The Dread Gazebo

Brennan spots Signy, Raven, and Conner, and waves them over to join Edan and himself. "Signy, thanks for your help with all this-- follow the food and we'll get where we're going. We're not even close to a quorum, but at this point I think we can just wait for everyone else to arrive."

Edan keeps up with Brennan's pace, but it doesn't stop him from grabbing any available food that conveniently passes them by. It is the first time he reveals that he's on that nervous jag before exhaustion. He half-waves to the others when they get within sight.

When they arrive, Brennan taps the last unlucky servant to depart and tasks him with finding Ambrose and directing him here, if he's not already en route.

Then he picks a few pieces of fruit and a cup and a carafe of coffee on a tray for himself, and perches somewhere he can see approaching traffic from. Some habits die hard-- he might not even realize he's doing that.

He looks at Edan: "You lived. Put that in the 'win' column." He is not joking even a little bit.

Signy gives a nod of thanks to Brennan as the small group comes together and makes their way along, filing away the conversation with Conner and Raven for the future. "I think we had pretty good luck with contacting everyone, but I'm not 100 percent sure."

She manages to somehow secure her own coffee, but decides to pass on the food for now.

Raven eyes the food and drink for a moment, but decides not to grab anything. "Aye," she agrees.

Conner catches Brennan's comment to Edan and lets the greeting he was about to say fade away. "I'll wait for the full recital but whatever happened I am glad you are still here to tell us about it." Conner remarks. He makes no move towards the food or drink.

"I am glad to be here," Edan says, "but things could have gone a lot better. I am alive because I fought with honor. I must admit, it was the last thing I expected from either side."

Those looking in the appropriate direction can see Garrett, Celina, Jerod, Merlin, and Folly en route.

A little bit later, the new group reaches the gazebo. As they arrive, Celina says, "Hullo, cousins."

Merlin's gaze sweeps over the group. "Who else is coming? There was a large group in the halls but I did not see all our cousins."

Signy flashes a brief smile at Celina before looking at Merlin. "Brita, Vere and Robin are escorting our Moonrider...guest to the Hall to meet the King. Fletcher was in the Throne Room when we were contacting everyone for updates, but I don't know where he got to."

She frowns slightly and scans the group there. "I don't recall seeing anyone else, but I also just got back from my posting last night, and don't know who else may be around or who got a Trump from one of us."

Celina holds hands with Folly but throws a wide smile at Signy, "Are we actually fighting on any fronts?"

Garrett stands near Celina and Folly, keenly interested in hearing Signy's answer.

Jerod turns his head slightly, in the general direction of the Hall but says nothing, leaning in a vaguely lazy way on his spear as the conversation flows before turning back to focus on it, frowning slightly though mostly to himself.

"Gateway's quiet," Raven volunteers.

"It is good that somewhere is quiet," Merlin says. "We have news from Paris when everyone has arrived."

Those looking up at the palace see that Ambrose has stepped out and is coming toward the gazebo.

Edan nods and raises a hand in greeting where appropriate, but decides to wait until it looks like everyone has arrived.

Ambrose arrives and greets his brother, first, and then the rest of the group. He's looking for someone who hasn't arrived yet. He mentions to Brennan he thinks he's learned something, and wants to discuss it with the whole group, because he needs everyone to be sure he's not completely off his rocker (or maybe that Brand wasn't completely off his rocker, about this anyway).

A few minutes later, Solange and Martin come down; Martin has changed and freshened up a little. Both of them come from a different door, so they were probably in the public parts of the building and ran into each other on the way to the gazebo. Martin does the rounds and greets everybody. Solange says hello to most everyone, including Folly, but leaves Brennan and Jerod room to back off gracefully.

While Solange and Martin are still making the rounds, Marius comes out of the main doors. He looks in relative good health, and waves a greeting to his cousins.

Brita appears soon after Marius. She greets everyone with a nod or wave and smiles at Ambrose as she moves purposefully to hug to her brother. "Brother, Well Met. Kin First is Considering Political Allegiance through Marriage. Are You in The Running?" she asks baldly.

Ambrose returns Brita's smile; it's just possible she's the one he's waiting for.

"There's food, if you're hungry," Folly says to the newcomers and gestures toward the tables, "but I'm not sure it includes popcorn." She grins in Brita's general direction.

Garrett greets people with a smile, a nod, or a short word as they arrive. He grabs an apple from the platters of food and waits, periodically glancing toward Martin to watch for cues.

Martin has grabbed some food and some coffee, and looks like he's getting ready to facilitate this meeting. There's a chair next to him; he catches Garrett's eye and nods, then tilts his head slightly toward the seat next to him.

Celina finds a seat near to Conner and reflects on what may be the last calm before the storm. She memorizes faces of her family.

Conner, of course, greets everyone with a smile with the one for Brita a little brighter. He hugs her warmly and laughs at her question. "No one has asked me to do so for King and Queen and Countries," he answers. If Brita agrees, he has her sit down so he is between Celina and Brita.

Vere and Robin arrive, hand in hand. Vere pauses, eyes going over the group, noting who is there and reading body cues to get an idea of everyone's current moods and expectations.

Robin's eyes widen slightly at the sight of all the people in the garden. And perhaps, just perhaps, her hand squeezes Vere's a little more tightly. But she smiles brightly to her cousins regardless.

Solange comes to give Vere and Robin hugs and check in with them.

Robin hugs Solange back, truly glad to see her sister safely back in the Realms.

Signy notes all the cousins arriving, and finds a convenient spot right near where her brother is passing. She nods her head at the empty seat when he looks her way, but otherwise remains quiet.

Marius comes to sit with her. He's touching the side of his head, like he might have a bit of a headache, or be recovering from a whack to it.

Hannah comes along with a baby on her back. About halfway down the path she says to Heckle, "Could you please remove yourself out of your hearing range until dusk today, and then come find me again?"

Heckle grumbles but he does it. He's not keen on the fair of firelizards getting to stay when he doesn't, from the way he's eyeing them, but he flies off anyway.

Hannah has a little smile to see so many cousins together like this. She happily hands off the baby to Edan and goes to sit at Martin's side.

Garrett finishes his apple in two large bites and tosses the core in the trash. He walks to the chair that Martin indicated, keeping his pace casual with only a slight air of formality, and sits down.

Vere smiles as he returns his sister's hug, and nods toward a small collection of chairs in front of some flowering shrubs. "No one behind us there," he murmurs quietly to Robin as he leads her to them, leaving it to Solange to join them or not.

"Oooh. Thank you, Beloved," Robin croons to Vere as he escorts her. She looks around her at all the company. "So many faces. And yet, I miss those not here." The gathering seems less lively without Lucas or Jovian throwing in their hats. Not to mention Reid, Aisling or Daeon.

The fair is hovering. They seem to have picked up a bit of anxiety from somewhere, maybe from all the cousins waiting for other cousins to show. Peep chirps a little anxiously at Robin. Oot and Chirrup are eyeing the table of snacks for a food run.

Celina finishes her memory exercise with her family's faces. She leans to Conner, "I think the tradition is the host gets to talk last? Rebma news isn't as interesting as Paris news, I'll say."

"Glad to hear Rebma is comparatively quiet." Conner murmurs. "Yes tradition is that the eldest or highest rank should ask questions first. So that makes it Martin's show here in Xanadu."

Folly takes a seat a bit apart from everyone else; she seems to be making sure that she can easily see all her cousins' faces. She reaches into a voluminous pocket of her loose-fitting dress and pulls out a notebook and pencil, then looks at Martin.

Edan seems engrossed with solving the puzzle of How To Extricate One's Finger From The Grip Of A Baby.

Jerod is in 'wait and see' mode since he's been out of the loop too long, so he's off to one side watching and collecting data.

Martin looks super unhappy about something to Jerod's keen eye. Also he and Folly did not come in together.

Ossian steps to stand beside Jerod. They have unfinished business after all. He raises an eyebrow in Jerod's direction.

Ossian gets a nod from Jerod but beyond that there is nothing. Jerod is focused even at in his most relaxed moments but he is decidedly more so now and not bothering to hide it. The most comfy chair in the room was not claimed, there is no glass of scotch anywhere in reach and no food either. He is most intent it seems on what is being said, who is saying and and how those around the room are responding to it.

The last cousins come in. The last servants leave.

"OK," Martin says. "It's utterly impossible that Dad doesn't know we're doing this, so let's assume we have his blessing, and do it. First things first: Dad was under some influence from the Queen of Air and Darkness, and Vialle seems to have been the vector. She's gone and Dad's free. Folly and Edan need to go first to talk about that." He pauses, and to the ears of Garrett and Hannah, who are nearest to him, sighs audibly. "Both of them were acting under Crown warrant--MY Crown warrant, as KC of Card, the order that defends the royal person--for their choices and actions. Anyone who has a problem with what they did and how they did it--either one of them--bring it to me, not them."

He cedes the floor to Folly and Edan.

Edan shifts the baby and says, "Folly will tell you her part. Martin and I went to see Vialle and Fiona, distract them while Folly extracted Random. Fiona was under Vialle's thrall too, at least partially. We had a physical and sorcerous battle in the king's bedchambers, and it ended up with Vialle unconscious and Fiona's mind clear. Fiona suggested taking Vialle to her mother; I declined that idea."

He looks directly at Marius. "We took Vialle out of Xanadu to get her away from Random. We went on the run. That's why I did what I did. I am sorry. I knew we'd be followed, but not by whom; it turns out I was right. We were one or two steps ahead of the Marshall the whole time.

"I needed some time. We got some sleep at Fiona's tower, that place where Brand was kept. I examined Vialle. She is fully possessed by the Queen of Air and Darkness; I could detect no other being within her. I think the Queen is the 'child' Vialle claims to carry. I looked ahead in Time and saw there was going to be a fight, so we ran again.

"I decided, then, that we had to bind both Queens to render them powerless and yet not hurt them. Bring them back behind the walls of Pattern influence so the Moonriders couldn't stop us. It almost worked. I took us to the City of Brass to fashion a bottle for a Ritual of Suleman -- bind them in the bottle indefinitely -- but we were rushed. Chantico was there, gathering power within a lake of fire. We got out, found a volcano to work with to do the ritual. It worked, too, I managed to bind them both. But the Marshal caught up with us, slipped past Martin, jumped through my Veil with me to my knights out in Broceliande. It was as close as I could jump to here, you see, and I thought an army at my back would make a difference.

"I fought him as best I could, given the location. I was pretty tapped out sorcerously by then, too. The Marshal killed or banished my affine, fought me to a standstill, and turned my best troops into hostages. He took possession of the bottle, and has Vialle and the Queen."

Hannah winces only at the mention of Edan's affine. "It almost sounds like he needed you to bind her, them," Hannah offers.

Celina listens. Her eyes narrow in concentration at many details. She looks worried. Celina tilts her head in Folly's direction then, holding comments back.

Vere's gaze is directed at a spot somewhere slightly past Edan's left shoulder as he listens without expression.

Robin gives a quiet croon of sympathy but otherwise, stays quiet and attentive. Though she does ask the firelizards over their shared empathy to please return to herself and Vere and to not divebomb the buffet.

Raven - who found a place to stand where she's both not in anyone's way and vaguely in the area of Conner, Brita, Celina, and Merlin - has settled into a stance born of waiting on the deck of a ship during briefings. She frowns faintly at the mention of Fiona and glances at Conner, but her attention quickly goes back to the story at hand.

Signy gives a quick glance at Marius, to see how he reacts to Edan's recounting, but otherwise remains quiet to listen to him speak.

Marius is sitting forward in his chair, ready to move. Signy doesn't know her brother very well but she thinks he's angry.

"And then there's my part," Folly says when it's clear Edan has reached the end of his tale, "which includes both what happened, and the implications of what happened. Thanks to Martin and Edan's timely distraction, I was able to sneak the king out of the suite using a trump -- and probably just in time, too, as the-Queen-in-Vialle's-body seemed to be about to perform some kind of magic or ritual -- she was chanting, anyway -- and it might have been going to involve the circle of magical sigils inscribed in the nursery that Fiona thinks might be some kind of power conduit, like maybe a way for the Queen to recorporealize or get her mojo back or something.

"So I grabbed the king, with my plan being to snap him out of his ensorcellment by reconnecting him with his body and reminding him of who he is when he's just himself. You know, getting the band back together, that kind of thing." She hesitates, tapping the pencil against her notebook in a quiet rhythm while she figures out how to say the next bit.

"I was going by intuition, but what ended up working was the Great Rite, ordained by the Jewel that Corwin had brought to me, consecrated by my willingness to accept a gift that was meant for me all along: Xanadu."

Folly sits a little straighter and makes eye contact with each of her cousins as she looks around the circle. "I know many of you are quite fond of Vialle. Hell, I'm more than a little fond of her myself, even if we've had our differences. But if any of you were thinking we need to rush out and rescue her and return her to her rightful place on the throne here... it already wasn't, even before any of this happened. We don't know exactly what happened leading up to and during her mysterious trip to Tir, but there's some evidence her alliance with the Queen was purposeful, to try to control the king and keep hold of some power here, although I suspect that she got much more than she bargained for." She shakes her head, a gesture that looks like half sympathy, half reproach.

"So, if she comes back to us alive and no longer possessed by a usurping queen, she is likely looking at a sentence of treason. Those of you who know me well will be unsurprised to know that I'm inclined to argue against the usual punishment, not least because I don't want to see this generation repeat the same mistakes, mistrusts, and hostilities as the one before. But I am open to arguments on both sides." She sounds very much like she is speaking for Xanadu -- or at least speaking as the king's left-hand woman.

Beyond a slow blink, and a very slight glance towards Martin, there is no change in expression for Jerod.

Brennan had never given up his perch where he could watch everyone coming in-- and who comes in with whom-- unless they circled around and came from a different angle.

He listens to Edan's and then Folly's recitations with grave attention: Especially at Edan's comment to Marius, the mention of Clarissa, and the mention of his sister. And at Folly's mention of the Great Rite, especially, Brennan closes his eyes and nods his head slightly, briefly. Then he ruthlessly stifles his impulse to look at Martin and instead glances at Jerod.

"If Vialle was not possessed at the time of her ascent to Tir-na Nog'th," Brennan says, to no one and everyone, "then in addition to treason, she is directly complicit in Cambina's death, having used her as a guide under what must certainly have been false pretenses. I would like to hear what evidence there is that she was not already possessed, but was a willing partner. What Edan says, that the true means of possession is the child, may be additional corroboration.

Brennan's always had the trick of making his voice carry without seeming to strain or shout.

There is the barest turn of Jerod's head to Brennan as he finishes. For those perceptive enough to figure it out, they'll realize Jerod has already figured that out it seems.

Beyond the turn, again, there is nothing more. He seems to be...waiting.

Marius finally comes out of his seat, heading across the circle for Edan, heedless of the fact Edan has his infant in his arms. "So you struck me down from behind so you could flee with the Queen, untried, to punish her for being possessed?"

And Martin, who was clearly also waiting for this, is out of his chair to interpose. "He did it on my direct order, Marius. If you have a problem, take it out on me."

Marius looks angry enough to belt Edan or Martin; Martin, to those who know him well, looks like he's not going to start it, but if Marius starts it, he'll be venting some of his very bad day finishing it.

Garrett stands immediately after Martin, eyeing Marius warily, though he does not move to intervene.

"Cousins." Brennan's voice still doesn't raise, but it cracks like a whip.

"There are other things to discuss tonight, just as important as the Queen of Air and Darkness possessing the Queen Vialle and putting King Random-- and apparently Fiona-- under thrall. Including, at least, the opening fights in a new war with the Moonriders, the plots of the Klybesians and a new opportunity to set them back, and whatever the Dragon of Arden will be getting up to while we're all distracted.

"There is a reason we didn't invite the aunts and uncles to this meeting. May I suggest that we act as role models for them: That we actually hear all of the threats arrayed against us before figuring out how many seconds we'll need for how many duels?"

Hannah stays in her seat, watching the exchange with a calm, serious expression. When Brennan speaks, her eyes slip to him and she slowly smiles in admiration.

Garrett shifts his attention to Brennan as he speaks and gives a slight nod of agreement at Brennan's conclusion.

Jerod is silent as he watches the interplay, and listens without a flicker as Brennan finishes.

"Marius. Sit down." Jerod says flatly, waiting for a moment before he continues. "You want to get pissed off at something, you're going to have to get into line. Because I just found out that someone I supposedly thought was a friend may be directly or indirectly involved with Cambina's death.

"And Folly's little warning not-withstanding, you can bet I want Vialle dead right now and in future. But the King will decide what happens with her...not me.

"So if I can bury that shit for the good of the kingdom, you can sit your wounded pride ass down and listen.

"Unless you want me to assist you with that." he add simply, before looking at Ossian. "I need a fucking drink."

Martin catches Jerod's eye across the circle and nods, once.

The nod is returned just slightly, enough for Martin to know it was seen.

Seeing that Brennan, Jerod and Martin have things well in hand Conner remains seated. He does glance over to Edan in sympathy. That could not have been an easy choice for one so honor bound.

Brita startles a little at Brennan's mention of war on the Moonrider front but stays quiet otherwise.

Celina laces her fingers in her lap. Her eyes switch between the faces of the male speakers. Conner and Brita can hear her teeth grind. She appears to be waiting for something else.

Without really thinking about it, Signy finds herself quickly in the center of attention as she chases after her brother. She puts her hand on his forearm, hoping that the contact distracts him from his anger currently.

"Marius. No. There's a lot more going on here, I think. We need to figure things out first."

Marius unballs his fist a little when Signy touches him. He's almost vibrating with anger.

Vere watches everything with no expression. It is impossible to tell exactly where his attention is focussed.

"Yes, I understand that instinct to do violence to protect or avenge those you love," Folly says, exuding calm -- although those who know her well might suspect that it's only by force of will. "When I understood what the Queen was doing to him, I could have ripped her throat out with my teeth. But it wasn't her throat, it was Vialle's -- and while I don't think Vialle is blameless here, neither am I convinced that she's fully culpable for everything the Queen has done in her guise.

"I want justice, not vengeance. I want punishments that fit the crime but that don't lead to the loss of more innocent life, if we can avoid it. Edan's report that there is no child, only the Queen inhabiting Vialle, allays one of my concerns on that front, at least."

Folly turns her gaze to Marius. "Vialle was taken from here to buy us some time, not as punishment, but to try to find a way to separate the usurping Queen from her. So that she would not be condemned to die if it turned out the only way to save the King was to kill the Queen. I want her returned to herself, and then returned to us, so that she can answer for her part in what happened to Cambina, and everything that came after. And honestly, the fact that the Moonriders have her now could be our best chance to do that, because I don't think anyone here had the first clue how to do it safely. The fact that the Moonriders get their Queen back is a major complication, of course, but I'm hoping our volunteer hostage might have some ideas about that." She inclines her head slightly to the group in the middle of the circle -- mostly toward Martin, probably, as if ceding control of the meeting back to him. Then, for a moment, her eyes focus into the middle distance like she's listening for something outside the circle -- a disturbance from the castle, possibly, or other hint that their volunteer hostage has gotten up to mischief.

There is nothing that indicates to Folly's senses that anything is amiss with Random.

Raven's gaze bounces from speaker to speaker as she listens, but she hasn't moved at all.

Edan looked like he was ready to take a hit to shield a baby, but he finally relaxes. "You know what I have done. You know why. I will stand before the king and answer for that. I believe my actions fulfilled the oaths I have made. For what it is worth, the Marshal swore himself that no harm would come to either Queen."

Celina relaxes at these words from Edan.

Merlin, who is sitting next to her, visibly relaxes as his sister does, but his brow is furrowed and he's frowning at something about this entire exchange he doesn't understand.

Robin has been trying to stay calm for the firelizards' sake but those who know her, can tell that she's afraid, truly afraid for Marius. Under her breath she murmurs, "Marius, no. Challenging Martin in a fit of passion is what led to Aisling's death. Don't do it. Challenge Edan to a duel or something. But don't cross Martin..."

Solange, who is sitting with Robin, slides her fingers into Robin's if she'll let Solange and whispers, "It'll be all right," to her. She glances across at Folly.

Off in a corner Fletcher has been somewhat agog taking in all the news, and clearly trying to make all fit into his understanding of things while muttering quietly to himself. Now he speaks up. "Thank you Edan. Brennan was right when said we should be role models. Our family's function has always been such and our actions cast long shadows. We here are people of at least four Patterns. Chaos and anarchy are not good tools to use if we want to prevail and preserve our realms. We should find out as much truth as possible before we take any permanent actions in pursuit of justice."

"Well said, Sir Fletcher," Martin follows up. "I was going to say, my concern was that Marius had been ensorcelled by the Queen, just like Dad. But Edan and I have also been alone with her, so maybe we should all be looked over by the sorcerers to be sure we're not under some influence either. Edan told me what he saw when he looked at Vialle, and I believe him, but I'm no sorcerer myself and if he were compelled---" Martin trails off and leaves the rest of that sentence as an exercise to his cousins.

Marius doesn't look satisfied, but he seems to be willing to wait until one of the sorcerers reports whether any of them are under the influence of the Queen to say anything more.

Celina stares into Marius' dissatisfaction but makes no offer of sorcery or judgements. Her emerald eyes nod once with approval at Signy.

Celina shows no reaction if Merlin or Conner speak to offer sorcerous help.

Those familiar with the nuances of Brennan's scowls will recognize the current one as the I-should-have-thought-of-that scowl.

"I will," Brennan says. "I will use a technique that is relatively quick and passive rather than invasive-- I just need to look at you, in a careful and Sorcerous way. Anyone else willing to undergo this process, raise your hand. Anyone not, don't. I obviously cannot vouch for myself, so I request Merlin," Brennan raises his hand, "or a non-Redhead cousin do the same for me. Honestly, I wouldn't be unhappy if Merlin or any other Sorceror cross-checked everyone willing. If I need longer, I'll say. Conner, I may want you to draw your blade, but please don't do it right now."

"I will inspect Sir Brennan and report back on whether he is possessed or otherwise compromised," Merlin says, "And also on anyone who wishes me to inspect them. And likewise Sir Brennan should examine me, along with any others who are willing."

Ambrose says, "I'll volunteer to be looked over, but I can add nothing to our sorcerous resources than Brennan and Conner can't bring to bear."

Folly nods -- she would have asked Brennan if he hadn't volunteered -- and raises her hand. Then she thinks for a moment, frowning; removes the jacket she's thrown over the summery dress she's wearing; pulls a few items from her pockets, including her trump case and something in a little black drawstring bag; wraps the securely in the jacket; and sets the bundle a few feet off to the side before returning to her seat and raising her hand again. "Given the day I've had, it's possible I'll be a little extra glow-y," she says by way of warning to Brennan or anyone else looking sorcerously in her direction.

Jerod frowns slightly, muttering slightly to himself as he collects a drink...a large drink. "Okay, new task...don't think about Pattern so we're not blinding anyone." he says as he pours...stops, pours substantially more. He grabs a second drink before heading back to his spot, handing it to Ossian.

Ossian gratefully takes the drink from Jerod. And raises his hand. He opens his mouth to say something, but closes it again.

Fletcher steps closer to Brennan. "You're welcome to take a look, but I should be clean. I walked the Pattern just the other day."

Signy is close enough to hear Martin snort, and for a moment his eyes are bright and it's like what Fletcher said broke the tension in him.

Conner raises his hand and also rises. "Volunteering to check and be checked." Conner unbuckles his sword belt and places it on his seat before moving to a spot a little way off and preparing to examine those that volunteer. He has had practice with this from examining Marius but viewing magic at the heart of things was tricky at the best of times.

Hannah's reaction, raising her hand and then realizing she's got to remove items that might look strange, is so much like Folly's she chuckles. She takes off her medicine bag and tucks it inside the cradle board.

Brita raises her hand but also rises and begins to walk around the circle, counter to Brennan's movements, searching for any scent of unexpected Green or Chaos as she makes her way through all her cousins and kin to end up next to Ambrose.

Vere raises his hand and leans over to say quietly to Robin. "I do not believe that First cast any spells to cloud our minds and make us trust her, but if she had that is just what I would think. Best we have independent confirmation."

Robin nods, but does not raise her own hand. If Brita and Vere are checked, there's no need to add to the queue. She takes a moment to squeeze Solange's fingers in thanks for her earlier comfort. The ranger -- and potentially Knight of the Ruby -- is still concerned for Marius, but she's calming down.

Solange gives her another squeeze and rises to be reviewed and looked over.

Celina does not raise her hand. She waits the outcome of the first cross-check.

Garrett takes a step away from Martin so the sorcerers have a clear view and raises his hand. "It should be fine. I just got here, but go ahead and take a look," he says to no one in particular.

Signy moves so get to a position where she can also be scanned, relying on the pressure of her hand on Marius's forearm to steer him into place beside her. "I was alone with one Moonrider after a long but uneventful night. I think he was genuine that he just wanted to parley and have a message brought back to the King, but...."

While she's not making pains to hide the remark, it's clearly pitched more for the benefit of her brother.

Marius makes a gusty sighing noise, but he lets Signy pull him away from Martin.

Edan raises a hand, and moves closer to Hannah to hand off the baby back and forth if needed. "Absolutely I should be scanned," he says.

Hannah is happy to pass the baby back and forth and even wonders quietly if the baby blends more with her as Brennan sees it, and defines more when Edan had him, or if she has a misassumption. She's looking for data points about the universe, as always. When they aren't under inspection Hannah keeps a gentle hand on Edan's arm or back, just a comfort touch. A bit of sympathy, but not so much as to require any reaction.

Conner crosses over to Brennan. "How are you intending to look for influence?" he asks softly. "This close to the center it will be hard to see anything against the background. Especially if Folly has done what I think she's done."

"A personal technique," Brennan says, "projecting the Third Eye to the Astral, which has pros and cons. One of the cons is, yes, I'm going to be looking for something against a very bright background glare. One of the pros is, it's a lot more versatile, and I would expect the Queen's influence to be... not very subtle. If I need to, I'll ask you to hold the sword in different positions and use the metaphorical light source to inspect the metaphorical shadows. And I'll save Folly for last.

"But that said, having someone-- or someones-- using a different technique from a different tradition can't hurt."

Raven doesn't raise her hand to volunteer. In part because she's pretty sure the closest she's come to any of that part of that specific mess is being in a cell with Marius for a while, and in part because she's pretty sure that, based on Brennan's description, pretty much anyone that's in the area and not hiding is going to get at least glancingly scanned.

Conner looks across the volunteers. He finds that it takes effort to even open his third eye in Xanadu, and he feels as if he knows every inch of the distance between the pattern and his sorcerous efforts, and that all of it is a stream of light pushing his sorcery away. It's like exercising muscles that he hasn't used recently enough, or like taking a beating from a triton. It's a huge exertion and he has to fight to keep it going for any length of time at all.

What Conner can see is that no one of the volunteers is significantly different than what he sees of himself, although he does think Marius' wounds had longer-term consequences than he's letting on.

It's also possible that Folly is brighter or perhaps has even less distinct edges than the others, but it's also possible that he's reading that into what she said.

Conner is aware of a great source of energy, not unlike the stream of light from the pattern, coming from about where Folly put her red cloak down. It's powerful enough that even from behind him, he can tell that something is there, and he could see what it was if he turned his head. Does Conner look any further than the volunteers?

Brennan looks across the volunteers. Like Conner, he finds that it takes effort to even open his third eye in Xanadu, and he feels as if he knows every inch of the distance between the pattern and his sorcerous efforts, and that all of it is a stream of light pushing his sorcery away. It's like exercising muscles that he hasn't used recently enough, or like taking a beating from a triton. It's a huge exertion and he has to fight to keep it going for any length of time at all.

What Brennan can see is that no one of the volunteers is significantly different than what he sees of himself. It's hard to tell, because in addition to Xanadu and Corwin and Random being just inside the nearby castle, the Jewel of Judgement is wrapped up in Folly's cape a dozen feet away. It's like a microphone pointed at a speaker.

Folly is the most complex of all the subjects. While Brennan's astral vision is usually a matter of flowing energy and generally is more like fields of color and motion, Xanadu is different. Folly doesn't ever quite end, but slides into Xanadu. The field that he assumes is 'her' seems in low-level constant contact with the city, the castle, and the pattern. That might be what she meant by 'extra glowy'.

Brita smells no unexpected Green or Chaos; Celina smells more like the Sea than she has in the past, but that's not unnatural. She is becoming more herself.

When she gets to Folly, Folly smells more like Xanadu than she ever has. And like Baby. A new baby, not Lark.

Brita says softly to Folly as she passes, "Felicitations on Your Second."

Folly blinks and replies just as softly, "My goodness -- that's way more efficient than peeing on a stick." Perhaps it's some sort of regional idiom.

It takes Brita no extra effort to smell the blood of the cousins who offer themselves up to her.

By this time Brita has ended her circuit and come to where Ambrose has been standing, where Brennan was. His eyes are a little wide and he raises his eyebrows in silent question.

Merlin does something sorcerous that the others can't really feel, but they suspect is him opening the Third Eye to look at the others who have agreed to be scanned by him and the other sorcerers: first Brennan, then Martin (with whom Merlin has a moment where he seems like he's about to ask a question, then doesn't), then Conner (carefully not looking at the sword), then Marius (whom he takes a long time with) and Signy, then Hannah, Garrett, and Edan (another long time), and Ambrose, and Fletcher, and Vere and Solange, and Brita as she moves around the group, and last, but not least, very carefully, Folly.

Merlin looks as if he's exerted himself. "It is hard to say if I have been successful, because this is a challenging environment for sorcery, moreso even than Amber was at the Coronation. I will need to rest, and I do not recommend other sorcerers use their powers here if their circumstances are not equally dire." He pauses. "However, I was able to gather some intelligence, regardless.

"I do not sense anything amiss with anyone whom I have inspected, other than injuries that I have seen before," he says after a moment. "Folly is different, but that does not appear to be something wrong, and I do not wish to inspect it closely with Sorcery. That would be a Bad Idea."

"Mm, yes, you're probably right," Folly replies, like she has a pretty good idea what he's talking about. She takes that moment to retrieve the items she removed from her pockets and wrap the cloak around herself again.

"I concur with Merlin's assessment." Conner agrees. "There is nothing obviously different from anyone I examined apart from Marius's old injuries and Folly's new... aura." Conner collects a plate of food before returning to his seat.

Brennan looks uncomfortable, like he's been staring into the sun, or skiing snowblind without goggles. "Agreed," he concurs. "To be any more definitive with Sorcery, we'd have to be somewhere out in Shadow and would probably need to spend more time of it. But as I said, I don't think the Queen's influence would be subtle."

To the group, Brita adds, "I scent Nothing Untoward."

Jerod sips his drink. "So...we're basically good to go and start dumping a whole lot of stuff on the table?" he asks, more rhetorically than anything. "Cause if we're taking awhile, we'll want to order more booze.

"Who's on first?"

Hannah makes certain Edan has the baby again and retakes her seat, leaning over to reaquire her medicine bag.

Fletcher speaks up again. "If the sorcerous inspection is done, I'd like to check one more thing." He concentrates on opening his sense of the Pattern that pervades the area, seeking out his cousins, tiny islands in the bright light of Xanadu no doubt. He sifts through his sense, recalling the fine variations of the Patterns he's walked and those he's witnessed (which includes Amber, Paris, Avalon, Xanadu, Rebma, and Primal. He looks for any hint of a Pattern flavor he's not expecting.

Fletcher's sense of Pattern variations is much stronger for those he's actually walked, which is a more limited number.

But in any case they're really close to the Xanadu Pattern, and between that and the powerful THING Folly has in her bag, it's pretty much impossible for Fletcher to feel anything other than that HELLO PATTERN HERE. On the upside, if someone is under a Pattern influence, that THING in the bag is probably enough to undo it.

Folly gives him a little time to do what he's doing in case it needs quiet concentration. Then she says, "If we're taking requests, I'm interested to hear from those of you who were looking after our volunteer hostage. What sense have you gotten of her intentions and her understanding of what's been happening here?"

Edan keeps quiet and listens to the answers to that, as much as he can while keeping the baby quiet.

Vere stands. "First to the Fray says that she is looking to make peace between her people and ours, and that her surrender was a way to buy time for negotiations, end the conflict that was about to begin, and enable her to begin those negotiations." He smiles slightly. "She has several times asked about our customs of making peace through royal marriage." He pauses, considering, and then adds, "I do not believe she is aware of the Queen's actions, although I most certainly cannot swear to that, nor to the truth of her motives. For what it is worth, my gut feeling is that she is sincere, but I would not hazard the fate of the realm on my feelings. She does seem to be acting as something of a rebel against the general feeling of her people, and I suspect that the elders of her people, like the elders of ours, are more focussed on the grievances of the past than the possibilities of peace for the future."

"OK, so we have: one King of Xanadu in working order, one ex-Queen of Xanadu and a Queen of Air and Darkness in Moonrider hands, one Moonrider, apparently sincere, in our hands. Further observations on Moonrider princess, and anything else to do with Moonriders, before we move to learning about other subjects?" Martin asks. "Because I think that's about a third of us involved in those two, and I personally am still worried about things like the prospective intershadow zombie invasion."

Brita stands again and adds "I Too feel Moonrider First is Sincere in Her Quest for Peace. She Also Wishes to Coordinate on Resolvimg the Misty Issues of Her Homeland - Potentially by Restoring Her Queen's Sanity."

Celina looks at Brita. "Interesting then. Restoring the Queen would likely plunge Rebma into civil war. That puts me very much in opposition to that line of resolutions. This is the time to ask if anyone has puzzle pieces about how the Queen of Air and Darkness was Entangled in Order in the first place. Anyone?"

Edan looks like he has something to say, but not on that subject. He smiles, a little, and waits.

Conner turns very deliberately to Celina. Those that know Conner very well will recognize he has been completely blindsided by Celina's statement. "Apologies, My Queen, but I'm afraid you've lost me. How would restoring sanity to the Queen of Air and Darkness lead to civil war in Rebma?" he asks.

On her other side, Merlin's eyes grow wide.

Celina looks about, then back to Conner. "The list of assumptions is a bit unwieldy. There's this ancient stalemate with the Queen of Air and Darkness. Now the stalemate works itself loose? Is restored sanity that resolution? No. Material form seems to be the pivot point, or at least how the Queen wriggles her escape. So you may not know, the Queen of Air and Darkness was stopped by Moins, not Oberon or Chaos."

Celina looks again around the familiar patient faces. "I often meditate and seek understanding of Moins, who created the city and Pattern. Recent commentary from my Aunt Llewella regards my long search for mastery in Rebma; if Moins were to return to Rebma, Llewella would take up arms against Moins' rule. The passionate Llewella is formidable. I would throw in with Llewella in that case, for Llewella describes her mother as a supremely cold and ruthless person she must oppose. How did Moins vanish? Moins took it upon herself to stop the Queen of Air and Darkness from doing more mad damage. Moins did not return. But mirrors acquired their strange Ordered properties after that confrontation. Mirrors hold some key to the Phasic Time state. Moins set something in motion and that art held mighty for centuries."

Celina adds, "It's my own ...bias that says as the Queen of Air and Darkness recovers and wiggles free, sane or not, it will allow the living but absent Moins to follow in her wake and return as well. That jeopardy will lead to my realm being stressed with conflict on top of whatever else we'll be dealing with across the realms."

Merlin moves to awkwardly touch Celina's arm in what observers might guess is an attempt at comfort. It is not a gesture native to him.

Jerod takes another drink but says nothing, absorbing information as he thinks to himself, "Gateway and Zombies are looking real good right now."

Signy dropps her hand from Marius as she takes a few steps back towards her seat, trusting that the moment has passed and that Marius will follow her.

Marius lets her guide him back to his seat, but he's not over it even if he's being very quiet now.

She also looks like she has more to add, but is holding off until the Moins discussion finishes.

Folly sits forward in her seat. "It might be relevant, then, that the King's recent absence from Xanadu was rumored to be because they went to Rebma, maybe to talk to Vialle's relatives about her supposed pregnancy -- but Random doesn't seem to have any distinct memory of where they went, just a vague memory of setting off down the stairs from Paris, and a vague sense that maybe Fiona was there, or met them there. There was some kind of ritual, which Fiona described as something she was doing to try to help Random, at Vialle's request, but the Queen attacked her while she was mid-ritual. After that they showed up back here with Random acting all mind-controlled.

"I've been trying to figure out why they would have gone to -- or at least toward -- Rebma, but maybe that's it. Maybe they needed to try to break something Moins had done." Folly frowns thoughtfully. "Suddenly I'm wondering what we'd see if we tried to look at that magic circle with a mirror."

Garrett returns to his seat, but leans forward, elbows on his knees, listening intently. "Could the fact that Vialle is Rebman make her an even better vassal for the Queen then, in addition to her position here?"

Signy looks at Folly, her emerald eyes focused and intense. "When I went to Rebma for the first time, we stopped at an alcove for the evening. I had a dream, there was a floating woman there. The room had a...statue, or outcropping, or something, that looked sort of like a woman sitting on a throne."

"The same happened to me and Brita when we went there" Ossian offers.

Brita nods in agreement but adds nothing else.

Beside her, Ambrose looks a bit concerned, but doesn't say anything.

Raven just continues to listen attentively.

"I don't know. I saw the floaty-moon woman twice. But both times it was in Shadow, away from Rebma. If it's the same apparition, that is," Robin says.

"And I saw her on Asir Island, when I was there with Lucas, while Dad was Regent," Solange adds. "It was like she was looking for something and I was a candidate. Turns out I'm really not sorry I failed that test. For a while I thought she was only appearing to daughters of Rilga's line."

Martin frowns. "I thought we sorted that out in Paris--but you weren't there, of course, Solange. The floating woman was the Queen, and now she's gone because she's possessed Vialle, or Vialle is pregnant with her, or whatever the metaphysical notation is. And if the Queen comes back, maybe Moins comes back and we have a hot civil war in Rebma, which is something none of us want." He looks at Celina, adding, "I don't think any of us knew that about the mirrors.

"Anything else about Rebmans, mirrors, Moonriders, the Queen of Air and Darkness?" Martin says. "Because this is increasingly sounding like one knotty universal problem."

"Talking about mirrors..." Jerod says, looking at Celina. "What's the status of that special mirror you mentioned having...back at the funeral? That really good one that Moire was having made?"

Signy hesitates for a second, before offering "Well, there was also the rescue of the Queen that we did as well....."

She glances at Brita and Garrett before continuing.

"And the Chain we brought back from it."

That last is offered in a quieter tone, with an apologetic look at Edan. There's always the hope that the Chain still stayed with them, and didn't get taken by the Marshall.

Chain? Celina glances at Signy considering. She switches to Jerod, "I have the mirror under guard and traps... waiting for the right time." She looks at Martin, "The Klybesians have a Rebman royal prisoner in Paris. It's a trap but we think it's likely for Vere's sister. Also, we captured Bend in Paris, who is under Aunt Florimel's watch right now. I'll need help in burning the Klybesians out of Paris."

Folly, who has been scribbling notes hurriedly, looks up at Celina with an intense look. "Which royal?" she asks. "They couldn't mean Moire, could they?"

"Since we have drifted to the topic of the Klybesians," Conner notes, "Raven and I met with the Dey of Longtides, a Marid formerly from the Land of Peace. According to his intelligence, all of these cults popping up in Shadow: Klyebesian, the Paresh of Amber and Asir and others are actually different faces of the same movement moving against us." Conner pauses for a sip of brandy. "I did not get much more than that before getting called here but he was certain that infiltration by the cults is what paved the way for the Triumvirate to get their foothold in Gateway."

Edan adds, "The chain you speak of was an integral part of the spell to Bind the Queens in the jar I made. The Marshal has it, but it is possible he won't recognize what it is."

Vere looks at Celina when she makes the comment about his sister. He purses his lips thoughtfully, but doesn't say anything.

Garrett nods at Signy's glance when she mentions the rescue, and looks disappointed that the chain is in the Marshall's hands. "Now that we know more, I suspect the queens may have already been joined when we did the rescue," he comments.

Celina nods once to Garrett's comment.

Vere clears his throat. "I do not know how widely the knowledge of what I found in Tir has spread," he says, with a brief glance at Jerod. "Or whether this is the proper time to repeat it for everyone?"

Brennan also looks to Jerod for an opinion on that, but gives his own as a curt nod-- yeah, might as well.

To give Jerod a chance to think that over, and Vere a chance to choose his words, Brennan stands for the time to answer Martin's question. "Yes, there is more about the Moonriders. Some or all of us may know that after Conner's and First's duel, there was a skirmish on the outskirts of Avalon." He wavers his hand a bit, "Large skirmish, small battle. A few hundred fighters on each side. "Ossian and Jerod and I commanded, with help from Regenlief, whom some of you may know. I don't want to get involved in a blow by blow description, but those of us who'll end up fighting, when it comes to that again, should definitely trade notes before we break up fully.

"That said: First, we won.

"Second, with some of the best fellow commanders I've ever had," he glances at Ossian and Jerod, "rivalling the team who fought together in Chaos," he glances at Marius to judge his current temper, "and leading some of Benedict's battle-hardened Avalonians, it was still a damn hard fight. We had to burn them out to force a decisive fight." Brennan starts to say more, then closes his mouth and shakes his head-- this isn't quite the time for it.

"Third, after we won, the three Moonrider commanders abandoned their troops and fled the field with Sorcery, and only I could follow, so I did. They fled to the newly risen Silver Towers-- did anyone mention that, yet?-- off the coast of Benedict's Avalon proper. Luckily, Conner and I are friends with the local King, so whatever the Moonriders thought they were going to do, it turned into an agreement that I would escort them back to Ghenesh rather than let them traipse around Avalon sowing mischief and destruction. That's in progress now with the help of my Knights and Sir Firumbras, and yes, everyone should assume that for all the mutual civility of the escort that we're watching each other like wary predators, each trying to learn more about the other."

"The Rebman her majesty mentioned is unidentified." Jerod says in response to Folly's question, finishing his drink. "Not an established personage, someone of our generation most likely. Easier to hide, and to one comes looking for someone who isn't there.

"As for Tir and secrets, they get people killed when they're hidden so I'd suggest getting them out in the open." he says, looking at Vere.

"Go on," Martin says to Jerod and Vere, "We can get back to the Moonriders. Except you--" Martin points at Brennan "--are not officially here. And officially nobody knows what's going on until Brennan reports in."

Vere pauses, arranging his thoughts. "It began with Robin discovering a situation regarding two ancient powers, the Ladies Morgne and Laudine, locked in a binding as part of a truce between their respective courts. They guarded two respective sites of power called Methrin's Font and Merlin's Font. Robin broke the binding and we rode the wave of power of that breaking away from that place. Robin and I were separated, and I ended up on Asir. Which, it turns out, is where the Paresh had settled. Along with a cult called the Questioners of the Oracle, whom I suspect might either be, or be affiliated with, Klybesians."

He shrugs, slightly. "So there is more there that needs to be investigated, when we all have time and nothing else to do. I traveled from there to Amber, and reported to Caine. The ladies were left there, and Caine sent me to Tir. He wished me to see what the visions there would show concerning those two ladies and their situation, and whether they were potential allies or a threat. I spoke with Random before venturing to Tir and he approved this mission. Edan came along to watch over me and pull me out should I be in peril.

"I did see them, and no doubt what I saw should be discussed at some time, but it seems a minor issue now. The vital point now is that while I was there I saw a masked woman who did not behave like a vision of that place. She clearly saw me, deliberately drew my attention, and then led me on a chase through the city down to the Pattern Chamber. Once there she unmasked and spoke to me."

Vere pauses, then says simply, "It was Cambina."

Solange's face hardens.

"She told me that she had been waiting for me to come. Then she said we did not have much time, as I would be in peril if the Queen discovered I was there. She said that she believes that the Queen has been distracted since Vialle walked the Pattern of Tir, but we should not count upon that.

"Vialle had asked Cambina to take her to Tir. Cambina agreed to do this, as it was something she had already Forseen herself doing, and Vialle said she would go alone if Cambina did not accompany her. But when they arrived at Tir the Queen was waiting for them, in a translucent form like a ghost of Tir. She held Cambina with magic while Vialle walked the Pattern. Vialle's walk ended just as the sun arose, and Cambina fell, and does not know what happened after that.

"Now her spirit is trapped in Tir, and hiding from the Queen. As far as she knows the Queen believes that she is dead and gone, and Cambina does not want to risk what might happen if that changes.

"Dawn came, and I departed via Trump. I asked Edan not to speak of this until we could speak with the King. But when we returned to the palace we learned that Vialle was with child, and the King was away. I reported on my trip to Caine, telling him what I had learned of the matter on which he had originally sent me to Tir, but telling him nothing of Cambina."

He looks at Brennan, then Jerod. "I do not know if the King has been told this story since his recovery."

Underwater, no one sees your tears and Celina has not learned the trick of hiding them. She weeps and calls no attention to herself.

Conner lays his hand on Celina's in a gesture of comfort. A moment or two later a handkerchief is discretely passed to her. It is slightly damp and smells of the sea water of the Gate.

Merlin, who was already holding Celina's hand on the other side, squeezes her fingers lightly.

Though Conner's face hardens, it is clear that he has heard this story before.

"Someone has a task then." Jerod says, looking at Folly for a moment, as the logical candidate, going to collect another drink before collecting the bottle itself and bringing it back to his spot to pour the drink.

"But that's after we get all the rest of the cards on the table and figure out what we're doing. One of which will be to ensure we don't have any random elements causing the Weyr...who are understandably pissed off at the Moonriders...and who may react without warning depending on what happens now.

"I took the liberty of reaching out to see what was happening with them...and to see about stabilizing any issues that might arise since Cambina had been directing them prior to her death. Some along with me at Gateway against the Triumvirate, an outlet for their desire for action against the Queen but it's very clear they've got an obsession on for her and the Moonriders...and if the Marshall can advance the arrival of said Queen, they're one more element to put into the pot."

"That group of Weyr's still in Gateway," Raven comments. She doesn't add anything else - it's not time for the Gateway story yet.

"And the King already knows," Folly says in response to Jerod's implied directive. "A few of us heard the story last night when Vere was trying to figure out how to get the news to him. I reached him first, so." She gives a humble shrug. "We're not sure how or when Vialle might first have encountered the Queen, but he believes it's possible the two of them could have struck some kind of deal."

She looks at Celina. "I'd actually wondered if this were all some sort of extremely long game on your mother's part, forcing an Amber royal to marry someone already compromised by the other Queen in a sort of epic battle of Girls Against Boys. But the bit about Moins argues against that. Unless Moire didn't understand or didn't agree with what Moins did, or was trying to strike her own deal somehow."

Brennan nods to Martin: Understood.

Then he listens to Vere's story, which he's also evidently already heard, which his chin raised and his jaw set in anger.

He turns to Folly and to Celina and asks them each one question.

To Celina: "Given that tale, with Vialle walking a Pattern: What do we know of her ancestry?"

To Folly: "You mentioned evidence that her alliance was purposeful. Was that the evidence, or is there more?"

"Not really evidence so much as strong plausibility," Folly responds. She does not look directly at Marius, but tries to keep him in her peripheral vision as she adds, "She doesn't have the same influence here that she did in Amber, and was, per the king, trying to hold on to what power she did have by... well, by trying to convince him that they should have a child. And he wasn't playing along. So it's plausible she went this other way to try to achieve that goal."

Celina looks at Brennan, opens her mouth---

Before Celina can answer, Marius rises again, to look at Vere, shaking off any attempt that Signy makes to silence him. "So you've decided," he says to Folly, "that Vialle was upset by Random's unfaithfulness that she conspired with Amber's enemies-- the Moonriders--to get his attention back? And then you got your so-called husband and Sir Edan to get rid of her so you can step into her place? Is that what this is about?"

Celina eases back into her seat. To those close enough, the set of her green gaze on Marius looks rather challenging.

Jerod was leaning a bit before, finishing up his drink. Now he's not leaning, the glass has vanished from his hand onto a table top and he's leaning slightly forward on the balls of his feet. He hasn't moved any further, but those who know him, especially Martin or Brennan will know that is deceptive...Jerod is fast enough to close the range to Folly before most others can blink.

Beyond that, he is silent, waiting to hear how people respond....and who might require some...attention.

Hannah, who has been quietly observing, finds what Marius just said so absurd she shakes her head. She stands to create a barrier from which she can shove any scufflers, wrestlers, or other fisticuffees back toward the warrior types before they can roll past her to Folly.

Conner's eyes narrow as he absorbs Marius's take on things. That would be worthy of the Family scheming wouldn't it?

"Marius." Anyone who served in the Amber Navy would recognize the tone of a senior officer getting a junior's attention. Then Conner's voice softens. "I like Vialle too." He says simply. "When all this over and the facts are before us, I truly hope we find that Vialle was a victim, an unwilling pawn, in others plans."

Conner sighs. "But is too much evidence of the Queen of Air and Darkness's involvement. Vere's ability to hear the voices of the dead is real and if you doubt that ask Gerard. I believe his story. I believe the direct evidence of Fiona, Bleys and Edan, though I know that the words of Redheads might be hard to take at face value. In the end though, you are asking me to believe that Folly, the same person that set up a school for dock workers and tried to bring women's lib to Amber society had suddenly gone mad with power and tried to get a rival out of way." Conner shakes his head. "I will stand with you that condemning Vialle is premature but I will not follow you there."

Edan moves close to Hannah, thinking there may be an emergency baby handoff in a moment. "Folly has not, and does not, get me to do anything. My oaths, and those of the Lamp, are directly to the King. The Queen of Air and Darkness had the King under her thrall, and needed to be moved out of his influence. I proved the Tir Queen's involvement to my own satisfaction. Now that his mind is clear, Random should be able to attest to this. So can Fiona. Even the Marshal admitted it before I... lost to him.

"In hindsight, there are a number of things I would have done differently. But not the act itself. Were I possessed by our enemies and acting out their will in Xanadu, I would expect any of you to do the same to me."

Marius whips from Conner to Edan, as if he can't believe what he's hearing. "Which act? Attacking the Queen and a Knight of the Ruby, from behind, or giving the Moonriders the Queen of Xanadu? We had an advantage with Conner's prisoner, but you fixed that."

Marius shakes his head, looking at Conner as if he can make him understand by sheer force of will. "It's not power she's after, Conner. She doesn't want to lose her husband. Folly's had plans for Random all along; maybe she even really believes that Vialle is a threat. Something threatened Random, that's for sure, but it looks like an attack on the Queen as well. And we're lining up to help with that."

He grunts in frustration. "What are we here to do? Sign off on making the victim out as the villain? Tell everyone it's all OK? If that's what this meeting is about, then we should all walk away."

Brita speaks up. "Queen Vialle was Clearly Possessed with Different Behaviors at Different Times. If She Colluded with her Possessor or Not May Still Need to be Divined, but it Does Not Matter Now as We No Longer have Access to Either Queen."

Robin is just listening -- taking it all in.

Hannah sidesteps Edan, having no intention of taking back her son at this time. She steps closer to the center and raises her voice without progressing upscale in tone. "Is there anyone here who will not commit to live with, if not support, the King's judgement on his wife's actions? We haven't the evidence to adjudicate this, so unless anyone has anything decisively damning or vice versa, can we table the question of her allegiance for now? This is a fraught topic that we all seem caught up on." It is Jerod she looks to for opposition or support.

Jerod is silent as he watches people speaking, his face remaining expressionless as he listens to the back and forth, until Hannah looks over at him inquiringly. He returns the gaze for only the briefest of moments, not even a second, though there is a quality to that pause that for him might seem like an eternity before he nods just slighty in the affirmative.

"Listen up!!!" he says into the open space of the gazebo, his gaze centered on the space itself, but including everyone it seems even while not looking at them. His voice doesn't echo, it doesn't linger, but it resonates...and for sure for those who know him, it reveals something...Jerod isn't displeased...he isn't pissed off...he's a way that no one...not even Martin, has ever seen before.

"Just what the hell is wrong with everyone here?" Jerod demands, not expecting an answer. "Seriously...what is everyone doing?" and he looks around at people as he speaks. "We all showed up here,...supposedly...because we're going to do...what...pool our resources, right? Bring people up to speed? Come up with plans to try to get a handle on what is happening?

"Why? Because our elders...our parents...our aunts and uncles can't be trusted to do it properly because they've got too much history...too much crap built up. Because we've got five...count them...FIVE rulers of Patterns amongst them...and none of them can be trusted in the end to work with the others in any way that might impact their own worlds because of their attunement to the Jewel? Because their kingdoms are everything to them, literally their very in the end....they can't be relied on for sure.

"Isn't that why we're here? Because we're supposed to be better than that?" and he continues to look at people at he speaks. "Well? Isn't it? Aren't we supposed to be the ones to learn from our mistakes...from their mistakes? That we're not supposed to repeat what they did? Not engage in the Family the BS, the mindlessly stupid games and ego pokes that got us to where we are now?

"How much have we lost getting here?" he asks. He looks at Martin, then asks..."How much?", not expecting an answer before turning to Brennan, "How much?", then to Vere..."Your much?" Celina..."Khela?..."...then to everyone "How much? How many?"

Celina's heart twists. Her stare at Marius does not change. Her face remains as solid as the Pattern.

He pauses for less than a moment. "My father..." he says. "My two siblings...a friend who may not be a friend anymore...", taking just a breath. "We're supposed to be better. So if we're supposed to be better...why are we doing the same stupid garbage....why are we playing out the same mind-numbing emotional angst?" he says, pointing to Folly and Martin.

"Yes, people act like idiots. And yes, people make poor personal choices. And those choices are going to hurt people." he says, looking right at Folly. "And when you make those choices, you own them whether you like it or not. You either deal with them, you make them right or you accept you screwed someone and you move on."

Folly inclines her head to Jerod in a way he might read as 'preaching to the choir'. Her expression is difficult to read, but Jerod can detect some pain there. No shame, though; as before, he's suggesting actions already in progress.

"Those choices happen...and you deal with them. But those are YOUR choices... and you don't let them get in the way of Family." he says. "And that is exactly what is happening right now.

"This whole Vialle/Folly/Random line is crap." and he looks over at Martin for a moment. "I'm sorry to say it but it is. It's going to hurt and yeah, we're going to have a talk later that means a lot of booze...but it's crap and it's small potatoes in the grand scheme of things. Because we're supposed to be thinking of the bigger picture here people. We're supposed to be looking to do something about what is happening right now. Not pulling up meaningless drivel that I would expect to see from hormone driven teenagers, not from the people here."

He moves around the space now as he talks, pausing to look at people. "How much have each of you faced to get to this point? How many challenges? How many losses, and wounds and heartaches? I'm not the only one you know. If you haven't suffered getting here, then you shouldn't be here right now...cause you haven't earned the right to stand here. You're not've walked the've faced the Veils...whether you like it or not...the title of Prince or Princess hangs on you...a king or queen didn't give it to seized with your own hands.

"So how much more are we going to lose if we don't do something? Cause I'll tell you right now...I don't want to lose anymore Family. Lost too many already -- dead or missing...dead on a battlefield or dropped from the sky into the harbour or something similar. The only ones I've got left are the ones right here...right now. Sometimes a bunch of pains in my butt...but you're Family...whether you like it or not. And whether you like it or not, I've reached a point in my life where I actually like most of you...even when you're being idiots." he says, pointedly not looking at some people.

"We are more than this...we are BETTER than this." he says. "If I can change my attitudes...if I can learn to respect people, like them and admire them when maybe I didn't think of them all that highly when I first met them... " and he looks at various people...Robin, Ossian, Brennan...."then by the Unicorn you had better get off your butts and start doing the same.

"You are better than this. You are ALL better than this." he says. "Start acting like it." he says finally, before heading over to stand in front of Martin. "I'm really sorry." he says. "We'll talk later." before heading back to his spot by way of Hannah. "I got your back."

Martin nods, once, sharply. To Jerod's eyes, he looks more exhausted than upset.

Vere listens to the back and forth impassively, not looking at any of the speakers until Jerod begins speaking. Then he focuses on Jerod, nodding slightly when Jerod looks at him. When Jerod finishes speaking he nods once again.

Conner watched Jerod speak with a slight smile on his face that he could not quite suppress. Even Jerod's fury was tightly controlled and harnessed to his eloquence to advance his goals. The fact that it was sincere was icing on the cake. Despite the frustration that brought it to life, the speech was a mastercraft and Conner could not help but admire it.

Conner let the silence hang. Nothing he could say would improve it. He turns to Marius to see if the message was received.

Celina smells the sea and knows Jerod is right. She is wedded and cannot be trusted. The salt she smells isn't Xanadu's waters. The calmness she displays isn't her calmness. Conner shifts a little, looking then to Marius. A complex spell design falls into her mind at the moment, surprised, she checks the odd spellform and sets it aside for later. Interesting. Very useful. Green pride in Jerod fills her Necessity. The Forgiveness for Marius' insults and pain of heart settles within her bloody Volume. Celina wants to tell Marius that Vialle will live, unlike Khela, but Marius needs to earn that blessing. Random owes Celina a big favor and several smaller ones.

But she soaks the Rebman serenity deeply, Densifies the salt calm, shares it through the touch of her hands with Merlin and Conner. If they need it, she's there for them. Brennan will still want his answer. She waits on Family.

Signy moves forward from her seat again to approach her brother, caught off guard by his forceful rejection of her attempt to calm him again. She moves next to him as Jerod speaks, as she listens to what he says.

"He speaks the truth, Marius. How long were we kept apart because neither of our parents told us of the other. I warn people about talking with our father, but honestly Weyland is not all that different from any of the rest of them. At this point are any of them capable of being honest and not lying or telling half-truths in service of some hidden agenda?"

Brennan can't add anything to any of that, except to keep a weather eye on Marius and Martin, getting ready to put himself bodily between them if it looks like they're going to come to blows-- which right up until Jerod's speech was imminent. Maybe it still is.

Garrett, who had moved closer to Folly after Marius's comments, freezes as Jerod begins to speak. His face hardens as Jerod continues, to the point that Garrett's jaw feels like it's set in stone. His eyes never leave his elder cousin. This is a prince. And this is what princes do. "Learn", he silently advises himself.

Folly has made several scribbled notes in her notebook but now quietly scrutinizes Marius, to see if he is allowing himself to listen to reason (or anger) from his cousins. Although she looked for a moment like she might respond before Jerod started speaking, she remains quiet for now; if he's not ready to hear it, it's not clear there's anything she could say to Marius at this point that would help him understand she's more on his side than he seems to believe.

She looks at Martin and raises her eyebrows. If he needs anything she can help with, she's ready to follow his cue.

Raven continues to listen closely to what's going on -- staying put where she is, even. But she's got half an eye on Marius even as she looks at other speakers, because this feels uncomfortably like it's going to erupt into a brawl at any moment still.

When Jerod's gaze crosses hers, Robin smiles ironically at him. His speech is one of the things that's making her feel the same way about him. Otherwise, the Ranger just remains silent and seated.

Martin hasn't really moved, though he did shift slightly when Edan moved toward Hannah, keeping himself interposed. He too, appears to be waiting for Marius.

Marius turns to face Jerod. He sighs, shoulders slumped, and the possibility of immediate violence recedes. "You're not wrong," he says, "but the thing is: if we extend grace only to our family, and not to all those who work with us to hold Order, to keep Chaos at bay, what good are we? Is everyone not in this gazebo expendable? What about your mother and sister--" he points at Vere "--or your father--" he points to Hannah "--or your mother--" he points at Garrett "--or any of those who support us? At least the Knights signed on to die for a cause. Vialle didn't even have any choice. It's not even about her; it's about who we are, and whether we'll cast people aside when they become inconvenient. We're not even leaving it on the horn of the Unicorn, but on the choice of a man who can't even keep his paws off his son's wife, the mother of his granddaughter." Marius lets out a harsh breath. "I value this family; I value my siblings in knighthood; but we must be better than our parents in this way, too. I'm sorry."

He reaches inside his vest pocket and pulls something out, which he hands to Signy. It's cold, and the right shape to be a Trump. "Sister, when the time comes, call me. I will fight us, for us, but I can't do this right now." He looks up and adds, to Brennan, "Lead our knights as honorably as you can, until I return."

And he brushes off the rest of the group to leave the gazebo, toward the stables.

Signy takes the handoff from Marius automatically, still trying to process all that he'd said. She stares after his receding back for a long moment, before returning to her seat wins out over chasing after her brother, her eyes unfocused and not really seeing the rest of the conversation for the moment.

Jerod watches as Marius departs, the mysteriously vanished glass now back in his hand. If he has any personal feelings about Marius' departure he buries them without a flicker of expression on his face. He takes a drink as Marius vanishes from sight, looking around at the others to see who will be speaking next.

Garrett lets out a heavy sigh. "Perhaps we should move on to the other threats facing us. Anyone?" he suggests wearily.

Edan relaxes, a little, when it seems any threat to the baby has evaporated; but at Marius's words his face clouds and he turns away.

"Well," Conner breaks the silence. "Now that Marius has left this seems like an opportune moment to share the information I specifically had for him." Conner deadpans. "Especially since in the light of very recent events, I question the wisdom of passing it on." Conner takes a sip of brandy and continues.

"After we all went our separate ways , Raven, Merlin and I went to Gateway to deal with the remaining Triumvir." Conner pauses. "I am not sure how widely that story has been shared but I will defer to Raven, Jerod or Brita to tell that part of the tale. The situation as they left it was that an army of undead was being raised by the last Triumvir of Gateway and that Weyland Smith would keep a lid on things until they could return. We arrived to find the battle over. Still not sure what Weyland did but the third Triumvir was dead, the zombies disabled, and the whole thing hidden behind a twisting of Shadow so that only one of our Family could unlock it. Chancellor Marta is now in charge of Gateway and they have made it clear that they will bend over backwards to prove that Gateway is once more a loyal ally to Us now they have been freed from their tyrants.

"I set about investigating the Triumvirs hoping to find who was behind them or information on what happened to Marius. I was told that almost all of that information was inside a tower that Weyland destroyed in the course of their battle. So I restored it." Conner says casually knowing, that the sorcerers in the group will understand the magnitude of the statement. "The library has been ransacked and tossed about so it was hard to make conclusions. Still, most of the texts seemed to focus on stories and legends about how to kill Gods." Conner pauses once more to take a sip. "The librarians of the Collegia are trying to restore order and I hope that they will turn up more."

Merlin and Ambrose look suitably impressed; Ambrose catches Brennan's eye and his eyebrows go up questioningly.

"We then went to the Plain of Towers." Conner continues. "Gateway wanted to make sure that Weyland was mollified and as I wanted to talk to him I agreed we would take the message. He actually received us politely with an open door. We spoke of Pattern blades and lost Patterns and of Marius and what had happened to him. He asked me to extend an offer to Marius to visit him at his Tower." Conner looks over to Signy. "As it would seem he is done listening to me, do with that information what you think best."

"For those that missed the first part of that," Raven supplies, "Jerod and I headed towards Gateway to make sure they knew what happened with Marius wasn't to happen again. Met up with Weyland and Brita in the port of Thule, and ended up getting in contact with the local resistance against the Triumvirate - one Mage Harper. Still ain't entirely sure I know what all went on while I was making sure the local military was going to stay out of it, but the whole lot of us ended up running Dexamene, the Triumvir who was in town, and some sort of Chaos thing out of Gateway and into the Plain of Towers. She's the only survivor of the three, but she's ended up magically frozen and stashed somewhere in Weyland's tower. Sounded like he might be willing to trade when Conner and I were there, if we still want to question her.

"We went straight from that into a battle in Gateway proper - us and Harper's allies against what was left of the Triumvirate and theirs. Last I saw of the second of the three was when Weyland blew the tower up. That pretty much ended the battle," she says dryly. "The third one, Klaya, was somewhere under the waterline with that army of undead she'd been building for a while. We were regrouping to deal with that when one of Harper's lot, a lad by the name of Philippe, started saying he'd had a vision that we were going to get ourselves killed if we just went down there unprepared. We'd had the summons to come back here at that point, so Weyland stayed and Philippe came with us. Last I checked, the kid was running around with the pages here in Xanadu."

Celina deliberately looks at nobody in particular and adds, "Huon is still missing in shadow. I need him back. As for Vialle's antecedents..." she shrugs, "I'll offer the curious fact that my mother fancied me a ward. Vialle was a ward far before my arrival in Rebma. How many wards before my appearance? How many died walking the Pattern for Moire?"

"A lot," Martin murmurs; Hannah is close enough to hear him.

Hannah gives Jerod a grateful nod. She looks puzzled a few times while Conner and Raven describe their adventures, and casts a look of longing at Folly's note taking. Her eyes narrow unhappily when she hears Huon has disappeared. Edan gets a gentle pat on the arm, a gesture of comfort.

"What is the status of the archivists associated to Huon?" Jerod asks.

Celina does face squarely to Jerod with her answer, "They are more dear to Rebma than he is. I think he will look after them. He could be lost in a storm, but I don't think so."

Martin, this time, tries to catch Jerod's eye, and nods once.

Folly blinks and looks up from her notebook. "Wait, Huon -- who was responsible for Marius's recent injury -- is loose in Shadow?" She looks grim. "I mislike considering what will happen if and when their paths cross."

If Marius wants to stomp out of the meeting, pretending that he somehow got the last word in.... well, Brennan is not "content" to let him do that. But it's probably the least bad option from a menu of bad choices

At the implication that Vialle might be Moire's daughter or in some other way a scion of the Rebman royal family, Brennan's expression says eloquently: YGBSM.

What he chooses to say out loud, though is, "The one report we have, has her walking a Pattern and surviving. Which is what I suspected even before Vere's report-- it explains her survival. So that parentage-- both sides-- becomes important."

Folly nods. "I got the impression from Random that he did not expect that she should be able to do that, for what it's worth. And it occurs to me that I should amend my answer to your earlier question, about evidence, to say that it depends on how much stock you put in the cards. I asked some very pointed questions in the presence of a witness and got some disheartening answers." She nods to Ossian.

Vere speaks up. "I must confess I also was suspicious enough of Vialle that when I heard of Cambina's death and her disappearance that I also consulted the cards. The answer was, as is so often the case, unclear, and I did not feel that it was something I should pass on at the time. But it did lead me to regard Vialle with some distrust thereafter." He shrugs slightly. "That distrust should perhaps be taken into account in evaluating my opinions, though I strive always for objectivity."

Fletcher has taken out a notebook and is making notes. He looks like he might need a lot of explanations and doesn't want to interrupt the larger discussion.

"A question on your remembrance of your conversation with Cambina's ghost." Jerod says to Vere. "The flow of events was that Vialle and Cambina went to Tir, Cambina was frozen by the Queen who was what sounds to be incorporeal and Vialle walked the Pattern of Tir before my sister was killed."

"My whether or not we know for sure that Vialle was not yet possessed by the Queen prior to her walk...meaning the essence of the Queen had not taken hold sufficient to displace or otherwise gain what might be considered a lock on Vialle's..." and he pauses, searching for a word..", that's BS. Okay, whatever we are that is not the physical part. Because I'm real curious as to whether this is the case...and if that would instead have permitted Vialle to walk the Pattern when it would not have otherwise be possible. It would mean she has no Pattern based parents."

Vere shakes his head. "There was nothing in that conversation, or in anything else I can recall, which would answer that question either yea or nay. Queen Vialle had been experiencing nightmares, I believe many of us were aware of that, and those might be indicative."

Solange has also started taking notes with what looks like a fine fountain pen and a handsome Parisian journal or diary or something.

Martin shakes his head in the negative. "What I understood was that Vialle came out of the Seawards, from one of the better families. So add 'Research Vialle's origins' to the 'Find Huon and the archivists' to-do. On top of which we now have 'Cross-check whether Gateway zombies are the same as Lauderville and San Lucien zombies', 'Rescue unknown Rebman royal from the Klybesians', and 'Support Brennan's play with the Moonrider situation'. Unless we have more on Vialle's origins, or anything to do with that end of the Moonrider situation, or maybe with the First end of that situation?--" he glances at Brita, Robin, and Vere "--I'd like to ask if anyone has a finger on Julian's situation in Arden. Or anything else that people haven't brought forward yet."

Fletcher looks up from his notebook. "Theoretically there are multiple factors involved in the ability to walk the Pattern. Strictly speaking genetics is only one factor. Soul is just one among several non-physical aspects that have been speculated upon. For the moment it's convenient that Vialle is not in residence, as that keeps anyone from having to make any definite decisions right now. Is Brennan's plan likely to change that anytime soon? I hadn't heard that anything was going on in Arden. I thought everyone was moving away from Amber. Did something happen?"

"Do you mean the Dragon? Or maybe the firelillies?" Edan says. "Some time back I met Julian in Arden and saw one of those things myself. I traced its links back to their source using Sorcery and Julian used a map to show they led back to the dragon. I, uh, took a cockatrice shape and decided to check that out myself. I had a conversation with said dragon, and some tea, and we both fended off weak threats and attempts at amity. Nothing gained or lost, really. I sidestepped Julian on my way out, he was riding in to have his own conversation with the dragon. I decided not to hang around for that one.

"Also," he says, "I should mention what I said to Garrett earlier. First-to-the-Fray and I have a history. I met her during the Race to Madness. After some mutual interest and some communication and possibly a betrothal that was really a miscommunication, her family decided we should wed for some kind of alliance. I made a different choice."

Robin shakes her head to Brennan. "I don't 'have a finger on' what's going on in Arden. But I'd like to. I'm hoping to meet with my father today or tomorrow to discuss it."

Brennan looks at Fletcher and answers his question: "On the assumption that the Marshal and Vialle are back in Ghenesh before I get there, it complicates things. But even I'm not crazy enough to think I can turn this into a smash-and-grab to bring Vialle back for trial, or whatever we think we'd do with her. And we should assume he can get there before I do-- Moonriders don't move through Shadow like we do, but they are extremely adept at working natural Shadow paths. Do not under-estimate that."

Then, half to Conner and half to the group at large, he says, "And, okay, I'll expose my ignorance-- Conner, you say a faction in Gateway was collecting lore on how to kill gods. Gods like shadow gods, like the pantheon that Brand was exploiting back home? Or gods like how the Klybesians, I'm told, grind their axes against us?"

"Unclear but I suspect the latter." Conner replies. "The books were so scattered and randomly placed that I cannot be certain I am not reading a pattern into randomness. But one of the stories mentioned a Lir by name. Another spoke of a lost fire-maiden returning to the City of Brass after running away with a God in disguise. There were enough parallels to Family history to make me fear that they were searching through myths to try and find truths about us.

"While we were in Gateway the Dey of Longtides made contact," Conner goes on. "He implied that the Triumvirs were able to take control of Gateway because cults like the Klybesians and Paresh infiltrated first and exploited divisions in Gateway society. He further implies that all of the various cults that have popped up in shadow are in fact one or two coordinated groups. And to bring that back around to Dragons, there is one such cult among the Tritons of Rebma and Nedra that preach breaking their oaths of non aggression and make war upon Rebma once more."

Martin says, "OK, adding 'Check on Arden situation', 'Correlate god-killing to Klybesians' and 'Correlate all religious types to the Klybesians' to the list. Anything else, or are we completely into analysis and starting to volunteer for assignments?"

Signy looks over at Celina. "I hate to ask this because I don't want to believe that he is anything other than true to his word, but has there been any concerns or problems with Brother Tomat?"

Celina settles her hand in her lap, "None. I'm glad you asked. For those not current with Rebma events, Tomat is sworn to Signy's service and has accepted a position with the Archivists of Rebma. He is with Huon, wherever that is. Despite my interest in getting Huon back, I need to be in Paris dealing with the cultists and making every effort to retrieve this lost Rebman. I certainly could use hands but it is guaranteed to get bloody this time."

"You mean more bloody than the last time I ran into Klybesians?" Jerod asks, pouring a drink into his glass from a bottle that somehow managed to make its way from the bar to him (or perhaps vice versa).

Celina nods 'yes'.

"Assuming we take Bend along we'll want at least one more for the ride."

"Gateway is quiet for the nonce." Conner replies. "So I can accompany you. Weyland gave me a clue on how to track Rebma's Jewel that we may wish to try as well."

Celina says, "Thank you."

Folly looks up from her notes, which look more like a diagram than an orderly list. She looks a bit pale. "Um, do we know about how old this unknown Rebman is?" she asks. "And also how good is the Klybesians' cloning technology?"

Celina responds, "We are not sure of either. Ask me again in a few weeks."

Brita says, "I Could Search for Uncle Huon and the Rebman Archivists."

Celina smiles and nods once.

"Me for Arden and the Dragon" Robin says. "Though I'd like someone more connected than myself to come along as well. I get out there doing things and don't have a way to report in."

"If the captured Rebman is intended as a trap for my sister, as Celina suggests, then I would like to be part of that mission," Vere says firmly.

Celina says, "Thank you."

Merlin squeezes his sister's hand; she's getting a lot of support.

Edan stays silent, not entirely sure what's going to be happening with/to him in the immediate future.

"On the zombies," Raven says, "word was they'd been created in small batches for ten days or so before we took down the first of the Triumvirate. Not sure how public that information was and if it's complete. And whether she could send 'em off someplace else without being there herself, or if she took any trips or anything - that could stand looking into. Once we started taking 'em down, she set up camp in a crypt and was creating them as fast as she could, it sounded like."

"I guess we're into volunteering for assignments," Brennan says. "I am not on Team Klybesian-- I am already committed to the Lunar Recon-- but I have one piece of good news to offer that we may have lost sight of. Regenlief brought news of a Klybesian rutter, or its functional equivalent, stashed in Shadow. We know these people have access to pretty sophisticated paths through Shadow and that a chronic problem with trying to shut the Klybesians down is that they have too many paths to too many bolt-holes. Finding and understanding that rutter might change the equation a lot."

He pauses and looks around, reading the room.

Solange leans forward; clearly this topic is of interest to her.

"I have one other topic of discussion, although it's neither urgent nor a crisis, as is everything else we've discussed. It's something I've thought about trying to do alone, or in secret, or with a hand-picked group, but Jerod is right: secrets get people killed, and I've f***ed up enough things over the years by keeping my cards too close to my chest. Ask me, I've got a list," he says. "I haven't taken any direct action, and I don't have a detailed approach-- yet. But since I bear some responsibility for its current state, I've given this considerable thought over the years: I want to reforge the Pattern of Amber." Or at least try. "I want Amber back. Who else wants the same?"

Martin gestures to Brennan, leaving room for everyone to answer.

Raven's head snaps around like a compass seeking north, and she stares at Brennan. There's longing on her face too, but hers is more guarded - Amber's a promise she had dangled and yanked away at the last minute too many times not to be. "What he said," she says quietly.

Garrett has been listening calmly throughout, though his interest was piqued at the mention of "Phillippe". At this last question though, he jerks his head to stare at Brennan in longing disbelief. "Is that even possible?" he gasps hopefully.

Jerod swirls his drink a moment. "No," he says finally, looking at the golden liquid settling in his glass. "Not least of which because unless one of us can assume the role of Oberon at the time he created the original... then whatever gets created is a copy at best... a lie at worst. Hell, I don't want to even think of how many different factors would be involved in trying to recreate the conditions for it to be reforged... isn't enough aspirin for that."

"For better or worse, the past is dead," and he looks around at those gathered here. "Give the dead some peace, let them rest."

Celina thoughtfully nods.

Hannah's brow is furrowed. "Aside from personal connections to the place, which I understand," she smiles softly, "is there a universal need? Are the patterns and other powers that be balanced right now? I recognize this is a highfalutin question which may have no precise answer, but it should be an idea guiding our thinking when it comes to projects that can realign reality."

Brita shakes her head. "I Agree with Cousin Jerod, Unless there is Some Balance that must be Evened. I would Rather go Forward than Back."

Folly nods thoughtfully at Jerod's comments, and more emphatically at Hannah's. "What are you ultimately trying to accomplish, and how much of it is metaphysical versus sentimental? Because I'm afraid Jerod's right: you can't ever really go home again, but you can make a home where you are, the best way you know how.

"Keeping in mind that I never saw Amber in all her glory, what is it that you're looking to re-make, exactly? What is the Amber-ness you're looking for that you can't find in the other seats of Reality? And if you think the only way to get it is with a re-forged Pattern, are you prepared to give everything else up to rule it? Because unless you're talking about resurrecting Oberon, who is the Pattern, who is Amber, I think that's the direction you're headed."

Celina offers, "Start with who here has a better understanding of Oberon and Amber's history is my advice. Other than don't do it."

Merlin squeezes his sister's hand.

Conner smiles ruefully. "Brennan and I had almost the same conversation when he broached this subject with me what seems like years ago now." Conner sighs. "I agreed to help look into the matter. No point in debating if we should do it if we don't even know what is possible.

"Frankly, I think you are all asking the wrong question." Conner goes on. "I don't know if there is a particular need for Amber to be restored. But I think it would be naive to believe that Amber's Pattern will be the last one to be damaged or destroyed. I would like to have an option beside 'Let's make a new one.' when that day comes."

Signy listens to her cousins speaking, while thinking through what Brennan just said. "Are there other Patterns that are destroyed, or maybe have gone missing somehow?"

"When I spoke with Weyland, I asked him about Tizon, First's Pattern Blade." Conner replies. "He said it was forged for King Charlemagne and his Pattern realm of Paris. I asked if that Pattern still existed. He said that he would have thought it as dead as its creator and that he would say the same now, though the meaning might be different." Conner replies. "There are hints of a long history attached to Corwin's allegedly new realm."

Robin listens to her cousins carefully, nodding at certain metaphysical points. But when the subject gets around to her, she meets Brennan's eyes with determination. "I'm in. To whatever depth is needed."

Because Robin does remember Amber in its heyday. And Arden as well.

Solange starts to say something, but doesn't. Instead she looks at Hannah, as if hoping Hannah has something to add.

Brennan watches his cousins respond and discuss, not stone-faced in the way of Family, but mostly quiet and not interrupting. When he does respond, it's at length.

By the time Brennan starts to speak, Ambrose has moved into place slightly behind his brother, where he could shield Brennan's off side if needed. Since Brennan has moved toward the center of the circle, this leaves him in a position to see the expressions of those who are behind Brennan and out of his view. It's not like he thinks someone is going to attack Brennan; more like he's keeping an eye out to make notes for Brennan later.

Brennan says, "To answer Garrett and Raven as directly and truthfully as I know how: I have two good reasons to believe it is possible. The first is that Amber's fall is itself the result of a similar, successful gambit by Oberon to restore the damaged Pattern of Dworkin, the one we usually refer to as the Primal Pattern. I would consider that a proof of concept, or related to one. I won't belabor the price Oberon paid.

"The second is that a long time ago, fresh with grief and new understanding of the loss of Amber, and before I had met many of the people in this gathering, Dworkin and I stood at the Primal Pattern: Is it *possible*, I asked him, to remake Amber's Pattern. The question was specific. He said yes, there is a way. He did not, of course, tell me how to do it. I did not press, at the time, nor have I had the time or opportunity since."

He turns to Signy, "In addition to what Conner says about the Paris of Charlemagne, I'll add that there are vanishingly few people old enough to have any direct knowledge of it: Dworkin, Weyland, Firumbras. I suppose technically, the Queen of Air and Darkness. And there is the possibility that some of the Moonriders might be old enough, but I'm not counting on the High Marshal to indulge my curiosity. In addition, I have some faint-- and I will stress, FAINT-- and indirect indications that the myths of Camelot, Arthur, and Mordred were ultimately a Pattern realm. It is not something I have had time to hunt down. Other priorities. I would be fascinated to hear if anyone else has anything to corroborate that, or hints of other realms, or other information about Charlemagne's Paris. One of the reasons I decided to take this idea public is to start discussing what we know, what we suspect, and what we believe.

"And as for why: I happen to think that a place worth fighting for, and worth dying for, is worth the serious consideration of restoration. Benedict once told me that Carthage and its destruction was a reflection of Amber. But I would counter that so, then, must be Rome in its renaissance. My priority right now is to defend what exists right now, and to avenge Cambina's death-- there will be justice done, there. But I would not spend each one of my many days with my hands running red with blood, if I also have the opportunity to rebuild and restore that which I judged worth dying for. And ultimately, Amber was one of the most successful bulwarks against Chaos ever known. We don't know how long Paris lasted before its destruction, or Tir-na Nog'th before its out-phasing, but those events were so long ago that Benedict considered them legendary, almost mythical. Amber and Rebma are hard to decide, in that one still has a Pattern but is evidently without its maker for five hundred years or more, while the other's Pattern is broken but its maker only perished in the repair of its Primal," he says, bring his talk back almost to where it began.

"My point there, is that if one looks to find a good, durable example of a Pattern that stood for ages, one does worse than to look to Amber. And I believe in the Patterns, and what they represent and enable, with all my essence."

Martin looks around to see who else might have something to say. "I think this isn't a time when I can form an opinion on something this weighty," he says, "but I'd like to hear from the rest of you. Fletcher? Edan? Vere? Solange? Merle? Ambrose? Ossian?" He turns to get a look at each person he names.

Solange says, "What I was going to say before was that I wanted to do something about Dad's pelvis and legs, because that isn't as universe-shaking as Moonriders and Klybesians. I know that in a literal sense fixing the Pattern doesn't have anything to do with Dad, even if it was the Pattern breaking that took down the tower that landed on him. But if we're going to have to remake part of the universe to fix the Pattern, I want to use that to heal Dad, too. Not just because he's my father, but because he's Family and we need him hale and whole."

Hannah nods at this. "Yes. So I'd add to that. Right now we have a time adept warrior princess who seems to want to make a political marriage to buy something for her people. Assuming they're enough on board with that to make it feasible, and that they're not complicit in Cambina's death, I'd marry her myself or pressure one of you men to do it," she gives Vere a long look, "if as part of that bargain the Moonriders would consent to work with us on time and pattern magics to try to restore Gerard. I don't know if it's possible though. So anyone who knows anything about magic being used with pattern and time, please share what you know."

Vere smiles slightly. "The subject of using Time in healing did come up in my conversations with First, as it happens. She mentioned that she was 'versed, but nor practiced.' The principal way the Moonriders use it is apparently simply to speed up the rate of healing, which works fine when the condition is something the body would normally heal of itself, given sufficient time. They also can use it to slow down the patient's body, allowing them to perform healing that would otherwise take too long to take effect before the patient died." He allows the smile to fade away as he continues, "She mentioned more advanced techniques, of which she knows little. The name of Arthur of Avalon, preserved when he fell in battle, was mentioned."

He looks at Brennan, "The mention of Arthur put me in mind with the Ladies Laudine and Morgne, whom I mentioned earlier, and the kingdoms that they served. It might be worth speaking with them to see if they served Pattern realms in their day. My father mentioned that he thought that Cambina might have mentioned the name of Basina, the Sorceress who wove the binding that held them through the eons."

Ossian listens. Here is a story he has not heard before.

Edan shook his head slightly through the talk of repairing Amber's Pattern. He looks very interested in Vere's description.

"They did." Robin nods. "Lady Morgne told me. She and her Champion, Sir Ophiuchus, were of Moins' court back when Rebma was called Tir fu Thunnin, but they resided in Tir-an N'ogth. She also mentioned four Kingdoms, two ruled by two brothers and two ruled by two sisters. And Sir Ywain, Lady Laudine's Champion, mentioned the King of Paris and his twelve Paladins. They'd be a definite source for old, old Kingdom stuff. But I don't know how much Pattern stuff they'd know.". Robin finishes with a shrug.

Celina adds, agreeing with Robin, "I don't recall specifics, but I got the idea when I spoke to them that they did not understand the Great Design that held them balanced for centuries."

Garrett listens, but has nothing to add.

"So it sounds like the start of helping Gerard is talking to them. Which means I need to add 'Find out about the history of Paris from Morgne and Laudine' to the list, whether or not we ultimately turn it toward Amber's Pattern. Which matter I think should be tabled," Martin says, "though I do have one question: have you talked to any of our uncles and aunts about this?"

Jerod finishes his drink, placing the glass on a side table silently as he scans the room, looking to see who might have done precisely what Martin is asking, and who might have been thinking to beg for forgiveness after the fact.

Vere assumes that Martin's question is primarily meant for Brennan, and directs his attention towards him.

"I haven't." Conner replies. "I've kept my ears open for any information that might be relevant to the task but nothing more."

"Of course not," Brennan says, "with one possible exception: Fiona was present when I asked if Amber could be repaired. I never suggested I would do it, nor did it go farther than that simple question, and Fiona wasn't really part of the conversation. But she was there.

"As for Sorcery, Patterns and Time Travel: tread very carefully. It's possible, but, to personify the Patterns for the sake of simplicity, they don't like it at all. It's exceedingly difficult to begin with, and using Sorcery near a Pattern is asking for trouble." He shudders involuntarily, remembering. "We were desperate-- it's part of how we stopped Huon from detonating his blood bomb in Rebma's Pattern chamber. A minute's distance almost killed me even before the fight in the chamber almost killed me again."

"Broceliande was the closest I could safely Part the Veil," Edan agrees, doing the slow baby-pacifying dance. "You can't really mix the two powers in other places, either. You have to juggle them. It takes practice."

Merlin nods as Brennan and Edan explain the difficulty of performing sorcery near a Pattern.

Fletcher speaks up. "Before anyone jumps up to volunteer for diplomatic matrimony, I'd suggest we look at the lines of precedence and see who's really eligible for the task. It becomes complicated when there are multiple thrones involved. I'd love to hear more about how we could even learn more about the history of Paris, and for that matter when exactly was Rebma called Tir fu Thunnin? But the Pattern time factor issue is a difficult one. Theoretically the Pattern is a solid, ever-existing point. I suppose it's possible to use it as a key or gateway for time travel, but by the same token you wouldn't be able to change anything Real by doing so. Remind me again why we would want to do that? The name Basina rings a bell. Not necessarily as a sorceress, though I suppose her being powerful isn't a surprise. There was a Basina from somewhere outside of Amber that Granddad had dealings with, at least enough to marry off Osric to one of her daughters. Dad might remember more, but I think she was Reid's grandmother."

Hannah nods at Brennan, taking his advice seriously, and reaches a hand over to touch Edan, so he knows she's listening. But she asks, "Sorry, backing up one step. If Random and the powers that be among the Moonriders make a marriage agreement, isn't that enough to determine eligibility?"

"There are a number of factors that go into such an arrangement. Marital customs among one family or the other may dictate certain commitments of time, wealth etc. Expectations of heirs and offspring may be involved. Similarly the value of the the arrangement may be influenced by the relative ranking of the individuals involved. If Random wanted to marry off Celina or Corwin, for example, that would be a much bigger deal than marrying off most of the rest of us. If the spouse from our side of things was potentially in line for a throne, or was a Prince, etc. it might make a stronger statement as to the value of the treaty. It also matters who the parties to the treaty are. Is it between our family and the Moonriders? Is it between Xanadu/Amber and the Moonriders? Xanadu, Amber, Rebma, Avalon, Paris all have their own vassals that could be represented by the marriage treaty. Existing obligation must be considered as well, for example, Conner as the wielder of a Pattern sword presumably has obligations related to that. Care would need to be taken to make sure that was accounted for. As the product of such a marriage, I can tell you it can be more complicated than someone volunteering and running off to the chapel." Fletcher frowns. "If there is an actual romantic interest involved, that should matter too." Fletcher looks around questioningly to see if anyone is eager to express romantic intentions.

"As anyone who knows our dear Lord Mayor and his family are aware, Xanadu supports a more liberal definition of marriage than was traditional in Amber," Folly offers, in what sounds to some like a carefully neutral tone. "So, as Fletcher notes, even if some of us were to willingly offer a triad, or quad, or a coupling that couldn't produce offspring without technological intervention, and so forth, it might not satisfy what the other party has in mind as a treaty-by-marriage."

Anyone looking at Martin during this part of the discussion can tell exactly nothing about what he's thinking from his expression, which is best described as studiously neutral.

To Brennan, she adds, "And on the subject of re-making Patterns, I've expressed interest in learning more metaphysics, possibly from Fiona if we determine she herself has not been compromised by her close dealings with the Queen. I will absolutely help you work through all the theoretical ramifications, to the extent I'm able."

Garrett has been quiet through the talk of marriage, perhaps trying not to stand out as a candidate, but here he says, "Yeah, I reckon the traditions would have to be compatible. I wonder what happens if the treaty doesn't hold though. Is the... intended... cast back a few centuries in time or...." He shrugs and shakes his head, not even knowing what other possibilities there might be.

Celina adds nothing but a raised eyebrow in Fletcher's direction.

"That's the point of marrying her to an initiate, Garrett," Martin explains. "Pattern means we don't get tossed back in time like other people could."

Merlin says, "I wish to make it clear that I am unavailable for this marriage."

"I don't think you're first or second in line for the job, Merle, so I wouldn't worry," Martin answers. "Have we got anything else along these lines or are we ready to go back to who's doing what? And is anybody going back with Brennan -- or do you even want anyone to go back with you?" This last is of course addressed to Brennan.

Signy sits still, having listened to the exchange between everyone about Amber and marriages.

"I may be involved on the marriage question - I was asked by a Moonrider to start discussions with the King about ransoming back the Marshall's daughter, so I may be on the hook to return his token. I'd be interested in helping with Huon, as I'd like to make sure that Brother Tomat is safely found and rescued from whatever our Uncle has gotten him into."

"Mostly what I want is not to be married off, and-- not that I think it will come to this-- not to be used as a hostage exchange for them to get First back," Brennan says. "In the unlikely event that they imprison me, assume I'll find a way out. Hell, I might even let them, if I think it serves my purpose. But I really don't think it will come to that. I hesitate to use the word 'honorable' after only a few days' association, but they've been at least civil and well-behaved.

"Let me turn the question back around," he asks Martin, "what do you want done, there? I see my job as this: Divest myself of three troublesome Moonriders, learn where Ghenesh is in Shadow so we can use our mobility to our advantage if we must, and learn everything I can about them and their abilities in the process. I'm not going there to start a war, but I am going there to learn what I can to help us win the one they've started." Brennan says.

"But let me echo Fletcher, too-- I have a little bit of knowledge and a lot of rumors and speculation, but this is a good opportunity for everyone to put out what we know about this legendary era of the original Paris."

Raven is just listening to all of this.

Celina is attentive. She opens her palms in her lap to signify nothing to add regards ancient pattern realms.

It is, perhaps surprisingly, Merlin who speaks up. "I have spent some time in Paris with my father and done some reading and exploring in the city, and also spoke with Reid before his death about what he had learned. To summarize what I know: Paris had a king, Carolus Magnus, who filled a role analogous in Paris to that of our grandfather. He had an order of knights called paladins, numbering twelve, some of whom may have been his own children. At some point he died, while he was apparently away from Paris, from unknown cause.

"The descendants of Carolus included an illegitimate daughter, Clothilde, who survived him. Her effigy can be found in the chapel of Notre Dame, under which lies the Paris Pattern: Clothilde, Queen of Paris, her tomb says in French. My father told me that Reid had asked about her. He suggested that Paris came with a--" Merlin pauses to remember the words "--retroactive history. So I researched in the library.

"There is some geneaology of Paris there but the important part for our purposes is that Clothilde was Queen, and she died, and after her death the commune withered away. And that she had a daughter named--" and here Merlin looks at Fletcher, and then at Robin "--Basina. So Basina, who was apparently the grandmother of Reid, was also apparently the granddaughter of Carol, King of Paris. We are talking of a time whereof memory runneth not, except perhaps Benedict. And as most of you know, I am not inclined to ask him," Merlin finishes.

Martin was going to say something before Merlin started talking but he shuts up and listens, and at the end, nods once.

Fletcher continues to jot in his notebook, and looks back across a few pages before looking up. "Does anyone know if retroactive history also applied when the Pattern was inscribed in Xanadu? (Not that that would prove anything.) If it was the same Basina, the period of time that the Paris commune was in decline may have been quite long. Amber's court records may hold some information about Osric's marriage that could be used to compare with Paris's genealogy. Was there any record of the old King's line, or his paladins having anything to do with the Pattern? If we're dealing with a retroactive history reinforcing history of the Real, that may give us some insights into ways to hem in the Moonriders' shenanigans. Does anyone else know more about this ancient Paris? I wonder if connects to the problems mentioned regarding modern Paris - kindapping, wasn't it? As for the Moonriders and diplomatic options, it sounds like we have three easier options: Brennan's pals, Signy's contact, or First herself. How do we feel things out in more detail?"

Celina looks at Fletcher. "The tale tells us that Paris is not a sanctuary for women."

Solange cannot or does not restrain her eyes from rolling.

Celina continues, "I'm not sure the details are as important as understanding why Corwin is King in Paris. So ask yourself what you want to understand about the Moonriders and why She is the Queen in Tir. This First. Does she seem like Family? May she be a Ward of the Court?" Celina looks at the faces of those who have dealt with First.

"She is the daughter of the High Marshall of the Moonriders," Vere answers. "She speaks of her father the way we speak of Benedict, as one who is both living and myth, and may be so old that even he does not know any longer what of his memories are true and what are legend. She spoke of Oberon the Fae, Maeve of the Air, Carol the Great and Moins, also called Elissa the Wandering Goddess. Each of them the ruler of a city unparalleled in all the worlds. Friends and comrades who turned on one other as the threat of Chaos receded. Eventually an uneasy peace was made between them, but not before royal blood was spilled. According to the legends the Moonriders tell The Queen of Air and Darkness is now the last survivor of that generation."

"So instead of having four first generation Order beings around following their +formation from Chaos..." Jerod says, "now we've got one left?

"And no counterparts to balance her out. I'm thinking that's really not going to go well."

"To the extent that surviving as a discorporate phenomenon that possesses a person in the way that a Lord of Chaos overrides an affine will ever go well," Merlin says, and he does not say it with the dry humor that any of the rest of his cousins might, but more as an explanation.

"Maeve. Her name is Maeve." Edan looks unhappy. "Wish I had known that. If there was a word I would use to describe either the Marshal or his daughter it would be 'honorable'."

Signy frowns and glances at Brennan. "Originally there were four Patterns, but we only know of two Jewels that can be used to create them. Are we missing two Jewels, or were those two used to create the original four?"

She looks like she has another unhappy thought as well, but her face quickly slips back to a more neutral look, and she tries not to look at Celina.

Brennan had been looking distracted since Merlin's revelations, but he was obviously still paying attention because he asks, "Do we even know the sapphire can do that? It's a logical implication, but so would Rebmans being able to walk the Pattern." He turns his attention back to Vere and Merlin, and adds, "What you say tracks what I've pieced together from various sources. And I actually did ask Benedict, who describes this time of four patterns including Carol's Paris as 'legendary, or before he was born,' and ties whatever sent Paris to oblivion-- his words-- to whatever drove Tir-na Nog'th out of phase with itself. What exactly did either of those thing or why, I have no idea.

"But Merlin, did I just hear you imply that Reid's mother, Pastoral, was Basina's daughter and therefore Pastoral's homeland was Paris? Because I also had it from Benedict that the Klybesians were imported to Amber by... Pastoral, from her homeland, which Benedict could not recall."

"I believe there was an intervening shadow home to which Pastoral retired after Osric's death, but my research suggests that their line springs from Paris," Merlin agrees. "So the Klybesians may come from Paris, but I cannot say."

Fletcher adds, "None of those imported Klybesians really talked about where they'd come from before Amber. It's possible that Granddad imposed some sort of condition of secrecy on everyone who came to Amber with Pastoral. It's not impossible that the secret was kept from Dad." There is doubt in Fletcher's expression. "But going back that far, those original Klybesians were a different organization from the current incarnation. A thousand years of organic growth will do that."

"Yeah, but it's possible there's been continuity even over that thousand years," Folly says in a grim tone. "It was temporarily driven from my mind in my mad scramble to get back here and save the king, but right before that -- although it seems like five years ago at this point -- I was in Paris, come to talk to Corwin about his Avalon at the same time Ossian came to report what had happened to Reid. Some of you may know Ossian found a shadowpath the Klybesians were using, and followed it... to the hospital in Flora's shadow where Corwin was being held before he regained his memories. If it dates to that time, it's weird that it would have survived the Black Rain. I suggested that maybe they actually have a pattern initiate in their ranks, and---"

She looks at Signy. "Maybe it's good that Marius isn't here right now, depending on his loyalties as a Navy man. Because apparently" -- she's now speaking to the whole group -- "the reason Caine got removed from the succession is that he fell in with the Order, or a version of it, back in the day. Corwin also mentioned that Caine is the most talented trump user he's ever known, including being able to spy on trump calls, so be careful talking about this stuff on a call."

She turns her notebook around to face the group; it's not clearly legible to any of them from the distance she's sitting, but it's obviously more of a diagram than a list. Ossian recognizes the arrangement of names-and-Patern-realms she was making during their meeting with Corwin, although she clearly has added more during this meeting. "There's more, about Paris's history -- which includes a reference to Huon, by the way -- and Benedict's Avalon as another new-version-of-an-older-realm, but the Caine thing seemed most urgent, particularly because isn't he the one who sent Vere up to Tir in the first place?" She frowns. "I'm beginning to think all our problems are actually the same problem." She taps her pencil near the middle of the diagram, which -- now that she points it out -- appears to be a "K" messily circled multiple times, with arrows pointing at it from multiple directions.

Garrett leans over to look at Folly's "I wish I had more to add," he says to no one in particular. "I spent my early years in the stables, without knowing my heritage, and it's all been a big learning experience since I became aware.

"But I do remember one thing. I was in the library one day, right after I found out who I was. Lucas approached me and started talking about Klybesians. He was looking for someone to work with him to infiltrate the group and tried to recruit me. I didn't do it. I was just a scared lad in a precarious place and that was the last thing I wanted to get into. I don't know if it helps, but there it is."

"I have only two small data points to contribute." Conner adds. "While on Asir Island, Huon killed two members of the Paresh for insulting the honor of a Prince of Amber. Elder Martial of the Paresh caught us before our meeting with Huon and had us bear him a message. Huon owed a debt to Justice and could do his duty by stepping out of the Bellumite Embassy." Conner shrugs. "With the benefit of hindsight, I think I was witnessing a temporary alliance breaking down or perhaps a sign these cultists have factions within them." Conner shrugs.

"On the topic of ancient realms, Raven and I had a brief conversation with one of the crew, a Mr. Becket. Apparently they found him in a shadow off the trade routes called Lotharingia and that land traces its founding to a Prince Lothar that fled the Fall of Paris. Another member of the crew, Caulk, mentioned that most Golden Circle shadows trace back to Charlemagne or Oberon or Dido or Titania. It might be worth looking into the histories and legends of our trading partners for some clues to this distant past."

"Becket mentioned somewhere called Lorraine, maybe where he came from?" Raven adds.

"Lorraine?" Merlin's expressions, which are often somewhat exaggerated, takes on a cast of comic confusion. "That is the shadow where my father encountered our gradfather--or perhaps the man was still Ganelon at that point and our grandfather took his guise later?"

Martin shakes his head. "Grandfather is--was--secretive about what he was doing most of the time. What I knew, I was told on an as-needed basis. And I didn't need to."

"He mentioned a Moselle River as well," Raven says, "but we were on other errands and didn't ask much else. He's still in Gateway for now, with the rest of the crew and the Weir, if anyone's of a mind to talk to him."

Folly sits a little straighter and lays her notebook in her lap. "Well, this seems like a good time to mention what I learned about Avalon and Paris and their histories. Brennan mentioned the newly-risen silver towers in Avalon, and there's a whole story there about a man out of his time and a people looking to make war on their oppressor the Sorceror-King, foe of the Protector, that Brennan can probably fill you in on better than I can -- but it seemed from context like this Sorceror-King might be a legend of Corwin as he was in Avalon when he lived there many years ago.

"Corwin thinks Benedict's Avalon is not the same one he ruled over, in the same way his Paris is not the ancient one, although it seems to have coalesced similar elements around it. Although I didn't explicitly ask, I don't think Corwin's old Avalon was a Pattern realm: he described it as already ancient when he found it, with old gods and Fair Folk who had slaughtered each other long before his time, followed by what he described as the great heroes of ancient times, who stole their magic from the Fair Folk and were by legend the ones who had raised the Silver Towers, which were already there when he found his Avalon.

"Corwin claimed not to know the Maghee clan that Brennan met who consider the Sorceror-King their enemy, but says he did make war against a similar people in Avalon back in his time, and they were the ones who pulled down the towers there. So. Shadows? Faulty memories? Difficult to say at this point. But interesting." She looks at Brennan and gives a little shrug.

"I asked about how he got Grayswandir, and the answer was... also interesting. There's a lot about the history of all these places that seems a bit unstuck-in-time, or time-loopy, or something -- making me wonder if whatever happened to Tir had more far-reaching consequences." She hesitates, and glances down at her notebook, as if making sure she has this part right. "I asked him if he already had Grayswandir when he first found his Avalon, and he said he did, and that some in Avalon called it Caliburn. But then a little later I asked him how the sword came to him, and he said, 'I found it in Avalon when I was young -- before Deirdre was born, even, when Caine was still a boy.' He said he was given it by the Lady of the Lake, and was surprised I didn't know the story. Which... I actually sort of do, but it goes slightly differently where I'm from." She glances around the circle to see if this story is familiar to them as well.

"So then I spent a little time in the library digging into the history of Paris, which tracks with what Merlin shared. I'll add a few bits: the big cathedral there was built on the site of a pre-existing church where the ancient kings of Paris were buried by an abbott named Sucre, of the Church of the Unicorn. There was a period when there was no king and the cathedral served as a 'temple of knowledge', which fits with the idea it was a base for one of the knowledge cults affiliated with the Klybesians. And I couldn't really find a proper genealogy, but did find a note that Clothilde's daughter Basina married a merchant of Amber named Vital."

She flips her notebook open to another page and adds, "The librarian did help me dig up a survey of the old tombs in the cathedral, which was... interesting. There's no tomb for Carolus Magnus, but there are a number for his paladins, including--" she looks at the page to make sure she gets this right, "--Olivier, Ogier, Roland -- who seems to have been related to the royal family, and was betrayed by another paladin named Ganelon--" with a quirked eyebrow, she glances over the notebook at her cousins, "--and a tomb for a fellow named Huon, and a plaque for a paladin named Firumbras who was said to have died in foreign lands." She puts the notebook back in her lap and makes a 'make of that what you will' gesture.

"Is there any indication that the set of Patterns for Avalon and Paris that Benedict and Corwin are handling are perhaps..." and he pauses to consider correct words. "...upgrades of the originals?"

Celina is attentive to everything Folly says. When Jerod asks the question, Celina does not hide her tension.

"Assuming that the Huon in Paris isn't our Huon, wasn't there another person mentioned earlier who has the same name as somebody in those tombs in Paris?" Martin looks around and settles on Brennan. "Firumbras? He might have as close as we can get to an answer."

"Cameleopardis is the man Folly was referring to earlier," Brennan says, and manages to sound remarkably like Corwin, or Bleys, or even Gerard when they really don't want to talk about something from their past.

"And Firumbras is presently with me," figuratively speaking, "and the Moonriders, on the way back to Ghenesh. There's a long story in there-- including Orolando, Ganelon, Galafrone, and a place called Qidan that I have reason to think might be a Pattern realm or something like it. But the upshot is that I have very little doubt he's one of those Paladins and may actually be buried in his tomb. The Moonriders have their own legends of him, including both his disappearance and return," he emphasizes the last two words. "It does not gladden my heart to see him go, but the Moonriders have promised to return him to his own time, and if I can't somehow talk him out of delaying that, I won't otherwise stand in his way. So there is a rapidly closing window of time for me to talk to him.

"That said, while he's of Tir-na Nog'th ancestry, seems to have been a close confidante of Carol, and clearly has some knowledge of and opinion about Pattern realms," he shrugs, "I'm not sure he has that kind of expertise. Won't hurt for me to ask him-- he's a friend and I trust him. What about these Laudine and Morgne people? They also seem like they'd be from some time that far back in legend."

Hannah just listens to all this, somewhat surprised to find time loops might be near-literal.

Edan holds the baby with one arm and is rubbing a spot just over his eyes with the other hand.

Vere glances at Robin, then at Celina, then takes a small step forward and speaks up. "Sir Ophiuchus was left in Rebma, was he not? Or has he come here? I believe the other three are still in Amber. They were left there until King Random decided if he wished them brought here or not, but..." he shrugs slightly. "After my trip to Tir matters moved rapidly."

Signy looks over at Celina. "I've never talked with Brother Tomat in detail about the order, other than to reassure myself that he could be trusted. He may be able to tell us more about the history of the Klybesians...."

Celina adds, "Morgne and her Knight were reunited in Amber, where they offered polite history to Caine. I'm not sure Random ever got to call them with other things getting in the way." Celina tilts her head in Signy's direction, "Brother Tomat has an archivist position with Rebma now. He's been ~very~ cooperative and briefed me in such a way that I believe he was held down in the Order after his assignment to Signy for lack of trust. He knows many things about the basic tenets of the Order, but not much about daily operations. He's with Huon right now. My thought is Huon would be quite an obstacle to those trying to harm my archivists. Huon likes a good show of heroism."

Garrett listens but has nothing to add.

Fletcher continues to scribble furiously in his notebook, looking up only to add, "Upgrades of previous Patterns, or at least replacements might make sense and give Amber some hope too. We'd really need to actually meet someone or something that had be imprinted by a previous version of Avalon or Paris for me to be able to really see though. The differences between the various Patterns are subtle enough as it is."

"Ideally, we'd be looking at Dworkin." Jerod says, "But I'm not foolish enough to walk every Pattern just to face that insanity.

"If we are looking at scanning to see if upgrades of Patterns is a possibility, then we may not need people. A Pattern object or weapon, based off a specific generation of Pattern might suffice."

Conner nods in agreement. "First's sword Tizon was forged for Charlemagne's Paris. Comparing its energies to that of Corwin's Paris would prove instructive."

Ambrose, who has been sitting or standing near Brennan silently for some time, not taking notes, but probably memorizing what people were saying just the same, finally speaks up. "I might be able to provide some insight on part of the Pattern question, following up on some research our father had done, that was in his notes," Ambrose says. "It has to do with the suit cards that we play games with, which are linked to the Trumps and the Fortunes. He theorized, based on some higher mathematics that I don't want to spend the time to go in on, that the number of card suits changes over time according to the number of Patterns, and that there had to be a fourth Pattern unknown to him because there were four suits in a deck of cards.

"If the nature of reality changes, it might not change for us, and we might remember the previous numbers. And the universe has been much in flux of late, between the war and the creation of Xanadu and the creation of Paris. But if there are Patterns in five places-- here, Paris, Avalon, Tir, and Rebma--there should be five suits in a deck of cards as we find them."

"We'll find that out quickly, I guess" Ossian says. "Unless the different generations of the Patterns affect the numbers."

Folly, who was walking to the buffet table, stops short at Ambrose's words. "I'd be interested in seeing the maths at some point," she says. "Did his theory extend to the number of fundamental elements that have traditionally mapped to the suits?" Her tone makes it sound like a leading question rather than idle curiosity. "Oh, and the number of veils in the Pattern?

"And have any of you played in one of the games here?" she asks the group at large. "Or I suppose we could track down a servant and send for a deck."

She collects a stack of plates and a collection of utensils, moves to the middle of the circle, and starts arranging them in a pattern that looks like the sketch in her notebook. Under her breath, she mutters, "Oh, for a diner squeeze-ketchup...." Instead, she scrounges up a few little twigs and blades of grass to roughly label the plates: T, Av, Am, X, P, R. The Amber plate is face-down, and the realms that seem to be a newer version of an older realm -- Avalon and Paris -- are represented with a face-up plate stacked on a face-down plate. Tir is arranged at the top, Rebma at the bottom, and the others more-or-less in a line, although Avalon is shifted a bit upward from the line. Then she lays out utensils for the connections between realms: full-sized for the existing known connections -- Xanadu and Avalon to Tir, Paris to Rebma -- and little dessert spoons for the former ones from Amber to Tir and Rebma.

She remains seated next to the model, ready to change it up if her cousins have more information to add.

Conner watches Folly with a bemused expression as she works. When she pauses, Conner rises with a handful of cutlery and adds the path between Rebma and Avalon.

Selecting a few small plates loaded with Greenery, Conner adds Arden, Brocedilande and Nedra. With a piece of chalk, Conner writes "Here be Dragons" next to them. On the far side of Nedra, he adds a question mark. "Brennan and I once speculated that if you could travel through the far side of Nedra you might come out in out in one of the other realms. For practical reasons , I have not been able to test the theory."

"We did," Brennan says, "but I think that's more in the vein of one or more natural Shadow Paths that can be exploited, rather than the Faiella-Bionin. I have recently come to appreciate how versatile those paths can be in the hands of an expert. And I humbly submit that this diagram should be a pentagon: Paris, Rebma, Avalon, Tir-na Nog'th, Xanadu and back to Paris. The only of those links I don't know exists to a certainty is Xanadu to Paris. Before the war it was Amber-Rebma-Avalon-Tir-na Nog'th and back to Amber, so put Amber farther out, linkless, but notionally 'between' Paris and Xanadu. And put the Primal in the center of it. If Avalon has a dark forest of similar stature, I don't know about it. If Tir-na Nog'th has one, I don't think I want to know about it. Note, by the way, that if you draw it like a pentagon, then the creepy chamber with the statue of the Queen appears exactly opposite Tir-na Nog'th, in the link between Paris and Rebma."

This bit about card suits is evidently new to Brennan, but he waits to see how Ambrose responds to Folly before trying to make further sense of it.

Fletcher volunteers, "I've followed the Faiella-Bionin from Paris to Xanadu."

Hannah is up and carefully lowers herself right across from Folly. "We really need three dimensions to visualize this. Don't we? And then we might try to add time?" She looks between Conner, Edan, and Brennan expectantly, and makes a hand gesture that suggests they either pick up plates and hold them up, or make them float.

Edan smiles, just a little. "Oh, no. I've already smacked Random in the face with Sorcery and burned all his hidden drumsticks whilst sparring with Fiona in his bedchamber. We won't even talk about the speedboat thing. Maybe string and imagination would work."

She mouths at him, silently, 'Excuses'.

Brita asks, "Is it Possible there are Two Pentagon Tiers and we are Missing a Couple of Older" hand cupped palm down "or Newer" hand cupped palm up "Pattern Realms to go with Watery Rebma or Ghostly Tir-na Nog'th?"

Jerod watches as the mechanics go into the setting of plates and cutlery, listening silently. He tilts his head slightly as he looks at the image.

"Not to rain on anyone's parade, but has it been considered that Amber may not have been the center of the universe," he asks rhetorically.

"If we're dealing with multiple Patterns, and multiple potential existences of Patterns across time frames and with different creators in different generations, be they new Patterns might be wiser to consider the interaction of these place points from more of a space perspective. Independent orbital bodies, like solar systems, bound together generally by localized forces but operating in their own fashion, as part of a larger group of similarly nature entities, each pushing back and forth against each other in varying degrees depending on their proximity, current power states and the like."

Garrett moves over to be ready to hold plates as part of the three-dimensional model, but he looks up as Jerod speaks. "That sort of makes sense that things may be somewhat fluid," he comments. "The king has often mentioned that it's not good to have too many Pattern People in one place because it warps things, like marbles on a bed sheet."

Raven is watching the model-building with curiosity as she listens to the discussion.

"The suits," Ambrose says to Folly, "seem to have something to do with the Trumps. The face cards, not the Fortunes. I want to get the section of the notes translated before the code wheels completely disintegrate. But, turning to Jerod's question, yes, my father didn't think that Amber was the center of the universe.

"That is why his--actions--were centered elsewhere." Ambrose selects an almost empty serving platter, taking the last few pieces of fruit from it and depositing most of them on other plates close by. He then places it in the center of Folly's design. He then takes the last piece of fruit left on the platter, part of a pomegranate, and squeezes the fruit, splashing red all over the platter. "The Primal is the center of our universe. That's why, with all due respect and apologies, he tried to destroy it.

"But the rest of Jerod's insights seem correct according to what I've extrapolated from his notes; as do the casual observation that Garrett notes," Ambrose concludes.

Martin closes his eyes at the mention of apologies and they're still closed when Ambrose finishes.

Folly looks at Martin with deep sympathy. She is of course well aware of the Primal, and only hadn't added it yet because Ambrose beat her to it as she shifted the other plates around to match the Faiella-Bionin ring-road Brennan and Fletcher described.

Jerod has this look on his face that roughly equates to "I hate being right".

"One more thing...more curious than immediately imperative, though it will certainly have some impact in the future I have no doubt.

"Assuming the Primal is center and the Jewel the creator of it...why create the others? And more importantly...cause this has bugged me for awhile...why put a compulsion on the person who attunes themself to it?

"I mean, think about it...if you're going to go about the whole deal of getting the Jewel, taking the risk to attune yourself to it...why would you need to be compelled in order to make your Pattern? You think about Family we're not lacking in drive and determination to achieve our goals.

"Just wondering..." he says. "Cause...yeah, that part always bugged me."

"It is Like a Drive to Grow Itself - to Ensure that The Pattern, Order, is Perpetuated," Brita notes.

Celina looks closely at the efforts to model Pattern realms. Nods when Jerod and Garrett agree on a fluid cosmology.

Celina nods at Brita and respecting everything that's been said, tries for a casual addition that won't terribly offend Merlin. "It isn't a compulsion. It's the desired result. When or if you attune that closely to a living thing, how would you not orgasm?"

Folly says nothing, but flashes a quick sparkle-eyed glance at Celina that says, 'Oh, my sister, you don't even know the half of it....'

"Depends on whether failing to do so kills you." Jerod says with a dry smile.

"Think about it...if you don't draw a Pattern after attuning...what happens to you? Generally really bad things. draw a Pattern, and now you are kinda not yourself anymore...your Pattern dominates your life...that whole you are the land and the land is you deal. You'd defend it...and logically if the Primal is the key to all, you'd be likely to defend that too.

Hannah picks up and flips over the primal serving player, rearranging as she goes.

"Now look from the other side...the compulsion makes you a willing partner in Pattern creation...and protection. You wouldn't want someone attuning who might have nefarious intent, would you? Who attunes to learn how to destroy the Pattern?"

"That sounds more like having a child than anything else," Raven says. "'Least, for some women I've known."

"I wonder if the compulsion was always there. Something Weyland said makes me wonder." Conner remarks.

When he next speaks it is with the gruff cadence of the ancient Smith.

"Don't think of them as Patterns, but projections. Shadows of a light shining upon a flaw in a crystal, carved into rock to make them seem permanent, but shadows nonetheless. With no light, there is no shadow. The first were planned, like the towers of a castle wall. The first Kings and Queens built a ring of patterns to surround and protect the first. Lost Paris, Damaged Tir, Rebma the Shattered Mirror, and Fading Amber.

"The Kings and Queens of those days assumed they would last forever, and when they fell, the universe, lessened, would be overrun by Chaos. They didn't imagine that there would be Patterns by later generations. It was unthinkable."

He pauses. "But they also didn't imagine at the time that they would have children, or that they would have wars amongst themselves. They were not an imaginative lot."

Conner comes back to himself. "Food for thought." He adds idly snagging a bit of Nedra's greenery to snack on.

Vere nods thoughtfully. "When I met him in Madoc's realm I asked Weyland about his relationship with our family. He answered that he doubted I would know any of the ancestral connections, other than 'the root of the family tree'."

"The primal pattern," Hannah gestures at the clean plate under the other plates, "is where the unicorn left me when it led me here. It looks repaired to me and it would make sense for the recreation of it to have required realigning to the time at which it was originally written. That gives the queen of Tir an opening to begin her appearances. But it doesn't really explain to my mind why Amber's pattern broke but the others didn't. Oberon, who drew Amber's pattern, was the one who fixed the primal pattern so why would the others maintain their connection when Amber's didn't? Or did they? How do we know?"

Fletcher stands. "We know there are more dimensions than we can represent here. I suggest we keep our analogy as simple as it needs to be to explain what we've observed. Then we can identify what doesn't fit and where the gaps are. Yes, we should consider the Primal the center." It's clear from his tone this is not a new idea to him. "The Faella Bionin rings the primal like a wall, with the various Patterns acting as towers along the wall. (Before I had visited the Primal, I felt there needed to be an underlying inspiration for the order of Amber's Pattern. I guess that fits with Weyland's view.)" He looks at Hannah and then around to the others. "Are we sure that Oberon repaired the Primal Pattern by acting directly on it, or did he do something to act on it via Amber's Pattern? I'm wondering if fixing the Primal Pattern required a sacrifice on Oberon's part, or to take my own advice on simplifying both questions and explanations, was the breaking of Amber's Pattern part of the repair process or a byproduct? And does the unchanging number of suits of cards mean that the number of Patterns hasn't changed in.... How long? Quite a while by my reckoning. If that's the case, we would need to account for Xanadu plus Paris minus Amber somehow coming out as a zero sum. Does the material about suits talk about suits being removed when a Pattern goes away, or just about suits being added when a Pattern is added? If so, then perhaps Paris does fill a vacancy left by a previous Pattern. Think of it as an empty place setting waiting for a new plate to fill it maybe?"

Folly nods at Fletcher's suggestion to keep the model simple, at least for now. "It occurs to me that we might have a clue in the Pattern-swords," she says, "which change hands, and sometimes names, but are tied to specific Patterns." She picks out a handful of knives from her utensil collection and names them as she lays them out next to their respective realms, pointing 'skyward' relative to the model. "Werewindle for Amber... Halosydne for Rebma... Grayswandir for Tir... Tizon for Paris." She takes a fifth knife and sets it next to Avalon, but pointing in the opposite direction. "Then there's apparently a Caliburn that was part of the legend of Avalon, but is also apparently Grayswandir? Which makes me think maybe Avalon wasn't originally a Pattern realm until Benedict scribed his pattern. Maybe it had the sort of relationship to Tir that the dragon-forests have to some of the other Pattern-realms? Or it was added as a levee to keep the Tir problem from leaking out? I don't know, but it's an interesting oddball. Xanadu doesn't have that kind of history, but if Werewindle suddenly links itself to the Xanadu pattern it will be an interesting data-point."

She regards the model, and then points at the Paris sword and the Tir sword. "And does anyone else suddenly think these two really need to meet?" she says with a mischievous grin. It's not clear whether she means the swords, or their wielders. Or both.

Signy watches the construction of the map with interest.

"Is it possible that a byproduct of the repair of the Primal Pattern means that it's been somehow demoted, and is no longer the center of things?"

"Interesting thought," Celina nods, "but as long as Grandfather Trickster is alive, I doubt it."

"Which grandfather?" Merlin asks. "Ours is supposed to be dead, so do you mean Dworkin?"

Robin has been following the Pattern model making with interest. She gets up from her seat and gathers a big plate of meaty snacks for her oh-so-well-behaved firelizards. As she seats herself and starts feeding them, she adds to the discussion, "I don't think of the Patterns -- and their paths -- so much as fortresses but as nests or creches. Places that allow Ordered Beings to grow to maturity instead of consuming each other in the Chaos manner. Of course, that would imply that the Really Elders were actually planning on children."

"The biggest threat to our children in a Pattern realm has always been each other," Martin agrees grimly. "Now I'm wondering how Ben's desire for us not to reproduce fits into all this."

"Uncontrolled Pattern creation?" Jerod muses. "The creation of Patterns based on the information would lead me to believe there is a defined order... no pun intended... in how many Patterns exist and how they might be placed. What happens if you get too many Pattern creators? Uncontrolled placement perhaps.

"Or maybe diluted or weakened Patterns? Maybe you have to be a certain generation in order to produce a viable Pattern... and we're not pure enough?" he says, before slightly shaking his head. "Speculation for another time I think... on the one day that Benedict is in a talkative mood...... in like a century or two."

"I asked Dworkin about the reproduction thing," Folly offers. "He said I'd need quite a bit more maths before he could explain it in a way that made sense, but did indicate that more Patterns, and better ones, would help keep us -- the Ordered -- protected from Chaos. Which makes it sound like the draw-a-pattern compulsion is some kind of self-reproductive safety strategy -- although I'm not sure how to tell whether the 'more' we have now are necessarily 'better' in the way he meant. Hopefully at some point I'll have the maths for it."

"Folly," Celina asks, "can you trace the direction of the missing jewel of Rebma?"

"I... don't know," Folly says. "If it were in Xanadu, I almost certainly could." She hesitates, thinking. "Do you know what the jewel of Rebma draws its power from? I got the impression, talking to your father, that only the Ruby could make a Pattern, because it has a Pattern inside it. Either that's just his own Amber-centric bias, or it's true and any jewels tied to other Realms have their own powers. We... might be able to use that to try to set up some kind of linkage."

"It is tied to Rebma's Pattern somehow." Conner replies. "Weyland indicated that it has the same resonance as Halosydne and that using sympathetic magic I could track the Jewel with the sword."

"Would it follow then that if there was a Jewel for each realm, there would also be a related sword that could track it?" Garrett asks.

"It might... though it raises questions about Werewindle and whether it maintains a connection. From s strictly. 'What problem shall we solve next?' Perspective, I gather the question of finding the sapphire has the greatest urgency. If that can be made to work, perhaps we can talk to Corwin about a similar process with Grayswandir later. Are there other urgent questions related to this grand map?" Fletcher gestures to the array of dishes and cutlery.

Vere shakes his head and remains silent.

"I'm adding 'Locate the Rebman Sapphire using Halosdyne' to my list," Martin says. "Also someone needs to take all these plates out of Xanadu and unmake them sorcerously. I don't want to chance anyone getting their hands on this diagram."

Folly nods. "Yeah, I was just thinking wouldn't it be great for us to have some sort of central repository where we could share all this great information with each other even when we can't all get together, but I have no idea how we could possibly secure it." She looks around to make sure everyone who wants it has a good mental image of the model, then begins gathering up the tableware into a stack.

"What else do we need to add to the list?" she asks.

"The sapphire is a self-solving problem. Wait for it long enough, and it'll come back to Rebma," Brennan says. "But you won't like the mechanism. The sapphire went missing when Moire fled Rebma around the time of Huon's invasion, right? So Moire probably has it. We already know she's up to some hijinx in Avalon because-- skipping ahead-- we found out that Montage is posing as the Admiral Stratum who anyone in Avalon will tell you, and I quote them all verbatim, ' a naval genius whose plans account for every possible contingency.' Montage, and presumptively Moire, are pulling strings and running some kind of long military con in Avalon that doesn't make a lot of sense if the objective is in Avalon. Makes a whole lot more sense if you know where the Avalonian entrance to the Faiella-Bionin is, or about this hypothetical underwater Shadow path through Nedra. And honesty compels me to add that, despite my part in it, the rise of the Silver Towers off Avalon's coast is a huge distraction to every breathing person in Avalon except the ones from Rebma. So I'd expect the sapphire to show up at Rebma's doors real soon now, on a sturdy but decorative chain around Moire's neck.

"Something else to consider on the nature of compulsions: I have no opinion on whether the pattern-drawing urge is intended or not. But I would not be surprised if some resonance of that effect is what causes the Pattern blades' geas. Halosydne may be both the best and the worst possible tool at the same time."

"Wait, what?" Martin says, confused. "Montage isn't doing anything unless he's got some of that timey wimey Moonrider power going. He's dead."

"That was my thought too." Jerod says. "I'm fairly trusting when you say someone is dead and you're the one that killed them, but hearing it myself when I was there meant I wanted to verify with you whether or not a possibility existed that he might have know, the whole 'fell off a cliff so he must be dead' routine. Was going to ask you later, but...well, now will do."

"Yeah, this gets ugly, complicated and confusing," Brennan says, reaching into a pack, and taking a sketch out from a folder or a notebook. "I'll try to be brief, despite that. Syke and Stratum are the warleader and admiral of some group in Avalon, and Stratum's machinations had a way of showing up wherever I was in Avalon. But there is something deeply weird and disturbing about it, because none of his henchmen, agents or mercenaries have any clear memories of him, and they seem to be under a circuitous compulsion not to notice their lack of memories or pursue it. We partially broke that compulsion on one of them, but only partially, with the help of a group of Avalon hedge wizards. The man whose compulsion we broke drew this when we asked him to identify Stratum."

Brennan hands over the sketch directly to Martin, but if Martin passes it around-- and Brennan clearly expects him to-- anyone who knew Montage will see a sketch of Montage.

"So, either Montage didn't die, or was dead and got better, or there's some Moonrider weirdness, or someone with a really good family resemblance stepped up, or we didn't break the compulsion as well as we thought we did and this is just another redirect. Or, the ever green option: Something I didn't think of. We didn't get any sketch of Syke at all."

Martin takes the sketch and looks at it before passing it to Jerod. "Montage made the mistake of threatening me and I told him to back off. He mistook my clemency for weakness and I dealt with him with my own two hands. He was dead when I left him in the sewer under Red Mill. So I'm ruling out your first option, but the rest of them are possible. Though I'm hoping against him having gotten better after I killed him, especially given the zombie problem."

Jerod takes the sketch and briefly scans it, verifying the image is of Montage, being well acquainted with his visage.

He passes it silently to Ossian, motioning for him to review it and pass it around the group so everyone gets a look-see...just in case anyone is unfamiliar with Montage's appearance.

Conner reaches into an inner pocket of his jacket and pulls out a large jeweled hand mirror. He keeps the glass against his chest. "Well, I have a direct way to see if this is our Montage. I can scry for him and some of the others we are seeking if the group thinks it prudent to do so." Conner's gaze invites comments from all but he looks to Martin for assent before doing anything with a mirror in his presence.

Hannah glances at the mirror and back up at Connor. "Isn't that what possibly killed Lucas?"

"Moire caused a mirror to explode and a shard to pierce his heart," Vere replies. "Or so at least Lucas told us, and we have no reason to doubt him on that."

Celina nods in response to Vere and Hannah. She doesn't add anything. Her eyes express some variation on 'little about the whole action is anything but unpleasant'. She glances at the sketch of Montage when it is passed around and lets it move to someone else.

Edan studies the picture, not having seen the man before, and passes it along. He moves the baby out of flechette range.

"I think if we're going to scry for anything, we ought to go looking for Huon first. But don't do anything that'll give you another headache. We're basically on top of things here," Martin reminds Conner as he points in the downward direction of the Xanadu Pattern.

"We don't need to scry on Huon," Ambrose says, before Conner can reply. "We have a Trump of Huon, or did. I gave it to Brennan some time ago, but it may have been passed on while Random was seeking him. We should use it if we can."

"That," says Martin, "is a solid idea. But we ought to decide what we're doing before we try it, so we know where people are going and how they're splitting up in case we have people who need to go through to Huon.

"So take your pick: Moonriders, Arden, Huon and the archivists, Klybesians and the heir, interview lake ladies about Paris, use Conner's sword to find the Sapphire, research Klybesians about god-killing and other religions, research Vialle, research Montage and Stratum. I think that's it." Martin looks at Solange, who's opening her mouth to say something and adds: "And Gerard. And staying home with a baby."

"I think you forgot the zombies." Conner adds. "I am obviously down for tracking the Sapphire with Halosydne as we are a package deal. I can see to that immediately or wait until after the assault on the Klybesians on Paris." He offers looking to Celina for her preference.

Jerod has a preferred path, and the path he had agreed to already... so despite his personal interest, he declines to chase after Huon and proceeds with the original plan of burning Klybesians to the ground... or the equivalent thereof.

Edan says, "For those who don't already know, the Klybesians have a deck of Trumps. Or access to them. Random asked me to go looking for it, and I got as far as the Turcopolier. It is one reason I gathered knights."

"I am still for rescuing the Klebesian's prisoner, and determining my sister's involvement with them," Vere says firmly.

Brita looks at Brennan and says, "With a Trump, We can Find Uncle Huon Only If he Wishes to be Found. I can Check That and Assist as Needed on others' Tasks."

Celina looks at Conner, Jerod, Vere, and finally Edan. She sighs. "Really? An entire deck? Lir's bones. I must follow the lead we were working on. Bend could decide to act without me. The Klybesians could decide to rush something along. It is timely that I return to Paris. Now."

Hannah, who has been memorizing the visage of Montage for future reference, looks at Celina with open concern before adding herself to the list. "I am on duty to figure out how to scrub clean ye old kingly suite," Hannah says, "and just so you know, that baby can travel. He's lighter than my medical bag, and he's got a Raven-guard. If anyone needs a doctor, if you can contact me, I am going to stay ready to move as needed."

Ossian frowns. "I have seen too much of the Klybesians lately and would gladly go hunting them. Which way doesn't much matter. There is that rutter, provided you know where my mother is." That last is directed at Jerod.

"I'm on Team Moonrider for the time being, at least as long as it takes to get to Ghenesh and back. But I'll say it again: I am not going to Ghenesh with the intent of escalating the conflict higher than it already is, but I consider the Moonrider matter bound to the question of justice for Cambina's death," Brennan says.

"And regarding Huon's Trump: At the last Mandatory Fun meeting I offered it to the King with the plan of using it as a team to subdue Huon and pull him through against his will. I think the King's plan was to give it to Caine for purposes of spying. Either the King or Caine should have it now."

Garrett glances at the picture of Montage briefly, but as he never knew the man, there is no recognition. He passes it on to the next person.

"The King said he wanted me on 'diplomat duty' when I arrived today. He defined that as 'go tell the rest of the worlds why we're justified in whatever decision we've made or will make about Vialle.'" Garrett explains with a lack of enthusiasm. "I reckon that puts me on 'find out more about Vialle' by default." He adds with a smirk, "Any advice from trained diplomats is welcome."

"Always offer an Ambassador drinks before getting down to business." Conner advises. "If they decline, pay attention carefully."

"I'm on the Arden path," Robin says, "Though I think I'd like some backup. Brita? Interested in returning to the Deep Green?"

Brita gives a smile and a quick nod of agreement.

"Anyone interested in Jewel hunting or forming a quick response strike team?" Conner asks. "I'm not wandering into shadow or mounting a rescue by scrying alone. Without a partner or two, I'm best joining the party in Paris or one of the other endeavours."

Signy sighs. "I need to clarify with the King if I'm expected to go to the Moonriders to respond on the business of ransoming the First, since not returning their token is apparently considered a very insulting gesture." She looks at Celina. "I feel compelled to help with Huon if I can, to help rescue Tomat, and then to see if he can help fill in more details about the Klybesians. He may respond to a friendly face."

Her face twists slightly at the word 'friendly', thinking of his past responses to her.

Celina says, "Good. Thank you. Since I must return to Paris, knowing you are seeking Tomat is very appreciated."

"Seems like Gateway is settled down," Raven says, "aside from the ship of men and weir that need to get home and the chance of fishing up a line to the Klybesians from there. So I'm game to be part of whatever group needs or wants another man."

"I think I will need to stick close to Xanadu for at least a little while," Folly says. "Talking to our volunteer hostage is high on my list of immediate priorities, as is working on getting that magic circle-thingy out of the royal quarters posthaste." She meets Hannah's gaze with a grim smile and then adds to the group at large, "So if any of you want to check it out while it's here for the checking, now is the time." Her hand slips into her pocket as if verifying its contents.

"I can also help with getting any emergency calls for backup out if something comes up, since we've got the Trump booth here. And a king who's now playing with more-or-less a full deck, literally and figuratively, if our Aunts and Uncles are also needed."

She mentally works through the list of tasks and volunteers. "Vere, those Ladies of the Fonts... Laudine and... Morgne? ...are still in Amber, yes? I may see about bringing them here for a little chat. Garrett and Signy, I expect I'll be checking in with the king after this to see how his chat with the Moonrider went; since both your next steps may depend on that to some extent, you're welcome to join me. And Celina--" Folly stands, withdraws her card case, and offers her a card face-down "--if that captive unknown heir of Rebma turns out to look eerily like Lark -- older, younger, or the same age -- call me." She hesitates, then adds, "Or if you find your Jewel and don't just intuitively know what to do with it. I'm not saying I necessarily will either, but... we should talk."

Celina stands and reaches. She takes the Trump. "This talk has been no balm to what comes next. So yes, please, set aside time. I accept your guidance."

Fletcher finished making a quick copy of the sketch in his notebook and looks up. "I'm open to suggestions on what to pursue. I did want to check out that magic circle in the King's rooms and maybe even check out Tir, but if there's possibly lives at stake from the Klybesians in Paris or the zombies you can count on me."

"OK, let me add this up:" Martin starts.

"Moonriders, Brennan, no backup planned. Arden: Brita and Robin. Huon and the archivists: Brita's going to get the Trump from Dad or Caine, and I can loan you a card for Caine, Brita. Possibly Signy if she's not on Moonrider duty. Klybesians and the Rebman heir: Celina, Merle, and Vere, maybe Jerod. Dad's suite: Folly and Hannah. Klybesian rutter: Ossian, maybe Jerod. Diplomat duty and research: Garrett. Parisian ladies: Folly, after Dad's suite. Gerard: Solange. At the moment, no firm decision: Raven, Fletcher, and Ambrose, with the zombies being the big item left. And Conner finding the sapphire, but he'll need a team for that and ... are you going to deal with the Rebman heir for now, Conner?

"And Edan and I have to report to Dad, after which we'll figure it out, but my first stop is Rebma to pick up Lark and wherever I go I'm going to have the universe's most dangerously precocious child, at least as far as children who've grown to that age without sorcerous help."

Martin adds, "Which reminds me, Brennan, if you're going back to the Moonriders immediately, we need to make sure there's a representative of Ruby at Court for this. Who do you want there? We'll send for them."

"Is this a meeting where someone has to balance Marius' interest in not getting decked against the Order's interest in having a Xanadu to come home to? I can't really delegate that in good conscience," Brennan says. He turns to Conner, "You want a test case for the Eye? Can we take a look outside Fiona's Tower and see if the Moonriders are running amok, yet? Because they bloody well better not be inside it."

Folly smiles. "I hope they live up to your tentative characterization of them as 'honorable'," she says. "This seems like a good opportunity to test that hypothesis.

"Which reminds me -- you asked Martin, before, what he wanted with respect to your interactions with these Moonriders. We got a little sidetracked with other important matters, but let me give you my answer: I want to understand their attitudes, motives, and... yes, sense of honor. Do they know what their Queen has been up to? If so, do they condone it? Do they believe we are an enemy, to be mistrusted and defeated at all costs, as we have been taught about them? Or--" she gives Brennan a pointed look, though her tone is gentle "--like you, do they just want to go home again?

"In short, assuming we can come to some sort of agreement on justice for wrongs committed, can we make peace with them? And what would it look like?"

She gestures to Conner; clearly she supports Brennan's suggestion, unless someone else has a good reason not to do it.

Conner mulls it over for a second. "The Eye works to scry people, not places, and works best when the user knows the subject well." Conner replies. "So, I can either let you use the Eye to look in on your Moonriders or I can look for one of your party that I do know. Sir Firumbras, perhaps."

"I'd like to know more about the Moonriders too," Garrett says. "It could have some bearing on what I have to tell people. And yeah, Folly, I'll join you for the briefing with Dad. I also owe you a Trump."

"Peace is always good." Jerod says. "Let us ask one more question to them...specifically what is the impact of the Moonriders returning? They say they just want to go home. If that's all it is...that's one thing. But if their return heralds some other event arising...something detrimental to us..."

He leaves the remainder for others to fill in.

Ambrose says to Jerod, "Most likely they are much like us: good, bad, and indifferent in character, mixed in their motives, where some who try to do good end up causing great evil, and one hopes, also the reverse."

The expression on Martin's face is still stuck on spinning out the implications of Brennan's last, and not liking what he's hearing. He finally says, "Yeah, Brennan, unfortunately you're probably necessary for this one. Wouldn't hurt to have Fletcher as an uninvolved party either. Those of you that don't want to officially be here, even for family purposes, should probably head out ASAP." He gives Solange a pointed look. "Anyone else got anything before we break up?"

Edan shakes his head. "I'm in limbo until we talk to the king."

"Folly, I'm going to tag along with you while I can," Hannah notes. "I suspect I'll need to take this little yowler back too," she says with affection toward her newborn and a grin for his father.

Folly smiles at Hannah and gives her a thumbs-up.

"One thing," Robin says. "I promised the Ladies Morgne and Laudine that I would see them to Rebma and Paris respectively. So after you're done talking to them, Folly, will you let me know so I can do that?"

"Of course," Folly says, and nods. She looks around at the group and asks, gesturing at the pile of plates and utensils, "Who wants to follow Martin's suggestion and unmake some tableware?"

Ossian turvs to Jerod. "Klybesians one way or the other. Will you join me or the others?"

"Around the corners, err we turn always to the fate." Jerod muses. He looks at Celina. "You have enough for what you need? The rutter would sound to be of great value."

Celina hesitates only a moment, "If I could have a Trump of you, Cousin Jerod, that would make the enterprise feel it had a serious contingency. Otherwise, yes, I do."

Celina eyes Conner, "Wondering if you want to start your search from Paris, Conner. We could use the company.

"There are no trumps of me floating around that I am aware of." Jerod replies. "Unless someone has done one and not told me."

"Just the one in the Trump booth that I know of." Conner remarks. Conner turns to Celina. "I am with you, my Queen. I think scrying will have to wait for more friendly environments for sorcery." He says to the wider room, "I will find a way to contact people if I find anything of note."

Raven, who's been kind of keeping track of who's ending up on what and frowning a little, says, "Right. I'm up for tackling Moonriders, if you've got room for one more, Brennan?"

Martin says, "Sounds like we've got it all figured out, or at least as much as we can right now. May the Unicorn guide us all, because we're all going to need it."

He turns to Edan and says, "I'll be ready to go down in a moment; I need to talk to my brother first."

Ambrose moves to gather up the table service for future unmaking, though he will accept any other fellow-sorcerers as volunteers.

Signy looks at the Queen. "Once I am finished with the Moonriders, I may try to find you in Paris to see where things stand with Huon, since I'm guessing any updates will make their way back to you." She pauses for a moment, before belatedly adding "If that's OK with you, that is."

Celina blows Signy a kiss. "Until then."

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Last modified: 1 March 2021