Troubled Waters

The army is large and mixed. People seem to assume that Conner and Merlin are either emissaries from potential allies, or sorcerers being recruited to the cause. While they don't talk about where they're going, it's pretty clear they're ready to fight. People are friendly and welcoming, and seem eager to get to war. Many of the troops are literally and figuratively green. They're also quite convinced they will win, and if asked why, indicate the tritons.

These tritons are different from those of Rebma. Not only are they neither masked nor tattooed, they are perfectly happy to speak to Conner. After Rebma, that's unexpected.

The camp is awhirl with activity, as people and tritons pack to move. There are only few areas left alone, and they're small enough to pack in a hurry. Conner can well believe that the first parts of the camp could move in a hour.

[What do you want to have done during the hour (or so) that Khela and Celina dally? You can meet back up with Merlin who is talking to Ossian (although that's winding down), or you can investigate specifics of the camp...]

Conner is pleasantly surprised by the talkative Tritons and takes advantage of the hour to talk with them as much as possible. Mainly he is curious where they came from and how they schooled to Khela's banner.

There seem to be two groups of Tritons. A very small one from Rebma and a larger one from "the kelplands". Where the kelplands is something the Tritons themselves aren't clear on. The Tritons from the city aren't as talkative as the others. They speak both Thari and a language of their own.

The story Conner eventually determines is that Khela holds the sword and thus commands the allegiance of the Rebman tritons and that the other tritons rallied to aid their captive brothers because Khela has sworn to free the tritons when she holds the throne of Rebma.

Conner asks them why the sword commands the allegiance of the Tritons. What is the story behind it?

It is the Sword of the Queen's Champion, used to seal the covenant between two mighty armies of old. She who wields it must be obeyed, for it is the last defender of Rebma and cannot be untrue to her rightful Queen.

He also makes a note of the general troop distribution. He is no Benedict but Conner can eyeball the general strength of Khela's army compared to what he knows of Rebma's from his time there.

It'd be a stand-up fight. There are a lot of Tritons and well armed men. The biggest weakness is magical. If Rebma can get help, might be tough for this group. If they can't, it would be a siege that Rebma would probably lose...eventually.

Unless there's something else going on.

Conner also makes a point to snag a crossbow from their armory if given the chance.

The armorer assumes Conner is either a gentleman, a sorcerer, or both. He provides him with a crossbow, and tells him to come back after they've settled and he can properly equip him. He directs Conner to see the magicians if he needs any magical supplies.

Conner has always enjoyed the company of magicians. Besides, a few new props for his new abilities with energy would come in handy. Conner swims over to where the magicians are encamped and sees what they have to offer.

There aren't many magicians: it's a rather select fraternity in Rebma and it serves the upper classes exclusively. That there are any here indicates that either convinced that they're serving the new upper classes or that Khela had a way to offer them something unusual.

"It's Secretary Conner, from the Amber Embassy, isn't it?" The mage is old, and Conner recognizes him from the Rebman Court.

OOC: Does that recognition come with a name?

[Not at first, but once the GMs make one up, it will come to you.]

"That was once my rank and station." Conner confirms. "Now I am a soldier of fortune or rather a sorcerer of fortune. I have attached my fortunes to that of the Lady Celina and she now seems inclined to attach hers to Lady Khela's. You seem to think that a wisdom by your presence here." Conner smiles. "How did you make that choice?"

He smiles. "You may consider my presence an earnest of good faith on the part of certain parties at court, unless we fail, in which case it was my impulsive rebel nature."

His name is Moray, Conner recalls. He had been attached to a seaward shell, not Khrop, but an ambitious one.

He pauses a moment. "Has Amber taken a position? Or other shore kingdoms?"

"Not that I am aware." Conner replies. "I have not been in communication with Amber for some time though. Gateway seems to be maintaining neutrality though it always hard to tell with their many factions who is backing whom. How about the seaward shells?" Conner asks. "Are they all hedging their bets as your's is?"

"A sea change is afoot. The seawards know, some privileged few have seen our army and the forces we can bring that no one else could. One of our jobs is to hide all this.

"If I had not seen Tritons bow to her and her sword, if I had not seen them speak joyously and freely with her, I would not have believed."

Another mage speaks up. "It is as Moray says. It will win us the war. Some are discontent at fleeing from this Huon, but it is wisdom. Let him break against Rebma's walls, not us." He looks around as if hoping someone will contradict him.

"It is wisdom to let one's enemies fight each other." Conner agrees. "But are you so certain it is Huon that will break? What little I have heard describes a capable commander with a formidable army. If he is the enemy left standing at the end of the day, are you as confident that Khela can take the city?"

"That is what I hear whispered in the stirrings of deep currents. Creatures who live in different time-streams talk about the change, and we are living in that now."

"It will be hard, young Amberite", adds Moray, "but worthwhile. Having met the Sons, I am certain that our way in Rebma was not just."

A page swims up, "Pardon, Excellencies, but it is time for you to oversee the packing of your tents." The boy departs, not even waiting for an explanation.

"Well, it seems that duty calls." Conner observes. "Would you mind if I came along? I did seek you out to gather a few reagents from your magical stores before your tents were broken down." Conner punctuated the request with his most dazzling smile.

Moray is happy to provide what Conner needs (within reason). As he exits from the tent, he sees Khela and Celina exiting from another nearby. They haven't seen you. Merlin is also in sight. He's swimming above the camp, talking to a triton.

Celina and Khela coming out of a tent is a commonplace and expected event with the context of this camp. Merlin with a Triton is much more interesting so Conner swims in their direction. Ordinarily Conner would approach at an angle where one speaker obscured the other such that he could get close enough to eavesdrop a bit before being noticed. In this instance, it would mean approaching the Triton from behind and that notion made him uneasy. Besides, Conner had never quite grasped underwater acoustics enough to pick the best listening vectors. So Conner approaches them openly.

Merlin sees Conner and waves him over. The Triton he's speaking with has the facial markings of one that has served in the Rebman court. He seems vaguely familiar to Conner, but Conner can't place him.

"Conner," Merlin says. "Eryx here will help us with anything my sister requires." He drops his voice once Conner is close enough. "He was in service to the Duchess Loreena until he joined Khela's forces."

"Well met, Lord Conner. I remember you from Rebma," says Eryx.

"We didn't happen to meet in a dark alley, did we?" Conner asked without rancor. "I would prefer that you remember me from more pleasant situations but it would solve a mystery."

"I know you from the court, from your meetings with the Duchess," Eryx replies. His voice is even and if he were a human, Conner would think he was honest enough from the sound of it.

Conner decided not to the push the matter. Even if he was one of his attackers, Eryx held different allegiances now. "What news of your former mistress? Is the Duchess here?"

Eryx nods. "She is a prisoner, but when I last saw her, she was well."

Conner catches sight of Celina coming toward them in the bustling camp.

She hails them. "Time to travel once again."

"I have made my preparations to depart." Conner informs her. Celina can notice a crossbow and a quiver of bolts slung over his shoulder. "How went your..." Conner pauses, "negotiations? Conner asks with a sly smile. "Do we travel with Khela still?"

Celina marvels at how Conner implies so much with five syllables and a sly smile. There is something so rakish about the quirk of his mouth that Celina admires it as she responds. "We do. She carries the blade back to Rebma and I approve of that."

The Seaward girl nods to Eryx and smiles. "Well met."

"Your ladyship," Eryx replies.

She reaches out and squeezes Merlin's hand in silent communication.

Merlin returns the squeeze.

Celina looks back to Conner. "We have interesting things to ponder. What's the best way to chat privately as we go?"

Merlin looks meaningfully at Celina and Conner as he waits for Conner's reply. The Triton hovers attentively nearby: not so close as to be accounted listening, but not so far that he couldn't hear, either.

"Well it is hard to find privacy among a gliding army but I am sure we can make some arrangements." Conner assures them. "The first step of course is to move away from other people." Conner directs a smile at Eryx and waves farewell. "Thank you for your time, Eryx. I hope our paths will cross again."

"Our paths will cross again," Celina looks directly at Eryx. "Thank you for your service."

Dismissed, Eryx offers Celina a bow and swims away.

Conner then swims towards an open area of camp that has already been cleared.

Celina offers by alignment of her body and manner the instruction to Merlin of her skills. In TaKhi form, she opens her mind as they swim together holding hands. Celina reflects the peaceful power of water and moves undulating after Conner.

Arriving near Conner, Celina orients on her adept cousin. "Between you and Merlin, I suppose you will know if a sorceress bends her skills this way." She grins. "How should I put this? The tritons love the blade. The blade has settled on Khela. Khela plans to unseat Moire. I plan to confront Moire. Khela loves me. Questions?"

Merlin looks at her. "Only one for now. Do you love Khela?"

"Ah," Celina says with soft awe. She glances at Conner as if expecting to find him smiling a special smile.

She is not disappointed. The smile is wry, almost a smirk, and the eyes above it are resigned to this fact.

Her eyes steady on Merlin. "I have. I do. I plan to."

She searches a bit for the next. "But she's bent by what's been done to her. I'm not special enough to fix it, I fear. She needs more than I have to give her. I'm also very cross with her for dragging me into this with a hood over my head, though she says that's not the way it happened." A shake of her head. "On the other hand, I'm pledged to see she doesn't get herself killed. So that takes precedent over my hurt feelings. And I suspect from things Conner has said that the blade already owns her. I'm not sure she realizes."

Celina looks at her friends. "Why would Rebma's Pattern persist without a real Queen when Amber's failed at the King's death? Or where lurks the true queen of Rebma?"

"Why did Tir's persist with no ruler of any kind?" Conner shrugged.

An expression of concentration washes over Celina's face. But Conner goes on.

"Rebma is now connected to Corwin's realm as it once was to Amber. Perhaps it must be connected to a Pattern of Amber blood to persist. I haven't studied enough of the higher mathematics to do more than conjecture." Conner admitted.

"On the subject of blades, I know a little more. Werewindle and Grayswandir were bound to their owners by the will of Oberon. I strongly suspect that if the Queen of Rebma had a Pattern blade and the knowledge to bind it to one of her subjects, then there would be no stories of how Osric and Finndo descended to defeat the Tritons. Khela may hold the blade but she is not one with it as a true defender should be. Your True Queen, even if she existed, would lack the power to bind her to the sword.

"My turn for questions." Conner announced. "How did Khela obtain the blade and what do you know of Loreena being held prisoner?"

Merlin looks at Celina, waiting for her to answer the question, apparently having no answer to hers.

Celina lifts her hands up in a gentle shrug to Conner. She looks at Merlin and starts to ask another question, then sighs. Disappointment shows in the set of her mouth.

"Well, there is little enough..." she sorts her thoughts, "Khela researched the triton history for years, having motive and nothing but opportunity. She also has trade allies in the Seaward to gather news. She finally found the blade's rest through sifting this information. She wasted no time in recovering it and building this force around us as a consequence of that find."

Celina eyes Conner, who probably knows Loreena better than she. "Before I left for Paris, Loreena got Moire's permission, or orders, for a personal mission. That trip apparently put her in arm's reach of Khela. I suspect Loreena had late intelligence regards the blade and acted on it, only to run into Khela's more organized effort. Loreena is now prisoner-- spitting loud about traitors and promising death justice to me. I've seen her and offered her conditional parole. She turned down a rescue." Celina shrugs again, looking to both men as if she expects some thunder.

"Just as well. A rescue would have been at odds with your stated goals." Conner comments. If he has any problem with Loreena as a prisoner, it doesn't show.

"Oh," Celina jumps back in, "and I suggest that you need to reconsider Tir, Conner. Everything that matters in this universe has a face behind it. If Tir persists, there is a queen or ghost of one. Understanding Rebma requires we figure out the throne."

"I agree that everything has a face behind it," Conner replies. "but I don't think you will find any new ones when the truths of Rebma and Tir are laid bare." Conner waves away that concern. "Still, this is no time to debate metaphysics. Better we focus on the here and now. Do you think Khela can defeat both Moire and Huon on her own?" Conner asks them both.

Merlin replies, "Perhaps, if one has defeated the other first."

Celina looses a thin chuckle, ever careful not to let bubbles escape. That would signify a rude undertone she did not mean. "Khela should be a decent judge of it. She plans to avoid Huon and thinks she can best Moire. She seems to know what she's about and mentioned that she had healthy respect for an unknown uncle.

"I think Merlin is right. The problem I fear is that what everyone wants right now is not what they will want after they get a chance to parlay." She looks at her palm as if it is a sheaf of notes. "Moire wants Khela contained or dead. Huon wants Bleys fleeing or dead. Khela wants Moire off the throne and doesn't mind Huon doing the work for her. Khela thinks stepping out of the way will help. I'm not so sure.

"If Moire and Huon talk: Huon might admit he needs a blade and Moire might point him at it if he will support her throne and she will give him information about Bleys. Odds are that they are both so clam-lipped that nothing gets shared. Those two joining forces would make my oaths a storm weight." Celina chews her lip. "But Rebma is not served by the clash. Any idea of how to get everyone to parlay?" She looks hopefully at Conner, master diplomat.

"Well, you don't come to me with the easy ones, do you?" Conner grinned at his seaward cousin. "I can envision several scenarios that might get them around the same table but I cannot imagine for an instant that any of them would come for the purposes of peacefully working out this conflict." Conner admitted. "Of course, part of this is because the motivations of the three sides is somewhat unclear to me. Let's start with Khela since we know her best. Would Khela be satisified with freeing the Tritons and leading them to a promised land or is ruling Rebma her true ambition?"

Her expression shows a delightful upswing in faith. "Excellent starting point," Celina enthuses. "I will suppose as I have not known the real people behind the people I've been allowed to see. Khela would be honored to be the person who frees them. The throne is a means, not an end. I somehow expect that having lifted the blade, that it fits her hand because she would do its work. That work is not reigning over Rebma."

"Then you think you know what the blade's work is?" Merlin asks.

Celina looks at him. "Conner gave us a theory with his research that seems to fit well. First it champions the Pattern of Rebma and works the Queen's will. Second, historically, it holds the tritons to honor their pledge. We've certainly seen that here and now, if we doubted it from the evidence in Rebma." Celina's gaze drifts to the infinite even though she's still facing the men. "And the Bladeholder must cherish... the line." She flushes and moans in a pained voice, "Oh, no. No." She suddenly glares at Conner. "What was Bleys' relationship with Oberon? Was he favored or treated as a sycophant?"

"From personal experience with my Uncle, he is more the type to gain favors through proof of his prowess." Conner replies. "The few cases I know of where Oberon chose Bleys for a task, Bleys was chosen because he could get the task done." He concludes. "What has you so concerned?" He asks.

"The riddle," answers Celina, "of which has primacy, the roe or the sphyraena. I was suddenly struck by how easy it would be for a champion to love a liege to the blade's potent need, so created by the liege." She shrugs and tries a smile. "Your words comfort me."

Nodding to Merlin, she adds, "Pattern is family but the blade is teeth. Better to lose a finger than the whole arm. Which brings us back to Huon and Moire and Khela, none of whom want to be a finger in the analogy. Huon is too late to easily get the sword. Moire will certainly not. Parlay ought to come next excepting for canny Moire and Huon teaming to destroy Khela and get the blade. Preferred would be your idea of Huon and Moire bashing against each other." Her hands clench energetically and release.

"Moire will not parley unless she is convinced she cannot take what she wants by force." Conner opines. "I think only after a demonstration of strength would she consider diplomacy and honestly, I am not sure if Khela is capable of a large enough gesture. As for Huon," Conner paused to run his hand through his hair, "I am still not convinced we know his true objective. If he attacks Rebma only out of belief that the Sword is located there, then we should stand back and hope that he remains ignorant of the truth. Similarly if he attacks Rebma for reasons of his own, then all we must do is hang back. But if he tracks the sword through some agency other than rumor, then his course will turn toward us and we will have a two front or a two wave war." He concluded.

"The blade would be difficult to track by sorcery if it is like my father's. Not that Huon struck me as a sorcerer," Merlin muses. "Where is Llewella in this matter? Do we know? And what about Jerod?"

Celina nods. "Yes, Conner, you know the Rebman family longer than I. Llewella and Jerod?"

Conner throws up his hands to deflect that query. "I have not spoken with either in quite sometime and neither has been very forthcoming of their motives and allegiance in my presence. However, if you wish a conjecture," Conner pauses a moment to collect his thoughts. "I have always seen both of them as supporters of Rebma as opposed to supporters of Moire. No doubt they would fight against Huon. He is a rogue element that brings Rebma no advantage. But would they back Khela against Moire?" Conner shrugs his shoulders. "Your guess is as good as mine."

"My guess is that Llewella is in standing off to the side, neither opposing Moire nor supporting Khela materially. She could also be the True Queen riddling beyond my comprehension." Celina's voice warms. "Jerod supports Moire and she holds the Throne. If it turned out that she had usurped that power, he would investigate until he knew who should be the Throne and support that person. Which doesn't mean Jerod would act to remove Moire. I agree that Huon appears to have no offer for Rebma, but he does have a call on it by virtue of his blood. I'd love to see a parlay between Huon and Jerod, but that's just the Llaya talking."

"If we were above water, I could try to make a sketch of either or both of them," Merlin offers. "But I do not think I can do that here. And in any case, it will take time I suspect we do not have."

After a moment, he adds, reluctantly, "I do have Martin's trump."

"Somehow, I don't see informing Martin and by extension His Majesty and being particularly helpful if we wish to stay under the radar and free agents in this situation." Conner says firmly. "At this point in time I think we have too little information to make meaningful change and too little incentive to get others to do it for us. I suggest we see where the tides currents take us and look for opportunity as we can. Agreed?"

"Agreed," Celina says. "I have to think Khela will detach a triton to watch Huon's march. I wonder if we should be part of that scouting?"

"Easier for us to monitor events by sorcery I would think." Conner opines and looks to Merlin for confirmation.

"Either way has advantages," Merlin says. "But I think it would be safer for us to remain behind lines and watch by spell." He looks up and then points at a Triton--a different one--who is swimming purposefully toward them. "I believe we are summoned to go, in any case."

Celina nods. She agrees Merlin and Conner have the right of it.

She'll keep the public pretense a while that Conner and Merlin follow her lead.

Conner falls in behind her and follows where she leads.

Days pass, with the army moving somewhat closer to Rebma but keeping clear of Huon's forces.

After the first day, it's discovered that they are not adept sea-fighters and have little conception of what swims above. This they may learn, if they survive.

Khela will continue to Parley with Celina if allowed, although the marches are long and the days are busy.

On the morning of the fourth day, Khela summons them to her tent.

"Celina, my anemone, I have news. First, Huon is heading for Cneve's Tomb, which he will find no longer holds what he seeks." She smiles. "Second, Rebma has sent forth an army. It could reach Huon's in a day or so. Third, Loreena is tired of being carried and wishes to speak with you again."

"What do you estimate Rebma's battle intentions? Is the force sized to deal with Huon?" Celina looks serious. "If they meet Huon before the kelp beds, the Rebmans will be able to use magic to counter his..." She stops suddenly and swallows whatever was on her mind.

"No, he'll cut them down no matter their size or powers," Celina pauses, "unless we do something." She looks at Conner and Merlin and then her shoulders slump. "Nevermind. Even the three of us don't know enough about the Pattern to counter the advantages he could produce......"

"Battle is won as much by terrain as stratagems," Conner comments. "Have we a map of the area and the general disposition of the enemy forces? It occurs to me that if we are slippery as eels, it might be possible to bypass Rebma's army and make our march on the city while they are busy fighting Huon." Conner's smile would do a barracuda proud. "Alternately, if you think defeating Huon, or offering to defeat Huon, is the way to wring concessions out of Moire, then we could try to flank Huon's army."

Celina shows surprise. "Ambitious." She looks at Khela. "I don't think Moire rules by many concessions. Perhaps arriving at the city while the army deals with Huon could provide diplomacy time."

"Rebma is likely to face him at Phillipae or Fortuna's Gap. I'd put odds on whoever holds the Gap, but the victor will be weakened and we will not. I am minded to wait and win by husbanding my strength for the conflict that matters.

"As to Moire, I believe that she knows we are out here, but not that she knows where we are. Our magicians and efforts to deceive her seem to be holding.

"I could go there and cause her Tritons to adhere to me, further weakening her, but that would show my hand too early and might keep Huon from being weakened."

She stands and walks to Celina, stopping just close enough to reach out and pet her arm. "Or he could run. He didn't find what he wants and he may not want to get bogged down in Rebma, where his enemies could trap him. But if he thinks Moire has it, he could try to take it from her. Do you or ou--your retainers have any insight into what Huon might do?"

[guessing now, but Celina knows enough Rebman geography to understand how far out the Gap is? or Phillipae? She's thinking now about Pattern use and proximity to Rebma, tho' Huon and Moire must understand that too. Moire may mistake Huon's force for Khela's force.]

[Well, Rebma hasn't ever been threatened by pattern-wielders before. Llewella almost certainly knows where that line is. Jerod might, but he didn't spend much time here after walking. If Moire knows, she keeps it quiet. So, probably not in relation to the pattern use, but she certainly knows that it's a good day or two marching to get to Rebma's walls from there. There's an inn.]

"I don't think he'll run. I do think he expects Moins to be on the throne, and that may cause him to turn aside if confronted." Celina ponders. "What could he gain by angering a potential haven from Oberon? I think he would expect he can't take it from the throne. He'd have to ask, based on merit." She imagines Huon out there guessing and feinting as he makes his run to the tomb. "If he finds it is gone, then he'll think someone else in the family has it. He knows there are youngers he hasn't met. Any of them could have it." She studies Huon's face in her memory. "And he has a backup plan in case the sword is not there."

Celina looks at Conner. "So based on what I've heard about this family, he's thinking he can park an army and walk into Rebma to talk to the throne. That's something like what I was thinking but in larger scale. And when he does that, he'll find the lay of the land is not what he thought it was. Moire will paint pictures. Moire will certainly make him an ally if she can and point him at us. That makes me think we should do something before he challenges Rebma's forces or asks to parley."

Celina hesitates looking around. "What if we join forces with him first? Fill him in? Ask for his help in freeing the Tritons?"

Khela considers answering, but is silent as Conner voices his opinions.

"Why do you think freeing the Tritons should interest him?" Conner replies. "My best guess as to the cause of Huon's actions is a desire obtain the sword to continue his vendetta against Bleys and Oberon. I believe that only a true intention to give him the sword or the false hope that he would obtain it after joining forces with us would persaude him to join forces with us against Moire. I do enjoy crafting a good half-truth so if that route is decided I can provide the words." Conner smiles.

"However, one point confuses me, my lady." Conner turned to Khela. "I was led to believe that the freeing of the Tritons was your primary objective. So in what way would a strike on Rebma 'show your hand to early'?" He asked Khela. "What more must be done?" Conner does his best to look truly confused.

She smiles at Conner. "It would lead to a more decisive victory and thus better odds of being able to achieve our goals if Moire was weakened, Coz. What words would you have us use to try to persuade him? He will take the sword only from my dead hand."

Celina glares at Khela, transparently nettled at the mention of Huon standing over Khela's corpse. Her mouth tightens and she folds arms.

Khela looks back, unabashed. It's as if they've had a long drawn-out disagreement in a split second.

Conner's face freezes for a moment at the word Coz but simply smiles all the wider and soldiers on. "I would convince him you are on the same quest he is. He will find the tomb forced by you and we claim that the sword was missing upon your arrival. Our army circles Rebma like a shark as his does. Offer him a deal. He frees the Tritons with the sword and he can take it for his own purposes. After some hard negoiating we would seem to agree to that." Conner smirked. "Alternately, we could send someone in as an informer pointing the finger at Moire owning the sword to bring about that conflict."

She nods, absently. "What do you think will happen in Rebma when we free the Tritons, Twice-Cousin Celina?"

"How can anyone know that? What did you imagine would happen when you were so much younger and closer to Rebma? Do you expect Rebma to thank us? Or the throne to sit more secure? Or the Tritons to thank us?" Celina tightens her grip on her arms to shunt tension out of her chest. "The Tritons were once foes of Rebma, they accepted peace and a pledge binding them to the throne. Now there is something wrong with the throne, the pledge or the tritons because it doesn't hold and neither throne, tritons nor Rebma are happy about it. So it needs to change or be set right. Freeing them may mean killing them all, Rebman and triton alike."

Celina moves a lot closer to Khela. "I propose what has been for so long needs to be reworked or done away with. By your blade, tell me what you want for the tritons, Khela, and then tell me what you think will happen when we free the Tritons."

Conner remains silent and eagerly awaits the answer Celina might give.

"By my blade? Moire has shown herself morally unfit to be queen. I do not wish to destroy Rebma, or make her weak in the face of enemies. If we have to take it to set things right, we have to stay and make them right.

"What do I think will happen, my anemone? I think we will need to rule."

Celina's face is as hard and cold as stone. "And so it is said and so do I think. A child dies so a leviathan might wake. I only wonder if the Tritons will lend grace to the sea-change." Celina seals her other thoughts off.

"I should see Loreena," she moves to leave but she seems hurt, holding herself oddly stiff.

Khela's answer does not surprise Conner at all. "And where do the Tritons fit in your new empire, my ladies?" Conner inquires. "Free citizens? Honored soldiers? Secret police? Will they always be the foundation of your power and the enforcement of your rule? Will you be forced to bind them again once they realize that truth?" Conner shook his head. "Is this the start of a new era or merely the latest turn of an age old cycle?" His eyes flick from Celina to Khela and back again.

Celina does not look at Conner, her eyes still on the exit. "Free and honored citizens if they want that or else I'm not involved."

"Celina, look at me." Khela comes up and puts her hand on Celina's arm. If Celina doesn't turn to look, Khela will move around until she can look Celina in the face.

"I kept a secret from you that I was keeping from everyone, a secret that got people killed the last time I let it out. I'm sorry. But you have secrets you've kept from me as well." Her eyes flick towards Merlin and Conner, then back to Celina.

Celina's flesh is cold. Sea-swept eyes study Khela as she continues.

"If we go in there and upset the social order, we are obliged to make it right. If we free the tritons, we cannot force them from their homes of generations and we cannot leave them to ghettos and pogroms of frightened citizens. We cannot leave the city which has foolishly based her defenses on Tritons to fall to a Huon because we would not protect her.

"We have no choice but to set things right, and we can't do that in a tennight. We're of the lineage of Moins and have the right of rulership by our blood."

Celina's body does not shake off the pained tension, but her eyes are warmer now. "Those words sound the ideals I love and would die for. But you need to understand that all my teachers and protectors and lovers are liars. Everything is equal parts pain. What you just said, I've known it for weeks, maybe longer, I'm not sure. But thank you for saying it anyhow." She lifts her chin. "I'm not adjusting well to the truth of killing to make things right. I am... not as strong as you are, but I will follow those ideals."

The Seaward lass speaks louder, as if Conner and Merlin have not heard everything already. "No one else has to, gentlemen."

"You are correct, Celina." Conner agrees. He stretches up to his full height from the slightly stooped posture he adopted as Celina's servant. "I don't have to." Then he smiles. "So convince me." He challenges them both.

Hearing something dynamic in Conner's voice, Celina swivels her head a fraction to catch Merlin and he in her peripheral vision. Conner's change of stance is obvious to her, enough that she gives Khela a glance which certainly says, 'senior right to answer challenge'?

"Conner," starts Khela, "you don't have to but you should. I prefer to recruit those who want to fight for my cause because it is just, but as I wish to win, I am not above more basic considerations. You, Conner of Amber, son of Fiona, would be most useful on our side. Let me assume that you wish further convincing else you would already be with us."

Khela smiles. "Oh, yes, I've known your identities for some time. I hoped to recruit you since I found you out, and thus have let you have free run of my camp and my followers. Perhaps you found what you needed amongst them? They are a mix of the idealistic and the practical, not unlike me. I would rather be practical enough not to be a dead idealist.

"Are you a practical man, Conner? First and foremost, your death sentence is lifted in my Rebma, unconditionally. Choose Moire if you will, but I have never sentenced anyone to death for political purposes and I intend never to do so." Her nostrils flare and it may be that the green blade at her size blazes greener at the thought.

"But it is not just to you that benefit will accrue, if you are looking for advantage. You will be in a prime position in Rebma, friend of the new rulers and first to have that knowledge. You'd be in quite a position with respect to the three Kingdoms, would you not? You and your kinfolk could be solid friends of the crown, and all you have to do is fight against a corrupt old woman who tried to have you and your King killed."

Khela takes a step towards Conner, but only a step. Her hand doesn't move from Celina's arm. "Not least of all, you can help make this war easier by making our victory that much more overwhelming and thus cause fewer people to die and less disruption of our people. The city would recover most quickly from a more rapid victory than a protracted one."

She holds her other arm out towards Conner, turning the gesture into a shrug. "And I run out of ideas. If I cannot move you for the causes of Mercy, Justice, Truth, and Honor or with the idea of influence and freedom, then I am at a loss. Tell me what would move you, and I will tell you if I can provide it."

Merlin has remained silent all this time, but now he steps up behind Celina, his hand against the small of her back. His eyes flick from Celina to Khela's blade.

Celina's back is cool where Merlin touches and her shoulders lift like a cat anticipating being stroked. She waits Conner's answer.

Merlin does so, tentatively, but definitely. He is both behind her, supporting her, and also keeping Celina between him and Khela.

Conner listens to Khela's speech with a smile masking whatever he really felt about her words. When she had finished, Conner smiles a little wider. "Well you can certainly give a speech. There is one point in your favor as a potential ruler." He chuckles.

Khela smiles at the compliment.

"Well you already know I am predisposed to help you. Moire in power is little benefit to me and my best route finding the truth behind what happened to me lies through you."

Conner begins to let himself drift from side to side a bit, a underwater equivalent of pacing. "However, I do have misgivings." Conner admits. "You see cousin, up on the surface with Oberon gone all sorts of secrets are coming to light as things tied to Oberon's power unravel. Huon is a prime example. No doubt Moins had similar secrets and that Moire has been keeping things together as best she can with whatever knowledge was passed on. Then we come to you." Conner pauses. "A ruler twice removed from the truth. You found the sword and the link to the Tritons. Clearly you are well versed in some of the past, but tell me truly, do you really think to claim power over a Pattern? Have you knowledge enough of Rebma's truths to guide her when Moire takes her secrets to the grave?"

Celina opens her Pattern affinity towards the blade Khela wears. Khela may not claim a Pattern according to some, but perhaps Pattern claims her.

The cool green pattern-ness of it rolls over Celina as she opens herself to such sensations, both with the Pattern and her sorcery. If it's not a brother to Bleys' sword, it is a cousin.

Khela looks steadily at Conner. "Who can say they know enough of what they do not know? I can act now to correct the wrongs I see and the wrongs I know she has committed for centuries. Will I find other things I knew not of? I expect so. I expect I will deal with them in a new way, one that does not kill the inconvenient. I have friends who are close to the Kings of Xanadu and Paris," she smiles at Celina and Merlin, "and my mother was her mother's child. Rebma need not be an outcast in the new world.

"But even if all that were not true, such reasoning as yours did not stop your uncles, Conner, when they chose to contest the throne of Amber. I am willing to stand in the good company of King Corwin and King Random and Prince Bleys, as princes who fought for their kingdoms. I have no ambition to be less bold for the cause I espouse."

"You can admit ignorance without seeming weak." Conner observes. "Another mark in your favor." Conner nods. "Very well. Let's talk terms. The friendship and position in your new queendom I will take on faith at the moment. No need to hash all that out now. However, there are a few outcomes of this endeavor that I need to know you support. Firstly, I want Huon disabled. He threatens a favorite uncle and Amber and I would have that threat removed. Second, Jerod and Rilsa. Should they stand against us I want them captured not killed. If you agree to those, then there will be one more matter I would discuss with you." Conner smiles.

Celina uses her TaKhi to position well to Merlin's advantage if a 'shield' is what he is angling to use her frame for. Meanwhile her inner resources are mapping and tasting of the cool green Pattern-ness. She finds a special place in her mind so that she might compass to the blade in future need.

Khela nods. "I will support these outcomes, but I cannot promise them. If Rilsa is killed in battle, or if Huon flees from us, I may not achieve what you want. If you can live without guarantees that no would-be ruler should give, then I think we can agree. What is the other matter?"

Conner nods at Khela's words. They would have to do for now. "Those assurances are enough to gain my aid in the short term. Now let's speak of the long." Conner suggests. "The other matter is my true purpose for being beneath the waves." Conner begins. "I did not come to immerse myself in a civil war or to follow in my cousin's wake. I came seeking the sword at your hip." Conner admitted. "The sword you said Huon would only have over your dead body. I do hope you might make me more favorable terms." Conner smirks. "You see that blade might be all that stands between Amber that was and a being of great chaotic power that names itself a Dragon. I came seeking that blade to aid in warding it off. So here is my proposal." Conner draws in a cooling draft of water and then speaks.

"If all goes well in our campaign, then you shall be Queen of Rebma. You shall be a freedom fighter no more, but a ruler." Conner points out. "By definition, you become too valuable to risk defending your queendom. The sword would become more a symbol and less a tool. If you will give me leave to use the blade to aid in the defense of the lands above, then I will bind myself to that blade and the Pattern of Rebma and defend it as Her Knight." Conner offered. "What say you to that?"

This startling request of Conner's succeeds in turning Celina about within Khela's grip so she can admire his face.

"That's ... quite a bold request, coz. It will bind you to Rebma as long as you live, and it will affect your life as it does mine." [Khela] breathes out and the water swirls from her nostrils. "And yet it is fitting. I cannot be the realm and defend the realm both."

Celina glances at Khela but looks back at Conner with a smile.

"I, Khela of Rebma, say to you that when next I stand before you as enthroned Queen of Rebma and you kneel before me and swear yourself to be a true knight thereof, loyal to the city, the throne, the queen, and her heirs, I shall bind you to the blade that Cneve called Belagamon and it to you. If the blade will accept you, Rebma will protect you and make you of her and you will protect Rebma."

Celina cannot salute Conner properly held there by Khela. She doubles her smile.

"I, Conner, of the bloodline of Clarissa, accept your offer and the challenge of the Sea Sword." Conner intones formally. Then he grinned "Good. Now that we see each other plainly, let's get you on that Throne." Conner rubs his hands together. "I still think our best strategy is to encourage our enemies to fight each other. Celina, you've dealt with Huon before. What kind of messenger do you think he would be inclined to believe?"

"Huon will believe truth," Celina says softly. "So how will Moire seem more threat than ally?"

"Well the fact that they currently march on him would help with that." Conner muses. "I suppose we do have the option of bloodying the waters and waiting for the sharks. A group of warriors that appear to be from Moire's army attacking Huon's forces should set opinions and start a battle."

"I cannot simply appear on the battlefield and order her tritons to attack him, as Huon wants what I have.

"I do like your idea, Conner. Rebmans frequently cannot tell Tritons apart, some even pride themselves on it. Ours will have little trouble infiltrating. We send in a squad to start the fight, and then they pull back, trying to detach any Tritons they can. Those who join us swell our strength and diminish hers."

She smiles at Merlin and Celina. "It is a good plan. How can we make it a better one?"

Celina leans back into Merlin just a hair and sends a warm thought through her flesh to him, Trust in me.

"Well, my dears," Celina speaks slowly as if still sorting her ideas, "I could go and order Moire's tritons to attack with our squad. Then moving on to Huon, who would speak with me, so a warning could be delivered to him, too late to deflect the triton attack but soon enough to keep his interest in helping us later. I recall that he liked me a bit.

"But I would be leaving Loreena here, depending on her choices, under orders to Conner." Celina looks at Conner. "Since I anticipate that Merlin will insist on swimming with me." And she grins at Khela daring her to act as queen and not lover.

Celina considers a probable Pattern-certainty that her lover, still barnacling her arm, will dread Celina off to battle and parlay but act the queen in front of Conner, her future knight. "But Conner has more military experience than I." She watches Khela.

"I like the idea of approaching Huon, but not of sending you into battle. While another Triton more or less won't affect Moire's army, I would not expect her men to be oblivious to your presence. Perhaps we should split you two up and send Conner to the Tritons and you to Huon. Sir Conner's oath on the sword will help spur defections from the Triton's ranks.

"How does this sit with you, my knight?"

Celina continues to eye Khela without change of expression.

Conner ponders the plan before answering. The more he thinks of it the more it sounds like a test of either his ability or of Khela's word. Both are things that should be tested sooner rather than later. "Very well. I will lead them in this opening gambit."

Celina nods. This is a good thing.

Khela smiles at Conner. "You will be my commander, then. Work out what you need and we shall make it happen."

She turns to Celina. "So, what is our message for Huon? I suspect he knows that there is a concern in Rebma, but not the whys or whereabouts. We are pledged to work for his downfall, so as to suit my soon to be knighted general. Is it more complex than 'Beware, Prince Huon, they are atop you and you must fight?'"

Celina tries to gentle her arm free. "I think so. He is a man used to complex messages. He won't be happy with a simple warning. We start there and then...." The Seaward woman eyes Conner.

Khela's hand slides off with grace and ends on her hip.

"I have found in these situations that it best to go forward with a little lie, a little truth, and a large lie." Conner replies easily.

Celina hooks an eyebrow and listens hard.

"Your little truth will be the knowledge of the attack on his forces. Your little lie will be warning him because of altruistic motives of freeing the Tritons. He will of course not believe that for a second and thus will feel quite proud of himself when he extracts the large lie from you. Tell him that you seek his aid because the line of Clarissa has allied with Moire. Surviving troops of my assault will report a redhead leading them which will add credibility to your story. That should either goad Huon into an assault or an alliance which we can manipulate later." Conner concludes. "All that is required is for you to lie well." He grins.

Celina's face is stone still, but her fingers squirm on her hips. Then her mouth thins.

"We may well need to switch your roles. But perhaps not. I prefer more simple plans, for they have less that can go wrong. 'The Queen of Rebma has allied with Redheads. They have what you want, but some measure of her forces approach to attack.' The omission that the Queen of Remba is uncrowned and not acknowledged in the city yet is none of his business." She smiles.

Merlin says "Sister, I was trained, of course, in courtly lying. It was a prerequisite for learning poisons. I can help you."

A small hiss of relief escapes the Seaward cousin. "Thank you, Merlin, I suspect I'll need coaching. Perhaps we will partner, since Huon knows your station is larger than mine. Merlin is son of a king, where I did not deny his guess that Llewella was my dam." She looks at Conner. "I sense you've given an excellent answer and a powerful one, but I lie regards myself and not others. I could never do well saying the line of Clarissa had allied with Moire. I'd blight my tongue."

Celina looks at Khela and memorizes her mouth and eyes while recalling her oath. "Conner for the attack. Me for Huon and Merlin comes with. I'll need to talk to Loreena before I go."

Then Celina steps to Khela and draws the blade her lover wears. Celina keeps her eyes on Khela but kisses the blade.

It's like kissing raw power. It is the pattern, only green.

"Look for my return from Huon soonest, for not even death will prevent it." Celina restores the blade to sheathe. She does not kiss Khela. "You better take care."

[planning to exit and find Loreena]

[go for it! Merlin will go with you by preference...]

"You shouldn't make me jealous of my own sword, my Anemone," responds Khela.

"Freud would love this." Conner mutters under his breath.

Celina smiles and departs with a Moebius flourish of her hips. Her answer comes back over her shoulder. "I'll find a triton to guide me to Huon's army."

"Large group of men with rifles. Can't miss them." Conner assures her. "Good fortune."

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Last modified: 16 September 2007