Vere and Robin return to the Lady walking together, hand in hand. Vere has a small smile on his face, and keeps turning to look at Robin as they walk.
Robin's hand is intertwined with the Prince's and she is leaning fondly against him. The girl seems in fine spirits; bright eyes, smiles, confidence. There is no sign of the packet she was carrying earlier.
The Lady smiles. "My Goddess, may I ask a boon?"
"Sure." Robin cocks her head, mentally preparing herself for 'get your hands off my son.'
Vere's hand tightens on hers, and he tilts his head to one side, interested in what his mother is about to ask.
"Thank you. Would you address the conclave, My Goddess? So many of my sisters could use your guidance."
Robin blinks as one side of her mouth ticks upward in an ironic smile. Chalk one up for Kourin. "How long will it take you to gather your conclave?" she asks.
"There is a matter that must be seen to as soon as possible," Vere explains politely to his mother. "An apparent invasion of our world, that may explain why the warriors from the Land of the Valiant allied with the Witch Queens."
"An hour, My Goddess. It is a small island and only those here would be available in a timely fashion. If there's not time for your guidance, perhaps you could bless the conclave. Just seeing you would give them encouragement."
"Hunh." Robin's eyes grow deep in thought and a furrow forms between her eyebrows. "I... don't want my conclave heartsick. But I also can't stomach the thought of any more sons of Danu dying in this stupid war." From her tone of voice, Robin is slowly (albeit somewhat reluctantly) accepting the people of the Isles as hers.
"Vere? Realistically. How soon to leave?"
The girl turns a rueful smile back to the Lady, the new Goddess is a bit of a whirlwind.
Vere smiles at her. "Padraig still needs time to make final arrangements with his people. I was anticipating several hours, at least. You have time for this." He turns to his mother and explains, "Once I learned of the invaders that forced the folk of the Land of the Valiant to seek allies I took it upon myself to offer them amnesty and allow them to leave, in exchange for a vow not to return bearing arms against us. Their captain will lead the Lady Robin and me to their leaders, so that we may speak with them and learn more about these invaders." He turns back to Robin. "I need to speak to Siege and the Children of Llyr as well, to explain things to them. I can do this while you address the conclave."
As Vere speaks to his mother, Robin nods, supporting his decision and his words. When he turns back, her eyes light up. 'Oo! Siege is here? If I can, Vere, I'd like to get a chance to say hi myself. And thank him." An enormous grin splashes across the girl's face.
"Okay, then." The smile is still there though somewhat dampened. "Conclave it is. But a short one. After you've sent your message though, Lady, Vere and I need to speak to you... and Avis? about some future plans."
"Come with me, then, my Goddess."
Robin follows, her hand still linked with Vere's, her eyes looking around brightly at the world.
She leads the two Amberites to a pavillion near the coast, where she asks a young priestess to assemble the conclave and to send word to Avis that she should attend her. The priestess goes, wide-eyed.
Shortly Avis arrives. "You sent for me Mother? What's the conclave for?" At this point she sees Vere and Robin and breaks into a grin.
Robin strolls around the pavilion enjoying the open air. When Avis sees them, she returns the grin and raises a hand in greeting. 'Hi, Avis. How's the arm?"
Vere nods a greeting to his sister, a small smile on his face.
Avis nods back. "I can tell when it's going to rain, but other than that, I don't really notice." She drops the grin. "I've been pretty lucky, all things considered."
The Lady coughs, politely. "Vere and the Goddess Robin wish to address us, daughter."
Avis looks at her mother, then back at Robin. "Goddess." Her tone is polite, but it may be that she is humoring her mother's whims. Or so it seems to Vere.
Vere lifts an eyebrow and meets his sister's eyes with a smile. Then he turns to Robin and waits for her to speak.
Robin looks around, a little curious at the family dynamics -- so subtle compared to her own brawling, bawling mess with brothers and father.
[Low hurdle. *Corwin/Eric* is subtle compared to Robin/Jovian, Robin/Adonis, Jove/Adonis, and especially Adonis/Julian. Robin/Julian is the most subtle of the relationships, but that's back to the low hurdle... :) ]
"Okay. First things first. Avis, I've come to love your brother and since he seems to return the feeling, we're a pair now and to be married in the future." The girl tries to deliver that factually, but her eyes glow, light fills her body and the unconscious smile that is springs to her lips could cast shadows against the afternoon sun.
Vere's smile mirrors hers.
Avis looks from the one to the other and nods.
After a moment of bonfire glow, Robin gets down to basics. "In the meantime, Vere has managed to snag a bunch of the mainland invaders and learned that they were pushed into an alliance with the Witch-Queen/Rebel contingent by a different force, most likely from outside your world." She checks in with Vere to make sure she's got that straight.
"The ships from the Land of the Valiant," Vere murmurs in quiet explanation.
"It's our intention to go talk with the command-types of the invaders to see if we can't either a) offer them a better deal than the Contingent or b) seriously undermine the ability of off-world forces to push. We'll be leaving right after the 'Meet the New Goddess' conclave.
"Other things that are blowing in the wind include our thought to maybe see if we can snag a representative of the Contingent while we're out there and get a line to Vianis to let her know that the wind has strongly shifted Robin-ward and see what she wants to consider about that. 'Cause while I still hold of LOT of not-like for Vianis, there's also a lot I'm willing to consider to stop the sons of Danu dying in this war."
Avis nods. "You are good to us, My Goddess. The Children of the Goddess Danu, will die for you willingly, Goddess Robin. I personally will kill Vianis for the insults she did to you before your aspect was revealed to us. Still, if Vianis were to surrender to us, we would certainly be merciful and pardon most of her followers. Not the ringleaders, of course. Order must be maintained."
The Lady looks grim, but does not disagree with this.
Vere's eyes slide to his mother and sister, watching to see how they react to this plan. He is not smiling any longer, his expression serious and considering.
"Further very loose and very scary plans going through me and Vere's shared brains is one - a meeting between us, you two," Robin gestures to Avis and the Lady, "Vianis and whoever is in charge of the Witch-Queens to discuss alternatives to me wiping everyone out and two - talking with my mother." Robin's mouth turns down in a fine mixture of annoyance and distaste.
Vere goes very still as Robin says this, and his gaze focuses on a point between and somewhere behind his mother and sister, reading their every small gesture without giving away anything himself.
"Miss anything?" The Goddess' pout fades away as she looks over to her fine man.
A small smile touches Vere's lips. "I should think that should cover it, my love," he replies.
Avis speaks quickly, clearly excited. "You can bring the Goddess Ysabeau to this place? While she has shed her mortal sheath, I would be pleased to have her return to us; I expect that she would wax wroth if the apostate's desecration of her resting place were known to her. I pray to her on that matter explicitly. Her aid would be of great value to the cause."
Vere holds up a cautionary hand. "It is a possibility only at this point," he says. "But it _is_ a possibility. We can speak on this further after we know more about those who are invading this world. There exists a strong probability that their god is either from Amber, or is a Lord of Chaos, still fighting despite their loss of their war against us."
He smiles at Robin. "Once you have no need of me, I should go and speak to Siege and my men."
"You know you can come and go whenever you'd like, my love." She smiles back to him.
Then she turns her eyes back to the full mad-on Avis. "Hunh. Do I get to ask what the contingency plan is for stubbornly self-agended Goddesses, Avis?"
She looks somewhat confused. "You mean if they are following another Goddess, one who opposes your will? They have not the right amongst the Children of the Goddess Danu. You are Robin daughter of Ysabeau, daughter of Rilsa. The will of Rilsa the Queen of the Spirit Realms for the children of the Goddess Danu is paramount, under the guidance of Danu, blessed mother of Goddesses. Her will and teachings come to us both directly and through the teaching and leadership of Ysabeau, the returned one. Her will and teachings are likewise directly revealed to us and brought to us through the teaching and leadership of Robin, the twice returned." Avis sounds much more sure of herself, almost as if she is repeating a catechism.
Vere smiles slightly as Avis speaks, and before Robin has a chance to answer he bows to his love. "Speech of these things is not for a man," he says piously. "I shall leave you to it, and take myself to man's affairs." His eyes twinkle mischievously as he takes Robin's hand and kisses it. "My love," he says. He releases her hand and straightens, turning to his mother and Avis. "Mother," he says with a nod to her. "Sister." Another nod. He takes a step backwards away from all three ladies, bows once again, then turns and leaves the pavilion.
Robin blinks non-plussed, then her eyes narrow in an equally mischievous twinkle. She'll have to get him back later for that one. But, oh she will.
She turns back to Avis and the Lady. Her face twists around a little as the gi... Goddess pops her lips in thought. "Okay, tenet number one. If Vianis' insult was to me, then it's to me that her life belongs. No dead Vianis until she's brought before me, right?" Robin raises her eyebrows to Avis.
Avis says "As you command, My Goddess. If she is killed, she will be rebonded to her body and brought before you in chains for your righteous judgement and punishment."
"Second, do the Witch-Queens and our rebellious Priestesses still hold to those tenets? I.e. if I told them to knock it off and get their asses over here, would they?"
Inwardly Robin scrunches her nose at herself. Because if it turns out that Jovian was right all along and all that had to happen was someone get Goddy on the place, weeeell she would... she would just have to punch him, that's all.
Avis looks at her Mother. The Lady speaks. "It is ... uncertain My Goddess. Some would, some may disbelieve that you are your mother's child, and others may say that they are acting on your Mother's wishes." The Lady looks at her feet. "The Chancellor said that your Mother had come to her in a vision, and told her to reconcile with the Witch Queens. That is why the possibility of summoning her spirit to manifest here is so tantalizing."
"Makes sense." Robin nods again.
"Either of you have visions of or wishes from my mother?" She says tipping her head in thought.
They both nod. "All who are called do, at least once," says Avis. "While we have a strong church that gives us strength and support and is like a family for us, the basis of our religious experience is divine revelation."
The Lady nods, approving of her daughter's words. "We are the Children of the Goddess Danu, and we listen to and learn from our foremother."
"Hunh." Robin's breath lifts in bangs in a gentle fluff as her brows furrow in thought.
"K. Couple o' things, then. Number one, when Vianis told you guys that my mother appeared to her in a vision etc etc, why did a war start? And two, would there be time before the Conclave for me to meet Danu?" Robin's voice is gently curious as she rolls things around in her head.
Avis speaks again, and again it sounds like a lesson. "The Goddess Danu is with us always and speaks to us in everything that happens. One cannot awaken in the morning without meeting Danu. It is the gift of the priestesses to be able to interpret her will."
The Lady nods. "Vianis's position was compelling, but many of us did not hear the same things in our meditations. Our warring is, some say, the way the Goddess decides. What we hear the Goddess tell us is, too often, colored by what we are capable of listening to. Some were eager to hear that the Goddesses wanted them to return to the old ways and embrace our cousins who had fought against the black paths by our sides. Some could not believe that the Goddess really wanted us to return to the ways of human sacrifice."
"Okay." Robin scratches the back of her neck contemplatively. Then, with a nose scrunch, the girl decides she's had enough of those thoughts and swerves over to different ones.
"Sooo," says the master of diplomacy and segues, "do you guys know anything about dragons? Not the one's my brother brought, but other kinds?" Settling herself against back against one of the pavilions columns, Robin crosses her arms and legs comfortably.
Avis looks at The Lady, who nods. Avis begins. "Dragons are long-lived and cunning, but quick to anger which takes their cunning from them. They are like the gods, and to be respected, but are not divine. Old dragons are wise, but often not interested in the affairs of mere mortals. Dragons can disguise themselves as women and walk amongst us if they so choose, sometimes for years on end."
The Lady continues. "They do not frequent the isles of the Dannan, not in the lifetimes of many Priestesses and Kings. Some say that Volund was a dragon, but none know if this is true."
"Oh, wait! Hold that thought. I've got to go tell Kourin & Hoshith that she was right," Robin bounces her head in teen irony, "and that we'll be here for a couple of hours."
The girl presses her lips together in a flat line but she might as well get the flock used to the idea now that she is a bit... distractable.
They nod, patiently, and it's clear that they are mother and daughter.
Robin smiles brightly at them, and hop-skips her way out of the pavilion. After that, it's a nice long stretch of the legs to where Kourin and Hoshith. The girl relishes the activity, there was just getting to be waaaay to much thinking going on.
Kourin is scratching Hoshith's eye-ridges and does not notice Robin's approach. She turns when she does and stops, almost reluctantly. "How'd it go with the Priestesses?"
Robin's bangs fluff in a breath blown out in exasperation, but she stops herself short of the eye roll. "'Bout what you predicted. Don't let me interrupt you," she adds with a wave to Hoshith, "I just thought I'd hop over and let the two of you know that Vere says we'll probably be here for a couple of hours."
Kourin resumes grooming her partner. "I got some of the same when I was new, and the mate of a lesser male god. They're madwomen, the lot of them. Or I must be since they're all the same and I'm the one whose from another world. We'll do what we can until you're ready." She looks into Hoshith's eyes for a moment. "J'rim says he's going to take a patrol out without me, since I can't keep a schedule."
"If you wanna go, you don't have to stay here. Vere and I are okay." Robin says with a smile.
She shakes her head. "The only thing worse than not going is not being here when you need me. I'll fly with them tomorrow."
"Okay, your call." Robin answers with a nod, then turns to Kourin's partner.
"Hoshith? Would you be kind enough to tell my brother that Kourin's scheduling issues are all my fault and that he is a big poopy-head?" The girl's smile grows to a big teasing grin.
Hoshith's eyes whirl. /*I have informed Canerath */ The voice in her head sounds exactly like Robin would expect a dragon's voice to sound.
"Ooooo!" Robin's eyes ignite with excitement and awe. "Wow! You have a wonderful voice, Hoshith. Thank you for sharing it with me."
An electric shock of excitement runs through the girl's mind as she wonders what Canareth's voice sounds like. And Maranth's. And Antrith's. And maybe Peleth and Hyolith and, and, and... but she quickly gets herself under control. She'll just have to wait until and if they decide that they want to speak to her too.
"And thank you both for waiting. Is there anything I can get for you guys while you're here? Food? Drink? Oil, stiff bristle brushes, and skimpily clothed male help?" The Goddess definitely has a happy buzz on.
"We're fine together," says Kourin, grinning fondly at her dragon.
"Okay-ay." Robin swings her arms aimlessly. "Guess I should get back then. You guys take care." She chirps and grins once more at the two before turning away and trotting back to the pavilion with light happy steps.
Vere leaves his mother's pavilion and heads directly for Siege's tent, hailing a runner on the way and issuing orders for all the Captains of the Children of Lyr to meet him there immediately.
The Ten Captains arrive promptly. Captain Creon has his arm in a sling.
Vere greets Siege warmly, and tells him that Robin has arrived, and is meeting with the priestesses.
Vere welcomes each of the captains as they arrive, and raises an eyebrow at Creon's injury. "Not serious, one trusts?" he asks.
Several officers smile, but turn away. Creon frowns. "Fell off a wall, Prince Vere."
Vere does not smile. He simply nods at this information, and moves on to other matters.
Once everyone has arrived Vere turns to business. "Things have changed," he says bluntly. "I have received information that puts a new complexion on the war, and leads to some possible new directions for us to pursue. I spoke with the prisoners of Sir Jovian and Dame Kourin. They made common cause with our enemies due to invaders to the far east, warriors who sound to me as though they, or at least their leader, have come from another world. An alien enemy, with unknown designs on this world... that raises the intriguing possibility of the necessity of an alliance. It is not unprecedented, during the Black Forest War the Witch Queens and the people of the Isles united against the demonic invaders."
Castor actually looks relieved.
[Vere] regards the captains somberly, then adds, "I have made a further inference, which is not yet backed by firm data. The legends of these invaders say that their god intends them to fight in an underwater realm. It may be that the Isles are merely a stop on the way to their true target. Rebma."
Captain Octavius speaks first, "Can we get a message home, Prince Vere? The Guards should be alerted, at least."
Castor nods. "Yes, Captain Octavius is right. And kept up to date as we learn more. How do you propose to deal with this, Prince Vere?"
Vere answers the second question first. "I have paroled the warriors from the Land of the Valiant, given them their freedom on condition that they swear never to return to the Isles bearing arms against my people. Their captain shall lead me to his superiors, and I shall consult with them on these invaders. I hope to gain more information, perhaps even speak with prisoners. I shall be flying with Dame Kourin, so this should not take an unduly long time. The Lady Robin of Arden will accompany me."
He nods to Octavius, "I agree that Rebma should be informed immediately, even before I gain more information. The Queen can decide what level of threat is posed by the current situation. If I prove wrong, and there is no threat, then the Queen may put it down to a man's excitable nature." Vere smiles slightly. "Better that I risk a lessening of the Queen's opinion of me, than we run any risk of Rebma being taken unprepared."
"I cannot get a message directly to Rebma without some time and effort, that I am not certain I can afford. But it is likely I can pass information to Princess Llewella. I confess to a lack of understanding of the current political situation between Queen Moire and her sister. Is this an acceptable means of transferring the information, or should I endeavour to find another method?"
He pauses, and regards them. "If necessary," he says, "I believe I could arrange to have one of you sent to Amber, Paris, or King Random's new kingdom of Xanadu immediately, and leave it to you to convey the information to the Queen in the manner you think best. That would still leave us to decide how to transfer future information as it becomes available."
He nods to them. "Advise."
Octavius speaks first. "Well, there's an Embassy in Paris. If we could get a message or a messenger there, the Embassy could finish the delivery, but that leaves us without any way to get instructions back."
Captain Creon replies, "Do we even want instructions back? As long as they've been warned, we've done our duty."
Captain Domitian looks at him. "We may need to go through the Princess, or someone. Prince Vere, we must consider the political ramifications of such a report. We are, to be blunt, a century of men who chose to leave Rebma and seek our fortunes above the waves, following a Prince of Amber. We need to convince them to prepare for a fight that may not even be coming against an enemy that we can't name. Will our words hold any weight? We need a woman to deliver the report. Could your sister or Lady Robin do it?"
The captains turn to Vere, waiting for his response to Domitian.
Vere frowns in thought. "I agree that would be the best thing to do, if it were possible. My sister currently has no method of contacting anyone in Rebma, however. And the Lady Robin's methods are the same as mine, or, to be more precise, I was counting upon receiving her assistance to pass on the warning. She could contact the Princess Llewella, but no one else from the Rebman court. On the other hand..."
He thinks for a moment, then says, "Consider this. What if we send one of our own, someone with good family connection in Rebma," he does not look at any particular captain as he says this, "What if we send this person to Corwin in Paris, accompanied by one of my mother's nobles? The Captain can act as escort and introduction for the noble, who shall be the one to actually convey the warning."
He awaits their thoughts on this proposal.
Creon coughs. "My arm will be healed and I will be back in the fight long before I would be if I were sent to Rebma by way of Paris, My Prince. If one of our own goes, we will need to break up a company."
Castor looks up. "We could draw straws."
"A very traditional way of handling such a decision," Vere responds drily. "Perhaps lacking slightly in ensuring that the correct person is chosen, though?" He steeples his fingers together in front of himself and considers them. "While I appreciate that no one wishes to be the one to leave his fellows, this is an important mission, and I would prefer that everyone would consider their qualifications honestly. We need a person who can clearly express the situation, forcibly but without hyperbole, and who also has the proper history or family to ensure that their words will be given credence. Someone who will also be a fit companion for whichever of the nobles my mother and sister may decide to send." His expression becomes severe. "I expect you to give this matter the same dedication you would give to any military endeavour. Rebma needs you."
Castor looks up. "Myself, Octavius, Domitian, Aurelius"
The Captains nod. Octavius makes a small face. "Well, I don't wish to be judged on my family's connections, but I'm not above using them in the crown's interest."
Aurelius looks at him. "All four of us volunteer, my Prince. Who do you want to send?"
Vere nods, with a considering look on his face. "All four are excellent suggestions," he says, "Any one of you could do the job. That being the case, it comes down to a question of who can do it with the least interference with our mission here."
Domitian and Aurelius look at Octavius. He doesn't flinch, but Vere can tell he thinks he's been volunteered.
Vere does not yet disabuse him of that belief.
He looks to Siege. "With the possibility that we shall be soon attempting to make some sort of alliance with the foes we now fight, I suggest that we put a stop to any aggressive plans, and concentrate purely on defense. Does that seem reasonable?"
Siege looks grim. "Aye. We'll have to evacuate some exposed positions, but it can be done. Does this plan have the backing of The Lady? We'll need to have that to sell it to the other brotherhoods."
"Lady Robin and I have discussed it with her and the Princess briefly and sketchily. I wanted to come to a decision in this council concerning the exact nature of the suggestions I shall be making. You and I will speak to the two of them upon this matter once Lady Robin has finished addressing the priestesses."
Seige nods. "Lady Robin's blessing will be enough, of course. But the Lady will need to interpret it for the people."
"That is also when we shall discuss the matter of sending a messanger to Rebma. Pulling back and concentrating on defense will be less stressful for the Children in a situation where both the commanding officers are temporarily absent."
Castor nods. "I can leave as soon as you're ready for me to, Prince Vere."
"Excellent. Gentlemen, I believe we are done here. Castor, go and get whatever you will want to take with you. Siege and I will be waiting outside the Lady's pavilion, to speak with her as soon as the conference with the Priestesses is done. We will be sending you through as quickly as possible." He looks from face to face. "Unless there is any other matter that needs to be brought up now...?"
Vere checks with Siege to see if the Convent's Kiss is currently in harbour, or out on a mission. If the former, he is going to speak with Lord Worth. If the latter, he and Siege will walk towards the Lady's pavillion, and he will have a conversation with Siege on the way.
The Kiss is in harbour. Lord Worth is aboard, and happy to see Vere. He asks after Gerard.
"Bearing up, but there is no improvement. Another previously unknown cousin has come, and is taking his care upon herself. I have been told that she was led to us by the unicorn itself, and I take that as a good sign, and hope that there will be good news soon. Solange has returned from her travels, and is well. She sends her love to you."
He smiles. He misses Solange.
(OOC - Moving into summary mode here, let me know if you'd prefer to play this out in more detail)
Vere will tell Worth about what he has heard of the invaders, and his reasons for believing they may have Rebma as their eventual target. He's very interested in getting an informed opinion on this matter, and while Lord Worth isn't a member of the family he has lived in Amber a very long time and has sailed the shadow paths more than almost any living men not of the Royal Blood. Vere will listen to Lord Worth's opinions with respect.
Worth only knows of three ways to get an army to Rebma, one of which involves drowning. Four ways, counting the route Vere brought his men by. He wonders if Rebma isn't safe. What does Rebma have that the invaders want? And how will they get there from here? He isn't sure if he can give any good advice without knowing more, but he doesn't think they can go through Corwin, he doesn't think they can go down the stairs from Amber at all, and he doesn't think they can go through Gateway. Rebma is as much of a fortress as any place could be. All bottlenecks.
"There's another way," Vere tells him. "A secret stair. Conner used it to escape Rebma when he was accused of murder. It leads from a cliff by an ocean down to a tunnel into the heart of the city itself." He considers this for a moment. "A tunnel in the Triton's section," he muses aloud. "How interesting that they keep turning up."
"They're a puzzle, indeed. I've never really understood how Rebma could be a mirror of Amber and yet we don't have anything like them."
"An imperfect mirror, perhaps. The reflection of a rippling pond, an image altered by the unseen currents below the surface." Vere smiles slightly. "Or reflecting an unseen reality of Amber, perhaps." With a wave of his hand he dismisses the topic for the time being. "In any case, while it is quite likely that I greatly overestimate the danger, I would feel myself to be failing to repay the Queen of Rebma's hospitality did I not at least convey the warning. And, as I propose sending the messenger by way of King Corwin, I shall also be informing the greater family that there might be a rogue member of the Royal Family, or a Lord of Chaos, involved in this.
"Did you have any messages for members of the Family that I might ask Corwin to convey, should he have the chance?"
Worth considers for a moment, and then says "No, none for them. If you see Solange, send her my love."
Vere smiles at him, with genuine warmth. "I shall," he says.
"Hi, guys." Robin chirps with a smile as she slips back into the Pavilion. "Ummmm... Volund, right?" The girl is in too much of a good mood to settle, so she flutters around pavilion - pacing here, leaning there, etc - while she listens to what the Priestesses have to say.
The Lady nods. "Volund may have been a dragon living as a man, for his own draconic reasons. If so, he is the only dragon anyone from these isles ever met."
Avis adds, "He was a smith, and may also have been a god, or a legend. He predates the coming of the Danu to the Isles.'
"What about him is so particularly draconian? Enough so that his name came to mind when I asked?" Robin cocks her head as she asks.
Avis shrugs. "It's the legend. He was like unto a God, and yet both he and the Gods said he was not. He was immortal and had powers beyond those of men. There is little else he could have been."
The Lady continues. "It may just be a legend, he never confirmed it. And he was not a subject we discussed with our Goddesses much, once they led us here." She trails off.
Avis picks up the conversation. "There were dragons before we came to this land. His story is like a story of theirs would have been. It may be true."
"Sooo..." Robin scratches her ears as she thinks, "the place you came from before, the one your Goddesses led you out of... no wait. You said there were dragons before you came here. Where? Here and they were displaced? Or on the way? Or where you came from? And this past tense thing with Volund - I gather he's not around any more?"
Bright green eyes look back and forth between the two Priestesses.
Avis nods. "Legends are often imprecise, Goddess, but I believe the dragons of legend were elsewhere, although some legends speak of fighting for our place here against monsters, they are usually described as 'misshapen giants.'"
The Lady continues. "Volund is from our legends, and no woman in living memory knew him except as a legendary figure, who some speculated was a dragon. It was never something I needed to know of from the Goddesses I've known. Perhaps you can talk to a scholar about him."
"That'd be great. You think you can hook me up with one?" Robin smiles to the Lady.
The Lady looks pleased at Robin's smile. "Of course. There are none on Fair Isle, because of the war. We can direct you to one of your other cities."
"Works for me." Robin nods, "Oh, and is there anything you wanted to ask me before the Conclave starts?"
Avis looks at the Lady and then says "No, Goddess. If you are ready, we can take you to your Priestesses Assembled in Conclave." Avis sound oddly like Brita to Robin.
The Goddess' eyes glimmer for a moment with internal humor. Capital Disease, she wonders if it comes with the territory.
"Okay." Robin flutters her way nearer to the Lady and Avis. "This Conclave, it isn't going to be.... underground or anything is it?" She asks as she walks with them.
Avis looks alarmed. "In your mother's grove, Goddess. It's peaceful."
The Lady continues. "And we can all fit in there."
Ahead, Robin sees a gathering of women. As the three of them approach, there is excited murmuring, which grows quiet as they approach a stone with steps carved into it. There are only two steps, but it's clearly a podium. Avis gestures towards the rock, inviting Robin to step up to it.
She does not look upward for checking for anvils. She does not... oh, heck, yes she does. One quick flick of the eyes to see what's skyward of the stone. Other than that, Robin skips up the steps confidently and makes herself to home, a green youthful wild kind of 'home' that is quintessentially Robin.
[OOC - Podium? I'm afraid I don't have a very clear visual of this rock.]
[Sorry for the bad description. More like a riser or a platform. Flat, low, and if you stand on it, you can address everyone easily.]
A sea of faces, some curious, some concerned, all interested turn to Robin and the crowd quiets. It appears they are waiting for her to speak.
Robin looks out over the faces. A quick smile quirks her lips and when she speaks, her voice dances in time to the twinkle in her eyes.
"I am Robin. Daughter of Ysabeau." Despite all the preparation, that's still so very hard to say. "Daughter of Rilga. I was raised by Prince Julian of Amber, in the forest that guards the Holy City. I am of that Forest and of the Wild, but I have come here out of the love I bear for one of Danu's sons, Prince Vere." The names of her father and love bring a brilliant green glow to the Goddess. "It is my hope that I may come to love more of the Isles as well."
"Your Lady has asked that I bless this Conclave..." Robin trails off as a corner of her mouth ticks in a quiet smile. "And I do. You all have my blessing." A quiet warmth fills the girl as her eyes trace over the sea before her. Despite all her misgivings these are folks - trying their best to do their best in uncertain times. How could she not wish them well. Later can be dealt with later.
It is clear to Robin that they are relieved and pleased to hear that. It reminds her of how the Rangers who had been left behind reacted to her father's approval after he returned. A sigh works through the crowd, which Robin thinks may be over a hundred people.
The look at her, waiting still.
"I know that times have been hard. Strife everywhere. I ask that you be strong for a little while longer and we'll see if we can't end that." The corner of her mouth ticks once again as her eyes turn inward briefly. "In the meantime, carry on as you have, with faith and strength in your hearts."
The Goddess finishes with another warm smile for the people who wish to be hers.
The Lady looks up at her and kneels. The other priestesses follow quickly. Avis does as well, but she's smiling.
"We thank you for thy blessing, Goddess, and will follow your will. Is there anything else?"
[FWIW, they look like they're ready to stay here (on their knees) as long as you'll let them...]
"Not at this time, no." Robin waves a hand distractedly. "We've all got work to get to." She finishes with a twinkle in her eye for Avis.
Avis stands. "Sisters, we are dismissed to our work. Let us all go forth to do her bidding, with her blessing upon us." Robin thinks that Avis may have just picked up a piece of the political puzzle here that wasn't clearly hers, but she seems to have gotten away with it. The Priestesses rise and file out, never turning their backs to the podium or Robin.
Vere approaches the pavilion and watches the bustling around it, listens to the quiet conversations of nearby guards, and then nods to himself, having decided that there was still some time to go before Robin would be finished with her business. He turns away from the pavilion and seeks out Siege.
Siege is in the military encampment some distance from the glade. Vere finds him working out with his blade and some of the brotherhood. He's quite good. When he sees Vere, he smiles. "Prince Vere! Can I borrow you for demonstration purposes?"
Vere nods, and smiles slightly. "Of course," he answers. He approaches the group and nods to men he recognizes, men he has fought alongside before, and considers those men he hasn't seen before with a measuring gaze.
Siege introduces Vere to the two younger brothers of the stag that he hasn't met, and continues the lesson. It's familiar to Vere; he learned it as a boy and he taught it to brothers during the war. If Vere continues beyond the opening demonstration, it will take some time and be a good exercise. Vere could also break it up and take Siege aside for private conversation.
Can Vere see the sacred grove from here, at least well enough to know when the Priestesses begin to leave? If so, he'll be happy to spend the rest of time waiting for Robin here training the men. If not, then he'll only want to spend a short time at it.
He'll be able to see it from here. Of course, he is not supposed to look into the grove, but unless he puts himself on report or gets caught trying to listen, he's fine...
Vere will make certain he is always peripherally aware of the grove, so that he notices when the priestesses begin to leave. He amuses himself by setting himself the challenge of never letting the grove out of his sight while practicing with the men, and making certain that they are never aware that he is splitting his attention.
If Siege catches him at it, he doesn't say anything. In the grove, the priestesses kneel, collectively. They may be finishing soon.
Vere will bring the lesson to a close with a demonstration between himself and Siege. He pushes his old friend more than a little bit, looking to learn just how good Siege has become in the years since they've parted. As always in combat Vere concentrates on control, always knowing exactly where his blade is and what its's doing, subconsciously analyzing and judging his opponent's every movement, and moving with a fluid grace that belies the immovability and rock-solidness of his stance.
Siege is better, but less physically fit. He's making up for slowness with smarts, and Vere thinks he's moved from "youth and enthusiasm" to "age and experience".
The Priestesses file out of the grove. They are [metaphorically] glowing. It must have been a good speech.
Vere thanks Siege for the workout and spends a few final minutes speaking with the men, complimenting them on things he made note of during the practice, and making a few suggestions about potential weaknesses in their defenses that they might want to work on improving. Then he takes Siege aside and says, "It appears the Lady Robin has released the priestesses, I must go and speak with my mother and sister regarding immediate plans. Accompany me, please."
Siege takes a moment to tell the Brothers to take a run around Fair Isle, and one of the Companions is assigned to set the pace. Then he follows.
Vere leads Siege towards the Sacred Grove. He doesn't break propriety so far as to enter it, but as he approaches he whistles, a shrill piercing sound.
Last modified: 16 May 2006