Summer Logs (Year R.1)

Starday, 1 Harp

Intersecting Trajectories: Marius and Tomat encounter Signy and Lilly; C.E. and Hob battle. (Plain of Towers; Starday, 1 Harp)

Twisting The Tale: Brennan joins Marius, Signy and Lilly on the Plain of Towers. (Plain of Towers; Starday, 1 Harp)

Tale With A Twist: Marius, Signy, Lilly and Brennan talk to Weyland. (Plain of Towers; Starday, 1 Harp)

Amberites Asea: Brita, Ossian, and Meg leave Abford in search of Huon; Cleph attacks at sea. (Abford and shadow; Starday, 1 Harp)

Race For The Tree: On the way to Ygg, Edan joins a race. (Near Ygg; around Starday, 1 Harp)

Plottin' and Plannin': Solange visits the Rebmans and talks to Caine; Garrett joins Random and Martin for breakfast; Garrett trumps to Amber; Solange, Garrett and Kyril visit the Amber Patternroom; Solange and Garrett discuss plans to walk the pattern; Garrett trumps Bleys. (Xanadu and Amber; Starday, 1 Harp)

Moods and Medications: Paige completes a sketch and trumps Julian; Folly looks in on Jovian and talks with Julian; Paige talks with the king about her job situation; Hannah talks with the king. (Xanadu; Starday, 1 Harp)

Travellers Converge: Cousins converge on Fiona's lab. (Fiona's lab; Starday, 1 Harp)

At Fiona's: At Fiona's lab, cousins catch up and make preparations for travel and tracking. (Fiona's lab; Starday, 1 Harp)

More Shadows and Rain: Robin and Vere arrive at Fair Isle and meet with the Councillor's representatives; Solange sets sail and trumps Gerard; Robin and Vere trump Gerard and Solange. (Isles of the Dannan; Starday, 1 Harp)

At Camp: Celina, Khela, Conner and Merlin arrive at Khela's camp; Celina and Khela taunt Loreena. (Seaward realms; Starday, 1 Harp)

Troubled Waters: Conner and Merlin talk with Tritons; Celina and Conner scheme with Khela; Conner takes an oath to Khela. (Seaward realms; Starday, 1 Harp through about Tirsday, 4 Harp)

Talkin' 'Bout: Solange joins Vere and Robin for a talk about the situation in the Isles. (Isles of the Dannan; Starday, 1 Harp)

Soldiering for Rebma: Jerod reviews the Rebma situation and trumps Corwin; Brita and Ossian prepare to depart for Rebma, and trump to Corwin in Paris. (Outside Rebma, Fiona's lab, and Paris; Starday, 1 Harp)

Trump to Amber, Visit with Caine: Brennan, Marius, Signy and Tomat trump to Amber and talk with Caine. (Amber; Starday, 1 Harp)

The Road to Ruin: Folly joins Random at breakfast and receives a message from Moire; Folly writes letters and leaves Xanadu with Julian; on the road to Ygg, Martin and Lilly receive a trump call from Folly. (Xanadu and shadow; Starday, 1 Harp)

Man About Amber: Garrett trumps Bleys, visits Sparrow, and visits the harbormaster. (Amber; Starday, 1 Harp)

Left Behind: Garrett talks with Caine and Brennan; Brennan tests gunpowder and writes notes. (Amber; Starday, 1 Harp)

All Roads Lead to Tranquility Base: Edan meets Chases-In-Madness and finishes the race. (Near Ygg; around Starday, 1 Harp)

Confronting Destiny: Signy and Marius trump to Xanadu, where Signy walks the Pattern; Signy returns to Caine's office. (Xanadu and Amber; Starday, 1 Harp)

Company of Priestesses: Vere talks with his mother and sister, as well as Siege; Robin checks in with the dragonriders. (Isles of the Dannan; Starday, 1 Harp)

Sunday, 2 Harp

Spirits In The Sky: Hannah and Paige spiritwalk in the forests of Xanadu. (Xanadu and the spirit realm; Sunday, 2 Harp)

Arriving In Xanadu: Solange practices laying shadowpaths; Solange talks with Kyril; Solange, Gerard and Kyril arrive in Xanadu; Garrett trumps to Gerard in Xanadu; Garrett, Kyril and Gerard trump up to the castle. (Shadow and Xanadu; Sunday, 2 Harp)

Rebman Vacation: Jerod talks with Corwin, Ossian and Brita by trump; Brita continues talking with Corwin; Ossian trumps Random; Brita and Ossian depart with Lance toward Rebma and encounter a ghostly woman on a rock throne. (Paris and the stair to Rebma; Sunday, 2 Harp)

Decisions, Decisions: Jerod trumps Benedict and Random, and talks with Lamell. (Seaward realms; Sunday, 2 Harp)

Going To The Enemy: Conner talks with Khela and leads tritons to battle; Celina carries a message from Huon to Khela and hears the complaints of the tritons. (Seaward realms; Sunday, 2 Harp)

Heir of the Dog That Bit Him: Lilly and Martin journey toward Madoc, but find Edan instead; Edan attends a feast, meets up with Martin and Lilly, and trumps Bleys. (Near Ygg; around Sunday, 2 Harp)

Bad Moon Rising: Paige pursues a unicorn and finds Lalal; Hannah meets feral twins, and she and Paige awaken; Paige goes to Random's office for a trump sketch session; Edan trumps Random and talks with him and Paige. (Xanadu and Near Ygg; around Sunday, 2 Harp)

Kid Fears: Garrett secretly walks the Xanadu pattern. (Xanadu; Sunday, 2 Harp)

Knight to Tower: Brennan and Dignity return to the Plain of Towers and talk with dvarts. (Plain of Towers; Sunday, 2 Harp)

Like a Breath of Fresh Water: Vere, Robin and Solange confront the ghost of Ysabeau. (Isles of the Dannan; Sunday, 2 Harp)

Advocate to Queen's Two: Conner attemts to scry using the Eye of Rebma; Khela holds court; Celina prepares to travel to Paris (Seaward realms; Sunday, 2 Harp)

Boil Thou First i' the Charmed Pot: Solange and Worth sail back to Xanadu; Hannah talks with Gerard, and Solange joins them. (Xanadu; Sunday, 2 Harp)

Fancy Meeting You Here: Conner works with the Eye of Rebma and trumps Bleys; Brita and Ossian journey toward Rebma and meet Lady Fate; Brita and Ossian enter Rebma; Jerod visits Redcoral and trumps Llewella. (Seaward realms; Sunday, 2 Harp)

Through Caverns Measureless to Man: Signy awakes and makes plans to talk with Caine again; Signy reunites with Tomat; Signy trumps to Xanadu and talks with Random and Paige. (Amber and Xanadu; Sunday, 2 Harp)

Fly Like A Dragon: Robin journeys with the dragonriders to Calusa. (Calusa; Sunday, 2 Harp)

Crest of the Wave: Jerod catches up with Conner, talks with Khela, and looks in on his captured sister. (Seaward realms; Sunday, 2 Harp)

On The Road to Huon: Jerod and Conner talk with Khela; Jerod delivers a message to Merlin; Conner seeks an audience. (Seaward realms; Sunday, 2 Harp and Moonday, 3 Harp)

Descent Into Chaos: Edan parts ways with Lilly and Martin and journeys to Clarissa. (Beyond Ygg and Clarissa; Sunday, 2 Harp and beyond)

Starday, 15 Harp

Heading to Texorami: Folly travels with Julian and trumps Martin; Folly and Julian drive into the forest and meet Folly's grandfather. (Texorami; Starday, 15 Harp)

A Stroll in the Gallery: Vere returns to Altona and talks with Prince Bran, Hartwell, and Avis. (Isles of the Dannan; through Starday, 15 Harp)

Endgame Becomes Labyrinth: Celina departs for Paris, encounters her mother and talks with her father. (Paris; Starday, 15 Harp)

At A Distance: After his Patternwalk, Garrett wakes up on the Plain of Towers and meets Red Fox Claws. (Plain of Towers; Starday, 15 Harp)

Hot Dignity Dog: Brennan and Dignity investigate Weyland's abandoned tower. (Weyland's Tower; Starday, 15 Harp)

Exploring the Deep: Brita and Ossian encounter a long-dead uncle walking the Rebman Pattern. (Rebma; Starday, 15 Harp)

Sunday, 16 Harp

Toil and Trouble: Hannah discusses the results of Gerard's high-tech medical examination with Solange and Kyril; Solange learns of Cambina's death, begins making Trump calls, and searches Cambina's quarters. (Xanadu; Sunday, 16 Harp)

Deep Green: Robin returns to Arden and tells Vista of her recent travels. (Arden; Sunday, 16 Harp)

Sic Transit Gloria Dannae: Vere contacts Corwin about leading the children of the Isles to Paris, and talks with his sister; during the exodus, some of the number disappear. (Isles of the Dannan and the road to Paris; Sunday, 16 Harp)

The Waiting Game: Celina talks with Lucas and scries for Dara, warns Felicity Hardwind about Moire, and talks with Corwin until he is interrupted by a trump call. (Paris; Sunday, 16 Harp)

City In The Sky: Corvis arrives in Xanadu and talks to Hannah until Hannah is called away to consult with Corwin about Tir na Nogth. (Xanadu and Paris; Sunday, 16 Harp)

Maternal Confrontation: Folly and Julian break into her mother's house for a chat. (Texorami; Sunday, 16 Harp)

Shadows Falling in the Noonday Sun: Garrett joins Brennan in Weyland's tower, until they receive grim tidings from home. (Plain of Towers; Sunday, 16 Harp)

Unexpected Tidings from Home: Jerod visits Huon's camp; Solange seeks out Kyril to examine Cambina's body, and then trumps family members, bringing Garrett to Xanadu to help. (Rebma and Xanadu; Sunday, 16 Harp)

What the Unquiet Mind Conceals: Jerod spars with Huon. (Outside Rebma; Sunday, 16 Harp)

The Queen Is In The Cards: Solange trumps Vere, and tries to convince her father and Corwin that letting Vere talk with the dead Cambina is a good idea; Vere talks with Siege and consults the cards and the Chancellor. (Xanadu and the road to Paris; Sunday, 16 Harp)

Up From The Deep: Paige, Signy, Brita and Ossian are trapped in Caine's office with the rescued Pinobello. (Amber; Sunday, 16 Harp)

Deep Brown: Robin heads to the Grove of the Unicorn and Daeon's cairn, until she is called to the castle to try to figure out what happened to the missing Prince Caine. (Arden and Amber; Sunday, 16 Harp)

Some Of It Was True...: Garrett trumps to his father and journeys with him to Avalon, where they are joined by Benedict, Dworkin, Hannah and Corwin; Brita trumps Fiona to tell her she has escaped the Trump trap. (Avalon; Sunday, 16 Harp)

Medium Brown: Corwin and Hannah return to Amber; Robin trumps Caine and then talks with Hannah. (Amber; Sunday, 16 Harp)

Blue Feeling to the Maximum: In the midst of a war between Aelf and Dvart, Brennan confronts the Eater in a lake. (Plain of Towers; Sunday, 16 Harp)

I Fought the Chaos: Folly checks in with Random and Gerard via trump; Meg flees Borel with Martin; Martin and Meg join Folly and Julian in Texorami. (Texorami; Sunday, 16 Harp)

Sapphire Tempest: Celina talks with Conner by trump about the state of things in Rebma, and lunches with Moire. (Paris; Sunday, 16 Harp)

The Trail to War: Brennan tracks the Eater to Rebma; Jerod joins Llewella and trumps Bleys and Random; Conner consults with Llewella, Jerod, and Khela; Jerod trumps Benedict. (Plain of Towers; Sunday, 16 Harp)

Motive and Opportunity: Solange takes Cambina's body to Vere so that he can try to speak to her ghost. (Xanadu and the road to Paris; Sunday, 16 Harp)

Auntie Robin: Robin talks with her niece Brij, newly arrived in Amber. (Amber; Sunday, 16 Harp)

Red In Tooth And Claw: Edan and Clarissa travel to Uxmal and try to figure out what became of Ambrose and Chantico. (Uxmal; Sunday, 16 Harp)

Queen to Rook's 6: Celina learns that Lucas has been murdered; Solange scouts ahead to Paris; Vere and Solange talk with Avis, and lead the Children of the Isles to the outskirts of Paris. (Paris; Sunday, 16 Harp)

One Big Happy Family Dinner: Folly and Martin clean up and catch up; Meg talks with Julian and makes dinner. (Texorami; Sunday, 16 Harp)

Ruby and Emerald: Conner prepares for war; Brennan contacts Llewella, and joins in the preparations for war; Jerod readies his troops. (Rebma; Sunday, 16 Harp)

Parlez Vous Sharkais?: Khela, Conner, and Brennan ride out to confront Huon; Jerod and his troops watch and wait as Khela and Huon parley; Conner, Khela, and Jerod close with Huon; Brennan finds trouble in Rebma's pattern chamber. (Rebma; Sunday, 16 Harp)

Search and Rescue: Brita, Signy, Garrett, and Random find the Queen in a strange, Tir-like place. (Avalon; Sunday, 16 Harp)

On To Ambrose: Lilly finds herself in Uxmal, where she joins Edan in his search for Ambrose. (Uxmal; Sunday, 16 Harp)

Mirror, Bloody Mirror: Celina, Vere, and Solange investigate Lucas's murder. (Paris; Sunday, 16 Harp)

The Moon and Her Children: Paige dines with Alain, and talks with Artemis and Lalal about the migration of the Children of the Moon out of Arden; Hannah and Corwin talk with Nestor and climb the stair to Tir. (Amber, Arden, and Tir; Sunday, 16 Harp)

Trumps and Stairways: Meg arrives in Xanadu, followed shortly by the queen and her rescue party; Brita finds her mother spotting for Hannah and Corwin's journey to Tir; Signy and Garrett trump Benedict to report the queen's rescue. (Xanadu; Sunday, 16 Harp)

Striking the Dragon's Tail: Robin, Brennan, Jerod, Bleys, Brij, Khela, and Caine pursue Huon into a dragon chasm. (Amber and nearby shadow; Sunday, 16 Harp)

Here Be Dragons: Robin, Brennan, Jerod, Bleys, Brij, Khela, and Caine lose Huon and find dragons. (Amber and nearby shadow; Sunday, 16 Harp)

Converging On Castle Amber: Family members return from shadow and the pursuit of Huon to Castle Amber, where they find that Huon has disappeared. (Amber; Sunday, 16 Harp)

Chantico and Coyote: Lilly and Edan find Ambrose in battle against Chantico. (Uxmal; Sunday, 16 Harp)

Family-Style Dinner: The family has dinner and a debriefing in Castle Amber. (Amber; Sunday, 16 Harp)

In the Field Beneath the Sea: As Conner deals with the remnants of the battle, Meg comes to Rebma to find her missing sons; Jerod returns to Rebma. (Rebma; Sunday, 16 Harp)

In the Field: Jerod talks with Conner and tries to get information about Huon from Meg; Meg and Conner talk with Meg's sons; Jerod talks with Drusus and Lamell. (Rebma; Sunday, 16 Harp)

More Hunt, Less Snark: Vere talks with Florimel; Celina and Vere find that Moire has departed the castle; Celina talks with Corwin; Celina goes looking for Moire and finds Bend. (Paris; Sunday, 16 Harp)

Visiting Hours: Lilly heals in Amber with help from Brennan and Ambrose, has a visit from Garrett, and trumps her father. (Amber; Sunday, 16 Harp)

Fire and Shadow: Robin wrangles herself a suicidal samurai, and Brennan confronts her about Huon. (Amber; Sunday, 16 Harp)

What I Did On My Summer Vacation: Signy checks in with Caine; Signy trumps to Xanadu with Tomat and Red Fox Claws; Brennan trumps to Fiona and briefs the King on his recent activities; Signy catches up with Tomat and Red Fox Claws. (Amber and Xanadu; Sunday, 16 Harp)

Moonday, 17 Harp

A Brief Respite: Edan bargains with Coyote; Paige trumps her brother; Brita checks in with Caine; Paige and Brita check in with the recruitment and relocation efforts. (Uxmal and Amber; Sunday, 16 Harp and Moonday, 17 Harp)

The Prodigal Returns: Silhouette tends to Huon and takes an apprentice. (Vanderyahr; Moonday, 17 Harp)

Now Where Did I Leave That Army?: Vere and Carina bring news of Moire's flight back to the army. (Le Havre; Moonday, 17 Harp)

Returning From The Field: Conner and Jerod march their troops back to Rebma; Jerod trumps Random and Corwin, and talks with Vere about what happened with Cambina. (Rebma; Moonday, 17 Harp)

Goodbye Paris, Hello Amber: Solange trumps her father with the news of Lucas's murder, journeys to Amber, has a late dinner with Bleys, and reports to Caine. (Paris and Amber; Moonday, 17 Harp)

I See Who You Are: Folly and Martin track down Haven; Fletcher receives a message for Bleys, and finds relatives in Texorami. (Texorami and shadow; Moonday, 17 Harp and beyond)

Dream Weaver: Hannah and Corwin talk with Random, Soren, and Ash in the studio in Xanadu; Edan searches for a place for Kyauta to hunt, and encounters a griffon and a spirit-being. (Xanadu and shadow; Moonday, 17 Harp and beyond)

Less Snark, More Cake: Celina hosts a tea-party and investigates a glassworks; Vere talks with Corwin about the business with Cambina; how Celina and Vere spend their time before the funerals. (Paris; through Moonday, 17 Harp)

Coming to Terms With Family History: Signy talks with Brennan; Brennan visits the chapel, and Cambina, and talks with Gerard. (Xanadu; through Moonday, 17 Harp)

Ups and Downs: Conner and Jerod attempt to investigate the Rebma Pattern; Jerod trums Random and goes through to Xanadu; Conner trumps Merlin, Vere, and Celina about the situations in Rebma and Paris. (Rebma, Xanadu, and Paris; Moonday, 17 Harp)

The Short Road Home: Hannah goes in search of her people, and finds Edan. (Shadow; Moonday, 17 Harp and beyond)

Windsday, 19 Harp

Preparations Underway: Ossian visits Darling and meets his daughter; Brita works on a trump and talks with Vista; Ossian arranges passage for himself, Darling, and Jasmine, and calls on Silken at Red Mill; Brita learns from Couth that Daeon's children will be among the passengers to Xanadu; Brita and Ossian learn of Lucas's death and set sail from Amber; Solange reunites with Gerard; Paige consults with the king and talks with Alain about the conditions of Alain's divorce. (Amber; through Windsday, 19 Harp)

Tirsday, 4 Boatman

A Long-Lost Son Returns to Amber: Fletcher, Martin, and Folly arrive in Amber; Fletcher reports to Caine and then trumps to Xanadu to report to Random; Folly puts her household in order as she prepares for her permanent relocation to Xanadu. (Amber and Xanadu; Tirsay, 4 Boatman)

Thirstday, 6 Boatman

Now We Are Here: Conner trumps Fiona and comes through to Xanadu; Robin journeys with Venesch toward Xanadu; Brita and Ossian arrive in Xanadu; Ossian sees to lodgings for Darling; Lilly mends; Jerod visits the chapel. (Xanadu; through Thirstday, 6 Boatman)

The Next Generation: Ossian informs Brennan that he might be a grandfather; Brita talks with her mother; Brennan and Conner discuss the Rebma situation; Brennan and Conner talk metaphysics with Fiona and Brita; Brennan talks with Fiona about Flora, until Ossian joins them. (Xanadu; through Thirstday, 6 Boatman)

Swords and Sparring: Signy discusses Patternblades with Bleys; Lilly spars with Jerod; Lilly meets her ancient new brother; Jerod reunites with Carina. (Xanadu; through Thirstday, 6 Boatman)

Water Crossed: Silhouette journeys to Amber and brings Huon's message to Prince Martin; Martin tells Folly about Silhouette. (Shadow and Amber; through Thirstday, 6 Boatman)

Jump Into Deep Water: Silhouette talks with Caine and trumps to Xanadu to meet Random. (Amber and Xanadu; Thirstday, 6 Boatman)

Freeday, 7 Boatman

A Matter of Honor: Robin arrives in Xanadu with Venesch; Garrett is called on to adjudicate. (Xanadu; Freeday, 7 Boatman)

Duel Preparations: Jerod talks with Venesch; Robin talks with Gilt about the procedures for a duel, and asks Brita to be her second; Garrett and Conner meet and spar with Silhouette. (Xanadu; Freeday, 7 Boatman)

Black News, Black Agenda: Word reaches Paris that Moire has appeared in the camp of the Children of Lir; Vere returns to camp; Celina talks with Solace. (Paris; through Freeday, 7 Boatman)

Starday, 8 Boatman

Shaking the Tree: Edan returns to talk to Estimaza, and wakes the great tree; Hannah talks with Grandfather Bear; Paige leads Lalal's followers to Xanadu, and trumps her brother; Hannah introduces her father to the king; Edan talks with Fiona. (Shadow and Xanadu; Starday, 8 Boatman)

When All Else Fails....: Ossian talks with Random about building a Trump connection from Amber to Xanadu; Conner talks politics with the king; Brita talks with Jerod about the duel; Conner has tea with Vialle; Brita talks with the king about a memorial well for Cambina. (Xanadu; Starday, 8 Boatman and beyond)

Thirstday, 20 Boatman

Matters of State: Folly arrives in Xanadu and talks with Gerard; Ossian works on the Trump bridge; Ossian talks with Lilly; Jerod talks with Nestor about Cambina's accident; Conner asks Martin about how to access the Rebman Pattern. (Xanadu; Thirstday, 20 Boatman and beyond)

Freeday, 21 Boatman

Disrupted Symmetry: Ossian, Silhouette, and Robin talk over dinner. (Xanadu; Freeday, 21 Boatman)

Older Guard and New: Brennan and Fletcher spar and talk; Garrett talks with Robin about his experiences rescuing the queen. (Xanadu; Freeday, 21 Boatman)

The Treacherous Sea: Raven finds signs of trouble in Rebma and is jailed in Gateway. (Gateway; Freeday, 21 Boatman)

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Last modified: 16 May 2010