Pre-Moonrider Logs
Pre-Moonrider Logs
Thirstday, 6 Dragon
Newest Littlest
After the birth of their child, Folly and Martin discuss names and
talk about Merlin; Folly and Brennan talk before his departure from
Benedict's castle.
(Avalon; Thirstday, 6 Dragon)
Fitting for a Queen:
Celina seeks Llewella's advice; Silhouette talks with a Rebman Archivist;
Celina and Silhouette talk during a dress fitting.
(Rebma; through Thirstday, 6 Dragon)
Just Dessert:
Hannah looks in on Vialle; Paige trumps to Corwin in Paris; Signy visits
the Navy offices in Xanadu and talks with Marius; Vere and Robin are
summoned to enjoy dessert with Random and Vialle.
(Xanadu and Paris; Thirstday, 6 Dragon)
Gilt for the Guilty:
Jerod and Raven sail to Amber to prepare for their trip to Gateway; Jerod
and Raven talk with Thalia; Garrett goes to Red Mill to try to find Silken.
(Amber; Thirstday, 6 Dragon)
Starday, 8 Dragon
Dinner With The Klybesians:
Lilly sets out from Avalon; Fletcher explores Castle Avalon; Ossian makes
a trump for the Klybesian monks and prepares to depart with Regenlief and
Adriano; Folly and Martin trump Merlin and learn about Saeth's intentions;
Silhouette talks with Corwin about her mother, until they are joined by
(Avalon, Shadow, and Paris; Starday, 8 Dragon)
My Cockatrice
Has No Nose:
Edan talks with Julian about the Moonriders and follows the sextant to
Arcadia in the Deep Green.
(Arden and Arcadia; Starday, 8 Dragon)
Cave Trolling:
Robin and Vere visit Scarlett's, collect Victor, and track Grimey into
a cave.
(Xanadu; Starday, 8 Dragon)
Sunday, 9 Dragon
Return to the Depths:
Brita and Conner collect Huon from Gateway; Celina talks with Ambrose
until Huon's return is announced.
(Rebma; through Sunday, 9 Dragon)
Shadows in Methryn:
Brennan scouts for Benedict, joins a mercenary band, and finds trouble
in Methryn.
(Avalon and Shadow; through Sunday, 9 Dragon)
Huon comes before the Rebman court and talks with Celina, Conner, Brita,
and Llewella about the terms of his confinement; Silhouette talks with
Celina about her upcoming Patternwalk.
(Rebma; Sunday, 9 Dragon)
Cave Wrestling:
Signy descends to the cave on the way to Rebma with Tomat and Red Fox Claws,
and has a dream encounter with Floaty Woman; Conner talks with the Rebman
mages about scrying on Loreena; Celina talks with Conner, Llewella, Brita,
and Ambrose about Huon.
(Rebma; Sunday, 9 Dragon)
Doctors in Xanadu:
Hannah talks with Brij about training as a medic and gets Kyril out of jail
to help.
(Xanadu; Sunday, 9 Dragon)
News From The Mountain:
Folly, Fletcher and Martin hold down the fort in Avalon, receive news
from Brennan about the plot in Montparnasse, and trump Benedict.
(Avalon; Sunday, 9 Dragon)
Moonday, 10 Dragon
Who's Your Mommy?:
Ossian talks with Regenlief about the father of her child; Garrett
brings Heap to Paris to look for Silken; Ossian trumps Random to
break the news about Reid, and makes plans to return to the Klybesians;
Garrett has tea with Florimel and inquires about Silken's whereabouts.
(Paris; through Moonday, 10 Dragon)
Pattern Silent,
Pattern Deep:
Signy completes her descent into Rebma with Red Fox Claws and Tomat;
Silhouette walks the Rebman Pattern while Celina, Brita, Conner, and
Ambrose watch and discuss Patterns and Mirrors.
(Rebma; Moonday, 10 Dragon)
Spinning Brass:
Raven returns to her mother's old house and finds men breaking in; Raven
asks Caine about the strange object she found in her mother's house.
(Amber; Moonday, 10 Dragon)
The Road to Weirmonken:
Jerod enlists the support of his father's Weir against Gateway.
(Weirmonken; Moonday, 10 Dragon)
Unraveling Consult:
Hannah works with Brij and Kyril to check on the Xanadu clinics; Raven
trumps to report to the king in Xanadu, where they are joined by Jerod
and Ossian.
(Xanadu; Moonday, 10 Dragon)
Oh For a Gate of Fire!:
Vere and Robin ride into Arden until they encounter another rider; Edan
talks with Paige via Trump, meets Vere and Robin, and gets a trump call
from Hannah.
(Xanadu and Arden; Moonday, 10 Dragon)
The Green of
My Heart is a City:
Brita chats with Ambrose; Celina welcomes Signy to Rebma.
(Rebma; Moonday, 10 Dragon)
Mountain Turbulence:
Brennan investigates as Corsairs try to invade Montparnasse.
(Avalon; Moonday, 10 Dragon)
Tirsday, 11 Dragon
Follow the Green
Grass Road:
Hannah talks with her father about her pregnancy and his chances on
the Pattern; Vere and Robin report to Julian; Vere looks after the
firelizards while Robin talks with Julian.
(Xanadu and Arden; Tirsday, 11 Dragon)
In For a Penny, In For
a Pound:
Edan journeys to Ygg, where he finds a raven and talks to grackleflints;
Edan returns to Xanadu and reports his findings to Random.
(Ygg and Xanadu; Tirsday, 11 Dragon)
We Only Want
Your Body:
Jerod, Raven, and Ossian travel to a monastery of the Klybesian monks
to retrieve Reid's body.
(Shadow; Tirsday, 11 Dragon)
Fit the Fourth:
Brennan foils the castle invasion plan and captures a Maghee hedge wizard;
Fletcher, Folly, and Martin discuss family history.
(Montparnasse and Avalon; Moonday, 10 Dragon)
No, Mr. Bond, I
Expect You to Surf:
Brennan parleys with the Corsairs and prepares to interrogate the Maghee
wizard; Folly has breakfast with Martin and Lark until she gets a trump
call from Brennan; Brennan peruses the Maghee's prayer book.
(Montparnasse and Lauderville; Moonday, 10 Dragon)
Six Eyes
are Better Than Two:
Robin talks with Fiona, who consults with Brennan about her situation;
Robin takes the Primal Pattern.
(Shadow; Tirsday, 11 Dragon)
Moonday, 3 Warrior
If I Had a Hammer:
Brita and Conner talk with Silhouette after her Patternwalk; Silhouette
talks with Huon; Celina works in a mirror workshop; Silhouette talks
and shops for fabric with Llewella; Signy sets up shop and takes on
(Rebma; through Moonday, 3 Warrior)
Kelp! I Need Somebody:
Brita and Conner explore the kelp forest of Nedra.
(Nedra; through Moonday, 3 Warrior)
In My Heart a Name:
Celina talks with Silhouette and Llewella, and trumps Corwin.
(Rebma; Moonday, 3 Warrior)
Tirsday, 4 Warrior
Monasteries and
Raven and Jerod question a monk and continue to explore the monastery;
Ossian follows a shadowpath to a mechanical room and takes a prisoner;
Raven, Jerod, and Ossian report to Random.
(Shadow; through Tirsday, 4 Warrior)
Code Wheels
and Gauntlets:
Celina talks with Ambrose about metaphysics and code wheels; Signy brings
the gauntlet to Celina; Ambrose requests Signy's help in constructing an
Uxmali code wheel; Ambrose and Signy seek Celina's permission to travel
into shadow; Celina inspects Huon's rebuilding process.
(Rebma; through Tirsday, 4 Warrior)
Wheel in the Sea
Keep on Turning:
Edan contacts Celina and comes to Rebma; Signy and Ambrose visit the
smithy, and Edan arrives to ask about Tomat; Edan trumps to Llewella;
Conner and Brita report their findings from the kelp forest of Nedra to
Celina, Signy, and the rest of the family in Rebma, and Edan arrives
bringing the news of Reid's death.
(Rebma; through Tirsday, 4 Warrior)
Tea and Other Forms of
Deadly Combat:
Silhouette visits Paris and talks with Corwin; Silhouette talks with Flora
about her conspiracy theory.
(Paris; Tirsday, 4 Warrior)
Interrogation Room:
Brennan questions the Maghee hedge wizard while Folly assists via Trump.
(Montparnasse; Tirsday, 4 Warrior)
Joining the Rangers:
Vere talks with Julian about joining the Rangers and trumps his father;
Robin wakes after taking the Pattern, talks with Fiona, and returns to
her father.
(Broceliande; Tirsday, 4 Warrior)
Mama Couldn't
Be Persuaded:
After talking with Balen, Brennan gets a Trump call from Ossian about
Reid; Folly tells Martin about the conversation with the Maghee.
(Montparnasse; Tirsday, 4 Warrior)
Windsday, 5 Warrior
Red Tide Rising:
Conner shows Edan around Rebma; Brita talks with Ambrose; Celina talks
with Llewella and trumps Corwin to discuss news of Reid.
(Rebma; through Windsday morning, 5 Warrior)
I AM a Merry Man:
Vere patrols with the rangers, meets a ghost in the Green who asks
him to carry a message to Julian, and talks with Estimaza.
(Broceliande; Windsday, 5 Warrior)
Widening Gyre:
Raven takes the Xanadu Pattern while Jerod and Random look on.
(Xanadu; Windsday, 5 Warrior)
Klybesian Confessions:
Edan talks with Signy and Tomat about the Klybesians.
(Rebma; Windsday, 5 Warrior)
Jinn and Tonic:
Edan dines with Silhouette.
(Rebma; Windsday, 5 Warrior)
Thirstday, 6 Warrior
Dear Uncle Bear:
Brita talks with Celina about creating Rebman trumps, until they
receive a call from Ossian to discuss the news about Reid; Signy
and Ambrose set out toward Paris; Ossian and Folly trump to Paris
to bring news to Corwin; Ossian trumps Silhouette to discuss a response
to the Klybesian situation.
(Rebma and Paris; through Thirstday, 6 Warrior)
There Is a Fountain:
Robin tracks settlers in the Green and meets Ywain and Laudine.
(Shadow; through Thirstday, 6 Warrior)
Order of the Lamp:
Edan returns to Xanadu, talks with Random, and becomes a knight-commander;
Edan talks with Ash and Michelle about the details of the new Order of
the Lamp.
(Xanadu; Thirstday, 6 Warrior)
Paris War Council:
Ossian, Folly, Florimel, and Corwin hold a war council; Folly asks
Corwin about his history.
(Paris; Thirstday, 6 Warrior)
Writhing in Amber:
Vere sails for Amber, finds a shadow Caine, trumps his father, and finds M
in the real Amber.
(Amber; Thirstday, 6 Warrior)
Freeday, 7 Warrior
As Above, So Woleb:
Robin travels to a fountain beneath the waves.
(Shadow; Freeday, 7 Warrior)
Freeday, 14 Warrior
Big Stick Diplomacy:
Silhouette questions Lamell; Raven awakes and talks with Jerod about
their plans for Gateway; Raven and Jerod sail for Weirmonken.
(Rebma, Amber, and Weirmonken; through Freeday, 14 Warrior)
To Plot Against
Celina, Brita, Silhouette, and Conner trump Brennan; Brennan, Celina,
and Conner talk about methods of communication and the situation in
(Rebma; Freeday, 14 Warrior)
Arcadian in the Woods:
Vere sets off for Arden with goods from Amber and encounters the Arcadian
(Arden; Freeday, 14 Warrior)
There Were Six F's:
Robin travels with Morgne to find the center of her realm, is joined
by Vere, and tries to untie a metaphysical knot.
(Shadow; Freeday, 14 Warrior)
Starday, 15 Warrior
Question Time
in Avalon:
Brennan talks with Trippel, Balen, and Benedict.
(Avalon; Starday, 15 Warrior)
Code Wheels Keep
On Turning:
Signy and Ambrose set out into shadow to work on code wheels, and
join Fiona for a trump call from Brennan.
(Shadow; through Starday, 15 Warrior)
Something Bad
Happened to a Clown:
Brennan talks with Fiona via trump about Robin; Brennan encounters
Cledwyn, now the prisoner of Sessile, and sets out with them to
find a Maghee wizard.
(Shadow/Avalon; Starday, 15 Warrior)
Marid to the Mob:
Edan journeys to the Land of Peace to recruit knights and warriors.
(Land of Peace; Starday, 15 Warrior)
Paresh the Thought:
Vere, Morgne, and Laudine are separated from Robin and encounter Elder
Germaine; Vere trumps his father.
(Asir; Starday, 15 Warrior)
Lower Periscope:
Robin and Ophiuchus find the sunken silver towers and an empty tomb.
(Silver Towers; Starday, 15 Warrior)
Tirsday, 18 Warrior
From Weirmonken
to Gateway:
Raven and Jerod meet the count, set a challenge for the Weir to choose
their team, and sail to Gateway.
(Weirmonken and Gateway; through Tirsday, 18 Warrior)
A Merry, Wintery Way:
Brita sets out through the Seaward, meets Rilsa, and hires on at Gateway
with the sorcerer Walder; Jerod talks with the Port-Captain about trade.
(Seaward and Gateway; through Tirsday, 18 Warrior)
Of Mirrors and Mayhem:
Celina and Conner discuss mirror magic and talk with Teukros; Silhouette
looks for information about Moire's departure from Rebma; Silhouette and
Ossian make plans to hunt Klybesians.
(Rebma; through Tirsday, 18 Warrior)
In Her Rebma Waits
Celina, Ossian, and Silhouette question Tomat.
(Rebma; Tirsday, 18 Warrior)
A Fam, a Plan, a Clan,
Raven and Jerod (as Beam and Cambric) talk with Brita and Weyland (as
Briena and Walder).
(Gateway; Tirsday, 18 Warrior)
Road to Ballyhoo:
Edan journeys with his new knights to Xanadu, makes plans for their
introduction, and counsels Slim over a crisis of faith.
(Land of Peace and Xanadu; Tirsday, 18 Warrior)
Above and Below:
Vere brings Morgne and Laudine to Amber and gets a mission from Caine;
Robin contacts Bleys to investigate the sunken towers.
(Amber and Shadow; Tirsday, 18 Warrior)
Windsday, 19 Warrior
Round and Round:
In Fiona's lab, Signy begins to study Brand's code wheels.
(Shadow; through Windsday, 19 Warrior)
Painting an
Audience Blind:
Brita works on a trump as Weyland watches; Jerod makes connections as
Master Cambric; Raven wanders the city listening for gossip.
(Gateway; Windsday, 19 Warrior)
Hot Heart, Cold
Celina talks with Llewella about Pattern tutoring and finding Moire;
lunches with Tomat and brings him to train with the archivists; and
calls Caine.
(Rebma; Windsday, 19 Warrior)
Off to See a Man About
a Mermaid:
On his way to Gateway, Conner goes to Paris and finds Garrett and Folly.
(Paris; Windsday, 19 Warrior)
Off to See a Man About
a Giraffe:
Brennan takes Sessile and Cledwyn to see the Council of Sons of Ghee.
(Avalon; Windsday, 19 Warrior)
Robin is the One
that Interrupts the Morn:
Edan talks with Random about his knights until they are joined by Vere;
Vere asks Edan to spot for him on his Tir mission; Robin trumps to
Llewella in Rebma, and the two of them trump Random and Vere to report
on her recent adventures.
(Rebma and Xanadu; Windsday, 19 Warrior)
You'll Never Guess...:
Brennan trumps Folly, who is joined by Conner to discuss the Avalon
situation; Celina trumps to Corwin in Paris, where they are joined by
Conner, Folly, and a trumped-in Brennan to discuss whether Moire or her
agents are in Avalon; Celina and Folly discuss Moire and Lark while
Folly sketches.
(Paris; Windsday, 19 Warrior)
Sometimes Words
Have Two Meanings:
With Edan spotting, Vere journeys to Tir and meets an unexpected presence.
(Xanadu; Windsday, 19 Warrior)
Thirstday, 20 Warrior
Hedge Fund:
Raven and Brita try to make hedge wizard friends in a bar by attending
a mage fight.
(Gateway; Thirstday, 20 Warrior)
Ossian and Silhouette journey to the Land of Peace and attempt to flush
out leads on the Klybesians by befriending some priests.
(Land of Peace; Thirstday, 20 Warrior)
Scoped Out:
Robin visits the stables with Sir Ophiuchius; Celina returns from Paris,
meets with Robin to hear her story, and talks with Llewella about Lady
Morgne and Huon; Robin talks with Llewella about the plans for Morgne
and Ophiuchius, and about Ysabeau.
(Rebma; Thirstday, 20 Warrior)
By Your Command:
Celina checks in on Tomat; Robin and Celina receive news from Xanadu by
trump; Celina and Llewella examine Robin with mirrors.
(Rebma; Thirstday, 20 Warrior)
Ship of Thules:
As a riot breaks out, Brita, Raven, and Jerod free an emuraptor.
(Gateway; Thirstday, 20 Warrior)
We Sing in Praise
of Total War:
Conner, Regenlief, and Firumbras join Brennan in Avalon; Conner casts
cards with Ramjollock; Brennan and Conner watch as the Maghee examine
Cledwyn, then journey beneath the waves and find Bleys.
(Avalon; Windsday, 19 Warrior)
Thule on the Hill:
Brita, Raven, and Jerod, along with Weyland, pursue Dexamene and a
Chaosian ice beast.
(Gateway; Thirstday, 20 Warrior)
Exeunt Stage Left:
Ossian and Silhouette find evidence of a Klybesian network and
(Land of Peace; Thirstday, 20 Warrior)
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Last modified: 8 April 2018