Edan waits for everyone to mount up and then leads the little group back down the mountain. He spends a lot of time glancing at the sky. "We will need a few hours to do the ritual," he says. "At the same time, we will have to be back for Random's... thing. I don't want to jump us around unless I absolutely have to."
Hannah rides with Edan again - still being horseless and 'delicate'. "I have a feeling we could talk our way around being late, but yes, time is short." She looks over at the medical tent, and then shrugs. "I'm not going to fret about leaving medical supplies here, we may need them yet."
"If nothing else," Solange suggests, "there are enough of us that we can split the group and some go ahead. Assuming it's safe here from the Moonriders. I think it is, but I trust Martin and Folly to take care of themselves. It's different with a newborn."
"Not to mention--" Kyril adds, probably about to say something about Hannah being so fresh from childbed, but instead he finishes with an _oof_ and shuts up for the moment.
Edan glances back, wondering where Solange hit Kyril. "I can do that. Though I'll have to explain where it is. And there's another army in the way." He pauses. "Maybe I need to jump us there after all."
Edan can feel Hannah's grin against his chest, but then she lifts her head. "There's another army in the way?"
"Some shadow army coming in to mix with your people and Paige's rangers," Edan says. "I don't know them. I saw them when I was a cockatrice."
"Dear man, if you are going to use your shapes as time and place denoters, I am going to need an annotated list. Also, a 'cockatrice' means more than one thing where I come from. Maybe you told me about this adventure and I've forgotten?" She's starting to sound sleepy and the way her weight sits confirms her relaxation.
Solange and Kyril wait for this answer to the question, perhaps as a way of figuring out who the other army is.
"Come to think of it," Edan says, "when I saw the shadow army I was at the edge of Broceliande. I happened to see a cockatrice when I observed them coming in." He looks pensive, like he wouId be tapping his chin with a finger had his hands not been full of girl and horse and baby. "I talked to someone...Herodion. Ah, yes. They were from Arcadia, travelling through on their own quest. I think Paige convinced them to stay and assist her. The cockatrice, it was a fantastic beast, an ugly turkey-thing. Very dangerous, the essence of corruption, but it was just a nasty beast moving through the forest.
"Later on, going through Arden, I clothed myself in an illusion of a cockatrice to discourage predators. I was tracking firelillies, those fiery plants that were popping up all over the forest. The Dragon of Arcadia had linked herself to them, I'm guessing like some kind of spy or listening network. I also was figuring out an item I had taken from the Moonriders. Julian, ah, didn't specifically tell me not to go haring off into Arcadia to track the source, but he didn't exactly give me permission, either. I ran into an...avatar? of the Dragon. I threatened her. We had tea, and she offered an alliance. It was pleasant."
Hannah shakes against his chest, and it turns out she's laughing. "Are you... have you... I can't..." She just laughs until there are tears coming down her cheeks. Finally, when she can breathe enough to manage, she asks, "You are so pretty. Have you considered those seeking 'alliances' are drawn to you? What were you seeking when you first came to Mahkato? Peace, yes?" The laughter has faded from her voice, but she still grins at him. "The Hanging Man. He Who Falls. The Man Ceasing Fruitless Labor. Hermit Reversed-Lion-Death. Have you meditated recently on how your actions have aligned with your will? You seem better, healthier. Or is that just the pleasure of my eyes and the flush of my hormones?"
"Things are better. The armor is gone, and I am learning to swim." He smiles. "I am aware that there are others who would view me as a prize to be won. I have avoided that."
"So far, but you might be better served to take advantage of it. So there is an army, but it's working with ours now, we're 'safe' to ride?" she asks.
"Yes," he says, slowly. "I was thinking that if they are efficient... and have stayed around where I met them... there will be delays. We shall have to handle that as it comes."
Kyril and Solange are also talking quietly on their own horse, presumably about the child and how to protect him, based on the snatches of conversation Edan and Hannah are overhearing.
"You just tell them Dr. Le Corbeau has to get her patient out-shadow real quick, and then I'll pinch the baby so he cries." She seems to be joking.
"You could pinch me instead, I might cry." Edan might be joking too. However, he nudges Aramsham a little faster, as fast as he thinks they can go and still ride safe.
"I'll save pinching you for just the right moment. Thank you for finding a path, Edan. I'm grateful."
It takes quite a while, but eventually Edan gets the group to the edge of Broceliande. His special place doesn't look like much; a large inscribed design on flat rock, perhaps twenty feet diameter, flanked by large boulders. It's unremarkable from beyond the circle of stones, but once they actually get to the edge of the design it fairly thrums with power. Or perhaps it's that Edan is nearby.
The change in atmosphere wakes Hannah up. Her eyes widen when she see the hoop. "Oh. You have made a Spider circle. Are the stones connected to each other, or the center... or both? Does the central design anchor your gateway from the power it's drawing out? Is this place strong enough for this to stay here?" She is clearly ready to get down and investigate. She takes the baby from Edan and starts tying him on and rearranging clothes so he can eat and she can move freely. "Sowing stones. When did you do this, Edan?"
"Also would you like to explain this to someone who doesn't speak magic?" Solange asks. Kyril is just looking bewildered.
"Hardly sowing stones. This is my dissertation in Sorcery," Edan says, dismounting. "If you want to connect two places together, maybe jump from one to the other, you could use a Trump. Or you could Part the Veil with Sorcery, which is much like following Reality into a dark alley and taking its wallet at knifepoint. This, here, this is more subtle. I can walk through fire as the afriti do, jump from one fire to another across distance. I made a small network of such fires across Shadow, which they cannot do. At the other end of this connection is a tree I know in the Blue Earth. That gateway will allow me to call Raven. The boulders mask the power that is within the circle, and the circle itself is trapped against use, but I've just removed that. The Tree, well, he helps maintain everything. He is the key, and I must renew my bond with him periodically."
"How do you bond with the tree, Edan?" Hannah teases.
Bond with the tree? Kyril mouths at Solange. She looks vaguely annoyed and bats at him, waiting for Edan's answer.
Edan chuckles. "One bonds with a tree... metaphorically. I woke him with ritual Sorcery, and explained what I needed. He agreed, and so he watches this connection and one or two others and I keep the ritual going. If he ever tires of it, he will drift back off to sleep; but I got the impression he enjoyed sentience."
Kyril nods like he can make sense of it and Solange gives him the look that says I'll explain it later.
Hannah scowls. "I should have brought him water from the blessed grove. I'll have to remember it next time. Have you figured out how I can help you, yet?"
"Let me establish the link, and then speak with the tree," Edan says. "You must stand with me, we're asking Raven together. Solange, Kyril, you will want to stay out of the circle so Raven doesn't think you're in the negotiations. I will create the link," he kneels and places his palms on the stone, and the whole circle lights up with small flickering fires, "tell the tree what I am doing, and then we will call out to Raven from here."
"Let us know when we're needed. If anyone comes, we'll deal with them." Solange takes Kyril's hand and they retreat out of the area.
Hannah steps up behind Edan and a bit to his left so she is facing East. She leans the cradle board against his arm a moment while she fishes a pack of cigarettes out of one of the pouches along the bottom. These she hands to Edan. "That's all the tobacco I have left with me. I wouldn't be stingy with it. Use it all," she encourages. She wiggles her finger on the baby's cheek as she stands and spins the cradleboard so that her son is facing the same direction as she is.
"Wake up my little lion. May you sleep through every war, but be awake for this." She shifts the cradle board to her left hand so she can lay her right on Edan's shoulder.
The baby does wake, but he's interested in things newborns are interested in. He does pass a little gas in response to his mother's voice.
"That's excellent," Edan says. He raises his arms then, palms upward, and slowly sways from side to side. His voice is low, breathy, like wind through the leaves. The little flames around them coalesce, makes a circle that pulses slowly around them, then lifts to become a circular portal in front of them. It is hot, but not unbearable, like a campfire on a cold day. Edan knows that in another place, his runes of fire in the Blue Earth are doing the same. He pushes his awareness into the fire... then beyond.
"Old Oak," he says. "Old man of the forest. Awake. Feel the wind in your branches. Feel the thrum of the earth beneath you. Feel the presence of your children's children around you. It is Firedancer, and I need your help."
From outside the fire a scratchy voice answers. "You need help from a tree? What are you some kind of ... sap?" It's the crow that once chided him for tardiness to the battlefield. It sits in the tree.
Edan resists the urge to put his head in his hands. He tilts his head, peering at wingtips and tail feathers through the fiery portal. "That's very good. Are you really Raven? If you are, I'm going to be very impressed. If you aren't, we're looking for Him."
"Who else do you expect to find with the tree other than the bird you've already met at the tree? Are you that easy to impress? I'd be concerned if I was anyone else. Did you call to ask me for that wisdom I offered? It will cost you an eyeball."
The tree comes into view through the smoke, and there's a strange sky behind it. The bird is sitting on a low, thick branch. Raven turns toward Hannah. "Who's the bird?"
Edan reflexively moves more in front of Hannah. "No one you want to tangle with, I assure you. And I repeat my offer: maybe you should tell me so I don't take your eyeball. I'm pretty sure I could get it from here." He glances back to the others. "Allow me to explain. This place was connected to the Blue Earth. Now it does not. What you see here is a place I traveled through in Chaos, ruled by an affine of Borel named Dulle Griet. This bird as much as admitted it was an affine of theirs. Either someone has suborned my spell, or I am a little off here after maturing in my abilities. Probably the former. Or it's a trick."
Hannah leans to determine if this is a crow, or a raven. "It's an affine? Hm." Hannah pushes Edan back over to his side of things. She speaks to the bird in Lakota. "Why are you all alone? Neither birds nor flying spirits like to be alone, unless they are dying."
In Thari, the bird says "Hello? I'm here and I can hear you. You are desperately in need of wisdom, and I can help there. For free, I will tell you 'birds can fly.'"
Hannah peers into the gate at the oak tree in the blue world. Unless they spread their tail feathers, one corvid is the same as another, thought the haze of a firegate.
It switches to Lakota, in a dialect that somehow sounds both ancient and modern at the same time. "I'm with the tree. He woke it up and it takes a long time to help them grow up. This one thinks I am its parent. Are you sure about the man? He seems a bit stiff. And doesn't really get birds. I know a nice coyote shaman, if you want to change your mind."
Hannah smiles. "We are not building an earth hut, just a child. And this man isn't stiff with me. Why are you following him?"
Edan just says, "I don't understand these words." After a moment, he remembers to explain his mistake in perception to Solange and Kyril.
Hannah pats Edan's arm to soothe him.
Crow switches back to Thari. "They are Lakota words. It's the language of the blue world and the woman with the baby. I think she wants to build another one, by the way. She asked me what I was following you, because she is confused between you calling me at a tree and me following you. And she said you're not building an earth hut." He caws, or vocalizes something and the tree sways in the breeze. "We both think that's too bad. An inipi ritual might be just the thing to clear away some of your confusion."
Between the two of them, Edan does relax. A little.
"Maybe so. I am confused a lot, and I do suffer for it. And if I am tense, it because I have words I would like to say to Le Corbeau, the Raven, her patron. Not the Crow of Borel, a sworn enemy of Amber. Right now, I'm not sure which you are."
Hannah sighs.
"You will have to decide for yourself. You called to a tree looking for a raven. A raven answered and you're not sure if it's the right raven. Let me put it to you thusly. If I were not my own being, I could not be on this side of Ygg."
Edan nods, after a moment. "I can accept that. And you are where we were looking for you, and you speak Lakota." He looks back at Hannah, then back to the bird. "Hannah can explain this better than I. We need your help."
Hannah now speaks in the Poncan dialect. She gives him a formal greeting, her current name, and details her ancestry from both sides. She explains her position as an Omaha, and then says in Thari, "In Xanadu, I serve the King.
"We seek a guardian for our son, a spirit that can inhabit its own form in nature or in art." She turns the baby to the side a moment to show him the intricate Raven beaded onto the back of the cradle board. "A true wanáshe nazhín, who will act as a shield between him and severe threats until he leaves to begin his spirit quest. I know you may see threats where we do not, and you may not see threats we do, so we will need your cooperation in accepting some people are threats and guarding against them, even if you cannot see it. We will also need your cooperation in assessing what is a severe threat and what is not. We are worried for his life and his mind, but if he must learn the hard way by losing a finger or getting a concussion, then that is part of his path. Please ask us questions now so we can clarify what we desire from an agreement."
"I am not old Grumpybutt Bear, who could subdue threats with his claws. I am not coyote or the spider, who can trick an enemy into attacking himself. I do like the beadwork, by the way. It's a handsome design.
"You wish me, then, to be with the child, a crow on the cradle, and to give you warnings of impending danger to him. And you mean 'life-threatening danger' not 'he's learning his father's stiffness and sloppy thinking' or 'he's marrying the wrong women' and if it occurs, you want me to notify FireDancer and yourself."
Edan tries not to wince.
"I see your talons and your beak. I have felt the air move in the beat of
your brother's flight. Acting as if your parts are not adequate weapons is
very humble, but there is no need for that. We would expect a living
shield between the child and life threats, which would be more of a danger
to you, were you not so clever.
"While he needs me to feed him, he will most likely be with or near me. So you can notify me if I've somehow failed to notice."
There's a ruffle, and a bird flies through the smoke, which trails after him. His plumage is an amazing satin black color and he is decidedly bigger than any crow Edan has seen. He lands on a rock near the spring. "Smooth talking woman of the Pónka, I can flatter myself if need be." Nevertheless he does seem pleased to be called 'clever'.
"You walk the spirit realms in ways I cannot do. How should I notify
Fire Dancer and you of danger?"
"If you are willing to create an avatar-- or allow me to create one for you with this Sorcery-- we can link our awareness to it," Edan says. "The link would be very strong, if it were renewed periodically. Even across Shadow."
"Such a thing, Man of the Woman of the Pónka, is not lightly done, and for magic to be strong, there must be a cost. What will you offer for my years of service?"
"We are beings of power. You are giving a part of yourself. In return, I will give a part of myself." A second later, Edan adds, "Energy-wise, that is. Not my eyeball."
"I also require to keep my eyeballs. I can offer the same as Firedancer."
"You can regrow eyeballs, but I agree, you need them to see, and the magic should not fade as I digest them."
"So even though we are not sacrificing eyeballs, somehow you will still digest them?" Hannah asks.
Prior to tonight, Hannah did not know that a crow could roll its eyes.
Seeing this makes Hannah grin.
"Should/Would indicates the Negated Conditional Perfect tense. In this case it implies that were I to eat your eyeballs, the magic would fade too soon to be useful because I would have digested your tasty gifts. It does not imply that the effect will happen without the cause, which is a linguistic tense in Mabrahoring. In Mabrahoring, you can attribute a past, present, future, or negated cause to an effect, but not in Ordered languages." He snaps his bill making a clicking sound. "It's a good thing for you I learned linguistics in order to speak to people. You're very confused."
"Not only about Mabrahoring, which I have never heard of before, I assure
Edan speaks up at that. "I know some. I can teach you. It's a wonderful way to practice mental agility, that language."
"This will not make me your affine, Firedancer. In addition to what we have discussed, I have three conditions. First, you will plant an acorn I provide you every year on his birthday. Second, you will each carry a feather I give you as long as the bond is valid. Third, he shall be assigned arms including a raven by the Lord Lyon of the College of Arms of Xanadu."
"I would like to know what your acorns do - why not just any acorn? Are you making something?" Hannah decides to sit, and checks the baby to see if he's decided this is all too boring for his attention.
The baby is looking at his own hand, but not necessarily recognizing that he's causing the motion near his head. He's still pretty young and can't focus much on anything distant or fast-moving.
"Have you decided what you will call your chick?"
"He is too young for a real name, and we haven't exactly decided on a baby name. I think we will both call him according to however he's behaving that day, until he is old enough for a naming ceremony. Why don't you call him Chonin?"
Edan nods his acceptance through Raven's conditions and Hannah's responses. The only thing he asks is, "Plant the acorn anywhere? Or some place you - or we- would consider special?"
The crow nods. It's doing an amazing job displaying impatience. "Yes, anywhere. Special would be nice, as long as it isn't, in the fireplace. I am helping my friend the tree, who you awakened. And it's a ceremony, so that you are mindful of the price you are paying for my service. A token, in other words, of your esteem for the bargain. And one that actually does some good for the world, which needs more oaks."
"I have so many questions, but I will bother you with them later. I accept these conditions.". She looks up at Edan.
Edan nods. "I figured it had something to do with my friend there. I agree to your conditions."
"Then the bond is agreed. You may perform your rituals now. I have your first acorn." The bird hops onto Hannah's hand, and drops a seed into it.
Kyril turns to Solange. "OK, this is even weirder than all your other magic space babe princess stuff." She giggles, but tries to keep it quiet.
"I believe you may get that network you wanted," Hannah tells Edan. "Pick a place here and I will do the deed."
"I promised myself I?d stay out of official Xanadu with this. Maybe along that tree line, at the border?" Edan points.
"Looks cozy," Hannah says with a grin. She motions for Edan to take the cradleboard, and offers the Raven a ride on her arm, if he'd like. She heads off in the direction indicated, and asks the bird, "And what shall we call you?"
The raven bobs his head and steps from foot to foot while riding on her arm. "In honor of your King, you can call me 'Heckle'."
For his part, Edan sends good thoughts and mojo and energy to his woke tree. Not knowing whether the Raven will be staying with them like this, he leaves the connection open. "The hard part is over," he says to the others.
Heckle hops from foot to foot. "If you say so."
"I'm afraid I have to agree with Heckle on that one. This seed planting is going to be difficult every year, as busy as we both tend to get." She winks at Edan. She makes her way to the acorn planting location and sniffs the soil, rolls it between her fingers, and adds water until she's satisfied. She invokes the great father and the spirits of this place to protect this seedling so it can grow strong and contribute to the forest. She then plants the seed and says the same prayer over it she was reciting with the visitors while she was in labor.
"Well then, on to the easy part," says Heckle.
"Solange, Kyril, this is Heckle. He'll be the baby's companion. Dear Heckle, this is my sister Solange, who is also a guardian of my son's, and this is Dr. Sunshine, a sweet man who keeps getting drug into my plans due to his skill set." Clearly enough, between Tyrell City and her time on a space station, Hannah has picked up some different phrases.
Heckle bobs his head at Solange and then looks at Kyril. "What's up, Doc? I'm glad there's at least somebody else who's normal around here."
"Let us get to the palace with all speed, as I understand there is a morning meeting and I am hungry again," Hannah complains. "Who has whose trump? I have Gerard, but he's likely the only person in the palace I have."
Edan shakes his head. "I just have Merlin, and I cannot guarantee he will be there."
Kyril looks out at the path. "Other than the darkness and the on-again, off-again fog and the cliff of doom, it's a lovely night to walk ourselves back."
Solange snorts. "At least Corwin doesn't have a cenotaph here."
Edan produces a pin. "I have a filmy. It would take us at least part of the way, but I wouldn't take it much closer than town."
"Is it faster than the horse? Will he ride on it?" she asks.
"Yes, and yes," Edan says. "Aramsham has been on it before. It flies. Just a thought."
"If it's not inherently more dangerous than riding Arasham, it sounds fine to me." Hannah is anxious to go.
Solange looks somewhat confused. "I have no idea what a filmy is, but town is a 40 minute walk from the castle and a 15 minute ride. Can your film-thingy take us down to the beach? because we're less like to fall off the cliff if we're at the bottom of it."
"Yes," Edan says, and summons the filmy. He walks Aramsham onto it and encourages the others to join him; then sets them off towards the beach.
The filmy is a bit stroppy, and wants to go any direction except directly towards the castle. It's easy enough to control, but if Edan doesn't pay attention, it starts heading away.
Kyril climbs on board after Solange. "So, all the modern safety conveniences of a flying carpet, without the actual rug? Very minimalist. I'd ask for a seat belt, but I don't think this thing has 'seats'."
The Filmy glides silently towards and over the cliff face and starts descending. "Yeah, it's amazing how we're safer, but it doesn't feel safe."
Edan says, "Ironically, those who use one of these generally aren't too worried about falling. It is a very convenient platform, though. I will watch out for the rest of you."
A few moments later, he adds, "I am very unhappy with what is about to happen at this meeting."
Hannah shakes her head. "It's likely you will be, but you don't even know what will happen yet. I think it's an intriguing puzzle, all of it. How did she ever walk the Pattern and survive? If she isn't 'royal', what does it mean - is it more mind than blood, more spirit than DNA? How does one possess another? If there is time magic available, why in the world would she stay near the center when she could be out somewhere fast - why would it be important for the child to be recognized as heir? Surely they're not going to wait another decade or two - it must just be a distraction. Maybe she is tied to time because it isn't her body. And does that mean that the blood is more important for time manipulation than the mind? That doesn't make sense. Could we just find a way to tether the sky castle to Paris and let this be Corwin's problem?"
Solange grins. "You want to fight their children, 20 years from now? I don't.
"What are your options? You could disobey the summons, which you apparently won't be alone in doing. You could go and swear to something you know you're not going to do. You could go and not swear, probably claiming something like you are Bleys' vassal. Or you can do something to keep the request from being made."
Kyril looks at Hannah and tries to hold on to the smoky non-substance of the filmy. "Sometime, maybe when we're not gliding over nothing on nothing, you can tell me your theories of Amberite genetic inheritance."
"Oh my friend, I think the only reason they haven't declared the whole thing a state secret is because they don't think anyone would be dumb enough to mess around figuring it out. And it is dangerous. Take my father for example. Descended from Dworkin, probably - who is Oberon's father who is Random's father... but not close enough in blood to manage all the skills royals can do, and trying certain of those is likely to kill him. He'd like for me to risk it, figure it out... but I think doing so will, first, have no effect on his decisions about what to try, and secondly, would be dangerous for the royals. Imagine what madness someone might get up to if they could unravel our genetic inheritance? Now I've said all that, but I don't even know yet if this child will have enough of the blood inheritance to be called a 'royal'. He might not. I'd like to think my reaction will be to teach him how to live a fulfilling life while accepting there are things he cannot have. But I know the lengths I've seen some parents go to for their children to have what they want. I might be that kind of mother instead. There is no telling, really." Hannah is talking like she's just filling space until they're on the ground.
"So I guess I'm saying, if you're actually interested in the topic, garde-le caché sub-rosa. And have a care that not everyone loves us like you do." She smiles.
Edan has his attention on the filmy and the people on it but he says, "I've not really delved into the subject, but I'm pretty sure I would be the latter type of parent. My father, I'm sure, already has a theory on the genetics. How's your math?"
Kyril tries not to grab Aramsham for stability. "Maths? They're rusty. You don't need them as an army surgeon. Plus I never got the hang of homotopy. But I'm stubborn and I believe in science. I'll re-learn maths if need be."
Solange laughs. "Doctor Kyril Suon, Space Alien Mathematical Geneticist. I'll get you business cards. Hannah, you'll be a great mother. You've actually seen it done well, which I can't say for everyone I know who tries it out."
Edan looks down and away at that, but then turns his attention back to the flying.
The ground approaches and the filmy slows, settling down for a slide along the beach towards Xanadu. The filmy is not going as fast as when it was in open air, but this close to the ground it seems faster. Kyril isn't any happier with the lack of guardrails now than he was on the clifftop.
"I think the important thing about being a parent is remembering what it is to be the child. What is causing this problem? What motivates them?" Hannah does lay a hand on Edan's arm so she's more stable for... flying. "And for all I did have loving and capable parents, I still ran off to get married at fifteen without telling anyone. I still snuck out through windows at my finishing school, and my technical school... I still followed a unicorn off into the night - and I don't regret any of it. But Solange, I thought the family that adopted you were good people? At least, I think that was what our mother intended for Gerard to do."
Edan turns his head towards Hannah when she mentions the 'running off to get married' part, as this is news to him.
Noting Kyril's continuing discomfort, he says, "We can stop and continue ahorse whenever you wish. The farther we go, though, the quicker the trip." He looks like he's still processing the last few statements.
Kyril shakes his head. "No, I'm not the weak link. I don't mind ground speed as much as I do sudden drops. I was never a coaster fan."
Solange tries to hide the wash of emotions that crossed her face. "They ... are. But they couldn't prepare me for the world I needed to live in and they couldn't protect Matthew. I watch you making deals with magic crows."
"Magic Ravens," interjects Heckle.
"Him," continues Solange, "and I see something I never was prepared for, or protected against."
Kyril, apparently more on balance than he's made out before, reaches out and runs his hand up and down her back.
Hannah, with laughter in her voice, says, "Oh, mon ami, you think I was prepared to be making deals with Raven today? Parents can never really protect their children. Our mother gave us up to protect us, and that was the best she could do, I suppose. Heckle is here because I want to take risks, and Edan actually heard my voice and found a way to mitigate them, a little. I am so grateful for that." She looks at Edan with a smile that quirks to the side and reaches for his hand. "I don't think either of us were prepared for everything that has happened tonight."
Edan smiles back as he takes her hand. "No. Everything has gone sideways. And this was only a rough sketch of an idea. I am relieved that it actually worked." To Solange, he says, "Sorcery is its own world, and unless you are born into it or seek it out, there is no reason to feel that you have missed anything. Your own gifts, they are quite sufficient to guard against Sorcery and Magic. What I do, what I have learned, it is not better than what you know. It's just...different."
Then he smiles. "Though a network to allow me to pass through fire across shadow, warded by a tree I awoke by my own hand, that was a pretty good trick."
Hannah squeezes Edan's hand.
Kyril says, "I understood every third word, so that's an improvement. My takeaway was that you improvise well. Honestly, that's as important as being well trained for known scenarios. I learned enough about brain surgery to know that I wasn't going to ever be good at it, but the best thing I learned from my mentor was to always expect things to be confusing when you dig deep enough under the surface. I'd rather have him for a brain surgeon than someone who didn't know how to improvise." Kyril pauses.
"That's assuming that brain surgery was something I needed."
Solange laughs. "They couldn't fix what's wrong with you."
Kyril nods and smiles.
Hannah grins very big at the teasing. "I taught myself how to control machines that can do brain surgery while we were on the spaceship. Now that I see what a mess human hands make, I would not want to do it with my own again if I can help it." She looks at Kyril. "I'm just saying, were you to need it.
"Solange, I have a question. Do you know if Robin it's having sex with Vere?"
The flimsy starts drifting to the side, and Edan suddenly looks very busy concentrating to get it back on track.
Solange laughs. "That's an abrupt transition. I don't actually know, although I think if we were anywhere near it, we'd see her little firelizards go crazy. Why, is Father still worried about Vere's oath?"
"I'm worried about Vere's oath. Do you think it doesn't matter? I'd love to hear your justifications of that position, but if it's inevitable then we need to find a way to stand between Gerard and the effects of that. I... have no idea how to do that right now." Hannah shrugs. "I'm not even going to worry about what happens to Vere if he breaks it, but someone should.
"Edan, do you know a way to shield someone... I suppose what I think happens is that Gerard gets some kind of boost, be it in mind or body, from Vere's oathbound determination to see him healed, because Vere is actually sacrificing something substantial. If he were to loose himself in a moment and stop making that sacrifice, Gerard no longer has that boost, perhaps? Is there an equation for this?"
Edan starts to shrug, then thinks better of it. "How strong is Vere within Reality? Did he, indeed, make that kind of Oath that funneled into his father? If so, how much of himself is he sacrificing? How hurt is Gerard? How much is Gerard resisting it? There should be a way to calculate such integration by parts, and you don't necessarily need numbers to do it, but there are 'how much' variables all over the equation."
Hannah makes a face to show 'how much' she dislikes that answer.
Solange nods. "To me, it's a question of scope of the magic of the oath. Is Vere fully of Amber enough that it doesn't matter what Oath he swore in some obscure shadow? Or is he too tied to it to break the shadow if the oath impedes him?
"And I trust him to figure out the difference." She looks down, as if she's thought of something that she doesn't want to talk about.
The filmy lands with a bump, and Edan waits for everyone to dismount before he changes it back to a pin. "Has someone of our generation done that to a shadow yet? I have done my share of damage, but nothing so permanent. And what I did was on a battlefield."
Hannah narrows her eyes at Solange, looks at Edan, and back at Solange. "I don't think he matters where he did it. I thought he swore on his, uh, chastity, not his... what, mother's shadow? Where Corvis is from?"
"Dannan," says Solange. "Father had a naval base there."
"That's a kind of yogurt where Solly and I came from," adds Kyril unhelpfully.
Solange glares at him, but replies to Hannah. "No, I'm not suggesting that it matters where he did it, but if the magical binding is of a shadow, then we are the family then shouldn't we have power over it?"
"Yes," Edan says. "Are you thinking about doing that?"
"Doing what? Breaking Vere's oath for him in a consequence-free display of power? I think that's up to him." Solange sighs. "I wonder if the existence of his oath is part of the problem, making it harder for Gerard to heal. As a mental thing. I wish he hadn't made it."
"You, me, Gerard, Robin and probably Vere all wish that. That would be up to Vere, if that can even be done." She sighs. "Seems we will not solve this today. Time for treason-talk. Edan, are you going to swear what Random is asking?"
Edan looks away and then back. "One word is not adequate to properly answer that question. But I will start by saying 'yes'."
Solange looks grim. "I just got back from exile. I'd rather swear and be foresworn than sent away again. And I just did say I thought oaths weren't exactly binding on us, didn't I?" She frowns. "But I don't like it, especially when so many of us left to avoid it." She looks at her sister. "What about you?"
"I don't think I can swear an oath I don't mean, because being foresworn might break my... medicine. I want to hear the wording." She looks over at Edan. "I will give you the baby before I am called upon, just in case."
Edan nods his agreement. "We, and the Raven, will keep him safe." A moment later he adds, "Where is my loyalty if not to here, to Random? I have just sworn to him. Were he in his right mind and insisted on this, he would be within his rights. I am stuck in the middle and it was my own actions that brought me here. My luck is worse than burned up creosote. I will have to concentrate on getting him better so that he will reverse himself."
Hannah nods at this. "Your luck got all used up when you met me," she teases. "I'm going to be making decisions in the moment, but at the end of the day I can not leave Random alone with her. I hope Folly & Martin can find the string to pull to bring him out of it."
Edan taps at his chin. "We will need...an escape. A bolthole. Some way to leave quickly. If not for me, then for you. Sorcery is not going to be a good option. Do you have a Trump of someone you would trust to do this? Otherwise, I am open to suggestions."
"I have Flora, Caine, and Llewella. I'd probably try Llewella. She knows me best." Hannah shrugs. "But Caine could probably use a briefing. I suppose I'd trust any of them for an escape route, only because they've nothing to lose by simply pulling me through."
Solange looks uncertain at this. "Say it, Solly," prompts Kyril.
She sighs. "I'd trust Flora first. She's the person I'd count on believing something is wrong with Random. Aside from the fact that she's in Paris, which brings in Corwin, Caine is acting for Random and Llewella for Rebma. If all else fails, you can pull the damsel-in-distress bit. Corwin's city should fall right for it."
"Well, and she is a mother." Hannah shrugs. "I have to say, though, for decision making I trust Rebma more than Paris. I really wouldn't mind running into my father right now, though."
Edan doesn't add anything, but he does nod when it is obvious Hannah has a plan. And choices.
The filmy slides to the ground and stops moving, almost as soon as Xanadu's port comes into view.
The gates of Xanadu, like much of the city, are a hastily-arranged and makeshift thing. It's clear that Corwin or someone has been counting on a pike wall to act as a wall.
Edan offers to pull Hannah and the baby back up into the saddle as the filmy stops; he gives the command to turn the filmy back into a pin after they are all safely on the ground.
Unless he's held back, he leads everyone up to the gates and stops when they are challenged. "Edan, Hannah, Solange and Kyril," he says by way of introduction. "Who commands here? Where are the Orders of the Lamp and Ruby?"
Hannah will take help and ride. She's not beyond playing at 'helpless new mother' if it makes Edan seem more trustworthy. She will smile and wave at any guardsmen she recognizes though.
"Rocheford, of the City guard, your highnesses. His majesty King Corwin of Paris is overseeing the defenses of the city. Your knights are reporting to him."
The gates, such as they are, are opened for the four of them.
Edan nods his understanding, the turns to the others. "How close are we to the meeting?"
"It has to be soon. Are you thinking of going to your Lamps?" Hannah asks.
"Not if time is short," Edan says. "I will have to go after."
Kyril looks at Solange. "Edan, if you need a non-aligned runner to send a message to your troops, especially before you come back into contact with the palace, I'm non-aligned, and don't have any responsibilities right now. Poker night isn't until tomorrow."
Solange looks at him like she's annoyed, but it's not clear if she's annoyed because he's putting himself at risk or because she had something else for him to do.
Edan thinks a moment on that one. "Thank you, Kyril," he says. "But the message would amount to 'hold fast until I see you after the meeting' and if Corwin has been giving them orders then he's already allayed their concerns. It's almost time for that meeting now, so you or I wouldn't really be doing anything constructive. I can wait until the family drama is over, and will have more information besides."
Hannah just hums to the baby, content to go get this meeting over with.
Edan glances at Hannah, then to the guard. "Rocheford, do you have a change of horses here? We need to get to the castle forthwith. I can send a horse back down." This is apparently for the benefit of Solange and Kyril, because he doesn't look like he's going to get off Aramsham; indeed, his horse should still be in fine shape, and he still has a grip on Hannah and the baby. To the raven, he says, "Let me show you the rooms." He doesn't seem to notice how weird that sounds.
Rocheford nods. "How many horses do you need, my Lord? And do you need an escort? I can spare some men, and we can send to Prince Corwin for reinforcements if needed."
Heckle leans in. "I've pretty much imprinted on the babby, but sure, show me the rooms."
Edan looks around. "Two horses, please. We will not need an escort unless security has changed significantly from two days ago. I don't plan on stopping."
Rocheford signals a soldier, who runs off towards the stables. "My Lord, no one would dare impede you. Certainly not after tonight's display."
Edan smiles at that. "You are kind. We will make sure to have replacements sent back to you." He glances around then, as if taking in the city, and adds, "If they are to be had."
Rocheford thanks Edan. "Are there enemies approaching who threaten the city, My Lord? And are there defenders between us and them? I would not take troops needed elsewhere, if this risk is greater."
Edan shakes his head. "I am sorry, I do not know. Where I've been was... complicated, but it was more like a probe. It may be they are testing our fences all around to start, so I cannot recommend you relax. I still have troops out in the forest with the Rangers, they would encounter the Riders first." What he doesn't say is that those troops are very new to the area, and only a few Knights over them.
Rocheford nods, and his men seen to stand straighter.
Last modified: 7 June 2019