In the morning after the masque, Reid is up early, ready for the day to start, having breakfast in the usual spot.
Only to find Jerod is already up and waiting for him...:)...seems Jerod is an early riser. Probably too damn busy plotting, scheming, doing what comes naturally.
(as for figuring out Reid's usual breakfast spot, Jerod used his relevant magic - he asked the staff.)
"Good morning." Jerod says, looking up from a broadsheet, probably catching up over the last few days that he's missed. "Sleep well?"
"Not as well as Haraga'rel, but perhaps some day." Reid fixes himself a plate from the buffet, unless it's a full service meal...
"Seems like everyone wanted him dead. Don't know that we'll benefit by narrowing it down to the individual with the stones to actually follow through, in my opinion."
"I suspect the benefit will be that it will appear we can actually maintain a semblance of order, given that it happened during the King's coronation." Jerod says. "Doesn't bode well for a new reign to have one of the subjects start killing people right under the monarch's nose. Especially on the first day.
"That Harga'rel had more enemies than anyone previously considered comes as no surprise. He was a merchant prince. Enemies are an occupational hazard I suspect. Does your current list include our friendly pirates in the harbour? If not, then include them. I had him working for me to start investigating the merchant connections, see who was working with whom."
"Pirates. Great. Another fairly wide classification. As to the individuals, I suppose you could be on the list, as could Conner. Don't really think any family was involved, but you did say to play all angles. Moving from there out, there's Conner's friend Thalia, your friend Bend (you need to tell me about her...), Captain Navneeth, ... there are probably more individuals, but that's the short list of people with access, from what I've been able to gather.
"Any thoughts?" Reid asks.
"A number, all of them equally possible." Jerod says, sitting back in his chair. "Bend and Montage are always possible, though I think it unlikely they'd directly dirty their hands unless it was very critical or had to be very quiet. They'd acquire outside help for regular wetwork. They're the Queen's troubleshooters and take care of nasty bits of business. Be careful around them, especially Bend. She's the kind who doesn't accept rewards for her service. She prefers having the monarch's ear than a medal.
"Keep an eye on the current merchant crowd and see where the money is collecting. There are some there who are not pleased with actions that I took against them during the food hoarding episode, especially Jewell, Carver and Sir Octave. One of them might have taken into their head to get back at me by killing Harga'rel, since he worked for me and he was my sister's father. A long shot for sure but you never know. And since he was working for me, maybe one of them was doing something they didn't want me finding out about.
"Harga'rel also had trade connections with Gateway. That means Thalia and our friend the Ambassador, plus anyone else that fits that category. The Rebman connection has a fit there because of the alleged smuggling incidents, apparently with Gateway support.
"One thing that I would advise you to consider is to enlist my sister's support. I suspect it is not something you would want, but she can be of value to you. She's not stupid and she can get things done, especially in regards to the Rebmans. She has a personal stake in this now and she will not let it go. She can either be a detriment to your work, or an ally."
"That is, perhaps, good advice, but you're going to need to be more specific. At last count, you've got three sisters, and any one of them might be valuable support and yet something I might not want to enlist..." Reid smiles. "I suppose you mean Valeria. I'll try to include her where I can."
"If Cambina decides to become involved, you won't have any real choice in the matter." Jerod says with a return smile. "So you'll just have to grin and bear it, though she's very good about not stepping on anyone's toes. You might not even realizing she's helping you if she decides to stay quiet. As for Valeria, she has her uses. Right now she's going to be angry. That's useful. She'll be willing to knock on doors and rip off parts of male anatomy to get things done. When she calms down, she'll be more focussed, but still effective.
"If you're straight with her, she'll be willing to go halfway to meet you. How you impress that on her is another matter - I'll leave that to you. It's got to be a give and take relationship though. Make it one sided and she'll go off and do her own thing. And she's got lots of contacts here. She ran her father's merchant affairs for quite some time in Rebma, successfully, so she knows people around here and how to get things done."
"I do appreciate the advice. I must admit the task at hand is a bit daunting, considering all the variables involved. I'm afraid in this case I'll probably solicit all the help I can, while trying to keep the input streams somewhat under control." Reid sighs.
"Are you going to be around, or are you heading off somewhere like most of the crowd?" he inquires.
"I leave with Corwin for Paris at noon." Jerod says. "I'll be there a short period though, only long enough to find the entrance to Rebma. Do you have enough information from our sessions to construct a sketch if you need one?"
After breakfast, Robin reluctantly returns to the tom... her room and shuffles through the spilled and sprayed packing cartons. Eventually she finds something paper-ish and something ink dispensing. Plopping herself down on the floor, she composes a note. She doesn't quite stick her tongue out of the corner of her lips as she labors.
Once done, she folds the paper up and goes off in search of page, not noticing the smear of ink on her nose.
The note is for Reid and reads such (with Ne, tur & stuf crossed out) -
Reid I am leaving the Castle Ne Could we meet to talk about tur stuf paths? Youll have to find me as I don't know where either of us is.Thank you Robin
Upon receiving the note (at the end of his breakfast with Jerod which will be written after we wrap Reid's investigative thread of the preceding night), Reid turns to his cousin and says, "Wish we had a few more rangers in the castle. Their communication methods are almost as uncanny as our own. I bid you farewell [and safe journeys?] I will take action on the matters we have discussed, and keep you informed of their outcome."
With that, Reid excuses himself and attempts to track down Robin in or about the castle.
Robin's using a tried-and-true forest method. She's standing right where she found the page to send the note with. But from her puzzled gaze around the room, she's not really sure about this particular place.
An older room, it was probably once a solarium. At least that's what the Ranger guess from the cracked glass panels that line seven of the room's eight walls. The board and canvas ceiling was most likely placed after the Sundering shook a glass dome to the ground. In fact, the orange carpet on the floor is still a tad crunchy with glass fragments.
Most of the furniture is draped with dust covers, though Robin's investigations while she waits has revealed them to be a collection wrought iron patio style chairs, tables and settees in the oddest shade of puce. The only thing undraped is a large storage chest where the unfortunate page was rooting through... orange dinnerware?! Robin shakes her head.
Outside, newer construction has put a large stone wall in a nice tight right-angled corner around the room, just about two feet away from the windows at the closest point. Rendering the room, dark and closed in by stone and smelling of disuse and mold.
The girl shudders. What is it with this Castle?!? That's it's full of places like this for the Ranger to stumble into.
Reid catches up to her in short order. "You summoned?" He's a little winded from darting around the castle, but he tries to hide it a bit. "I'm guessing that you're heading into Arden. I'd join you, but I've got my hands full here at the moment. How can I still be of assistance?"
The Ranger smiles as Reid enters the room. But blinks at little at his statement, obviously a little off-balance. Ummmm...
"Reid. Thank you coming. Sorry for the inconvenience." Robin blushes and flaps one hand somewhat helplessly at the place she's dragged him to. Then sensing the man's need for expediency, Robin jumps right into it.
"Prince Julian has closed the borders of Arden effective last night. With His Majesty's knowledge and permission. Forthwith no citizen of Amber will be allowed within Arden. Any citizen attempting to enter or cross Arden's borders or boundaries will be turned back with whatever force the presiding rangers deem necessary." Robin's lips press together in a flat line. She knows it isn't good news but she told Reid as soon as she legitimately could.
"Reid. I told father about our conversation last night. He is not pleased at all that there has been trafficking of humans within our lands. He has assigned me to the task of seeking this out and stopping it. Whatever it takes. He has also asked me to liaison with you to make sure that no more citizens of Amber attempt to take an Arden route out of the city."
The girl looks over the man-in-a-hurry that Reid appears to be. A wry smile cocks her lips. "I'm leaving the Castle very shortly. And you have your hands full. So... how do you want to work this?" There's a sympathetic twinkle in Robin's eyes, she knows it's a pain in the ass but she's willing to help work it out.
"Well, as you probably know, Brita's been snatched. I'm attending a meeting with her mother in a short while to discuss how to proceed." It's clear that Reid would prefer direct action to strategy in such matters. "I'm also investigating a murder which is sensitive to both Gateway and Rebman concerns. I can remember a day when family of a murder victim would pursue their revenge personally, so, while I find it distasteful that their part in the search isn't hands-on, I suppose I serve Amber by my diggings. Between the two my hands are full."
He ponders for a moment, before ticking off on his fingers the items that may be of most use to his cousin. "I was led to the spot in Arden by May, an investigator in town. While I'm sure you and the rangers won't need the help of a townsperson, you may consider talking with her before you head out too far. She may have some information that could save you from misstep. Similarly, my prisoner is still in the dungeons, or perhaps the infirmary, should you wish to interrogate him. You are my guest to do so."
Robin listens to Reid without interrupting him. And the expressions that dance across her mobile face are somewhat less guarded than she's used in the past with the man.
The mention of Brita's abduction brings the wry twitch of an eyebrow. She was in the room, trying to prevent that very thing, so yes, she knows. The mention that Reid will be meeting with Fiona to discuss the issue of a rescue brings a flash of both relieved eagerness - something's going to be done - and irritation - but she's not invited. Ah well, she didn't consider asking Conner to ride out to aid her in the rescue of Daeon. So... Parental camps are still the stronger influence, a pity that.
Reid's opinions on his investigation of the murder bring a wry and sympathetic snort from the Ranger. She's in total agreement - much more a vengeance person than a justice person. And very much aware of personal and familial responsibilities in such areas. But Dung! does she understand how unwanted duties can fill the hands.
So as Reid leans into the summary, the Ranger listens closely and focuses a raptor's gaze in. She nods at places and chuckles appreciatively as Reid uses the irony to lace the point across that a smart ranger might actually listen to someone not wearing the green for at least a moment or two.
As Reid finishes, the Ranger purses her lips and thinks for a moment or two, meshing Reid's reality with her orders. When she speaks her voice is friendly but down to business.
"Okay. May I ask your advice then, Reid? Firstly, if you wanted to spread a message among those citizens of Amber most likely to try a run through Arden, how would you do it? Could this May help?"
"She could perhaps get the word out among some circles. Folly's group at the wharfs would be another option," suggests Reid.
"Good thought." Robin nods. "Would you be kind enough to convey a message to May -- soon-ish? -- concerning the closure of Arden? I know you're busy, but I'd appreciate it." The girl shrugs a little ruefully, she doesn't know May and a message from Robin might not only go astray, but even if it got there might be discounted. Whereas a message from Reid...
"I'll send word to town this afternoon. Don't think I could deliver the message in person until tomorrow or the next day at the earliest, but I'll pass it along," he offers.
"Whatever you can do." Robin nods. "Thank you. I'll see if I can speak to Folly concerning her Soup Soldiers.
"Secondly, thank you for the access to your prisoner. That's very kind of you. But would you be opposed... to my taking custody of him? At the Masq, you mentioned that he wouldn't be ready for further interrogation for a few days, and my timeline is shorter than that."
"He's not, um, well. But if you're easier on him than I was, he might survive the trip. I don't think I broke anything, other than his spirit. But, there was shock, and a lot of blood, and, well, you know how that goes."
Robin drops one shoulder nonchalantly. She definitely understands, that is the way it goes. "Thank you very much. I'll do my best to make sure he lives long enough to be useful. Did you want him back when I was through?" After all, Turf is Reid's capture, and Robin has a hunter's manners at their best.
Reid considers carefully. "I don't think I can get too much more from him. I don't know the best place to put him though. He did, after all, participate in the raids. Certainly my interrogation serves as some form of punishment, but I don't know if the scales of justice are quite level yet or not. Perhaps your father could find a place for him?"
One of Robin's brows goes up and she bows. "Thank you, Reid. We're honored."
"Once he's healed, he should be a good worker. And if he's been lurking in the forest long, he may even make ranger some day." Reid offers.
The girl nods. "I'll take that under advisement.
"Thirdly, I do retain possession of the... Card you gave me at the Masq. But to the best of my knowledge, no such Card of myself exists. And probably won't for a while. How can I get messages to you should such be necessary?"
"By my card, you can get messages to me. Should I need to reach you, I'll need to come up with a sketch, if that's alright with you."
The girl definitely gets nervous at that prospect. She licks her lips, but nods. "Will you need me to do anything?"
"Ideally you'd be available to pose for me, at my beck and call when artistic inspiration hit, and you would sit in one place in a chair for hours on end while I painted." He waits for her reaction, but not too long.
An indelicate snort escapes the girl. Sure, and right after that she'll build a stairway to Tir using only the kitchen cutlery.
"Of course, that would be ideal for my needs, but obviously not for yours," smiling warmly. "I'll make do. Don't count on contact coming from my end for a while, as these things do take time, but I'll begin work on it."
"Okay." Robin nods. Then a quiet smile spreads across her face. "Reid? Thank you for asking. I... really appreciate that. Maybe later... when things are quieter, we can... I don't know..." she shrugs one shoulder a little self-consciously.
Reid changes the subject to let her off the hook. "May I ask your plan for the fiends in the wood? Clever reconnaissance, or full frontal assault?"
"There's... complications, Reid. Right now, I'm considering full frontal reconnaissance." A wry twist lifts one corner of her mouth. "But I'll probably think of something better before I get there."
"Well if there's anything I can do to help, you know how to reach me," Reid offers.
A beautiful shy smile lights Robin's face. "I do. Thank you, Reid.
"If you wouldn't mind mentioning to Turf's guards that I'll be picking him up later, I'll see if I can track down Folly," the girl makes an exasperated pffff! noise at the thought of wading out into the castle again, "to see about the Soup message."
She smiles again as she prepares to take her leave.
"Good luck with that." And with that, he bids her farewell.
"You too." Robin smiles. And wanders off to find her brother, somewhere in the rockpile of Amber Castle.
Vialle's day after the coronation is quite busy. In addition to meeting with Jerod and Lucas, she also had a variety of appointments that Lilly would have been present for.
Vialle met with Valeria to deliver Amber's condolences on Demond Harga'rel's death and to promise that it would be dealt with. Valeria did not quite demand a Remban investigation, but was visibly upset. Kaia was with Valeria.
Vialle sent a message to Lady Hardwind, most likely a sympathy note. A note is also sent, separately, to Opal Hardwind
Rodolph and Gerin Harga'rel spend some time with the Queen. She does not quite ask them not to seek personal vengeance and they do not quite promise to do so. They are very angry. You suspect that they and the Queen want to see the matter resolved quickly. The Hara'rels mention that there are few places a miscreant could flee that they could not go to.
She receives innumerable notes and requests. In addition to the almost constant presence of Ember, Gilt Winter is present, dealing with Random's correspondence as well. Early in the morning, Gilt is heard to say. "Damn, I shall have to re-write this. I've signed his name instead of hers!" Ember laughs at him.
There is one note that involves some quiet whispering between Gilt and Vialle, followed by Gilt's departure for a short period of time. Neither the Queen nor Gilt mention it after he returns.
Sometime during the morning a note arrives for Solange:
Dear Cousin,
I have failed in rendering your Trump portrait. (Beauty is hard to attach to paper.) Therefore I beg for another sitting, if you can afford the time for it. As of now I have no appointments for tomorrow or the day after.Yours
Ossian receives a note in return:
Dear Ossian,
I'd be happy to sit for you again. Tomorrow, after lunchtime? I'll wear my best gown.
Your cousin,
En route back to her suite, Aisling takes in the mild light of the dawn illuminating odd crannies of the castle, smells the bread new baked. She asks Ce'e, "Were there any visitors during the night?"
"No, my Lord. No one came into the room."
Aisling opens her door and regards the letter lying just past her threshold with dread. Then she picks it up, examining it as she walks over to her writing table, where she collects a letter opener with which to gut and splay out the letter at a safe remove.
She scans Brennan's words, and she sighs. Well, that doesn't sound so bad, but it pretty well scotches any ideas of breakfast with Caine... She glances at the rapidly-advancing light, And I'm going to have to scramble to get there.
"I am sorry, Cloudeater, but we must have our talk later. I am called to a meeting of the Knight Commanders presently. I suspect that when you return to your room you will find that Dame Lilly has cancelled or moved your arms training for today." She looks at her being full on, resisting a powerful pull to hug him, or even draw close, but putting what she can of that warmth into her smile and her voice, "I am very pleased with you, that you made it though yesterday discreet and hale. I will speak with you this evening."
When he has gone she sets her head in her hands. There's no getting around it. She's going to have to be discreet with her own form. ...She squelches several thoughts that would lead to sorrow or sighs, and makes the change, lavender and streamers and faint flat iridescence away, all the trappings of humanity in their place. The gauzy moth wings settle down to drag on the floor behind her, no longer supported.
At least she's clean again. And she still has no problem buttoning up the dozens of round buttons on the back of today's gown, dark to indicate conservatism, and sympathy for the mourners, but not presuming with black, since thankfully none of the Knights died... She watches her face in the mirror. She'd wanted to add some tiny lines to seem a bit older, but fatigue will serve for now... And a scarf to cover the lack of streamers... Not thinking about that.
She collects the note she wrote to Caine and left to dry on the table while she dressed. She might be late to the meeting, but she can't just stand him up (insomuch as there was a plan). In the halls en route to the Red Room, she presses the note on a servant to deliver to Caine's room:
From Dame Aisling
To Prince Caine,
Greetings.I regret that I cannot spend the earliest hours of this morning with you; however, I would be glad to continue our conversation of last evening over brunch in the late morning. Should you find yourself lacking a companion at that hour, please seek me or send me a note.
Last modified: 11 October 2003