Random and First are still in the Audience Chamber, deep in discussion. When the youngers come up, they turn to them. Random seems amused.
"Hello, Brita. First to the Heart tells me she's your sister, which would be hilarious if it wasn't metaphorical, which is, in itself, hilarious."
Brita gives a brief flash of a smile and nods. "My Battle-Sister," she agrees. "Kin First seemed Worthy to Me." She gives a brief sideways glance at her brother before straightening back to face Random again. "I have Come to Ask After Uncle Huon's Trump. Some of My Cousins are Concerned for Those who are With Him. They wish Me to Contact Him and Offer Assistance if Needed to Return the Rebman Archivists."
Conner has nothing to add and contents himself with smiling benignly at all and sundry.
First also smiles and nods towards Brita.
Random nods. "Battle-Sister it is. OK. Tell Gilt Winter to open up the Raven Desk. It's in the center cubby marked 'O' for 'Out of File'. Before you ask, it was always the Raven Desk, no relation.
"Conner, Fletcher, are you on Team Find Huon as well?"
"Not at the moment," Conner replies. "Celina has uncovered a Klybesian group in Paris that claims to have a lost heir of Rebma in their clutches." Conner shrugs. "Probably a lure or a trap, but as removing Klybesians from Paris is a worthy goal in itself I will be accompanying her."
Random nods to Conner. "I think we're all in favor of that goal. With fire if necessary. Please tell Corwin before you burn down anything he might be attached to, of course."
"I shall endeavor to leave Paris better than I found it." Conner assures him.
Brita bows to the King, nods to Fletcher and First, gives Conner a quick side hug and a "Stay Safe" and heads off to find Mister Winter... or a page to seek him out...
Fletcher answers the King. "Actually I wanted to ask about walking the Pattern here in Xanadu. Also I was supposed to wait here for Martin." He shrugs. "At some point in the near future I'd like your permission to walk the Pattern. I'm also supposed to take a look at a magic circle that the Queen of Air and Darkness left. What do you think?"
Random glances at the Moonrider Princess before turning to Fletcher. "Ah, yeah. Get a good night sleep, take two aspirin, and call me in the morning."
Random turns to First. "Before you ask, yes, it's usually like this on Thirdsdays. You should see it when we have a full court press."
First just nods.
"If things ever calm, I will prepare a primer on standard idioms any granted a Royal audience will want to learn." Conner smiles at First. "It won't help of course but it would amuse me to write it."
Random smiles at this. "If it amuses me, I'll make it required reading. 'Conner's Unhelpful Primer' is at least an excellent working title. Or the name of your second album."
"If I ever have a first album, I promise that will be the second," Conner assures the King.
A few moments later, Folly enters with Garrett; she's talking quietly and amiably with him, but pauses the conversation to smile at the King as they enter. She tilts her head almost imperceptibly toward First and flashes a quick band sign to ask how it's going.
Syd's band-sign has never been subtle. It's somewhere between "Schmoozing with the bar owner's SO" and "Let me know if you need me now" and "Why aren't we in a hot tub right now?". He's happy to see her.
Out loud, she says -- mostly to Random but for everyone's benefit -- "Heads up, we've got a few serious people on the way up to discuss Serious Business."
Then she smiles at First. "It's good to see you again, First-to-the-Fray. Welcome to Xanadu proper. Well, not-so-proper, really, as you may have noticed. May I introduce our kinsman Garrett? I don't think the two of you had a chance to meet, as he was off on an important errand after the duel." She is careful to try to make it sound like the friendly introduction it's meant to be, rather than an attempt to set them up. She even resists shooting Garrett even the slightest hint of a teasing look.
Garrett gives First a polite nod. "Pleased to meet you, First-to-the-Fray. We met in the hallway here briefly, but that was rushed as well."
"It is my pleasure, Prince Garrett," she replies. "It was a busy hallway, and not ideal for formal greetings."
Hannah and Edan (and Martin) arrive as the others talk. Edan is still in travel-stained clothes and looks like he's had a rough few days. And then some. He also looks like he'd rather be any number of places other than here.
...And Brennan. Who at least had long enough between battle and Younger Meeting to clean up, even if he's still wearing armor.
Random looks at his assembling relatives, "Can someone give Lady First the tour of the public parts of the castle?" He'll take anyone up on it who offers. "Gilt will be seeing to rooms for our guest, so any page will eventually be able to find out where your tour should end."
Hannah raises her voice from the back of the room to volunteer. "I can do that."
"My apologies, Lady First, but serious people discussing serious business is a serious matter that I seriously have to take seriously, regardless. Duty calls, and we'll reconvene this evening for dinner."
First rises. "Of course, King Random. I intend to be a cooperative hostage."
Random rises as well. "You're my first, so we'll see if I can be a cooperative hostage-keeper."
Folly smiles her gratitude at Hannah, who may get the sense that Folly was considering volunteering herself, but thinks she may be more needed here. She takes a seat a bit off to the side.
Hannah gives Edan a reassuring pat and wanders over to pour herself a glass of water. She's silent, thoughtful, but very content seeming at the same time. Maybe a touch amused. She motions First over and offers her a glass as well, before they depart.
"Regretfully, I believe Queen Celina waits upon me so I will withdraw." Conner's gaze touches on Edan and Martin and clearly says 'Good luck'. "I will give the Klybesians our worst regards." WIth a bow to the King, Conner heads back the way he came.
Random casually waves his diplomat-nephew out.
Gilt Winter is at his desk outside the Audience Chamber, talking to a cook, who is waving her hands animatedly. When he sees Brita enter, he rises and the cook steps to the side and tries to look small.
"Lady Brita," he says, waiting for her to explain her request.
Brita gives a slight bow to the cook. "I Apologize for the Interruption. I am to Ask for a Card in The Raven Desk. Cubby O." She gives a slight shrug. Hopefully Mister Winter understands those directions.
The cook acknowledges her while trying to seem as inconspicuous as possible.
"Of course. Please come with me to the Writing Room."
Assuming Brita follows, Gilt will lead her to a bright room on the second floor, with a pair of large windows that overlook the harbor below. There's a large rolltop desk that in no way resembles a raven, and Gilt goes directly to it. Gilt takes a key from his prodigious keyring and opens it.
"Everything in The Raven Desk is in 'Cubby O'. His majesty says it stands for 'Out of Place'." Gilt finds a stack of cards, and offers them to Brita.
Brita has followed Gilt into the room and smiles. "And Yet, You Know the Exact Place in this Out Of Place Desk for what is Needed." She bows slightly as she accepts the cards.
Gilt bows in return. "I serve at His Majesty's pleasure, and I choose not to displease him by failing."
She quickly cycles through the deck -- noting anyone else of interest as she searches for Uncle Huon's card. When she finds it, she hands the deck back to Gilt and notes, "I am to Call My Uncle." Brita then moves to the windows and starts to concentrate on the card.
Brita picks up the card. The style is unique, and matches none of her teachers nor any trumps she's seen before. Supposedly this trump was made by Brand.
Huon comes into focus. He's as brash and confident as might be expected. "Excellent timing. Who calls?"
"Your Niece Brita, Uncle Huon. I am to Ask After the Rebman Archivists and If You need Assistance in Returning Them. I am In Xanadu Castle." Brita adds, "Queen Celina is Here as well, Although she May Be Returning to Bright Paris soon."
"Hello, Niece Brita. Your timing is impeccable. I am with the Archivists, and we're currently in a Klybesian medical facility in shadow. If I could request a handful of relatives, ideally angry and heavily armed, or perhaps a company of Amber's palace guards, it would be most helpful."
Huon allows more of the background to come through. Brita hears alarm bells, gunfire, and smells smoke.
"In addition, the Klybesians have been kidnapping new nephews and nieces and I have three with me. They are in for some rude shocks, I suspect, as I have only dropped broad hints about the entire 'not who you think you are' nature of why the Klybesians have them captive. Any who come through will need to look out for them."
Huon frowns. "And they've got machine guns. I'll keep the contact open, but I must move. I'd rather be rescued than avenged, even if that isn't everyone's first choice for me."
"It is My First Choice for You, Uncle," Brita states. She turns so she can glance at Gilt and says with a go to it wave, "We Can have a Squad of Xanadu Guards Summoned for a Rescue Operation and a Group of Cousins, Including My Brother, are Making Plans Against the Klybesian Priests on Several fronts, But I Stand Ready to Bring You All Through. Would That be Most Prudent if They are Arming with Machines?"
Gilt's orders aren't clear to him, but he'll also choose not to displease Brita by failing, and steps out. Brita hears him talking swiftly outside the room.
"Ah Brita, were we all here, I might take you up on that. We may be safe for the moment, or safe enough. I need to retrieve the Rebmans in my custody and I very much want to learn what we can from this Klybesian outpost, which is the second durmurral. Best if we overran this place with excessive force."
Gilt does not step back in immediately, but Brita hears an alarm bell being tolled.
"The Alarm is Raised, Uncle. I Expect Assistance will be Forthcoming." Brita glances back around the small office. "How Many will Come Through from Your Side? Are there Injured?" She is assessing the room for size and triage purposes. Mentally she is trying to determine the closest path to an infirmary or other medical assistance within the castle. She moves to the door and opens it so arrivals can be passed into the room or hall as needed.
Vere leaves the garden and asks among the staff until he finds someone who knows whether the Lady Corvis is in the palace, and if so where she is currently. If Corvis is still in the palace he will head directly for her, if not he will seek out Gerard.
Corvis has returned to the chambers she and Gerard share; Gerard and Corwin have gone to the Red Parlor to conduct some family business.
When Vere arrives at his father's suite, Corvis is waiting for him. She had been wearing court-appropriate clothes but has changed into something less complicated and probably more comfortable. She rises to meet Vere.
"My son," she says, "How are you doing? I feared you would have to leave at once, again, as your father used to."
Vere hugs his mother and laughs quietly. "I do have to leave immediately," he admits. "Fortunately I have enough time to speak with you before I must depart. Sit, sit." He waits for her to sit, then sits himself, watching her carefully and judging her health and emotional state as well as he can.
Once they are both seated he asks, "How are you doing? I was able to speak very briefly with Father when I first arrived, and he seems much the same?" There is a question there.
She smiles, but looks tired. She looks older than he last remembered her looking. "Oh, your father's always at his best when he's needed. Is it true, Vere? Does the Queen serve the Dark Mother?"
Vere notes that she did not answer his question about her own health, but allows the change in topic. "It appears that may be the case, although it still remains unclear to what extent she was willing. She might have been possessed." he shrugs slightly. "But even if so, she might have made an agreement that led to her possession. There is talk that the child she is carrying is a vessel, not a true child." He meets his mother's eyes. "I spoke with the shade of Cambina, who told me of her death. The things she told me do not cast the Queen in a favorable light. I have heard that the ladies of the Queen's court had their own concerns?"
She looks into his eyes. "Men should never be allowed to be in charge of anything, anywhere. Even when they aren't trying to do something stupid, they naturally inspire stupidity in others."
Vere smiles very slightly at this, but does not respond.
Corvis says, "Before the Queen was with child, the King was sleeping with a number of people. Even the suspicion that the King favored a particular lady would enflame the Queen's suspicions and created some intolerable circumstances. I have no idea if the King actually slept with half the women the Queen suspected, but a number of Ladies of the Court were dismissed or investigated for her jealousy. She was also unkind to the servants, who began to fear her, particularly her secretary Ember.
"Lady Brij and I tried to calm things, but neither of us are very diplomatic."
Vere sighs. "Jealousy is not an excuse for treason, although it may serve as an explanation." He shakes his head. "I do not know how long it may be before I have to depart with Queen Celina, so allow me to change the subject. I am going with her to Paris, where we have heard that enemies of the Royal Family have taken a young member of the family captive. There have been reports that Avis might be involved with them in some way, and I wish to be a part of this mission so that I can extricate her, if that is necessary, and act as a voice on her behalf. Have you heard anything from her, or from Paris, recently that might be of importance in this?"
Corvis shakes her head. "Your sister is doing her best to lead the remnants of our people. She's likely to make mistakes, but so did I at her age. If you need my help with her or the priestesses, you can call upon me." She shakes her head again. "It's like one of those ridiculous romances you used to devour, isn't it? I always told you that real life was messier and less likely to have a satisfying ending."
Vere smiles and begins to say something when...
There is a deep, repetitive tolling sound from the bell tower in the pattern that means "to arms". Vere hears a lot of motion and Corvis says "The alarm?"
Vere nods and stands.
A page knocks on the door, and Corvis tells her to enter.
"Pardon the interruption, Lady Corvis, Ranger Vere. Lady Brita calls for a troop of soldiers and her cousins and brothers to join her to rescue Prince Huon. The Klybesians are involved. She is in the butler's office."
Corvis looks at her son. "We can talk later if you needs must answer the summons."
"Needs must," he agrees. "I love you, Mother. Be well."
And he heads for the butler's office at a pace just short of a run.
Celina drifts like tide back to the gazebo. She notes Merlin is expecting her and Raven is nearby. Celina goes to the table of food first and does a stock up.
Then she moves to Merlin studying her plate. "Well, if the missing Sapphire is like the Jewel of Dworkin, it will be easy to identify."
"Probably a dumb question," Raven says, "but is that what you were looking at over there? Saw it was a shiny rock, but I can't say I recall having seen it before."
"It was indeed the Jewel of Judgement," Merlin says, sounding annoyed. For him, quite annoyed.
Celina nods. "Yes. Commodore? Captain? Raven. A real pleasure as I don't think we've had time to get to know each other. I am Celina, the orphan daughter of Corwin and Moire, a protege of Khela, and the current queen of Rebma. I don't have the story of the Jewel but Folly might. Anything you know about it would be helpful."
"And while I think we have met before, to remind you, because there are so many of our cousins: I am Merlin, son of Corwin and Dara, and thus Celina's brother. And as it happens, my father has told me much of the matter to do with with the Jewel and the late war, though it is a very long story--though I can summarize some important details if you like." Whatever he was annoyed about, Merlin puts it away for the introduction and offers Raven a friendly clasp.
"Captain," Raven says, "but Raven's fine. I'll answer to either. Probably still answer to bosun too, if you catch me not paying attention and yell it loud enough, Your Majesty." She gives Merlin a wry smile as she returns the clasp. "You came to Gateway with me and Conner, Merlin, but thanks - the names and faces ain't a problem, once I know who goes with which, but I'm starting to lose track of who I've properly met and I ain't gonna turn down the reminder."
There's a pause, and then Raven frowns at Celina. "Wait... Not to pry or anything, but orphan? Aren't your parents both still around?"
Celina raises an eyebrow and glances at Merlin, "Well." She chuckles.
"Yes, they are. My mother arranged to foster me out in shadow with some allies I still think of as family. I grew up thinking my parents were dead. Hence, when my mind is a bit elsewhere, I slip." Celina shrugs. "Actually, while both parents acknowledge me completely, they are both dicks. I have issues."
"Her Majesty was gifted a subscription." Conner comments having caught the last two lines as he approached. "But all things considered I think she turned out well." Conner grins.
Merlin has flushed a little at the reminder. "Of course, cousin Raven, I am sorry. Ordered beings all have similar body-forms and appendages, and I have some difficulty telling us all apart by physical form. Trump contacts are easier for me."
Raven blinks a couple of times, the kind of blink of someone trying to decide if that was just an overly formal way of saying he's bad with faces or if this is something weirder. Then she shrugs. "No need to say you're sorry," she says. "Known a few folks that had trouble with faces before. And as someone that had one person in my family besides me before getting dragged into all this, it's a lot of faces to try and remember."
Celina blinks once trying to parse that redhead humor. She considers what kind of subscription wordplay Conner is about and decides a lady asking would just make things too messy.
Instead Celina nods to the Captain's observation. Celina studies the Captain at leisure. A strong face. Likely not Corwin's child. She thinks that's quite fine. It presents possibilities. "Celina is good enough, Raven, unless we are in Rebma or doing formal business. How long do you intend to be in Xanadu?"
"I got the idea Brennan didn't mean to hang around for long once this business with the King is done," Raven answers, shrugging again. "And I'm not of a mind to slow him down, so... Probably long enough to clean a plate and maybe bother somebody for more about the Moonriders than some old stories and watching somebody duel one." She glances at Conner and adds dryly, "Since I don't figure the Unicorn is gonna show up every time that happens.
"Sounded like you weren't staying long either...?"
Celina does not answer for a beat. This side trip has lost her Jerod's considerable support. She knows she is not a warrior. But she has a promise of Folly's help in the future. And the addition of Conner and Vere will more than round out their efforts to hit the Klybesians very hard. "Just long enough and no more." Celina nods to Conner. "I assume you had a few words with Uncle Random. Did it satisfy?"
"I amused him." Conner replies. "That is always satisfying." Conner chuckles. "He endorses your decision to hurt the Klybesians and trusts to our discretion how much of Paris we may have to destroy to do it. Brita was given permission to use the Trump of Huon and went off to fetch it from Gilt Winter. She has promised to turn one of her sketches of me into a Trump sketch for later use."
"I hope our father feels the same," Merlin says. "I would also offer to make a sketch, but your sister will know you better, I think, Conner. As for destruction, I am more concerned about how we will unmake the dishes, since we cannot do it sorcerously here or in Paris, and it must be done."
"We can either safeguard them until one of us next travels into Shadow or pass it off to one of the other sorcerers who will be." Conner shrugs. "Unless you have a Trump of somewhere appropriate in Shadow." Conner adds. "Unmaking the dishes should be a short detour after all."
"Why do they need to be destroyed, again?" Raven asks, frowning a little. "Because... someone could reconstruct it, like you did with the tower?"
It is certainly a redhead question. Celina looks at Conner with interest.
"It is as you say, Raven." Conner nods. "A skilled sorcerer could try to use those items to recreate the scene they were used in and simply smashing them would not be enough to prevent it." Conner shrugs. "Now how Martin thinks this tableware will get into nefarious hands, I am not sure but generally speaking I have come to trust what he thinks worthy of distrust."
Merlin says, "They could be summoned using--"
He is interrupted by a deep, repetitive tolling sound from the bell tower in the pattern that means "to arms". Castle staff and guards, already moving swiftly through the castle, become very focused and move to safety or to danger.
A page comes to the gazebo, speaking to all who remain in it (Jerod and Ossian as well as Celina, Merlin, Raven and Conner.)
"Pardon the interruption, Highnesses, Lords. Lady Brita calls for a troop of soldiers and her cousins and brothers to join her to rescue Prince Huon. The Klybesians are involved. She is in the butler's office."
Celina starts at this. It sounds improbable for Huon to be so diverted from his last known course. But there are more Klybesians than she wants in this tale. Her Archivists are irreplaceable!
"Guide us directly there," Celina says to the page. She follows.
Conner does not wait for the page and strides off to the butler's office.
Raven follows in Conner's wake.
Celina smothers a chuckle. Conner is so handy. He already knows the palace layout. She steps up her pace to match Raven. Seeing Ossian and Jerod moving fast, Celina says, "Conner, I'll need a long knife or spear along the way. I've been practicing bow and arrow. And I've read a lot about cannons." She smiles impishly.
Celina keeps the Parisian hat but slips out of the stiff jacket and tosses it aside. By the time they are inside the castle, she's left behind shoes and several items of Paris fashion in favor of the chemise and lace drawers. Celina adjusts the boot dagger and belt holding the four platter knives from the gazebo.
Merlin is with them and doesn't seem to be carrying a weapon, but he is, after all, a sorcerer.
Ossian looks up from his sketch and sees Jerod over at the drink table. He walks over, pours a small glass of vodka and sweeps it. "Do you have anything unfinished here? We could get moving."
Jerod taps his empty glass idly, his gaze fixed on the door leading out that various cousins used on their way to the throne room. He has that focused expression that tells of a dislike for a situation that he cannot control but which he has a stake in.
But he shakes his head once, placing his glass down. "Unfinished...probably. Can it be finished...not anytime soon I suspect." he says. "Best not to delay getting that rutter. If the Queen and her merry band make a big racket finding our missing family members, it might spook the Klybesians to head further underground."
There is a deep, repetitive tolling sound from the bell tower, sounding the pattern that means "to arms". Castle staff and guards, already moving swiftly through the castle, become very focused and move to safety or to danger.
A page comes to the gazebo, speaking to all who remain in it (Jerod and Ossian as well as Celina, Merlin, Raven and Conner.)
"Pardon the interruption, Highnesses, Lords. Lady Brita calls for a troop of soldiers and her cousins and brothers to join her to rescue Prince Huon. The Klybesians are involved. She is in the butler's office."
Jerod looks at Ossian. "We can get some practice in before the main event... shall we?"
Ossian grins. "You can never get enough practice. I suggest we don't let the others get there first. We want there to be Klybesians left." He starts jogging towards the castle.
Jerod collects his spear and heads off as well, making a mental note to himself that Ossian is becoming more likeable it seems.
First graciously excuses herself from Random's presence, bows to the assembled parties, and follows Hannah out of the court.
"I am First-to-the-Center. How are you called?" She seems pleasant, although she doesn't pay much attention to the cradleboard and infant.
"It is a pleasure to meet you First-to-the-Center." Hannah smiles because she likes this name very much. "I am usually called Hannah, because it is easier for people who aren't used to changing names. Among my people, though, I would be called 'She-Stands-At-The-Center-And-Everywhere', though our word for that is Enana, which is easier to say. Today I could be called Sorry-she-messed-up-the-Peace-Plan. Is this the first time you have met me?"
First nods once. "It is, but it is customary to introduce oneself when one uses a new name regardless. It eases social friction."
Hannah turns her head a little to watch First.
First smiles. "Regrets-A-Missed-Opportunity is how that would naturally flow in the usage of Ghenesh. Names are important for us, and the changing of them, because they can help us find those with whom we are cross-time. That's really an issue with our elders, of course."
"Ah. We do it to acknowledge - well, it should acknowledge that someone has changed their life path. But sometimes, it is done because an event has changed the tribe's perception of who someone is. Wouldn't changing names make it harder to find someone cross-time? Wait, that is the wrong question. What does it mean to be cross-time from someone?" Hannah asks.
"Do you mind starting outside? There are gardens and the waterfall, and views of the city."
First nods, and walks alongside Hannah. "That would be very interesting. I am imagining what this place was like before there was a city. It is very striking landscape. We walked up from below, and seeing it from above is intriguing."
As they leave the castle, Hannah hears a distinctive 'Caw' sound and sees a shadow pass nearby. Heckle seems to want permission to return.
Hannah smiles in surprise. "He's asking to come down. I didn't think he'd ask. Forgive me, I need to give this Raven back his palanquin." Hannah holds her arm out as a landing branch in encouragement, looking up to find Heckle.
Heckle lands on Hannah's outstretched arm, and leans in to Hannah. "Something's about to..."
There is a deep, repetitive tolling sound from the bell tower. The Rangers call the pattern "to arms". Castle staff and guards, already moving swiftly through the castle, become very focused and move to safety or to danger.
A page comes to Hannah.
"Pardon the interruption, my Lady. The Lady Brita calls for armed assistance." The page seems as if he's reluctant to speak where First can overhear.
"My Battle-Sister!," responds First. "We should go."
Hannah smiles a sudden and genuine smile at First's reaction. "Hold on there my dear hostage-friend.
"Do you have any other information about this?" Hannah asks the page, and shoots Heckle a look to tell him he's next in line for questions. She lowers her arm a little to encourage him up to her shoulder. "It's alright to tell us both. The lady has given her ransom or parole to the King." These words, coming out of her mouth, are both absurd and special to her. "It's fine."
The page nods. "This is the message from Lord Winter: 'Lady Brita calls for a troop of soldiers and her cousins and brothers to join her to rescue Prince Huon. The Klybesians are involved. She is in the butler's office." The boy takes a breath. "We are to tell all the family."
Heckle leans in. "Is this where I suggest you don't take the baby I'm supposed to watch into battle?"
First looks at Heckle in surprise, as does the page. But First claps her hands with amusement.
Hannah thanks the page and gestures that he can be on his way. To Heckle, she says, "No."
The page departs. Heckle pouts, in corvid. It is an act.
First is the priority though. "First-to-the-Center, this is Heckle, the Raven. Heckle, this lady is a warrior of the Geneshee People."
Having made introductions, she says to First, "I understand what I am about to ask is against your nature, but I think as a hostage we must be responsible for your safety and it would be imprudent of me to send you into a mission to rescue my much-wayward Uncle Huon. I could use your help gathering supplies and waiting in the hall outside the butler's office to see who may need urgent medical assistance." Hannah doesn't smile. She's not being snarky. She knows warriors being told not to go into battle are touchy, grumpy people. Rather than wait for an answer, Hannah leads the way back inside toward her rooms. "Have you and Brita already fought in a battle together? That didn't take long."
"We haven't. It's how she explained things to the King to distinguish myself from her mother's other children. She has pledged to work with me to end this war, and we are thus sisters in a battle that is not as martial as the prior one."
Hannah nods.
"I would not expect the Monks of St. Klybus to be much of a match for your cousins, let alone a mob of them, but they may bring back prisoners. So we shall gather supplies."
A number of pages are bustling out of the castle.
"Thank you. Who was Klybus, have you any idea?" Hannah asks. She continues down a level to the infirmary.
First is right behind her. "I don't know. They have one of those twisty religions that keeps changing. In some places the Klybesians are considered a relic of the past, in others, they're the dominant religion. You can probably get a dozen stories about Saint Klybus on any trading shadow's docksides."
Random waits until Hannah and First depart and then looks at everyone. "It's a bit early for the Ides of March, I hope."
Edan moves to the front, and says, "Not quite like that, but I do have a lot to say." He waits, figuring Martin will come up front as well, and to see whether First is staying to hear the tale or going immediately.
Martin does in fact step up, but lets Edan take the lead with the story.
Fletcher remains near enough to participate in the conversation if needed, but is carefully not in lead rank of speakers.
Brennan takes up a position next to Fletcher, near but not at the front-- he expects he'll need to speak at some point, but not before either Martin or Edan.
Random looks over the remaining crowd, possibly lingering on Folly, before settling in on Edan. He twists in his chair until one of his legs is over the chair arm. "Good to hear. Silence would be awkward. I recommend iambic tetrameter for longer verse, but prose can also be surprisingly effective. What do you have to say?"
"Queen Vialle is thoroughly possessed by the Queen of Air and Darkness," Edan says. "She had you under her thrall as well. I hope, now that you appear to be out of it, that you know this. Martin and I distracted Vialle and Fiona while Folly got you away from them. There was a fight, and it ended with Fiona's mind clear and Vialle unconscious. We took Vialle and ran through Shadow while I tried to find a way to subdue Maeve.
"I eventually trapped them both in a bottle- I never was able to separate them, but verified they were together- and was running back here under Xanadu's protection when the Marshal caught up to us. We fought. I lost. The Marshal took the bottle with both Queens within."
Edan stops, glances down, says, "There are more details, but that is the story of it. Your will was overthrown, and something had to be done."
Folly makes a soft, probably involuntary sound, of the sort a parent might make upon seeing their child toddle too close to a hot stove. "Fiona cautioned against saying her name aloud," she says. "The Queen Above, I mean. Apologies, Edan, I'd meant to mention that before, but... there was a lot, you know?"
Garrett stands in his position near Folly, listening silently to the story while watching for the king's reaction.
Martin steps up before Edan has a chance to respond to Folly, offering a light touch as he passes Edan, just enough for Edan to get the 'my turn' message. "We were under pursuit by one force or another, Moonriders or Chantico, the entire time. Sir Edan did more than could be expected of any of us. I should have been able to help him fight the Marshall off but the Marshall out-thought and out-fought me, and that rests on my head rather than his.
"Moreover, before we left, Sir Marius, whom we feared might be under the influence of the Queen of Air and Darkness, came upon us as we removed Vialle from the castle, and under my direct order, Edan knocked him unconscious. We sent him to Rebma by Trump in case he was injured more seriously than we thought. But it was a dishonorable deed and it sits hard on Sir Edan's conscience. And it's an insult to the Order of the Ruby," Martin says, "when there's enough strife in Xanadu as it is. An apology's only good if you wouldn't do it again, and I would. There's only one way I can see to make amends to the Crown and my fellow knights."
Martin unsheathes his blade and moves to hand it to Random, hilt-first. "You've honored me with an order of knighthood, and I don't deserve it. So I must give it back."
Fletcher reacts instinctively, perhaps even surprising himself. "Nay sir! You have best served the Crown and the Realm as you understood it! Surely the Order of the Ruby can endure a mere insult when it is in defense of the throne! There can be no true breach of faith when all parties are acting in service of the same liege." Fletcher seems to get over his own instant reaction, and continues more diplomatically. "Of course, it is wise and just of you to submit to your liege's judgement when feasible to resolve a question...."
Folly nods along at Fletcher's assessment, and then adds for the king's benefit, "Marius is aggrieved, possibly dangerously so. It's not really over Edan's and Martin's actions, although that certainly didn't help. It's a bit of an open secret that he has Number One Groupie levels of affection for Vialle, and feels she is purely the victim here, that the rest of us are being too quick to render judgment against her." There's no particular judgment in her own tone, here; she's being careful to keep this to a statement of the facts, to the extent possible.
"Martin acted with expedience to remove a real, known threat from Xanadu. Was there a better way to handle Marius's ill-timed arrival? Probably. Was it worth the risk to stick around and find out? In the moment, perhaps not. I wholeheartedly support an end to strife, but will Martin's resignation or removal heal that particular rift?" She looks at Martin -- mostly at the back of his head, really, from where she is sitting -- and Garrett, who is near her, can tell that she is thinking about a lot more than she is saying; there are tiny lines at the corners of her eyes, and the knuckles of her left hand have whitened from her grip on the arm of her chair. "With Marius in particular, almost certainly not. I would not presume to speak for the rest of the Ruby Order, though." She looks to Brennan and inclines her head in an invitation to give his thoughts.
Signy and Ambrose slip into the throne room quietly as Folly speaks, and move to the back part of the gathering. Signy winces slightly as Folly speaks about her brother, but makes no comment.
Garrett, who had dropped his gaze to the floor at Martin's statement, turns to look toward Brennan as Folly finishes. He has nothing to add, but the tight line of his lips indicates all that needs to be said about his thoughts on Martin's action.
Brennan's court face absolves him of the necessity of baleful glares.
"We seem to be ahead of ourselves. Sir Marius is an injured party by this telling. But Sir Marius is not here. Sir Marius has had time and opportunity to challenge Sir Edan nor Prince Martin, but has not done so in my presence, nor to the best of my knowledge at all. I would not go so far as to argue-- yet-- that Sir Marius has ceded all right to present a challenge, but that time of opportunity is surely not endless and that claim weakens with time. I would suggest, however, that should he press that challenge, I or another Knight-Commander of the Ruby are the logical choices for his Second.
"There is, however, the matter of the insult to the Order of the Ruby itself, which I as Knight-Commander have standing to address. The Order has also not issued challenge to Prince Martin or Sir Edan-- yet-- but reserves that right. Rather, the Order suggests private discussion between Ruby, Lamp and Card may be more fruitful, perhaps with two neutral parties mutually agreeable to all three orders." He's clearly got a suggestion loaded up and ready.
Brennan looks to Martin, willing understanding: It's not a formal challenge to duel, yet, so talk to me.
"I would think that's up to Edan, since he's one of the offended parties," Martin says.
Random stands and is about say something when a deep tolling sound comes from the bell tower in the pattern that means "to arms", and the door to the audience chamber are thrown open by guards in red capes, who are looking in to see if the King is safe.
Gilt Winter strides up to the doorway and stops.
Random looks at him. "That's some entrance. I was wondering if it was going to be Marius, on Morgenstern, with that delivery. What news, oh Winter of my discontent?"
Gilt Winter maintains his composure. It sounds like a message he wrote for the pages. "Pardon the interruption, Your Majesty. Lady Brita calls for a troop of soldiers and her cousins and brothers to join her to rescue Prince Huon. The Klybesians are somehow involved and have armed machines." Gilt sounds less sure of the latter piece of information.
Random rolls his eyes and sighs dramatically. "Alright! Here's the word. No one is challenged or released from any duties, yet, but anyone who wants to go rescue Huon is allowed to do so. The next meeting is scheduled for dinner, so don't stay afield too long. I expect a full story before the soup is cold."
Signy breathes a sigh of relief that there's no immediate challenges to her brother forthcoming as she rises. She offers a quick glance at Ambrose. "Tomat was with Huon, so if he needs help......" Her voice trails off, and she offers a slight shrug of apology as she makes for the door.
"Hopefully they have swords somewhere handy, I'd rather not delay and have to detour to my room to get one."
Edan is clearly processing what's going on, but he says to Brennan, "I would support your idea as suggested. Please name your neutral parties to me when this is over." To Martin, he says, "I thought of doing this myself. It is not my place to interfere in any decision you make. But please know that I would wish you not to do this, to remain the head of Card." He glances out the doorway, and adds, "I don't know what kind of opposition would cause Brita or Huon to call for help, but I assume it's bad. I will lend them my support, as I can." He strides for the door, then, to retrieve his swords where he left them and onward towards the fray.
Garrett rises immediately when the alarm bell tolls. He leans over and puts a hand on Folly's shoulder. "Stay here," he says quietly. "I'll see what's going on."
Folly nods and squeezes his hand lightly in thanks.
He hurries out of the throne room.
Brennan looks to Edan and Martin, nods, and says, "Then let's go and fight together." He departs with Edan.
Fletcher finishes his drink and then hastens after the others.
As does Martin, taking his blade with him.
Random looks around the suddenly emptied audience chamber.
"Gilt, your timing is amazing. Set up the Purple Pavilion outside in case they bring anything or anyone back alive, and you get to deal first next Freeday."
He looks over to Folly, and doesn't say anything.
Folly regards him with a rueful smile and then buries her face in her hands with a weary sigh. After a moment, she says, "You know, I was almost tempted to tell them to say hi to my dad for me, but... no."
She blows out another soft sigh and looks at Gilt. "'Armed machines' could be anything from tanks to killer robots, so in addition to medical supplies that can treat serious blood loss we'll want our physicians on standby just in case -- Gerard, Kyril, Hannah, maybe Corwin if he's still here. Also, there are a lot of leftover snacks at the gazebo that you can commandeer for the pavilion, if you need them." She looks like she's about to dismiss him, or at least pass the metaphorical talking stick back to Random, when she adds suddenly, "Oh! And if you or one of the staff happen to find a bunch of tableware tied up in a tablecloth near the gazebo, have it brought to me, please."
She looks to Random to see if he has anything more to add.
Random thanks Gilt, which effectively gives him permission to go. Gilt gives the quick bow of a working majordomo and gets on with his orders.
Once Gilt departs to carry out his assignments, Folly stands and brings her chair over to sit with Syd. She looks a bit ragged around the edges from more than just exhaustion, but being near him seems to take some of the edge off of whatever's upsetting her.
"So," she says once she's settled, "what else do you want to know about that secret meeting you know nothing about?"
Syd casually leans over and starts petting her, just letting touch do the talking. After a few moments, he sighs. "Bizarrely, it sounds like it could've been worse, but I don't actually want to go into all the ways that's true. Does anyone really think I wouldn't back Martin? Did anyone want to support Marius?"
There's a flicker of deep emotion in her eyes at the first question, but she focuses on the second, either because it's more urgent or less complicated. "Well, he stormed off and no one followed him, so there's that," she says. "Plus there was all the trying to talk him down. So, no, not support him in a 'yeah, let's start a civil war' kind of way, but it has the potential to get messy." She strokes his forearm comfortingly. "He's got a lot of resentment for you right now. But he did have the presence of mind to walk away and cool off."
Random nods. It's probably not as bad as it could've been.
He slouches more into the throne. "My old plan was to blame this all on the Moonriders and not make anyone but them the villains of the piece. I was willing to absolve everyone. First makes that more difficult, because you can't make peace if that's the backdrop."
"Yeah, there's a fine line to walk, there, because most of the blame seems to lie with their Queen," Folly says. "It's unclear how much the rest of them knew about what she was doing. Everyone who's had dealings with them characterized them -- even if reluctantly -- as 'honorable'. Which is a good place to start if we're trying for peace with them."
"Yeah, I don't love them, charming as Ms. 'I don't know my own First name' is, but I've got other things that I love less than them."
He stretches.
"Anyway, what else should I want to know about the secret meeting I know nothing about?"
Folly thinks about that for a moment. "There was a lot of metaphysics talk that probably raised more questions than it answered, but it was interesting. A lot about the Klybesians, which Corwin was already planning to talk to you about before we all came back to Xanadu. So sending a small army of us off to fight Klybesians with Huon is either incredibly fortuitous or the only way that call could have ended."
Folly hesitates, bites her lip, and looks around the room as if to make sure no one else has slipped in. "Also, they know what I did to break the Queen's hold on you -- in broad strokes, anyway. And while I didn't say this explicitly, at least a couple of them know or have figured it out, so you should--- I mean, if you don't already---"
She blows out a breath, and looks at him. "Anyway, turns out you're gonna be a dad again after all."
He looks at her and smiles. It may be the most genuine smile he's had since they got back to the palace. "I had a number of things I might've said next, but it's mostly moot. Are you good with this? It's gonna be a little complicated, but mostly for other people." He leans in towards her. "I'm gonna have to get Soren working harder on inventing recorded music here. I look forward to our kid saying we used to be cool."
Folly smiles in sparkle-eyed amusement. "Would that we were so lucky...."
She reaches out to stroke his cheek, and her expression grows more serious. "For just myself... yeah, I'm good with it. More than good. Like, when I realized it, I was surprised at just how much I wanted it."
"For a guy who has two sons, this is the first time I've heard about a child of mine in advance."
"Sorry to spoil the surprise, then?" Folly interjects with a twinkle in her eye and sounding not a bit sorry. She inclines her head for him to continue.
"If you're good, I'm good. We've got a lot to figure out about how to handle a kid here, but I'm all for it." He looks around. "Place is already practically a nursery these days anyway."
"...Except for the actual nursery, which is kind of an alternate-dimension hellscape right now," Folly says. "But we'll fix it."
She hesitates, swallows as if clearing her throat, and continues, "But I'm worried about Martin. He agrees that what I did was the right thing to do, but it still hurt him. A lot. That's going to take time to heal. Time... and space." She can't quite suppress a sad sigh.
Random nods. "Time and Space are things we're good at. And they work, except when they don't." He pauses. "What do you think you all are going to do about Lark? Oh, and that reminds me. Please no pattern walks while pregnant. This time."
"Yeah, no. I mean, speaking of the nursery hellscape, as I think I mentioned, I'm pretty sure I could blow it out of existence with the Jewel, but I haven't yet because in my outside voice I wanted to give my magic- and metaphysics-inclined cousins a chance to inspect it first to see what we can learn from it, but really the minute I realized I might be pregnant my inside voice started screaming that we should make sure it wouldn't harm the sprout, which is how I knew I absolutely wanted it. And to be fair, last time I wasn't pregnant until about ten minutes after I walked the pattern." She's exaggerating, but maybe not by much. "And yet somehow the universe already knew. I blame Daeon." She lifts her hand as if lifting a glass to friends departed.
Random invisibly clinks a glass with her. "He'd be really pleased to know he was responsible for a fertility explosion in his siblings. Maybe Vere can tell him."
Folly smiles.
As she works her way back to the question he asked, her expression turns wistful. "Lark will go with her father. It will hurt to be away from her -- from both of them; it already hurts -- but keeping them together is absolutely the right thing to do. He needs her, and I think she'd hate me if I tried to keep her away from him for any significant length of time. Someday, I hope---" She pauses, then cuts off whatever she was going to say with a slight shake of her head. "It's a work in progress."
"As head of this damn family, I don't want anyone screwing their kids up so badly that they can't come and go in Xanadu and elsewhere as they please, but here's where you get to see me be all Kingly and mature and shit. As me, not a disinterested party, I'm not gonna try to suggest what you and Martin should do. You've got to figure it out without me making it worse. "He pauses. "And hey, at least for now you'll only have one kid dealing with Brij. Maybe I'll make her Ambassador to Rebma."
Folly looks equal parts amused and horrified at the suggestion, even if it's tongue-in-cheek. "I thought we wanted to maintain good relations with Rebma," she says. "But, I mean, if we ever wanted to express our annoyance at them over something....
"And speaking of complicated parent-child relationships," she adds in a much gentler tone, "I am sorry for the big wrench I just threw in yours and Martin's. I feel like maybe when the kids are old enough I should leave the two of you to hash some things out, while I and Mum -- since it wouldn't be fair to ask you to do something I wouldn't try to do myself -- take the kids to one of those theme parks where they can eat too much candy and then go on spinny rides and throw up and come home with giant foam pirate hats. Although Lark would probably prefer to fight zombies, so maybe we should invite her grampa Uwe, too." She looks at Random with a wry smile. "But those are ill-conceived plans for the future. I've still got ill-conceived plans for right now to get through." Much of the tension and upset she was holding before seems to be draining away. Even if she hasn't solved any problems yet, she feels better just saying them out loud. And to him.
Random nods. "We'll need a theme park, of course. Maybe we can put Paige in charge of that. She's from a semi-modern shadow. Except it would probably be condom-themed." He shakes his head, in the getting-the-cobwebs-out way he has. "See, there I've got my own set of ill-conceived plans. Although I'm currently working on pretty-enjoyably-conceived plans. They're more fun."
Folly grins.
He changes the subject, or at least the focus of the same topic.
"As for the helscape, the jewel can do subtle things. Or it can do flashy things. It's a helpful tool for focusing, but it's like serious drugs, in that it can get out of your control and the next thing you know the castle's on fire and tumbling down the mountain." He pauses. "Isn't that a Nashuan children's song? 'She'll be tumbling down the mountain when she comes,' something like that? Oh, God, promise me we don't have to put out an album of children's songs..."
"Only the most epic, metal children's songs," Folly says with a grin. "Well, and that one about the sharks that Lark likes, because I guarantee she will pester us until we play it. But no, I'd really rather not blow up the whole castle." She taps her bottom lip, thinking. "Do you trust our volunteer hostage enough to let her take a look at it? The circle, I mean. Not the Jewel. Although," she adds with an almost-straight face, "I guess it's really your choice whether you want to show her the family jewels."
"Some people wear their hearts on their sleeves. I, on the other hand, wear my stone around my neck. And I think I've been naked in enough places that anyone who wanted to take a look would've had the opportunity. Royal Mysteries don't really include 'is it the same general shape and design as everyone else's? We'll get plaster casts made if the demand is high enough." He pauses.
"Well, we'll need them to display the souvenir condoms at the theme park gift shop, obviously," Folly interjects, then gestures for him to continue.
"Welp, now I've got an idea for a new standard unit of measurement."
"We shall call it the 'lubit'," Folly says, and nods decisively. "But before I get too distracted thinking about that, we should get back to the First part of this conversation."
Random nods once, also decisively.
"What's not on the agenda is getting Xanadu a Moonrider Queen. Maybe one of the other kingdoms. Corwin or Benedict, if they're interested. Celina. It's pretty clear a dynastic wedding-for-peace deal is on First's list of possible outcomes."
"Yeah, Brita mentioned that," Folly says. "There were no immediate takers among my cousins, for what it's worth, even after I pointed out the precedent here for multi-partner marriages. I wonder why that seems to be so prevalent on her list? Was it just the done thing when last they had diplomatic relations with Amber, so that's her starting point? Has she seen a future filled with Amberite/Moonrider offspring, and we have to start somewhere? Or, I dunno, maybe she's just noticed how ridiculously hot you all are." That last doesn't even sound like a joke. "Did she give you any clue about that?"
"Well, it's amazingly traditional, and maybe that's the moonriders in a nutshell. I think she thinks it'll keep her dad from breaking the peace and attacking. I got the feeling she was more concerned with convincing her people than us. Apparently she thinks I'm easy."
Syd leaves the straight line open for her to respond as she sees fit.
"Perhaps she was measuring your virtues in lubits," she offers with a grin.
"Clearly the standard unit of virtue density will be virtues per lubit.
"Maybe we should marry off Huon. You'd probably get a half-sister out of it."
"Well, that could be fun. On the other hand, it could turn out that First's dowry is her own Moonrider army, and given Huon's recent activities that could be less-than-fun. But, y'know, if they hit it off...." She gives a little shrug that says 'who am I to object to the actions of consenting adults'? "I am really interested to talk to her to get a better sense of her goals. The bit about keeping her father from attacking is an interesting point, but I'm hoping we can come up with more alternatives than just diplomatic marriage."
Random nods, and sounds as serious as he ever is. "If you have any ideas, I'm all lubits."
"Well, that definitely gives me some ideas, just maybe not directly related to peace with the Moonriders."
Random lifts a finger. "I endorse these ideas but I suspect we'll have to sort out whoever Huon's found in shadow and that will prevent us from lubitsing around all afternoon." He corrects himself. "Whomever. Whosomeever." He gives up on grammar at that point.
She pauses for a moment like she's listening for something, and then says, "Speaking of traditional, do you remember Vere telling you about the ancient knights and ladies who were the reason Caine suggested he go to Tir? I've volunteered to talk with them about their history. Which means I probably need to go to Amber, or bring them here, at least temporarily." She looks at Random to see if he has an opinion one way or the other.
Random brushes his hair out of his eyes, despite it not being in his eyes. "I mean, it can't be any worse of an idea than bringing a Magical Moonrider Princess to Xanadu. They may be tired of having formal dinners with Caine. Can they sing and/or gamble? At the same time? The more I talk myself into this, the more I'm talking myself into it."
He leans back and closes his eyes.
"It does mean one of us will have to talk to Caine, but I'd probably need to do that anyway if I went there," Folly says with a wry smile. "I can't speak to their musical or gambling abilities, or really any abilities at all except guarding seats of power, I guess? So chess might be more their style."
Random raises an eyebrow but doesn't open his eyes. "Perfect. We'll set up a human chess match. And serve turkey legs and unsigned bands." He shifts across the throne, which somehow doesn't seem as uncomfortable as it looks. "Let's let you do it. Caine may be looking for hints on how things are here, and you'll be a better choice for that than me."
"Excellent point," Folly says. "I am on board with this plan, which we can enact after the current crisis has settled down a bit. In the meantime, I feel like I'm needed thataway." She gestures vaguely in the direction of the infirmary, then leans over to kiss his forehead tenderly. "D'you wanna come with me?"
Syd sighs and lets her linger a moment. After a bit, he starts gently head butting her.
Gilt apparently has no qualms about interrupting his boss. "Excuse me, Your Highness-- es. The pavilion is set up and there are several red cloaks there to act as guards. Your brother Corwin reports all is well in Amber and Paris and with Benedict. What else should we do?"
Random swings his legs over the throne and pushes off the arms, as if sitting normally was against the rules. "Find Corwin and Brita and let them know that that's where they can stash people who are not guests."
"...And meanwhile we'll try to figure out how many incoming we've got who are guests," Folly adds. "Thank you, Gilt."
He turns to Folly. "It's going to be a zoo down there, but if we go to the studio, they'll just break our rhythm, so let's follow your plan. But studio later. My guess is that's where we'll find Soren."
"Studio later," Folly agrees.
Last modified: 17 April 2021