Vere takes his mother's hand and steps through, taking a moment to glance around and note their surroundings as well as to read any cues from his mother's expression and demeanour about whether he was summoned back for an emergency or not.
[Not. The amount of time you'd allocated has passed.]
The troops are in good spirits, but they're wondering if they'll be called on to avenge Daeon, because 'Amber doesn't put up with much like that.'
Vere reassures them that, while Daeon will most certainly be avenged, they will not be called upon to do so. The Children of Lir were raised to restore the rightful Queen of the Isles, and Vere makes it clear that he will not allow them to be dragged into a different war. Once the war in the Isles is over they will have the option of remaining in the Isles or returning to Rebma.
They are suitably reassured.
Corvis wants to know how Gerard is.
"Better, I think, than he was. We have convinced him to begin actively seeking out means to cure himself, I believe that the mere fact of doing something rather than sitting about and waiting will be good for him." Vere tilts his head to one side and regards his mother for a second before adding, "I had a thought, Mother. When we spoke earlier, you made a comment about Avis perhaps being a better fit to lead the Isles once the war is over. Did you mean that?"
She smiles, lightly. "She certainly has adequate on-the-job training. If she wins the war, she will be poised to take the reins. If we lose, then she is fresh leadership.
"What do you have in mind, dear?"
"Father will be travelling the worlds, seeking healing. It is a difficult situation, as what he needs is not to find magic which will heal him, but magic which will enable him to heal. An important distinction, which I am certain you understand. The healing itself must be his own, so that it will last through whatever worlds he may travel, wherever he may walk. It occurs to me..."
Vere ducks his head for a second, and then looks at his mother shyly, " occurs to me that his chances of recognizing the right magic, and of recognizing dangers of the wrong magic, would be enhanced if he travelled with someone who knows more of such things. And... I have come to believe that there is no greater aid to any man than the presence of the woman he loves."
She seems uncertain. Or perhaps of divided opinion. "What does your father think of this?"
Vere smiles at her. "I have not mentioned the idea to him yet, Mother. You know how he can take self-sacrifice and nobility to their furthest limits, I feared that he would decide he had no wish to burden you, and would forbid me mentioning the idea. As I had no wish to disobey him, I chose to wait and discuss it with you first."
She smiles back, and it reminds him of her old, more-confident self. "I don't think he'd appreciate me giving up on the war, dear. You either. He's stubborn that way."
Vere laughs. "Well, then," he says. "All the more reason to see the war to a speedy conclusion. Then we can leave the Isles to Avis, and Father and I can show you the wonders of the infinite worlds while we search for his cure together."
She's in favor of this plan.
[Anything else for Mother?]
A kiss on the forehead, and a promise that Vere will speak to her soon on another matter, once he has gathered more information.
Siege wants to know when he can use you and your men for another mission.
"What is the mission?" Vere asks. "The men have been blooded and tested in battle, which is what I wanted first of all. Now that I have their measure, it is time for the two of us to sit down and plan out the course of the war."
He outlines a more active campaign of battle for the men, using them as he's previously outlined with Vere. It's effectively flying column work: keep the enemy off-balance and he has to defend everywhere you might hit.
Vere nods. "I have no argument with the general theory," he tells Siege. "But it is only a step on the road. Is it not time to begin working on a longer-term strategy?"
"Do you have something in mind? We do need the relief that putting the enemy on the defensive would provide, but we for the right goals, we can make sacrifices."
[Vere] frowns. "And what of these prisoners Sir Jovian captured, the ones who seemed not to be men of the Eastern Forest. Do we know anything more of them, yet? I want to know who the Spider's allies are, and what new surpises she may have in store for us."
[Siege] shakes his head. "We haven't had much from them. Sir Jovian's Lady has taken custody of them. She's trying her own methods on them, and we're to leave them to her. Perhaps you could meet with them?"
Vere nods. "I will speak with the Queenrider immediately upon the matter of her prisoners. As for plans for the campaign..." Vere pauses and stares thoughtfully into the distance. "I have begun considering some things that my mother told me, and comparing them to things I know of the worlds beyond the Isles, things I learned during my time in Amber. And I begin to suspect that your grandmother, for all her cleverness, may be a catspaw in this war. Someone else, someone more powerful than she, led her to her rebellion. That is the heart of the matter, and that is where we need to strike." He frowns then, and seems to come to a decision. "But until then, you are right, we need the relief. Let us go ahead and prepare for the strikes you have in mind. I shall seek what information I can gain from the prisoners, the priestesses, and such other sources as I can bring to bear."
He nods. "Of course. If we can use the Children for relief work and you can work on a real solution, then even better. Is it something the Dragons can help you with? They're very useful for impressing people and carrying things, but they are a bit of a bludgeon, and a bludgeon which complains about having to strike, at that." He looks up, where two dragons are visible circling in the evening sky. One, Vere thinks, is Hoshith.
"Information gathering, to begin with. Let me speak with Kourin first, and then Avis and the priestesses. After that we can meet with the captains of the Children to work out plans. I hope to have some better idea of what I will need to do by then."
He's in favor of this plan.
Vere watches the circling dragons as they descend, and begins walking towards their anticipated landing spot. He waits for them to land, close enough that they can easily spot him as they come in for the landing, and he watches to see who the other rider is as well.
It's M'Corli, the lad who was blinded.
Kourin waves to Vere, but her immediate action on landing is to go over to Antrith and help M'Corli down. She takes his arm and it's evident that he hasn't been cured.
The two walk over to where Vere stands. M'Corli leans on Kourin the entire way.
"Good Day, Lord Vere," says Kourin.
"And a good day to you, Dame Kourin," Vere replies with a bow. "And to you as well, Sir M'Corli." He nods to the dragons, "My respects, Hoshith and Antrith."
He turns back to Kourin, "J'rim shall return soon from the memorial for his brother," he tells her. "In the meantime, I had hoped that you might speak with me. I have several topics which I wished to discuss." He turns his gaze to M'Corli as he says this, then once more to Kourin.
"Of course. Give me a moment, Lor -- Prince Vere. Your titles here are so close to our Calusan ones, and yet not." She looks off in the distance and her eyes lose focus for a moment.
"We'll meet someone along the way, Prince Vere. Let us walk down to the beach."
[Assuming he goes] She leads them in that general direction, asking polite questions about the funeral, until they are met by another dragonrider, who leads M'Corli back to the encampment.
"What shall we discuss, Prince Vere?"
"Several topics, Queenrider," Vere replies with a smile. "But let us begin with one dear to both our hearts. How is Sir M'Corli? When last I heard from the Priestesses upon him, they held out hope that they would be able to make the attempt to restore his sight upon Midsummer. That date rapidly approaches."
"He's optimistic. Riders usually expect that people can do things to solve problems. I don't know if it's youth or if it's cultural or if that's what Dragons like or if have a few hundred tons of Dragon behind you makes you feel that way, but that's the way we are.
"I'm more pragmatic than most, that comes with my job. I'm hopeful, but concerned."
She looks out at the oncoming tide. "We'll know soon enough. I just wish there was something I could do to help."
Vere nods. "I know that feeling all too well. So let us turn to something that we might be able to do something about... this war." He falls silent for a few moments, looking out to sea, then turns to face her.
"I mislike how things have gone. The very nature of the war..." He shakes his head. "So I think it time to pass beyond the mere fighting of the war, and seek out the causes. I begin to suspect, Queenrider, that this war has been carefully nurtured, that there is someone manipulating the Chancellor. I have not spoken to my mother or sister on this yet, as I want to have my facts as fully assembled as possible first, but you are an outsider, and can see things that they might be blind to. What do you think, from what you have seen, of the way this war has gone, of how the priestesses and the common folk view it? Tell me, Kourin, what you think, and what you feel."
She smiles a weak smile. "My people are not warriors. Some of us thought we might be, after we had fought two wars, but we were wrong. We are protectors, and any person being hurt engages our trained reflex to defend.
"You seem no different than your foes. I know that brothers are often the worst antagonists, but can you not work with them?"
Vere sighs. "I would wish it so," he says. "When I came here, I hoped that it would be a short war, and that the majority of the people would want it over and forgotten as quickly as could be. But now, I do not know. Unless...." He gazes back out to sea. "Unless I can prove that there is a greater threat, a mutual foe who is the cause of this war. That may bring us together once more."
"Tell me of the sailors from the Land of the Valiant."
She nods. "That does seem to be a good place to start. Do you want to know of them, or of their impression of you? Of them, they are a people being pushed to the west by the pressures of war to their east. They have made alliance with the more pliable of two fringe cultures on the edge of the western ocean. In exchange for some small aid, they are not being attacked on two fronts. They are not interested in religious differences between yourselves and the Witch-Queens."
Vere tilts his head to one side and regards Kourin. "You are favourably impressed by them," he says. It is not quite a question.
Kourin agrees. "They were brave when confronted with Dragons, and were smart enough to figure out that we were people and not supernatural beings.
"They aren't interested in war over differences they don't care about but they are willing to fight to protect their people, which feeds my personal biases. Ideally, none of you should fight and all of you should deal with the eastern hordes."
She continues quietly, "My ideals are not universally accepted amongst your priestesses."
Vere nods. "Many people find it difficult to turn from a lifetime of conviction. I will need more information to bring to my mother and sister, so that they might be convinced, and convince their followers. May I speak with your prisoners, Queenrider?"
"Certainly," she agrees. "We are finding many things that dragons and riders are unfit to be. Gaolers, for instance. We'd like your advice on how to stop being such."
"I have some thoughts on that," Vere replies. "Lead on."
"We'll need to fly there. We haven't brought them to this isle. Either because it's holy and they can't set foot on it, or else because we don't want them to kill our prisoners."
She hesitates. "We're sure the priestesses wouldn't withhold M'Corli's treatment because we're not cooperating with them, but that doubt has been raised."
"Do not allow that to trouble you," Vere says, with absolute certainty. "My sister is a strong woman, and likes to have her own way, but there is nothing of pettiness in her. And she knows that she cannot rule if she allows such pettiness in her closest advisors to go unchecked."
She leads him towards her dragon, Hoshith. Hoshith is very large.
Vere nods his head to Hoshith as they approach.
Hoshith's eyes whirl in slow circles. It is a hypnotizing pattern.
Kourin offers him a leg up onto the lowered neck of the great dragon, and slides up effortlessly behind him. She tells him to hang on and, when he does so, the dragon leaps into the air with a springing of vast legs and a tremendous beat of her giant, leathery wings. Vere is soon well above the holy island. "Hold your breath," says Kourin, and the world goes away for a brief count. There is no light, there is no heat, there is no dragon, there is no gravity. There is only Vere, and nothingness.
Three heartbeats later, the world starts again, and they are over a small island that Vere does not recognize. There are strange boats in the bay and men and dragons on the beach. It's somewhat warmer here than it was back on Fair Isle.
Kourin directs Hoshith to land, and shortly he's seated under a lean-to. An older man comes to him, holding a hat. "I'm Padraig O'Neill. You're the war chief of the Danu, then?"
Vere nods up at him. "I am called Vere, Padraig O'Neill. Would you sit with me?" He gestures to a place in the shade next to him, as his eyes measure the man.
The man is sun-beat and has hands that look as if they've worked hard. He sits, warily, and speaks first. "I speak for my crew. We're your prisoners. What do you intend?"
"You were quite a surprise to us. How did you come to fight alongside our enemies, and how firmly have you bound yourselves to their cause? I know of no reason why our peoples should be foes and yet...." Vere gives a slight shrug, and waits for an answer.
He shrugs. "It's a matter of survival, lad. We were being pushed west by the hordes and your enemies wanted our help or else we were going to have to fight on both sides. T'be honest, I don't rightly know why they're so concerned about your apostasy. Far as I'm concerned, it's your own lookout.
"But they're fighting again' the hordes, so we're helpin' em with shipping on this sea.
"While few remember causes any longer," Vere says. "It all goes back to family squabbles long ago. Doesn't everything? But tell me of the hordes. I had never heard of them before. What are they like, and do you know where they come from?"
He spits on the ground. "They come from the east. Our priestesses say some of them come from beyond the east. I have no idea what they mean and I'm not sure they do, either.
"First we had refugees, then we had barbarians who thought we were easier pickings than back home, then we had hordes.
"Near as we can tell, they think the end of the world is comin' and if they're not in charge and ready to fight back, they're gonna be taken by demons.
"They have cruel Gods." His mouth is a tight line.
"Indeed," Vere says, looking mildly interested. "Do you know anything of these gods? Their names, or descriptions of them?"
He nods his head. "We've had some prisoners. We'd've sued for peace if they had been sane, but those men are hard-driven. Their god is coming, we were told, and they had to prepare for him. If they worshipped the mother, they've slid far from it."
"They're preparing for some sort of war in some wet Hell, where they must wrest their god's sword from a thief-god, so he may fight his brother, who wronged him."
He spits on the ground again. "Gods we'd never heard of, but are feeling the cruelty of even here."
He looks at Hoshith. "Your demonriding allies are very impressive. You may be able to fight the hordes."
"Names, Padraig O'Neill," Vere says. "The prisoners must have mentioned names. Their god, his brother, the sword thief. And the name of the watery Hell. Give me names."
He shakes his head. "Sorry, Warleader Vere. I myself was on the far side of the land when they were prisoners. I have the story from my son's wife's brother who was running messages. Either I did not hear the names of their gods or they were not given. I could take you to those in authority who would know, but the trip would be long and dangerous." He looks at Hoshith again.
"I need something if I am to convince both my Queen and the rebels that the Horde is a greater threat to us than each other, and that we should band together to aid you," Vere says, watching him closely. "Can you tell me nothing more of these gods?"
"No, but I can take you to someone who can, if your demonriding queen can fly us. It's a fortnight's sail from here. My son's brother did sketch this badge they wear. Looked like a fang."
Vere considers Padraig carefully for a long moment, then asks, "Will you and your warriors take oath to never again bear arms against my people?"
He looks at the prince. "A'most that warleader. I would not leave my men defenseless. We'd swear never to enter your lands with the intent of attacking you. T' be fair, it's the same, as we'd not return to your lands, I'm thinking."
"Well enou," Vere says, standing in a single easy motion. He clasps Padraig's arm as he assists him to rise. "We shall have the oathtaking immediately, and I shall give orders to free your people. Tell them to sail immediately from our waters. You, I ask to guide me to your leaders, so that I may speak with them of our mutual threat."
At the edge of Vere's mind circles a warm wild wind full of joy, love, wonder and longing.
Before Padraig has a chance to answer Vere turns and strides away from him, as clear and abrupt a royal dismissal as anyone has ever been given.
As Vere walks away, his face unreadable, his mind sings a wordless song of joyful greeting, a welcoming unbounded. He waits for his love to reach out to him, a solid oak awaiting the coming of a roosting flock, the shore awaiting the incoming tide.
"Veeeerrrreeee!" It's not so much a word as a raptor's call. A hunter's thrill coming before the shadow on the ground. And Robin reaches for her wonderful, wonderful man.
With a laugh he pulls her into his arms.
The ranger finds herself on a beach, with ocean and a blindingly large sun to her devant. The coastline curves away quickly in both directions, and she sees Jove's dragons here.
[Kourin is in an encampment in the trees, Padraig is in a chair near the treeline. Play through until you decide to approach NPCs.]
In between Robin's ardent kisses, the occasional happy croon makes itself heard. Away, away and here, here. It doesn't get any better.
Vere holds her tightly, revelling in once more being with his beloved, letting all other concerns fade away. He holds her as though he cares nothing if the world falls into void around them, leaving naught in all creation save the two of them and their love.
Robin stays in that moment forever. The sunlight in her hair, on her skin. The intoxicating scent of her love. The wind ruffling her hair. The feel of his steady strong clasp. The belling of the dragons. The sound of his heartbeat.
Slowly feathers ruffled and nerves jangled by days of public appearances before predators, overwhelming scents and colors, infuriating confusion and consternation are replaced with simple being.
A happy sigh, almost a purr, ripples through Robin and she lifts her eyes to Vere's. No words seem right or can be found, just a happy blissful smile.
Followed by a playful kiss to the nose.
Vere chuckles, and plays at biting her nose in retaliation. He steps back, holding both her hands in his, and says, "Welcome to the Isles, my love. My birthplace is my home once more, now that you are here."
The white flash of Vere's teeth brings a laughing toothy grin to Robin's face.
With Vere holding her hands, Robin leans back , tilting her head far enough that sea and sky are reversed. A laugh escapes her. "Hi, Home!" she shouts gleefully. Out here in the open, away from Amber, Robin is far larger and her fires begin to burn high in wild abandon.
Tipping back to Vere, Robin's eyes are gleaming. "Oo! I have to meet the sea too!"
"You shall, my love," he assures her. "For now, however, we are on display." He nods back towards Padraig, sitting beneath the lean-to. "I am in the process of freeing prisoners. Stopping for a swim, while tempting, might be taken as indicating that I gave less than full seriousness to the matter. Shall I tell you of them?"
"You're working? Ooops." Robin tones down her playfulness with a rueful but accepting grin. This is probably going to be something of a pattern with them in the future.
"Sure, tell away." She releases one of Vere's hands so that she can slip against his side in a comfortable walking position.
Vere begins walking slowly towards the edge of the forest, holding Robin's hand in his as they walk. A certain portion of his attention is evaluating Padraig's reaction, judging whether he saw Robin's appearance from nowhere, and if so how he is handling the display of magic. "Your brother captured men who were strangers to us, allies of my mother's enemies. I have spoken with their leader, and he tells me of a threat from the far East, men who serve a cruel god, and who may well come from another world all together. They have stories of warring brother gods, a stolen sword, and a kingdom under the sea. All of this may be mere shadows, of course, but it may well mean that another relative is making war upon this world. I intend to travel to where I can find some answers to this mystery. It may well be that it has some bearing on the reason the Spider chose to betray my mother."
The Ranger's blond head nods in thought. "K. But I'd be wary of getting tangled in further strands. 'Fwas me? I'd go for the quick intel-and-out."
She smiles up at him, knowing that Vere can see the inner nose-scrunch at the thought of him leaving soon.
"Oh! Vere. Don't let me forget." Cause she certainly has in the past. "I need to tell you something before we get all matrilinear here. But it can wait while you work."
Vere pauses and turns to her. "If it is important, then other matters can wait. Padraig needs to explain to his crew the agreement that they need to give their oaths to leave the Isles and not return bearing arms against us, before they can be released. He knows this, so I do not need to speak with him again before that is done. I must speak to Kourin to see if she will agree to carry me to Padraig's superiors, and it seems logical to me that we travel together to my mother and sister first, so that I may explain what I am doing, and you can remain with them then to discuss matters related to battling the Great Dragon. Before we meet Kourin, then, let us discuss any other matters that require it."
Robin nods and her mouth purses as she works out the phrasing. "It's like this." The girl grasp Vere's other hand as well, holding both to her chest as she looks into his eyes.
"I won't be able.... no, that's not right. I just won't bear us any heirs, my love. Father's pointed out that there's a breeding weakness running down my maternal line. There's a good chance that the first child I bear you will be the last thing I do. And.... and I'm kind of selfish. I'd rather have you all to myself than leave you to raise our child alone." Robin's eyes are large and green as she gazes at her love.
"Now when you get to the place of needin' to be a father, mon coeur, I figure we'll work something out. But it, it won't be from my body. I'm sorry, Vere." The side of Robin's mouth ticks unhappily, as a furrow of sadness knits her eyebrows. "I just thought you should know before your mother or sister start... hinting."
"I understand, my love," Vere answers, his eyes meeting hers. "Father told me that the same malady that took his mother claimed his sister in childbirth. I will not risk you." He pulls her back into his arms. "There shall be nieces and nephews a plenty for us to spoil, and when we tire of them we may give them back to their parents and rejoice that they are not ours."
Robin chuckles happily from where she is snuggled up against Vere. He is going to be such a good Uncle. And though she still thinks he'd make a damn fine father as well, she Hears her man skip past that point and honors his decision.
A happy wiggle goes through her. Vere is so easy to talk and not-talk to.
"Thank you, wonderful man. Okay," she looks back up to him as she shifts to his side, "back on track. You needed to talk to Kourin and Hoshith?"
"Aye. Let us to her camp." As they begin walking again he says. "Whatever is decided when I speak with Kourin, afore anything else I shall have her bring the two of us to my mother's camp. I shall stand with you when you take your place amongst them."
A blown breath fluffs Robin's hair and she nods. A bit of teeth slip out to nibble her lower lip and her brow furrows again. "My love?" Those green eyes turn to Vere. "What if she decides against me?"
"Then we shall request that she explain her reasoning and decide from that how we shall respond. It is a most unlikely eventuality. But you are not a supplicant here, beloved. You come to ask advice in carrying out a war from the mother and sister of your betrothed. It is family." He laughs. "And if they refuse to give you any advice at all, then we shall go to the Witch Queens, who made your mother their Goddess, and they shall bow before you and answer your questions."
Vere's laughter and his answer bring a confident smile to Robin's lips as a dark green fire lights in her eyes. "Works for me. Thank you, love. For answering both questions."
Damn, he's fine. A throaty croon rumbles through Robin and she rubs up against Vere as they walk.
As they enter the forest he glances down at her, admiring her in her natural element. "Other quick things," he says, "Best mentioned now, as we may not have privacy again. Mother has the relic of Ysabeau. I know not what it may be, but it is yours by right, and you should claim it from her. I have not found any trace of your ocarina, and I fear that the Spider has it. I have not mentioned its existence to anyone else. I have not seen your gulls, not heard anyone speak of them."
The green shadows over her and Robin is once more within the trees' breathe. She grins up at her man. "Noted. Damn. And I can make more."
"Have you mentioned So-omeone else where anyone here could've heard of them?" Robin slides the name gracefully, knowing that Vere can pick his sister's name out of the word.
Vere smiles and shakes his head slight. "I saw no need," he answers.
"Excellent." Robin murmurs happily as she leans her head on his shoulder.
Together they walk into the encampment, and Vere leads her over to Kourin. "Queenrider," he says with a nod of his head, "I am certain you remember the Lady Robin, my betrothed."
"Of course. J'rim's sister." Her smile is genuine and she holds out a hand, but tentatively, as if she's not really sure how to greet the Ranger.
Whereas Robin is not at all unsure how to greet the woman she flew to Amber with or hugged at the Masquerade. "Hey, Kourin." Big hug. And then a wondering look. "You okay?"
Vere smiles as Robin hugs Kourin, and remains silent for the moment. Depending on how perceptive Kourin is, she may or may not realize that he is more relaxed than he has been at any time since coming to the Isles.
She looks at Robin and pauses for a while. "Yeah. Yes, I'm fine."
Robin raises a brow. But hey, Kourin is a big girl. She can certainly decide if she's fine or not. "Hoshith, too?" The Ranger looks around for the larger, more gold one of the pair.
Vere interjects, "I hope you do not think it an impertinence that I took this liberty with your prisoners, Kourin, but I have told Padraig that if he and his crew will take oath that they will leave the Isles and not return bearing arms against my people, they may go free. If all goes as planned, this shall occur immediately. I will inform my mother and sister when we return."
She nods. "Yes, that sounds like a good idea." She turns to Robin. "It's a strain on dragons to be asked not to make a Weyr and it's a strain on them not to have one, too, but we're getting by. We need to resolve that pretty soon or else we'll have a weyrful of young dragons here, weyr or no weyr."
"Soooo." Robin says as she starts to amble Hoshith-ward. "Where do they want to Weyr?"
Funny how her hand manages to sneak into Vere's without her noticing.
Vere smiles and glances over at Robin as they walk. "They want to go home," he answers for Kourin. "This war has turned into something they were not expecting, and they do not like what they have been asked to do. Nor do I. I have been quiet for too long. The nature of the war will change, and rapidly, or else I shall encourage your brother and the Queenrider to depart." His voice remains calm and conversational, and the smile remains on his face, but the way he squeezes her hand shows how deeply he feels what he is saying.
Worried eyes look up at Vere, then over to Kourin. "That so?" Robin asks in concern. Not that she doesn't believe Vere, but she's interested in Kourin's words on the subject.
Though, remembering Jove's reaction the last time they were in town, and some of the things he said, Robin would be willing to bet a body part that her brother would be more than a little uncomfortable with a religious war. And if the rest of them are like him -- heroes -- well, then yeah it would follow that they wouldn't 'like what they have been asked to do.'
Kourin smiles. "We're glad you're back, Robin. Yes, this isn't our war, but we knew that going in. We came here to fight because of you. Now we can figure out what that means and we can figure out how to work through it and, eventually, past it."
Robin stops dead where she is walking. There is a distinct 'oh, shit!' look on her face. "Because of ME?!" She squeaks. "I... I thought... Jove said, it was to avenge M'Corli. And to beat up on... oh." She finishes quietly.
The Ranger gets it together quickly, though. Looking back and forth between Vere and Kourin and finally lingering on Vere, a firm line comes into her shoulders and she nods. "Well, okay then. Let's see what we can do." Robin grins to Kourin and starts walking toward Hoshith with purpose in her steps.
Vere matches his step with hers. "Padraig has offered to lead me to his superiors, so that I may speak with them and learn more of the invaders. It might be a trap, of course, and even if he is true his superiors may think differently once they have me in their grasp. But I think the information is worth the risk. It would take a fortnight to travel by ship, however, which is longer than I wish to be away." He does not complete the logical train of thought, allowing Kourin to take the opportunity to consider what he is asking, and the dangers he has just made clear, without compelling an immediate answer.
Kourin stops walking and gets a faraway look in her eyes. She is momentarily silent, and then resumes walking. "J'rim agrees that we should ferry you. I'll need to go argue with him in person about who should go and who should stay. Are you ready to depart?"
"I wish to receive the oaths from Padraig's men first." He bows to her. "Allow me to return to them to see to that."
Kourin's words bring a chuckle from Robin. Yep, arguing with Jovian is best done in person. With a spread of hands, Robin indicates that she's ready for whatever, but otherwise lets Kourin and Vere do their own planning.
"I shall speak to Jovian, then." She too, turns to depart.
Vere is going to speak to Padraig, he had been assuming that Robin and Kourin would continue towards the dragons together. If not, he'll pause to see whether Robin intends to accompany him, or if she has other plans.
Robin looks at Kourin's back. Then back at Vere with a cheerful smile. "You want my help with that, love? Or should I go say hi to Antrith and Manarth?" Cause there ain't no way Robin's going to crowd Kourin when she's doin' necessary arguin' with Jovian.
Vere returns her smile. "Your company would be appreciated, my love, as always. And I would appreciate your opinion of Padraig, as well."
"Okay." Robin reverses her path with a happy skip, never loosing the grip on Vere's hand that she doesn't seem to remember she has. "Sooooo, Padraig is from the continent. Annnndd he's mentioned allies with cruel gods, warring brothers, stolen swords and undersea kingdoms, right? Does this connect with the Land of the Valiant guys you mentioned earlier?"
The Ranger's doing some quick fact checking as she looks up to Vere with sparky green eyes.
"Not allies, enemies. His people, who call themselves the People of the Land of the Valiant, are being pushed out of their lands by invaders, who I believe to have been brought from another Shadow. They are the ones with the cruel gods and legends of a stolen sword, warring brothers, and so forth. Legends which fit in far too well with facets of Amber's history for my liking. Seeking allies against these invaders, Padraig's people made common cause with the Witch Queens, which is what brought them into conflict with us." Vere leads her back towards the beach as he continues to speak. "I mislike the coincidence of a possible Amber or Rebma connection, in conjunction with the apparent subversion of Vianis by someone who might have convinced her that she was the Goddess, someone who I more and more think may have come from out of this Shadow. I incline more and more to thinking that our true foe is a Lord of Chaos or a member of our family. Or perhaps one of each."
"Hunh." Robin thinks about it. "Possibly. But I wouldn't set toooo much store by the fit with Amber's history. That it is Amber's history is probably what caused it. You know, the ripples through Shadow theory. I'd rather see the shape of the enemy with my own eyes than try to guess it from its bow wave." The Ranger shrugs.
After a moment spent chewing her lip, the girl adds. "I hope Padraig's people got good trade with the Witch Queens. 'Cause it sounds like the deal isn't working out for them so good on this side of the war...."
Vere nods. "These are the reason I want to go and speak with Padraig's superiors myself. To learn more about the invaders, and to discuss their continued alliance, or lack of same, with the Witch Queens." He is silent for a moment as they walk together, then adds, "I fought alongside the Witch Queens and their men during the very worst period of the Black Forest. I do not like their practice of sacrifice, nor their refusal to allow their people to question anything about their way of life, but we _were_ able to make common cause to protect our world. It is an important thing to remember."
"Yep. Folks is folks. Sometimes you dance with 'em, sometimes you kill 'em. But they're still folks," says the Ranger in a 'there you have it' tone with a shrug.
Vere laughs, stops walking, turns to face Robin, and pulls her into his arms for another long kiss. When they break he says, "I love you, my lady."
"MMmmmm. Love you, too." Robin says as her sparkling eyes reopen. A happy wriggle goes through her.
"You're never going to get any work done if you keep that up." She chuckles. The near edges of the forest beckon and Robin's got that 'throw him over your shoulder and go' urge again.
"You are quite correct," he replies with a nod of the head. "Duty calls." He links her arms with his and resumes walking towards where he last left Padraig. "Let us go and receive the oaths of these 'folks' and release them to return to their families."
Robin croons a little as she links arms with Vere and Listens forward to where Padraig is sitting.
Padraig rises when Vere returns with Robin. "We are ready at your word, warleader. I see your wife is a wi-- Priestess. Will she be taking our oaths or shall you?"
Since the question was addressed to Vere, Robin contents herself with smiling confidently at him. Obviously she is completely comfortable with being neither wife, wi-- or Prietess, but only ever and essentially Robin.
"Betrothed, in point of fact. We are not yet wed. She shall witness the oathtaking, but I shall be the one you make them unto, and through me my mother, The Lady, Queen and High Priestess of the Isles."
He nods, politely, to Robin. "Let us go to my crew, we'll take that oath."
The Ranger returns his nod and follows the two men to where the other prisoners are. On the outside, she's all business. On the inside, she's fighting hard to resist the urge to skip. Giddiness, silly giddiness at being near Vere again. Going to have to watch that, she reminds herself.
Padraig assembles his crew, men, boys and a few women. "Warleader Vere, son of the Queen and High Priestess of these Isles, has offered us our parole, on generous terms. For our part he asks us to agree to leave the isles and not return as warriors against his people." He looks over his crew.
"Any man who will not agree to these terms shall stand aside now. You'll have to elect a new captain if you do, for I'm taking his oath. Well?"
No one moves. "We'll all take yer Oath, warleader. Give them your words."
Vere steps forward and looks out over the assembled crewmembers. "Your captain and I have spoken," he says, "And I have heard of those who are invading from the East, and beyond the East. These tidings are grave, and I shall take them into account in deciding what must be done in the future. For now, I am convinced that you are men and women of honour, and that your alliance with our foes and your involvement in our war was undertaken out of what you though to be necessity, and not from enmity with my people. I hope to speak with your leaders soon, so that we may resolve such issues. But for you, I offer your freedom. Swear upon your honor that you shall depart the Isles, and that you shall not return bearing arms against the folk of the Isles, and you have my leave to depart."
Robin's green eyes travel over the assemblage, noting and memorizing each face, each emotion, each moving mouth.
The men (and the small complement of women), swear, on the honor of their families and by the Goddess, to depart and not return in arms against the Isles. They seem relieved by the light terms of the parole.
Kourin comes up during the oathtaking, but does not interfere.
Padraig turns to Vere. "Thank you Warleader. It will be some days before they have the ship re-masted, but they can leave as soon as that's done."
"Good. We should never have been foes at all." Vere regards Padraig for a long moment, then says, "Are you willing to come with me, to lead me to your leaders? I would speak with them, to learn more of these invaders, and to seek some common ground." He turns to Kourin, "Queenrider, are we far enough from anyone else that the crew can be safe in completing their repairs and departing without risk of interruption?"
Robin is all green eyes and support but doesn't interrupt.
"We're pretty far from the main sweep of the Isles, purposefully. No one but us and a few inhabitants here, which will let them complete repairs. We'll want to watch their departure, but I don't think it'll be a problem. She hesitates. "If they need help, we can provide some very large muscle.
"I've spoken with J'rim. We have the weyrleader's very gracious permission to go, as long as we keep in constant contact and turn tail at the first sign of trouble." She smiles. "It's actually good advice. We'll be pretty far from backup, so we don't want to stir up too much, just enough."
Vere nods. "We shall do my best to avoid trouble. Here is how it will occur. Kourin, I would like you to take Robin and me back to speak with my mother. I shall inform her and my sister of what we are doing, before rather than after." He smiles. "We shall see if they appreciate my consideration. Padraig, you stay with your crew as they begin their repairs, and explain to them that I am not holding you hostage. I shall return soon, probably within a matter of a few hours, and we shall head out immediately." He turns to Robin and takes her hand. "I know you work under time constraints, my love, to carry out the task given you by your father. If you think it best that you remain with my mother and her priestesses, I understand."
"Thanks, love." Robin smiles up at him. Then her eyes wander off in thought. "IIIiii think I'll hold off on that decision until after I meet your mother, okay?" Her nose wrinkles slightly at the decision delay.
Kourin coughs, quietly. "If you meet the Priestesses, you may have already made that decision. I had about a 24 hour 'greeting ceremony' and I'm only the girlfriend of a grandson of a goddess, whereas you're a goddess. I think they've been anticipating your arrival. Maybe you could meet them on the way back? Dragons are fast, but ceremonies aren't."
"That will have to be your decision, my love," Vere tells Robin. "You know the urgency of your mission best. Come with me now to meet with my mother and Avis immediately, or stay here with Padraig and his crew to learn what you can from them about their people and the invaders, and come with me to meet their leaders after I return from informing Mother of what I am doing. I am content with your decision."
Robin blinks at them both in confusion. Then smiles and shakes her head. "I appreciate the warning, Kourin. Really I do. I hate surprise ceremonies." She adds with a snigger.
"But the Priestesses keeping me against my will for a lot of pomp would be no better for them than locking me in a dungeon was good for Vianis. Kinda one of the perks of Goddessing." The tongue that Robin sticks out and the wrinkle of her nose convey the rest of what she feels about Goddessing.
"Soooo off to meet Mom. And decide about other things later. K?"
Robin takes a 'we're going now, right?' side-step toward Hoshith.
Kourin nods, and walks towards Hoshith. Hoshith bends down, her enormous head looking at Vere and Robin. Her eyes seem to spin in slow hypnotic circles.
Vere smiles and bows his head in greeting to Hoshith. "Well met, beautiful queen," he murmurs in a low voice before mounting.
"Helloooo, Hoshith." Robin's voice is warm and her grin huge. She bobs in a little bow.
Hoshith's looks at each of them in turn, her eyes spinning slightly faster.
As she helps the two non-riders up and into the straps, Kourin says to Robin, "Be careful with the Priestesses. They've already lost half their number in a crisis of confidence."
Vere nods slightly, but says nothing in response to this.
"Oo. Good point." Robin purses her lips and nods in thought. Then gets distracted by the thought of dragon flight. A happy chirrup emerges out of her and her body begins to twitch in excitement.
The dragon's skin is warm and taut beneath their hands and feet as Kourin settles the riding harness. The powerful muscles beat down as the great creature leaps into the air, a final ringing bugle signaling her departure from the prison isle. After they reach a good height, Kourin shouts "Ready?" She cannot possibly hear the response in the wind, and with her riding clothes on.
Robin's response is a thrilled whistle.
In an instant, everything disappears: all light, all sound, all touch. The only thing the passengers can feel is the pressure of their own heartbeats. Three beats later, when most people might be starting to panic, they reappear, in the air above Fair Isle. "I'll bet Padraig won't like that!" Kourin shouts.
Vere laughs, completely unconcerned about controlling his reaction. He glances over at Robin with a huge grin and winks.
The Ranger's laughter intertwines with her love's. Robin's cheeks are rosy and her eyes glimmering. And she can't repress her own grin as she throws her arms out to the sides, sliding through the rushing air.
At Vere's wink, she laughs again ending into a piercing rapture's call of sheer exuberience.
Soon, the Hoshith comes to rest on the green meadow above the gathering place, not so close as to disturb The Lady, but a close walk to her quarters. After they dismount, Kourin says "I'll wait here."
Vere bows his head to her, then takes Robin's hand. He kisses her quickly, smiling, then turns towards the camp. By the time he has completed turning his expression is once more completely controlled, giving no clue as to what is going on in his mind or heart.
Robin nods to Kourin. "Okay," she chirrups.
Then presses herself against Vere for a fierce, though fast, kiss. Still holding Vere's hand, the girl waves to Hoshith's eyes. "Thank you sooo much, Hoshith. That was wonderful!"
And though she tones down the laughter, Robin's fires are still burning high as she follows Vere toward the quarters.
Last modified: 3 March 2006