In Her Rebma Waits Invention

The Palace is emerald glass and silver mirrors and often appears larger inside than it could be.

Ossian and Silhouette present themselves at the north gate. The guard expects them and the honor escort is two women who walk the visitors through galleries where slow waters hold plenty of comings and goings even at this hour.

Silhouette recognizes the path and it is confirmed when the Diplomacy Gallery is the destination. The escort take up positions to either side of the metal door. The door is already partly open, Rebma's queen is within, arranging the setting on a low quartz table. Nearby carts are laden with breakfast foods. One cart even holds a few meats grilled in the landstyle.

Celina is at the low quartz table transferring food from a cart to the places set, and with a soft word and smile she sends away the young pages attending the three carts. She wears scaled trunks and bracers in a deep blue that is also black in shadow. Her green hair is braided up in a formal style.

The Queen meets Ossian and Silhouette halfway to the table. "How nice to have you in Rebma, Cousins. Well met. It is not proper for the Monk Tomat to attend our breaking of fast. He will come at call. What is it you hope to task him with? You may know I have a personal interest in his well-being."

The pages leave and seal the door.

Silhouette drifts into the room like a placid lion fish - her dress trailing a colorful forest of transparent fabrics. Beneath the flowing cloth, the curves of her body are delicate shadow and suggestion. Her fingers are casually laced with Ossian's, yet hinting at some unspoken intimacy. She offers the Queen a tender smile, dipping her head in reverent submission. "My Queen," she says, "Thank you for accepting our petition with such short notice. Might I say you are exquisite today."

Her fingers slide from Ossian's grip, "I shall let my companion explain his Purpose with the monk."

Ossian is not yet fully accustomed to having all this water around him, so his normally graceful movements are a bit hampered. He is dressed slightly old fashioned, barechested with loose trousers. No ornaments, except for the paint stains on his hands that never seem to wash off, not even here.

He bows. "Greetings... Queen. We only wish to ask Tomat some questions about his former associates. The Klybesians have, as you probably know stepped over way too many lines."

Celina gestures to the food. "Please make yourselves at home." She seats herself near the table, choosing a drift position with her feet lightly trailing the slick floor. She settles a bit more as she reaches for plates but does not seem to sink further. "You will find the monk is responsive but his leadership cut him off from the body of the Order once he was associated with the debt tasks for the Smith. Ask him about his term with the Order, but you may be very disappointed with what he can tell you. And of course, the Order knows that he knows. It is long since understood by the Klybesians that Signy took him along. They have opportunity to anticipate his comments and adjust."

Silhouette nods lightly, "Agreed. However, there may be aspects of their operations that cannot be altered quickly or efficiently." Her samplings from the breakfast table are frugal, leaving most of her plate bare, her attention more on Celina than the food.

"May I ask... what limits are set upon our 'discussion' with him?" Her gaze darkens to impenetrable shadows.

Celina turns her full attention on Silhouette. "The Klybesian Cult is serious family business, so you must needs do whatever your oath to King Random holds you to. Tomat is under my personal protection, as are you and Ossian by coming here at my invitation. I have not thought to set limits that are more constrained than these obvious protocols. So I'm exceedingly curious about your question. As I said, I think you will find the Monk responsive." She looks at Ossian to see if he also has some hidden agenda not hinted in the request for an audience. "That does not mean your questions should give Tomat information about the Family that makes him useful for the Klybesians to 'reacquire and interrogate'. Talk to me plainly, what do you think to make of this interview?"

"We will not force him in any way," Ossian says. "Our goal is to be as well prepared as possible before going after them. I want to know about their chapterhouses, their modes of transportation and communication. If he knows anything about their command structure, although that probably has changed, I believe it is useful. Also we are especially hunting one individual among the monks. Tomat might know something there."

Silhouette nods lightly, offering a placid smile. "I also wish to know about their military capabilities, as well as their arcane." Her gaze never drifts from Celina, "If he is responsive, so much the better. But we all have our secrets. And our sense of Duty. He may be holding back information for either reason."

A dip of her head, "He is under your protection, and I shall not cause you offense. Indeed... that protection might work in our favor, if he is unwilling to talk."

Celina nods a few times. "I judge these things within Tomat's ability to assist. He was a believer, a sorcerer, and a promising addition to their Order. For my part, I ask that you have three ways out of combat with the Klybesians for every one way you devise to engage them. I want you both to come back." Celina puts down her plate. "So previously you spoke of Chew and his agenda and you thought about talking to Merlin or Martin." She looks at Ossian now. "Have you gathered any additional information? Anything else to share? I can have Tomat brought here within a very short time."

Ossian shakes his head and lower his voice. "Some. Corwin actually got really talkative. The Klybesians seems to have been involved in some kind of power struggle between his and Caine's mothers. And Caine has been friendly with them in the past.

"But we still are speculating on who lay that path from their chapterhouse to Greenwood. Circumstance says Brand, but we have no hints of proof."

Celina thinks about what's been shared and when Silhouette adds nothing more, she says, "It seems to me that you are overlooking a vital piece of leverage then. Unless Caine is second on your list of suspects after Brand, I'd think you want his comments and suggestions for leverage on the Klybesians. Family business has changed a lot since the days when those mothers drove politics. Perhaps Caine even knows this Chew if you can furnish a description. And by the way, I'd like that description as well."

"I will not accuse Caine of being involved, but Corwin and Flora did see that as a possibility." Ossian says grimly. "But I think they will ask him about that. We will definitely consider that advice.

"As for Chew, I can paint you a portrait as soon as we get back to Silhouette's. "

Celina gets up and goes to the door. She steps into the hall and requests that Tomat attend her. Then she returns to the table. She nods at Ossian and Silhouette.

"I was not suggesting you accuse Caine of anything at all. However, due to his age and experience with the Klybesians, he might have a point of view or useful information, and he is only twenty miles from here." She smiles, "I've sent for the monk. And I thank you for the offer of the portrait of Chew. What else can I help you with?"

Silhouette glances over at Ossian, and then back. "I do have information for you on another matter, if you wish to speak before the monk's arrival. We can speak freely." Her hand touches Ossian's shoulder, as if confirming her trust in him.

Celina nods to proceed and gives a very open smile.

Silhouette nods, "Lady Lorenna has fled the city with the help of her seneschal. Arrangements were made to provide transport directly to her home. The carriage in question has not been returned. It is more than likely her own people were used as porters. At this point, this carriage has not been returned. My contact will tell me if this unlikely events occurs.

"That said, it is apparent that she or her seneschal arranged for her passage outside of the city. That means she likely has one or more agents amongst your door guards."

She touches Ossian's shoulder again, "Ossian contacted me before I could pursue the investigation further. I thought it more prudent to assist him."

A page returns to say that Tomat is on his way.

"It is not terribly mysterious to exit Rebma," Celina responds taking a few steps to close with Silhouette. "And disguise accounts for leaving the city without the Watch knowing who you really are. Loreena is as accomplished or more so than you, Silhouette, in the ways of deception. You should think in terms of her being an equal. I shall make inquiry of the Watch rosters based on timing to see if there was likely any bribes of guards or Watch."

Celina asks, "Do you know which Gate she left the city from? Or is your source supposing she left because the carriage did not return? If I was Loreena, I'd feel one up on Celina if I made it look like I fled and then waited for her complacency to give me a choice opening. Loreena knows the Palace, the City, and the weak minds of Court better than I do."

Celina adds, "I'm not saying you've done a bad job, just that your report makes me think there is a much deeper play being made. Where Loreena is concerned, I must be wary."

"Of course," Silhouette says. "Without further information, I cannot make a true assessment of her actions. I'd intended to inquire with the gate guards regarding the movements of the carriage, and if the occupant was indeed Loreena. I also intend to search her premises. If I can obtain an sympathetic connection to her, I may also be able to track her with my pets."

She dips her head, "And yes, Loreena's public presentation of the carriage likely indicates it was a ruse. Whether she left by other means, or remains sequestered within Rebma remains to be determined."

"Is Jerod aware of her escape?" Ossian asks.

"Loreena is 'at large', not escaped," Celina says gently. "She was never arrested or confined. She had been invited to the Court for a swearing of oaths. She and some few other people decided not to attend. Clearly, in this case, because she does not intend to be loyal to this throne. So her titles are forfeit, but not her property." She nods once, "It is a good question, Ossian. I have not spoken to Jerod so I cannot say that he does know. He certainly will not be surprised. Since you and Silhouette are headed into shadow, please be sure to tell him if you cross paths."

Silhouette nods lightly. "May I ask what politic ramifications could arise should she contest her forfeiture? And would your mother support her?" She glances over at Ossian, "And would Jerod assist her? Are they close?"

"Jerod sees his sisters as very capable of taking care of themselves. And it seems they are." Ossian says "As for his loyalties, I don't think they have been tested on that scale."

He then grins "But I think he would say that you should not trust me on matters regarding him. " Or his sisters. he thinks.

At about this point a page announces the arrival of Brother Tomat and he is brought in. He looks round to see who is present before presenting himself to Celina and bowing. "What does your Majesty require from me?"

Celina welcomes Tomat and points to the table of food. "Brother Tomat, it would be of service to Rebma if you would answer questions about the Order for my cousins here. We will try not to hold you overlong, but they are headed into peril and your words might go a long way to guarding them. I think Lady Signy would approve." She nods to Ossian and Silhouette.

"I am at your Majesty's service." Tomat does not move to take any of the food, but instead looks to Ossian and Silhouette. "I've answered questions before, and will be happy to again, though I don't know what I can answer that I didn't tell Lord Edan and Lady Signy."

Celina watches.

Ossian smiles "We will surely ask some of the same questions again. I would start with a question dear to me. Do you know a brother Chew?"

Silhouette remains silent through the question, her impartial eyes studying Tomat with clinical interest.

"I believe I know of the man you speak of, though not under that name. Among the brethren, he is known as Brother Hannibal. He is powerful, though he does not hold an abbacy or work for the Turcopolier. I'm not sure I've ever met him, but I've seen references to him in many documents, and copied him on certain reports."

"That is him, alright." Ossian says.

Celina asks, "If you can, give me an idea why Hannibal is powerful within the Order if he is not in a favored position within the ranks. Is it his magic, his insight, or something else? How does he appear in the documents?"

"Brother Hannibal is without a formal portfolio, but he knows many secrets, which are a sort of power of their own. I would guess he reports to someone who reports to the Grand Master of our Order, if not the Grand Master himself. He is addressed and referred to as Brother, but he moves between projects over time. He has dealt with several members of the royal family over time. His loyalty has never been in doubt," which comment is tinged with a certain amount of resentment.

"So, he is the power behind the Divine, as it were?" Silhouette says softly.

Tomat shakes his head in the negative "Brother Hannibal is a power. But not the power. He isn't the only agent of that sort, though I don't think there are many. He is old, though: older than he appears. Not immortal, but time sits lightly on him, and has since I joined the brethren, even accounting for the differences in time between the realms."

Celina nods once in consideration. Her eyes shift to Ossian, inviting him to continue to satisfy his inquiries.

"I wonder if that agelessness is only sorcery or something else. So, this Grand Master. Has anyone ever met or seen him?" Ossian asks.

"I haven't, but others have. Not just Brother Hannibal, either," Tomat adds by way of anticipating the next question. "I know there were others who held the office before him. It's even said, according to legend, that one of our early Grand Masters was a Prince of Amber. I'm not sure I believe that one, though."

"What would be the ramifications if he would fall from grace... Is there someone to step in to replace him?" Silhouette says before sipping her drink.

Celina holds her attention on Tomat. She alters her posture in reinforcement of his own, making it clear that she is sympathetic and a resource if he needs one.

Ossian is also quiet.

"Brother Hannibal? It would be a blow, but no brother is allowed to be completely indispensable. It's a tenet of the Order. We can only earn uniqueness when the Order succeeds in its goal. And if he were to die, and it took a dozen men to replace him, then a dozen brothers would be found." A cynical smile crosses Tomat's face. "Or that's what we're told, anyway. I expect that most of it is true, but not all."

Celina says, "If Most of your learning with them is True, then you are a treasure to us, and your aid is vital. They have risked much, and often, in order to stay close with Amber's secrets. If the Grandmaster follows an old course, or plan laid down by an exiled or lost royal of Amber, well, we shall see if that fares well for them now. It appears they have a hand in the death of Reid. That's not acceptable. So we shall journey to them and put many questions to them." Celina looks at Ossian and Silhouette so they know they may continue to question Tomat. She also asks Tomat, "Say something about how the Grandmaster position is filled, and how many times has there been a new one? It seems the Order has a long history."

"And where is the Grandmaster to be found?" Ossian adds.

"Moving between the Chapter Houses like a king on progress, I suppose, or with the Turcopolier. There was a time when I thought where I served was the center of the universe, but I was clearly wrong." Tomat shakes his head ruefully. "I know more about the outlying houses, the ones newly established and the lost houses the Order hoped to bring back into the fold, than I do about the abbeys and other establishments deeper in the Order than my own."

Celina nods, to her this agrees with various questions before this session. She waits to see where Ossian will take his inquiry now.

"Does he have any enemies or political opposition?" Silhouette says softly.

"Who or what is the Turcopolier?" Ossian adds.

"The Turcopolier is the brother in charge of the Order's military. At the present time, they're all mercenaries. He used to have a brother officer who was in charge of the knights militant, but they've been disbanded and never reconvened. As for political enemies," Tomat frowns. "None are known to me, but given my situation, that's not surprising. Had I been deeper in the Order, I might have been approached by some opponent of our leadership, but I never have been."

"If I may change directions from the operational aspects for a moment..." Celina checks body language of Silhouette and Ossian. She proceeds forward looking at Tomat directly, "Tell me about the big picture, Tomat. Men are recruited. They are offered a place. There is a lot of work, education, stories even of the goals of the Order. People want to know what they are working towards, and how it all fits into their own idea of the Universe."

Celina smiles, "So do the monks talk about Order? Do they preach about tomorrow's wonders? Do they think about dying for a cause? Are they keeping the Light of Knowledge burning in an uncaring tyranny of myths? What's the passion that binds the Klybesians? I do not recall anyone asking this..... and if I were confronting the Order, I'd like to know."

Ossian nods. "And that's why you are Queen."

"I told this to Edan and Signy, and perhaps they were unclear in their conveyance." Or, perhaps, Tomat's tone suggests, not unkindly, that he's being tested here. He continues, "The Order gathers knowledge, and seeks to perfect itself according to the way of the Unicorn. Our roots lie in the ancient history of Amber, and it is said that the Princes themselves have been among our knights militant in the past. One of them was even disinherited by Oberon for it.

"The Order gathers all the secrets of the universe. Many of them are kept by the scions of Order, such as yourself. The secrets of how to walk between the worlds where there are no paths, the making of the cards, all of these things are marks of power, a power that those of us, of the brethren I was once one of, of sufficient rank and personal power to become leaders--like Brother Hannibal--could learn. But it is in learning and mastering these powers and making them freely available that the Order will fulfill the Unicorn's rede of perfecting the universe."

Silhouette blinks at this, the words sending so familiar, so right. How many years has she spent following these very same goals - if only more proactive in her fashioning. "The Grand Design," she said faintly. "These are goals I've sought most of my life."

She smiles at Tomat, "What is the Order's definition of Perfection? And do they have a central library for all this amassed knowledge?"

Celina keeps her thoughtful friendly focus on Tomat.

Ossian's eyes narrow for a split second. This is fun.

Tomat glances briefly at Celina because she's the one in charge here. Getting nothing but a relatively friendly look, he takes that for guidance and turns back to Silhouette to answer her. "For everyone to become as the Princes of Amber are. Not perfection of form to their likeness; the Unicorn isn't even a human. But to have that power over the universe, and that control. Everyone has that potential, but only in the princes of Amber is it realized. The Order wants to learn how, and to make everyone perfect in that way."

Ossian shakes his head "Contrast. Perfection needs contrast."

Then he shakes his head again. "And have they had any progress in this?"

Tomat starts to answer but--

Silhouette leans forward, "And do you know if your Order had any direct relation or connection with Princess Flora? Were they aware she had a child?"

This seems more urgent. "I'm sure all the daughters of Oberon were kept track of, and it seems likely, but I cannot say for certain. My watch was set on Signy, and so she is the person I know the most about," Tomat says, a bit of wariness creeping into his tone. Turning back to Ossian, he answers the other question. "The Order learned the secret of Sorcery, and now there are many sorcerers through Shadow because of it. Not all of them belong to the Order, but many do. Before the Order's work, there were few, if any, outside the royal family of Amber."

Celina nods once. "That is a considerable achievement. The Order has certainly made strides. I count the extended life of many of its most senior members as a stronger indication that Certain Perfection is closer to being realized by the Klybesians." She smooths her expression in response to some memory of the costs of Knowledge and Perfection. "But Tomat, you have lived at the elbow of Perfection for many years. You shared the Passion for knowledge. Combined with your own passion and discernment, you realized there was something greater.... at least from your point of view." Celina leans towards the ex-monk and balances elbow to knee and hand to chin. "What did you see or hear, that told you the Order's chase for Perfection was not your hunt anymore?"

Silhouette remains silent on this, focusing on her food. She has many opinions and questions about the Order's view on Perfection, but a debate at this point seems intrusive.

Tomat has to think about that for a moment and finally comes up with, "With all due respect, your majesty, that is a personal and private matter, and though I would gladly answer you privately, I do not wish to speak of it in the open--water."

Celina's single nod and expression are frankly open. She appears perfectly understanding of this request.

Ossian nods. "Do you know anything about a place named Greenwood?"

Celina smiles thanks to Ossian for bridging the moment back to operational aspects of the coming confrontation. She leans back to let things continue but her focus is still Tomat.

Tomat looks at Ossian, glad of the change of subject. "The mythical Greenwood the Great—called the Ever-Green, where it is always summer and the Fae folk of the forest live in eternal innocence and eternal youth? I have read legends of it, Lord Ossian. Some say it is a counterpart to the archetypal city, of which all others are but shadows."

"You've described Elysium of Antiquity," Silhouette says. "And not a realm from which your Order would marshal its forces. Why is it so important? Is this where they gather their learning?"

She asks this of the table, not simply Tomat.

Celina gives Tomat a sympathetic smile. All of them born of different cultures and then learning yet more. Walking and talking through a diversity of myths, did not make Family Business any easier. Tomat would, of anyone, appreciate that the Ordered Universe includes an ocean's worth of irony. Celina thinks irony may turn out to be a feature.

Celina gives a small negative shake of her head to Silhouette's question. She isn't familiar with Elysium and does not believe in eternal innocence. However, if Greenwood is very important, that certainly could be Family irony cutting both ways.

Tomat shakes his head in the negative. "No. It's one of the legends the Order knows about the great citadels."

"So a Hospital named Greenwood Hospital is then likely named after this ideal place?" Ossian asks. "It fits.

"Do you know what the order does with the body samples they collect?"

Celina prepares herself to hear unfortunate details.

Silhouette remains similarly silence, watching the man's reactions.

"Depending on the expertise of the brothers who have them and the place where they're taken, they're examined magically or by the best technology available. They're trying to find out what makes princes of Amber different. And princesses, of course, saving Your Majesty's grace," Tomat adds, for Celina's benefit. "Whatever information they obtain is added to the store of knowledge the Order has about, well, Order.”

As far as Silhouette (or Ossian) can tell, Tomat is being honest.

"Would they incorporate outside assistance in this? Mercenaries and their ilk," Silhouette asks. "I'm curious as to how they pluck our kind from Shadow."

Ossian nods, but stays quiet.

"And I am curious to the extent that identifying Family is or is not in the Klybesian bag of tricks," Celina says.

"Their knowledge is not perfect, or Marius would not have been able to trade for assistance." Tomat relaxes a little, and his voice sounds firmer. "So whatever methods they have are served by cross-reference with other data.

"And yes," he adds for Silhouette's benefit, "the Turcopolier works with mercenaries, now that the Order no longer has militant brothers of its own. It's part of what the Turcopolier does. But sometimes the mercenaries, or at least their service, are traded for knowledge the Order desires."

There is no mistaking that Celina is pleased with these expected answers.

Silhouette nods, "Then I suspect I'd been intended for the Order until my captors sold me to another bidder. Do these Turcopolier have a main staging point, and are they separate from the Order? Or can we find them all in the same locale?"

Ossian observes for the moment.

Tomat's brow furrows slightly in confusion at Silhouette's question, until he achieves enlightenment partway through. "The Turcopolier isn't a they. He's a he, one of the brothers, the one in charge of dealing with mercenaries and leading the men under arms. He's a very senior officer of the Order. He travels because he's needed in different places over time, depending on the military needs of the Order. Where he would be now, and with what forces, depends on his current assignment. He necessarily operates with some independence."

"I see," Silhouette says. "I suspect you'd be unaware of his current assignment. Any of our cousins he may be targeting?"

Ossian can see her hand clench, white-knuckles. It's perhaps the first true emotion the woman has shown... ever.

Tomat shakes his head in the negative. "I wouldn't have been trusted with that information even before I fled the Order, and any information of that sort I had would be out of date now," he explains.

"Of course," Celina gets up and moves about the room fetching and refreshing drinks for all. She paces to each, engages them fully with her eyes and offers a bit of solace. It is a moment stretched out in consideration of what they have heard and what else they might need.

Then she seats herself and nods to Ossian and Silhouette.

Accepting the drink, Silhouette smiles softly at the Queen, but the smile never reaches her eyes. They are distant, dark with suppressed hatred.

She nodded to Tomat. "I understand. Would you know who he'd answer to... or deal with on a regular basis. Someone who would possess the information you do not?"

"So the Order strives to become like us. Is that transformation reserved for the upper echelon? I mean, they hold pretty tightly on the secrets they learn?" Ossian asks.

"Yes and no. Oral tradition, such as it is, says that the secrets of sorcery were more tightly held when the Order first ferreted them out than they have been in later days, or so I am told. But sorcery also requires a native talent, and those who have a stronger gift are now sought after." Tomat hesitates, considering his phrasing, and then says, "I imagine it's a self-reinforcing cycle, if you will, but that's a guess and I can't prove it."

Silhouette shakes her head, frowning. "We'll need to break this cycle, if success is to be obtained." She raises a brow to Tomat, "Are there more like you in their ranks... or are you an anomaly?"

In an Orderly fashion, Celina believes that Tomat shall confirm the Monks are desperate for Sorcerers because they become increasingly rare. Not that Tomat should ever be considered an anomaly. "Since your exposure to the entire Order is already demonstrated to be limited, I think Silhouette is asking if the process of the Monks collecting sorcerers has routinely been as successful as they were with you. It would have been natural for you to be curious about your value and to leverage that knowledge."

Ossian opens his mouth, then shuts it. Let's see what he answers first.

Tomat doesn't exactly seem to understand Silhouette's question, but Celina's rephrasing makes it clearer. "I was one of many foundlings taken in by the Order," he explains, "and I was raised to become a member of the Order. Not all serve as I do, but we're all suited to different things. Few of us were able to learn sorcery--some of the youths learned other magics, but sorcery still is hardly a common skill. It was why my services were lent out to the Smith."

"Does the Order know why someone has the ability to learn sorcery. " Ossian asks.

"No." Tomat shakes his head in the negative. "They know that it's often people of Amber descent, but there are people who have it that don't seem to have any Amber ancestry at all. I don't."

Celina finds that last bit interesting. She raises an eyebrow but only waits for Ossian and Silhouette to further their agenda.

"Perhaps this has been asked before, and if so... forgive me," Silhouette says. "But why are you so open with us? Considering such honestly will likely lead to violence against your Order."

Tomat's eyebrows arch at the question. "But I have already betrayed them and am subject to death as an apostate. I have thrown in my lot with Lady Signy, and by extension, with her family. If there is war between you, I am on the other side from the Order now."

Silhouette cocks her head, "If someone gifts me with a horse, I look in its mouth... no matter how rude that may be." She sips her tea, "My people have had a poor history with wooden horses."

Ossian smiles a little. "Do you know of anyone except you who have left the Order? Any renegade monasteries?"

"No, I do not—but such things would be a secret, of course. It's easy to tell someone that a brother has been sent to a different house, or is on a special assignment for the Order. If he doesn't come back, then he has been moved on, or died, perhaps. These things happen." Tomat's attention is on Ossian now; Ossian feels that perhaps he has something to say about all this that he's biting his tongue at the moment.

Ossian nods. "Of course. Please, dear Tomat, do you think we are asking the wrong questions? Because we may be doing just that. "

Silhouette smiles softly at this, but remains silent.

Celina nods encouragingly at Ossian.

"I think," Tomat says to Ossian, "that perhaps a focus on specific incidents is not very helpful for you. I can give general overviews of things I know from the Order, and on the chance that I was involved with a specific incident, I can discuss it in detail--as I have with Signy, when asked--but there is much I do not know. And clearly the Order was designed to prevent the risk of men like me knowing too much, perhaps in case of questioning by agents of Amber such as yourself. I do not know which enemy of Amber would work in this way, though."

"Do expound on this 'incident,' if you would," Silhouette says. "It may direct our line of questioning."

"Which incident?" Tomat glances to Celina for some indication of how he should answer Silhouette. "Those matters I discussed with Lady Signy and Lord Edan? Or something else that I have discussed with her, or answered her questions about, at another time? I have been with Lady Signy between her return to Ygg and her departure with Lord Ambrose, and she and other members of your family have asked me many questions. I have answered them all to the best of my capacity, and mentioned other things that I know in passing, so I cannot guess which one you mean."

Celina encourages Tomat with a nod. She expected he would ask for clarification. Silhouette may have conflated his reference to having specific insight into chance incidents with an offer to elaborate on every incident where he suspected direct Amber involvement.

Silhouette dips her head, "Whatever you've discussed with Lord Edan will suffice for the moment. My cousin hordes knowledge like dragons do gold."

Ossian looks at Silhouette and Tomat. He stays quiet.

Tomat looks back at Celina with a look that Ossian deciphers as I have no idea what's going on here, but I'm going to answer the questions and not get in the middle of your head games before he starts to answer the question.

"We talked about the founding, and the legend of Klybes, who founded our Order in Amber under Oberon long ages ago, about members of the royal family such as Princess Pastoral, who welcomed the ancestors of the Order; whether your kinsman Reid, who was apparently her son, was a member--he was not. About communications, which are carried by messengers on foot or through the place cards. He asked about the backs, which are different.

"We spoke of sorcery and Amber blood in the Order. He asked about the Turcopolier and I explained what I know about him. Edan asked questions about where the Turcopolier could be found, and I told him what I knew, again, which is that he will be wherever the Order is fighting.

"I explained to him the Order's long view of Amber, that the anger of its princes can be outlasted, or even, in the case of those who play the Game of Thrones, outlived. Or that some of the princes could be suborned. I advised him not to underestimate the Order, that it is old and deeply rooted, and destroying a few chapter houses will not break it. And he asked for directions to the Chapter House where I worked last, which I gave to him."

(Ossian suspects there may have been more to this conversation, but not so much that Tomat is lying; more that Tomat is leaving out the emotional tenor of the discussion, which may have been more agitating to him than his demeanor lets on.)

Ossian lights up "So they have place cards. What is on the backs, if they are different?"

Tomat describes several backs, none of which are familiar to Ossian. But Brand wasn't always consistent in his backs--some of the cards he made that Ossian has seen had very different backs to the ones Ambrose had--so it's not necessarily a sign as far as Ossian knows.

[If Tomat is asked: he does not know who made them. You can take that answer as read and move to the next question.]

Celina moves and refreshes her drink and brings another for Tomat. Her manner, and pauses to look at Ossian and Silhouette, remind the cousins present that time is fleeting and Tomat could be questioned for days to recollect all his experiences and still have more to say. This would neither be an efficient outcome nor possible without the Queen present, and her schedule will call her away soon enough. Celina stands finally in a relaxed pose that allows Tomat to read her expressions as she evaluates questions even if she does not comment.

Silhouette nods to her cousin, as if sensing her thoughts. She smiles at Tomat, "Thank you for your openness, Tomat. You've been beyond helpful in this. If we could speak with you further at a later time, I would appreciate it. But until then, I believe I am done." She glances at Ossian, raising a brow.

Ossian nods "You have been really helpful."

Celina gives her cousins each a nod. She moves in to gather Tomat. "This has been good. Thank you for your frankness. I'll see you out to the hall." And she takes his arm (as if he had offered it), and moves off with the ex-monk.

Celina reviews her day's agenda as they walk and once Tomat and she have quit the chamber she pauses with him in the larger hall. "Well done, Tomat. You've been gracious and I hope to return the favor sometime." Celina takes his hand and warms it between her own. "I have no news to share with you about your Lady. It will be difficult for her to find a proper channel to communicate back to Rebma. I shall call for you if I learn something. Perhaps you would be available in a few days for a private lunch? Just let me know."

Tomat is relieved; his protector has intervened. "I am at your disposal. Call on me and I will make myself available."

With gracious (and grateful) farewells, he departs the royal presence.

Celina accepts his comments, and moves back into the chamber to finish family business.

She returns and closes the door. She walks to stand with Ossian and Silhouette.

Looking at Ossian, she begins, "My appreciation of the Klybesian Order and how difficult an opponent they might be continues to grow. They will be very difficult to harm, seeing as they are concealed so well and prepared for interference from the Family. My concern now is that you shall need something more than Silhouette's considerable help if you intend to press them or disrupt their plans. How do you wish to proceed, Ossian? And what do you think would round out your capabilities?"

Silhouette takes the opportunity to refill her glass.

Ossian takes a deep breath. "I do not know. I think I and Silhouette could go to Greenwood hospital to investigate more without too much risk, so we can get a plan for how to strike at them.

"Of course, all help would be good, but is it available?"

Celina looks at Silhouette as she answers Ossian's question, "Well, yes. If you need muscle, we have it. If you need magic, some can be found. If you are only investigating so that a more precise plan can be made, then probably not at this time. It is not that Rebma does not have investigative sorcerers, more that I don't want those Rebman assets finding out Family Secrets at the same time we do. And if you are going in against the Klybesian Tribe, that is what I see happening."

Celina adds, "Most important is that you BOTH get back to safety, whether you find valuable information or not. My take on the current actions is that the Klybesians will consider the 'training guards are off'. Is that the correct expression? My priority then is to make sure you have all means I can lend to make your trip a success."

"We shall recruit mercenaries to accompany us," Silhouette says. "And we will not tarry long. We will hit them and disappear like smoke. If possible, we will leave no trace of Amber's involvement."

She sips her tea, "The first rule of war is to never been seen."

Ossian nods "Sad that. No-one will tell the tale. But it is necessary this time. And we will try our best not to get in too deep."

"Well then, I suggest Ossian, that you teach Silhouette about how necessity may serve the Pattern on your journey, with mercenaries that will not be from Amber or Family resources that will join you along the way. She is important to future Family efforts and I cannot leave the city to mentor her on the shadows. She needs to learn passing through the universe and how to find the things that will further her purposes. Can you take on that work?" Celina reached and put a hand on Silhouette's shoulder.

Silhouette's hand lightly touches Celina's, bemusement darkening her forest-night eyes. "You sound genuinely concerned for me... my Queen." She manages a smile, "Ossian and I will care of one another, fear not. He's already taught me much."

Ossian smiles, somberly. "I will do that.

"I promise we will not do potatoes." He says with a grin. "Although that is a main source of my knowledge in the field."

Celina laughs. "I'm from the Seaward and we love puns. But I'm sure that went over my head." She looks at them both for a few beats. "Yes. I really care. Oh, and if you run across my mother, be extremely cautious, she may overreact to Family right now. Do not kill her."

Celina smiles, "Anything else or are we done?"

Ossian nods. "I think we are done. Thank you, Celina." Then he grins "And by the way, I am the family's leading potato-hunting expert. From the regency time. Food was scarce in Amber."

Silhouette raises an eyebrow, placid as a sun-warmed crocodile. "Potato hunter... ah yes. So you have an eye for detail."

She dips her head to Celina, "Unless there is something else, I suggest we prepare for our foray into Shadow."

Fully sure that like everyone else in the Family, these two will make their own way out of Rebma at a time chosen to confound watchers, Celina hugs them both now while they are in reach. Ossian's time in her arms is longer than a breath. Silhouette gets a shorter hug but also a kiss on the cheek.

"Come back safe," Celina throws a fierce grin at them. "Or else."

"By your command, my Queen," Silhouette says, her fingers lingering in Celina's hand for a moment.

Ossian returns the hug with surprising force. He shakes his head, smiling to himself.

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Last modified: 5 September 2015