Rebman Embassy

Assuming there is no issue, Jerod will do precisely what he said. He's got stuff on the go with the troop re-integration and such, so he makes sure that his people are aware he will be around only intermittently and issues what instructions that need to be issued (as few as possible preferably).

He also tries, if he has time, to stop by the King.

The King's secretary tells you that the King is closeted with his brother and has asked not to be disturbed, but he can send him a message if you desire.

He's got a simple request - running around with the Embassy is going to take a lot of time. He'd like to borrow a trump deck for the next three days, to be returned just prior to the coronation.

The message reads as follows:

Dealing with mutual friends - likely to be busy. Not interested in climbing mountain repeatedly. Need deck. Will return deck before coronation.



Working on getting new ones painted. Your aunts/uncles descended on the cabinet like a flock of locusts. See Caine at The Naval or send a messenger.

Regardless of the success or failure of acquiring the deck, he returns promptly having had some of the servants arrange transportation for the Embassy, to the Embassy...:)

Assuming that no one stops them, the Embassy prepares to depart for the road to the city.

Then they head out.

Shortly after leaving the castle, Jerod overhears Montage lean over to Bend and say quietly (but not inaudibly) "Those people give me the creeps."

"Why don't you ride ahead, Montage, and tell Kaia that we'll be arriving shortly?" says a slightly annoyed Valeria.

"I suspect that some Amberites are not comfortable with green-haired individuals either." Jerod says to his sister, not inaudibly. "Thankfully a bit of tolerance goes a long way."

And so it is that some time later at a villa that Jerod is well-familiar with. It has ponds and fountains and is painted inside in shades of blue and green. It is cool and moist inside.

The greetings are effusive yet efficient. Ambassador Kaia lets Valeria set the tone. She allows a small amount of chit-chat about home, and then asks for a private room for herself, Jerod, and Montage, and indicates that Bend should brief the Ambassador.

Jerod does not interfere but waits patiently until they can have their private room.

Things move with rapid precision, as if Kaia had expected noble visitors today. Shortly, Montage, Jerod, and Valeria are alone.

"So, you wanted to tell me what you know of all this. We should be private here, unless they have better sorcerers than we do. You go first, then we'll tell you what we know. Tell me about Conner."

Jerod smiles. "I've always been taught that guests should go first." he says, reminding his sister that he loves her dearly, but she's not in Kansas anymore.

[Turns out she is! You can consider the embassy to be de facto extraterritorially Rebman for purposes of how Valeria sees questions of precedence.]

[Actually, it just proves that his sister has lost her sense of humor, given that Jerod's quite aware that he's on Rebman territory and the legal implication of extra-territoriality).]

Valeria nods, impatiently, and waits for her guest to do so. :)

"First, Conner is Fiona's son. Hopefully everyone's clear on what the impact of anyone from Rebma doing something foolish like going after him would do. Messy wouldn't even begin to cover it. And despite my love of home, I'd be the first person to nail whoever was dumb enough to try such a stunt. The redhead brigade knows this, just as much as they know that if they pulled something stupid, I'd also go after them.

"Second, Conner claims to have been set up. He was doing some investigation concerning a break-in into Llewella's apartments. You can fill me in on that little bit as well while we're here. Afterwards someone in the shadows of Rebma apparently took a dislike to him and started to move against him. Thalia was supposedly kidnapped by Tritons who would murder her to implicate Conner. That didn't pan out and Conner claims to have intercepted the Tritons holding Thalia and rescued her. Needless to say, said Tritons are dead." Valeria would get the impression that under the same circumstances, Jerod would have done the same as Conner, only much more efficiently.

"The fact that someone moved against him about the same time as he started investigating feels to be too much of a coincidence. I don't like or trust them so I'm figuring they're related. How is yet to be determined.

"Afterwards, they escaped from Rebma and arrived here. I was away travelling when they made their entrance in Amber and garnered my information through a private investigation of their return. Your father confirms the majority of Conner's account, with revisions that are noteworthy more for his impressions of Conner's emotional makeup rather than anything at odds with the facts."

Jerod leans back in the very comfortable chair that he would surely have appropriated upon arriving and looks at his sister and Montage. "Your turn."

Valeria looks at Montage and nods.

He takes a big breath and begins. "We'd been watching them all for a long time. They had a deal going on, the kind of little, well-connected smuggling ring that we kept tabs on but didn't break up. It was worth more to us to know what they were doing. Harga'rel and Thalia were up to their eyeballs in it and Conner kept Droit out of it.

"It was a pretty sweet setup until Amber went away. Thalia was the brains, and had both of 'em wrapped around her fingers. It was tightly enough wound that it took a few years to really start falling apart.

"We think Thalia broke into the Princess' house looking for some piece of magic that would let her control Tritons."

Valeria looks at Jerod as if to indicate that if he has any questions about that, he should wait for Montage to leave...

"After this didn't work, something riled the Tritons pretty badly, we still don't know what. You know how they won't talk to us about what they call 'private matters'. We're convinced it was the Thalia-Harga'rel-Conner gang, or their associates.

"They fought over something, and we think they tried to mutually kill each other, but it didn't work. They ended up in Down Town and left a trail of bodies that ended in as deep and dark an alley as you're likely to see.

"We'd assumed that they'd crossed the wrong Dow- Tritons. Now I wonder if it wasn't an elaborate ruse to make us think they were dead. Pretty cold of them, considering the guards they'd've had to sacrifice to do it.

"Thalia's here, as well. Kaia told me herself. I'd've guessed it was her magic which got them out of it, but I'm still trying to piece the fact that Conner is Princess Fiona's son into the story.

"And I'm not surprised they have a story that holds together. They've had a long time to rehearse it."

Montage goes silent and Valeria looks at her brother, inviting him to ask questions. Well, most questions.

"I will be speaking to Thalia after our meeting here is concluded." Jerod says. "You'd be advised to keep an eye out for any activity the Gatwegians might be involved in. And keep me advised."

Montage nods. "The Ambassador says they're mostly trying to get back in good graces after their rather unfortunate alignment in the, ah recent troubles. But they're up to something. And they'll take any advantage they can get."

Jerod nods but says nothing. Montage's comment applies to everyone in Amber at the present time.

"The trail of bodies. Who left them...the gang Conner is supposed to have or Conner and his two friends?" Jerod asks, steepling his fingers as he stares off into space, formulating his questions.

"Could've been mixed. At least two of the tritons were killed by sword thrusts by someone who knew a thing or two. The Gatwegians ... well, one was killed by a spear and the other had a broken neck. Just broken, not twisted off like a triton could've."

"The Tritons jive with Conner and Harga'rel defensive battle." Jerod says. "The others were reported alive when they made their escape."

"Yeah, it's not a bad story they have. If they got a fancy Amber lawyer like Octave, they might even sell the story. Wouldn't make 'em less guilty, of course.

"We were following them. My men found the bodies."

He thinks for a moment. "When they got here, were they wounded? Like they'd've been if they'd been fighting Tritons?"

"What were they smuggling? Who were their contacts up here? Droit was mentioned as being out of it - did he know of it? What have the Tritons said, or not said, concerning this matter?"

[Note: Amber's customs on imports & exports are their primary revenue stream. So does Rebma. Smuggling is approximately equivalent to 'outwitting the taxman' & is even admired in some circles. Not Jerod & Valeria's, of course, since they are the ones being outwitted, by proxy...]

Montage shrugs. "Dry goods for wet. Luxuries, of course. Whiskey and cigarettes from dryland. Books. Gold and Pearls back. Never so much that it would have made it worth Her Majesty's while to shut it down and face the scandal & the trouble with Amber and Gateway.

"Droit was out of it. He'd have blown it all open himself and then delivered Eric's letter of protest with utter sincerity. He's honest and tactless and can't see two strokes in front of himself.

"As to your last question, Downers don't talk to us eels." It's a shocking term to hear from an educated ex-military man, but it must be calculated, just like his use of the slang term for policemen.

Jerod pointedly ignores Montage's comment, his expression clear that if Montage is looking for an outraged response, he was an idiot to figure he'd get it. "But you don't know who the contacts were on this end?" he asks, making a notation to check with certain people to see who was involved. Those kinds of payment goods don't disappear easily."

[Montage] looks at you funny. "Harga'rel. We didn't know if he was expanding his family's holdings in some other place you trade with or using it directly in Gateway, but, there's a reason Gateway is called Gateway. Plus they've got their own kind of magic."

Valeria looks uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry, Your Grace. His Grace needs to know."

"It would make sense in some respects but not in others. I'd be more curious as to what Gateway might be involved in. There are pieces missing that are being filled in with assumptions."

"Seems rather a pathetic excuse for a murder." Jerod says. "Conner's the son of a Princess, his heritage is Amber. He wouldn't bother with smuggling for profit. He could have ten times as much without even working up a sweat. A hundred times if he actually exerted himself." It is clear that Jerod recognizes the value of currency and material possessions to others, but is detached from it himself.

"Conner would only be involved in that if it gave him access to individuals in Rebman society...people interested in receiving those goods and for which he could be useful, gaining favor in the process. But if no one knew he was Fiona's son, it would serve as a suitable avenue to use against him and discredit him."

"Conner wasn't thinking with his head. That's why we initially thought that he'd murdered the other two. Found out about 'em."

Valeria speaks up. "It's possible that he was duped, but it seems so unlikely. Especially with the secrets he was keeping from all of us."

"So the question now to ask is...who was on the receiving end in Rebma for these goods?"

Montage shrugs. "Different people at different times. It washed in and out with the tide. Hell, I probably smoked some of the cigarettes myself."

Jerod thinks for a moment but shakes his head. "Too much is missing. You'll never get anyone to believe that Conner did anything based on that. Certainly not without a lot more evidence. This will require further investigation."

Montage shrugs. "I didn't bring the case files. We didn't think to find him here."

[Jerod] looks over at his sister. "I think it might be wise to let all this digest for a little while, so other questions can come up and be answered. We'll have to time ask others in the next little while. I wouldn't think you'll be leaving anytime before the coronation. Perhaps we could talk a bit about home. I'm curious as to news about mother and Loreena."

"Thank you Montage, you may go." Montage bows and, unless Jerod stops him, leaves.

"I've missed you so. You will be coming home, of course? We'll need you more than ever. Grandmother says we have to start planning now to cope with a world without Amber."

Knowing your sister, that was supposed to break your composure.

Jerod looks over at her after Montage leaves. "Without Amber?" he asks curiously. His composure is unbroken but invites Valeria to explain her comment.

"She's certain of it, although she won't give out any details. Loreena and I have theories, but nothing more. Grandmother has been consulting sorcerers of late, too.

"I don't think we're planning to attack, if you're worried about that. I get the impression that it's ... foreordained."

Jerod listens to her comments, a momentary brooding coming over his features. "Foreordained huh?" Jerod asks, thinking for a moment. "We seem to be surrounded by far too many sorcerers for my liking." he says, more to himself than to Valeria.

She shrugs.

"I may be returning but it will depend what if any duties if any that Random decides to drop on me after his coronation." Jerod says. "Taking a wild guess, I'm wondering if he might decide to use me as a go-between, though that's only a guess. It will also depend on whether or not I accept those duties. Five years of helping run things here is long enough without a vacation.

"Tell me about your theory."

"We run through a different one every time we have half an hour. Our current one is that Random won't be able to hold Oberon's old enemies at bay, he'll poke something with a stick and it'll crush Amber. Grandmother says that without Oberon, Amber is a shell."

"All plausible." Jerod says. "Sounds mostly like the usual plague of politics, re-adjustments needed after a shift in leadership. How long has Grandmother been speaking of this?"

"She woke us all up, screaming, about five and a half years ago. On the day the Faiella-Bionnon stopped working. She knew before any of us. But she usually does."

"I should introduce her to my sister." Jerod says, and Valeria knows that he means Cambina. "They could compare notes.

"There's so much to ask and most of it wants to start with mother and you and Valeria. You'll understand if I decide to start with other questions first, so I can get them out of the way. I'd rather have the good stories for last." and he smiles a little before continuing.

"I understand the Queen has a new companion. What can you tell me about her? And about this little incident with Conner that can't be said in front of the Queen's hired guns."

Valeria makes a sour face. "Her majesty has greatly honored Celina. She has Vialle's old title and position. And Her Majesty has given a triton over to her protection. As for the girl, she is disturbingly perfect. I find myself looking for the hook in the bait.

"We don't want anyone to know about this, of course. There is unrest in the Triton communities. Mother is very worried."

She changes the subject abruptly. "Do you think Martin would come back? Her majesty wants him, as well."

Jerod does not take up the subject change immediately. "Any reason why the unrest would be coming up now." Jerod asks. "Where did this Celina come from?"

"The world turned upside down when Amber came apart, Jerod. Really, I'm surprised that all we had was some unrest. I think Grandmother wants you and Martin to return because of it."

"Random is to be crowned king." Jerod says. "You tell me the odds of Martin returning any time soon.

"Son of the King of Nothing may not be such an interesting title to him."

"And what's the deal with Llewella's apartment and the smashed mirrors?"

"Probably something sorcerous. I know Amber has some, but I never thought Llewella was one."

"So why did you want to hush things up about them when Montage was here?" Jerod asks.

"It would be very dangerous for Rebma if the people thought the Royal family didn't control the tritons. I'd expect pogroms. And reprisals. I don't even want our trusted friends thinking about such questions."

"Of course it would be dangerous. But a question still to be asked is why the Tritons might be up in arms. Or rather, out from under our control. I wouldn't want to be grandmother right now, having to face that situation." Jerod says.

"If it gets out of hand, we would really want your help. In the end, all we really have is family."

"What would be the deal with Llewella's apartment? Why smash all the mirrors and such?"

"I don't know. I wonder if it could have been done by the Amberites, who thought someone was using magic to scry on them through the mirrors. Perhaps it was Conner, trying to cover his tracks."

Jerod chuckles. "You can forget Conner being the bad guy. He's not dumb enough to do anything like that and he wouldn't be involved in anything as stupid as smuggling. It would not make sense. And Montage's comment about Conner getting into something over his head is correct, only in the wrong way. My take is that he was investigating the break-in and pissed someone off, enough to get himself noticed. But he doesn't know the reason why. My concern is whether or not its one of our family who's behind it.

"Had it been me doing the investigation and I had attracted someone's attention, the reaction would have been a lot different. Unless the opposition is foolish, they'd know better than to come directly against a Prince of Amber. But they didn't know who Conner was. You've got a juicy little bit of information with which to rattle the cages back home when you let this out of the bag. You can watch to see who starts scrambling for cover, and looking for alibis."

He pauses for a moment, then shakes himself and stands up. "Ah crap..." he says, the way his father would when frustrated. He walks a bit to stretch, still talking. "I think I've had enough of business for the moment. Time for something new, something nicer.

"How is mother? And Loreena?"

"Loreena is sulking because I got assigned to investigate the new exit. Mother... well, she always preferred having a wider variety of experiences than Rebma can offer her when isolated.

"I think it would have been bad if either of them had discovered Paris. How Grandmother knew, I have no clue.

"So how are you doing? And how is Martin?"

"Martin is busy becoming Crown Prince." Jerod says. "One reason why he won't be heading back to Rebma any time soon. He has a number of important tasks that keep him on the go. I anticipate his return just prior to the coronation, but not by much."

She shrugs, apparently discounting the value to Martin of the royal imprimatur. "I look forward to meeting him. If only to see which stories are true." She smiles.

"That will depend on which ones you've heard." Jerod says. "Most were true, in the old days. I suspect they no longer apply if they did.

"We shall see..." She smiles.

"As for myself, I was busy with the Council. The Sundering did not take kindly to the people of the city and there was much to do. Uncle Gerard had need of someone who could deal with the nobles and such, keep them in line before they got uppity. Also someone who could handle a bit of dirty work now and then, after the nobles got uppity. I suspect that things will not settle much now that my extended family of Amber has returned. I was looking forward to a bit of a vacation."

"Mayhap, but I doubt 'twill be in either this realm or ours. Speaking of family, when do you think I can arrange to see my father?"

"I will speak to him after I leave here. I'll be sure to send him over straight away."

She nods.

He pauses for a moment to collect his thoughts, debating on how to approach his next question. He is anxious for an answer, though part of him dreads what that answer might be. "I was wondering, if you know how Carina has been these last few years?"

"Ensconced in the archives, same as ever. Hmm. Perhaps I should ask her about early references to the Tritons. How well do you trust her?"

"I trust her very well." Jerod says. "I am glad to hear that she is in her element."

"Please tell Father I have assumed full charge of this embassy and that his safety is guaranteed."

"I would hope so, given that he's working for me at the moment." Jerod says. "I'd be rather put out if someone decided to do something foolish."

"It's a pity you weren't born my sister. You would have made a magnificent woman." She smiles.

"Instead you got stuck with a lowly brother." Jerod says, returning the smile. "Such a terrible pity I suppose. Perhaps I should not bother with returning? Just another male to add to the population after all. Wouldn't want to burden anyone now would we?"

"Don't undervalue yourself, brother dear. I'm sure grandmother could find an ambitious woman who would like to be tied to the royal family by marriage. And whom she'd expect you to control for her. On second thought, I'm not sure I'd've wanted the competition of you as a sister.

"I'm convinced you'll come back. I know you didn't always like home, but if it's there or Paris, I don't see you as Corwin's subordinate."

"Nor do I see myself as Grandmother's, attached to a trophy wife for maintaining her political stability." Jerod says. "I am sure I will return as well, though how long I will stay there, or here or anywhere, is another matter. I suspect it will depend on the homecoming."

She nods, as if you had said "when in Rebma, I am sure I will breathe water" but she says "I have no fears that Grandmother would waste such a resource as yourself on matrimonial diplomacy. Unless she was trying to elevate this Carina into the family." She frowns at the thought.

"You are always welcome in my home, of course."

"And you and mother and Loreena are always welcome in both of my homes." Jerod says. "I would have it no other way." Then he stands up and stretches.

"I think it's time now for me to go and find your father. You've been away from him long enough."

She thanks Jerod and lets him out. She brushes a loose strand of hair at her left temple back behind her ear. Bend and Montage are not in sight as Jerod departs from the embassy.

Jerod heads out, making a notation about Bend and Montage and goes looking for Harga'rel.

Venesch gets a call when Jerod returns to the castle, advising him of their descriptions (Jerod assumes that Venesch saw them in the arrival party but takes no chances) and says it would be wise to keep a look out for them and Jerod would appreciate being kept informed of anything that might be found.

Then, Jerod stops by to see what Folly is up to...<knock knock>.

There's a momentary pause -- and then, quick as lightning, a little grey paw reaches out through the crack under the door, as if to protect Folly's room from the threat of Jerod's boots.

Ah...a food treat for Kina, Jerod thinks. Then he re-considers and decides that wouldn't be nice.

Otherwise, there is no answer.

[If Jerod has heard that Paige is throwing a party today, he's probably got a pretty good idea where Folly is. :) ]

Jerod suspected as much, but it is later in the day so it's always possible she might have returned.

If it's possible, Aisling would like to find Cambina anytime after the Jerod talk... In fact, they did fade off away from the Rebman embassy show at about the same time, from about the same place...

Sure. She's going back towards the library. You can catch her there or in the halls.

Aisling pokes her head into the library, and seeing that Cambina is there, enters and bows slightly in greeting, with a small smile, "My lady Cambina. I have a question unrelated to the most recent events... I was wondering if, following our talk of two days ago, you had suggested to Prince Jerod that I was interested in attending the poker party." She nails the non-confrontative query tone she's going for.

Cambina smiles. "Very nearly. I told him that if you did ask to be added to Martin's guest list, he should be sure to decline. My brother is capable of many things, including the occasional mistake concerning the weight of emotional baggage when compared to logic. In this he is like our father. I advised him thusly so that he would not hurt his friendship with Martin inadvertently and so that he would not put you in the unfortunate situation of believing you were welcome to attend."

Aisling closes her eyes and exhales, looking slightly pained.

"So, I gather you have spoken to him. How did it go?"

"My lady, you have made your words to me a self-fulfilling prophecy. I should not have spoken to your brother on the subject of gender. For you understand, Prince Jerod does not listen to ideas so much as he listens to people; and he has difficulty hearing those so base as to attempt to weasel their way into a place to which they have not been invited." Aisling's nothing but quiet remorse all through this, but Cambina's good enough to see that this is, indeed, something Aisling thinks is vile.

[Oh, and just as a clarifying note, that's remorse as in "mourning what could have been". By her tone she is neither taking blame, nor dishing it out.]

"His misunderstanding of you, or yours of me; somehow, a misunderstanding caused a stain on my relationship with your brother that, perhaps, years would not have erased, even if I'd abandoned hope and conversation both, the moment I realized it."

"While you may now think it high, the cost of this lesson was really quite low. It will be a bargain of great worth if you actually figure out why Jerod is hostile towards you."

"I have resolved to be guided by your deeper knowledge of him in all future dealings we may have. Help me, please; why do you think Jerod is hostile to me? And what do you think I should do to redeem my errors?"

"Jerod watched his father die defending Amber from Chaos. Our father was magnificent, and almost strong enough to defy Chaos and the Universe without support. He almost imposed his will on the Universe. Our father broke and the Universe did not yield."

"But your father did not break. Amber stands, and Chaos has been defeated. He served his part deftly and well."

"Don't tell anyone that their loved one's role in life was to suffer for the greater good."

This scrapes loose a plate covering a well of anger in the Chaosite, and she snaps, "You are lucky you are from Amber." She clamps her jaw shut and shivers, and repairs her shell.

"I am sorry, Lady Cambina," she says with a twitch of an ashamed smile, and then she soberly explains the original statement, "Your father was the King of Amber. I feel that if one had asked him, 'Will you suffer and die, that Amber may continue?', like his father after him he would have said Yes."

"Of course. But everyone lives their own story. Just because it was right and noble and proper for my father to die in his story does not mean that it was not a calamity in mine. I am older than Jerod and can still feel my father all around me. I can hear his voice any time I like. Jerod feels the separation more painfully. And no one wants to be casually reminded of loss. If I were anyone else, you would have unwittingly irritated me by saying what you've said."

Aisling looks politely attentive.

"If you wish to improve your relations with your cousins, learn not to shine a lantern into the dark corner of their souls where they selfishly wish their father had not had the poor taste to die and leave them alone. No amount of logic will convince anyone that their loved one should be dead."

[Aisling] bows slightly in acquiescence.

"Jerod is young yet and does not yet realize that relationships with enemies are more complex and require more work than relationships with allies.

"You remind him of the enemy, and of the ashes of what he expected his life to be, and of the great loss he suffered.

"You should ask Paige what to do. She was in a similar situation and she seems to have come to an accommodation with my brother."

Aisling's expression says, what?...ok... "I thank you for your words, Lady Cambina." A sudden momentary halt of her exit-ward tending, "Would it be unhelpful to send him a note apologizing for losing my temper?"

"Do you feel apologetic? Jerod, or most of us, really, will take calculated shows of emotion as subterfuge. You want to convince Jerod that you're dealing fairly with us. The best way is to do so."

Aisling bows in thanks, and exits.

[End notes: Cambina probably gets the feeling that she didn't win anything there. Not necessarily that she lost; more like Aisling just kinda stopped cracking open bits of herself around her.]

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Last modified: 27 March 2003