Coronation to Return (Thirstday, 6 Archer through Tirsday, 4 Coins)
Thirstday, 6 Archer
The Coronation:
Coronation ceremony, swearing of fealty and knighting of Ruby candidates.
(Thirstday, 6 Archer)
The Blessing of the Fleet:
Lunch, the procession to the docks, and the Blessing of the Fleet;
Julian and his children ride back to the castle;
Marius arrives to escort Aisling to the Masque.
(Thirstday, 6 Archer)
Coronation Masque: Early Arrivals:
Early arrivals at the Masque: Caine, Llewella, Jerod, Vere, Reid, Conner;
Conner and Thalia talk with Reid;
Solange and Ossian arrive and strike up a conversation;
The second wave: Brennan and Cambina, Bleys and Fiona, Lucas and Solace,
Marius and Aisling;
Marius and Aisling approach Fiona and her Viking companion;
Jovian and Kourin arrive, followed by the other dragonriders;
Vere, Jerod, Jovian and Kourin discuss the situation in the Isles.
(Thirstday, 6 Archer)
Coronation Masque: Later Arrivals:
Robin arrives and chats with Brennan and Cambina;
The third wave: Merlin, Lilly, and Paige, Gerard, Benedict, Corwin and
Flora; Paige, Lilly and Merlin approach Benedict;
Robin talks with her brother, Vere and Kourin;
Almost-but-not-quite-late arrivals: Julian, Folly and Martin.
(Thirstday, 6 Archer)
Coronation Masque: The First
Random and Vialle arrive, and the dancing begins;
A few notes on who wants to dance with whom; Brennan dances with Cambina;
Ossian dances with Solange; Aisling speaks briefly with Fiona;
Martin dances with Folly; Jerod dances with Llewella;
Paige continues chatting with Benedict; Merlin asks Lilly to dance;
Conner dances with a young lady of Garnath, while Reid dances with Thalia;
Marius and Aisling greet the King and Queen; Robin dances with Vere.
(Thirstday, 6 Archer)
Coronation Masque: The Second
and Third Dances:
Jovian asks Fiona for a dance; Ossian asks Robin to dance;
[Solange dances with Jerod -- not played out]; Conner asks Solace to dance;
Solange dances with Worth; Marius greets Ossian; Aisling talks with Reid.
(Thirstday, 6 Archer)
Coronation Masque: The Rest of
Hour One:
After dancing, Ossian introduces Folly to Marius;
Marius dances with Cambina, then talks about dreams;
Brennan talks with Bleys; Marius flirts with Vialle;
Folly and the Viking go for refreshments; Aisling greets Gerard.
(Thirstday, 6 Archer)
Coronation Masque: The Queen's
Pavane (Hour Two):
Random and Vialle lead a pavane; Folly talks tango;
Jovian dances and talks with Kourin;
Paige dances and talks with Merlin, and gets a warning from Julian;
Robin asks Gerard for permission to court Vere; Aisling dances with Vere.
(Thirstday, 6 Archer)
Coronation Masque: After the
Pavane (Hour Two):
Valeria accosts Martin and Folly;
Jerod catches Harga'rel and Harper slipping away from the dance floor;
Robin speaks with the Dragonriders and dances with L'Tarn;
Vere speaks with his father; a distressed Kourin walks out to check on Hoshith;
Jerod accosts the grey wolf.
(Thirstday, 6 Archer)
Coronation Masque: Second and
Third Dances (Hour Two):
Vere chats with Reid about the Paresh;
Ossian dances with Paige and talks of Uxmal;
Brennan introduces Cambina to Jovian;
Conner talks with the Viking;
Robin and Aisling talk of fashion in the garden.
(Thirstday, 6 Archer)
Coronation Masque: Fourth Dance
(Hour Two):
Marius seeks out Aisling once more; Jerod asks Lilly for a dance;
Aisling accosts Caine to speak about Gerard; Conner talks with Robin.
(Thirstday, 6 Archer)
Coronation Masque: Fifth Dance
(Hour Two):
Brennan invites Solange to dance and speaks of his experiences in Shadow;
Vere talks with Jerod of lost friends and court matters;
Lilly talks with her father of the fate of the Tecys;
Robin talks with Reid of the shifting Shadowpaths and Not-Quite-Amber.
(Thirstday, 6 Archer)
Coronation Masque: Sixth Dance
(Hour Two):
Brennan asks Lilly for a dance; Robin greets Vista and Aunt Felicity;
Paige greets the King; a few general notes on how the Youngers are keeping
busy; Viking greets sorceress and Fox, and discusses an abundance of Chaos.
(Thirstday, 6 Archer)
Coronation Masque: The First Waltz
(Hour Three):
The orchestra strikes up a waltz; Vere contemplates the waltz;
Conner dances with Thalia; Solange asks Marius to dance; Paige dances with
Jerod; Ossian invites Lilly to dance; Jovian asks Harper to dance;
Robin fails to dance; Vere waltzes with Lady Vesper;
Bleys waltzes with Fiona and then trades partners with Random;
Firebird and Gryphon continue dancing; Brennan waltzes with Cambina.
(Thirstday, 6 Archer)
Coronation Masque: An Unexpected
Trump (Hour Three):
After talking with Julian, Brita accosts Jerod and Paige; Robin talks with
her father; Paige trumps Merlin; Martin and Folly catch up with Brennan and
Cambina; Elders' actions as the first waltz ends; as Paige calms Merlin,
Jerod and Brita stay alert for possible antagonists; Aisling catches up
with Marius and Solange; Robin moves to intercept the Viking; Vere returns
to his father and observes the crowd; Jovian looks in on Aisling, Marius
and Solange.
(Thirstday, 6 Archer)
Coronation Masque: The Not-So-Calm
Before The Storm (Hour Three):
Lilly and Ossian meet up with Bleys and Vialle;
Jerod approaches Benedict and Venesch; Folly and Brennan trump Paige;
Corwin talks with Merlin while Paige accepts Folly's call;
Reid dances with Fiona; Conner asks Llewella for a dance;
Solace chats with Marius and Solange.
(Thirstday, 6 Archer)
Coronation Masque: The Storm
Breaks (Hour Three):
Robin and the Viking go a-hunting; Lilly, Ossian and Vialle move toward
Gerard; Jerod and Paige waltz until Martin and Cambina cut in; Vere tracks
a Raven; Jovian, Aisling, Brennan and Folly discuss the situation;
in the alcove with Death, all hell breaks loose.
(Thirstday, 6 Archer)
Coronation Masque: The Sound
and the Fury (Hour Three):
Robin and Brita fight Death in the side room; the Youngers keep watch
and fight off panic; Dara offers demands and destruction; Brita is
pulled into the rift with Cleph.
(Thirstday, 6 Archer)
The Aftermath:
Ossian, Lilly and Vialle trump to a beach; Jovian calms the crowd;
Marius inspects the deadly cards; Jerod, Brennan, Aisling and Flora
see to an injured Lucas; Brennan tries to calm Solace;
Corwin and Merlin join Jerod in seeing to Cambina;
Paige helps Folly to her feet, then catches up with her father;
Conner and Vere join the crowd in the alcove where Brita disappeared;
Jovian enters the alcove just in time for his father's departure;
Ossian trumps Marius, then settles in to wait for a reply.
(Thirstday, 6 Archer)
Breaking Things Up:
Marius seeks out Random; Bleys departs with Fiona and Conner;
Aisling confronts Martin; Marius acquires Ossian's trump from Folly;
Reid and Vere emerge from the side room; Worth re-enters the hall;
Brennan and Paige speak with Merlin of things sorcerous;
Llewella greets Jerod with disturbing news;
Things get dicey between Aisling and Martin.
(Thirstday, 6 Archer)
Surveying the Damage:
Julian and Robin have a private chat;
Cousins react to Martin's injury (and sudden departure with Random);
Aisling and Paige depart to check on the wounded;
Solange comforts Felicity after the death of Lord Hardwind;
Aisling tends the wounded and talks with Ce'e;
Llewella asks Reid to investigate Harga'rel's murder.
(Thirstday, 6 Archer)
House Calls:
Brennan checks on Cambina; Robin surveys the scene in the hall; Julian
chats with Jovian; Paige and Merlin examine Whistle, the mind-f***ed guard;
Marius trumps Ossian and brings the merry beachcombers back to Amber;
Aisling checks on Whistle; Random stitches up Martin's shoulder.
(Thirstday, 6 Archer)
Departures and Returns:
Robin arranges to meet Vere later; Julian departs Jovian's company;
Robin goes griffin-hunting; Jovian approaches Robin;
Vere briefs the Queen on happenings in her absence; Vialle addresses
the masses; Folly gathers her things and returns to Martin and Random.
(Thirstday, 6 Archer)
Night of a Thousand
Brennan walks Cambina to her room; Brennan sends out a request for a
Knightly meeting; the redheads discuss how to find Brita; Brennan gets
Julian's trump from Bleys; Paige consults the cards; Brennan reflects
on his day.
(Thirstday, 6 Archer)
The Party's Over:
Jerod departs the murder scene with Llewella and Valeria;
Robin and Jovian depart the ballroom;
Reid continues his investigation; Vere lets his daddy check his boo-boo;
Ossian examines the pointy cards; Jerod makes plans for the morning;
Lilly and Vialle retire to Vialle's quarters.
(Thirstday, 6 Archer)
Late-Night Calls:
Bleys gets a call from his mother; Vere talks with Robin in the garden.
(Thirstday, 6 Archer)
Amber and Arden
Freeday, 7 Archer
The Morning After:
Aisling continues tending to Whistle; Jerod starts his day;
Jerod talks with Conner; Marius and Vere receive notes from Corwin;
Brennan sends a note to Jerod; Reid receives a note from Fiona;
Vere sends Jerod a letter; Paige starts her day.
(Freeday, 7 Archer)
Breakfast of Blondes:
Robin and Solange, taking breakfast together, are joined by Vere and
(Freeday, 7 Archer)
Merlin's Morning:
First Ossian and then Brennan seek out Merlin as he prepares for his
departure to Paris.
(Freeday, 7 Archer)
More Morning Plans:
Reid breakfasts with Jerod; Robin meets with Reid;
Vialle's schedule; Ossian sends a note to Solange;
Aisling prepares for the Knights' meeting.
(Freeday, 7 Archer)
Breakfast With The
Mostly About Aisling:
The Knights Commander of the Ruby have breakfast and talk about last
night's altercations.
(Freeday, 7 Archer)
After the Knightly Meeting:
Brennan has an unproductive talk with Jerod; Aisling tells Ce'e about her
confrontation with Martin; Robin has second breakfast with Jovian.
(Freeday, 7 Archer)
Dragons and Riders:
Lilly talks with Paige; Jovian talks with his father.
(Freeday, 7 Archer)
Jerod meets with Vialle; the Redheads meet to discuss Brita.
(Freeday, 7 Archer)
Up and Out:
Lucas awakes; Corwin and his entourage gather for their departure to Paris.
(Freeday, 7 Archer)
Of Notes and Boatmen:
Marius speaks with Caine; Brennan sends an apologetic note to Jovian;
Ossian sends a get-well note to Lucas; Lilly meets with Caine;
Paige sends a get-well package to Lucas; Lucas receives a note from Vere;
Paige sends a sympathy note to Aunt Felicity.
(Freeday, 7 Archer)
The Afternoon After:
Ossian and Jovian meet the dragonriders at Ruby Falls; Conner meets with
Thalia; Reid gets a note from Vere about the Harga'rel murder;
Vialle and Lilly visit Lucas.
(Freeday, 7 Archer)
Ruby Falls, Stone Steps,
Reid Drinks:
Jovian and Kourin talk while bathing Hoshith; Jovian and Ossian talk Trump;
Brennan and Cambina talk near the steps to Tir;
Reid takes tea with Vialle and Lilly.
(Freeday, 7 Archer)
Sear and Ice:
Lucas offers Solace as a mediator between Aisling and Martin.
(Freeday, 7 Archer)
Robin Hears Turf's Story:
Robin collects Turf and departs for Arden with the Rangers.
(Freeday, 7 Archer/Starday, 8 Archer)
Redhead Chess:
Brennan and Paige chat over a friendly game of chess.
(Freeday, 7 Archer)
Harga'rel and Heather Vale:
Reid sends out notes about the Harga'rel investigation;
After dinner, Lilly meets with Reid in the library;
Jovian tracks the firelillies from Heather Vale and meets Britomartis.
(Freeday, 7 Archer)
Starday, 8 Archer and Sunday, 9 Archer
Starday and Sunday in Amber:
Marius calls on Lucas; Lord Hardwind's funeral and estate;
Brennan's activities throughout the week; Marius sends a note to Jovian;
Marius's activities throughout the week; Gerard sups with Solange;
Brennan arranges a meeting with Aisling, Gerard and Caine.
(Starday, 8 Archer and Sunday, 9 Archer)
Of Murder and Moonriders:
Reid meets with Stoat; Vialle recruits Ossian to the Harga'rel investigation;
Reid meets with Wrack; Reid meets with May; Brennan receives notes on the
Moonriders from Nestor; Ossian and Reid discuss the Harga'rel murder.
(Starday, 8 Archer and Sunday, 9 Archer)
Inquiries and Investigations:
Lilly talks with Sir Archer about the Harga'rel investigation; Robin and
her Rangers check in on Girth.
(Starday, 8 Archer and Sunday, 9 Archer)
Dragon Breath:
Robin and her Rangers trump to Julian's post, where Not-Quite-Girth
attacks the Warden of Arden.
(Sunday, 9 Archer)
Tirsday, 11 Archer
Hide and Go Seek:
Brennan goes looking for Aisling, but finds Ossian and Lucas instead.
(Tirsday, 11 Archer)
Death and Disappearances:
Lilly investigates Aisling's disappearance; Brennan talks with Reid;
May and Reid discuss the results of her investigation; Marius seeks out Lucas;
Lilly calls a family dinner to discuss recent happenings;
Jovian returns from his night-flight; the family meeting continues.
(Tirsday, 11 Archer)
After-Dinner Discussions:
Jovian sends for dinner and talks with Flora; Reid talks with Llewella;
Lucas, Vialle, Lilly and Marius speak of dreams;
Brennan talks with Gerard and Caine.
(Tirsday, 11 Archer)
Shades of Deep Green:
Robin and her Ranger team ride to Little Spring to investigate an attack;
Adonis awakes in Arcadia; Robin and Adonis both find themselves in battle.
(Tirsday, 11 Archer and Windsday, 12 Archer)
Windsday, 12 Archer
Speak Softly and
Carry a Big Stick:
Ossian gets friendly with Valeria; over breakfast, the Knights are divided
over the circumstances of Aisling's disappearance.
(Windsday, 12 Archer)
Week's End:
Lilly and Marius continue talking after Jovian and Brennan storm out
of the breakfast meeting; Brennan catches up with Jovian in the sparring
yard; Brennan talks with Lucas; the latest dirt from the Amber Crier;
Reid meets with Lilly and Ossian about the Harga'rel case;
Ossian has no luck at the Gatwegian Embassy;
Reid receives a note from Julian about Girth.
(Windsday, 12 Archer through Freeday, 14 Archer)
Thirstday, 13 Archer
Duties and Diversions:
Lucas breakfasts with his mother-in-law and sups with his mistress.
(Thirstday, 13 Archer)
Freeday, 14 Archer
The Second Week:
Activities during the second week after the Coronation: Jovian goes
flying with Cambina; Reid's pre-departure activities; Lucas invites
Aunt Felicity to tea; Ossian talks to various nobles about the
Harga'rel case; Marius's activities; Ossian reports to Vialle on
the Harga'rel investigation; Jovian's activities.
(Freeday, 14 Archer through Thirstday, 20 Archer)
Freeday, 21 Archer
By The Numbers:
Lucas talks with Seek about the Hardwind estate; after sparring,
Lilly talks with Caine.
(Freeday, 21 Archer)
Moonday, 24 Archer
Jovian picnics with Flora; Lucas consults with Lilly;
Ossian has dinner with Valeria.
(Moonday, 24 Archer through Moonday, 3 Coins)
Rebma and Paris
Meanwhile, Back In Rebma...:
Celina joins the Rebman court in welcoming an envoy from Paris.
(Prior to the Rebmans' return from Random's coronation)
Triton Ambush:
A trio of Tritons ambushes Celina and Bill Roth as they tour Rebma.
(Prior to the Rebmans' return from Random's coronation)
The Road to Paris:
Corwin, Jerod, Vere and Merlin travel to Paris.
(Freeday, 7 Archer through about thirteen days after Random's
The Wetter Road to Paris:
Celina travels to Paris with Bill Roth and a Rebman delegation; Celina
meets Corwin, Merlin, Jerod and Vere.
(About thirteen days after Random's coronation)
Strange Tidings:
Celina learns her true parentage.
(About thirteen days after Random's coronation)
Paris Patternwalks:
Vere and Bill Roth go in search of a midnight snack; Vere walks the Pattern;
While Vere walks, Jerod strikes up a conversation with Corwin;
While Vere walks, Merlin gets a trump call from Lilly; Jerod walks.
(About thirteen/fourteen days after Random's coronation)
Post-Patternwalk Patter:
In the Pattern chamber, Celina talks with her father and brother;
After recuperating from his Walk, Vere talks with Alice and Jerod.
(About fourteen days after Random's coronation)
Paris Picnic:
Vere goes to the library, where Celina seeks him out;
Celina talks with the Rebman delegation; Celina picnics with Alice.
(About fourteen/fifteen days after Random's coronation)
A Test of Magic:
Celina talks with Jerod; Jerod talks sorcery with Merlin.
(About fifteen days after Random's coronation)
Vere spars with Jerod; Vere and Jerod talk with Lance and Rein;
Vere talks with Corwin.
(About fifteen days after Random's coronation)
Fathers' Day:
Vere trumps Gerard to report the success of his Patternwalk; Celina
sups with Corwin; Jerod sends Celina a gift of chocolates.
(About fifteen days after Random's coronation)
The day before setting out for Rebma, Jerod talks with first Corwin
and then Vere.
(About sixteen days after Random's coronation)
Under the Waves:
Jerod, Vere and the Rebman delegation depart for Rebma.
(About seventeen days after Random's coronation)
Wonder-Twin Powers Activate!:
Celina and Merlin set out from Paris.
(About seventeen days after Random's coronation)
Land of Peace and Clarissa
Mothers, Sons and Brita:
Brita departs Uxmal and travels to Clarissa with Cousin Ambrose.
(Starday, 8 Archer)
The redheads set sail and get a call from Clarissa;
Brita takes sorcery lessons from Nanna Clarissa;
Paige and Conner, on shore leave, are trailed by Thalia.
(A few days after the Coronation)
A Reunion of Redheads:
The Sun arrives at Clarissa.
(About a week after the Coronation)
Welcome To Clarissa:
The redheads and Reid settle into Castle Clarissa; Brennan talks with Clarissa;
Conner talks with Ambrose.
(Soon after the Sun's arrival at Clarissa)
As The Seasons Turn:
Paige is examined by Clarissa and Fiona; Brita and Reid are invited
to lunch with Fiona; Brennan writes to Cambina; Paige consults the
cards and talks with Ambrose; Brennan checks in on Brita.
(Soon after the Sun's arrival at Clarissa)
A Fine Day For A Picnic:
A family gathering rapidly deteriorates.
(Some time after the Sun's arrival at Clarissa)
Birth and Afterbirth:
Paige's twins are born; Conner talks with Clarissa about Chaosian
reproduction; Bleys, Paige and Conner prepare to depart Clarissa.
(In the days following the picnic)
Texorami and Xanadu
Destination Texorami:
Folly and Martin journey to Texorami.
(Immediately following the Masque)
Studio Briefing:
Folly and Martin catch up with Soren at his recording studio.
(About three days after the Coronation)
Folly, Martin and Soren ambush Folly's mother.
(About four days after the Coronation)
Welcome To The Pleasure Dome:
Folly, Martin and Soren join Random in Xanadu.
(About three weeks after the Coronation)
Orange Is The Color Of My
Folly walks the Xanadu pattern.
(About three weeks after the Coronation)
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Last modified: 5 May 2004