"Hey, baboo, what happened to my lucky bongo monkey boxer shorts?"
"I'll have to ask Steward Vent. I think the laundry is a little overloaded with the influx of new castle residents lately."
"I'll say. This never would have happened under Lord Burn. I may have to re-institute floggings. For morale purposes, of course."
"I'm sure that will work admirably. I'll also be sure to tell them it was your idea."
"Spoilsport. I wonder who these with the mermaids belong to? They're kind of snazzy. Oh, well, they're mine now. A little loose, but they'll do."
"If you really want to know whose they are, ask Paige. She's the member of the family most likely to know about other people's underwear choices."
"Me-ow! A saucer of milk for the Queen?"
"You wouldn't have me any other way, and you know it, love."
"I'd be bored spitless if I were married to someone like Solace. So tell me who Valeria's likely to be bringing with her. Corwin mentioned a retinue, but no names."
"For this kind of job? Bend and Montage, I would think. Some Coldstream Guards, who are likely to be loyal to Montage. A few trusted flunkies from Valeria's personal staff."
"Bend and Montage, eh? I never liked them. But my stay in Rebma was not untroublesome."
"You're beyond Moire's reach now, darling."
"Not yet. But I will be in a few days."
"What about Conner? He's a wanted man in Rebma."
"Oh, I've taken care of that. I sent to Fiona. Do you know about mother cats?"
"I can't say that I do, love."
"You're about to get an education. Size means nothing when it comes to maternal protectiveness. I expect every redhead but Clarissa and Brand to present a united front against the enemy of their kin."
"Have you sent to Jerod?"
"Jerod? Crap! No. She's his sister." <pause> "I need some paper."
"There's some in the secretary in the study."
"Never mind, I've got it." <sound of scribbling, then a long pause> "Okay, got that taken care of. I hope they'll be smart enough not to ask for Martin."
"He's not here, so he'll be hard to give to them. Valeria was born after he left Rebma, anyway, so she doesn't know him at all. But she was raised with all the family stories."
"Lovely. I'm sure they're realistic."
"The better to keep her scared, my dear. How do I look?"
"Breathtaking. If that doesn't distract 'em, nothing will."
"Thank you, darling. Shall we go up?"
"I'd rather we went down."
<giggle> "Later."
"Oh, if you insist. But I wish I still had my lucky boxers."
Three days before the coronation, a party of horsemen rides up the western stair of Kolvir. Those who see it think that some of the riders are a bit unsteady on their horses. Those who watch closely see flashes of green hair among the riders. And leading the party, an unmistakable figure in black with a great silver blade at his side, and a silver rose clasp for his cloak.
The rumor will sweep through Amber by nightfall. Corwin has found the Rebmans and brought them to Amber.
Those of you in the castle get the word via pages. Present yourself in the throne room for a formal audience in two bells. The envoy from Rebma is of royal blood, and the royal family of Amber will greet her according to her station.
At the appointed hour, who presents themselves in the throne room?
Jerod will most certainly be there, assuming he has not already met up with the Rebmans.
Brennan wouldn't miss this little psychodrama for all the salt in Rebma.
He is there at precisely the appointed hour, in his traditional black clothing. A rarity, he's in court garb, although it is still subdued and practical. The red trim is limited to the lining of his cloak, the red jewels in the rings he wears (one on each hand) and the insignia of the Order of the Ruby.
[I assmue that by this point the Knights Commander have agreed on something to that effect. Whatever it is, he wears it.]
Just as at Oberon's funeral, Brennan manages a quiet dignity that is more than most Kings could manage with armies at their back, and more than enough for his rank in Amber. It's only broken (and even then, not really) when Lilly comes in, at which point he shoots her a quiet wink.
(We assume that Lilly, as Swordslady in Waiting to Vialle, is guaranteed to be there.)
Indeed. She wouldn't miss it. Lilly arrives at the appointed hour dressed in red and gold. Her stoic expression breaking ever so slightly in response to Brennan's wink.
Vere is there, watching with quiet interest.
If Ossian is in the castle, he will be there.
Aisling is there, in a position of no great prominence, her streamers trailing smoothly down her back through slashes in a light cape; an extra, who is watching.
Conner is there in his finest Court garb and has garnered a front row seat to see and be seen. His usual brilliant smile is in place but to those that can tell the difference, it seems a touch forced.
Lucas will be there, unfashionably on time.
Folly will be there, positioned near Vere where she's got a good view of the proceedings.
It is still unclear if Reid would be back from his expedition by the date of their arrival.
[I was going to say we'll assume yes, but I'm beginning to wonder. So we'll
say if he is there, he's being quiet.]
Unless requested, Marius will be absent. No need for an entire horde. Anything important he'll catch up on via the rumour circuit (knock on wood).
(two things of note:
1--Marius' player has an injured arm and typing is being
2--background reasons apply: all those copies of PlayRebman
he had stashed... )
Paige is resplendent in emeralds and golds both in brocades, velvets, gems, and jewels. Her long red hair is coifed elegantly. She finds herself sitting beside Brennan, if he'll allow, arriving a few moments early.
For some reason, I always imaine these types of scenes as bucnhes of people standing, not sitting. Here I had in mind an image of Brennan standing very much in his slouching-at-attention pose....
At any rate, standing or sitting, Brennan allows Paige. How could he be motivated to do otherwise?
[As noted elsewhere, that's standing.]
The throne room has been upgraded a little since Gerard's introduction of Random. Among other things, a second throne, matching the first, has been pulled out of storage somewhere. For those who have not been in the throne room, it is a large audience hall, and those are the only two chairs in the place.
Cambina has slipped in surreptitiously, and is standing with Aisling.
There is a surprisingly large audience of courtiers and military types, including Earl Raptor, Viscountess Wonder, Lord Sense, Judge Loring, Sir Octave, and Lord Rein. (Others may also be present, but they are not so obvious.) Courtiers and such generally make way for royals, who get to be towards the front and center.
Those members of the nobility which Brennan knows (ie, the ones who went marching off to war) get cordial nods from Brennan.
Of the elders, Gerard wheels himself in and comes to sit by Vere and Folly, making a third chair in the room. [If Rikibeth joins this thread, she can have come in with him.]
Unexpectedly, Bleys has returned for this event. He is dressed in formal court garb, armed as befits a Prince of Amber (i.e., a sword), and has two ladies on his arm. The first is his sister Fiona, who is also dressed formally, and the second is his niece Brita, who is wearing a red coat and black pants, even more martially severe than her usual court garb, and an empty sword sheath. They come to stand by Conner. Fiona looks a little cross, but Bleys shoots Paige and Brennan a wicked grin, as if he thinks this is going to be quite amusing.
Yes, but Bleys always did have a rather exaggerated sense of fun.... So says Brennan's return glance.
Llewella is of course there, in formal court garb. Flora is with her, dressed to the nines.
At about a minute past the appointed hour, Random's herald, Jasper, comes forth and says in a loud voice, "His Majesty, Random, the King, and Vialle, the Queen." [which is, some of you may recall, how Oberon and Eric were announced in their day]
[Jasper is a Returnee who served under Lilly and was wounded. He can walk, but he'll always limp. He has a great voice for the job of herald.]
Random and Vialle enter from the door behind the throne room after they are announced. Vialle is wearing a simple blue one-piece dress, as is her wont, with a silver girdle. Random is wearing a white shirt with a doublet, discreetly slashed, and trousers and boots. One could imagine him riding a horse, or, if one knows of them, a motorcycle. Neither is wearing a crown or even a circlet.
A couple of minutes later, Jasper announces the other side: "Prince Corwin and Duchess Valeria of Rebma."
Corwin leads Valeria in on his arm. Corwin is all garbed in black and armed with his silver blade. She is also wearing a simple dress in dark red, with gold jewelry. She catches Jerod's eye and smiles a little, but not enough to break protocol.
In Jerod's absolutely precise use of protocol, he returns the smile, also without breaking protocol.
Seeing Conner, her expression hardens.
They are followed by a dozen or so minor functionaries. Those knowledgeable in the ways of Rebma see that Bend and Montage are among them.
Corwin escorts Valeria to the front of the hall, where Random and Vialle sit, and says, "Your Majesty, I bring you Duchess Valeria of Rebma."
"Duchess Valeria, you are most welcome to Amber," says Random in his best onstage voice. It carries without being overly loud, or maybe that's the acoustics. "We hope you can stay long enough to attend this little coronation we've been planning."
Valeria says, "I thank you for your kind greeting, and bear you in turn the greetings of the Queen of Rebma. I will be most pleased to represent her at Your Majesty's coronation, and to assist in reforging the ties of friendship between your realm and my grandmother's."
Random says, "Our two kingdoms have long been tied, and we look forward to the renewal of that friendship as well. Please advise us of anything we can do to make your stay in our realm more comfortable."
Valeria doesn't even hesitate: "There is a thing, Your Majesty. There is a man in your court today who is wanted for multiple murders in Rebma. We thought him dead, and I am shocked to see him here today. Undoubtedly he has deceived you and not told you of his crimes; he once served your brother and repaid the honors he was given in false coin. But one of those he slew was my own father."
All this time Reid's been thinking when the last time he was in Rebma was, and if he murdered anyone on that occasion. He's not sure if he remembers, when she continues...
"I ask Your Majesty for justice in the matter of Secretary Conner."
Reid seems somewhat relieved.
Aisling remains part of the background. But Cambina's damn good, yes? She can probably feel that Aisling is ever-so-faintly! amused.
Aisling doesn't bother to look at Random or Conner; she's most interested in the reaction of Bleys and his 2/3rds share of female redheads.
Lucas lends a raised eyebrow towards Conner, looking only a hair amused.
He also gave the whole entouage a good look over as they entered, too, especially this Montage fellow.
Jerod flicks a glance at Random for a second, not intending to catch his eye but again catching Valeria's attention. Enough to warn her that there is more to this than she knows - and that baby brother knows some of it.
Since this is court, everyone is watching everyone, and Brennan is no different. But he is particularly interested in the reactions of Corwin, who brought this woman here, Vialle, who comes from there as well, and Valeria herself as she judges what effect her words have had.
Paige doesn't flinch, but the corner of her mouth quirks a bit as if amused.
Conner merely turns to the King. "Permission to speak, your Majesty?"
Random glances at Fiona and raises an eyebrow. "Nephew," he acknowledges. If Valeria is surprised by this revelation, she hides it well.
This was interesting. Very interesting. Lilly leans forward ever so slightly so as not to miss a single syllable. Her mental file quickly stored everything away under the "things to tell Benedict" section.
Conner turns back to the Duchess Valeria. "Your Father lives, Lady, and I am sorry you have lived with the pain of thinking him dead for so long." There is true remorse in his tone. "He came with me to Amber of his own free will. What other crimes am I accused of?"
Brita has stood by through the exchange saying nothing. Her stance is strong with her arms behind her.
Paige looks on Jerod's sister as if to see if perhaps it's the matrilineal side that's actually been the problem all these years.
Valeria looks at Jerod for something, but does not turn her face from the King. "I had not dared hope for such news, Your Majesty, even from a liar such as Secretary Conner. Doubtless he has deceived my father as he did your Court and my Grandmother's. The blood of five other innocents floats around him, though. Thalia of Gateway, two of her manservants, and two elderly tritons of our city. Our investigations indicate that he was involved with some kind of criminal mischief that blew up on him and his allies. If he is innocent, let him prove it before the Sapphire Throne."
Brita is tensing beside Bleys and both Bleys and Fiona can hear her breathing become _very_ even and controlled. She is trying not to pounce.
Jerod's returning expression, totally within protocol, is one of patience...though after offering that expression, he glances barely at Conner to see if he responds to the charge to appear, or if he waits or looks at Random.
At the name of Thalia, Paige's smile grows almost imperceptibly, but her reaction at the suggestion that Rebma would have the last say implies that she thinks otherwise.
"Majesty." Conner begins. "I have told you all and you know my reasons for believing there is no justice for me before the Sapphire Throne. I await your decision, my Liege."
"Your majesty..." Jerod says, waiting just the right amount of time required by protocol to speak.
Fiona seems to be waiting on Random. Random might have been about to speak, but looks over at Jerod, clearly inviting him to continue.
Cambina leans over and says very quietly into Aisling's ear (assuming it is a listening organ!):"I wonder if we'll hear from my brother the prince of Amber or my brother the Duke of Rebma?"
Aisling purses her lips in appreciation, watching.
As Jerod speaks, Brita's stance relaxes somewhat. She trusts Jerod... at least for now.
"Your majesty, certain information has come to light after a private investigation of this matter that I feel might be germaine. With the King's permission, and the patience of the Rebman Embassy, I would arrange a meeting, at the Embassy's convenience, to properly present this information to the Embassy. Regrettably the amount of information does not lend itself to a quick disclosure at the present time."
Jerod does not turn his attention, but he does seem to address himself more to the Rebmans than to Random. "I think once the evidence has been presented, the Embassy will be able to make a more informed decision as to the tragic incident that occurred in Rebma, one that has regrettably threatened to mar a welcome reunion."
Lilly is the picture of stillness. She is taking as much in as possible. Her suspicion is that Benedict will be most interested in knowing of this when he returns. Being the dutiful daughter, she wants to be able to convey everything back to him exactly as it happened. Anything she can learn about Rebma and any danger to the city they might represent is something of a bonus.
Folly, likewise, appears to be memorizing the scene for later recounting.
Vere continues to regard the entire episode with considerable interest, especially the fascinating interactions going on just below the surface.
Fiona looks coolly at the Valeria and says "I deny your charge and will defend our family's honor by trial by combat, either here or in Rebma, Duchess Valeria. Name your sorcerous second so that I can--"
Brennan's reaction to most of the proceeding has been quiet and passive. A few moments get a flicker of a "This ought to be interesting," from his eyes, though.
Especially Jerod.
Random interrupts. "Fi, let's hope that won't be necessary. You can blow them up them later if you have to." He turns to Valeria. "Your charge is most grave and one we shall take seriously," _Despite our opinions of 'Rebman Justice'_
Vere, who is standing right next to Folly and who notices everything, notes that she is now chewing on the inside of her lower lip, as if squelching a reaction. It is probably not noticeable to anyone else.
Vere, naturally, gives no sign that he's noticed anything unusual in Folly's behaviour.
"As you have no evidence to present to me and no way to gather any, we shall ask you to hold your claim in abeyance until contact is re-opened with Rebma. Or perhaps my nephew," he says, nodding towards Jerod," can persuade you to quit your claim. As you may note, pursuing it may involve considerable risk."
Valeria looks at Fiona and Random and lifts her shoulders. "Your majesty is quite correct, we cannot pursue this without presenting evidence unto you. We hope you will take our warning of the nature of Secretary Conner to heart, and we will speak to you of this again after we contact Her Majesty."
"We are pleased at your restraint," says Random, _not_ looking at Fiona. "On that light note, you may retire if you wish to chambers in the castle, unless you wish to speak to members of our court. We regret that we will not be able to have a celebratory state dinner for you, as we are mourning our late royal father, but we would be pleased to meet with you on the morrow to discuss matters of mutual interest.
"Brother Corwin, we are quite pleased that you have returned to us and brought us such a surprise from Rebma. Would you be so kind as to join me in my quarters? I have questions I wish to ask you."
Random and Vialle rise, preparing to leave.
Aisling's suppressed grin tingles the air around her. "Oh, that my spying days are over," she breathes, such that Cambina can hear it in her voice; and she is mostly joking; there's none of the true regret that would be there otherwise.
If Cambina reacts to this, she suppresses it before you notice.
Jerod waits for Random and Vialle to leave, providing the proper movements, bows, etc, etc, etc, required for a departing King and Queen. He ignores the redhead brigade, knowing that Fiona, despite her words, would never start anything in public - she's not that dumb. This was a public warning is all. So it saves him the trouble of being angry in reply (though Fiona's pretty sure that he'll try to kill her if she harms Valeria, or any of his family).
[Jerod would be aware the magical trial by combat is perfectly legal in Rebma and can be requested by the defendant. The crown (in crown cases) chooses a champion, so Valeria isn't in personal danger. But Fiona is decidedly not "all hat and no cattle". Rebma might have trouble finding a champion to defend the case...]
That's why Jerod wouldn't be averse to killing her...:)
With that in mind, he steps forward to greet his elder sister, now that some of the silliness of Amber Court has been concluded.
"Hello Valeria..." he says once he is close enough, a smile on his face. "Your timing...is interesting." His voice is pitched for her ears only, making sure the conversation is not available for general listening.
"Jerod, I have missed you so, " she says, opening her arms for him to come into them. "Tell me of my father. He is here?" The Rebman entourage is in a tight knot behind her.
Jerod gives his sister a hug, the kind of welcoming bear hug that he grants only to Family (and even Cambina doesn't get them very often, though mostly for boundary reasons), lifting her off her feet for a moment. "I missed you too. And mother and Loreena." he says, along with another name unspoken but still in his thoughts.
He puts her down and looks at the entourage for a moment, recognizing and cataloguing faces familiar and otherwise. "Your father is here in town and doing well. I spent an evening with him not more than a week ago. We talked of home and of you all. I'll bring him up for a visit tomorrow morning as I have some things to discuss with him. You can see him then. I'll be sure to arrange some quartersso he can stay at the castle for a few days if he wishes while you're here. Until things get settled."
"I'll be looking forward to seeing father. Mother and Loreena are doing well, although it's been somewhat trying in the city without any surface contact these last few years. Do you have some staff I can borrow for the rest of the day? Mine can't run errands for me in the city. Or even just a runner to ask Ambassador Kaia to attend me.
"All things considered, perhaps we should stay at the embassy. I will see after we speak to Kaia. And I am most interested in a private discussion with you of this matter. There may be more to this whole affair than I am aware of, but there may not. Bend and Montage have been involved. We'll tell you about it at the Embassy.
"It is so good to see you. Grandmother has been worried. She misses you."
Jerod looks at her for a moment, not hiding his expression despite the fact that the entourage is likely to see it. It's a look that would be on par verbally with "You have got to be kidding me".
"Grandmother? The Queen?" Jerod asks, verifying Valeria's comments. "She misses me?" and he looks at her again, wondering fleetingly for a moment if maybe Corwin has brought back Shadows. He does not ask further questions however, but instead moves on.
"So much has changed recently." _Ask me later._
"I can arrange for some reliable people to help you. If you'd like, I will loan you my secretary. He's quite skilled and I can disengage him for a few days until you get settled. I think perhaps it would be wise if I was available for the next few days. Certainly you'll need to get up to speed with the Ambassador but I can help with ensuring that anyone you need to see can be available quickly. And there is much to discuss." he says, his body language motioning in the direction of the redheads, even if he still looks at her. "I will be interested in hearing the report from Bend and Montage. We'll see how it jives with my investigation from this end."
She nods. "At the embassy." Valeria changes the subject smoothly. "You seem to have done well here. I admit I never expected to see this castle change at all, but Prince Corwin told us all about it. I expected worse from his description, honestly." She also looks over at where the redheads are smiling. "Perhaps we should leave and go somewhere a bit more...hospitable?"
"I'll be curious to hear how my uncle arrived back at Rebma." Jerod says. "I suspect from his majesty's comment that he is also wondering."
Her smile says she has a secret and that she's anticipating surprising her brother.
"I would suggest for the moment we retire to one of the gardens. It will be nice and peaceful, and we can block it for a private conversation for a short period. Enough to get away from the tension." Jerod does not appear to be too concerned about Fiona. "We can also arrange to send a message to his majesty, thanking him for the invitation to stay but remaining at the embassy. The usual niceties."
She agrees with this.
He turns to one side, motioning her sister to a archway to lead the party out of the audience chamber at a pace that Valeria can set. "It has been interesting without most of the family here. I've had an opportunity to make my own mark. Find out a little of who I am." he says, speaking to her as they walk. "The Regent had need of someone for...difficult tasks, shall we say." and he smiles a little. "I seemed to fit the bill."
"It is always good to be needed, isn't it? Prince Corwin did not come to Rebma, we found another path out. We met Prince Corwin in Paris and he offered to bring us to the coronation. We sent a note back to grandmother, so that she couldn't say no.
"Prince Corwin is certainly persuasive."
"One of his many traits." Jerod says, suggesting that some of his uncle's behaviours might not be so acceptable. There is no animosity in his voice however.
"You met him in Paris?" Jerod asks, thinking back to the limited information he had from his father on this place and the comments he had heard from Flora. "How did you come to find that path out? Did it take you directly to Paris? Could someone go back to Remba that way?"
"It led to a cave that came out in the side of the riverbank in the middle of Paris. We noticed that there was an odd spot in the water that looked like another stairway, minus the stairs. Grandmother assigned me to investigate it. If we can get back to Paris, we can get back to Rebma. I think Grandmother expected something, but I'm not sure if it was Corwin.
"Corwin seemed genuinely disappointed to leave his City of Light. It seems a vibrant place, full of possibility. Rebma will profit greatly if we can open trade relations with it."
"I shall have to make a trip at some point, I suspect." Jerod says as they make the turn into the gardens, motioning. "I've never actually been there. I wonder if this is one of my uncle's versions of Paris." and he pauses for a minute. "You said it was very vibrant...full of possibility. Can you tell me anything more? About how you felt when you were there?"
"The trees were flowering, Jerod. Do you know how long it has been since I've smelled flowers on the breeze? It certainly was an ... attractive city."
Jerod looks at her for just a moment. She's still his sister, albeit a lot older than him. And he knows his uncle, and his less than sterling reputation amongst the ladies. However, his sister is a big girl and can take care of herself.
And if she can't, Uncle Corwin has to go to sleep eventually...even with that incredible stamina of his.
"I suspect it's been as long, or more, as since I've chanced upon the tidal pools to watch the schools passing by." Jerod says, making his way to a comfortable seat, waiting for his sister and company to sit, noting the position of the retainers as they move around before he seats himself.
"Tell me about Conner." Jerod says. "I'm curious as to the official version of events back home, as well as anything that's unofficial." His sister will recognize a directness, a certainty in his mannerism that were not there the last time she saw him. Though he is still young, even puppy-like by comparison to Elders, he's been alone all this time. Growing up fast has left its mark.
Valeria sighs. "It's possibly to father's detriment that he wasn't one of Conner's victims, because it may come out that he was one of his accomplices. That is not for Random's ears, of course.
"Conner was involved in some minor criminal activities. Smuggling and the like and was tied up with some reasonably nasty folks. He wasn't actually doing it, of course, but he was helping to finance and facilitate it. It all got overlooked for years, because he had connections to lots of influential people. As far as we can figure out, it was all fine until he crossed his partners. We don't know what the specifics were, but we suspect it had to do with either a deal with Father or something to do with Gateway. Father was always thick with the Gatwegians.
"I'm not sure what it may mean that he is Fiona's child. I am wondering if there isn't something more sinister in his involvement with Tritons."
"Gateway offered support to the redhead brigade during my father's reign." Jerod says. "Needless to say their reputation will require some ...improvement. Random's not likely to overlook that kind of behaviour and if they want in good with him, they'll have to earn it. Assuming you can supply proof of Conner's involvement with this smuggling, it might prove interesting in an embarrassing way, but it won't be enough to get him hauled back to Rebma. Not as Fiona's kid. As for the Tritons, Conner claims to have no knowledge or involvement with them. Your father claims the same. Can you refute that?"
He leans back in his chair. "I'm more interested in this little apartment break-in at Llewella's quarters. This whole thing seemed to blow up around that. I've his side of the story and it's neat and clean, with just enough dangling ends to make it interesting. It could be just a coincidence. Or not."
She sits forward in her chair. "I feel a need to rest, Jerod. Perhaps you could escort us to the Embassy? We can all speak more freely there." She looks at Bend.
Jerod looks over at Bend as well, though he does not comment. "Certainly. I'll need a few minutes to delegate some duties before I go. I'll be back momentarily." he says as he rises.
Conner watches Jerod go to his sister and then turns to address his family though keeping the Rebman contingent in his sight.
"That went well." Conner smiles. "It seems I must hire a bodyguard while our guests are in town." Conner looks at Fiona. "Thank you for the offer of obliterating my enemies. I wonder if Valeria is truly one of their number though. How much do you know of her?"
[[For that matter how much does Conner know from his time in Rebma beyond the facts already stated on the web site?]]
"We know she has a death wish.", Brita mutters, still working on controlling her temper.
Fiona smiles, looking at Valeria across the room. "They won't be foolish enough to accept trial by sorcery against me. Even if they did, it would be some champion of Moire's, not Valeria. But yes, ideally we should resolve this so that you may sleep more soundly."
Bleys grins as well. "I haven't heard this tale before, Nephew. How many of the beggars did you actually kill, and why?" Bleys' tone is conspiratorial, and it is clear that he assumes that Conner did the right thing, whatever it was that he did.
Conner leans in and tells his story in a soft voice. "Like all the best lies, Valeria's story was mostly truth." Conner replies. "Two tritons kidnapped Thalia and if those two were elderly I don't want to meet a young one." He smirks. "Harga'rel, myself, and two servants from the Gateway embassy went after them. We ambushed them in the low area of the city. The two servants were hurt bad during the fight and the tritons were either dead or close enough that we didn't bother checking. The servants went one way and we went another before the alarm was sounded. Sounds like they didn't make it. More's the pity."
"They may be better off dead than in the hands of your enemies. I think
you're right. It's my guess that Duchess Valeria is not the member of this
party likely to cause trouble for you. Have you determined why you are
being set up?"
"No I haven't." Conner replies. "Apparently the true motives and culprits behind the vandalism at Llewella's would have led to truths they did not want discovered. It is possible my investigation and the plot to frame me could be unrelated but I doubt it."
"That would be too much coincidence, I agree. What is your intent?"
Conner thinks that if his mother had asked that it would have been either
an offer of help or a test.
"I plan to continue my investigation of course." Conner smiles. "Montage and Bend know much about this of that I am sure. Somewhere between diplomacy and espionage the answer will be found. Discreetly of course." He grins once more. "I'd love to be a fly on the wall right now while Jerod and his sister talk."
"Look out for him. She may have been sent here to wind him up and aim him
at you. She's ambitious enough, but I've never considered her bright
enough to successfully conspire. You will keep us informed of any...hasty
behavior on the behalf of the Rebmans?"
Fiona says "I'm sure they won't make any unfortunate moves while they can't even drag Conner back to Rebma." She frowns and one notices that 'Rebma' is said the way one would say "Hell" or "Hoboken" or some other undesirable place.
"I'll certainly keep you all informed." Conner nods. "Jerod would pick his family over just about anything. So to try and head off redhead reprisals," He smiles at Fiona. "Jerod is trying to find the truth behind these charges. What he'll do when he finds it is anyone's guess."
"From the looks of things, brother Corwin might attempt to stand for the
lady's honor."
Fiona nods "I'd noticed that."
"A pity we didn't know he'd be back. They'd've made such a charming couple at my daughter's party..." Bleys says.
"Perfectly charming." Conner chuckles. "If you like silver and green. An odd pairing no matter how you look at it."
"Corwin and this-week's-source-of-all-that-makes-life-worth-living? I'm not sure it is so odd. She's his type." He changes the subject. "I must away. Oh, Fi, before I forget. Paige has acquired a bodyguard for herself...for any number of reasons. A knight of Altamar. He'll be attending her gathering today."
Fiona nods at the news. "We shall see you there, brother."
Lucas, though not demonstrating it openly, seems a little disappointed as far as decent waters can tell. He almost had some amusement, but it was cut short. Alas. He saunters out.
Folly lingers for a few minutes, watching as those gathered begin chatting with one another. Then she quietly slips out of the room.
"Know you your Rebman... sisters?" Aisling asks Cambina quietly, out of curiousity, now that conversations can begin.
"Not mine. Jerod was father's only Rebman offspring. I know them as well as the children of one royal family know the children of another from a nearby kingdom. She is prone to all the faults normally attributable to powerful Rebman women."
"Mm," Aisling says, nodding, and is content to watch the aftermath for awhile more, before fading away. Unless Cambina has more to say.
As people begin to move about, Lilly catches Paige's eye. The expression on her face very clearly asks, What am I missing? She knew that there must be a lot more to all of this then met the eye and that it would be a redhead who could more then likely give her the best elaboration.
Paige slides her arm through Brennan's and steers her cousin toward the only armed woman in the room.
[Assuming he comes willingly...]
With a (still) bemused eyebrow, yes, he comes along.
"Royal diplomacy at it's finest, cousin," Paige says as they meet Lilly. "Did you both enjoy the show?"
Lilly chooses the words with care, "I found it interesting." Paige can tell she _really_ wants to know what actually took place in regards to Conner.
Oh, there are lots of things Brennan wants to know about what just went on, but not many of them are likely to come up in conversation in the court itself.
So, "Difficult to tell the dancers without a card. I gather this Valeria and Jerod have some connection. The others...?"
"Brother and sister," Paige answers. "I'm pretty vague on the rest, but I think the petite redhead was Aunt Fiona.
It took Lilly a moment to see the sarcasm for what it was. Paige could sometimes be difficult to read but Lilly was getting better at it.
"Interesting that Corwin escorted them in, I thought."
This comment though Lilly understood completely. "I agree. If I'm not wrong the King found it interesting as well. There is something about all of this that I simply do not like. It has the definite feel of a chess match."
"True. My only concern is that Troublemaker over there," nodding toward Conner, "Is going to be a sacrificial pawn."
Brennan raises an eyebrow at this, as the phrasing implies that King Random is going to be doing the sacrificing, willingly or no.
Paige's expression says, _That's how the game's played._
"Seems he was looking into something in Aunt Llew's chambers there, a robbery perhaps and definitely vandalism, and someone in the palace took offense. Someone who set Tritons on his trail," Paige explains. "Now what I've made out is that the closest corrolation is Venesch coming after one of Ambassador Kaia's secretaries. Like Venesch, Tritons don't take orders from anyone except the Royals and even then, only a select few.
"Anyway, to get it in the right picture, Queen Moire had two daughters, Morganthe and Rilsa. Morganthe committed suicide not long after Martin was born," Paige continues pitching her voice just for those near. "Rilsa was married to Demond Harga'rel and sired Valeria and Loreena. I believe they divorced before Uncle Eric was involved with Princess Rilsa.
"Continuing on, when Conner decided he needed to leave quickly there were several who went with him, including Harga'rel and Thalia of Gateway," Paige asides to Lilly, but Brennan can easily hear, "A woman he cares dearly for."
Lilly nods to show that she is listening. Of course it is something of a wasted movement. Paige knew Lilly was always listening.
"The others Valeria speak of, well they were accompanying Conner's trio,
and apparently after splitting up during pursuit didn't make it to safety,"
she concludes.
"I don't question if Conner might've killed a few Tritons, but it was in self defense and that of his lady and Valeria's own father. I also don't think the king will let this be decided in Rebma. This is just an opening gambit by the black queen, strong and quick, threatening our King's pawns with hers to see what he's willing to sacrifice early in the game."
Paige seems happy with Lilly's metaphor. One might even be able to picture her mapping out her uncles to their places on a field of black and white. "I wonder what color pawn Jerod is and Martin for that matter." Her eyes turn to where the monarch's just left. _Or our Queen, too._
Vialle, Jerod and Martin. The three with the closest ties to Rebma. If nothing else they formed an interesting group. From what Lilly knew of them she expected Martin and Vialle to be loyal to Amber. Jerod was a complete mystery to her though. What she needed now was more information on all of the players.
"If we stick with this metaphor, then, any gambit leaves itself
vulnerable to a counter-gambit in some way, shape, or form. You
probably know the politics of the situation well enough to make a
guess-- other than the bad publicity of being thwarted, what is Queen
Moire risking, here? And how do we transform it into something we
Brennan's inflection makes it clear that he has a particular example in mind, and that he'll be surprised if Paige doesn't see the goal as a reasonable one already.
Lilly looks to Paige. She seemed to have a better grasp on the players and therefore the game. Let the politicians play while the warriors prepared to fight.
"I'm not sure, cousin. I might know most all our white pieces, but not those in black, and the board isn't exactly even," Paige opines. "Moire's side has something we don't, a Pattern. We have something she doesn't, people able to walk it. I'm not sure that balances.
Something about this seemed to disturb Lilly ever so slightly. It calls to mind a question and perhaps an important one. For the time being though she is content to let it go unvoiced. For now at least.
Brennan inclines his head at this.
"What's she risking? Getting off on a bad foot with the new King?" Paige shurgs. "That someone's going to look deeper into an affair where she's had over a year to conceal what she doesn't want known?
"I can't see anything too valuable being open, yet. I suppose, worse than offending the King is offending Aunt Fi. She seems to be the Pattern authority about, other than Dworkin, who no one's seen recently, correct?"
Brennan re-inclines his head in a slightly different direction, at this. There's a glint in his eye, too. Bleys wishes he could glint that subtly.
Paige sees his glint and raises him a corner of her compressed smile as she...
...sees Liam flagging her from the wings of the room, reminding her that she has other matters to attend to.
"He was at the funeral. With time being what it is though I am not sure that qualifies as recent." Lilly says.
"Anyone's guess," [Brennan] says to Lilly.
Paige nods as it agrees with her last information.
Then, to Paige, "Strategem," he says, plucking a very short stemmed flower from somewhere behind his back, "is the art of conjuring opportunity from the actions of the opposition. We know what we want, and whether by carelessness, coincidence, or calculation, Moire's gambit threatens she most suited to exploit what we want. Two questions: Why? And, What do we do about it? You know the players far better than I do."
It looks as though Paige has business elsewhere, so he hands her the flower-- and shockingly, it matches her outfit rather well-- and makes that a parting question. It's probably way too early to really form a good answer.
Paige blushes just ever so much, and accepts the flower, deftly fixing it in her hair.
And so well it suits her....
"Perhaps we can find a moment later to discuss such things," she suggests.
Lilly nods. If a moment did not present itself, she would create one. This topic seemed important. On top of that she really wanted to know how why her cousins in Amber were so certain that a pattern still existed in Rebma.
"Unfortunately I must take my leave, else be known as a poor hostess this
afternoon." A subtle reminder that even with the new arrivals, she plans on
going forth with the luncheon at her new home.
"I trust I'll see you both then," she says with a hug and a small kiss for Brennan and the same for Lilly.
Brennan returns them, and lets Paige take her leave.
Lilly also returns the gesture albeit a bit awkwardly. She was still getting used to this sort of showing of affection. She was not opposed to it. It was merely different. Indeed on some levels she welcomed the friendship and camaraderie of her cousin wholeheartedly.
Then, turning to Lilly, "Anyone you'd particularly planned to talk to?"
Lilly looks around the room. She did have more questions but she also had the need to ready herself for the party. Knowing Paige as she did, she assumed many of the more interesting people in this room would be as Somerset House this afternoon. That might be a btter time and place for the conversations she had in mind.
"I am certain this topic will come up later this afternoon and I am content to leave further talk until then. Until later?"
Brennan shrugs in return. "Until later, then."
Brennan eyes the knot of redheads, himself, but who else is still present?
IIRC: Cambina, Vere and Gerard, Ossian, Reid (if he was present during the court, which is unclear), Flora and Llewella.
And while Vere will remain until his father chooses to leave, it is clear to everyone that his attention is focused exclusively on Gerard. Except those few perceptive enough to pick up that Vere's attention is almost never focused on a single subject....
Ossian is on his way out, but his eyes meets Brennans, and he doesn't seem to be in a hurry; Ossian's body language tells Brennan he's welcome to chat if he wants to.
Also, many courtiers, including Earl Raptor, Viscountess Wonder, Lord Sense, Judge Loring, Sir Octave, and Lord Rein.
For the sake of record, Brennan heads over to the knot of redheads, but very likely this thread is at an end, along with that one. Someone let me know if Brennan is made aware of the contents of that thread or not.
Last modified: 23 February 2003