It is sometime after the end of the year, before spring has come again, when the harbormaster spots a large fleet coming into the port. There are almost 50 ships coming in, which is three times the size of a size of a normal trading mission.
The ships are not of Amber make, but Worth thinks he has seen the like before somewhere, although he can't immediately tell Vere where.
Vere immediately issues an all-out alert. With a fleet of this size coming in, it is vital the city be ready for anything.
OOC comment - Jerod to Solange
"An all-out alert? Damn, I knew they wouldn't be too pleased to see me
back...but this is a bit pushy don't you think?" and he laughs.
"Maybe it's me," Solange says. "For all we know, someone's put my Dad out of a job and now they're after MY head."
She tries to sound like she's joking.
Jerod chuckles a bit. "Fear not...we can face it together." he says. "I suspect if someone did depose him, they'd go after all of his supporters as well...and I'd be on the list right up there too."
One of the ships is flying an Amber pennant. She sends out a small boat to request permission for Prince Jerod and Lady Solange to bring the fleet into harbor. They receive it and bring the ships in.
And a fast messenger is immediately sent to the Castle to inform the Regent of their return.
When Jerod and Solange disembark, who is waiting?
Ossian is present.
Reid too.
Lucas will be there, making side bets with anyone who will take them.
Conner happens to looking over the Sprite that morning and is one of the first on the scene smiling broadly at the incoming fleet.
Vere and Worth are waiting, of course. Vere waits calmly, without showing any emotional reaction to the situation.
Folly heads to the harbor as soon as she gets the news. Her emotional reaction more than compensates for Vere's lack of one -- she's positively giddy.
The ship with the Amber flag maneuvers up to the dock and is tied into her berth. Jerod and Solage can see the dock is chock-full of cousins, known and unknown. The family members on the dock, including Martin and Cambina (she always knows when to show up) can see their cousins as they disembark.
[Stragglers can show up at any moment. If Robin and/or Brita would like to be in town for a visit, that includes them. This is the best, last chance people will have to get Amberside-only RP/introductions in.]
[It would be churlish not to be there. Let's say:]
Through much of the fall, Robin works at mapping the new marked places. She also has to wonder if anything about the changes suggests _intervention_ - could these new shadow paths exist because someone laid them down?
There is the afternoon, a late one well into long purple shadows, where Robin finds a particular shadow trail by having a snowdrift collapse under her and her horse. What follows involves ice caves, goblins and underground rivers cold enough that when she makes her way back she decides to do the sensible thing and fly "south." She heads for the Castle. She spends a couple of weeks mulling over desired details of _warm_ shadows she might visit for awhile, spends time pub-crawling with Folly, if available, and is just thinking about shipping out when the boat arrives.
As they approach closer and during docking, Jerod notices Conner and Robin in proximity of the royal cousins (though he does not recognize Robin and this assumes that she is there) and leans over to Solange. "Do you recognize her?" he asks, motioning towards Robin. He also is curious as to Conner's close proximity and frowns for a moment, remembering him from previous diplomatic ventures but he does not make too much of it at the present time.
Once docked, Jerod is easier to see as he is discussing something with the captain of the ship. (appearance and introduction for the new players). He is dressed slightly different than his cousins would remember from the last time - he has had new clothing made that resembles his old dark style court dress but there have been some adjustments made that has an arabic feel to it, no doubt for local style. The clothing also looks to be lighter in material, as if for a warmer climate. Jerod speaks to the captain, motioning to another individual who is aboard ship (description to follow once it is received from the GMs). This second individual appears to have an escort of two armed crewmen and Jerod makes a few comments to him, motioning to the castle in the process. Then a final comment to the captain, motioning in the direction of the harbormaster, with an emphatic gesture to which he would receive an obvious "yes sir".
Once that is all done, he disembarks from the ship, offering a polite to Solange (though it is clear that she doesn't need it, he just offers it) as they come down the gangway.
From Jerod there are greetings and the like for his cousins...
To Cambina:
His sister gets a hug, a smile and a few quiet words. Despite saying
very few words, there seems to be a lot of non-verbal communication, on
the order of relief and some contentment at being home, as well as an
unspoken comment of further discussion to come, privately.
"I knew you were out there, of course. Come see me after dinner, and we can swap tales. If you're not already deep into the affairs of governance before you even have a night's sleep."
Jerod smiles. "Solange and I brought a 50 ship convoy back...we get our day off for good behaviour I think."
"And where did you get this fleet? They look like comic-opera pirates."
Her affection and relief are clear, if unstated.
"They belong to Bleys. Or rather...they used to." is all Jerod will say. "Come on...let's head up. You can hear the story in more detail when we tell Gerard."
Conner raises an eyebrow at that piece of news and clearly looks forward to the tale.
To Martin:
Martin gets an armclasp and a long smile. Out of all the people, it would
appear Martin is the one he was looking forward to greeting the most.
Pretty much all Jerod says to Martin is..."I need a drink and a poker
game. Think you can arrange it?"
"Done," says Martin quietly. And then: "There's word from Rebma. Everybody's OK."
Martin could hit Jerod with a feather and knock him out cold at that moment. "You're sure...?" Jerod asks, then stops himself. "Shit, of course you're sure." He is torn from continuing on to the castle (his obvious destination) and heading off in a totally different direction. It takes a considerable amount of internal arguing to keep him on course for the castle.
To Vere:
Vere gets an armclasp and a smile. "You'll be pleased to know there
are some important details for you to peruse here cousin." Jerod says,
motioning to the fleet. "Unless you've changed your habit about liking
books and interesting facts and figures, it should keep you occupied
cataloguing it for a bit."
Vere nods without replying, glancing quickly over the new ship and doing a quick estimation of their capabilities.
"Oh, and when we've got a chance, I'd be interested in sitting with you for a drink...I'm curious as to what you found concerning our little adventure before I left."
Vere looks back at his cousin and smiles. "I look forward to that, since your disappearance things have been somewhat more harried than before. There are new complications, which we will discuss later."
To Folly:
Folly gets a hug (she's so energetic Jerod doubts he could get away
with anything less without being tackled). "Your army of volunteers are
still doing good deeds?" he asks.
"Hmmm? No, that got boring, so now we're doing nude performance art." Folly almost manages to keep a straight face.
"It's good to have you home, cousin," she adds.
Jerod looks at for just a second before laughing. "I go out on a trip for a few months and the place goes straight to hell." he says chuckling. "Well, it's good to be back."
To Reid and Brita (assuming she's there)
They both get smiles and armclasps and general salutations. Jerod
asks Reid how his work has been going, and Brita gets asked how she's
the Rangers are doing?
Reid exchanges noncommittal pleasantries. B^)
To Ossian:
Jerod stops in front of Ossian for a moment, looking him over, studying
him for a second. Then he offers his hand with a smile while asking
"So...any new artistic endeavours?"
Ossian looks the same as ever :-) He meets Jerod's gaze with a slightly curious look, then takes Jerods hand, returning the smile: "Some. I wouldn't want to disappoint you, cousin. Then there has been too little time for art, as always.
"I actually expect your exploits to have been more grandiose than mine during this period."
"That'll depend." Jerod says. "We found a trade shadow. You got Rebma back."
Ossian looks surprised "We did? Who told you that?"
"A little birdie." Jerod replies.
Vere catches Jerod's eye and shakes his head fractionally. "The situation is more complicated than that, Cousin," he says, "and the dock is not the place to discuss it."
Ossian gives Vere an irritated glance.
Jerod nods. "Then let's head upstairs so we can discuss it in more detail. Either way, Uncle Gerard's going to want to know what happened, and I've got some news that might turn out well for us."
"Birdsong is lovely, but not entirely truthful, it seems." says Ossian gleefully.
"Greetings Jerod." Conner smiles at him. "You are probably trying to remember who I am and why I'd be among the family welcoming you back." He chuckles. "I am Conner, until recently Amber's first secretary to Rebma, and now revealed to be son of Fiona."
"I remember you." Jerod replies. "My father went over the various delegations and appointments during my stint under him. You were pointed out to me. Though it was never mentioned that Fiona was your mother."
"No one would have known to mention it." Conner replies. "It was I that brought the news from Rebma. If you wish specific details, feel free to ask."
Jerod nods. "After we're upstairs. There will be things that need to be decided concerning the trip Solange and I made. Hopefully favorable decisions."
For Conner's information, he would know that Jerod holds Bleys, Brand and Fiona responsible for his father's death, even if they were only conspirators and not the actual ones who killed him. Conner is likely to suspect that his life has now taken a bit of a complicated turn now that Jerod knows who his mother is.
For Jerod's information, Conner's smile shows nothing but confidence. Whether it is ignorance, arrogance, or self-assurance is left as an exercise for the reader.
Paige rides in, still pushing her hair back as she arrives. There's paint on the unlaced cuffs of her blouse and also in those stray red locks she hasn't secured. "I was painting at the Prince.. It took Liam a while to find me, sorry."
"My gods, where have you two been? Solange, your father's been worried sick and Folly spent a few months not letting anyone out of her sight, afraid they'd disappear, too," Paige babbles as she hugs her cousins.
Jerod smiles and returns the hug (it's kind of on the other of Folly's hugs...accept it or get tackled...:). "We got bored coming back from Bellum trying to lay a path so we decided to screw up shadow and go find an alternate trade shadow instead." Jerod says. (he is joking, btw...:)
Solange lets the tide of babble wash over her. Paige is third on her list for hugs, her brother Vere and her foster-father Worth getting the first ones.
Vere remains expressionless as his sister hugs him, but he returns the hug and whispers very quietly, "You were missed."
Solange hugs her Papa before her cousins, but doesn't spend a lot of time in conversation, so he can be reassured she's alive, well, and in good spirits while he responds to Jerod.
Folly gives Solange a big hug and then introduces her to Cousin Robin. "Robin's been keeping me company on my trips to the pub when she's not out in Arden," she says. "We should all go out when you've had a chance to recover from your adventure."
"Folly's taught me the value of paying for booze," Robin says.
"I think I can make a fast recovery," Solange says, grinning. "Pleased to meet you, Robin. You could have saved me a lot of trouble with the Rangers if you'd been here all along -- I heard more than one of them saying they wished I were you, when I was trying to work with them."
"Good thing I have an alibi!" Robin says. "Ranger life is pretty stable. The force always attracted men who liked it that way."
"Right," Solange says. "Anyway, glad to meet you! I'm sure we'll have lots to talk about down the pub." And she turns to whatever relative is closest for the next greeting.
Appraising eye time: Robin sizes up Solange. What does she find, in terms of appearance, bearing, manner etc.
Solange is a tall, athletic-looking young woman with long blonde hair pulled back in a single plait. She's wearing loose olive-colored trousers and a golden-yellow embroidered tunic blouse. She has an open and friendly demeanor, and an air of self-confidence. She seems more interested in greeting her relatives than in dealing with the details of getting the crew settled, though.
When the turn comes to Ossian, he seems to be a bit stiff. Obviously his feelings are somewhat mixed regarding the return of his two cousins. (Solange can probably guess that she is not the cousin Ossian has trouble with, though.) He will accept a hug if offered, but won't take any such initiative himself.
Since he's in line after Folly, it seems, he probably gets a hug, but as Solange is less close to him it's a brief one.
"So you decided not to deprive our city of one of the beauties anymore?" he asks with a smile.
"Go on with you," Solange says cheerfully. "We got delayed. It wasn't as if we weren't TRYING to make it home."
"You didn't trust us to rule the city?" Ossian asks with a grin.
"I didn't trust your friends not to make up rude songs about me while I was gone," Solange teases. "Any good ones?"
"Mostly bad, but I remember the chorus of a really bad one:
"Cheer for the abscence
of royals Solange and Jerod
without their prescence
few noses good business prod."
"That's bad, all right," Solange agrees. "It doesn't scan, and it's not catchy at all. I guess I should be grateful."
"_We_ should be grateful that you have returned, cousin."
Folly, responding reflexively to the words "rude songs," says, "You're just lucky the only good rhyme for 'Solange' is 'blancmange'." She thinks about this a moment and then smiles mischievously. "Or perhaps not so lucky."
There will be a note from Gerard not long after the disembarkation, telling everyone to come up to the castle as soon as possible. If Robin and Brita are not in town, there will be riders sent to summon them both for a family celebration.
"Run down the hill, run back up the hill..."
"Liam, get the case with the Heerat markings in red from the basement of the Prince and bring it to the Castle, straight away. Take the horse, I'l ride back with one of my cousins," Paige instructs her page.
"Or perhaps Captain Worth will accompany me..."
Jerod looks a bit pensive as he says. "I think I've got a bit of duty for Captain Worth at the moment cousin." he says. "There's one or two things about our fleet that need handling here, and the good captain is just the man to do it."
Brita is not at the docks - this sounds too spur of the moment for her to be in town, unless Cambina did some kind of "probability" adjustment that Brita is unaware of :).
Regardless of where Brita is at the time of his arrival, Jerod would know that Brita's mother is also Fiona, although Brita has not seen her mother since she was six. [OOC - I hope this does not affect Jerod's relationship with Brita; she does enjoy sparring and hawking with Jerod. Blake, you will have to decide if the fact that Conner is Brita's brother affects your reaction to him....or to her. If you want to back pedal a tad and say that Jerod had blanked out on Brita's parentage and never asked her, I can play the rest of my response based on your reactions to Conner above.]
Oh, Jerod knows that Brita's mother is Fiona...:)...Jerod was also raised in Rebma...he has a different way of behaving towards women then men...if in doubt, ask the GMs about this...:)
Brita's parentage might have affected their relationship but he learned of it at a time when he was less sensitive about the redhead situation...since that time he's learned a few things (especially recently) that has brought that back still won't affect their relationship at least as far as he sees it because he's gotten used Brita and knows what she's like (she's her own person as opposed to being the kid of Fiona).
The fact that Brita was raised by her father and Reid, and not by Fiona,
might also have something to do with it.
Conner, OTOH, has been dropped in
from nowhere, so to speak, as Fiona's son. Being Eric's son, Jerod's just
paranoid enough to question things...same deal as what happened when he first
met Ossian. Eventually, assuming nothing goes totally dumb, it will fade into
the background and Jerod will find out what Conner is like as his own person.
When Brita receives the message from the castle of Jerod and Solange's return, she would drop everything in Needle's lap and take the fastest horse back to Amber. (If Robin is still out mapping Arden, Brita would immediately send word to her as well.) Upon arriving at the castle, Brita would seek out Jerod first. She would offer a hearty handshake in welcome, although Jerod would probably be able to tell that she was restraining herself from tackling him with a hug like Folly and Paige. "Jerod! I am so glad you have returned! There is so much to tell you! I borrowed Kina to help Martin and me find a lost patrol and almost lost her in the process, but she made her way back home. She is a great bird. She really helped us find the lost patrol... and Robin - remember the Ranger's talking about their great leader Robin who had gone missing? Turns out she is another cousin! Solange and I had it all wrong; we thought it was a guy. Oh, and I have a brother! Have you met Conner yet? He was stuck in Rebma, but he finally made his way back here."
[Okay. Brita will stop babbling long enough for Jerod to decide how he wants to handle the issue of Fiona.... :)]
Jerod smiles and accepts the handshake and listens very attentively while she talks. Most likely they would be somewhere and drinks could be made available so he would collect a couple while they talked and she brought him up to speed. When she mentions Kina he would actually be very interested...he was afraid she would have gone wild while he was tends to happen. He would be very glad that this was not the case (or rather, that it might not be the case).
"Yes, I've seen your brother." Jerod replies. "We met at the dock. I actually met him some time ago during my work while my father was King. I didn't know at that time he was your mother's son."
Everyone manages to get in a carriage or on a horse or whatever and head up to the Castle. Worth rides up to the Castle with Solange.
What instructions do Jerod and Solange have for the harbormaster? The harbormaster seems a little surprised and perhaps dismayed at the number of ships they have brought.
Jerod's so good at organizing things, I'll let him do it. :^)
Yeah, yeah...just his life...dump all the work on the Rebman male...take all the credit...:) (just kidding)...
The cargos are to be stored for verification and dispersal - they are officially Crown commodities but will be sold accordingly so that the merchant houses get their cuts (as well as turning over the cargos quickly so the ships can be made ready for a return voyage).
All ships are to be checked and a crew census taken. No shore leaves for the visiting crew are permitted until such takes place - no exceptions. Shore leaves for visiting crews are limited to a few people from each ship, and all with an escort - rules will be posted and ship captains will be made aware that infraction of these rules will be dealt with immediately and swiftly - captains will be held responsible for the actions of their crew. The harbormaster, and Worth, are notified that these are shadow dwellers of undetermined intent - precautions are to be taken. Jerod doesn't want any remaining if it can be helped.
Note: Since the crew would normally unload the vessel (not Amber
longshoremen), it'll be hard to keep track of everyone. indicated, Jerod doesn't want any remaining if it can be helped...there's always the possibility of some staying...:)
Revictualling of the fleet can be undertaken. Ship captains are advised to do so in an orderly fashion and to prepare for a voyage of equal duration for the return leg. The harbormaster is advised to make decisions with an emphasis on security...he is to coordinate activities with the local marshals as well. If there is a need to house some of the crews off their ships, they are to make suitable arrangements but ensure that the crews can be monitored accordingly - kept close together and not spread around.
Note: This is also really against custom. The docksides, who are already
thrilled at the thought of entertaining 50 paying crews -- a number they
haven't seen since the Sundering -- will not take this well. Not to mention
any resentment it and the other shore leave measures may cause among the
ships' crews.
The local marshalls are to maintain order...those are the instructions. If they wish to take it up with Jerod, or the Regent, who Jerod will be explaining his reasoning to, the marshals are free to do so. Once the situation is stabilized, Jerod is certain that new instructions will be forthcoming.
It doesn't take someone of Cambina's sensitivity to figure out that the harbormaster (and Worth, for that matter) think the new instructions had better come pretty quickly.
Captain Station wants to know what additional provision Jerod plans to make for the men given the circumstances of the voyage.
Jerod's player is uncertain as to what this means...
[how much extra does he plan to pay them for the extra-long trip with
Ah...:)...yes, okay...Jerod, not having a lot of experience in this matter, goes to talk to Worth. He's got far more experience than Jerod does so he puts his situation to him. Jerod wants to thank the crew for their efforts during a very difficult and trying period...what does Worth think would be suitable compensation? Jerod will abide by Worth's decision in this matter.
Worth will handle it with Captain Station.
He also asks after Chase' family...he'll have someone track down where they live so he can have their funds given to them. In this particular case, Jerod will do it himself.
Station can tell him. [I assume this will wait until after other matters are taken care of.]
As they ride through the city after their absence, both Solange and Jerod note that the city seems a little less ... dense? than they remember or expect.
Jerod looks around curiously, looking over at his sister when this realization comes up, a look on his face as he wonders if they've got their destination right...or if Vere's (and others) shadow fading theory might be happening.
Venesch is at the Castle gate, waiting.
Jerod smiles when he sees his old instructor. He acknowledges the salute that is certain to appear and motions to their guest Chi Lin (who has accompanied them to the castle). Jerod instructs him to provide suitable accomodations for their guest, but he is to receive no visitors and is not permitted to wander the castle. Venesch is to arrange an escort for him during the times when he will be moving around. Chi Lin's status is in question, so until it is decided, no one sees him without Jerod's or the Regent's permission.
Venesch makes the arrangements.
Gerard is waiting at the Castle with the fatted calf slaughtered and the feast being prepared because his baby girl is home. Vialle is also there, waiting to welcome Jerod.
All things in their they should be...:)...Jerod is glad to see Vialle. He makes it quietly clear that he wants to talk to her later, when there is time.
[Is there anybody else Jerod and Solange are looking for?]
Jerod is curious where Lucas is. Out on convoy duty? Jerod wonders if Kenner is still around (he should be) as well.
Per one of Jeremy's posts, Lucas is there. Kenner will be waiting for Jerod in his chambers, but he's not at the family celebration.
Solange especially hopes that Solace and baby Hope will be present, since she is eager to see how much the little one has grown in her absence.
Solace is present. Not only is Hope toddling along in her wake, she brings her new baby, Phillipe, to show off to Jerod and Solange (he's 3 or 4 months old).
Solange coos delightedly over the new baby, and gets down on the floor to play with Hope.
Jerod watches the two with some interest, wondering to himself how big an army Lucas is planning on producing...:)
No armies. Simply a few well placed generals.
Just so we don't lose thread motion while people catch up, what does Jerod report to Gerard? (Since Solange is letting Jerod do all the work and all ...)
Reporting in...or more appropriately, what we did on our summer vacation...
After getting a couple of drinks, Jerod sits down in a nice comfortable chair and collects his thoughts for a few moments before he begins.
First, he describes the trade mission to Bellum and their immediate return in laying a path. The group would know the majority of this in that the convoy returned, but they didn't. He describes in some detail the confusion and disorder that they ran into while trying to lay the path and how they got completely off course, with literally no feel for getting back to Amber, at least not at that moment.
"Once we figured we weren't getting back here any time soon, our primary task was to find a suitable port to re-provision and rest." Jerod says. "We weren't outfitted for exploration. Luckily, or perhaps not, we came across a very suitable shadow, a place the inhabitants call the Land of Peace. It reminds me somewhat of Fidere, though I'd say it was Fidere on economic steroids. Good trade possibilities, big port, most partriarchical in nature. Nice culture, at least based on the limited travel while we were there."
"We made contact with a local trader, a man named Abban who had apparently heard of Amber before. I'll get back to how that came about in a moment. Captain Station also advised us when we were there that this was likely a place where our uncles..." and Jerod looks at Gerard briefly, "...had likely been before. This turned out to our advantage as you can see...we managed to arrange a fleet of nearly 50 ships to come here based on some acquired gems and precious metals and the stories of the legendary wealth to be had here. During our stay there, I also managed to make additional contacts, enough to start rounding out possible trade agreements in the future. The one we were dealing with probably figures we won't be back. Another I made contact with however was told to expect us in three to four months. I'd like to get back there sooner if I could...and bring one person with me to help learn the route."
Gerard nods in agreement with this part.
Jerod pauses while everyone sifts through this, taking another drink. "That's the good news. Here's the other news. You can decide if its bad or not. This shadow was formerly Bleys' staging ground for his invasion of Amber. Those ships Captain Worth could not quite identify should come back to him shortly when he realizes we were fighting them with Corwin at their head." Jerod pauses again. "We brought back with us a gentleman named Chi-Lin. Venesch has probably informed you..." and he motions to Gerard when he says this. "...that he's our guest. He was Bleys' point man for the invasion and apparently helped to arrange the ships and troops that were required. And this shadow came through, if I remember my figures of the invasion correctly."
Gerard makes an unpleased face, and everybody sees the wheels grinding in his head.
(Assuming Captain Worth is there for the briefing)...Jerod looks over at Worth. "That's why the restrictions were placed on the crews for shore leave. I'm not sure how they're going to react to being here, or if they have any sense of loyalty to Bleys. It was a calculated risk bringing this many ships here in the first place, but from my recollections I knew we needed the cargo, and I knew that path to Bellum was gone. Now, assuming all goes okay over the next couple of days, we can get a feel for their intentions and behaviour. Then we can ease the shore leave restrictions, allow for more freedom of movement. I've already indicated to the various ship captains that are in overall command of the fleet that I was prepared to help make contacts for them with the merchants here to arrange for cargo returns back. That's a carrot we can use over the next couple of days to ensure their compliance in offloading cargo and keeping their crews under control until we get a handle on things."
Worth explains to Gerard what the shore leave restrictions are. Gerard looks concerned. "Lad, if you try to enforce those shore leave restrictions, you'll have riots on the docks before nightfall. We'll have to change those orders to let more men on leave and deal with the consequences."
"Then I'd recommend that we be paranoid and have a few sets of troops in place at various locations, scattered groups of a few at a time...just in case." Jerod says.
Jerod looks back at Gerard. "Solange made contact with Chi-Lin while I was away looking for a missing crewman. I'll let her fill in the details on that, as well as how she figured out that this place was associated with Bleys. One thing I'd like to add about Chi-Lin is that he's been there awhile - he knows the people. He could be useful in supplying information for further trade missions."
And with that, he sits back, looking over at Solange to continue.
"So, daughter, tell me about this Chi-Lin," Gerard says.
"I trust him about as far as I could throw an elephant," Solange says. "Strictly speaking, he made contact with me, rather than I with him -- and his idea of a way of getting our attention was to have our quarters burgled, with only out-of-Shadow foodstuffs taken. However, when he asked for passage home, he was polite, and I thought it would be better to bring him back and let him face whatever consequences seemed necessary for his actions supporting Prince Bleys in the invasion than to condemn him to exile without so much as a trial. For what it's worth, he seemed to still believe that Prince Bleys had died in the attack, or at least he wanted me to think he thought so, and I didn't tell him otherwise. Also, my distrust of him doesn't extend to the crew from that Shadow -- the people who live there were and are human-looking, and the invasion troops were exotics. I have no reason to think that the sailors we brought back with us this time have any loyalties in Amber beyond their current employment."
Gerard nods. "I'll talk to him later, see what I think. It's likely enough that he did think Bleys dead; that Bleys lived was only known within the family for a long time, and some of us only suspected it.
"If you've no reason to suspect the crews, I think we'd better loosen the shore leave rules at once. I've no interest in riots on the docks. Worth, send word to the harbormaster: I want security tight, but not strangling."
"Yes, Your Highness," says Worth, and goes out into the antechamber to pen a message to send down to the docks.
Gerard looks at the rest of the youngsters. "Well, what do the rest of you think of all this?"
Vere folds his hands and looks at his father. "The matter of Chi-Lin might be of concern," he says. "I would assume that he would be covered in whatever agreement Oberon made with Uncle Bleys? Is there any precedent for how such lieutenants have been treated since the reconciliation?" Vere smiles very narrowly. "Perhaps the best thing would be to parole him to Paige's keeping, and make it clear to him that any misbehaviour on his part would reflect badly upon her?"
Martin says, "My understanding is that Grandfather's deal with Bleys was mostly for himself and Fiona and Paige. There were some senior people involved in the business whose work Grandfather was willing to overlook, like Lord Rein." He waits for a moment to let everyone absorb that, then continues: "In the long run, it's a matter for whoever succeeds Grandfather, but I'm not averse to paroling him -- if Paige is willing."
Paige has been appraising Solange the whole while, with a slightly worried look in her eye, not for Solange, but possibly for the sailor who just left to write dispatches. "I'll take him in, if the Council feels it's wise, but I fear that his tempers would not be softened by fear for my status within Amber. I've never met him, and even if he hadn't presumed my father dead, one can't know his current loyalties."
"I would suppose that I am the right person, none the less," Paige agrees. "I've more knowledge than most on the activities of my Father during that period." Paige's look doesn't seem defensive, but again worried that someone will ask her too much about that time.
"As for the ships, unless we have any evidence, or any cause for suspicion
above what we have already hear, I am in favour of treating them as we
would any other merchant fleet. Are they aware that they cannot leave our
waters without a Royal aboard?"
"No." Jerod says. "That was something I decided to...leave out. I wasn't too sure how they'd react if they thought it could turn into a one-way trip. Since we're supposed to be fabuluously wealthy..." and he smiles a little at this comment. "...I figured they'd want to stay to collect cargo before returning. That would give us time to put one of us back aboard one of our ships to go back with them."
"Well, for my own part, Jerod, I've spent a good bit of time on voyages of late since Court duties have diminished also. Things have calmed there, although I'm no friend of several of the merchant houses after helping draft the trading taxe s. In fact I'm viewed as a fairly heavy supporter of the Royal party, if you wil l." Paige shrugs and continues, "It may have brought me out of favor with some t hat would've had contact with Chi-Lin, but I know where to watch."
"Depending on your need to become embroiled in the politics again, we can have a flare-up and I can publicly break from the Council, or at least speak against something to bring me back into the right auspices for the former red-head league. I can adopt Conner and with one of my father's old cronies at my back, it'll very much put me, at least publicly, in the other corner of the ring."
"I'm inclined to agree with Vere on treating this fleet as we would any other," Folly says. "They've done us no wrong; and yet we've already made them prisoners, in a sense, by bringing them someplace they can't leave without our aid. Give the poor guys a break."
Folly turns and looks at Jerod, brow furrowed, perhaps ready to chastize him for his methods of negotiation -- but instead she says, "You never came back 'round to the bit about that trader -- Abban, was it? What's the story there?"
Jerod appears to be unconcerned about whether Folly intends to chastize him over his methods...either supreme confidence, or a conviction that he was right.
"One of our crewman named Chase decided to try to make himself a fortune by making contact with one of the other trade magnates." Jerod replies. "He made the mistake of thinking he was smart enough to not get caught. Abban found out about it and had him killed."
He looks at Folly directly for the moment. "That's why I insisted on the security considerations initially. This was Bleys' forward staging area. He would have chosen a shadow whose population would have been supportive of him and his objectives, namely the overthrow of the kingdom. The local magnates know of Amber enough that we squabble over the throne and seek to overthrow one another. When Abban first wondered if I might be shopping around, he thought we were looking for military personnel...ships and troops. He thought this was another coup attempt. He was desperate to maintain his bid...his profit margin. And in my experience desperate men are prepared to do anything to protect their interests.
"Abban had no qualms about selling equipment and goods to us, so long as it lined his pockets. When I confronted him about Chase, he believed he had done us a favor in killing Chase. He was quite surprised when I did not agree with that interpretation. Consider those ethics for the moment before you decide whether I was hasty in my judgement."
Jerod looks back at Gerard. "I still think the place has opportunity. I'm also cautious enough to know we should proceed carefully. If nothing else, I wanted it known what we had that it's open, no one will be using it secretly for attacks in the future."
Paige opens the box that Liam brought earlier, producing a bag of green tartan. Untying the top she slides out a dark bottle of amber colored liquid, pulling off a few pieces of stray packing. Blowing off the final few straws and offering the bottle to Jerod, she explains, "MacLean's Reserve Single Malt Whiskey - In my travels, probably that which all others are but Shadows. Welcome back."
"I've got tea for you in my room," she mentions to Solange.
"He gets whiskey, and I get tea?" Solange teases. "Obviously my ladylike act worked all too well!" She smiles. "I'm looking forward to it, Paige. Thank you."
Jerod has an amused, if somewhat puzzled look on his face as he accepts the bottle, though he clearly recognizes it for its value (in addition to other more important gestures). He looks over at Solange for a moment. "She's being nice to me." he says with a slight grin. "I was's not Amber. We'd better get back on the boat."
He looks back to Paige. "Thank you...for the bottle and other offers. For the moment, I wouldn't suggest we worry about a public blow-up just yet. Our little guest is under guard and pretty much no one should know he's back yet. We can figure out what we need to do with him in the near future. Though I'd rather not have to go around creating private support camps just to figure out what's going on. That's a bit too much stress on everyone involved I think."
"As for me diving back into politics...we'll see." Jerod says, putting the bottle off on a table beside his chair. "I've got to go back with our fleet, even if only to guide them back to get rid of them. I don't think it would be too wise for me to get too deep into stuff, only to have to drop everything again. Though since you mentioned you've been on trade missions, maybe you might like to come back with me to this shadow. I'll need a couple of volunteers to learn the way and guide back other ships if I try to lay a path."
Last modified: 1 Jan 2002