As the first Knightly meeting is breaking up, Brennan moves smoothly to intercept. "Cousin, have you a few moments?" Whatever it is Brennan wants to ask her, it seems important, but not (yet) urgent).
Lilly nods. "So long as it is brief. I have one last meeting to attend to this evening before retiring." Her demeanor is very relaxed. She certainly does not seem rushed or overly eager to leave.
"Hopefully it will be." He takes a moment, frames a question, then plunge onward with the direct approach. "Lilly, if I may ask, what exactly happened to you and Daeon when you went missing on the road back from Chaos?"
There is a slightly amused expression on Lilly's face. Brennan definitely had an interesting idea of what construed a brief topic of conversation. "The brief version can not be exact I am afraid cousin. But I shall sum up as best I can.
"After a restless night's sleep I left my tent. I wandered out and found myself face to face with a creature made of what appeared to be rock. He wanted payment for our invasion of his peoples land. As we were speaking a rather undressed Daeon emerged from his tent and joined us. It was decided that Daeon would participate in a storytelling contest and I would be his second.
"We were taken to a large stone arena where we were introduced to the King and the terms of the contest were given to us. The first person to be unable to continue would loose. That simple. Of course any means could be used to insure that an opponent could not continue. Stories went back and forth. Daeon decided to end it on his terms. In hushed tones he asked me to please trust him and do as he asked without thinking. He had a plan for our escape.
"As he began speaking he told a story of a new beginning and how in order for there to be a beginning first a man and a woman must come together. He asked me to pierce his side with my blade in a symbolic gesture of that. I did so."
At this point, Brennan assumes the facial expression of someone who can anticipate the punchline, as it were.
"Now I am, as I'm sure you know, skilled with my sword. I wanted to pierce him, allow for blood flow, but not incapacitate him in any way. It turn out though that he did not trust in me. I did as I was asked. He twisted himself slipping slightly forward as I made my move and in a sense impaled his side.
"Blood began to flow at a rapid pace and yet he still spoke. I noticed he had dropped a trump deck at his feet. I bent down to retrieve them and saw Uncle Caine's image on the top card. Without hesitation I made contact. I knew with the way Daeon was bleeding he would need immediate attention. In truth I was in awe of the fact he was still standing.
"This sacrifice of blood seemed to please the rock people though they did mention that he should perhaps be more careful about who he gave such things to. Uncle Caine pulled us through. The rest of the story you probably all ready know."
And [Brennan] gives a small sigh. "Pagan motif. Always so free with the bodliy fluids..." he mutters.
Then he pulls out a quick sketch he had made earlier of the FireLilly that Caine had brought into the pavillion that afternoon, and asks, "Does this look familiar to you?"
"Yes. That is the flower Daeon was clutching in his hand when we came through is it not? Where his blood drenched the ground in that strange place these flowers sprouted. That was one of the last things I remember seeing before we left."
"They're growing near Chaos, too? That's probably not good. Because, these things are growing by the scores-- probably the hundreds, now-- in the Vale where the army is stationed, and are penetrating into Arden, where it is not impossible that they will spread into Shadow.
"It was the one Daeon carried with him that started the fire in the pavillion, and the live ones may be just as bad."
There is a definite look of concern in Lilly's face. "The flowers, if I remember correctly were growing in the areas were his blood had touched the ground. Mind you, he had been throwing his blood around, perhaps in blessing. I was rather distracted at the time so I am not sure but that would seem to be a logical thing for a god to do. I also remember Hob telling us that they would take good care of the blood he had left."
"Oh," [Brennan] says. Then, "Ohhhh."
Does Lilly see it, yet? Brennan does, or thinks he does. It's not clear wether his look of annoyance is inwardly or outwardly directed. Probably both.
"There is something else. Something that may indeed be very important. As we traveled through to Uncle Caine I heard laughter. The smae cold laughter we heard as we were leaving chaos. That could be a clue." Her voice falls off as she runs all of this through her mind.
"That can't be good."
As her thoughts come full circle once more she looks perhaps slightly embarrassed. "Forgive my train of thought, I know I am jumping around horribly, but I believe Daeon bled more in the camp, did he not?"
Brennan nods. Does she see it, yet?
"Those flowers could be a product of that. How much danger do you suppose they bring?"
Yes, she sees it.
"Short term? I don't know. I have the camps reorganizing to avoid fire hazards and to set up bucket brigades if a fire does break out. I told them it was to prevent another incident like yesterday-- which is true-- and encouraged the idea that it's one of those wacky things officers do to keep the men from relaxing. Let them work for their pay.
"Long term?" His thoughts are still spinning on that one. "I don't know. But it would seem that they're going to form a path right out through Arden and into wherever it is he just wandered, and I do not like the sound of that. At all."
"I agree. If they extend far into shadow they could easily lead our enemies to us.
"On the positive side of that they would lead them into an army right now. And our enemies might not realize that the plant has a destructive property. The negative of course being the plants destructive property....
"Perhaps when Daeon returns he will have some ideas as to how to control and or eliminate the flowers."
Things are breaking up; Brennan and Lilly are tending off in a togetherly direction, and Aisling catches Marius for a brief word; "Are your physical hurts knitting together well?"
Marius seems amused at the way Aisling put the sentence together. "Wounds and worries are too entwined at this time for me to sort them out from each other, but both will find time a fair healer, I suppose." He makes it sound like it's not necessarily a conversation-stopper.
"I am pleased, as I said, to see you quick. Of all the badly wounded that I poured my skill into, you were the one closest to death..." She's watching him for his reaction, and should his water be high, he'd note that she's in fact somehwat nervous about how he's going to react.
Marius looks less surprised than simply making sure he heard her correctly. He chooses his words with some care. "Ah," he says. "If I owe thanks to you for my recovery, I have been lacking in my duties." He makes a bit of a flourish. "I do not know how close to Mistress Death I wandered as my dreams were many and varied, and her forms and shapes endless. But if you were one of those who held me from her embrace, then I owe you deeply, for I am not ready to seek her arms." He stops suddenly. "I repay my debts, milady," he says, and it almost sounds like a warning.
Aisling nods, accepting this; but something about her is faintly sad as she replies, "Oberon made men precious; and as such, many worked to preserve you... And it is not certain how long in Chaos you existed, for that is the nature of Chaos. I ween that when Jovian returns, the dragonriders who conveyed us both out of that place can tell you of how you were aided."
Marius gives a sharp nod, as if digesting all of this but not replying. He almost gives a start at Jovian's name, as if he had forgotten him entirely.
She pauses, then meets his eyes, a different subject, "I am very sorry that Princess Deirdre fell into death. Of all the ladies of the Amberites, she was the one I most wanted to meet and speak with."
"Ah," he smiles. It takes him a moment to say something, but it's more as if he is wrestling with a thought than all choked up. Of course, there might be a bit of that latter, too... "It is one of the deeds against the spirit of our lost Uncle," he says, finally. "A score which I do not think we have yet to measure in full," he says, sounding somewhat sad and far away for a moment. "I can not think that his torments have ended with death, but I hope that my mother rests easily." He shrugs. "I am not unbiased on the subject, but she was a remarkable woman, indeed." It's a conspiratorial smile.
Aisling is faintly surprised by the smile, or the confiding aspect; it teases a slow answering smile out of her, and also, "...Have you plans for the rest of the night? I could change into something more male, and we could see what the years have brought to the drinking establishments of Amber..."
Marius chuckles, now honestly surprised. "If gender was something you wore like a pair of comfortable slippers," he begins and then breaks off.
Aisling shrugs slightly with a wry smile.
"I must be up early in the morning. I keep myself to a grueling schedule," he admits.
"On the other hand, I would greatly appreciate a raincheck on that offer. Perhaps post-coronation when my duties will be in flux and I can truly enjoy the carouse?"
She nods, still smiling. "That sounds like a very good plan." And with a slight bow, "Good night, then, Sir Marius."
Following the breakup of the knightly chat, Aisling will quickly go check on Ce'e to make sure he's doing alright back in her living room and let him know what she is planning to do the rest of the evening, and then will go knock on Merlin's door, as previously discussed...
[Actually, referring to the original thread, Aisling said she was going to send him a note. Following Merlin's timeline, I think Aisling may see him at dinner. After dinner, he is engaged with Reid and Ossian for quite some time and will not be in his chambers.]
[She did, and he then requested that she call on him, so she agreed to stop by. However, if Merlin was at Jerod's dinner as well, all continuity can easily be maintained if someone there lets both Aisling and Merlin know that Marius is alright; whereupon they would have agreed there was no reason to meet.]
There was a slight spring in her step as Lilly made her way to Martin's quarters late in the evening. It had been a most enjoyable day. Ending it with a sparring session seemed ideal. The thought that her cousin was more then likely wise enough not to underestimate her made it all the better. Now if he also proved to be a challenge... Well that would be far more then Lilly could have hoped for.
That was a big part of the reason she enjoyed sparring with her father. She always learned something. Sure she had never actually beaten him but that didn't matter. What mattered was she always ended those session feeling as if she were a better fighter. And over the years she had been slowly gaining on her father. It was possible that one day she would be able to take him. Having good sparring partners would certainly help her achieve that goal.
As she reached Martin's rooms she took a slight moment to center herself and clear her mind of thought. Whatever awaited her she felt ready for. This was perhaps the most confident and relaxed she had felt in days. Raising her right hand, she knocked softly.
After a moment, Martin opens the door and greets Lilly. His suite, she finds, is spacious and may be well-decorated, but looks like a hurricane blew through. There are several musical instruments and several sheathed blades strewn about the place, and a lot of paper.
"Sorry about the mess," he says, obviously a little embarrassed. "They moved my things and I've been having some trouble digging out things I needed to travel."
He casts about for the right sort of weapon for sparring.
Lilly surveys the mess with a bit of amusement. She liked the idea of a less then perfect Prince. "You have my sympathy. I tend to keep my things very organized. If someone else were to move them I'd be a bit lost myself."
The changing the subject entirely, "I had no idea you were a musician. My foster mother tried to convince me for years to take up an instrument but I was too focused on other things."
"Well, we're all immortal; you'll have time to learn it later if you like. I wouldn't be surprised if you have a gift for it, actually. We have a lot of talented musicians in the family: Folly, Reid, and Ossian for starters. My dad's a mean drummer, too, but I've never heard him live, just--recorded," Martin says.
He adds: "And you can pick it up any time. I showed Solange some basics of bass guitar a couple of years ago, and she plays like a champ now."
"Hmmm..." Lilly leaves her response at that for now. If she truly was immortal there would be plenty of time to consider taking up an instrument in the future. (Or so she hoped.)
[Which blade is Lilly carrying?]
Both. She carries the sword out of habit and the Katana because she would like to try out a few of the things she and Venesch discussed earlier in the day.
Martin starts to pick up one of the swords, thinks about it, and asks, "Are you going to use the katana or the straight blade?"
Lilly smiles apparently quite pleased that he asked that question before choosing his own blade. This sparring session was looking even more promising. "I think I shall use the Katana. I have not had much of a chance to work with a curved blade. Vensch and I had a chance to discuss the finer points of fighting with a blade of this sort earlier today but this is the first opportunity I have had to put those words into motion." It was quite unusual for Lilly to ramble on this way. But for whatever reason she felt comfortable in Martin's company.
Martin nods, once, abruptly, and picks up another blade.
"The garden's through here," he says, indicating a french door. "The prince gig has its downside, but the private garden is nice. He leads Lilly out into the cool evening air.
The garden has been out of use, Lilly thinks, but it's at least been cleared well in anticipation of Martin's arrival. There is a wrought-iron table, painted white, and two matching chairs, for serving tea in the garden or some such. Martin moves them aside and sets the sheath for his blade on one, and the sheath for Lilly's katana on the other.
"This is the bit where we talk about blade safety and such, I suppose, but we had the same teacher, so it's not like we don't both know the drill. I know you were in a battle, but I trust your judgement on your combat reflexes. If we touch occasionally, I'm fine with that, as long as I can ride out tomorrow morning, 'kay?" Martin grins at her.
"That is agreeable." Lilly's confidence in her own abilities, even with an unfamiliar blade, is rather obvious.
If Lilly is ready, Martin gives her a salute with his blade and drops into a guard position.
Returning the salute, Lilly takes a moment to center herself and regain her focus. She attacks slowly, developing a feel for the blade as she goes and taking time to gage her opponents strengths and weaknesses.
Lilly has learned the theory of a little of the Hamakaido technique, which consists of a lot of circling and a small number of quick strike routines. If they were both using the Hamakaido technique, they'd be insane to spar with live steel, because they could easily injure each other seriously, or even kill. Venesch mentioned incidents of people being killed in accidents with wooden blades while sparring.
Martin's choice of a heavy blade in a more traditional Amber style suggests that he's not planning to duel her in that way. Maybe he's seen it, because he chose the heaviest blade in the room, one unlikely to snap if he blocks with it. But if Martin does know, he's being somewhat reckless in suggesting they spar with live steel.
Where the Hamakaido technique involves sidewise presentation of the body with the blade overhead, Martin is countering with a western fencing technique. He has the wrist strength and arm strength to use a heavy blade that way, but so does she.
Martin is content to let Lilly take the offense in their sparring, but he's clearly also gauging her style and general ability. He shows signs of Benedict's training, but has also obviously gotten some advanced training and technique somewhere else.
Lilly thinks she's stronger, and probably could defeat him with her own sword, but with this unfamiliar blade they're evenly matched. In combat, Martin would probably outlast her; he chats casually with her without running out of breath even when Lilly is feeling like gasping for air.
They've been sparring for about an hour when Martin disarms Lilly with a disarm she's never seen before, and for his trouble takes a long, deep slice on his sword arm. He curses once, a sailor's curse, before remembering her presence and taking his curses to another language.
Even in pain and concern about the wound, though, he's careful to put down his blade rather than drop it before he starts to pull off his shirt to inspect or perhaps tourniquet the wound.
[in which we learn NPCs can get bad card draws too: the Smith reversed (evil effort)]
Lilly takes care of her own blade before turning her attention to Martin's wound as well. She does whatever she can to help him stop the bleeding.
"I'm afraid I am going to get quite a reputation for causing injury to cousins." There is no smile but it is evident to Martin that she is indeed making a joke of sorts.
"It's your beauty that makes us forget how formidable you are, I suppose," Martin says, but the charming smile is lost a bit in the gritted teeth. "That and the fact I'm a klutz, and shouldn't try a risky disarm against an opponent with an unfamiliar weapon. This is going to need stitches. We'll have to take it down to the infirmary."
Ignoring the beauty comment (Lilly never considered herself to be anything other then odd looking), she decides it best to continue small talk to keep Martin's mind focused away from the pain. "I agree... On both counts. Next time you can try it while I have my own blade. Perhaps you'll match my father when we are done." Again there is no smile to signal it but she is obviously joking.
Martin starts to say something, decides against his initial choice, and goes with, "Your father's still swordsman enough to have my head if he's inclined. I just wish I could match him in that.
"The only being I've ever seen whom I thought could match him blade to blade--other than Grandfather, of course--taught me that disarm. He's dead now. Duke Borel, of the Court of Borel. Your nephew, I believe," Martin adds as something of an afterthought.
"I am still sorting through my Amber heritage cousin. You would have to ask Aisling about my relation to the late Duke Borel." It's a mere statement of truth. Martin though could easily see that Lilly was not quite comfortable thinking of herself as an Aunt.
"Oh, I know all about that branch of the family tree," Martin says, completely casual. "It was you I didn't know about."
Martin and Lilly construct a makeshift tourniquet out of Martin's shirt and walk down to the infirmary, where the castle's medical supplies are kept. Some of the items are a little unfamiliar to Lilly (e.g., IV packs), but Martin explains what they're for and how they work.
"It's a little weird," he says. "Most magic and tech tends to degrade. Medical stuff lasts surprisingly well. But gunpowder, or Corwin's ammunition, rots. Almost as though the rules were made by a beneficent deity.
"Unfortunately, the deity was not beneficent enough to let synthflesh work in Amber. At least I already know it takes a lot more than this to scar me."
If Lilly doesn't know how to stitch a man's arm up, Martin teaches her.
At the very least she has witnessed the procedure before. And she is something of a quick study.
If Martin seems capable of conversing while she is stitching she'll try to engage him in conversation to keep his mind off of what she is doing. Otherwise she'll wait until they are through. Either way she can't help but ask, "You mentioned something called synthflesh. What exactly is that?"
Martin's quite capable of talking. Even with a local anesthetic, he welcomes the distraction. "Synthetic flesh. Common medical technology in shadows with a lot of tech; you can use it to bandage a nasty wound without stitching it up first. I've seen several different kinds over the years. Sometimes it comes in sheets, and sometimes it comes in a spray can, like processed cheese or that fake crap they serve instead of whipped cream in places where dairy's too much trouble." He makes a face; apparently his opinion of these foodstuffs is low.
"That is very interesting. I can see how such a thing would be extremely useful. I do have to admit though that I have no idea what a spray can is, though I can imagine. All of the dairy in Tecys is fresh." She pauses for a moment deciding how much exactly she wants him to know about her. Basing her decision on her father's evident fondness for Martin she continues. "I grew up there. To be honest I left there with my father just before the battle. I have seen very little of shadow. There seems to be so much to know and to see. It is almost inconceivable to me."
"Once you walk the Pattern, maybe you'll get more of a chance to explore. It's kind of a family tradition."
Walking the pattern. It was something Lilly hadn't really considered. First she supposed they would need to find it. Once that was accomplished she would want her father's blessing. Even after the walk had been completed she would want to find a proper tutor to teach her to use the powers the pattern would impart upon her. Though the idea of exploration was most appealing. Appealing but a long way off in Lilly's mind.
Rather then go through all of that with Martin though, Lilly simply nodded.
Martin pauses and reparses Lilly's comments. "Tecys? You grew up on the Tecys estate? That was where Benedict took me the summer he brought me out of Rebma. I used to stay with them whenever I came to visit him." He grins at Lilly.
"I grew up with Jade and Mallet Smith. Mallet is a weapons Smith. Very well known. He does exquisite work. They were wonderful as I was growing up. They went out of their way to insure that I fulfilled my potentials. Even if it did go against Jade's expectations for a young lady." A genuine smile fills Lilly's face as she remembered the sweet days of her childhood.
"I don't know his wife, but I've met your foster father. He does beautiful work," says Martin. "It's a very pleasant place, the Tecys estate. I always enjoyed staying there."
Lilly brings forth her sword and presents it to Martin for inspection. "My foster father created my blade. I am sure I could never find it's equal." She take obvious pride in the weapon. To say it was well cared for would be an understatement. It looks almost as if it's never been used.
Martin holds and inspects it as best he can, given the limited mobility of one arm. Even with it stitched up and him obviously being careful, Martin has more freedom of movement and less pain than Lilly expects.
"It's beautiful," he says with obvious admiration. "I had a dagger of your father's making once. It served me well until I had to leave it in a foe some years later."
"It was a good home. I owe much to Jade and Mallet. And of course I miss them. There is a small part of me that wishes I could return to that simpler time. But I know that it would be impossible for many different reasons. Not the least of which are the changes that can not be seen."
Martin nods once. "It would be difficult for them to accept that you're a woman now. They might even try to force you to revert to the girl you once were, and, worse yet, you might find you wanted to. It's one of the reasons I never went back to Rebma."
Lilly nods. The prospect of reverting to girlhood was, in truth, a bit repulsive. Life was certainly more interesting now. "I know very little of Rebma. I've heard it is very different from Amber. Matriarchal, correct?" There is genuine curiosity in her tone. Obviously she would like to know all she can about the city under the sea. It was an interest born from her intense hunger for knowledge though and not a need for political gain.
'Yes, very. Sex roles aren't perfectly reversed from Amber, but women hold all the political power. There's not a lot of room for ambitious men. Of course, there's a limit to the ambition my grandmother will put up with from women, too," Martin says, with a grin.
[Martin is willing to talk at length with Lilly about Rebma if she wishes.]
Lilly will welcome such a discussion. The player assumes however that for the GM's sake it is better done is summary, yes?
Martin will open by talking a bit about the political structure of Rebma as embodied in its royal family: his grandmother Queen Moire, his aunts Llewella and Rilsa, and his unmet cousins Loreena and Valeria. He mentions in passing that his mother is dead, but nothing more about her. He also explains that Jerod is Eric's son by Rilsa, and thus his cousin on both sides.
The Rebman court places a high value on titles, status, and precedence, and Martin explains that there's quite a bit of of scrabbling for all three, which are generally bestowed by Moire's favor. He contrasts this with the council of Lilly's cousins that evolved during the Regency and with the arrangement between Caine, Julian, Gerard, and Eric under the latter's regency and kingship.
Martin's examples of parallels and contrasting cases are reasonably detailed, and it's clear he's put a lot of thought into the comparison and contrast. It's also clear that Martin has a strong grasp of both theoretical and practical politics in an absolute monarchy, even when the monarch isn't as absolute as he might like.
Lilly will listen for as long as Martin is willing to talk. She is interested in every detail and shows it by nodding appropriately and rarely interrupting.
It may be hours before Lilly realizes that the night is slowly becoming morning. Once she realizes that it is getting quite late she'll graciously interupt. "I am grateful for the information. There is so much to learn and understand. However it is getting quite late and I am certain you will have a full day tomorrow. I do not want to keep you any longer."
Martin doesn't look at all tired, and he's moving with surprising grace and evenness for a guy who just had a bunch of stitches. But what he says is, "Yeah, it's late. We should call it a night. We both have a busy couple of weeks ahead of us."
He calls a page to escort Lilly back to her chamber so she doesn't get lost.
Rising she will gather her things. Before heading towards the door she offers her cousin a rare genuine smile. She liked him. Hopefully they could become friends. "Good luck. I sincerely hope things go well." That final remark encompasses not only the next several days but the next several years.
"Thanks," says Martin. "You too. We'll have to do this again after things get sorted out after the coronation."
This is where the members of the royal house of Amber are on the second day of the Return.
Dworkin: At large.
Oberon: Dead.
Osric: Dead.
- Reid: In Amber City, researching disappearances there.
Finndo: Dead.
Benedict: At Castle Amber, preparing to depart for the Tecys.
- Lilly: At Castle Amber, guarding Vialle.
--- Aisling: At Castle Amber, planning how to repair Gerard's legs.
--- Dara: At large.
Eric: Dead.
- Cambina: At Castle Amber, coordinating.
- Jerod: At Castle Amber and in the city, working on the payroll issue.
Corwin: At Castle Amber, preparing to depart the next day.
- Merlin: At Castle Amber, preparing to depart the next day.
Caine: At the army camp in Arden, working on reintegrating the Navy.
Deirdre: Dead.
- Marius: At the army camp in Arden.
Fiona: Attempting to travel to the Primal Pattern on Random's instructions.
- Brita: At the army camp in Arden, commanding the Rangers.
- Conner: In Amber City (the Naval) working on reintegrating the Navy.
Bleys: At the army camp in Arden, working on reintegrating the Army.
- Paige: At Castle Amber, freaking out about her pregnancy.
Llewella: At Castle Amber.
Brand: Dead.
- Brennan: At the army camp in Arden, working on reintegrating the Army.
Florimel: At Castle Amber, planning Random's coronation and how to
publicize it.
- Lucas: At Castle Amber, avoiding work.
-- Hope: At Castle Amber.
-- Philippe: At Castle Amber.
Julian: At large, seeking his son Daeon.
- Daeon: At very large.
- Dione: Dead.
- Jovian: Returning to Amber by way of the Isles of the Dannan.
- Robin: Running away from Amber by way of the Isles of the Dannan.
Gerard: At Castle Amber, planning how to repair his legs.
- Solange: At Castle Amber [player on hiatus].
- Vere: At Castle Amber, planning how to repair his father's legs.
Random: At Castle Amber, ruling the known universe.
[Vialle]: At Castle Amber, planning Random's coronation.
- Martin: At Castle Amber, getting ready to depart for a procurement mission.
[Unknown parentage]
- Ossian: At Castle Amber, playing around with Trumps.
- Folly: At Castle Amber, getting a supersecret job from Random.
Last modified: 13 February 2003