Jerod's word have their desired effect and the folk of the castle begin to move. The rain stops at dawn and the bright fall sun plays in the courtyard and over the makeshift morgue. Vialle asks Lucas to accompany her, as she can use an arm to lead her and eyes to help her see
Lucas will do so, delighted at scoring such a simple task. If Vialle is wearing anything revealing, he'll take lots of opportunities to take a peek.
Vere watches the natural way the inhabitants of the castle take Jerod's orders with a considering eye, but without comment.
Cambina wanders, talking to people and offering comfort. She seems unguided, but always appears where her encouragement will help.
The fire is out before the engineers return, and the soldiers and servants begin to clean up and dig out the outbuildings. It's clear the castle is damaged, perhaps heavily, and other than rescue efforts, you all agree that no one should enter it.
Rividass takes the note from Jerod, finds a horse from the makeshift corral, and rides out the gate. Fires are intermittent in the city, but the temple quarter looks as if it was lifted and roughly thrown to the ground. The harbor looks clear, but you do not recall it being as empty as it is. Perhaps the fleet went out to sea to escape the storm.
The efforts to dig out the buried lower levels are on you all too soon. In these narrow confines, the only reasonable plan is have a sort of bucket brigade of the royals. It taxes your strength and drains you, but you make progress. Each foot forward helps and each room cleared is another place to store debris. The furnishings in the lower level were never the best, but some of them had been exquisite in their day. You recall anew that this castle has been continuously occupied for millennia. Some of it looks as if it might be salvageable.
The work is heartbreaking and you can only complete it by distancing yourself from what you find. Initially you find nothing but corpses. Maids and guards and the odd steward are broken like children's toys amid the rubble. You make a note of their position for later removal.
Solange would suggest that they be moved as we find them, not "later," and preferably to somewhere with a low ambient temperature. "If we clear the food from one of the icehouses, whichever one is emptiest, move the food into another icehouse, and put them in the empty one -- they'll be in better condition for their kin to claim them for burial, later, and in the meantime we'll risk less disease in the castle."
The engineer agrees and details men to help you. It's not as if they are doing much with the princes doing the actual digging. Ossian, Vere, Jerod, and Solange rotate through, with the engineer directing. There are enough hands and enough makeshift props that it is a surprisingly safe dig.
When you begin clearing the food supplies, Vialle is worried that much of the upcoming winter supplies have been lost.
"Have all of the sheep and cattle been slaughtered for the winter
already? Isn't it early for that? Where was the grain stored? How
much do we have? If root cellars have fallen in, we only need to
mark the locations, and dig out the vegetables. There's game
enough in Arden to feed many over the winter -- we might consider
lifting the ban on the king's deer, or organizing hunts and
distributing the meat ourselves, to see it's done fairly. Garnath isn't
recovered yet, but the dead trees must be sporting a fine growth of
mushrooms, and those are nourishing, too. The storm's bound to
have thrown up laver and kelp on the shores -- we should set
people to gathering that. And when the fleet comes back, they can
turn to fishing, if the earthquake hasn't sent all the fish swarming to
other waters. If all else fails, we can gather the acorns of Arden for
flour. It may prove to be a lean winter, but with a bit of luck, not an
impossible one."
"We'll all eat a lot of fish, Solange, dear. And we'll still have some of the meat for the winter, and you're right that we can dig out the root cellars. The Castle will be fine. But it will still be a hard winter in the city, especially for the poor."
"Or we could import food from shadows we have commerce with. Or we could
go off into shadow, get a wagon filled with gold, and then go to another
shadow and use the gold to buy whatever we need. That's an over
simplification I'm certain, but I think you get the general idea."
"How clever you are, Lucas." Lucas realizes there's a certain amount of sarcasm hidden in that sunny pronouncement, but it probably escapes Solange. "But don't we normally handle that kind of transport by ship in Amber? Has anyone heard what the state of the fleet is?"
Lucas takes the sarcasm gracefully, giving an honset chuckle. "What I meant was by caravan. Perhaps a chain of wagons. I'm certain it won't be the most ideal sort of situation, but I think it would be an improvement over gathering up acorns for the city."
[Lucas will also propose checking outlying areas to see how hard they were hit, and importing food in that way, but I don't know if there are outlying counties and duchies in House of Cards. GMs?]
"We could also just use our gold to buy ships and use them to buy food."
Vere pauses briefly each time a body is discovered, lowering his head and murmuring a few words under his breath.
Perhaps an hour into your explorations, you find a group of guards and servants. They have suffered minor injuries and they confirm your fears. Gerard and Venesch took the ambassador to the wine cellars, a level below.
You dig, somewhat frantically, and your emotions swell up and threaten to overwhelm you. As you clear the rubble enough to allow you to descend, the Chief engineer stops you. He orders you back upstairs. The air needs to circulate before he will let you in. He allows you to post a guard, but he insists you rest.
Vere shows emotion for the first time during the entire night, growling softly under his breath and unconsciously taking a step forward. Assuming that Solange or Jerod interferes he will allow himself to be led back upstairs.
Jerod would interfere if it appeared that Vere was going to disobey, but only then. "He knows what he's doing." he'll say to Vere. "That's why he's the Chief and we're not. Trust him."
Vere stops, closes his eyes, and visibly forces himself to calm. When he opens his eyes again he is once more under control. "You are correct, of course, Cousin. Thank you." He nods to the Chief Engineer and follows the others out and away.
Despite the fearful news, Jerod is pleased nonetheless to find the others and is quick to assist them out of their imprisonment, making sure that they are tended to once they reach the surface before starting to return to the depths. The Chief engineer's words seem to bite at him however, and for a moment those watching are sure he will refuse. But the moment passes and he nods, the logic of the situation making itself felt.
You trudge through the path you have cleared into the depths of the castle and return, blinking, to the sunlight. The people of the castle are doing as they have been told--shelter is being improvised, animals are corralled, food is being served, the wounded are being tended. Vialle has everyone doing something, it seems.
As you cross to the kettle in hopes of getting some food, you see Cambina approaching from the walls. "I'm glad you came up, we're about to have visitors. I've just had the outer gate opened for Martin and two more new cousins."
"Two more?" Jerod asks, wiping at the sweat with a grimy hand, not even noticing the dirt. "So much for our aunts and uncles not being fertile. They're just damned secretive." and he smiles a little at his words.
The three riders cross the courtyard to the gathered diggers and Vialle and Lucas, who have just come from the makeshift kitchen.
Jerod's long hair is tied back into a ponytail to prevent it from interfering while he works, his own uniform filthy from digging, lifting and carrying, with dirt, grime and blood layer atop each other. His own appearance is that of a tired man, moving on adrenaline perhaps, cuts on his hands from carrying sharp jagged rocks, scrapes on his face and streaks of sweat course over the dirt. Its for sure he's looked better. He looks up to see Martin and the two new arrivals and there is just a touch of something...a smile of relief perhaps that flickers over his face.
As the two groups come together, there is a commotion at the inner structure's doors. The engineer is there, with Venesch leaning on him. "Lords, come quickly! We've found Prince Gerard. It fell on him!"
Despite his exhaustion Vere will turn and sprint back down into the tunnel at full speed.
Ossian follows Vere...
"Oh, I hope it wasn't that cask of--" Lucas names off a vintage wine popular in Amber. "I'll be sore pressed for entertainment if it is."
Solange makes a mental note to maim Lucas LATER.
At this Ossian stops dead, spinning around, furious: "If you don't know when to joke and when not to, you'd better keep your mouth shut, cousin, or someone might kill you."
Without waiting for an answer he runs downstairs to help Vere.
"Who's joking? I was very fond of that vintage."
Solange runs straight to Venesch. "Where? What fell?"
Paige dismounts, pushes a few whisps of hair from her face and says, "What? The tower?" She flips back her cloak, still on the saddle, to reveal a small boy, no more than 10 years old. "Stay here with Pippin, you hear?" To those with a suitable empathy, it's clear she cares for this young boy greatly. Then she's following the others toward the Castle. "Martin, come on..."
Venecsh says "I will show you where. The ceiling fell. He's trapped by debris."
Venesch is on the verge of collapse, but continues, pushing himself hard, as always.
Martin arrives, as do Lucas and Vialle, Nestor, Cambina, Barrell, and anyone else who headed that way. Vialle approaches Martin and says "Martin, are you...?" She reaches out for his arm, or hand, or shoulder and he moves out of reach. Those with high water can tell he has no time for his stepmother.
Paige says her few words to her diminutive valet and joins them.
"Can you show us where he is?" Martin notices Venesch's state and adds "I can carry you, if need be."
Venesch straightens "I will show you."
"Sir!" Barrell interrupts, "you're wounded!"
"No! I have a duty." Venesch insists on following. "We should go immediately. The young princes may not be able to find him."
Vialle stays topside, and those who wish to descend, enter, led by Martin and Venesch. If Lucas follows, she will find someone else to squire her around. Or perhaps she'll go find some less revealing clothing.
No, Lucas will stay with Vialle. "Plunging underground shortly after an earthquake" is certainly not on to-do list.
Paige will lay her hand on Vialle's, saying, "He's fine, Vialle. Just emotionally worn like the rest of us." Paige has decided to stay topside, as another set of hands will most probably not make the difference in such confined quarters and with so many scions of the line already in attendence. "I ran a field hostipal during a civil war a long time ago, but one doesn't forget that. Can I be of help?"
"Yes, we've put together a hospital ... Paige, isn't it? I'm sorry, I suppose I must be a little in shock; I'm better at putting together names and voices than that most of the time."
Despite her blindness, Vialle turns to face Folly exactly as a sighted person would. Vialle's eyes are disconcertingly otherworldly, however, because of the lack of focus. "I'm sorry, dear, I didn't catch your name in all the commotion, but someone said you were one of my stepson's cousins. Welcome to Castle Amber. My name is Vialle, and I'm Prince Random's wife."
"This is Folly. She's a cousin that grandfather sent Martin to find before he attempted, well ..." Paige's sentance trails off and those with high water will sense Paige's use of Martin's name says, _We'd all prefer if you called him that..._
"Well met, Vialle," says Folly. She keeps her voice even and conversational, but doing so requires considerable effort. She watches Vialle closely during Paige's introduction, unsure which would trouble her more: getting a reaction, or getting no reaction.
Hard to say what her reaction is, or quite what she's reacting to -- but there's something there. Folly knows it. (So do Paige and Lucas.)
Then, to both Vialle and Paige, she adds, "I am at your service. What can I do to help?"
"We can always use more hands in the hospital; if you've had no medical training, we can use orderlies and nurses. We need someone to help the household servants keep us all fed and watered and laundered and such -- the need for dinner and a bath and clean sheets for the beds won't stop just because there's been an earthquake! We need someone to tally up what food is where in the castle, and whether the cisterns still hold water, and other sorts of supply questions. We need someone just to keep track of where everyone is. Wherever you put your hand in, Folly, you'll find something to do." Vialle smiles.
"Come along, dear," she says, and to which of you this is addressed is unclear, but she has taken Lucas' arm again and is headed back towards the hospital.
Paige will busy herself with working in the field hospital. Knowing Martin's limits almost as well as she knows her own, if he's deemed strong enough to serve a turn with the engineers, she'll volunteer to work a shift, also.
If the discussion on the city comes up topside, Paige will relate the state as she knows it, i.e. busted aquaducts, burning buildings, collapsed warehouses...
The instant Venesch is brought out and Gerard's name is mentioned, the appearance of exhaustion on Jerod seems to vanish instantly. For those of high water, it is clear that the exhaustion is still there, but it is suppressed, or perhaps bypassed as reserves of energy from...somewhere?...are summoned and Jerod is moving to the entrance at a dead run. There is a sharp hand motion to the engineer, motioning him to take Venesch towards where Vialle has arranged the medical station but Jerod does not slow down and he disappears inside the entrance a moment later.
Jerod, Ossian, and Vere return to the building, heading down to the opening they lately left. Vere notes a bloody handprint where Venesch had pulled himself across the rubble and leads the three down into the darkness. They enter the wine cellar and the air is musty but breathable. the floor is awash in mixed wine , broken glass, and rubble. The princes begin calling out for Gerard.
"We were talking to the Ambassador from Bellum, who was here to complain about both the army and the navy. Your father is a truly patient man, Lady. Prince Eric would have thrown the ambassador out." Venesch shrugs, clearly unsure if that would have been better or worse. "We went to the wine cellar and were discussing matters when the earthquake hit. Prince Gerard threw Admiral Hesse and myself out of the room and knocked the Ambassador backwards. He was in the doorway when the roof collapsed. The admiral passed out a few hours ago, he was hurt in the collapse, but I managed to stop the bleeding. Prince Gerard and I spoke, but it became too much effort. I can tell you that it was comforting hearing your digging efforts above us. I followed the breeze to the opening you had dug."
You all reach the stairs and head downwards. At the bottom of the stairs you see the bobbing torchlights of Ossian, Vere and Jerod. They are gathered around Admiral Hesse. Hesse has a makeshift bandage on his arm, covered in blood. He is breathing, and his eyes are open, but he is not very coherent. Nestor and Cambina bring him out to the infirmary.
"Yes, through there!" shouts Venesch, clearly somewhat invigorated by the assistance he has brought. "Dig here, carefully! Prince Gerard! I've brought help! Are you there?"
The digging begins, and it is clear why Venesch could not accomplish this alone. It does seem to take a royal to move the rocks and debris carefully enough to extract them without causing another crash. This room is near the base of the western tower and close to the site of the collapse. Only the dungeons below are closer.
Carefully removing stone and wood and bracing the efforts lest more of the ceiling come down, the children of Oberon's children clear debris from the small chamber that Venesch has pointed out. Martin finds a boot, and digs around it. A bit of effort makes it clear that this is not Gerard but must be the missing ambassador. It is clear to you all that he did not suffer but was crushed almost immediately. It is Vere who first hears the sounds.
"Quiet!" He calls out, and the assembled diggers hush around him. "I hear breathing!"
You all dig where he directs and soon see another arm, this one large like a great tree-limb. You move debris and soon you can see Gerard's face. It is wan and he is breathing slowly. His eyes are open and he looks at Vere and Solange, peering through the rubble.
You see as you pull away the last of the nearby debris that Gerard's legs and hips are under a massive pile of rubble. His strength must be incredible, for you have seen this morning the corpses of several men and women who had been hit by less.
"Children," he says, in a ragged voice. "I am...happy to see you. How stands Amber?"
Vere takes a deep breath, steadying himself and allowing his eyes to close for several seconds. When he opens them again he is completely calm. "Amber stands, Father," he says. "Damaged but undestroyed. Cousin Jerod has assumed control, and can report upon the situation far better than I."
He then begins examining the rubble covering Gerard's lower body.
"We'll have you out of here soon, Dad," Solange says. She is holding back tears.
"I've been down here a while -- a few minutes more won't hurt me," Gerard replies weakly. He reaches for Solange's hand and pats it reassuringly.
Jerod shakes the hair from his eyes as he pulls a small rock to one side, putting it down carefully (in case of further rockfalls). He stops to take a breath as he looks at Gerard. "The castle and city have sustained heavy damage, though the fires are under control. I've sent word to Rebma for their state as well as a messenger to determine the status of the fleet that remains. The people are in a state of shock but are doing okay. The first priority has been to rescue people...we can rebuild everything later."
He shuffles to one side to make room for a medic.
Martin moves to help Vere examine the rubble. After examining the debris and reviewing the situation, the group attempts to lift a couple of the large pieces, but quickly determines that it's more than they can lift given the leverage and the necessity of preventing further harm to Gerard.
A runner is sent up for a block and tackle. He returns with food and water for Gerard and with the news that the Chief Engineer is on his way. After some period of time, the Chief Engineer comes down to review the situation. It rapidly becomes evident that Solange's planned time frame for removing Gerard is overly optimistic.
It'll be the better part of the day before engineering gear can be brought down to remove the rubble. It will require strong Royals to free Gerard, even with a block and tackle. There is still much to be done in the castle and the city. Food, shelter, and care must be arranged for the dispossessed and injured; the water supply has been disrupted; sanitation issues and the removal of bodies must be planned; there's no word of the state of the fleet yet. And the long-term ramifications of the quake haven't been considered yet.
How do people spend the rest of the day?
Lucas will hang out with Vialle, in large part because he can claim he has a job to do, escorting her blind highness around and making sure she doesn't fall down wells or such things. Lucas does surprisingly have a degree of fondness for Vialle. It's one of those, "I have nothing in common with this person, we'll likely never be friends, but there's something likable in them that I cannot resist." He of course hides this fact so that only super-high waters will notice.
Vere will remain below with the party freeing Gerard. While not among the strongest of the Royals, he will justify remaining below by appointing himself assistant to the Chief Engineer, and ensuring that all his instructions are carried out to the letter. He will also be on the watch for any signs of instability in the rubble as it is being removed.
Since Vere has "volunteered" to assist with his father's recovery, Jerod speaks momentarily with the Chief Engineer to determine how many of the Royals will be needed, given the tight quarters. Once this number has been determined, he'll move out of the way and motion to Solange and Martin to one side for a moment so that the engineering crew can work to set up the block and tackle.
"There's still more to be done and we need to start looking at long term recovery efforts." Jerod says. "The people can do the majority of the work but they'll need guidance and support...and we'll need communications. Which mean some of us have to leave and head out. There's a limit to what we can all do here. I intend to go to the city...speak to the Sheriff and determine what's happening there, as well as get a more detailed report on the fleet."
"If the fleet stays missing, we'll have to find at least one ship, and a crew, and some one of us will have to go searching for them," Solange adds.
He looks over at Solange. "Vialle will need help with her efforts and we'll need someone to motivate Lucas for anything that might be required. Since your father is still alive, his orders need to be carried out and he needs to be updated on what's happening. You also know some of the people in the castle if I remember correctly. You want the job of running things here and keeping your father informed?"
"I can do that," Solange says. "But there are a lot of other things we need to worry about."
Once he has her answer, then he looks at Martin. "The city is going to need even more help and we may need to assist Rebma, or obtain assistance from them. We also need to determine the state of our food stores and building supplies, set up hospital facilities and control any dissension which may lead to looting or civil disturbances. The army forces that remain are well disciplined so they can continue with the reconnaissance and patrols automatically - its the civil authority that I'm concerned about."
Martin starts to say something, but Solange overrides him, and he lets her speak, either from courtesy or for not wanting to get in the way of an upset daughter of Gerard while her father lies pinioned under rubble across the room.
Solange counters, "That's important, of course, but all the discipline in the world won't help if there's a disease outbreak because we let the water supply get tainted or left bodies to rot. How many engineers do we have who aren't directly working on the castle? We'd better send them to check on the aqueducts and plan repairs. And we need people to find out how many of the cisterns survived the earthquake. And we need somewhere to bring the bodies of the people who died. Even though we're probably going to have to make a mass grave or a pyre or some such, we've got to give people the chance to see if their kinfolk are among the dead. We need to put names to them. Thank the heavens the weather's cool, at least, but we can't keep them for too long -- we'd better plan on making sketches of the ones who aren't identified, so that maybe they can be named later. And when the city's rebuilt, we ought to make a public memorial."
Martin shakes his head. "Solange, I was in the city all morning. The death toll's high. We don't have time to worry about identifying people if we're trying to avoid a disease outbreak. We're going to have to start burning bodies at once, even if they're anonymous."
"We should at least try to sketch them, then," Solange insists. "The only thing worse than losing a loved one is _not knowing_."
Martin shakes his head. "I know it's awful, but -- If it takes an artist five minutes to sketch a dead man's face, think of how long that will be for all the people that died last night. Can we risk an outbreak of who knows what by leaving bodies unburned for that long? And can we spare the cold storage to keep bodies from rotting while we're trying to restock for winter? We'll need all the people who can draw well to work with the engineers on the buildings and cisterns and the aqueducts anyway."
"Besides, the order's already been given in some of the districts -- the fire marshal of the warehouse district asked me about it before I came up here and I told him to go ahead. A lot of the bodies there were burned beyond recognition. They're keeping jewelry and anything else that didn't burn to identify the bodies for the families." Martin looks unhappy.
"Martin's right." Jerod says. "Right now, the living require our attention first. We deal with the risk of outbreak now...if people can be identified, then good. If not, then we do what we can with the jewelry, or clothing or eyewitness accounts. But the living take precedence...we'll make our peace with the dead best we can."
She shakes her head. "I hate having to think about this, but someone has to..."
"We will not do all that work." Jerod replies simply. "...the people will. That's why we have engineers and naval officers and soldiers. And physicians and healers and farmers and the lot. They will know what to do - we need to direct them as to the priority. And we need to monitor and we need to adjudicate when there are disagreements. That will be the biggest problem we will face...and believe me, it will be enormous when ten people all doing their jobs are in our faces demanding to be allowed to do just that, but having to subordinate what they want for a greater goal." and he brushes a bit (perhaps futilely) at a bit of caked on dirt on his clothes.
"Let's trust our people to do their work..." he says, looking back at Gerard for a moment while the engineers work. "In the meantime we have plenty to do in other areas. And the castle is one of you want it? All those things you mentioned need to be dealt with seem to have a very good vision for what's required. Unless you've got another idea, I'm going to head off to the city."
"If you're going into the city, then of course I'll help keep things organized at the castle," Solange says. "I just wanted to make sure you remembered the issues you hadn't mentioned at first. Good luck and Godspeed, cousin."
"And to you cousin...if there's anything I can do, let me know." Jerod replies before stopping. "I'm glad we found your father..." and he looks back at Gerard for a moment. His face is partially hidden so it is difficult to see but there is something in his body language that speaks of more than just relief. "We've lost enough people already..."
Although Vere has been across the noisy chamber talking with the Chief Engineer throughout Jerod's conversation with Solange and Martin he looks over at Jerod at this point, and high Water characters will have the distinct impression that he's been following the entire conversation.
And with that the expression vanishes and Jerod looks to Martin.
Martin has kept his mouth shut while Solange and Jerod argu^H^H^H^Hdiscussed their respective roles, and now lowers his voice to keep the engineers from overhearing. "I don't know how much Rebma will have been affected by the quake. Based on what Grandfather said, there were likely to be damaging manifestations locally, but ..." and a shadow passes over his face for a moment before he's able to shake it off and continue.
"I don't know how much you know about what Grandfather was doing and what was going on, but we need to have a family meeting as soon as we can, tonight if possible. As soon as we can get things stable, we have to get down into the Pattern chamber. Since I walked it, I've lived mostly in Shadow and I tend to use it instinctively to make certain things easier. I've caught myself doing that several times today and it shouldn't work in the city, much less underground in the castle, but it does. The good news is that it means Grandfather succeeded -- or someone did -- and we have a Pattern. The bad news is that it may mean it's not here any longer. And I have no idea what that implies."
Martin takes a breath and adds as an afterthought. "And don't bother with the Trumps. They're dead for the time being, although Grandfather said they'd start working again eventually."
Jerod pauses, collecting another thread before continuing. "What about your friends - do they have anything special that they can do?"
A second afterthought, then, back to Jerod's question about Folly and Paige. "Paige is Bleys' daughter. She's an artist," and Martin lays a certain stress on that word, "and was trained by the redheads. Folly -- I just met her yesterday myself; she was Grandfather's last errand for me -- but she's got some kind of singing ability that's an instinctive Pattern use, I think, even though she's never walked the Pattern. They'll pitch in as needed."
"What else do you need to know?"
Jerod takes it all in though his expression goes carefully blank during the mention of Rebma. After a moment to digest, he nods. "Let me put this forward - if the Pattern is this easily usable this close to Amber now, maybe that will help us to deal with this disaster." he says, thinking. "Keep this to ourselves for the moment, but arrange the family meeting. You have more information about what Oberon was up to before he can decide the format of the gathering. We'll need to know more then. We may also want to keep an eye on the least, those people who have them or can make them...see if they start functioning again or if there's anything more strange about them now that this has happened...whatever this is."
"And what was Grandfather planning to do?" Jerod asks, looking to test Martin's statement, reaching under a boulder to find the guard's cloak that he is sure is there.
Jerod pulls out a green cloak, though it tears slightly, catching on the jagged edges of the rocks, as he pulls it out and the golden insignia has faded from the dust.
Jerod looks at the cloak, a look on his face that only Solange and Martin can see, yet it speaks volumes in the words that come to mind. ('aah, shit!') and he holds onto the cloak for a moment, looking at it, before he passes it to one of the workers, knowing it can be used to cover someone who might need it.
Martin gives Jerod an odd look in response to his question, then lowers his voice even further and leans even closer to Solange and Jerod. He says, "Repair the damage to the Primal Pattern, of course. That's what he warned me would knock out the Trumps, and probably what caused the earthquake. He didn't expect to survive it." He bows his head.
Jerod takes this in, thinking and shakes his head after a moment. "Let's hope he was more optimistic about the battle in Chaos." Jerod says quietly. "Your idea is a good try to find out if the Pattern is still here. We'll do that once we've got the situation stabilized, and we can recruit some people we can trust to keep their mouths shut if we find things have changed. The last thing we need is to start reporting that things are changing this drastically."
When Jerod is ready to leave, Martin tells Solange that he'll be in the castle and to have the engineers send for him at once if they need assistance with lifting any rubble. He promises he'll be back in a while with anything she needs -- food, drink, whatever -- but someone needs to set some of the things they've been discussing about the food and water and sanitation into motion in the castle as soon as possible.
Jerod and Solange think he's making a polite waffle so as to have a private chance to tell Jerod something unpleasant out of Solange's hearing.
Solange lets them maintain the polite waffle.
Jerod will move off to one side, further up the passageway towards the surface, in case Martin wishes to speak to Solange (or vice versa) privately.
Unless Solange wishes to say something private to him, Martin bids her farewell, takes her requests, and heads towards the surface with Jerod.
Once they're well out of earshot of Solange, Vere, and the engineers, Martin says to Jerod, "It's a damn good thing we can pull a little extra out here. Did you get a good look at Gerard? I don't know that even he can make it another night like that. And if we have to cut him free ... " Martin shakes his head, obviously picturing what it would take to saw off Gerard's leg.
"Unless we've got someone with Dad's skill to keep him from bleeding to death ... I don't know what we can do. We've got to make this work. And Gerard may not be in good enough shape to cope with this disaster afterwards. It's not just a family meeting, Jerod, you understand that we're talking a regency council here, right?"
"No, his injuries didn't look good." Jerod replies quietly. "But we've got him at least. For now we can do something. I'm not sure though where we can find that good a physician. Our family has never been terribly great about letting anyone else touch them and most of those in the city will be busy dealing with their own problems."
"The best physician in the family is -- Gerard," says Martin.
Jerod continues: "I've met a couple of people who are good enough, but they're in the local shadows. I'd have to ride to find them. And I don't know the status of Rebma...or whether they'd have resources to spare. Assuming they're still alive." and his voice is very quiet as he finishes.
Martin doesn't have anything to say to that.
He pauses, wiping at his hair again, looking back down the corridor to Gerard. "The next few hours are going to tell us who here can handle being involved in you call it. Assuming it comes to that." he says. "Keep your eyes open...and your ears."
Martin gives Jerod a Look. It occurs to Jerod that Martin is older than he and was raised by the same women who raised Jerod; and although he missed out on the considerable advantage of Eric's tutelage, he speaks familiarly of Oberon's instructions, plans, and thoughts.
He says to Jerod, "Of course it's going to come to that. Gerard's pelvis is crushed. He's going to need to spend a lot of time in therapy if he's going to walk again. And even if he lets himself be crippled in Amber's service, we need that authority now, not when Gerard's well enough to run Amber from his bed. As to who: all of us, of course; we can't justify it to Benedict and the rest of them when they get home otherwise. The big question is who's got the guts to lead."
Martin ticks the cousins off on his fingers: "Paige is great in a crisis, but this may drag out long enough that the sense of impending doom wears off, and she can get bored. Folly's too young, and her blood's not proven. Lucas is a trophy fuck -- if I could tie him up in a bow and send him to Lady Drusilla [a notorious elderly lecher of the Rebman court, best known for being sugar mama to pretty young boys], I'd think us well rid of him. Vere seems astute enough, but he defers to Solange. Solange is strong enough, and has a lot of good ideas, but she gets stuck on things. Christ, there may be 15 or 20 thousand dead down there, and she wants to have some artists sketch them all against the chance their families will come looking for them." He shakes his head again. "Cambina, I suspect, doesn't want the job; not based on Dad's description."
He lets out a breath in the stifling air of the tunnel. "And I really don't either, and you do, that's obvious." He looks at Jerod, clearly waiting for a response.
"You seriously think I want this crap?" Jerod asks stonily. "Trying to motivate people to work together when they're so self-centered or narrow minded that they can't see past their own agendas? Right now its easy - there's been a disaster. They're in shock so its easy to move them in the right direction when something needs doing. Give'em a day."
"I've got something far more important on my mind that I'd like to be doing right now...only I don't think those people down there..." he says, motioning to the city, "and in the castle have got time for me to disappear. Or any of us for that matter. Either someone takes charge to get things moving, or else a lot more people start dying. So be very careful when you start saying that I obviously want it." As he finishes, there is anger lying beneath the surface even as Jerod tries to keep it suppressed and he turns away, wiping at his hair.
Martin's expression has settled during this speech into something Jerod might call studied neutrality. There's something in it that reminds Jerod of Random at the gaming table.
A moment passes and Jerod turns back. Its clear from his mannerism that something automatic has kicked in...the look of authority by itself says enough. "Someone's gotta lead...okay. I don't have time to argue with your logic. Arrange this regency council meeting. Make sure everyone who's supposed to be there is. I'm heading down to the city to find out what's going on and see where the hell the damn fleet is. Vere wants to help out with Gerard - that's fine so long as he helps...if he's useful somewhere else...move him. Solange has the duty with the castle - if she gets distracted, re- focus her. You know your two friends - put them where they'll do the most good.
He stops to think. "Talk to Vialle and Cambina, and any others. Find a physician who can help Gerard. I don't care who you have to pull out, requisition, shanghai or what...find someone." and his tone suggests exactly - he doesn't care what is done to achieve this goal.
Martin nods once, decisively.
And with that, unless there is something else, Jerod heads for the surface.
Martin lets him go, looking thoughtful.
Once Jerod has left, Solange will first check with Gerard to see if he has specific instructions for her, and also will let the engineers know to come get her if they need her to help with heavy lifting.
Then, assuming she doesn't get more detailed instructions, she'll check in with Vialle, and see how much of the disaster- management agenda's been handled. Paige has the field hospital, that's good. Have the tourney pavilions already been set up as temporary shelters? we've got enough cooks to rotate duties, and enough food for them to cook? if we don't have enough blankets and such, check with an engineer or two about how to safely get a couple of people into and out of the less damaged parts of the castle to bring them out. see if anyone's checked the cisterns yet. sanitation -- well, what are the USUAL methods of dealing with it at the castle? if we need to dig latrines, we do, AWAY from any wells or cisterns, and if there are any sacks of lime in the gardeners' sheds left unburst, equip said latrines with the sacks of lime to scoop in after each use.
Cambina probably knows the staff best, ask her very deferentially if she'll help put names to the bodies. Tell her about the idea of a memorial.
Try to remember to eat, and check back every so often to see what progress they're making with Dad, and bring food to Vere...
hope for word about the fleet...
A very, very busy and exhausting day.
Folly spends the early part of the day taking direction from Paige and Vialle, mostly running small errands such as carrying messages back and forth and making sure necessary supplies get to the hospital. After a few hours, she also takes it upon herself to ensure that those who obviously put everyone else's needs before their own -- Paige, for example -- actually take time to eat occasionally. With Paige's permission, she will enlist Liam's aid for this task, in hopes that allowing him to serve in a way that is comfortable for him will make him feel more secure amid the chaos. Folly promises to keep the boy close by her at all times, relying on him as an extra pair of hands to carry food and an extra pair of eyes to notice who needs it. Everywhere Folly goes, she sings -- not too loudly, but with feeling and intensity, trying to re-energize and lift the spirits of those around her -- and when her voice and her legs finally give out on her, she sits among the injured in the field hospital, playing the most soothing, healing music she can conjure on her mandolin.
As Jerod comes up from the underground, he would automatically go to check on things as he prepared to leave the castle. It is reasonable therefore to assume he would hear Folly singing.
Based on her singing, and on Jerod's peculiar talents in regards to shadow disturbances, does he sense anything when he hears her music?
Does he stop and listen? If so, for how long?
If he heard her singing, based on Martin's comment, and the fact that it appears that Pattern use is more possible, then he would stop for a short bit...a few minutes at least. The city will still be there and he'd need a couple of minutes at least to sense if there were any changes occuring.
After a few minutes, you think Martin is right -- there is something about her singing. But it will take you a while longer to figure out what. Do you stay or go? And do you speak to Folly?
Jerod listens for a moment longer, then makes a decision. He moves over to speak to Folly.
Folly is ladling something thick and brown into earthen bowls. When she sees Jerod approach, she concludes her song. "Jerod, right?" she asks, proffering a bowl and a hunk of bread. "Lentils?"
Jerod smiles, the kind of smile that warms the heart, that makes some women glad of the attention to them, and others envious of those so graced. He takes the bread and bowl, but does not eat it immediately. "That's right. I heard you singing and wanted to ask you a favor. Martin's down in the lower chambers with Prince Gerard. I want you to go down there and sing to Gerard. And when I say sing to him, I mean that literally...I want you to focus on Gerard, and only Gerard and sing directly to if he were the only person who could hear your song.
"I don't really have time to explain...I just know that its important, and it'll help. A lot. Martin will understand what I'm referring to. Can you do that?" he asks. "I will explain to Vialle where you're going...she'll understand completely."
Folly smiles and nods, pulling out her mandolin even before he's finished speaking. "You don't have to explain it to me," she says earnestly. "I get it, even if I don't understand it, y'know? I'm glad I can help." Then, with a smirk, she adds, "And, anyhow, what singer doesn't love a captive audience?" Even through the jest, it's obvious she has a pretty good idea how bad the situation is, and as she walks past Jerod toward the cellar, she gives his forearm a gentle, comforting squeeze.
"Gerard will certainly enjoy having someone paying attention to him." Jerod replies, nodding and smiling to her squeeze. It is clear to the High Waters that Gerard is someone that Jerod likes and there is some relief that Folly is heading down to the cellar environs.
En route to the stairs down to the cellar, Folly finds Martin, who looks to her eyes a little harried, a little worried, and a little cranky, although not at her.
"Oh, there you are," he says, "I was looking for you. I'm getting a doctor to take down for Gerard, and I wanted you to come with me, but I guess somebody already thought of that. If you want to sit and rest for a moment, I'll be right back and I can walk you down."
Folly waits for him, and as they walk down to the cellar, she slips her hand into his and hums a soothing melody.
Martin is obviously to Folly's senses torn between wanting to tell her to save her strength and not wanting to hurt her feelings. He finally settles for squeezing her hand gently and letting her work her magic.
Once Folly has moved on, Jerod looks at the bowl and bread, turns and hands it either to one of the injured who has not yet eaten (and can feed themselves) or to one of those caring for the injured who can use it before he heads out to the temporary stabling area, to see if Al'ma'din (his favored horse for travelling) is still around and heads down to the city.
The stables are a separate outbuilding. They've taken some damage and the horses are corralled outside for now. Al'ma'din is unharmed.
Jerod's ultimate destination is the harbor, but is there anywhere he wants to go en route?
He will stop on the way at any of the points within the city that would house local leaders, the Sheriff, nobles or others who would be valuable as points to garner support amongst the people, to rally specialists, organize relief efforts, etc. Jerod is not sure how much of this Martin, Paige and Folly have done already but he's going to cover the bases just in case.
Jerod stops to speak to a district marshal and takes almost an hour to get away as people ask him for rulings, advice, and information about the state of the castle and the royal family.
Based on some of the questions being asked, Jerod thinks wild rumors must be running in the city, and it will take the appearance of some royals, preferably well-known ones, to stop that.
He also thinks that if he stops to quell rumors and ask and answer questions, he'll never get to the harbor.
Wild rumors are part and parcel of any disaster but stemming them can be done quickly with minimal effort or later with much effort. Jerod orders the marshal that he has stopped to talk with to spread the word through trusted messengers to the other marshals and leaders that the royal family is well...that the situation is under control and very shortly there will be notifications sent out shortly from the castle for the various marshals, nobles and business leaders. Until then, they are to carry on with relief efforts. Jerod puts on the fire for this one and leaves this marshal with absolutely no doubt that not only is this the case, but that he is not to continue bother Jerod with any further questions as he has other business to attend to...and that this marshal had better jump to it.
And then, without delay, he gets back on the horse and heads to the harbor. Unless there is an obvious critical emergency (someone is about to be killed outright) he does not stop.
(In which case it is, of course, "well! those royals never have time to help the common people!")
Yep...I'm afraid to say it but Jerod is just a cold-hearted, ruthless, son of a bitch...
I'm not being overly obvious here, am I?... :)
The warehouse and dockside districts are devastated, as Martin reported. Fortunately, the information now available to Jerod suggests that it may have been one of the hardest-hit areas and that the damage through the entire city may not be so bad.
The Harbormaster is pleased to see one of the young lords from the castle. He reports the following information.
There are about 200 commercial ships in the harbor of varying sizes. Perhaps half a dozen of these ships burned to the water after catching fire from ashore. Most of the rest are damaged, some from fire and others from jostling into docks or each other.
He knows of about a score of deaths, from fire and smoke. They are still finding bodies in the wreck of a large ship that burned.
[Reference information: average port call in Amber is about 3 weeks, which is about 10 arrivals and 10 departures daily.]
In addition there are about 100 ships of the Amber Navy in port (the bulk of the Navy). There's extensive damage to some of the smaller vessels but the ships of the line seem to have come through all right based on a cursory inspection. With the crews gone with Prince Benedict, though, and the quake, there's been no chance for a real assessment of damage.
There's a captain of the Navy who was left here with a skeleton crew to oversee the ships, but he and his men have been involved in the disaster relief effort. The Harbormaster will send for him if Jerod wishes it.
What with the storm and the quake, it's no surprise that there have been no arrivals today. And it's a good thing too, with no men to bring cargo ashore and no warehouses to put it in anyway.
The Harbormaster is to arrange, as resources become available, guards for any warehouses that remain intact or partially intact. All the supplies of those warehouses are to be guarded, collected and prepared for the marshals to be assigned to relief efforts as needed.
Once the Captain and his navy skeleton crew are available (they are to be used only for imminent disaster relief, not cosmetic work), they are to conduct a cursory inspection of all ships. Any that are in immediate danger of sinking are to be beached for later repairs. Cosmetic damage is to be ignored - functionality is the requirement here.
Any allied ships that enter port or are already in port are to be served notice (politely but firmly) that effective immediately their services are requisitioned for the benefit of Amber and her civil population during the period of this crisis. Ample compensation will be provided once the crisis has passed. Any ally who wishes to argue this may request an audience with Prince Jerod who will be more than willing to "discuss" the issue with them at a suitable time...Jerod will make sure that the Harbormaster feels that anyone (not him mind you) foolish enough to question this "request" might be asking for trouble.
Any non-allied commercial vessels that are currently in port will be requested to remain as there will be a need for their services, as well as ample opportunity for trade profit on their part.
If there is anything else that I the player might have missed (but that Jerod has not), he will attend to those points. His intention is to ensure that suitable ships are available in the immediate future (a day or two) to be sent out for supplies and needed materials.
As well, any incoming ships are to be debriefed to determine what the Shadow conditions are currently like and if there has been any unusual phenomena that has recently occurred.
Last modified: 18 Jul 2001