As much as Garrett would love to explore in Shadow, the impending joyous events of his mother's arrival in Xanadu and the upcoming funeral mean he will simply have to wait. He dares not leave the realm given the unpredictable time flows. There certainly are worse places to wait, however. Garrett uses the time to ride and explore the town and surrounding countryside.
Early in his stay in Xanadu, probably at that first dinner with the King and Queen, Garrett finds out about Lucas's murder. He is clearly moved by this unexpected event and offers any help that might be needed. Despite their skirmish over Martin's trumps, Garrett liked Lucas and held no grudges. He writes a letter of condolence to Solace and the children, which he asks his Aunt Flora to deliver when he calls to offer her his regrets.
He also questions Soren and Ash, privately, about the protocols involved in bringing Anna and the girls to Xanadu. Just exactly how DOES one settle the unpredictable, hot-headed former lover of the King who also happens to be the mother of a Prince of Xanadu? He ponders the problem of having his sisters educated as the Queen has requested while dealing with his mother's raging temper. Suggestions on proper housing arrangements and the best liquors to drown out the desire to wring necks are welcomed.
Ash tells him that there are a few options. He can give his mother a giant pile of money and a pony and some ice cream and make her a countess and she can retire to terrorize servants for the rest of her life, or he can give her all that and settle her is some shadow where she can do basically the same thing, or she can hang about, raging on all the time, and getting ignored. Worse case, she commits the kind of treason that can't be ignored and we don't.
It's not really up to us, but her and you.
When word comes that the ship is arriving in the harbor, Garrett dutifully is there to meet it. He greets his family warmly and spends the day showing them around, settling them into whatever accommodations have been recommended and asking them about their trip. When he has a few free moments, he commissions the armorer for a handsomely crafted short sword to reward Abdallah for his patience.
And though it probably does not need saying, Garrett checks in on Lilly frequently.
On an evening a couple of weeks after his arrival in Xanadu, Garrett searches out his Uncle Bleys.
Garrett finds Bleys in the library, supervising the librarians who are unpacking crates of books. "Hello your highness,looking for a book?" he says. He picks up the reading glasses that are on the table beside him, folds them and places them inside his jacket pocket.
A castle page, barely younger than Garrett, finds the Prince. "Your pardon, your highness, but Lord Soren requests your presence outside as soon as possible."
The page doesn't explain why. [If pressed, he will say that the Lord is with Ash and Lady Robin.]
The city, when Robin sees it, is much smaller and more open than Amber. Built mainly from wood with some stone structures under construction, it looks more like an overgrown town than a city. It sits around the arms of a giant, perfectly circular bay and the bay is perturbed by a great waterfall that cascades down the cliffside in two bounds. At the level where the first falls hits the rocks, there is a lake. Robin recognizes it immediately.
What is new, aside from the growing city, is a great house made of stone, built with wide windows and porches that sits beside the lake. The town doesn't look defensible, and the cliffside is all that protects the castle. Flying from the house is Random's Red Unicorn banner. The king is in residence.
As Robin rides through the town, her green eyes take it all in. As does her Hearing, listening for the symphony of the new Pattern and the new center of Reality. By the time she reaches the 'Castle' there are tears of both joy for the new and mourning for the old glimmering in her eyes.
Castle Xanadu has a ledge rather than a wall. As Robin reaches it, so does a man, on foot. He's tall and shaggy-looking. He waves at Robin as she rides up the cliffside road.
As the man approaches, Robin snortles inelegantly and rubs her eyes clear.
"Hail the Castle." She says with a wave back. "I'm Robin, daughter of Prince Julian, with an honored prisoner. The Regent of Amber sent me to report to the King. But, if possible, I'd like to use the..." she wrinkles her nose, "Trump Booth first?"
The man nods. "We saw you coming. I'm Ash, Lord Mayor of the future city below us. The Trump Booth is a humongous Royal Secret that the King wants us all to pretend we don't know about, so you'll need his permission to even be allowed to pretend to you don't know about it. Do you and your prisoner need to rest or will you be able to see his majesty right away?"
Robin takes in the information regarding the non-existence of the Trump Booth with a blink. "Okay," she acknowledges as she dismounts.
"Well met, Ash." She nods with a friendly smile. "Brij mentioned your name to me recently. It's nice to meet you.
"There's no hurry to bother the King right away. A rest and a cleanup would be nice. But.... do you think his majesty would be able to meet with us in private? There's some kind of delicate... things... in the air." Robin waves her gauntleted hand vaguely.
Ash raises an eyebrow. "We're pretty low on cells, in fact the only one we've got wasn't really supposed to be one and it full. Who have you captured, Lady Robin?" Ash comes forward and leans down to look under the hat she's placed atop Venesch. "Not Huon, is it?"
Robin moves gently but quickly to intercede Ash, using the excuse of untying her guest from his horse. "No," she chuckles with heavy irony, "it's not Huon. In fact, it's one of the delicate things I was mentioning. I'd appreciate it if he could stay with me until further notice."
Her head cocks and she looks back to Ash. "Uh, by the way, who's in the not-cell? And why?" She's not looking worried or guilty, oh no.
"Hmm? Oh, well. It's not Huon, from what I hear."
Venesch speaks up, in a clear voice from under the veil covering his face.
[OOC: Note, Robin can interrupt him with more or less violence as he speaks, as she sees fit.]
[OOC: Thanks for the thought, but Robin's not going to interrupt. :) ]
"I am Enguerrand du Venesch, a soldier of the King of Amber, and I have been attacked and kidnapped. I protest my imprisonment and demand freedom or to be taken to the King immediately."
Ash looks up at Robin, questioningly.
A wry smile ticks the corner of her mouth and ironic humor sparkles in her green eyes. "Everything he just said is true," she says to Ash.
Then turns to Venesch in fond exasperation, "But we have already discussed your freedom, Venesch, and it's not up to us to decide if the King is immediately available. After all, no one is injured or dying here and the King just might have more on his mind than your or my little concerns." She chides gently with a chuckle.
"Lord Ash, Lady Robin has confessed to assault upon a soldier of the King, which is treason and a breach of the King's Peace. It is your duty to arrest her and free me, as I am not even accused of anything by the self-confessed traitor."
Ash looks annoyed. "Lady Robin, I'm really sorry you told me that. Lord Venesch, I am outside of my jurisdiction, which extends to the City of Xanadu below us." He reaches out, and unless Robin makes a definite move to stop him, removes the hat that has been covering Venesch's face.
"Lady Robin, do you have any reply? And failing that, do you have a suggestion of what I, and more importantly the castle officials should do now?"
Robin doesn't make any move toward Ash other than to smile sympathetically.
"Well, I can't stand here and call the man a liar, Ash. But I can say that I find his logic flawed -- really flawed -- and his statement incomplete. And without going too much into it for Venesch's sake, it's kind of important that he stay in my custody.
"Ssssooooo," the Ranger drawls as she rubs her chin in thought, "I guess I'd recommend that you and the castle officials find somewhere, preferably outdoors or at least fairly exposed, to stash us. Together. Until someone with sufficient jurisdiction to handle a dispute between a soldier of the King of Amber and a member of the Family Royal can be found. Oh, and someone should probably tell Prince Jerod what's going down." Robin finishes with a nose-wrinkle. Oh, yeah, that going to be fun.
Ash looks uncomfortable. "Alright, without at least a charge, he's pretty much got the law on his side. Lady Robin, it would be easier if Gilt, or Soren, had some inkling why you've taken him prisoner and dragged him here."
Gilt Winter walks out of the castle doors -- gates wouldn't really be a good description. Robin can't quite tell exactly what is passing between them, but Ash looks Gilt and Gilt shakes his head, minutely.
Ash speaks before Gilt can ask, at least with words. "This one's over our heads. Who's in residence?"
"Prince Ger--, no he's not to be disturbed. Prince Garrett."
Ash looks at Gilt, who nods.
Ash turns to Venesch and Robin, with a bland smile on his face. "We're sending for Garrett. He can sort this, in the King's absence."
Venesch nods. "And Commander Thorn, please. One way or another he shall be needed."
Robin nods to the mayor. "Sorry to make this so difficult on you, Ash, but as I said, it's delicate. And I'm not one to air dirty laundry in the courtyard like some fish-wife." She shoots an exasperated look to Venesch. "So I'll just hold my peace until the Prince and Commander are available."
Garrett, Garrett... that name seems familiar. Wait, the lad at dinner, the one her firelizards... ooog. Ah well. But that does bring up another point.
"Ash? Can I introduce you to some folks?" Robin lifts her head and delivers a piercing whistle.
Down out of the Xanadu sky, where they've been circling high to avoid the temptation and attention of the City of Xanadu, flutter the two bronze and one golden streak of Robin's friends. She greets the firelizards with open arms and a big smile, settling them on her shoulders and within her arms.
"These are Peep, Chirrup and Ooot." She introduces each firelizard in turn to Ash and Gilt. "They're with me, but they're just babies yet and still a little wild. If they get into anyone's business, I'd appreciate it if anyone came to me. Instead of taking it out on the little ones." She says with earnest goodwill.
Ash nods. "I wouldn't worry about the castle staff. A word from Gilt here and all will be fine. I can take care of the town, as well. I can't wait to explain these to Soren. It's like the time Folly and Haven brought a kitten on tour with us."
Gilt shakes his head. He holds out an arm and Ooot lands on it as if it were a branch. They stand looking at each other.
Thorn comes out a side door of the palace and walks over to the group, looking inquisitively between Venesch, Robin, and Gilt.
Robin beams to Ash. "Thank you. Kittens are good," she confirms with a nod, "but these little guys? Oh, they're wonderful." She beams further at the sight of her bad boy so calmly perched on Gilt's arm.
"Commander," Robin nods to Thorn. "I find myself in a dispute with here Captain Venesch. We're waiting for Prince Garrett. And then we can--- hopefully," she glances meaningfully at Venesch, "go somewhere quiet to discuss it."
As if on cue, Prince Garrett strides out of the castle behind a young page. He's not dressed as one ready to adjudicate a dispute, but then again, those knowing Martin would recognize the "dressed for comfort" look. The only difference is that Garrett's casual style is more Amber-like, with a loose shirt, dark trousers and well-used boots.
He surveys the assembled group with a furrowed brow. Finally settling his gaze on Ash, he says, "Um... Report?"
Ash nods. It's almost a head-bow. "Your Highness. She showed up with him as a prisoner and asked to see Sy--Random and has not explained why and he says she kidnapped him illegally and wants to be let go."
Gilt and Thorn look at each other and quickly turn back to Garrett.
Garrett quirks an "Is this so?" look at Venesch before Robin continues.
Robin nods to Garrett as well. "Ash is correct, Your Highness." She sends a smile to Ash and another nod for the nicely even-handed report.
"But, if I may, I'd also like to add my request for further discussion to be private and for Prince Jerod to be notified."
"Fairly taken," Garrett concedes with a single nod. "Thorn, we'll use the office in the guard house. Gilt, I'll need you to take notes. And... Ash." He turns to the scruffy lord mayor, but before he can say more, Ash anticipates him.
"The Lord Mayor will go fetch Prince Jerod now, and Thorn, can you clear the guards' office for us?" The two men bow and leave.
Gilt smiles. "Now, your Highness, my Lords and Ladies, let us retire to the guards quarters."
Robin nods to Gilt and returns his smile. "Thank you." She'll let Prince Garrett proceed her and then escort Venesch into guard house herself.
Garrett, still unused to being on the receiving end of such prompt service, chuckles slightly, then turns more serious as he leads the way toward the guard house. He observes Robin's handling of Venesch and the warrior's reactions with sidelong glances, but he does not stare.
Once they are inside the guard house, the young prince stands before the desk. He waits quietly for everyone to settle into place.
Venesch sits in a chair, the ropes binding his wrists clearly on display. Thorn reaches for his knife, then looks to Prince Garrett.
Gilt leans against the mostly closed door. It might seem disrespectful if it wasn't clear he was strategically placing himself to prevent them from being interrupted.
"I'll get it, Commander." Robin says to Thorn. "After all, he is still in my custody." That she directs pointedly to Venesch as she moves to untie him.
If that goes well, Robin backs up to lean against a wall and settles her fair around herself. She's been ridin for a while and doesn't really feel like sitting. There she waits for how the Prince wants to do this.
Garrett observes the process wordlessly, studying the posture and body language of both parties. He does not direct either party to stand or sit while he waits for Jerod. Their choices will speak for themselves. After a moment, he leans back against the desk, crossing his arms across his chest to give himself something to do with his hands. He glances down at Robin's little fair. "They gonna behave?" he asks dubiously.
If she's heard anything about him, Robin might remember that Prince Garrett is more of a horseman than a dragonman. And horses and dragons notoriously do not mix well.
Robin looks at Garrett with sincere eyes, "We're all gonna behave, Highness. It's important to us."
The prince nods once. "Very good."
He turns to Thorn and inclines his head toward the door. "When Prince Jerod arrives, show him in."
Gilt turns to Robin and says, "Lady Robin, will you explain to us why you have brought a soldier of the King's to this castle as a prisoner?"
"Certainly," Robin nods firmly.
"Gilt, Highness, Commander," She looks between the three of them. "Captain Venesch is not in my putative custody, he is in my protective custody.
"About 2 days ago, our time," Robin gestures between herself and Venesch, "I came across Captain Venesch in the palace gardens. He was preparing to commit suicide because 'he had destroyed his honor' he said. I tried to talk him out of it -- to help him -- but Venesch was adamant that his only options were to kill himself there, to kill himself in front of the King or to make war upon the King. Since none of those options were acceptable to me, I hit him. Once. To restrain him. Then I snuck him out of the Castle so that none of his men would have to see or wonder about the incident.
"On the way here, Venesch was kind enough to promise not to take his life or make war upon the King while in my custody." She darts a pointed glance at Venesch. Loudly calling her a traitor in the courtyard of Xanadu Castle comes dangerously close to 'Suicide by Royal' in her book. "But he couldn't promise not to try to escape. So I bound him. Other than those two indignities, I have treated Venesch humanely as possible.
"You see, I brought a soldier of the King to this castle against his will in the hopes that someone here could help him. Could save his life. My understanding of his injury is limited and my bedside manner?" She gestures with the rope. "Rough and ready, at best. But I'm gonna do what I can for one of Amber's best men. Including enduring his accusations and his anger."
She finishes with a flat unhappy line to her lips and determination in her eyes.
Garrett listens patiently, nodding at places to indicate his understanding, but otherwise giving no indication of emotion. At the end of Robin's speech, he gives a final nod. "Thank you."
Venesch sits straight and tall, unmoving throughout the recitation of Robin's actions and reasons.
He turns to Venesch. "Captain, you may speak. I'd like you to recount the events from your point of view from the time you first encountered Lady Robin until you arrived in Xanadu. Do not argue her points. I will question both of you when I have heard both sides cleanly."
"That you for your kindness, Prince Garrett. I must inform you that I no longer hold that commission. There is little to tell beyond what you have been told. The Lady Robin treated me as an animal, unfit to make moral choices as if I was her steed and the people her stable. If word of this insult to me and to my family were to reach my homeland, my family would be in double jeopardy, first from others who would consider them weakened by my state and second from the righteous anger that they would feel against Amber, which might lead them to rash and reckless acts," Venesch says.
It is on the tail end of Venesch's comments that Jerod arrives, Commander Thorn in tow. He is wearing his new colours and his father's sword, but the spear is not in evidence. He registers the scene in a single blink but remains silent for the moment.
Garrett acknowledges Jerod's entrance with a glance, but his attention remains on Venesch.
"It is therefore that I demand satisfaction from the Lady Robin, who is a disgrace to her ancestors and a danger to Amber, in whose service I will gladly kill her on the field of honor."
Princes are supposed to act, not react, but Garrett is unable to hide his surprise at the request for trial by combat. With effort, his reaction is limited to a slightly arched brow, however.
Robin is not capable of keeping her emotions off her face at Venesch's recital. Though she remains standing where she is -- arms folded, lizards under control -- her feelings shoot through her like lightning and are quite apparent.
First there's shock, 'Wow. He is _really_ mad.'
Then wry sympathy, 'Well, I would be too in his situation.'
Concern, 'There's the family and allies again. But if they are in danger, why doesn't he just ask for aid as instead of threatening the King and...'
Anger, 'Me!' and she fights back a feral snarl.
Thoughtfulness, 'He _is_ trying to commit Suicide by Royal, isn't he?'
Anger again, '@#$*&!!! He promised!'
Finally she fights herself to resigned acceptance, 'What a bloody mess.'
And nods to the Prince who just entered the room.
Jerod returns the nod precisely but remains silent, his attention focussed mostly on Garrett but including Venesch. He smiles to himself at the thought that the King's youngest will be deciding his first case of Court importance, and hopes that he does as well or better than Jerod did on his first try. A comment his father once made, about "playing with the big dogs" enters his consciousness for a moment but he ruthlessly suppresses it to prevent himself from chuckling at a time which is most certainly not appropriate for such behaviour.
Garrett purposely does not look at Jerod as he considers the arguments before him. He is extraordinarily aware of his presence though, much as a newly-knighted squire is aware of the seasoned veteran in the stands watching him ride in his first joust. There is far more at stake here, however. The young prince's posture remains as straight and formal as he can make it.
"Lady Robin," Garrett begins, pausing for emphasis and to get his words in proper tone and order. "Though my first-hand Shadow experience is not yet extensive, I already understand that the peoples in different shadows maintain different values. While it may seem the admirable course for someone from Amber to keep a valued individual from harming himself, if that individual hails from a shadow in which death is required to maintain honor or position, you've done him an extreme wrong under the rules of that culture. This is so regardless of what our own culture tells us is right and proper."
Robin draws a quick breath in at 'extreme wrong.' For a moment, her memory assaults her with the sounds of Cloud's pain-filled whinnies and the feel of Danu shredding under Jovian's desperation. And the girl can't help but fear that she's harming something she cares about by forcing it to live.
But just as quickly comes the memory of Girth dying under her blade and the words she used to let Canareth go. And Robin knows that she has not turned from her Ranger's convictions.
Her eyes dart to Venesch. Who is not dying in pain, who is not killing a world, and who has -- as yet -- not attempted to murder his commanding officer. Yep, 'extreme wrong' or not. It's not affection that's keeping him alive at this point, it's duty.
Because regardless of the lad's misunderstanding of who belongs to what culture, Robin remains committed to her oath to the King. And that oath supersedes both her own cultural bias and Venesch's. That Venesch can't seem to understand that, well that's just something she's going to have to grow around.
So while Robin's expression may show a certain sulleness, there is no rebellion or denial in her eyes or posture.
"However...," the young prince continues, turning to look intensely at Venesch, "those of us in the Royal Line don't take kindly to threats of vengeance against Amber or to insults hurled at members of the Royal Family. Lady Robin, daughter of Prince Julian and granddaughter of King Oberon, in her attempts to keep you from your 'honorable death', may have wronged you in your own culture, but the words that you have aimed at her here before me and those assembled have wronged her in ours."
Garrett pauses, then asks pointedly, "Lady Robin has quoted you, Venesch, as claiming that you must either kill yourself in front of the King or make war upon the King. Is this statement correct?"
Venesch thinks for a moment His eyes move towards Jerod, but snap back to Garrett. "I beg to differ. It is not necessary for the King to be present. There is a fourth path open to me, which is to have my satisfaction against the Lady as I have demanded. If I lose, then my family's honor is maintained. If I win, the King may dismiss or exile me, and it will be mete."
Jerod's gaze does not shift one iota. There is no evidence of the Court mask however, only a patient focused expression, a waiting in the "now". It is doubtful that either Robin or Garrett would recognize this change in Jerod, given how little Court experience they might be able to associate with him, though Venesch is certain to recognize a difference.
"Sooooo," Robin drawls to Venesch, "If I hazard my life against you, you'll live? No more suicide attempts? You'll remain in the King's service?"
There's a note of suspicion in Robin's voice. These civilized men and their civilized words, so much like lies, justifications and escape clauses. She wants to be sure.
"I don't reckon it's that simple, Lady Robin," Garrett interjects. "Venesch resigned from the King's service for allowing Prince Huon to escape the dungeons of Amber. He apparently received the prisoner with no knowledge that he had an inherent means of escape and no instructions regarding his placement." He lets that hang for a moment. "Prince Caine, as Regent, accepted that resignation."
Robin's eyes narrow briefly at that hanging moment. Funny, how everyone seems so... concerned about what happened after that moment, but doesn't mention what was occurring just before that moment. She shakes her head briefly to scatter the nascent growl. This is not the time for that particular fight.
Venesch nods. "Thank you, your Highness. Yes, I have insulted the Lady, for that is required for one to duel. Our mutual insult is such that we cannot be reconciled and must face each other on the field of honor. It does not matter, as it would in less dire insults, that I was first injured by her.
"I have issued the challenge. To refuse would be the act of a coward, and while I name her traitor, I do not think the Lady so base as that."
He turns to Robin. "If the King would have me after I dueled you, I could return to his service. Or retire. I have served long enough. But it is an unseemly act of vanity for a gentleman to consider the possibility that he will survive a duel."
The sunlight coming out from behind the clouds is visible in Robin's eyes, but she manages to restrain the 'ooooooohhh.' Instead, she cocks her head for a moment, considering. Would she run into a burning forest after Venesch? The answer is a resounding yes; therefore she looks at Venesch and replies, "I would gladly meet you on the field of honor, you whining bitch," with absolutely no rancor at all.
"Provided, of course, the King allows it." One gauntleted hand gestures to Garrett.
Jerod looks over at Garrett for his response.
Venesch turns towards Garrett as well. "Highness, if the King or you as his representative allow our duel to go forward, we have no quarrel needing your assistance, merely dueling weapons of Lady Robin's choice and a place where we will not be a risk to innocent bystanders."
Ash looks up at Gilt, who makes a shushing hand gesture towards him. Thorn also looks as if he is holding back from saying something. All eyes are on Garrett.
Garrett stares at the two would-be combatants long and hard, his jaw set firmly and his arms held still before him to hide his nervousness at his first major decision. The young prince's relief that Robin and Venesch seem to have come to an agreement on their own is squelched by the nagging feeling that it was too easy; that something is about to go horribly wrong because, in his inexperience, he has missed some major point entirely.
However, considering the long-standing tradition of the duel in Amber's noble society, the request has its merits and deferring to others in the room with more experience would be a sign of Royal weakness. The decision must be his and his alone.
"So be it," Garrett finally says with a formal nod. "The duel shall be held at sunrise tomorrow morning in a location selected by Thorn and approved by Venesch to avoid harm to those not involved. Weapons shall be selected by Lady Robin as the Challenged. Terms shall be to First Blood."
Anticipating that this might not be satisfactory to Venesch, he states firmly, "You are both far more valuable to the Crown alive than dead. There are too many funerals lined up already. I will not be responsible for another."
Jerod's focus now shifts to Venesch to watch his response, waiting to see if his old arms master responds as he expects. Whether Jerod agrees or disagrees with the young Prince's decision is not immediately evident.
Robin nods, her mouth in a flat line, flickerings of various emotions dancing through her eyes. But arms and lizards remain where they are as she ponders.
Her preference would be knives. But she suspects that Venesch might not be happy with an honor duel fought street-style, so no. Her second strength, long-bow, is just silly. Besides, Venesch would be waaaay over-matched. With a sigh, she realizes that she's going to have to match in what is probably one of Venesch's strongest suits.
"Swords. First blood," she says, hoping she's got this all right. Because, isn't there supposed to be 'seconds' or something? People who handle the details while one is preparing for... whatever? Damn, this civilized Amber customs anyway. How's a body supposed to keep them all straight?
Gilt looks to Venesch and Robin, then to Prince Garrett. "Thank you, your highness, the rest of the details can be worked out. If the combatants would send seconds to me, I will make arrangements." Gilt seems to be ready to break up this meeting.
Thorn clears his throat. "Highness, I regret that another must be found to fulfill the role you have assigned to me. I intend to offer my services to my Commander as his second."
Venesch looks over at his former guardsman. "Thank you, Thorn, but I have not yet accepted the terms." He turns slightly to face Garrett. "Your highness, I must regretfully protest." Venesch replies, "Such a duel is not in keeping with the gravity of the offense charged. We are not discussing an accidental slight to a lady, but an accusation of high treason. Only--"
Gilt interrupts. "Do you suggest then that you will duel until one of you is not capable of continuing?" He turns to the Prince. "Anything more than that, and it might as well be trial by combat."
Robin keeps her peace as she watches the civilized men at work. This path is of Venesch's choosing, for all that she's agreed to walk it with him so she doesn't really have any input at this time. However, her nose wrinkles in distaste as she starts working out how much she's going to have to rough Venesch up to keep his honor intact. Bleah.
Garrett's demeanor turns from patient to downright chilly. He glares down at the former captain. His voice has taken on the excessively controlled, frosty edge of one determined not to lose his temper. "Venesch. Yes. Your honor was sullied by Lady Robin's not permitting you to take your own life. I see that. She erred, but for what she believed to be the good of Amber. What I also see is you throwing out threats against the realm as a means to push me to allow you to kill yourself by Royal decree."
Gilt winces, but doesn't say anything. He doesn't look happy.
"We have recently been attacked by Dragons and Moonriders are stirring. We need all of our defenders. I will not waste Lady Robin's abilities as a means to satisfy your honor."
He pauses, continuing to glare. "Venesch, I would like to count you as a defender as well, but your honor has pushed us past that. So the terms remain. First blood. If you must have your honorable death, you can go back to Plan A and inflict it yourself."
He turns to Thorn. "Thorn, you're excused. Have your second in command select a spot. Lady Robin, select a second and tell Gilt your choice."
Thorn bows quickly and leaves.
"As you command, your highness, I comply over my objections." says Venesch, and waits attentively for dismissal.
Robin nods in response to Garrett.s command, but there.s a flicker of hesitation in her eyes.
"W-wait. Wait." Robin licks her lips and gathers her arms more closely to herself. She closes her eyes briefly as several deep breaths go into her. To calm herself and her flying friends. To fight back the swelling nausea.
When she opens her eyes again, she is in control. Mostly, though obviously still struggling. "Your Highness, please. If I may have one more comment."
Garrett nods once. "You may," he says.
"Venesch." The Ranger turns her attention to the man and does her best to close out the presence of Princes and Peers. "What if I..." deep swallow, ".apologize? For the wrongful and dishonorable treatment of yourself? And furthermore. To you -- and only you" Robin fights back a snarl, "if I were to apologize for sending Huon to Amber Castle, unescorted and unwarned against. Would that... allow you to live?"
Garrett looks to Venesch for his answer.
Venesch thinks on this, for a long moment. "It would be acceptable, after first blood, for apology to be issued. I would apologize for my rash accusation, which was based on a misunderstanding of the motives of your choices."
Gilt nods. "It might be possible to find a suitable position for a retired Captain, Captain. We could see if the King could find an ambassadorship for you. If there were no matters unresolved in this affair, it would be best."
Gilt looks up at first Jerod, then Garrett to see if they object to the settlement.
From Jerod there is little more than the slightly raising of an eyebrow, though that may be more from Gilt's comments concerning an ambassadorship than at Venesch's response. He remains silent however, waiting on the response of the Prince to whom fate has dealt this hand.
Robin cocks her head at Venesch's response. She didn't hear him say he would live. But the apology awaiting her sickens her enough that she doesn't feel like pressing. Slowly, she lets awareness of the others trickle back to her. Ooooggg. Yep, this is going to be fun.
Garrett nods solemnly once. "This is acceptable," he states. "A duel to first blood, with a formal verbal settlement of differences to finish the matter." He avoids the word 'apology', knowing how it sticks in the gut of everyone involved. They all know what is expected without it being shoved down their throats.
"Gilt, see to the details please and report back to me later this afternoon." He glances at all parties with a raised eyebrow to see if anyone has anything to add before dismissal.
No one seems to be inclined to add anything.
"Thank you, your highness," says Venesch. He turns to Jerod. "Prince Jerod, may we speak?"
"Always, my old friend." Jerod replies. He nods to Garrett. "Your highness."
Robin nods her done-ness to Garrett though she's not really feeling like talking much right now.
"Prince Jerod," Garrett returns the nod. He turns to those assembled before him. "Lady, Captain, we're done here. You may go." With that, he leaves the room, walking purposefully toward the door to cover the fact that he's not sure if he's done the dismissal correctly.
Last modified: 7 March 2010