Rebman Reunions

Vere enters his suite and glances around. Then he removes his sword belt, and with a slight grimace of distaste tosses both sword and dagger onto the bed.

He spends some time examining the rooms he has been given, familiarizing himself with Rebman styles of furniture and checking for any signs that there might be secret entrances or listening holes anywhere. After that he unpacks his small bundle of possessions, and changes from travelling clothes into his court dress. If no summons has yet come he then settles down in a chair in a corner of the bedroom, meditating upon the many things he has seen, and composing himself for the coming conversation with the Queen of Rebma.

The guest quarters are about where Vere would expect them to be in Castle Amber, although in Castle Amber they have been crowded of late, with all the Princes in residence and the old family quarters demolished. There is a window in the suite that overlooks the city below. This being Rebma, a strong and determined swimmer could come and go by this route. It is hard to imagine how they could defend this castle, but Vere sees sentries in the appropriate places. He catches a glimpse of activity on the roofline as well. The suite borders on two hallways and has doors to both.

Vere stares out the window for a brief time, considering the interesting question of how one guards a palace in an environment where everyone can, in effect, fly.

Vere settles down and tries to meditate, but somehow the environment is not conducive to the task. As he begins to settle into the right frame of mind, he hears sounds of movement from his outer chamber.

Now that's interesting. Vere rises silently and moves smoothly and quietly to enter the outer chamber. He does not so much as glance at the weapons upon the bed.

The figure of a woman paces the room, angrily trying the door. She is dressed in Rebman clothes and her hair is short and purple and as she moves she stirs no currents. She has not noticed Vere's entrance yet. She seems agitated.

Vere watches her silently for a few moments, his head tilted slightly to one side. Then he steps fully into the room and says softly, "Lady, are you in need?"

The woman turns to face Vere. She opens her mouth, closes it again, and finally says. "Yes, yes I am. Who in Lir's name are you and why would you help me?"

Vere inclines his head slightly and answers, "I am called Vere, a guest in this realm. As to why I would help you..." he pauses and looks into her face, cataloging her appearance without appearing to do so, and searching for those little clues, such as her failure to stir currents as she moves, that indicate her nature. "It is occasionally my fate to meet those who need assistance," he says, "And sometimes there is no one else who can supply that assistance. In such an instance, I feel a certain duty to offer aid, if it is within my power." He smiles slightly and makes a self-deprecating gesture with his right hand, "We all like to feel that we would do what is right, do we not, lady?"

"All? Do you think the Queen does, Vere, or her minions? I've been arrested and nobody knows where I am. They can't do this openly, so I expect that they'll kill me and hide the body.

"I'm already dead, but what matters is that they don't use this to discredit the Libertists."

Jerod's travel takes him down to the Historian's recitation chamber. Under normal circumstances, he would take the most direct route possible but today knowing that Carina will be included in the briefing with Kaia over the affairs of Amber and Paris, Jerod decides to take the scenic route - mostly to take in any changes to the city that might have occurred as well as to become re-familiarized though it should not take long for that to happen.

Having arrived in the chamber, Jerod will note that it remains empty. Even in his best state of procrastination, he knows that it would have been sheer luck that she would be free by now. On that note, he begins to leave but pauses. He makes his way over to the sandtable, thinking for a moment before writing.

"I'm in the guest quarters for the moment. Philippa knows which one. Come rescue me?"

Afterwards, he returns to his quarters. His mother will no doubt be sequestered with the Queen as well now that news of Amber and Paris has returned. He'll need to get his bearings first before he can start digging.

As he returns to the guest wing, Jerod passes a triton. While not unheard of in the working parts of the castle (occasionally they are even on ceremonial guard in the throne room), they are somewhat rare. It is very unusual for a triton to speak, even to a close companion. This one is no exception. It stops and watches as Jerod passes it.

Jerod also stops and looks at the triton for a moment. It has been some time and he re-familiarizes himself with their appearance close up once again, and this one's tattoos and markings for future reference. Despite their formidable strength and ability, Jerod has little fear of the tritons, at least in single numbers. That lack of fear will be evident. But there is also none of the condescendence that is more evident amongst the nobles of the Court towards tritons. Jerod has never agreed with slavery and is too well versed on the histories of empires built on their use to know they are inevitably doomed to rebellion and failure.

"Tell Atrios I wish to see him." Jerod says finally. "And tell him...tell him that she who he warned to depart is safe now."

And he waits for the triton to depart before he proceeds. He would be quite surprised if the triton actually says anything.

The triton, who seems young to Jerod, looks surprised, but it bows and leaves when Jerod finishes speaking. Jerod is not 100% sure, but he thinks that the triton's facial tatoos had recently been modified or extended.

Jerod returns to his quarters. There is the expected invitation to dinner and a message from Philippa asking him if he wishes more permanent quarters or any of his personal goods from storage. Vere's door, across the hall, is closed.

The message is either a sandbox or a page. Either way, a page will be necessary for his reply so Jerod makes sure to obtain one. He lets Philippa know that he will require permanent quarters and that all of his personal goods are to be removed from storage. He will sift through those that he wishes at his convenience.

A page, being acquired, takes his message and departs quickly, She rounds a corner and Jerod watches her feet kick up as she dives down a stairwell.

Afterwards, he makes a quick check of his bags, making sure the few luxury items he brought with him as gifts for family are still intact (chocolate is so hard to keep down here).

[They are, although chocolate is easier to keep than cigarettes...]

And after that he goes to see how Vere is doing.

Jerod crosses to Vere's door. He hears Vere's voice from behind it.

Never being one to decline an opportunity to eavesdrop, Jerod does just that.

(it's just so Rebman...:)

"...times there is no one else who can supply that assistance. In such an instance, I feel a certain duty to offer aid, if it is within my power. We all like to feel that we would do what is right, do we not, lady?"

If there is, indeed, a lady with him, she does not answer.

Jerod pauses for a moment to listen, wondering if perhaps Vere managed to acquire a trump deck surreptitiously but discounting that theory.

Once Vere starts speaking again though, Jerod is going to frown and wonder what's up. At that point, he knocks on the door.

"I know little of the politics here, lady," Vere replies. "But I know queens, and I can say that a queen has not the luxury to do what lesser folk would call 'right,' she must do what she thinks best for her realm. It is not an easy path, and I thank the Goddess that it is not a path I must walk." He regards her soberly. "Tell me of the reasons for your arrest, and the cause you stand for. I can make no promises, but I will do what I can. I am not without friends, nor am I totally without resources of my own."

"I was arrested because the vested interests in the court could not stand the thought of the loss of property and profits that would come with liberty for the slaves. I was arrested now because we were gaining popular support and even some high-placed friends. And I was arrested secretly because it is an illegal arrest that would look bad for them if it was made public."

There is a knock on the door, which the lady ignores.

Vere ignores the knock as well, and asks her, "You fear your disappearance will be used against the cause you support. How do you expect them to do this? And what can be done to prevent it, or to undo the damage?"

[An additional question - does Jerod sense anything out of the ordinary?]

[Jerod's knock is ignored. Vere speaks again. Jerod hears the words 'disappearance','support' and 'damage'. Perhaps Vere is speaking by Trump to Conner.]

"I do not know what can by done, friend, but the countess made it quite clear to me that she did not care for the life of a friend of the libertists or the Tritons. That one! Even in this court she is like a poisonous spider." The woman shivers at her thought.

"The libertists are peaceful, but would lose much sympathy and support if they turned to violence. I suspect that the Countess will use my corpse as evidence of such a turn."

The woman starts, opens her mouth, closes it again, and says. "Who in Lir's name are you?"

Without answering Vere turns from her, walks to the door, and opens it.

The door opens onto the hallway, and Jerod stands before Vere.

Vere sees the translucent figure walk to the where the door would be if it were closed. She bangs her fist on it, as if knowing the gesture is futile.

Jerod feels a cool current from Vere's room, but does not see the shade.

Jerod is beginning to move away from the door and back to his own quarters when it opens.

"Oh, sorry to bother Vere. I didn't realize you were busy." he says. "I'll talk with you later."

"Indeed," Vere replies. "Later would be good." He glances back into the room before adding, "I will have questions to ask, but now is not the time." He returns his attention to Jerod, inclines his head slightly, and closes the door.

Once the door has closed he turns back to the shade and says, "I am Vere, a guest here. I would aid you, lady, if I may."

Her eyes narrow. "Guest? I am a prisoner here. Why would a guest of the Sapphire throne aid me?" The cool current seems positively cold.

"You seem in need, lady. From time to time it befalls me to come upon those who require aid that none other can give. Can you not recall what has befallen you?" He meets her eyes, and reaches for the power of his mother's blood. "You were imprisoned by your enemies, yes, but more than that. Try to recall, and I shall try to aid." His eyes hold hers, willing her to remember.

She breathes in and it's as if she is absorbing the cold current. "Oh, yes. Vere. I'm sorry, I must have been distracted momentarily. I. I'm dead. aren't I? Did they... Did they suppress the Libertists?"

Vere frowns. "I do not know all the details, lady. But I fear that they may well have done so. I have only heard the Libertists spoken of in the past tense, I do not know if the movement survives. But I will look into the matter." He takes a step closer to her, willing her to remain focused on their conversation. "It will help if I have more information. Your name, for instance. And whatever you can tell me of the Countess, and why she acted as she did."

"The Countess opposes liberty for the Tritons, preferring them as captive slaves. There has long been a small number of philosophers, mystics, and student agitators who called for their freedom. All ignored until it became a cause in the lower reaches of the court, which caused the Countess to fabricate a reason to break it all up. Indeed, some of our friends even reach into the Royal family.

"The Countess found out that I was going to come out in court in support of the cause, and had me arrested before my switch of allegiance could be publicized. I can't see her getting away with executing Khela or Cassia, but Livinia or one of the others without powerful relatives at court might be accused of having me killed because I wasn't going to support them.

"I am Baroness Cornelia, Lady of the Neapward Banks. I was." She looks distressed at the thought.

Vere continues speaking in a calm voice, giving no sign that he has noticed her distress. "I shall inquire into what is known and what is said concerning either your death or disappearance, my lady. Speak to me more of the Countess. If I am to act in your interest, I must know who my enemy is. What is her name, and her position at court? Who are her allies, and whom can I trust to have the Liberatist cause at heart? What of the Queen, do you suspect the Countess acted with her blessing, or did she take matters into her own hands, exceeding her authority, and thus placing herself at risk if I can expose her?"

"The Countess is Her Grace Calimatia, the Countess of the Western Shallows, a woman who would rather serve as the the hammer of the reactionary causes than as a public leader. It is my guess that she is acting now because she fears her own death and wishes to clean things up for her successor. Of the Royals, she is allied with all save young Martin, who is still idealistic enough to be sympathetic to the Libertists. Sadly he has no influence with his Grandmother or Aunts. And, of course, Khela.

"There are many who would likely want to let sleeping eels lie, Vere. Are you sure you wish to help me?"

"If I do not, who else shall?" Vere asks. "I am Prince Royal of the Isles of the Danaan, son of Gerard of Amber. Can I turn from one who needs my aid? If I choose not to pursue this matter, will you rest quietly?" He shakes his head. "My mother's priestesses teach that all things are related, and that we cannot achieve noble goals if we allow ignoble acts. In the actions of the Countess I see reflected an evil from my mother's realm. If I am to oppose it there, how can I ignore it here?"

She looks at Vere, admiringly. "Would that more of the women of Rebma were like the men of Amber, Prince Vere. You and Martin give me hope."

Vere nods slightly in acknowledgment of the compliment, then moves on. "Information is of great value in such tasks," he says. "Can you bring yourself to recall the details of your death? Knowing who was personally involved, and the manner of it, might be of great use to me."

"Yes, I suppose I can try. It's not...easy. I was... I was here, pacing, waiting for some word from the Countess regarding my fate. The guards opened the door and let in two men. Surface-dwellers, I thought, by the way they walked, recently here. They bundled me up in the sheets off the bed and carried me out of the palace. I couldn't tell where we were, but it seemed that we went down. They took the hood off in a cave, somewhere underground. They spoke to each other, in a language I didn't understand. Then the one. He..."

Her hand goes, instinctively to her throat. "He broke my neck." She is visibly shaken by the description of her own demise.

Vere nods his understanding and moves smoothly to another topic to distract her. "Do you recall anything from then until now? Have you been any place other than this room since that moment?" He smiles comfortingly, "This may be all we can do for now, lady. You have given me much to work with, I need to collect information now on what is known about your disappearance, and what has happened to the Libertist movement since then."

"I can't remember anything since my death, Prince Vere. I am sorry. I seem to be rooted in the past."

She starts to fade, and her gaze begins to unfocus.

"Rest now," Vere says soothingly. "We can talk later." And he lets her fade.

He remains standing silently for a few moments, gazing at the place where she had been. Finally he turns and walks slowly back to the window and stares out over the city. Unconsciously his hand goes up to touch the colored locks in his hair, and he whispers, "Where are you now, my love?"

Some time after Jerod returns to his room a castle page arrives at his quarters. She bows to him.

"Two messages for you, Your Grace. The Royal Archivist has asked that you attend her. Her Highness your mother has also asked that you attend her."

"Advise my mother that I will meet with her as soon as I have completed my earlier business. Inform her that I am...getting caught up on current events." Jerod says with a smile.

The page looks at Jerod curiously, bows, and leaves.

With that, he heads over to see the Archivist.

Carina is in her office and the staff who were present before are now all gone. She looks much as she did when Jerod last saw her. She rises and crosses the small room, taking him in her arms. "Jerod," she says, "How I've missed you."

Jerod smiles when he sees her, wrapping his arms around her in reply though he does not reply immediately. Indeed he does nothing but hold her for that moment, not even breathing while the realization sets in that she is there, that they are together again. Finally he lets his breath out slowly, all the while still holding her.

"As much as I've missed you love." he says quietly. "My Lady." and he pulls back just a little without letting her go to look at her. "Too damn long." and he smiles to her again. "I had dreamed of what I would say when I saw you. Lots of different lines rehearsed, ready to ask. Then I saw you in the office there when I arrived, and you smiled. And all my great lines went by the wayside. They all seem too trite to ask now that you're here."

"I was so worried about you, Jerod." Carina's embrace tightens for a moment. "With the war in Amber and, oh, your father, and then being cut off--all the things that could have gone wrong." She steps back, holding him at arm's length.

"And there you were, and--this--" her hand moves to touch the marina necklace, and she stops, overcome for a moment by emotion. "Be trite if you will. I don't care as long as you're here."

Jerod covers her hand with his own as he looks at her, not saying anything. He studies her face, the eyes, before reaching out to touch emerald green hair floating lazily. "I missed that." he says, not hiding what he feels for her. Not from her. Not wanting to hide it from her.

He smiles again, the one meant only for her, the one no one else will ever see. "I'll be here. I hope for awhile. I don't know what's up in the next little while, but I know it's going to be interesting to say the least." he says, pausing. "We'll need to talk. A lot of things have changed out there. Things are not the way they used to be. I'm figuring the same is true for here. I'll need your help for that."

Carina lets out a slow breath.

His gaze drops for a moment before he looks at her again. "And I need you." he says quietly, sure of nothing but the ache in his chest. "A lot of things have changed. But what I feel for you is not one of them. I still felt the same way when I looked out from the castle every day, knowing I couldn't get here. I felt it when I sat on the cliffs where we used to go, and people wondered where I disappeared to." and he smiles shyly. "I felt it when I put messages in bottles and threw them into the ocean. I knew they'd never get here, but I didn't stop trying. And I felt it when I saw my sister in Amber, and I knew then you were okay. I missed you, so much."

Carina meets his smile with one of her own. "When we opened the new stairway, and it didn't lead to Amber, I was afraid that Amber had fallen. When we got word back, I cried because I was so relieved. And so much has happened since you left. Things aren't the way they used to be here, either."

She takes Jerod's hand again. "I'm glad the most important thing hasn't changed."

"So am I." Jerod says, returning the sentiment, letting the moment extend silently, not willing to proceed just at that moment, wanting the rest of the world to go away...just for a little while. But he knows that's not going to happen anytime soon.

Then he smiles. "So much to talk about. And so little time. I'm keeping my mother waiting, just so you know." and he grins. "Of course, given the choice between making you wait or making her wait...well, I'm afraid mom is totally outta luck right now. Though I'll make sure to see her after I leave here."

"I'm figuring there will be a formal dinner invite from the Queen tonight. Do you know if you're going to be part of that?" he asks, waiting for her reply before proceeding.

"I suspect it will be small and intimate. Your grandmother can be capricious at times, but you are much in favor. If I'm there, it will be a concession to you," Carina replies.

"I'm certain Vere will be there as well. He's the cousin who came with me, son of Gerard. I'll introduce you to him when the opportunity arises. Keep an eye on him. He's got a real focus for history and books. You could spend all week talking history with him and not tire him out. He also has a particular talent that may come in handy in the future. He seems to have a connection to the dead or the spirits."

Carina sucks in a watery breath. "That could be very useful. But Jerod, he should be wary; there are bones buried in this castle that your grandmother may not want unearthed."

"I know. I'll be keeping an eye on him too, just to make sure he doesn't do anything too foolish. But I might be digging up some of those bones myself." Jerod says, touching her face gently. "I made promises above, to look into certain things. We may find my favor with the Queen will evaporate very quickly. I must find out what is happening with the Tritons. The past with Martin and Random, and Morganthe also presses. Martin has become...a good friend these past years." he says, smiling. "Part of me needs to understand that better, and what has transpired in that part of his life. He has a lot to face now that Random is king. I'd hope that he didn't have to deal with what I did. He probably will anyway, but I can still hope."

"He's alive?" Carina says, sounding surprised and pleased. "We thought him dead for so long."

He pauses to think for a moment, shaking his head as he runs his fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry. I haven't been back five minutes and already I've gotten back into the old routine of Court and looking for the latest problem." he says. "That was not what I had hoped to do."

"Let us forget for the evening what I just said. It will come back in its own time, but not today. Let us instead focus on tonight. I'm sure grandmother will be suitably demanding, as will mother. But I think I will claim a small privilege to depart before the evening gets too late. I was wondering...if you would like to play tonight." Jerod asks, a bit shyly it would seem. "During the Regency, some of us played during the evenings. I was involved in it, but not as heavily as some of the others. It was hard sometimes, to play...because it reminded me so much of you."

"I've missed our evenings too, Jerod," Carina says, and smiles. "Tonight we'll have dinner and play, and tomorrow can worry about itself."

"I will enjoy that." Jerod says, pausing only a moment before leaning in to kiss her. He does not separate very far from her when the kiss ends but looks at her, smiling as he does. "I missed that too." he says.

"So did I," says Carina, her delicate cheeks flushed just slightly.

"Mother will be waiting." he says, noting the colour of the water outside, the changes in time. "As much as I'd like to stay, I doubt I could get away with putting her off much longer."

"It is always unwise to put off the Princess Rilsa," Carina says, as if she were quoting someone, but she doesn't name the original speaker.

"Go on, then, and I'll see you at dinner." She releases Jerod's arms with reluctance.

Jerod is equally reluctant but does let go. He turns to leave, but stops for just a second, turning back to give her another quick kiss. This one has the sense of being more playful though...not as serious or potentially intimate as the first one. He smiles again as he steps back, the barest fraction of the devil hinting forth, looking happier than he has in awhile. "I'll be back." he says, not trusting himself to try for a third, and then he is off to his mother's apartments.

Jerod's walk through the halls is totally unremarkable.

Which means the surveillance crews are getting better. He's going to have to leave a few bloody corpses in his wake, just to be sure...:)

Rilsa is waiting for him and he is admitted at once to her presence. She rises and embraces him. "Oh, Jerod," she says, as if she doesn't quite trust herself to say more.

"Hello mother." Jerod says, returning the hug, offering the kiss on the cheek as would be customary. "It's good to be home. But where's Loreena?" as he looks around curiously, wondering where his sister is.

"Mother has her deflecting merchants and ambassadors who want to know what your return means. Mother would probably have said something awful and I pulled rank to see you first." She smiles, and then her smile fades. "I've been worried about you. It's good that you're back. We've all been worried about you, Jerod."

"Probably as much as I've been worried about everyone here." Jerod says, smiling as he moves to escort her to a favored chair, assuming she is agreeable to this so they can chat.

"I regret having to keep you momentarily delayed, but I had to attend to something first." he says, knowing that his mother would know what he was referring to. "I'll have to speak to Loreena before I meet anyone, just so we can keep our stories straight when the inevitable deluge of syncophants coming charging forward. Is my old office still available?"

[It is.]

He looks around, noting things, items, changes in the room these last few years. "Things look like they've held up fairly well since the stairway vanished. Better than Amber it would seem."

She nods. "Losing Amber was a shock, and then we got on without Amber. In some ways it's been the best thing that ever happened to Rebma. I'm not sure what happens now, though. I don't think your Grandmother likes the idea of 'King Random' very much."

"Grandmother will like it even less to find out that he was personally selected by Oberon's patron beast, the Unicorn." Jerod says. "According to the reports, it exists. I have a few ideas I need to verify before I can say anything more, though it will make for interesting reading I'm sure.

"Uncle Random will be the least of our problems though." he says. "Just getting here I learned enough that made me wonder what's up. A lot has changed out there. Oberon's death may be bringing old enemies out of the woodwork. Enemies who I think are not going to care to differentiate between his kingdom and one that was a reflection of it. Not to mention what's happening here.

"I'm curious as to what's going on with the Tritons. And can you tell me what Kaia has said to the Queen. I'd rather correct any misconceptions before they become royal policy."

"I haven't heard of anything going on with the tritons," she says, sounding somewhat concerned. "What have you heard?"

"You did not hear what happened with Uncle Corwin's representative, Bill Roth, while being escorted by the Queen's ward?" Jerod asks. "I find that hard to believe. Or the situation with the burglary of Llewella's apartments?"

"We don't know what Roth did to offend the Tritons, but it was cleared up and, because of his status, suppressed. About the same thing would have happened if any of the ambassadors had been in the wrong part of town and said the wrong thing."

She shrugs and continues.

"As to the townhouse burglary, Montage never solved that case, but the only tritons I heard of being involved were the ones Conner murdered. Random really needs to consider who he's protecting. Secretary Conner is bad news."

Jerod can tell from his mother's tone that Random is held in higher regard than Conner, but not by much.

"The question of Conner's guilt remains an amorphous one. One I intend to clarify. He is aware of my intentions, as well as what will happen to him should I prove that in fact he is guilty of murder." Jerod replies. "Though you are correct that Conner is certainly does not possess the best of familial backgrounds. For the record, he is Lord Conner, son of Fiona."

Rilsa nods, not apparently surprised. If she already knew this, she does not mention it at this time.

"If Kaia has not informed the Queen already, I hope that she does so soon. It would be most unfortunate if any of the Queen's loyal subjects decided to take matters into their own hands to deal with the renegade secretary. As for Conner's part, it will be necessary to see what part the Gatwegians played as well, as well as Hargar'el's involvement. Valeria will probably stumble across something in Amber while she's there, but I'm more interested in his dealings here.

"As for the tritons, according to the Queen's ward, Mr. Roth said nothing to them. They were set upon by a trio of them and only avoided injury by the intervention of Atrios."

Jerod pauses in his words for a moment. "Tell me mother, what do you know of Celina?"

"Your sisters don't like her, so don't be swayed by their opinions of her. I'm sure Mother knew that would be the case, but she wanted to remove the girl from a bad influence. Poor girl. Not everyone is as successful as you've been with dealing with a surface heritage in Rebma."

"Perhaps they did not have a mother who was so skillful in dealing with threats to their offspring." Jerod says with a smile. "Giving her child enough time to learn how to cope. Or in some cases, how to duel. Is there anything you can tell me about her before she arrived?" and he will pause to allow his mother time to answer before proceeding.

"Who was this bad influence that grandmother wished to remove Celina from?" he asks. "And have you heard about Hargar'el?"

"They told me about Demond, yes." Rilsa looks tired suddenly. "I wept for him when we first heard of his death. I don't think I have any more tears left, except for Valeria." She shakes her head. "How awful to find him again and then lose him."

"I am sorry mother." Jerod says, meaning it. "He struck me as a bit of scoundrel in some ways but he was likeable nonetheless."

She puts her arms around her son again for a moment, and then lets him go.

Rilsa pauses for a moment, as if considering something, and finally settles on a question. "You're not old enough to remember her before she was exiled, but: has anyone ever mentioned Khela in your presence?"

Jerod shakes his head. "Did she have anything to do with the Libertists?"

Rilsa's expression turns momentarily angry. "I should say so. She's the one who introduced Martin to that b***h Cassia. Khela narrowly escaped the whole thing with her head on her shoulders. Her mother managed to get her quietly exiled. Most people thought she was dead. But it came out that she had married into the Shell of Khrop, out in the Seaward, and somehow wangled a position as a teacher in Celina's school. You can imagine what Mother thought of that."

Jerod nods, making note of the names and adding additional things to look at later, though he says nothing. His mother can read his expressions better than anyone and she'll know this information, while new, does not surprise him at all it seems. If anything, it merely fits into its place.

There is a scratch at the door. It is Nireus, Rilsa's Triton, and Jerod knows the customs of the palace well enough to know that this is a summons to dinner.

"If you need to refresh yourself or change, hurry up. We'll talk more later." Rilsa kisses Jerod's cheek, and lets him go to dress for dinner.

"I am ready now, mother." Jerod says. "I anticipated grandmother would summon us by the time I managed to get here. I hope we can discuss the questionnable background of certain individuals later. Now though it would be nice to have something to eat. And to see my other sister."

"I hope so as well. While we are going to dinner, perhaps you can tell me what you know about what your cousin wants from Rebma. He hinted broadly enough that there was something that courtiers are already considering if there might be a profit in it."

As Vere promised Jerod that he wouldn't wander, but would wait in his room for a summons to dinner, he isn't planning on going anywhere. He will take out his father's trump and look at it for a long time, considering whether it would be wise to contact him to ask for advice. He plays the possible conversation through his head several times, varying his mental approach and considering Gerard's probable responses, eventually comes to the conclusion that there is no way he can explain the situation without admitting certain things that he has never yet mentioned to his oh-so-pragmatic father, and with a sigh puts the card away again.

And waits patiently.

Before Vere has settled back into further thought, there is a knock on his door.

[Assuming Vere answers.]

A pretty woman is at his door. "Good afternoon, Prince Vere. I am Carina, Royal Archivist. Her Majesty asked that I speak to you and learn what I could of your homeland, as it is a place unknown in Rebman lore. Is this a convenient time?"

"Very convenient," Vere responds with a smile. "Please, come in." He steps aside to let her enter then closes the door and turns to face her. "I will be happy to speak of my homeland to you, Archivist," he says. "Would you care to sit?"

"Thank you," she says. "Your father is well known, and considered a friend of Rebma, but it's not known that he had a child. Tell me of these Isles of the Danu. Who are the Danu?"

"More properly, the Dannan," Vere corrects her. "Danu is one of the names of the Goddess, the Mother of all. The Dannan are her favoured children." He smiles, "This, at least, is what the priestesses tell the men of the Isles. Theology is the domain of women, men are not expected to ask questions of matter that they are ill-equipped to understand." He waves that matter aside, "Moving for the moment away from matters of religion, my mother's people are seafarers and hunters, herders and trappers, traders and warriors. We have a longstanding love affair with the sea, and our ships are undisputed mistresses of the waves of our world. We have an abiding affection for art, music and poetry that matches our love of exploration." He laughs softly. "I find that I miss my land, from which I have been long absent. I fear I would go on for hours with her praises, and I know not how much time you wish to spare to listen. Perhaps you could guide my telling through your questions?"

"I am the Royal Archivist and it is my job to listen and learn when people speak. It is perfectly fine with me if you go on, as you say, for hours. I can tell you some questions of interest to me, although I prefer to be vague so as not to guide your telling. In my profession it is frequently important not to influence the person whom I am listening to.

"But in general terms, I am interested in the history, outlook, and mythology of the Dannan, and who the children Danu does not favor might be."

"It will be a great pleasure, Archivist," Vere says. "It is a delight to speak with someone who knows how to listen." He pauses, tilting his head in consideration of where best to start, and then begins to speak. For as long as Carina is willing to listen, and they remain uninterrupted, he will continue to speak, telling her of the history of the Isles, of the ways of the people, and of the relationship of the people to the Goddess. He watches to see what captures her interest, and follows up on such topics, skipping more lightly over matters that seem to interest her less. He includes examples of poems and songs to illustrate various points, and as he speaks he allows the love he feels for the Isles to show. Eventually, but only if time allows, he will speak of the Witch Queens of the East, with their dark interpretation of the Goddess' will, and the ancient war between them and the Dannan, and the truce that came to exist when the Black Forest sprang into existence in the Easterlings' wood, and foul beasts began to issue forth.

Vere has trouble determining what her interests are, although she seems very attentive to broad social and economic topics as well as contemporary politics.

Vere speaks for hours, describing the Isles and the People to Carina. As expected they are interrupted by a knock, and a page with an invitation to dinner for Vere. Carina rises. "I should leave you to prepare for your appointment, Prince Vere. Thank you for telling me of your home. If there is anything I may do for you, I hope you will let me know of it."

"It was a pleasure to have a chance to speak of my homeland to you, Archivist. In many ways, I think it is more similar to Rebma than it is to Amber." He bows to her. "I hope to have a chance to ask you questions of Rebma, when we can find time. There is much I should love to know of her people and her ways."

"It would be a pleasure. Please feel free to visit the archives while you're here." Carina smiles at him, and is on her way.

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Last modified: 10 May 2004