The faire gathers up and follows Robin (and Pen).
Pen notices the two bronzes playing at dominance, each angling to be the first through the doorway. Just before a collision would've been unavoidable, the golden queen makes a loud "peep" noise and the bronzes both pop out of existence and reappear on the far side of the door, making noises at each other.
When they get to Robin's quarters, Pen thinks it may well have been made for royalty, but Robin doesn't use it that way.
The outer room of Robin's suite is a cluttered jackdaw mess. The furniture (what one can see of it) is finely made but is buried beneath... things. Feathers, shiny stones, seashells, a stone thumb, pinecones and other miscellanea gather in corners, stack on tables, or fill chairs. It's one of those messes that the owner of knows where everything is, but to others is just a mystery.
In the center of the outer room is a crate made of some slick-looking, unnatural material, perhaps demonhide, or some exotic metal.
"Oooo," Robin croons, "They brought the whole crate." She sets the faire down and crouches before the crate. "I hope it's still open." Robin tries to lift the lid.
Someone thoughtfully put a cloth over the locking mechanism to keep it from re-engaging.
The crate contents are as Robin remembers them. The "painting" in its own crate, a crossbow with a bayonet on the end, and anything else her cousins didn't take as souvenirs.
Peep lands on the lip of the crate and looks in to see for herself.
Pen is generally unfamiliar with crossbows but recognizes a weapon when she sees one, especially one with the bayonet attachment.
"That looks like properly menacing. . . How does it work?"
"This is a crossbow," Robin states, taking it out of the crate and handling it gently with attention to weapon-safety. "It's not as fast or as accurate as a trained archer. But it is easy to train in and use."
Holding the crossbow out for Pen's perusal, Robin continues, "This ratchet here pulls the bow string back and locks it to this pinion. A quarrel is then inserted along the groove. Then one points and pulls this trigger releasing the bow string. And poof, shot quarrel.
"This and the other things in this crate belonged to my cousin, Reid. He was captured, experimented on and finally killed by the Klybesian monks. They capture us when they can and attempt to figure out what makes us... us." Robin waves her hand vaguely. "It was one of their bases that our kin were raiding earlier. And now that you are known to be Family, they might make an attempt to capture you as well. So, please be wary of them."
"I can see where you still need skill to aim it, but not much strength to loose the quarrel. There could be merit in such a weapon," says Pen.
"These Klybesians concern me. Has the family ever captured any of these terrible monks?"
"One of them deserted to our side. I believe he hangs around with Signy - another cousin of ours. But I think he was only a low or mid-level type. Otherwise, I don't think so. That's one of the reasons so many people jumped on the opportunity to surprise ransack one of their bases. I hope they've brought back prisoners or at least, intel. The monks themselves are very good at segmenting their organization on a 'Needs to Know' basis so we're having trouble getting ahead on that particular threat. But there were enough of us there that hopefully we're making some headway."
"Was the Trump portrait you were looking for here or are we off to Gerard's room?" asks Pen.
"It's here," Robin says as she pulls out a smaller crate. Carefully opening it, Robin reveals a framed 'painting' of a forested grove.
"This is a tattoo that Reid made on a prisoner." Robin's voice is fond and not at all creepy. "I'm glad it's been preserved. And, hopefully, it will transport us to the grove in Arden that it depicts.
"But first, I need to get out of these Naval duds and back into trail gear. It'll just be a minute." Robin chirps as she opens the door to the inner chamber, which at a brief glance is as cluttered with natural 'finds' as the outer room.
Robin leaves the door cracked open in case Pen wants to say anything.
After a few moments, Robin reappears now dressed much as the Rangers of Arden were; brown leather pants, a green woolen shirt and a brown suede tunic. Soft comfortable boots cradle her feet. And she's added a good, but not great, bow and quiver to her arsenal.
"Okay, the grove we're Trumping to may not be secure, so keep your wits and your weapons ready." So saying, Robin holds one hand out to Pen as she reaches for the painting with the other.
The Trump is exactly as Robin remembers it and is cold to the touch, so she and Pen can step through.
Reid's Trump deposits Pen and Robin in a forested glade which is, or at least was, on what was supposed to be the shadowpath between Amber and the Rhodanic Counties, where citizens of Amber were trying to go during the hungry times of the Regency. Robin's never been the whole way down the path to the so-called Rhodanic Counties, so she doesn't know if it was a real place or not, but she does know people believed there was, and were instead tricked into the clutches of the slavers Reid investigated.
Now, though, Robin and Pen are on another task: going back toward Amber the city, where Caine has Trumps of Llewella in Rebma and of someone or other in Paris who can help Robin make the transits for the Ladies that she promised them. Then, hopefully, they can quickly get back to Arden proper and helping Julian.
Robin takes a deep breath upon entering Arden and seems to expand within the great Primal forest, returning at last to her natural environment. With a quick gesture, Robin frees the firelizards to fly as they want. Everybody's happier and more... themselves now that they are outside of walls and expectations.
As she gets ready to leave the glade, Robins whistles out a brief Cadence message of 'Robin. Passing Through.' to any Rangers who might be in earshot. Then, waiving to Pen, Robin strides off down the path toward Amber. She sets a ground-eating pace through the forest, instinctually dodging obstacles and moving as though one with the green. Robin is mindful of Pen's ability and state of health as they travel but doesn't seem inclined to conversation.
After what seems a short time, the trees of Amber thin and the great mountain of Kolvir becomes visible. And cradled upon it, what was once the Jewel of Reality -- Amber.
For Pen, this is a very different approach than seeing the castle, and, to the extent that she got a look from the castle, the city of Xanadu. Where everything in Xanadu was new and vibrant, the City of Amber looks a bit rickety and worn. There has been an earthquake in the last few years, and both the castle on the mountain and parts of the city, including the walls, were damaged and at least partially repaired. The original work is all beautiful, but the reconstruction has been more haphazard; the residents were clearly limited in time and materials. It's kind of a sad place: the city has more room than it has people, a bigger harbor than it needs for the number of ships, and if Pen's experience of Xanadu is any guide, room for more royals than it has.
But here they are.
"I don't know what I was expecting, but this isn't exactly it," says Pen. "There's an odd sense of familiarity though, in the bright water, the slope of the mountain, and the architecture of the Castle, but I know I've never been here."
Robin nods wistfully. "It was once the model for all cities. And in my heart, it still is; damaged or no.
"Well,come on. Let's dive in." The Ranger smiles to Pen and leads the way out of the forest and into the underpopulated streets of Amber. Coming into the city seems to diminish Robin a little but she soldiers on, obviously knowing her way. They pass open shops and closed shops, lived-in dwellings and rubble, eventually climbing up the side of the mountain to the castle walls.
At the gate, Robin announces herself and Pen to the guards and asks to be directed to Prince Caine.
The staff of the castle mostly seems to be naval folk, some of whom have been grounded out of naval life by injury. Robin suspects some of them are survivors of the war who were unable to return to sea. A runner is sent to advise Prince Caine of their presence and they're offered food and drink and a chance to freshen up while they wait.
Prince Caine is willing to see them, of course, and soon enough they're ushered into his office. It used to be Gerard's office during the Regency, but Caine has made it his own, with maps of shorelines and shadowpaths all over the walls.
Caine is dressed in green and has a bit of a swarthy look about him. His smile is cool and his walk suggests he's spent much of his life at sea with a sword on his hip. "Sir Robin, and Captain Penthelisea. Welcome to Castle Amber. Is there news I should know."
Robin's been practicing so she keeps her instinctive dislike of Caine off her face and out of the firelizards minds. "Thank you for your welcome." She nods. Even though, she always felt a little lost in Amber Castle, it was her home for a while And she's happy to be in it once more.
"I think the most recent developments are that Queen Vialle, and any passengers she may or may not have, is in the wind. And Brennan is investigating the possibility of restoring Amber. You know that the King and Princess Fiona have been restored, yes? And that there was a raid on a large Klybesian facility that netted us a slew of new cousins?"
Caine nods. "His Majesty made an appearance yesterday evening and caught me up on related matters, thank you."
"The Captain here was not part of that raid but came to us through Arden. Brita has named her a cousin and me and my sisters have adopted her into the clan of Ysabeau."
Caine smiles tightly at Pen. "Welcome to the family, Captain. You've chosen wisely in your circle of close kin."
"But we actually came to see to the disposition of Lady Morgne, Lady Laudine and Sir Ywain. Are they still in residence? And would you be willing to use some of your Trumps to see them on their final destinations?"
"They are still in residence. If I have the Trumps you need, then I will certainly be glad to assist. To whom do you need to speak?" Caine asks.
Pen nods, and then just to be safe, bows slightly. "Fortune has made for a curious dance partner these last few days, but being adopted into the House of Ysabeau is a great blessing. It is a pleasure to meet you, Prince Caine. I am surprisingly rich with uncles after growing up solely amongst Amazons. Thank you for your kindness."
Caine nods and says, "You're welcome."
Robin smiles as Pen introduces herself. She does have a plethora of Uncles nowadays. Aunts too.
"I was hoping to reach Princess Llewella in Rebma and maybe Princess Florimel, if she is in Paris."
"I have the trumps and you're welcome to the loan of Llewella's. Unfortunately Flora is out of the city on business, but Corwin has returned to Paris and I can loan you his Trump instead," Caine says. He opens a drawer in his desk and pulls out his deck of cards.
"Thank you." Robin nods. "I'm hoping I can just pass the Ladies through, but I might need to accompany them. How long of a loan were you thinking of?"
Caine's eyebrows rise a little. "I was going to offer to facilitate right now, but if you need more time, that can be arranged." To Pen he doesn't seem to be judging Robin so much as having an expectation of quick, orderly transport; she recognizes his like from Amazon leaders she's known.
"I'm not anticipating needing more time," Robin is swift to answer. "I'm just covering my bases."
Caine nods. "One never knows when one might be pulled into a surprise meeting or rescue. To answer your question, the shortest possible time is that I loan you the use of a trump without it leaving my hands. How long did you think you might want to have the two?"
"An hour or two is what I'm aiming for." Robin nods. "Pen and I need to get to Arden sooner rather than later."
Caine relaxes (as much as he ever does, being Caine) and hands the cards over. "Don't bring any horses through inside the castle. When you're done, return them to me here."
"No horses." Robin nods in understanding as she takes the cards. "Thank you.
"Do you know where I might find the Ladies?"
Caine says "No, but there's almost certainly a naval attache outside the door who makes it his business to know that. They pride themselves on never getting caught not knowing a thing."
He doesn't explicitly gesture towards the door.
"Thank you," Robin repeats with a slight bow. Then gesturing to Pen, she proceeds out the non-gestured-to door in search of a naval attache.
A smartly dressed young man almost snaps to attention when Robin and Pen leave the office. He looks like a Sailor of Amber's Navy, but of the officer class rather than the dockside seaman type. The buttons on his jacket are all identical. And shiny.
Protocol, apparently, requires Robin (or Pen) to speak first.
Robin chirps right up. "Hi. I’m Robin and this is Pen. Can you please take us to Lady Morgne?"
"Who is Lady Morgne?" Pen asks quietly.
"Of course, Sir Robin. If you will follow me?"
"Lead the way." Robin replies with a sweeping gesture.
He waits for Robin's assent and then moves off to lead them toward what Robin thinks of as the guest quarters as used during the Regency. Of course, they had to rearrange everything after the tower collapsed, so that's where the guests were, such as they were, after the Sundering. Pen recognizes the type, despite the obvious differences. Junior, efficient, and working the palace of the connections and promotions. He's probably ambitious, and may not be twenty. He doesn't address her question, assuming it's for Robin.
As the three walk through the Castle, Robin answers Pen just as quietly. "Lady Morgne and her Champion, Sir Ophichius, were one half of an ancient outpost I found during my travels in the Shadows near Arden. There was no longer any need for them to still be there by they were bound by a blood oath. I... didn't like the trap they were in. So I broke it and promised them and their counterparts that I would see them to new situations. Lady Morgne and Sir Ophichius to Rebma. Lady Laudine and Sir Ywain to Paris. I've already checked with the rulers of those two kingdoms and the Ladies and their Knights are welcome. Now I just have to see them there."
The naval attaché leads you through several corridors to a small tower and climbs to the top. Morgne is in the outer suite, having tea and writing in a large book. She's near the beginning of whatever it is.
She puts her book aside and rises when Robin enters.
"Sir Robin! How good of you to come."
"Lady Morgne. It is good to see you again. May I introduce my adopted sister, Captain Penthelisea?"
Morgne bows towards Pen. "Captain, It is my pleasure. Your sister has been a great friend to us.
"Is there word from my husband in Rebma, Sir Robin?"
Robin shakes her head. "No word that has reached me. But I was wondering if you’d care to join him. I am in possession of a Family magic that would transport you to my Aunt, Princess Llewella, who is currently in residence in Rebma."
Pen advances and grips Lady Morgne's wrist in Amazonian fashion, adding "May your spear arm be strong, your temper steady, your stratagems cunning, and your aim true."
Morgne grips hers as well, and her grasp is firm and strong. "Thank you, Captain. As a Sorceress, only about half of those apply, but I certainly wish you the same."
She turns to Robin, "While your uncle the regent is a charming and handsome young man, I would prefer to get settled in with Ophiuchus as soon as I can."
Robin nods. "We can help you to Rebma as soon as you are ready. Do you have anything you need to gather?
"Also, I apologize but I will not be able to accompany you. There is a war I need to attend to as soon as possible. I am intending to pass you to my aunt, Princess Llewella. I am sure she will be as charming if not as handsome as my uncle." Robin finishes with a smile.
"Ah, war," she says, nodding. "Yes. Please send me to your aunt. I have no doubt that she will be as charming as your uncle, who I suspect was only charming in his attempts to see if we could be convinced to betray our nefarious plans. It was flattering for a bit to consider that he might be interested in me as a woman, but I suspect he was simply acting."
Robin chuckles at Morgne's description of Caine. She never thought of him as flirting, even with a purpose.
She turns. "I have no things I care about that are not on my person. I am ready when you are."
"Very well," Robin nods. And takes out the Trump of Llewella that she borrowed from Caine. She concentrates on the image doing her best to keep her thoughts quiet and ordered.
Llewella replies, from a conference room in the Palace. She's ready to take Morgne, and sends someone to summon Ophiuchus.
Robin thanks her Aunt for the thought. And taking Morgne's hand, moves her forward.
"If you would thank your uncle and his staff for their hospitality, I would be grateful," Morgne says, stepping through the contact.
Robins nods. "I will do so. I hope you enjoy your stay in Rebma. It has been a pleasure to work with you." Robin says in farewell as she hands Morgne off through the Trump contact.
Morgne disappears in a coruscating rainbow flash of light which quickly fades. Llewella nods her thanks and closes the trump contact.
Robin nods in farewell.
The hall is still and dim once again.
Robin carefully replaces Caine's Trump of Llewella in her card case and tucks in back into an inner vest pocket.
"Okay, one down. A pair to go." she says to Pen. "Let's see if there is another earnest young attache available." Robin opens the door to the hallway, looking around.
Pen assists in the search for another attache. "So next Lady Laudine and Sir Ywain to Paris, correct? And that's via the card for Uncle...she pauses to remember...Corwin, yes?"
"Yep." Robin chirps, though she wrinkles her nose at the thought of contacting Corwin by Trump. "Also known as King Corwin of Paris." she elucidates.
The search is quick and fruitful, since the same attache is waiting in the hall. "May I be of further assistance, Sir Robin?"
"Yes, please. Could you take us to Lady Laudine?" Robin keeps her perkiness up, but it's an effort. The Castle feels so dead to her and she's determined not to get lost in front of Pen.
The young naval officer bows, and leads the way.
Lady Laudine is also quickly located, although she is not in chambers. She and Sir Ywain are in the salon, practicing with swords.
After a few more passes, they come to a stop. Robin thinks Ywain has spent more time with a sword than Laudine has. And she's pretty sure she could take Ywain, unless Laudine was doing magic. Which she probably would be doing.
Laudine takes off her fencing mask. "Hello Sir Robin, it's good to see a slightly familiar face," she greets her. Sir Ywain nods in greeting as well.
"Well met." Robin smiles to Lady Laudine and returns Ywain's nod. "This is my adopted sister, Captain Penthelisea. Pen -- this is Lady Laudine and Sir Ywain."
"A pleasure, Captain. Amber's military was always amongst the finest," replies Ywain.
Laudine smiles at his assumptions.
"I've come to see about getting you two to Paris. King Corwin has agreed to your presence as long as you acknowledge him as King and abide by his laws. I can send you there now, if you'd like. But I'm afraid I cannot accompany you. I have pressing business in Arden."
"Oh, that's too bad," Lady Laudine says. "Assuming we settle in well, we'll be as happy to have you visit us in Paris as in Amber."
"I'd be happy to see you too. I'm sure I'll be in Paris eventually." Robin says.
They send for their things, and when they arrive, are ready to be passed through to Corwin.
Robin is somewhat reluctant to take out the Trump of Corwin. She takes extra care not to let either her natural distaste for the man, nor her exultation at her remembered vision color her emotions as she concentrates on his image.
Corwin answers directly and, when reminded of the arrangements, replies. "Oh, yes, I recall. They're in Amber? I wish Caine had said something about it. I was just there this afternoon."
"Oh. I'm sorry I missed you. When we have time - later - I need to talk something over with you." Okay, so maybe a little bit of exultation slips through.
"At your convenience. I'm always happy to spend time with my Nieces and Nephews." He's probably only half-lying.
The knight and the sorceress are passed through to Corwin in a rainbow coruscating flash of light, leaving the cousins alone in the fencing salon.
Robin thanks Corwin for his help and closes the Trump call as quickly as is polite.
Once done, she turns to Pen. "Okay, return the Trumps to Caine and then off to war in the Green." Robin says with an undercurrent of glee in her voice. She'd much rather be creating mayhem than making stoopid Trump calls. But she did promise.
The Aide de Camp will lead them to Caine again (or just take the cards to him, if they want to entrust that task to him).
Robin will ask to be led back to Caine's office. She doesn't trust non-family members with Trumps. And especially she doesn't trust non-family members with Caine's Trumps.
When Robin (and presumably Pen) are shown back into Caine's office, Robin will return the Trumps with much thanks, report that Lady Morgne, Lady Laudine and Sir Ywain are no longer in Amber, and pass on Lady Morgne's thanks for Caine and his staff's hospitality.
Once that is done, she will excuse herself, find a private alcove and withdraw her Trump of Julian. Making sure that Pen and the Firelizards are nearby, Robin concentrates on the image of her Father.
Julian answers the Trump relatively quickly. "Who calls?"
"It's Robin, Father." Robin doesn't bother to hide the love and joy she feels at being in contact with Julian. "Captain Penthelisea and I are in Amber, but are currently free. Did you want our assistance?"
Robin can feel his answering pleasure in the contact, for all that his expression doesn't change. "I do," he says. "Come through." And he reaches for the two of them to bring them through into the camp where he's staying.
Robin grins as she gathers the firelizards to herself and gestures for Pen to put a hand on her shoulder. (Assuming Pen does) Robin then reaches out her free hand to her Father. Clasping that familiar grip, Robin steps through the Trump contact.
Pen picks up on her gesture and lays a hand firmly on Robin's shoulder.
Julian brings them both through (and is prepared for a hug from Robin should one occur).
Robin's eyes light up with glee as she throws herself into a hug with her Father. The sights, sounds and scents of a Ranger encampment in Arden fill her up as nothing else does. (Except for Vere, of course.) And the girl takes it all in with with a lightened heart.
Julian smiles warmly at Robin. "Robin, Captain Penthelisea, welcome back to Arden."
"It's good to be here, Dad." Robin bites her lip. "Thank you for your patience. I came as soon as I could."
The camp is new to Robin, which could mean a lot of things: it's temporary, it's part of a retreat, or part of an advance. It has that not-quite-makeshift feeling of a place Julian might mean to put a permanent outpost, but under the circumstances he might also choose to abandon it to the exigencies of war.
One of the noticeable things to Robin is the the mounts aren't tethered outside the camp; they're near the center of things. Of course Morgenstern is by himself, and not tethered. It's still winter here, which should reduce the Green's power, but nobody is taking any chances with the horses.
Robin notes the camp with discerning eyes, nodding as she takes in the implications. And where she will fit in. She sends a small wave to Morgenstern, mentally promising an apple later.
Morgenstern whoofles a greeting at Robin.
"We're planning a council of war this afternoon. If you need to refresh yourself or ready in any way, my pavilion is at your disposal," Julian tells Pen and Robin. "Vista hasn't returned yet," he adds, for Pen's benefit.
Robin shakes her head. "Thank you for the offer, but I don't need refreshing right now." Robin grins.
The rangers have noticed Robin's return and are clearly pleased to see her. People start wandering in from the edges of the camp. Pen notices Medic Sherrell joining in the crowd; she catches Pen's eye if she can and smiles.
Given the chance, Pen clasps Julian's hand. "It's good to be back in Arden, Warden. I thank you for your kindness, and for helping to put me on my path," she smiles, "and Sir Robin has been an excellent traveling companion and a good friend.
Robin blushes. "Captain Penthelisea has been accompanying me on some errands and has been very patient with me. Oh, and my sisters and I have adopted her into the clan of Ysabeau." Another grin from Robin puncuates that statement.
"Then you are of my close kin as well, Captain." Julian looks quite pleased by this development in his own impassive way.
"I'm sure you have much to do," Pen adds, "so I won't keep you. I'll check to see if the horses need anything."
Robin greets the gathering Rangers by name and with many hearty hugs or handshakes as they prefer. Her eyes gleam as she finds herself once more where she was meant to be.
Friends old and new greet Robin warmly. Robin notices that this camp is full of experienced and senior people. No recruits here, and of the Regency era Rangers only the best and most useful have been selected. Robin can tell this is a forward camp, possibly at the front of the line.
Pen bows, takes leave of her Uncle and strides over quickly to Medic Sherrell.
Pen, slightly overcome with emotion, gently throws her arms around her physician and keeps them there as she speaks. This is not the behavior of Pen from before.
"I'm still breathing thanks to what you did. I don't know how to repay that--" and her voice catches. She pauses, "Amazons are one extended family. You are a sister to me now. Should you ever need anything, find me or send word, and I shall find you. Your enemies are my enemies, I so swear." And the hug is concluded.
Sherrell looks a bit surprised, but a grin splits her face as Pen releases the embrace. "We're all family in the Rangers, too, so welcome to ours, Pen. If you stay with us for a while this time, I'll teach you Cadence. You'll need it."
Pen checks on the tethered horses and their custodians to see if they need any help or gear, and returns directly for the war counsel.
The horses are all well and carefully guarded. Pen can see that the Rangers assigned as grooms have armor for them: quilted gear to protect their bodies and even their legs.
Once the rituals of greeting are over, three Rangers present themselves along with Robin and Pen at Julian's pavilion.
The pavilion is almost as Robin remembers it: the camp chairs, the portable writing desk, the rugs that covers the bare ground--though at least one is new--and the tapestries that keep out the cold and separate off the sleeping area. There's a portable stove in the center of the pavilion sitting on bare ground to keep the pavilion warm.
Convening with the three Royals are Solemn, Ribbon, and Cranny. Cranny is introduced as an expert tracker; she has dark skin and an easy grin. Pen thinks she wouldn't have been out of place among the Amazons. Solemn is an older fellow, thin and narrow like the Warden, but nothing like him in coloring--where Julian is pale and dark-haired, he's tanned from being outdoors and his hair is light. He is, or was, at the Mews, and the other Rangers treat him with deference in a way that suggests he must be a leader, though he has no rank sign on him. Ribbon is a skinny woman with scars on her forearms. Her hair is shaved down to the scalp with designs painted on. If Julian hadn't described Ribbon as a she, Pen might not have made the connection, other than by default. She's an engineer of some sort.
Robin has known each of these Rangers for decades. They're all near the top of the Ranger meritocracy. Julian introduces each of them to Pen and explains that Pen is the representative of Pontus, and also of Royal blood, as it happens. That last gets a bit of wide-eye and shifting in seats and glances at Robin. Further, it is to Pen's homeland of Pontus that Vista is on mission, in hopes of securing alliance against the Green.
Solemn reports on the state of the camp and patrols. The patrols are burning out and drenching all the firelilies they can find. They're everywhere right now, and keeping them beat back is the best the Rangers can do without significant reinforcement from Amber or Xanadu or somewhere. Also it seems that the reason the horses are kept in the middle of the camp now is that the Green is going directly for them (unless the horse is Morgenstern, who seems to eat Green, though it makes his waste particularly noxious).
Ribbon is working on what sounds like a high-pressure water-spray system that might make keeping the Green back easier if she can get it working reliably.
Cranny has been exploring the new post-war paths with Totter trying to find ways to circle through to other realms in the hopes of seeking alliances against the Green. She's well disciplined in that she doesn't do more than glance at Robin when she talks about the paths.
Robin takes in the briefings quietly; her brow furrowed in thought. A brief snort of amusement escapes her at the thought of conjuring up some firelily-eating goats or something. She's concerned that the Green is targeting the horses, but that's where she first came across the Green so it's not that surprising. She's curious about Ribbon's waters-sprayer but she withholds judgement until she can see it in actions.
The point of the water sprayers is to help put out the firelillies. The Green is riding their trail down every path out of Arcadia, toward Amber and elsewhere. This is how Vista found Pen: chasing down the Firelilly path.
Shadow Paths though. Robin's always been good at Shadow Paths. Though diplomacy on the other end might be tricky....
Julian has every confidence in Robin, of course.
Julian now asks Robin and Pen for their news, and for any additional questions Robin or Pen may have.
Robin doesn't have any questions. She's the type to figure things out on her own; often by running straight into them. Or poking them with a sharp stick. Maybe licking them.
Robin gladly shares with the Rangers that the throne of Xanadu is quite secure with the King doing well. Though if any should stumble across Queen Vialle, she is to be taken into gentle custody. Conversely, Moire is still at large and if found should be captured with extreme prejudice. Robin will touch briefly on the Klybesian raid and the plethora of new Cousins it unveiled. She will name her new Cousins to the Rangers so that they know if any show up in Arden or affiliated places. She continues with the telling that the truce with the Moonriders seems to be holding and that First to the Fray is a fine... person. She finishes with a broad smile as she says how glad she is to be back in Arden and pledging herself to whatever the Warden sees fit.
Julian looks at Robin and Pen. "Robin, I think that you should work on the Paths with the goal of fencing in the Green to Arcadia from all sides. Pen, I think that if you want to go with Robin, Robin should start with a visit to Pontus. If you'd rather work with the Rangers here, she can go another way. What say you both?"
Pen nods, "If Ser Robin would visit Pontus, I would be honored to make introductions to the Queen. It would do my heart good to see the land of my birth again. A formal alliance could be struck."
"If Robin is agreeable--" and Julian's tone suggests he knows she will be "--that sounds like the best course." He smiles at the Rangers, a rare praise for the group. "Is there anything else?"
Robin grins and nods her agreement. Visiting Pontus, Land of the Excellent Bows, is fine with her. But she also nods her understanding of Julian's point of working on the Shadow Paths to fence in the Green. She's never gone toe-to-toe with the firelillies, but she's willing to take a shot at it. And maybe she'll 'find' those firelilly-eating goats on one of her trips.
Solemn says, "Yes sirs," which appears to be to all three: Robin, Pen, and Julian. "Is there any hope that the King will send reinforcements? Or supply?"
Robin's eyes turn to Julian to see what he has to say.
"There's no word. But I'll continue to press him, and the Regent in Amber, for reinforcements and supply. Keep me posted on the specifics needed," Julian says. To Robin, Julian sounds tired.
Unless anyone has something more, the meeting is closed and the three non-royal Rangers depart.
After a good meal and a good night's sleep for Robin and Pen, the Rangers have put together a supply for them and they're able to mount up and take the path toward Pontus. Robin hasn't been there, but she's been told a bit about the route and thinks she can either take it or get there by brute force and Pattern, possibly without walking through the fringes of Arcadia.
The night before was a bit of a celebration, as many of the Rangers were delighted to see Robin and equally happy to have another member of the royal family working with them. There's a lot of concern about supply--food and weapons, mostly, but really people--and some hope that Robin and Pen represent the first wave of royal support for the effort to push against Arcadia. There's also some interest in how matters are going in Xanadu, since the Rangers here know there's a similar force in Broceliande. (If they talk about Paris and the Ardennes, that will be a similar point of interest for the Rangers.)
Pen pays close attention to the Rangers' discussion, specifically the concerns about supplies, the hope for more royal support, and the state of things in Xanadu and Broceliande. She wants to understand more about the royal family, her new enemies and challenges, and the relationship the family has with its troops. She has great affection for these brave soldiers.
It's clear the Rangers worship the ground Julian walks on, and feel similarly about Robin and her cousin Brita, who was apparently in charge of the Rangers for a time when Julian and Robin were absent. They seem a little more distant from the other members of the royal family, perhaps worrying that they've been forgotten.
From various sources that make sure Robin is out of earshot, more from respect than anything else, Pen hears about how the Green attacked the castle in Amber and the Warden's son--Robin's brother--sacrificed himself to save his children. Daeon wasn't a Ranger, but he was from Arcadia, where the Green has taken hold, and he was a royal, just like Robin and Pen.
Pen has the sense that the Rangers are glad to have her but want to impress on her the danger she's undertaken, and why they're so grateful for her presence.
Robin takes time to thoroughly oil, feed and croon over the firelizards. They've been so good being indoors during all of that boring talk with Caine and Trumping. Robin is very proud of them. And she will introduce Peep, Chirrup and Ooot to the Rangers happily.
The firelizards are delighted by food and oil and crooning. The Rangers are DELIGHTED with the firelizards. There can be more food and oiling and crooning and Robin doesn't have to do all the work if she doesn't want to.
When the Rangers mention the force in Broceliande, Robin recounts the tale of cockatrice and how the Broceliande Rangers handled it. She also laughingly tells her friends that at least they don't have to deal with Brooke and Leif running away for adventures in the forest. But the mention of offspring puts her in mind of Saeth and she warns the Rangers to be on the lookout for Aisling's errant spawn.
Everyone takes note of that and the word spreads.
Pen is a subject of some interest, both as a new person in something of a closed community and a previously unknown member of the Royal family. If she's willing, Sherrell will show her around and introduce her to more people, and in particular a number of the women Rangers. If Pen is looking for company, she'll get a couple of polite and relatively discreet offers.
She's pleased to be introduced by Sherrell and it's a curious sensation for her not to feel the warm flush of spirits in her blood as she carouses. She's keen to stick to water and maybe simple cider if it's there. Given a seat by the fire and a willing audience, Pen will regale the women rangers with her favorite Amazon fables and history, employing a variety of voices, jokes, and saucy anecdotes, but not overlong, and just a few short games that she learned growing up, including a "follow me" dance game with a wicked rhythm, and a game imitating animal sounds. I expect the Rangers will teach her a thing or two in return. As watches are set and people bed down, Pen will continue to chat quietly with one of the women rangers who lingered, grinning a winsome smile, and they both look like neither wants to part company. They get a little closer to hear each other, but their words get softer and their breath could be visible in front of them. When the ranger rises, her hand gently clasp Pen's, and leads her along to a small tent or a secluded bedroll. Pen is glad for the pleasant company.
Robin thinks they're being very nice and trying not to overwhelm the newbie, because there are a lot of admiring eyes, male and female, looking at Pen.
Robin watches Pen and her chosen drift off with a smile. She finds herself wishing Vere were here with them and hoping that he and his sister are well. Warmed by thoughts of her Beloved in mind, Robin wanders to her own tent to dream of Him.
In the morning, clear headed and full of breakfast and good wishes, the two Amberites set off for Pontus. The best way for Robin to get information about Pontus, should she wish to take a direct route, is to hear about Pontus from Pen. And while Robin has the gist of Vista's notes on the Shadow route he took to get there from Julian, anything Pen can tell her about that journey will reinforce the way and make sure they end up in Pontus proper, not a reflection of it.
Pen doesn't have a full grasp of traveling in Shadow yet, but she trusts Robin and if the shadow route that Vista took will yield more knowledge of Arcadia then that path is welcome, and she'll provide as much detail as she can about Pontus to help. If Robin prefers the direct route, Pen has experience with that and will signpost as they go. If there's a fight ahead, Pen feels more prepared for it this time.
After Robin mounts up on yet another horse likely to be lost in shadow, she turns to Pen. "Iiiiii think I'd like to try Vista's route. Just in case we run into him coming back. And, also, I'd like to get more first hand knowledge about the firelillies and the Green."
Robin croons and strokes her firelizards before launching them into the air to play around among the trees. If they are available as advance scouts, that wouldn't be taken amiss.
The lizards are happy to serve as advanced scouts, though of course Robin can't really explain the rutter route to them in so many words. She can tell them where to go at any given point along the route, and they understand firelillies and will point them out.
If Pen is willing, Robin takes the time to teach her the rudimentaries of Cadence, the 'battle-language' of the Rangers. She shows Pen that Cadence is a simple patios that uses rhythm or any sort of visual pattern to get across brief messages. [See for more detail.] Robin uses stories of growing up in Arden with the Rangers as sample rhythms. Most of Robin's tales include some form of minor disaster; like the time she jumped off of the mews and broke her arm. Or the time she accidentally set the feed shed on fire. Or the time she tried to raise a baby hippogriff and nearly lost an eye to its angry mother. Etc, etc. etc. Robin seems the type who either attracts a lot of trouble or runs headlong into a lot of trouble. Probably both.
Vista's path back to the camp follows a stream that feeds into a river, far below the canopy of green overhead. It would be peaceful, even amazing, if it weren't for the signs of war. The green is constrained now, perhaps due to the season, perhaps it is focusing elsewhere.
The stream and the river are easy way marks to keep beside, and the horses make good time. There are few signs of animals and fewer of people, but the call and rhythm of the forest is slow and constant. Many animals use the river for water, but most seem willing to wait in hiding while the riders ride by.
The fire lizards are enjoying stretching their wings, and when they tire, they land on Robin, usually by wrapping themselves around her neck. It's not unusual, just slightly annoying. Once, when Robin's neck is busy, Ooot chooses to land on Pen's shoulder and wrap a tail around her neck. He smells of cinnamon oils, and is both heavy and warm.
Robin luxuriates in the ride. She keeps an eye out for trouble -- especially Green trouble. But otherwise, she lets the rhythm of the forest flow through her, filling her senses. A bright smile lines her lips and her eyes almost glow with green warmth. This is where Robin is at home, riding through the wilds in good company.
As Robin Listens and Smells the wood, she gets passing awareness of the Green, closer and farther depending on their route. What she probably hadn't expected, but senses anyway, is a warping, or perhaps drifting, of the Shadow lines in this part of the universe. All of Robin's life, the center of reality in Amber has held Arden close and kept the veils between Shadows at their proper distances. Now, without that center, the influence of the Green, which is a pole of power, is warping things.
Arden has her own reality, perhaps held in place by the Warden and to a certain extent Robin herself. But without the Pattern in Amber, it's sliding away from the remains of the city and toward something else,
Time, too, has suffered from this warping. In Xanadu it was winter, and properly Xanadu and Amber should be in sync and the lands around them closely tied in season if not time. But as Robin moves through the land, she can feel it rushing, or being pulled, toward spring. Spring and summer: times of power for a Dragon, Robin intuits.
Pen is happy to accommodate Ooot's roost, and she scratches their chin while breathing in the delicious smell of cinnamon oils and feeling their warmth. The tail wrap is only a brief moment of panic, and she relaxes as the fire lizards settles in.
Pen is alert, keeping as wide a view as possible, and periodically checking behind her. She makes sure her horse has enough room to break off or turn if they need to but keeps a steady canter.
To Pen, the stirrings of power aren't apparent the way they are to Robin. But she can tell that the weather here is unseasonably warm, and that the plants seem to be growing early, and the birds singing.
Both of them hear whistling now and again. Several days in, as they're moving along the route they chose, they are riding along in the afternoon and hear one that Robin recognizes as Cadence, followed by raps on a tree.
The message: WHO'S THERE?
Robin holds up a hand to tell Pen she's stopping and reins her horse over to a nearby tree-trunk. Taking out her second favorite knife, she raps out a reply. ROBIN PLUS ONE FAMILY. WHO'S THERE?
Robin cocks her head to one side as she waits for a reply.
The Cadence comes back quickly, and the signature is obvious to Robin. WHO'S THE LOUD ONE? VISTA HERE. FOUR ARROWFLIGHTS, YOUR DE'GAUCHE AIR IN A TREE.
He's downwind of the two riders.
Robin chuckles with fondness and raps at another pattern. MEET YOU THERE.
Turning to Pen, she says, "Vista is near. Let's go see what he has to say." (Assuming everyone is all right with that) Robin reins her horse around to Vista's direction and begins riding toward her friend, keeping an eye out for anything unusual.
Pen takes her cue from Robin and leans into her saddle. Melanippe increases her pace, but still leaves Robin's horse plenty of room to maneuver. Pen's a little wound up, and expecting trouble.
Pen and Robin ride the half-mile or so to Vista's location. He beats a quiet cadence tattoo. UP THE TREE, QUIETLY.
Robin nods and rides her horse a small distance from the tree. There she ties the reins to a sapling, not too tight so that the horse can pull free if it needs to. Sneaking back to Vista's tree, Robin shimmies up quickly and silently. She tucks her firelizards in close with a whispered croon that they should be quiet and still.
Vista is twenty feet up in one of the forest's many trees, sitting on a branch, wearing the same armor Pen last saw him in.
Robin perches near him with a nod.
He whispers, "Look sunward, tell me if you see my pursuit."
There is a woman walking through the forest, wearing a white gown, as if it's a spring garden party on the terraces of Xanadu. She's large, with curly hair and a sharp nose. The animal life of the forest ignores her passage. She's headed vaguely towards Vista's tree.
Robin's eyes narrow as she focuses on the woman. And she Listens for signs of the Green or perhaps the hum of a deity.
Very likely a goddess. She looks like an Arcadian in an incongruously white dress, as if she wasn't actually of the world, but superimposed upon it.
Vista says "I think that's one of Daeon's Goddesses. She's been following me for a few hours now. Can you do Brita's trick and tell for sure?"
She turns and looks towards the tree, but doesn't start moving towards it.
"I think you're right," Robin whispers. "I don't have Brita's trick but the way she walks on the world instead of in it? That reminds me of the Goddesses.
"What's your call?" She adds to Vista, since he was first on the scene.
Pen is giving Robin and Vista plenty of space to move. Though Pen is a decent tree-climber, she's less stealthy when armored and weighed down with her weapons. She does, however, string her bow, and keeps an eye on Robin for a sign.
Vista shrugs. "Well, now that I've got friends, maybe we talk to her. I just didn't like her following me when I was on my own." He looks over. "I don't want to say no to the idea of putting a friendly arrow in her eye by way of saying hello, but she might not be trying to kill us."
He pauses. "At least we're clear of the firelilies. I went out of my way to get shed of them."
From behind the goddess, a group of men appear, all dressed in furs. They, too are armed with bows and set themselves up behind the trees. They are within shooting range of the tree and are also gathering cover.
A voice rings out, loud and commanding. "You are trespassing, Amberites."
Vista reaches for an arrow. "I may have been wrong about the 'not trying to kill us' part."
Robin ducks behind the trunk of the tree. As she strings her bow, she calls out with her own commanding voice. "This is a free land, Arcadian. We walk where we will."
She laughs and turns to the leader of the men. "Bring them all to me." It sounds as if the hunting party, or the wild hunt, or whoever is with her is advancing.
The sky is also getting darker. Those clouds were nowhere in sight when they rode up.
Vista sighs. "I'm sorry, Robin, didn’t mean to get you treed."
Robin laughs, "Don't fret, Vista. I do some of my best work in trees. You and Pen see if you can keep those archers down. I'm going to see about the clouds."
Robin calls the Pattern to mind; the flickering blue, the smell of ozone and, most importantly, the symphony that is in her veins. Robin reaches out to the land around them and hums herself into sync with it. She finds it very probable that the approaching storm will come with high winds that make archery difficult and will blow the gathering clouds quickly in the direction of the coming hunt.
The storm is easy to raise; it was coming anyway. A fierce nor-wester with biting cold winds and sleet comes blowing in. The winds are high, and archers need to adjust for it. It will probably be less bad for Pen, since she pulls a heavier draw than the huntsmen.
Vista nods, and signals for ground. He is out of the tree in a matter of moments.
The goddess does not seem to be getting rained upon.
After stringing the Ironwood Bow of Dodona, no small feat, Pen ties off her horse and finds cover that she hopes will give her line of sight on the Arcadians. She reminds herself that when she fought them last, it was in the midst of an ambush. Her weapon was her rage. This time she is prepared and her instrument is finely tuned. She nocks an arrow and loads it, still as stone, as the muscles bunch in her shoulder and tense in her forearm. She remembers when the bow first came to her; it was an unparalleled honor from her Queen. Pen led archers that she trained into battle against the invaders. So much death that day, but Pontus survived and those raiders never returned to our shores. Pen doesn't exactly understand what Robin's doing, but she trusts her implicitly and will loose a deadly arrow when she has a clear Arcadian target.
The hunt moves forward, into the face of the rising storm. For the most part their shots are short, and they quickly abandon them in favor of charging with their clubs, swords, and axes.
Pen watches the arrows as they fly into the storm, learning the strength of the wind and the weight of the water on the flights, and adjusts her shot, firing a deadly arrow into the lead huntsman, wrapping his head around and throwing him into the man to his left. He won't rise again, but his compatriot will.
Vista has come down from the tree, and drawn a sword. He's close enough to support Pen, if need be.
There are still several dozen huntsmen, and they'll reach Pen soon.
Pen fires one last deadly arrow at the hunt as it begins to close in. She drops the bow gently with one hand as the other pulls free the buckle mid-chest that secures her 6-foot Amazonian spear. She quickly grabs the spear, moves up to Vista's left side, and plants her feet in a stance that will keep her steady, but also move when she uses the power in her hips to thrust. She raises the spear to shoulder length and coils it back, as she was taught in her youth so that her attackers won't realize how much distance she actually has with a fierce thrust or a step and thrust. If they fan out wide, she moves to fight back-to-back with Vista, and if they get in real close, her hand will drop to the gladius at her waist and the butchery will truly begin. She thinks of no less than five lethal strikes she could lead with if she had a shield right now. The spear will have to do.
Robin's work done in the tree, she scrambles quickly down to join Vista and Pen. Once she lands, she drops her bow and signals the firelizards to stay up and out of the way. Then she draws her very sharp sword with a gleeful grin.
A score or more of the forest hunters arrive, circling the trio and looking for an opportunity to press the attack. After a quick loss to Pen's spear, they show it and the range of it adequate respect, and stay out of range.
They've got a good grasp on what look like pack tactics. It would be difficult to strike at any of them without exposing a flank to attack.
Vista says what Robin and Pen have already realized. "They're not attacking, they're holding us at bay. This is some sort of feint or trick."
"Yeah." Robin nods, "I don't want to meet what they're waiting for. Let's see if I can open a path." Robin concentrates on the Pattern again, and finds it very likely that the high winds will blow over a tree that clips the circle of hunters but doesn't quite reach Vista, herself and Pen.
Pen feels something happening that makes her feel like she has an itch under her armor that she can't scratch, but it's not that; it’s sort of everywhere. As if there was a song she could hear but couldn’t make out the melody of.
Robin works the probabilities and even so is startled by a loud strike of lightning somewhere off to the side. The remnants of a moderately sized tree, struck by lightning, smoking, and rolling, cartwheels past the rangers and slams into the left side of the circle, knocking down and scattering the hunters.
Pen makes a series of quick tactical considerations. First, she believes the lightning and tree are associated with the feeling she experienced just before it happened. Her guess is that Vista doesn't seem like the kind of person that creates magic like that, and neither does it seem like something the Arcadian hunters would've attempted since it went so badly against them. No, she's pretty sure that Robin is the source of this, and it might be some act that was family-related since Pen was sensitive to it.
Next, assuming that Robin did this, it would've been to keep the three of them from being confined, which seems to have been the hunter's strategy. The tactical response then would be to press our temporary advantage and rout them or regroup and reassess.
Pen gives it three quick beats in her head as she's quickly strapping her spear in its shoulder harness. Her right hand falls to her gladius as she draws it and hurls herself forward and upward, howling a bloodcurdling scream, both hands now gripping the blade and navigating the arc of an overhead cut. Her intent is to drive them off, but if they hold their ground or, Gods help them, advance on her, she will gladly meet their weapons with her own, and though her blade is not of any particular pedigree, Pen isn't holding back even a trace of her considerable strength. She would rather not kill them, but will not hesitate if presented with any sign of aggression.
Robin uses the distraction on the left side of the circle to press the attack. Even with the super-sharp sword, Robin uses the flat of her blade and her strength to injure or disable as many of the hunters as she can. Though like Pen, if any of the hunters get aggressive or start with the pack tactics again, Robin will go for the kill.
Vista is also driving forwards, fighting the hunters as they scramble to react to the tree rolling through them.
The hunters fall back, not completely avoiding injury, and regroup further back. They are no longer blocking in the three Amberites, but the Goddess is no longer visible.
Robin thinks she smells traces of the Green intruding plants on the wind, possibly blown in by the storm.
"We've got Green coming in. Can you cover me?" Robin asks Vista and Pen.
Robin falls back, lowers her sword and concentrates on the Pattern again. Listening to the music of the Shadow, she reaches out with her Heritage and tunes herself and the Shadow to a tone, a song, a place where the Green can't exist.
Vista assents, and moves forward, pushing out on the circle and holding the hunters at bay.
Robin uses her heritage to push against the Green and finds it surprisingly difficult. The Green is close and while it's not here, it's not easy to prevent it from coming here. It takes more effort than anything she's undertaken since the Black Road, and it's a triumph of her willpower that she feels she has done what she set out to do. The Green is no longer present, at least not actively so. Her storm efforts die away and so does the threat of encroachment.
Robin is exhausted, and while she could defend herself, needs a rare rest to get back to her normal fighting self.
The hunters pull back into the forest. Vista looks like he'd follow them, if it weren't for Robin.
Pen moves up to cover Robin's flank, the one opposite Vista. She has no idea what this unseen power is, but she knows something is going down. She takes her cue from Vista and lets the hunters flee. She doubts they'll come back soon.
As if on cue, the Goddess appears. Pen, who hasn't seen an Arcadian Goddess before, sees an idealized woman in a perfect white peplos. She is larger than life, literally, and doesn't seem to be touching the ground, or the forest, and may not be literally present. "Well done, Children of Amber. I come to give you warning, my mother is turning her mind to Heather Vale and the city beyond it. If you care for it, you will need to act."
She stands still, her clothes blowing in a different wind than that of the forest.
Pen is wide-eyed, and a little overwhelmed by the sudden appearance of the Arcadian Goddess. She looks to Robin and recognizes her weariness, then instinctively moves closer to protect her. She says to Vista, "Why is this woman helping us and where is Heather Vale?"
Vista looks grim. "Heather Vale was a battle we lost. Near Amber." He doesn't answer the first question.
Robin sheathes her sword and bends over to rest her hands on her knees and takes several deep breaths. She nods wearily at the Goddess's words.
"Any (pant) suggestions?" she asks the Goddess as she straightens.
She smiles, as if offering a divine blessing to a prophet. "Don't assume all my sisters are your enemies, or that any of them are your friends."
The storm is fading, and the storm's passing brings the cool fresh smell of a pristine forest. Robin thinks she hears a bird calling in the distance.
Robin receives the Goddess's words with a nod. But presses anyway.
"How should we act with regards to your Mother's turning mind?" Robin gives a little shrug of apology for her bluntness. She knows she's kind of slow when it comes to mystical pronouncements and omens. Just ask Vere or her dead mother.
A sunbeam crosses the goddess's head, looking exactly as if someone wanted to paint a goddess in sunlight. It's unclear if she has any control over how she appears, but if she does, she's putting on quite a show.
"Mother has noticed that Amber does not have the protections it used to. She desires to free herself. What you do with that knowledge is up to you. I am not opposed to the continuation of the status quo. What my mother ultimately seeks would likely destroy the forest and Arcadia, of which I am fond."
"Would you be willing to help us?" Robin asks.
She smiles. "I just did. Would you accept my divine blessing?"
Robin ttthhiiinkks about that one really hard. She hasn't had good luck with Goddesses in the past. But also, a blessing might help balance out the curse she feels she's under. And maybe it will aid against the Green.
"Yes." Robin gets out. Probably a little more challenging than a Goddess is used to.
She smiles, reaches out towards Robin, and by some trick of perspective her hand reaches Robin's forehead. She touches the Ranger and then begins to fade. The rain also fades and Robin sees a rainbow form in the direction of the heart of the forest.
Vista lets out a long breath he didn't know he was holding. "I will never get used to that. Don't want to, to be honest."
Pen is a little confused, but infers from this brief conversation that this entity has different aims than the destructive Arcadians, and, honestly, she has great respect for Robin. If Robin trusts this Goddess, Pen will too, until there's a reason not to.
Robin lets out a breath that she was holding. She nods to Vista, "Yeah. Goddessing is not for me.
"Sooooo, shall we follow the rainbow?" Robin asks as she retrieves her dropped bow.
Vista looks up. "Are you going to Pen's land of Pontus? I scouted the way, and can tell you my notes. Unless you think we need to bring more strength to get through." Vista frowns. "Rainbow's going off towards Arcadia... and Amber, I reckon."
Pen collects herself. "Robin, if you think there are allies by way of the rainbow, I will follow you, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't eager to see my home again. Queen Thalestris may be able to help."
Robin looks wistfully at the rainbow, soooo tempted. But then, she shakes herself back to the real world and stows her bow. "You're right. Pontus is the mission. And I highly doubt there are allies under that rainbow. So, Vista, notes?"
Vista gives a concise and usable account of his travels back towards Pontus and the return to the burned fields where he met Pen. The directions are useful, including navigable landmarks, and where it's safe to take a horse and where to ford the river that they'll reach in half a day. His directions will probably cut a full day's travel from the route, and it's clear that the firelillies and the possessed are more dormant now than before. He thinks there's something to the idea that the Dragon is focused elsewhere.
He'd like a similar report on the path he's taking back, so he can report on what he's found.
Do they have anything to report to the Warden?
Robin tells Vista of their travels. While more colorful than the report Vista gave, it still contains all the necessary details. But Robin has a way to cut out the travel time to the Warden.
Motioning the others to wait, Robin pulls a beaded leather case out of her shirt pocket. Opening it reveals a set of cards. Special cards.
Robin takes out her Trump of Julian and concentrates on it.
The card is cold, like her father's armor in the winter. She stares at the visage of the man who raised her and taught her, willing it to reach out to him.
Julian's voice is comes through to Robin as if he is standing next to her. "Bide," he requests.
Moments later, his face comes clear with some trees in the background. Robin thinks he's riding, because of the way the light moves through his hair.
"Robin, how are you? Did you reach Pontus?"
"Not yet, Father." Robin answers out loud so her two companions can hear. While she's using her reporting-in voice, there's no hiding the warm undertones as she communes with her Father.
"We met Vista on the way out. He was being pursued by bunch of primitives led by a Goddess. The Goddess left and we routed the hunt. I also rendered that Shadow immune to the Green. So that's at least a starting point to a Green-fence. Shortly thereafter, we met another Goddess of Arcadia. She said that her Mother was turning her attention toward Heather Vale and the City beyond. And that the old protections were gone. And I have definitely noticed the warping of Shadow out here."
Julian clearly mislikes this news but does not seem even slightly surprised by it.
"Pen and I were going to continue on to Pontus to see about possible resupply and reinforcement but I wanted to let you know. Also, I can pass Vista through if you want an old hand back sooner." She grins to Vista as she says the last.
"Let us stop for a moment and I'll bring him through, if he's ready."
"I'm ready," Vista says, almost as if he can hear Julian already. "You two take care, and I'll see you back in Arden. And may your road be happy, Pen, to your homeland."
It takes a moment for Julian to stop and dismount from Morgenstern; once he's on the ground, though, he reaches out to take Vista's hand.
Robin is slightly awkward at the pass-through as it is her first, but she manages.
Julian smiles warmly, clearly glad to have Vista back. Vista releases Julian's hand and breaks from the contact. "Is there anything else I need to know? We're on the move here, as you can see, with an eye to beating back a freshly emerging path of firelillies."
"I don't think there's anything else. I'll call again with news from Pontus." Robin answers. "Good luck with the firelillies."
"And good luck with the blessings of Arcadia. You and Pen will be in my thoughts. Let me know when you've arrived safely," Julian adds, every bit the attentive father. "Fare well until then."
Once the contact ends, Pen and Robin have an easy time preparing for the rest of the journey.
Last modified: 1 January 2023