The Grand Tour Begins

Everyone who is in Amber and plans to go with the King gets the following note:

Sunset, my office, Don't make any dates you can't break for tonight.


[Below this is the following text]

And now open your eyes and see
What we have made is real.
We'll be in Xanadu.

Brennan disregards Random's advice entirely. Instead, he shows up with Cambina.

Random and Caine are speaking by the window when people start arriving. He nods at Brennan and Cambina. "Smoking lamp's lit, and drinks are on the sideboard." He turns back to Caine and the two sons of Oberon resume their low-voiced conversation.

"I'll play hostess," Cambina says to Brennan, heading to the bar. She pours herself a drink as well as one for Brennan.

Lucas turns up without Solace - or any other females. His outfit is 80s rockstar chic - jeans that look as though they've been sprayed on, Gucci loafers, a red v-necked cashmere sweater, a long red cashmere scarf around his neck, and a big boxy white jacket with padded shoulders, the sleeves pushed up his arms. His hair is casually tousled - one suspects it might have taken several hours to get it looking so.

Cambina nods at Lucas as he enters, the corners of her mouth just slightly upturned. She offers him a drink.

Lucas politely refuses (it being impossible to get good Itlaian mineral water in Amber since the Sundering). He selects a seat in the corner, takes out a slightly battered copy of the Pensies of the Abbi Fausse-Maigre (acclaimed as surely the wisest book ever compiled for the guidance of a truly civilised person), and begins to read.

(OOC - he will talk to cousins if they wish - and may even quote the Pensies to them).

Hannah walks in with one medium-sized bag over each shoulder, but her hands free. She's wearing brown and black, again, but this time the black is 'Cambina-style' pants. Her hair is in one long braid down her back, with a purple feather hanging from it's tieoff. She does a double take a what Lucas is wearing, and bites her bottom lip before she turns a smile on everyone else.

Cambina greets Hannah as she enters but does not offer her a drink.

Shortly thereafter, the door is opened and Gerard wheels in, followed by Solange. Anyone looking to Caine and Random will notice that Bleys has also just entered, stepping through from someplace where there is bright firelight. He apparently has already been to the bar.

Random climbs up on a stool. "OK, let's do this. I'm going to contact Martin who's already there, and then I'll pass you all through to him.. Once you get there, please move to the side before you start gawking." He lifts a card up and concentrates on it. "Wakey, wakey! You all haven't burned it down yet, have you? Are you ready to receive the assembled peck of ... princes? Ok, then here they come..."

Random reaches out his hand, firmly taking Bleys by the wrist and passing him through in a rainbow wave of light. He passes each of the others through.

Martin and the others are waiting on a balcony beside a tremendous and reasonably loud waterfall. Martin is wearing jeans and an untucked flannel shirt with a white tee shirt underneath. With him are Folly and Soren.

Garrett stands a bit behind the others. He's seen people pulled through trumps once before and since he is expecting it this time, he's able to look merely interested rather than astounded. He is dressed similarly to Martin, only without the flannel overshirt and boots rather than the sneakers that Martin often wears.

Beside Garrett, Lilly keeps silent vigil. She is dressed comfortably in black slacks and a coordinating wrap around style shirt. Her sword hangs in its usual place. Her expression is neutral, though something about her seems a bit more relaxed then normal. As each relative is brought through she offers a simple nod in greeting.

Barely containing her happy anticipation, Folly eagerly watches the arrival of her kinsmen. She lets out a quiet but excited 'eep!' when Solange steps through and silently mouths 'Yay, you're back!'

Solange is momentarily torn between greeting Folly and staring at the beautiful surroundings, but Folly easily wins out. She grins and give her a hug, then stands back a pace to appraise. "You look look happy. We need to get together and catch up sometime soon!"

Like her companions, Folly wears jeans, but her shirt is a sort of sunset-colored swirly-translucent silk poncho thing that by Amber standards hardly looks like it was designed to be clothing. It somehow seems appropriate to her current surroundings, though.

The Seaward cousin is present, her back to the railing and the horizon. Clouds dance majestically behind her and the sky makes subtle contrast with her green and red. Celina wears a loose half-sleeve scarlet tunic that drops to mid thigh. She has on the red Parisian boots. Her hair and appearance are entirely court-ready. Her legs and arms are bare.

Celina mentally checks off a list of infamous faces as they move quickly and with practiced air to the side to allow more bright arrivals. When she finds more faces than she can account for, she steps closer expecting introductions.

The falls issue from a cliff high above and pools in a lake at the base of the castle and flows over another falls into a great circular bay. The balcony is part of a great edifice that stretches back to the cliffside and perhaps into it. The sun is behind the cliff and the clouds over the eastern sea are a golden-pink. Both ends of the circular bay are busy with activity. The near end seems to be used as a natural harbor, and the far end seems to be home to small fishing craft. There are rough buildings near the shore, and it looks like the cliff-face that trails away to the north is inhabitable, at least in the lower regions.

Those who were never in Amber before patternfall can tell that there is something very different and special about this place, but they cannot tell what it is. Those who were can tell. Whatever it was that Amber had and lost, this place has. It's like the difference between the quick and the dead.

"Welcome," Random says, after he himself comes through, "to Xanadu."

Garrett hangs back to let the others do the greeting. While he's never been shy, he is a bit nervous about the reception he will receive from the new relatives given how his existence was announced back home.

Lilly is content to hang back with him. In her case though it is awkward shyness.

Folly, in contrast, slips comfortably into the role of co-host and steps forward to greet the newcomers. "Yes, welcome," she says with a warm smile for them all. To Random, she adds, "And welcome home."

Lucas acknowledges Random's greeting with a small but perfectly formed bow, while Folly gets a smile and a kiss on the hand. Martin's share is a sardonically raised eyebrow, and the very slightest shake of the head.

Martin frowns slightly and nods once, but doesn't say anything.

Celina moves in on Lucas, eyeing his red scarf with envy. "Hello, cousin."

This earns her a smile, a bow, and the faintest brush of lips on the back of her hand (if she permits).

(Celina does, indeed, with a smile now.)

She gestures to the small crowd. "Welcome to Xanadu. There are at least two faces here I don't know as yet?" She pauses, wondering if Ossian's earlier note regarding Lucas' willingness to host in Amber properly allows this request in Xanadu.

"The fair-headed lady is my cousin Solange," says Lucas obligingly. "Daughter to Gerard, sister to Vere - who I believe you met in Paris? Sometimes confused with my wife for some reason that none of the three of us have yet worked out."

The Seaward cousin nods at Vere's name and tucks the notion of meeting Lucas' wife aside for another day. At a guess, the lady isn't here now or he would have said so.

"The dark lady is Gerard's doctor and another cousin, allegedly. Her name is Hannah and her antecedents mysterious. Theoretically finding her feet with us.

"Red wouldn't suit you as much as mauve, by the way. And French silk rather than cashmere. A good floating material. Long silken scarves would be best ... just like poor dear Isadora."

Celina looks surprised to have her mind read so easily. This prompts a small laugh as if presented with a magician's parlor trick.

Celina is perhaps not yet aware that Lucas assumes everyone has the same obsessive interest that he has in fashion and - more specifically - in his fashions.

"Sounds delicious. I can't wait to meet Isadora. Another cousin, friend, or your wife?"

"Alas, no," said Lucas. "A dancer, and a very beautiful one that I knew a long time ago in Shadow. There was ... an unfortunate accident." He shakes his head sadly. "I never felt quite right about driving the Bugatti after that."

Solange glances around to find Gerard in the crowd, making sure he's come through all right. Then she turns back to Folly. "I heard that Martin has a little brother. I didn't see anyone I didn't know in the party coming through from Amber, so is he here already?"

Folly nods, grinning. "Garrett. Do you know Garrett?" She tilts her head, and Solange can tell she's trying to indicate someone behind her. In the jumble of newly-arrived family members, though, it's hard to keep track of everyone. "If you don't, I'll introduce you two, and---" Folly's eyes light up at a sudden thought. "And also Soren, 'cos, y'know, bass-player!" She has gone from grinning to outright beaming.

Solange can't help but smile back at Folly's exuberance. "Sounds good. I look forward to it!"

Lilly turns her head slightly so that she can catch Garrett's eye. The hint of an amused grin is forming on her lip. This may get interesting, her expression says. All the same she looks pleased.

When Brennan steps through, since it's Martin on the receiving end, he leans in close and whispers two words for his ear only before moving on. It's not enough to cause a delay as the line moves through.

He's dressed more formally than the others, in something akin to a modern but casual suit-- black slacks and sport coat over a dark charcoal grey buttoned shirt and an eye-catching red tie. As always, the clothing is perfectly tailored, and Brennan looks as comfortable in it as he is in his own skin. He's wearing his hair shorter than he customarily has, and Garrett's going to have another figure to watch on how to make it look like you're ignoring your sword.

Martin nods at whatever Brennan said before the redhead moves on.

Once through, [Brennan] nods to all assembled-- greeting for Folly and Lilly [if she's there], re-evaluation for Garrett, speculative for Celina, inquiring for Soren-- before looking around and giving the Clark W. Griswold head-bob of approval to his surroundings. He reaches into a pocket, then scowls briefly.

Hannah makes her way over to the edge of the balcony and happily gawks. She leans to look down at the water, and from side to side along the outer walls, and up. And then her eyes fix further out, and she gazes at the forest she can see somewhat longingly, before she closes her eyes. She opens herself up to the spirit of the land and waits to see if she'll find a connection.

Celina's eyes track Hannah's movement to the rail she quit a moment before.

Hannah closes her eyes only for a moment and staggers backwards at the sheer power of the spirit of the land, Luckily for her, Random has stepped up and catches her as she goes backwards. "Here and now, Hannah. Time for looky-loos later," he whispers.

Random leaps up onto the low rail and stands with the tremendous waterfall behind him. "Listen up!," he shouts. "I've got a few announcements to make here since this is more of us together in once place than we've had since Dara dealt us a bad hand of cards at my coronation.

"First, Introductions. You all know me and I know you but you may not all know each other. It's Martin, Soren, Folly, Hannah, Cambina, Solange, Celina, Lucas, Lilly, Garrett, Brennan, Gerard, Bleys, and Caine. If you don't know someone, go talk to them. You're likely to be related to them for a long time.

"Second, Garrett. Umm, Garrett. Right. Any questions?" He pauses for about half a beat, just long enough for nobody to get a response in edgewise. "Alright then, moving on.

From his position in the crowd, Garrett shakes his head and looks down at the floor with a chuckle.

Lilly gives Garrett a warm smile. The affection she feels towards him surfaces in that moment. Anyone looking at them can see that there is, at the very least, a close friendship between the two of them. As the King continues on however, her expression fades back to neutrality.

"Third, tour of the inside of the castle starts after I finish speechifying. I did tell you all it's named Xanadu, right?

"Fourth, the chewy nougat center will be available for pre-arranged special tours to certain nieces, but not until after supper.

Garrett looks encouragingly at Lilly, touching the back of her hand with his own very briefly.

Her eyes go wide for a moment. After dinner? He has to be joking, she thinks to herself. Surely he means something more like "in the morning". Attempting it before a good night's sleep seemed almost like sure suicide.

When he notices Lilly's reaction, Garrett leans over and whispers reassuringly, "Don't worry. You can do it. Strength." He squeezes her hand on his last word, then returns most of his attention to the proceedings.

"Fifth, since there is a quorum, It's time to do something I've needed to do for a while now." He hops down and bellows. "Martin, front and center!"

Martin glances at Folly and steps forward, but doesn't say anything.

"Kneel," says Random, looking up into his son's eyes.

Martin does so, dropping to one knee in a fluid motion.

"Bleys, your blade."

"Don't behead anyone I wouldn't behead," says the redheaded prince.

"Only symbolically," replies Random.

"Your symbol, my liege," says Bleys, putting the hilt of Werewindle in the hands of the King.

"Some variable number of days ago, at the Coronation Ball, my son Martin did, without fear for his person or even thought, throw himself in front of a Ten of Swords flung with malice at my own person by my charmingest great-grand-niece. For this and sundry services to the crown both on my head and on my predecessors, I declare Martin to be Sir Martin of Xanadu, Knight Commander of the Order of the Card, entitled to all the rights and appurtenances thereof, whatever they are." He touches Martin lightly with the pattern-blade, first on the right and then on the left shoulder. "Arise, Sir Martin." Random is grinning as he steps back.

Martin returns to his feet. Folly can see that he's wearing a very small smile.

Garrett, who is still standing near Folly and Solange, grins broadly with pride for his brother and gives Folly a congratulatory shoulder squeeze. He offers his congratulations when Martin returns to the group.

Lilly nods a quiet congratulations as well.

Folly is bright-eyed and beaming. She turns her smile on Garrett for just a moment before leaning in to share a few private words with Martin.

When Martin moves on, Garrett turns to Solange. "Lady Solange, I reckon I'm the brother you asked about. The name's Garrett." Garrett's height and build are about the same as Random's and his hair falls the same way, but it's dark brown instead of blond. He has his father's nose, cheekbones and bright blue eyes, but everything else is apparently maternal. His arms are tanned and wiry from years of hard work outdoors. He currently sports the beginnings of a sparse beard, of the teenage "first-time-I've-grown-one" variety. And the swordbelt buckled over the jeans contains a nice-looking short sword.

As Garrett speaks, Lilly's attention turns to Solange as well. Something about her stance suggests a bit of protectiveness.

"It's good to see you again," Garrett continues. "You haven't been around the stables for quite some time."

Solange's eyes go wide as she recognizes Martin's younger brother as the lad who works in the Amber stables. Eventually she blinks.

"G-Garrett?" she manages, extending her hand to him. "Nice to see you again, too!" She laughs at her own reaction and surprise. "I've been away in shadow for awhile, hence the reason why I've not been riding. Welcome to the family!"

"Thank you," Garrett grins as he shakes her hand. "If you think you're surprised, imagine how I felt. It was a bit of a shock, but I reckon I'm getting the hang of it."

"Have you Walked, yet?" Solange asks.

Lilly looks at Garrett, curious to hear how he will respond to the question. As far as she knew, there were no special walks in Garrett's immediate future. She could however be wrong. It is not as if she has asked.

Garrett laughs heartily. "Lady Solange, it's only been a month since I found out I was immortal. Give it time!" He smiles then and shakes his head. More seriously, he continues, "No, and it doesn't sound like the King will let me anytime soon. He thinks I'm too... inexperienced." That word doesn't appear to have been his first choice.

"Ah," Solange nods, sensing delicate ground where she should tread lightly.

Folly turns back from her conversation with Martin, sees Solange and Garrett chatting, and grins. "Oh, good, you DO know each other," she says happily.

"Yeah. Lady Solange was a regular at the stables during the Regency," Garrett explains to Folly and Lilly, happy for the change of subject. "So where have you been?" he asks Solange.

"Off poking around in high-tech shadows," she smiles. "The view of astronomical phenomena outside the window was spectacular, but I missed the feel of grass on my bare feet and the wind on my face. I'm glad to be back."

"And *I'm* glad you made it back in time for our grand opening," Folly says, grinning; then, more soberly, "--and that you brought your father, too. I hope the change of climate will do him some good. Did you, uh, come across any good leads in your travels?"

"Leads, yes. Nothing more substantial than that, though," Solange replies vaguely. She squeezes Folly's hand and gives her a smile that says "Not now, but let's talk later."

Solange turns and looks at the woman standing protectively next to Garrett. "Hi, Lilly. It's good to see you again. How have you been?"

"Well enough," she replies honestly. "And I seem to be free of my duties to the Queen for the time being. With luck I should have to opportunity to get to know everyone a bit better." She risks a glance at Garrett, a mischievous glint in her eye. "I am glad so many have decided to come to Xanadu. Something about this place just feels, I don't know, right somehow. I am very glad to be here."

"Doesn't it?" Garrett hops on the thought eagerly as he glances at Lilly, then the others. "I was thinking that meself. It's like... it feels _alive_, like it's got promise. It's like Amber felt when I was a lad."

"I'd wondered," says Folly, her eyes aglow with wonder. "I didn't come to Amber 'til the Sundering, so I'd never---" She can't quite find the words to fit the feeling, so instead she gestures broadly at the space around them. "It - it's all so alive you can hear her heart beating, y'know?"

Garrett nods. "Amber was magical when I was a boy. I'd come to think I'd just gotten old and cynical about the place," he says ironically. "Seeing Xanadu, though," he looks around and shakes his head admiringly, "now I'm not so sure."

"The view from here is breathtaking," Solange comments, glancing over at the waterfall. "Have any of you seen much of the surrounding area yet?"

"We rode into town on horseback," Lilly replies. "We finished the journey on foot. I definitely recommend taking a walk about the grounds. I plan to enjoy them myself soon. But we have only really just arrived ourselves. I have not even taken a chance to lay claim to a room yet. I was too busy with other things." The hint of a smile is directed at Garrett.

Garrett looks at Lilly with a good-natured grin. "Yeah, breaking in the Salle," he teases, though the sparkle in his eyes acknowledges their other activities.

To Solange, he adds, "I did claim a room, then poked around the palace a bit. Tomorrow I'll hafta check out the grounds to see if there's anyplace we can locate a stable." He turns to Folly. "Oh, and I found the kitchens..." he exclaims with a satisfied grin.

Folly grins back and seems about to respond -- probably teasingly -- but...

It's at this point that Martin raises his hand and clears his throat for attention.

Celina has watched all this at Lucas' side. Somewhat hesitant to step into an emotional response to Martin's courageous award, she whispers brightly to Lucas. "So, did you see the--Hannah--react to the sea? Shall we say hello to her? I can talk to Martin later."

"Certainly," says Lucas obligingly. He nods to Martin, an acknowledgement, and a small smile of congratulations. Then he leads Celina to where Hannah stands, and performs another, slightly more flourishing bow.

Hannah can't help but smile at Lucas with his manner and... clothes.

"Cousin Hannah ... would you permit me to introduce our Cousin Celina, daughter of King Corwin of Paris and Queen Moire of Rebma?"

Hannah hesistates for just a second, and then, since she has on pants, she immitates Lucas's bow. "Your Highness, it's a pleasure to meet you. Have you been here long?"

"Not long at all," Celina smiles. "We just arrived to prepare the way. When I noticed you admiring the riches," she gestures to the horizon, "I thought that I must get to know you. Lucas is our cousin also, and if I am a Highness, than you are as well, you know."

Hannah shrugs.

"Actually," says Lucas, "most of us tend to be classified - rather loosely, one does feel - as Lords and Ladies. Unless one is the offspring of a reigning monarch of Amber or its reflections ... and you have rather outdone most of us there, your Highness - even Martin and young ... Gareth, is it?"

Somewhere in there, Brennan has joined the group standing just behind Lucas. He gives Lucas a mildly scolding expression at the mangling of Garrett's name, but Lucas probably remains blissfully unaware of it.

As he appears to be of Brennan standing behind him ...

Hannah smiles at Brennan and winks.

Lucas raises one eyebrow - the good Doctor seems to be simpering and winking at him. He's a little surprised to find her so forward ... but presses on smoothly with his explanation. "Some of us, of course, hold titles from elsewhere, as Vere does, or - as in the case of our cousin Brennan there, hold title by merit."

Brennan is mollified.

Celina eyes Brennan as if memorizing him. The task seems pleasant enough.

Somewhere in the lizardy depths of his brainstem, Brennan senses that trouble might be in the making, here.

"In fact, the whole thing can become so complicated that I find it easiest to rely on the affectionate generic form of address of 'cos' - once I have been assured that I won't receive a knife in the vitals for untoward disrespect."

"Smile when you say that, cos." Brennan says.

"I don't think you've called me 'cos' yet," Hannah teases Lucas. "My knife is all packed up, I swear, and I left my princess clothes at home, cos."

Lucas gives a bow. "You bear your own title of merit, Doctor. And your treatment of my wife has earned the respect that is due to one of your calling."

He turns and shifts slightly so that Brennan is included in the group rather than standing at his shoulder. "Have you met our Cousin Celina yet? I don't recall whether she left Amber before your return."

"Cousin, no Highness," adds Celina. She half smothers a smile.

"No," Brennan says, "she was gone by the time I arrived, but Cambina has filled me in on the outlines," he says, instinctively brandishing Cambina's name like a talisman. "But the hair was a giveaway."

Hannah's eyes go to Celina's hair, and she smiles. "Could someone please explain how the hair gives her away?"

"Pleased to meet you, Brennan," Celina's voice is smooth, though a hint of laughter is there. The Seaward cousin looks at Hannah and winks. "I'm sure it is that I've been traveling and haven't had a real moment to tend to my locks properly. You all arrived looking quite the current." She nods to Lucas, since he already knows she is fascinated by his attire.

"On the other hand, Bennan might not have been intending to be so ungallant as to remark upon a certain charming disorder in your hair," says Lucas, "which I for one took to be wholly deliberate, as, of course, is my own." He raises a hand modestly to his own cunning arranged disordered locks.

"On the other hand, Green hair is something of a rarety here," he continues, "except among Rebmans and a few followers of desperately outmoded fashions that involve the wearing of tartans, a great many zips and the use of safety pins in various improbable places. As Brennan has clearly - and most astutely - observed no traces of those on our cousin's admirably presented person, concluding that she is our new Rebman cousin should have presented him with no insuperable challenge.

"Her skin tone would tend to act as re-enforcement," he adds. "Indeed, I think we've all encountered variious diseases that can cause quite virulent colour changes, but it would be callous in the extreme for us all to keep the poor girl chatting on the balcony if her hue was the result of anything but natural Rebman health. As it is, I would say the air of Xanadu seems to agree with you, cos." He smiles at Celina.

"More precisely," Brennan says, "green hair is a good indicator of Rebman ancestry, but the lack of it does not imply the reverse." Turning to Celina, he responds: "Charmed, I'm sure." Reflex has him offering a handkiss before giving it a second thought.

"Ah," Hannah nods and smiles.

"So?" says Celina, granting the buss of her fingers. A wave of goosebumps shivers up her forearm, then vanishes. "Everything about Xanadu agrees with me, cousins. Today I am *wholly* deliberate. I hope it fits with the occasion and your liking.

"But Hannah," Celina turns her scintillant emerald eyes from Lucas and Brennan to her new female cousin, "you contemplated the horizon and it flirted with you in turn?"

"Brave horizon," Lucas murmurs to Brennan sotto voce.

"More like it shouted it's greeting, but it wasn't unfriendly," Hannah notes with a happy little laugh. "This is a place of strong... magic."

Celina nods and adds, "Or of pure wonder."

Brennan listens to this with interest, but has nothing to add.

Neither, it appears, does Lucas.

"Yes," Hannah agrees. "The view is wonderfully uncorrupted as well. I hope I can make some time to just explore haphazardly, which is the most enjoyable way, I find."

Celina glances sideways at Brennan and Lucas. "You will love the castle. Haphazard exploration is exactly how it likes to flaunt itself." She lifts a bare arm towards the railing to point towards the bay. "As for the greater horizon, don't be delicate about exploration. Every hour I peer out, it seems that things take on a more sophisticate and populated gravitas. Trade has begun. The upland wilds will bear the curious, the virgin beasts will incur regard, and we will portion our thrill with hundreds." Celina laces her hands together. "We all arrive uncorrupted. And yet the little anbaric clock sniggers at us." She shrugs.

After accepting the congratulations of his cousins and uncles, Martin raises his hand and clears his throat for the conversation to die down. Once the chatter has trailed off, he begins speaking in a clear voice that carries through the chamber.

"At his coronation, my father noted that it was his pleasure to honor those who had served Amber with distinction. When he made me the Knight-Commander of a new order, he made it my duty, and my pleasure, to honor those who have served Amber and will serve Xanadu. Some of those are present here today, and I will take this opportunity to honor them before our family assembled here today."

His gaze sweeps over the group present in the room and settles on Cambina. "Lady Cambina, step forward."

Cambina does so, perhaps a half-second before Martin says her name. Her eyebrows are raised in an unasked and unanswered question.

"Cambina, daughter of Eric, you have earned the honor of knighthood for your efforts on behalf of Amber during your father's reign and during the Regency, and for the many public facilities whose design and building you supervised. Kneel."

It's pretty clear that for all her storied foresight, Cambina didn't anticipate what Martin was up to, because she looks surprised as she goes to her knees before Martin. He draws his sword and says, "By my right as Knight-Commander of the Order of the Card, I dub thee knight." As he touches the blade to her shoulders, he says, "May this be the last blow you take unanswered." Then he offers his hand to help her to her feet, saying "Arise, Dame Cambina."

As she comes to her feet, Cambina is grinning at Martin. Some unspoken communication passes between them as she starts to turn and retreat to Brennan's side.

Celina has watched Cambina through this and also covertly Brennan.

Then Celina will note that this is one of the uncommon moments when not only was Cambina taken by surprise, but that Brennan wasn't. Through the first part of Martin's speech, Brennan's eyes were narrowed in curiosity, but toward the end he had clearly formed his expectations and was not disappointed.

When Cambina stepped up, she couldn't see Brennan, but he was already giving one of his very rare public smiles-- of pride and satisfaction. When she comes back to his side, Brennan takes her in arm and leans down to whisper a congratulations in her ear.

Hannah smiles past Brennan at Cambina and mouths her congratulations also.

"Lord Lucas, step forward"

When Lucas steps back, Celina is smiling proudly as if Lucas were a brother instead of a cousin.

Lucas moves forward with his usual ease. He is not wearing his usual sardonic expression, however; his face is grave, watchful.

"Lucas, son of Florimel, you have earned the honor of knighthood for your efforts during the Regency with the fleet, in Garnath, and in Amber itself. You were the first to seek new paths when the old ones failed us, and the first to return with a cargo of food that proved we could keep Amber from starving. Kneel."

Lucas kneels.

Martin repeats the sequence that he used with Cambina. "By my right as Knight-Commander of the Order of the Card, I dub thee knight. May this be the last blow you take unanswered. Arise, Sir Lucas."

Once Lucas has risen and moved away, Martin turns to Folly. "Lady Folly, step forward."

Folly does so. Her expression is difficult to read, but she doesn't seem especially surprised by any of this.

"Folly, foster-daughter of Gerard, you have earned the honor of knighthood for your efforts with the less fortunate of Amber during the Regency. Because of your work, hungry people have eaten, ill people have been treated, and children have been taught. Kneel."

For half a beat, Folly looks up at Martin with a very small smile. Then she drops gracefully to her knees.

"By my right as Knight-Commander of the Order of the Card, I dub thee knight. May this be the last blow you take unanswered. Arise, Dame Folly." As he did with Cambina, Martin offers Folly a hand to rise.

As she stands, Folly gives Martin's hand a gentle squeeze. Then she moves to stand by Lucas, whom she regards sidelong with a faintly amused smile.

[Perhaps she is thinking that despite not being named for a fashion accessory, their lot is destined to be far more... intriguingly attired... than those other knights....]

[This may well be the case. Lucas would not be leaving the design issues to any other named in the Order.]

Lucas still seems to be in an unwontedly sombre mood. He nods to Folly, but without an answering smile.

Celina breaks formality finally to reach for Folly and squeeze her hand as she closes with Lucas.

From his position in the crowd, Garrett nods his approval and smiles warmly at Folly. From his childhood days with his grandparents on the Docksides, he knew some of the people Folly had helped and taught. He was certain his Gramma Faith would have staunchly supported her efforts had she lived through the Sundering.

Once Folly has stepped aside, Martin turns to Solange. "Lady Solange, step forward."

Solange steps forward, her expression somber, her entire attention focused on Martin. A blush rises on her cheeks.

"Solange, daughter of Gerard, you have earned the honor of knighthood for your efforts with the Rangers in the early years of the Regency, and for your efforts on behalf of the less fortunate and the women of Amber. Kneel."

She kneels on one knee and bows her head.

"By my right as Knight-Commander of the Order of the Card, I dub thee knight. May this be the last blow you take unanswered. Arise, Dame Solange." Martin doesn't offer his hand to Solange, although it's close enough that she could gesture and it would be there naturally. But he smiles at her, and she can tell he thinks she's woman enough to rise on her own.

She stands without his help and returns the smile, then retreats back to the sidelines.

Gerard is beaming at Solange and Folly, but he doesn't interrupt the ceremony.

Folly catches his eye and winks. Her smile is growing.

Solange smiles back at her father, but her smile is more reserved than Folly's. The color on her cheeks is still high.

Hannah smiles even wider in reaction to Gerard's pride at this.

"I invest you each and severally with the rights and responsibilities of Knights of the order of the Card." Martin grins. "We'll meet later to discuss what those are." He turns to his father and says, "Thank you for your indulgence, Your Majesty. I believe you were going to show us around the Castle?"

"Yup. Back inside and down the second lefthand corridor is the Little Royal's Room. Those as need to can check that out and then I'll show off the new 'this old place.' Oh, and before we start, congratulations to the new knights, one and all. I sincerely hope that you are never called upon to form a regency council again."

"Damn straight," Folly says, and smiles wryly.

Lucas turns slightly and bows slightly at Celina. "Cos? Will you accompany this tour, or have you already explored to your satisfaction.

(OOC he seems to be offering her his escort - or at least companionship) on the tour)

"Accompany." Celina nods. "I'm half certain the King knows corridors we might otherwise not find."

"Little Royal's room?" Celina leans close to Folly. "Is there another son?"

"Ye gods and little fishes, let's hope not," says Folly with a twinkle in her eye. She leans closer and in a whisper explains the euphemism in a refreshingly straightforward manner.

Celina breaks into giggles.

Solange heads for the head.

Hannah follows Solange. [Practical girls to the ladies room!]

Random eyeballs the departure of his nieces for the powder room and calls after them, "Only one beer!"

The uncles and cousins and Soren gather round to congratulate the new knights while they wait for the return of Hannah and Solange.

When Hannah enters, she finds Solange splashing cold water on her face. Solange looks up at her, then gives her a sheepish smile and reaches for a towel.

"Hi," she says conversationally as she dries off, "having fun?"

"Not as much as you should be. Congratulations, Dame Solange," Hannah smiles.

Solange snorts and looks in the mirror. "Couldn't there be a better title for the 'sir' counterpart? 'Dame' makes me sound all old and stuffy, like I should be the Head Mistress of the Finishing School for Proper Young Ladies. Surprised me, it did."

Hannah smiles at this image. "You could be Sheo Solange," she suggests, with a chuckle.

"Sheo Solange? Try saying that three times fast... What does 'sheo' mean?"

"Sage Hen," Hannah whispers, and chuckles. "Fierce when she needs to be."

Solange gazes at her reflection in the mirror. "I could live with that."

The facilities of the ladies' room are more technologically advanced than Amber. Solange has certainly noted the electrical lights, the running water, and now the recirculated air.

Hannah looks around. "I like this place more and more. Strangely, this is more familiar to me than Amber was. Although this is pretty good," she laughs, playing with the different water pressures and temperatures.

Solange smiles. "Although not always convenient, Amber has its alluring charm, although it's faded these years after the Sundering." She looks around. "I have to admit, I could get used to this pretty quickly, too. So you have electricity in your world?" She refrains from the common practice of referring to other places as "shadows," thinking of possible negative connotations.

"Yes. Not like this, not everywhere, but yes. I hope they're not burning things to make it. I'd be devastated to see that view ruined," Hannah sighs.

"What view is that?" Solange asks, tossing the towel onto the counter.

Hannah looks back in that direction like she's looking through the wall. "Off the balcony in there. It's so... I don't know," she smiles, and turns back to Solange. "I didn't smell smoke."

"Ah. I thought you were talking about a view back in your world." She pauses. "Perhaps there's a generator hidden at the bottom of the waterfall. It'd be a good place for it."

Solange takes a deep breath, in through the nose and out through the mouth. "We should be getting back. They're waiting on us to start the tour. Did you need to...?" She gestures at a stall.

Hannah grins. "Yeah." She wanders off and picks a stall. She seems to know how these things work, so there are no sqeals of delight or surprise. [Because, yes, thank god for finishing school.]

Solange waits for her, hip leaning against the counter, her thoughts elsewhere. She starts briefly when Hannah reappears.

Hannah comes back out and washes up. She's ready to head back out, but she stays back a little with Solange at first. "I've been thinking about how we can get your father to go home with me. We have to make it a duty, somehow."

"Yeah...? Do you have an idea?"

"That was it, so far," Hannah admits.

Solange chuckles.

"Do you think we could get the King to order him to do it? He probably won't do that, will he?"

"Doubt it. Not really his style. Let's meet again and continue our talk about this. Maybe tomorrow? Are you going to stay here for a few days at least?"

"Until I figure out if here is easier than there - and I bet it is, based on there *hopefully* being no war going on outside in the woods. But to some extent, that's going to be up to your father, too," Hannah says, with a shrug.

Solange holds the door for Hannah as they exit. "I believe he's staying--at least, that was the plan last I talked to him about it. Let's go take a tour, shall we?"

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Last modified: 1 February 2005