Most of you, like Vere and Robin, quickly notice that the servants are in a tizzy. It's hard to find pages and such to do your bidding if you have any. By the time you all troop in for inspection by Gerard, the halls are deserted; most of the servants are probably already in the Great Hall for the first announcement.
Lady Vesper arrives with Solace and the children in tow for the mass family entrance. (Please welcome Meera as Lady Vesper. She'll be guest-starring in the role of The Scariest NPC Mother-in-law. :) Vialle is also present.
Gerard advises everyone that the servants will hear the announcement first, and that there will be a second announcement for the peers and court in about another hour, which will give them all time to get to the castle. (Those of you with performance backgrounds may be thinking "sound check".)
After a few minutes, a page arrives with a request for you all to accompany him. Everyone troops down what used to be a stairway but has been sort of retrofitted with ramps for Gerard's wheelchair. Gerard has no trouble navigating it -- he's become a champeen wheelchairer -- but those of you not so used to long skirts would probably prefer the stairs.
The family is the last to arrive with one exception, of course. Gerard wheels himself to the front of the room, and everyone falls silent. Gerard begins speaking.
"Some of ye will have already heard rumors of what has passed this morning. I'm not much one for gossip; I'd rather have plain speaking, and such is what I'll give you. You may have heard that we've made contact with the army gone these five years and more. It's true, and the first of them has returned, with more to come.
"Many of you will also have wondered what happened to my father, King Oberon. We now know he perished in fighting Amber's enemies. Now his throne has passed and my family is united in their allegiance to the new king of Amber."
It doesn't take a sensitive to feel the excitement and tension in the air.
It's at this point that Random emerges from the little door that those of you familiar with Court ceremonial would have expected Oberon -- or Eric -- to use. He wears the Jewel still, and it is ablaze. He looks more kingly for a moment than any of you expected.
Gerard says the next in a loud, booming voice, and you all know the drill: "The King is dead! Long live the King!"
The servants take a moment to follow and echo "Long live the King!"
Then the kingly glamour fades, and Random has no glamour but his own. But that he has in spades. "Thanks," he says, in a voice that isn't overly loud but still is clear and carries through the room.
Vialle makes an odd noise, so quiet that only those of you close to her could possibly have heard it. But Random pauses, and holds out his hand to her. "I present to you your Queen, my wife, Vialle."
Folly's lower lip twitches ever-so-slightly.
Solange looks at Folly with a "dawn breaks over Marblehead" look on her face. Suddenly things start to make sense.
Vialle steps forwards and takes her husband's hand.
"I have accepted this unlooked-for honor and, by the grace of the Unicorn, I will do my duty to protect and provide for the kingdom of Amber. We will shortly be bringing the army home, for we could not have a coronation without them. I thank my brother Gerard, who has stewarded this kingdom through much hardship. I thank the rest of my family for their work with him on the kingdom's behalf.
"There will be a formal reception for the Court within the hour, and afterwards we will be preparing for the return of the army. There is much to be done and you are all confirmed in your duties. I ask that you go about them now and keep this castle running at least until we get the army home."
Those of you who are paying close attention may note Vialle's increasing tension as Random starts to lose that royal dignity thing. She's holding his hand still, and some of you suspect her grip is a little tight, perhaps to remind him not to lose it yet.
"Thank you," he says, and the servants correctly understand it as 'you are dismissed'. They desert the room in reasonably short order.
Conner nodds at the end pleased with Random's performance. Of course, the servants were the easy audience.
Ossian follows the happening with an amused smile.
Jerod follows the ceremony with interest, noting any variances from protocol but apparently satisfied that the forms are obeyed. He will ensure that at the correct points where responses are required, he provides them but overall he watches.
After the ceremony is done, he looks at his sister briefly, raising an eyebrow. She alone will know that it is in reference to their previous conversation and to Vialle's behaviour.
She gives an almost imperceptible shake of the head, which Jerod interprets as "we'll talk later".
And Jerod arranges for just that, some time after the main audience for the nobility and such are completed. It is certain that there is going to be some major reactions happening and Jerod is not going to miss out on that. He'll be very interested in the reactions of the differing factions. As well, for those who still support him and his sister, there will need to be some discussion with them after the announcement.
Random waits until the place is empty, except for family, and lets go Vialle's hand before he speaks. "Damn, I forgot to tell them about the shuffleboard on the lido deck."
Conner chuckles and shakes his head.
Vialle fights off the reflexive frown, for the most part.
Conner sighs softly and looks at Vialle with sympathy.
Folly, though, cracks a big grin. "No worries," she says. "You can make up for it with Coronation Karaoke."
It's a good thing Solange wasn't drinking anything right then, or she'd have done a spit-take. She tries to pretend that her snort of laughter was a cough, but it's not especially convincing.
Random flashes Solange a wicked grin.
Gerard harrumphs and says, "There'll be no singing, praises or otherwise, till we get through this next one. Vere, Jerod, Conner, Lucas, the court will be looking to you for cues. You'll have to take the lead in kneeling at the proper moment."
Vere nods without speaking.
Jerod nods but says nothing for the moment.
Conner nods. "I'm having the audience cue signs printed up as well." He chuckles. "You know, applaud, revered silence, Awwwwwww, that sort of thing."
Gerard turns to Random. "Have ye thought about an exit, when the pressure of kingly dignity becomes too much?"
"Swashbuckling," says Random, "I'll swing from the chandelier out the window."
Gerard sighs. "Yer not being very helpful."
"Someday," Random comments, sounding very unconcerned, "no one will remember when kings were serious."
Gerard harrumphs again. "Don't count on it. Yer son's a paragon of dignity and duty."
[OOC: except, of course, for the uncombed hair, baggy jeans, and untied tennis shoes, but who's counting?]
Random's pause doesn't quite qualify as a double-take.
Vialle has been looking increasingly annoyed at the turn of conversation.
"Your majesty...has Uncle Gerard or Martin informed you of the Council's duties during the last few of years?" Jerod asks. "I'm asking because after the audience with the Court there are sure to be some who will be immediately pressing for audiences. We normally held a dinner meeting every evening to discuss issues and bring everyone up to date. Might it not be advisable to continue that for the next couple of days until the rest of the family has returned, to give you a heads-up?"
Jerod pauses before adding the *really important* point of his conversation. "I only mention this because we always took care of work *before* the jam session."
Conner chuckles.
"Yeah, Jerod, good idea," Folly says. "We could create some sort of diversion, giving the King a chance to escape, and then fill him in on the ensuing hilarity at dinner. That *is* what you were suggesting, right?"
She's mostly, but not entirely, joking.
"Oh, I'm sure his Majesty has many skillful ways of avoiding the nobles at Court. I would not even consider offering a suggestion in that regard." Jerod says with a slight smile. "No, my interest is about *after* the Court is enlightened and we've sent all our stunned peers home to mull. They are sure to begin planning their approach the royal family once they hear the news, if they do not know by the time they arrive. Since we've had the most contact with the various court elements of late, it would be wise to advise the King of anything that is brewing so he can be prepared."
Gerard nods. Random says, "Sure, why not. It's not like I don't have a few minutes to kill before the second set. Can we get a chair around - oh."
[There is one chair in the room. It belongs to Random.]
"Can I get one of you to go back in the office and find a chair for Vialle?" Most of you know there's an office behind the throne room. There should be a couple of chairs in there.
Vialle says, "No, that's not necessary." But she looks pleased that he thought of it without being prompted.
[It would only take a moment to fetch the chair if someone wanted to.]
Since Jerod thought of the idea for the meeting, he'll go get the chair.
"Right. I've never paid much attention to these people. Can someone give me a quick rundown on who I'm about to upset?" says Random.
"Well, I'm not sure if they'll be upset with you per se. But there was a food shortage for awhile, where some of the merchants were engaged in hoarding." Jerod says.
OOC: for the sake of brevity in messaging, I'm going to assuming that Jerod (and others here) can bring him up to speed on this.
BIC: "I don't think they'll bring that up, but they might be a bit snarky with you because I got a little heavy handed with Carver." Jerod explains. "He was guilty as sin but the little bastard thought he was going to be smart and tried to force a court trial. I...*explained* the error of doing that to him and his lawyer. They didn't like that and since then there's been some resistance to the Council. That may carry over to you."
"Yeah, and don't forget our updated usury laws, and the fees we're charging to accompany ships on trade voyages," Folly adds. "Those've sorta pissed 'em off, too, and they weren't even Jerod's fault." She winks at Jerod.
"Hey, I can only piss off so many people at once. Give me time." Jerod quips.
"On the whole," Folly continues, "we've been a bit more... egalitarian, I guess you'd say... since the Sundering: setting precedents for property rights for married women, helping the docksiders set up a school for their kids, that sort of thing. We've made the rich guys kind of edgy. They, in the main, are who you're about to upset."
Vialle, seated comfortably now in the chair that Jerod brought for her, says: "We've made a lot of irregular arrangements to keep the city going since the Sundering. Now that the army is returning home, everyone will want a sense of normalcy. I wouldn't worry about upsetting the nobles and Court too much with these reforms, dear. I doubt they'll have much lasting influence."
Folly pauses for a beat and blinks, like she's not sure she really heard what she thinks she heard. She balls her hands into fists, but tries to keep her voice calm.
"They will stand on their merits, or not at all," she says. "Time will tell."
Solange flashes Folly a grateful look.
Vialle says, not unkindly, "Folly, I know it means a great deal to you, and I'm sorry your feelings are hurt. But we are in council for the King now, and we must deal with Amber as she is, and not as we would like her to be. Amber is a very conservative place; it must be so to withstand the influences of as many foreigners as have passed through her harbor over the centuries. It would be foolish to expect changes overnight. There is already a backlash against so-called 'unladylike' and 'unfeminine' women." She glances at Lady Vesper.
[ that sightless sort of way?]
"Something about the way Vialle inclines her head suggests she is listening for Lady Vesper's response."]
Solange presses her lips together and looks as though she's suppressing a rant.
Lady Vesper never ignores the slightest cue that might give her recognition, after all.
To take the opportunity to revisit the character slightly, there is almost no need to tell you that while some people lift themselves up at certain points for emphasis, Lady Vesper is nearly ramrod straight, with the bearing that only a lady of style and substance can offer. That bearing has not budged an inch despite the acknowledgement of Random as King.
Those who can intuit such things can sense that the Lady is in some degree of an inner conflict. On one hand, she is struggling with accepting that the hoodlum (hooligan, troublemaker...ah, the words that spill over onto one's tongue, should she choose to be accepting of the idea) is King. On the other hand, her dignity prevents any of that from escaping: after all, Amber now has a King, and a King is _proper._
As is Vialle. All of Lady Vesper's deeply honed instincts for propriety want to support Vialle's (she is training herself to think of Vialle as the Queen) words. On the other hand, her similarly sharp intuition for what provides in her ambition suggests that perhaps...maybe...there is a tiny, miniscule, almost unable-to-be-expressed-but-still- there thought that perhaps if the King is progressive, there is some place for progression. That place may be in a small, locked box deep on the sixth level of the dungeon, but that place MUST exist if the King says so because it is the King who makes the rules.
...but then the strength of the opinion flags against habit and she inclines her head towards Vialle, in the soundless expression of agreement. Those who look for the sight of her soul will see that the chains have been adjusted and she's used to the weight, for after all, the wild natures of the wooly King may be tamed by the lady of virtue and piety which is, of course, Queen Vialle.
"It's only been five years and for the returning veterans, far less than that. A few books and court cases from an interregnum will hardly change the way things have worked for millennia," Vialle finishes.
"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Solange says under her breath.
"I'm not suggesting we tear everything down and rebuild it from scratch," Folly says, her words driven not by anger, but by deep conviction; "but Amber, as she is, is changing, whether we want her to or not. I for one intend to do everything in my power to see that those changes are for the better."
If there is a tiny expression of pain, it is but a flicker in the Lady Vesper's expression. She could not suck on a lemon more sour than that of uncontrolled change.
It dawns on Folly suddenly that her passion for the subject has gotten the better of her, and she blushes. "But, uh, that's a conversation for another time," she says. "I'm sorry if I sounded cross, Vialle. All this formality makes my head hurt."
This elicits a smile from the Lady Vesper, as well as the sudden temptation to pat Folly on the head and suggest that perhaps she should "rest her pretty little purple-haired head and not worry about things beyond her." The temptation is fleeting, unvoiced, and merely an idle fantasy.
The Lady Vesper merely performs a curtsey such as is appropriate for her rank, and gives herself such permission to speak as she might. "There are perhaps many who would not be reluctant to return to the," she glances at Folly, "old ways." There is a slight arrogance to the phrase mixed with the kind of indulgence you offer a young puppy. "Nay, say there are those who would insist on such a return. The only staying force such dramatic change has is in the power of those who would maintain it," and she makes it sound like the old school, those of dignity, breeding, and power, would oppose such a thing, as if there was no need to worry about the "upstart" cultural revolution.
Vere has silently watched and listened to the discussion up until this point, now he makes a very slight motion with his right hand and takes a half step forward. "The important thing, of course," he says, "is that there be no doubt in the minds of the populace that the King has the full support of the Family in whatever he decides, whether it appears progressive or conservative. He is the King, and his Will is the Law of Amber. In my opinion, many of the problems that we faced during the Regency were caused because there was a perception that the Council's edicts lacked the force that the King's Will would impose, and the Regent was not well enough to counteract this perception." Vere nods apologetically towards Gerard. "It is my opinion that the majority of the populace, both noble and common, wish for a return to a sense that Amber is well and truly ruled. There will be some testing of Your Majesty's limits, of course, this is to be expected. It is for Your Majesty to determine what these limits are and let the people learn your pleasure."
Paige has been quietly seething at Vialle's comments since the first, but having already filled her quota of screaming at family before meeting the King, she'll be damned if she's going to start again. "I agree with Vere, Your Highness. These people need to be led. While I might've had problems with Jerod's tactics at times, he got the results that were needed, and while causing some problems with Octave and his cronies, it undoubtably kept others from crossing the Council's will.
"Of course, there's another side to Vere's comments," Paige continues. "If the King turns on the Regency's decisions, it will invalidate our positions, reputations, and any power we currently hold other than the name of Royal family. In my estimation it cuts the legs out of any power base that each of us might've built, so that could be a good thing, but only necessary if the King believes that we're working against him. Of course it also cuts the momentum any of us could lend the King's reign.
"Me? I'll be happy to fall back into obscurity in Shadow, and while it might sting for a few years to see years of work washed away like sandcastles by the tides, I'm sure I'll get over it." She doesn't seem happy at all that Queen Tide's looking to wash away her castle, but isn't going to truly argue over it either, not at least here. "I've loved deeper and lost more and as the Queen says, what signifigance will this have to me in a millenia?" _Oh, wait, she won't live that long, will she?_
"The King," says the King, "is trying to get through an upcoming court function and is looking to make sure he's not surprised by the demands of whoever manages to drag themselves up to his royal rockheap at this ungodly hour. His royal horizon only extends past this afternoon when he thinks of supper.
"We don't plan to turn the city on its head today. The rest of this can wait. I need to know what is going to be important today. Vere, what is the state of the fleet? Do we still have one?" Random looks at Vere with an I've-changed-the-subject-and-I-want-you-to-go-along-with-that look.
Jerod, who has been sitting quietly while listening to the various individuals (and factions), nods at appropriate intervals, but smiles a little at Random's comment concerning dinner, as if remembering something.
He does, however, seem focussed on what the various parties are saying...and what they are not saying.
Reid is saying practically nothing.
Ossian has been quiet during the discussion; he seems to follow with interest, but without passion, in the same way as one might study a painting or another piece of art.
"Yes and no, Your Majesty. We have been training the men left behind, mostly too old or too young to go to war when you left. A new generation of young men has begun to take their place in the Navy, and there are many experienced older captains who have been able to return to service during the emergency. The fishing fleet has also been pressed into service, and they are good men. Admiral Worth has been invaluable, I cannot overstate his importance in the effort to maintain the fleet. There is, of course, the matter of the foreign fleet currently anchored within the harbour, which has caused some concern in certain circles. Steps have been taken to minimize any impact that surprising actions of theirs would have upon Amber."
"Good" says Random to that last. "We've covered the Rangers and Arden. Anything else? How about the merchant houses? The ambassadors? These foreigners in the harbor?"
Random has to be aware of all the attention-paying going on, but he seems unruffled.
"The ambassadors want to go home." Conner replies. "And can't seem to fathom why getting them there isn't our first priority." He smiles. "I have calmed their fears and concerns for now but they are soon to clamour at your doors about it."
Reid speaks up. "Jerod already mentioned some merchant distress. Similar wounds could be claimed by the publishing industry. A lot of fierce competition culminating in arson and wrecked presses at various hands. I would think they'll be too worried about scooping the news that you're back rather than be around to complain to your face about it, though. At least in the immediate future."
"And as was mentioned, there were the issues with hoarding. Some of the nobles are still under sanctions by the Crown for their involvement. I'm sure we could trade King's Amnesty to a few for cooperation in Conner's supply train," Paige comments.
"The foreign fleet comes from a shadow Bleys used as a staging area during his attacks on Amber." Jerod replies. "Solange and I discovered them during a shadow path expedition coming back from Bellum and decided to get some additional trade opportunities out of them. Unless something is going on in the background we don't see, we shouldn't have any problem with them. Their interest is profit. But we'll need to get them turned around soon with cargo and trade agreements. That's what we were working on when you came back."
Paige looks concerned, "Back to sea as soon as possible... Perhaps a trip to procure the food stuffs we're going to need for housing an army in Arden would be a reason to get them out of the harbor. The local merchants are happy for the business, and that means the Houses are making business, too, but it's too volitile. While I admire Jerod's initiative, it's just too much, too fast. These are Captains willing to kill their rivals' negotiator and expect you to thank them for it." Paige shakes her head. "They definitely need to be to sea before we try to bring any of the Navy back to the City."
"That's what I said." Jerod replies. "But getting them out to sea requires one of us...specifically Solange or myself, to get them back home. And while they made money on this run out, they're going to want cargo going back. And the merchants here are not going to turn down the opportunity to give them just that. Nor do I think we should turn it down."
"As for the Captains, they're in it for profit but they didn't kill anyone. That's a slightly different story and it's not relevant at the present time."
"Indeed," Vere murmurs softly. "There are several such stories that need to be attended to in the near future. Such as the Prophecy of the Destruction of Amber, and the theory that Amber itself is fading away into Shadow."
Random starts. "Whoa-whoa-whoa. I didn't see *that* on the syllabus. Who wants to tell me that story?"
Reid furrows his brow and scratches his chin before deciding to let someone else field that one.
"All yours, brother," Solange says, looking at Vere with an I'm-not- touching-this expression on her face. "You're the one who dealt with the Paresh, not me."
"I think your majesty this is a topic for discussion amongst the *family*." Jerod says. His expression, while neutral, also makes clear to Random that it's not for those who are not initiated to Shadow, of which there are a couple in the room. "While there is much speculation on what might be happening, it might be best if you were briefed in private, and with the others of the family available who have knowledge of such esoteric matters."
Random says, "Right. But right after this."
At which cue, one of the servants enters and advises you all that the nobles are beginning to arrive. Random says, "I gotta skedaddle. Vialle?" and offers his wife his arm. Pleased, she takes it and they go back to the office from which Random emerged. The servant picks up the chair and takes it with them, closing the door behind the King and Queen.
Jerod, getting a bit better with the cues, is rising only a moment after Random starts to get up. Once Random has left, he looks at the others. "Well, that was fun."
[GMs] OOC reminder: there is only one chair in the throne room; two if you count the one Vialle was sitting on.
Once the door has closed, Folly sidles up to Solange and says under her breath, "See? Much, much worse." She must've noticed Solange's look of comprehsion.
Solange nods. "She may be in for a surprise about the support for our reforms, though," she says in an undertone. "I wrote the first Ladies' Guide, but someone else has been coming up with the sequels."
As the nobles and courtiers arrive, they are all interested in talking to the young royals and getting an idea of what is going on. Some seem more clued than others.
You have perhaps a half-hour from the time that the first courtiers arrive to the time when you expect Random to reappear. To whom do each of you speak, and what is the substance of your conversations?
Jerod will make a quick measure of who appears to be more clued than others...even if only to see about ridding the castle of a few more spies. After that, he proceeds to move through the group, meeting and greeting as necessary...ignoring others where needed. He tends to remains focussed on those nobles who had supported his father, or himself in recent years, or those who are uncommitted and wavering. Given the short amount of time, he asks only after what they might have heard and what is happening of late. He does not reveal anything but to those who ask he will smile and tell them that there is good news, and that once the new is revealed that he can arrange to speak to them later to discuss it more fully.
Jerod sets several tentative meetings. Cambina is also working Eric's former supporters in about the same way, Jerod notices.
Jerod would not be surprised at this...:)...after all, with two they can cover more bases...
Vere remains at his father's side, accompanying him if he chooses to speak to anyone. Otherwise he will simply observe the crowd, watching who speaks with whom, interesting combinations of people who arrive together, various influential personages who are too clearly *not* speaking with each other for it not to have been previously planned, and so forth. Vere expects that anyone who approaches them will be more interested in speaking with Gerard than with his son.
Gerard is approached by a number of nobles and wealthy merchants, and a few of the Ambassadors. The conversation is low-key, although everyone is very curious.
When M arrives with Worth, he comes to greet Gerard, and stays there, probably for the same sorts of reasons Vere does.
Vere, a dutiful son with nothing of importance to contribute to the conversation, listen politely to his father's conversations, greets M respectfully when he comes over, and remains in the background.
Folly seeks out Baron Kaliq. If he asks the reason for the meeting, she coyly responds that she'd hate to spoil the surprise, and resists drawing him into a game of Twenty Questions. ["Is it bigger than a breadbox?" "I'm sure it likes to think so...."] Her manner and tone, however, suggest that the news is good.
The Baron is curious, but doesn't ask Folly to take him into her confidence.
Unless they get caught up talking about music, though, she probably won't spend the entire thirty minutes with the Baron. She will also circulate among the Ambassadors, making noncommittal small-talk, and say good morning to Aunt Felicity.
This she can do with no problem.
Reid seeks out the Viscountess Wonder. It's been a while since they've had tea. They discuss her recent reading and her take on the current state of the kingdom, without broaching the subject of a monarch.
The Viscountess is dressed rather festively this morning. She is happy to talk about her current reading, and optimistic about the state of the kingdom. Her demeanor is confident and calm.
Ossian will look for Barenthkov, Baron Kaliq and various nobles with artistic interest (who else?). Ossian is in a good, excited mood; he talks much and with passion about any subject that comes up. (Preferably art, of course, but even politics is okay today) If someone tries to learn what is going on he answers something like: "Do you feel the anticipation and tension? Ah. I like it; it's like a new composition; you don't know what will come next. Better not spoil it?"
Kaliq is jolly and excited after talking to Folly. Barenthkov, who has been at court off and on for many years, is a touch nervous in the face of change, but seems more reassured after speaking briefly with Jerod.
Conner circulates through the Naval crowds and the Ambassadors also playing coy about the reason for the meeting and engaging in pleasantries as only a diplomat can.
The Ambassadors are all curious as to what is coming. What does Conner tell them?
Conner merely smiles and tells them, "Amber is one step closer to normal today. Wait and see."
Lucas will speak to those he has the closest political relations to, give them the inside scoop, and couch it in terms that imply that it is in their best interests to be pleased about this situation, and hence look (a) surprised when the news is announced and (b) pleased.
Lucas is able to convey the information quietly and without alerting everyone in the room. Lucas' contacts are mildly shocked, but then have an air of confident satisfaction.
About 5 minutes after Random's departure, after the arrival of the first nobles but before the arrival of the bulk of them, a page arrives bearing a note to Solange.
Solange excuses herself to... oh, wait, are cosmetics fashionable? If not, what's the comparable polite excuse to "powdering one's nose?" She returns after a brief and unremarkable interval, and continues to circulate.
[GMs] I doubt cosmetics are fashionable for young women, but Solange is the Regent's daughter and a lady of the Royal Family, and probably can get away with it. (I'm not sure what the proper period excuse would be, either.)
Were anyone observing, it would be obvious to them that Vere did not notice the page approach his sister, did not notice her leave, and was not aware of her return.
Solange first greets Aunt Felicity, who is certainly better-mannered than to press her for clues, I'm sure. If Admiral Worth is in attendance, he gets a greeting too, of course.
Worth is present, although he arrives towards the end of the allotted time. He has his dress uniform on, and arrives with the Marquess Maritime, who is also in dress uniform.
Dress uniform means he gets a very proper curtsy and a winning smile, instead of the flying-tackle hug she might otherwise have given her foster-father.
Then she'll divide her time between chatting with the respectable matrons and their daughters, some of whom she knows better than others from the Krewe of Hestia, and aceepting gallantries from whatever younger gentlemen happen to be about. Any clue-seeking is parried with "I've no idea, I've only been back in the city a short while myself, so much must have gone on while I was away, what have you been doing lately?" or similar evasions. She'll also be curious if she gathers any really interesting gossip that way.
Nothing that Solange thinks of as politically interesting.
Anything socially interesting? Scandalous marriages or affaires?
Paige makes the rounds, ensuring a smile for Aunt Felicity, a kind word for Lady Wonder and, when he arrives, a discreet smile for Worth. Other than that, she only seems to make an effort to see Lord Octave. Anyone else she meets is by chance, most likely.
A few words with Jewel and later with Laurel... meeting up with Conner as he speaks to Thalia and Harper from Gateway, pleased to meet the woman who holds her cousin's affections... a smile and a kiss (on the cheek) for Lord LeClaire... Friendly laughter with Sir Archer, if he's present... Pushing off work concerns when Lorring mentions them... and a keen eye out for rescuing Folly should she need it. Not neccesarily in that order.
At the appointed time, the Herald calls the court to order and everyone settles down in their appropriate places. While there's nothing as gauche as velvet ropes and tape on the floor to tell who is who, the peers and ambassadors and merchants and such who attend the court have a keen sense of precedence. Young members of the royal family, titled or not, are at the head of this order, and as such end up in the front of the room, near the Throne.
The speech goes off much as before, with Gerard starting it and introducing Random.
[Barring a statement otherwise, I assume you all kneel at the appropriate moment and lead the cheers.]
Random's speech is a little more elaborate. He's more confident and assured, but without the need to wisecrack; Folly would say he's gotten past the pre-show jitters and is more "on".
Random remembers to introduce the Queen with no prompting this time. He thanks Gerard and his (Random's) family for their service, and confirms everyone in their current offices in the government for the time being, save those who have this morning been assigned tasks helping with the return of the victorious army. Any concerns that the Crown should deal with may be addressed through the normal channels.
Random announces a month of mourning for his father and sister, and that no court will be held during that time. Planning for the coronation has commenced and will continue until after the mourning period is over.
After the speech, it becomes apparent that everyone does remember the correct ceremonial order and procedures for a Royal receiving line, much to Vialle's relief. As young royals, you are the first after the Regent to greet the King and Queen officially -- no more than a few words -- and then you join the line of receivers.
Cambina exchanges a glance of silent dread with Jerod when she realizes what is up. She detests this.
Jerod's return look is one of placidness. She can tell he's in court mode...she'll also know that his expression is a sign for her to just be polite and get out quick...he'll handle the excruciating parts...:)
[What do you say to the King and Queen? Everyone is watching and listening.]
Folly curtseys -- she somehow manages to make it respectful and ironic all at once -- and says, "I offer up my meager talents for the good of Amber, and of her King. May your reign be prosperous and free from strife." She looks up at Random, eyes twinkling; her smile bespeaks a level of comfort she doesn't normally show in such formal situations. The outside observer may well read this as Folly's complete acceptance and approval of the new monarch.
(Random may also read, among other things, "Good show -- you really nailed this one.")
"Plan 'B' was to gather everyone into the Castle and level it with magical red lighting. I'm not sure I chose the right plan." Folly is 73.2% sure he is joking.
Ossian makes a perfect court bow, ending on one knee, and looking straight into Random's eyes he says: "I hereby put myself in the service of Amber and her King. Use me wisely" There is a glint of amusement in Ossian's eye.
"Great, get in line! Oh, wait..." The king is definitely grinning.
Ossian then walks back to his place at Folly's side (I guess they stand beside each other as they have the same rank-not yet identified parents...)
He leans close to her and whispers, for only Folly to hear: "He is a good actor. If he can keep this up at court things will be good. Is he good enough not to slip?"
"Let's hope he does not need a rehearsal every time." Ossian continues with a grin.
Folly grins, too, and whispers back, for his ears alone, "I think today is the rehearsal for the whole rest of the run. Of course, now that he knows his lines, he'll probably start improvising. The real question is, will his audiences will be clever enough to appreciate the performance?"
[Ossian] "How many will see that it is a performance?"
I can't think of anything witty, but Lucas will try to get Random to laugh.
Random grins at his nephew's witticism and brings him close. When only Lucas can hear, he says "next time I do this, by the 'corn, I swear I'll wear a joy buzzer. Just think of that as we meet the maddening crowd..."
Jerod bows absolutely correctly, as befitting a son of a monarch, to the new monarch and the queen.
For his first remarks to the King (and Queen), Jerod pulls out all the stops - others have seen him doing the "schmooze" routine and it works, but he's never really let it all go...until now. (It's good to have Fire...:)
"Your arrival hails the birth of a new era from the previous years of trial and is a sign of the coming prosperity for all our people, your Majesty. May your reign be free of strife, exceptional in its achievements, and last for an eternity."
Then Jerod looks straight at Random, not *exactly* a breach of protocol, but definitely something that is not normally done. There is a barest second of time (a measuring of the new King?), before he continues. "I serve at the pleasure of the King." ** he says, bowing one last time for allowing protocol to continue and, as appropriate, exiting from the line.
Vere offers a deep and respectful bow to the King and Queen in turn, and to each of them he murmurs the same words, "Your Majesty."
[OOC:"It certainly is, isn't it?"]
The King stands for a moment, saying nothing. "Nephew. I fear your cousins have warned me that you are a writer of no mean dispatch. I hope my poor lips can keep up with your pen."
As the eldest of the youngsters, Reid is probably close to the front of the line, perhaps following Gerard and his brood. As he approaches bows and kisses the Queen's hand before turning to the King, bowing, and saying, "May you rule in interesting times." He winks for only Random (and perhaps those who have already passed in the line) to see before breaking into a big grin.
Random nods. "Careful what you wish for." He is grinning back.
Paige smiles and bows as appropriate, to the King, "Remember, many of us are more than just subjects, we're family. Love and long life, Uncle." She then breaks protocol to kiss him on the cheek, softly.
"I was just the only one foolish enough to admit paternity back then..."
To Vialle, [Who I'm sure has given Folly an reason to drink, now... and not only for the game...] nothing more than a slight bow, "My Queen."
"Niece." Her tone is clipped, proper, and cold as the wind through Tir-na Nogth'. She seems amused.
Conner smiles wide at them both and bows as deeply as protocol demands. "Majesties, may your reign be long and prosperous, and my skills are yours to help bring that about."
"Ah, Conner. I stand on the shoulders of many, and try merely to keep my head above water. I have several questions for you about our previous mutual abode, but they must wait for the moment."
The receiving line takes a couple of hours. Afterwards, the King and Queen depart, and the Court is formally over. There are many lingerers who will chat and conduct business, and it is part of your duty to pay attention to what is said and done here. You all are going to have a late lunch.
[To whom do you speak, and again, what is the substance of your conversations? Please remember to fix the subject header when you reply.]
Folly seeks out no one in particular; she will talk with whoever approaches her. As she circulates, though, she pays close attention to the mood of the crowd, both overall and among specific groups (Ambassadors, merchants, partisans of particular Elders, etc.)
The FotR (Friends of the Redheads, not anything else...) seem...smug. Happy. The ambassadors really want to send news home now.
Ossian mostly keeps to neutral subjects, or art, and will talk with any persons who approaches him. He is in a very good mood, as before.
The talk of the art crowd is
a: commissions royal, noble, and princely that they can now get, and
b: who will be the royal bard?
Ossian will speculate on the bard position offering two plausible theories: Random will choose one because of political reasons. Ossian hopes this is not the case. Random will choose a third party (not Barenthkov, nor Rein) to his own taste. To each king, a new bard.
(I have here assumed the Royal bard is the same as the court minstrel. If that is not correct, please disregard the above...)
Further Ossian will ask the art crows what they think Random's taste of art is.
[Lucas] I'll make sure my allies are duly pleased.
They are, but they wish you'd given them some notice before they came up to the castle. At least one of them may have lost some money in early morning speculation 'twixt the summons and his arrival time.
Lucas chides those who lost money good naturedly, but has obviously no sympathy for foolish bets. =)
[Paige] Same list as previous, especially if she didn't get to them before. Substance? No one but Cambina's ever accused Paige of having substance. Paige is interested in speaking with Cambina about the upcoming full moon and doing a final Trump based on the sketches she did for her Fortunes deck.
There is considerable pleasure at the thought of Prince Bleys' return and all his old friends ask you to remember themselves to the Prince. The Vicountess is looking forward to seeing the Princess.
Conner checks with the ambassadors again and now answers an questions they have more fully. At some point he finds Thalia and talks quietly with her.
The Rebman party leaves at the first conceivably polite moment. The others all want to know when Amber is going to allow them to return to their homes.
Thalia seeks Conner out as soon as she can and looks at him as if memorizing his features. "If Remba is re-opened, we may have some trouble. I've strengthened my defences here, but the Ambassador wants me to return to Gateway."
"That is easier said than done." Conner says wryly. "But I understand her concerns." Conner sighs and takes her hand. "I guess we must make the most of our remaining time together."
"Love amongst the ruins, Conner?" She smiles ruefully. "As fabulous as that sounds, we may be attacked by Rebmans before two days have passed. Did you see the Rebman party leave here? I wonder if they'll slow down enough to buy horses?
"Do you imply the Rebmans have a way to and from Rebma with the stairs destroyed?" Conner asks. "Else they are simply cut off ambassadors. No reason to assume they even know about us."
Thalia shakes her head. "Why wouldn't they be able to return to Rebma? The King has returned and the ways are open."
"The King's return has physically rebuilt the stairway?" Conner asks. "That is mysticism most odd. But if it is so, it is so."
"I have to work on my magical
defenses. Whoever tried to harm us won't have Tritons here, but they can
hire any number of Amberites."
"So can I." Conner smiles. "And my contacts here are more extensive than any Rebmans. Any who would strike at me or mine in the center of my power is in for a challenge."
"Your confidence is merited, but overconfidence is a weakness, Conner." Thalia's smile softens the rebuke. "There's still the matter of how safe the embassy is, and too much attention from you may only make things worse."
"I do not argue with the decison to remove you to a place of safety." Conner nods. "I merely hope that Gateway is that place and that we can keep you safe until you leave and on the journey. The attention from me will be carefully veiled, have no fear of that."
Once the receiving has concluded, Jerod remains to discuss with those that remain. There will be many questions and for those with meetings already scheduled, he will confirm items as they need. He will also go over with those who are his supporters as to some things to consider amongst the other nobles and merchants (like those who are hostile to Eric and his followers), and tells them to very carefully read the mood of the people over the next little while, gather their impressions and keep an eye on things.
For those who are nervous of the times ahead, he notes their concerns, picks up on anything they may think is important and catalogues it for future discussion with the King (or whoever may be appropriate).
Oddly, most people's concerns boil down to 'what's in it for me?'
Jerod's father's partisans, almost to a man, warn that the Redheaded faction may try something and should be watched.
You notice that Sir Octave spends a few moments in private conversation with the King, just before the Royals depart.
In the case of both sets (Octave and the Redheads), Jerod agrees, and delegates selected individuals to do so. That Random has returned and his association with Corwin has not gone unnoticed, and the Redhead faction is sure to believe this bodes well for them.
Jerod also speaks for a moment with his friend Barenthkov...a new song will be needed for the King's coronation and it would be wise to submit it soon...Jerod will make sure it gets good consideration - he should make it his absolute best.
Barenthkov is nervous, but pleased about Jerod's interest. He has been asking everyone what Random has said about the war. Jerod can't tell if he is looking for some particular detail or if he just feels the need for reference material.
Jerod makes a note to see about speaking to Random privately in the next little while, on a couple of topics.
And Jerod asks Barenthkov privately as to whether he is inquiring as to the fate of Lord Rein (his only competitor for the title of court ministrel - all the others are nowhere near his league).
[Jerod] And periodically throughout this process, Jerod and Cambina will meet up, quickly share notes and move on to the next set of people.
Cambina says she's glad Jerod talked to Barenthkov, because he's likely to become a pest. More of a pest.
"Such is the nature of an artist." Jerod says, grinning a little. "Don't worry...I'll keep him occupied. It will ensure you are undisturbed while you look in on the more dangerous ones around us."
Vere circulates and observes what is happening, mostly allowing people to approach him rather than seeking anyone out. He will want to end up standing near Marquess Maritime at one point, quite by accident on both their parts, and quietly say, "Perhaps not what one would have expected, but a good new start for Amber, I trust?"
The Marquess looks at a point some three feet behind your left ear for just a moment longer than is comfortable. "We shall see. The King tells me that Prince Caine is alive, even something of a hero, which certainly will be greeted with enthusiasm by some of the captains." The man is obviously still trying to come to terms with 'King Random'.
"I still have a dockside full of jumpy foreign pirates in my harbor, every one of whom knows that something is happening here and now. Mark my words, lad. It'll start off with celebrations tonight and riots by morning. It's a pity our new King didn't bring some of his army home with him."
Reid mingles with everyone afterwards. He acknowledges Octave and Archer in passing, chats briefly with Barenthkov, Rein and Kaliq, and unless approached by anyone else, returns to Lady Wonder's side.
[Rein is not in the castle. He is in Chaos with the army, Maunder is the representative of that faction, However, class distinctions prevent him from being at this particular party. This the the art crowd, not the artist crowd.]
The art crowd is atwitter with questions about the position of Royal Bard. You are convinced that many are watching you for some signal. The tension is manifest. Baron Kaliq asks if there is word of Rein or Prince Corwin.
After the ceremony, and before lunch, Reid would excuse himself briefly to attempt location trump contact to the store-room at Sirus's bar in Asgard. If he can contact the location, he'll borrow a good bottle of wine to bring to lunch with him to share with the Viscountess, if she's staying for lunch, and with any other nobles or family who sit with him.
A well-aged red, but the gods of the vikings are not *subtle* winemakers, nor are their lands perfect for *delicate* grapes. The stuff is strong and heady.
Last modified: 28 April 2002