Early Summer Logs
Thirstday, 20 Coins
Reading Between
The Lines:
Reid visits Wrack; Lucas awakes and contacts Solange.
(Amber; Thirstday, 20 Coins)
Morning Chorus:
Ossian catches up with Lilly; Robin offers condolences to Benedict;
Brennan talks with Random while Ambrose takes the Pattern;
Meg awakes and talks with Benedict.
(Amber; Thirstday, 20 Coins)
Amber Calling:
Solange and Hannah discuss Hannah's Patternwalk and Gerard's health;
Brita sketches her brother; Hannah goes looking for Solace but finds
Lucas instead.
(Amber; Thirstday, 20 Coins)
That's A Wrap?:
Celina encounters Reid and Papillon at the tailor's; Paige is awakened
by Gilt Winter; Lucas sends a note to Lilly; Lucas meets with Opal
Hardwind; Ossian calls on Merlin.
(Amber; Thirstday, 20 Coins)
A Plan Of Attack:
Solange attempts to purloin maps; Garret goes to the library and
meets Meg.
(Amber; Thirstday, 20 Coins)
Wrestling With Destiny:
Robin calls on Paige and takes the twins outside to play; Celina poses for
Merlin; Robin goes looking for Julian.
(Amber; Thirstday, 20 Coins)
Of Cabbages And Kings:
Edan and Conner lunch with Bleys.
(Amber; Thirstday, 20 Coins)
Swords And Sweat:
Brennan begins Garrett's training and talks with Edan.
(Amber; Thirstday, 20 Coins)
Still-Life With
Brita catches up with Ambrose after his Patternwalk; Ossian and Meg work
on a sketch of Abford, and chat with Brita.
(Amber; Thirstday, 20 Coins)
Medicine Men:
Hannah trumps to Gerard in Xanadu; Solange returns to Xanadu and
reunites with Kyril; Hannah sends notes.
(Xanadu; Thirstday, 20 Coins)
Letters Of The
Nearly Departed:
Lilly sends a note to Brennan; Marius reunites with Paige;
Reid returns to the castle and corresponds with Ossian;
Celina asks Llewella to deliver a message; Brita sends notes to
Conner and Ambrose; Celina has a pre-departure chat with Conner.
(Amber; Thirstday, 20 Coins)
Grown-Up Talk:
Brennan calls on Paige.
(Amber; Thirstday, 20 Coins)
Designing Women:
Hannah has a late-evening chat with Cambina; Meg sends notes.
(Amber; Thirstday, 20 Coins)
Return to the Isles of
the Dannan:
Vere and Robin return to the Isles and meet prisoners.
(Isles of the Dannan; Thirstday, 20 Coins and beyond)
Freeday, 21 Coins
Tracking The Paresh:
Lucas, Lilly and Solange, set sail from Amber.
(Amber and asea; Freeday, 21 Coins)
Breaking News:
Brennan breakfasts with Cambina; Garrett visits the stables; Meg
searches unsuccessfully for Marius.
(Amber; Freeday, 21 Coins)
Pictures Of An
Brita breakfasts with Ambrose and is joined by Brennan; Celina sends
a note to Folly; Meg calls a midmorning meeting with Brita, Ambrose
and Ossian to prepare for a return to Abford.
(Amber; Freeday, 21 Coins)
Scritch Scratch:
Conner has lunch with Brita; Meg talks with Bleys and Brennan; Garrett
says goodbye; Paige arranges dinner with Edan.
(Amber; Freeday, 21 Coins)
Dirty Pictures:
Lucas purports to make a Trump of Solange.
(At sea; after Freeday, 21 Coins)
Meeting Mother:
Robin meets Vere's mother and receives her own mother's trumps.
(Isles of the Dannan; after Freeday, 21 Coins)
Island Explorations:
Lucas explores the site of a shipwreck while Solange waits on their ship.
(Shipwreck Isle; after Freeday, 21 Coins)
Vere's mother asks Robin to address the conclave; Vere talks with his
captains; Vere talks with Worth; Robin addresses the conclave;
Vere spars with Siege while surreptitiously keeping an eye on the conclave.
(Isles of the Dannan; after Freeday, 21 Coins)
The Fickle Finger
Of Fate:
The exploring party returns to the ship to wait out the storm;
Lucas returns to his cabin for a Fortune reading;
the ship hits trouble and ends up in Asir.
(Shipwreck Isle and Asir; after Freeday, 21 Coins)
Starday, 22 Coins and beyond
Busy Starday:
Paige receives a Trump call from Random;
In Xanadu, Hannah consults with Conner;
Garrett checks in with Random; Garrett talks with Paige;
Brita, Meg, Ossian and Ambrose try a little scrying.
(Amber; Starday, 22 Coins)
Ready For Departure:
Edan practices sailing; Brennan studies with Fiona;
Brennan's pre-departure activities;
Paige and Garrett, followed by Edan, set sail for Xanadu.
(Amber; Starday, 22 Coins and beyond)
A Road To Purpose:
Celina and Merlin set out on a journey and find an unexpected uncle.
(Shadow and Abford; Starday, 22 Coins and beyond)
Head 'Em Up:
First Lucas and then Solange head to the Paresh compound.
(Asir; after Starday, 22 Coins)
Slaves To The Moment:
Vere trumps Corwin, and he and Robin prepare to return to Padraig.
(Isles of the Dannan; after Starday, 22 Coins)
Late Tower or Early Scales
En Route To Paris:
Jerod sails from Gateway toward Paris and contacts Corwin upon his
arrival at Le Havre.
(Gateway, Shadow, and Le Havre; through late Tower or early Scales)
Back To Reality:
Folly reunites with Martin and has a prenatal exam.
(Shadow; late Tower or early Scales)
Lunch At The Hotel Paris:
Jerod lunches with Florimel; Jerod arrives in Paris and chats with Corwin.
(Le Havre and Paris; through late Tower or early Scales)
Down To Business:
Brennan and Cambina join Jerod and Corwin in Paris; Brennan talks with
Corwin about the situation in Arden.
(Paris; around 19 Scales)
Chance Meetings:
Jerod lunches with Cambina; Brennan and Jerod talk dragons.
(Paris; around 20 Scales)
Meg Returns to Abford:
Meg returns to Abford with Ossian, Brita and Ambrose.
(Abford; late Tower or early Scales)
The Cut and Thrust of
Diplomatic Relations:
Celina and Merlin arrive in Gateway just in time to join Conner in battle.
(Shadow and Gateway; late Tower or early Scales)
Foot Traffic Control:
Vere and Robin talk with Prince Bran until an emergency interrupts.
(Isles of the Dannan; late Tower or early Scales)
My Dinner With
Elder Germaine:
Lucas and Solange have dinner with the Paresh;
Solange has a private chat with Patent;
Solange and Lucas encounter a spirit.
(Asir; late Tower or early Scales)
Diplomatic Cardplay:
Celina and Merlin chat with Conner and trump their father.
(Gateway; late Tower or early Scales)
Drawing On Experience:
Meg, Brita, Ossian and Ambrose make plans; Meg visits Mother Humility;
Brita visits the jeweler, and gets a trump call from her brother; Ossian
talks with Ambrose.
(Abford; late Tower or early Scales)
Moonday, 24 Scales
Through The Looking
After a check-up-gone-wrong, Folly trumps back to Xanadu; Paige and
Edan set off to rescue Martin.
(Shadow Tyrell and Xanadu; Moonday, 24 Scales)
Anxiously Awaiting:
Folly, Garrett and the band wait in Xanadu while Paige and Edan track
down Martin; Jerod trumps to Xanadu.
(Shadow Tyrell and Xanadu; Moonday, 24 Scales)
Family Council:
Upon Martin's return, the king calls for a debriefing; Edan and Jerod
continue chatting as the meeting breaks up; Garrett escorts the queen
back to her chambers and talks to Thorn and Ash about training; Paige
receives a note from Brennan, and trumps her father.
(Xanadu; Moonday, 24 Scales)
Race For The Cure:
Hannah and Gerard have tests run; Hannah talks with the Tyrell doctors.
(Shadow Tyrell; Moonday, 24 Scales and beyond)
Tirsday, 25 Scales
Figs and Gossip:
Edan and Folly talk over a picnic brunch.
(Xanadu; Tirsday, 25 Scales)
Meals and Messages:
Jerod talks with Paige; Garrett receives training from Abdallah.
(Xanadu; Tirsday, 25 Scales)
Decisions, Decisions:
Edan visits the harbor, talks to the king, and rides with Paige.
(Xanadu; Tirsday, 25 Scales)
Calling Cards:
Brennan lunches with Flora; Brennan and Cambina cast cards with Corwin;
Brennan sets forth from Paris.
(Paris; about Tirsday, 25 Scales)
Burning the Midnight Oil:
Paige reunites with Folly; Paige trumps Brennan; two men of Rebma have a
fatal encounter.
(Xanadu and Amber; Tirsday, 25 Scales)
Windsday, 26 Scales
Paint and Parenting:
Jerod calls on Martin and Folly; Garrett discusses his plans with his
father; Jerod meets with the king; Paige talks with Ash and meets with
the king.
(Xanadu; Windsday, 26 Scales)
Signs of Stars and Portents
of Blood:
Edan sets sail for Amber; Brennan looks to the future;
Brennan returns to Amber; Edan and Brennan meet with Caine.
(Amber and shadow; Windsday, 26 Scales and beyond)
Deeds on the Plains:
Lilly finds Weyland in the Plain of Towers; Signy prepares for battle.
(Plain of Towers; about Windsday, 26 Scales)
Thirstday, 27 Scales
Forgiveness or
Garrett tries to head back to Amber, but gets sent by Random to find Martin;
Folly gets Gerard's trump from Martin; Hannah reviews preliminary test
results; Hannah breakfasts with Gerard; Folly trumps Gerard and Hannah;
Folly sends a note to Martin.
(Xanadu and Shadow Tyrell; Thirstday, 27 Scales)
Heroic Measures:
Vere and Robin call in Random to try to help Jovian.
(Isles of the Dannan; Thirstday, 27 Scales)
Bath And Breakfast:
After taking her leave of Elder Germaine, Solange trumps back to Amber;
Brennan and Edan breakfast with Fiona; Brita returns from her
investigations into Huon's doings in Abford; Brennan continues talking
with Fiona; the Abford contingent trumps Fiona and Brennan.
(Asir, Amber, and Abford; Thirstday, 27 Scales)
Baebe In The Woods:
Garrett sits in on court until Random returns; Folly tries to make a
trump sketch; Paige wanders in the woods and finds much more than
she was expecting.
(Xanadu and near Arcadia; Thirstday, 27 Scales)
Smuggler's Moon:
Jerod travels to Paris and trumps Merlin; Celina, Merlin and Conner make
arrangements to get past the blockade.
(Paris and the path to Rebma; Thirstday, 27 Scales)
Long Talks
and Deep Subjects:
Brennan continues chatting with Fiona, and trumps Random; Solange
awakes and talks with Kyril.
(Amber; Thirstday, 27 Scales)
In The Amber Library:
Solange casts cards and talks with Brennan.
(Amber; Thirstday, 27 Scales)
Tempest Fugit:
Lucas climbs Mount Asir.
(Shadow Asir; Thirstday, 27 Scales)
Conversations In
The Middle Of The Night:
Solange chats with Edan; Solange goes in search of Caine;
Lucas returns to Amber, goes to Red Mill, talks with
Violet, and is joined by Solange.
(Amber; Thirstday, 27 Scales)
You Rang?:
Hannah trumps Bleys while Gerard trumps Caine;
Ossian and Meg trump Bleys; Brita and Ambrose search for discarded weapons.
( Tyrell and Abford; Thirstday, 27 Scales)
Seaward Matters:
Celina, Merlin and Conner arrive at an inn;
Celina talks with Amala while Merlin gets a call;
Celina moves upstairs with Amala; Ossian and Meg trump Merlin and Conner.
( Seaward and Abford; Thirstday, 27 Scales)
Carry My Joy
On The Left:
Hannah begins weaning Gerard off morphine; Garrett checks on the twins
and talks with Vialle; Folly talks with Random 'til they are interrupted
by Hannah's return; Paige and Martin head back into the woods and talk
with Julian.
(Tyrell and Xanadu; Thirstday, 27 Scales)
Freeday, 28 Scales
To Infinity And
Jerod returns to Rebma, reviews the troops, and attends court.
(Rebma; Freeday, 28 Scales)
The Life Aquatic:
Vere and Robin talk with dead soldiers and encounter Huon.
(Isles of the Dannan; Freeday, 28 Scales)
Hard Calls and
House Calls:
Paige talks with the twins about their heritage; Hannah and Folly make
a trip into town.
(Xanadu; Freeday, 28 Scales)
Shadows In The Rain:
Vere and Robin make trump calls and set out for Fair Isle.
(Isles of the Dannan; Freeday, 28 Scales)
To Meet A Cousin:
Celina tells Conner about Amala; Conner casts cards; Khela arrives and
breakfasts with Celina, Conner and Merlin.
( Seaward; Freeday, 28 Scales)
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Last modified: 25 November 2007