On the afternoon of the second day of the Return, Jerod receives the following note:
I'm leaving in the morning on a special provisioning job for Dad and won't be back until right before the coronation. Can you arrange that poker game we talked about for the lads the night before? The room's already reserved at Red Mill.
Violet can deal with the menu. Just round everyone up and tell her how many to expect, and she'll whip the kitchen into shape.
Merlin says he's leaving in the morning too, with his father, so formal introductions will have to wait until they get back. They'll be in Amber for the coronation, and Merlin says he'll be there for poker, too.
If there's anything you need me to fetch before the coronation, send a note to my chambers tonight and I'll fix you up as best I can.
Keep an eye on everything and everybody for me.
MPS: Remember that conversation we had about love and marriage a few years ago? You were right and I was wrong. I owe you a drink.
Jerod reads the note carefully, smiling a little in remembrance of that conversation. But the smile fades as he considers the impact on his friend, and the risk that it will entail for him. Though Martin is much older than Jerod, he knows his friend now enters a new arena of combat...an arena Jerod was trained for from the moment of birth. That his friend is older and more skilled does not give Jerod any comfort.
"And so it begins..." he whispers to himself.
He pushes aside the thoughts for a moment and takes up quill and paper, writing a short reply note.
Only one thing is needed...a good case of scotch. You know the kind. Don't delay if you can't find it. I've still got a few bottles here and there.
All will be watched...safe journey...
Jerod folds the note and places it into an envelope before sealing and signing it for Martin's attention. He re-reads Martin's note carefully, committing it to memory and then folding it once, twice. He picks up the bell on his desk, ringing it once to call for Kemel, putting it down on the desk and holding Martin's note in the flame of the candle sitting on his desk. Jerod watches expressionlessly as it crisps and blackens, dropping it into a small marble bowl that he keeps on his desk for just that occasion, letting the paper consume itself before he pounds the ash into powder.
He hands the note for Martin to Kemel (presumably Kemel arrived during the note burning). "Have this delivered to Prince Martin's quarters immediately." Jerod says. "Do it yourself. No pages. Return when you're done. Bring Kenner with you and find out where my sister is. We have a lot to do."
Kemel takes the note and leaves.
A few minutes after Kemel leaves, but before Kemel returns with Kenner, and before he could have delivered the message, Cambina strolls in. She looks at Jerod expectantly.
Jerod smiles. "I'm so glad your network is still functioning." he says. "I need your help. Martin's disappearing for awhile, off on some mission for Random. I'm going to be busy with some stuff here but I promised I'd keep an eye on a few things. Can you help?"
Cambina pauses, with that 'do you know what you just asked?' look on her face. "Oh, certainly. Which of his 'things' does he think is in harm's way?"
"Folly." Jerod says, but does not explain further. "I'm not sure he's actually got anything to worry about. Something makes me think it might be personal issues on his part. But I said I'd be mindful of things, and I keep my word. But I know I can't be around all the time."
If Cambina could look more put upon, she would. If her expression could say 'I guess you really don't know what you just asked', more clearly, it would. "So you've noticed that Martin's in love. Funny, I thought he was going to be the last one to notice. Alright, I'll put someone on it."
Jerod smiles. "Don't worry. He seems to feel he owes me a drink. A conversation from awhile ago. I'll turn it into something more. Then he can you pay back. I just won't tell him that's what he's doing.
"Wouldn't want to worry him with questions of my competency as a baby-sitter, no. Fear not, younger brother, to the extent that watching Folly is within the feeble grasp of my meagre talents, it will be done, at least to my satisfaction."
"I'm also wondering if you have had a chance to talk to Uncle Caine recently and know what he thinks of our current situation."
"No. He seems to be avoiding the Castle. Probably worried that someone has told the King how hard Caine bargained for his head during the conflict. Ever wonder what our lives would have been like if Corwin hadn't scrupled to turn over Random? I've seen it in Tir. They would have defeated father if Caine had gone to them. It was in Tir when I saw that version of the world that I first saw Cousin Marius. He would have been quite the rising young star in a Corwin-Deirdre-Caine court, you know."
"Hmmm...so that's where that came from." Jerod mutters. "That places new meaning on some of the King's musings. We'd best keep an eye on the navy. If Caine's worried, he's probably fortifying his position as we speak."
"What else did you see, when you saw this alternate future?" Jerod asks. "Marius is a wild card. I don't know much about him."
"What else? Conner, looking at his very annoyingly bright grin in the mirror. I'd've expected young Narcissus to be Flora's child.
"I don't have a line on Marius yet, except that he was Deirdre's and Caine's protege. He's close kin to us, as close as anyone. And that can't be good." Cambina is smiling now.
"Conner smiles far too much." Jerod says. "I distrust anyone who smiles so easily...it shows how little the expression actually means."
"I shall have to talk to this Marius...find out what he's like. Anyone like us surely has to be monitored." Jerod replies, a wolfish grin to match Cambina's smile.
"As for Martin, I don't doubt your ability to watch is in question. More that Martin might not appreciate it if he finds out it was you doing it. He probably figures I might go to you anyway...but if it's not officially known, he doesn't have to make a public issue out of it. And there's enough going on with that bunch to make a three ring circus. Need an agenda just to keep track of it all."
"Just one? I've identified at least four, more or less hidden according to the author's inclination and talent. You may be right. Martin may expect you to ask me. Certainly I'm a better choice for you than any of the other heads of intelligence services that you could have asked. Old Man Winter probably would have seen to her security by burying her at sea.
"Will you be staying in town or are you off procuring as well?"
"I'll be here." Jerod says. "The King still has me re-integrating the troops. I might get some procurement duties later. I suspect it will depend on how he approaches the shadow path question. I might get to go along on one with an uncle. We'll see.
"Right now I'm just wondering who else Martin asked to watch around for him. Last thing I want to do is land on someone else's toes and think they're the bad guys. Unless they are of course."
"Oh, I have a handle on that. We won't step on any of the pros and Martin wouldn't bother with the amateurs. Do you have a costume yet?"
Jerod shakes his head. "Nice change of subject." he says with a smile. "And no, I do not. I'll come up with something I'm sure. Have you decided?"
She shakes her head. "It'll come to me when the time is right. If we had any purple crepe paper, I'd go as Aisling, but that would probably distress the heir-presumptive too much..."
"Oh? How so?" Jerod asks curiously. "And which heir-presumptive." Jerod learned long ago to always try to get a definition on Cambina's phrases - you never know just precisely who she's referring to unless she uses a name. And sometimes not even then.
"You are just like our father, do you know that? It would help if you paid attention to people. Ask Martin about Aisling sometime. Or vice versa."
"Thank you." Jerod smiles a bit in reference to his father. "Aisling is part of Benedict's brood but not directly if I remember correctly. I'm not too clear on the chaos side of geneaology. And Martin's not going to be around for awhile so I might as well ask you before asking him. Then I can compare notes and find out how much has been left out and why."
"If you were still a student, you'd get your knuckles rapped for laziness. Aisling and Martin don't get on. They never have, and it's clear from their posture, not to mention speaking to them. Martin has concerns about Merlin, who tells the most outrageous stories. It got somewhat better after Martin goes to Madoc, of course, because of all the other trouble..."
She looks off at nothing.
"Cambina..." Jerod says, leaning forward to touch her hand. "Come on back to me."
She smiles. "Just woolgathering. Is there anything else? Did Corwin ask you to have me watch over Merlin?"
"Corwin?" Jerod asks, looking at her curiously. "I haven't seen him since the transfer. I would have thought he'd go straight to you rather than me. Why do you ask? My understanding is that he's off with Corwin prior to the coronation."
"For purposes of providing a sarcastic retort, brother dear. Perhaps Vere can prepare a report on them and their uses for you."
Jerod laughs. "Oh sister...I sometimes wonder why I do so appreciate you. Then you go and do this and I remember why."
She smiles. "Should I suggest another outrageous request you might have for me, or will you just let me get on with my duties with that last fond comment?" But it's softer than her usual edge and you suspect that she appreciates you as well, although you're not sure she's sure why...
Jerod continues to smile. "I shall not keep you further my sister for I am sure your schedule is filled to overflowing even without my request. I think though for two days hence we should have lunch and talk of things unrelated to work and castle. It feels like it has been a long time since we've just sat and talked."
(The lunch so offered would be just that - a lunch - no politics, no planning, etc, etc - something that can be scheduled but doesn't have to be RP'd).
She'll take you up on that.
Whoo-hoo! Looks like we're all back as is going to be back... Let's run the "KoR meet Marius and talk about the future" thing! The evening of the second day back, following dinner. Let's say in the Blue parlor; Aisling would have sent back a messenger in reply to Lilly's invite suggesting it since they all know where it is, at least.
Let's do it. In order to clarify the timeline in my mind, this is the evening of the same day that Brennan went back to review the Troops, tell 'em they're getting paid for five years, etc.
Also, if I may, perhaps a meta-rule: I have no idea when information about Jovian or Daeon will come down the pike, so perhaps we should just assume that those questions and answers occur off-camera.
"Heard anything?" / "Nope." Gotcha.
Works for me, although I guess we now know they'll be a long time coming back.
(Sorry if this is obvious to everyone else; been running on four hours of sleep a night for two weeks now.)
Forgot to mention this last night, but as a baseline assumption, expect
Jovian to arrive not long before the coronation, and therefore to miss most
of the planning sessions.
As for Daeon, he will not be a factor in Knightly planning. The GMs have things up their sleeves for Daeon.
So, Aisling shows up perhaps a bit early... And I'm imagining she's in a Amber-fashioned earth-brown slim velvet dress that requires the abolition of streamers, one of those that the seamstresses had delivered in the morning while they worked on stuff that actually fit...
Brennan will have been back at the Castle long enough to catch a quick soak, change for dinner, and then consume dinner with whomever is interested. If no one is interested, Brennan probably will have taken a plate of finger food down to the library and passed the time reading.
If it's a lending library (for the Royals, anyway) Brennan probably has one or two of them with him when he arrives at the Blue Room. Histories of Amber, if anyone looks, and at least one of them will have a bookmark placed well into the volume.
He arrives more or less on time, neither early nor late, and compared to the descriptions that the GMs mentioned on the Blog, Brennan is dressed conservatively and quietly. He generally does. This evening, he's wearing a medium grey buttoned shirt, and a pair of black pants. There is just enough red trim to the garments to set off his hair.
[GMs, or Ambersiders, what exactly is the etiquette for Royals walking around with blades? Brennan is a rugged type that is used to bearing a weapon, but he's not stupid enough to not notice if that's just Not Done.]
Seeing Aisling, he greets her, and chit-chats until the others show up. Unless he's the last to show up, of course. He inquires after her day, and gives a run-down of his if asked, which would imply that Aisling knows the outline of the troop standing at the end of the day.
[Brennan didn't bring Marius with him?]
Brennan told him that the Knights exist, and that there would be a meeting. I think Lilly sent him an invitation as well. Whether Marius wants to come along on Brennan's ride is kinda up to him.
[If Lilly didn't send him an invitation, Brennan will mention it to him at the lunchtime conversatin with Brita and Bleys. I'll do it in-continuity.]
[Still waiting on Meera for the answer to that one. But Brennan's attempts to be inclusive are finite.]
[Looks like Brennan and Aisling are functionally early, too.]
Having told Aisling about the events in the Valley, [Brennan asks] "So, how go the preparations for the Coronation? Anything I can tell the army, tomorrow?"
[[Alright, meta, John, can we assume that Aisling gave Brennan a brief "Wasn't involved much in coronation planning today, spent most of it getting re-based at the castle, speaking with Gerard etc; people seemed glad to hear the story of the battle" and Brennan gave Aisling a "Troops kinda antsy and too relaxed, and interested in the pay situation" talk? Not much detail in the time allotted?]]
[Yeah, that works for me, and is about what I was expecting.]
Marius is going to be fairly reluctant in attending, but as he really doesn't (at this point) have any legitimate excuses to avoid it, he will probably make his way in sometime after Brennan.
By this point, he's managed to get into his own clothing stores. He's well-packaged, roughly clean, and fairly pressed. He doesn't look particularly comfortable, and will take a seat looking sort of like most of the people you'd find in a dentist's waiting area.
He offers a friendly enough smile towards Brennan and Aisling, but that's only to prove he doesn't need the root canal.
Aisling brightens up visibly at seeing him, and she smiles with welcome. "Marius. I'm so pleased to see you up and about. Your unconsciousness was quite worrying." She bows a bit, "I don't believe we've been introduced. I'm Aisling."
[D'oh. Brennan should have introduced you. Damn distractions.]
[No, I imagine she said that at the first polite moment, so you're totally off the hook. I mean, we both should have introduced ourselves when Marius came crippling up to talk to Caine while Brennan was bandaging Aisling, but I think it's still all good...]
Entering the room, Lilly looks refreshed. A day sparring with the castle guard was just what she needed. She was feeling confident and ready to handle any problem that might present itself.
"Good evening." She said to no one in particular. Lilly's atention then turned to Marius. "It is good to see you up and about cousin."
"This is Lilly, Benedict's daughter," Aisling adds, in case Marius didn't know, with a slight bow and gesture and smile of greeting to her.
[This time, Brennan had it right-- He, Marius and Lilly met each other right before the battle, at the Random Briefing.]
[Oh! Right. D'oh. That was, what, 15 months ago? Still, does Aisling know that they know each other? I think I can let that stand, even in this new light.]
[No, she probably does not.]
Brennan of course has been through alla that with Marius that morning. When Lilly enters, Brennan gives her a wave and friendly nod. After she's done greeting Marius and the reciprocal occurs, he looks around then says, "Well. Looks like we've got about as much of a quorum as we're going to get, tonight." Focussing on Lilly, he inquires, "What's the news?"
Brennan is in informal mode, and is probably perched casually on the edge of a table, or the moral equivalent. His supply of formality has been about played out before the army, earlier that day.
Aisling perches on the arm of a armchair, leaning back slightly against the wing of it. She's back in the Battle Slippers. ;)
[Brennan does not do slippers.]
There is the briefest of hesitations as Lilly reminds herself that she is among peers. She does not wish to alienate any of her cousins just yet. As she moves to a comfortable looking chair she begins her voice relaxed and confident. "The Queen had several of the Ladies of the Court, Aunt Florimel, and Cousins Paige and Ossian for tea this morning to discuss the coronation ball and such. It was interesting to say the least. I think it will take quite a while before I have a hand on all of the political intricacies of this castle. But I digress..."
By all appearances, Brennan is silently pleased that he missed out on that one.
Aisling actually looks interested in all of that.
There's a difference between being interested, and wanting to attend.
Lilly takes a deep breath. This was the part of the evening she had been dreading. "The Queen wants to create a very positive atmosphere within the city during the coronation festivities. One of the ways we thought to do this was to have a combined Elevation/Knighting ceremony. It is for us to decide if that is feasible from our end. Paige is handling the other end. Vialle has requested that she and I work together to coordinate things."
Brennan is tired from a long day of dealing with the chaos of the Army, and his masks aren't entirely in place. Consequently, it's not terribly difficult to read his surface emotions from his expression.
First comes, 'What was Lilly worried about?'
Second comes, 'Why is Vialle meddling in the Knights?'
From there, they slip back below the surface as he works a few things over in his mind. "Well, even leaving aside Jovian and Daeon for the moment, we probably have to figure out what it is the Knights are going to be and do before we can answer that question."
"Not necessairly," Aisling says, thoughtfully. "There's a lot to be said for momentum, and it's certain that we need to have a knighting ceremony soon, while memories of the war still are fresh. Like any living organization, I expect we'll be adapting as time goes by; we don't need everything figured out at the beginning. But," she smiles agreeably at Brennan, "We do need a few spars on which to hang the laundry that will move this in the direction we choose..."
"Part of this is clearly my own contrarian nature and mislike of being told to jump for political and party reasons. I'm sure I'll get over it," and a glance to Lilly reinforces that he doesn't hold her responsible. Why would he?
"But for the moment, I shall continue in the vein of Devil's Advocate. So, yes, there is a lot to be said for momentum and getting things done and not falling prey to paralysis through analysis. On the other hand, while I'm sure we can all drop a list of a half a dozen or more names on the table right now, I think we'd be remiss if we didn't spend at least some time figuring out what we expect the Order to be, how we generally want to select members, or both.
"There's no way the four and two of us are going to agree on every little thing in the space of two weeks-- if ever. But we don't want six Orders of the Ruby, either."
Marius nods at this, but is mostly listening to opinions before forming his own; after all, he really has had a lot less time to think about it.
"Perhaps the single most important question is do we wish this to a simple
honorific or do we wish this to be a working Order?"
This is the part Marius listens to most particularly.
"I spent part of the afternoon speaking with the Venesch. I am sure you all know that Amber has no army other then the castle guard. She has always relied upon forces from shadow. This, I am led to believe, created some difficulties when the Moonriders attacked some years ago." Lilly says in a calm voice. There is clearly something going on behind those eyes however. Her thoughts are racing.
"With the suggested possibilty that we could once again be hosting the Moonriders in less then optimum circumstances perhaps it would be wise to gather the best of our forces not just for show but for purpose. Of course no one, save Venesch, the King, and trusted family need know that purpose. Once the danger has passed the Order can settle into something more long term."
"Oh, we couldn't ever be Hosting the Moonriders. Not unless someone invited them in..." Aisling smiles a bit, but her look at Lilly and Brennan make it clear that she's as much seriously concerned as joking; or more.
But that aside, "I am certain Random intended this elevation to grant us a certain amount of sway. I doubt that he will be so pleased to find six people who are to him unknowns developing an entire branch of armed forces. I'd very much like to make this in to a group of people who brought material benefit to Amber, but I think we should lay our initial groundwork with a small number of men in mind, the knights we will honor ourselves, and some support staff.
She nods to Brennan, "As for selecting knights, have you other ideas than the traditional valour in combat?"
Through Lilly's and Aisling's conversation, Brennan's face takes on an expression that will probably become familiar. His eyes are no longer focussed on the room, and a casual observer might think that he wasn't paying attention. When he speaks, though, it's obvious that he was paying very close attention, while at the same time trying to visualize something not yet fully formed.
If Benedict ran through hypotheticals at the sand table, the night before, he wore it then. If anyone ever sees Brennan planning a battle, or in the early phases of building something, people will see it then, too.
When Aisling is finished, and it looks as though Marius is content to remain silent, his eyes focus back on the room, and again, it's obvious that he was paying careful attention. He addresses the discussion between Lilly and Aisling first.
"Actually, I think Random empowered us to do just that, if we so desired. But I don't think Lilly was suggesting that we raise an entire army," he glances at her, to see if he's correct, "Nor do I think that would be a great idea right now anyway.
"For one thing, right now Amber has an army. Given that Random has already sent the word down to pay them for five years of service, I assume he wants to keep at least some of them as a standing force. I'm acting on that assumption anyway, right now, and I'll be keeping Random fully informed of it. For another, that would be... a lot of Knights to create on very short notice.
"But given who we six are, and how we came to be Knights-Commander, I think it's almost a given that the Order will be martial. Or at least have a very martial branch to it."
Marius looks about to interject something here, but he waits for Brennan to finish.
He looks at Lilly again, "Were you thinking of something along the lines of a smaller, elite force? A kind of a counterpart to the Rangers, so the Rangers can get back to doing what they're supposed to be doing?" Brennan is in no way opposed to this, and although he hasnt' said so, he probably kinda likes the idea.
Turning back to Aisling, he says, "And I'm not proposing that's all they should be. There are six of us, two who can't be here tonight.
"So. Criteria for being Knighted? Valour in combat was one, yes. I was thinking along the lines of valour, sacrifice, leadership, quick-thinking or innovation... just for starters. All qualities we've seen on the battlefield, but all qualities we can see off the battlefield, too, if we find ourselves with an embarassment of peaceful situations.
"And Lilly mentioned that we should select the right kind of men and women-- those we could count on to do the right thing in complex situations. I agree entirely. I don't know how to boil it down into a single word, but maybe we shouldn't. If they don't know what we're looking for in that regard, they can't try to fake it."
Marius shrugs.
"I think I was still hanging at the part where we were guessing at what the King wants." He pauses. "From what I know of our beloved Uncle," the capitalization makes him grin, "he's a wily sort. So what is the wily answer? The lazy one is that he wanted the recognition: recognition offers us the authority to handle things for him. The ability to recognize others creates levels of bureaucracy that are not necessarily caught in the cobwebs of past regimes." He manages not to smirk too obviously. "The cautious answer seems to be that it also keeps us somewhat in the public eye and under his direct control as we are," he gestures to Aisling, granting her the point, "unknown qualities."
He smiles again. "I am a fairly straightforward sort, so the wily answer eludes me. Wily seems to suggest that he wants to expect the same from us: he would use this task to see what we create, and who we choose. How much of this Knighthood is for His Majesty to make sure we have ties to Amber and its potential well-being? We could go the lazy route, and choose those who simply `deserve' the recognition. To answer Cousin Brennan's question in regards to criteria, though, I'll offer an alternative opinion: I don't like the martial aspects. There are plenty of fighting men, many valiant overachievers. If I were to grant honours, I would want more than that. Brennan used the word 'innovation,' and that's exactly the quality I would place priority on... although it may come to odds with 'tradition.'" He takes a bit of a breath, as his thoughts come to a roil. "I want the qualities that we don't have in huge quantity to be recognized. Leadership, yes... but the kind of leadership that makes people _think_, not just knows how to give orders."
He smiles. "Let me give you an example. When I was working with Commander Spar, on the Convent's Kiss, I had a chance to see this in action. We were light on hands, and had a bunch of underpaid laborers who spoke Mincarti, primarily, rather than our tongue. Spar accepted the charge because of his fluency. When the Kiss had the bone in her teeth, he could spit out orders to the Mincarts in their native spiel and then just as quickly change over to our crew's slang, and he knew exactly what he wanted each of us to do. Never forgot how to address someone, and could swear in a language or three more than that. That's the leadership I would expect. That's the minimum of what I want out of a Knight."
He takes a breath. "Now take Captain Yarikh, of the Moon's Path. Yarikh, though his bones rest in the watery graves, was a wily one. He almost never gave orders, but always asked questions. You could always tell when someone had sailed with Yarikh because they knew more about the 'why' of doing things, and that helped them with the 'what.' It made the men capable of making decisions beyond the workings of the ship. That's what I'd look for... It's an artistry of sorts, maybe. It's... inspiration." He grins.
"I am, of course, thoroughly open to being overruled."
Brennan caught Marius' initial shrug and returned it with a backspin. When Marius has spoken his piece, Brennan puts words to it very briefly: "If Random has a particular purpose in mind, he can come down and tell us. Until then, I'm sticking by Brennan's Fourth Law."
Then, addressing the larger points, "I tend to disagree on the martial aspect. Like Lilly, I suspect that a few new institutions are going to be necessary for the future defense of Amber. It's a dangerous world out there, and we're as down as we've been for a long time, from what I understand-- a good chance for someone nursing a grudge to try and take a good kick. Besides, I've made it a lifelong habit to stay as far away from Amber as possible until now and the only group I can draw from is the Army.
"But I don't think anyone here needs to force the issue-- as long as no one turns this into an arms race, we should get a nice spectrum of recruits, yes? And all told, six active and interested Knights-Commander are probably better than, arbitrarily, four interested and two disinterested and feeling shut out."
When Marius had mentioned Spar and Yarikh, Brennan nodded along, again with his eyes taking that unfocussed look. "I was afraid I hadn't chosen the right word, but I guess I got it. I wanted something that covers intelligence without demanding book scholarship, because unfortunately, a lot of good recruits aren't going to have had that kind of opportunity. Something that ranges from the kind of quick-thinking that works in battle, to the deeper thought that you've just described.
"Actually, I think all the criteria I came up with can be found both in and out of battle."
He looks to the others.
"As you have stated Brennan we are indeed four distinctly different people. Even if we were to devise an exact set of criteria for Knighthood, I still believe we would view each prospect differently. I think we are all agreed that this should be more then a pat on the back to he or she who received the most kills." The look on Lilly's face indicates a certain dislike for that sort of tabulation. She had no idea how many had met there end on her sword during the fight. That was far from the point. "To me that is enough. Diversity can create strength when tempered by strong leadership. What we do need to discuss is numbers. How elite do we wish ourselves to be?
"I do believe that at least some of our number should be used as an elite force to aid both the rangers and the castle guard. Something far less then a full fledged army and capable of covert operations. Men and women who could react at a moments notice. For that to be truly effective however our stated purpose could have little or nothing to do with that sort of thing. And only a portion of our Knights could be involved."
Aisling grins. "We must consider not only what we want from this order, but what our knights will want from it. Some of these valorous and clever men no doubt will have families, and jobs they wish to return to. However, how about if we continue to train them, and also have them pitch in to aid Amber? Day trips, or slightly longer; they ride out, scattered about the land doing good works and collecting information, and available should danger appear? 'Twould also assist in the knights thinking of each other as a resource upon which to draw..."
She tilts her head, "As for the choice of knights, I find the audacity of letting knighthood fall not only on those at the battle with Chaos appealing for precedent; but also, in a small part, because it gives me a pool from which to draw. I do point out, though, that I gathered the impression many of Jovian's dragons would be returning to their own land; and Adonis did not lead troops, either. It would be meet if knighthood came not from any one of us, but from the council of Commanders."
In an unconscious echo of Lilly's words to the tea party that morning, Brennan says, "They'll want what we want them to." Then he drops the pose and continues more reasonably. "Seriously, I figure I have about five years' worth of serious officer pay coming to me to start a bankroll, and I'd be surprised if the Knights-Commander as a whole can't manage to get some sort of deal worked out in the near to mid future to cover funding for our less well off Knights-to-be. And it's probably part of the job here to make sure that the men and women in question have some interest, and don't end up at a net loss because of it."
Marius ends up nodding through most of this, in agreement, not as in bored-to-sleep.
"I think we might have to feel our way a bit more carefully on the issue of Knights not at the battle, initially, though. I believe I've heard something about complimentary recognition to be awarded to the civilians during the coronation as well?" [Brennan] gives a shrug. Given his base of candidates, it's not his problem; he just wanted to point out the potential conflict.
He ticks points off on his fingers. "So what have we got so far? Strength in diversity of Knights-Commander, of Knights, and of purpose. Selection based officially on valor, leadership, sacrifice, innovation, and anything else we can come up with along those lines. Based unofficially on character, as well, kept vague enough to be useful to us. Martial and non-martial aspects."
He looks up again to make sure he's summarizing accurately.
Lilly nods in his general direction as she goes over her own mental lists. She and Brennan seem to be currently sharing the same train of thought so for the moment there is no point interrupting him.
Marius gives a sharp nod.
"What's under discussion? Numbers, immediate and projected? I'm not
sure, really, especially long term. That probably segues naturally to
the question of initial candidates. Anyone? Or do I get to
demonstrate Knightly bravery and go first?"
Lilly pauses in thought for the slightest of moments. "For the moment we need to focus our selections on those who served with us in battle. It is those who we will be honoring at the ceremony. Paige will be soliciting suggestions for Civilian elevations. We should try not to out number her by too large a margin. Those who remained behind have done a commendable job in the face of adversity. We can always add to out numbers later on.
"With that in mind, Brennan if you still wish to go first, then by all means... Unless of course someone else has something to offer?"
"I shall be quick. I could nominate many among Jovian's dragonriders, but I will wait until he has returned. The only being whose courage I was able to observe closely enough was that of Ce'e, who held off the Black Wyvern alone, for more than two hours, losing great chunks of himself."
Aisling smiles as a thought hits her, "I would nominate Caine for the vast
aid he provided in stopping the Chaos /things/
Brennan has a picture in his head.
And the picture is, Caine kneeling to Aisling, and getting whacked on
the shoulder with a sword. The picture amuses him. Then he thinks
about the reactions that the rest of the family would be likely to
have as well, and it's a whole 'nother kind of amusement.
"Well. That would take stones." It's not disapproving, but that's
probably because Brennan is still turning it over in his mind. If
nothing else, he likes the audacity of it.
"I'm... not so sure that wasn't just 'any port in a storm'," the words
slip from Aisling, and then she lightly rests her chin in her hand and
continues thoughtfully, "On the other hand..." She's warming to the idea.
"...One helluva storm," he muses. He looks over at Marius to see if
he's got that, 'Someone forgot to tell me a story,' look or not.
Marius queries in a lull... "Must we choose now?" he asks.
"While I could name easily a dozen, maybe two, of those
whose qualities would likely suit, whose prowess and beauty
in battle _must_ be acknowledged," he takes a breath, "the
additional issues must be realized before I could, in good
conscience, choose through them. I would see how they deal
with our current stress in the Vale, and listen in on how
they would see their futures. It's an unsettled time, and
many of the men I led have other duties and recognitions to
garner, such as those who have been raised to command
positions in the Navy." [Pending Caine, Conner, and Marius'
talk, that is.] "Is patience prudent in this place? Is
this a study or a matter of intuition? Would we want such
honours to be hereditary, or must each man win it and as
such, so should their sons? Ah dear. I overwhelm with
questions again," he smiles, almost apologetically. "My
mind starts spinning out too many moves ahead."
"I don't think it's up to us whether the Order is hereditary or not.
I've been happily assuming not. At the moment, though, it's all
discussion, yes? To put concrete people behind the ideas we've come up
with, if only to see how they fit."
"In my mind Knighthood is something that each man or _woman_ should earn."
There is perhaps a trace of annoyance in her voice as Lilly's inner
feminist briefly surfaces. "And I think it is wise to reward those who have
earned such honors as quickly as possible. Yes, patience is often prudent
and most times I would agree with you. But honoring war heroes I feel is
best done while the deeds are still fresh. And if we are to coordinate the
knighting with the coronation, well then we must proceed."
Aisling is nodding.
"But the honors do come from the king, by the power he vested in us,"
Aisling says with a little smile and a tilt of her head to Lilly. "As I
said, were the Green Knight anyone but Caine, I would not hesitate to add
his worth to our order. Should we let state of relation stand between
knighthood and those who have earned it?"
She shrugs. "It may be that he would be among those who do not find our
proposed conduct to be in line with his own desires. We continue the
determination of what it is we will be asking of these beings we honor."
Last modified: 9 January 2003
"If we're opening it up for family, though-- I have another one.
Merlin. I got the sense that, aside from the imminent danger of
helping you get us out of there, that he was risking a lot more on a
family basis. Or maybe it was a sacrifice."
"As to honoring family members.... While I see the wisdom and in many ways
agree with your judgement I am not sure that it is our place. Not right now
anyway. My thought is that any honors given them should come from the King.
Perhaps we could speak with Uncle Random on the subject. If either Caine or
Merlin were members of the Order I should think they should be our equals."
"As far as naming names from the troops, I have several in mind. Perhaps it
would be best if we each took some time to compose a list. We can each make
our presentations at our next meeting."
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