A Fam, a Plan, a Clan, Panadu!

Brita's companion seems to be looking at Raven and talking to her. Brita raises a hand in greeting to Raven.

Raven nods in greeting and strolls over. She's dressed like a merchant captain, in sturdy and worn clothes, and she seems far more comfortable in those than she'd seemed in her Naval gear.

"Didn't mean to bother you," she says, "but I was starting to think I wouldn't see anyone but locals. It doesn't feel like a proper port of call without a few faces I've seen other places."

Walder smiles at Raven in greeting, but waits for Briena to make the introductions here, since she's the one known to this Amberite.

Raven notices Walder's blade, just as Brita did. Beautiful work, plainly sheathed, top quality materials. Worth, to the right buyer, a whole shadow. The kind of thing that can only be traded for another unique item, because there's nothing like it to compare for prices.

"Captain. I am Pleased you Recognize me. I Must admit, however, that I do not Remember your Name beyond the Title. It has been Awhile since we met at Court. I would Introduce you to Master Walder - we Travelled here together from the Surface Gate." Brita smiles at Raven, "and, although I doubt Your Memory is as bad as mine, I am Brienna."

Raven smiles in return. "It has been a while, but I can't say I'd forget your face," she agrees. "Beam, at your service, and it's nice to meet you, Master Walder. What news from the road to the Surface Gate, if you don't mind my asking?"

Walder neck-bows to Raven. "Captain Beam," he says, very seriously. "A pleasure. The road was relatively quiet for us, but we sped here, avoiding the waystations. It's a trick used by those familiar with Gateway." He leans in and says, quietly, "At the Gate, I found that more were leaving the realm than entering. Shadows are rising here. It may not be a good time for Amber to make trade with Gateway."

"The Trip was Uneventful and Swift in Master Walder's company," Briena notes. "I have Not Travelled that Route Before. It is perhaps a Long, Shadowed Route to Visit with Kin," Brita cocks her head to the side (towards Walder). "What of You, Captain beam? What brings You to This port town?"

"Trade," is the immediate answer. Raven gets a kind of slight eyebrow furrow that clears quickly. "Master Cambric and I partnered to transport a cargo to the Gateway area. Our last stop was pretty far from here, as such things go, so I can't say as how I knew people were leaving the Gate."

"I have always heard that Amber knows everything," Walder replies, as if it's a private joke among the three of them. "My compliments to your master. Will you be remaining in Gateway long, Captain, or do you plan to move on in your trade circuit?" His tone carries polite interest in Raven's answer, but no more.

"Well, I'm only one man, last I checked," the captain says dryly. "I'm here until Master Cambric finishes his trade talks. However long that might be. If you don't mind my asking, how long are the two of you in town yourselves?"

"I will Stay as Long as I am Needed," Brita notes.

"I am here to fulfill an oath," Walder says serenely, "and I will remain here until that business is finished. Briena is free of her contract, but I am pleased to have her company."

"Business and oaths are always good, so long as the profit is acceptable." Jerod says as he approaches, hand idly tapping the pouch on his belt, "I was wondering where my Captain had gotten to. My apologies for eavesdropping but one learns when to ignore what they've heard and when to intrude. Here I see a conversation engaged and I'm thinking an opportunity may be at hand. I am Cambric, and you are well met."

As he is speaking, he is looking over Walder and Brita, the look that a merchant has when sizing up a potential client. Master Cambric is dressed simply, his clothing made to handle the rigors of travelling but of a quality that is excellent for this with the eye to notice. His hand never seems to stray far from his belt pouch, an idle habitual tapping. A sword on his hip shows the workings one might expect from a rich merchant, not ostentatious but expensive, certainly serviceable but more focused on the side of appearance than usage one might think.

Walder's blade, by contrast, is the best blade money couldn't buy. Exquisite work and excellent materials, but the hilt of the blade is unornamented and the sheath is of the highest quality of leather. Walder himself is a dark man in a red cloak, the hood thrown back to show a friendly smile and an assessing look at Jerod in exchange for the one Jerod is giving him.

He waits for an introduction from the one who knows the newcomer.

[Jerod] looks at Raven. "Our contract is arranged, Beam. Here's a sample of what will be getting traded." he says as he passes the nugget of ore over. "I'll want that back.

"A celebratory dinner is to be had...we should attend at least to make nice with the Port Captain, not to mention the food is free. We'll also need to arrange a shipment but we can go over that later.

"Anything to report?"

Raven takes the nugget and rolls it in her palm, studying it. "Nothing I didn't think I'd find," she answers. "Except these two."

"I am Brienna and This is Master Walder. We have Just Arrived in Port Thule. How Long are you Staying Here, Master Cambric?" Brita asks.

"Well met Brienna." Jerod replies. "My time here depends entirely upon the opportunities that I am able to find. The Port Captain and I have come to an understanding concerning a trade agreement that will require some work on my part, but my long term plans lie more to the south. There are stories of some upheaval, changes in government, that sort of thing, which I am unable to as yet verify but am curious about. Such times can be dangerous perhaps, but they can also mean opportunity for the wise trader willing to take risks and set their goals for the long term.

"Might I inquire as to whether you or your companion would have any news on the southern lands?"

"We have travelled overland from the Gate. I expect my route will take me back to the south soon enough." The corners of Walder's mouth curl up in another smile. "What I have heard," and here Walder lowers his voice, so that everyone has to lean in a little to hear him well, "is that the Collegium Arcanum has been overthrown, or at least the powerful among it have been replaced. And that those upheavals may not yet be over."

"I only Recently Arrived on Land," Brienna notes. "There were Many Leaving through the Water Gate and Few entering the Land Gate. In my Travels I am also Seeking Kin to Relay Messages and Offer Assistance." Brita adds.

"You have family in the area?" Jerod asks Brienna, almost absent-mindedly.

"I am indeed curious as to the state of the Collegium, as they are the government as it were. A ruling body in turmoil is dangerous, but opportunities abound. I am thinking that a trip to the south may prove most fruitful in the long run. You wouldn't happen to know who is doing the overthrowing, would you?" he asks Walder. "Never hurts to know who the winning side might be."

Raven stays quiet.

Walder's smile would be disturbing if it were aimed at present company. It doesn't seem to be, though. "The triumvirate presently appears to be in control of Gateway as a whole, with the old Collegium either tacitly supporting them, tacitly not supporting them, or simply hiding. Things may be about to get a little more difficult for the triumvirate, however, and I would not count on their long-term success." Walder seems serenely confident on this point.

"Really?" Jerod says, a slight smile crossing his face. "Then it sounds like I might be a little closer to learning who the winning side is.

"Would it be fair to say that those opposing the triumvirate might require some...support?"

Raven eyes the smiles that have appeared. "Not that it ain't a perfectly nice place, but this is getting to be one of those talks that really ought to not be in the middle of a market," she says dryly.

Brita concurs with "And This is getting Tiring. Where can We Go that is Fully Private?"

"I place myself at your disposal, gentlemen," Walder says to Cambric and Beam.

"We can obtain quarters ashore, or the Captain's ship is docked." Jerod offers.

"Shore," Raven says. "No point in bothering the crew with unknowns while they're dealing with our cargo."

"And Here I would have said 'Ship' because of the Unknowns Ashore," Brita notes. "We Have Quarters if we wish to Go There."

"Then ashore it is." Jerod says.

Walder nods at Jerod. "We'll need sorcerous protection from eavesdroppers wherever we go. Please follow me to our quarters."

He leads everyone to a room at an inn, and recommends that any of them with magical protections use them. He himself lights a candle and begins to chant. Soon smoke is circling the extremities of the room.

Jerod decides is improbable that they will be bothered by any of the local staff while he is there.

"It's not my usual style of magic, but it is what works best here. Now we are truly alone."

He looks expectantly at the disguised Amberites.

Jerod looks over at Brita. "What brings you here? Didn't get any word that anyone else would be around." he asks, the tone more like his usual self.

Raven finds a seat, somewhere not immediately near the smoky corners, and listens.

Brita does something to the humidity in a ring just inside the smoky trail that makes the air feel heavy and as if it would distort any sound passing through it.

"I have Much Painting to do and am In Search of My Mother. I Have News for You from Your Underwater...", she cocks her head to the side and finishes with, "Kin."

Jerod nods once, though does not pursue that avenue just yet.

Walder smiles. "I am as I have told Briena: a man bound by an oath, who has come to fulfill it here in Gateway. Certain notorious sorcerers have offended me and mine. I will take what was done by them out of their hide, as they have done. They chose the wrong side in a war they should not have been involved in. They will regret their decision."

"And these notorious sorcerers?" Jerod asks Walder. "Who might they be?"

"The ones who handed over my son for sacrifice," Walder explains, "not to put too fine a point on it. Now what brings a scion of Amber like yourself--" he pointedly looks at Jerod, but neither Raven nor Brita feel that they've entirely escaped his regard "--to Gateway after the late war swept through here?"

"Something similar." Jerod replies without missing a beat. "They decided it was acceptable to very nearly murder the offspring of a Prince."

"That was a mistake. I'm here to determine if the old, more amenable, regime can be restored, or if an object lesson is required for the entire population."

"Wait," Raven interrupts. "Your son?"

"My son," Walder agrees. "Marius."

"Mmm...that explains the sword. It has the feel of the Smith about it." Jerod replies, moving to sit in a chair, frowning slightly at a thought, but then deciding to keep it to himself for the moment.

"It's time to get things up to speed." he says, looking at Brita. "What news?"

Brita is staring hard at Jerod. She says in a controlled voice, "If They Had Part with the monks in the Death of Master Reid, You Will Destroy Them, Correct?" Brita visibly has to shake off the rising rage. "Your Mother says 'Hello', by the way. She Loves you and Wishes you to Stay Safe if you Join This Generation's Queen's War."

Weyland is not getting in the middle of whatever "Briena" and "Cambric" are discussing, though he is clearly taking note of it.

Jerod is silent for a moment. "I begin to realize what my dad must have had to deal with when he was sitting on the throne. Can't be gone for five minutes without someone going off to start a war." he says finally.

"I'll ask after Mother later. As for Reid, monks and Gateway, that depends. Those in the triumvirate who are responsible for actions against us certainly need to be punished. But we need their knowledge first...what they are doing and why. There are other things at work here."

He leans in a bit towards her, focusing just on Brita. "I need your rage, precise and focused, like a knife. Not a bludgeon. You want to burn them down, I don't have a problem with that. I understand you want to do right for Reid. But don't let it rule you. There's a time and a place, and it's not now. We do this wrong, and we don't do Reid or his memory any good.

"Same for Marius. We do it right, for Family, or we don't do it."

Raven says dryly, "We're saving the comets from the sky for in case they really piss him off again. Those monks ain't something we should leave lying around, but he's right that we need to know more. Seems to be like getting rid of rats, from what I'm seeing - gotta find out why they're there before you can really get rid of them."

Brita responds to Jerod, "I Trust in Your Judgement to Wreak Havok When Needed." Her eyes have glints of red. "I Only Ask to Aid the End of Time for them When Ragnarok Descends." She nods at Raven, "Knowledge of their Goals is Key to Ensuring they Exist No More."

Jerod nods once but says nothing.

"One of their goals," Walder/Weyland says, "is to make themselves more like the Princes of Amber. But I don't know how or why." There's an unspoken yet at the end of that sentence.

"That fits with previous behaviour on the part of the monks we've encountered." Jerod says, leaning back. "Too many instances coming together. I don't think they're trying to be more like us...I think they're trying to BE us."

He pauses for just a moment. "Time to put the cards on the table.", looking at Walder.

"You're here for Marius, and you're a long way from home. His Majesty has us here for generally the same thing. This is usually the part of the budding conversation where one side brings up the idea of a convenient alliance against a mutual enemy, replete with flowery expressions of common ancestry or background, shared interests, exaggerating the good points of each side and blithely ignoring the bad points as they delicately tip toe around the idea of working together."

Brita does Not snort at this description, but she might have rolled her eyes in Raven's direction.

If she did, she might have seen Raven snort silently and then shake her head a little.

Both Brita and Raven have a sense that Weyland is aware of the byplay. He's pretty observant.

"I hate tip-toeing, so I'll start. These idiots screwed with Family - you don't do that in my book. I'm here to make the bastards who pulled this crap pay, in ways that are usually best not discussed on a full stomach. And put the old crew back into power because it's useful for us and keeps things nice and stable in this neck of the woods. I really like stability.

"I've got a Gatwegian mage who wants the old order restored as well cause it suits her. I've now got two other scions, if you will, at my disposal so if I need to break this place it won't be as big a strain as it normally would be, and I've got a boatload of Weir just itching to sink their teeth into something that isn't a sheep.

"Oh..." he adds with a slight smile, point at Walder/Weyland's sword, "...and I really like the blade...you could buy a kingdom with that puppy but man does it stick out like a sore thumb." and he puts his hands together, steepling the fingers.

"Your turn?"

Brita avidly turns to the watch the Smith's reactions.

Raven looks in that direction as well.

Weyland acknowledges the compliment to his blade with a neck-bow.

"Very well. Let us lay our cards on the table. I am known to some as Walder, and not just you, lady of Amber--" the gentleman adds for Brita's benefit "--but among the royal family of Amber, I am generally called Weyland. I have no interest in the politics of Gateway other than insofar as they intersect with the kidnapping of my son and the attempt to bleed him out. So long as none of the people you wish to restore were involved in making the bargain with Huon and the Klybesians, you will have my aid.

"I am not a subject of Amber, nor of that which follows it, but I am not Amber's enemy and we share an interest in the common good. That common good includes preventing the murder of our mutual kin. If we're agreed on those points, then I will stand as your ally in this matter," Weyland says.

Jerod nods once in response. "We are agreed on all points."

Brita mimics the nod. She says to Weyland, "I am Brita, Daughter of Princess Fiona and Lord Vidar of Asgard." She then asks Jerod and Weyland both, "So What can We Do to Help Each Other?"

Weyland offers her a neck-bow.

Raven nods as well. "Raven," she offers. "Escaped Gateway with your son."

Weyland turns to Raven. "This was before or after they tried to bleed him out, or do you know?" he asks, clearly very interested in her answer.

"After," Raven says, after a moment of thought. "I'm guessing so, anyway. He was half-dead when I got there, and he didn't go anywhere I didn't."

"And you brought him to--? No, that will wait. We'll speak of it later." Weyland is clearly taking a moment to rein in his intensity, which is quite intense, if not hostile. "In any case, you have my gratitude for your assistance to him.

"Now let us turn to our mutual enemy. Are you familiar with Dexamene of the Thaumacracy?"

"Only vaguely." Jerod says. "It was my intention to establish a cover and then do initial recon, find out more about the main players."

Weyland pulls three scrolls from a pouch at his side, holding them down on the table so that everyone can look at them. Each has a drawing of a woman on it, one brunette and thin, the other two blonde. The blondes are older than the brunette. He indicates the latter. “She is the leader of the Thaumacracy’s ruling triumvirate. The other two are Klaya and Kranto, who are sisters. I am still investigating myself, but I have learned that none but those three could have ordered my son to be bled as he was. Nor do I know how they, or Huon, for that matter, knew to do such a thing."

Weyland leans in, across the drawings. "In the matter of the shadow, I yield my retribution to your King’s justice or mercy. As a practical matter, I think we should all wish to find out who had the knowledge to chart such a course and eliminate that vector of attack upon us.”

Jerod nods after Weyland finishes, signalling an agreement.

Raven likewise agrees.

"Are they All Here in Port Thule or Scattered? Which do You Seek First?" Brita studies the drawings carefully. "What are their Known Skills or Weaknesses?"

[Jerod] looks at Weyland for the expected response, letting information sift, awaiting a moment to speak.

Raven leans in a little to study the images as well, but she's listening for the answers.

Weyland points at one of the sketches. "Dexamene is here. She's working on something with the local tower-lord. Something to defend themselves, I assume. They have to expect you, and possibly me."

He looks up from the sketches. "All of them are powerful magicians, although none are sorcerers. Two of them were prisoners of ... something during the bloodletting wars. Dexamene is the the one that was never in the hand of chaos. She's supposed to be a 'natural', or wild talent. No one knows exactly what she can do, but she is said to be very powerful."

Brita cocks her head, "I am New to Sorcery - what is the Difference between Magician and Sorcerer? What is Magician Dexamene's Main Focus - Fire? Water?"

"Why's being a natural important?" Raven asks.

"It's not," replies Weyland. "It's descriptive. A Magician in Gateway is almost always an initiate of a magical tradition and a member of a magical school—the ones with any power are, in any case. These change slowly, provide some level of stability and teach the young barbarians something other than 'might makes right'.

"Infrequently, less often than once in a generation, a Magician comes along with no such training or restraints. She is called 'a natural' in the parlance of the shadow. It is not necessarily a complement." Weyland turns to Brita. "When I describe Dexamene as a Natural, I mean her powers are extremely varied and she may not know them herself.

"As for Sorcery, sorcery is the true magic art, the one practiced by Order and Chaos. Magic is... shadow tricks. It's only useful in some shadows, and it's not capable of interacting with the nature of Order." He looks at Jerod and Raven. "It's still dangerous, within the necessary frame. But it's not going to follow you to back to Xanadu."

"Steps have been taken to help in neutralizing the inherent Magic of the Shadow." Jerod says. "It's not permanent and will only work for a short period of time, but it's useful if we fail to resolve the situation and get forced into a firefight.

"The names of these three are reminiscent of tales from an old shadow's mythology, the Nereides. This makes me think we're dealing with a Rebman connection or something similar." and he frowns, detesting how things ripple in Shadow.

"Beyond the general fixation that most mages have about garnering as much power as possible, do we know what Dexamene's motivation is? What's driving her? Unless she's stupid she's got to know what she's done is going to rain down ten kinds of vengeance on her...she's got to know we're coming for her and her associates...it's a matter of who figures out whether the others are first.

"So why does she think she can avoid it or neutralize it?"

Walder shrugs. "If I were to guess, she's gathering what she thinks she needs to run. I expect her to abandon the other two, and either head into the wastelands of the North, or go through the gate and head in the underwater backcountry. The black road was involved initially, but that's long gone."

"Then we need to block her escape and reel her in." Jerod says. "I assume she's keeping a low profile in preparation for departure?"

"We're going to want to know which way she's more likely to jump, if we're going to block her off," Raven comments.

Weyland nods. "Well, then, who is going to infiltrate the castle?"

Brita turns to Jerod at this, "I Defer to You, Cousin. I am Not Skilled in Stealth if it is Needed."

"Stealth is good. Greed is better." Jerod says. "If she is looking to escape, then she'll be open to opportunities. She might not trust her own people and may be open to unconventional means, to hide her tracks and put expandable minions between her and her pursuers. If she's not looking to escape but to consolidate her position, then that avenue can be approached as well.

"Who better to walk into a castle than an enterprising merchant with a lot of coin and a distinct lack of ethics from far away, and who is prepared to work with whomever is in charge, for the right price. Should fit in perfectly.

"Enough to let others in our merry band go about taking care of other activities as they need to."

"That works for me," Raven agrees. "We got a back-up plan if she doesn't bite?"

"The conventional backup plan is to beat her senseless, and throw her through a trump to the guards in Amber. I have such a trump if none of you do."

He shrugs. "Or perhaps that is the plan, and the backup plan is the three of us collapse the castle around them to get you out if something goes wrong.

"Removing her from the game board makes your plan to restore your mage's old regime easier, I'd expect."

Jerod says nothing, since being an opportunist is what he is, and since Weyland apparently has a very good grasp of what Jerod would do if he got the chance.

Raven snorts. "As long as there is a backup plan."

Weyland looks at Jerod. "Before we discuss the details of the backup, we should understand what Master Cambric here intends to do, what he intends to achieve, and what he hopes to bring back. Then we can discuss what we can do to support him in the event that things take an unexpected turn."

Weyland smiles. "I don't mind you going in, I don't even mind you going in alone, but I do want to know enough that I can back you up in some reasonable fashion."

"I Still have Painting to do," Brita notes, "but Tell Me if you Need Assistance in Anything."

"Painting? Trumps?" replies Weyland. "I knew that the Old Magician's skills had been passed along to a few of the younger generation, but I've never watched it done. Would you allow me to observe?"

"Yes, Certainly, Master Weyland," Brita responds.

“Excellent! Hopefully we will have a chance before the others need our backup."

Jerod nods once, mostly to himself.

"With regards to backup, that depends on how much opportunity is presented. My original plan was to get a lay of the land, make contact with the old guard, see who was still in charge, who had what forces and then figure out the next move to strike at the head of the enemy."

He nods to Weyland. "You just took care of the initial part of that plan. Now we're at the part about striking the head. My plan, now that we know who the lead is, is to get as close as possible and basically grab her. I've got trumps to send her to his Majesty and I will warn him prior to undertaking this plan of my intentions so he is ready to receive a prisoner. Once in, I either finagle my way close enough to get to her, or if that proves infeasible we go for the brute force approach, but we direct to other areas of the Shadow, to keep things distracted while I go after her.

"Once I've got her, we toss her through. At that point, I decide on an escape plan, either to stay or to go with her. That depends strictly on the situation on the ground at that moment...whether escape is feasible or if I must retreat.

"I will use the Weir as a distraction factor, placing in both in the city and the castle. They are quite skilled at infiltration and should serve as a good distraction. Where all else fails, a lot of bright explosions and big smoke flares help to keep people's attention occupied on one spot while we go deal with things in another, less active spot, like where our quarry will be."

Weyland nods. "All well, but how do you intend to communicate with your allies? Surely if you return to Amber, with their erstwhile leader, the hive will swarm, to the detriment of the ship and crew."

"That's where Brita comes in." Jerod says, looking at her. "I need a trump image of you, sufficient for one use most likely. You'll be my conduit to warn the others if I have to leave with the prisoner. That will be a last resort and only if there is no way to fight my way out. If the trump is unusable, there will be other signals that will tell you it is time to depart. The nature of the signals will be sufficient I think to let you know that you should depart with all haste. You know, meteor showers that impact into buildings, the tide suddenly receding before a tsunami, that sort of thing."

He looks back at Weyland. "The Weir are expendable if needed to complete the mission. I will provide them with additional details on what they are expected to do and when escape is expected of them, before I go in. They will also serve to guard the ship and you three as needed to allow for your departure.

"Raven handles the ship and has final discretion on when to leave. If the good captain thinks it's essential to leave, then it leaves... without me if necessary. I also have trumps of Amber's Gate that are suitable for evacuating the crew and leaving the ship behind if needed." and he looks at Raven. "I'll expect it back when we're done. We'll also want to warn Caine as well so we don't scare the guards if we suddenly pop in with the crew. You'll use the Gate option if I have to go the smoking hole in the ground path.

"I will also be sending out my mage, to garner up her support. It's helpful that she's related to the former chancellor. Thalia is unlikely to have sufficient time to do so especially if we move quickly, but it can't hurt. And once we are successful, it will be necessary to get the new government machinery in motion. Better to start it early if possible, while the other two from the triumvirate are busy dealing with their loss."

Weyland nods. “It seems a good plan, tactically. As for the longer campaign, you may want to split up. This many of Amber’s children could take all three leaders simultaneously."

Brita notes, "I do Not have a Trump of Myself but Can Make a Sketch Relatively Quickly. I Will Work on that Now." She puts her words to action by pulling out her sketch book and starting to sketch. "It will Likely Take me at Least a Watch for a Working Sketch." As she focuses in on her sketch she asks, "If We Three Split, the Coordination would be More Difficult."

"If it comes to that, it'd be nice if you try not to make it so the ship can't leave," Raven says dryly. "Although if you do, I wonder if those bodies we followed to Gateway show up. If we're worried about the one mage, I'd say take that one down and then go after the other two after. We do it right, they ain't going to know much of anything before we get to them, right?"

"That would be logical." Jerod says. "If the leader is removed, the subordinates, while powerful, might be sufficiently distracted to be neutralized with minimal risk.

"And I like minimal risk."

"Hmm. Overwhelm one and move to the next before word can reach the others? Well, since I don't think even two mages can fortify themselves against four of us, I don't see the harm. While it might lengthen the hunt, it won't stop me from my goals."

The summary of the plan will be, as Jerod sees it...

(a) Using his new found friends in the city and the port to get an entrance to the castle and audience as an ambitious and respectable (re: unscrupulous and mercenary but reliable) merchant eager to get himself established.

(b) Placement of the Weir, with suitable instructions, around the place to cause distractions as needed and the locals, primarily the security forces. If they can be infiltrated into the triumvirate's castle, all the better.

(c) Readying of the ship (defense or attack or departure, subject to Raven's viewpoint of value), the greasing of palms for quick departure, the collection of the cargo from the port captain (Jerod's still curious about that stuff). obtaining of information on where the triumvirate are "for sure" (more greasing of palms - good thing Jerod can 'find' stuff or just conjure it if really needed). Figuring access and exits, number of guards, general reliability, etc. Especially good would be locations of barracks for guards that would be first responders to any issues for the mages - dropping a few Weir into their midst would tend to make short work of that problem.

(d) Get trump sketch.

(e) Send out Thalia with instructions for contact with the Chancellor - find her, verify existence, see if she can assist, if there are issues. Give a warning not to assist the triumvirate, on pain of worse than death, usual stuff.

(f) Give general signals to the others concerning what will appear if Jerod decides to go nuclear on Gateway and about how much time they will have to escape.

(g) Amber gate card to Raven (mental note to Jerod - see about getting a Xanadu gate card if possible - who to bribe, who to be nice to, etc). Trump call to Caine - warning about possible large scale trumping in future - please don't immediately shoot anyone coming through, even if it feels like a really good idea at the time

(h) Trump call to Random - maybe throwing a mage (or three) through a trump call and they'll need to be "Detained". Who should get the call?

(i) Last minute questions to the group

(j) Take a drink.

That's his plan (okay, maybe have a few drinks).

Well, Jerod just may be in luck. Brita has already done a place Trump of Xanadu (although Monica can't recall who has it). She could do that Sketch, if required.

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Last modified: 5 September 2015