Seeing Brita waiting to speak with Jerod or Martin, Paige angles toward them...
"If I'm not interrupting," Paige says, "I had plans to return to the camp, too."
"Can I Trump down with you?" she asks.
Brita, waiting to speak to Jerod, turns to Paige. "Of course." Brita says "I am just waiting on Jerod to open the door." she notes with a slight wry grin.
Once Jerod is concluded, he turns to the others and Brita will shuffle out her trump sketches for the one of Heather Vale. Jerod shows no sign of moving off and it would appear that now that Martin has moved off, he is interested in finding out what Brita has to say, as well as speaking to Folly.
"Cousin Jerod, I wish to leave for Arden and Heather Vale now, but wanted to leave the sketch on this side with you. That way, if you needed to coordinate with us in person you could come through [assuming the sketch works]. If you need to contact me directly, Master Reid and Conner each have my trump."
Jerod will accept the sketch, examining it over carefully before looking over at Reid standing with Folly. He shows Reid the sketch and asks..."Is this going to work still?"
Brita gets an odd look on her face which she quickly smooths over. [ever see a student when someone asks the teacher about her work?]
Fortunately...Jerod has the same teacher so it's not necessarily that big a deal...:)
Reid takes a brief hold of the paper and concentrates on it for a second. "Seems good enough to me. Can't really measure the half-life on these things, though."
Assuming Reid actually takes a look at it, Jerod turns back to Brita. "Will you be returning for our regular sparring, or should we re- schedule?"
"I think for now we will have to reschedule; at least until the dragons arrive." Jerod sees bright lights of excitement flash in Brita's eyes at the thought of dragons although her demeanor is otherwise calm.
"In that case, I'll be ready about a week after the dragons are sent away." he says with a grin. "I'll be sure to give Reid a good workout while you're away."
"And Conner. Don't forget Conner." Brita notes. Brita is ready to go to Arden now (she travels light). If Paige needs to gather stuff, she should probably interject now.....
"I don't remember Conner mentioning that he wanted a Brita-level workout. And you know perfectly well I wouldn't subject the poor boy to that without his consent, and at least three waivers signed in triplicate." Jerod says.
While Brita and Jerod were speaking, Paige has scribbled a note and sealed it with a bit of candle wax and a signet type ring from her clutch. The impression matches that of the necklace at her throat and the back of her Fortunes. "I just need to get this to a page and I'm ready to go," she says.
Paige will slip out into the hall momentarily, hand off the letter to the first available page, directing it for the manager of the Prince's Retreat and then rejoining her cousins again.
"I suppose more sensible shoes are called for, but I can always come back for those later should I need them. I don't plan on spending the night down there," Paige says on her return.
Brita nods. "You might be able to borrow some shoes if you end up needing them. Mine would be a little big, but I'm sure there is someone who would match." Brita turns to Jerod expectantly. "We're ready."
"Do me a favor. Keep your rangers on their toes for messengers. If Bleys and I are coordinating the troop return, there may be a lot of messages back and forth. And trump only goes so far." Jerod says. "Now go enjoy yourselves. We'll be here when you get back." as he nod/bows his head once as she's grown accustomed to.
Brita nods back and takes charge. She reaches for the sketch and says "Keep hold of it Jerod and we'll open it together." She concentrates on the sketch. Once it is open, Brita will step through and turn to accept Paige through.
Jerod retains the sketch after [Brita and Paige] step through and neatly rolls it up (without damaging it) once the transfer is concluded, before turning to Reid (and Folly) to begin his conversation.
Assuming they depart without further incident, Jerod turns back to Reid just as Folly wanders off to take care of stuff. He is not disappointed that she has wandered off, merely recognizing that getting out of the family dinner/briefings tends to resemble rugby scrums...without the polite etiquette one usually expects from rugby players.
"I was about to ask you and Folly about tomorrow but since she's off dealing with stuff, I'm hoping you can bring her up to speed." Jerod says to Reid.
"The reintegration of the army back into Amber is going to take quite a bit of effort, and one of the things we're going to need to do is figure out who in the army is still alive to be reunited with family...and whether those families are still around." Jerod says, referencing the infamous disappearing Amberite trick. "The army survivor list and such would be on my end. But some of the investigation and tracking down of family members would be greatly assisted by you and Folly with your contacts in various areas." He pauses a moment, to see if Reid has any comment.
Reid considers for a moment. "Folly's got more a 'I'm one of the people' approach to her relationships in town, so at the most basic level, she'd be more likely to recognize family names as having met them or worked with them. But I've got a handful of contacts, and even a small crew of runners who could do some legwork for me, so I shouldn't be too far behind her in that regard." He sobers up a bit more as he thinks about the implications...
"Of course, when one goes to war, those left behind always have the expectation that their loved one may die in battle, but it seldom occurs to the soldier that his own family, safely at home, may pass for other reasons while he's away."
Jerod's not the most sensitive guy in the room, but he probably realizes that this is, in fact, what happened when Reid was away from Amber -- his mother died or disappeared, and it's pretty clear that's still a bit of a sore issue with him.
(Whereas with Jerod, which Reid would know, Jerod watched his father's position be overrun, and even ordered his own troops to hold their position rather than go to the King's defense, because the strategic situation demanded Amber's defense over the life of the King. That Jerod did the right thing does not make it easier. So one suspects that Jerod is probably a bit more sympathetic to Reid's situation than most would realize...though he does not bring up old wounds in public).
So Jerod will nod, but does not pry. Instead he continues. "The risk that some of the soldier's families might have disappeared is a definite problem. We must also take into account that wives and such might have re-married, believing their husbands dead, or children may have been born outside the relationship. Difficulties will certainly exist for father's returning to find children grown up, where before they were barely teenagers, or babes now walking and talking quite well for themselves."
"Perhaps the easiest duty will be telling families their sons or fathers or husbands will not be returning. Though it's not something I'm looking forward to. In any case, we'll need a structure to be able to communicate quickly so we can handle these problems as they arise. Do either you or Folly have secretaries? You mentioned you have runners?"
"As much as you'd prefer not to use them, the trumps would be the most expedient way for us to pass time sensitive matters. I do have men who will do legwork for me, but I'd prefer to keep them on more important tasks such as tracking down the families themselves, rather than running notes back and forth across the city."
"I have no intention of using the trumps for anything other than sensitive data." Jerod replies. "The shear volume of information we'll be dealing with necessitates the use of intermediaries. We will not always be available, and the trumps we have of individuals are limited. I would reserve their use as much as possible and not just for personal reasons. That's why we'll need others to assist with coordinating efforts, keeping track of routine paperwork.
"Do you have a secretary or assistant? I'd suspect Folly probably doesn't. At least, not in the conventional sense."
"She's got Ever. I could use Stoat in a similar capacity..."
Vere approaches and waits politely for Jerod and Reid to acknowledge his presence.
"Good. If either of them have not yet learned the need for discretion in dealing with the Family, they will learn it quickly now. This would be a wonderful opportunity for Stout to earn our favor in displaying his skill, his discretion, and his common sense. I take it you'll impress on him that any foolish opportunism on his part will get him on my bad side." Jerod says. "And embarrassing the Crown has far greater risks than getting on my bad side."
[Note. Stoat and Stout are 2 different beasts. Stoat is my friend and
potential right-hand-man. Stout? Not so much...]
[Oops...sorry, my mistake...Just proves you should never
email and drink (scotch) at the same time...:)
Okay...let's try this again. Stoat is much less dangerous, at least initially, than Stout (damn, what a single vowel does to your outlook on life) that case, Jerod's comments are more along the lines of "this guy will keep quiet, right?"]
"As for Ever, I'm sure Folly will ensure he is aware of the importance of anything that she gives to him. The need for reuniting families and reducing tension throughout the city should certainly fit in with his goals, though I'm sure he will not be averse to gaining some benefit for the more disadvantaged."
As Jerod finishes, he notices Vere walking up. "Ah, Vere. Just the man I was looking to see next. One of your famous, or perhaps now infamous, reports is going to be needed shortly. You up to the task?"
"I am certain something can be arranged. Send me the information you wish me to use," Vere smiles slightly, "And let me know what conclusions you wish the results to support. However, I actually came over for a specific purpose. I spoke with Sir Archer earlier this day regarding the keeping of the peace in the city, and I told him that we would see to it that he was kept informed of information that would be important to the performance of his duties. Now that the King has assigned duties I think it is important that there be no confusion in the minds of the civic authorities regarding the proper authorities to whom they should report, and thus I am hesitant to be the one who acts on this matter. Since you are arranging matters regarding the return of the soldiers and sailors Amber to the city, I thought you might wish to handle it?"
"He is just too good at this job." Jerod says with an amused grin to Reid, about Vere. "He's going to put all the clerks out of a job."
Reid shoots back a grin.
"A good suggestion." Jerod will say, looking at Vere. "Since you've been dealing with them already, arrange a meeting tomorrow morning. We'll lay down the communication guidelines and what chain of command will be necessary. I'm hoping you'll still be connected to the Navy crew, and with Caine, for the next little while, as he'll probably have some information we'll need. I'm not looking for conclusions from the data...this is raw data retrieval. A big whopping list of army and navy people who went out, and then cross- comparisons of who came back. Some of that data will come from Bleys and Julian as well."
He looks over at Reid. "That gives us our list of who we've got to re- integrate. We'll break the list down further according to classes and the like, so we can concentrate our efforts in attempting to find people. I'm sure we won't be able to isolate everyone, especially with this many troops and their families, but we've got to have some way to deal with the expected problems of troops and families not getting back together."
"Good thought."
Jerod then turns back to Vere. "Once you've got that list, break it out according to classes, economics, whatever. We need small groups that investigators can roughly identify and lock down quickly. I want this ready to go in three days if possible. As well, you can both submit names for individuals you know who might be suitable for investigation work. Have Folly do the same. I'll get them vetted through a few private sources to make sure none of them are a major security problem."
"And after we've got our plan at least started, I'll have to coordinate stuff with Bleys and figure out how he's going to deal with the foreign troops. I'm assuming, though I could be wrong, that he'll keep our troops in Arden until the foreign elements are gone, otherwise we've got security problems with no one to watch the funny folk. That'll give us a short bit of time to put our stuff into place and be ready.
"I've got to catch Bleys before he dances his way out of here, so if you've got any urgent questions, bring them up now. Oh, and Reid, you're invited to the morning meeting."
"I'll try not to stay out too late tonight playing, then." He fingers his ever-present flute hanging at his side. "Until the morning, cousins?"
Vere nods to Reid. "Do have a good time," he says, "The city should be in an interesting mood with the rumors of the Return circulating." He turns back to Jerod. "I will send a messenger to Sir Archer immediately, and I will be there tomorrow, but I do want to emphasize that now that there are so many eager hands to take over the tasks of rebuilding Amber my priorities have changed." He looks back towards Gerard, then continues, "I need to stay with Father to short-circuit any attempts he might make to prevent us from helping him." It's difficult to tell from his tone of voice whether Vere meant that as a joke or not.
Jerod also nods to Reid. "Enjoy. I suspect most of us will be out late tonight. Let's see how well the people respond to off the cuff rumour-mongering."
Assuming Reid departs for the evening, Jerod turns back to Vere. "I was figuring your father would increase in priority level, along with whatever Random was going to throw at you. I assume that your dad is still being a major, semi-noble, 'I don't need no one's help' pain in the ass? I swear sometimes he wants to be crippled, just to show everyone else how noble he is."
Vere pauses for a few seconds before replying, "Father has strong ideas about independence and the importance of sacrifice to the greater good. I do not disagree with these ideas, although I do have occasional differences with him concerning how they should most appropriately be manifested."
"Just be sure to remind him that sometimes those sacrifices can even hurt more over the long run." Jerod says. "In any event, I do not envy you your task. Let me know if there's something I can do."
"In the meantime, I'm off to pigeon-hole Bleys before he vanishes. Have a good evening." and with that, Jerod heads off.
Martin makes his way through the crowd to the small group, and Benedict gestures him over. "Martin," he says, "we're about to review the battle in the Blue Room, assuming the sand table is still there. Will you join us?"
Martin's arrival halts Lilly's progress. Part of her realizes it would be rude to simply run off considering that they had yet to be introduced. So rather then make her way to Vialle, she waits quietly at her father's side.
One corner of Martin's mouth quirks down. "Unfortunately, I'm already committed for the rest of the evening. Otherwise I wouldn't miss it."
Benedict says, "Another time, then. I will be out of Amber until after the coronation, but perhaps Your Highness would like a private review sometime afterwards?" If it were anyone but Benedict, people might think he was teasing Martin.
An expression steals across Martin's face for a moment. A sensitive soul might read it as _Hey, this prince thing does actually have some advantages._ "At your convenience, Uncle."
"Of course," says Benedict. "Have you met my daughter Lilly?"
Bowing at the head slightly Lilly responds, "We have not been introduced. It is a pleasure your highness. My father has always spoken well of you."
Martin gives Benedict a glance and smiles at Lilly. "The pleasure's mine, cousin. I hope your duties with the Queen won't prevent you from taking time out to spar occasionally; I'd be honored if you refreshed me on some of your father's lessons."
"To serve the queen fully, my skills will need to be kept sharp. As such I plan to take time daily to practice and I always welcome a new opponent." The returned smile was genuine. It was rare for Lilly to meet a man who did not automatically assume he could better her. She liked that in a person.
"Excellent," says Martin. "I'm at my father's disposal tomorrow, but perhaps the day after?"
"I look forward to it."
"I'll send you a note after I've gotten my assignment from Dad; we'll arrange a time after we both know what we're doing." To Benedict: "I doubt I'll see you before you leave. Take care on your journey."
"I shall," Benedict replies.
"Good evening," Martin says, including the suddenly distracted Brennan and Ossian in his farewell to the group, and is on his way back across the room.
Lilly bows ever so slightly to Martin as he makes his retreat. "I do need to introduce myself to the queen father. I shall meet with you again when things are in order."
Conner then seeks out his mother. "Quite an evening eh Mother?" Conner smiles.
Fiona had been talking to Corwin, who has turned aside to speak with Merlin for a moment.
"Indeed," Fiona says. "We all have a busy two weeks ahead of us. What do you think of the assignments?"
"Sounds like the skills and tasks have been matched well." Conner replies.
"Indeed, they have. I am certainly the best suited for the task His Majesty has assigned me." Fiona smiles. "We will need to speak privately before I leave in the morning. There is something I will need you to do while I am gone."
Conner smiles. "Somehow I thought there might be. After I send a messenger, I am free for the evening though I was thinking of catching some of Benedict's retelling of the battle."
"It would be wise to attend that, I think," Fiona replies. "Our business can wait until tomorrow. Shall we plan on breakfast, and a discussion of those other matters afterwards?"
"Sounds good to me." Conner smiles and suggests a time that won't interfere with his 2 and 4 bell meetings. (What the heck is a bell in real time anyway?)
Fiona and Conner agree on an early hour for breakfast that will give them plenty of time to talk before he has to meet with Caine.
"Perfect." Conner smiles. "Then I bid you good evening Mother." He leans and kisses her cheek. "I'm going to catch a little of Benedict's recital before my meetings with Caine."
Lilly heads off in Vialle's direction. Her approach is soft and her manner patient as she nears the King and Queen. Quietly she stands by awaiting their acknowledgement before interrupting their conversation.
Vialle turns as you approach. "You must be Lilly, " she says. "Random has been telling me about you. We must welcome you properly to Amber, dear. Would you join me for tea tomorrow morning?"
"That would be lovely your majesty. When and where shall I meet you?" Lilly asks simply, her manner light and friendly.
"If the weather is fine, then we shall have it in the garden at Terce. If we cannot go out, ask the servants and they will direct you. I expect we shall have a number of visitors coming in and out, but I hope we can have a few moments together."
Random interjects. "It should be very interesting. You can watch to see who is increasing their level of suckupitude now that Vialle's husband is a layabout King instead of just a prince..." He smiles.
Lilly allows herself a momentary smile for the King. He was right of course. People did tend to react differently to a Queen then to a Prince's wife. Of course there was good reason for that. Queens wielded a bit more power after all. Then the other part of his statements runs through her mind once more, "I would hardly consider you layabout Uncle. It seems to me you have done quite a bit of thinking these past few days if nothing else."
Random says, "Thinking? Is that what that burning smell was?" He taps the side of his head, once, twice, three times, as if knocking the ashes out of a dead pipe. Then his taps fall into rhythm, as if he were drumming on his own head.
Vialle looks pained.
Random catches his wife's expression and stops. "You were saying ..."
Vialle says to Lilly, "I'm having Lady Hardwind and Lady Vesper and some of the other ladies who are helping to organize the coronation ceremony and the masque stop by. Princess Florimel will undoubtedly be joining us as well."
Now it is Lilly's turn to look slightly pained. Tea with the ladies of the court. Wonderful. That meant she would have to wear a dress. She supposed that was the sacrifice she would have to make in order to do her job properly. No matter what though, she was not leaving the sword at home. As a knight she could sidestep that rule. Or at least she hoped she could.
Random says, "Well, that just sounds smashing. A pity I can't make it." To Lilly: "Remember, no matter how good the odds are, your money goes on my sister."
As usual, she had no clue what he was talking about. But she still made mental note of the words. They seemed semi-important.
Vialle turns towards Random for a moment; her expression is a mix of exasperated fondness and not-quite-suppressed amusement. Then she turns back to Lilly. "I look forward to seeing you in the morning, Lilly."
"Until then your majesty." She bows slightly in Random's direction before adding simple "Good evening."
Now to see what Brennan wanted...
Bleys has extricated himself from the Ossian-Brennan confrontation and is in the dining room refreshing his drink. "Will you be joining us for Benedict's review of the battle, Jerod?"
Jerod puts his glass back on the bar now that he's finished with it before replying. "No. I've got a couple of things that will keep me occupied before tomorrow morning rolls around. I wished to arrange a meeting to discuss communications and messages during the re-integration, as well as your thoughts on how to proceed at your end."
"Let's plan for breakfast at Terce; I have some business first thing, but I'll be done by then. Shall we meet here? I'm not even certain where I've been lodged for the night yet, so I can't offer you the hospitality of my chambers yet." Bleys seems to find that last bit rather amusing.
"You may rest assured uncle that the hospitality of your chambers shall not be strained by my presence anytime in the near future, once you have located them." Jerod replies. "Breakfast at Terce. I will be there. Until then, good evening." The nod-bow that Jerod gives him is minutely, even razorly, precise in regards to the protocol of dealing with family.
And unless someone physically stops him, Jerod heads out.
He grabs a page on the way down the corridor and has a message sent to Kenner, telling him to prepare his clothing for morning breakfast meetings and a series of meetings throughout the next day. Kenner is to be ready as well to do running around and should advise Tibor as well. Jerod will be back late to his rooms this evening. Ensure that he is awakened in time for arrival at breakfast. And then he heads out to the stables.
Lucas regards the general assembly in the room, looking mildly bored, listening in on various conversations as they play out. Finally, as though reaching his limit, he saunters out.
Last modified: 6 September 2002