Company of Priestesses

In a moment, Solange disappears in a burst of rainbow light and Robin and Vere find each other alone in the sea between two islands.

Vere smiles fondly at the last faint flashes of light, then looks to Robin. "Shall we on to my mother and Avis?" he asks here. "Or is there aught else we should discuss in this possible privacy?"

"I'm okay with getting on." Robin says as she skootches back over to her original seat. "But if there's anything you want to know," she cocks her head, "I'm seem to be pretty stable right now." She flashes a rueful grin at him.

He returns the smile, then leans down to kiss her.

She returns the kiss with vigor, pressing this moment - rowboat, sky, water, Vere - into the pages of her memory forever.

After a long, timeless moment, he pushes her away gently. "Indeed," he says, his breath slightly ragged. "Let us return to Mother and Avis immediately, so that I can end this problem with the Isles, so that I can return to Father, heal him, and fulfill my oath. I find that presses upon me."

As Robin sits back, her eyes are glowing and her color is high. "Yeah... uh, yeah." She tugs her tunic awkwardly back into position. Another breath lifts her bangs. "Me, too." A rueful and extremely unladylike snigger ripples through the girl.

Those green eyes dart out over the water and sky. Guarding. That's what she should be doing. Guarding... not... A quick glance finds its way back to where Vere sits framed in the sunlight dappling off the water. The breeze lifting an occasional strand of dark, soft, hair into the... Dammit, Robin! Guard! Eyes outward.

Vere turns his attention to the oars, and begins rowing. If he puts more energy into the rowing than is strictly necessary, well, that is no doubt due to eagerness to speed the journey.

The return trip is over quickly, and once they are both on land once more and the boat safely docked Vere takes Robin's hand in his. "Ever onward," he says to her with a smile, before turning and heading for his mother's tent.

Robin has slipped past stability into the place of no words as she glows at Vere and holds his hand tightly. Into the future with Vere, does NOT get better. She walks alongside her love silently thrumming with happiness.

Vere and Robin cross from the beach to the lakeside where his mother's pavilion is placed. She's inside, lying down.

As Vere and Robin approach, she struggles up, wincing a bit.

"Will they have peace?," she asks.

Vere kneels beside her. "We have the basis for discussion," he answers. "But I have a few questions first, Mother. And perhaps Avis should be here, as well." He smiled. "Peace must be based on agreement, and I would not have my sister think I was trying to deny her rights in this."

Robin remains in the background, but very much there.

The Lady suggests they sit in the sunlight to wait for Avis, who is sent for.

Shortly she arrives.

"Lady," she says. "My Goddess," she says to Robin.

Robin nods back to Avis with a smile, but gestures the Princess' attention to her brother.

Vere rises to his feet as Avis arrives, and waits for Robin's gesture before he speaks. "Mother," he says. "And Princess Avis, my sister. The meeting was most... instructive. We have arranged a more important meeting for a few days hence, in the city of Altona, with the Chancellor and a ruler of the Witch Queens. They seem inclined to peace, although there are, of course, issues to discuss."

He regards them for a moment, expressionless, before continuing, "I would like to confirm something with the two of you, if I may. My current understanding is that the entire reason for the Chancellor's rebellion is that she maintained the Goddess wished for peace between the Isles and the Witch Queens. If there is more reason than that, I would wish to understand it fully."

"So she has said," replies the Lady, her voice heavy with regret. "I have no reason to gainsay this. I, perhaps foolishly, did not suppress this heresy when it was small and manageable, and now we pay the price."

"We did not act until her crime of thought and word became one of deed, and by then the poison had spread to half the isles." Avis looks across the island at the gathering of warships in the harbor and the ranks of dragons. "We have and still do pay a heavy price for it."

Vere looks at Robin silently for a moment, then turns back to his mother and sister. "And yet," he muses, "Here we have myself and the Lady Robin saying much the same, that the time has come for peace betwixt the Isles and the Mainland. So one must wonder where the crime lies."

There is only sympathy for her beloved glimmering in Robin's eyes in this moment. In the back of her mind, she hopes that it is not simple cowardice that holds her silent in this meeting, but the feeling that it's not her place to... get in between family.

Avis smiles. "You have yet to bring back human sacrifice, and invite the witch-queens to celebrate it with our people."

Corvis nods. "If you were to, we would have grave reservations."

Vere laughs. "Aye," he says. "I wasna planning on remaking us into their image." He sounds very like his father as he says that.

"But I do wish to being this war to an end, and that will involve making a treaty of peace with the Witch Queens. Such a treaty should end the major difference between the loyalists and the rebels, and we can welcome them back. While reserving the right to discipline their leaders. Robin and I have arranged this meeting in Altona in six days. Mother, I do not think you are well enough to travel. Shall Avis speak for you, or Robin?"

He glances at Robin as he says this, seeking her opinion as well.

A rueful smile tugs at the corner of Robin's mouth. Not that long ago, she called Vere out for being passive in face of the enemy. And here she is being passive in the face of the family. "Avis can speak for me," says the Goddess. Not unkindly, but decisively.

"Then it is settled," says Corvis. "Avis shall go."

"So it shall be," Vere says solemly, with the cadence of an invocation. Then he smiles once more, and adds, "I have not had a chance to speak with you, sister, on anything save grave matters, since I returned. It will be good to travel together, and remedy that."

He looks at Robin, then, thoughtfully. "Altona sits upon a mountain lake, as I recall. Is the fabric of this world strong enough for us to take Martin's boat from the sea onto that lake? Or would such a warping of space and reality be too great a strain?"

"It'd be better to sail out then sail back in." Robin says, "Messing with the local landscape -- even briefly -- would probably not be a good idea."

The Goddess' green eyes dart between son, daughter and mother. A sigh ripples through her. Unfortunately, she just doesn't have any 'diplomatic' speeds.

"Folks? I'd like to discuss the Danu way of passing the baton if we could."

"Of doing what?" asks Corvis, missing the metaphor.

Vere's eyes slit almost closed at Robin's words, but then they open again, and he nods to her, a sad smile flitting across his face. He turns back to his mother and sister.

"My beloved wishes to know of the succession," he explains. He eyes go to his mother's, and he reaches out a hand to her.

Robin nods her confirmation and her sympathy to both her man and his family.

Corvis nods and repeats as if she were a student. "It is a simple but time-consuming affair, reflecting the will of the people of the Goddess. Each congregation discusses the matter amongst the members, and the Priestess listens and interprets it. She meets with her College and discusses the matter with her peers. The College Masters gather in Conclave and discuss the will of their colleges. Disputes are settled by the will of the Goddess as revealed by meditation of the Conclave. There are additional details for members of religious orders and such, but the weight of the decision rests on the Masters."

"Most of them are here," adds Avis.

"Historically," Vere adds, "The final decision is most commonly for a close relative of the previous Lady. Most often a daughter. This is not invariably the case, but it is a rare enough occurance when it is otherwise that it is always remarkable."

"Hmmm...." Robin thinks on it. Could get real 'remarkable' given a portion of the mediation/discussion blocks are in open revolt.

"Is that the only way historically? Short of a war?"

Avis nods. "It is the only way historically, including war, which we no longer conduct against each other."

Robin lets that one go by without comment.

Corvis says, "It is done by Danu's will."

"Indeed," Vere says in response to his mother's statement. He looks at Robin curiously, waiting to see if she is going to pursue the matter further.

Robin just barely manages not to wrinkle her nose at Danu's name.

"Ooookkkkaaay." The Goddess draws out as she looks from Corvis to Avis. "How do you two feel about starting that process now-ish? Too much coup-risk? Too unsettling for the flock?"

Corvis nods. "I would prefer to live out my life, but if I am called to another plane, there is precedence."

"I would like to pass you from this world to wherever Father now travels," Vere observes mildly. "But in the flesh, while you still live."

Robin nods once abruptly, and yes indeed she seems to have picked up that gesture from someone else. But that's exactly what she was thinking. Corvis out of her hair and into Gerard's lap - happiness all around.

Avis looks grim. "I would not be the preferred candidate if one were to include the schismatics."

Vere considers this statement silently.

"Hunh." Robin blows a breath off of her forehead. "Weeelll, if the schismatics hate you less than your mother aaannnddd their lead candidate had her intestines wrapped around my fork..." the Goddess shrugs one shoulder non-chalantly, "let's just keep it in mind for the negotiation table, k?"

A sigh ripples through Robin. "Vere, love? I'm just about talked out. Would you mind checking on the public burnings? I wanna go see if Kourin can arrange a very, very, very high flyby of Uncle Huon's old camp site, just to see what's up. And then I think I wanna stroll around and lissen to this place for a while. Would that be okay with you?" Robin wrinkles her nose. She knows that she promised she would check on the burnings but... if people keep expecting her to think her way through it.... sigh.

"Of course, my beloved," Vere replies. He smiles at her, and reaches out to stroke her shoulder gently with one hand.

A happy croon thrums out of the girl and she rests her cheek against Vere's hand. "Thank you. Love you." she murmurs as her eyes drift close for a moment, "Mmmmm, wonderful man."

And despirt her earlier words, skootches closer to Vere.

Avis looks amused, and Corvis just smiles.

Vere leans down and kisses her forehead. "Away, now, temptress," he whispers. "Let us to our tasks, the sooner to be done. My love is with you always."

Robin chirps happily and bounces up to kiss Vere on the lips, trying to be quick enough not to get lost... oh. Well.

After a moment, she tears herself from him and with a sparkling-eyed wave to Avis and The Lady flits away from the pavilion.

They bow to Robin as she leaves.

Vere watches [Robin] leave, a smile still on his face. Then he turns back to his mother and sister. "Politics," he says. "Let us discuss politics. First, before anything else, it occurs to me that I am am making an assumption without ascertaining the truth. Avis? My sister, tell me true. Do you want to be mother's successor? Or are you merely obeying the call of duty?"

Avis looks at him. "You've been reading romances again, Vere. I am no star-crossed heroine. Of course I want it, and there is no mereness to heeding the call of duty."

Vere laughs. "Aye," he says. "I admit to a trace of that romanticism. But I did wish to be certain that I understood your desire."

He leans forward. "So, then, the situation as I understand it. We do indeed need to bring an end to the war, and I am convinced that means coming to an understanding, if not a friendship, with the Witch Queens. And we want to do this in such a way that Avis is left the clear choice for the Lady. If Mother does agree to leave the world for Father's side, that can be seen as a sign of the turning of the Age, and a fitting reason for a new relationship between the Isles and the Mainland."

He frowns for a moment, then continues. "I have come into the power of my birthright, though I am still young and inexperienced in its use. It is a danger, and a great temptation. Robin and I could easily destroy this world, and thus I must balance my desire to use these powers in your aid with the very real danger of unravelling the very existence of the land I would save."

"Tell me, then, Mother and Sister. What would you have, and how shall we achieve it?"

Corvis sighs. "I would that we were as we were, before the schism. I fear we are irreparably broken, and that we can only regain a fraction of our world. I would that our diminished part be made whole, of course."

Avis strokes her mother's arm. "If the world we have me, I will be her peacemaker, in the name of Dana the Goddess.

Corvis looks down. "I will leave this world, if my leaving would save it. I would go to Gerard, if he would have me."

"Then we have a point to work towards," Vere says with a decisive nod. "As for the burnings that Robin wished to inquire about..." he tilts his head to one side, regarding first his mother, then his sister. "Mother Alabaster spoke of burnings for heresy. Have such truly occurred?"

"Vere..." starts Corvis.

"Of course," says Avis. "After a proper trial, criminals may be executed. Those who are condemned are given every opportunity to repent."

Vere nods, his expression one of understanding. "Of course," he says. "And just to be clear, their crime was to believe that the will of the Goddess was that there should be peace between the Isles and the Witch Queens?"

Corvis looks at Vere. "Generally the crimes of treason and apostasy are not punished by death unless the woman acts on it in a way to undermine the state or the safety of another's soul. Priestesses are required to uphold the law, since they are the spiritual guides for so many."

Vere nods once more. "I wish to be clear on this, Mother. Please, correct me if I am wrong. What you are saying is that those who were put to the flame were killed because they failed to support you once the Chancellor began to speak openly. Their crime was a political one, that of speaking against the throne during a time of civil war."

Corvis looks at him. "We left those who merely spoke against us be, perhaps to our detriment. The crime of treason consists of giving aid and comfort to the enemy, and the enemy who once fought and killed your brothers on the mainland now does so on our own islands."

Avis speaks up. "No one was convicted without a trial, with evidence and rules and the opportunity to defend herself. What are you getting at, Vere?"

"Simply trying to determine the truth, Avis," Vere answers. His voice remains calm. "Alabaster spoke of burnings, and I wished to know the reason. It will be important in determining how far we can go in backing down from our previous hard line against the rebels. If the crime they were burned for was aiding an enemy with which we were at war, and all was done according to law and tradition, then I see little difficulty.

"So, then, I see the following. We are willing to accept that the Goddess wishes us to declare peace between the Witch Queens and the Isles. The nature of that peace can be left to future discussions. For now, I would suggest that it be that they return to the Mainland, and we agree to cease sending expeditions to the land of the Witch Queens until we have settled on a more permanent agreement." He smiles, "That should not be an undue hardship for us, right now we want to concentrate on rebuilding the Isles, and we have not been able to exploit the resources of the mainland during this war, in any case.

"Then, there comes the matter of reconciliation between the rebels and the throne. We are willing to accept that they acted out of good faith, believing they carried out the will of the Goddess, and offer them forgiveness, in return for an end to the war. The Chancellor herself, and perhaps her closest ad visors, I leave that decision to you, must surrender themselves to you for the judgement of the Daughter of Ysabeau, for breaking the peace of the Isles, crimes against the person of the Goddess, and oathbreaking.

"We will hold in reserve, expecting argument and bargaining, the offer that Mother will depart this world, to make a clean break from the past. Then we turn to the matter of the succession."

He frowns then. "Avis, how much difficulty do you anticipate in claiming the throne? While you say that the rebels would not support you, do they have a single claimant that they would unite behind? Or, once the Chancellor is removed, and the reason for their rebellion no longer exists, will they be disunified enough that you can push through with the support of the loyalists, and clever politicking?"

Corvis closes her eyes, taking several deep breaths. Finally she nods. "I think we can talk on that basis. I am not sure you will get all you seek, Vere. Avis will be heir and peacemaker. She will take the throne."

Vere nods. "The future of the Isles shall be hers to decide, of course," he says. "I merely seek to see to it that the Isles have a future, and one that will draw Robin back to our world. I have tried to show her why I love the Isles so much, and I hope the realm beats strongly enough in her blood that she will come to love it as much as I, but so far she has seen only betrayal, war, and death while she has been here."

"Goddesses and peace may not be incompatible, but they do not travel lightly together," replies Corvis. "The arrival of the one is often the departure of the other."

"Aye," Vere says with a nod. "And my beloved certainly is a volatile creature, with a fiery temper and little patience." He smiles fondly as he says this. "Well and enou, let us move on. I wanted to ask of M'Corli. His continuing blindness is a sore point with me. Can we do anything to heal it now ourselves, or is it something over which we are going to have to bargain with Vianis?"

Corvis looks tired. "We have healers working on it, but Vianis's cooperation would help. It is possible that his continuing blindness is metaphysical and our inability to heal it an outward sign."

Vere tilts his head to one side, considering this. "Then," he says, "Reuniting the Isles might heal him of itself, or at least remove whatever impediment there is?"

Corvis nods. "Perhaps. Nothing else has worked, so that can do no worse."

Avis says "It may be that the Goddesses wish to use this to drive us towards a better understanding of their will and this is a sign of it. Have you asked Robin of this?"

"Robin is a very ... physical Goddess," Vere replies. "She has little interest in magic, and I believe her chosen method of dealing with it is simply to overwhelm it with her own power. While that is effective in protecting her, and in ending any enchantments she may choose to dispell, I worry that in a case of subtlety it might result in unanticipated damage to the enspelled individual. It would little profit M'Corli if Robin burnt away the spell, if his eyes burnt away with it."

Avis nods. "We shall continue our efforts in any case. Best to not need this particular negotiating card, but it is good to know that you are considering it. " She pauses. "I am glad you are my brother. Had you been born my sister I would have been quite jealous of you. As it is I can be proud."

Vere smiles. "Thank you, Avis," he answers. "That means more to me than words can say."

He pauses for a moment, then asks, "Is there anything else we need to discuss? Robin is seeking to confirm whether we are correct that our Uncle Huon has left this world, and taken his army with him, as we suspect. Having freed our world from that threat will give us a much better bargaining position with the Witch Queens. While Vianis and her rebels bargained with them for military aid in our civil war, we took it upon ourselves to defeat the threat, unaided. One hopes they will see that as evidence of our loyalty to the will of the Goddess."

"Even without the hand of the passing God Huon, the country is in turmoil from sea to sea, or so we are told. I expect the Witch Queens and their allies will still have problems on their borders. It may be that we are the lesser threat to be made peace with. That would please me." Corvis smiles lightly.

Vere smiles back. "Peace in the Isles, and a treaty with the Witch Queens, with turmoil still roiling their far borders, can only rebound to the benefit of the Isles."

He nods to his mother, and then his sister. "I shall go now to speak with the Children of Lyr. I owe it to them to acquaint them with the possible danger that Huon offers to their homeland, and to promise to lead them back as quickly as I can."

They nod and Vere's mother blesses him.

Octavius salutes Vere as he enters the camp. The officers and men look up expectantly.

Vere smiles and rests a hand on Octavius' shoulder. "The Lady Robin and I were successful," he says, loudly enough for the other officers and men to hear. "We met with the Witch Queen's Eastern allies, sent the offworld invaders scurrying, and have begun talks to end the war. It is a delicate time, of course. Those among the enemy who do not wish peace may seek to attack by surprise to prevent the talks from taking place." He looks around at the watching men. "So we must maintain readiness. No laxness in these final days."

"Officers, attend me in the command tent. Send a runner for Lord Commander Siege and Lord Worth as well, to attend if they are able."

And Vere leads the way to the command tent. He asks for a quick report from Octavius and the other captains concerning what has happened while he was gone, the state of the men's morale, and so forth.

He is waiting for Siege and Worth to either arrive, or for the runners to return to say that they cannot come.

The officers are smiling and relaxed. Siege and Worth arrive in short order. "Brother," asks Siege, "what news?"

"Mixed, as always," Vere tells him, as he rises to greet them. He smiles, and clasps Siege's shoulders, but his voice is serious. "Lord Worth," he says with a nod of the head. "Your foster-daughter sends her love, and to tell you she is doing well."

Worth looks pleased.

He looks around at his officers, then returns to the chair at the head of the table in the command tent.

"What I said where the men could hear it is true, as far as it goes," he tells them. "As always, there is much more to it.

"The Lady Robin and I met with a prince of the Witch Queen's eastern allies, and determined that the story we had been told was true. They have no interest in our affairs, they are allied solely because of the invaders who press them from the east. Lady Robin and I met with the leader of the invaders, who, as we expected, is an exiled Prince of Amber, intent on his own affairs. We believe we have resolved this matter, and the reason for the alliance should now be removed. Lady Robin is confirming this as we speak.

"Therefore, I hope that we have broken the reason for the alliance, and indeed won the Witch Queen's allies over to our side, by doing what they could not. We have met with envoys of the Witch Queens, and of the rebels, and have arranged for further talks in the next few days. It is my belief that we can bring this war to an end through diplomacy.

"This is important for many reasons. Besides the obvious, that we bring peace to the Isles, there is the matter of Rebma. I believe even more strongly now that the invader intends to turn his attention to Rebma next, as I told you before. By now Castor will have brought our warning to Queen Moire, but I hope to be able to lead the Children of Lir back to Rebma, to aid her should she need you.


The officers are both pleased and concerned with the news. Octavius speaks first. "An we are not needed here and have fulfilled our commitments in the Isles, then we should return to Rebma, if she needs us."

Domitian looks up. "Rebma was not too distressed to see us go, are we sure we will be welcome back? We should get news of Castor's mission before we go, if possible."

Vere nods. "I intend to contact King Corwin before it is time for us to depart, to learn what I can of what occurs in Rebma. Castor may well have returned to Paris by then, and be waiting to be brought back, so that he can give us a full report."

He lets his gaze pass over all his officers, not focusing on any one. "My original offer still stands for any officer or warrior who wishes. They may decide to remain in the Isles as honoured heroes of the war. Princess Avis will need support as she rebuilds her shattered realm, and there will be Priestesses and Noblewomen seeking husbands."

He holds up a hand. "But there is time yet to make these decisions. The Children must remain in a state of readiness, in case of any attempts by the more ambitious elements of the rebellion to prevent the talks from going forward. Our war is not yet over, even if the end is in sight.

"As soon as the Lady Robin returns from her scouting mission the two of us will be departing again, to take care of a last bit of unfinished business. We should be gone no more than a day, at most.

"Siege, I will want a word with you regarding overall strategy once this meeting is done. Lord Worth, if all goes well we will be departing from the Isles in just over a week, see that the Kiss is ready to sail the seas of the worlds.

Worth nods. He seems happy at the prospect.

"Thank you, all, for the good service you have done, and will continue to do."

He pauses then, and waits for any other comments or questions before dismissing them.

The officers have no questions, indeed each seems preoccupied with his own thoughts.

"Dismissed," Vere says. He waits as they file out, then smiles at Siege once the two of them are alone. "There is good ale in the pitcher there," he says. "Pour us some, and let us talk. Of the Isles, of the future, and of Avis."

Siege does so. "The brotherhood will have trouble adjusting to Peace, my brother."

"There will be a nation to rebuild," Vere responds. "There will be much to do for men who truly love the Isles. For any who have developed a taste for blood, send them to wipe out the remnants of any monsters in the far East. You will be better off without them."

He accepts a mug from Siege and toasts him silently, then takes a drink. Then he says, "Throughout the worlds the order is changing. Oberon gave his life to save all that is from Chaos, and his son Random now sits the throne of the eternal city. This is reflected throughout all creation. When I leave the Isles, I expect my mother will depart as well. I shall plot carefully to see that Avis is left a secure throne, and not more warfare. But she will need the Brotherhood loyal to her rule, not longing for battles past. And you will need to find a way to make peace with those of our bothers who followed the Chancellor, from misplaced loyalty."

Siege raises his glass in return, and drinks while listening to Vere. "A man who fights for his sister's cause will change his position when she changes hers. Would you take Hartwell back into your brotherhood, though? Would Lady Robin?"

Vere frowns thoughtfully. "For myself? Possibly. I would have to speak with him, weigh his soul, to decide whether I believed he acted out of loyalty or expediency. Robin...." he smiles. "She is not forgiving. She might be content with beating him badly, and then forget about him. Or she might slay him out of hand. Or, it is possible, that she might decide he is not worthy of her attention, and wash her hands of his fate, so long as he never crossed her again.

"But the desires of Robin and myself, while important in the short term for what we negotiate, will not be as important in the long run as what Avis does, and your advice to her. Both of us have other obligations, which will draw us away from the Isles as soon as the peace is concluded. I do not know how long it may be before either of us can return. Years, most likely. Decades. Possibly even centuries." He shakes his head and takes another sip of ale.

Siege nods. "I am not so worried about you and your Lady Goddess, as I am about brothers of the Stag who are more like her and less like you. We will do our best. Of course, official word from the High Priestess will help matters.

"You shall have to greet my great-great grandchildren when you return. I do not expect to live for centuries."

"I dearly hope it will not be so long," Vere answers soberly. "But we both understand the demands of duty."

Kourin is with her riders, on a hillock overlooking a beach covered with dragons.

Wow. Once Robin has turned away, her eyes momentarily cross and she just barely prevents herself from reeling as she fle... leaves the political zone. This is going to be harder than she thought. Ah well, horrific consequences. She and Vere will figure it out. Somehow.

Then the girl's green eyes drift over the beach littered with saurian forms. Oh yeah, much better! She can't help the smile that drifts over her face as she bounces up the hillock toward Kourin and her riders, though she will Listen for the mood of the group she's approaching.

The feeling reminds her of Rangers, near the end of the war. Tired of fighting and not convinced Eric was worth fighting for, but committed men and women.

Kourin stands and turns towards Robin. M'hall rises as well. Both wait for her to speak.

Yep, yep, yep. Robin sucks on her teeth. Been here, done this. Deep Green, how can she make it better for these guys as well?

First thing she does is stoke up the fire. "Hi, guys. How're you holding up? Anything I can get for you?" After all, these are the heroes who fought for and won for Amber off where the universes go wild.

M'hall answers. "No, Lady Craftmaster. We merely await your ability to transport us."

Kourin looks at Robin. "Is there something we can do for you?"

It all feels somewhat strained.

Robin smiles sympathetically. Poor bastards. "Believe me, M'hall, I'll get you guys out of here as soon as I can. As for what you can do for me -- two things if you don't mind.

"One... could you guys put together an emergency evacuation plan? Just in case? I don't think we'll need it, but I'd feel better knowing there was one somewhere. If you've got room - The Lady, Siege, Avis and Lord Worth would be nice targets of opportunity to take as well." Robin stays professional on that one, but she does see the need.

M'hall nods once. "Yes, Lady Craftmaster."

"Second, Kourin? You remember that map we saw in Bran's place? Very strictly idiot-volunteer only, I'd like to get a high, high fly-over of where my Uncle's forces were supposed to be. I'm really wanting to know what his army is up to. But that's totally optional. If you guys don't want to, I completely understand and will figure out something else."

Kourin looks at M'hall, who frowns. "They shoot fire into the sky. I'd rather send a green or a blue."

L'tarn stands. "I'll take it, M'hall. Maranth and I can keep to altitude."

M'hall looks at Robin. "Wingleader L'tarn will take you, Lady, if that meets your needs."

"Thank you, Weyrleader. That'll do just fine." Just the idiot-volunteer she had in mind, Robin doesn't say, as it seems that titles and precendents are important to M'hall. The sparkle in her eye, though, indicates how much she enjoys L'tarn and Maranth's company.

"When would be a good time for you guys?" the Goddess asks politely.

L'tarn bows. "We are at your orders, Lady. Maranth will not need to eat for four or five more days and I am ready at any time." His eyes lose focus momentarily and a great bronze dragon lifts itself from the sand and shakes.

"Soonest begun, soonest done so now is fine." Robin says with a nod. But despite the formal stilted awkwardness around her, she can't keep the smile off her lips or the delight out of her eyes as the sunlight ripples down Maranth's kick-ass bronze form.

She is still smiling fondly when she looks over to Kourin. "If Vere comes looking, will you tell him what I'm up to?"

"We shall, Lady," says M'hall.

"C'mon," says L'tarn. "Soonest and all that." He offers her his arm.

A happy chirp burbles out of Robin and she puts her hand on L'tarn's arm. With a nod for Kourin and M'hall, she and the bronze rider head off.

The bronze is waiting for them a short distance away. The bronze rider offers her a leg up onto the great beast. Maranth twists his serpentine neck and looks at her as she climbs on, his eyes gently spinning.

Robin grins to Maranth. "Hi there, gorgeous."

"Where are we going, Lady?" asks L'tarn.

"Well, Hoshith knows, if Maranth can get the coordinates from her. Otherwise-" Robin proceeds to give a fairly decent description of the aerial route she, Vere, Kourin and Hoshith flew earlier to Altona. After that, Robin describes the map she saw in Bran's office, particularly the mountain range where the scouts with rifles were captured.

"Maranth, please get your coordinates from Hoshith... Thank you, tell her we are always careful." He pumps a fist in the air and Maranth's great wings flap twice and lift him and his riders into the air. The air rushes past Robin and Maranth's neck muscles settle into a long flying rhythm.

A quick smile dances across Robin's face. Careful. Yep, that's what leaps to mind right away when she thinks of L'tarn and Maranth. Then the mild sarcasm is whisked away by the exuberance of flight and a happy trill burst forth from Robin.

"The blackness will last for a 3 count, 1, 2, 3. Hang on to the straps. I don't know if we can get you back if you let go." She can't see his face, but it sounds like he's smiling.

Robin snickers and bumps his back with her head. "I'd come back just to get you."




And Maranth breaks out far above the mountain ridge, very high in the air and (they hope) above the range of rifles.

A garbled, happy chirp peeps out of Robin both at the return of sunlight and at the wonderful, wonderful height. Immediately she is craning around in her seat looking over the situation with a rather obvious lack of fear of falling.

"How's Maranth eyesight?" she asks "What can he see?"

"Maranth's eyesight is quite good, but he sees as a dragon sees and it's not always easy to tell what is important. If you're looking for dragon-sized food animals from this altitude, nothing can beat him. If you want to know about troop movements, you'll have to do some interpreting."

There doesn't seem to be anyone on the ridge, certainly not anything like an organized military force.

Robin smiles and nods at L'tarn's explanation. Makes perfect sense to her, she has the same problem with words.

"Got it. Maranth? Can you see any big herds of men who might have chased away all the dragon-sized food animals in these parts?" While the question is serious, the tone of voice is definitely light.

L'tarn gets a far away look in his eys. "No obvious camps, no marching troops, no battlefields. We'll fly a pattern across the area. Don't worry, we'll stay pretty high up. Let me know if you get cold." He smiles.

"Great!" Robin chirps back with a smile. "If you guys notice any trampled army-sized paths, let me know too." The Ranger doesn't seem too concerned about getting cold in a high wind.

Maranth flies over the landscape and quarters his way back towards

It's hard to say from the air what happened here, but it looks like there was an army in these parts in the not too distant past. It bypassed the city and seems to have gone on to Lady's Town. The trail stops there. There are smaller forces abroad, but no army. There may be more to the North, but not that will plague the west any time immediately.

It looks as if some factions of the remains may have fought, at least in one place as far east as Maranth flies.

Robin nods to herself. "Okay, guys. We'll call that good."

Then her head cocks in thought. "You boys got anywhere you need to be?"

"Why, no, Lady Robin. Not until the whole Weyr does. But we were told by M'hall not to travel backwards in time." Robin thinks he'd break that rule if he felt like it.

"That's actually a good plan, L'tarn. At least existence-wise for right now." Robin's lips cock wryly. Agreeing with M'hall is not high on her list of must-do's but it be kind of a shame if L'tarn and Maranth larked around a little and sucked all of Danu down a time hole behind them or something.

"Listen, I'm trying to get a good Listen to this place and I have not had a chance to Hear it aaalllll. Would you guys mind a grand aerial tour? Just something to help me get a feel for this world?"

Maranth begins to circle upwards, gaining altitude.

"We can only go so high, Lady, before it becomes difficult to fly and difficult to breathe. In our home, it is rumored that one can fly from the eastmost known place and end up in the far west. No one would risk such a precious thing as a dragon and a rider on it during wartime, but it was in my mind to try. A straight flight across our continent was a journey of several days. I can't tell you if this one is of the same size. I can show you what we can see, of course, but I can't guarantee you we can easily encompass the whole of the world."

"I don't want you guys to hurt yourselves, just lookin' to look. Whatever you're up to." Robin smiles easily at L'tarn's back, knowing that both he and Maranth can hear it in her voice.

As Maranth rises, the landmarks begin to become indistinct, to the point that Robin is only vaguely sure where there are cities, because of the lack of forests at river mouths.

Robin's breath catches in her throat at the glory of the wind and the open sky, Maranth's steady wingbeats, L'tarns steady breaths, the thrill of freedom in the air.

After a moment though, she calms down and leans comfortably against L'tarn. Closing her eyes, Robin lets herself begin to drift on the airs - Hearing. There - that wonderful brassy florish... thing, that's L'tarn. And twined with him, a rumbling bass-line of delight, Maranth. From those two, she turns her Hearing outward.

At such a height, there is little to hear that one hasn't brought with oneself. The world has a quiet to it, the quiet of a forest where a predator has passed. The birds that went to ground and stopped their singing are just thinking of flight and food and mates and life.

Nothing sounds out of tune or out of place in the overall sounds that Robin can hear, either with her ears or with her Hearing. Of course, the farther away from a disturbance she is, the greater it would have to be to Hear it.

Robin nods to herself with her eyes closed and lets the quiet seep into her.

"Thank you... good. Now, if you could, slowly. Down into the life..." when she's Hearing it's hard to speak, but she does her best.

L'tarn signals Maranth to drop lower, and the great dragon makes some lazy turns that bring him and his passengers closer to the ground. But even at the lower altitude, Robin cannot Hear the sort of disturbance she would expect from an army.

She may still be too far away, but if she drops lower, she may be putting herself and L'tarn and Maranth at risk.

(OOC - Robin's not really trying to tune into anything in particular - armies or disturbances, etc - she's just trying to get a feel for what this world Sounds like for her planned Heal the World fiasco. ;) )

"Mmmmm.... hmmmmm...." Robin hums quietly, trying notes and sounds out under her breath. Eventually her eyes open and she pats L'tarn on the back and Maranth on the hide.

"Okay, boys. Thank you so much. Let's head back." She chirps. Though it's obvious that she would really, really rather fly around forever than re-entrench herself with the politicians.

Maranth hovers for a moment, and L'tarn says "here we go."

The blackness is complete, beyond feeling the cold. It's a nothingness, not unlike the black road. As that unpleasant thought crosses Robin's mind, the dragon returns to reality and begins to circle down to the beach. Dragons on the shore bugle their welcome to their brother.

Robin releases the clutch that unexpectedly tightened on L'tarn and leans out over Maranth's shoulder to smile and wave to the dragons. It's all she can do to resist bugling back - but since she doesn't want to interrupt Maranth's welcome, she restrains herself.

As it is, she contents herself to enjoy the flying as much more as she can squeak in before Maranth lands.

All too quickly, Maranth is on the ground and Robin and L'tarn are alighting. Not much of the day has passed. If Robin asks anyone, Vere is in a tent with his officers, not far away.

Robin thanks Maranth and L'tarn profusely -- big hugs for both the fantasique boys -- and then she sets her feet toward Vere's tent. As she walks a sigh ripples through her. While she's looking forward to seeing Vere again, it's getting harder and harder for the Goddess to remain on task. Robin knows that pretty soon she's going to get up to something hair-raising whether she wants to or not. Soooo best it be under controlled circumstances.

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Last modified: 25 November 2007