Merlin is waiting for the anbaric tape; he returns to where Florimel and Vere are standing.
"They will be here in a few moments with the binding." It's clear to Vere that he is a bit out of his depth with all this, but doing his best to function nevertheless.
Florimel replies, "Let us hope that the Queen of Rebma has not decided that it is a good time to depart from Paris."
Vere can still hear the muttering of Lucas' ghost with more plans for his services.
Vere continues to ignore the ghost and give no sign that he hears anything out of the ordinary. He is allowing his female relatives to take the lead, and will follow them when they are ready to leave.
The anbaric tape arrives, and Merlin takes it, moving off into the hall to find his sister.
Florimel turns to Vere. "Have you decided what you will tell the Rebman troops?"
A very faint smile passes over Vere's lips. "That depends, Aunt, on whether she escapes or not." He offers Florimel his arm. "Shall we follow?" he asks. "And are you armed?"
"I'm always armed," Florimel replies, taking Vere's arm. "I suspect that Celina, for all that she seems competent in these matters, could use the support of a Princess of Amber." She carefully does not suggest that Vere will be supporting Celina should an open conflict occur.
Vere gives a very small nod of his head as he leads his aunt into the hallway.
Celina moves to the hall and closets with DeWicke when he reports. "Do you have a spare pistol?" She asks. "I'm going to do my first arrest."
DeWicke hands her his pistol. "Does Your Highness know how to use it?"
Celina eyes him, trying to determine if he handed her his only pistol or if he has another and is giving her the one that is easy to use. She weighs the contraption in her hand. "In principle, I do," Celina answers flicking off the weapon's stop lever. "Have you ever hunted shark? Never mind, we better not exchange cultural metaphors at this point. DeWicke, we might get treated badly in the next hour. Stay close but do not get in front of me with some idea that you are going to take my hurts as you might prevent the meal I'm dishing. Just stand ready to rough up a former queen who's killed my cousin."
Celina lifts her arm and sights at a hallway portrait with the pistol. She considers Lucas and several other family faces that are not in the paintings about. She lowers the deadly force gracefully. "Questions?"
DeWicke doesn't seem to have another pistol, but he is armed with a blade.
Celina nods at this.
"Where will we hold Her Majesty for trial?" is all he asks.
Merlin arrives, holding a roll of anbaric tape, such as it is. "This is imported. I am told such things may not last long in Amber. I do not know whether it is true in Paris."
Celina responds to DeWicke first. "We hold her for my father's return." Celina doesn't bother to say she does not think it will come to a trial at all, guilty or no. "I think it must be a place secret from the Rebma delegation and most common staff of the palace. This is a touchy matter. A storage room in an unused portion of the palace? No. Something closer to my room. Ah, I'll have a closet cleared. Most of the dresses are things I won't wear." She makes a decision and reaches for the tape, handing it over to DeWicke. "You know how this works. We will hood the prisoner." She fishes a napkin ring from Lucas' room out from her pocket. "Use that in her mouth so we can feed and water her even though we hood her. Don't worry overmuch about her comments or hair; be efficient. If she resists, I'm not using the pistol, that's a feint. I'll punch her dizzy." A pause and then she adds, "If someone else interferes, I'll likely shoot them in the leg. We need to stay focused on Moire and get her bound. Maybe the raw audacity of this will surprise her."
Celina looks sympathetically at Merlin. "I'm going to do this right now before any more time slides past us." She nods to DeWicke again. "Here's what we do. I confront her and make the arrest. I'm faster than she is, so I'll keep the weapon ready. You and Merlin will hood her. Save a bit for her wrists. Then we take her out of the Rebman rooms and make as though she goes to the dungeons of the palace. We'll escort her off and double-back to my rooms."
Merlin and DeWicke nod their agreement and momentarily, Celina in the lead, they are on their way to Moire's rooms. Any servants that see them get out of their way, as if the whole castle is aware something bad is happening.
Vere and Princess Florimel join them in the hall and follow them towards Moire's rooms.
Celina, arriving at the door, sighs with some satisfaction that Vere and Florimel join them. She realizes even as she thrusts open the door, that some protocols are made to be broken. It comes as something of a wrench for her sense of self and further distances her from the whole of what she is doing. It doesn't seem possible that the Seaward Lass is leading this drama.
Stepping into the room she scans it quickly and says in a lower projection of her voice, "Present the former queen of Rebma to me."
(and if no one is present, she starts a search, carefully, with an eye out for thrown tridents)
Carina comes out from the inner chamber and curtsies. Without rising she speaks. "Her Majesty asked me to inform you that she has left the palace, Lady Celina." She's not quite shaking. Not quite.
Celina does not show her disappointment that mother is not here to confront. Perhaps it was foolish to think Moire would brazen out such a thing when she had already quit her main responsibility in Rebma so smoothly. Her request now is quiet and heavy with portent, "Search these rooms thoroughly," this directed at DeWicke.
DeWicke bows and moves off to do as Celina has directed. He uses the bellpull to summon more guards so the search can be completely thorough.
"Left when, with whom, going where, Lady Carina?" Celina asks. She glances at Merlin. "Now she is out from under the restraint against magic we imposed, yes?"
Merlin nods. "But her abilities should still be limited in Paris the city, as all sorcery is."
Vere steps to one side, his eyes sweeping the chamber, and then his gaze returns to Carina. He watches her closely, weighing her words and carefully gauging her reactions.
Carina has not risen. "She did not say. But--I do know that she has received communication from Bend."
Carina still bowed and still nervous. What does she know or read from all this? "From Bend," Celina repeats, reordering her thoughts. There is certainly some water blooded there. It may be that bad news from Bend combined to make Lucas' interruption fatal. "When, Carina? If you do not know specifically, make your best guess. How long ago did she instruct you and leave?"
Or good news from Bend made her cocksure that she can put any sort of action into play now. That seems more my lady mother. "Where is the rest of the Rebman staff? Where is Rilsa?" Celina steps much closer to Carina, close enough to strike her, and balances with hands poised near her hipbones and center of balance, her stance has flexed a bit lower, as if she is about to be pounced upon, or leap herself at some target yet defined. Her attention begins to expand a bit to feel along the geometry of the room, looking for reflecting surfaces exposed. Moire could easily have left a mirror behind, mostly hidden, to mark the progress of Celina in moving against this threat.
Moire may have run again, but that does mean she is littering her escape route with danger for the unwary.
Vere takes a step forward, his eyes moving from Carin to Celina. "The Archivist is under my personal protection," he says formally, and without emotion.
Celina nods with a frown, yet her eyes search. Inside her room-scanning meditation, she salutes Vere for saying such a right thing at such a moment. Carina is already nervous, stepping near to her in a TaKhi stance could easily convince the Lady to expect harm from the Regent. Vere has seen Celina's temper. Moire has revealed her temper now as well. Who knows what Corwin does when in temper. Yes, Vere is an admirable fellow.
Celina searches the geometries and plans and shapes the moment that her temper may appear.
Carina does not rise to her feet, but there is a change in her stance when Vere announces that she is under his protection. Vere notices that she is shivering, perhaps from the stress position of maintaining the curtsey. "Perhaps an hour ago. That is to say, she left perhaps an hour ago. I do not know when she spoke to Bend, other than since her arrival in Paris. I believe it may have been today, but I cannot confirm it."
That timing would fit with Moire leaving in the aftermath of Lucas' murder.
"Archivist," Vere says. "Moire has slain Lucas, son of Florimel. This becomes a matter of blood feud and royal justice."
Carina's face falls; either she is a brilliant actress or she didn't know what had happened to Lucas.
Celina realizes that there may be death for any implicated in assisting Moire and Carina may think she is one of those. Time to be fussy about details. "Rise, Carina," Celina deliberately omits her title to make this less official and onerous.
Carina comes to her feet.
Celina counts off items: "Complete search of ALL the quarters granted Rebma. Suspension of diplomatic immunity. Rebman staff under protective custody in underground quarters. We probably have some grain storage rooms that will do." She likes the idea that no windows and no reflecting surfaces are likely there. "Rilsa is senior if Moire is larking about. Where in pearl's good name is she? You haven't said, Carina."
Celina glares in the direction of the bell pull, knowing manpower is on the way but fretting that all moves too slowly. "I'll need an expert on Paris hidey holes." She laces her hands together and works the tension from her arms. She keeps her focus on Carina, even as she speaks to DeWicke.
Carina speaks first. "She's still in her chamber. I don't think she knows what happened to--" and she looks at Florimel as if for the first time putting it all together. "My deepest condolences, your highness."
Florimel says, "Thank you," but it's cold and formal.
Merlin is making the arrangements to have the quarters cleared and searched, and the staff moved into custody.
"Princess Celina," Vere says. "Unless you think I am needed, I am of the opinion that the sooner I return to my people the better."
"And I agree," Celina says strongly. "The reflection has turned dark." She turns about and impulsively gives Vere a grip on both hands, looking into his eyes. "Travel safe. Paris will welcome you again at need."
Business again.
Celina trusts Merlin and DeWicke to completely scrape any information from this place. She nods to Merlin. "I'm bringing Rilsa into this now. She may be willing to say where Moire could go."
Merlin comes to Celina and says, low, "She would be a fool to remain. I do not expect to find her."
"I think she is probably with Moire...or does not know what has happened here." Celina responds quietly while she nods at his guess and shares hers.
Meanwhile, Florimel asks Vere, "How may I reach you should I need to speak with you?"
"I fear, Aunt, that there is no simple and quick method to contact me currently. Other than the so-called 'trump booth' I know of only two trumps of myself that exist. Ossian has one, and King Random the other."
He gestures to Carina to join him.
Carina does so. It's not quite hiding behind Vere, but it doesn't take much intuition to read anxiety to get into Vere's sphere of protection.
Florimel can't quite help wrinkling her nose at the mention of Random. "I'll keep that in mind if anything comes up. Thank you." Vere can hear that 'if' as a 'when'.
Lucas says "Tell Mother how fetching she'll look in black. First mouring should be a charming period for her seamstresses."
Vere nods his head. "If you need to get a message to me, but it is not urgent, then leaving it with Father should be sufficient. I will be contacting him from time to time."
He pauses, then concludes. "I must be off now, Aunt. My condolences again. I liked Lucas." He bows to Flora, and then, gesturing for Carina to follow him he departs the room.
"Please give my regards to Conner, Jerod and Khela if you see them soon, Carina," Celina adds. Celina squeezes Merlin's hand and nods at DeWicke, giving him reason to stick to the main course here. If Moire has made any hasty mistakes, they will be in this suite.
The Regent heads for Rilsa's quarters. Again, she does not knock but opens the door and enters looking for signs of her half-sister. The pistol is not aimed, but it is ready and unlatched.
Merlin follows Celina into Rilsa's chamber. As expected, it is empty, at least of its occupant.
"My luck stinks like three week-old squid jelly." Celina searches the room in five minutes' time. She carefully notes Merlin's own search for what she might learn of his training...and add to her own slowly growing store of intrigue.
She notes there are no excellent mirrors here and remarks so to Merlin.
Then she returns to DeWicke and the senior Rebman suite where Moire laired. "Rilsa also gone, probably the two of them are on to the next safest haven they can think let's put together a hunting party." She looks politely at Florimel. [if that worthy is still there....]
"Bide," Merlin says, suddenly. "It is the king, our father." And sure enough, a moment later, Corwin has come through on his son's hand.
Celina finds that her father's arrival is the usual mixed emotions.
Florimel is first to react. She reaches for Corwin's hands. "Brother," she says, "Justice for my son, murdered by Rebmans who have now fled lest they be given such for their crimes."
Corwin looks at Florimel for a moment, then at Celina and Merlin. "Does someone want to explain what's happening here?"
"Vere has questioned the shade of Lucas and reported to us that Moire killed Lucas for attempting a Trump of the former queen. The supporting evidence agrees that a mirror expert used an exploding mirror to kill Lucas with glass shards. Moire and Rilsa have departed the palace and their location is still unknown." Celina takes a pause, then, "Vere is off to rejoin his troops before Moire might subvert them and complicate our lives further. I was about to have Moire and Rilsa hunted down. I ordered the Rebman embassy confined." She smiles. "Welcome back, I thought that your trip would be more complex."
"Random got Vialle back on his own," Corwin explains. He slides a fraternally supportive arm around Florimel. "We'll deal with Moire, if all this is right." His expression suggests a certain skepticism about something. "Is Vere here? I need to speak with him if he is."
"He is gone, needing to see to his army," Celina responds. "What shall I do immediately to deal with Moire? If she is still in Paris, I wish to be after her. If she has fled, I have made a Commitment to Solange that will keep me in Paris for a month or so. In the former case, command me. In the latter, there are things we need to discuss." She engages the inaction latch on her pistol and tucks it into the waistband of her trews.
"We'll search the city for her. Where's the rest of her retinue?" Corwin asks.
"Rilsa is fled," Merlin answers, "and Vere took the archivist under his protection." He looks to Celina to add more about Carina, which she necessarily has more context for.
"Carina was afraid...of me or Moire, it doesn't matter for now," Celina says. "I think Vere knew he'd get more information from her by his means. Carina knows something that frights her. She is also dear to Jerod. The staff is either being rounded up by my order or also fleeing to parts unknown. I want to be with the hunt for Moire, father." She gives him a direct look.
"I'll confirm your orders. What about Lance? Bill Roth? Alice?" Corwin pats his sister's arm reassuringly in a way that leads Celina to suspect that Florimel is about to have the better part of Corwin's attention. "And what happened to Solace and the children? They weren't harmed?"
"No," says Merlin. "But Solace is having hysterics and Alice Roth is with her."
"Lucas has been murdered, Lance and Bill Roth have not. I'm sure they will be grateful and also helpful to finding the killer." Celina feels and itchy fire warming her guts. Her father's lack of passion at what has happened provokes her own control to loosen. "Lance is tending to the defense of Paris...we had an army show up unexpectedly. Tho' it turned out to be Vere and Solange. Bill is probably involved at this point, but he has not come to me." Maybe it is the patting of her aunt's arm, or maybe it is the tone of his voice that goads her so.
Celina pokes deeper in the inner darkness of her center. No. It's that she is ready to hunt and Corwin is slowing her down. She fires a volley. "Moire may be allied with Dara or other Chaosi. Is Moire blood related to Amber family, Father?"
Corwin glares at her. "Celina, this is not the moment for genealogical discussions. I'll deal with Vere and Solange; you find out what happened to Moire. But do not kill her. Do you understand me?" He squeezes Florimel's arm again. Clearly he's as ready to be done with this discussion as Celina is.
"No," Celina says flatly. "I do not. But you are king here, so I will obey your order or leave your realm. Having placed those parameters on the situation, I expect Moire would be foolish to leave Paris. By your leave, your majesty."
Celina backs a step, bows (her eyes still on the King) and leaves with her mission.
Corwin lets her go.
Celina is seen in many places of the palace and even though Merlin tarries only moments with Corwin, he has some trouble catching up to her.
A footman helps her find the armory, where it is reported she leaves with belts of pistol ammunition and various grenades. The kitchen gets a visit, where some conversation about the notable Parisian seafood markets and deliveries is mentioned. Celina learns where trade in such goods comes into Paris and is sold daily.
A maid is dragged into chambers where Celina gets her hair brushed and coiled tight to her head. A change of clothes and she is off again.
Celina is then at the main gates, talking to the motorbike couriers. Merlin finds her pouring over maps of the city and its many parks. She notices his arrival immediately with some surprise. "I thought father would keep you for hours and I would do this alone. There is no reason you should have to chase her down." She considers how that sounds and that there are many ears about that might be in position to repeat her words. Celina lowers her voice, "Tho' I am always glad of your company, no matter the dread level of my work. I was serious when I mentioned that my mother may be working with yours."
"All the more reason for me to involve myself now," Merlin says firmly. "How can I help? What should I do?" He is dressed as a member of the Royal Guard of Paris, and his insignia make him senior. He is not wearing a gun, though he is armed with a blade.
Celina radiates a smile that lights her eyes at him being here. "Mother is adapting to strange circumstances, but should be thinking far enough ahead that she can still work to her advantages and plans without a roof over her head. She will hear soon enough that Corwin is back and will expect the palace to be safer again, but now she is hiding in Paris. To think she has fled from this center is not logical: she came here as part of defending her claim to the throne. I expect that defense had an aggressive side. She wasn't going to sit on my father's lap and play nice to get what she wants. This is further supported by her willingness to dispatch Lucas and deal with consequences later. She expects to have a strong hand and being here is part of it."
Celina looks down at the city map. "Unfortunately, I do not know Paris nearly as well as Rebma. There are things she might do...such as make sure she has access to civil foods. She needs makeup or theater supplies to change her appearance. Celina points to the club and theater district. "Not from the Opera or Grand Theater, where a queen would go but from the twisty streets here. Why hide her skin? She needs to do things, or be here to invite someone else into Paris. So she needs to be mobile. She needs to pass glancing inspection." Celina points to the parks dotted about the city. "She can stay comfortable yet out of sight in these small woodlands. There are too many to search easily. She can buy a mirror of good quality since she has jewels on her person." She lets her finger drift over the streets of glass and gilt makers.
Celina puts her hands on her hips and frowns. "In short, she moving to the next point in her plans and has very few obstacles in her way. If we had a thousand men, it might take days to find her. My only thought now is to take a small group of soldiers and canvas these places I've mentioned so far hoping that probability likes me today." She gestures to some of the nearby couriers. "I was going to grab every one of the motorbike brigade before someone tells me I cannot." She looks at him. "There is no trump of me yet, so asking you to stay here and pass me information as the couriers come and go does not really work. That would have been a hundredfold useful in this." Celina shakes her head. "I have the niggling thought that she really needs to get close to the Pattern, or let someone have access to it. But pearls if I know why that makes any sense. It must be the most protected and dangerous place in Paris."
She gives him a chance to comment.
"Who would she let have access to it?" Merlin asks, confused. "Who of the royal blood supports her, if our father does not?"
"There is the concern of Huon and Moire seeing each other as of a similar purpose," Celina says first. "We had concerns that Moire might use Huon. He wants the blade. Khela has set herself against Moire. Moire can take the meat from Khela's claims if someone walks off with the blade. That's a nasty chance. And if Huon had access to the Paris Pattern... well, there is where I do not know how much damage could be done. Certainly, Huon could get inside Rebma near instantly." Her eyes shift to her hands. "Remind me to tell Khela not to use the traditional royal chambers in the palace."
Celina sighs. "Then there is your mother. She has tried to access the Pattern in Amber, I believe. So she might settle nicely for the Rebma Pattern or Paris Pattern. Again, I do not know specifics, but obviously there is Power there that she wants over...Order. If Moire could help her...there might be weighty considerations given by Dara for such a betrayal. Also, we briefly saw Dara with another woman. Who is to say if, like Hannah, there are not other members of the family that have not found Amber. Some might be angry like Huon and want the power of Pattern for themselves. I do not know how many children Oberon had."
Celina waves all this away. "Regardless, father can protect the Pattern or be thought a fool if he cannot. I want to put Moire in gaol for her bloody hand. If you take the motor couriers to the parks, I can check the mirror markets and food suppliers. Is there a way to detect magic at great distance? Some compass for sorcery?"
"Not that would work in Paris." Merlin shakes his head. "And they would be beyond my capability in any case. I will check the suppliers of mirrors and food if you like. What do you want me to do if I find your mother?"
"The King decides that. Knock her out. Blindfold her. Get her back to our father." Celina shrugs. "What else is there? Make some note of where she is and what she is about. Send a man to me with the news."
"But do not approach her, you mean? Unless it is by stealth?" Merlin presses the point a little.
Celina is surprised to feel a slippery shadow cross her thoughts. She recalls a vivid dream long ago where she was enfolded and held by a dark female octopus. She looks at Merlin, realizing what it might cost her to lose him the way Lucas is now lost. As a young woman, the dream terrified her.
Now she is shaken with dread deeper than the Jet Trench of Mu.
Celina clears her throat softly. "Finding a clue to her actions is a higher priority than the King's orders to find and capture her. Approach by stealth if possible. Learn what we can as may. But we shall capture her as the King has commanded. If you lose her because of stealthy approach, I'll take responsibility for that." Her hands are very cold. She cannot lose Merlin. It just isn't possible.
She thinks she could lose Khela. Not Merlin. There is reason to think about that. She smiles though cold through. "Understood?"
Merlin nods. "I will be stealthy. If I can learn more by not confronting her, I will do that." Perhaps he senses something of Celina's fear, because he seems to be trying to reassure her, both by his tone and the way he lays his hand on her arm.
Celina does not quite trust herself to speak for a moment. Then she nods once.
"So," the Seaward Lass turns back to the map, "then I will canvas the large number of parks and art markets within the city. Where a small group of foreigners might easily stay out of sight. See you back here in twenty four hours or less." She forces a smile to let him know things will be well if they accomplish half their goals. "Take care."
"I will. Good hunting, my sister." Merlin turns, and is quickly gone out of sight.
Celina quizzes the couriers about parks that might be large enough or far enough from the city center to have wanderers camping there routinely. She sends a few to check these first and report back. Moire might be willing to be so far from the action...but it seems unlikely. Still...searching unlikely spots must be done too.
Then she gathers a double-handful of motorcyclists for a trip out to Paris' art markets and bohemian streets. Moire can manipulate these Paris surface men----perhaps an artist will want to paint her emerald portrait, a poet will find the restless sea in the ex-queen's eyes, or an opera singer will find the drama in Moire compelling. This is a big city with its own share of fools and rebels.
Celina explains to the men that they are looking for a powerful woman of wiles. Anyone sighting the green-skinned royal should report back immediately. Capture will only happen if Moire can be surrounded and taken for the King's justice. She makes the point they are not to shoot unless defending their lives.
And she keeps the safe lever off on her own pistol.
Once in the right neighborhood, she openly questions folks about the foreign women. She lets the uniforms of the Couriers speak for the authority here. If the locals do not want to help the King, she will learn it soon enough.
There is a district where the artists live, called Martyr's Mount, because it is on a hill. There is a great library at the summit of the hill with a white dome, visible from parts of the central city. One of the men suggests this is where an exotic foreign woman will be found, among the painters and cafe society.
Another suggests it will be in the hilly district to the south of the river, where artists and writers are beginning to congregate. Martyr's Mount is too expensive for some, and a woman seeking to hide will be less identifiable in the garrets of the Parnassian than in Martyr's Mount.
She can go to one or the other with the men, or break the group up and send them to both the Parnassian and the Martyr's Mount.
She directs instructions for the next working shift to try the district south of the river. Now she takes the larger portion of the watch with her to search the library Mount of the Matyr and surrounding buildings.
Along the way, she notes views to all the city, even the long views of the palace. Yes, she thinks Moire would like looking over Corwin's nest.
Once up in the Mount neighborhood, she takes a hand in speaking to the locals herself. She even answers for her skin color since the questions that she is asking might make some bold enough to quiz her. 'I hail from distant Rebma and waters even further beyond.'
"A group of women, perhaps veiled have come through here? Please pass word to me if you hear. It is urgent business of the realm."
The beggars of the streets of Paris are sure there is money in this strange foreign woman asking for news of others like her. There's a great stir as they seek out information.
Meanwhile, Celina and her men search the library and the surrounding buildings. It takes several hours and by the time they're done, it's near dark. If Moire and Rilsa are in the building, they're concealed so well that Celina can't find them.
But when she comes out, the urchins have word for her. There's a lady who would speak with her waiting at one of the cafes. She's a foreigner but she's dressed as a Parisian lady. Will Celina go down and talk to her?
There are also little hands out for coin.
"Of course," Celina tells them, "take me to her." Celina steps aside and speaks to the eight men with her, "Follow discreetly, for the neighborhood already knows we are here. Be close enough and thinking of a net to pull in those watching the back of the lady I am meeting. No pistols unless I give the word."
The soldiers agree that they understand Celina's orders.
Celina takes the hands of two of the urchins and moves along with them. "There are coins for all if our meeting is fruitful. Please tell me about the people and shops as we go." She smiles at them all and squeezes the grubby nimble hands of the urchins she's walking with.
Her eyes dart about, eager and wary. This should be likely a trap.
The little urchins are willing to play along with the great lady from the castle. They tell her wild stories about the people and the shops and the goods inside them. Some of them are so strange they must be true.
Celina shows obvious delight and interest in the urchin stories. She makes a show of her pleasure and tells them that they are so clever she must invite them all to tea.
A woman is, indeed, waiting at the cafe. It is neither Moire nor Rilsa. It is, in fact, Bend.
When she arrives at the cafe, Celina takes care not to pay the Urchins in sight of Bend or hidden accomplices, but instead whispers to the children that they should come visit her at the palace where they shall have a party and coins for each.
Celina speaks further in hushed tones, "Be prompt--at sunset I shall expect you at the palace and we shall have a very good party. Now go, be gone and do not be seen here anymore for I have business with this lady and I do not expect to see a single glimmering eye from any of you." She winks, "Even if you must watch to have the story."
Once the Urchin Eyes are dismissed, the Seaward Lass glides to the cafe. "May I join you, Bend?" She lightly touches the back of the chair across from the Rebman courtier.
"Please," Bend says with a smile.
"So," Celina sits in a manner that broadcasts calm through TaKhi, but is very much alert. In fact, she makes sure she has clear kicking range under the table legs. Enough so that with her strength she might completely take off one of Bend's kneecaps before that worthy could snort a pinch of Pruish Sand. "Are you here to work surrender terms?"
"Yes, if you want to surrender to your mother, you're always welcome to do so." Bend smiles pleasantly. "You should consider the offer. The situation here is not what you think it is."
Celina grins at the scary lady. "Fine. For the moment, I'll entertain the notion that you know what I think the situation here is. I am not prepared to surrender to my Mother or her questionable allies." For the next few words, Celina lets just a bit of her bloody rage lay under her tone, while keeping a calm TaKhi flow to her body. "I would not want the King to think I'd killed you for personal insults and courtier humors. Pick a weightier subject than my shortfalls and poor training. What do you have for me, Bend?"
Celina prepares herself right now to carry out disabling this woman in order to drag her back to Corwin barely alive. The King said nothing about Moire's tools being immune to harm. She does not distract herself stretching to hear the trap closing around her, Bend is dangerous enough and within reach. If Celina has made a serious mistake in coming here, Bend is enmeshed in the mistake as well.
Bend is remarkably unafraid. "Your mother has a message for you: don't think your father will punish her for what happened to Lucas. He would kill anyone who did the same to him. Do you know nothing of Martin's fate?"
Rather than admit that she is entirely unsure of Martin's fate in comparison to Lucas' trump spying on her mother...but setting that into another pearl of questions in the back of her mind, Celina watches Bend like the accessory to murder that she is. "I understand my mother's message. Now I have one for her from the king, who is back in Paris and aware of her transgression: you better get your green ass back to the palace before one of father's kin finds you. My mother should remember well that vendettas in this family do not stop for word of the King of Paris. If she has forgotten, you remind her, Bend."
Celina nods once. "You can go unless you have something else. I'll still entertain my mother's surrender. It might make things better for a lot of us."
"I'll be sure to tell her so when I see her." Bend rises, making a courtesy as she does so. It seems only mildly sarcastic to Celina. "Good afternoon, Princess Celina."
She moves off into the street.
Celina nods as Bend moves away, watching closely. Celina's nose takes in the lovely foreign smells of the street, the cafe and its distant kitchen. The place throbs through her senses like currents of life. Just like the sea.
The diplomat's foot on the street brings the Seaward Lass up from the chair, across the tabletop and bearing down like a barracuda. Celina lands full on top of the courtier, chopping downward with her elbow into the chakra point at the base of Bend's spine. The intent is pain of a kind that brings unconsciousness. Celina's off hand is ready to guard, deflect or parry interference.
Anyone that charges her now, on top of Bend, will discover the reach of her powerful legs.
[The Peasant: Simple Strength]
Bend collapses to the street, unconscious. No one approaches the two Rebmans.
As Celina looks for new targets she sees someone lurking in an alley. They run as soon as Celina sees them. Celina hears bare feet slapping cobblestones in the shadowy, narrow passageway.
Celina examines the area, electing not to chase after the Eyes fleeing even as she checks to see if the noisy retreat covers for other observers. She calls the couriers in from their loose surround. Celina hoists Bend and checks her pulse. "Back to the palace. The king will have choices and questions for my capture."
Celina puts some coin on the chair by the tipped over table.
[...pending uneventful return to palace]
Celina will have the couriers stand ready to aid Merlin when they hear from her brother. She also leaves word that some street children will be joining her for a party come sunset. She leaves numbers, descriptions and some of their names for the gatekeepers. The urchins are to be escorted respectfully to join her at the garden nearest the kitchen.
She sends word to the kitchen that she will have supper with guests, about ten, in the garden. There shall be cake for dessert.
And then she takes Bend to see the King of Paris. When his majesty has time. If Corwin is not available for some time... Bend will have to wait in the duty watch office as was planned for Moire herself: wrapped, hooded and secure.
When Corwin is notified that Celina has returned, she is shown in almost immediately. Florimel is with him, all in black now. It suits her, but wouldn't it?
"That's not your mother," Corwin observes.
Celina shows a bow of respect that includes King and Aunt Florimel. "Likely she knows where Mother is, she near said as much. Bend was also instructional in intrigue and pointed out that You would not suffer some grievances or slights and that I would do well to learn something from your stance. So since I reason you have technique and learning I do not for extracting information that is essential to the realm...I deliver the information packaged in this person."
Celina deposits said Bend on the King's floor. "She also gave me message, speaking for my mother. She asked me not to think that You, your majesty, would punish Moire for what happened to Lucas. Saying also that You would have killed Lucas if you were similarly done. Bend also suggested it was time for You to tell me what happened to Martin regards Lucas' affront. She was, your majesty, entirely sure that she knew your mind and mine to a fine point."
Celina set herself at formal ease to wait the King's reaction.
Florimel comes over to Bend and kneels by her, inspecting the Rebman woman as Corwin listens to Celina's story. "Lucas wasn't sworn to me. I could always punt by throwing the question to _his_ liege." Bend stiffens, whether because of Corwin's comment or Flora's explanation.
Corwin lets his answer linger in the air for a moment before continuing. "Making a trump with hostile intent is a serious offense. The question would have been whether Lucas meant it with hostile intent--and we'll never have an answer to that question now."
"So this kind of hostility was done to Martin," Celina adds. "Further, it is something that most know about. Something impressive in consequence." Celina has no trouble connecting Martin's wariness in all things to a bad incident with a Trump artist striking from... she swallows. Even growing up guarded about mirrors, Martin might not have expected a family connection to go bad. Even if he was never as naive as she was. Celina recalls her own nervousness about having a Trump of herself.
But then that was some time ago. Her nerves are busy with other things now.
Celina looks down at Bend's movement and Flora's interest in the captive and adds: "Interrogation is up to you, Father. You have centuries to know the right way about it. I shall return to the task you have set me and find Moire." Celina lets her voice carry the full weight of the situation for Bend's ear: escaping a young shark to be pulled into a maelstrom. The stage is set, another line needs be delivered with the ring of truth, Celina goes to one knee near Bend on the floor. Celina speaks softly to Bend, but Flora and Corwin will catch it too, "You should have considered my offer. The situation here is not what you think it is."
Celina looks significantly in Flora's eye and stands. She waits the King's command.
Flora smiles at Celina. The smile can only be described as sharklike.
"Be careful, Celina," Corwin says by way of dismissal.
Celina tells Corwin that the motorwheel couriers should know where in the city she is. She bows gently and leaves.
Back into the palace, she checks her preparations for the Urchin Dinner Party. Since there are a couple hours before that...she checks to see if word has come back from Merlin. If not, she heads back into the city with a squad of couriers.
There is word from Merlin: he has no leads yet. If Moire has passed this way, she was disguised.
Moire might not be close to where Bend was taken, but Bend could certainly be a deflection. Celina needs to canvas that neighborhood more thoroughly. Finding Moire or even what she has touched in Paris by now.... is essential.
She goes about it in a fierce manner that drives her outside of her normal image of herself. People had best cooperate or get out of her way. Like with the Scruffy Children, she can be completely engaged and generous when assisted, but like with Bend, she will surprise herself with the intolerance of obstacle.
When she gets back to the high terrain of the neighborhood, she wants to search taller buildings with views of the Palace and Seine first.
The hours of the day and early evening pass while Celina searches for her mother. The brusque manner she has affected offends the citizens of Paris; there are mutterings about aristocrats and how the King is only the First Citizen, not the autocrat of old. For all that Celina hopes to set the populace against Moire, she seems more likely to turn them against herself.
The day is long and the afternoon seems to go forever. The faces become less and less warm as she invades house after house. Celina overhears things she'd rather not know and also things she is meant to hear.
She keeps to the duty chosen in this place.
But she has promises to keep. The sun begins its flirtation with the horizon, spreading gold and warmth everywhere across the high rooftops Celina has been searching. She brings the courier squads back together, thanks them for their service and notes they will start again tomorrow.
Last modified: 5 November 2009