In the morning, Stoat arrives and is shown into the Gatwegian collection room. The footman accompanying him stays just long enough to be sure Reid really did want Stoat and then departs. Stoat has Reid's letter in hand.
Stoat starts out with the business news. "Wrack says to tell you he'll come. The guy behind the counter let me see him when I gave him your little gift and said it was from you, just like you said. What else can I do for you?"
Reid describes the murder, and explains his predicament. "I'm looking for assistance from all sides, here. I want to get this wrapped up as quickly, quietly, and neatly as possible. I was wondering if you might have any personal experiences with anyone working for any of the Rebman or Gatwegian nobel houses, emissaries, etc. I know our victim had a lot of enemies, but maybe a scullery maid or a footman might let slip how his or her master or mistress has been acting lately, in particular, as relates to last night. Not gossip, necessarily, because I'm sure Celesta could tap into that, but whisperings with a bit more substance. Think about who you can reach out to, and if there's anything I can do to help open doors or grease tongues, I'm at your bidding."
Reid appraises Stoat's reaction to the whole oration.
"I gotta ask around. I don't know so many of those people, but I know people who know them." Stoat seems a little overwhelmed by the grandeur of his surroundings.
Reid recognizes his discomfort. "Listen, yeah, this is the castle, but I'm the same guy who drinks at the pubs with you till they kick us out in the well past closing time. I'd be walking the same streets asking the same questions if I could, but this problem is bigger than all of us. The only way to make sense of any of it is for me to be here. I need help on this. I need YOU on this. You've got the smarts not to be getting yourself in trouble, and I don't want you to be sticking your neck out, even if it is for the Castle. But get me what you can, that's all I'm asking."
Stoat nods at Reid. He adds, "Some baksheesh will help with some of them."
"As much as it takes, and anything else." Reid counters.
"All right, I'm in. Should I come back up here in person to report, or send messages? I don't think those guards like me very much. They keep looking at me like I'm gonna slip the silverware in my pocket or something."
"I'm sure Celesta will be spending her evenings off socializing in town. If there's something more urgent, though, sending someone with a message would work, but if I got it directly from you, less chance for information to be misstated." Reid says thoughtfully.
"I better come up myself. I don't think those guards will let anyone without a letter in, and at least I've got one," Stoat says. "But I can probably pass most things through Celesta."
On the second day after the Coronation Masquerade, Ossian receives a request from Vialle to attend on her.
[OOC: This will be Ossian's official recruitment into the Harga'rel investigation. We can run it in detail or in summary and let you start a thread with Valeria or someone else ASAP. Up to you.]
[OOC: I'd like the opening sequence run in detail, but I think we can go over into summary mode pretty quick. Let's start it in character.]
[Assuming going directly to Vialle doen't interfere with painting Solange's sketch:]
Ossian wipes the paint from his hands, straightens his clothing and goes directly to the Queen.
He knocks on the door to the Queen's apartment.
Ember opens the door for him and ushers him into Vialle's sitting room.
[If Lilly is present, she is there as well.]
Vialle rises to greet Ossian and comes over to take his paint-stained hands. She lifts them so they are cupped, palms-up, and brings them close to her face. "Turpentine," she says. "I should have come to your studio.
She is dressed simply, in a gown of dark green that brings out a hint of auburn in her hair. It's very flattering, especially with the warm gold of the Royal circlet. She would look even lovelier with a golden snood holding her hair, perhaps studded with emeralds or a darker green stone.
Lilly is a silent presence, standing against a distant as she watches a listens. Indeed she is doing a rather good, if unintentional, impression of Vere.
Ossian takes in her appearance, and is quiet for a short moment longer than expected before he answers:
"Unless you love the smell of turpentine, this is a nicer room for meetings." Ossian says. Would a snood be a proper gift to a Queen? he thinks while he adds "Although your presence would make even my studio a lovely place, my Queen. And the presence of Dame Lilly, of course." Ossian sends a smile towards Lilly.
Ossian catches a hint of a smile as she bows her head in recognition.
"Flatterer," Vialle says, but she smiles as she releases Ossian's hands. She seats herself on the couch and gestures to Ossian to take one of the chairs.
Ossian sits down.
"I find that I am in need of your services, and, sadly, it isn't for a painting or a sculpture, but rather, a more mundane matter. Less mundane than the inventories of the food warehouses, I hope, but still not so pleasant as a day in the studio."
From the look on Lilly's face, she was in agreement with the Queen. While she knew Ossian would far prefer an artistic endeavor this assignment could at least prove to be interesting. Searches for knowledge often were. At any rate it would be far more interesting that counting food stores. That she was sure of.
"I am at your service, as always. What do you want me to do?" Ossian asks.
"Perhaps you have heard that Demond Harga'rel was murdered last night. Apparently while everyone was preoccupied with Dara, someone drowned him in the champagne fountain."
"Drowned?" Ossian says. "Yeah. I've heard rumors."
Vialle's voice takes on a little strain as she continues. "Harga'rel is the father of Duchess Valeria, who is the granddaughter of the Queen of Rebma. The case is very politically sensitive, particularly in light of her hostility towards Conner and the fact that he had to leave to help his sister. Reid has agreed to coordinate an inquiry for me. I was hoping you would be able to assist him, and me."
She adds, "Lilly may also be working with him, if I can spare her." Vialle sounds less than enthusiastic to Ossian about sparing Lilly; the Queen's hand moves involuntarily towards her protector just a smidgen.
Truth was Lilly was less then enthusiastic about abandoning her charge. Making arrangements for the Queen's safety was an easy enough task. Trusting the Queen's safety to another's blade was something different entirely. It was not that she mistrusted other's intentions, she seldom did that was those of Amber descent, it was that she mistrusted other's abilities. Anything less then her own skill was simply not good enough. Unfortunately their were precious few currently here in the palace that she even considered challenging.
Still she understood the need to reconcile this situation. Not all harm was done in a physical fashion. The King had said to protect the Queen. Protecting her reputation was part of the job. Lilly would do what she needed to do. That was all there was to it.
"Reid..Lilly..Valeria" Ossian sounds like he tastes the names. He glances somewhat mischievously at Lilly "I'm in."
"Do you have any special assignment or information for me to start with?" Ossian asks.
Vialle explains that Reid will be coordinating the effort, and that he will probably have some assignments. She hesitates and explains that while she has not addressed the concern specifically with Reid yet, she does think that it is important that someone act as a buffer between him and Valeria. What she doesn't say, but Ossian can surmise, is that she needs someone of rank, and diplomatically adept, to deal with Valeria.
Ossian seems satisfied with the assignment, and will go into small talk unless Vialle has anything more to add.
Lilly has nothing more to add right now either. She will save any further comments for future discussions with Reid and Ossian.
After Stoat's departure, and at the appointed hour, Reid is advised that a Wrack is here to see him.
[OOC: Is lunch in the office? Or is it set up elsewhere on the grounds? Set the scene for Wrack.]
Reid will have lunch brought to the library. It's comfortable enough, and not too terribly formal, as befits the meeting. He brings Wrack up to date on the situation as it stands.
"I'd like to know if you might be able to help me out on this one. It's become a concern of the Queen that we determine the parties responsible, and a good chunk of that burden has landed on my shoulders. Any contacts you have that know something, either by direct implication or whispered braggings... anything, really."
Wrack listens carefully to the story. "I'll put my ear to the ground for you, Reid. I might know some people who might be able to find out something. Even if the rumors are not ... easily available. There may be some--lubrication--involved, but I know you're good for it."
He steeples his fingers. "What exactly does the Crown need? A suspect to hand to the Rebman delegation, or just the truth? How I proceed will depend on exactly what I'm looking for."
"If they only wanted a head on a pike, I'd be more than happy to provide them one, whether it was the correct one or not. But because this is a delicate matter in the diplomatic sense, I don't know that matters would be served by creating the perfect scapegoat, as tempting as that may be. So, I suppose, we're looking for the truth -- in whatever form it takes: simple, ugly or embarrassing. In providing this person to the crown as I am charged to do, I don't aim on pulling any punches. So I suppose our blade is of two edges: we must provide the truth, because diplomacy dictates that we should; yet if the truth is not as pleasant as they'd like, then diplomacy be damned, we're not going to make their lives easy or convenient." Reid cracks a sly grin.
"All right, then," says Wrack, returning Reid's smile. "I'll keep that in mind. Is there anything else I should know, or shall we turn our full attention to this feast the kitchens and cellars of the Castle have provided us?"
Around terce, a footman seeks out Reid. "My Lord, a woman is at the castle, saying she has an invitation from you. She is in the entry hall and says her name is 'May', my Lord."
Reid has the footman bring May to the Gateway collection room, as described in Tentacle #1 with Lilly. He explains the murder, the sensitivities of the parties involved, and the dilemmas of having no leads and too many suspects.
"Basically, I'm looking for all the help I can get. You're experienced. You know the city. If it wasn't personal, and was a work for hire, you may be able to find something for me to work with." It's clear, if not earlier, then certainly by the end of his presentation, that he hasn't had a whole lot of rest since the murder, and he's certainly a bit harried. "Would you accept this charge?" he finally asks.
"As long as you're paying time plus expenses, I'm your eyes and ears. It's not gonna be easy, because there's lots of loose coin in the city now, all fighting for attention, so don't expect anything, and certainly not quickly. Expenses are high for even trying 'quickly', your highness.
"And just for the record, I'm staying away from the political side of this one. He was tied up with Rebma and Gateway, you say, and both of those Embassies are full of dames who can kill you without even batting an eye. That's outside of my fee schedule.
"If it was a contract job, by his family or business partners or enemies, I may find something, but don't hold your breath...your highness." She hesitates, and then says. "If you want fast action, I need ten days pay in advance. Most of that will go to lubricating memories."
"It's yours," Reid replies, without hesitation. "More as required. Send updates as available through whatever channel you prefer. This is my base of operations in this matter, and I don't think I'm going to be getting out much until I have someone to apprehend."
"I'll see what I can turn up. Here's my first question and my first request. What's the Halfhand doing regarding this? And can I get some sort of official warrant to do this work on your behalf? Something to at least cause the Noseys to send me up the hill after they rough me up for encroaching on their turf?"
Reid considers carefully, "I don't know if I can give you carte blanche. The last time I wrote 'It is by my order and for the good of the state, that the bearer of the present has done what he has done,' it didn't end so well for me... But I will give you a credential that you are working in our service. That should offer you some leeway with the others."
She nods. "That will do. Is there anything else you can tell me?"
"Check out Captain Navneeth from the Land of Peace, if you can. And find out if his associates Hassan or Ramala were at the party. Halfhand should have a list that I'm sure he'd be more than willing to share." Reid smiles.
May just looks back, apparently nonplussed at the idea of requesting information from Sir Archer. "I'll start with them, your highness."
A sheaf of documents is delivered to Brennan's quarters. There is a note with them, from Nestor:
Sir Brennan--
Brennan writes his response out:
Thank you for your kind assistance. The documents you have provided will take me some time to absorb, but I am certain they will raise as many questions as they answer.
As well, having collected these works in one place, now seems the time to edit them and impose some structure upon them. Accordingly, several of the pages shall be practicing his penmanship, and copies will be given to a veteran named Boxer who is already writing the Patternfall Book of the Fallen.
Boxer, or his recommended substitute, will come to speak to you in the future. Among other things, he will be seeking any names you might recall of survivors of those events outside the Royal Family, for interviews and corroborations. Pleases assist him as best you can.
Sir Brennan, KCOR
Nestor replies that he will be happy to assist Brennan's clerk, where the information is available. He recommends speaking to older members of the nobility, such as Lord Rein.
If he provides names other than M. and Lord Rein (the latter of which is out of town with Corwin, as I recall, likely not to return), then so much the better.
Not immediately.
These are the areas that are documented.
The evening when they rode down from above the castle, bypassing the strong point, and entered the city.
This is the one which gets Brennan's detailed attention, first. How in the world does one let a hostile army up at the top of a mountain? Brennan has his suspicions, but he wants to read the primar sources as closely as possible.
Brennan finds no mention. Castle guards recall being awakened and told to man the walls. They went around the castle and down the road to the city, in force and at speed. Eric was responsible for the garrison in the castle, and for sending the youngest of his siblings to safety.
The moon was full, and at least some of the guards thought they were not people at all, but angry ghosts.
The mysterious departure of the Moonriders, with some Ranger accounts of them being led by a war band deep into Arden.
[From what Brennan knows of Arden, that is almost certainly into shadow.]
This is the second. This rings very oddly. Everything about the movements and mobility of the Moonriders rings very oddly. He is sure there are several things he does not understand, and he doesn't like that, at all.
None of this, on careful consideration, comes as a surprise. If the sources mention any names of soldiers being interviewed for these accounts, or if any of them come from journals of them soldiers in question, Brennan makes note of them and sends the references to Boxer and Icicle, so that Icicle can see if any of them are still alive. I expect Brennan will have better luck with men who were or later became, members of the nobility.
Brennan also wants to fix just how long ago this was. If it becomes obvious through reference to a standard calendar, so much the better. If not, Brennan will use clues like the names of the then-youngest members of the Royal Family, etc. Then he will take the direct route and ask Nestor, through their correspondance.
The Princess Florimel was sent to Rebma for her safety, as she was too young to participate in the battle.
So, after the death of Dybele and possibly before the reign of Rilga (and thus possibly before the birth of Jules and Gerry.)
Is that correct? If it's not clear from the text, it will go into the correspondance Brennan has with Nestor. Along with, in politer tone, "How many years ago, in base-ten numbers?"
[The player should be aware that "in Princess Florimel's youth" is considered extremely accurate date-keeping, in the vein of: "And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria."]
Nestor can and does provide an accurate date, based on the years since Dybele was crowned Queen.
Reference has been made to Oberon's being away from Amber during the wars for much of Dybele's brief reign. Would these be the same wars?
No. She was queen for 13 months and he was away in a war in the Golden Circle. The Moonriders arrived some years after her death.
When Brennan discusses all this with Cambina (played out in detail or not, at the GMs' preference) he will wonder if Eric kept any journals of the time, unless that's an obviously taboo topic. When they work on Brand's papers, he will also bear all this in mind, with the working hypothesis that the Moonriders', at least in that moment, might have had something to do with the Tir.
Eric doesn't seem to have been the Journaling type.
Ossian sends a note to Reid:
Dear Cousin,
The Queen has asked to help you with the investigation of the Harga'rel murder. I suggest we meet and discuss the specifics. I will be in my studio most of the time, feel free to pay me a visit.Best,
To the right of the signature Ossian has painted a small sketch of a kingfisher.
Reid swings by some time after getting the message. The Queen has already filled Ossian in on most of the background. "I need you to be the one to represent the Castle's interest in this matter as regards the noble houses in question. Valeria in particular. But I need you to not only offer assurance that we're doing all we can, but also see what you can learn from their house and the others. Anything that can pinpoint any specific threats made against Harga'rel or anything else that might be relevant to determining the murderer."
Ossian nods. "Damage control. Probing gently here and there. I'll give it a try."
"Do you think you're up to it?" Reid asks.
"Seriously? I don't know." Ossian says "Investigation might not be what I'm best at. I hope I can do my part."
"I'm hoping it will be a matter of spending time with the right people and being observant. We can meet from time to time to discuss their reactions and attitudes, and hopefully I'll be able to piece things together," Reid replies.
Ossian nods. "Ok."
"What have you learned about his dealings in Rebma before he came here?"
"Only a bit. The night of the party he was working on a trade voyage to Rebma, and was looking for support from Gateway. Before the murder he was seen with a Rebman woman named Bend and Captain Navneeth." Reid's brow is furrowed. "There's a lot to go through here..."
"We are starting to get close to a complete set of suspects, aren't we?" Ossian grins. "Was anyone in our family in the room when it happened?"
"To the best of my knowledge, there were no witnesses, family or otherwise. That's part of the problem..." Reid sighs in frustration, and not for the first time in this matter. "So with so little information, I'm going to have to get people on every possible lead until I can piece together something that makes sense. Your help will be much appreciated."
"Have we cleared Thalia of Gateway from suspicions?" Ossian asks "Valeria might want to accuse her, for several reasons. Thalia is a really delicate matter that could even split the family, should she stay among the suspects."
"The perhaps you can concentrate on her first, to rule her out without a shadow of doubt, if it can be done, or to tighten the noose around her neck if she's guilty?" Reid offers, somewhat impersonally.
Ossian furrows his brow. "I thought you already had somone assigned to study the Gatewegians?"
"I've got people of lower standing poking around the staff of the noble houses, but Lilly is coordinating with the local officials, and to handle the ambassadors one on one will require the touch of a family member, if you're game." Reid replies.
"I guess I can talk to some of them. Keep my ears open. There will still be blank portions of the canvas; I don't think I can put in enough time on the ambassadors to get verything out of them. Especially if I shall handle the nobles too. How official shall we make my role in this?" Ossian says with a wry smile. "Valeria should be the easiest to handle."
"I can talk to her if you want me to. If we could pinpoint where she
was when Dara attacked we would be better off.
"I guess you alredy have a long list of where people were at that time?"
"It's been somewhat slow going. There were a lot of people and a lot of distractions, you'll recall."
Ossian nods, smiling.
Last modified: 2 January 2004