questions. For the moment we are on the defensive. It is not a position I particularly like, but it is one I am well disposed to handling. For now we keep the regent safe, guard Amber as best we can, and seek out the knowledge we need to turn this fight in our favor." Lilly answers in the detached manner of her father.
"There will be no security and no peace in Amber until you give me recompense for my losses. I demand blood payment for my father and I demand the return of my son whom you hold," Marius quotes. (It was a strong moment in his mind. He also remembers his dreams clearly.) "`No security and no peace' seem to suggest they will be distracting us with fear and pain."
Aisling is nodding and looking grim.
"As for blood price, well, as much as I don't like everyone in my family, there's none I'd gladly hand over." [Marius is] grinning outright.
"Much as I like defining our mission and role, and much as I'd like to dangle Dara by her own intestines, prosecuting a private war is probably a bit much. But the first, last, and always phase of a conflict is intelligence," he says, with a nod at Aisling.
Aisling twitches up a corner of her mouth and inclines her head slightly in return, in an Elvis-like "thankyewverymuch" gesture of acknowledgement and self-mockery. Then she goes back to looking blank, maybe unhappy.
"...I will tell you, then, of Chaosite eating, for it may become more relevant." She addresses Marius for a moment, "I spoke lightly on this subject at the lunch following Jovian's return. I will be more clear." She looks down to some spot on the floor between them so she can address them all without having to look at them.
Lilly shift forward in her seat. Any information regarding chaos was most useful right now. She wanted to insure she heard and remembered every word of what Aisling was about to share.
Given this is really the post-tirade phase of the discussion, Brennan has still adopted the Posture of Scheming and Slouching, his fingers steepled and tapping against each other.
"In Chaos, all that holds you together is your own will. A creature of
greater will can take from you any part of yourself, and I do not mean
parts like arms or legs, but "fleetness", or "memory". This is how things
are eaten in Chaos.
"Being touched by Order makes it harder for bits of you to be prised off; it also makes it harder for you to be precise in your prising. Order, it seems to me, is a sort of external will that holds all things as they are.
"In Amber, I found I could not eat as Chaosites do. I am either not powerful enough, or precise enough, or Chaotic enough," she smirks a bit sadly. "Whatever killed the guard's mind, was. Not delicate; but powerful and Chaotic.
"I have not tried eating anything since we've returned to this new Amber. Still, I can feel that it is not as friendly an environment to Chaos as even my father's Court, and that was, to my understanding, the least Chaotic of all Courts.
"But if we are to assume that Dara commands all of the information I sent Madoc..." There. That should make it plain enough for even the dullest to follow. Foolishly preserved letters --> Leverage, spell --> Madoc, beautifully expressive face blank and dissolving-- Aisling cuts the thought off before her eyes overflow again, her vivid imagination even more of a curse than usual this morning, besides, it's quite unlikely, Dara is dangerous but can't possibly be stronger or smarter than the Lord of the Western Reaches, though perhaps she actually knows what makes him tick, and it's past time to get to the point,
"So I fear that you are correct, Sir Marius," Aisling suggests brusquely, shouting down the voices in her head. "When fear is the goal, randomness is the method; for if one does not know from what direction a hurt will come, one fears that it will come from the most painful."
Lilly's eyes go distant for a moment. It was amazing that she had not considered it before. It seemed to simple, so obvious, perhaps too obvious. Certainly the others had thought of the possibility. Still it should mentioned...
"I do not feel," [Aisling] says with a considerate nod to Lilly, "that we can defend against this properly, nor am I eager to suffer the brunt of the reprisals that Chaotic agents will incite. Nor has my training lead me to believe anything other than that anyone can be killed, given enough planning, despite the noblest of defenders."
There is a nod of agreement from Lilly. An individual could only do so much with the resources they were given. Sometimes even miracle were not enough. Her father, perhaps the greatest swordsmen of all, had lost an arm in battle. For Lilly this was proof enough that Aisling spoke true.
"So I feel that we must attack Dara, and defend though offense. Yet of course it would be easier to hurt her if we knew more about her. As I have said, my contact with Chaos has been broken. I think it is possible that your father," Aisling nods at Lilly again, "may have some yet, and I hope to speak with him on the subject; certainly your aunt and uncle," nod to Brennan, "do.
I would like to speak with Benedict myself, Lilly thinks to herself. Unfortunately that was no possible at this moment.
Brennan doesn't comment, merely smiles (faintly) like a Sphinx.
"Corwin may also know a great deal. Thus, if you would have my advice, Sir
Marius, I would suggest you go with Merlin and Corwin, and learn more of
these things; but those are the words of a spy, of course.
"And perhaps it would not be unwise for me to go with whomever follows the path of fire lilies; an' it leads to Chaos, I could perhaps offer the hospitality of Madoc for a span," she shrugs, inclines her head to Marius, "an' he is not in need of rescue, he might be an ally. I do not know what he felt for his brother." With this, her weird display of blank and even freneticism winds down.
"One other thing," Lilly says. "I think it would be wise to consider that perhaps Daeon's mother is working with Dara. We can not ignore her, the mother's, presence in Arden. That I feel would be a grave mistake. This is especially true when one considers that Julian believes Daeon's mother may try to kidnap Paige's children at the time of their birth."
Brennan addresses Lilly's point, first: "Conceivable. The big point against that would be that when Aisling tried to help him, he reacted with rage and loathing, so I heard it. If an aversion to things Chaotic is a maternal family trait, it makes an alliance between them less than likely. Not impossible, though-- I frankly don't quite understand Daeon's mother."
Jovian breaks his longish, thoughtful silence at this. "My brother's reaction to Aisling aside, I do not believe Artemis and Dara are in league. Artemis' reason for taking Daeon is self-contained; she intends to use him in her war with at least one of her sisters in Arcadia and its near shadows. It's an entirely local dispute that would be of trivial concern to us, were it not for Amber's present state of Shadow-vulnerability. Arcadia is close enough to Arden that Artemis had power there, but I expect that wouldn't be the case significantly far out. Bottom line, she's beneath Dara's notice." He punctuates this with a glance at Aisling, as if to ask _Had you noticed her, after all?_
Marius is listening to this and trying to put things together. He's got remarkably large quantities of two, as they're still adding up to five.
"Daeon and his mother have good reason to hate Chaosites," Aisling says, "But then, if Dara and Artemis were working together, it might explain why Daeon liked Merlin." She shrugs, not arguing, merely offering a data point.
This nets a perplexed look from Jovian, but no further comment.
"As to Aisling investigating the trail, what are the pros and cons?
The pros are that if it leads past the Tree, Aisling has some familiarity
with the terrain, and if it leads all the way to Madoc's court,
Aisling might be able to provide hospitality. If he's been slain or
turned by Dara, though, that doesn't seem likely-- yet.
"The cons are that Aisling is not an adept, and hasn't the freedom of movement to avoid threats and exploit that lack of freedom in others. This is not trivial with Daeon's mother." Her evident abilities concern Brennan greatly, even though he didn't face her. "Not being an Adept, according to what you said, you also don't have the protection of the Pattern against being... eaten."
Aisling's eyebrows arch upwards.
"I don't know if
your own talents balance that out. It will also be taken by some as
running away from your altercation with Martin-- and I agree with
Lilly about not letting any of us filter the information that goes
back to the King or any of the Princes.
"Finally, the subtle point: One way or another, you are a personal target the farther you get from Amber. In the cases that your father is dead or a present conspirator with Dara," he holds up a hand, if Aisling protests...
(No, she's just following his words as usual)
"...then Dara would want to make sure you take your information from the grave. In the happier and more hopeful case that he is alive and friendly and not a conspirator, she especially wants you dead. Not just dead, but absorbed, to augment her knowledge with your own. With the possible exception of Marius, who has the protection of the Pattern behind him, you have more complete knowledge of Amber than any of us.
"Did I miss any pros and cons?"
"One con," the dragonrider chimes in. "Mootness. Daeon was brought into Arden on a trump contact. I'll follow those damn flowers wherever they lead, but I'd have to say the chance of their actually laying down a path through shadow back to a stone amphitheater in Chaos are pretty slim. Unless there's some way of tracking a trump contact across shadow topology. Still and all, I'd welcome a second set of eyes, on foot or dragonback," he finishes, nodding acknowledgment to Aisling.
Aisling shrugs. "Sir Jovian has, of course, more experience than I with cross-shadow phenomena. However, if there is little chance that the fire lillies are a danger to Amber, why should we devote one of our scant number to this issue at all? It was my understanding that Daeon left Heather Vale of his own free will, and that it was only at Julian's insistence that he was retrieved. If this is a question of whether Julian's or Daeon's will should prevail, I feel that I must come in on the side of my fellow Knight."
Marius clears his throat at this, and intercepts the question.
"If my recollection is correct, the mere fiery nature of the lilies is, perhaps, a danger. We are ill-prepared for any season of fires, and it could distract valuable manpower in its confining, assuming," he smiles, "of course, they can be confined. Perhaps it is my love for the hunt of knowledge, but we do not understand these, and to some extent, what we do not understand can be used against us, as our morning's pursuit of Aisling may have warned us." He pauses. "I should like to know the method of extinguishing these flowers. If that should affect Daeon, or any of his other names, then we will attract the attention of his mother."
"And wherever they do lead," Jovian adds, "they may well form a shadow-path that can be followed. So we'd best be sure. I don't think I'm wrong about their tracing a trump contact, but I'd hate to find out through neglect. If they do go further than I think, then I'll admit I'm wrong and call up the reserves." His smile at Aisling is wan and maybe a touch ironic.
"Do you propose, then, to experiment with the flowers along the way and deal with the attention as it comes? Or do you wish to go ask Daeon and his mother while on the trail?" Aisling asks the two, coolly sorting out the shapes of that future.
"We could probably do worse than asking Daeon his wishes for the future," Brennan says. "For the rest, they're all unknowns. We don't know if they lead to Arcadia, to Chaos, or even to Chaos through Arcadia. But I think someone needs to find out. We don't know if the FireLillies are a fire hazard to Amber, or if they are likely to be, but someone needs to find out. We don't know if Daeon wants to stay with his mother at all, short term, or long term.
"The whole thing shapes up to be a reconaissance mission, because there's no way we're going to find the answers sitting around a table and talking about it," Brennan concludes. (At least for himself.)
The wingleader nods. "Recon is all I propose for now. From the air at first, by land if necessary. Marius, you're welcome to fly with me if you wish."
Marius shrugs at Brennan's conclusion. "I believe in tying as many loose ends up as possible before rising so that I am less likely to trip once I begin, but yes, there are things to learn before all our questions can be asked." He nods at Jovian. "I would be honoured," he says, and he really seems to mean it.
[Marius] pauses and closes his eyes. "There was also the matter of children in danger. I distinctly heard the word, and I wait for an explanation."
Jovian sighs, with a look like a headache is coming on. "Daeon's children by Paige - Artemis' grandchildren. She'll learn of them, and want to use them against Calliste. My father is determined not to allow that."
[Jovian] spares a weary glance for Lilly. "The common motif of kidnapping children is coincidence, I think, rather than a deliberate gesture."
"Paige... the...er..." Marius actually looks flustered for a moment. "The pretty one?" Then his jaw sets and resolves. "I know there is a connection here. I just can't see it." He closes his eyes. "OK. Chaos to Daeon. Firelilies to Daeon. Daeon to... Artemis. Daeon to Paige. Artemis to the children. Otherwise, that's a dead end. But not Chaos to Artemis, or Chaos to Daeon, directly." He is making a mental map. "Arden to Artemis, Julian to Arden, Julian and Artemis to Daeon. No Julian to Chaos." He opens his eyes. "What does Julian think or know about the Firelilies?" It's frustrating him, like he's almost got an answer in his grasp.
For what it's worth, Brennan is just not seeing the Artemis-Chaos connection.
And Jovian, for the moment, isn't seeing much of anything, his eyes are squeezed shut under his fingertips.
[OOC Clarification: [Marius] said that he did NOT see an Artemis-Chaos connection, which kind of locks Artemis out of the running for "fueling the fire" if the FireLilies have a Chaosian connection.]
Lilly's mind was running in the same circles as Marius. Still she was beginning to think the whole thought train was useless. Perhaps these problems were not directly related to each. No matter what she believed they existed in such great force because of the lack of pattern. Restore the pattern and many of the current issues would be much easier to resolve. Random knew that. Hopefully his quest would be successful.
Luckily, Lilly said none of this aloud, or the meeting would go on much longer. [grinning]
"As for other pros, I doubt there is an environment in Shadow that I cannot
scout. Also, I have had some training in diplomacy, unlikely as that may
seem," Aisling says with a slight crinkling of the corners of her eyes.
"As for other issues you raise; you seem to disavow the thought that my father could be working with Dara. But, as you pointed out some time ago, Corwin killed his brother. It is my feeling that not everything between them had been light and joyful; still, were I in a similar situation, I might be inclined to share a few bits of knowledge in the interests of vengeance. Even with a being I considered rash.
"As for the Pattern, have you knowledge that it protects against being eaten?"
Marius looks a little nervous about this one.
[Brennan] looks at Marius. "I know you were planning on going with Corwin, but Caine implied you might know something about paths through Shadow from your time with the Navy. Could that be useful here?"
"I will be honest with you, my fellow Knights," he begins. "As much as I would not be dishonest with anyone, to you I will reveal that I have no real place in Paris. Perhaps I had hoped..." he pauses. "There is an emotional call, but not one of duty. I will tell my Uncle that his invitation is mistimed on my account. One way or another, my work here is not done."
He looks away for a moment. "Besides, I have a settling of accounts or two," he says. "And they cannot pay up if I am so quickly gone, eh?"
Jovian gives this a longish appraising look, a Julianic eyebrow and the briefest twitch of the head doorward, as if in invitation to discuss this later.
It's not ruled out by Marius' slight head-tilt of acknowledgement.
Brennan gives Marius a look, too-- one of respect. He doesn't know what Marius' attraction to Paris is, but he can at least know a sacrifice when he hears one.
"Perhaps 'twould be best if only one of us was blackened at any time," Aisling suggests with the corner of her lip twisted up a bit. "If you wish to travel with Vere upon his return, Sir Jovian, it seems that you have but a small window of opportunity in which to explore the burning lillies, that being right now."
"So what have we got, then," Brennan asks. "I can't do anything until I hear from Bleys and Fiona about Brita," he says with a bit of frustration. "Lilly's duty is still protecting the Queen?" he inquires, making sure he hasn't misunderstood.
The response from Lilly comes in the form of a silent nod. Yes, she was bound by duty and by honor to protect the Queen. If that meant remaining in Amber and leaving all else to her fellow Knights, then so be it. She trusted them and knew they were all capable of whatever needed to be done.
"Jovian and Marius
are for the FireLillies, at least until Vere comes back and Jovian has
other duties? Aisling?"
"I have also alerted the Queen that I would offer her my services as needed," Marius notes. ("And you thought I was just making kissy faces and offering erotic wet-weasel poetry. I was Getting In With the Right People.")
"There is much to be done yet to bring the army and the city together; and after that, to benefit the populace as a whole; and to begin to knit our knights together. I still feel," [Aisling] asides, "that we should have a party soon for the Knights to get to know each other and each other's families," the corner of her mouth rises a bit. "I am pleased that so long as you remain here, Sir Brennan, you will be able to continue to assist in the details of the Ruby.
"While I have found that the absence of one of the parties does wonders for interpersonal tensions," Aisling offers, nearly deadpan, "at the moment Martin is relieving me of that effort. Nor do I feel it smart that I be among those who attempt to blandish Daeon's mother. While I am in Amber, I can offer to Lilly instruction in the ways of assassination, that she be better able to defend our Queen."
Lilly nods. "That would be appreciated and not only for defense reasons. One never knows when such skills will be of use." She seems absolutely serious as she speaks yet there is a sparkle in her eye.
She surprises a scintilla of a smile out of Aisling. Then Aisling glances around the loose grouping of Knight-Commanders, and frowns slightly. "Indeed. And Brennan, you will be working on ways to disable our latest psychotic in-law and her friends?"
Assuming no significant demurral, Aisling stands, and bows shallowly to the group. "I have appreciated this meeting, but have previous engagements elsewhere approaching." She raises a gingery orange human brow at the rest and pauses, to invite and allow for any "no! wait!" comments.
Evidently there are none.
When Aisling's footsteps recede to a comfortable ditance, Brennan, too, stands up to leave. On the way out, he looks back at Jovian and Marius. "That's a nice good-cop, bad-cop routine you two have worked up," he says. If they look at him, he holds the gaze just long enough to impart a message, then finishes up with, "Could be useful again, some time."
Oh, Jovian looks up all right. For exactly 0.78 seconds it's a look that could tan wherhide, the kind that presages saying something you can't take back...but the acid green eyes close, the jaw muscles tighten and the dragonman's blood pressure visibly - maybe even consciously - lowers.
And, unless the remaining Knights are traumatized by the thought of his departure, Brennan leaves with, "I'm going to go bite my tongue a lot, now," and proceeds to the thread with Jerod.
Lilly takes the time to offer pleasantries to the remaining knights in the room before leaving. She seems a bit anxious to get out of there though. The meeting had not gone as she had expected and right now she needed time to sort all of her thoughts. First though, she had promised to meet with Paige. Right now the redhead's company was most welcome.
When Jovian's eyes open again, his face is a mask. He rises from the table with a silent nod to his comrades remaining in the room, and walks out with an almost mechanical deliberateness to his gait.
The fourth bell of forenoon is, at that moment, due to strike in 57 minutes and 20 seconds, he knows without asking. Time enough, or it had better be.
He stalks out onto the grounds, and to the training area outside the Guard barracks within the bailey, into the guardhouse where spare equipment is kept to obtain a nondescript blade of middling length, one that won't be missed. And back out on the grounds, stripping off his flight jacket and crimson silk shirt.
It is a singularly unbeautiful display, lacking the elegance to be called a kata - plainly he has not trained seriously with a sword in many years, never truly dedicated himself to it.
Within some 26 minutes, the blade is useless and the pell nearly so.
Plenty of time to towel off, go back inside and order up his and Robin's breakfast...including screwing on a happy face for the sister who counts on him.
Last modified: 14 September 2003