Edan meets with Corwin and Julian first, not mentioning anything about his time in Arden, but is as pleasant as he can be with both of them.
"Uncle Corwin," he makes sure to say, "we only met briefly in Paris. It is good to meet you again."
"Edan!, glad you're back." Corwin reaches out, earth-style, to shake his hand. "Julian, have you met Bleys' son? Such an interesting story."
"I have not," replies Julian. "But Hannah thinks highly of him." Julian's bow is a perfect courtly greeting from an uncle to his elder brother's son. One might think he had been in the Land of Peace.
Corwin says, "In the absence of Random, and the absence of others, it's "family rules" tonight, Edan. You don't need to call me Uncle Corwin unless you want to remind me that I'm old."
Julian smiles, just a bit. It's not clear if this is pleasant for him or not.
Edan bows as well, and makes some pleasant conversation with both men; but once Hannah enters the room, it is clear that he's distracted.
Hannah arrives at the door just after Bleys. She's quite pregnant and she's carrying the baby far-forward on her tiny frame. "Garrett, can you help me over to the couch?" She asks, holding out her arm. "And tell me what you've been up to these past few months."
"Hannah! Of course!" Garrett gasps, quickly offering an arm for her to hold onto. He settles her onto the nearest couch, propping pillows as needed to adjust to her rounded frame and trying not to stare. "What I've been doing pales in comparison, for certain," he laughs, "but before I give you the very long story, can I get you something?" He nods toward the bar and the bounty of food.
Hannah demurs. "If I drink anything else, I'll pop. My bladder isn't used to so much pressure. Really, this isn't difficult, just annoying. I've birthed plenty of babies for other people and if I didn't have to be here now, I'd be out doing so now. I spent longer in Shadow than I intended, but I hear that's the way of it." She smiles. "Don't let me stop you if you need fuel for the furnace."
"All right. Be right back," he nods. He's not gone long, but in that short time, he somehow manages to fill a plate with a wide selection of finger foods AND find himself a beer.
"You're sure you're not hungry?" Garrett asks when he returns, offering Hannah her choice of the vast selection on the plate. "My ma always was when she was with child. You learned always to come armed with bannocks or fruit when you came near her," he grins.
She makes a little face that makes it clear that she doesn't, in fact, want any food. "No, not right now. An hour ago, I stuffed my face. Have you ever been to a shadow with space travel, Garrett? We went to one when we were chasing after Solange. I thought it would be great for the baby, but they were horrified that I'd left the earth and described in detail why birthing needs gravity.
"But I may go back that way in a few days to take advantage of the water birthing facilities. It's a lot easier if you're in the water, apparently."
"Is it? I've never heard of that. Short of whales, that is," Garrett says, setting the plate on a side table, but not before grabbing a few bits of cheese for himself.
"No, I don't think I've been to a shadow like that. Not that I know of, anyway. 'Space... travel' doesn't sound familiar." He stumbles a bit over the words, but adds brightly, "But you were chasing Solange. Did you find her?" Garrett apparently has fond memories of this particular cousin.
"No, she wasn't where we'd last heard of her. We did find out that she'd been in jail on a space ship. I don't think Paige will let her live that down. Space is easy. You know of other worlds that you get to by walking, either spirit walking or pattern walking? Space is like that, except the other worlds are very far away."
"That sounds amazing," Garrett says, an air of awe creeping into his voice. "I haven't gone anywhere that's very... odd yet. Not on my own anyway. I've been spending some time traveling in Shadow, but was trying to do it sort of methodically. You know, change a thing or two and wander around a bit in the world where that took me, then try it again.
"Though it's hard to tell how far away you've gone, isn't it?" he continues. "Sometimes I thought I hadn't gone far but time got real messed up."
"The windows of the ship were exciting, then not very exciting. It's not like a sea-voyage where you can go on deck. Imagine, it like a ship that has to go under the sea from port to port. That's how I think of it."
Garrett nods.
Hannah shifts on the couch and her baby kicks a few times and then is quiet. She breathes easier when it stops.
"I spent most of my time studying. And trying to figure out how it all worked. It was extremely quiet in higher planes. I was sad for the people who were there. It seems they were even more disconnected from the spirit worlds than my Easterners."
Garrett cocks his head inquisitively. "I've heard you speak of spirit worlds before, but I'm not sure I understand. Are they like the Shadow worlds we walk through when we shift? Or something more... um, spiritual?" He asks, apparently uncertain that he has chosen the right word.
Hannah sits still for a second. "My original understanding of shadows was that they were just a different kind of spirit realm.
"In my experience, 'spirit' is actually a bad name for them, because being spiritual is just the same in all the worlds, but it's far too late to change it now. Imagine a place you can see if you concentrate, or see the entrance to. The blue world is the one I am closest to, and I was born there. My father was a chief of the tribe and my birth mother was your aunt. My other mothers raised me, because the blue world does not suit infants. I may take my child there, but I will not stay there.
"If you want to see it, I could take you, or my father could." Hannah grimaces but turns it into a smile. Her hand goes to her belly and she strokes it. "We should go soon."
"I would like to see the blue world, though I reckon, for me, it'll have to wait until after my father's big meeting and whatever comes of that," Garrett replies. "Just thinking, though. Didn't Red Fox Claws come from your world? Did you ever meet him?"
"I did meet him. He's a lot like a Ponca, but he's not from my world. He's from Signy's world, and was her war leader when she was trying to kill her dad and he her." She sighs. "That has to be a very fractured and damaged world. The warriors live completely apart from their spirit world and those who can manipulate the world's energy isolate themselves and fight constantly.
"I hope my home is never described thusly."
"I hope that too. Nor mine," Garrett says, with a chuckle as an afterthought, "though I understand it was so in Amber back in the old days. I want to be able to work side-by-side with my kin, not be looking over my shoulder in suspicion."
The conversation between Fiona and Paige appears to have paused for a moment, and then there's a shimmer in the air and Fiona is bringing through Raven, Jerod, a young man whom nobody recognizes, and last, but not least, Brita. They're all straight from the field: dirty, blood-streaked, and stinking of exertion and carnage.
At the same time, the door opens and Ambrose lets Gerard wheel in. Gerard takes in the scene and says, "Well. Looks like you've arrived just in time for dinner."
Hannah leans in to Garrett. "I wonder if that's a new cousin."
Robin and Vere appear in the doorway, arms linked and very much a couple. Robin is smiling and slightly flushed. Around her flutter her three little companions: polished, oiled and looking like they mean to be very *very* well behaved.
Robin’s hair is neatly tucked up under a dark green button hat. The beads and feathers of Robin’s usual rats-nest styling are now arranged in artful falls at the back of her head. Her face is clean and sparkling, no make-up is required to augment her already rosy cheeks and bright smile.
A soft suede vest in complementary kelly green cradles Robin’s… errr, endowments without trapping her or cutting off her breath. A plain but well-made peasant blouse with a higher collar picked out in green embroidery keeps everything civilized. Cocoa trousers, also of soft suede, hug the girl’s waist before dropping straight to the floor. The toes of serviceable but clean boots peek out from under the trousers’ hem.
An ornately brocaded belt wraps Robin’s waist holding a matching sheath at her hip. It’s a small knife, really. Only 8” or so.
Vere is his normal observant self as his eyes take in everything all at once.
Spotting Corwin, Julian and Edan near the door, the couple makes their way over to their host.
When Robin and Vere arrive, Brennan is in conversation with Marius. He does not break off the conversation but he does look up until he and Robin make eye contact. Evidently he would like to speak to her at some point this evening.
Robin nods back to Brennan in agreement but her quick grimace indicates while that she knows it must be important, she's also on a tight schedule tonight. Brennan may have to ambush her.
"Uncles," Vere says, giving a small bow to a spot halfway between Julian and Corwin. "And cousin," he nods to Edan.
"Your Majesty, Father, Edan." Robin nods to each.
And they to Robin, though Julian's nod is punctuated by a smile.
Then noticing the relative calmness of her firelizards, she looks confusedly to Edan. "Is Kyauta not joining us tonight?"
"Eh? Indeed, I have made Kyauta one of the Knights of the Lamp. My Knights are setting up the dance area now." Edan turns his attention more fully to Robin and her fair. "The accolade is well earned- Kyauta fought well and risked its own destruction in action against the Moonriders, for my sake. I also chose not to bring it to the dinner because it is still very young and inexperienced, and this is a Family gathering. I will not constantly have to be mindful of it. And our Family, they may speak easy, not having to worry about an unknown creature in their midst."
"Probably wise not to bring an affine to dinner where we might discuss family affairs, as it were," Corwin opines.
Julian shrugs as if the matter were of no moment, but his gaze rests momentarily on the firelizards, not hostilely, of course, but with a certain assessing look. "I suspect we'll leave most of that sort of talk until breakfast. Do we have a full head count for tonight? I think Benedict and Lilly are unfortunately going to miss this evening, but should be here in the morning. Gerard says Random has extended amnesty to Solange, but I haven't heard that she's arrived yet."
Vere lifts an eyebrow at that, and a moment later shakes his head and smiles very slightly. "Is there any word on whether the king will attend tonight?" he asks.
Robin bounces in happiness at the thought of amnesty for Solange and the thought that she might be coming home. Her eyes dart briefly over to the couch where Hannah and Garrett are chatting, it'll be good to have all the sisters... Wow, Hannah is really, really pregnant. Robin's green eyes glance back to her father, questioningly.
Corwin shakes his head in the negative. "He's not expected; Gerard asked me to take charge of dinner because I'm the senior of the brothers expected to be present by both age and rank."
"It will be disappointing if he doesn't show up tonight," Julian says, with some disapproval shading in his voice, at least to Robin's ears. "Though I know Benedict won't want to miss a martial display, and he's a more demanding judge than Random in these matters." He offers a nod to Edan.
"It's a good thing," Edan says, "that this isn't a new dance. Thankfully everyone has either participated for years or has had extensive practice."
Vere smiles slightly, but his eyes had followed Robin's and he also glances at Julian now.
"You'll have a good turnout, both family and the locals. The Mayor made sure to let the local gentry know their presence will be noted by the Royal family. I expect there to be a full house," Corwin says.
Julian adds, "There will be some Rangers as well, and some of Estimaxa's tribesmen. I suspect there will be a rush for all the knightly orders to put a showing on." He glances at Robin and tilts his head away from Corwin with raised eyebrows.
Robin shakes her head minutely. Never mind, she's letting herself get distracted.
"Sounds like fun," Robin says with some enthusiasm. She does enjoy a good dance. Roughly, she pulls herself back on track.
"Indeed," Vere agrees with another small smile.
"Majesty?" She says, addressing Corwin. "If you have time later this evening. I came across some things on my recent travels that I, well, I believe I need to inform you about. But they're not things for a public venue, even a public Family venue."
Edan's smile is benign, just listening, as if he figured there would be a lot of side-discussions and such here. The fireworks would be going off the next morning, he was sure.
"Very well. After Edan's exhibition, perhaps?" Corwin's regard of Robin is, as far as Vere and Edan can tell, purely cordial and avuncular. And interested in what she may have to report.
Robin nods. "That would be fine, thank you."
"I have something I need to attend to now, but thank you... gentlemen," she says widening her words to the entire circle of smiling men, "for allowing me to brace you." She nods to Corwin, Julian and Edan as she prepares to move off.
"Always a pleasure. I hope to see you at the dance," Edan says.
"And we can talk after the dance as well," Vere says to Edan. "Uncles." He nods to his elders as he offers Robin his arm.
Robin takes wonderful, wonderful Vere’s arm and with one more smile to the group, departs.
Edan has his own question for Corwin when the opportunity provides: "I heard that Paris is developing its own history, of sorts? One that did not exist before?"
Julian returns the nod with what amounts to a smile for them, and Corwin produces an actual one before turning back to Edan as they move off. "Perhaps you'll tell us a bit about what we're to see this evening," he suggests, by way of turning the topic on to something more interesting to Edan.
"Of course," Edan says. He's facing Hannah and Garrett, and as soon as he catches Hannah's eye he gives her a Look. I will speak to you later, is the message he sends, hoping she understands.
She either bent her neck to subtly signal him to come over, or else she has a crick in her neck. It’s hard to be sure.
"It is called the Echo dance," is what he says to Corwin and Julian. "I have seen iterations of it in Shadow, and years ago I developed a similar routine in the Land of Peace. My tribesmen got to beat on drums, and I could dance and swing swords. Some of my knights remember this dance, so we have the advantage of being well-rehearsed."
Corwin breaks into a smile. "Sword Dancing was quite popular in many cultures on the shadow I shared with Flora for so long. I always enjoy it. I think I will bring the head of my guard, Sir Lancelot, from Paris to see it. Did you know that some cultures considered sword dancing a way to talk to the spirits of the dead?"
Julian smiles, lightly. "I have found very little that some culture did not believe put then in touch with a higher power. We don't sword dance in Arden--"
"Naturally not," interrupts Corwin. "You'd get your sword stuck in a tree."
"We don't sword dance in Arden, but I, too, appreciate the acrobaticism."
Edan fights to keep a polite smile instead of caving to his amusement with a belt of laughter. Ah, comedy.
"I'm surprised there is not more dancing here in general," he says. "I saw a lot of it in Paris- the place seems almost made for it- but I expected to see more of it here in Xanadu. Then again, there has been much to keep us busy."
Corwin looks pleased at the thought of his own city. "Paris dances, because she has always been a city that danced. I think you might find that as the year turns warmer Random will want more dances. You may not know this, because of the hot spell we're in, but it's really Winter here, as it is in Paris."
Julian nods. "Summer promises to swelter. But the deep forests will be verdant and cool. Now, if you will excuse me, my drink needs tending to."
Corwin nods back, an equal amount.
Edan's bow to Julian is more pronounced. "A pleasure, Uncle. I hope our dance will entertain you."
Julian looks at his lithe nephew for a moment, considering briefly how to answer. "As do I, Edan. I shall be sure to let you know."
Fletcher enters the hall, attired in a casual suit and tie of black and green, with his scabbarded longsword slung over a shoulder, as usual. Careful observers may have noted that his selection of shoulder seems to rotate.
He greets Corwin warmly, and mentions that he hopes to catch up with him when Corwin's hosting duties permit.
Moving on he equips himself with a nearly-transparent cocktail and surveys the room. Spying Bleys, he crosses the floor and greets his distinguished uncle. "Well met sir. Robin tells me you made a bit of a find under the sea. I was wondering what your current theory was as to the significance of the sunken location and its 'etchings' as Robin called them. Was it truly a sunken land mass?
"She's modest," says Bleys, sipping his drink. "The discovery was hers, and she called me in to consult. We were opposed in the War, her father and I, but she has been trying to overcome her issues related to that. It actually makes me think Random is setting a good foundation for his kingdom.
"But," he says, taking another sip, "you wanted to know about her new Island. It was clearly magically suppressed ages ago, and may well have been part of Avalon. It would be worth going back in a generation or two and seeing if the channel is still there or if the islands have merged. It's an odd portmanteau of a shadow, having hosted Lir in the past, then Corwin, and now Benedict.
"I think if Benedict allows, I'll set up a research embassy there, to keep track of what happens. Who knows, it might detach itself and connect to Paris."
Fletcher nods, "The would indeed be remarkable. We only had a chance to speak briefly, and she was anxious to confer with Vere, but I was curious about the parts that remained from the previous inhabitants. She mentioned 'etchings' in the floor and said you had recognized some of the other features from before. What exactly were these etchings? Had they been there all along? And had Lir's tomb been known previously?"
"When a young lady offers to take you to see her etchings, it is a moral imperative to do so," Bleys says with a deadpan look that is only betrayed by his eyes. "What she meant by 'etchings in the floor' was that the main room of the tower, more than three actae across, was an unbroken slab of marble, with a delicate, filigreed tracery etched into the ground. In the areas that were not part of this pattern, there were tiles. Dozens had been removed to dig up a sepulcher, which had the characters LIR carved into it in ancient runes.
"When Corwin ruled there as Lord of the Silver Towers, it was not known to have been related to LIR, and there was no pattern in the ballroom. I'd've noticed."
Bleys pauses, but doesn't let Fletcher interrupt. "So, that makes it possible that Corwin was in a nearby shadow, but not exactly in Proto-Avalon or else something else is the case."
"Ah, thank you. I was having trouble reconciling the notion that multiple family members had accessed, 'Proto-Avalon' as you call it, or that magic of the magnitude needed to sink a land mass in such a proximity. You mentioned that it might somehow detach. Have you observed that sort of realignment before in a Real context? I can't help but wonder about the degree of similarity with Amber's current situation."
Bleys frowns. "Have you visited your Uncle Corwin, and seen his fine city? An amazing place, full of ancient temples, all dedicated to ladies, somehow, and tunneled under with the catacombs of fifty generations of dead Parisians? That there are now people who claim that ancestry, and people who can speak of a Paris that existed before Corwin did?
"As far as Xanadu is concerned, Corwin built Paris less than a year ago by laying a pattern on the bedrock in an uninhabited land that was not the home of the Franks."
Bleys brushes his hair back. "So, yes, re-alignment happens. Not to mention the Faella-Bionin.
"Besides, it's inherently possible in the math. Would you like to see the equations?"
"I thought you'd never ask," Fletcher replies as he sets down his drink and pulls out a leather-bound notebook. "I had some time to think about it while I was sailing in the arctic. I'd noticed the changes in Paris between my visits there, and of course some realignment had been proven possible empirically. My calculations didn't seem to indicate that a piece of Avalon could separate from the from it. Perhaps I've failed to account for something. Maybe an aspect of the Faella's Gift." He flips through pages of equations and diagrams, pointing out high points to Bleys before arriving at a fresh page.
Bleys pulls a pair of reading glasses out of a pocket. "Joys of being a grandfather, no one thinks it eccentric if I magnify what I'm reading." He points to different parts of the page. "Her Gift connects the realms, and makes the distancing of the realms that Dworkin warned about more difficult, but it re-configures itself. Rebma connected to Amber, but now it connects to Paris. And look at Xanadu. It wasn't here, so it wasn't affected by the Sundering, and yet it's attached to the Bionin and connected to Tir."
He looks over the reading glasses at an equation. "Did you devise this notation or did you learn it somewhere? It's not what Dworkin taught, but it's not wrong..."
Bleys takes out a pencil and sharpens it to a razor-fine point. "Let me just point out a few features of the sixth equation..." He moves to a side table and begins explaining. Bleys seems very smart, but this is crazy math. How, for instance, can a certain equation be the same thing as Corwin's sword, and why is that different from the sword Bleys is wearing? The equations might as well be in Rongorongo.
Bleys goes on for some time, making light, precise marks in the book.
Fletcher does his best to follow along. "The notation is kind of a combination of a number of things. Grandad had entertained some notions, maybe just to show he didn't think Doctor... I mean Dworkin knew everything. "
Bleys smiles gently.
"Anyway, I'd been adapting off those and adding some other ideas as needed over the years. I didn't think a piece like an island could break off one Pattern world, though if it can I suppose the realignment you're describing makes sense." Fletcher asks questions as Bleys goes along, but tries to avoid bombarding him with a constant stream of queries.
Bleys allows as how there is much he could show Fletcher, and is not averse to doing so, but he counsels that it is a long course of study and cannot be completed before dinnertime.
Fletcher smiles, "not something to be done on an empty stomach, eh?" He jests. "I may take you up on that, depending on this night's outcome. If I'm sent off on another expedition in Shadow, I'm sure what you've outlined so far will provide me with plenty to ponder in my spare time. I thank you. Regardless of the proof, I take it that you're saying it is possible for elements to fracture from even a Pattern realm and migrate, even possibly accreting onto another such realm. Is that correct? Could a place be... shaped to do so? Steered even?" Fletcher does not say the word, 'Amber'.
Bleys nods absently. "Yes, but..." He straightens his doublet. "Think of it thusly. Do you know how, when you attempt to change shadow too fast, you either end up hell riding or else starting to lose some of the important basics, like breathable air or gravity or light?
"Good personal discipline can overcome that and experience allows you to minimize the effects, but eventually, it either become impossible to change shadow at the rate desired or it becomes unsafe. Normally, one would pass out, hopefully somewhere with air, and you'd wake up swearing not to do that again.
"So, I told you that so I could tell you this. Probability manipulation is the same way. The closer and more likely the probability, the easier it is to manipulate it. Cross shadow, normally we can only do gross manipulation, such as 'send a huge winter storm to Xanadu'. I have a few tricks I know that can create a local dissociation barrier around a nearby shadow, which I have only ever used in the service of the King.
"Something as massive as you're talking about would either require a cataclysmic event or an undertaking so massive that it would not be possible for a thousand mages in the course of multiple lifespans.
"I can only think of three to six groups capable of such a feat, and none of them should have the requisite knowledge to do it." He looks down at his now empty drink. "I think that calls for another of these."
Fletcher nods in sympathy at Bleys' plight, and then realizes in astonishment that somehow his own glass is not empty. He remedies the situation swiftly, gesturing for Bleys to leader the way to bar. "Thank you for the explanation. I'll have to digest what you've told me for a bit, but I hope to be in touch soon."
En route he glances around the room so see who else has arrived.
The bar is large enough that several groups can be at it without disturbing each other. Such is the case now, as Bleys heads to a section that is otherwise unoccupied, except by a bottle of his favorite beverage.
Julian is headed towards the bar, Fiona is here, but she seems to be talking to herself (generally either a sign of redheaded madness or the immanent arrival of more guests). Corwin is with Edan, who is about to depart to speak with Hannah and Garrett. Celina is chatting with her brother Merlin, Brennan and Marius are winding down, and Robin and Vere are approaching them. Conner and Ossian are talking, as are Signy and Silhouette. Paige is speaking to Florimel, who arrived quietly a few moments ago.
"Oh, pooh..." Robin mutters very, very quietly to her Love. "Still ungraceful with the small talk and timing. Oh, well. At least I'm attempting it now."
"Much improved,' Vere comments soothingly. "As with any hunting technique, it takes patient practice." His gaze sweeps the scattered clumps of conversing family about the room. "What shall we now?"
"Thank you, Love." Robin gives his arm a squeeze with a happy little wriggle. So, just, nice to be back in His company.
"Wellll," she continues with consideration, "I'm torn. I don't see Soren in the room and I feel like I've already diverted enough. On the other hand, Brennan and Marius are over there. And while I'd prefer latrine duty, Brennan did throw me a 'look' earlier and I do have to speak to him. What's your druthers, oh rational one?"
Vere considers a moment, then answers, "Brennan. We can use your need to speak with him as a reason, and move ourselves into a remote corner where we cannot be overheard before I bring up the other." He smiles. "And he is less likely to eviscerate me if you are with me."
"No one gets to eviscerate you but me, darling." Robin says with a fond pat on his arm as she returns his smile.
"Oh, he is just going to love this..." she murmurs under her breath as she turns her steps toward Brennan. And while her lips aren't grimacing, maybe her eyes are.
Robin and Vere approach, arm in arm. "Cousins," Vere says.
Brennan gives Robin and Vere a searching look-- perhaps he wasn't expecting a package deal, but doesn't seem inclined to resist it. "Cousins. You're both looking well." With another clasp to Marius' arm, he says, "Marius, we'll keep in touch, but if you'd excuse me...."
Before Marius can respond, there's a distraction across the room.
The conversation between Fiona and Paige appears to have paused for a moment, and then there's a shimmer in the air and Fiona is bringing through Raven, Jerod, a young man whom nobody recognizes, and last, but not least, Brita. They're all straight from the field: dirty, blood-streaked, and stinking of exertion and carnage.
At the same time, the door opens and Ambrose lets Gerard wheel in. Gerard takes in the scene and says, "Well. Looks like you've arrived just in time for dinner."
"Wow," Robin murmurs with awe and a tinge of jealousy as she watches the new arrivals. "Merlin, Lilly, now those guys." She turns to Vere with a happy grin. "Maybe someday we can crash a family get-together all smoke covered and battle torn." Yay, life goals.
Then Robin's smile drops as she remembers who else she's talking to. She looks over to Brennan. And decides to just shrug. She is who she is.
Vere smiles and pats her hand, but his eyes are weighing the body language and expressions of the new arrivals.
After a pause to see if the new crew's arrival is followed by any call to arms or for medical aid, Robin decides to leave that scene to the professionals and concentrate on where she is and what she is doing.
"Thank you, Brennan." she acknowledges with a nod. "Marius," she nods, "It's good to see you out and about. Maybe we can talk later? If you're available?"
"It's not a party until someone comes in covered in blood," Brennan muses. He's probably joking.
It's a Trump entrance, so if they were pursued, they've just escaped it. Like Robin, Brennan judges that the new arrivals need no assistance for the moment-- if they need someone to hold their new "guest" he's sure they'll ask.
Vere turns his attention back to Brennan. "We would like to talk," he says. His eyes flick towards a corner of the room that he has judged is the least likely to be easily overheard.
"I see," Brennan says. He allows himself to be led off by Robin and Vere.
Last modified: 30 May 2017