Pre-Xanadu Logs
Adventures Beyond Amber
Rebman Reunions:
Vere meets a ghost; Jerod reunites with Carina and Rilsa; Vere
speaks with Carina about his homeland.
(About seventeen days after the Coronation)
Vere and Jerod are summoned to dinner with Moire; after dinner, Jerod
receives his father's Trump deck; Vere talks with Moire.
(About seventeen days after the Coronation)
Day Dawns In The
Jerod starts a new day by trumping Benedict;
Vere talks with Captain Castor; Vere has lunch with Jerod.
(About eightteen days after the Coronation)
Home Court Disadvantage:
Vere and Jerod attend court; Vere spars with Castor; Jerod investigates
Llewella's apartment; Vere meets with the archivist.
(About eightteen days after the Coronation)
Research and
Jerod returns to the Palace to recover from his injuries; while convalescing,
Jerod gets a little research done; Vere looks in on Jerod.
(Through about twenty-three days after the Coronation)
Out From Under:
Vere and his troops depart Rebma and journey toward Amber.
(About four weeks after the Coronation)
Picking Up The
Jerod visits the Amber Embassy in Rebma and talks with his mother.
(Four to five weeks after the Coronation)
Primal Pattern and Shadow
Brita Walks:
Brita, Reid and Fiona trump to Corwin in Paris; Brita walks the Paris
pattern and awakens Elsewhere.
(About three weeks (??) after the Coronation)
Hannah tends an injured griffon and meets Dworkin and Brita.
(Three or four weeks after the Coronation)
Pyramid Song:
Brennan journeys to Uxmal with Ambrose, fights Chantico, and dreams.
(About three weeks (??) after the Coronation)
Brotherly Love:
The morning following their return to Uxmal, Brennan talks with
Ambrose about the past and the future.
(About three weeks (??) after the Coronation)
Off Center:
Brennan talks with Tayanna and trumps to join Fiona and Dworkin
at the Primal Pattern.
(Three or four weeks after the Coronation)
Story Time:
Conner swaps stories with the Dey of Longtides.
(Three or four weeks after the Coronation)
Paige, Bleys and the twins go to Altamar.
(Three or four weeks after the Coronation)
After Ragnarok:
Brita returns to her homeland.
(Three or four weeks after the Coronation)
Music Of The
Brennan continues talking with Fiona and Dworkin, then returns to Uxmal
for some research and a brotherly chat.
(Three or four weeks after the Coronation)
Paris Above And Below:
Reid explores the city, meets monks, and has a catacombs adventure.
(About four weeks after the Coronation)
Altamarean Moot:
Brennan trumps to Bleys and Paige in Altamar; Brennan and Bleys attend
the moot; Brennan talks with Paige.
(About four weeks after the Coronation)
Attacked By
Conner and Thalia sail toward Gateway.
(Five weeks after the Coronation)
Asgard Revisited:
Brita and Vidar bring Reid and Papillon to Asgard; Reid trumps Dworkin.
(Five weeks after the Coronation)
Onward From
Reid and Papillon prepare to depart Asgard; Brita trumps to her mother
in Paris; persistence of vision; persistence of time; Conner trumps Brita;
Brita talks with her mother and Llewella.
(Five weeks after the Coronation)
Race For The
Solange seeks nanotech.
(Five weeks after the Coronation)
Amber and Arden
Starday, 1 Coins
When Animals Attack:
Robin and Adonis are attacked by a dragon in horse form.
(Windsday, 12 Archer)
Robin and Adonis meet Arianrhod.
(Windsday, 12 Archer)
Swimming In
Merlin and Celina continue their journey toward Amber without much success.
(About three or four weeks after the Coronation)
Windsday, 5 Coins
Martin Returns:
The latest dirt from the Amber Cryer; Folly and Martin return
to Amber and talk with Gerard.
(Windsday, 5 Coins)
More Library Fun:
Garrett goes to the Amber Castle Library, where he meets Lilly.
(Windsday, 5 Coins)
Yet More Library
Garrett talks with Lucas and tries to check out a book.
(Windsday, 5 Coins)
Dinner With The
Martin summons his aunts, uncles and cousins to dinner to brief them
on his father's status.
(Windsday, 5 Coins)
After Dinner:
Lucas joins Caine for drinks at the Naval; Garrett tells Donovan
about his adventures in the library.
(Windsday, 5 Coins)
Thirstday, 6 Coins
Random returns and summons the family to breakfast; at the stables,
Garrett helps Martin and Folly bring Merlin and Celina -- and their
horses -- to Amber.
(Thirstday, 6 Coins)
Breakfast With The
Over breakfast, Random reveals his plans for Amber and Xanadu.
(Thirstday, 6 Coins)
After Breakfast:
Merlin, Celina and Ossian chat, and are joined by Martin; Lilly
approaches the king about a private meeting; Lucas has a visit
from Shrike; Folly writes a letter to Julian; Garrett grooms the
new horses and has a visit from Lucas's page, followed by Lucas.
(Thirstday, 6 Coins)
Old Digs, New Digs:
Jovian and Flora meet the dragonriders in their temporary new digs;
Celina settles in; Lucas and Shrike ride to the Temple Quarter.
(Thirstday, 6 Coins)
Old City, New
Ossian gives trumps of himself to Merlin;
Ossian discusses the fate of Amber with Random; Hannah trumps to Caine;
Garrett gets a horse for Martin and meets Hannah.
(Thirstday, 6 Coins)
Hannah meets the king; Lilly tells Random about Garrett; Encounter at Red
Mill; Marius and Random discuss dreams.
(Thirstday, 6 Coins)
Garrett and Folly go for a ride.
(Thirstday, 6 Coins)
Mermaids And
Celina is visited first by Vialle, then by Martin.
(Thirstday, 6 Coins)
Green Meeting:
Adonis talks with Julian 'til they're interrupted by a trump call.
(Thirstday, 6 Coins)
Angry Pork:
Robin gets the wounded settled, goes boar hunting, and meets another
(Thirstday, 6 Coins)
Confessions Of A
Closet Juliani:
Folly trumps Julian; Jovian and Adonis join the trump conversation; Hannah
gets cleaned up and meets Folly, Jovian and Gerard.
(Thirstday, 6 Coins)
Arden Family
Adonis continues talking with Julian; Robin encounters the presumed
children of Calliste, and a floaty-woman; Jovian gets the dragons
settled and trumps to his father in Arden.
(Thirstday, 6 Coins)
Strong Medicine:
Hannah and Gerard discuss his injury; Folly gets a Pattern lesson from
Random; Hannah discusses Gerard's condition with Random and Folly.
(Thirstday, 6 Coins)
Doctor's Orders:
Martin and Merlin call on Lucas and Solace; a visit from the
(Thirstday, 6 Coins)
Arden Family Spat:
Julian bravely refrains from flicking his kids on the head as they
recount recent not-entirely-shiny-happy sibling-irritating events.
(Thirstday, 6 Coins)
Deadly Weapons:
Garrett checks in with his father, then goes to the library; Ossian
talks with Lilly; Ossian dines with Valeria.
(Thirstday, 6 Coins)
Freeday, 7 Coins
After Midnight:
Lilly pays Garrett a clandestine visit.
(Freeday, 7 Coins)
Freeday Morning:
Garrett awakes; Marius breakfasts with Lilly; after breakfast, Ossian
catches up with Marius; Ossian asks a favor of Folly.
(Freeday, 7 Coins)
Stable Unstable:
Garrett calls on the King; Marius talks first with Ce'e, then with
(Freeday, 7 Coins)
Bath and Bugle :
Celina encounters Folly in the baths; Random and Vialle call
on Lucas.
(Freeday, 7 Coins)
What Celina, Lilly, Garrett, and Folly do before their departure for
(Freeday, 7 Coins)
Lucan Diversions:
Lucas and Ossian get very, very drunk; Lucas receives notes from
Martin and Folly.
(Freeday, 7 Coins)
Starday, 8 Coins
Father to Daughter
and Brother to Brother:
After the near-spat, Julian talks with Robin while Jovian talks with Adonis;
Jovian confers briefly with his father and sister before returning to Amber;
Adonis tends to Luke.
(Starday, 8 Coins)
Ossian and Hannah attempt a spiritwalk; Ossian and Lucas consult the cards;
Hannah makes her rounds.
(Starday, 8 Coins)
Robin and Julian read a note from Folly and make plans; Robin and Adonis
find common ground.
(Starday, 8 Coins)
Moonday, 10 Coins
Redhead Return:
Paige, Brennan and Bleys return from Altamar; Brennan catches up on
his correspondence and talks with Cambina; Paige receives a gift from
Robin and visits with Merlin.
(Moonday, 10 Coins)
Moonday Marius:
Marius responds to Brennan's note; Marius draws cards; Marius has a
late-night talk with Paige.
(Moonday, 10 Coins)
Tirsday, 11 Coins
Brennan and Lucas discuss Brand's Trump collection.
(Tirsday, 11 Coins)
The Quick And The
Paige calls on Lucas; Random gets an update from Vista;
Lucas receives news about Prudenter.
(Tirsday, 11 Coins)
Courtesy Calls:
Vialle secludes herself after the Anna incident;
Hannah and Gerard check on Vialle; Lucas takes tea with Bleys;
Lucas visits Prudenter.
(Tirsday, 11 Coins)
Library Lull:
Hannah and Brennan talk in the library.
(Tirsday, 11 Coins)
Windsday, 12 Coins
Many Unhappy
Vere reaches Cabra and trumps his father; Brennan meets with Caine;
Jovian returns from Arden and catches up on his correspondence; Jovian
meets with the king.
(Windsday, 12 Coins)
Jovian and Brennan discuss Aisling, and Paige interrupts to ask
about the firelillies; Paige and Merlin discuss the firelillies.
(Windsday, 12 Coins)
Thirstday, 13 Coins
Vere Returns:
Vere and his troops reach Amber; Jovian attempts to trump Fiona;
Vere talks with the king; Vere talks with his father and Solange;
Vere and Jovian make plans; invitations to a recital.
(Thirstday, 13 Coins)
Freeday, 14 Coins
Jovian's plans through the end of the week; Vere consults the cards;
Brita returns to Amber and checks on Chi-Lin; Vere talks with Lucas;
Brennan receives a note from Ambrose.
(Freeday, 14 Coins)
Starday, 15 Coins
A Musical
Family members chat before the children's concert; after the concert,
Lucas dances with his mother and Solange.
(Starday, 15 Coins)
A Dance Interlude:
Chatting and dancing continue; the dragons put on a light show.
(Starday, 15 Coins)
After The Concert:
After the concert, Brennan talks with Merlin; Solange and Vere talk with
Hannah about Gerard's condition; after Vere's departure, Solange and Hannah
finish their chat.
(Starday, 15 Coins)
After Dinner
Brennan and Brita play chess; Brennan writes a note to Fiona.
(Starday, 15 Coins)
Sunday, 16 Coins
Settling Scores
And Accounts:
Brennan talks with Random about Firelillies and Dara; Solange and Lucas
discuss Lord Hardwind's accounts.
(Sunday, 16 Coins)
And Bookkeeping:
The Convent's Kiss departs for the Isles; Solange goes over Lord Hardwind's
accounts; Brita checks in on Chi-Lin; Paige brings the twins to meet Hannah.
(Sunday, 16 Coins)
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Last modified: 15 February 2005