Girls' Night

Vialle has arranged for a dining room for those attending her soiree. Those who check the place cards on their arrival find that the aunts, Solace, and Kourin are also among those invited. Those who have lived in the castle for some time note as a bonus that Lady Vesper, who has lost her room for the nonce with all the reshuffling, is not.

Vialle, for those who have not heard her entertainments described, is the blind Martha Stewart of Amber. Her arrangements reek of good taste; they are more restrained than what Flora might have chosen, and somewhat homier.

Who arrives and in what order? What are the ladies wearing?

In the absence of knowledge, Aisling is erring on the side of "early" and "fancy". So she's probably there towards the beginning of a time period in which dinner would be appropriate, in a dress fit for having dinner with the queen and goodness only knows what other vastly important guests.

In specific, this dress would be light velvet of a dark purple, one of the few colors that manages not to clash with the purple/lavender/gold-ivory with which Aisling is naturally equipped. (That is, unless in Amber purple is the color of royalty.) It's Amber-styled save for the back, which is open for her streamers and modestly covered by a 20s-like scarf of wheat-peach silk crepe. This fabric is also used for the mid-hand-length fall of crepe at the ends of the sleeves that masks the unappetizing lack of most of her right hand. This lack is further disguised by lace gloves. Aisling's hair is up, and bound with threads of gold, and she's wearing whatever jewels are appropriate, in this case erring on the side of "less".

She's been crying, but she doesn't look it.

Folly arrives a few minutes early. She has changed out of the dark, tailored suit she wore to the memorial service and into something much more comfortably arty. Her dress, if it could be called that, resembles the dress Lilly wore to the big family dinner on the night of the Army's return -- if that dress were purple and had been split down the front and up the sides and turned into a calf-length jacket, that is. She's wearing a pair of wide-legged black silk trousers underneath, almost but not quite full enough to be considered a split skirt, and black silk slippers on her feet.

The high neckline of the outfit opens just far enough to reveal an amethyst cabochon at Folly's throat, strung on a thin silver wire. Her only other visible jewelry is a thin silver cuff in a spiral design on her right upper arm.

The look is unconventional by Amber standards, but it suits Folly, and is dressy enough to satisfy even Vialle's definition of "casual".

Brita arrives 5 minutes early. She is dressed in her formal uniform - the same as she wore for the Rebman's arrival. She bows low to Vialle in greeting with a murmured "Your Majesty."

Lilly arrives right on time. Punctuality was simply in her nature. She greets those who are present politely. Unless someone actively engages her in conversation she is quiet - for the moment anyway. It always took Lilly a short time to get her bearings in a social situation.

Her dress was strangely one of the more risque in the group. Again she had decided upon an oriental style. This time though it was a two piece set done in a deep red silk. The jacket had capped sleeves to allow for a full range of movement and a high neckline. It was the twin side splits that ended just above the knee in the straight skirt though that gave the outfit its definite sexy feel. Lilly was a bit oblivious to that however. She had chosen this style for it's freedom of movement and nothing more. Complimenting, or perhaps a better word would be contrasting, the look was her sword and sword belt.

Paige arrives about ten minutes late, dressed in green brocade silk less daring than Lilly's from the library. Floor length and only slit in the back, it accents her figure at the expense of free movement. The sleeves are long and tight, [and obviously hold no weapons of size.] Green matching slippers carried her from her chamber here in the palace.

Her hair has been pulled back in jade combs at the sides and flows like a fiery waterfall down her back. The only other jewelry in evidence is her unicorn pendant resting atop the dress's high neckline and the single emerald ring on her right hand.

She pours herself a glass of wine, mixing it herself, before setting herself at one of the couches near Folly or Lilly, based on when they arrive and who's not engaged in conversation.

There are a number of other ladies attending the queen's evening.

Llewella is in pale lavender that sets off her green hair. She is wearing a long dress, again cut in what Paige thinks of as 20s mode. She arrives a little early, greets the Queen, and finds a quiet corner.

Cambina arrives, exactly on time, as always, in black. She greets the Queen and goes to speak to Llewella.

Fiona arrives just late enough to not be considered perfectly on time. She is dressed in deep green and wears no jewelry. She greets the Queen and then moves on to speak to her daughter.

A page leads Kourin in a few minutes late. She's dressed in a peachy-orange color and is handling herself a bit awkwardly in the dress. She greets the Queen and looks around, as if expecting someone who isn't there. Not finding whomever it was, she sits down near Folly and opens conversation.

Flora shows up fashionably late, with Solace in tow. Solace looks a bit overwhelmed. Solace is dressed in pale blue and Flora is in pale green.

Aisling bestirs herself from wherever she ended up in the room to go over and greet Flora, and meet Solace.

As the guests arrive, Folly is her usual amiable self -- maybe even turned up a notch, as if she's onstage or perhaps waiting for her cue. She happily chats with Kourin and introduces her to those she may not have met yet -- including Brita, of course.

Brita, who is speaking with Fiona as Folly approaches, greets Kourin enthusiastically, especially after finding out she is a dragon rider. Brita draws Kourin into a conversation about what it takes to care for a dragon, how far the telepathy/empathy works, what size the dragons can be, etc. If she finds out that Kourin's shadow has small dragons as well, she might overwhelm Kourin with questions. :)

Folly also makes a special point to greet Lilly: "Cousin Lilly, it is so good to see you again," she says warmly. "With all the excitement in the castle these last two weeks, I've been terribly remiss in greeting my new cousins. How are you settling in?"

"Things have been a bit hectic but all in all I think I am adjusting." Lilly says in a very polite manner. "Paige has been wonderfully helpful. And spending time with Vialle has given me a solid perspective on Amber from a lady's point of view." The smile that accompanies that comment strongly suggests to Folly that while Lilly certainly understands a woman's place in Amber, she is not necessarily in agreement with it. Like many of her female cousins she has an inner feminist who is longing to break free.

Hearing both the spoken and unspoken messages, Folly smiles. "A useful perspective to understand," she says. "Do you find Amber very different from where you grew up?"

"Actually, no. The attitudes are very much the same. However my foster father was, in retrospect, an amazing man. He was not afraid to go against the norm. He saw my potential to be an accomplished swordsman and encouraged my talents. Perhaps that is because he knew my father so well but I would like to believe he saw past that. If I had been a dainty, feminine little thing I think he would have supported that as well." There is definite fondness in Lilly's voice and sadness in her eyes.

Folly can't help but grin at the implication that Lilly herself is in some way unfeminine. But what she says is, "I hope you'll continue to find opportunities to develop your talents even here in Amber. A number of our cousins are quite accomplished with the sword and would probably enjoy sparring with you." There's mirth and perhaps a touch of mischief dancing in Folly's eyes. "Have you met Jerod yet?"

Paige's smile quirks, restraining the rich laughter that would come forth if there were less of the Princesses around.

"Met? Yes. Sparred with? No." Lilly shrugs. Maybe she would have to seek him out. "I did have the pleasure of sparring with Martin. He's quite good. He actually managed to disarm me." Though the voice is quite matter of fact, Folly (and Paige) can tell she was actually quite impressed with Martin's ability and eager to spar with him again.

"He does have that effect on people, yes," Folly says, grinning.

Paige grins inwardly, but decides that involving herself in an discussion of the Heir Apparent isn't for this setting. She does watch to see how Lilly takes the play on words.

Slowly an appreciative smile spreads across Lilly's features. "Hmmm. Yes, he does, doesn't he? Even my father likes him."

Folly's brows arch as she considers that. "I take it your father is not easily charmed?" she hazards.

Lilly takes a moment to consider the question. "It is more that he is not easily fooled. I take it you have not had a chance to spend much time in his company?"

"None at all, really," Folly replies. "I saw him from across the room at the big family dinner, but I never quite made it 'round for an introduction."

Then, realizing Lilly might not know her history, she adds, "That was the first time I'd ever encountered him. I've only been in Amber since immediately prior to the Sundering. By the time I got here, the army had already departed for parts Chaotic."

"I see. Well, what I have discovered in my short time here is that the rumors concerning my father are generally fairly accurate. He has a great mind and a strong sense of self. I have also found that when people comment that I am my father's daughter it can either be a complete compliment or a total insult. It is all a manner of perspective I suspect."

Folly nods. A slight smile quirks the corner of her mouth, as though the idea of an ambiguous compliment is not unfamiliar to her.

Lilly continues: "To be honest though I do not believe I have his mind or his capacity for knowledge. My passions are a bit different as well. Father likes to plan the wars, I prefer to fight them.

"But not here and now. Now is a time of joy. Let us hope that war does not intrude."

"Hear, hear," Folly heartily avers. "From without or within."

Lilly smiles and nods. "Well I do not wish to monopolize your time this evening. We should arrange to have lunch or something one of these days, perhaps invite Paige along. It would be nice to get to know you better Folly." Extending an invitation of this sort, even an entirely open-ended one of this nature, is a bit difficult for Lilly. Her natural shyness when it came to socializing usually did not allow such a thing. But tonight she was determined to try to overcome that. Little by little she was adapting to life in Amber.

"I would like that very much," Folly replies with a warm smile that leaves no doubt of her sincerity. "Until later, then." With a slight nod of her head, she bids Lilly farewell and moves on to greet some of the other guests.

Paige will want to talk to Solace about the children and let Solace in on the her pregnancy, if Lady Vesper hasn't already spilled the beans.

No, it's a surprise to Solace. It's impossible for her to keep her shock from Paige, but she knows the correct answer and gives her cousin-by-marriage a hug and congratulations.

Flora is watching the performance, but it's difficult for Paige to get a read on which of the two of them is under scrutiny, or whether either of them passed the test.

At the news of Paige's pregnancy, Aisling's eyes will widen muchly, shocked/appalled for Paige/something like that, hard to tell, and she'll still for a moment or so, before she once more tightens up the cracks in her armor. She's so pleased that's Solace's to field.

Aisling adds her own congratulations to Solace's, following her lead in Amber ettiquette.

[That is, if Aisling is there. I assumed she would be, since she went over to meet Solace when Solace appeared, and I don't see any reason she'd leave...]

[No reason why she shouldn't be. I think the news is officially Out, and congratulations will be being passed along all evening.]

[Paige] will introduce herself to Kourin and pass some small talk, interested in cousin Jovian, but not pressing at all.

Paige will also make a point of finding Cambina, and asking whether she had plans to visit the stairs over the next fullmoon.

"The next move in that game is Random's, I think. We may want to try it next month, though. Either here or somewhere else. I have not managed to hear how Corwin arrived with Rebmans in tow, even if it was Valeria." Her tone suggests that her opinion of Valeria is not particularly favorable to the Queen of Rebma's granddaughter.

Vialle allows everyone plenty of time to get a glass of wine and chat before dinner is served. Two of the seats are vacant when you all sit down to dinner; Vialle explains that Solange was taken ill and Felicity, who was planning to attend the dinner, has gone to be with her.

Aisling's tactic (until more information, or the reason for the party, arrives) is that of the switchboard operator; connecting people with people they can talk to animatedly, and being an agreeable third party to the resulting conversation, nodding and smiling and blending in to the scenery.

Folly is so saddened at the news of Solange's illness that for an instant she considers bailing on the dinner right then and there to go check on her. But when she hears Felicity is already with Solange, she relaxes again.

Paige is looking to see if that's the truth behind the illness, as best she can read Vialle. Paige's handling of the situation with Worth, well, I don't see it as a reason to possibly snub the Queen.

Brita is also concerned for Solange and asks "Queen Vialle, is Solange's illness serious?"

"I don't think so," says Vialle. Her expression is a little sad. "Just a shock to the system, I think. She'll be better in the morning, especially with Felicity there tonight."

Vialle is dressed in white, in a simple one-piece dress that moves easily, looks easy to get into and out of (even for a blind woman), is more formfitting than most Amber fashions, and will probably be all the rage in six months tops.

"It's unfortunate. I've engaged Sandra to sing for us later, and I know Felicity and Solange are both fond of her," Vialle adds.

"Oh, it is unfortunate they'll have to miss that," Folly agrees. "I don't suppose Solange is really feeling up to social calls, else Sandra could stop in to say hello to them when she's done here."

"I don't think that would be wise," says Vialle. "Not without talking to Felicity first, at least. Or perhaps Gerard."

[While other conversations may continue, the ladies will sit down to dinner about now.]

Dinner is a multicourse ordeal with more implements of food consumption and dining torture than you can shake a stick at. Fortunately, aunts and nieces are well mixed, so there's always someone for each lady to take a look at.

Kourin, who is seated next to Brita, looks like she'd rather be cooking her meal over an open flame than undergoing ritual meal torture.

Flora looks perfectly comfortable, of course. Solace, who is seated at some distance from her mother-in-law thanks to a merciful Queen, is more than capable of dealing with the elaborate dining arrangements, but lacks Flora's aplomb.

Llewella catches Fiona's eye and rolls her own in Flora's general direction when she thinks nobody is looking. Fiona gives her a wicked grin in reply.

Vialle spends most of her time making sure everyone else has enough to eat.

[How do the nieces cope with the excess of cutlery?]

Aisling handles the implements with grace, and without hesitation. She has, in fact, plenty of attention to devote to making sure Kourin feels welcome. As much as Aisling can welcome her, since she's not totally feeling part of this herself, though of course she's got that well masked... She's just not as sparkly she could be. With the Princesses of Amber there to distract, though, perhaps it's even better not to sparkle.

Brita, in an attempt to help Kourin relax a little, turns to a nearby servant and calls him forward to between Kourin and herself. "Do I really need all these implements?" Brita asks the servant quietly, but loud enough for Kourin to hear. "what is this for?" and she picks up an odd fork with a scalloped bowl.

If Folly is seated near enough to Brita and Kourin to overhear Brita's query, before she can quite stop herself she responds, "Melon baller. You know, for gelding fruit." The delivery is a quiet deadpan, but her eyes are twinkling.

Paige hides a chuckle behind her napkin, doing her best to keep up her Lady of Amber impression that she's almost carried off so far... The silver hasn't disuaded her, at least not yet.

Llewella, who is sitting on the other side of Kourin, says to Brita, "The rule to remember is outside in. It helped a lot when I had to learn the tricks of eating out of the water."

Folly has had deportment lessons with Vialle, so unless this meal involves utensils from some advanced tutorial they never quite got to, she's got a pretty good idea of what she's supposed to use when. Of course, she's sitting in polite company in front of an enormous place setting of shiny things that make pretty metallic noises when you pluck at them; her concerns at the moment have less to do with ostentatiously correct utensil choice than with appropriate utensil usage. She does mostly manage to control herself; if she clinks the tableware ever-so-slightly more often than one might expect from someone of her nimbleness, perhaps one might excuse it as nerves, or tiredness. And those tiny accidents do make such pleasant, pretty little sounds....

Vialle occasionally cocks her head in Folly's direction, as do some of the other women.

Paige resists the temptation to run her damp finger along the rim of the good crystal and see if she can match Folly's tuning fork...

If any of the other [NPC] ladies are tempted, they also manage to resist.

Lilly calls forth all of the etiquette lessons Jade forced upon her. Hopefully the rules here were close to the rules back home. When (and if) it comes time to use a completely foreign piece of silver though Lilly relies upon her wits. As the course is being started she will a make nice polite comments to whoever is seated within line of sight of Paige, Flora, or Vialle. While speaking she'll allow her eye to momentarily wander to the appropriate relative, just long enough to see how they handle the piece. For not the first time in her life she is grateful for the ability to pick things up very quickly. Being rather dexterous also has its advantages.

The food is excellent, even if it is difficult to figure out which of the many implements to hand is the correct one to use for a particular course. Llewella's advice of 'from the outside in' seems very reliable. However, the implication that this would be a light supper was something of a fib.

Something of a fib? Paige thinks the Queen was looking to put everyone off their game.

After dinner, there is coffee and thin chocolate wafers for those who wish them. (No cigars, though.) Sandra Meritis arrives after everyone has had a chance to indulge themselves. She has a female lutenist with her that the musically inclined recognize as another follower of Barenthkov.

Aisling, faintly surprised at the sex of the lutenist, smiles at her particularly in welcome.

Paige is dying for a smoke, but won't mention it in this company, and now that she thinks on it, really should quit.

Sandra, for those who have not had a chance to enjoy her singing before, has a beautiful voice. Some of her material is familiar, but some of it is new to everyone except Folly. The lute player is also accomplished, but not at Sandra's level.

Lilly tries to keep her mind from wandering too far during the performance. There is so much to think about though. The relaxing quality of the music keep calling forth various thoughts of war, and amber, and should be squiggles in the basement. Every time her mind begins to threaten an exit, Lilly shifts slightly in her seat to help regain her focus. The end result of that is to make her look bored.

Flora shoots a disapproving look at Lilly when her fidgeting makes a noise. Llewella gives her a sympathetic glance afterwards.

Aisling listens, quiet and still.

Solace, who is sitting next to Flora, is still and quiet as a mouse.

Kourin sits next to Brita. She is quite appreciative of the performance, and applauds enthusiastically at the correct times.

Folly is, as usual, an attentive, appreciative audience. She occasionally breaks into a big smile for reasons that are probably a mystery to everyone but Sandra (and perhaps the lutenist, depending on how nuanced a performer she is).

Sandra occasionally looks at Folly in places where she thinks she has done particularly well or badly. Fiona, Folly intuits, has picked up on this pattern, and is spending as much time watching Folly's reaction to the performance as the performance itself.

Paige does her best to stay attentive. If she might be a bit bored by Vialle's schedule, it gives her time to muse on the conversation with Uncle Julian earlier. She claps sedately when Sandra finishes.

Afterwards, Paige, Brita, and Folly note, Vialle makes some effort to introduce Sandra to Flora, mentioning that she is something of a protege of hers and Lady Hardwind's.

Folly successfully avoids rolling her eyes during that exchange, but only just.

If the ladies want to remain afterwards to speak with each other or Sandra, there is more coffee and more thin chocolate wafers. However, the planned entertainment for the evening is over.

Folly sticks around to thank Sandra and the lutenist for the music. She manages to highlight, subtly, the strengths of the performance -- giving a bit of immediate feedback while it's still fresh in both their minds -- without sounding like a teacher critiquing her student. That is a conscious decision on Folly's part: this is Sandra's night for the spotlight, after all, not her own; she's not looking to take credit for Sandra's triumphs.

Of course, if Sandra wants to discuss the performance in-depth, she will have little trouble drawing Folly into that conversation.

Brita walks up to the Queen2Be and says, starting from a low curtsey (yes, she can do one in pants), "Queen Vialle. Thank you for a fulfilling evening. The entertainment was...entertaining." Brita then takes her leave of the Queen and Fiona as well as her other aunts and cousins. She offers to guide Kourin back to her quarters with an added, "I know the castle can be a bit daunting at first." With or without Kourin's company, she heads back into the castle....

Aisling does want to stop by and have a word with Llewella. "I was hoping I might speak with you at some point about Rebma and... well, how you manage, in general," Aisling says, a bit surprised that she's being so open. "But to-morrow will be an intense day, for which rest would be valuable..."

"In Rebma, Amber seems the exotic neighbor. a place of strange customs and bizarre and arbitrary people. And yet it lies not more than a day's ride away. What do you wish to know of it?" She seems to be ignoring any indication that she might not want to talk right here and right now.

"Well," Aisling says, regaining her balance from this, "I was curious about the Rebmans in the Sacred Place."

"Scared Place? Oh, you mean at the funeral. That was a surprise to me, as well. One of them was Court Magician to my sister. The others were his associates. Magic is one of the few paths to power for men, in Rebma. I offered them assistance in returning to Amber, but they demurred."

Aisling looks concerned, resting a finger in front of her lips, then tilting the hand away, "It seems it was something associated with magic that lead to the destruction of the reflective surfaces in your Rebman house, a year ago...?"

[Llewella] nods. "I've heard so, twice. I had little of value there that was not...protected. Have you ever been to Rebma? The cities are superficially similar. Superficially."

Aisling inclines her head in a positive answer to Llewella's question. "What differences do you have in mind?"

"Well, all of them, of course." She grins back, waiting long enough for Aisling's face to react but not so long that she can reply.

Aisling looks for a moment surprised that Llewella is kidding, and then an answering grin begins to warm her face.

"Some of the differences are quite obvious, like the magicians and the water. Rebma is a naval power, but not quite in the way Amber is. In both cities only a very few people know or care what the aims and goals of the royal family are. In both cities, undue attention paid to those matters can cause one to end up floating away, but there are different boundaries in each."

Aisling lets this hang there for a moment, and then asks, "Are there boundaries I should be aware of?" She gets the feeling that this entire conversational tack is a warning.

"Yes," she says, nodding once, slowly. Her eyes are very wide.

[The temptation to end this reply there is very strong. However there isn't even a pause, just the space for this meta-game note. :P ]

"Unfortunately, I don't know how to advise you on what they may be. There are some in Rebma who like neither Amber nor Chaos and would happily see each spend itself fighting the other. There are those in Rebma who now say that Oberon's death was foreordained by Moins' and that I, the younger, must be Random to my older sister's Eric.

"And there are those who would send a Chaosian/Amberite floating home as an object lesson to everyone. Rebma is an old city with many layers of history under her silty steets. It was never as central as Amber, but there are those who have preferred her that way. Lights do not shine as far below the waves, and a woman with a lantern may draw interest she did not want."

Aw, someone actually likes her enough to warn her! A warm fuzzy feeling for a cool moist lady.

"And in the far depths, there are those that hunt with light for bait," Aisling says, agreeing. "What would you say the differences are between Rebma and Chaos?"

"I've lived most of my life in Rebma and only been to Chaos once, recently. The stories I heard, growing up, were not very clear on the subject. I suspect you know better than I do, since you know Chaos and Amber. Rebma is a part of the pattern of order and images and reflections that includes Amber and Tir. When my mother was alive, it was a happier place." She looks sad, but not watery, at that thought.

This turn of the conversation snaps Aisling back to the dejection that she'd been disregarding; enough so that it's probably somewhat visible to her great-grand aunt. "I am sorry for your losses," she offers.

"People," she says slowly, "people who do not know death from old age. We must learn to reconcile ourselves to the inevitability of loss and grief. It is probably why so many of us stick together, despite everything. Who else can we count on?"

"Ah, but likewise, how can we trust each other, knowing how endless will be betrayal?" Aisling suggests philosophically.

"Not at all. It is ephemeral, and based on needs of the moment. If your only connection to your youth a thousand years ago is an enemy, then you will cherish her, as well."

"A cheery thought," Aisling remarks, seeming cheered.

Paige excuses herself for a walk about the gardens, as she wishes to clear her head before getting a good night's sleep before the busy day approaching. Any who wish to join her are welcome.

Lilly could not have planned a better retreat. The lack of physical activity involved with this evening was beginning to make her rather fidgety. She'll gladly accompany her cousin after exchanging the necessary good nights with the other guests.

Paige says her own goodbyes, not excluding anyone, and heads for the gardens with Lilly and anyone else in tow. "Lilly, I think I'm going to have to ask you to tutor me in the use of a blade larger than this," she says as a stiletto slides from her sleeve.

Lilly seems to be somewhat amused by Paige's hidden blade but not in a negative way. She appreciated a woman who could take of herself. "You are asking for some very physical training. I do not know if that is wise in your condition. May I ask why you feel you need to do this now?"

"I'm worried about this Artemis, Daeon's mother," Paige explains. "I won't let anyone take my children." Her tone speaks of a protectiveness probably unheard by Lilly before.

There is a momentary pause in the conversation as Lilly calls to mind the information she has gathered on Artemis. Unfortunately there is not much. "Why do you believe she will try?"

"Because of how she came for Daeon when he returned to us," Paige begins.

"Because Julian believes she will," she says, obviously resigned to her fate.

This warrants a nod. If Julian believed there was a danger then there very well might be. She did not believe he would worry Paige unnecessarily.

"As to exertion, as long as I don't over do it, and I'm a fairly good judge of my limits."

"I do not doubt that. All the same I believe we should start slow and work primarily on defensive maneuvers. I also think I should meet with your household staff. You need to plan for any eventuality. Now is the time to do it, not right before the children are born. This way everyone will know exactly what they need to do in case of an emergency."

Lilly thinks about it for a second then decides to ask, "You do have defenders among your staff , yes?" It never hurt to double check. Hopeflly Paige would not find the question offensive.

Paige chuckles softly, laying her hand on Lilly's, "Yes, I've bodyguards for myself and the children. An old friend of my father's, an Altamarean knight, and a woman who served under you in Chaos. I'd be surprised if a few of the others didn't know the business end of a blade, but more in self defense than anything else. And it seems I've been offered a pensioned Ranger, too."

"You are aware that my forces were once under the command of Eric? I do not think that should be an issue but all the same it is something to be aware of. As for the pensioned ranger, I see that as an asset. Even if this Ranger's loyalties lie with Julian I do not see any reason that would be of concern at this moment. Surely the Prince wishes to see his grandchildren protected.

"I am unfamiliar with Altamarean Knights. I would like a chance to speak with him. I can not design an adequate defense without knowing who and what I am working with." There is more on her mind but Lilly leaves it unvoiced for now.

"They were the force my father lead in Chaos," Paige explains.

Lilly again offers a simple nod. That piece of information was a good starting point if nothing else.

"If Order duties don't claim you, nor the Kings will me, we'll start day after the coronation I think, if that suits," Paige suggests, somehow unsure around Lilly.

Abruptly she stops and looks to her dark haired companion, "What does your father think of our friendship?"

"My father?" Lilly had not thought to ask him. Even now she can hardly see a reason to do so. He wanted her to establish relations with his cousins after all. In her mind having an "in" with the redheads was a good thing. Besides that she had taken a liking to Paige during the time they had spent together. Before Lilly could put together an appropriate answer though, curiosity had words coming forth from her lips, "Why would you ask that?"

"Lilly, I'm sure your father wishes the best for you here in Amber," Paige explains. "Vialle is obviously taken with you and, well... I'm not one of her favorites. I've a reputation that I'd hate to see injure your relationships with the ladies of court."

"He might also assume that my interests in you are more than just..." She hesitates. Odd that Paige could feel awkward around someone, anyone, when discussing sex. "Than just friends."

Lilly stops in her tracks and simply looks at Paige trying to discern exactly what she might mean by that. In that one moment any questions Paige might have had about Lilly's innocence are answered. The girl was as pure as a new fallen snow.

"I am not sure I understand." Lilly finally ventures.

Paige smiles at the expected answer. "Lilly, my reputation might be ruined by my tumutuous affairs with the men of this family and a few others in the city, but the scandals would truly fly if my other relationships came to light."

"It's known about the Castle, and thus eventually by your father, I'd assume, that Folly and I have been known to share a bed for the evening from time to time," Paige explains.

"I can't see your father approving of you and I in that sort a friendship, Lilly," _No matter how appealing it is to me._

Lilly continues to stare at Paige. She was an intelligent woman and yet at this moment she felt no wiser then a small child. There were two options. Nod politely, change the subject, and put this conversation far from her mind. Or admit to being rather clueless and ask the questions that immediately came to mind. The latter would be admitting a weakness. Lilly hated do that. It really came down to one thing; could she trust Paige with her inner most thoughts?

"I'm sorry. I do not mean to put you in an awkward place with my questioning. But... well... you need to understand. I was raised to believe sex was used for procreation. That it was a wife's duty to, shall we say, perform? for her husband. From how I understand it, and I know you are going to think I am terribly naive, you need both a man and a woman in order to... have sex. So I really do not understand how or why, two women would share a bed." There is no judgment in her voice. Lilly seems to genuinely be looking for an honest answer to this question.

Paige smiles gently, thinking that it's almost like explaining to Merlin. It all has to do with not having any frame of reference.

"Sex and mating are two different things, Lilly," Paige says walking again. "While sex can be a part of procreation, procreation doesn't have to be part of sex."

"Sex is a natural expression of intimacy, something that happens when you feel comfortable enough with someone to share that intimacy on a personal, physical level. It can also be something enjoyable for two friends or even strangers to help build that level of intimacy. So, in a nutshell, why? Because it's enjoyable, fun even."

"As to the how," Paige hesitates, "Perhaps that's not a conversation for the Castle gardens. "Suffice to say that most any pleasureable feelings that a man might stimulate in a woman, with any of his apendages, can be duplicated by another woman or any number of ingenious devices created for that express purpose. Even by a woman for herself," Paige adds. She seems surprised that a grown woman wouldn't know her own body, but she's not judging in any way.

"Really? Hmmm..." Lilly let her mind wander for a moment as she thinks on what Paige has just told. It made sense. There had been times with physical closeness with another stirred urges within her. Until now though, Lilly had thought those feelings abnormal, or at the very least odd, so she suppressed them. Paige was opening a door for Lilly. Though she might not be quite ready to step through it just yet, she could at least view what lie beyond and begin to ask more intelligent questions.

"All right then. Answer me this. How can procreation be controlled besides the obvious answer of sharing ones bed with someone of the same sex?" This particular topic seemed to clearly interest Lilly. The reason for that was a bit vague. As far as Paige could tell Lilly had no real interest in any man.

"Well, there's always not sharing your bed with any man," Paige says. "But that's rather boring."

"The most obvious for our family is Pattern, control over the likelihoods and other factors in Shadow has kept me without these worries for a century, and before that, well we're not all that fertile a lot to begin with, or so it's said." Paige picks a nightblooming flower from a nearby display, that has just begun to bloom with the onset of spring. "Shadows each have their own methods, from mild drugs to physical barriers of numerous sizes and effiencies, and even magic depending where you walk."

"Based upon your present condition however can I assume that the only truly safe method then is abstinence?"

"I was safe enough until confronted by a fertility diety, love," Paige says with a smile.

"True enough."

Lilly look reflective for a moment before looking deep within Paige's eyes. Smiling gently she allows a bit of her soul to bare itself. "I had always thought to avoid men. At least until marriage. Not all women have your strength when it comes to bearing children outside such a union. My mother certainly did not. When faced with an unexpected pregnancy she choose to put her child in an orphanage. Memories of that place and time still haunt my dreams. It was always so dark and cold. Food was scarce. There were far too many children and far too few people to care for them. I vowed I would never do such a thing to an innocent life."

Paige nods, her own childhood memories surfacing for a moment, before sinking beneath the dark fathoms of her sub-conciousness again.

"I never want to be in a situation where that might be my only option. If that means waiting a thousand years before I loose my maiden head, so be it."

"Well, there are sterile men out there, Lilly. We can always find you one of those. As I said there are alot of options, depending on where you are," Paige concludes, wrapping her arm around her friend to comfort her.

"If it's important, we'll tackle it, if not, well..." Paige shrugs, "Then maybe your way's the best. Look what I've got for my wanton ways." Her free hand strokes stomach, her mind already playing tricks as the moonlight glances off her dress, seemingly pulling at her growing midsection.

"I do not believe it important right now. I am content. As for you..." There is slight pause as Lilly tries to form the words in her mind. "You have my support and my friendship. It is a difficult path you have chosen but not an impossible one. Somehow we will find a way to make it through."

Paige smiles at the 'we' and pulls Lilly a little closer, turning their walk back toward the Castle. "Thank you, Lilly." _That's enough._

She walks Lilly to her chambers and whispers goodnight with an accompanying kiss on the cheek, unless she picks up the feeling that Lilly would be offended. Embarressed or awkward is OK, offended or angry and Paige will back off.

Embarrassed or awkward? Maybe, but just a little. To Lilly the gesture seems semi-innocent. She had often see female relations greet and bid each other farewell in such a fashion. It won't be until later after Lilly has had time to contemplate it that she'll begin to wonder. No matter what though there are no ill feelings towards Paige this evening. With a hushed voice Lilly returns the goodnight and moves into her chambers.

[Paige] heads to her chambers to drop her thoughts onto paper after a long day...

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Last modified: 16 April 2003