After Brennan and Fiona finish filling Random in on current events with Huon, he knows he has work to do, and he doesn't tarry. The rest of the afternoon is spent, if Fiona allows it, in deep conversation about things Sorcerous, particularly things linguistic. By virtue of having Uxmal as a milk tongue, if nothing else, Brennan is skilled in the arts.
The evening is spent in Amber's library, hunting down scraps of information on Avalon, before the details of the scrying leave him. If nothing else, he'll have a bit of material to take with him, and more waiting when he returns; he leaves detailed instructions with Nestor. He also speaks with Solange, that evening.
The next day is spent hoping for the tickle of a Trump call from Brita, or a summons back to Fiona's quarters for more news. It does not come, and the days is spent in a burst of improvisational reorganization of the Knights and the Army, and notes sent to Solange and Caine making sure they are aware of what's going on. The evening is spent with Fiona again, she permits.
And the second day after that... Brennan decides is too much, and there is not much to be done about time streams at a distance. He packs carefully, bringing some of his Uxmali project papers with him, the carving he's been working on and, on impulse, the blade that Bleys broke. It might have a use, although not the one he'd intended.
Brennan leaves word with Fiona to instruct both Brita and Ossian to make a Trump of him, and use it, as soon as possible, as part of Random's directions. With a kiss on the cheek to Fiona, he borrows her Trump of Random, transfers to Xanadu, and informs him that he knows nothing new. A detour on the way to the Trump booth has him visit Cambina to make sure she's okay, and then he finds himself in the Trump Booth, staring at Marius' image.
[If he answers]
"It's Brennan. I've got a lot of news, and not much of it is good. Bring me through?"
Marius raises a hand to towards Brennan to bring him through. "Fear not, we bring reinforcements." It's not sure whether he's saying that to Brennan or not.
Marius pauses, tasting the trump call. He raises a hand as if to bring someone through, saying, "Fear not, we bring reinforcements." It's not sure whether he's saying that to his companions on this end of Shadow or not.
As Marius begins to talk to the air, a concerned look crosses Signy's face, as she ponders what new 'friends' that he might bring through.
And Brennan appears out of the mild, corruscating light effects of the Trump, clasping Marius's hand. He's a tallish man, maybe an inch over six foot with the incidental height of his boot soles beneath him, short red hair and beard, and bright green eyes that don't seem to miss much. He's athletic and well-toned, which is apparent even underneath the long black heavy coat he's wearing. He wears a sword at one hip like he was born with it there, and he's got a long, narrow wooden case strapped to his back that looks about the right size for another smaller blade.
He looks around, notes the approaching men and through some private calculus, differentiates them into the the status of not-threatening, although not necessarily not-hostile. He gives Lilly a longer than average look and greets her. "Lilly. Convenient. And good to see you again." He looks at Signy and Tomat-- mostly Signy-- then back to Marius: "New friends? Or more?"
Lilly responds with a simple nod and a look of relief. Brennan is definitely a welcome sight.
As this new person appears in front of her, Signy gazes at him in unabashed curiosity. A lithe woman of barely average height, her slender frame does not seem to speak of weakness. Her dark hair falls down just to the shoulders, and her dark green eyes are clear and focused on the new arrival, though her face is somewhat pinched and drawn with fatigue. Dressed in serviceable black leathers, a plain sword is belted to her hip, its hilt worn as if from regular use.
She draws herself up, and glances at Marius. "Will this one try to make us affines also, Marius...?" Though her tone is mocking, the question still seems serious.
At this Lilly actually laughs. "Yes," she says her voice filled with good humor. "But not in such a dramatic fashion.
"It is good to see you Brennan," Lilly adds as her demeanor slowly returns to it's normal state of unyielding calm. "If my guess it right, we have more then a few stories to share between us." By us it is clear she is referring to the entire group.
Tomat waits for Marius to introduce him to the newcomer.
"You wound me, Lilly," Brennan says lightly. "But yes, lots of stories. I'm thinking one of them ends with, '...And that's why this young lady, whose name I have already told you, thought that you were going to try and affinate her,' yes? Which--" Brennan looks back at Signy for this next, "--by the way, I'm not. Affinations are Marius' department for the time being."
Lilly nods as Brennan speaks. She is certain Brennan will hear the 'I told you so' in her voice when the truth is told but she hardly cares. In fact she rather expects him to agree.
At Brennan's words, a certain amount of tension drains from Signy's body.
There is a definite but friendly edge of what-the-heck-have-you-been-up-to in his voice.
"As you've just heard, I'm Brennan. Brandson." He watches idly for the reaction.
If that name means anything to Signy, she does an amazing job of hiding it. "I am Signy." She hesistates for a moment, before continuing. "My men are here, with some spare horses, and we were on our way back to camp. If you wish to join us, you are more then welcome to."
Her gaze wanders over to Lilly for a second, before she looks back at Brennan. "Does her father really have a six-legged steed?" She looks almost surprised at the question, as if this question has somehow managed to slip out.
"The last time I checked, Stripey had only four legs. But much of what is said about my father is probably not an exaggeration," Lilly replies honestly. Benedict is a god among mortal men. There is no point in denying it.
Signy doesn't respond to this, but does blush faintly.
"And I am not currently intending anything more in the way of affination," Marius finishes. "My Lord of Chaos days were numbered. Alas, it was not mine to know the number or the amount of chaos." He sighs. "Brennan, you know Lilly, this is Signy, daughter of my mother, and Tomat, formerly of the Klybesian Monks. We are, as my sister said, on the way to her camp, where a time for stories will hopefully preclude any need for immediate conflict."
Tomat gives a neck bow when Marius introduces him.
At that moment, Signy's men arrive with the horses.
As the men are approaching, Brennan takes Signy's hand, if allowed, for the mandatory hand-kiss of introduction. She may notice that Brennan wears a large ruby signet ring on one finger, which is similar to ones Marius and Lilly might also be wearing. "Charmed," and then, more seriously, "My condolences for the loss of Deirdre. I only met her the once, but she was quite impressive."
Brennan manages to accomplish this, noting both a hand that has been calloused far more then just simple sword-play would account for, and a great degree of awkwardness in the act itself, clearly unaccustomed to this sort of formality. "I never knew her," she says, a note of sadness creeping into her voice. "She left when I was very little, almost too little to know her."
Marius watches her, without a word.
He takes at least a metaphorical step back to let Signy deal with her men, and takes the time to critically assess what he can of their training, discipline, and likely combat effectivity, before looking back at Marius with a 'nice dodge,' expression before mounting up on one of the horses. Evidently, he'll be joining them at their camp.
"Lady Signy," says one of [Signy's men], a stout warrior called Wolfsbite. "Where is the battle you summoned us to?"
Signy looks over at the pile of collapsed vegetation. "We managed to drive it off for the moment, but I don't know how badly it's hurt. It may be back, and will most likely be angry. We should be watchful on the way back to camp, and post some extra guards." She looks at the assembled men, and smiles. "I'm sorry I dragged you out here for what ended up being a wild goose chase, but there's no other group I'd trust to guard my back."
She swings up onto one of the horses, and offers a hand to Tomat so that he can mount up behind her.
Tomat does so. Lilly and Brennan think he's probably a middling horseman; Marius and Signy already know this.
Wolfsbite says, "It will be our honor to defend you, Lady, even so. And if it comes back, we will destroy it." Which the four who fought it know is just bravado. He continues, "We will guard you with our lives."
From the height of the mount, [Brennan] takes another look around... then he looks around for something specific, and evidently doesn't see it. His eyes narrow, and he glances back at Marius.
Marius doesn't say anything. He follows Signy's example.
Lilly spends a moment internally debating her actions. There is a part of her that wants to continue her quest without further hesitation. A stronger part, however, is looking forward to a chance to speak with Brennan. With the decision made, she silently follows the group.
Lilly could justify it on a strategic basis; Brennan might have
additional information that may impact her quest, or he wouldn't have
contacted them.
Brennan doesn't contradict Signy in front of her men, or them in front of her. But he watches the interplay and when they withdraw to a respectful distance and they can speak with some reasonable expectation of privacy, Brennan says quietly, "Your men are very capable, Signy, and while I don't know you, I know Lilly and Marius. You realize that anything which stood against three scions of Oberon and lived to tell about it and be angry about it," he pauses for quiet emphasis, "will not be hindered by a squad of ordinary men." It's not really a question.
"I don't want to undermine your authority with your men, but there are some protocols that might be useful here," and he goes on to bloodlessly outline a plan of keeping the men in small groups and forbidding solitary ventures, the thrust of which will be that at least one any group will have time to yell for help before being overwhelmed.
Lilly nods her agreement as Brennan speaks. The men could, and should, be used as an early warning system. Even with luck, they have little chance of overcoming the rock creature.
See, Marius doesn't think like this. He's got the sailor's bravado, crossed with just enough glimmerings of power to be dangerously ignorant. "That sea serpent? We could have taken it."
"Now. That being said," Brennan says, much of the levity vanished from his tone, but still entirely cordial, "What exactly are we dealing with?" He's looking at Signy but the question invites a response from any of Signy, Marius, Lilly, or Tomat.
"As fate would have it," Lilly begins in a soft voice, "Ce'e and Hob have quite literally joined forces. They were both dangerous beforehand. Now... well now they or shall we say it... is twice as much fun. And probably five times as dangerous. It tried to reason with it. Evidently that was not the right answer. But I never did claim to be a diplomat." To those who know her, she sounds a bit exasperated and yet somehow more at ease then usual.
As Brennan speaks, Signy turns her gaze to him, a look of disquiet appearing. "We're related to this Oberon? Could we not order the Eater around, then? Hob said that he was here at the Tower at the behest of Oberon, 'The King of the Rock-People'."
She glances at the men that are escorting them back, and a note of pride creeps into her voice. "They are a good lot, and well experienced. One of them did challenge Hob before I got there, and the rest will have heard that story and taken it to heart. Though your suggestions are wise, and were what I was thinking. Do you know of any way to tell if that thing is going to appear, other than the obvious?"
Marius shakes his head. "It was not fate, it was foolishness, and I am not unsurprised at the results." He blames himself, but doesn't seem especially guilty. "I suspect this Oberon is an..." he reaches for the word, "analogue of the one we served." He looks at Brennan. "Ce'e was strengthened in the place of Order by servitude, yet I feared in its quest to absorb the Hob that Order was only going to weaken it. In truth, as we worked to subdue its combination," he looks at Signy, "one that I do not think has fealty any longer to its Oberon as it has grown beyond mine and that call," he goes back to Brennan, "I felt that Order was having some affect on it. Is it not possible to use Order to somehow place its chaotic origins into a stasis or even realign it to something completely different?"
Tomat listens, having nothing to add.
Brennan listens to all that in perfect silence, looking from Lilly to Signy to Marius, giving Tomat a chance to add something as well. When Tomat chooses not to speak, Brennan says to Signy, almost absently, "Oberon is our grandfather, through different grandmothers. There are more. Many more. And it doesn't work that way. Hold that thought."
Signy frowns, clearly with more questions, but simply sits in silence as the three Amberites talk.
Turning back to Lilly and Marius, he doesn't even scowl. "As stories go, this one's narrative structure leaves a little to be desired. The beginning is a muddle-- why are we here, for instance?-- and there's a big chunk missing out of the middle. I hope."
Brennan's voice is quiet, both because his words aren't for anyone else's ears right now and because he tends naturally to be softspoken. But it is intense. "Right now, the story ends, 'And then, the newly created Lord of Chaos, the one made from the former affine once removed of Aisling, the Spy of Amber, and from Hob, who was apparently the affine of Oberon himself, proved to be hostile, and feisty enough to try to eat all of us in turn, and we couldn't kill it.' And how did that happen, anyway, Marius? How did CloudEater come to be eating Hob?
"I'm hoping to hear the excluded middle, the part that says, 'But as bad as that sounds-- and making a new and hostile Lord of Chaos is pretty bad-- it's not quite as bad as it could be, because at least it's not a hostile new Lord of Chaos that still has a secret hidden cache of our cousin Daeon's blood to feast on or to use in trade with the enemies of the Family.'" He still hasn't raised his voice, but manages to add a savage emphasis to a few select words. "How does that part of the story go?"
Marius laughs aloud. "Perfect," he says.
It's not a happy laugh.
"It assisted me. It was hungry, and the Hob looked tasty. I had promised it a feast. I stood by in hopes it did not get eaten itself, but I perhaps mistook the nature of affection versus the attraction of power. I am good for my promises, but not immune to mistakes of consequence." He shakes his head.
"In order, then. I enlisted the Knight Cloudeater's," he may be reminding Brennan that Ce'e had, indeed, been ennobled, "help in the removal of Tomat from his brotherhood, as Tomat offered to help me find Signy. The affine performed superbly, and I promised reward. After days of travel, we were stopped by the Hob who wished the sweat of my brow to continue. Being less than pleased with its impertinance, when Sir Ce'e desired to taste of the Hob's essence, I granted my permission. We were joined by the ladies in the midst of the silence of the battle. When the..." he pauses, "joining was complete, it proclaimed me its lord and announced that it ate the Hob. After some deliberation it said, `It is the nature of things to be either lord, affine, or enemy.' It gave us the choice, but we," he glances at Lilly, and it is not an accusing look, more a sad smile, "seem to have inadvertantly chosen the role of enemy."
He smiles at Brennan, and it is not a pleasant smile. "Unless you have an idea as to how to bind it again to service."
"Perhaps binding would simply be a matter of asking," this is most certainly addressed at Marius. "But somehow I think we lost that opportunity. I tried to explain that things were not so clearly defined in Order and hoped it would understand. Obviously, it didn't. It seemed to feel it needed to absorb us to gain that understanding." Lilly shrugs.
"A being made of rock does not easily fall to a sword, unfortunately. Magic began to have an impact but it choose to run before we could damage it severely. So, yes, at the moment, we have a dangerous Lord of Chaos who has access to at least a large sample of Daeon's blood running around. With my luck it should be seeking out Dara any moment now to form an allegiance."
"I don't know much about the predecessor beings," says Tomat from the back of Signy's horse, "but that one is extremely dangerous. May I ask who Daeon is?"
"I see," Brennan says, after absorbing all that. "Wonderful."
Looking at Tomat, he says, "You may, if I can ask your part in all this, and what you know about creatures of Chaos." He then seals the deal for Tomat by adding, "Daeon was another cousin through yet another grandmother. Note the tense of the linking verb."
Tomat nods in agreement with Brennan's request.
Looking at Lilly and Marius, he adds, "Your affine either played you, or got fantasitcally lucky. No reason it can't be both."
Marius nods. Both ideas seem quite plausible to him, and he won't argue either. It was a risk, but one he needed to take, and he doesn't expect to be able to justify it to the son of Brand.
"And while I
don't really want to give it any ideas, I think we are probably safe
from its form an allegiance with anything-- it's already told you, it
understands lordship, service, and hostility. There is no place in
that trichotomy for allegiance, and being feisty enough to try and
consume you all at once, I think it is not eager to offer its service
to anyone. It could completely misjudge its own strength, though, and
be affinated or consumed in turn, and that would be extremely bad.
Again, Lilly shrugs noncommittally. The being known as Hob did have its fair share of an ego. Still, both beings were of chaosian descent. That would imply that he rules of Order simply did not apply. There truly is no way to determine what the thing will or will not do.
"And if you want to bind it again, I'd sugest," and he breaks off into a harsh-sounding language that Marius and Lilly will recognize as being Uxmali. He gives a translation of an aphorism: "'Replace the beams with rotten timbers.' The source of the creature's strength is its very amalgamation of separate creatures, so take that away and replace it with something else. The Remans would say, divide and conquer. Cut it apart and subdue the separate pieces. Just don't expect to get CloudEater and Hob back. We'll consider CloudEater to have died in the service of Amber and have him stricken from the rolls when we get back."
This last item earns Brennan a nod. Lilly might not agree with everything he had said but this seems to be a matter of simple common sense.
Marius agrees with probably the exact same nod, although his thoughts seem to have taken him quite far away for a moment as he considers something else.
Last, but definitely not least, Brennan turns back to Signy. "No questions yet? I'd have a lot, if I were you. In fact, I have two for you: Lilly mentioned magic-- Sorceress? And, who annoyed you so much in the tower that you're willing to lay siege?"
Signy inclines her head slightly at this, not bothering to deny Brennan's observation about her curiosity. "I do have many questions, though I had been biding my time to ask them, figuring that it would be better to let you ask your questions about the Eater, in case it decided to come back." She glances at Brennan, the fading light making it hard for him to tell if her lips are really set in a mischevious grin, or if it is just a trick of the shadows. "I am a Sorceress, and given your entrance I'd also assume that you and brother are as well, though I must confess that I have not seen magics like you wield before."
Marius shakes his head at this, but doesn't respond otherwise, leaving Brennan room to explain the difference.
She looks more fully at Brennan. "You talk of Chaos, and spys, and apparently Oberon who is both our grandfather and lord to the creatures that tried to attack us, and apparently bear our family ill will. What am I now in the middle of?"
"Her father," Lilly says to Brennan. "The mentor of my foster father as fate would have it. And the person I came here to see." Her attention also turns to Signy, "But the rest is not for me to explain."
Signy shrugs at Lilly's words. "My father and I have some rather...serious disagreements about a couple of issues. This is but the latest move in the contest between us. If this Eater being is truly gone, then tomorrow I shall most likely take the tower, and pay my father back."
Marius sums the two threads up with the comment, "So you already understand that when family is involved, things become more complicated." He smiles.
He sighs. "I have so many questions for you, Signy, I am sorry that my greed for knowledge has interrupted what I had hoped to be a..." he shrugs. "I had hoped things to be different."
Signy shrugs. "While getting made a servant of the Eater would not have been a pleasant way to start our acquaintance, it didn't come to pass. All in all, not the most awful start, and I have a feeling that things in this family rarely go so easily....."
Brennan's responses to all that are varied-- an exchanged glance with Marius when Signy refers to them as Sorcerers, a slightly narrow-eyed glance from Lilly to Signy as they duck the question... just enough to let them know he knows he's being stalled while they get away with it.
Then, "...No, actually, not as such. I used a Trump-- a token of Marius, prepared by someone else-- to contact him and join him. And they weren't prepared by Sorcery, but by an Art that is, as I understand it, entirely separate. Both are rare skills."
This seems to bring out some interest in Signy. "Can Sorcerors learn this Art?"
"No," says Tomat. "It is reserved to your family."
"As to what you're now in the middle of, it's hard to say. Some of us have had... dealings... with Hob, before, but I hadn't realized that it was Oberon's affine. One wonders," pointedly, "why it was here. What you are going to be drawn into, one way or the other, is the Family Drama. Which right now are the aftershocks of a big crisis that are taking the form of a pestilence of smaller ones. For scaling purposes, you have at least four more cousins of three uncles by your direct grandmother alone." Brennan glances at the others, mainly Marius, to see what details they want to fill in. "No more siblings, though. Not known, anyway."
Lilly looks at Brennan and a frightening smile, one that clearer indicates that this entire thing is becoming complicated enough to please a child of Benedict (or for that matter Benedict himself), meets her eyes as she speaks. "Signy is a true scion of of Amber," she says in a light tone. "She has not only stepped into the midst of the pre-existing drama, but she has added a bit of her own. You see if she moves to take the tower tomorrow, I will have no choice but to lead troops against her." Her attention now turns to Signy. "Of course, this is nothing personal. I do not know you will enough for that. It is a matter of Honor. Plain and simple." Lilly's demeanor suggests that this truly is a battle for another day. Right now she seems content to talk and enjoy the company.
Signy betrays no outward signs of emotion, though her lack of response almost seems rather studied.
Marius just starts to laugh. He waves off anything he might say in further, but the whole situation strikes him as funny. After a minute or two of honest chuckling, he manages to straighten up and keep it to a chortle or two.
"Now is when I ask people to start at the beginning. Until we are beseiged by my mistakes, may I ask about yours?" he refers to Lilly with amusement, "And, of course, Brennan, I am sure you have brought your own gift of trouble?"
Before Brennan can answer, they are past the perimeter of the camp and Signy's men come up to help them dismount and take their horses from them.
One separates himself from the horde and comes up to Signy. Signy and Lilly recognize him as Red Fox Claws and Dagobert, respectively. "Lady Signy, we've driven off the last of the Dvarts. Do we proceed?" He looks at the new arrivals.
Lilly is very interested in the answer to this question. In fact she is very nearly smiling once again as she turns her full attention toward Signy. The response will clearly be the deciding factor in her next course of action.
Signy pauses, mulling the question over in her head.
"Not tonight. The thing that was guarding the Tower has become more powerful, and I am unsure how far we drove it off. I'd not want to face it as tired as I am right now."
Wise choice, Brennan doesn't actually say. As the officer departs, Brennan mutters, "One of us is a diplomat, at least." Then, louder, after another glance at Marius: "All right, then. That should leave us plenty of time to start at the beginning, Lilly, and perhaps tell us how you came to put Marius in a position to choose between sister and sister-knight."
"To make a long story entirely too short, Signy's father is a master smith. He trained my foster father. I came here seeking him out to gain some information about Dara," Lilly pauses to let that register. "I'd prefer to wait until we have some privacy to go into it further. Things just get complicated from here." And she is well aware that they are seemingly complicated all ready...
"This should do for some privacy," says Signy, as she halts her horse outside of a large tent. The more experienced campaigners will recognize the tent as something that is large enough to hold a small group (5 - 7) for meetings. "It's not much, but it's been my home for a while, now."
Signy motions to one of her men, and asks that some bread, cheese and wine be brought to her tent.
Tomat follows Signy into the tent.
Brennan enters the tent, and makes no gesture or expression that indicates Tomat is unwelcome, although he'll scowl a bit if any of the officers or gaurdsmen try to intrude on something that is obviously Family business. If there are maps or charts in the tent, they draw Brennan like a magnet-- particularly maps of resources and resource distribution, even moreso than the current events of troop formations. If there are no such maps, Brennan stakes out a chair in a corner of the room, and occupies it with his customary lazy-seeming sprawl.
Upon entering, Brennan notices a table set up in the center of the room with a half-dozen chairs around it. On the table is a map of the surrounding area with the Tower in the center, and judging by the way that forces are marked on the map, the Tower's forces seem to be a day or two at most from being driven completely from the field. A freshly dug up stone sits rather conspicuously next to the tower entrance, standing in stark contrast to the smooth, polished wood markers that denote the other forces.
Lanterns hanging from the tent poles provide a copious amount of light in the center of the room and in one corner is a cot, blankets still rumpled from sleep, with a chest next to it serving as a makeshift night stand, complete with a couple of books stacked on top.
The walls of the tent seem heavy enough to discourage at least casual passers-by.
In either case, he turns to Signy and Lilly (assuming they both come in) with the narrow-eyed expression of impending complication and dissappointment. "Dara? Smith?"
Signy shrugs, and flops down in what seems to be her customary chair. "This is Lilly's story to tell."
Tomat moves to a paxman's place by Signy and waits for Lilly to tell her story.
Marius follows the flow, leaving the reins of his temporary steed to whoever it is Signy has assigned to take care of such things. "Do you keep secrets from your men?" he asks in an undertone as he passes her to the entrance.
Signy pauses for a second. "Secrets? Not particularly. They're willing to fight and die on my word, so they should not have that trust abused lightly. On the other hand, it can prove...troublesome to plan the next day's battle while outside the men are celebrating making it through that day's fight."
Marius seems to absorb this with a nod. He probably wanted to know how much he needed to keep their stories quiet and coded from prying ears, but maybe it was like asking about the weather.
Signy notes Marius' dissatisfaction with her answer. "If you're asking if I tell my men every last thing, then the answer is 'No.' In a case like this, until I am sure what the situation is, there's no point in causing unnecessary concern."
Well, dissatisfaction may not have been quite right, but that clarifies it well, something Marius definitely expresses with this more thoughtful nod and hints of a smile.
Lilly has been inspecting the map since entering the tent. There is a pause as she decides on the course she wishes this conversation to take. Finally she looks up and takes a moment to search out Brennan's eyes.
"My foster mother is dying. We have called healers from far and wide and nothing, it seems, can be done. I have reasons to believe Dara may be behind it. My foster father suggested Signy's father, his master, may know something that might help me track her down. It is my intent to find and destroy her. If Weyland the Smith can help me do that, then I need him alive and well. Thus, I need to protect his tower, at least for the time being.
"And more then that, Weyland is a friend to my foster father. Family ties are, at times, deeper then blood. Those we love most are not always those with whom we share an ancestor."
Marius looks uncomfortable with this statement, looking at Signy rather than Lilly.
Brennan closes his eyes for a moment, and scowls, to process the information. From the lines on his face, Brennan scowls quite a bit. When he opens them, he starts to ask Lilly a question starting with W, then raises his hand to cut himself off.
"No, we'll get to that later," he says. Then he turns to Signy. "You're the daughter of Deirdre of Amber, and Weyland the Smith," he says flatly. "Planning on killing him?"
"Kill him? No. Just...resolve some outstanding issues." From the slight hesitation, Brennan gets the impression that the 'after' part of Signy's plan hadn't gotten much thought. Her eyes flick towards Tomat for a split second, before focusing back on Brennan. "My father and I have had some disagreements, and I'm just making him aware of my position on some things."
Marius' inner Old Amberite cheers. She's a traditionalist! "I take it that...traditional negotiation was insufficient incentive, and assassination," to distinguish it from traditional negotiation, "was inappropriate. I must admit, I appreciate a siege designed merely to make a point. I would certainly let you choose not to eat your green beans under such aegis."
"There wasn't much room for negotiation. He had certain plans involving me, and when I refused he didn't take kindly to it." Signy frowns at the memory. "This whole affair is probably neither original or interesting, at least until this evening's events."
Marius is sticking with the green beans theory, although it may be one of those girly things.
"Style points or no, remind me not to ask you for parenting advice," Brennan says, absently. "All right, none of us here wants to see Weyland dead, unless Marius has some long buried grudge. The rest is haggling and negotiation. So let's assume we've already done that and no one's armies are taking the field against anyone else."
Marius shakes his head, both at the whole idea of parenting advice(!) and long buried grudges. Actually, the whole idea of parenting advice seems to have knocked Marius slightly off balance for a fraction of a second, as he has to focus back on the conversation with deliberate action and intent.
"Here's a question, though. If we're in here, and Weyland is in there," Brennan jerks a thumb in the general direction of the Tower on the plains, "where's our new best friend, the Eater?" Tomat seems to have some knowledge of Chaos and its Lords, as well. He is very specifically included in that question.
"The Hob had direct access to the tower. He was the one who let me in when I arrived to speak with Weyland. However, it should also be noted that the Hob was definitely subservient to the Smith. It is possible it went there, of course. It might not be a bad idea to make the trip ourselves." Lilly is being practical. Any awkward plans to get Signy into the tower through trickery seem to have been abandoned.
"Weyland does wish to speak to Signy. I offered my services as a go between. Chances are, he will allow me to re-enter the tower alone if needed."
Signy snorts. "If you wish to enter the Tower, feel free. If he wishes to speak to me, it will not be in his home. I'll not go back down that road again."
Marius blinks. "Even for a rescue?" he asks Signy bluntly.
A look of distaste or displeasure flashes briefly across Signy's face. "I suppose, if he were truly in danger."
"I see," Brennan says, and by his inflection and his slightly narrow-eyed expression, he does. Just what he sees, though, he does not share.
Tomat, who had been waiting for the conversation to come to a break point so he could answer Brennan's question, sucks in a breath and looks at Signy.
Signy notices Tomat's look, and shrugs. "I've dealt with my father enough to not be surprised by much he does or is involved in." She gives a wry smile as she continues, "Though I don't know what other dirty laundry is left to be aired, given that I'm just now finding out about some extended family that I never knew I had...."
"The Family has a trade surplus on dirty laundry," Brennan says. "You get used to it, after a while."
Marius shrugs. "I hope the evidence will persuade you we are not just insane travellers who wish to undermine your faith. Blood tells, and it seems to always speak to us."
[Brennan] also looks at Tomat, indicating for him to either answer Brennan's earlier question, say what he wanted to say, or both.
At that break in the conversation, Tomat finally replies to Brennan's question about the Eater. "Even if one of the Chaosim had free access to the Tower through the wards, the combined new creature seems to be different enough from its parents that it will be barred. And in this time of war, Weyland is not such a fool as to leave his wards further open than he has to."
Signy knows that Tomat is right about this.
Signy shifts slightly into her chair, settling into a more comfortable position. She nods her head absently at Tomat's words but doesn't make any comment, apparently considering his statements to be accurate and evident enough to not require further elaboration.
"Be that as it may," Lilly says softly, "And I do see the logic of it, I think I am still going take leave of Lady Signy's company and attempt to speak to Weyland once more. At the very least, he should be informed about the current state of his guardian." Her eyes flicker across the maps once more before she offers Signy a polite nod. "Your hospitality has been most welcome. I am certain we shall meet again."
Lilly's gaze then shifts to her male cousins, "Will either of you be accompanying me or shall I walk this path alone?"
"It does follow from first principles," Brennan says, responding more to Tomat than to Lilly, "but it suggests the question of whether or not the resultant new entity is strong enough to penetrate whatever prior wards Weyland had placed. Especially since, if I read correctly between the lines with all these mentions of challenges and prices and accesses, part of the resultant was previously part of those defences themselves. It also follows from first principles that if the new creature is no longer part of the defenses, it might," Brennan casually emphasizes the uncertainty, "not harass anyone trying to enter or exit. Or it might have its own new reasons to try and bar us." These statements, as before, invite informed speculation.
Tomat shrugs, but does not interrupt.
Brennan reaches down below the map table and comes up with a cup of coffee. Despite the plural, he doesn't seem to be planning to leave on the instant.
From his brief perusal of the map, he can glean a number of things. Most importantly, this is a low-technology shadow without gunpowder, air support, or many of the advances that go with it. And the scope of combat is small enough that the map includes personal names.
"Before we do this, what's all this about Dara?" The question is carefully light and neutral to the point of irony, or even sarcasm. "Dara," he explains for Signy's benefit, "is both a relative and a creature of the nature of the Eater. She is initiated in the Family mysteries, extremely dangerous, and self-declared hostile.
"And then there's my news."
He sips the coffee, raises pleased eyebrows and raises the mug to acknowledge the blend.
"And there is your news," Marius agrees, "which suggests much that may interest us, Lilly, if you would hold a moment. I would certainly accompany you, as I have a question or two of my own, but I think it somewhat premature to leave what may be a council of war, even if not for the existing forces and conflict."
He shrugs. "I know nothing new of Dara, so I have nothing to offer there, save hope of redeeming myself to our Queen given the past ballroom scuffle." He might have said, "In the eyes of our Queen," but that would have been cruel. "Has it or Saeth made further issue?"
"Of Dara, I know nothing new. Of Saeth, the last I heard was after Grandmother sprung her on Madoc at a gathering of that end of the Family." He winces in real but remembered pain. "It was not a pleasant scene. Madoc took her away." More for Lilly's enlightenment than anyone else's, he adds, "Saeth is what was left of Aisling after Grandmother removed her from wherever Caine stashed her. To forestall the obvious questions, no, I don't know if any other fragments survived, nor do I know how many memories Saeth retains of her time with us."
Signy had been listening to the interplay with a slight look of incomprehension, though at this last bit her eyes narrow slightly.
Almost as an afterthought, Brennan reaches down and pulls up a few more mugs of coffee for anyone who might want some.
Signy watches the coffee mugs appear in obvious fascination. "How do you do that? Can I be taught it?"
"It is a family ability," Lilly replies. "And yes, if you are of the blood, it can be learned." She reaches for a cup. Obviously she has chosen to stay, at least for the moment.
Marius nods, as if just to affirm what Lilly says is true. He decides not to take the coffee; one thing he doesn't need is to get wired, and, well, there's the whole Brennan thing. He's tried Brennan's coffee before, and it was an... experience. (Not that he's blaming the whole Aisling-intervention on it...) [grinning]
Without hesitation, Signy focuses on Lilly. "How do I learn this?"
"Our family is is difficult to explain," Lilly continues on for Signy's benefit. "We are royals, born of great power. And we have great enemies. In many ways they are our opposites. In other ways, they are the same. Madoc and Dara are two of another great family that exists in some ways to oppose ours. Dara has been especially difficult for us to deal with as of late. I feel she may be behind an attack on my foster family and she has openly attacked our blood family."
Lilly turns her attention back to the room at large, "As for Saeth... That is beyond my comprehension, I believe." There is humorless smile. "It is just another example of the fact that we can and must be prepared for any eventuality."
While Lilly is talking, Tomat accepts a cup of coffee from Brennan.
Brennan hands him one graciously, certain that whoever it was that left the steaming hot, freshly brewed coffee there, they were also helpful enough to leave it creamed, sugared and otherwise adulterated-- or not-- according to Tomas' taste. Otherwise, what would be the point?
Signy turns her gaze back to the map on the table. "There was a Madoc, who visited with my father at one point. He never told me what the bargain that they'd reached was."
Eyeing Lilly and Signy as they talk, Brennan hides another smile behind his own coffee mug. "A different major branch of the same Family, is how I'd put it," Brennan says. "They're your nephew and grand-niece, if you want to carry the analogy out far enough. My grand-uncle and," he pauses to multiply by sixteen-pi, and divide by fifteen, "second cousin, once removed." He waves a free hand to cut himself off agin. "Why is Dara-- or why do you believe Dara is-- trying to kill your foster mother?"
Lilly replies thoughtfully. "There is evidence. Evidence that could take me hours to truly explain. And I am willing to do that, but this hardly seems the time or place." She takes a sip of her coffee and then continues on, "Of course it has occured to me that it could be a set up, or that I could be playing into a trap because truthfully, I do not know her reasoning. It could be a simple act of vengeance against my father. Remember, these are people he trusts more then family, more then perhaps anyone. My father is not a fool. He would not have left me in their care otherwise.
"Or I suppose, she could be striking out against our generation or the family in general. Perhaps she is simply trying to dismantle us by making us all exceedingly paranoid. Unicorn knows we scarcely need her help with that, but it could be a reason. And then we must also consider it could be a divide and conquer tactic. If I'm busy hunting down Jade's killer, I can not defending the King," Lilly shrugs. "The possibilities are endless. And I can only begin to guess at the reasons. The evidence points to Dara as a clear suspect. I suppose it could also be a set-up. At this point, I like the idea of simply going after her and asking questions if fate allows. Let's face it, if she dies in my blade, it will hardly be the loss of an innocent regardless of whether or not she has commited this particular crime."
Marius raises an eyebrow. "And from another standpoint, we have stolen and imprisoned its property, not to mention some acts of violence on each side, or do you sleep peacefully amidst fire and blood?" he asks. He's smiling. He doesn't mean to sound convincing, just pointing out that Lilly's last sentence is not the kind of judgment he will just accept lightly.
"Ne'ertheless," he sighs, his smile warming some, "unless Dara's hand has moved here, it has done only the indignity to me that was done to us all, so I cannot pursue such a personal claim. As a fellow Knight, I am more than willing to assist you in your goals, but I have many...personal things here that must be addressed." He takes a breath. "There are places that those things may intersect; I would like to gaze upon the likely face of my father." He shrugs, smiling, as if to make it sound light, but he looks again at Signy.
Signy nods at this. "And I'd like to see my mother after all these years."
Despite everything else on the table, Marius just HAS to interrupt here. He makes a kind of strangled, coughing noise, and shakes his head, but otherwise, he's not SAYING anything until everyone else has properly had their turn.
Tomat looks at Marius, then back at Signy.
Marius finally finds something more like words. "You will be disappointed in that," he says, and it sounds like he rejected a lot of flat words for that politeness. "She is no longer counted among the living." That makes it worse, maybe. "That is another story, and a long one in itself, but one I promise to share with you when we have the opportunity."
Lilly almost says something like, 'she died a noble death' as means of comfort but decides against it. Instead she simply shifts uncomfortably and decides to simply remain silent... for the moment.
Signy looks at Marius. A bitter look flashes across her face and settles into her eyes. "How did she die?"
"She needs to know," Brennan says, looking at Marius.
Signy keeps her gaze focused on Marius. "Tomat? Do you know of this?"
Brennan glances over at Tomat to see if he's going to answer in the affirmative. If he does, Brennan catches his eye and gives a curt shake of the head: Say nothing. This is Family business. Signy needs to be told, but not by an outsider. For this, Tomat might be sent away.
Tomat isn't even looking at Brennan. His attention is on Signy. "I had gathered that she was dead from things Marius had said, but he told me nothing of her death."
"This is Family business, Tomat, and private," Brennan says, not unkindly. "We'll speak later, you and I, but unless you are also a lost Family member claiming kinship with Oberon...." He gestures toward the door with his eyes. And then glances at Marius. "She needs to know," he says again.
Lilly attempts to catch Marius eye and offer him an encouraging look. Of course the expression conveys more of a warning (you don't really want me to explain this to her do you?) then anything even remotely empathic but she is at least trying to be caring.
Signy's gaze continues to be locked on Marius. "I'd rather Tomat stays, if you don't mind. He was the closest thing I had to family for a while, and served my father for quite some time as well." Her tone betrays a faint hint of impatientce, "If Marius will not speak, will either you or Lilly answer?"
Tomat, who was waiting for Signy's signal to stay or go, relaxes slightly.
"No, I will do this," Marius says, raising his head from where it had fallen, his frown having been built of awkward, silent attempts at an answer. "These things Tomat can know. Not all of it, maybe, but, this he can share. A simple explanation is that she died defending her homeland." He puts a hand up. "No, a longer answer I can and will give you, but it will still not have all the pieces, and even if we were given three days and all the wine we'd like to drink, I could not give you everything that might satisfy."
Brennan tenses and watches carefully with narrowed eyes as Marius speaks, waiting to see if he's going to go too far in what he says. When he sees that Marius is only going to reveal personal details, he nods along to himself.
"Our mother is dead of treachery and foolishness. She is in the Abyss." He shrugs. "She was taken as hostage...dragged by one of her brothers." He takes a breath, but does not look at Brennan. Instead, he looks at Lilly. "Did you know that my mother suggested I marry you?" His smile is not hysteria, but almost distracted, as if he is piecing together fragments of memories somewhat randomly. He shakes his head as if to clear it...
Clearly this piece of information comes as a bit of a shock to Lilly. Marriage? The though of marrying, not just Marius but anyone, is ridiculous. Why would she want to do such a thing? She too shakes her head as if to clear it and forces herself to keep her attention on the conversation.
...and looks directly at Signy. The smile fades. It's a very intense look.
"She was dragged down by Prince Brand during a battle that had led us into Chaos. She was in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and there was nothing anybody could do." He shrugs, letting it go from his expression, except maybe his eyes. "I'm sorry. This is not how or where or when I wanted to tell you. She had many secrets. You are only one of them I have been able to find. I..." he breaks off. "I didn't know I had a sister. I did not know a father." He seems to be trying to express his sincerity. Then he smiles a savage smile. "Brand is dead."
Now he looks at Brennan.
Brennan nods back. No contradictions. No interruptions. Just a satisfied nod.
As Marius speaks, Signy's head lowers slightly. She gazes at the table with unfocused eyes, her face dark and brooding, for several seconds. She raises her head, and looks at Brennan. "The Eater was a creature of Chaos, and Dara was related to it. I take it that this means that both this Dara and," she pauses for a split second before continuing "Madoc are also of Chaos. Were they at this battle? If they oppose us, were they working with this Brand?"
While Signy was looking down, Brennan somehow lost the late-thirties aspect he had been wearing. Without moving a muscle, someone at least a dozen times older than that is looking out at her, and he does not flinch from eye contact.
"We," and Brennan gestures to include Lilly and Marius both, "led armies on the field of our parents' death. I did not see Dara or Madoc take arms against us, but I met them only later at Oberon's funeral. Too, Dara is sufficiently adept at changing shape to impersonate others-- one reason why some things are not discussed among outsiders." He glances at Tomat, again.
"I believe," and Brennan uses careful diction when discussing that which he conjectures, that which he believes, and that which he knows, "that Brand and Dara's forbear worked together. It doesn't matter. Brand was the architect. Both are dead. Dara remains implacably hostile. I do not believe Madoc was part of that... but I do not know. He was at least civil when last we spoke. Dara declared war."
Signy looks back at Lilly, her face betraying no emotion save for the dark rings under her eyes that seem to have become more pronounced. "I think I may take you up on your offer to meet with my father. I think I would like to know what he knows of this matter, and if he knows nothing it may be better coming from me."
Lilly gives a satisfied nod. "After we spoke earlier, I had similar thoughts. Your father seems to be a man of many secrets. I can only hope he will be willing to share some with us." Her attention shifts to include the men. "Are there other things we need to discuss before we go speak with Weyland?"
"A thousand and none," Marius says. He looks relieved, as if he was able to unburden himself of much of what lay on his shoulders. He looks at Signy and he's sad. He doesn't say, "Even if you had been at the battle there wouldn't have been anything you could have done." He won't insult her like that; he doesn't even think it!
Brennan looks over at Lilly, to answer her question. "Huon. Jovian. The Dragon," he says. He does glance over at Signy and Tomat, but clearly expects the random collection of proper nouns to mean more to Lilly and Marius. "Which, I suppose, might keep until after a meeting with Weyland, since he is a man I need to speak to as well... and because I'm hoping for an update from my brother or my son before very long."
He focusses on Lilly and Marius again. "But I'm here not just as cousin, but as Knight Commander. There are important things that need discussion before we part ways."
Signy looks at Brennan at this. "And when you part ways, what of me?" This is delivered in a fairly businesslike tone, yet from the look on her face she's clearly very interested in the answer.
Marius' smile blossoms again, complete with the usual wry quirk. He nods sharply. "I would have other news from Xanadu and Amber if you have had current business there, and of our new cousin the Lady Meg, and..." he smiles even more. "Whatever word you have, in general." He shrugs. He's not on any particular time schedule now, so he is content to have Brennan take charge.
Lilly nods, "Evidently I have been gone for too long. There are many things I need to be 'caught up on'." The last phrase is said with a hint of amusement. "And perhaps it would all make more sense with brandy." There is a shrug before her usual serious demeanor takes control once more.
"So, Weyland first, and then some more discussion. I think I can manage that."
Marius nods, and adds, having looked concerned at Signy's comment. "I am here for you, sister. While other news may have intruded mysteries and complications, it was to find you that I had set upon my quest. Do not think I have forgotten! I cannot abandon my duties, but neither will I leave you unprepared for the wider stories to which our kin are heir."
"Aside from which," Brennan says, "in all brutal honesty, you are both too valuable and too dangerous to leave here alone and unenlightened. I see two issues before we go to see Weyland about our various concerns."
Signy frowns at Brennan, and a note of suspicion enters her voice. "So I get to be safely collared and leashed, 'For my own safety', is that it?"
"First, if I read between the lines correctly, here, Weyland has had a tendency to restrict your movements. Let's fix that ahead of time before he bargains one or more of us into a position of trying to restrict you." [Brennan] looks to Lilly and Marius, then asks, "Has anyone got a spare Trump?"
Whatever the second point is, he does not yet address. But he does move to the tent flap while they're answering that question, reach outside, and come back with a large hammer. It's an ugly, brutish weapon with a flat head on one side and a pick or spike on the other. If Signy's infantry have had cause to face off against armored cavalry, this is the sort of weapon they might have used from behind a row of pikemen, to finish them off on the ground. From the size, and Brennan's careful motions, it is made for someone with the strength of Amber in his arms.
Lilly gives Brennan a curious look, "I do not carry spares. In fact I have but one." More then this she refrains from offering. Never give more then is asked for.
Brennan glances over at Signy, expression unreadable: "Remember who's going to set you up with a Trump if Marius doesn't." He turns to Marius, offering him the hammer and evidently ready to conjure another one. "How about it Marius-- a spare for your sister?"
Does he want the hammer?
Marius pulls out his Trump pouch, and thumbs through it. He nods at the hammer, reaching for it in his off hand.
Unless Brennan pulls it back and says, "Psyyyyyyyyyyyyych," the following, erm, follows.
He smiles after a moment and hands Signy a card of the King of Xanadu. "These are almost as precious as life's blood," he says softly, "and far more rare." He does his best to suggest that they are items of Power, and he returns his Trumps to where they had been stored. He does not tell Brennan if it is a spare or not.
And yeah, he considered giving her Corwin's, for about half a second.
Lilly's expression reflects a hint of amusement. "What? No trump, no hammer?" She allows herself a smile as her hand moves smoothly to the hilt of her sword. "Or does the plan require finesse as well as brute force?"
Signy takes the card from Marius, and looks at it curiously. "Who is he, and how do I use this?" If Brennan's answer irks or otherwise bothers her, she doesn't show any signs of it.
"Whoever it is, don't look at it too hard, because that's how it activates. The rest, for your purposes, is intuitive." Brennan says. "And bear in mind that it's a one way trip, so don't go unless you plan on being gone for a long time."
While Brennan is out rummaging for a second hammer, Marius smiles at Signy. "That's our Uncle Random, King of Amber, King of Xanadu. If he has added other realms to his titles, I am as yet uninformed." He looks as if he would say more, but then changes his mind.
"He is a reasonable man," Lilly adds as reassuringly as she can. This is a good choice, even if she would have perhaps chosen differently.
With one last brief glance, Signy tucks the card into a pouch at her belt with a nod.
Since Marius took the hammer, Brennan rummages around outside the tent flap for a moment, giving Marius enough time to add his own comments in there. Brennan comes back with another hammer for himself, of the same general style. He's got it grasped close to the head, and although he's moving carefully, it would be a grave mistake to think he can't move quickly if he needs to.
"Here is my thought on the second issue," Brennan says. Like any good field commander, he doesn't waste words. "We don't know if the new creature is going to oppose us or not, or if it will be inside. I propose not taking chances. Marius and I," he gestures with the hammer, "should walk about fifty paces ahead. If it manifests, we'll block it physically and with Family authority. That should leave Signy far enough away to work without interference."
Marius looks pleased, hefting the hammer thoughtfully. "Not my usual tool," he says, mostly to himself, "but pleasing nevertheless." He puts a good grip on it, as if looking forward to playing Whack-a-Mole.
He looks at Signy, adding, "If it comes to it, issue the pre-arranged signal so we can drop what we're doing, and let fly. I suggest something that will dismember it."
Signy's lips twist in a sardonic smirk at Brennan's suggestion. "Any thoughts on what would be effective against it? Last time was rather...draining."
Brennan gives her a what-are-you-asking-me-for expression. "I don't know. What can you do?"
[Brennan] lets Lilly or Marius explain the time-honored pre-arranged signal of the Knights of the Order of the Ruby.
Marius bounces this to Lilly because Lilly will be staying with Signy, and because Marius' player cannot remember or offer anything serious at this very moment.
Lilly explains the signal with prompt efficiency. [OOC: I believe it is something like yelling, "Hey I need help here" in the loudest possible voice but I could be wrong... ]
Looking at Lilly, he adds, "This leaves you with the important job of protecting Signy if it gets past us, or has new allies. Did you want a hammer, or are you happier with your blade?"
There is a pause as Lilly contemplates the possibilities. "The rock creature may not be our only enemy. I can keep it at bay with my blade. I should be able to provide enough time for either backup to arrive or for the rest of you to retreat." Her voice may convey more confidence then her words but the true level lies between.
He looks at everyone. "I miss anything, here? Better ideas?"
Lilly looks at Brennan, "It is a difficult creature to fight. No point in even attempting finesse. Think moving granite. No obvious weak points. Even the eyes and mouth seem impervious to the blade." If Lilly understood what Whack-a-Mole was, she would whole-heartedly agree to this approach. "Speed and sheer strength are the best weapons."
Marius shakes his head. "We make amusing heralds. Let us knock on his front door with all due courtesy."
Lilly nods and gesture for the others to proceed.
Signy rises from her chair, and stretches, knuckling the small of her back before joining in the procession out.
Tomat, who has sat quietly, listening to the entire exchange, falls in with Signy.
"Okay," Brennan says. "Let's rock. And hope we can chalk this up to my paranoia, later." And with that, he taps Marius on the shoulder, and goes.
Lilly unsheathes her sword as she exits. Best to be prepared. Brennan certainly did not have a lock on paranoia. In fact, she is quite sure there is more then enough to go around. With senses alert, Lilly prepares herself to defend Signy and her fellow Knights.
As Signy and Tomat fall in with the rest of the procession, she leans toward Tomat. "Any advice in dealing with this thing?" she asks in a quiet murmur.
He leans in and whispers back. "Your sorcery and their magics conflict, as we saw, but that's the obvious. Treat it like rock, don't expect to hit a vital spot. The hammers are good. Acid would be better."
Signy sighs softly, and glances towards Brennan. "I don't suppose you know their magics, and can produce some out of thin air like they can....."
"I might be able to do something similar," Lilly offers. "But I am a mere novice compared to my cousins. My suggestion is for you to use your sorcery of the surrounding areas. Do not attack the creature directly. That was starting to work before."
Tomat nods. "I'd transubstantiate water into acid, using the magics we studied." He pauses. "You're better at them than I am."
In a softer voice, pitched so that only Tomat can hear it, and faintly at that, she continues. "And will they try to lock me up, too, like my father did?"
His voice is even softer than hers and Signy must strain to hear it. "We must talk in private, my Lady. They have a magic that can keep anyone from locking you up again. If you can but learn it from them, you will be unstoppable. These youths all know it. You would do best to work with them and earn their trust."
Brennan doesn't look back as he and Marius walk back in the direction of the tower, via the place he arrived. He does hold his left hand low, in a "wait" gesture until he and Marius have gone about fifty paces-- enough, he hopes, that if he and Marius need to try and smother something with the Pattern, it won't interfere with Signy too much. At that point, he gives a "follow" gesture.
"If it comes to it, you go low and I'll go high," he says to Marius. After another moment, Marius might think Brennan is going to give some boring rationale for that statement. Instead, in a voice pitched low enough that the wind won't carry it back: "Marius... some unasked-for advice on the sudden role of new big brother. Whatever she's been through, she's been handled poorly. There's not much to her on the surface but resentment and ambition. Take care with her. Not gentle, necessarily, but careful."
Marius bites his lip, thinking. He doesn't give Brennan a reply, but the other Knight can be sure that he's thought on it and is agreeing.
Brennan gives his characteristic grunt-and-nod. Agreement between Marius and Brennan is rare enough that he almost wants to savor it, except for the subject matter. They'll talk later, no doubt.
He doesn't seem to expect a reply, and doesn't let his words or Marius' distract him from the walk. He does remember that he's not dealing with an ordinary enemy, and remembers to look both up and down, as well as across the landscape.
Last modified: 18 February 2007