Brita is enjoying the patrols - the forests remind her of home (Asgard and Idayol). She has been able to fight a few creatures in the forest and has sparred some with the Rangers. "Lord Gerard?" Brita looks like she is trying to puzzle through a problem "What is the likelihood of real trouble coming out of Shadow or from Chaos? I can't say that we would be prepared for true battle."
"That's a good question, Brita," says Gerard. "I think most of the trouble we've had out of Shadow in the last few decades has been sent against us rather than just showing up, so I don't expect much more trouble in that way. As for Chaos, once Benedict gets through with them, that'll be the end of trouble from that quarter. I am more worried now about remnants of the forces that attacked through Garnath when Eric was killed a few years ago.
"Eric was Jerod and Cambina's father," Gerard adds by way of reminder, since he's not too sure of Brita's grasp on the rather complicated genealogy involved.
"Most of the Rangers went with Julian and Benedict, as did most of the Royal Guard and the Navy. If we were attacked, we could count on the Navy and the Royal Guard as well as the Rangers, but we are at low military strength."
Brita asks Gerard "Is there any system set up to contact the Navy or Royal Guard quickly in case of attack? Are there regular meetings between the three branches of the military?"
"In normal times, Julian leads the Rangers, Caine and I command the two fleets, and the King -- Eric for the last few years -- commands the Royal Guard. We would coordinate action by Trumps when we needed to, as we did at the time of Corwin and Bleys' invasion." A shadow passes over Gerard's face when he speaks of that.
"We've not coordinated so much since then, but we've been rebuilding the city. It's probably time to start thinking of how to handle such problems until we get the Trumps working again and my brothers and sisters home to use them."
[Brita will have been trying to releive any burden on older or disabled Rangers without stepping on any egos. "Master Ranger, will you teach me how this is done?", "I learn best by doing; maybe you can talk me through it?", "Don't get off your horse, Master Ranger. Let me see if I can interpret the tracks and you can tell me if I'm right." That type of thing.
What has Brita done with the Rangers on patrol?]
Patrols consist of regular circuits through Arden looking for signs of strange creatures and anything else out of the ordinary. Strange events are noted and logged; some of the disabled Rangers help to keep the records. Also, you look for poachers who are stealing wood, and on the Garnath side, signs of encroachment by the settlers.
Has any signs of either activity been noted?
There are occasional poachers. The Arden-Garnath border isn't clear -- the mountains could technically be considered part of either -- but there is regular activity there, in addition to the fight that Solange and Lucas are investigating.
Brita notices that there are a number of youths of both sexes working with the Rangers; they are apprentices from the city who chose to come to Arden and learn to be Rangers, perhaps feeling that their chances of eating well were better. While they are young and vigorous, they are all still learning, and none of them has the sword training that Brita has had from her father.
Brita will organize a few training sessions (with senior Ranger permission) to run through basic sword training as well as hand-to-hand combat. She will ask the older Rangers to help oversee the training and provide pointers to the youngsters.
The Rangers are happy to have instruction from a member of the Royal family. They also use bows, axes, spears, and other weapons, and are happy to teach Brita if she doesn't know any of those weapons, or learn them from her if she's as good with them as she is with a blade.
[Remember that Brita is at an effective +2 to her element scores compared to normal people like the Rangers, so she looks very impressive to them.]
Brita mainly knows sword and throwing weapons (like Uncle Thor's hammer). She can probably pick up throwing the axe easily (once she determines its balance versus a hammer). She would like to learn how to use a bow.
The Rangers will teach her the bow and help her pick up the throwing axe.
Brita will also look for any youngsters who show some speed (as in running speed) and will recommend to her superiors that they be used as messengers to relay messages between patrols and to the Navy/Royal Guard/Court as necessary.
The Rangers want to know what measures are being taken to communicate threats to them.
[Are they asking Brita?] Brita will suggest setting up permanent posts at various points throughout the forest which can be manned by some a younger recruit for relaying info and an older Ranger as lookout. From Brita's experiences in Master Ngyen's shadow, she wonders if some form of remote signal relay can be set up (assuming the lookout posts are in sight of each other). Maybe like the flags in the Navy....
Such measures are already in place to handle internal Ranger communications. Prince Julian set them up. The Rangers talk about Prince Julian as if he were just short of God.
[Are they asking about how possible threats are being communicated from the Council to the Rangers?]
Yes. They want to know how things like seaward threats will be communicated to them, and what sorts of duties this communication will entail. Under what circumstances will they be asked to fight outside Arden, and what percentage of them will be left to guard Arden, etc.? They remind Brita that the majority of the Rangers are already away with Prince Julian.
What has Brita learned of the state of the Navy/Royal Guard? Are they likely to need assistance in those quarters? Are they as denuded as the Rangers?
Yes. While a city as large as Amber is hard to strip of able-bodied men, there are a limited number with military training, and those are almost all gone.
What's left of the Navy is mostly involved in either managing the rebuilding of the harbor and the fleet or (more likely) sailing with the trade voyages.
Jerod brings up the point at a council dinner meeting that it would seem a prudent venture for someone with considerable martial experience (and he looks right at Brita) to consider the recruitment of new soldiers for Amber's defense - a full time task for sure.
Based on the above and after conferring with Gerard and Jerod, Brita will opine to the Rangers that their assistance to attacks from seaward might be needed, particularly when the Navy is more involved with the trade voyages; but, for now, the assistance is probably limited to lookouts and beach patrols.
The rangers are OK with that.
Is there any chance that the Ambassadors and/or impovershed nobles might want to save costs by offering the assistance of their entourages for patrols and/or trade voyages (to reduce the burden on the military)?
Nobles don't have much in the way of entourages (especially not ones who can't afford to pay ;) but they do have the right of arms in the city, so using some of them as officers makes some sense.
[wrt the idea of recruiting a bigger military]
Oberon traditionally limited the right of anyone other than the Crown to
keep any sort of military force, especially one of any size, and has
traditionally also limited the size of the military. Even the Rangers are
not a military force per se, although Eric and Julian militarized them as
part of the family struggle for the throne. Much of the strength of the
Navy came from the ability to co-opt the merchant marine in times of
war. Gerard is against extensive recruiting without a justification better
than "something might happen".
Reid remembers things very differently from the Amber of his youth, when the right of arms wasn't nearly so limited, and the merchant houses had small private armies. It was after the near civil war over Faiella's marriage to Oberon that Amber was demilitarized.
As to Jerod's pointed question, Brita's Player asks the hivemind whether they think Skidbladnir could help Jerod (or other pattern initiate) forge a path to shadow(s) since it is supposed to "get a breeze to take it wherever it will go" once opened.
Brita has no idea, but thinks it can't hurt to try it.
Brita asks Jerod, "Are there shadows by sea that you still would like to reach or forge paths to? We could take Skidbladnir - that's my boat - and see if it can combine with your shadow walking skill to get to these specific shadows." She pauses then adds. "It did seem useful when Reid and I were trying to find Amber; fewer changes to make, I guess."
"Hmmm...your boat aids in shadow travel?" Jerod asks. "That might prove useful." and he thinks for a moment. "Perhaps what we might do is take it for a short spin...somewhere close that I know I can navigate to but that won't take a lot of time out...maybe a week at most. I can see whether it helps or not."
"If it looks like it's going to be useful, maybe we'll be able to use it to get the ambassadors to their proper homes?" Solange says hopefully.
"Indeed." Jerod agrees. "Even if it gives me a splitting headache, if we can get even a few of them home with paths laid down, it'll be worth it."
Reminder: It took Jerod 8 months to lay the temporary path to Bellum.
This is a multi-year project y'all are talking about.
That's why Jerod's going to take someone with him to learn while he does the work. Cause he needs someone else to learn and spread the word around.
It's probably going to have to wait until after the wedding. But you've had a couple of volunteers: Paige and Ossian, IIRC. Has Jerod issued a recommendation for a student/co-conspirator to Gerard yet?
Jerod would do so once he has figured out who might be more suitable. This is where the GM comes in...from the messages, both appear equally capable, but you guys would be able to say for certain which one "Jerod" would think (based on his attributes, etc) would be more suitable. Based on who Jerod thinks is best, that's who he offers up to Gerard.
Has Martin's name been mentioned? Paige knows he has some ability with Pattern and an amazing endurance. She's aware he does a great deal, but perhaps if he's better suited to the Pathfinder job, those things can be split among the rest of us.
Martin and Cambina have both been mentioned by others, though the NPCs have not made deliberate mention that they would be interested in doing so. In Jerod's assessment however, he's going to include everyone...even those who might not be too eager.
Nobody has said anything to Martin in particular, but sure, he'll do it if he's needed. (Cambina is not a likely prospect, and is happy about that.)
Based on that, unless there is something else, it would appear that Ossian, Paige and Martin are the front-runners. In that case, Jerod will ask them questions concerning their experiences while they were travelling to see how they did in order to better gauge whether he thinks they'll be suitable, especially in regards to the needs for either having a good endurance to handle the stress, or having superior perception in order to be able to lay the paths better without having to expend as much energy.
Once he's done that - he makes his selection. If the GM's figure that everyone's about equal in their "ability", then I'll throw darts and pick randomly...:)
Solange is also willing, if her other duties permit, and if Jerod thinks she's had enough experience manipulating Shadow. She readily admits that she hasn't traveled much, but she has some experience conjuring things. At university, it didn't take long for her friends to realize that the eternal question "Does anybody have a ..." (pen, lighter, Band-aid, phone token, etc.) was best answered "Ask Suzanne (the name she was using)."
And we will add Solange to the list of Ossian, Paige and Martin for questionning...:)
Brita talks quietly to Jerod about Skidbladnir (maybe after dinner). She will pull in Reid to see if he felt like it was useful in easing the transitions between shadows any.
Based on the conversation with Brita, and any comments that Reid makes, Jerod will work out a short time slot from his busy schedule to permit him to try out Brita's idea. He is certainly quite eager to test it, especially if it will assist him in laying paths faster, or in easing the strain of it. He'll make sure to keep Gerard informed of his situation.
"Hmm? Yes. I think it was a bit easier traversing shadow in Skidbladnir. Actually Brita was steering, as I shifted, but it was a bit more direct than it could have been. Covered water in good time, too." Reid muses.
Brita asks Reid one evening whether he thinks it would be worthwhile to establish a route back to the non-Kolvir shadow they encountered. "I know we didn't see any animals, but there were berries and such - maybe we could harvest food from there?"
They are also interested in hearing what Solange thinks about all this.
Solange is planning on backing up whatever Brita says unless it strikes her as utterly outrageous -- that is, likely to utterly outrage the Rangers. In fact, Solange is going to make a point of asking Brita to run her ideas by her before putting them to the Rangers, so that Solange can offer any advice needed in private, and then the script can go like this:
Brita: And that's my plan.
Rangers: Solange, what do you think of this plan?
Solange: I think it's a good plan. I'm proud to be a part of this plan.
Brita, I suggest you work with the Rangers to put this plan into
Solange can tell that Brita obviously knows more about fighting and warfare than she does, and is hoping that Brita can take over more of the day-to-day "liaison with Rangers" responsibility, since Solange is going to have to be absent on trading missions and learning to make shadowpaths and other things that involve shadow travel.
Since Brita comes with recommendations from Solange, and she's obviously both young and a hard worker, she doesn't encounter many of the problems Solange had. Her willingness to learn and relieve some of the burden on the older and disabled Rangers is noticed by some of the senior Rangers and very much appreciated, easing her acceptance further.
When she finally does encounter a monster -- a beast that makes her think of some of the unnatural monsters she's fought with her father in the time leading up to Ragnarok -- she is able to defeat it easily, and really impresses the Rangers.
I think the property rights thread has told us who the property rights supporters are, and it's pretty clear that some kind of recommendation is going to be made. The only question is, what recommendation does the council want to pass to Gerard?
A couple of the options that have been suggested are:
- Find a good court case in the system and use it to issue a precedent that married women can own property.
- Have Gerard issue an edict to that effect.
You may come up with other options as well.
Jerod would suggest using the legal system first to set precedent and then gauge the reaction. Make sure that influential individuals connected to the woman in question are on board. If the edict is required, the Gerard can issue it. If its not needed, then Gerard doesn't have to stick his neck out.
Vere strongly favours the first of these options. Paige is in the best position to choose the test case.
Paige presents the following case as her precedent, "The Widow Fisher lost her husband several years before Uncle Corwin's disappearance, the first one. After her husband Rex's death, she purchased a boat with her widow's mite as it were. She remarried during the Uncle Eric's brief reign and the boat was damaged in the Sundering. It seems Wolf Cooper, her current husband, won't fix it. She has a son from the first marriage that she wants to leave the boat to, but apparently Ardor, the son, and new hubby don't get along. He's suing Wolf for waste of the boat, which he maintained and ran for years since his father's death, and his lively-hood in the long run, although that isn't part of the case. The husband's defense is that he owns it as her husband and it's his to do with as he sees fit."
Paige continues, "We can rule that since it was hers as feme sole when she was a widow, she maintains the property into marriage and the husband owes her for the waste. By ruling as such the son loses, as it could've been awarded to him, but he wins cause she's going to give it to him anyway."
As mentioned, if [Gerard] doesn't need to get his hands that dirty, why bother?
Jerod will be listening carefully as she goes over the particulars of the case, careful to ask questions if he is uncertain as to anything but apparently satisfied with the choice in fitting the necessary particulars in order to win the needed support with as little opposition from the established judiciary.
"Would you classify her as upper-middle class?" Jerod asks.
[GMs] Based on the reports of the case, Paige can report that the Widow Fisher is wealthy enough to merit that classification. She owns a fishing vessel in her own right, and the vessel is large enough to require an actual crew (so, not a single person vessel). This in itself indicates that she's reasonably well off.
"An excellent choice Paige." Jerod says. "With a bit of luck, the Widow Fisher should prove to be an all-round good starting point."
"We aim to please, cousin. That and with the property backlog of our courts, there were more than enough to choose from." Paige does puff up a bit a Jerod's praise, not arrogance, but happy to be a contibuting member.
Ossian is very much for combinations (the player hopes he has): "Why not combine it with the upcoming royal wedding? I mean let's see to it that Solace will own some property after the wedding. That should be predent enough."
How does Lucas feel about that?
Lucas is generally non-plussed.
Gerard has given his permission for Lucas to marry Solace, and Vialle would like to start planning the wedding. "Lucas, it would be nice if she weren't um, showing at the ceremony ..."
Lucas is fine with this.
Folly thinks the case Paige came up with is a good one to start with. An edict seems unnecessary at this point.
Gerard also wants the council's recommendations on other issues still on the table, such as:
- What to do about the Golden Circle ambassadors.
Jerod recommends using them for negotiations - but beyond that and assorted sundry activities - leave them alone. If (or rather when) the Elders returns, there will be more options to getting them home. Pushing them to accept citizenship doesn't seem a viable option to Jerod anymore. (and the honest labor idea also is a bit insulting - being an ambassador can be dangerous work if your ruler is really nasty).
Do these really affect Lucas? If there's something that will impact Lucas' projects (Garnath, merchant trade, etc.) then Lucas will vote on the side that best suits his needs. Otherwise, Lucas just doesn't care. He won't propogate this opinion, but he's just not going to spend too much time worrying about a decision when there are other people to worry about it for him.
Vere agrees with Lucas on this one, we really aren't ready to give up on the Golden Circle Shadows (if nothing else our Elders should be able to re-establish the paths when they get home), so there's no real point to offering them citizenship. Those ambassadors who are useful to us can be given small stipends for doing some sort of diplomatic work, the rest will have to survive as best we can. Anyone in the Family care to make them personal loans to assist them through this troubled time? If not, then we can probably count on some of the nobles or merchant houses doing so, and then calling in the favours when the ambassadors are back in a position of power.
[Paige] Look for their Shadows as part of the further trading. Worked once, at worst we can show them we're still trying.
So far no one has commented -- either for or against -- on Folly's offer to talk to them all and perhaps try to calm them down a little.
Gerard has asked for additional council input on this suggestions, pro and con, before deciding on it.
- What to do about the nobles and merchants who have been reduced to penury due to the Sundering.
Jerod's going to look to see if any of them can be absorbed into other houses or groups. Beyond that, he doesn't believe that the Council should provide "official" support to any of them - that would show preferential treatment and its difficult to support except under extraordinary circumstances.
However, Jerod does have resources of his own (he's been in Court for 20 years straight so he's been building the cash for sure) - and for those who might prove resourceful if given a chance (especially if he thinks that he can direct them to new ventures as shadow lanes open up), then he's prepared, out of his own pocket, to see if any can be sustained (reduced levels but not to abject poverty) until circumstances turn around. The GM can get back to me on this one if its not feasible, or better still, if it is feasible...:)
[Paige] Let them go. More than enough options have been made for everyone to survive
[Ossian] "We might want to give the ambassadors food at their plates and a roof over their heads, if they cannot manage that by themselves. The nobles? They will survive, if a bit thinner than before."
So far, it sounds as though the official response is "do nothing," although some individuals may take independent steps to help them out (Folly by putting them in touch with people who might give them work, possibly Jerod or others by offering loans/investments in future business ventures).
- What to do about food imports.
[Paige] Sheep and laying paths...
[Ossian] "The main problem seems to be that the bulk capacity of our trading expeditions is too small. Maybe we should concentrate on *compact* food, such as rice, pasta, butter or dried fish? Of course we the need some vegetables and meat to avoid denutrition, but not very much."
Gerard explains that this is a useful short-term solution, but will only hold us for a few years; Amber really needs long-term supplies or to produce enough food to feed her citizens. However, Ossian's idea may be useful if we lose Jerod and an apprentice for the better part of a year again while he makes another path.
Jerod's going to recommend that if its considered a good short term solution that they take it...cause Jerod's probably going to take the most qualified individual with him for shadow path work. More than one person would be too many.
"So, I was doing a little research on hardy mountain animals," says Folly, "to see if I could come up with other livestock to raise on that crappy land to the north of the city, and I kept coming across all these references to potatoes and maize. Apparently they're the crops of choice in rugged terrain. I think we should try planting some, to see what happens."
Gerard likes this idea a lot. He puts Folly in charge of seeking out the seed crop for the spring; she may requisition whichever of the Pattern initiates she likes for either a caravan or a sea voyage to get the seeds. [Note: just because Paige is the only person to try caravaning so far doesn't meant he rest of you Patterny types couldn't.]
"Solange, care to join me for a little spud-hunting? Do you grasp the essence of potato-ness well enough to find some in Shadow?"
"Curly fries!" Solange says gleefully. "As soon as I get shut of this inquest and the wedding is over, sure."
[Folly] "Oh, and if the sheep don't work out, maybe next we should try llamas." [In part, of course, because the player just *loves* the idea of a castle-by-the-sea surrounded by llamas.]
Gerard wants to know what llamas do. Sheep produce wool, and Gerard likes lamb with mint jelly, but Gerard was never much into animal husbandry or estate maintenance, so he doesn't know a lot about the use of domestic animals.
"They're mostly used as pack animals and wool producers," Folly says, "but they can also be eaten. Supposedly they taste a lot like mutton. Their skins can be used for leather, too. They're pretty low-maintenance and easy to train. They're also cute as hell, which is why some cultures don't think of them as food, but I realize aesthetics aren't really our primary consideration here...." She grins and can't resist glancing at Ossian. "On the other hand, potential farmers might be more excited to work with something cute like llamas than they would be for, say, yaks or musk oxen...."
Other than that, keep on doing what we've been doing, with a few additional attempts at laying Shadowpaths by whoever's willing to try.
- Whether Jerod will lay more shadowpaths and whether Jerod will teach the laying of shadowpaths, and if so, to whom.
These two would be together - increased focus on food imports as shadow paths are laid down - minimum quotas for all fleets in regards to how much food is to be carried in comparison to trade goods for return. Merchant groups who wish to follow along with royal fleets should be expected to devote a portion of their cargo capacity to food shipments - consider this to be part of the Crown's percentage...:)
Lucas already voiced opinions on this: The two matters are intertwined. Jerod should teach anyone who will learn how to do shadowpaths (Lucas is willing to give it a go even), and we should make a ton of shadowpaths.
Paige has already volunteered for that...
Ossian wants to join Jerod on one of his shadowpath laying trips, in order to try to learn how to lay the paths.
- The investigation of the Arden border incident by Lucas, Solange, and Paige, and the general question of opening the Arden border to settlement, which the council seems to have hinged in part on the outcome of the investigation.
Jerod has some contact with it but will defer to their decision in this matter. He will be particularly interested however in Brita's integration into the military command structure and if any obstacles are building up that will need to be dealt with on the sly.
[Lucas] What was the outcome of the investigation?
[GMs] I asked some questions about how you guys were pursuing information, so I could tell you what you found out, but am waiting on responses to some of the latter questions, which are more important.
[Solange] Here's what I've thought of so far:
1) All it takes is a look at the land grants and the long-time residents' property deeds to show that they were encroaching upon Crown land. In light of the losses that these families suffered in the incident, the Crown will be generous and not revoke their claims or take away their property. However, they must provide restitution for re-planting the forested land that they cleared, either in money or in labor.
2) There is no question that the Rangers were doing their duty in arresting the trespassers. There *is* a question about whether they were justified in using lethal force. If they met with resistance that endangered their lives while they were attempting the arrest using non-lethal force, they were justified. If they used lethal force first, then they will have to be subject to disciplinary measures. To resolve this question, Solange feels it advisable to convene an inquest. Medical evidence about the wounds (was anyone shot in the back, for example?) will be considered as well as the reports of witnesses.
So far, so good, oh GMs?
[Jerod] Perhaps Solange might wish to solicit the aid of Venesch during the autopsy and with some of the questions where the "use of force" are involved - he would prove a most valuable asset given his technical experience.
[Solange] Right. Consider Venesch's aid requested.
There is no autopsy, there being no way to preserve the body. A number of the local notables will have examined all the bodies (the Ranger and the settlers) to see what the wounds were and what the cause of death was, as best they can tell. They don't know squat about modern forensics, though.
[Amberway II players, all together now: "if they had just done an autopsy, they would have found his lungs were full of fresh water!"]
Venesch will still be useful; he can read the written records of the examination of the body and question the survivors and the local notables who examined the body. Gerard agrees to release him after the wedding for a trip to Garnath to do exactly that.
Also, I've thought of 3), though I don't like it much. The investigation is also going to have to determine who killed the Ranger who died. Solange genuinely hopes it was one of the dead settlers, as she does not relish the murder trial that will have to follow if the guilty party is still alive.
- Reid's investigation of the unreported warehouse thefts. Any information any of the others have about this topic would also be helpful.
Jerod's not going to get involved in the primary investigation - however, since Reid is doing some sniffing around, he's going to keep an ear open for any rumblings that might be made when Reid starts digging. As well, Jerod's going to see if there are any inconsistencies within the Court community to see if someone who should be penniless or in desperate straits might be doing better than anticipated - and where those resources are coming from - this would include both established members of Court, and some of the "up and coming" members - Gerard and Jerod have discussed these individuals before so he'll have an idea of where to look and what to look for.
[Lucas] Working on it.
Paige is willing to provide what information she has over what's been loosly termed the Princess's Charge Cabal. "Several of the "Old Guard", specifically Lord Laurel, Lord Jewel, and Old Man Bliss (Basil Rathbone, Eric Roberts, and John Yustinov) were backing the Princess's Charge with dark cabals hiding behind privately owned clubs, such as the Prince's Retreat. It's why the Regent passed and edict that all such social clubs were corporate entities and had to be owned by their membership, to remove that layer of obfuscation and further expose their shady backroom politics to the light. As the Prince was of personal interest to me, I've looked into this a bit. I don't think those worthies would be stooping to theft of goods, but yes, they might not be reporting said theft of their goods if it can't be cleanly accounted for on the books."
How very interesting. Has Vere heard anything about this from any of his people, or from anyone at the Naval?
Did Ossian learn anything from down the dockside folk? (Being around, making tatoos et cetera?)
Ossian also hears the rumors, but nothing concrete. A second rumor that he hears, which might be related to the first, is that some of the fishermen have been seeing unmarked boats on moonless nights. Perhaps there are smugglers operating in the area?
Really?...Does Ossian bring this information up to the Council? If that's the case, perhaps on one of these moonless nights, Ossian might decide to arrange for an accident to occur to one of these smugglers operating in the area, so that they can be captured and questionned. Since probability can be influenced, this should make it relatively simple.
Ossian does not bring this up to the council. Instead he talk to Jerod alone: "So it seems we have some smuggling going on. But is there a market for smugglers right now? Someone in the family might be involved..."
"During times of crisis, there is always a market for smugglers." Jerod replies. "I doubt anyone in the family is immediately involved though. I'd be willing to bet someone in the local merchant families, possibly the nobility, have arranged to do this to acquire more wealth and power. Given the run-around that Gerard's been getting with various groups trying to collect power through the various clubs, I'd figure this is just an extension of that. Certainly it needs to be dealt with."
[OOC: I might have a bit vague idea of the geography of Amber, but really, where could you take any goods (or bring them from), with any economic gain? Are we rationing any goods that the rich in the city might want more of?]
Given the food and trade situation, there would be a need for rationing. And since there appear to be some thefts from the warehouses that are not being mentioned, Jerod would figure that these will fit together with the smuggling activities.
In any case Ossian gathers a small force of former navy men to help him watch now and then on moonless nights to see if there is anything going on (and surprise the smugglers).
When Vere hears that this is happening he will take Ossian aside and ask him to delay this undertaking for a short period of time. "I am investigating a certain possibility, Cousin, and would prefer not to precipitate a situation until I have more information. As soon as I have more definite information I will bring this matter to the attention of the Council, but for now I would prefer the matter to remain undisturbed."
Ossian looks Vere straight in the eyes, snapping back; "May I ask what *possibility* you are investigating? It could be helpful you know."
Jerod brings up his idea of causing a few accidents on those moonless nights so that the smugglers involved are easier to capture. If Ossian is looking to spread the work around, Jerod's willing to come along, though he won't invite himself.
Ossian invites him to join, but returns the same afternoon: "Vere wants us to hold back. He is ivestigating something, and thinks we might disturb it if we capture any of the smugglers."
"Mmmm..." Jerod nods, not pleased with the idea, but not interfering. "Maybe you can remind him later when you see him not to take too long with his investigation. The fact that we are investigating might scare them off."
Nevertheless Ossian will go out for nocturnal fishing trips now and then, just to observe, not to interfere. If anyone asks him he says he needs the silence out on the sea now and then.
Gerard is also interested in how Brita feels after taking a few patrols with the Rangers, the status of the fleet as Vere sees it, how Folly's army of good works is doing, and what useful information on any of the topics on the table Ossian has gleaned from his contacts in the nobility and in the art world.
Oh, boy! Vere gets to write more reports!
Ossian will be kept extremely busy for a week or so as Vere subjects the entire fleet to a detailed examination, conducting inspections of all ships and holding interviews with all captains (and many sailors pulled off the docks without notice and closely questioned on a variety of subjects before being released back into the wild). Vere will be taking all his meals at the Naval for this week, and soliciting the opinions of club members, as well as having private talks with the GC. He then vanishes into his office for a day and a half with stacks of reports, emerging with an immense document that he will present to Gerard. In it he details:
1) A complete list of every ship in the fleet (both Naval and Merchant) with an analysis of its current condition and crew.
2) A listing of all officers currently serving (and a supplementary list of all retired officers who could be pressed into service if necessary), with opinions regarding their abilities, personalities, strengths and weaknesses.
3) A listing of all supplies, and a breakdown of how long it will take to manufacture new equipment if necessary. This includes an estimate of the supplies held by the merchant houses that could be seized by the Crown if deemed necessary.
4) A listing of the Merchant captains and officers who could be pressed into service in the Navy if necessary, with a detailed ranking of their desirability.
5) Numbers of available seamen, both Naval and Merchant, and an analysis of their current level of skill and combat readiness.
6) A complete listing of the fishing fleet, with suggestions for which ships and crews might be useful in a military emergency.
7) A list of Naval officers and seamen who have distinguished themselves during the crisis, with suggestions for promotions and honours.
Oh, and as a side note, if Ossian is interested in membership in the Naval Club his service with Vere has certainly entitled him to it. He would have to eventually learn a bit more about sailing, of course.
[GMs] Did I mention that when Brita starts to look at the state of the naval defenses, she gets to wade through a whole bunch of these reports? She may want to ask Ossian to tell her which ones are most useful.
If it would help Vere would be happy to write up a precis of each report, including the estimated value of each of them to a wide variety of possible applications....
Ossian probably knows something about the opinions on different issues from those parts of the society. What for instance does Bethany LeClair think about the recent happenings in Arden?
Bethany herself doesn't think much about such things, but she can listen and tell you what her father and her brother think. They're not really in favor of either party -- the Rangers are out of hand without Julian to control them, and the Arden settlers are uppity and probably deserved what they got. (Bethany herself is soft-hearted and doesn't like all the dying.)
The latest initiative from the army of good works is a neighborhood watch. The regulars at the Pickled Grouse community jam sessions insist that crime has decreased in the area since folks started looking out for each other -- but no one seems to be able to quote any actual statistics....
The district marshal has kept Vere and Ossian up to date on these developments, and is in agreement that crime has decreased.
They also brag, tongue-in-cheek, about their "free clinic," which is nothing more than one old guy with a bad hip whose wife got tired of listening to him kvetch about having to sit around the house all day, so now he sits around the pub dispensing free medical advice. He'll dispense advice about anything, really, but as it turns out, the medical advice is usually actually *sound* (unlike, say, his advice on romance....)
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