"I thought I would see you off, cousins." Ambrose smiles at Conner and Brita.
"I have studied little of the forest, although it is visible from the altitude of the castle and parts of the city. Even if it is related to Arden, it must need be quite different without our Uncle's wardening."
He looks across at the black smear across the horizon, distinct from the low, smooth sea-floor that is the highway for Rebma's trading empire. Closer investigation might allow an observer to see motion as the kelp sways in the tides, but not from here.
"It is the home of the Sons of the Dragon, that I know. They are impressive beings." He pauses and seems sad.
"I wish I had a sealed Trump to give you, in case you need a quick way out of the great forest."
Brita smiles and pulls out a palm sized shell, "I Have a Trump of the Fire Gate. We Will Use it If we Need to Return Quickly." She gives Ambrose a hug, "We Will go to Mother's Lab When I Return."
"Nedra is uncharted territory in more ways than one." Conner comments. "I rather wish I had taken the time to learn Mabrahoring in my youth. I find that gap in my knowledge more and more vexing as I deal with the Sons of the Dragon." Conner looks to Ambrose. "Thank you for your concern Cousin. If you happen to see part of the forest erupt in green flame or something similar, feel free to come to the rescue." He grins.
"I'll do that," Ambrose says. He omits the shaking of hands that they'd do on the surface, as it does nothing but disturb the water in Rebma.
Brita, not one for long goodbyes, turns to Conner and says, "Shall We?" she pushes off and begins a slow backstroke towards the forest, still looking back to watch what Ambrose and Conner do.
Conner raises his hand to Ambrose in farewell and swims off after his sister.
Ambrose waits for some time while the two of them move off, watching them swim away into the distance, before turning back to the interior of the castle.
Conner speeds up his swimming to catch up to his sister. "Brennan reported an area of the kelp beds where he found traces of Huon's troops entering it. I though we would start there."
Brita makes a noise of understanding. She continues to occasionally roll over in swimming, to watch around them .. and back. "Why would Uncle Huon's Troops Enter the Kelp Forest? Where they Fleeing You and Trying to Hide? This was not done Before the Battle, was it?"
"After." Conner confirms. "There was much blind retreat from the battle including into areas where the breathable water ends." Conner pauses for a moment. "The incursion into the kelp forest is mildly troubling because part of the pact with the Dragon and her Sons is that Rebma should not expand towards the kelp forest. We don't want this disturbance to be taken as an attempt to do that. Nor ours for that matter."
Brita glances to Conner. "A Way to Ensure That would be to Announce our Visit, but To Whom would we Announce It?" She shakes her head, negating her own suggestion with, "No, Perhaps we can go in as Cleanup - Searching for Further Sign of These Deserters to Eliminate any Further Threat to the Sons of The Dragon or Watery Rebma. Of course, The Dragon probably does Not Need help in Eliminating Threats."
"The sons of the Dragon refer to this sword as the Paxblade, a sign of the peace." Conner replies. "I am hoping that will be token enough. Even the Tritons from the kelp forest recruited into Khela's army appeared to respect it rather than fear it. I hope the Dragon will see that way rather than as a threat."
Brita wonders aloud, "It seems Strange that Waving around a Blade would denote Peace, but Hopefully Their Respect will Suffice." Her shrug is verbal in the watery environment.
"There is much about the Tritons and their Mother that is counter-intuitive. If I am understanding the metaphysics of things, they are Chaos frozen into a Ordered form by the Pattern. So rituals and rules that don't conform to our logic sounds about right to me." Conner opines.
Brita makes an accepting noise in response to that logic. "What do You Think we will Find? Or Hope to find? Will They Deign to Speak to Us or Hide?" she asks as they near the swaying kelp.
The kelp is constantly in motion, and the boundary is clearly demarcated--there is kelp-forest and there is not-kelp forest. There are trails and it looks as if they exist both on the ocean floor and further up. It looks dark and uninviting, and it would be easy to get lost 5 feet within the kelp beds. The sea teems with life near and in the forest.
There is a small building on the last hill before the forest starts. It looks to be a Rebman outpost of some sort. If there are any occupants, they are quiet.
"Do we go in High or Low?," Brita asks as she examines the waving fronds. "I would Think maybe Low to Reduce One avenue of Potential Ah...pproach."
"Low." Conner replies. "I think this may be one of the few cases where getting lost in the forest is likely the best course of action. Though before that happens I want to see if we can find any trace of the deserters that Brennan told me about. Let's investigate this little outpost first though, hmmm? If there is the equivalent of the Rangers down here I would know of it." Conner starts swimming towards the structure.
The outbuilding is small, too small for a triton to enter. That seems intentional. It's all stone construction and someone has made efforts to keep sea-life from growing on it. It's empty, but it looks like it's been occupied within the last few months. Inside are two sleeping nets, what proves to be a medicine cabinet, some preserved foodstuffs, and weapons (spears and tridents).
There's a wax sheet that looks like some sort of talley sheet. It's hard to tell if it's for observations of Tritons or for games of darts.
Brita follows Conner into the building. [Does it look like older construction or newer?] "It seems Odd that this is Not Triton Sized. The Recent Queens of Watery Rebma would Not have an Outpost Designed for Only Humans, would they?" she asks Conner as she pokes around in the cabinets. "But it also does not seem Plausible that this could have been Built without Their Knowledge," she adds.
"You don't get a barracuda to guard the spawning grounds." Conner remarks. "If this is an outpost to watch for Triton activity at the edges of Ndera, you would not want Tritons as part of the observation post for fear of divided loyalty and if you fear the unbound Tritons of Nedra then you want a hardened building they can't enter for protection." Conner pokes about the medicine cabinet and foodstuffs idly. "This outpost has likely not been a priority for some time. No sign they left in a hurry but no sign of complete abandonment either. Recalled to join the fighting perhaps."
"Unbound Tritons." Brita repeats with a nod. "Those We seek. If those that Ran came through here and One or Two were Watching, would They Follow or Report? I would Follow." [Are there any obvious scents in the water in the enclosed space of the building?]
There aren't, which probably means it's been at least weeks if not months since people were here.
[While we are asking questions, where is this outpost relative to where Brennan said he found evidence of people fleeing into Nedra?]
The output is near where Brennan saw the evidence.
"From what I have seen I suspect they would cower and then report." Conner replies with a shrug. "Well there seems little to be gained here. Let's head to the edge of the kelp bed and see if the paths made by the troops are still visible."
Brita nods in agreement and gestures to Conner to lead the way. She swims after him towards the kelp and searches the area for obvious and perhaps non-obvious points of entry.
The obvious points of entry are obvious. They look like game trails. Above, the paths shift and change. Arden would be far more dangerous if the trees swayed as the great kelp does. Still, Brita and Conner begin to see blazes on rocks and at the bases of some of the great trunks of the massive kelp plants.
Someone has been here. Someone who wanted to be able to get around, at least in the fringes of the forest.
"Nice of Them to Leave a Trail," Brita notes. "Shall we Follow the Rabbit?" she asks Conner as she points to the marked trail.
Conner pauses for a moment then shrugs. "I was going to substitute the Rebman aphorism for going down the rabbit hole but I seem to have not learned that one. I shall have to ask Celina when we return. Yes, let's see where this leads. To nothing interesting would actually be the preferred discovery but I doubt they or we are that lucky."
The blaze-marks lead between a quarter and half-league into the kelp forest to a clearing. Brita is sure she could retrace her steps, but that not everyone who enters could. It reminds her of Arden, in that.
The clearing is seems to have started as a natural one and been enlarged. At the far end, there is a circle of the wide-leaved kelp plants, woven together into to some sort of living hut. That involves some clever engineering, or botany. It's unlikely that lost soldiers did that on their own.
Brita can smell humans nearby.
"Company," Brita notes to Conner, "of a Non-Water Variety." She moves forward to examine the hut.
"Most curious." Conner floats forward with Brita to examine the hut while keeping an eye out for the inhabitants. "I expected to find nothing but remains rather than an encampment."
The hut is constructed of carefully woven living kelp, of the wide-leafed variety. It's dark inside, even darker than the forest, and the place seems abandoned. There is some sort of a table at the back end, with the darkened remnants of a couple of Rebman light-globes on it. On the table is a hand carved statue of a triton and the skeleton of a fish.
It doesn't look like a dwelling place.
Brita acknowledges Conner's comments with a nod. She moves back out of the hut and wanders around it, trying to determine which direction the human scent is coming from.
She steps out of the building and into the relative light of the glade. Brita finds the scent trail quickly once she's away from the building. It leads to someone in the leaves, perhaps 20 feet into the water above them, watching the clearing. There are two of them, and they're reasonably quiet, for humans. Brita's best guess is that they're Rebmans, but somehow not like the city-Rebmans.
Brita turns back to the door of the hut with her back to the viewers as Conner comes out and smiles as she says, "Your Can Talk the Birds from the Trees, Brother. Think your Gilded Tongue will be Needed in This Wood." The last is not a question.
Conner turns from his contemplation of the hut's contents and swims out to join his sister. "Have you found flying fish in the kelp beds, Brita?" Conner replies. "Or do we have guests?"
"Guests," Brita nods behind and above her. "Two." She cocks her head to the side and frowns as she notes softly. "I am Not Certain of Their Origin. It Seems Rebman, but Not at the Same Time."
Conner sees them as well, once Brita points them out. They have a good vantage on the door, but aren't moving.
Brita cocks her head at her brother. "Should we Invite them Down?"
Conner looks up to where the Rebmans watch them. "Fair currents to you." He calls out to them. "Is this place yours?"
A voice comes down from the kelp nest. "The shrine belongs to the Goddess. Who are you and why do you come here, in violation of the age-old compact?"
"Others have disturbed the peace of the kelp before us. Refugees from a battle that sought safety within the boundaries of Nedra that knew nothing of the compact or the potential consequences for breaking it. We seek to assure that they have not damaged the peace." Conner replies. "As for who we are," Conner steps from behind Brita and moves one hand to draw attention to Halosydne's hilt. "I am Conner, scion of Amber, Duke of Rebma, bearer of the PaxBlade and appointed Warden of Nedra by the Queen of Rebma. This is my sister, Brita, scion of Amber, Goddess of Asgard, and She Who Keeps Water Pure. Who are you?" Conner asks in return.
The voices come down thinly from the kelp, sounding very different from Conner's assured and measured tones.
"W-We have been granted asylum! You are not in Rebma, and have no authority over us!"
"The others were dealt with!"
"Shh, Don't t--"
They sound like children, or perhaps teenagers, quarreling. It's bravado speaking, but they are both quite afraid of a Duke of Rebma.
Brita gets the feeling that they'll bolt if they feel threatened.
Brita notes in a quiet voice that will still carry, "We need Knowledgeable Guides, Brother. Someone who could Show Us the Right Way through this Vast Forest. Someone who Might know the Best Routes, the Fastest Routes, and Someone who Knows All of Import. Such a One would be a Boon to A New Warden - a Good First Ally." Conner can tell she's trying to sound cajoling, although the tone is still hard for her to master.
The voice Brita has tentatively identified as "the girl" replies. "We will take you to a dragon's nest. There's one not far from here."
The "boy" looks out at them, his dark green skin acting as natural camouflage in the kelp strands. "As long as you don't kill anyone, you'll be safe."
Conner smiles at them. "That sounds most acceptable." He soothes. "How have you two come to live here in Nedra?" He asks.
"We have No Need to Kill Anyone," Brita concurs. She cocks her head to the side and asks, "Are You Siblings like My Brother and I?"
The girl slips out from behind a leaf, but is still a good 20 feet up. She's dressed in what is probably pounded kelp clothing and doesn't seem to have ever known a comb. She may be 15, but seems could be younger.
"I'm called Freedom, my brother is Peace," she takes a breath. "We were born here."
"Fur and Fang," Brita notes quietly to her Brother.
Conner turns to Brita and let his confusion show on his face for an instant before turning back to Freedom and Peace. "Lovely names. I hope that you live up to them." Conner grins. "Were your parents born here too?" He asks.
"Y-yes. Are you coming? The path isn't along the floor."
Brita looks at Conner with a smile, "Follow the Brooke and Leif," she says with a gesture to the children before swimming up and preparing to follow.
"Very well. Lead on, neighbors." Conner swims up and prepares to follow them as well.
The two children swim back into the darkness quickly, It takes a moment, but it's clear that they are navigating by sending swirls of water back and forth at each other. It remind Brita of Ranger codes, but better suited for underwater movement.
Once Brita and Conner get adjusted to the gloom, it's actually pretty easy to predict where the trails will be and to notice what the equivalent of tracking is in the water. For a while the trails are quite narrow, and suddenly the become quite wide, as if made for sea creatures, not people.
After a long swim, they come to another clearing, this one lit by a glowing stone. There are two adults in the clearing, working on the sea floor, tending to some sort of crop. Like the children, they are dressed in kelp clothing. They wave Conner and Brita over.
Brita has attempted to garner clues as to the meaning behind the watery cadence, but refrains from trying to mimic it. When they reach the clearing, she lets Conner take the lead, hanging back slightly as they approach the adults and keeping an eye on the children.
Conner treats them to a smile that somehow sparkles even in the light on the glowing stone. "Good day good people. Freedom and Peace were good enough to guide us to this place. I am Conner and this is my sister, Brita." Conner stops there to let them finish the introduction if they choose. He drifts towards the farmers but keeps his distance for the moment.
The woman performs a Rebman bow. "Well met, Brita, Conner. I am Unity and my husband is called Love."
The children swim down beside the adults, behind their legs. "Mamma, he said he was a duck!"
"Duke," corrects Freedom, swatting her brother.
"Duke," the boy repeats, rubbing his head.
Love's eyebrows go up and both of them seem more reserved.
Unity makes a calming hand gesture towards her husband. "We are all guests of the Dragon, and have no titles here." She is still smiling, but it seems a diplomatic thing.
Conner appreciates a good diplomatic smile. "Your children speak the truth." Conner smiles back. "I hold a title in Rebma but as you say that means little here. I have come to make sure the peace between Rebma and the Dragon is maintained. Soldiers fleeing from a recent battle have entered the kelp forest. I wished to be certain that this was not seen as an act of aggression by the Dragon and to offer them a passage home if they wish it. You children kindly offered to guide us to a dragon's nest." He explains. "May I ask how you came to live here within Nedra?"
Brita returns the bow in greeting but says nothing as Conner leads the discussion. She looks to the kelp for evidence of other paths out of the clearing.
Brita sees several other paths from the clearing. Some are wide and some are narrow enough that only a child could pass. The kelp is not as solid as the trees of Arden, so it is both easier and more difficult to create a path through.
The children slide to the side of their parents, to get a better, closer look at Brita and Conner. Brita again sees flashes of some sort of water-cadence.
Unity nods. "An acolyte will be along later, who can discuss matters of state with you. As to why we are here, the Dragon and her sons have, at times, offered refuge to humans fleeing the dangers of Rebma. Our parents were refugees. We have seen the warriors of which you spoke. Some we thought would be good citizens of the forest. The Dragon and her sons decide."
"So long as those warriors that stay do so of their own free will, then I have no reason to question their judgement or that of the Dragon." Conner replies. "Did you also see the sons of the Dragon that left the kelp forest to come to the aid of the Tritons of Rebma? They said they came from the kelplands."
"Yes, " Unity replies, heavily. "We heard. We look forward to a new page of history between the peoples for the city and the forest." It's clear to both Brita and Conner that she doesn't look forward to it at all.
Love sighs. "We're not looking to return, if you're here to bring us home. Not even sure if any of the city-born even want that now."
Brita is still intrigued by the water cadence, although she is listening to the adult discussion as well. She pulls a little on her heritage to see if she can chill a section of water between her hands to create a small ball of sluggish ice water.
Brita can. It melts if she stops concentrating on it. It feels pleasantly cool after the exertion of swimming out here.
"The New Queen Celina does Not Require Your return. This Appears to be Your Home now," Brita says. She makes another small ball of icy water and nudges it towards the children. She expects it to melt, but create a cool current by the time it reaches them.
Conner nods in agreement. "We are not here to bring you back but any who fled because of the deposed Queen Moire would be welcome to return if they wished." Conner pauses there to see their reaction if any to Rebma's change in governance.
The adults look relieved. The children less so. "We thank you, but we are happy here, as long as our hosts will have us."
A rush of water indicates that something large has swum up behind the pair from Amber. Unity stops abruptly and kneels, as does her husband and children. Without seeing him, Brita can tell by the smell that it is a Triton, or one of their kin.
"I know of no effort to change things, children," says a deep voice from the great creature. This Triton is smaller than several that Conner has seen, but is still a heavily muscled man with the lower body of a fish or eel. The large creature swims to the surface where he can face both Conner and Brita and Unity's family as well.
"Who has come to the Dragon's doman?" He doesn't sound hostile, but he doesn't sound tremendously friendly, either.
Brita also shifts slightly, putting herself almost protectively in front of the small family and facing the Triton. She does not kneel or bow, but awaits Conner's diplomatic tongue.
"I am Conner, son of Fiona, and bearer of the Paxblade. This is my sister, Brita." Conner introduces. He also does not kneel or bow. "Are you the acolyte the children told us about?"
The acolyte has a small number of facial tattoos, unlike some of the more elaborate ones Conner recalls on Tritons.
"I am. Are you here to see the Hierophant?" The two children look on, wide eyed.
Brita continues to let Conner lead their side of the conversation. He is so much better at it.
Conner smiles. "If the Hierophant will grant us audience, we would be honored." He replies easily. "Please lead us if you will."
"Of course," the fish-man says. "Follow me."
Conner waves a farewell to the family. "Thank you for your help. Be well."
Brita also bids her thanks with a head bow of farewell to the family.
The acolyte moves at a reasonable pace through the forest, moving stalks of the great kelp rather than going around them. He leaves a trail, but it only clear for moments before the forest rights itself. Brita thinks this would be a difficult place to fight in and a worse one to try to be a Ranger in.
After some distance, they arrive at a much larger clearing next to a cliffside. All up and down the cliffs are caves, and it's clear this is a residence of Tritons. "Follow closely, so that you do not get lost," their triton tells them.
He swims into the city and the crowd of tritons going about their business within. They attract some stares, but no one is in outright awe of them.
The largest, deepest cave entrance, down in the darkest part of the valley cut from the walls, is their destination. The temple is a tall affair, with columns running 50 feet to the domed roof. The columns are decorated like the stalks of seaweed and have perching bars on them for the tritons to rest on. There are glyphs everywhere, and some of them are in magical runes that are difficult to look at.
The acolyte nods. "I will inform the Hierophant of your arrival, Guarantor."
Before the Triton swims off Conner asks, "Does this temple have a name?"
He smiles apologetically. "Not in your languages."
The triton swims away leaving Brita and Conner temporarily alone in the outer parts of the temple.
"Guarantor." Conner echoes. "I don't even to seek new titles, they just find me." Conner chuckles. "What do you make of these runes, sister?" Conner asks. He takes a moment to open his Third Eye and examine the place with new senses.
Brita gives a short bark of laughter. "You do seem to pick up titles regularly. Pretty soon we will just have to call you 'Lord Conner, The End All, Be All'. The runes seem...odd," she agrees. She also hesitantly opens her Third Eye to see what is around them.
In the third eye's view, the runes twist into different spaces and shapes. The pillars are inscribed with words in Mabrahoring, the true language of Sorcery, and the native tongue of the Lords of the Courts of Chaos, or so the lore of sorcery teaches. It is the language that suppresses order and enforces will on raw Chaos. The inscriptions shine brightly and crisply in the air.
If this is the language of the Dragon and her sons, then she is a true Lord of Chaos.
The shapes of the runes and the dialect seem archaic and based on Principles of Sorcery that neither Conner nor Brita know. There's a religious style to them, as if they are prayers. "May He who prays/contemplates this sigil gain the blessing of ____ to do his duty to the Mother."
There's something about the runes that's similar to the facial tattoos of the Tritons, but it's not clear why they seem related.
The walls of the temple seem to prevent the third eye from showing details beyond this space, which indicates that it has been here long enough to impact the magical world.
Conner examines the structure in silence for a long moment. "You know Sister, I fully expected something this impressive and disturbing within Nedra. I just didn't expect to find it so close to the edge." Conner turns back to the runes again. "I am beginning to regret not convincing Ambrose to join us. Greater experience in Sorcery and languages than mine are needed here. Can you make any sense of it?"
"Other than the Religious Aspect, No." Brita shakes her head. She takes careful note of the most common symbols and ones that remind her of the tattoos with her artist's eye. "The Triton Tattoos May be Their Homage to These," she says with a wave of her hand at the pillars that causes a small wash of water to caress the nearest carvings, "Or a way to Carry the Magic Afield."
"I begin to wonder if every Triton in Rebma could call upon the power of their Mother were the Pattern not there to hinder things." Conner muses. "They could even be a necessary protection for a Chaotic being consigned to live long term in a Pattern realm. Perhaps I shall work up the courage to ask." Conner smiles at Brita.
The pair sense a movement in the water and a different Triton is at the door. Tritons do not age as humans do, not even as humans in Rebma. This triton isn't obviously old, but he has been through quite a bit. His upper torso is scarred and he's missing 2 fingers from his left hand. His fish-parts are similarly damaged and he's missing some scales.
"Hello, Pax bearer," he says, simply.
Conner idly wonders if this Triton was there at the war between the Dragon and Amber all those many years ago. "Hierophant." Conner nods to the Triton. "I have come to ensure that the peace between the Dragon and Rebma stands firm and perhaps to seek the wisdom of the Mother in these changing times."
Brita also nods a greeting to the triton, perhaps a little deeper than Conner's nod. She awaits the response.
"We welcome the enduring peace. The wisdom of our ancient and eternal mother is rewarding in both the seeking and the finding. I will do my best to impart what I can of it unto you. But on your first matter: on what terms does the City wish to interact with the Forest, in these, as you call them, 'changing times'?"
Brita is going to remain mostly quiet in these negotiations.
Conner considers for a moment. "As two sovereign realms that share a common border and perhaps common interests. In the past, the terms of interaction between City and Forest has been not to interact at least officially. Yet now I see that those of the City have sought refuge in the Forest and many from the Kelplands have joined their brothers in the City in recent days. What is the Forest's position on those that cross the borders?" Conner asks.
The Heirophant of the forest nods. He curls his tail around a large stalk of kelp that rises up into the darkness. "In numbers, and when acting in concert, the presence of your people disturbs the serenity of our mother. We wish neither your foresters nor your adventurers to enter this realm without permission.
"We have no objection to our citizens entering your realm, but we would support you if you had such concerns."
"It would be Difficult to Ensure No crossings of the Full Forest Border, but a Known Gate for Travelers could be Used as a Focal Point to Bring those that Pass Through," Brita suggests quietly.
"Part of me likes that idea if only because I want our Uncle Huon to build something large, heavy and symbolic." Conner replies with a smile. "Still, for all that we wish these borders respected, I don't think building along the edges would be taken favorably." Conner turns back to the Heirophant. "Have there been many 'adventurers' as you put it entering the Forest?" Conner asks.
The old fish-man listens gravely. "No, not many. Some merely used the forest to get further away from the city; they travelled quickly away. A few we had to expel. Some we did not find before they discovered that they were not suited to survival amongst the creatures of the forest. There are darker parts of the deep green sea that are more hostile towards encroachment, places where Thari never replaced Mabrahoring as the mode of speech.
"Those places prefer to have us as a buffer between themselves and you.
"The adventurers were for the most part fleeing the war. Even if we and our mother find them disturbing, we wish them no harm if they do not intend to stay."
"What must they Do If they Wish to Stay?" Brita asks.
The shrug of a Triton is a long gesture, involve a great deal of a very long body. "For the most part, convince me that it would be less just to expel them then to allow them to stay as well as convincing me that they will cause no harm."
He pauses. 'We don't often offer sanctuary, but we have yet to find that we have made a regrettable choice."
"Those fleeing the most recent conflict around Rebma are welcome to return without fear for their safety." Conner informs the Heirophant. "If I can be of assistance in clearing them from the Forest, I shall do so."
"I can Assist as well," Brita notes. "Are there Those You wish Gone still in The Forest?"
"A kind offer, I am sure. But hardly the precedent we wish to set. Nor do we want their fear of you to drive them deeper towards our wild brothers."
He pauses. "Are there specific individuals that you are hunting for, perhaps, that you wish to combine these missions?"
For a question basically asking if you have any ulterior motives in entering the forest, it is remarkably polite.
"All of the members of that army that we were hunting for we have caught." Conner replies. "But the people that Huon brought as part of his army come from places claimed by cousins of mine as their birth place and the fate of those people are of concern to them. My interest is only to facilitate their return to their homeland as courtesy to those cousins. If you would spread the message that the men of Abford and the Ponca can return in safety, it would be appreciated."
Conner turns his head to gaze at the glyphs of the Temple. "If may switch topics, Hierophant, I see that the Mother bestows may gifts upon Her sons. Is the gift of prophecy amongst them?"
The triton follows Conner's gaze. "The old language is the Mother's language. Prophecy is a rare grace, and a difficult burden for those who are so gifted, but it sometimes manifests in our people. There have been different manifestations over the long years. The most disturbing being those who seem to truly be partially unstuck in time.
"They make me question my dearly held belief in free will. Do you think there is such a thing, Lord Conner? Does it fit in your cosmology?"
"I do believe in free will as it happens, Hierophant," Conner replies. "but it also clear that some wills are freer than others. Sorcery, Pattern and other manifestations of what I think of as Real all seem to boil down to the impositions of one's will on the Universe including its inhabitants. Can I prove that my actions are not orchestrated by another? With my family's skill at manipulation, I am not sure that I can." Conner chuckles. "But it certainly feels to me that my choices are my own." Conner turns to Brita. "What do you think sister? Your time as a Goddess should lend you unique perspective to the topic."
"The Waters of Destiny flow Through All; although the Norn may Carve One's Destiny at the Base of Yggdrasil, Each can Affect that Carving - Diverting the Waters, Causing a Ripple Here or There that makes its way Back to Push the Hand Making the Carving in a Different Direction." Brita looks at the carvings, then shrugs and adds, "We can Choose to Make That Effect or just Let It Happen."
The Hierophant nods. "The illusion of free will is hard to accept and hard to disprove. One may always be argued to be predestined to believe in it." He shrugs. "Our theologians say we have freedom as a gift from the Mother, who embodies both total freedom and the imperative of order to create total stasis."
"But I ramble on. Forgive me, so few of my fellows are interested in discussing theology with me anymore. Did you wish me to find you a diviner?"
"Not exactly." Conner replies. "While I was on the battlefield before Rebma, a Son of the Dragon sought me out by name and spoke a prophecy about me that he said was a gift from the Mother. He gave his name as Amphiaraus, child of Oecles of the Second Temple. Can you tell me anything about this person?"
Brita awaits an answer.
"The Second Temple?" The Heirophant frowns. "'Amphiaraus' isn't a name, it means 'twice cursed'. What was the prophecy?"
Conner also frowns at the translation but does not comment. Conner takes a moment to concentrate and then speaks in the closest approximation to the Triton's cadence and timbre.
"I am Amphiaraus, child of Oecles of the Second Temple, I am granted visions by our Mother Dragon. Beware the Paxblade, Conner! It brings watery death by the Curse of Cneve. It thirsts for blood and prefers the taste of those you are close to."
"Hear me Amphiaraus, child of Oecles!" Conner calls. "Speak to me of your visions! What has the Dragon shown you of the Curse of Cneve?" He demands of the seer.
"The Dark Mother shows much to those with eyes to see, landcreature. You would be wise to heed the warning of the Second Temple, for your fate is dire. I see the bearer of the Paxblade dying in flames."
"Then you did not see me in this vision, did you?" Conner pressed. "Your vision showed you an indeterminate figure that bears the Paxblade burning."
"Mock my words if you will, but I saw you or your mirror image in flames with the blade in hand. Waste not what guidance the Mother shows, for it is a sign of her interest and mercy that such was sent at all to the split-tailed."
Conner drops from his light trance and looks to the Hierophant for his reaction.
The Heirophant is visibly upset, and his tail twitches in short, agitated motions.
"The Dark Mother is a heresy. You are kind to bring this matter to me, Paxwarden. I had no idea that the heretics had infiltrated our forces. It may be disregarded, except as a warning to be wary of the second temple's Titons. They may decide to make their own prophecy come true."
The great being intentionally calms his motions. "And on that note, I find I must take care of urgent business. I will have an honor escort assigned to help you return to your waters."
"Please, one more question before we go, Hierophant." Conner presses. "These heretics are among the Tritons now in Rebma. I would know want threat they pose. What is this cult of the Dark Mother? What are their aims?"
"Heresy and Prophecy. Could They be Related to the Paresh?" Brita asks Conner quietly.
"It does appear to be a leitmotif in the Universe lately." Conner murmurs back before returning his attention to the Heirophant.
The Hierophant stops. "Of course. It is not a thing we speak of. It is Heresy even in the Second Temple. In the dark days after our defeat, things were difficult in the forest. Some re-formed a cult from our ancient of days. They believe in blood sacrifice, and think our worship of Mother Dragon is corrupt, and our weakness the cause of the loss.
"They are not to be tolerated. If you suspect one of being sympathetic to their aims, tell a priest at the temple and it will be dealt with. Speaking of which, I must go."
He turns to depart.
"We thank you for your time Hierophant, and depart in peace." Conner nods to the Hierophant in farewell.
The Hierophant stops, waves a complex blessing towards them, and departs. Brita and Conner find themselves alone in the nave of the temple again, although it doesn't appear anyone is coming immediately to deal with them.
"Well, Blood Sacrifice doesn't Sound like the Paresh - they Seemed to be more Pacifists," Brita notes, "But they Could be Related. Religious Contention is High, though."
"When Thalia was kidnapped by Tritons, her assailants dressed her in a white robe." Conner comments. "I said at the time that it had the feel of something ritual. Now I feel sure of it."
"Queen Vialle's Abduction Scene also Felt like Ritual," Brita notes as they begin to make their way back out of the city. "There Appear to be Many Advances Against the Family. Is the Common Thread those like The Paresh or some Controlled Play of Dara's Design? Or of the Former Queens of Watery Rebma or Ethereal Tir-Na Nog'th?" Brita is struggling to find a pattern to all that has occurred.
"I believe the common thread is the death of Oberon and the destruction of Amber's Pattern." Conner replies. "Many things were held in check by both and without those counterweights, reality thrashes about the new fulcrums of power until either a new balance can be reached or the whole system spins out of control."
"But Thrashing implies More Chaos to me. This Seems Interwoven...or I am Reading Into the Design Too Much," Brita tilts her head slightly in an altered shrug as she continues to swim as if to acknowledge the possibility. She is a silent for a bit and then asks, "How do We Best Assist in Finding the Balance of Power, Brother?"
Conner shrugs eloquently. "Well I've been focusing on the Rebman side of the equation obviously and I think Rebma ruled by a Pattern wielder will ultimately be to our advantage." Conner replies. "The Queenship is bound by the power of throne and jewel and the tokens of sword and scepter. We have the sword, the scepter and the throne. We lack the Jewel and that means tracking down Moire most likely so that was highest on my to do list for keeping Rebma secure. Now however, we have this potential threat from within the Triton ranks. That disturbs me most of all. I have no wish to fight Tritons again."
"I do not Wish to Fight Them Either," Brita agrees. "We will Warn our Cousin Queen of the Threat and Continue Your Tracking. Regaining the Bonds of the Throne seems of Primary Importance.
"On that note sister," Conner moves a little closer. "what are our options for a quick exit via Trump should the Hierophant's escort either fail to materialize or be a more permanent way of removing us?"
"If my Shell Sketch still Works, I can Move us to The Fire Gate," Brita shifts to pull out the shell and test its viability. Is it still cool to the touch?
Hard to tell underwater, but it seems so. Brita thinks it still has power, but isn't sure how many transfers the exotic material will support.
"And if it doesn't, have we a back-up Trump?" Conner asks. "Preferably one you have had the time to make permanent. I mislike relying on temporary in a place of flux such as this."
"Trumps, however Powerful, are Still just cards and would not Deal Well in this Watery Environ," Brita notes. She stops swimming and pulls her hands around in front of her, arcing her fingers as if holding a largish ball. She concentrates her will on the water to attempt to separate out the elements she wants to form a small pocket of air. Assuming her purification is complete, she notes to Conner, "I Can Create a Pocket to Open a Trump - Perhaps to Mother or a Place like The Boneyard? But You will have to Handle the Trump and the Connection - When We go Through - Can Get Wet."
Brita's air pocket seems ideal for the purpose. It's easier to purify water in this forest than it is closer to Rebma. Conner could open a case in it and use a trump.
There doesn't seem to be any notice from any of the Tritons. No one seems to be anywhere near them, much less interested in their doings.
Conner nods at Brita's analysis. "The promised escort seems not to have been arranged and I don't think snooping around here would be taken very well." Conner opines. "So let's try your shell Trump and depart."
Brita nods and the bubble disperses. She pulls out the shell and concentrates on the image, waiting on flames to flicker in the image before reaching for Conner to pass through.
Brita opens a connection and can pass Conner through.
Conner passes through and turns to await his sister's arrival.
After passing Conner through, Brita attempts to follow.
Brita and Conner stand on the path into Rebma near one of the torch stands. They are not at the wall, but it is within sight. It looks like there are guards taking note of them, although no one has started moving towards them yet.
"Well, That Worked," Brita sounds a little surprised. "I'll Have to Check the Shell Again at some point to Reinforce It." She slips it back into a pocket and waves a greeting at a nearby guard. She'll wait for Conner to lead the way back.
"I too am pleasantly surprised." Conner remarks. "Now let's get back to the city. We have quite a story to tell." Conner hails the guards and gets them to send a swimmer ahead of them to let the Queen know that Conner and Brita have returned with news and must speak with her. Conner then swims briskly to Rebma.
Brita follows Conner, the pace not allowing for much discussion.
The pair swims, not faster than the courier, but not far behind her. When they arrive at the castle, they are offered breakfast and informed that the queen has been notified that they have arrived.
The breakfast that is laid out is minimal, but servants bring in new dishes very quickly.
Last modified: 28 June 2014